OpenXcom Forum

OpenXcom => Suggestions => Topic started by: Leprechaun on December 21, 2015, 03:11:05 pm

Title: Character editor
Post by: Leprechaun on December 21, 2015, 03:11:05 pm
I'd like to write a character editor, for those who want to change the name, race, look, and so on about their characters. And I can see that the save file is text and could be edited. What I can't figure out is the format. It seems inconsistent in the extreme. Names appear in the middle of character stats, and changing the "look" variable or even the "gender" variable doesn't change the picture.

Could someone give the save file format?

Also, I tried to read in Xcom save files from games that I played using DosBox, but the system cannot even show them. I've moved them into different directories, but no luck. Comments?

Title: Re: Character editor
Post by: Meridian on April 03, 2016, 01:27:08 pm
Format is YAML.
Attributes are exactly as you see them in the save file.
The order of attributes in the save is irrelevant.

Btw. to change the gender and look/race, I already wrote an in-game functionality that allows you to do it.


I also added the nationality... you can't change it yet (only see), but I can add the possibility to change it too.
