OpenXcom Forum
OpenXcom => Troubleshooting => Topic started by: thevideogameraptorboggle on February 19, 2016, 08:03:52 pm
So XCOM 2 will not work on my weak ass computer, so i decided to play OpenXcom Final Mod Pack instead, but the Mac folder will not accept the UFO Defense files, whenever i try to move them over, there is a cancel icon and the files refuse to move over. Help Please.
The default data folder probably requires permissions that you don't have to write to it. You can define other data/user/config folders for openxcom, where you should be able to put the files.
I opened the change permissions folder, but all the change permissions options are grayed out and inaccessible.
If you don't have permissions to a folder, it is doubtful you would have permission to give yourself permission. You can try (using root access / sudo commands) to change permissions, or you can just change openxcom to look into a different folder for which you do have permissions.
I gave myself root access, and now it worked. But it can't install Final Mod Pack so that sucks. Now i gotta figure out how to install a nightly.
So i downloaded the latest Mac Nightly build, put all the files in, and theres no file to start the game. Is there something I'm missing? I know some of the other forum posts mention something about installing the nightly over 1.0, but i dont know how.
Can i get help for figuring out the readme? Ive installed the home-brew through terminal, and got the data files properly inserted, but have no clue where to go from there to install it.
Has anyone else experienced this problem getting the Mac Nightlies to run? This is more progress than was occurring previously, it now boots up, but crashes immediately. But it's still better than before, just need to figure out this common directory thing.
if you have a folder called "data"... delete it.
Not that i can see. Although i think my data is corrupted anyway so who knows.
I know it's not true, but it's starting to feel like it after about a week of trying and no results. Has anyone managed to get this game to work on Mac? And if so, tell me how.
The Ufopedia entry dosen't specify, is it a game, is it an application bundle, is it something else entirely?
After you input all the files, do you just run the Unix executable and then you have the Nightly up and running? Because whenever i do it, it says it can't open the common directory.
You need at least the following in your game:
1. "common" subdirectory (provided by openxcom)
2. "standard" subdirectory (provided by openxcom)
3. "UFO" subdirectory (directory is provided but empty... you need to copy files from the original game here)
(optionally) 4. "TFTD" subdirectory if you want to play Terror from the deep (again, directory is provided but empty, you need to copy original game files there)
5. in the root directory, you need the executable file... I don't know if unix file works on mac or not
I imputed the UFO Defense Files, what is this root directory you speak of?
addendum to meridian's notes: make sure you don't have a folder called "data"
Here's the full nightly installation video for Windows:
I don't have Mac, so you'll have to figure out the Mac-specific stuff yourself... but at the end you have to end up with the same files...
Good luck.
So there is supposed to be an Executable? But not for mac, just a Unix executable that always fails to open the common directory.