OpenXcom Forum

Modding => Released Mods => XPiratez => Topic started by: Dioxine on May 03, 2016, 11:37:42 pm

Title: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Dioxine on May 03, 2016, 11:37:42 pm
The X-Piratez has its own site, which might be not known since it's an obscure one; it hosts mine and Solarius' mods we made over the years. The site will be upgraded shortly (now it's only in Polish), but, most importantly, it already has a donation button linked to my PayPal account.
So, want to contribute? Want me to spend more time on expanding the mod, and less on boring day job? Now you can.
All donators will be credited in-game (needs name or nick), on a memorial stone.

Donate directly to salvation machine: PayPal at

Offer is open to any donors, past and future.
You can be featured in a collectible article as an in-game background character, or have a weapon or battery-powered craft named after you.
I don't guarantee that any of these will be flattering.
PM me for details.
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: future plans
Post by: Dioxine on May 04, 2016, 04:45:55 pm
To show what potential I see in the further developement, and thus give some incentive to support me lol, I will share some of my plans here (if you want to discuss them, please start new topics - I want this one to stay as info topic only).

1. Expanded early game

    - Start with the Airbus and less equipment to choose from.

    - In time, get technology to repair Bonavetura hull that's in your stores

    - 5 Bonaventura variants to choose from, each with different stats, map and a single unique weapon.
        - Far off: Each opens up a slightly different campaign, eg. evil campaign with killing Mutants, campaign where you cooperate with the Church etc.

    - A bunch of new, early missions (you will be unable to intercept anything for a while, only landing sites will be accessible).
           - Ratling hideouts
           - Monster hunts
           - Cult of Apocalypse temples
           - Mini-Pogroms
           - Academy Prison Infiltrations

2. New Special Missions

    - Underwater! Go skinny dipping (or power-armor walking) in the continental shelf, explore old wrecks, ruins and caves, uncover treasures and fight aquatic enemies. Most of your weapons don't work, including grenades! Movement rates significantly reduced, as are sight ranges, but most outfits allow 3-d movement!

    - Arena Fights. Small missions for a few Pirates in an enclosed space, with strict rules on weapons and armor. Face various gladiators, and either die in shame or win prizes and admiration!

    - Space Missions. Take your Deliverator (or other suitable ship) for a spin to some orbital station. Face horrors of space, brave vacuum and lack of gravity, get hi-tech loot!

    - Deep Cave Forays. Who knows what lurks in the shadows Deep Below? Your enemies are heat, fire and darkness. Heat is bad for Stamina, nuff said. But you can meet and kill new, exotic races or experience awful horrors.

    - Into the Demon World! Step through portals to confront insanely powerful demonic cratures.

    - Dreamscape. The most esoteric of your journeys, where all you can take is your mind and body. However, special researcheable outfits will transform into armor when taken there. Also they will spawn some weapons for you to use (others will need to be found on site; all very unusual weapons, naturally). You only suffer Stun damage in the Dreamscape, but you need to win or find exit to return! The catch? VooDoo. The better the outfit, the quicker it will render you unconscious... unless your VooDoo is strong enough to counteract that negative effect!

3. Late game expansions
    - Marsec! After some set time, Marsec elite forces will come down to Earth to hunt you down. Expect much stiffer resistance in the missions they will participate. Also, new weapons too!

    - Gifts from Well-Wisher. Catch elusive heart-shaped ships, find new and powerful weapons there, along with instructions how to make more!

    - Masters and Dragons. Open up contacts with Earth's pushers and movers, like Cleopatra or White Dragon or the Inquisition, win them over to buy unique equipment, combat units, and even special soldiers!

4. Other

   - Collectible dossiers on Piratez-verse VIPs. Active contributors are encouraged to submit their characters :)

    - Forgotten Tech. Raid very rare vaults to acquire legendary stuff like the Enforcer combat droid.

    - New special craft:
      - HWP bunker
      - Gas Assault ship
      - Demonic limo
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: bluberd on May 04, 2016, 09:12:11 pm
Dioxine - thank you for this great mod!

At this stage in my opinion what we really need is auto updater for the game.
I start my Piratez playing session manually checking the current version on the forum (version on your page is highly outdated).
Then replacing it, copying manually my saves, config files. Till now I was too lazy to write a script, but at some point I will...

I like frequent updates and patches, very devops etc, but the delivery is rather cumbersome.

Create auto updater, check deferrentials only (so you download not the whole mod but just needed files).

Thank you.
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: alinare on May 05, 2016, 01:24:44 am
Hello Dioxine:

Impressive, all the work done, and future upgrades mod.   :D There is one who called me, especially the attention, missions on a space station. Just out of curiosity, how you plan to simulate the location of the mission? Perhaps we will have to discover an old spaceport, to reach it, the Conqueror, or some similar way? 
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: sabrecat on May 05, 2016, 05:16:05 am
I contributed! Happy to help!

...though in the PayPal message I introduced myself as the wrong forum handle ("Elseleth", a second-choice I go with when "SabreCat" is taken), which was probably confusing.

The Internet!

It's difficult!
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Zharkov on May 05, 2016, 10:02:00 am
Say, are you planning to add other salvation options, like paysafecard?
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Dioxine on May 05, 2016, 10:07:18 am
Monsignore, it's all black magic to me. A friend did all the stuff, I only had to write in my data & password :)

Impressive, all the work done, and future upgrades mod.   :D There is one who called me, especially the attention, missions on a space station. Just out of curiosity, how you plan to simulate the location of the mission? Perhaps we will have to discover an old spaceport, to reach it, the Conqueror, or some similar way?

An old spaceport is a good idea, although crafts like Deliverator or Predator can IMO easily climb high Earth's orbit. So I can simply put the mission zones on equator or on poles and inform the player beforehand that these points 'allow for least fuel consumption'. Still, good idea with that spaceport as launching platform... would sound less BS-tty. Also a mission to conquer said spaceport! :)
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Gunner-chan on May 07, 2016, 02:49:28 am
Sent a few bucks your way Dioxine. Have a drink or two on me or something!
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: karadoc on May 08, 2016, 10:18:38 am
I just realised that my donation probably has my real name from my paypal account. If you're going to keep a list of donors, I'd prefer to just be 'karadoc'.  (I tend not to use my physical-world name on the internet.)

Thanks again for the game.
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Balronan on June 12, 2016, 04:50:28 am
Dioxine, thank you for putting so much of your time and energy into this mod. The love shows. Cheers!
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Thyl on July 12, 2016, 09:09:28 pm
I sent few bucks from G nom[at]yandex ru, but paypal was horribly bugging on me.
Dioxine, can you please confirm transaction?
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Dioxine on July 12, 2016, 09:24:53 pm
Confirmed, thanks a ton. Although Paypal ate like, 7.5% of your money. Looks like Paypal doesn't like Russia :)
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Thyl on July 15, 2016, 07:56:44 pm
Looks like Paypal doesn't like Russia :)
That's a long sad story, about Paypal and Russia.
Anyway, Dioxine, you brought me one of the best gaming experience in, like, 10 years of my life. So that money is well-earned payment for you magnificent work.
Also, as karadoc above, I would prefer not to disclose my real ID, and go under nick "Thyl".
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Crazy Photon on July 17, 2016, 11:44:40 pm
Any chance of accepting bitcoin donations?
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: niculinux on August 16, 2016, 10:54:10 am
Post midified by author

Sry for annoyance! As for the other plans such as submarine combat and goin on the moon i'd humbly advice - if i may - to omplement them in other mods.  :)
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Dioxine on August 16, 2016, 07:38:21 pm
Any chance of accepting bitcoin donations?

I don't use these, but aren't they convertible to 'normal' money? If this is an issue, I accept physical goods (precious metals, action figures) as well :)

Sry for annoyance! As for the other plans such as submarine combat and goin on the moon i'd humbly advice - if i may - to omplement them in other mods.  :)

My code and resources will always stay free to use... So I don't get what you're getting at. Anyone will be able to implement these solutions. In fact, Solar was first - he already has underwater missions (sadly with no bubbles or ambient sounds...) working for some time in the XCom Files mod.
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: future plans
Post by: niculinux on August 16, 2016, 09:15:23 pm
2. New Special Missions

    - Underwater! Go skinny dipping (or power-armor walking) in the continental shelf, explore old wrecks, ruins and caves, uncover treasures and fight aquatic enemies. Most of your weapons don't work, including grenades! Movement rates significantly reduced, as are sight ranges, but most outfits allow 3-d movement!

    - Arena Fights. Small missions for a few Pirates in an enclosed space, with strict rules on weapons and armor. Face various gladiators, and either die in shame or win prizes and admiration!

    - Space Missions. Take your Deliverator (or other suitable ship) for a spin to some orbital station. Face horrors of space, brave vacuum and lack of gravity, get hi-tech loot!

    - Deep Cave Forays. Who knows what lurks in the shadows Deep Below? Your enemies are heat, fire and darkness. Heat is bad for Stamina, nuff said. But you can meet and kill new, exotic races or experience awful horrors.

    - Into the Demon World! Step through portals to confront insanely powerful demonic cratures.

    - Dreamscape. The most esoteric of your journeys, where all you can take is your mind and body. However, special researcheable outfits will transform into armor when taken there. Also they will spawn some weapons for you to use (others will need to be found on site; all very unusual weapons, naturally). You only suffer Stun damage in the Dreamscape, but you need to win or find exit to return! The catch? VooDoo. The better the outfit, the quicker it will render you unconscious... unless your VooDoo is strong enough to counteract that negative effect!

3. Late game expansions
    - Marsec! After some set time, Marsec elite forces will come down to Earth to hunt you down. Expect much stiffer resistance in the missions they will participate. Also, new weapons too!

    - Gifts from Well-Wisher. Catch elusive heart-shaped ships, find new and powerful weapons there, along with instructions how to make more!

    - Masters and Dragons. Open up contacts with Earth's pushers and movers, like Cleopatra or White Dragon or the Inquisition, win them over to buy unique equipment, combat units, and even special soldiers!
I meant i wish thise ideas would not used on piratez extwnded but inly in new mods feom scratch. Mayne it' a just my wish? :)
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Dioxine on August 16, 2016, 09:53:25 pm
...Why wouldn't I use them????
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: niculinux on August 16, 2016, 10:01:08 pm
...Why wouldn't I use them????

I meant use them, bu not in x-piratez. Sry the whole thingh is getting ridicolous!  :-X
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Dioxine on August 17, 2016, 12:12:00 am
Remember that "This is ridiculous" is the motto dear. Also I don't plan on making any other mods for XCom. Not in the foreseeable future anyway.
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: khade on August 17, 2016, 12:13:51 am
If you have the desire and the know how, you ought to be able to extract whatever bits of code you want to use and make a fork or mod for your own ideas.
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: niculinux on August 17, 2016, 11:32:25 am
Remember that "This is ridiculous" is the motto dear. Also I don't plan on making any other mods for XCom. Not in the foreseeable future anyway.

Ah that' s very clear. I hoped xpiratez was not the only mid made by Dioxine. I sicerely wish for the future i'm wrong.
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Dioxine on August 17, 2016, 12:14:22 pm
Surely it's not the only one. You can check my other works here: (majorly 'Forever Future' mod for Civ: Call to Power, and 'Galaxy Aflame' mod for Emperor of the Fading Suns). Regretfully the page is Polish only atm.

Also I find your bossy attitude disturbing.
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: niculinux on August 17, 2016, 12:32:51 pm
Surely it's not the only one. You can check my other works here: (majorly 'Forever Future' mod for Civ: Call to Power, and 'Galaxy Aflame' mod for Emperor of the Fading Suns). Regretfully the page is Polish only atm.

Also I find your bossy attitude disturbing.

Ok got it. Sry if i may read "bossy" but sometimes i see i seem i want to "convince" users on this forum to my ideas. If so, i'lk calm down. :(
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: XCOMJunkie on February 24, 2017, 09:50:23 pm
@Dioxine: I, personally, am loving the direction this mod is heading in. I fully encourage you to trust your instincts and put whatever you deem interesting and fun into the mod! Please keep up the great work, I look forward to spending many, many more hours fighting off Marsec invasions, killing dragons, or stepping into the gates of hell to team up with DOOMguy and murder demons! (Ok, that last one was mine... but wouldn't that be cool?!)
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: sectopod on March 10, 2017, 10:53:48 am
@Dioxine: I, personally, am loving the direction this mod is heading in. I fully encourage you to trust your instincts and put whatever you deem interesting and fun into the mod! Please keep up the great work, I look forward to spending many, many more hours fighting off Marsec invasions, killing dragons, or stepping into the gates of hell to team up with DOOMguy and murder demons! (Ok, that last one was mine... but wouldn't that be cool?!)

I also 100% that.
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Mammothus on July 22, 2017, 11:58:36 pm
Hey Dioxine,

just sent you some bucks. Please keep up the great work!
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Dioxine on July 29, 2017, 04:09:20 pm
Thank you a lot, I will add you to the Crypt nex release.
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on July 29, 2017, 04:53:20 pm
Send you some bucks, wish you a good start into the next month~
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Sahti Waari on August 10, 2017, 06:25:04 am
Good day, Dioxine.

My donation for your great work.

Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Dioxine on August 10, 2017, 07:18:36 pm
Thank you - your help is most appreciated.
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: HT on August 15, 2017, 05:31:17 pm
I sent you some Dollaros for your project, Diox (or should I say Eurolos)?  ;D

I also sent you a PM with the details. Either way, I wonder what you can do with an username like mine.
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Dioxine on August 15, 2017, 05:43:37 pm
Thank you, I added you to the Memorial :)
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Ashert on September 04, 2017, 01:53:49 am
No compromises, game must remain complex, matriarchal and difficult! A shock for casual players. 23 euros on the way. An own intro would be beautiful in the distant future, or even a redesigned outro, less vanilla. But I am currently satisfied with the excellent work! ;D
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: saladofstones on September 05, 2017, 03:56:17 am
Hello awhile ago I made a donation, due to things wasn't able to leave a message.

Keep up the great work and thank you for the awesome setting and game!
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Amuys on September 29, 2017, 08:13:17 pm
I've thrown in my neo shekels. Keep up the good work!
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Searmay on September 30, 2017, 06:58:59 pm
Sent you some money. I've come back to this several times over the last couple of years, and got far more enjoyment from it than most commercial games.
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Dioxine on September 30, 2017, 07:15:37 pm
Much appreciated. Adding you all to hall of fame : )
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: RSSwizard on October 01, 2017, 12:31:53 am
Sent you some money. I've come back to this several times over the last couple of years, and got far more enjoyment from it than most commercial games.

Agreed, this game alleviates at least as much boredom as an MMO. I just don't have any money to donate (indeed, don't even have a bank account). Definitely an odd gem to have a game this fun that has this much depth.
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: raziel_malakai1981 on October 03, 2017, 01:13:10 am
Just sent some money your way. The mod is simply awesome and i'm enjoying it more then I enjoyed many other games including WoTC. Hopefully Phoneix Point will be more in-tune with X-PirateZ.
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: AngelicJoker on December 03, 2017, 11:23:08 pm
And finally my turn to add my name to the list.  Thanks so much for hours and hours of enjoyment!
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: TomRon on March 04, 2018, 11:22:25 am
I just sent you roughly 80PLN (200SEK), It's hardly much for all the effort you've put into this mod but it's what I can afford. I thought FFH for Civilization was going to remain at the top pf TC mods I've enjoyed through the years, but it just got pushed down to #2 by your awesome work. Thank you!
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: JamTheDane on March 11, 2018, 09:49:51 pm
Sent 53,54 (100 danish kr.) your way, as thanks for the good work :)
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: anonynamja on March 21, 2018, 12:53:08 am
Thanks for all your hard work! Sent a couple bucks your way.
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Sahti Waari on March 28, 2018, 11:04:43 pm
Hello, Dioxine

Did you receive my last donation to you?

P.S: I finally remembered my login info to this forum ^)
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Dioxine on May 03, 2018, 11:52:42 pm
I think I did, thanks
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: LytaRyta on May 29, 2018, 04:14:22 pm
hello, commanders & colonels! ;D ;p

what about get the graphics in (ufo:x-com) X-PIRATEZ to abit on new level, a bit to  ..higher (detailed, resolutions, quality, etc..),

wat about to make such upgrade, improvements of graphics, like in (and get to level, niveau, like in 

yes, exact´ly like this, here we go -~~ similar look a´like this >


and so on..

yap, overal graphics level, ~~ like in, for examples, series Might & Magic 6 - 8 , and above-showed scr.images...
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: LytaRyta on May 29, 2018, 10:47:29 pm
^^ would it be possible, such improvements the whole, overall upgrade the graphics ? ?!
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: khade on May 30, 2018, 07:16:51 am
I suspect that would be a whole 'nother game.  Could be amusing though.  But I don't think this is the place to talk about it.
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Dioxine on May 30, 2018, 08:04:44 am
The oxc engine was written in a way that makes supporting higher res impossible.
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Vesparco on July 15, 2018, 12:04:14 am
Hello Dioxine,

Made some donation this week. Did it arrive ok?
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Kato on September 20, 2018, 07:28:09 am
Sent some cash to Dioxine. Keep up the excellent work, Man!
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Dioxine on September 20, 2018, 02:48:58 pm
Thank you!
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: LytaRyta on September 20, 2018, 06:30:04 pm
I suspect that would be a whole 'nother game.  Could be amusing though.  But I don't think this is the place to talk about it.

..amybe, whole new (more, rather new, than "another' )  game would be best ..solution, most effective ..approach, to'wards all those ..issues ( *graphics sub-core,  ballistics,/shooting (units behaviour) mechanics (dynamics) sub-systems..  ( yaap, includes those *LoS ~》LoF, \ eyes, /shoulders (arms), /hip voxel /points, of shooting
( (voxel) model, "paperdoll" of (humanoid, bipedal, 2-legs units.. )

btw. - yop, very similar "doll-modell", with movable legs, arms, neck, and heads, which used to have, and use artists, painters, and sculpturists, mainly.., all, whole that core-engine of UFO-XCOM (~1993) (/OXCE++ (~2008-'12  (???) )  cwould be rewritten, with possibility of fully implementing and adding, changing all those long-wanted, long-discussed ..changes, things, thus make whole refreshed, fully -rewrittend "old" UFO,  ( *OXCE ) in version, and niveau, of y2020
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: LytaRyta on September 20, 2018, 07:13:02 pm
♣ recode ufo, /OXCE engine to avalaible &support higher res ~ at least 800x600 ++ , et above
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: LytaRyta on September 20, 2018, 09:06:29 pm
The oxc engine was written in a way that makes supporting higher res impossible.

I didnt, dont get it at all, why the devs ( ..... ??) Didnt code.d it ALREADY in the time of writing (before ~few, couple years ago..(??) )
ALREADY all in the ways of AVALAIBILITY of (fully) supporting, &implementing of all all-time-mentioned issues and  improvements, .."advancements'
( advanced, (alot,much more) BETTER niveau of game graphics,
Ballistics ~units ~environments dynamics & behaviour sub-system of game engine, etc.
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Stoddard on September 20, 2018, 09:25:32 pm
I didnt, dont get it at all, why the devs ( ..... ??) Didnt code.d it ALREADY in the time of writing (before ~few, couple years ago..(??) )
ALREADY all in the ways of AVALAIBILITY of (fully) supporting, &implementing of all all-time-mentioned issues and  improvements, .."advancements'
( advanced, (alot,much more) BETTER niveau of game graphics,
Ballistics ~units ~environments dynamics & behaviour sub-system of game engine, etc.

See,6414.msg103786.html#msg103786 (,6414.msg103786.html#msg103786)
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: LytaRyta on September 20, 2018, 11:14:54 pm
I just cant understand, why the graphics cant be ( in level of ) like in, for example, in :,

( ..or in the MM7 )
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Stoddard on September 20, 2018, 11:30:30 pm
I just cant understand, why the graphics cant be ( in level of ) like in, for example, in :


( ..or in the MM7 )

Oh, that...

Because, well, style. OXC/OXCE vs your link is like Art Deco vs Baroque architecture styles.  It's just so completely different that what you in fact want is for everyone to just forget everything they've been doing for like 20 years and start anew. Not going to happen, sorry.

Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Rince Wind on September 20, 2018, 11:32:49 pm
And I can't understand why you keep banging on about Might and Magic graphics that would look weird with the way Xcom is displayed. At least try to find a game with a similar perspective as Xcom. Or do you complain that Civilization VI doesn't look like Battlefield One as well?
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Dioxine on September 20, 2018, 11:34:33 pm
If such high class grafix were required, I wouldn't mod it...
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Kato on October 23, 2018, 06:09:49 pm
Some more pesky finances >^_^<
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Dioxine on October 23, 2018, 07:50:56 pm
Thank you, and you really do not need to post receipts here, my paypal account tends to inform me on all the traffic, you know...
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Zharkov on January 27, 2019, 11:49:45 pm
And shame on donators, yet another of a long line of months with just 1 guy donating.

Is there any other way to send money your way? For reasons I do not feel responsible for I cannot have another PayPal account.
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Dioxine on January 28, 2019, 03:02:21 pm
You don't need to have a paypal account to send coin to paypal afaik... As for other ways... I'd rather not share my personal details, sorry.
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 28, 2019, 10:16:51 pm
You don't need to have a paypal account to send coin to paypal afaik...

Yes, if nothing has changed over the past few years, you can make like 5 payments from one e-mail account. (After that, you need to register or change the e-mail.)
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Stoddard on January 29, 2019, 09:01:56 am
What I use is virtual throw-away VISA cards.

Card-to-card transfers are possible via most ATMs and bank apps here for a modest fee, sender only needs the recipient's card number, funds arrive instantly and the virtual card doesn't cost anything extra (in my current bank).

Much better than paypal which is known to freeze accounts at a whim.
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 29, 2019, 10:13:46 am
But how do you use such a virtual card without PayPal? Modders don't have terminals to accept credit cards, virtual or not.
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Stoddard on January 29, 2019, 11:51:41 am
But how do you use such a virtual card without PayPal? Modders don't have terminals to accept credit cards, virtual or not.

Post the number online, someone will transfer something to it.

Spending limit can be set to zero if you worry about that. I think transactions cost 5% or something like that. Actual terminal or Stripe or something like that costs comparably.
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: boss300 on February 02, 2019, 10:16:54 pm
been playing for a year, sent in from nicka******** what I would have spent on x-com2 if it was half as good as x-piratez. 
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: wolfreal on February 08, 2019, 03:49:06 pm
Dear Dioxine, I send you a few bucks, just thanks for this great mod.
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Dioxine on February 08, 2019, 08:33:22 pm
Thanks everyone, it is much appreciated and helps to keep me away from depression :)
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: AlianarOne on November 19, 2019, 04:50:50 pm
Hi, thank you for the wonderful project and its continuous development. I sent a little support via PayPal, hopefully it all came through.
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Cristao on January 06, 2020, 07:45:37 pm
Sending a little support from a country west of Wakanda. Played this for over 4 years. Been mad fun.

You can add to list of contributors.
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: kwoolsey on May 22, 2020, 08:40:22 pm
Thank you so much for all the gaming fun! Sent some love over via paypal!
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: RolandVasko on May 23, 2020, 01:36:39 am
Sending a little support from a country west of Wakanda. Played this for over 4 years. Been mad fun.
You can add to list of contributors.

aah, so it is you!, that "prince from Nigeria"  :P :D :p

(j.k. ;P)
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Fulgurator on July 31, 2020, 09:50:05 pm
Congrats on such an ambitious and glorious project. I wish I had played this sooner!
I made a small contribution, because this mod is amazing and I've only been playing for a few days. The scope, the variety, everything. I'll try to donate some more in the future, keep up the good work!.
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: ROFLChicken on July 20, 2021, 05:16:04 pm
I just donated. I try to boot up X-Piratez every 18-24 months, and the progress made in that time never ceases to amaze me. This is a truly great mod and I can't wait to see how it develops next.
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Drago888 on September 21, 2021, 10:51:48 am
Great job. Keep up the good work. A small token of my appreciation
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Ruberto on November 08, 2021, 06:36:09 pm
Thanks a lot for your work.
Can you be supported via patreon?

Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Dioxine on November 29, 2021, 05:44:52 pm
I don't have a Patreon account.
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Bartojan on December 14, 2021, 11:12:29 pm
I have sent some Euros.
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: FiendishDrWu on March 21, 2022, 10:26:43 pm
Forgive me if I'm asking a sensitive subject here, but... can Dioxine still receive funds through PayPal? 

(I ask because I am not sure exactly where Dioxine lives, "somewhere in Eastern Europe" is all I know, and don't want the funds to get confiscated by PayPal, due to recent events.  I may be 100% wrong about where Dioxine lives, but I figured I'd ask.)
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Dioxine on March 22, 2022, 01:58:56 pm
There is no problem with my Paypal, I checked it today.
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: FiendishDrWu on March 22, 2022, 03:02:26 pm
Awesome, thanks!
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: weirdfoe on March 26, 2022, 03:08:20 pm
donated, cheers ;)
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: justtresspassing on June 07, 2023, 06:58:44 pm

I've also sent some donation in may in thanks for making and developing this awesome mod.

Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: urz9999 on August 06, 2023, 02:46:05 am
Hi Dioxine! Just donated to your account, as a thank you for this awesome mod!
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Ruberto on September 08, 2023, 07:30:10 am
Hello dear Dioxine and friends!
Sent some eurosindicate credits your way
Thanks for excenelt mod and continual dedication
And hope it will help implementing some of the stuff I suggested in Stuff I'd love to see thread   ;)
Title: Re: No Donation - No Salvation! Also: Future Plans!
Post by: Rokksta on September 20, 2024, 11:57:58 pm
Thank you for this amazing mod. I played it for countless hours. So i also donated a small sum. Please continue to work on it.