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Modding => XPiratez => Released Mods => XPZ Strategy/Tactics => Topic started by: niculinux on November 20, 2015, 04:59:48 pm

Title: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on November 20, 2015, 04:59:48 pm

"Suffering awaits. And boobs." (cit. Dioxine, author of the mod)

Foreword: Wellcome to this (very amateur and unofficial i strongly underline ;D) FAQ/genaral strategy guide for the game! I hope you enjoy the info provided here, as well the real spirit of the game.  The version used to write this thread is 0.96 one, so future version may bring some changes, so better keep on eye on the main thread, updater regulairly when a new version is relased. So with no futher ado, let's start!

"Extended Piratez (,3626.0.html)" (often referred as "X-Piratez") is an enhanced total conversion of "Piratez (,1898.0.html)" avaiable for win and linux OSses (as far as i know). It's labelled  as extended because, differently from piratez, uses an improved version of the openxcom executable named "Openxcom Extended (,2915.0/topicseen.html)" (hence the name) that brings more features and customization to the game. Game plot is actually quite intriguing: game is set in the year 2601 and player will act the part of a band of mutant pirates which have been themselves organized, struggling for power and wealth and eventually conquer the whole word ruled by the misteriuos "Star Gods". The planet earth is divided into totally different nations form nowdays, and there are many different factions that act in them, sometimes ignored sometimes supported, sometimes opposed by the local governments; the only allies the pirates may count on is the mutant population, often discriminated.

Game is avaiable on the openxcom mod portal  ( or at  a MediaFire host provided by the author, most updated link is published on this forum (,4465.0.html) (if the former should be down) and comes with latest of openxcom extended executable but only the one for windows; linux users have to download the executable for their system and change file permissions to executable (linux support was intruduced way back with the0.72 version, although it did not use the exetended version of openxcom but relied on the "vanilla" one) other technical details i reported are listed here (,4084.0.html)), also please check the bottom of the post for a tidbit of technical info :)

As for updating, just delete the old version of the mod, which is located in the subdirectory
Code: [Select]
/user/mods/ and replace its content with the new one. Be sure also to import your saved games by moving them into the new
Code: [Select]
/user directory (saved games instead go here). Please note that you may use the version you download with all the other mods, provided those are compatible :)

Ok, now since we've learned how to get the game, here we go with gameplay info/questions/tips, there are mainly three aspects players have to keep in mind engaging the game, since it was made aiming to be a real challenge even for experienced player, and requires a whole different gamestyle in comparison with other openxcom mods:

First point: Game mechanics. Game starts with very low tech weapons & tecnology, so player will be outgunned from the beginning, but still can manage to fight unarmored enemies; therefore since the parts played are the pirates one, we have to intercept other ships, you can't hunt high and low the planet, must instead carefully plan your move and choose you preys, and then only whrn you have sufficent firepower/powerful craft then think of attacking better vessels, moreover the "Bonaventura" (initial ship you're provided since the very beginning) uses "Nuclear Fuel, which can be either looted and bought at the black market, but you must once again manage with extreme caution, since if it runs out and yuo have not money to buy it, you game is substantially ended (as it says in the ship description in the bootypedia!)

Second point: Research.A s in the vanilla game is the core of it; in the mod is even more important since the pirates are using very low tech weapons, therefore investing in an oculate research progrmam is mandatory: To start, I'd recommend Spring Cleaning, which also give access to Decripted data discs, necessary in the later game, and makes possible using  "Pile Of Junk" to obtain some raw materials to manufacture things in the workshop, "Our Abilities" (to gather some basic info on the mutant pirates) and then "Primitive Weapons", "Flintlocks and Bombs" and "Basic bullet Manufactory" that are giving access respectively to bow, crossbow and barbed dagger, flintlocks weapons (pistol and musket) and the relative ammo, plus some other such as the blunderbuss one. Also interrogating alive prisoners is crucial, even more than researching looted items, since they provide important info on what you may make. Important are also"Basic Armor", that will give access to "Warrior" armor production and unlock"Tools and Blades". Eventually also "Poisons & Acids" to produce flasks of acid and later to make acid ammunitions.  "Bigger Guns" instead gives the know-how to build the boarding gun.

Third Point: Combat. There are loads of ranged weapons, each of those have different features and is for different purposes and strategies, also lots of melee/hand to hand combat weapons are present, lots of close combat occours especially in the beginning and there are lots of stuff to dispose, these are quite useful in progroms and urban combat since in these mape there is a lot of scenery that may be used for coverage, so do not understimate those. One research note: once you research "Our Abilities" you will learn that actually piratez are able to see better in the dark in comparison to humans, but to get advantage of this you must walk into battlescape mode with personal lights turned off (pressing the L button on the keyboard) only in such way you may sneak next to enemies, but if you did so and you walk into their line of sight you won't be able to ambush them anymore, so player really must watch their step.

Fourth point: Funding. There are essentially three way to finance your struggle:

Closing note for linux users:

First of all, it is requested the linux executable to start the mod, since the one provided with the main downoload os for wondows only; the unix one may be downloaded from the openxcom extended forum (,22.0.html). As openxcom, xpiratez needs SDL libraries otherwise it won't start, to get these assuming you're on Ubuntu Linux type in a terminal:

Code: [Select]
sudo apt install libsdl1.2debian libsdl-gfx1.2 libsdl-image1.2 libsdl-mixer1.2
Please use the option --no-install-recommends to avoid unnecessary packages. For Arch Linux users there's a mini-howto kindly provided by Captaincorckscrew here (,5045.0.html). If you like to have a launcher on your desktop various linux distros within their desktop enviromes provide graphical tools to get the job done, to create one manually some hints are here (, here ( and here ( (the file must be saved with the .desktop extension). I am currently using the 01-16-2019 openxcom exetended executable file Also, i stringly recommend not to use the very latest executable version with linux, since there are possible some probles like i reported here (,6857.0.html). Better to stick with the one that matches the relased version.

That said, please pay a visit to Xpiratez bootypedia page, which is here ( Lastly, in this thread you're gonna find also some screenshots taken during the gameplay, saved games (startin from 0.96 version and up) and some other stuff (hopefully) useful; but keep in ind that i play at "jack sparrow" difficulty level - and with the tech tree viewer disabled - so thinghs may get harder/hotter...

Good luck, don't get hurt and have a nice slaugthering!!
Title: Re: X-piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on November 20, 2015, 10:14:42 pm
So, first three questions:

Edit: second question exposed more clearly!
Title: Re: X-piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Arthanor on November 20, 2015, 11:11:27 pm
1 - Slavery does it all: You get their possession (more than if you had killed them, since they were captured and nothing was broken) and you get a slave (Slaves DO NOT work in the workshop, they work in the vaults where they organize stuff so you can put more in there. In effect they "give negative space": ie it reduces the space taken by other stuff in your vault, so you can put more in the same storage size.). You can sell the slave and the price isn't random, but it is less than the ransom you would have gotten for the non-slaved prisonner.

2 - If you want to make bullets, why don't you study a few rifles to see what they need as ammunition? ;) A lot of research is unlocked by researching guns.
3 - See above, eventually as you study guns you will know enough to make them in addition to their ammo. Note that many guns that can be bought or looted can't be manufactured.

As an aside: If you want the brainerz to tell runts how to make guns, research gunz and also anything that sounds like a new gun design. For example, when I saw "clockwork gun" in the research list, I was not particularly impressed, so it took me a year to get to doing it (other things seemed more interesting). As it turns out, since I hadn't supported the brainerz in their gunz research, they didn't come up with other things (ie researching one gun design is often needed to come up with other gun designs, so it is worth researching even though that new design may not seem all that great).
Title: Re: X-piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dioxine on November 20, 2015, 11:17:05 pm
As an aside: If you want the brainerz to tell runts how to make guns, research gunz and also anything that sounds like a new gun design.

Very true! This works also for other stuff, like armors, medicine, explosives; keep pushing in one direction and there will be cool follow-ups somewhere down the road. I want the research tree to bend to where the player is pushing it, therefore making it often feel like the player took the best research path he could, no matter what was his goal. There are many cross-researches, true, but also many alternate routes to advance. One thing is always important, researching the stuff you find, as it unlocks more options.
Title: Re: X-piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on November 20, 2015, 11:18:50 pm
1 - Slavery does it all: You get their possession (more than if you had killed them, since they were captured and nothing was broken) and you get a slave (Slaves DO NOT work in the workshop, they work in the vaults where they organize stuff so you can put more in there. In effect they "give negative space": ie it reduces the space taken by other stuff in your vault, so you can put more in the same storage size.). You can sell the slave and the price isn't random, but it is less than the ransom you would have gotten for the non-slaved prisonner.

thanks Arthanor, but this "unlocks" O_o another question: how the heck works ransom, what i nedd and how i obtain these?

Edit: as for slavery, see also here (,3626.msg54662.html#msg54662)
Title: Re: X-piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Arthanor on November 21, 2015, 06:23:44 am
Ransom, in this context, is just the act of selling a "pristine" captive. Like selling that Guild Rep for $160k or something. You can also do it by right clicking on your prison and releasing prisoners (there's a big button there that says "Ransom!".

In this context, "unlocks" just means "opens up": You get new options from the research you are doing.

"Unlocking" can also be a specific mechanic, which is for example implemented in vanilla so that researching one alien "unlocks" the Alien Origins research project, which in turns "unlocks" "The Martian Solution", etc. It creates a sequence: You have to research one before the other.

As far as I know, Piratez doesn't use this mechanic much, because it complicates research a lot. You no longer need X and Y to get Z, you need X then Y to get Z, which means if you research Y first, you will have to research Y again after X in order to get Z. But that only works if Y is an interrogation or item based research, as you can otherwise not repeat research, so it is possible to create situations where it is impossible to discover something anymore.
Title: Re: X-piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Meridian on November 21, 2015, 09:55:42 am
Edit: Credits to meridian, i've just addade pics he made for his playthrough (see here (https://)) but if he will tell me to remove, i'll do asap.

No problem, feel free to use it.
Btw. it is not my image, the original is here:
Title: Re: X-piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on November 21, 2015, 11:25:24 am
As far as I know, Piratez doesn't use this mechanic much, because it complicates research a lot. You no longer need X and Y to get Z, you need X then Y to get Z, which means if you research Y first, you will have to research Y again after X in order to get Z. But that only works if Y is an interrogation or item based research, as you can otherwise not repeat research, so it is possible to create situations where it is impossible to discover something anymore. it might even prevent to winning the game, i fear?  :o
Title: Re: X-piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dioxine on November 21, 2015, 12:24:29 pm
Arthanor said it is possible, not that it happened :)
Title: Re: X-piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on November 21, 2015, 07:24:01 pm
Oh...i'll be crossing my finger! In the meantime, on the 3 difficulty level ("blackbeard") i'm facing my sixth mutant progrom and i encountered some doom-alike enemies..but the point is: one of my gals have been sprayed with file and i cannot do anything to stop! In vanilla game, and even in the openxcom version i remembre if i run here and there fire will extinguish x-piratex seems that is not gal is doomed (emh..) or maybe there is a way to save her?

This on 0.96 version, is not peraphs in the future possibility wiil be added? Thanks! Shot attached as always!  :-\

Title: Re: X-piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dioxine on November 21, 2015, 07:56:22 pm
The fire mechanics are the same here and there. But Pirate armor is susceptible to fire, so on average it burns longer.
Title: Re: X-piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Arthanor on November 21, 2015, 08:34:23 pm
Oh...i'll be crossing my finger! In the meantime, on the 3 difficulty level ("blackbeard") i'm facing my sixth mutant progrom and i encountered some doom-alike enemies..but the point is: one of my gals have been sprayed with file and i cannot do anything to stop! In vanilla game, and even in the openxcom version i remembre if i run here and there fire will extinguish x-piratex seems that is not gal is doomed (emh..) or maybe there is a way to save her?

This on 0.96 version, is not peraphs in the future possibility wiil be added? Thanks! Shot attached as always!  :-\

I'm pretty sure you can't mess up your endgame, and since Dioxine doesn't use it much, I wouldn't worry about it. In my vanilla XCom mod, I use "unlocks" and "require" a lot more (to force a sort of scientific progression, where you learn a little, then interrogate to get a breakthrough, then learn more on your own, then interrogate) and it can get confusing. But Piratez tends to use dependencies, which means the order doesn't matter.

As for fire, it does run out, I've had some gals set on fire as well. I don't think there is anything you can do to help it though. Walking around in circles would be a funny solution. Would be cool to see a chance for the fire to go out inversely with TU spent (representing effort to put out the fire) or some fire extinguisher item.
Title: Re: X-piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on November 21, 2015, 09:50:27 pm
Good to know! I've just started a fresh 0.96 game; i'd like to catch the chance to suggest you turn on "Custom Base Layout" for fantasy sake :D. As in the vanilla game, once enmies will attack the base, they would deploy in the hangar and the access lift, since player starts instead in the barracks and the vaults, planning a defendable base may save much pain when enemy factions will attack. A hint in the screenshot attached. :)

Title: Re: X-piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Arthanor on November 21, 2015, 09:59:00 pm
Yeah, I use the "Custom Base Layout" too, although it Piratez it makes less sense (the Piratez are supposed to have just discovered the base, I think). I've written a little blurb of what I like to do with my base here (
Title: Re: X-piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on November 22, 2015, 11:36:19 am
Hey, I forgot: is there some time limit to the game, or time will flow endlessy unless the player beat it?
Title: Re: X-piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Arthanor on November 22, 2015, 04:40:00 pm
I think there's a point after which there are retaliation missions sent for you every month (in vanilla it depends on the difficulty setting), but I am not sure when that is in Piratez. As far as I know, there is no time limit. The only thing that's time limited is assaulting supply ships (they blow up after 20 turns!)
Title: Re: X-piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on November 22, 2015, 08:46:50 pm
As far as I know, there is no time limit. The only thing that's time limited is assaulting supply ships (they blow up after 20 turns!)

Is this a feature or bug? If the very weird! Hope eventually won't happen anymore!
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Arthanor on November 22, 2015, 09:17:21 pm
Feature: Dioxine doesn't like the idea of people "farming" supply ships. So although they are crewed by low level units who are relatively easy to take out, there are also 1-2 terror units, they are equipped with particularly devastating weapons and their engines have this capability of exploding, so after 20 turns kaboom!.

If you shoot them down, you will likely destroy the engine so that gets rid of the explosion risk, but that also gets rid of the main reward being the engine and nuclear fuel. The weapons are nice to have though, as they are high quality, devastating things. But overall, if you want to farm supply ship, you need to design a very specific strategy (likely involving dogs for expendable scouting, snipers for taking out enemies from far away, and boarders of some kind who can face the onslaught or are expendable enough you don't care.. maybe dogs for boarding too.. Too bad there's no kennel ship!)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Cristao on November 26, 2015, 12:29:59 pm
^Got my first supply ship. I sent out my Thunderhorse with 12 gals. So imagine the scenario, I normally advance my troops in groups of 4 including a voodoo user. Then all of a sudden, the entire map is on fire and I start panicking off screen. My entire 3 teams scatter trying to escape the area. Luckily I am a heavy user of assault armor so only my witch armor users were on the ground (PS they are witches, they should be able to fly!!). What is quite weird is that there is no warning, it is the first time I am seeing a baby nuke being fired. I thought it was only the Hell fire Rod that could do such wickedness. All of a sudden, I am accelerating my forward scout movements and being less conservative - any thing that moves dies. Any shadow dies. Only one soldier got injured and that person was in a witch armour.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Arthanor on November 26, 2015, 03:15:33 pm
12 gals against a supply ship and only 1 wounded? That's pretty well done! I usually get multiple wounded from gauss shots, if not casualties from baby nukes.

I suggest bringing dogs for scouting next time. They're useful scouts and if they get a gauss shot or a nuke coming their way, it's much less of a loss.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Cristao on November 26, 2015, 03:42:27 pm
I should state that I use my own modded armor, weapons and stronger soldiers. That gives me an unhealthy advantage compared to your games.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dioxine on November 26, 2015, 04:01:34 pm
No, that makes you a plain, boring cheater :P
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Arthanor on November 26, 2015, 04:11:10 pm
lol fair enough. It's a single player game, I don't really care what others do with it. I personally enjoy trying to work with your idea of balance, but even I have made some tweaks (snap shots on Fuso Knives and bows)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Cristao on November 26, 2015, 04:17:50 pm
No, that makes you a plain, boring cheater :P

  ;) Variety is the spice of life. Nothing better than trying to use stun on a waspite and then having it reaction fire your five soldiers...  ;D ;D That was a funny experience. Luckily I brought along a tech sword.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Cristao on November 26, 2015, 04:19:12 pm
lol fair enough. It's a single player game, I don't really care what others do with it. I personally enjoy trying to work with your idea of balance, but even I have made some tweaks (snap shots on Fuso Knives and bows)

Never mind Dioxine ..  ;D I can try his idea of balance on my second playthrough. Now I am just interesting in seeing how those Star Gods roll in Cydonia.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 26, 2015, 04:27:42 pm
  ;) Variety is the spice of life.

True, but if you're sharing stories, it doesn't make much sense when you use cheats... :)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Cristao on November 26, 2015, 04:32:52 pm
^Aight. Careful tho - apart from stats going up to 180 and loads money plus a stun pistol. Not much different.

Ooh did I mention my customised tank ..

Perhaps I should release it as a combined mod pack. Cristao's Cheat Mods for OpenXcom!!  :P :P
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dioxine on November 26, 2015, 04:48:24 pm
You definitely should do that :)

@Arthanor: snap shot on those 3 might be a good idea... same TU (you don't throw any faster), lower acc.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Arthanor on November 26, 2015, 05:18:36 pm
@Arthanor: snap shot on those 3 might be a good idea... same TU (you don't throw any faster), lower acc.

It felt like Fuso knives as a early breaching weapon for good throwers would be cool, but it was made useless by the lack of reaction fire. Bows just seemed to make sense. I did:
- same stamina cost (it's no easier to throw)
- 80% of TU cost (you don't aim as much, so it's a bit faster)
- 66% accuracy (you're reacting!).

For bows, there's also the fact that snapshots only are accurate to 15 tiles instead of 25/30 for the aimed shot. Overall, it doesn't replace aimed shots in your turns, but it helps on the enemy turn so you're not a sitting duck.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dioxine on November 27, 2015, 02:37:49 am
The general idea is 'no reactions on weapons that require power-up'. But these 2 seem to be skirting the line... Tough choice.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Arthanor on November 27, 2015, 04:26:25 am
Well, for me the change has taken them from "not really an option" to cool weapon to have. The fact that they use stamina compensates for the extra power and they are still far from worth replacing guns with except on gals that are already good throwers.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dioxine on November 27, 2015, 04:32:46 am
Well, there are people who say "bow is almost the only weapon you need", as it is a very good artillery. As for knives, maybe they need such a buff, but their power scales really good, quickly outpacing guns.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Arthanor on November 27, 2015, 05:36:04 am
That's true, the scaling favors them like it does melee weapons, with the downside of not training the right skill. It's one reason I support scaling for guns too. I'd have t run the numbers for when bows surpass some key guns.

They certainly are good enough for civilian targets and as artillery type long range support, they might not need the snapshots. I just like the idea of reaction fire instead of doing nothing with your TUs, which is why I gave then a sniper-like obvious bad choice snap shot: it's only useful for reaction.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dioxine on November 27, 2015, 06:39:28 am
I dunno, they should throw grenades when cannot use their bows :)

EDIT: I've decided to keep the bows as they are, (in reality, to be a Legolas you need a hi-tech gun, not a bow), but with the Knives, to replace Aim with Snap, as it seems to make more sense after all - there are known techniques for quick knife-throwing. However, since they're now a very good Reaction weapon, they had to be nerfed (TU cost 20 -> 22, Energy cost 3 -> 6, damage Throwing*0.9 -> 0.8).
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Arthanor on November 27, 2015, 04:35:08 pm
That's what I'm doing. Soldiers with good throwing skills get a whole bunch of grenades and a bow. The bow is light enough that they can carry a lot and then if the target is armored, you throw an explosive, if not you fire an arrow.

I agree that it is not reasonable to have too quick of a reaction shots with the bow. Which is why I made it take barely less time than the aimed shot. Conceptually, I see aiming as a non-negligible part of the time spent on aimed shots, especially with a bow where you need to factor in wind and curvature as well. The lack of aiming I think is represented well by the slightly lower TU cost, shorter snapRange (which in fact I have reduced to 10 for bows) and drop in starting accuracy as well. The effort to fire remains the same, or actually could be increased too since you have to do the same work but in less time, which is more tiring.

Looking at numbers:
Bow damage: 0.5 Throwing + 0.1 Str; Max of 0.5*100 + 0.1 * 80 = 58 damage
Longbow damage: 0.5 Throwing + 0.4 Str; Max of 82 damage
Sniper rifle: 30/36+0.25 Firing; Max of 60/66 damage
Reaper rifle: 33+0.4 Firing; Max of 81 damage

I am neglecting accuracy for all of those, since it is easy enough to get decent hit% with all (all have >100 aimed accuracy). In fact it is harder with the bow because of training oddities. They all are good for long range support, with the bow having the advantage of arcing shots but disadvantage of maxRange and using (lots of) stamina (making it much worse with smokey/mesh armor, otherwise great for long range gals). I also haven't seen yet an armor with +Throwing, whereas there are quite a few with +Firing.

Overall, bows seem to keep up with early powerful rifle developments but you can still improve a lot on those rifles (better rifles + possible variations in ammo) and they seem to have better synergy with armors. I think there might be more bows, but I don't know of them yet..

Finally, and that's the main reason for me, the gals are crazy mutants who use heavy weapons as rifles and are stronger/faster/better than humans, so I want the possibility of a "Legolita" ;) and I feel it doesn't unbalance the mod much, if at all. I'm happy to keep the changes to my own Piratez-mod and enjoy the discussion though!
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dioxine on November 27, 2015, 04:59:12 pm
Yeah play it the way you like it :) The only thing I wanted to add is that there are armors that add Throwing, chief amongst them the Amazon armor with a really solid bonus. There are more armors augmenting guns, but guns require tech & ammo (& loads of cash), and not many of them rely on stats for damage, and even if so, to a low extent, the Reaper Rifle being really quite unique.

My reasoning behind the bow is that you cannot realistically keep your bow drawn for more than 30 seconds, maybe 60 if you're a superhuman. Bow Snap Shot should be substantially weaker, not so much less accurate (bow aiming time is generally quite short), but I cannot mod that in. Maybe I should add a 'short bow' which has Snap & Aim, but is bit weaker & with less range... :)

hehe looks like I've hijacked this thread and made it into 'tell me your OP strategies so I can nerf them' :)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Meridian on November 27, 2015, 05:04:00 pm
EDIT: I've decided to keep the bows as they are, (in reality, to be a Legolas you need a hi-tech gun, not a bow), but with the Knives, to replace Aim with Snap, as it seems to make more sense after all - there are known techniques for quick knife-throwing. However, since they're now a very good Reaction weapon, they had to be nerfed (TU cost 20 -> 22, Energy cost 3 -> 6, damage Throwing*0.9 -> 0.8).

I don't use reactions at all... can I have the old knives back? ;-)

Nah, just kidding, seems like a nice feature for others, I'll survive.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dioxine on November 27, 2015, 05:13:58 pm
Hehe, I know you don't, I don't rely on Reactions that much either, but I want the game not to favor Turanian tactics you seem to adhere to religiously (act fast, outstretch, use maximum damage in attack, in defence run&cover instead of relying on armor/formation) above all other tactics (yeah I am favoring Turanian tactics too, but not as much as you) :) Besides, the nerf is rather very slight, and you still cap at 100 Power from that knife :) (half as much with your current throwing-specialists).
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Arthanor on November 27, 2015, 05:20:00 pm
@Dioxine: I think discussing strategies here with you is good as you can decide what are and what aren't strategies that should be viable. I know of the Amazon, but haven't discovered it yet :/ The comment was more that the armors tend to favour guns over bows, which makes sense since higher tech stuff should work well together.

As for the snapshot thing: That's why I kept TU cost at 80% of aimed shots, to me it represents pulling the string as well and the 20% TUs that you don't have to spend is the time not spent aiming (which in turn makes the shot less accurate).

So to me the snap shot represents the gal "drawing and shooting without aiming much" in a more reflex fashion (I've seen it done a fair amount in medieval/fantasy re-enactment by good archers, but of course there power is not a worry, but neither are the people professional archers), compared to the aimed shot which is "drawing, shooting and aiming carefully" which is more time consuming, in a way more tiring (you have to keep the bow drawn as you aim) but a lot more accurate.

@Meridian: If you can keep the gals surviving and try to setup in advantageous reaction ways (lots of TUs, should see the enemy from its side so they won't see you, gun with low snap shot cost and ideally still good accuracy), you can get a lot of reaction shots out of the gals. Unlike vanilla XCom, the enemies often have pretty low reaction scores, and the gals can have quite high ones (and can get armor that further boosts it). For my front and midfield gals, I tend to pick guns on their snapshot qualities more than aimed shot, and ~60 reaction is the starting stat where I start considering gals for that kind of duty.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on November 28, 2015, 04:18:30 pm
Hey guys, how the heck i get the infinite symbol oo into the manufacturing screen? And also, what means that question mark and what it does? Screenshot attached!

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Arthanor on November 28, 2015, 04:51:30 pm
There is no infinity symbol in the font provided by Dioxine, so instead it shows the ?. They are functionally the same. Getting the ? Means the runs are going to produce that forever.

I take it as meaning the runs don't know how many they're going to make ;) and the brainerz haven't figured out the infinity symbol yet.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on November 28, 2015, 04:59:24 pm
There is no infinity symbol in the font provided by Dioxine, so instead it shows the ?. They are functionally the same. Getting the ? Means the runs are going to produce that forever.

I take it as meaning the runs don't know how many they're going to make ;) and the brainerz haven't figured out the infinity symbol yet.

Thanks! Actually i saw it in Meridian's tenth episode fo his let's play x-piratez (,3972.msg55136.html#msg55136) and was trying figuring out how to have it in my games!!

Edit: attached screenshot from that episode :)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dioxine on November 28, 2015, 05:36:03 pm
Meridian has disabled the Amiga font I am using with Piratez, that's all.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Arthanor on November 28, 2015, 05:38:08 pm
Meridian isn't using the amiga font that Dioxine packaged with Piratez (I'm guessing because he doesn't care for it?). With the normal font, you get the infinity symbol.

As for how to disable the font.. It's probably something straightforward, but I don't know how and a quick glance at the ruleset didn't help.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on November 28, 2015, 05:57:41 pm
Well, and how i may disable these fonts? I picked the hq2x option in the filter tab and those activated automatically...there is somthing i have so set manually? Screenshot attached  :-\

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: DracoGriffin on November 28, 2015, 06:53:41 pm
Meridian has disabled the Amiga font I am using with Piratez, that's all.

Are you sure? I get the question mark as well and didn't disable any fonts.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dioxine on November 28, 2015, 07:57:26 pm
You get the question mark, along with fancy Pedia fonts, if you don't disable them. Meridian reverted them to the boring original ones.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on November 28, 2015, 09:49:05 pm
In the meantime, to get the infinite manufacture, press CTRL + Left Mouse Button :) the feature is not listed in  the "Hidden Features" wiki page (, maybe a mention is worthy.

As for amiga fonts, according to the related page on the mod portal ( the mod replaces three files:

into the
Code: [Select]
data/Language directories, for openxcom extended it's all inside the
Code: [Select]
/common/Language/ instead so i guess these have to be replaced with the ones in a vanilla openxcom installation. There is no other way around?

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Cristao on November 29, 2015, 02:22:34 am
You just need to press the left mouse button on the up arrow to get the infinite manufacture - no need to press control.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on November 29, 2015, 10:31:27 pm
Tank you Cristao! Well to disabke amiga fonts seems enough tomselect a different video filter, raw. For the purpose please note that Meridian very kindly has even provided a config file used in his x-piratex playthrough we may dowload by going here (,4114.msg55187.html#msg55187)!

as a personal hint, usin a whole new soundtrack to play the mkd is mandatory, i use  gifty's new x-com music (, it feels a brand new game, plus it ill throw you back in the '90, very very cool work!
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dioxine on November 29, 2015, 11:13:58 pm
Yeah I'm playing with Gifty's music myself.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on November 30, 2015, 10:31:58 pm selecting raw won't solve the problem, the solution is in the upper post where there is talking about the files in language folder, plobably :)

Hey, are there any keys to bring, while viewing the geoscape, the hideout screen such as research, manufacture and so on? Like happens with th bootypedia (pressing u)  ???

Edit: typo
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Arthanor on November 30, 2015, 11:02:41 pm
If you go into options on the staring screen, then controls, you will find a list of all the shortcuts available, which also are configurable. That's also in regular OpenXCom btw.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: vlad on December 09, 2015, 09:15:01 am
just downloaded the mod and used it for about 4-5 hours and now i have few questions :

1) on my first play on easiest i had first pogrom. everything went fine until i ran into armored car that massacred the gals so fast no pleasure house can deliver me substitutes. what do you use against such high armor types in the very beginning ?

2) on next play, i gave myself a bit of advantage of money just to last longer than few days and see whats the game about. i made some progress and managed to shot down couple of shippings. now on one with academics and highlanders (?) on desert i accidently shot probably oil tank. but to my suprise there was like 5 minutes of kaboom over what i previously expected to be broken wing. was that leaked oil ? does it destroy people/items when doing so ?

after that i missed few ships, as i am unable to catch them and/or afraid i will burn nuclear fuel for trying to catch them. but then pogrom appeared. i have seen the new building types and layouts before, but now actually playing them for the first time is kinda pain to me. having to run few stocks with stairs on opposite sides and multiple doors on the way made my devoted gal searching the house do that whole my battlescape time till my advance crew made it to other side of map, killed bunch of non-mutants (ehm). that also rised few needs and questions :

3) what is early accessible weapon for making holes into the buildings ? i didnt have much success with shottys and cant really blow things up on pogroms. some all around use weapon with ability to make wall holes ?

4) i managed to find hidden plasmadisc on the very far end of map, but many mutants tend to run there. i tried to stun them, do they still count as dead by my hand when i end with them stunned ?

5) standard abilities and stat training applies ? aka run a lot for stamina ?

6) there are some items that i can buy on black market but i dont know what they are. there is no bootypedia record for them. i suspect i need to buy it first, brain it and then i will know what they are for, is that right ?

7) slavery produces storage space, but slaves go where ? into storage itself ? or barracks ? are slaves endless expansion of storage ?

i think this covers my question so far, any piece of advice is welcomed. i just didnt want to jump into mod that would play sp:waw type, still not sure this one is or isnt that.

edit :
7.9) what i am missing a lot is pre-battle equip with no info of how loaded the gal actually is. or is it not important ? do i need to turn it on somewhere ?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: DracoGriffin on December 09, 2015, 02:25:21 pm
just downloaded the mod and used it for about 4-5 hours and now i have few questions :

1) on my first play on easiest i had first pogrom. everything went fine until i ran into armored car that massacred the gals so fast no pleasure house can deliver me substitutes. what do you use against such high armor types in the very beginning ?

Explosives. Big explosives. Think like Panzerfaust explosives. Or mortars. or RPGs.

2) on next play, i gave myself a bit of advantage of money just to last longer than few days and see whats the game about. i made some progress and managed to shot down couple of shippings. now on one with academics and highlanders (?) on desert i accidently shot probably oil tank. but to my suprise there was like 5 minutes of kaboom over what i previously expected to be broken wing. was that leaked oil ? does it destroy people/items when doing so ?

after that i missed few ships, as i am unable to catch them and/or afraid i will burn nuclear fuel for trying to catch them. but then pogrom appeared. i have seen the new building types and layouts before, but now actually playing them for the first time is kinda pain to me. having to run few stocks with stairs on opposite sides and multiple doors on the way made my devoted gal searching the house do that whole my battlescape time till my advance crew made it to other side of map, killed bunch of non-mutants (ehm). that also rised few needs and questions :

Cheating isn't cool and you will learn nothing from it. Your expectations of X-Com "quickly shoot every ship" will ruin you; don't do that. Piratez is meant to have a MUCH LONGER playthrough than vanilla X-Com (which can be beaten before end of first year). If you miss some or even a lot, THAT'S O-K. Just relax, you are a pirate. Go for the easy targets. If a ship looks slow enough for the Bonaventura to follow, do so (and hope for it to land).

3) what is early accessible weapon for making holes into the buildings ? i didnt have much success with shottys and cant really blow things up on pogroms. some all around use weapon with ability to make wall holes ?

Explosives or hammer. Hammer is great for breaking down walls, just be ready to have someone else run through the hole, not the person with the hammer (they will have no TU/energy to do anything but be shot to death).

4) i managed to find hidden plasmadisc on the very far end of map, but many mutants tend to run there. i tried to stun them, do they still count as dead by my hand when i end with them stunned ?

That's a cyberdisc. And no idea about stunning the civilians. Haven't bothered to test it.

5) standard abilities and stat training applies ? aka run a lot for stamina ?

Yep... except for the run a lot for stamina part. That... that has never been a thing in X-Com. Walking around does not improve your stats in any way, no matter how much you do. Energy/stamina is a secondary stat that is only improved when a primary stat improves (Reactions/Firing/Melee, etc).

6) there are some items that i can buy on black market but i dont know what they are. there is no bootypedia record for them. i suspect i need to buy it first, brain it and then i will know what they are for, is that right ?

If you don't know what they are used for, 99% of the time you don't need it just yet. However, pretty sure 99% of the stuff on the Black Market is in your Bootypedia.

7) slavery produces storage space, but slaves go where ? into storage itself ? or barracks ? are slaves endless expansion of storage ?

Not sure how you got to slavery so fast considering your other questions, strange but ok! Slaves are storage items (don't require a Barracks) that grant "negative storage" just as you surmised, so yes, they can become an infinite storage pool (to the point where you can have negative storage space if you have enough). However, generally you will only achieve this if you are savescumming/cheating or just farming a ton of easy ships. (Nothing wrong with that as you can still get plenty of $$$ from Ship Engines/Slave AIs/Plastasteel/Nuclear Fuel)

7.9) what i am missing a lot is pre-battle equip with no info of how loaded the gal actually is. or is it not important ? do i need to turn it on somewhere ?

You can modify the loadout of your pirateson the Vessels -> Bonaventura -> Equipment screens. Or before any battle. And yes, how they are loaded is very important. If you are talking about WEIGHT, yes, that is also important as pirates will begin to lose TUs on their following turn dependent upon how over-encumbered they are. Which is why Runt is a great armor for low Strength pirates.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 09, 2015, 06:06:11 pm
Can you please specify which Black Market items lack Bootypedia entries? I think there shouldn't be such items.

As for the plane wreck blowing up, it's a "feature" introduced in the latest release and it will disappear from the next one, so you were fairly unlucky to see that. :)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: vlad on December 09, 2015, 09:53:43 pm
Lets just handle the cheating part first, as that seems to be the issue around here. I am new to the mod and i dont want to spend hours moving troops around field to see what the game looks like and failing on inability to maintain some production income to see if i want to use the mod. I do use selective playtesting over repetition - aka ignoring part of the game (mod) i am not interested in right now to focus on parts that i would like to know more about. One of them was tech tree, other was general combat and some basic mechanics. All that is hinted in introduction, first part of support paragraph and conclusion. I dont feel like being overwhelmed by stuff at once is a good way to be introduced to a new thing and general procedure of teaching supports that. That also covers why i gave myself cash, got so fast to slavery, ignored melee combat and didnt micromanage money part.

Explosives. Big explosives. Think like Panzerfaust explosives. Or mortars. or RPGs.
Got it. I was trying to use stuff i have cos money seems to be issue. Thats why i was stucked with "assualt cannon" and some "black powder bombs". I wasnt packing those two items anyway, it was totally "i didnt pack right" moment.
Explosives or hammer.
Good, will employ one or two gals having backpacked or equiped hammer just for that, tried fusion torch too, but seems to have really expensive clip to make it into normal equip for build breaching. I also stumbled upon
4 Breaching Charge and 5 Tranquilizer by Civilian
just dont know if its in game and accessible early on.
That's a cyberdisc
except for the run a lot for stamina part. That... that has never been a thing in X-Com.
Sure. I wasnt expecting to have the same name as in classic xcom, so i was merely describing it, my bad.
Also totally wrong on the stats part. Also my bad.
If you are talking about WEIGHT
Exactly. When i get to loading outfit, i dont have access to bootypedia anymore or even in mission if i want to exchange stuff not to lose TUs on round start - see picture in attached files (

Can you please specify which Black Market items lack Bootypedia entries? I think there shouldn't be such items.
The problem was different. I think that i was able to buy "medical supplies" before knowing them. aka i bought them, then researched to know what they are used for. i was just checking if that is true or i simply overlooked something, as buying stuff for research would be new.
As for the plane wreck blowing up, it's a "feature" introduced in the latest release and it will disappear from the next one, so you were fairly unlucky to see that. :)
sadly i dont have any picture, but it was standard ufo hull with real-plane-like torso (with stairs going to upper decks) tossed all around the ufo . and some barrels around and something i considered wings, but i think it was actually oil. looked pretty steelly and probably the shape was just coincidence. i am assuming that from the time and type of explosion and that the "wing" was gone after that. anyway it was quite surprising to encounter such thing first time.

Also i might have missplaced my question, if this is more suited for  general question thread (,4073.0.html) feel free to move it there, ty.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Arthanor on December 09, 2015, 10:17:32 pm
Lets just handle the cheating part first, as that seems to be the issue around here. I am new to the mod and i dont want to spend hours moving troops around field to see what the game looks like and failing on inability to maintain some production income to see if i want to use the mod. I do use selective playtesting over repetition - aka ignoring part of the game (mod) i am not interested in right now to focus on parts that i would like to know more about. One of them was tech tree, other was general combat and some basic mechanics. All that is hinted in introduction, first part of support paragraph and conclusion. I dont feel like being overwhelmed by stuff at once is a good way to be introduced to a new thing and general procedure of teaching supports that. That also covers why i gave myself cash, got so fast to slavery, ignored melee combat and didnt micromanage money part.
Most of us play the mod to make things more difficult and also to live the experience/challenge/torture that Dioxine crafted into his mod. Since cheating changes the experience significantly and deprives you of a fair amount of the challenge/torture, yes, it is sort of frowned upon. It just makes your experience much less relevant for discussion because it is so different from that of others. I believe that if you cheat (and admit to it/get caught), you are a target for teasing. Draco's reaction might have been a bit strong (you're free to cheat, it's a single player game and what you do has no influence on my enjoyment, so I wouldn't outright discourage it like he did) but in the context of discussing the mod it wasn't totally off.

Got it. I was trying to use stuff i have cos money seems to be issue. Thats why i was stucked with "assualt cannon" and some "black powder bombs". I wasnt packing those two items anyway, it was totally "i didnt pack right" moment.
HE, Panzerfausts and mortar rounds are indeed expensive and an issue. Using them as abundantly as you would HE packs and large rockets in vanilla XCom will cost you lots of cash that might be better spent elsewhere. But you indeed need a few to take out some terror units. In the early game, rpgs (cheaper rounds and ok damage, if worst accuracy) and HE Packs are my favourites. Panzerfauts are really costly. Note that armored cars and cyberdiscs are not immune to fire. A flamethrower can work surprisingly well to take them out (especially cyberdiscs die rather quickly, armored cars require a fair few hits)

Good, will employ one or two gals having backpacked or equiped hammer just for that, tried fusion torch too, but seems to have really expensive clip to make it into normal equip for build breaching.
Read the bootypedia. There's a big discrepancy in damage values. The hammer will smash most normal walls, but not UFO walls, that's what the fusion torch is for, and that's why it's so expensive: making your own UFO doors wherever is convenient has its cost (and in-universe, you need something hi-tech and powerful to punch through UFO hulls).
I also stumbled upon  just dont know if its in game and accessible early on.
Not sure, as those are mods for vanilla that were introduced in Piratez as side mods. This is more of a case of "fit in where you think is right" and depending on users will probably vary from "available at the black market" to "restricted to end game".
Exactly. When i get to loading outfit, i dont have access to bootypedia anymore or even in mission if i want to exchange stuff not to lose TUs on round start - see picture in attached files (
I'm not sure what the problem is? You can tell from the number you just showed how much stuff a gal carries, which will tell you if she will lost TUs on her next turn (anything above 1, say 55/54, and she will lose TUs). You can't tell the weight of items in the inventory screen except by having a gal pick it up and seeing how much her total weight went up by.

The problem was different. I think that i was able to buy "medical supplies" before knowing them. aka i bought them, then researched to know what they are used for. i was just checking if that is true or i simply overlooked something, as buying stuff for research would be new.
Yup, there is some stuff in the market that you don't know about. It is one of the ways to discover them. For medical supplies specifically, you can also discover them when raiding shipping. No matter how you acquire them, you can then research them.

sadly i dont have any picture, but it was standard ufo hull with real-plane-like torso (with stairs going to upper decks) tossed all around the ufo . and some barrels around and something i considered wings, but i think it was actually oil. looked pretty steelly and probably the shape was just coincidence. i am assuming that from the time and type of explosion and that the "wing" was gone after that. anyway it was quite surprising to encounter such thing first time.
And if you upgrade to the latest mod/patch, it won't happen any more. Apparently it is an odd thing from TftD which indeed is surprising because it makes no sense. Now the plane should no longer explode like crazy.[/quote]
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: DracoGriffin on December 10, 2015, 12:20:22 am
If I came off too strong, oops? I'm not trying to.

But honestly, cheating will completely miss up how you play this mod. Essentially you should be killing blindly (for the most part) in the beginning because you shouldn't have learned about slavery so fast, which once researched and learned, becomes a much stronger component to battles: "Do I go for the risky stun to enslave/research/sell or just kill?"

And it's unfortunate that people feel the need to cheat; the whole aspect is meant to be unknown and exploring it. Just as many veterans love the feel of X-Com and research and "ooh what's next" or "wow, that's new", so too does Piratez offer this in spades.

I understand the whole "hey it's single player and my free time, so I'll cheat if I want/need" aspect like Arthanor touched on, but you're just cheating yourself out of the experience of the mod. Learning from mistakes, understanding the mechanics, trying new things (instead of going in with the vanilla X-Com mindset of things) are what make the mod great.

I dont feel like being overwhelmed by stuff at once is a good way to be introduced to a new thing and general procedure of teaching supports that. That also covers why i gave myself cash, got so fast to slavery, ignored melee combat and didnt micromanage money part.

This is what I am referring to specifically: that's the point of the mod in the early game. To feel completely overwhelmed, to be completely lost and unsure of things. And ignoring melee? That's such a critical and huge part of the game (and generally the first lesson new players are taught about Piratez). Also, managing money is another hurdle: don't expect huge influx from countries like vanilla X-Com; you are a pirate, not a private security force for hire. Pirates lie and steal; and as you explore the mod deeper, you'll find most moneymaking efforts support this. (Counterfeit money, bootleg alcohol empire, industrializing firearms and armaments

If I came off strong, again, not my intention. I answered your questions, some of them were legitimate, others were from incorrect beliefs. My only suggestion would be more specific as others can only answer them as well as they are asked.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dioxine on December 10, 2015, 02:26:34 am
Well, I do despise cheaters, but that's because they're just a waste of players; they will get little to none satisfaction from playing the mod it took me so much work to make, and then can say nothing meaningful about the experience. In reality, a cheater in a single-player game just cheats himself out of most of the pleasure from playing it, so the real victim is himself, but I still feel negative emotions. I won't hide them, even if I fully support the notion that every user has the right to do whatever they want with the program.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Cristao on December 10, 2015, 08:05:33 am
Here we go again!! What is the benefit of whining about people making the game easier for themselves? People will do so if they want to. He stated his reasons clearly and they are his reasons. People play XCOM for different reason. I use it to unwind at the end of a long day (I only have 30 mins to 1hr to play per day) and respect those who have the time to play it the Dioxine way.

The cheat he did was money .. not weapons, not modding player stats, not modding the vessels, not modding the armors or even pressing a kill-all combination on game start up. Psstttt!!

Oh and for someone who has modded I got full satisfaction from piratez, you see the one thing I enjoyed was the research tree - it is BRILLIANT!! I also like the Slavery and Interrogation mechanics. You have limited brainerz and you have to select which path to go down. On my second play, I didnt give myself shitloads of money but one thing I did give myself is my stun pistol (TM) - BSZZZTT!!! Now the beauty about stun is the Dark Ones. It is almost impossible to stun them.  ;D ;D ;D Need about 6 gals concentrated on one and firing for all their lives!

Well that all said and done - I noticed that the church has been changed in version 0.97. I look forward to interrogations.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: vlad on December 10, 2015, 08:58:53 am
It just makes your experience much less relevant for discussion
... cheaters are just a waste of players; they will get little to none satisfaction from playing the mod it took me so much work to make, and then can say nothing meaningful about the experience. .... just cheats himself out of most of the pleasure from playing it ...
To feel completely overwhelmed, to be completely lost and unsure of things

I am pretty sure none of the questions was affected by the money part and frankly, doing so just showed ties between parts of the game i couldn't test in "new battle" feature - not worrying about base, money, whatever. I know how work and reward come together, thats not a new concept in live or playing. With all that money i wouldn't be worried about how much things cost, how should i save fuel etc. I am the one that has to decide that and i am more than capable of doing so even with 30M cash at hand - refer to previous post. (Funny thing is, the slavery question which is first question of this thread, got me wondering what the tech tree looks like.) The fact that we are discussing this on game that isnt long time top10 and its offspring to rewrite the said game and mod of that offspring to change the game's feel makes pretty clear that we are kinda fans of the game - in a hardcore notion of that. But the risk of me dropping out off the mod was (lets face it, i did have time to evaluate it for myself) real, whether you like it or not.

Granted, to ease the game with money isnt type of thing you consider something else, but that enabled me to do things described in previous parts. I have yet to play the mod for real, and i will give it a shot AFTER i've seen chunk of it. After all someone did the work to make it like that.
What i am frowning upon and why i am taking time to write this, is that changing aspect of game (and it doesn't matter if one way or the other) is something modding community is frowning upon, that's just juicy to me.

I'm not sure what the problem is? You can tell from the number you just showed how much stuff a gal carries
The problem is i dont have it there. I got this picture from my OXC, not from OXCE - XPiratez. And not sure if its part of the exe or just enabled somewhere.
edit : found it in advanced options, ty
edit2 : small typos

edit3 : what is the slot QD about ? what is it used for ?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Cristao on December 10, 2015, 01:47:01 pm
QD should be quick draw.. carry a pistol there or extra clips.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Arthanor on December 10, 2015, 05:47:09 pm
Re: Cheating
No need to be touchy about it, just accept you're doing it and some people here will comment on it, then we can move on. My comment was on a general basis as to why cheating is frowned upon, not for your questions specifically. If I didn't think they were relevant, I wouldn't have spent my time answering them, but it does affect some of your questions, namely on how to take out armored units and blast buildings. You self-limited because you thought you shouldn't be able to afford those tools, and you have a much greater capacity to purchase them with extra money, but the real experience is somewhere in the middle where you spend a fraction of your hard earned money to buy some, because you know you need them, but at the same time try to minimize your need for them until money flows more freely.

QD stands for "quick draw", and is the slot from which you can get something to your hands with the lowest TU cost. It's handy to put a pistol, small melee weapon, couple grenades/bombs in for quick access, while leaving your hands free when using a two-handed weapon.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 10, 2015, 06:18:43 pm
It's handy to put a pistol

You have a strange way of spelling "rum" :)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Arthanor on December 10, 2015, 06:44:21 pm
Oh, I tend to keep booze securely strapped in the gals' belt. It's best enjoyed slowly any ways ;) Usually, when they need it, I can spare the extra few TUs, whereas they can make more of a difference when trying to shoot/stun a target :P
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: vlad on December 10, 2015, 09:32:56 pm
Yeah, i wasn't pointing fingers, just pulled general representing ideas and developed on that base.
That's what i am doing right now, trying to figure out the way to equip the gals. I just read somewhere more about 2H vs 1H weapons. I noticed that only on hammer, as its specifically said there (and few one-handed guns), but then i realized that many other weapons are actually 2H  and should be equipped in a N/A + weapon fashion for higher accuracy, right ? Might be kinda missing from booty for starting players. I catched a glimpse of some note about 3-armed mutants, but i guess that isnt any of the gals.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Arthanor on December 10, 2015, 09:52:18 pm
Yeah, there are a bunch of 2-handed weapons, some of which don't advertise it. Most ranged weapons that aren't pistols are 2-handed, but some shotguns are 1-handed. The hammer is 2-handed, but since it uses the snapshot mechanic, it can barely miss any ways. Fuso sword and cattle prod are two important ones, as they do use their accuracy and people may not realize that they are two-handed. I think the spear is one of those too.

The only real way to tell (besides looking into the ruleset) is to look at how a gal is holding it in battlescape. Horizontally, it is 2-handed, vertically, it is 1-handed.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on December 22, 2015, 11:26:40 pm
Another quicktip - good also for vanilla xcom/other mods since in playthrougths i've seen no one uses them - in the battlescape pressing Q and E will access to what you soldriers is wielding respectively in left and right hand :)

Hey, how do the heck i pre-prime grenades in inventory screen?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dioxine on December 22, 2015, 11:37:03 pm
Hey, how do the heck i pre-prime grenades in inventory screen?

R-click on them.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Cristao on December 23, 2015, 01:56:12 pm
Spam the hell out of smoke grenades is numero uno.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on December 24, 2015, 01:14:37 pm
Spam the hell out of smoke grenades is numero uno.

believe or not, saw it on some playtrough but never used it (!!!) I stdongly advice, as for my playstyle, massive use of explosives in the early game, until player gets acess to kaser and plasma weapons.Grenade launchers, RPG and mortars usually saves the day, at least against armored villains :)

OK, now on ransom, i am not sure i understood: in the fence stuff screen the "value" is displayed, i have a church neofite at the bottom of the screen, but when accessing the prison cells from the base screen it does not displays the cash, so it's the same amount of the fence screen? Maybe would be nice to add the value also in the prison screen i think :/
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Arthanor on December 24, 2015, 11:01:16 pm
It is the same amount. Changing the interface is not possible by mods, only by coding.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ivandogovich on December 25, 2015, 12:11:40 am
Changing the interface is not possible by mods, only by coding.

Also, this would only really apply to PirateZ as in vanilla and other mods, you don't "sell" your live captives, you execute them and the corpses go into base stores.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Meridian on December 25, 2015, 06:44:10 pm
Also, this would only really apply to PirateZ as in vanilla and other mods, you don't "sell" your live captives, you execute them and the corpses go into base stores.

In vanilla, you can enable it as Advanced Option too.

I added some more info on the screen, when the option is turned on, see screenshot:
  * each row shows alien sell cost
  * on the top, there is a total value of sales
It will be available tomorrow in my custom build (,4187.0.html).
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Arthanor on December 25, 2015, 07:51:43 pm
Looking good! Are you keeping track of all the changes in git or something? They would be great to share as patches or branches.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Meridian on December 25, 2015, 07:54:15 pm
Yes (in git), I will share patches before new year.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ketonur on January 06, 2016, 03:37:13 am
Hey guys! I have started to play Piratez mod few days ago. I have to admit that i have never ever have had so much fun with any game... For me it is much more better than standard xcom! Thanks Dioxine so much!

I have one technical question. I have seen that Meridian was using Piratez mod + openxcom extended 2.5+ Could you guys help me as i was trying to make it work for few hours and failed... Now i play that "all inclusive" version from the Piratez mod website but some more interesting options (which i have seen thanks to Meridian LP) would be nice.


OK! I have found it in another topic. Jeeez, Meridian, you are great!! Ufopedia from everywhere! :)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dioxine on January 06, 2016, 01:55:18 pm
These new options will eventually be added to the official Piratez distro, but I want a clean, safe and ellegant build, and so there are details to be hammered out with my benevolent coders (Meridian & Yankes), as well as playtesting to be done :) Can't deny that I am waiting for OXCE 3.0, too - from what Yankes said it is going to be something epic (and hopefully will also update the OXC version it uses to a more recent one - Warboy & co. haven't been sleeping either and things like multiple soldier types and soldier diaries are simply tantalizing).
Title: Re: X-piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Meridian on January 29, 2016, 12:10:45 am
As for fire, it does run out, I've had some gals set on fire as well. I don't think there is anything you can do to help it though. Walking around in circles would be a funny solution. Would be cool to see a chance for the fire to go out inversely with TU spent (representing effort to put out the fire) or some fire extinguisher item.

You can now designate a weapon (melee, ranged (whole weapon or only certain ammo) or grenade) to be a fire extinguisher in my build.
("isFireExtinguisher: true")

Who will create a nice fire extinguisher sprite and weapon first?
Or even a custom fire extinguishing animation...

PS: download will be available tomorrow (need to go to sleep but wanted to share the news ;-)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Cristao on February 01, 2016, 09:34:09 am
One thing to add is probably what weapons not to sell i.e. weapons which get solid upgrades and clips. These weapons are not easily gotten in black market

- CAWS (make Kustom Blunderbuss - has both acid and HE ammunition)
- Military Shotgun (part of both Blunderbuss and Blackops Shotgun). Blackops Shotgun is not really that much better than military though.
- Blunderbuss (makes Kustom Blunderbuss)
- Autogun (Makes upgraded Autogun)

You might want to keep the Battle Rifle (gets upgraded clip) and the Assault SMGs as well.

Weapons of choice for close quarter battle - Bardiche, Ninja Stars (works better for me than Fuso knives which is bizarre), Disk of Death). I suggest you train some soldiers as archers or grenadiers or mortar girls (I use 4 for sending down the thunder when I see enemies in the open).
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Boltgun on February 01, 2016, 11:46:21 am
Military shotgun can be bought and blunderbuss made at the workshop so selling them is less of a problem.

I dunno if assault smg get upgrades but the other assault weapons are precious as they are used for better weapons.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Cristao on February 01, 2016, 02:34:08 pm
I need to check my market then. I thought I couldn't buy military shotgun. Combat shotgun yes one can buy and I do use one with incendiary ammo. If I recall correctly,  it takes a while to be able to make Blunderbuss.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Gyuudon on February 03, 2016, 11:18:05 pm
So uh, are Smugglers allies or am I free to shoot them down? Their description feels otherwise.

And about the Mercs, is that a "Don't mess with these guys or 10000x retailiations will be after you?"

All from the descriptions here.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Cristao on February 04, 2016, 08:39:18 am
I tend not to shoot down two factions - smugglers and provincial govt. I might start on govt though because they are taking away serious points from my reputation.

Mercs and Star Gods - Avoid if you dont have the right weapons. Even melee might not help you against the Star Gods unless you got the right stats and weapons.

Speaking of which - Ghost Blade is useless versus Star Gods. Works on anything else but it is useless against them.

Posts merged - Dioxine

Another Topic - Beware of the sheer randomness. In my last mission, it took one shot from a bow to finish a Star God. It took 11 shots to finish another one a couple of turns later.

Although my preference now is to locate Star God then throw two High Explosives into the building.

Additional Note on weapons

The instant you can afford the EuroSyndicate Laser Rifle - go for equipping 3 members in each craft with it. Dont try the pistol. Expensive but so far it is the best laser rifle in my game.

Forget the Bullcrap above about what weapons to keep. Just discovered another research that took weapons up another notch!! Arrrggghhhhh!!
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Gyuudon on February 04, 2016, 10:51:48 pm
Followup with to my last question, since civvies and govt officials give you negative points, would you be affected at all (score wise) if you land at a site, see govt NPCs and go "Oh hey, uh, woops we thought you were just some traders. Carry on then!" and fly off?

Summary wise it shows 0 points but I don't know if that would affect the monthly eval at all or not.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: pianoman72 on February 05, 2016, 01:11:59 am
Is over 55 enemies more  than average for a pogrom?  I got 55 of them and had to flee at around turn 35ish.  I was trying Superhuman so maybe that adds more?  First Porgom of the game too.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ivandogovich on February 05, 2016, 01:55:16 am
Is over 55 enemies more  than average for a pogrom?  I got 55 of them and had to flee at around turn 35ish.  I was trying Superhuman so maybe that adds more?  First Porgom of the game too.

On Superhuman, that is not uncommon.  Superhuman definitely adds more enemy troops per mission, and the Pogroms are very heavy with Enemy units.  Its not unreasonable at all to retreat from early pogroms, especially if dealing with enemy with higher tech (laser weapons, heavy armor, etc).  The ragtag group that you start with is not supposed to be world class soldiers the equal of any foe. ;)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 05, 2016, 11:35:49 am
Followup with to my last question, since civvies and govt officials give you negative points, would you be affected at all (score wise) if you land at a site, see govt NPCs and go "Oh hey, uh, woops we thought you were just some traders. Carry on then!" and fly off?

Summary wise it shows 0 points but I don't know if that would affect the monthly eval at all or not.

No, it doesn't give you negative points AFAIK.

On Superhuman, that is not uncommon.  Superhuman definitely adds more enemy troops per mission, and the Pogroms are very heavy with Enemy units.  Its not unreasonable at all to retreat from early pogroms, especially if dealing with enemy with higher tech (laser weapons, heavy armor, etc).  The ragtag group that you start with is not supposed to be world class soldiers the equal of any foe. ;)

Well said!
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Gyuudon on February 07, 2016, 02:38:34 am
I saw special Armor +50% and thought it did bonus damage to armor... then things like Barbed Dagger ( i think) showed Armor -10% then Armor Damage, that i know.

So does Armor+ mean it REDUCES the damage? Like if the hit rolls for 50, armor 20, 100% resistances, it would mean health damage of 20? (Armor + 50%)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dioxine on February 07, 2016, 12:20:10 pm
20+50% = 30, so the health damage would be 50-30 = 20.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Gyuudon on February 19, 2016, 09:20:14 am
For Battle Flag use, what exactly triggers me to be unable to use the Battle Flag (Text: you lack discipline)? Morale lower than Bravery?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Eddie on February 24, 2016, 01:24:51 pm
To use the flag, you need 20 energy and 65 moral.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: x60mmx on March 26, 2016, 07:07:37 pm
How do you tell which melee weapons are two or one handed?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Eddie on March 26, 2016, 07:43:18 pm
Meridians exe which is now the standard has an option to display indicators for twohandedness. It is not enabled by default. If you enable it, twohanded weapons have the number two displayed in their picture in the battlescape. A green 2 means it can be used with penalty as a onehanded weapon, a red 2 means it cannot be used with one hand only.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on August 23, 2016, 10:47:35 pm
As of 0.99B is out, there's some medical stuff in the game. What are the ones that can be used both by the carryer on himself and on an injuried gal?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ivandogovich on August 23, 2016, 10:58:23 pm
As of 0.99B is out, there's some medical stuff in the game. What are the ones that can be used both by the carryer on himself and on an injuried gal?

Rum, vodka,  Magical Medikit, mushroom beer, X-grog, apple, mutant meat, magical cake...

all of these have the "    allowSelfHeal: true" attribute.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on August 23, 2016, 11:01:36 pm
Rum, vodka,  Magical Medikit, mushroom beer, X-grog, apple, mutant meat, magical cake...

all of these have the "    allowSelfHeal: true" attribute.

How about oxygen tank or not? Sadly bandages, medical bag and medical supplies AFAIR can be used only on a patient.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ivandogovich on August 23, 2016, 11:06:29 pm
Yep there are other items that can be used on oneself and others.  I thought you referred to items that Healed only (removed wounds or gave health).

So if you want the other items like that:
Canteen, beer, sake, pain killers, combat drugs, oxygen tank, buddha smokes, crack, pillow book, and the Wench outfit's Good Touch.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on August 23, 2016, 11:12:12 pm
What are the use for mutant meat and personal database? Bootypedia description is quite vague.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ivandogovich on August 23, 2016, 11:16:50 pm
What are the use for mutant meat and personal database? Bootypedia description is quite vague.

Mutant meat: One use, give 50 energy, 50 morale, and 2 health.
personal database:  Basically the drops from human corpses.  These can be used later for creating researchable items, like  "Govt Personal Code", "Govt/Reticulan Files", "Humanist Files".  Further hacking work can turn them into decrypted data discs as well.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 23, 2016, 11:29:34 pm
Mutant meat is really good on mansion missions. There's plenty lying around in kitchens, and there are always some wounded gals, so I tend to raid the meat supplies with them to get some health back and therefore get shorter hospital time. :)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on August 24, 2016, 12:56:57 am
Thanks for the tips! And what is usage for the Rare earth elements and soylent? Also Tiny drill is supposer to be an item which become useful later? Has a prerty money value though.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ivandogovich on August 24, 2016, 01:00:31 am
Thanks for the tips! And what is usage for the Rare earth elements and soylent? Also Tiny drill is supposer to be an item which become useful later? Has a prerty money value though.

Rare earth elements are components for many items down the road. You can get them from cave hunts or Raider Corpses.
Soylent is basically a food good that can be sold or purchased on the market.  It is used later in medical and unit creations.
Tiny Drill is a critical component along with the Menacing Hulk for an iconic vessel in the game.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on September 02, 2016, 01:04:05 pm
Since extended piratez uses the Custom executable realized by the user Meridian (,4187.0.html) i've seen on a gameplay video on youtube, while in battlescape, a strange screen concerning some firing/accuracy stats. What does it means and how i invoke that ingame?

(Attached is a screenshot)

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dioxine on September 02, 2016, 01:45:20 pm
Lol. Welcome to Planet Earth. It's in ingame Bootypedia -> Hotkeys.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on March 10, 2018, 11:55:28 am
Some hints how get the workshop? In versions previous 0.99 branch i remember it was more easy.

And how do work the bounty missions? How we unlock them and how these work? Another nice addiction in 0.99.xx  :)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Eddie on March 10, 2018, 12:39:52 pm
There is a tech tree viewer in the game that you can use to see what research you need for workshop.

For bounty hunting: research the topic bounty hunting. Missions will spawn the next month.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on March 10, 2018, 09:49:03 pm
How do player checkshis score? There's no edicated screen, lije "funding"  in the geoscape?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ohartenstein23 on March 10, 2018, 10:01:49 pm
Use the graphs screen; activity is equal to score from missions.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on March 10, 2018, 11:07:19 pm
The finance tab even has a "score" category.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: RSSwizard on March 19, 2018, 04:21:17 am
just figured id drop my tip in here:
If you're kinda close to someone and you want to throw explosives at them - dont. Instead run up at them, drop the explosive (costs 2 TU and no energy) then run away behind them or otherwise out of their view and get to cover. Use of sprinting is encouraged. This wont get the explosive in the same tile as them, but it will basically do the job (I think it hits under armor if they're even adjacent to it). If your grenades and explosives are pre-primed like they should be... you could even drop 2 grenades right beside them, especially worthwhile for chem, incendiary, and stun grenades.

(tends to be very useful in reticulan ships too, rather than engage in melee or gunfire you just run through dropping grenades as you go, or releasing a firebomb on each floor)

This idea came up about base defense recently and its one way you can employ barrel bombing in a hangar. Lots of energy and TUs and provokes reaction fire to throw it, and it will not travel. So just come off the catwalk with a full TU meter, drop it on the ground, then run into the next room and around the corner. High reactions enemies might get a shot off but the barrel will already be in the room with them, also you're more likely to be shot running away than entering the room if you started with full TUs (I guess that can be a serious thing if the dude is using a plasma scorcher).

Multiple hands can do this with lesser explosives to take out the lokknarr barn too. Two hands with satchel charges, maybe 4 hands with High-Ex. You just get them in position, wait until the next turn - then everybody drops it and runs. No need for the barrel bomb necessarily and it will give those hands something to do rather than reaction fire on the farmer.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: KZad Bhat on March 19, 2018, 08:32:44 am
If your throwing is still fairly low . . . chances are that trick even gets the explosives closer to your target too.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Martin on March 19, 2018, 10:58:28 am
I think one satchel charge is cheaper than 4 high explosives.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 19, 2018, 03:38:01 pm
High explosives do the job. Same like spare dynamite. Just a matter of tech and money.
All guns can be rest in the craft/ in the quickdraw while you set up for the big boom on the final turn and run for it.
You can't lose the mission unless you let your soldiers get shot by the farmer/s and/or blow yourself up.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: RSSwizard on March 19, 2018, 05:25:24 pm
High explosives do the job. Same like spare dynamite. Just a matter of tech and money.
All guns can be rest in the craft.

Sorry but I have a loadout for my hands that I dont like deviating from, this gal gets this weapon, this gal gets this armor. Everything in meticulous spots. Its a big bother to swap out weapons and drop stuff pre-mission even with ctrl+clicking. For farm missions my hands are all still armed, I just try to zero out their TUs or use up their time with moving around. Explosives be in the other hand, or on their belt/backpack.

Its also another good mission to bring Tamed Reapers on because if the farmer comes out, he'll shoot at the reaper. Just have to make sure its outside the blast radius because reapers are made of glass when it comes to booms.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: KZad Bhat on March 20, 2018, 09:44:18 am
Press F5, save the loadouts. Press F9, you can load up a saved loadout. You can store up to 20.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 20, 2018, 10:22:12 am
Such a nice feature indeed!
Loadout for: Assault, Rifleman, Rocketeer, Grenadier, Heavy Weapon, Airforce and Toolbox/Medic
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: RSSwizard on March 20, 2018, 07:51:54 pm
Press F5, save the loadouts. Press F9, you can load up a saved loadout. You can store up to 20.
Not good enough since it should save what Every member was carrying not just one person. Including Armor. I almost never use the feature because of that. At least the template buttons on the side work well enough for setting up hands since Ctrl+click on items will never put items on shoulder or leg slots (that's where I put items first).

Usually basic load everyone gets is like...
Aye Phone:  Left Shoulder
Stick Grenade: Left Shoulder
HE Grenade: Right Shoulder
Hellerium Grenade: Right Shoulder
2 Primed Grenades: Quick Draw (knockout and HE, two HE, or some other combo)

Spare Ammo: Right Leg
Maybe Primed Dynamite: Left Leg

Barbed Dagger/Stun Rod: Belt
Pistol: Belt

...that is mostly made painless by the template button I guess
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 20, 2018, 09:22:06 pm
Those all-day tools are fine to have and I like the placement.
Maybe stick to the same grenade type for explosives and exchange stick-grenade for spike grenade. Kinda like a direct upgrade with less range but more boom.
Aye Phone could be set in the leg-slot instead to draw it even faster (2 TUs less to transfer from left leg to left hand)
Where goes the surgery kits?
Any stimms and painkillers?
Healing salves and cakes? Mushroom beer?
How about smoke grenades? - Do your shotgunners really need so many grenades?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: KZad Bhat on March 21, 2018, 01:45:03 am
Everybody needs grenades when you go against zombies. Damn, those bitches are a pain to take with guns, especially early in the game.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 21, 2018, 11:04:52 am
Early pee-shooters don't do too much and Z-Troopers are really tough to deal with. E-Pulse ammo (for RCF rifle and shiny niner) does quite good numbers against zombies.
Still those Z-Troopers shrug it off so further tools are needed to kill both forms.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: wolfreal on March 21, 2018, 02:49:32 pm
I tend to hide from zombies until I have at least gravity harness, good trained melee gals, chainmail, and explosives.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Martin on March 21, 2018, 03:07:04 pm
Plate armo+ shield makes you practically immune to zombie meele attacks. Troopers rarely carry top of the line weapons and are rather poor shots, you can juts walk up to the zombies and hack them to bits untill they die. Or at least you could dozen versions ago,
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 21, 2018, 03:30:12 pm
I don't trust anti-melee armor to work properly against melee-threats.
Shotguns and sustained rifle-support mixed with fire and explosives is my solution early on.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on March 21, 2018, 04:33:41 pm
Any kind of shoygun against zombies works pretty well, like on any other unarmored enemy  :)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: wolfreal on March 21, 2018, 04:48:28 pm
Plate armo+ shield makes you practically immune to zombie meele attacks. Troopers rarely carry top of the line weapons and are rather poor shots, you can juts walk up to the zombies and hack them to bits untill they die. Or at least you could dozen versions ago,

Mmmm... yes, they are very bad shooter, but they tend to hit rather frequently in Jack Sparrow... And strinx.... well... a hard thread in the beginning.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Martin on March 21, 2018, 07:38:17 pm
Trooper with autolaser is scary, but they usually come armed with lesser guns, a couple of days out of action is the worst possible outcome.

Honsetly I don’t have that much problems with them in X-Files, where they have I think the same stats but your men are inferior in stats and barely equivalent  in armamant.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: RSSwizard on March 21, 2018, 07:48:45 pm
Those all-day tools are fine to have and I like the placement.
Spikeballs cost 6K apiece and pretty much include you in the blast radius. Stick grenades are cheap AF. Boom fruits would be ideal but those are limited. Also I NEED that extra range like tossing it over a hill, that the spikeball does not provide (as well, the arcing trajectory)

I should also say Knockout Grenades are pure awesome for pogroms, especially humanist or bandit pogroms where you have alot of targets without air filtration. Hitting civilians with stun protects them from being shot at by the enemy, and gets them out of the way. I had to deal with some humanist instructors armed with nasty stuff in tight spaces recently, just KOgrenaded them and both they and the mutants went down, clearing the hex pretty much.

That many grenades means reliable kill and demolitions capability, so that one person doesn't end up "out" of them. Also I don't think grenades work well against zombies, its not enough damage to justify it, and it'll barely do a rifleshot worth of health to a zombie trooper. Machineguns are okay including custom shootas.

Medical? One hand carries Grog on her back, a flying gal carries a field surgery kit. No other meds really, if its some obnoxiously energy demanding mission (like escape tower)/somebody might be issued moonshine. I go pretty light on meds since I tend to reload if hands get seriously injured (much less killed)... Two gals have healing stuff, an injured gal can usually meet up with them fast enough.
(Mansion invasions I usually bring Rum for at least half the hands though)

Advanced stuff like mushroom beer, magic cakes, that's all reserved for base defense or a high profile mission like Siberia. Since those things are so limited/trickle in.

Anyone know which ships carry Industrial Scanners?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on March 21, 2018, 09:05:59 pm
Don't you get them from Excavators?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 21, 2018, 09:12:08 pm
You can produce cakes once you invest into a cloning factory and keep reviving the magic girls out of the soulgem.

Scanners are not found in the excavator. There you got 48x ore and most of the time an engi.
Scanners are found in 'Cutters' run by traders or academy.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: RSSwizard on March 22, 2018, 01:45:29 am
You can produce cakes once you invest into a cloning factory and keep reviving the magic girls out of the soulgem.
Well... that sounds pretty nifty. And I think it would be worth all the expense, havent reached the cloning factory tech yet.

Is the scanner a random loot for the Cutter or is it reliable loot? One of those things you have to capture them without shooting them down right? Is it on each variation of the Cutter (since there are different kinds of Cutter craft)?

Somehow I only ended up with 3 of these things and they're required for a printer facility. Which works I guess. But still over the course of a whole 2 years from start I only managed to snag 3 of these. So it made me wonder where they came from.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Martin on April 01, 2018, 04:07:17 pm
Willie Pete works wonders against cyberdiscs. You even keep the wreck!

Obviously the fucker has to be near ground for this to work, but the disc is too dumb to capitalize on its ability to fly.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on April 01, 2018, 04:59:53 pm
Willie Pete works wonders against cyberdiscs. You even keep the wreck!

Obviously the fucker has to be near ground for this to work, but the disc is too dumb to capitalize on its ability to fly.

Fire in general is a solution to deal with disks if you can't hit a grenade or rocket on it.
Flamers might be the more suicidal approach but it can one-shot the disk on high rolls for each burst of fire thanks to 2x2 size and quad-damage from aoe-damage effects.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: bouchacha on June 08, 2018, 11:29:44 pm
The main advice I'd give is on base structure. Your main starting base will be more than sufficient to carry through all the necessary research (I don't understand the recommendation to make a dedicated lab hideout with dozens of brainers). Because of how many healing facilities stack and how much those contribute to research and manufacturing, it makes sense to have your first hideout also serve as the primary barracks, along with a limited workshop area. You generally can get through the game with one primary troop transport. I used the Metallo (red codex) for my playthrough and it was spacious (12 gals + 4 auxiliary) and fast enough to reach multiple missions within a limited time window. I kept a CRAB vessel as a secondary for space missions as well as to serve as a very reliable tank against heavy shipping. I found infiltration missions to be a pain and not very worthwhile so I generally ignored them. This is an example of a main hideout, it has space for 28 brainers, 40 runts, and up to 64 hands which way more than you'll ever need.

The second base should be focused primarily on manufacturing; both for income and to create equipment. I recommend ignoring the Mint because it's generally not worth it. Your manufacturing base will be missing out on some capabilities but this example can hold up to 320 runts and can create almost everything you'll ever need. A surgery room is highly recommend for upper level armor manufacturing.

If you really want to go HAM on making money, this base layout is 100% dedicated to churning out cash. It holds up to 590 runts and churns out about $38 million in profit every month. By the time you can build this you don't need it.

The rest of the world can be covered with tiny outposts like this one for radar and limited interceptor coverage. With M-Wings you don't need living space:

Your interception strategy should focus on using a bait vessel to tank (i.e. Crab) while 3 other interceptors pounce it with abandon safely. It doesn't make sense for every one of your vessels to be capable of downing high-threat shipping on their own so don't even try.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: BBHood217 on June 09, 2018, 02:45:56 am
By the time you can build this you don't need it.

You might need it to build the Conqueror, that is if you feel like doing Cydonia and the grind to get there.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Martin on June 09, 2018, 10:55:20 am
Why ever build bases defensively? You lose space!
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 09, 2018, 11:27:43 am
Why ever build bases defensively? You lose space!

I don't build defensively either, since usually it's the intruders who defend themselves from my assault. :P
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: bouchacha on June 10, 2018, 07:31:15 pm
Feel free to correct me on anything:

Damage is first run through random chance variable (50%-150% for melee and 0%-200% for ranged), then modified by the armor damage resistance, and then has the armor value subtracted. Anything left over is typically applied as health damage. Damage resistance is typically more beneficial than raw armor values as a result.

Some damage type ignores these rules completely. Lasers are reliable anti-armor as they ignore 1/3 of all armor values and typically no enemy resists them. Chem applies significant damage against armor values *before* they are reduced by said armor values. Bio, charm, smoke and others ignore all armor value.

Melee has reliable damage variables and also most importantly does NOT trigger reaction shots from enemies. Each unit has a melee evasion stat, but this is reduced when flanking from the side and back. Positioning is therefore especially important and your melee gals will use a ton of energy to sprint into position and to swing their weapons. Make sure they have plenty of beer on hand. With proper equipment and positioning, you can one-shot sectopods.

Sometimes faster more fragile armor leads to more survivability than sturdy but slow outfits. You can't get shot at if you're behind cover or otherwise unseen, and you don't need armor if you're not getting shot at.

Capturing people for slavery is almost always the best way to go.

Training your gals happens by doing: accuracy with firing, throwing with grenades which damage enemies, etc. Bravery is reliably trained with seduction and using first aid (alcohol doesn't count) on both injured gals AND bleeding enemies. Bonus of resuscitating downed enemies is another target to shoot at as a way of training firing accuracy. Win-win. You can also seriously game the training algorithm by equipping weapons that have no chance of hurting an otherwise armored enemy (e.g. SMG vs Megapol). See more:

Seduction trains both Bravery and VooDoo Skill and you can stun out enemies in powered armor reliably in 1-3 hits. The downside is the Seductress outfit is very fragile. Keep a canteen on hand to reduce stun damage.

Research is not as important as in vanilla XCOM, especially with how expensive brainers are. More paramount is ensuring you have a steady and reliable source of income and that is based on selling loot and manufacturing merchandise. You should invest most of your money into expanding your manufacturing capacity early on.

You can safely sell any chips you loot as counterfeiting is not necessarily game-breakingly profitable and comes rather late in the game. Chateau distilling is an early game item that remains profitable for a long time and Apples are the primary reason to go after all missions happening in villages (typically LokNar assistance, but sometimes UFO crash landings). Apples also allow you to make Rum which is an extremely useful and versatile item you'll use into the late game so don't spend it all on Chateau.

Keep all integrated devices, optronic components, and force circuitry no matter how tempting their selling price might be. They're useful components in higher level manufacturing.

Crackdowns are faction specific so don't go after enemies you don't want to take on inside your base. This primarily means staying far away from Mercenaries and Star Gods shipping. Mercs are heavily armored and have sky-high reactions; while Star Gods are shielded, have dangerous Psi capabilities, and come with Sectopods.

There is a surrender mechanic which depends on the remaining morale of the enemy units. If you find that it hasn't triggered yet, it most likely is being held up by an enemy which doesn't or rarely panics (e.g. academy drones or attack dogs).

Enabling debug mode can help overcome some of the tedium present. Ctrl+D reveals the entire map, Ctrl+W teleports units to where you click, Ctrl+J stuns everyone, Ctrl+K kills everyone. This can significantly save time on missions which have an obvious outcome. Debug mode also acts as a great experimental lab for you to test out different weapons.

SMGs are typically not that great for your gals as their primary benefit (low-weight) only helps slaves and peasant soldiers. Exceptions apply to one-handed SMGs like Death Blossom which are a perfect side-arm for melee gals. Rifles with auto-shot capabilities are an excellent choice for standard issue equipment. Rifles have infinite range for aimed shots, this means that as long as you can spot the target, there is no drop-off by distance. Pistols are good for melee gals and infiltration missions.

Dropping explosives is 100% accurate and uses significantly less TUs than throwing (~4 vs. 30).

Dogs are near-perfect base defense units. Very fast, built-in Aye Phone, and their bite *could* potentially damage powered armor units with a lucky roll.

Some health damage helps reduce the chance that enemies will regenerate stun. Alternatively, smoke grenades are a reliable way of ensuring that stunned enemies stay down because they apply stun damage every turn so long as the enemy isn't choking immune.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on June 10, 2018, 08:02:11 pm

Research is not as important as in vanilla XCOM, especially with how expensive brainers are. More paramount is ensuring you have a steady and reliable source of income and that is based on selling loot and manufacturing merchandise. You should invest most of your money into expanding your manufacturing capacity early on.

Research is very important. It is source of the great amount of Infamy and 1 Infamy point is like 1k $, or something. Lack of research will hurt as soon as mid-gameplay. When power armor enemies and Star Gods will start appear you might don't have weapons to efficiently deal with them. Of course good ol'axe can bring them down, but they are usually not alone so you just can't sprint to them that easily. Those enemies are real test for your research level.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on June 11, 2018, 01:16:24 am
Due to the way research generates infamy score and therefore income(both funding boosts and the per month bonus) research is still pretty important to progress even if the individual techs themselves are not.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: BBHood217 on June 11, 2018, 01:54:23 am
Lasers are reliable anti-armor as they ignore 1/3 of all armor values and typically no enemy resists them.

Unless the latest version changed it, armor worn by Church enemies are resistant to laser.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: bouchacha on June 11, 2018, 06:41:00 am
I think I was careful with my words. I didn't say that research was not important, I said it wasn't as important as vanilla XCOM. In that game, it wasn't unusual to quickly expand to a 200 scientist laboratory to burn through the research tree. That is neither an optimal strategy or even a good idea in X-Piratez. Given that many X-Piratez players are steeped in Vanilla XCOM habits, it's important to dispel that a default strategy in vanilla will not necessarily help in this mod.

Unless the latest version changed it, armor worn by Church enemies are resistant to laser.
I don't remember seeing this but I could be wrong. The exception is that Type 1 shields (personal refractors) are indeed resistant to lasers while most other damage goes right through them. Is that what you mean?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on June 11, 2018, 08:13:37 am
Church units zealot and above have some laser resist, but most all of them have the armor/hp to make the reduction meaningful.

For example the exalt has 30% resist but only 25 armor. After accounting for resist and 33% ap, you only need about 30 dmg to get through. Even the nerf pistol is  likely to do some damage.

The best combo of resist+armor the church fields(beastmasters) can still be harmed by laser hits of about 40 dmg. 

So except for pistols and some of the lower tech lasers most lasers will still do damage once shields are down to any churchy.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Blood Raven 117 on June 11, 2018, 10:19:40 am
The debug mode tips is suuuuper useful. I'm so happy you told us that because I was always getting bored doing the "Search entire map of some urban sprawl for like 30 minutes" Shtick each time for just normal missions.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on June 11, 2018, 01:50:28 pm
If you don't feel like cheating with debug, just use motion scanners (= aye phones).
Unless the survivors surrender that's the only tool you can count on besides outfit with SENSE.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on June 11, 2018, 02:26:07 pm
At last in base defence missions it seems that the last enemies often bug out and stop moving once they climbed into the back of your base from the sewage tunnels.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: LytaRyta on June 11, 2018, 02:42:33 pm
The debug mode tips is suuuuper useful. I'm so happy you told us that because I was always getting bored doing the "Search entire map of some urban sprawl for like 30 minutes" Shtick each time for just normal missions.

debug mode ? tips ? what do you mean?

btw.what about -as another source of so-much-needed *neue *Ameros" (hehe  8) - let´s make Pirateyz´ ekonomry even .."wider", more komplex :

1.)   from (aplicable, fitting) researched .."things" - make patents (mass-production, factory fee)

2.) - from patents, /mass-manufacturing rights - lets make, produce, & sell a goods! for profit

various goods, for any, /& every factions, and overal populations, ppls, on Earth & others worlds, of 2609! :p

of course, - the Factory (or, at least 1Industrial Printer) would be need

[(..Pirátky si patentujú, vyrábajú, a predávajú různé ..produkty, výrobky (na základe vynájdeních, vyzkůúmaních položiek )]
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Eddie on June 12, 2018, 04:54:10 pm
Unless you're training your gals and need the kills, capturing people for slavery is almost always the best way to go.

Training your gals happens by doing: accuracy with firing, strength with carrying, etc. Bravery is reliably trained with seduction and using first aid (alcohol doesn't count) on both injured gals AND bleeding enemies. Bonus of resuscitating downed enemies is another target to shoot at as a way of training firing accuracy. Win-win.


Smoke grenades are a reliable way of ensuring that stunned enemies stay down. This is primarily useful for high-health enemies with good stun recovery.

1. You don't need to kill to train skills. Skill is trained with any successful hit, regardless if it does damage. More hits means more skill gain. See (
Option one: use non leathal ammo like shotgun rubber bullets. They do less damage so you need more hits, which trains your skill more quickly.
Option two: use low damage weapons vs. armored enemies to get skill points without doing damage. For example SMG vs Megapol.
Of course, safety of your gals comes first.

2. Carrying doesn't train strength. Again, read ( Training firing also trains strength.
Bravery: Is also trained by having your moral lower than 50 and not panicking. To train bravery, put a gal in a high stress outfit like the barbarian "Savage" variant and just have her standing somewhere save during a battle.

3. Doing some health damage can also reduce or prevent stun regeneration. For example, shotgun rubber bullets do exactly the right amount of health damage that human enemies won't get back up if downed by rubber bullets.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: bouchacha on June 13, 2018, 01:32:44 am
Thank you Eddie for correcting my misinformation. I edited my post.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on July 20, 2018, 08:54:33 pm
Hey seems i cannot find the wrench, required to unlock the "tools & blades" research topic and can't progress in research futhermore! I rabdomly get it by ground assoulting medium traders guild ship thet onboard as sn engineer, any other hint where to find it?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Zippicus on July 20, 2018, 09:02:22 pm
I've seen wrenches in a few places, the resource extraction mission ships probably being the most common.  I've also picked up the wrench entry via interrogations (It might have been a G.O., pretty sure it wasn't an engineer at any rate).
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on July 20, 2018, 09:17:31 pm
I've seen wrenches in a few places, the resource extraction mission ships probably being the most common.  I've also picked up the wrench entry via interrogations (It might have been a G.O., pretty sure it wasn't an engineer at any rate).

Yes it is a loot coming from such mission but i doubt player may know it by interrogatin a G.O., i remember of an engineer instead

Aside from that, is there any other way to unlock "tools & blades" topic? If not, i'd have to beg Dioxine for slternative ways; in the proper thread.. :)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ridаn on July 20, 2018, 09:21:57 pm
Fire can clear up Smoke on its Z level - while this might work against you it can also be used to set up clear Line of Sight on your own turn.
Fireball Launchers from Death Realms Arena are perfectly fit for doing that.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Zippicus on July 21, 2018, 02:03:29 am
Yes it is a loot coming from such mission but i doubt player may know it by interrogatin a G.O., i remember of an engineer instead

Aside from that, is there any other way to unlock "tools & blades" topic? If not, i'd have to beg Dioxine for slternative ways; in the proper thread.. :)

Upon looking, you can get the wrench topic from a whole bunch of different interrogations, quite a few of them are easy to get, like G.O.'s, Tough guy/gal, Highwayman, laborers.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on July 21, 2018, 07:58:14 pm
Upon looking, you can get the wrench topic from a whole bunch of different interrogations, quite a few of them are easy to get, like G.O.'s, Tough guy/gal, Highwayman, laborers.

Well, bad luck in me then, because in Oct 2601 in 0.99J3 on jack sparrow level,  i was not able to get it  :'( 0.99J4 is out, maybe with a new relase it gonna be more easy? I hope :)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: wolfreal on July 21, 2018, 08:29:07 pm
I can attest than wrench is very common, I have seen it in bandits, guild, and several other missions. RNG is a b**** sometimes.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on July 21, 2018, 09:27:22 pm
I can attest than wrench is very common, I have seen it in bandits, guild, and several other missions. RNG is a b**** sometimes.

As far as ive seen, i was able in prevouosu versio. that 0.99j4 to obtain it mainly from the guild. What are the "several other missoons", please? Probably ones tht i have skipped/have not been soawned yet by the game :'(
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ves on July 22, 2018, 05:22:16 am
I just want to throw in that they can also be found on laborers of those civilian freighters which usually transport consumer goods and soy. 
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on July 22, 2018, 11:07:32 am
I just want to throw in that they can also be found on laborers of those civilian freighters which usually transport consumer goods and soy.

Indeed, if you jave good luck to catch these! I capured a medium ship boarded by laborers, but weench was in the charfo, plus i tryed interrohating a laborer but it gave me a silcer bar and ao i' m just right before :'( :'( >:( ;D
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: cc on July 22, 2018, 11:24:15 am
Indeed, if you jave good luck to catch these! I capured a medium ship boarded by laborers, but weench was in the charfo, plus i tryed interrohating a laborer but it gave me a silcer bar and ao i' m just right before :'( :'( >:( ;D
Keep interrogating them. They'll run out of their pool of other stuff eventually - also, interrogate all the Sharp/Tough Guy/Girl prisoners to make the pool run out faster. Same for researching Decrypted Data Discs.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ridаn on July 22, 2018, 11:57:16 am
Whats a good way for breaking into Bank or Megapol Prison? Explosives arent good enough.
Is it as simple as packing a Fusion Torch?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ashghan on July 22, 2018, 02:04:31 pm
You can try a simple hammer or a pickaxe on a strong gal. Mining laser works too. Fusion torch is a bit expensive to use routinely, but for bank robbery it's ok too.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: wolfreal on July 22, 2018, 06:54:43 pm
As far as ive seen, i was able in prevouosu versio. that 0.99j4 to obtain it mainly from the guild. What are the "several other missoons", please? Probably ones tht i have skipped/have not been soawned yet by the game :'(


Weirdly, I'm pretty sure I have see it outside vessels and guild outpost. I'm pretty sure I have seen a b-boy or a higwaymen with one. But maybe I have a delirium
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on July 22, 2018, 10:15:31 pm
in th 0.99J3 was implemented a nw kind of stun icom, but what's the difference between the "ghosty" one and the standard "Zzzz"?

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: wolfreal on July 22, 2018, 10:29:57 pm
Taking damage from stun, I think
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: cc on July 22, 2018, 10:35:37 pm
in th 0.99J3 was implemented a nw kind of stun icom, but what's the difference between the "ghosty" one and the standard "Zzzz"?
Ghosts means overstun - enemies slowly lose health at that level.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: doctor medic on July 23, 2018, 09:03:42 am
overstun tends to happen if you took enough damage so that a target doesnt recover as much energy as they normaly would with full health,although i have yet to see someone being overstun with full health,as of now anyway.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on July 23, 2018, 12:21:47 pm
overstun tends to happen if you took enough damage so that a target doesnt recover as much energy as they normaly would with full health,although i have yet to see someone being overstun with full health,as of now anyway.

Totally possible if rare occurrence, it generally results form the use of high power non lethal weapons(impaler for example) vs really frail things like ratmen.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: doctor medic on July 23, 2018, 12:37:15 pm
i think even tougher things like gals can be overstuned if damaged enough to not regenerate enough energy and depending on the armor type.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 23, 2018, 01:12:29 pm
Overstun has nothing to do with energy! It happens when current stun level is 3x greater than current HP.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on July 25, 2018, 09:21:40 pm
what is the purpose of  the "hot pursuit" mission? what are the task required to beat it?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Zippicus on July 25, 2018, 10:11:37 pm
what is the purpose of  the "hot pursuit" mission? what are the task required to beat it?

The million dollar safe is pretty nice loot, infamy is always good too.  You beat it like any standard mission, kill/capture the bad guys.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: BBHood217 on July 26, 2018, 01:37:17 am
It's an extremely lucrative mission, but only if you can literally handle the heat.  And that doesn't just mean dealing with the hot environment, but also with fire attacks as well.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on July 27, 2018, 10:00:08 am
It's an extremely lucrative mission, but only if you can literally handle the heat.  And that doesn't just mean dealing with the hot environment, but also with fire attacks as well.

1) actually to beat it fireproof armors may be needed, but in the early game i  suppore are not avaiable?

2) On losing condition: these are explained in the "walk the plank" article, it occours if player  has negative balance three in a row; same goes for negative score but only -500 if i got it right so if i have 4-5 months negative score less than -500 (-105, -300 for instace) i'm not supposed to lose the game?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on July 27, 2018, 10:26:12 am
By hovering above the ground, most fire-damage should be dodgable. Stuff like WP ammo is alot more nasty than simple fire-DoT.

You instantly lose the game on the second 'warning' if the condition flag for losing is set to "true"
-500+ score OR -1.000.000 in debt sets the flag to "true".

On the next month, if you run either -500+ score OR still in massive debt you lose the game.
There's no separation between bad economic management or bad fighting performance.
If you 'suck' in the first place, they'll sent you to the sharks.

Research is king to get a good score. Do alot of smaller projects to patch up the score.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dioxine on July 27, 2018, 11:35:49 pm
-500 is imprecise. It depends on the diff level, and is -500 to -1000 I think.

These are very mild conditions, as the name of the game is more or less player's invulnerability... Less so in Piratez than vanilla, but still... and it is bad.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on July 28, 2018, 05:39:40 pm
I know i require workshop to make crafts, but once i build it, any other hits to be able to build these?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: cc on July 28, 2018, 06:39:15 pm
I know i require workshop to make crafts, but once i build it, any other hits to be able to build these?
Got Interceptor Assembly?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on July 28, 2018, 08:05:06 pm
Got Interceptor Assembly?
not yet :'(
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Martin on July 31, 2018, 11:47:56 am
LACC has become very powerfull now that it can fire white phosphorus rounds. Two hits form the thing ensure kill on cyberdisc.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on July 31, 2018, 12:20:54 pm
LACC has become very powerfull now that it can fire white phosphorus rounds. Two hits form the thing ensure kill on cyberdisc.

LACC with WP-Ammo was great to begin with. Is the white phosphour another new ammo type?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Martin on July 31, 2018, 12:52:17 pm
I remember it being only incrediary and thus far less awesome. WP does damage upfront, increadiary just sets stuff on fire.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on July 31, 2018, 12:57:23 pm
I remember it being only incrediary and thus far less awesome. WP does damage upfront, increadiary just sets stuff on fire.

If we talk about the long-range 'sniper-rifle wanna-be - yes the gun had 3 ammo types 3 patches ago.
AP, HE and WP. I recall to use the WP rounds to break morale and enlighten the darkness. It's stated as WP and never had Incendiary.

Gal in Sniper-Suit kneeling on the roof of the fortuna easily hits everything (aimed blind and snaps)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on August 05, 2018, 07:01:46 pm
What does mesn the wildcards * and the exclamation marks near some research topics?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on August 05, 2018, 07:07:32 pm
* marks around a topic indicate that it removes a mission type from spawning while adding one in its place. Mutant Alliance is the prime example. Pogroms that dont cost -1000 score for being ignored are removed for ones that do cost score.

! around a topic indicate adding new missions without removing anything from the pool. 
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on August 05, 2018, 10:30:17 pm
Thanks. I've also researched plastasteel and small ship engine, some whispers to get "Interceptor assembly"?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on August 07, 2018, 09:15:46 pm
Use the tech tree view. Middle mouse button on a research topic. Bottom left button lets you search the techs.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on August 08, 2018, 08:55:25 pm
Use the tech tree view. Middle mouse button on a research topic. Bottom left button lets you search the techs.

Thanks im aware but in my games i alwsys play on jack sparrow, and with the viewer off', it woukd spoil the suffering fun ;D

some (even cryptic) hints are more funny!

Another one, aside from research, ehatnis a good way to raise up infamy? Especially in the beginning? Shoot down civilian vesswls rarns negarive score, while i remembee also manufacturing alchoon worths some point. Any other advice?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ridаn on August 08, 2018, 09:05:20 pm
Thanks im aware but in my games i alwsys play on jack sparrow, and with the viewer off', it woukd spoil the suffering fun ;D

some (even cryptic) hints are more funny!

Another one, aside from research, ehatnis a good way to raise up infamy? Especially in the beginning? Shoot down civilian vesswls rarns negarive score, while i remembee also manufacturing alchoon worths some point. Any other advice?
You do get lost of infamy from research, so put at least one brainer on everything of interest.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on August 09, 2018, 01:23:32 pm
To unlock mansion missions i've to reach first "'warehouse wars" ones? And any duggestions to unlock both, please?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on August 10, 2018, 12:51:08 pm
It's not really an answer, but you can just go into the techtree-viewer, press q and type in warehouse to get the topic and everything needed to unlock the mission.
It will spawn with the next month squeezed into the RNG for the month's missions to come.

It can spawn in the 1st week or as late as the 4th week. But it is kinda garanteed to spawn upon research for the very next month to come.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: cc on August 10, 2018, 10:44:49 pm
To unlock mansion missions i've to reach first "'warehouse wars" ones? And any duggestions to unlock both, please?
It's weird to play without the tech tree viewer but then ask questions about the tech tree. Sorta defeats the purpose, don't you think? ;)
For !Warehouse Wars! get some culture in you and find out with whom you're sharing the planet. For !Mansion Invasions!, first find out about warehouses. Also, cunningly feret out some merchants, look at those weird databases you find all the time, and maybe find some peasants to bolster your ranks. Once you've done that, you should be able to figure out who's boss and who's not. Oh, and don't forget to look into appropiate attire to wear!

Abridged tech requirements are attached, by the way.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on August 10, 2018, 11:00:29 pm
It's weird to play without the tech tree viewer but then ask questions about the tech tree. Sorta defeats the purpose, don't you think? ;)
Well i thougth it was s wuestion zbout topucs, not the tech tree but hey thanks a lot!  Though i have alle these topics exept.ones i asked ;) ok i should stop botherimg with those.

A little one: i tryed to edit a savegame  to modify score (...) but i did not find the entry, someone may tell what is it, please? There are loads of strings with the word "score" , pheraps it's labelled as "infamy"?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: cc on August 11, 2018, 09:11:29 am
A little one: i tryed to edit a savegame  to modify score (...) but i did not find the entry, someone may tell what is it, please? There are loads of strings with the word "score" , pheraps it's labelled as "infamy"?
I'm not sure what it is (I believe it's calculated at runtime, so you might be best off editing in a downed UFO), but it's definitely not "Infamy". The internal names for these things aren't changed by mods.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on August 13, 2018, 06:19:46 pm
Thanks, i always read in xpiratez forum of a "RNG" word, what does is stands for?  :o
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on August 13, 2018, 06:42:06 pm
R andom N umber G enerator.
Also known as luck.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on August 13, 2018, 10:11:52 pm
In 0.99J4 were introduced startin' uber gals called "spectre" which are ghosts, there is a way to transform them in living ones, without cheating? A particular tech/research is needed?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: wolfreal on August 13, 2018, 10:38:46 pm
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: boss300 on August 14, 2018, 12:01:30 am
Finally making it more than a year without any major catastrophes, have a few questions about the play style I've adapted into

1)  Are there any early to mid game lethal melee weapons with better returns than a Spear for no armor to medium armored enemies?  At 16 turn units, with armor penetration and high enough Acc that even my least trained melee gals never miss, I'm really having trouble seeing why I should pick up any of the heavier, deadlier weapons due to their energy cost and the fact that the spear has yet to fail me.  What kind of weapons should I be looking to upgrade to, and what enemies would even make me want to?

2)  What kind of weapons have ammo available in the black market, and are there other ways of unlocking ammo for purchase other than researching the weapons?  For example, I got a sniper rifle early, have researched it, and did not unlock the ability to purchase it like you do with some other guns (IE UAC carbine).   What techs do I need to look out for in order to unlock this type of ammo for purchase, or is it craftable only/loot only?

3)  I figure that I should wait until I can actually field real interceptors/spy zeppelins before I start expanding, am I right here?  I have overcharged radars, a cool 10 mil lying around, but don't want to tank my economy expanding too early.  Additionally, once I start fielding interceptors from other bases, will it make sense to station my gals there for protection from retaliation?  Base defense seems like it will be a huge blindspot if I start setting up unmanned outposts or interceptor stations without a reasonable force for base defense, am I worrying over nothing or is there any significant threat to bases without tons of gals and attack dogs?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on August 14, 2018, 12:08:59 am
B: look for the contact: XXX techs.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on August 14, 2018, 12:29:39 am
Finally making it more than a year without any major catastrophes, have a few questions about the play style I've adapted into

1)  Are there any early to mid game lethal melee weapons with better returns than a Spear for no armor to medium armored enemies?  At 16 turn units, with armor penetration and high enough Acc that even my least trained melee gals never miss, I'm really having trouble seeing why I should pick up any of the heavier, deadlier weapons due to their energy cost and the fact that the spear has yet to fail me.  What kind of weapons should I be looking to upgrade to, and what enemies would even make me want to?

2)  What kind of weapons have ammo available in the black market, and are there other ways of unlocking ammo for purchase other than researching the weapons?  For example, I got a sniper rifle early, have researched it, and did not unlock the ability to purchase it like you do with some other guns (IE UAC carbine).   What techs do I need to look out for in order to unlock this type of ammo for purchase, or is it craftable only/loot only?

3)  I figure that I should wait until I can actually field real interceptors/spy zeppelins before I start expanding, am I right here?  I have overcharged radars, a cool 10 mil lying around, but don't want to tank my economy expanding too early.  Additionally, once I start fielding interceptors from other bases, will it make sense to station my gals there for protection from retaliation?  Base defense seems like it will be a huge blindspot if I start setting up unmanned outposts or interceptor stations without a reasonable force for base defense, am I worrying over nothing or is there any significant threat to bases without tons of gals and attack dogs?

1) I never widely used spears, throwing axes or bows, i end up using flintlock all the time, are excellent early game weapons, along with shotguns; never have been able to unlock serious laser/plasma weapons in sept 2602, but that deoends from the loot you get;

2) buyable weapons are unlocked researching "contact: xxx" topics, so far 8ve unlocked gun emporium and krazy anna's ones.

3) always leave a dispatch of uber in any base, ibsuppose it might depend on difficulty level, i play always on "jack sparrow" mode and at least 8/10 gals are mandatory to defend any base

Now some from me: about manacles and ropes. The former aee supposed to be used only on unconscious enemies and the latter act like a melee weapon instead, right? I've seen both require two hands free.

About "wrestling" and "martial arts", i got the first by reseaechin "melee summary" and the second as a prize from mutant alliance bounty missions: but how player is supposed to use these?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: sanyaskillpro on August 14, 2018, 12:43:23 am
1. If you want a lethal weapon - probably not, until you meet guys in power armor. Although you should aim at capturing most opponents, when it is safe to do so. Also on non-melee gals you probably want a 1x2 weapon for a QD or belt slot, not a backpack. You should try to capture alive spiders at animal hunts and then butcher them for animal poison. Poisoned dagger is one of the best small weapons you could get. But it doesn't work against some enemies, so beware.

2. Middle mouse button the research or look it up in a tech viewer if you already got it. If there's a buyable version it shows the tech you need. Military supplies, in case of a sniper rifle.

3. No, you should try to expand earlier. The first two years are usually safe, the scripted crackdowns you get are ratmen or academy ambulance, you can beat them with rookies or even peasants\slaves. Then you get the real crackdowns. Also depends on a difficulty, harder = earlier. Also they have a pretty huge range of difficulty. Doom demons? Well if you camp around the corner with heavy shotguns you can reaction fire or peek-n-shoot 80% of enemies, then you clean the hangar. Raiders are a bit harder, and you need a can opener for a firebat. Anything else and you're fucked, unless you invest resources and people into reinforcing the base. You can always keep a free hangar and send your A team once you see crackdown ufos flying, but then you need to invest in a hyperwave decoder(but you eventually want to do so anyways)

About "wrestling" and "martial arts", i got the first by reseaechin "melee summary" and the second as a prize from mutant alliance bounty missions: but how player is supposed to use these?
If you wear some skimpy armors like swimsuit and bikini if you use an empty hand you get a roundhouse kick and triple blow in addition to punch. I'd like to know how to use wrestling aswell.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on August 14, 2018, 12:53:51 am
Wrestling at present is only for peasants in certain outfits, least that the only outfits i can find it on.

My 2 dollaros on base defense, garrisons are a must, but you only need a few gals/slaves to handle the heavy weapons needed for opposing terror units. Most of the work can be done with auxiliary units like dogs/hellhounds/weres/reapers. Use the animals to mob the exit of your chokepoint and soak up reactions and kill off what they can. Soldiers clean up whats left or too armored for the critters to handle.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on August 14, 2018, 01:21:46 am
And very few things are too armored for werewolfes. Those things can take down mercs. They die quickly to mercs as well though.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: wolfreal on August 14, 2018, 01:23:57 am
Wrestling at present is only for peasants in certain outfits, least that the only outfits i can find it on.

My 2 dollaros on base defense, garrisons are a must, but you only need a few gals/slaves to handle the heavy weapons needed for opposing terror units. Most of the work can be done with auxiliary units like dogs/hellhounds/weres/reapers. Use the animals to mob the exit of your chokepoint and soak up reactions and kill off what they can. Soldiers clean up whats left or too armored for the critters to handle.

Auxiliars are a must, but in the end, it depends of the crackdown.  Mercenary and/or star gods, without at least panzer/recoiless/big explosives, and you are basically scrub. Even in that level, it gets really hard if you don´t have at least good layout / big garrisons / choking strategies. Crackdown could be very hard to survive even in ideals situations.... but maybe i´m crying a lot and does not have to be playing in jack sparrows  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on August 14, 2018, 09:35:29 am
My 2 cents for base defence:
Every gamers 'favoured' part of a game are sewer levels /j /s
Airvents as secondary counter-attack route should be enough. Camping 3 levels of tight corridors binds alot of troops.

It's also not really fruitfull to argue or complain about hideout defences. Veteran-players just 'deal with it' and take the leader/VIPs 99,9% of the time as captives with no/minimal losses.
Beginners/casual derps just crumble underneath the massive tech-disadvantage and voodoo-rape (church/star gods). Crackdowns are just too minor of a feature to bother changing atm.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Martin on August 14, 2018, 10:48:24 am
Crackdowns are less about you defending your base form them and more about you taking over hangars where they camp which can be done with a single conviniently placed satchel charge or in some cases a gas bomb.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on August 14, 2018, 12:02:08 pm
Blowing up the opposition IF you have the right tool & RNG puts the bombers into the adjusted room to the hangars/access lift.
Simply put: That's it and that's the best you can do to not deal with the mission for too long. If they start to scatter, you're boned.
I hate those sewers I can't deny the existence of them makes my blood boil.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on August 14, 2018, 03:10:26 pm
What are the purpose and usage of "shakeup cerimony" once that topic is researched?

Once i research i may transform a spectre in 0.99J4 in a living gal?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on August 14, 2018, 03:20:54 pm
Look in the hand-screen. The drop menu in the lower left corner now has shakeup in it and you can do it to your gals. Be sure to read the description and have a look at what it will do for each individual gal.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on August 14, 2018, 03:24:28 pm
Shake-up buffs the body but screws the combat stats (Throw, Melee, Firing) by 10 or 20%.
Best used for freshly hired cannon-fodder to get stamina and bravery cranked up.
The ceremony puts the receiving user for 20 days into the hospital tho.

Also: They starting spectre (or 2) in the 6 starting crew is meant as a prank.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dioxine on August 14, 2018, 06:17:11 pm
I don't think the sewers are nearly as bad as they used to be; first off, dogs are easily accessible and dogs = motion scanners. Second, now you can recall motion scanner readings by pressing ALT at any time. Thirdly, pretty early accessible Sense in the form of cats...
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: wolfreal on August 15, 2018, 04:20:10 am
My 2 cents for base defence:
Every gamers 'favoured' part of a game are sewer levels /j /s
Airvents as secondary counter-attack route should be enough. Camping 3 levels of tight corridors binds alot of troops.

It's also not really fruitfull to argue or complain about hideout defences. Veteran-players just 'deal with it' and take the leader/VIPs 99,9% of the time as captives with no/minimal losses.
Beginners/casual derps just crumble underneath the massive tech-disadvantage and voodoo-rape (church/star gods). Crackdowns are just too minor of a feature to bother changing atm.

Crackdowns are part of the game, I think they are correct as they are right now.

I don't think the sewers are nearly as bad as they used to be; first off, dogs are easily accessible and dogs = motion scanners. Second, now you can recall motion scanner readings by pressing ALT at any time. Thirdly, pretty early accessible Sense in the form of cats...

That is a great help indeed. Dogs are a must in a base.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on August 15, 2018, 08:04:59 pm
1 - temple raid
2 - ratmen rodeo
3 - save a sis
4 -scientific experiments
5 - distress call intercepted
6 - help the lockknaars (against ninjas and reaper cavalry)
7 - blood rituals
8 - infested cellar
9 -  hot pursuit
10 - abandoned mine (cannot remember exact name, but is similar)

the list is compete or i missed something?

Moreover in mod there are different types of damage: piercing, daze, incendiary, electric, concussive, also inmthis case the liste is complete? If not and however may someone please make a list of "damages" along with an explanarion of the meaning/working dynamics?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: cc on August 15, 2018, 11:50:55 pm
1) temple raid
2) ratmen rodeo
3) save a sis
4)scientific experiments
5) distress call intercepted
6) help the lockknaars (against ninjas and reaper cavalry)
7) blood rituals
8) infested cellar
9) hot pursuit
10 )abandoned mine (cannot remember exact name

the list is compete or i missed something?
I don't know. What are you trying to list?

Moreover in xpiratez there are different types of damage: piercing, daze, incendiary, electric, concussive, also inmthis case the liste is complete? If not and however may someone please make a list of "damages" along with an explanarion of the meaning/working dynamics?
The damage types are:


The damage calculation is as follows:
(base damage + bonus damage) * random multiplier * resistance - armor

You apply the resistance value corresponding to the type of damage used by your weapon as a simple multiplicator. 80% means 0.8, 50% means 0.5, and so on.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on August 15, 2018, 11:58:49 pm
I don't know. What are you trying to list?

missions that spawn at the beginning of a game, without research to unlock (as opposed for the bounty ones, to make an example). Anyone confirm that list is ok or i forgot some?

The damage types are:


The damage calculation is as follows:
(base damage + bonus damage) * random multiplier * resistance - armor

You apply the resistance value corresponding to the type of damage used by your weapon as a simple multiplicator. 80% means 0.8, 50% means 0.5, and so on.

So it's really no difference between those, it only matters when it comes to enemies, since some are more sensible to one or another, right? (piercing for x incendiary for y)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: cc on August 16, 2018, 12:16:09 am
missions that spawn at the begginning of a game, without research to unlock (as opposed for the bounty one, to make an example). Anyone confirm that list is ok or i forgot some?
I guess you're only counting locations and not ship traffic. The list should be:

Mutant Progrom (no penalty)
Mutant Culling (after 12 months)
Stranded Govt Agent
Ratmen Rodeo
Help the Lokk'Naars
Save a Sister
Shipwrecked Gal
Distress Call
Bring Down the Watchtower
Scientific Experiments
Temple Raid
Shambler Hunt

These ones from your list require research:
Blood Rituals (Mess Hall)
Infested Cellar (Contacts: Merchants)
Hot Pursuit (Communications)

So it's really no difference between thise, it only matters to enemies, since some are more sensible to one or another, right? (piercing for x incendiary for y)
There's no difference between them on a mechanics level, no.
It pays to keep in mind that Dioxine often bundles secondary effects with some damage types. For example chem weapons tend to cause armor damage and fire weapons cause moral loss. This is just a convention to make things easier for the player, though.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on August 17, 2018, 11:09:18 pm
What are the requirements and how does work gal transformation?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Martin on August 18, 2018, 01:13:26 am
Beware the cannibals. Especially the ones armed with javelins.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on August 18, 2018, 06:35:18 am
What are the requirements and how does work gal transformation?

Depends on the transformation, but the general premise is a one time action performed on a gal that modifies most of there stats at once. Transforms are accessed through the button menu in in the bottom left of the hand screen once the correct tech is researched.

I will use the shakeup ceremony as an example since its the earliest in the game. The gal you perform it on gains bravery, but loses 20% of earned experience. However if the gal has no experience in stat you gain a modest amount. The design is to bring the worst fresh hires up to snuff.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ridаn on August 22, 2018, 11:40:09 pm
Is carrying a primed Stasis grenade on everyone may be considered a valid strategy?
Like in theory: Gal drops wounded, grenade goes off - Gal gets heals, and overstun isnt even that big of a deal, if everyone carries Rum or the like.
Havent really tried that in practice, but recently have lost one of the veterans to overstun from Fire Extinguisher (1HP and burning, apparently a certain death sentence, stims didnt help), and after some thoughts realized that I could have actually saved her by Stasis grenade. And I even had them equipped, such a pity.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on August 23, 2018, 12:40:14 am
a viable tactic as long as your not in close proximity to other gals. chain KOs are a real possibility with everyone packing preprimed stasis nades.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ridаn on August 23, 2018, 01:19:38 am
a viable tactic as long as your not in close proximity to other gals. chain KOs are a real possibility with everyone packing preprimed stasis nades.
That was my concern until I tried to disable my own (mind controlled) Gal with those grenades - 3 werent enough. She had her HP capped and had a Guardian suit on (.65 Daze) though.
Overall in my experience Stasis nades are optimal for Mechtoids and not much else.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on August 23, 2018, 02:08:44 am
fair point the daze resist of your gals armor is a factor on if its a real threat. But its still a risk one must account for taking.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: KZad Bhat on August 23, 2018, 10:45:34 am
If you use this tactic best idea is keep your gals in pairs, with the pairs at least a block away from each other, and keep even each gal in a pair 3 or 4 spaces apart. That at least cuts down on chain KOs. I do commonly do this with stun grenades, because then I can throw two in a turn instead of just one. Though with overstun from the stasis grenades a concern you probably don't want to do that.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: boss300 on August 23, 2018, 09:19:50 pm
I'm getting a lot of retaliations featuring the Doom cast in my 1st expansion

question mark
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on August 23, 2018, 09:45:02 pm
Not uncommon to get multiple retaliations in the same region. All from the same faction is less likely but still possible, particularity if your shooting down alot of the factions ships. All dark ones is a little suspect, since they dont have ships aside from the boogymen patrols which usually dont turn up in the number to generate retaliations.

Do you have aggressive retaliations option enabled? 
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: boss300 on August 23, 2018, 11:32:22 pm
Not shooting down any ships right now, especially not dark ones.  Aggressive retaliation is off, I've only gotten 2 so far but they've been in consecutive months and I haven't been running any missions from that base yet, just building it out.

Despite the enemies not being terribly hard it still seems like a lot of retaliations for a base I've just barely finished building a 1st barracks for

the base is in the middle of north america
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on August 24, 2018, 12:28:46 am
Yeah 2 back to back is rare but not particularity exceptional yet. The randomized retaliations are region X faction Y. So your result is X times Y times 2. Which while high is not a statistically improbable result. If it keeps going beyond say 3 months something might be fishy.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: KZad Bhat on August 24, 2018, 01:52:29 pm
I've been noticing in my last few attempts that my first base is never getting attacked. Open up a new one, and before it can even be ready to start missions it gets attacked. This time around when I start my first new base it's getting defensive buildings to start.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: cc on August 25, 2018, 09:10:58 pm
I'm getting a lot of retaliations featuring the Doom cast in my 1st expansion
These are new:

Code: [Select]
  - type: HarassmentDemons
    startDelay: 1000
    randomDelay: 20000
    firstMonth: 8
    targetBaseOdds: 100
    executionOdds: 25
    useTable: false

  - type: HarassmentNinjas
    minDifficulty: 4
    startDelay: 1000
    randomDelay: 20000
    firstMonth: 12
    lastMonth: 36
    targetBaseOdds: 75
    executionOdds: 25
    useTable: false

  - type: HarassmentNinjasLate
    startDelay: 1000
    randomDelay: 20000
    firstMonth: 24
    targetBaseOdds: 75
    executionOdds: 20
    useTable: false

That means there's a 25% chance of a base being attacked by Dark Ones every month. This is in addition to normal retaliations which never feature Dark Ones.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on August 25, 2018, 09:55:10 pm
So the harassment ninjas are only on Jack Sparrow?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: wolfreal on August 25, 2018, 10:50:35 pm
Only the early variant.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on August 25, 2018, 11:22:05 pm
Are they that bad/annoying?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on August 26, 2018, 02:17:15 am
so if i understand that code snippet correctly, dark ones start in month 8 with 100% chance to find a base and 25% to actually strike it. Then on diff 4+ ninjas from month 12 to 36 with 75% chance to find and 25% chance to strike. Ninjas also on 24 months till game end with the same chances.

So on diff 4 or higher between 12 and 36 month mark you have 4 separate scripted retaliations per month,that i know of, in addition to any from shipping. Sheez im gona be busy with base defense. Not sure when/if rats and the ambulance stop so it may be as many as 6. 

This also means you need to be secure against base attacks from basically the instant you expand, and there is no point in hiding base with shrouds either. Statistically with that much potential in the air you will be found regardless of precautions.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: wolfreal on August 26, 2018, 07:00:31 am
But air defense can help.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on August 26, 2018, 07:41:04 am
Maybe, assuming the new raids are in super low hp craft, it takes quite awhile to tech up to competent AA defenses. The first few defenses you need multiple tiles worth to stop even boarding torpedoes from the faction raids.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: boss300 on August 26, 2018, 08:15:17 am
someone help, I've tanked to negative 2000 points without missing any missions or getting a notification for a Rival base

Do I have to scout enemy bases after the first one?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: cc on August 26, 2018, 09:33:27 am
so if i understand that code snippet correctly, dark ones start in month 8 with 100% chance to find a base and 25% to actually strike it. Then on diff 4+ ninjas from month 12 to 36 with 75% chance to find and 25% chance to strike. Ninjas also on 24 months till game end with the same chances.
There's a 25% chance the mission will be triggered. If it is, it will always target a base.

So on diff 4 or higher
Difficulty starts at 0, so 4 = Jack Sparrow.

between 12 and 36 month mark you have 4 separate scripted retaliations per month,that i know of, in addition to any from shipping. Sheez im gona be busy with base defense. Not sure when/if rats and the ambulance stop so it may be as many as 6.
Actually, you have 1 Dark One, 2 Ninja, 1 Ratmen (change to trigger drops significantly after 23 months), 1 + difficulty level (start at 30, 24, 24, 20, 16 months respectively) regular faction ones. Unless I missed something. ;)

The irregulars spawn an ufo with 300 HP, so even 2 Luxury Barracks are enough to shoot them down.

someone help, I've tanked to negative 2000 points without missing any missions or getting a notification for a Rival base

Do I have to scout enemy bases after the first one?
Whether or not an enemy base will be revealed is random with a chance for it every month. There are also multiple missions that cause negative score (Conversion, Peacekeeping, Mutant Progrom with contacted Mutant Alliance come to mind), so you might've just gotten an unlucky RNG result.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: sanyaskillpro on August 26, 2018, 10:32:54 am
Unless I missed something. ;)
And an ambulance.

I wish we could choose the separate campaign and combat difficulty.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Martin on August 26, 2018, 01:31:31 pm
Do the dark ones 100% find the base? Because I keep shooting down the bogeymen swarms and so far I have never seen them attack one my bases.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on August 26, 2018, 02:12:16 pm
I don't think the Bogeyman have anything to do with the Dark One Crackdowns here.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: cc on August 26, 2018, 04:25:52 pm
And an ambulance.
25% chance but stops once you researched the note they carry. Which you should've by month 12. ;)

Do the dark ones 100% find the base? Because I keep shooting down the bogeymen swarms and so far I have never seen them attack one my bases.
The Bogeyman Swarms will always target a base, but if you shoot them down before they find it, no base attack will follow.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: sanyaskillpro on August 26, 2018, 06:38:24 pm
but stops once you researched the note they carry.
That's a useful piece of information. Because i usually postpone researching this kind of stuff.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: wolfreal on August 26, 2018, 07:01:04 pm
That's a useful piece of information. Because i usually postpone researching this kind of stuff.

Hey, it is free slaves and gravity modules!.

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dioxine on August 27, 2018, 11:29:33 am
I wish we could choose the separate campaign and combat difficulty.

These extra retals were added precisely because you cannot.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ridаn on August 29, 2018, 01:28:31 am
Any advice on dealing with Ghost Gals from Mysterious Island?
Apparently Mind damage melts them, but I brought nothing but the couple of Ghost Daggers, and those spectres just fly out of my reach.
Forgot to grab my anti-Charm gear as well.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: BBHood217 on August 29, 2018, 03:52:45 am
Shockafists, but they have the same melee problem as the ghost daggers.  The only thing I can suggest for ranged weaponry are sonic guns, since they do take concussive damage and you can smuggle those underwater.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ivandogovich on August 29, 2018, 07:37:11 am
Anchors.  Work underwater and lay a whooping on the ghosties too.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: BBHood217 on August 29, 2018, 10:40:13 am
As for anti-charm to lessen the ghosts' stun damage, I'd probably just do the entire mission in bikinis while not bothering with the underwater enemies and rushing straight for the island.  Bring oxygen tanks or some other stun-reducing thing because any stun damage still carry over to the island portion.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: netron on September 08, 2018, 12:54:14 am
How are you supposed to do the Bounty Hunt "Reynard must survive" where you free a reynard from a megapol prison? I dug into the bottom layer and flew in through the top, but removing the metal bars was difficult and seems to randomly fail a lot of the time(Do I need a high roll perhaps?). After getting inside, a lot of enemies are in closed off rooms, and I do not know how to open the special doors with orange and red lights to end the mission by killing all enemies. Are the walls and floors immortal? Satchel Charges didn't seem to have any effect, and I didn't have anything stronger on hand. I ended up carrying all prisoners to the green tiles next to the vehicle or my ship, but that didn't result in any bounty tokens on completion.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ridаn on September 08, 2018, 01:33:02 am
How are you supposed to do the Bounty Hunt "Reynard must survive" where you free a reynard from a megapol prison? I dug into the bottom layer and flew in through the top, but removing the metal bars was difficult and seems to randomly fail a lot of the time(Do I need a high roll perhaps?). After getting inside, a lot of enemies are in closed off rooms, and I do not know how to open the special doors with orange and red lights to end the mission by killing all enemies. Are the walls and floors immortal? Satchel Charges didn't seem to have any effect, and I didn't have anything stronger on hand. I ended up carrying all prisoners to the green tiles next to the vehicle or my ship, but that didn't result in any bounty tokens on completion.
Raynord himself is worth about 1000 tokens, with rest of the prisoners being extra.
Doors can be destroyed by Picks, Hammers, and Fusion Torches, altho I prefer bringing 4 Gals with Mining Lasers. Later on theres Advanced Launcher with Mag Rockets, Nuclear Charges, Fusion Explosives and so on.
No tiles are immortal (except ones spawning the same tile on destruction), making a hole in the floor with Fusion Torch, while welding a door can be super annoying.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on September 08, 2018, 05:21:30 am
Yeah bring demolition tool to break into the little rooms, alternatively just break into the prison level and carry all the captives out. The prisoners are most of the value of the mission, so i usually ignore going for the full clear cause its tedious and your dealing with both morale and cold degen while you crack open the dozen or so sealed rooms.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: KZad Bhat on September 08, 2018, 11:51:08 am
Yup, those doors are locked and need to be destroyed. I had this mission once, and had intended to kill everyone, but after not being able to find everyone by turn 30 or so (don't recall how long precisely) I instead grabbed all the prisoners and fled. Found a couple more cops waiting outside, but they still weren't all the enemies, so it was still flee for me.

If you've gotten to the bottom, you should know Raynerd is the prisoner in white. When I did it, he was in the eastern most cell, but his placement may be random. Had two gals with pickaxes (because that's all I'd brought, and a fusion torch I'd already consumed all the fuel for) bust the cells open while my others grabbed prisoners and ran.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on September 08, 2018, 02:23:32 pm
If you know the layout you can systematically sweep the building and kill/capture everyone.
I usually have 2 flying gals take care of the towers while the rest enter the building through the main gate. 2 gals go down (one with a pickaxe/mining laser), there is only one guy there (don't know about JS), while the rest secures the ground level and rests a bit if it was a long walk to the door.
Then two teams, on for each stair, go up and we clean one level after the next. If some tower police didn't show themselves to the flying gals we break through the doors here as well to get them.

I used to lasso everyone, but that might be more difficult now that they usually pick up their guns again.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: KZad Bhat on September 08, 2018, 03:33:00 pm
Well, if you're willing to take an extra few turns to do everything, when you knock them out, you can have someone go grab the weapons and bring them back to a defended spot. Easier for me to do if I'd thought of it, because I went in with a fully loaded Fortuna. Would have loved sending fliers, but I didn't yet have any flying armor.

And I do mean spoiler here, for anyone who hasn't done this mission yet!
Do not walk up the hill for anything, they're mined. This, in fact, is how I first found there was a cop outside, just before my first gal exiting actually went out.

Rince Wind's method sounds great for 8 or more gals, and frankly I don't see this mission going well with less. But then by this point I wouldn't do any of the new missions popping up with less than 8 highly trained gals anyway.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: netron on September 08, 2018, 05:22:03 pm
Thanks, I wasn't aware of the fusion torch, which does seem to be one of the few viable options to break down the front door earlier in the game. I wasn't aware of the ability to dig into the bottom level, which I did on my second attempt, although that does take a bit. With only two flying gals I didn't bring a pickaxe to try on the metal bars, and going back to fetch something is very cumbersome.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on September 08, 2018, 06:04:32 pm
Oh, I just have them lasso through the bars. There are some issues with tiles from which you can't lasso into the inside even tough you should be able to.

Sometime the lasso destroys the metal bars as well.

I never use the torches. Picks take a while to get through the front door, as you need a good roll. But it will eventually, and if you had to walk a mile to get there the other girls can regain their breath.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: KZad Bhat on September 09, 2018, 12:21:30 am
By the time I was there, everyone's strength was maxed out. I think the most hits it took was 3. Trust me, a strength of 80 or 81 helps with those picks!
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: netron on September 10, 2018, 10:11:15 pm
Good to know, I had no idea picks could be that strong.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on December 17, 2018, 11:28:25 pm
In which version were introduced cabbage, wheat and leek? And what are there for?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ashghan on December 18, 2018, 12:33:00 am
I think J4 introduced them along with the new Farm terrain, but I'm not 100% sure. Might have been in J3 too, along with Plantations.  An they're sale fodder, at least for now.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on December 29, 2018, 07:05:51 pm
As in 0.99J9 (and 10) i've see that if you build a base in an island (Creete in the mediterranean sea or Cuba) your base is less likely to be attacked, i tryed on "jack sparrow" mode and by oct 2601 i had not a single base crackdown
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Marza on December 29, 2018, 11:47:14 pm
Aye, Cuba, Creete and Madagascar are covered less by crackdown patrols. You'll still see crackdown assaults launched however.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ashghan on December 29, 2018, 11:55:26 pm
Add to thet the fact that if you build a base in the corner of a zone (Europe, North Africa, etc.) the retaliation missions will have a hard time tracking it down, since most flybys are done in the middle of the zone that your base occupies. For example I built my base a bit to the east of Jerusalem. That means it's technically still in North Africa, but so far all Retaliations flew over Central Sahara, never going even close to my base.

Your example of Crete is basically the same - it lies on the very edge of Europe zone.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on December 30, 2018, 08:43:15 pm
In 0.99J10 as stated here (,3626.msg107958.html#msg107958) seems that there is only one mission which reqjires the airbus to be engaged. What is it?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: cc on December 31, 2018, 12:36:55 pm
In 0.99J10 as stated here (,3626.msg107958.html#msg107958) seems that there is only one mission which reqjires the airbus to be engaged. What is it?
The X-Prison mission from the Dr. X story line can only be done with the Airbus/-van, or Rail Pod.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on January 02, 2019, 11:48:02 pm
Mutant meat is sayed to "make you sleepy" but what does it means?

Also i've noticed that in 0.99J10 X- grog barrels used in battle are automatically refilled, thanks
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ashghan on January 02, 2019, 11:59:17 pm
Stun, energy and morale damage. It's right there in the ANAL button.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dioxine on January 03, 2019, 03:19:42 am
Also i've noticed that in 0.99J10 X- grog barrels used in battle are automatically refilled, thanks

They are not.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on January 03, 2019, 07:26:33 pm
Some pointers i though about, referred to the current version (0.99J10):

I've seen that homefront rifle spaws more frequently than the rcf carabine (last one being used by major factions, mainly spartans) and so in the early games having good firearms is very hard, unless ou're lucky and manage to steal somethingh that once researched is avaiable to buy at the black market. Minor factions, civilians and bandits use early firearms like pistols shotguns and smgs. Sprayguns, ramshakle rifles and  uac carabine seems to be rather uncommon only some G.O.s and researchers appear to use these, blackmarsh smg, asssult smg are used in early game too, but from major factions such as government and church. Flintlocks are mainly used by ratmen, highwaymen, drifters and some other freak, and are the only real threat at the beginning of the game, unòess ou have some decent armor like the warrior armor; which i advise to use if startin to engagé some early missions that are more demanding such as the infested cellar whare there is lots of point black and melee fighting.

For early rifles the ramshakle ìis the best starting option, along with the old carabine, but for early rifles i'd advice the homefront rifle or the rcf carabine (his ne is more accurate but less owerful then the homefront). or submachine guns best initial choiche is the smg, which may be used in infiltration missions. O' Harty's Gun is sort of "middle tier" weapons, has the advantage to fire same ammos as the small revolver, rusty niner and ol' revolver (and deal the rispective damaga) but is rather incaccurate in comparison with the former ones. muskets and the less accurate harquebuses are good srmor piercing weapons, but with reduced gal mobility.

As the rest, in my runs it's some versions that i don't meetup with the raiders anymore, i advanced till early 2602. I have to trigger some events or it's jus my bad luck, once again? A savegame is attached, in June 2601 i had not a single base crackdown, referring as what told here (,4102.msg107934.html#msg107934)

Edit: post moved form here (,3626.msg108028.html#msg108028)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on January 19, 2019, 08:42:51 pm
And what's the point of "the dark ones"? They seem to spawn from nowhere, and always attack my weakest base? There is somethingh in the research that unlocks them or they are just a nasty surprise? In "Jack sparrow" mode it's almost impossible to resist a base assault!!

And i have not build a workshop yet!! :'(

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: sanyaskillpro on January 19, 2019, 11:32:36 pm
I loaded your game in nov a couple of times and couldn't get a crackdown in 15 dec. Looks like you got unlucky.
2 things i immediately noticed:
- still 3 brainers? expand them asap! I'm not sure if you can salvage this run because you'll get real crackdowns soon and you're still at the stone age.
- your 2nd base is a deathtrap. Your outpost got sandwhiched between a hangar and a lift, where enemies can spawn.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dioxine on January 20, 2019, 01:10:15 pm
In "Jack sparrow" mode it's almost impossible to resist a base assault!!

A statement that's simply untrue. Don't be manipulative like this. Also nobody is forcing you to play on highest difficulty. Have you any self-esteem at all to post such stuff?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on January 20, 2019, 04:14:35 pm
Thanks for the feedback, sanyaskillpro ! So:

- still 3 brainers? expand them asap! I'm not sure if you can salvage this run because you'll get real crackdowns soon and you're still at the stone age.

Actually, i saved money to build a second base, and invest mostly to have a fothold in the infantry department. Seems i have kinda a defensive playstyle, maybe?

- your 2nd base is a deathtrap. Your outpost got sandwhiched between a hangar and a lift, where enemies can spawn.
When building a second base usually i prefer the barracks over the ouytpost, in fact it's somewhat difficult to defend it. If someone has a base layout to advice i'd appreciate, of course screenshots are welcome! See the one of my second hideout attached.

A statement that's simply untrue. Don't be manipulative like this. Also nobody is forcing you to play on highest difficulty. Have you any self-esteem at all to post such stuff?

No , ablolutely, i pheraphs had to specify for me. :) Well what can i say, i'm a real masochist then :)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Zharkov on January 20, 2019, 05:22:37 pm
How do you fight the canny pirates in the necroplane? It seems to me I am loosing more girls in these battles than the loot is worth.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 20, 2019, 05:41:07 pm
How do you fight the canny pirates in the necroplane? It seems to me I am loosing more girls in these battles than the loot is worth.

I don't really know what to say, since I never thought of them as hard compared to some other early enemies, like Zombies with Chryssalids/Strixes or maybe even Bogeymen... Just kill them before they shoot at you, I guess.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dioxine on January 20, 2019, 05:42:46 pm
How they're any problem? Slow, inaccurate, low reactions... Just have to be hit twice instead of once.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Zharkov on January 20, 2019, 07:19:51 pm
Yeah, looking at the stats those pirates shouldn't be such of a problem. Maybe I should advance a bit slower and wait until those blood hounds have rushed me- impatience kills the gals.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on January 20, 2019, 11:25:57 pm
Hey, anyway i'm nearly at the end of February 2602 and managed to build a workshop in my main base, yay! Encountered the dark ones in the "doomed farm" mission this time was lucky to recover posseded sarge and machinegunner and researched them. I wonder how i get my hands to buy the UAC weapons, aside the carabine?

Also i'm researchin "rifle bullet manufacturing" and "slayer bullets" to start usin piratey weapons at least for my initial base's crew; already have researched "quadcannon" and "light cannon" (frome the doom enemyes) that will allow to research and manufacture craft munitions, and also have bayoneted muskets and flintlock pistols, hope to add blunderbusses, boarding guns and handannons, which hope to manufacture  soon. 8)  I'm about to secure the alliance favors too; they provide a nice skyranger for missions where some more personnel is needed. I had two crackdiwns on my second bade and one on the first one, so "island trick" does not guarsatee invisibility. There is something going on in the planet, i have most gals wounded and not ready for fight, maybe will do some minor missions  in the meantime :)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: sanyaskillpro on January 21, 2019, 04:11:15 am
Seems i have kinda a defensive playstyle, maybe?
Maybe, but good tech directly increases the firepower you get from a single unit. If i'm lucky with a quick cash mission(church raid or 4 stranded agents) i get 2-3 brainers in the very first month(before day 10 or so they're worth it imo). And now that we get a small engine from a nurses airbus you can actually guarantee an extra brainer or two. Keep in mind that research gives you score, score = money so their salary in not that high. Unless they're idling.

What matters is not barracks vs outpost, it's the fact that your spawn location is flanked by 2 enemy spawn locations. Hangar-lift-outpost would be much better. Still that raid is beatable if you camp, i bought a bunch of doublebarreleds, landmines and a few swords for a cacodemon but as i said i couldn't get it to spawn. And if doom guys are the problem wait until you fight a major faction... I recently lost a JS game around that time and i had a way better tech level than you. Guess i'm back playing on 4th, saves a lot of nerves.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Zippicus on January 21, 2019, 08:56:17 am
Hey, anyway i'm nearly at the end of February 2601 and managed to build a workshop in my main base, yay! Encountered the dark ones in the "ddomed farm" mission this time was lucky to recover posseded sarge and machinegunner and researched them. I wonder how i get my hands to buy the UAC weapons, aside the carabine?

There's a couple imperial probe missions where you can get all that stuff, one mission is a mansion and the other is a tower.  Pogroms are also a fairly decent source although I don't see very many dark one pogroms.  They bring lots of their toys when they do base assaults as well.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Martin on January 21, 2019, 01:25:01 pm
How do you fight the canny pirates in the necroplane? It seems to me I am loosing more girls in these battles than the loot is worth.

They can be used for training when you reach the point when you are practicaly invulnerable to their weapons. Otherwise they can be avoided, they loot is not even worth the ammo you waste.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on January 21, 2019, 01:51:33 pm
In the meantime, I've updated the main thread with some installation tips for linux users! Actually it was 2602, i've amended the typo up  :) A couple more questions:

1) Does the game have a time limit r virtually it may go on and on; for instance till 2703? and behyond?

2) In the bounty missions - don't know if any other else since i still have not unllocked these - some mission have turn limits; but sometimes the countdown does not start at the beginning like the lock'naar farm (level D), for instance in the humanist arsenal one (level C) it starts afterward, but something needs to be triggered? I got the impresison the turns are started being counted onthe the arsenal building is in my line of sight, so the latter thing operates only in some misisons, is that correct?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on January 23, 2019, 07:09:11 am
In the meantime, I've updated the main thread with some installation tips for linux users! Actually it was 2602, i've amended the typo up  :) A couple more questions:

1) Does the game have a time limit r virtually it may go on and on; for instance till 2703? and behyond?

2) In the bounty missions - don't know if any other else since i still have not unlocked these - some mission have turn limits; but sometimes the countdown does not start at the beginning like the lock'naar farm (level D), for instance in the humanist arsenal one (level C) it starts afterward, but something needs to be triggered? I got the impression the turns are started being counted on the the arsenal building is in my line of sight, so the latter thing operates only in some missions, is that correct?

No, the game can last indefinitely, assuming you want it too. There might be a point where the game engine breaks but i've never found it. That said about 5-6 years is average. Ran to 8 once cause it was the save i kept for along time to just screw around in.

Turn limits are fixed values, least so far as i know.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: sanyaskillpro on January 23, 2019, 08:42:17 am
Why did the humanist arsenal mission need a time limit anyway?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: cc on January 24, 2019, 10:56:05 pm
There might be a point where the game engine breaks but i've never found it. That said about 5-6 years is average.
Probably 2 147 483 647. If you manage to get that high before dying of old age yourself, congratulations. :D
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on January 25, 2019, 03:07:10 am
OK guys another update! So went for the gray codex, and unlocked the shadowbat and the snake vessels; i've also build up a pirate weapon arsenal though quite non very technologically advanced these get the job done! Oh some to talk about: why in the goblin zaxx "archeological dig" all of a sudden my gal are put on fire? There is somethingh goin on there? and why in the "Ratmen cache" these are boxed!? I cannot get out of that metal crates!!!

For the rest i unlocked by june 2602 authorized dealers contract and researched plastastee but missing Hellerium  :'( and for a nasty surprise, also the first of june appeared the very firs pirate competitor base! Actually it uses the vanilla's ufo:eu tilesets as far as i've seen.

Edit: some typos
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on January 25, 2019, 05:19:23 pm
I bet you used an armor that is not allowed for the ratmen cache. And as to the being on fire: some of the enemies might have the smg with API ammo, forgot the name.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on January 25, 2019, 05:30:13 pm
I bet you used an armor that is not allowed for the ratmen cache. And as to the being on fire: some of the enemies might have the smg with API ammo, forgot the name.

Thanks but for the archeological mission i saw neither enemies not even sound of gunfire; it happened all of a sudden?! Pherapsh is a bug?

Edit: In the menatime the enemy hideout i found in South america and the beginning o June 2602 is a Mercenary one! (,4102.msg109186.html#msg109186) They are all armed with gauss muskets, and have some strange force fied shields gloving on them, and even hovertank/plasma! I cannot even conceive to hurt one, so i assume it would be game over sooner i i won't attack it, uness i have the technology?

Also a bit of cheating: what portion of a .sav fie i may erase to delete it from a game? If you want please PM me. Thanks anyways!

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on January 25, 2019, 06:58:09 pm
Just ignore the base. It doesn't cost a lot of points.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Negative on January 25, 2019, 09:14:10 pm
They are all armed with gauss muskets, and have some strange force fied shields gloving on them, and even hovertank/plasma! I cannot even conceive to hurt one, so i assume it would be game over sooner i i won't attack it, uness i have the technology?
Place a "Do not go there!" sign near this base. Once you will be able not only to kill them all, but even to voodoo-control and capture them.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Eddie on January 25, 2019, 09:44:03 pm
And why in the "Ratmen cache" these are boxed!? I cannot get out of that metal crates!!!

The bootypeadia, read it you must. A fool you are if you don't...
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on January 26, 2019, 12:42:08 am
hanks, actually never discovered that! Anyway got in August 2602, and in the middle of June my secon base was attacked and destreoed by academy guys, osiron security and explorer guys usin plasma weapons at least i think because were wealdin heavy plasma and plasma rifle sprites from vanila uf enemy unknown. In the meantime i got the ridden of filntlock and starting to stash some laser weapons  along with more powerful gunpowder propelled ones (mostly hand cannons and boardin guns) I also researched suer sawed-off, any hint on some shotgun type weapon that has a good compromise with range and piercing damage against armore enemye? I also fought successfully at the end of june my first mutant progom, a spartan one, again, have some advise to gunpowder weapons agains rmored enemies? Got also a secon enemy base in australua; this time ot's the church', to to have somo more decent weaponry to see if i can manage to asssult and destroy it.

I also downned a megapol patrol but thei armor seems very resistent to my current weapons (see attached screenshot). As always, any hints would be  more than welcome! :)

Edit: i regret i wasted lots of goblin zaxx tokens with the slave taskmaster; instead i've should get military supplies 😤😤 hell it will take forever to make these again since i found these missions very hard  :'( Moreiver without the plantation in my second base, wss also forced to fire 2 brainers that i hired in the past months. Hope to stack some more money to build another. Advices on the places would be fine 🙂 Hey, at worst bury me with my guns on!! (
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Zippicus on January 26, 2019, 03:48:26 am
Generally speaking shotguns are not ideal for armored enemies since the idea is many smaller damage projectiles.  That being said the nuclear laser shotgun works well against armor but you're probably a ways off from being able to build those.  As far as general weapons to use against armored enemies, any weapon that you can manufacture plastasteel ammo for works reasonably well, but it really depends on what you're shooting since everything has different resistances and armor levels.  The laser weapons you're finding should work well too.  Also melee weapons work surprisingly well against almost everything.  Fire is always a good too, almost everything hates being on fire.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Martin on January 26, 2019, 12:34:55 pm
Mercenareis aren’t exactly well armoured, they have high resistance to piercing damage.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dioxine on January 26, 2019, 02:17:03 pm
hanks, actually never discovered that!

It's displayed from the start... Although has been only added in j10.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Eddie on January 26, 2019, 03:49:14 pm
I find the bounty prize "confederate gear" to be extremely useful. You get the electro lasso and the heavy pistol (desert eagle). Both deal quite well with armored enemies.
The electro lasso is like a ranged cattle prod. It can deal with anything that is not power armor. Also, it has reaction disrupt. Anything you hit will not reaction fire on you.

A good all around setup is then shotgun in hand, heavy pistol in quickslot and lasso on the belt. Shotgun for anything not armored and close range, the pistol can handle armored and medium and long range. Lasso can capture even armored things. The only thing this setup can't do very well is fight enemies 30+ tiles away. You can put an RFC carbine in the backpack for these rare cases or replace the heavy pistols with magnums.

For the shotgun I recommend the double barrel or the military. Double barrel when you expect tougher things like blood hounds or sky ninjas (close range autoshot is a guaranteed kill). Military shotgun for squishy things like ratmen.

Another honorable weapon mention: hunting bow with poison arrows. Does way more damage than you would think. When you have a skilled shooter (70+ throwing) you can take down medium armored enemies like spartan lieutenants in 2-3 shots. Also has reaction disrupt, so things you hit won't shoot back.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Negative on January 26, 2019, 05:41:40 pm
If DEagle is so good(and it is good) - why even use shotgun? Deagle kills anything not armored as well.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on January 26, 2019, 06:07:24 pm
Shotguns are the go-to weapons for hands with bad aiming. Even with AP or later HEAT ammo even the worst gal can hit with them.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Eddie on January 26, 2019, 07:02:17 pm
If DEagle is so good(and it is good) - why even use shotgun? Deagle kills anything not armored as well.

Deagle can't kill a blood dog in 32 tu. Double barrel shotgun can. Seriously, the burst damge of the double barrel autoshot (and sawed off) is crazy!
And as Rince Wind mentioned, shotguns require no skill for good results. Even with skill, for anything not armored and less than 15 tiles away a shotgun does the most damage.

Also, reliability. Point a shotgun at a ratman at 5 tiles distance. 100% it dies in one shot. The deagle can miss, AND you can have a low damage roll. From the damage roll alone you have about 25% chance of not killing the ratman in one hit.

I tried to do the math to compare weapon damage output. Even at 15 tiles distance, shotguns (double barrel, heavy, military) have about double the dps of a deagle (snapshot, unarmored target, buckshot). Funny enough, dps of double barrel, heavy and military is quite close.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on January 26, 2019, 10:47:30 pm
OK, made in October 2602, i discovered the air musket (a ppor man's version of the battle rifle, ho to get my hands on it sooner or later) it 's like a big flintlock pistol but with decent accuracy. Equipped it onboard, more convvenient than boarding guns which anyway i keep on board  ;D Actually i never paid attention but savvy girls are often to be found in guild warehouses and church temples  the description says these are skilled thief so they hope to steal something. That laslock pistol are fine, but thise i-Gun have a very fashinatin damage but due to poor range i prefet them in close combat.

Also have equipped airbus for infiltration missions, with NERF laserpistols and laslock shotguns; as for bounties i have  reached 300 circa goblin zaxx coins, though the military supplies theyre asking worth 1250  :o :o don't know if by the end of the year i will earn that. Ive akso some dynamite bundle and LASSes. I may try to attack church hideout; but currently i've not secured new weapons 😢 maybe the church may have interesting hardware...

Edit: Again thanks for your advices on shotguns. Maybe im a strange guy but i tend to pefer jack-of-all-trades-weapons since don't wanna go mad by doing to much micromanagement with a ton of different weapons  :o
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on January 28, 2019, 06:07:02 pm
OK guys made in Jaunary 2603 and upgraded to 0.99J10 to 011, at the very end od decembre 2602 (31 few hours before midnight) ! But then...cmae first crackdown ever, lead incredibly by star gods themselvess!!!  :o :o Well with my equipment and weaponry i have asolutely no chance againsta them, so please, may you tellm me how to edit mi .sav file to remove the crackdown? I've attached a couple of saved games, before and during the happening. Please if don't want answer here send me a PM, otherwise this may be mean the end of my "guide" :'( :'(

As for general gameplay, i've reached goblin zaxx's military supplies, but lacking of some advanced armor.

Question: how is suypposed zaxx biunty mission "escape tower"? I manage to kill the human mage and some brigands, but the briefings tells about also is wife is meant to be killed, but i did not find her in the map?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Martin on January 28, 2019, 06:46:37 pm
You fucked up anyway, you need to progress faster through the tech tree. Star Gods are toughest foes by far with the tech you have you stand no chance.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on January 28, 2019, 06:48:27 pm
You fucked up anyway, you need to progress faster through the tech tree. Star Gods are toughest foes by far with the tech you have you stand no chance.

So there is no other way that starting a new game? Oh...well maybe enemy progression needs to be somewhat reworked to be more gradual I hope  :'(
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Zippicus on January 28, 2019, 08:12:08 pm
Well sometimes it's just the RNG kicking you in the nuts, it's entirely possible to have really bad things happen really early.  Other times you might go years before you see any star gods/mercs.  I can't look at your save since I don't have xcom loaded on this computer so all I can do is offer some basic general advice.  Early on you want to get as many brainers as you can afford, keeping in mind their monthly salary (ideally max number possible).  This will let you advance your tech so you can deal with most stuff sooner rather than later.  Even with endgame tech stargods are a pain in the ass.  Some stuff that helps with early tough crackdowns are explosives, chem/poison gas weapons, hallucinogen grenades, incendiary weapons, and appropriate melee weapons can get the job done most of the time.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: sanyaskillpro on January 28, 2019, 08:45:07 pm
So there is no other way that starting a new game? Oh...well maybe enemy progression needs to be somewhat reworked to be more gradual I hope  :'(
The progression is fine. You still have 3 brainers 3 years in, that's your problem. Playing on the max difficulty doesn't help either.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Martin on January 28, 2019, 08:47:16 pm
Brainers are a must. You do not engage in piracy, bootlegging, slavery and pimpcraft to get rich in this game, you do it to support your expensive research. You should have a coupple of Study Rooms in secondary research base by the start of second year. Highest difficulty actually makes this easier, more enemies = more captives, more loot, more points = more cash.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dakkdakk on January 29, 2019, 01:17:20 pm
Ye, the early game is pretty much all about keeping your gals alive and getting enough money to hire and maintain your brainers. You can kinda slow down when you get yourself around 10 brainers, in my experience (because you'll also need money for ammunition, vessels and materials to craft stuff). I dont think you really need a secondary base done by then, but its recommended that you do, just at least so you dont get a game over if you get trashed in a crackdown.

Anyway, the RNG can always screw you. In a past version I clearly remember being raided by the dark ones in the second year, hell baron and all, and only surviving by abusing good melee gals with tech blades.

A decent strat to deal with pretty much any crackdown other than the star gods themselves is to have a team of voodoo skilled gals with heartstopper staves. You can then scout the enemies around the base using dogs or other more disposable units and then smack them with wololo until they die. Its pretty good against merc crackdowns, which are otherwise pretty dificult, though you'll still need to take out the hovertank they'll inevitably bring, so you should always have anti armor and concussive damage weapons avaliable, the ones that don't need an arc to fire, at least.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Martin on January 29, 2019, 02:16:09 pm
Firing a rocket droping satchel charge into the hangar also helps. Some players even recomended suicide bombers.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dakkdakk on January 29, 2019, 09:13:03 pm
Suicide bombers work ok if you're desperate in hard crackdowns, though there's still the problem of reaction fire. I guess you could send in some dogs to draw fire and then send your bomber in with a pair of primed satchel charges. Maybe even keep a flashbanger slave just for that purpose.

Also, since bases now count as underground, and so you can't use tanks on them, can we still use our own tanks during crackdowns? I haven't tested the new version yet.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Martin on January 30, 2019, 01:11:26 am
Hopefully so, the gals have to be able to quickly and easily transfer them from storage and load then into a craft
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on January 30, 2019, 03:39:01 am
Suicide bombers work ok if you're desperate in hard crackdowns, though there's still the problem of reaction fire. I guess you could send in some dogs to draw fire and then send your bomber in with a pair of primed satchel charges. Maybe even keep a flashbanger slave just for that purpose.

If your using suicide bomber tactics, do it with dogs, they may not have much inventory or str, but its nuff for a few preprimed explosives.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dakkdakk on January 30, 2019, 07:08:52 pm
I, for one, would greatly enjoy suicide parrots (
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on January 30, 2019, 11:32:15 pm
Parrots are unfortunately not nearly as effective, due to inventory shape constraints. only 1x1 spaces, doggos have 2x2.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on February 01, 2019, 03:10:59 pm
Sent 11 Slaves to the Starport Terminal. 2 made it out. Barely. And I haven't even seen the guy I was supposed to capture (I think).
Any Tipps?
I admit they were underequiped as I didn't know what I would be facing and just took what stealthy stuff the secondary base had.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on February 02, 2019, 06:35:38 pm
Ok guys, decided to start over ang give another shot, to 0.99J11, this time i decided to go "asian" building a base in "pirate straits" (well tht is mandatory!) and with a custom layout base. I've unlocked recruitment but did not undertake in the research the diverging path; wonder if it  will disable vodoo since supermutant gals only are supposed to have such powers? I would have like to have it as alternative as i stated here (,3626.msg109615.html#msg109615). I've unlkocked the "contact:merchants" and ground assoulted an academy bus and a watchtower, also starting to have some more modern equipment; i'm at the very end of Jaunary 2601.  8)

Edit: I've also accomplished sn "infested cellar" missions with fanger outfit; sats seem muvh more powerful with thei bites, as it is supposed to be, in fact the wounds they inflicted me were much more severe. Probably i'm gonna sick with the gals, up with women!!! :-*
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Martin on February 02, 2019, 10:57:15 pm
Nah, picking male soldiers only locks you out of coupple mid and late game techs that honestly aren’t anything to write home about. But  still gals are better pick as slaves aren’t hard to get en masse even relatively early.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on February 02, 2019, 11:55:25 pm
Nah, picking male soldiers only locks you out of coupple mid and late game techs that honestly aren’t anything to write home about. But  still gals are better pick as slaves aren’t hard to get en masse even relatively early.

That leads to another question: it is possible to "munufacture" slave soldiers? I happen to remember something about it is achieved by interrogaton some types, but cannot remember. Is that correct?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dakkdakk on February 03, 2019, 06:10:45 pm
You can recruit slave soldiers from your regular slaves after you research the slave soldier topic, yes.
And yes, picking slave soldiers locks you out of some tech, and makes it harder to get access to some tech (namely chateau de la mort and some others). I'm currently doing a run with slave soldiers and honestly, its not easy, at least until you get them some basic armor and access to better weapons, but you can't really can't really take advantage of their numbers until you get yourself a skyranger at the very least. I feel the game still needs some adjustments to make slave soldiers a worthy option.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on February 03, 2019, 08:34:57 pm
Thanks dakkdakk, in this 0.99J11 run i made it in may 2601 but as i wrote here (,4058.msg109627.html#msg109627) Asia is not a good spot to build a hideout, because most mission spawn very far.. Moreover, i still not have recovered a wrench!! Oh boy maybe i'm thinking to start over again..maybe gonna wait the next version. And yes the gamme needs some more adjustments, for instance in my whole xpiratez experience i ground assoulted very very few ship! Don't know it it depends on difficuly level, but on "jack sparrow" seems kinda impossible!! Also, please make asia more worth to be a battlefield! In April got also the very first crackdown  :'( on highest difficulty level; once enemies discover your base tend to happen every 4/5 months, even in the first year...
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on February 03, 2019, 09:01:48 pm
Don't play on the highest difficulty then.
It is not balanced around that. It is also really weird to play on the highest difficulty and then complain that the game is too hard.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on February 03, 2019, 09:08:47 pm
Don't play on the highest difficulty then.
It is not balanced around that. It is also really weird to play on the highest difficulty and then complain that the game is too hard.

Not complaining about difficulty; but only some on aspects that may be changed, eg. the geographicsl discrimination and the lackness of ships landing. Such ground assaults may be made more common, should happen more frequently; and to balance things, pheraphs make the ground combat more harder. Just random thoughts ;)

Edit: of course, if that con be done. Otherwise, gonna get over it :)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on February 03, 2019, 10:26:02 pm
Better radar coverage = more landings. No one gets those regularly at the start unless they are really lucky.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on February 03, 2019, 11:57:50 pm
Better radar coverage = more landings. No one gets those regularly at the start unless they are really lucky.

Well i always ignored the long radar in fact never build one in my games ever 😱😱; actually in my previous run gon in jaunary 2603 with the small one. Gonna wait for next version...
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dakkdakk on February 04, 2019, 02:42:20 pm
Expanding radar coverage is the second most important thing you should aim for (the first being getting more brainers). More radar coverage = more ships and landings to attack = more loot/stuff to research = more score = more cashmonies. If most of your early game money isn't going into getting more brainers and expanding your base/radar coverage, you'll probably have a lot of trouble later. After that, you can pass most of the midgame with 2 large radars and 10/12 brainers without much trouble. Get yourself a nice production base going, too, I made the mistake of using only 40 runts in my main base as my main line of production and several midgame stuff would take +10 days to make. Sell those ship engines, money purses and money bags!
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on February 04, 2019, 06:54:20 pm
Expanding radar coverage is the second most important thing you should aim for (the first being getting more brainers). More radar coverage = more ships and landings to attack = more loot/stuff to research = more score = more cashmonies. If most of your early game money isn't going into getting more brainers and expanding your base/radar coverage, you'll probably have a lot of trouble later. After that, you can pass most of the midgame with 2 large radars and 10/12 brainers without much trouble. Get yourself a nice production base going, too, I made the mistake of using only 40 runts in my main base as my main line of production and several midgame stuff would take +10 days to make. Sell those ship engines, money purses and money bags!

But hey, once i build the long range, may i get the rid of the small one?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dakkdakk on February 04, 2019, 07:18:58 pm
Definitely, since it becomes completely useless once you build a better one, AFAIK, like in vanilla. The new one also acts as a minor defense battery during crackdown approaches, though it doesn't do all that much.

The one that doesn't act as a radar is the hyperwave decoder, IIRC, so don't desconstruct your long range radar once you get it.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Toothless Shark on February 04, 2019, 09:34:21 pm
Definitely, since it becomes completely useless once you build a better one, AFAIK, like in vanilla. The new one also acts as a minor defense battery during crackdown approaches, though it doesn't do all that much.

The one that doesn't act as a radar is the hyperwave decoder, IIRC, so don't desconstruct your long range radar once you get it.

You don't need radars with Hyper Wave Decoder. I have only Hyper Wave Decoders in my bases and detect all incoming traffic. This is for J9 and J11 versions of the game, dunno if and when that was changed.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dakkdakk on February 04, 2019, 09:40:05 pm
Weird, maybe I'm recalling an older version or am just confused. Thats even better, then.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dioxine on February 04, 2019, 10:38:58 pm
HWD was always replacing radar.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: BBHood217 on February 05, 2019, 12:41:21 am
Like in vanilla UFO, the only radar you'll ever need once you can build it is the HWD.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on February 06, 2019, 04:27:32 pm
OK, a brand new start, this time in Cuba. Seems a pretty decent position, covering americas and asia, australia is out, but essenctially we need at least 2 hideouts to cover at least 90% of the world. If yuo're a newbie like me pick the save and try  ;) i've just unlocked the black market, finally in 0.99J11 prices are superaffordable!
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Martin on February 06, 2019, 07:35:37 pm
You’re covering mostly water by your radar, shiping never lands in water. My preffered starting location is real life Hungary, the airbus can cover almost everywhere form there with exception of most australia, new zealand and southernmost tip of south america.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on February 06, 2019, 07:40:32 pm
You’re covering mostly water by your radar, shiping never lands in water. My preffered starting location is real life Hungary, the airbus can cover almost everywhere form there with exception of most australia, new zealand and southernmost tip of south america.

Right but i've also seen that both North and South america are rasther busy areas,  but less than europe anyway. Mission spawning rate also is ok but once again Europe is better.

Edit: Africa, Oceania and Asia seems to lose hands down. in both fields. :'( Hope in next version eventually will add more variety even in this department. This toma also added "(founder)" net to tje escaped lunatics's names, alway remember who you are! ;D
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dakkdakk on February 06, 2019, 10:03:08 pm
Hungary is a great choice, and Rome, while close to some water, also seems to get loads of traffic during the whole game. "Seems to" is the key word here. Otherwise I always pick the middle of the US or Africa. I only avoid south america because I hate jungle terrain.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Stoddard on February 07, 2019, 01:16:09 am
I find Kotor / Montenegro the optimal choice.

Edit: this is the 8-base location list I find optimal:

  • Kotor, Montenegro
  • Arka, Khabarovsk Krai, RU
  • Bruce Mines, Ontario, CA
  • Arugam Bay, Sri Lanka
  • Ghanzi, Botswana
  • Jundah, Queensland, AU
  • South Pole
  • Nova Aurora, Goias, BR

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on February 09, 2019, 10:17:34 pm
This time i am sat in middle east!  I' at the end of May 2601, and luckily captured a catgirl, these are a bit more easier than necropirates to handle; moreover i noticed that in 0.99J11 Windows vessels seems to  be sse-through, but lso shoot thrigh, i was shot with sup harpoon and fire, but i can also shoot from the inside, it's a very risky thingh...bive a couple of scale mail armors too, never used befre, but the paperdoll, instead of sandals may have boots? And then i interceted a propelled plane, never seen these was a new addiction  or what?

Edit: i have the wrench but not unlocked the workshop yet; if you care guys load the save and tell: do you think my research is slow?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Martin on February 10, 2019, 02:11:03 am
You can check the tech tree to see what techs you need. Critical by april are are: contacts: crazy hanna and workshop
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on February 10, 2019, 05:05:53 pm
A B17 *love*
Hope I'll see one of them as well and they don't just appear in early game.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dakkdakk on February 11, 2019, 01:26:55 pm
I haven't stumbled upon a b17 yet, but I haven't been actively looking for them either.

But ye, you really want to get to workshop/crazy hannah by the 4th or 5th month, at least in the higher difficulties, and you should also look into getting a second base running, even if its just to house extra troops and a single ship. Soon after that you should probably look into getting some working interceptor craft going. You wanna have 10 or more brainers by this point along with continous alcohol production to cover your costs.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on February 11, 2019, 02:48:24 pm
I haven't stumbled upon a b17 yet, but I haven't been actively looking for them either.

But ye, you really want to get to workshop/crazy hannah by the 4th or 5th month, at least in the higher difficulties, and you should also look into getting a second base running, even if its just to house extra troops and a single ship. Soon after that you should probably look into getting some working interceptor craft going. You wanna have 10 or more brainers by this point along with continous alcohol production to cover your costs.

Thanks but got in november 2601 and got another crackdown from the dark ones!!! Ienconter them very frequently, playing at high difficulty, they appear from nowhere, i think they should when researched/triggere something instead, as of now it happen randomly, i have still not researched something related to them. The only thing i have is the demonic skull don't know it that is enough :-/
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dakkdakk on February 11, 2019, 02:53:15 pm
Since you get crackdowns so often, have you tried building your base using the bottleneck design on the wiki? The best anti crackdown design is the one that places the elevator in the far north end of the hideout, followed by a hangar and then a security corridor which then connects said hangar to a barracks and the rest of your base. Its not the most space efficient design but its amazing against crackdowns.

In my newest campaign I only got 2 crackdowns, one by the academy and one by ratmen, and I'm playing on the second hardest difficulty.

EDIT: Arthanor's design is pretty good against crackdowns (
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on February 11, 2019, 05:51:11 pm
Since you get crackdowns so often, have you tried building your base using the bottleneck design on the wiki? The best anti crackdown design is the one that places the elevator in the far north end of the hideout, followed by a hangar and then a security corridor which then connects said hangar to a barracks and the rest of your base. Its not the most space efficient design but its amazing against crackdowns.

In my newest campaign I only got 2 crackdowns, one by the academy and one by ratmen, and I'm playing on the second hardest difficulty.

EDIT: Arthanor's design is pretty good against crackdowns (

Thanks, i was not aware of that page! Tryed some sorta of the chockepoint one, but my real problem is - playing always at jack sparrow mode which as Dioxine stated is not balanced yet - i got always outnumbered. The only crackdowns i am not able to handle are the dark ones (without cheating, that is to say editing the .sav files and picking a lower difficulty level) that happened rather frequently, and the Star Gods one (happened only once), same as Mercenaries. I hope in the future the high level will be balanced. I play with tech viewer off because that is a game, not a chore! But the most annoyng thing is that i not always manage to recover the wrench, except when im lucky on inrtercept; that's why it should be among the loot of some early missions, watchtowers and infested cellars; for instance, with a 90% rate.

Gonna try, pheraphs with the next versio n, with the Chokepoint Starting Layout. I'm also thinking to give up the game once and for all :o if will be so, it may be also the coup de grace of this thread  ;)

Edit: final update to the first post, added the xpiratez bootypedia page; still pretty outdated though  :'(
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 11, 2019, 07:30:24 pm
I find the bottleneck design more beneficial to the enemy than myself, since I can't perform a pronged attack. After all the enemy is stronger, so the last thing I want is to let them fortify behind a single gate. It is much better if they disperse into smaller hunting parties, since it's my territory after all and I can pick them off more easily.
Besides, the bottleneck looks fucking lame. Who would realistically build a base like this?

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dakkdakk on February 11, 2019, 07:41:52 pm
I don't know, letting the enemies disperse on a hangar and then picking them off with strong but common weapons (IE RPG HEAT rounds, HMG's with plasteel ammo, grenades, etc) always worked well with me, and if you find it too dangerous to let them possibly get line of sight to your soldiers, you can just wait for them behind the barrack's doors and jump them with axes and maces once they get close to one of the doors, plus you can just lob satchel charges into the hangar continously. I've dealt with any crackdown up to mercs with this design.

The real drawback is when enemies get into the sewers. You can still get them of course, but you should prob bring along some dogs to sniff 'em out so you don't get caught by surprise.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 11, 2019, 09:22:46 pm
Thing is, I don't like waiting, I prefer to have the initiative. And I have enough people to set such traps on multiple routes, not just one.
Well, obviously strategies will be different between players. :)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Zharkov on February 14, 2019, 09:32:56 pm
1. Do you use shades? If so, for what combat role?
2. Where is this function to turn the dead into shades coded? (part of the answer: Transformations.rul),6902.0.html (http://made it)
3. What is the point of the shake up ceremony?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: cc on February 15, 2019, 01:00:21 am
1. Do you use shades? If so, for what combat role?
2. Where is this function to turn the dead into shades coded? (part of the answer: Transformations.rul)
3. What is the point of the shake up ceremony?
1. No.
2. What are you not finding in Transformations.rul? It holds all the information for the actual transformation (items, technologies, etc. are stored in Piratez.rul).
3. It does some skill balancing to make terrible recruits slightly less terrible.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on February 15, 2019, 01:14:13 am
1. Do you use shades? If so, for what combat role?
2. Where is this function to turn the dead into shades coded? (part of the answer: Transformations.rul)
3. What is the point of the shake up ceremony?

1) Shades are pretty much a scout/support role, given there pretty good invisibility. And psi panic is always useful, even if the shades arn't the most powerful example of the tool. Downside they are frail when spotted unlike some other similar role units. Also some use to be had from the fact the light they carry extends a smidgen beyond there invisibility range. That said, i dont use them frequently. The stats necessary to come out as a effective shade(high bravery/voodoo str/voodoo skill), mean the original gal was probably a very good voodoo gal to start with, and would be protected as such. I just dont lose that many.

2) No idea sorry.

3) shakeup ceremony is explicitly for making the worst of hired gals(not warriors or vets) tolerably useful. This is done by normalizing there stats to a given level. Points above those thresholds are lost, while anything below is brought up. Given how pricey gal hires are the xcom tradition of hire and fire is not as feasible. So you can hire and fire OR trade some cheaply crafted items and some healing time, to bring the noodle brained wimps up to tolerable standard.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on February 17, 2019, 05:29:35 pm
Please somene may provide a full list of night filter vision colors? There are 15 of them. Moreover, in Jnune 2601 (with 0.99J11) i still not obtained a wrench. What is the best way to get, accurdin to your experience?

Assaultin a small Church, ship, the ship room is alway overcrowded, as vanilla xcom; they think it is precious? And nice wallpaper n red lantern villa mission :D
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Stoddard on February 17, 2019, 05:35:01 pm
Assaultin a small Church, ship, the ship room is alway overcrowded, as vanilla xcom; they think it is precious?

Simpler: it's warm there. So they sit around the reactor and tell stories.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: cc on February 17, 2019, 05:36:03 pm
Please somene may provide a full list of night filter vision colors?
Tag, you're it.

Moreover, in Jnune 2601 (with 0.99J11) i still not obtained a wrench. What is the best way to get, accurdin to your experience?
Trader Warehouse, Excavation, or interrogating the bazillion Tough Guy/Gal you capture. It's easy to get.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on February 17, 2019, 05:47:08 pm
OK, and as for negative points you get when

1) dead men looted
2) innocent bystanders and/or mutnts getting kiled in action
3) killed civilans

Am i missing something? and as for 1); why?

And in the brand new .J11 mimssion "ratmen cave"; i even with the castway outfit eneded up boxed; what kind of armoris player allowed t pick to get in the action?

Edit: rsearching a decripted data disk told me about iron tribe, and a tridimensional may be related to the dark ones?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on February 17, 2019, 07:02:06 pm
Just read the ratman cache text and then click on "what to wear".
Reading the desciption would have been enough to tell you that gals won't help you. Only Lokk'Naar, iirc.
And you get negative points for looting only for enemies that you are not supposed to kill in the first place.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on February 17, 2019, 07:18:04 pm
Just read the ratman cache text and then click on "what to wear".
Reading the desciption would have been enough to tell you that gals won't help you. Only Lokk'Naar, iirc.
And you get negative points for looting only for enemies that you are not supposed to kill in the first place.

Thanks again, i clicked on the button but the description tells "unknown2. Sorry do not have a screenshot right now. Maybe it still has to be filled out by Dioxine, don't know
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: cc on February 17, 2019, 08:57:24 pm
Thanks again, i clicked on the button but the description tells "unknown2. Sorry do not have a screenshot right now. Maybe it still has to be filled out by Dioxine, don't know
That just means you have not yet researched Lokk'Narr soldiers and as such have no armors for them.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on February 23, 2019, 04:44:25 pm
Got in September 2601, and aside from the workshop im building also a beast den (50 storage space is ver hady!) and also ot the convoy, leaving the airbus for infiltration missions. I wonder what is that "destroyer" , and oh a nice tribute during a humanist safehouse raid..
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on February 24, 2019, 10:18:54 pm
A question about the bounty prizes: if i do not take all of lvl D, and i obtain a C brass medal unlocking the c-prizes will appear and override the d-ones in the manufacturing menu, so i will lose these? Same goes for other upper tiers?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: cc on February 24, 2019, 10:28:53 pm
A question about the bounty prizes: if i do not take all of lvl D, and i obtain a C brass medal unlocking the c-prizes will appear and override the d-ones in the manufacturing menu, so i will lose these? Same goes for other upper tiers?
The medals unlock missions and are not related to what prices are available.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on February 24, 2019, 10:37:18 pm
The medals unlock missions and are not related to what prices are available.

Ok, but doing some research/mission may make new prizes appear in a given tier, or it is necessary to obtain some to make other ones come out?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: cc on February 24, 2019, 10:54:31 pm
Ok, but doing some research/mission may make new prizes appear in a given tier, or it is necessary to obtain some to make other ones come out?
There's three "lines" of bounties for all the clients in which you can obtain earlier prizes to unlock later ones. I don't think there are requirements beyond that.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ashghan on February 24, 2019, 10:58:00 pm
No. You get all 1st tier (A1, B1, C1) prizes and can manufacture (claim) them as long as you have enough tokens. After you do 1st tier (manufacture then research) you can do the respective 2nd tier (A1 -> A2 etc.). Basically - you can get all the prizes at badge level D (for Zaxx, Jack and MA), if you have enough tokens. But you need to do them in order. Only research that adds new prizes is unlocking a new client (Red Mage for example) but AFAIR that requires badge C. Missions do not unlock prizes.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on February 25, 2019, 04:33:12 am
Small caveat to what Ashghan said. The bounty challenges, stop being an option once a certain tier is achieved, as detailed in the associated articale. People tend to not read in game for some reason  ::)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Zharkov on February 25, 2019, 11:37:45 am
Which armors are good against Chryssalids?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on February 25, 2019, 11:42:36 am
Flying armors.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Zharkov on February 25, 2019, 11:46:57 am
Flying armors.

Yeah, that is true!

Let me more specific. What armors are useful against Chryssalids when you face them on the ground (e.g., inside an UFO)?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Martin on February 25, 2019, 12:13:29 pm
Armoured cars are immune to zombification and gals have enough HP to survive chryssalid attack to the front sometimes.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: sanyaskillpro on February 25, 2019, 02:06:16 pm
Or breach the roof with flying armor and explosives.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Martin on February 25, 2019, 02:18:10 pm
They flying armor doesn’t help against church exalts that tend to accompany chryssalids and I woudl rate them as greater threat.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on February 25, 2019, 02:39:23 pm
Swift Suit helps against almost everything because you can stay somewhere safe, sprint out, kill stuff, and sprint back into safety.
Sure it doesn't work everytime. But nothing does, and if it did it would be boring.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dakkdakk on February 25, 2019, 03:23:13 pm
Lure the exalts out and have your sniper gals take care of them, while using a flying gal to murder the chryssalids. Exalt armor isn't thaaat great against ordinary ammo/plasteel.
This is why I usualy bring flamethrowers (long range or heavy flamer) against the church. It works well against 'lids and will make the exalts panic often.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Zharkov on February 25, 2019, 03:29:49 pm
One problem with Exalts is that their sword is built in, so they do not loose it when panicking or being unconsciousness.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Martin on February 25, 2019, 05:48:17 pm
Lure the exalts out and have your sniper gals take care of them, while using a flying gal to murder the chryssalids.

Luring them out is not always an option. Chryssalids and exalts aren’t much of a threat in the open, but they become deadly inside ufo or during  hideout defense.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on February 25, 2019, 09:27:06 pm
One problem with Exalts is that their sword is built in, so they do not loose it when panicking or being unconsciousness.

Is that new? Because I remember them using different kinds of swords that I could loot.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Martin on February 25, 2019, 09:57:30 pm
It is like two or three version old feature. A bit of a double edged sword for them as they can score a kill when they can ambush in cramped difficult to navigate enviroment where their high TUs portect them form reactions, but in the open they happily fly half across the map into reaction fire from a boom gun or similar weapon that oneshoots them shield or no shield.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on February 25, 2019, 10:18:30 pm
Ah, I haven't seen a (decent) Church ship in a while, so now Exalts yet.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dakkdakk on February 26, 2019, 05:44:41 pm
Exalts are surprisingly fragile against normal ammunition, they can only really tank laser/plasma/electric. You can take them out using tommy guns if you have to.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on February 26, 2019, 11:37:25 pm
Exalts are surprisingly fragile against normal ammunition, they can only really tank laser/plasma/electric. You can take them out using tommy guns if you have to.

That's the whole church faction. Faction is pretty much anti laser and that's it defensive extent.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: niculinux on April 13, 2019, 05:35:32 pm
Hello guys! I'm sad to tell you but since i won't have spare time to play xpiratez, i'm gonna defenitely drop the game once and for all  :'( but first ive downloaded and give a try to 0.99J13 version,  which introduces gambling, a eally nice and funny feature :). I've also used the OAK atch; i wonder what re the gfx improvements and whether in the future it would be incrporated.

As or gameplay i've finally built a workshop and researched "thinkering" but the requisites for the former are a bit changed, now it's also needed a stapler; where it may be fund? same ways a the wrench? I've also fought back a ratmen crackdown on my base at the beginning of the month, and also managed to get my hand on the RCF carabine, a decent early rifle :) Also, gambling was researched quite fast i suppose it's an early game thing :)

weell, so that is reeeally all, i don't tink i gonna have time to play so that is my very last post on the forum. Thanks to Dioxine, Solarius Scorch and everyone of this community. Have a great life! Over and out...

Eit: please bear with me very last typos, and the final one is here (,4058.msg111968.html#msg111968) Good luck to everybody :)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: armadilloTank on May 05, 2019, 03:11:30 am
I was trying to look for this answer but got spoiled on something so I stopped:

What are the differences generally between the male and female tech branch options?

So my last game that I started was on J8 or something. I usually have a couple 8 man teams peasants, catgirl/gremlins/loknards, and slave soldiers. Mainly for flavor. I modded in doomguy armor as being acceptable in stealth missions and melee punching through walls. I just play rip'n'tear on mansion missions. It adds so much to the game. But my serious business force was usually just power-armor Ubers. (ironically I had an all power armor force yet hadn't even gotten only satellite raid missions)

So starting a new game yesterday I get to the male soldiers or just Ubers option.

What am I locking my self out of by picking either? I really want to have a transport ship of suicide soldiers all dressed up as doom guys, but I don't know what picking either of these does so eh? Part of this was text in the bootypedia entry that made it sound like I wouldn't get a dojo/training room if I went with male soldiers. I saw that the random assigned tech values to complete the girl tech was 27 and male soldier tech was 3 so I'm guessing slave soldiers is the intended path.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on May 05, 2019, 06:34:17 am
The basic choice is what you get to hire, going SS locks out hiring gals until you unlock veteran tech. There are also some differences in armor but that's a bit further down the line and not particularly restrictive imo.

So cheapish middling quality slave soldiers vs expensive low quality gals. The gals will have higher stat caps but it takes significant effort/time to grind them up. A SS on the other hand will start out slightly better off then a hand level gal but won't cap as high.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: misterx on June 12, 2019, 04:32:19 pm
J15 has a brand new mission: "the thruth is out there", any hnt on what to do? I never manager to accomplish it . Anyway i got in the end of feb 2601, with metal armors and a nice shadowbat
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Eddie on June 12, 2019, 05:19:06 pm
Out of couriosity I looked at your save. Do you realize your runts are not assigned? You are missing out on a lot of cash.

If you want some more tips:
Get more runts to make chateau, you have enough apples. They pay for themself in under a month when making wine. You need to build a barracks to house them. You can sell your consumer goods and the hellerium to pay for the barracks and the runts.

Wapons: the AK is not that great. You already have combat shotguns, use them (at least on a few soldiers). Give shotgun users a pistol on the belt for long range fighting.
Try to get the Magnum bounty hunting prize, these guns are great!
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: misterx on June 12, 2019, 06:17:46 pm
Out of couriosity I looked at your save. Do you realize your runts are not assigned? You are missing out on a lot of cash.

If you want some more tips:
Get more runts to make chateau, you have enough apples. They pay for themself in under a month when making wine. You need to build a barracks to house them. You can sell your consumer goods and the hellerium to pay for the barracks and the runts.

Wapons: the AK is not that great. You already have combat shotguns, use them (at least on a few soldiers). Give shotgun users a pistol on the belt for long range fighting.
Try to get the Magnum bounty hunting prize, these guns are great!

Yep, too many thinghs to keep an eye on, that's why the runts are idle!! Actually shotguns seems to be good on unarmored enemies only; i'm looking forward a decent early game rifle for the gals. Any advice on that?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on June 12, 2019, 06:43:50 pm
Yep, too many thinghs to keep an eye on, that's why the runts are idle!! Actually shotguns seems to be good on unarmored enemies only; i'm looking forward a decent early game rifle for the gals. Any advice on that?

RCF Rifle. I think that RCF ammo ignores 10% of armor, deals around 26 damage. Accurate, cheap, light, fairly fast to use.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: misterx on June 12, 2019, 09:48:41 pm
RCF Rifle. I think that RCF ammo ignores 10% of armor, deals around 26 damage. Accurate, cheap, light, fairly fast to use.

Okay thank you. As for other rifles, weapons and armor progression, what would you suggest?

I've also unlocked the conversion launcher along with the shadowbat, and seagull missiles and launcher but what ammo does the conversion accept, since the seagull are not considered?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Eddie on June 13, 2019, 05:15:54 am
The conversion launcher uses seagull missiles.

Shotguns are weaker vs armored enemies, that is true. But they murder everything else.
In this mod, shotguns have ridiculous high accuracy compared to the other weapons. This is especially useful for the early game when your troops can't hit shit. Everyone can hit something with a shotgun. Seriously, this is a shotgun mod. You will understand once you get your hands on a mammoth chain shotgun.

The higher damage shotguns (combat, heavy, blunderbus, CAWS) are still ok for medium armored stuff (~25 armor). You should know from experience that a gal in warrior armor (30 armor) still takes damage from shotguns. For tougher armor, the AP ammo of military shotgun and CAWS are still better than AK rifles. You can also carry a backup weapon and/or use explosives. On top of that, mix your squad. Half shotguns, other half anti armor/long range.
The high damage pistols are excellent backup weapons (heavy pistol, magnum). Especially the magnum pairs well with a shotgun, as it has power AND range. Shotgun and magnum is probably the best early game weapon combo. Javelins and magnum is equally strong on a skilled gal.
What shotguns to use? Heavy for gals that have low firing skill, combat/trench gun for those with better firing.
I've looked at your memorial to see from which enemies your gals died. A lot died from blood hounds, dogs and ratmen. Shotguns are especially great vs these enemies.

Considering rifles: The early game rifles are really the weakest weapon type in this mod. They are only good for long range shooting (30+ tiles). Below 30 tile distance the pistol's aimed shot is better, as the typical pistol can do two aimed shots in the time a rifle shoots once. Pistols are also better at snap shots, and smgs have way better autofire than rifles.
Rifles are then best used to make something bleed from a long distance. A bleeding enemy will die eventually. So use rifles in a situation where you can wait until that happens. The RFC carbine is considered the best early game rifle for this tactic. Fast and accurate aimed shot, high armor penetration value. Not much damage though.

The rifles that are actually good in any situation are higher up the tech tree. Lasgun and smartrifle are what you are looking for.

Tl;dr: In the early game trenchgun + magnum is the best weapon loadout, next tier is smartrifle.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on June 13, 2019, 06:59:07 am
Okay thank you. As for other rifles, weapons and armor progression, what would you suggest?

I've also unlocked the conversion launcher along with the shadowbat, and seagull missiles and launcher but what ammo does the conversion accept, since the seagull are not considered?

Guerilla is best for early game long range combat since it has high Reactions and Camo. Then Warrior armor comes into play if your gals have to come closer. Additional 10 armor on everything makes you basically immune to shotguns, can shrug off most of small arms, so it's viable fairly long.
Super early good armor is that one made out of chitin plates (I can't remember the name).

UAC Rifle is usefull on close-mid combat thanks to multiple bullets per shot and 30 (I think) damage.
UAC Chaingun is also nice, it's fairly easy to acquire it early, shreds armor and deals good damage.
Rotogun. You need gal with good accuracy to use one with full potential. This is the cheapest gun that will still be a bit viable in mid game.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: misterx on June 13, 2019, 03:57:12 pm
Followed up you hints, and got some magnums along with rcf carabines and bullpup ones (won at casino) and a copule of chain mail and tac vest. There was also an enemy hideout, it's a church one. But game is reaaly thought, i should start researching cannon parts and light cannon? After used the drill and researched the gray codex, still got it, but am i supposed to sell it or whatever?

I have sold the shadowbat and went for a nice expedition instead, that craft was too much expensive plus don't have craft weapons yet, and the game is very though since im playing on the highest difficulty level
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Eddie on June 13, 2019, 05:58:11 pm
I don't want to sound too negative, but maybe you should start a new game on a lower difficulty level. On Jack Sparrow, the major factions start looking for your base in may 2602, and they come with plasma weapons. You are one year in and still at 3 brainers, you won't have the tools necessary to survive that.
Lower difficulty levels give you more time before plasma armed enemies attack your base.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Iazo on June 13, 2019, 07:49:27 pm
I think he can still make it, but will require A LOT of dog-powered explosive delivery systems.

I do not advise lowering the difficulty, but is true he is way behind on tech.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: misterx on June 13, 2019, 09:13:20 pm
Ok guys, gonna start a bran new game. What you would advice to research in the early game, let's say for the 6/7 months from the start? And how the heck i get the dog bomb squad?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: LytaRyta on June 13, 2019, 09:37:26 pm;topic=4102.0;attach=42739;image

°° ~~^^ yay, Dark City reference! (apparently) :o :p

such lovely lonely game!
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ashghan on June 13, 2019, 09:53:45 pm
FFS would you please stop posting full size graphics that blow up the entire page?

And what the heck does it have to do with the topic?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: LytaRyta on June 13, 2019, 10:28:38 pm
ah, sorry,

ijust enjoy´ed the "many-layered", many-fazetes game (with plethora of references, hints, and in-jokes )
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ashghan on June 13, 2019, 10:38:01 pm,6800.0.html <<< this is the topic you are looking for if you want to show appreciation.

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Eddie on June 14, 2019, 04:26:56 am
Ok guys, gonna start a bran new game. What you would advice to research in the early game, let's say for the 6/7 months from the start? And how the heck i get the dog bomb squad?

I think you researched the right things. Grog and chateau make you money, armors keep your gals from dying. Car thieves gives you access to the aircar and the air speeder. These are the first vessels you can get that can carry a weapon. Once you have an air weapon, you can shoot down civilian ships and get extra money that way. Then build more bases to increase your radar coverage. More radar -> more detected ships -> more missions -> more money. Extra bases you can fill with plantations to make money. Build a new base at the start of a month and build a burrow instantly so you can put some defenders in the base. Enemies decide at the start of a month if they want to attack a base, so only bases that exist at the start of a month will get targeted.
Once you get chateau, hire more runts to make more money. That money allows you to hire more brainers to speed up research. Try to get three extractors and a workshop in your base, and fill them all with runts. 100 runts making wine gives you ~3.5 mil per month.
Try to avoid spending money on weapons. The weapons you find should be enough to win battles. I saw you bought laslock pistols, that is money better spent elsewhere. Personally, I like the double barrel shotgun. It's cheap but still powerful. You can give it a try and see if you like the results. Heavy shotguns also work well.

You can make more money from battles by stunning and not killing. Then you sell the captured guys. The handle works well, as do shotguns with rubber bullets. First the domestic shotgun, then police shotgun. The cattle prod can stun even armored enemies. Battles are more difficult that way, but you get more money. Do a middle click on enemies to see their weapons. Harmless ones you can try to take alive.
The bounty prize "confederate gear" is really good. It gives you the heavy pistol and the electric lasso. The lasso helps a lot with capture and is also useful for armored enemies. Its good to research the bounty hunting early as more missons -> more money.

At the start of the game, you can sell the corridor and all the hellerium to have a bit more cash. Try to get at least one more brainer early to speed up research. Keep in mind that you get some extra cash from your score (333 per 1 point of score), so it's not that bad that in the base information your expenses are higher than your income. Again, more missions -> more money.

Dog bomb squad: you buy dogs and put armed explosives in their inventory. Crates of violence are probably best for that. Then you suicide them towards the enemy. They drop their bombs on the ground when they die. Advanced tactic is to first send one in without explosives to eat the reaction shots. The one with explosives then can get closer to deliver the payload.
This is probably the cheapest way to defend a hideout and not loose girls, but you kill a lot of dogs doing this.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: khade on June 14, 2019, 07:24:04 am
Since the more experienced players seem to have missed it, I have three pieces of advice:  1. Don't sell your drill.  2. Don't sell your drill.  3. Don't sell the freaking drill.

Thank you


I guess there are situations where selling that item might be worth your time, but most of them start with this thought process: "Gee, I don't think this mod is hard enough, how can I make it harder?"
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: misterx on June 14, 2019, 10:46:34 am
Once you have an air weapon, you can shoot down civilian ships and get extra money that way.

That seems to be a hard poit since killing civilians lead to earn negative score, so am i supposed to capture'em all? That's not always funny, but somewhat annoying. Fonr instance, i ground assaulted a medium transport ship full of laborers but game gave neg score even for the captured enemies. What's wrong with that?

@khade: luckily i got not to sell it. But i sold the engines of vessels i manage to capture, them worth some nice dolaros!

Edit : sorry, removed saved game because messed up
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on June 14, 2019, 03:04:40 pm
2nd highest difficulty is a good choice, imo. The game is NOT balanced for the highest one.
Capturing civilians is easy, just come at night and use shotguns with rubber bullets. Lokks make it even easier. Just be careful about light sources on the map.

And I 2nd the early hiring of brainers. Whenever you have around 300k that you don't need right now go and buy a new brainer until you run out of lab space. Always have one or two interrogate prisoners, that gives a lot of points and when you interrogate those that aren't worth much money anyway you already thin out the pool of stuff that the more expensive ones could tell you, so you'll need fewer of them.

I think some laslocks are fine as a backup for when your usual gear doesn't cut it, but as the ammo is expensive as well they should stay in the ship unless you really need them.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ashghan on June 14, 2019, 04:49:53 pm
Fonr instance, i ground assaulted a medium transport ship full of laborers but game gave neg score even for the captured enemies. What's wrong with that?

Basically if you haven't researched (interrogated) an enemy at least once, you get a different amount of points for live capture (I think it's 2 x kill score) so a captured unresearched civilian is 'worth' even more negative points. After you researched the enemy at least once, you get +10 points for capturing them. Everyone is the same - civvies, regular troops, even VIPs - all give the same 10 points if you captured them after researching. So research any civilians as soon as you catch them to avoid the capture penalty in the future. If you have time/troops/explosive to spare you can blow up the corpses of the killed civvies to avoid at least some negative score. IMO it's not worth it (both money- and time-wise), but I'm just putting the idea out there.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Eddie on June 14, 2019, 05:01:05 pm
It is important to understand that brainers not only cost money but also generate money.

- Everything you research gives you score, score gives you cash. Score for research is between 20 - 200 points per topic.
For example, pistol summary, shotgun summary and smg summary each give 100 score and cost 8 days to research each (on average, actual research time is a random value 50 - 150% of that). That 300 score gives you 100 000 cash. So if you hire a brainer and let him research these topics, he has already paid for his upkeep in that month.

- A lot of missions are locked behind research. Warehouse wars, Bandit town, all bounty hunting, all underwater missions. Some topics that are not marked !mission! also generate missions. The tavern cellar mission is unlocked by researching logistics, the police patrols only start once you have car thieves researched, the mess hall unlocks the beastmen altar mision.
The warehouse wars mission has some unarmed civilians that are easy to capture. You can easily earn back the money brainers cost from the missions they unlock. Capture instead of kill is key to earn more money from missions.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: misterx on July 09, 2019, 12:41:02 pm
Hi there, just out of curiositiy started a brand new game pick up males at diverging paths and the game seems to be even more harder! But just wanted to try. Any other hints on early game strategies with slave soldiers?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 09, 2019, 04:47:26 pm
Playing the Male Touch route is a bit more similar to classic X-Com. Here are my 8 Tenets of Human Warrior, which I have just formulated! (Could it be that they're related to the 8 Demon Gods? They probably are!)

1. Be prepared to take more losses. You can replace them more easily than Gals.
2. Capitalize on numbers. The Male Touch gives you access to an early truck, so use it. Consider using expeditions.
3. Not being able to hire Gals doesn't mean you won't have any. Make the extra effort to get all the ubers you can, especially early on. These Gals will be your elite breachers (give them chain mail or whatever good assault armour you have) and heavy weapon specialists. Don't use them as rank and file troppers, humans can do this just as well.
4. Get some Lokk'Naars for piloting, unless you have extra Gals and you want to use air combat as training. Lokks are also useful for their night vision (a big problem for humans) and other perks.
5. Bugeye advisors are phenomenal medics. Use either them or peasant nurses to patch up wounds. Also use their psi powers at every opportunity, even when it seems hopeless; they will rack up experience which you'll need later on (MC is still a thing).
6.Always remember everyone's combat role (assaulter, rifleman, sniper etc.) and generally stick with it.
7. Armour is important. Even the runt can make a difference. Humans are squishy!
8. Slave Soldiers are more collected than Gals and won't freak out so easily. If you meet resistance, slow down, use cover, flank the enemy, take potshots from different angles. Nobody likes campers, but there's a whole spectrum between camping and charging in mindlessly.

Good luck!
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: wolfreal on July 10, 2019, 05:37:50 am
I think rushing trucks, expeditions, and other massive transport are a must with the male touch path. And red codex get even more interesting, rushing it can give you the perfect way to apply point three from Solarius Scorch post.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: misterx on July 12, 2019, 03:44:58 pm
OK guys thanks again; i've managed to split up the squads: airbus with gals and trucks with slave soldiers, using the girls for the intercepting stuff and males for ground assoult missions, ive also stack up  some money but there's a nastybug taht keep game crashing when im trying to apply ss operator armor to a slave model, see here for the log report (,4058.msg114638.html#msg114638)

In the meantime, any hints on how to get more slave soldiers armors?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on July 12, 2019, 10:22:46 pm
I'd send some gals as heavy hitters with the slave soldiers.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: misterx on July 15, 2019, 02:27:27 pm
Finally managed to biuld a workshop! I've also captured govt enforcer, and once i even chased a mind probe which lead me to a reticulan base but i was outgunned and outnumbered and forced to retreat, acquired a reticulan plasma gun, but in the meantime lost my first truck along with 3/4 gals and varous slave soldiers. Still cannot recruit gals, seems i have to unlock warriors recruitment. Any advice about that?

Edit: ive seen that modifying the save game files, increasing difficulty, at "jack sparrow" there are even 7/8 missions spawning in the globe, along with more vessels fliying around, and base crackdowns are extremely difficult, that setting still need to be more balanced, right now its more frustrating than funny. base is attacked by dark ones, seems i'm "doomed"

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: wolfreal on July 15, 2019, 05:46:33 pm
The game is balanced to Davy Jones, and that is stated several times here in the forums. I also play Jack Sparrow, and I know I can not complain. In the end, you just need to select your fights more carefully.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: misterx on July 16, 2019, 02:16:30 pm
OK, i went for the red codex, but i am not able to unlock the vessels, pheraphs am i missing something? I've also interrogated giuld engineer that gives access to "basic engineering", but the path still seems long in the research. Also got my hands on an academy medic and unlocked "mutant origins"
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: misterx on July 16, 2019, 03:58:35 pm
Following the removal of a saved game here (,4102.msg113896.html#msg113896), i've decided to start a brand new game picking up gals, since the male path is hard, i hope to be more lucky

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: wolfreal on July 16, 2019, 04:07:11 pm
I'm doing the male path and yes, it is harder.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dioxine on July 17, 2019, 02:27:09 pm
Edit: ive seen that modifying the save game files, increasing difficulty, at "jack sparrow" there are even 7/8 missions spawning in the globe, along with more vessels fliying around, and base crackdowns are extremely difficult, that setting still need to be more balanced, right now its more frustrating than funny. base is attacked by dark ones, seems i'm "doomed"

It's meant to be frustrating, not funny. For those who want to punish themselves really hard. Captain Kidd is meant to be funny.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on July 17, 2019, 04:23:25 pm
@ highest difficulty you should be prepared to defend against crackdowns run by STAR GODS and MERCENARIES.

JS is beyond fair nor funny. More enemies, enemies with better stats (+armor) and less time to prepare your teams and equipment.
Playing on JS asks for trouble.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on July 18, 2019, 03:25:40 am
I think the optimal strategy for Jack Sparrow/Superhuman is to rush armor upgrades. Having dozens of enemies isn't as threatening if they struggle to hurt you, and unlike vanilla or the Firaxis games, most enemy forces don't grow more powerful as the game progresses (though there are exceptions to that rule, Megapol starts packing Plasma Weapons around 2603, and I think most of the pogroms have a more powerful variant that shows up later), so a mission that would have been a near squadwipe earlier you can complete with 0 injuries, because your armor has upgraded while their weapons have not upgraded. Heavy Suits can carry you a long way.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: misterx on August 29, 2019, 02:39:29 pm
Just updated to 0.99j16 and it increases the jack sparrow difficuly; so even most simple missions are a nightmare! I think instead it should be more balanced..but dunno future developing plans

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: R1dO on August 29, 2019, 03:00:03 pm
My apologies in advance for derailing.

But ... Is that sis on the right corner of the craft just mooning me?  :o
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on August 29, 2019, 05:34:34 pm
Jack Sparrow is not intended to be balanced.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on August 29, 2019, 10:17:46 pm
*picks literally the hardest difficulty*
*complains that it's unbalanced*

Sometimes I don't understand humans.

Just pick easier difficulty.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: doctor medic on August 30, 2019, 04:10:17 pm
Jack sparrow is for people who can play all the other difficulties with their eyes closed,its there for a specific purpose.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: misterx on September 02, 2019, 01:22:20 pm
Just researched the four pillars of piratez culture, and I don't know how i managed but i captured a strix zombie, in a shipwreck mission! I was even charged by a baller squad, and they even surrounded me, though i killed almost of them all, but soon i had a base crackdown by academy after i had most of my gals injuried , but usin' the option "wounded fights if above xx" (i sat at 70) managed to fight back.

Edit: by the end of may 2601 managed to capture and research wrench and superconductive wire. Got also bounty isison, but the warehouse ones and chitin plates are missn, still did not have time to research !Monster Hunt! missions. moreover, i am not able to research "strix zombie". What do i need for it?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Iazo on September 02, 2019, 05:29:42 pm
You need Medical facility. Earliest is Sickbay, though there is no immediate upgrade that is provided by zombees.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: misterx on September 03, 2019, 02:46:30 pm
Thanks. I managed to capture a megapo patrol car, in 099.j17 they are armed with low-tech weapons (rusty niner, police revolver) in previous versions the had plasma and lasers. Just researched the workshop, i have almost bulit it. As for the difficulty, the number and health of enemies in jack sparrow is no doubt increased, but the weapon progression is more balanced, so it seems playable/possible to beat. Encountered and ground assaulted only once a mercenary ship, needless to say i flee at once as soon i saw them..

Edit: by the end of next month had biult the workshop and some piratey weapons, a bording gun and an handful of handcanons, both with sme ammo. Have also a couple of duratherhead armors and circa 10 warriors ones, replaced muskets and flintlock with tommies and big ben SMGs, as for vehicles still stuck with airbus and standard civilian cars.

Edit 2: and in november, as usual, base was ataccked by dark ones, never had an assault fomr mercenaries and star gods, anyways..

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Eddie on September 03, 2019, 04:16:50 pm
they are armed with low-tech weapons (rusty niner, police revolver) in previous versions the had plasma and lasers. Just researched the workshop, i have almost bulit it. As for the difficulty, the number and health of enemies in jack sparrow is no doubt increased, but the weapon progression is more balanced, so it seems playable/possible to beat.

Weapon progression is not changed. Megapol always has low-tech weapons in the first year and starts packing plasma in the second. Regardless of difficulty.

Also, judging by your game progress you are in for a butt kicking on jack sparrow. Still on one base in september is way behind. Remember, mercs will visit your base in the second year.

My advice: play on a lower difficulty until you manage to get three bases running. And then survive the second year.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Iazo on September 03, 2019, 04:36:47 pm
Not necessarily mercs, can be any faction.

Also not necessarily easy...but there you go.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dakkdakk on September 04, 2019, 02:53:01 pm
Even doom troops come with plasma weaponry by the second year in jack sparrow, expect base raids with barons if that happens, even the academy gets scarier at that point.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Eddie on September 11, 2019, 03:23:44 am
Interesting observation:
When wearing the Admiral de Corazon, you can beat mercs unconcious with a fish. On Jack Sparrow.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: misterx on October 21, 2019, 03:28:09 pm
So, the 0.99K1 has a really nice feature: random events! Very funny, add even more niceness to the game! Actually, i've also seen that vegetable/food extraction are being implemented, someone may explain waht wouyld/should be ther working?

I picked up an old savegamed, with a base located in death realms (,4102.msg109618.html#msg109618) but it seems to be verypenalizing because most mission spawn too far to be reached with the airbus, relying on expeditions. hope in the next version this "discrimination" may be terminated. In the meand time i started over a brend new game -pickin up the gals path - locating home in eurasia, seems to be more fair. Really nice also these week days names. Noticed aldso that wrench and/or other tools are no longer needed to achieve "tools and blades" it finally made the game more balanced and less aleatory.

Edit: please note that i was able to research "ools and blades" without researching wrench first, even of you recover it need some prior research topics accomplished to research that tool!

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: seaurchinhead on October 21, 2019, 03:49:30 pm
Have anyone tried only sticking to one 'concept' for the girls?

For example, I tried only using pirate related clothes and weapons, which worked surprisingly well thanks to the high base damage of flintlock pistols/muskets. It doesn't get worse as the game progresses since you can make ballistas and cannons yourself, which is also very great for strong gals to use.

I'm now thinking about trying 'barbarian-warrior' play, mostly using bows, javelins and HEAVY focus on melee weapons; but unfortunately I'm not even that good at vanilla X-COM games and I can't play higher difficulty like the rest of people in this forum :(

I was wondering if anyone else had a successful play like this?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: misterx on October 21, 2019, 03:55:28 pm
Have anyone tried only sticking to one 'concept' for the girls?

For example, I tried only using pirate related clothes and weapons, which worked surprisingly well thanks to the high base damage of flintlock pistols/muskets. It doesn't get worse as the game progresses since you can make ballistas and cannons yourself, which is also very great for strong gals to use.

I'm now thinking about trying 'barbarian-warrior' play, mostly using bows, javelins and HEAVY focus on melee weapons; but unfortunately I'm not even that good at vanilla X-COM games and I can't play higher difficulty like the rest of people in this forum :(

I was wondering if anyone else had a successful play like this?

For such playstyle, it is mandatory do not use it at "jack sparrow" level because - according to my experience - the game is virtulally impossible to play
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: misterx on October 22, 2019, 09:58:11 am
Hey, i intercepted a battlecruiser ship (it think it is) but cannot follow neother escape that ship? Does it have a tractor beam or what?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 22, 2019, 10:21:05 am
It's chasing you, doh.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: misterx on October 22, 2019, 03:53:15 pm
Canont escape it, only way is rageload :) in the meantime on a brand new gamo on 0.99K1 at the third difficulty level by the enf of Oct 2601 never had a single base crackdown, no attempts ever, but a fungus outbrak was rather painful. I've aslobuilt a secn base in Australia Indonesia, hopefully won't be attacked, let's cross fingers! I still am not able to build a workshop, also a couple of friends showed up...

edit: sotrry it's Indonesia

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Eddie on October 22, 2019, 04:36:08 pm
Have anyone tried only sticking to one 'concept' for the girls?

It works up to a certain point. You can't do space missions wearing barbarian outfits. The final mission is in space, so...

'Concept style' playthroughs put limitations on yourself. This is something you do when regular play is too easy for you. You will also have a hard time fighting hovertanks if you don't use high tech weapons.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on October 22, 2019, 08:51:05 pm
Instead of one concept for ALL your gals,  consider having each gal stick with one concept for life.  So when you start running into missions your current gals can't handle, come up with a new concept and hire new gals to follow the new concept.  As gals get killed off, you can decide if you want to hire replacements for the older concepts or to let them die out.  This way you will have a chance to win the game and still be able to explore your concept ideas.  It is up to you to decide if mission deployments can consist of more than one concept, however base defenses will likely be made up of gals from multiple concepts.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: misterx on October 23, 2019, 10:17:05 am
What is the purpose of redcap, uber helmet and ghastly shroom?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on October 23, 2019, 11:40:42 am
Right click in the sell menu to see if they are used for anything.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: misterx on October 23, 2019, 12:51:25 pm
Right click in the sell menu to see if they are used for anything.

Ok thanks, a little update here (,4102.msg118359.html#msg118359). In the meantime, discarded the ideaof a second base, and lowered difficulty level at 2, managed to build personl lab, but since i still am not able to build a workshop, the former it's supposed to be made after the latter; anyways manage to unlock warehouse wars mission, where i found a wrench, hopefully by next month may research tools and blades and workshop because i got durathread mesh already, but i am missing a stapler im stil stuck with low tech firearms, but managed to secure scoped magunms supply

@ seaurchinhead: diversify! (see above) :)

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: BBHood217 on October 24, 2019, 01:34:56 am
You'll get a stapler eventually, just keep pirating those Guild warehouses.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: misterx on October 24, 2019, 09:35:34 am
You'll get a stapler eventually, just keep pirating those Guild warehouses.

Already got one (cannot remembre where), its usage is for durathehead or something else? To get the workshop wrench is mandatory
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: BBHood217 on October 24, 2019, 10:31:01 am
The stapler is for durathread stuff which eventually leads to the workshop, so it's a vital item.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: misterx on November 04, 2019, 09:39:56 pm
0.99K1 has introduced the new freshness system: in a nutshell what is it and how does it work?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on November 04, 2019, 11:15:30 pm
Short version: High Freshness gives above normal regen of TU, stamina, and morale. Low freshness gives penalties. Freshness degrades every turn in battle, and is recovered while in the hideout according to the best freshness regen factor of your buildings.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Martin on November 04, 2019, 11:59:34 pm
Shortest version: It does very little because most missions will be over by 10th turn. You will stay at high freshness most of the time as you can always rotate your crew.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dioxine on November 05, 2019, 02:13:22 pm
Shortest version: It does very little because most missions will be over by 10th turn. You will stay at high freshness most of the time as you can always rotate your crew.

You'd be surprised how much lament there was about it making game "unplayable" since you no longer can take 50+ turns without penalties...
Also even if you finish fast, it hardly does "nothing" - it makes the game noticeably easier due to buffed energy/stun/morale regen.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: doctor medic on November 05, 2019, 05:19:16 pm
It also ties really well with glamour system of finishing fights fast as the bonus regen helps with going a bit further to reach for shots or rushing for melee
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Martin on November 05, 2019, 08:39:12 pm
You'd be surprised how much lament there was about it making game "unplayable" since you no longer can take 50+ turns without penalties...

Really? Payer can always rotate the crew after long difficult mission such as space freighter assault.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on November 05, 2019, 11:07:31 pm
It mostly the forced spread of a roster involved, before one could go back to back for days and days so long as you didn't get hurt. It was within possibility to just do the whole campaign on a handful of units.

Now if you wish to maintain normal performance you need 2 or 3 times more soldiers depending on the stage of the game. Given that everyone got ranks and associated salary increases, it's a significant shift of dynamic particularly in the early months. People will always whinge when the that sort of shift occurs.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: BBHood217 on November 06, 2019, 01:06:14 am
There's also the fact that some missions restrict the type of soldier that could be deployed in them.  City missions are a no-gal zone, most caves will only accept midgets like lokk'naars, and the sectoid vats can only be done by peasants (and also gnomes, not sure if that's intentional or an oversight).  Like weapons, diversifying your roster is a good idea this time around.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on November 07, 2019, 06:32:37 am
That said the special troop missions are pretty infrequent, maybe 3 or 4 in total in any given month. And mostly of different types. 1 set of each special forces usually does the trick.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: sambojin on November 10, 2019, 01:16:38 am
Just remember that many types of grog now give a freshness hit as well. You really want to prioritize medikit/bandage healing over taking swigs of rum when you can. -2 freshness per use can add up a bit if your gal gets quite a few wounds. It's still better than being seriously injured at the end of the battle (which gives no freshness recovery until you're healed), but grog healing should only be used in emergencies.

X-grog's +25energy/-12 stun can still be useful for finishing off missions a bit quicker though.

I'm fine with the changes. Now healing items have certain advantages over booze, even if they're harder to use (no self-healing with them, but no extra freshness loss either), which they really didn't before.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: BBHood217 on November 10, 2019, 06:01:02 am
Medkits have been getting better.  It used to be that advanced and space medkits vanished after use, but that's no longer the case.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dioxine on November 13, 2019, 10:27:33 pm
Really? Payer can always rotate the crew after long difficult mission such as space freighter assault.

No, not space freighters. The laments were about no longer being able to take 50 turns to finish common missions like Temple Raid or Save Sister.

Now if you wish to maintain normal performance you need 2 or 3 times more soldiers depending on the stage of the game.

Imprecise. At high Freshness, you will have definitely better performance than you used to have before Freshness system.
Also note that the Condemnations bonuses have been added at the same time, so your soldiers are even better than before.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on November 14, 2019, 07:10:27 am
Relative statement Dio. Everything is dependent on volume of missions and how well/fast you do them. 2 to 3 is a good general ballpark, considering there are frequent days with 5+ contacts/missions at a time, before you could just do back to back runs in a day with the same crew and not suffer.

Now those same 5 instances need some b teams to distribute the load. Particularly when lack of tech means you need to play slower to avoid losses. 
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 16, 2019, 05:28:51 pm
No longer allowed to slog through 5+ missions with the same crew.
Time to bring MORE people into your main assault-base to keep up the freshness.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: wolfreal on November 18, 2019, 09:12:31 pm
My only complaint with the new systems is that salaries are just too high now. Particularly playing with male touch, and needing a bigger roast, salaries are just prohibitive now. I'm not against having ranks and higher salaries for all the soldiers, but at least for lokk, peasants and ss is just too much to have the same increase as gals.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 18, 2019, 09:58:39 pm
Plays against "Human wave" tactics. Without a proper economy you'll simply fail to pay your pawns.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: unarmed drifter on November 23, 2019, 07:04:17 pm
i'm playing a new campaign since yesterday and the changes since 2018 (i guess that's the last time i started piratez) are quite significant. A good game got even better!
now i'm rushing to every red-lantern-rescue-mission to quickly get "fresh" blood :)
btw: my gals started to suicide themselves with pre-primed HE-grenades (not researched yet, i just happened to have found a few). Has something changed?

btw2: congrats @Dioxine and @Solarius for their respective 1.0 versions! (better late than never)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Gremlion on November 23, 2019, 09:25:16 pm
Yes, preprimed grenades now tick down even in your pocket.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dioxine on November 25, 2019, 03:29:49 pm
Piratez is nowhere near 1.0, tho :)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: misterx on November 29, 2019, 01:32:16 pm
Piratez is nowhere near 1.0, tho :)

Thats a great goal  :D it means the development will end and the mod completed?

I noticed that in the game the airbus is pretty useless, only good for chasing and ground assaulting medium and large civilian ships hoping to get a wrench or a stapler. The other way around is to go un a warehaouse assault misison which guarantees usually one of the aforementioned tools. Some questions about are:

1) In such missions is possible to get both?

2) aside from taht missionor assaulting such vessels, there is any other way to get these tools?

Moreover I'm thniking to sell the airbus and get an airspeeder or an aircar, along with an expedition. Is that advisable?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Gremlion on November 29, 2019, 02:57:33 pm
1) Yes, though it's pretty rare.
2) You can get information about them by interrogating prisoners. Stapler, realistically, only from Guild Team leader (other enemies are much rarer), Wrench is a dirt common unlock from labourers, tough civilians and highwaymen.
3) Aw man, it was your saviour, treasure it, build a hideout for it, with angar in the middle and sacrifice slaves for the glory of the Airbus.
Jokes aside, airspeeder and aircar have less hands on deck (3 and 4 vs 6), so it would be harder to do missions. There would be a story mission in midgame where airbus is the strongest option, so you definitely don't want to sell it. Good upgrade over airbus would be shadowtech ships you get after unlocking your codex. Expedition is a horrible substitute.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: amjh on November 29, 2019, 05:52:35 pm
You can buy a wrench to research after researching "Tools & blades".
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: misterx on November 29, 2019, 09:00:39 pm
You can buy a wrench to research after researching "Tools & blades".

Thanks, I'm afraid for the stapler I think I have to salvage it instead
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 29, 2019, 10:44:14 pm
Stapler are like a 100% drop for the warehouse missions.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dakkdakk on December 12, 2019, 09:34:45 pm
You get a wrench automatically if you go with the slave soldiers path, AFAIK, and yes, a stapler is pretty much guaranteed on any warehouse mission. You can also get a wrench way early by attacking landed laborer and mining ships, too, they're pretty much guaranteed to drop one.

One mission that I think need some tuning is infested cellar, at least in the early game when you don't have proper armor, depending on what you end up finding down there, you can end up losing precious soldiers early on for some rather meager loot.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Iazo on December 13, 2019, 03:37:02 pm
The cellar requires only 2 or 3 Barb (s) armors minimum. Put you can go with 5 Barb S and one strong gal with both hands free to swing a pickax.

It's good enough to get you through the mission provided you body-block and shieldwall the rats.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: unarmed drifter on December 13, 2019, 04:08:05 pm
i had two infested cellars so far. you can block off some routes with molotovs, while shotgunning any rats in sight.
i never used the pickaxe, are there hidden rooms?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Iazo on December 13, 2019, 04:32:01 pm
Sometimes some parts of the cellar spawns unconnected with rats inside. Without pickax you can't get in and consequently you will have to abort the mission.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: MemoryTAS on December 17, 2019, 04:24:24 am
Sometimes some parts of the cellar spawns unconnected with rats inside. Without pickax you can't get in and consequently you will have to abort the mission.

The mission spawns a pickaxe at the front entrance so you would only need to abort if you don't have any units that could actually use it.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Iazo on December 18, 2019, 09:30:12 am
If you go full 6 Barb S, yes, that will happen.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on December 19, 2019, 01:07:05 am
A pike can be used one handed to break through the cellar walls instead of the 2 handed pickaxe or hammer but one has to remember to bring it along.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: MemoryTAS on December 19, 2019, 01:23:07 am
I mean you could still theoretically be forced to abort if the only units you have remaining cannot use items at all like dogs but things must have gone terribly wrong at that point.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Bonkus72 on January 12, 2020, 04:49:09 am
Been away for a while, started up a new game.  On my 3rd month on Blackbeard and am getting hammered by stuff I'm just not prepared to take on- The Sapce Zombie guys, The Prepper guys, and some Raiders.  Admittedly I've been putzing around and mostly just interrogating w/ the 6 brainers I've rounded up.  Is the types of enemies I'm seeing this early normal?  Are the enemy types I see random, or is it triggered by how much research I've done/monthly Infamy rating, or something else?  Not complaining, just curious if there's a way I can take my sweet time researching without having to feel pressured to get awesomer guns and ships ASAP.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 12, 2020, 12:52:24 pm
Yes, these sound like typical low-tier enemies. Not the lowest tier, but still pretty basic - the kind that does early pogroms.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on January 12, 2020, 03:02:23 pm
Until you've researched "Mutant Alliance" you can ignore all pogroms.
Those Pogroms are named with (Freelance) so it's up to you to try your luck. If you visit the site and abort the mission you'll get punished with the negative score tho.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Eddie on January 12, 2020, 06:41:30 pm
Please be more specific on what enemies give you trouble. The enemies you mentioned are totally normal. It's somewhat random who you encounter (zombies especially), and it has nothing to do with your score.
What affects missions in what way:
Score - no influence whatsoever.
Research - unlocks a specific mission, doesn't change difficulty of other missions. These missions are *additional* to the other missions, so if you reasearch them and not do them is the same as if you would just research them later. Most of these missions have no penalty for not doing them. If they have, it is mentioned in the description.
Time - can change the difficulty of some missions. For example mutant progroms can have tougher factions later on, megapol change to plasma weapons at some point. However, most missions have no change in difficulty with passing time. Time also affacts which missions spawn. Easy missions like watchtower and save a sister become rare as time passes, while base attacks become more frequent.

Now some details about the things you mentioned:

Zombies - I assume it's the scientific eperiment mission where you encountered them. And yes, they are a pain and a totally legit reason to gtfo. The real problem of this mission is the Strix zombie and the cryssalid(s), and they will keep beeing a problem for a long time.

Preppers - I assume you mean the prepper bunker mission. These can come with bandits, spartans or zombies. Bandits and spartans should be managable, about the same difficulty as a pogrom. What exactly gives you problems with these? For spartans, the hunting bow with poison arrows is useful. Spartans have kevlar armor that stops bullets, but they have no resistance to poison.

Raiders - They are mutants like your gals and just as sturdy. Armor is high enough that shotguns don't do much damage, so you lack the weaponry to take them down fast. Here, the right tech helps a lot. Again, hunting bows with poison arrows work wonders. A major benefit of the poison arrows is that they have reaction disrupt. That means if they do damage, the target gets drained of tu and is then unable to reaction fire. Beeing able to turn off reaction fire on enemies is really helpful to keep your gals out of harms way.

For tech progression: An important aspect of brainers is that research gives score, and score gives money. In fact, brainers generate roughly as much score/money as their upkeep costs, which means that brainers actually cost *no* upkeep. That beeing said, you should get as many brainers as you have lab space as soon as possible. And then research and build the personal labs.
How fast do you need to research to not get into trouble? Depends on what missions RNG spawns for you. What can end your game is a negative score, or a base assault. Your early melee weapons (+javelins) are strong enough to deal with most things that come knocking at your base, so a base assault will most likely not kill you. Weapon research is not that important.
Negative score is much more dangerous and can be avoided by having many brainers researching things, no matter what they research. They just need to generate score. The RNG part of negative score is the excavator missions, that generate a lot of negative points if you don't see them and deal with them. To prevent this, you need to expand your radar coverage or get enough score from missions and research that you can take a hit.

What to research?
As mentioned, the hunting bow with poison arrows is pretty good and quite essential to deal with raiders. Other than that, I recommend to get bounty hunting as soon as possible. You get extra missions, and the tokens unlock weapons that cover most of your needs. Specifically, the magnum covers all your longrange needs. Confederate gear gives you the electric lasso, which can deal with most armored things you encounter. And you also get the heavy pistol, which is very similar to a magnum (but not as good at range) in case you don't have these yet.
What also increases your firepower is to get a higher capacity transport. Contacts: car thieves unlocks the blowfish, which is slower than the airbus but carries 8 instead of 6. But here the right time to research depends on your financial situation, since the research is useless if you don't have the cash to buy the craft. Same goes for overcharged radar.
To make more money, chateau and gambling are the important techs. Once you have chateau researched and have enough apples, get as many runts as you have workshop space. Gambling roughly doubles your money on average if you sell the coupons. If you redeem the coupons that you can, the items you get are worth more (on average) than the coupon itself, and you get a few nice toys here and there.
I also value contacts: smugglers. This unlocks electro flares and cattle prods, as well as seagull missiles.

Edit: I forgot to mention armors. Warrior armor is the fastest significant upgrade, anything substantially better is quite far away (tac armor). Combine the warrior armor with a riot shield or a wheeled machine gun, and you have enough protection from bullets that shotguns pretty much can't damage you.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Bonkus72 on January 12, 2020, 11:56:58 pm
@Eddie  Thanks for the info.

What is/was giving me problems was Bunker missions with Spartans raining down grenades turn 1 and killing/badly injuring most gals (even if I spread em out a lot, seems like they have 4 of the damn launchers AND a light machinegun)  ALSO finding Zombies in more than just Experiment missions; had a few Temple Raid missions where I'm totally not expecting zombies going in and bring the absolute wrong loadout.  The Raiders arent a real problem, it's just the weapons I'm using arent up to par for what I'm facing; Ramshackle Rifles and Domestic Shotguns arent the best thing to use against them. 

Never bothered with bows before, though I have been using them in the version but haven't gotten poison researched yet.  When I had played in versions past I'd just rush to boarding guns and Tac armor as soon as I could and that was enough for most missions into mid game. 

Only issues I ever have with Pogroms was if there was an armored car in the first 2, it's so early on that I never have anything strong enough to take it out. 
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Eddie on January 13, 2020, 04:09:27 pm
Zombies are meant as exactly how you experience them. HOLY FUCK, THIS IS NOT WHAT WE EXPECTED!!!!
Chance for Zombies is about 5% for several missions, just to give you a little something to be worried about.

Concerning bows, I only consider the poison arrow variant worth using. There really is a huge difference. Normal arrows roll damage, and then roll again for health damage, which effectively halves the damage again. In contrast poison arrows have the two dice roll like sniper rifles and plasma, so are very consistent.

The thing about spartans is, they have the sniper/spotter behavoior, which you might not know about. Basically, if one of your units is spotted, they have maphack on that unit and know where it is for a few turns. And knowing where it is, all sniper enabled units can target it, even if they can't see it. Spartans have a lot of sniper enabled units. This then results in lots of grenades beeing thrown, as a regular shot is likely blocked by terrain. The only thing that helps is stand in places where they can not throw a grenade. The AI can only target the tile your gal is standing on, so it is sufficient that tile cannot be thrown at.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dakkdakk on January 13, 2020, 04:37:49 pm
A decent way to deal with prepper base missions is to pepper them from afar with regular gunfire/arrows/cannonballs, as they're not strong enough to lob grenades across the map, being regular humans and all that. They're not actualy armored like spartans so regular guns will take care of them, so try to use early game accurate guns like flintlock rifles, ol' carbines and ramshackle.
Bows are good if you have poison or fire arrows and gals with good throwing skill and enough energy to make them practical.

In regards to armored cars, the assault cannon you start the game works pretty well against it. Regular, explosive and acid cannonballs work decently enough against them. If you don't have that, use grenades, even regular gunpowder bombs should be enough.

If you get zombies in an early game mission it can be pretty dangerous due to the presence of a strix zombie and those female zombies that throw fireballs, not to mention a possible chryssalid, which are pretty damn tough and will ruin your day if it catches even one of your guys/gals. If you really want to take it down in the early game, you'll need to hit it with multiple shots from the assault cannon, loads of shotgun blasts at close range or melee'ing using axes or hammers, all of which are really risky propositions. Regular zombies are almost harmless if you just keep your distance, just tough to take down.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Bonkus72 on January 18, 2020, 07:04:07 pm
@Eddie I Thanks for the additional info.  I had no idea that Spartans could do that and knowing that could help quite a bit in the future.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: MemoryTAS on January 26, 2020, 01:08:44 am
Flame arrows have a bit of extra utility though in that they're an amazing light source
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Doomsdayman on February 20, 2020, 05:00:31 pm
Not really a question with the game it self but. Does any body know where the picture from the main menu is from?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 20, 2020, 08:56:14 pm
Not really a question with the game it self but. Does any body know where the picture from the main menu is from?

I can't remember and can't check right now, but it's written in the credits file.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Doomsdayman on February 22, 2020, 11:00:48 pm
I can't remember and can't check right now, but it's written in the credits file.

I only see in the credits "The mod is using graphic works of many authors, downloaded from Interntet, for backgrounds and Pedia screens."

I will try PMing the creator.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Gremlion on February 24, 2020, 12:35:52 am
I only see in the credits "The mod is using graphic works of many authors, downloaded from Interntet, for backgrounds and Pedia screens."

I will try PMing the creator.
You want to check readme folder in the game files, not the game itself.

Berggen - Cover Art
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Doomsdayman on February 25, 2020, 05:42:33 pm

Another question.

Sometimes when I middle click on a item on the sell screen it go's to the Bootypedia item other times it go's to the Tech Tree. How can I always get the Bootypedia item while on the sell screen?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on February 25, 2020, 07:15:09 pm
Middle click behavior is based on if you have the item researched or not. If it is you get the pedia page, if it isn't you get it's tech tree listing.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Doomsdayman on February 26, 2020, 07:15:51 pm
Well the thing is sometimes I did researched it but still it points me to the tech tree.

Also are Star Gods invincible to laser, piercing and explosive, I keep getting 0 hit.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Gremlion on February 26, 2020, 08:44:21 pm

Also are Star Gods invincible to laser, piercing and explosive, I keep getting 0 hit.
This tooltip shows zero damage until you deplete shield to zero.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dakkdakk on February 26, 2020, 08:45:15 pm
AFAIK, not immune, but certainly very resistant due to their energy shield, meaning you won't deal any real damage until you take their shields down. Try using flak cannons, elephant repeating shotguns and other such things to take the shields down first.

After the shields go down, they're not all that tough. A star god novice has only basic armor values and some energy related resistances. Not exactly wet tissue paper, just slightly more resistant then your average uber, its their equipment and stat lines that makes them scary. The average merc has way more armor and resistances.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Galwail on February 28, 2020, 01:40:30 pm
Well the thing is sometimes I did researched it but still it points me to the tech tree.

Try CTRL + middle click. That will always show bootypedia for researched items.

Also are Star Gods invincible to laser, piercing and explosive, I keep getting 0 hit.

You have two options:
1) Deplete their shields, but that takes a lot of firepower. Not easy in the early game.
2) Hit them with something that bypasses the shield.
For blue shields, you can just run to them and cut them down with cutting damage. But you need very high chance to hit, to beat their dodge. Like at least 140%.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Doomsdayman on February 28, 2020, 08:50:57 pm
Wow thanks all for the tips.

Ctrl + Middle button works :D.

Also thanks for the tips with the shield. Going to try and melee them with cutting weapons.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Geesuv on March 07, 2020, 08:34:16 pm
What exactly are the requirements/disqualifications for the Weirdgal transformation?

I recently built my first two Voodoo schools and I sent 16 of my highest Voodoo Power Gals to be trained up in wizardry. But only about half of them are eligible for the transformation and I can't figure out why. The Gals were a mix of veterans, defence gals and gals who have gone through shakedown and gladiatorial training at my training base.

Edit: I'm on version J17 if that's relevant.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on March 07, 2020, 09:57:11 pm
You need 50 bravery and Voodoo power, also library services in the base.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Geesuv on March 07, 2020, 10:19:04 pm
Ah! They lacked Bravery! Thanks a lot!
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on April 03, 2020, 01:05:11 pm
Hey guys need some advice: i'm on L1 version, building a workshop on sept 2601, any hints on the research? Attached here is a save :)

Edit: oh, and in the research topics usin the tech tree viewer in the top left of the screen there are symbols: # = . and - what do these mean?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: vadracas on April 03, 2020, 03:05:51 pm
To your symbols, question-they represent the average research time(the real-time is 50-150% of that), #100, =20, -5, .1.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on April 11, 2020, 06:47:38 pm
Thanks, hey i picked up the green codex, but i will lose the next upcining month, please do you want to check my save and share sine gameplay hints?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Gremlion on April 12, 2020, 11:41:34 am
You lose your game because you got negative score 2 months in a row.
You got so huge negative score because you didn't down many UFOs which visit you.
This stems from:
a) You didn't down those  UFOs because you don't have any radar coverage over the planet in the second year. You can buy a base every month after second month, more or less.
b) You couldn't possibly down those UFOs because by the second year you don't have neither interceptors researched nor manpower to assemble one. You have 11 unused laboratories! 70 Runts!
This is your biggest error - you don't invest into supports. Both of them generate money.
Researches provide infamy, infamy gives money at the end of the month.
Runts make goods for sale. You had 17 runts at Chateau doing 700k/month. You could quintuple it(+70 runts) to 3.5M per month, it's free base right there you were missing.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on April 12, 2020, 03:03:05 pm
a) You didn't down those  UFOs because you don't have any radar coverage over the planet in the second year. You can buy a base every month after second month, more or less.
Shooting snd possibly assaultin civilian ships may help?

b) You couldn't possibly down those UFOs because by the second year you don't have neither interceptors researched nor manpower to assemble one. You have 11 unused laboratories! 70 Runts!

In that game actually I had only 20; i should've invest more in them. I manufactured only chateau de la mort, shuld also diversify the production i see :'(

Researches provide infamy, infamy gives money at the end of the month.

i am aware of that, pheraphs 6 brainers were just not enough?

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: vadracas on April 12, 2020, 03:04:35 pm

i am aware of that, pheraphs 6 brainers were just not enough?


I have at least 10 brainers by mid year 1 and still feel behind on research.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Gremlion on April 12, 2020, 05:16:19 pm
Shooting snd possibly assaultin civilian ships may help?
Enemy ships in the air generate negative score. In your last month it was -1200.
In that game actually I had only 20; i should've invest more in them. I manufactured only chateau de la mort, shuld also diversify the production i see :'(
I mean you had 70 unused workspace.
i am aware of that, pheraphs 6 brainers were just not enough?
My first priority is to stuff the home base with all possible brainers, then purchasing new bases, practically each base goes Extractors ->hire runts, distill hellerium ->still, switch to grog-> mess hall -> hire a brainer. I end up with 20-25 brainers before the end of the first year (depends on my luck with medical supplies for surgical room).
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on April 13, 2020, 02:54:27 pm
Codexes are meant to resestched once or will delept after researcing these repetedly will give every content held by these?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Torchwood on April 13, 2020, 02:58:56 pm
No, in fact re-researching the codex is a must to get access to the voodoo tech branch.

Most research on an item destroys it, but some doesn't. You can see whether the item is preserved or not by middle clicking the research topic. If it says "item destroyed", you lose the item you research, if it says "item required", you don't.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Gremlion on April 15, 2020, 02:37:48 pm
So, new version warranted new restart, small recap of starting the game on the second difficulty with saves attached:
January - focus was missions + hiring brainers. grog researched, living space is filled with runts. (feb save)
February - Spamming burrows to increase living space, plus you can build on top of it, deducting cost and construction time. So, a barrack on top of a burrow would be finished in 2 days. (march save)
March - outfitted gals into scale armors (animal skinning ->cave hunt gives chitin plates), built a base, unlocked codex, so only Shadowmasters tech is blocking me from better ships. (april save)

Spoiler alert - I got shadowmasters in August after exhausting traitor smoothie. I'd recommend to prioritize second prison asap to save captives with shadowmasters unlock. Codex crafts are amazing.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on April 16, 2020, 01:05:21 pm
So, new version warranted new restart, small recap of starting the game on the second difficulty with saves attached:
January - focus was missions + hiring brainers. grog researched, living space is filled with runts. (feb save)
February - Spamming burrows to increase living space, plus you can build on top of it, deducting cost and construction time. So, a barrack on top of a burrow would be finished in 2 days. (march save)
March - outfitted gals into scale armors (animal skinning ->cave hunt gives chitin plates), built a base, unlocked codex, so only Shadowmasters tech is blocking me from better ships. (april save)

Spoiler alert - I got shadowmasters in August after exhausting traitor smoothie. I'd recommend to prioritize second prison asap to save captives with shadowmasters unlock. Codex crafts are amazing.

Thanks for the tips, hey here's my custom base, i think it's prettydefendable, here it is :)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 16, 2020, 01:54:36 pm
Thanks for the tips, hey here's my custom base, i think it's prettydefendable, here it is :)

Oh man... One missile attack and most of it will probably disintegrate.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on April 16, 2020, 02:03:02 pm
Oh man... One missile attack and most of it will probably disintegrate.

oops.... :-[ eh sorry what's wrong with it?

I forgot: may someine explain how the upgrade structure system works? Im not very familiar with it, can you even provide a brief summary of what is "upgradable" (be built on top of another) and what don't
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: doctor medic on April 16, 2020, 02:14:20 pm
You also want to keep in mind to do the krazy hannah research as it has a lot of dependencies on important stuff like explosive munitions and light craft weapons which are important if you want to start taking down a lot of shipping.

You can check which facilities can be build on top of another by middle clicking it and looking at the analysis page to see if it says yes on build on top,usualy those are corridors of all kind and all plantations but there might be more
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Gremlion on April 16, 2020, 03:00:32 pm
1. Buildings should be connected to access lift. If connection is destroyed, then the building is destroyed. Both top and bottom don't have redundancy and can be oneshotted.
2. Enemies during assault spawn in the hangar and access lift. Look at your lift - enemies can wander in 4 directions. You have seen my save, in my bases enemies can't wander to the left - there's the wall, and doesn't matter if they go to the top - there's a hangar.
3. You units spawn in the barracks - the farther you put it from the action, the worse it can get. People which will spawn in the burrow near extractor would take 3+ turns to reach access lift. Another moment - if things get unfortunate, units which spawned in the barracks to the left have nowhere to run away from enemies.
4. to my knowledge you want to have hangar + access lift in each base on every difficulty below superhuman to allow all enemies to spawn, and 2 hangars on superhuman. If you don't, you will have too many enemies for too little spawn points, they would start randomly spawn around the base.
5. Your equipment will spawn in the vault, which is to the right of the access lift. Imagine that you need rocket launcher ammo, and to get to it you need to run though enemies in access lift.

There are 2 common ways to build defensible base -
row 1- Hangar - hangar - empty
row 2 - hangar-hangar-empty
row 3 - access lift - empty
row 4 - corridor - empty
row 5 - corridor - barracks.
This results in forcing enemies to walk long hallway with no cover so you can snipe them. Cons - unused space, to get to last enemies you will need to walk long hallway with no cover, usually sieges are pretty long because you constantly skip turns.
(being vertical isn't mandatory, you can mirror and/or flip layout)
2. Like in my save, surround enemy spawn point with barracks.
Your forces spawn close to enemies and you can do devastating blows on turn 1, while they haven't scattered yet, making them panic
con - enemies can get a ton of cover in prolonged firefights, though sieges longer than 5 turns usually those where last enemy is stuck somewhere and I'm skipping turns for bughunt mode.

Upgrading -
Building new facilities over obsolete buildings, like Plantations or Burrows, saves valuable time. When the new facility is small, full construction time of the old building will be subtracted; if 2x2, a quarter for each replaced building; if 3x3, one-ninth. Any refunds for the replaced facilities will be fully paid in any case.
Upgrading works on low tier living space and storage, all corridors, hangar, first prison and plantation.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Nalca on April 16, 2020, 05:58:53 pm
oops.... :-[ eh sorry what's wrong with it?

If a missile strike hit your base, it will destroy 3 random buildings. If one of the security corridor is destroyed, you lose half your base.
You destroy them either with a very fast craft (Speed > 4500), or with base defenses.

A very nasty thing if you're not prepared.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on April 16, 2020, 08:33:03 pm
all right, well i noticed that i can get chitin plates only researching an alive cockroach. There are other way to get these for example cavern hunting?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: MemoryTAS on April 16, 2020, 10:10:39 pm
all right, well i noticed that i can get chitin plates only researching an alive cockroach. There are other way to get these for example cavern hunting?
You can physically obtain them from extracting from live and dead cockroaches and scorpions, cavern hunting, as a random drop from certain missions like blood ritual and from certain events. Researching a live cockroach only gives you the research entry.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Gremlion on April 16, 2020, 10:25:14 pm
Cavern hunting doesn't need chitin plates to become available, and it produces chitin plates, get them there and then research them yourself. It is the most straightforward way.
From my experience 10 hunts generate enough for 3-4 armors.
Since cavern hunting usually becomes available in the same month as monster hunt, getting chitin plates from the latter would be delayed a lot compared to getting plates from runt job. (Like, I got my first scorpion hunt 4 months later after researching missions)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: MemoryTAS on April 17, 2020, 01:05:55 am
Cavern hunting doesn't need chitin plates to become available, and it produces chitin plates, get them there and then research them yourself. It is the most straightforward way.
From my experience 10 hunts generate enough for 3-4 armors.
Since cavern hunting usually becomes available in the same month as monster hunt, getting chitin plates from the latter would be delayed a lot compared to getting plates from runt job. (Like, I got my first scorpion hunt 4 months later after researching missions)

I mean you can potentially get scorpion and cockroach corpses from expedition strongboxes but generally cavern hunting is more guaranteed. Takes a good number of runt hours tho.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on April 30, 2020, 06:35:31 pm
I did a "help the locknaar" mission in L1 and got penalyzed by capitatory tax. What is that?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: vadracas on April 30, 2020, 07:04:43 pm
I did a "help the locknaar" mission in L1 and got penalyzed by capitatory tax. What is that?

Something carried by civilians where if they die or fall unconscious, they drop it on the ground. It either costs 1000$ to get rid of or takes up storage space. Basically it's meant to discourage knocking out civilians and to incentivize keeping them alive.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on May 01, 2020, 07:20:35 pm
OK, so i went for the golden codex, but still stuck on firearms. Any hint how to unlock laser ones?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: MemoryTAS on May 01, 2020, 09:44:43 pm
It's more complicated than simply unlocking it. There are some lasers you will find, some you will be able to buy and eventually some you can make. Being able to make lasers is a bit later in the tech tree (I want to say it requires library), so you will need to research a lot to get to that point.

EDIT: Looked it up in the tech tree, it's not quite as far as I thought but it still has a lot of dependencies. If you REALLY want to know what it requires, just use the tech tree viewer (press q on globe).
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Gremlion on May 02, 2020, 12:17:45 am
You should forget original x-com progression, you aren't "stuck with firearms and need laser".
In this mod progression looks like
start - medieval firearms + random loot
start of 1 year - modern firearms + random loot
start of 2 year - custom made firearms + custom made bullets + some random loot of different damage types with ammo you can make

You can rush laser, but items you will be able to unlock early will be weaker than handcannon (NERF pistol has 30 damage vs 42 +0.15 bravery, up to 57), I wouldn't even talk about lasers you can loot from academicians, they do like 15-20 damage.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: MemoryTAS on May 02, 2020, 03:59:32 pm
You should forget original x-com progression, you aren't "stuck with firearms and need laser".
In this mod progression looks like
start - medieval firearms + random loot
start of 1 year - modern firearms + random loot
start of 2 year - custom made firearms + custom made bullets + some random loot of different damage types with ammo you can make

You can rush laser, but items you will be able to unlock early will be weaker than handcannon (NERF pistol has 30 damage vs 42 +0.15 bravery, up to 57), I wouldn't even talk about lasers you can loot from academicians, they do like 15-20 damage.
There's some quirks to laser damage: they generally have better armor piercing than most piercing damage. Additionally some early lasers don't use ammo clips which can be nice if you're into that sort of thing, and can serve as ok backup weapons in case you massively underestimate how much ammo you need. Otherwise they're not great. Some ok laser weapons you can find as scavenge not too far into the game but you're not going to be able to make clips for them for a while.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Gremlion on May 02, 2020, 05:56:11 pm
I'm not saying that they are useless, my point is that "how to get lasers" is a wrong question for this mod whatsoever. It has completely different progression and should be played as its own game.
Like, I do use lasers in my loadout, in 2 years I used them once against tanks in heavy freighter assault.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on May 02, 2020, 06:11:16 pm
ok got it, in the meantime i dressed one of my gals (mistress) with "admiral de corazon" but durina a battle she fell stunned?! Whiy?  :o
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on May 02, 2020, 07:06:18 pm
ok got it, in the meantime i dressed one of my gals (mistress) with "admiral de corazon" but durina a battle she fell stunned?! Whiy?  :o

Admiral De Corazon drains Readiness very quickly. Low Readiness (I think) gives stun damage to the unit.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on May 02, 2020, 07:53:30 pm
Admiral De Corazon drains Readiness very quickly. Low Readiness (I think) gives stun damage to the unit.

oh i see i hat almost a stroke (!!!) i lowered the difficulty from "Davy Hones" to "Blackbeard", and managed to capture a ninja gal. Im also thinking to build a secon base, what would be a nice place for it? I got only 1.5$ bilion, may i manage to do that?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Gremlion on May 02, 2020, 08:56:28 pm
I was going to say that you are doing well for third month, and then I saw jan 2602.
The same errors like in previous playthrough - not enough brainers (why do you have free lab slots, WHY?!), not enough runts, not enough radar coverage.
You should've covered the world in bases by now.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on May 03, 2020, 03:36:11 pm
I was going to say that you are doing well for third month, and then I saw jan 2602.
The same errors like in previous playthrough - not enough brainers (why do you have free lab slots, WHY?!), not enough runts, not enough radar coverage.
You should've covered the world in bases by now.

Pheraps because i have a defensive playstyle? Or should use more paesant "cannon fodder" militia? Or even lower difficulty again? (which i don't wanna)  ???
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: vadracas on May 03, 2020, 04:47:15 pm
Pheraps because i have a defensive playstyle?

Money unspent is money wasted, simple as that, no matter your playstyle. The priorities in xpiratez are money, manufacturing, and research. The best way to make money is research that provides points which lead to your monthly infamy bonus, and manufacturing cash cow products. The best way to expand your research and manufacturing capabilities is money.

Do you see the cycle? Becaue the minute you fall off of that circular cycle of money to money, you start to lose.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on May 03, 2020, 05:22:33 pm
Money unspent is money wasted, simple as that, no matter your playstyle. The priorities in xpiratez are money, manufacturing, and research. The best way to make money is research that provides points which lead to your monthly infamy bonus, and manufacturing cash cow products. The best way to expand your research and manufacturing capabilities is money.

Do you see the cycle? Becaue the minute you fall off of that circular cycle of money to money, you start to lose.

i see but often before the end of a month i get warned that the future balance will be passive if i do not sell something, probaly i have to rexamuine my financial policy. Any advice also on that?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: vadracas on May 03, 2020, 06:17:11 pm
The way to not have that problem is have a good score for the month, research gives you a good score. Other advice would have to be-Don't stockpile anything and everything. If you haven't researched it, keep it, but don't keep 30 of it. SHip engines are a good example of this.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Gremlion on May 03, 2020, 06:53:24 pm
Or even lower difficulty again? (which i don't wanna)
To my knowledge first difficulty makes the game harder by disabling some researches, second one is intended, then the higher you go, the easier the game becomes because you get more enemies on missions = more exp and loot, but you aren't utilizing money you get well enough at all.
Or should use more paesant "cannon fodder" militia?
You should use more people who tell you about shiny things and more people who can make those shiny things.
Pheraps because i have a defensive playstyle?
I have no idea what you imply under "defensive playstyle". Your base doesn't have antiair defense, your girls don't have personal defense, your ships don't have any means of selfdefense.
You don't have a single veteran girl (ok, I will be fair, 2 almost there),
from my December save:
I have 14 people like that. They literally can punch through tank armor.

You don't have a playstyle, you are losing the game again. You had -4k score, enemies got a base (reading though save it's Mercenaries/Mutons, they have gauss and plasma, you will not be able to assault it, your troops, armor and ships suck), jan 2602 is the month where game starts to generate space missions with penalty for not attending (you don't have space capable ship), enemies start to use plasma, training missions become scarce, simple animal hunts start to contain nomads with dragon rifles (50+ damage) and hunting laser (45) or ninja gals with boarding guns. More and more enemies will have interceptor behavior.
What you could do better:
1. not enough brainers, having empty lab is inexcusable.
2. you have light cannon in your storage, you could buy a simple aircar, strap the cannon and hunt civilians. Civilians can't shoot back(they are green. grey ships can and will shoot back). Every civilian ship is potential 200-300k (100k engine, some even have 2, 60k bag of cash, 2-4 captures for 30k each). For example, in my december save I have 60 downed ships *200k=12 millions. see, where you are missing funds to build bases?
3. you didn't have brainpower to research purchasable aircraft weapon and ammo.
4. your manufacturing sucks.
december, I sold 4200 units of grog alone for 21 million, out of apples for now, but still should be couple hundreds of chateau.
5. you don't take hostages. It's december and you still didn't get priest from church of sirius? Man, his head is 60k for alive one. Sharp guy is 40k. You are burying millions by killing civilians. You don't have handles in your default loadout or stun batons; if you want shooty things, domestic/police shotgun with rubber slugs is great.

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on May 03, 2020, 08:12:05 pm
allright, then i updated my save reaching the end of jan 2602 (,4102.msg126803.html#msg126803). But it's too late to save the game and have to restart or i still have a chance?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Gremlion on May 04, 2020, 03:41:27 am
 :'( Man, you are so dense. You have 1.5M and you were told to hire brainers. Maybe try to hire brainers? Or, I don't know, hire brainers?
You haven't done anything to salvage the game during january, like hiring brainers.
I used your older save and played Jan myself:
First thing I did is I rummaged through your warehouse (god, it's so empty), sold expedition, bought aircar, bolted 25mm cannon and first vessel crashed.
Aaand I hired brainers
went to some bounty hunt
temple of sirius
One enemy spawned in inacessible location, at least I got experience while searching for it
Some demons visited us with unfriendly intentions:
Anyway, holy crap, man you are pirate, You should take hostages to get booty. Why you didn't take a single hostage in 50 missions FFS?!
Here, proper ships gated behind researching hostages:
Leave you with a proper Boss Gal.
Things I did:
1. Gamble. You should regularly gamble and reclaim coupons. I've won a lottery with a longsword, it's a pretty obscure dependency for tech blade (you will see it already equipped, this baby can slash tank in half)
2. Hiring brainers. As a result in one month I got access to better armors, better melee weapon, purchasable ammo for ship guns, ship gins and ships.
3. Taking hostages. Look at your prison, it is no longer a sandbox for random freak.
4. Invested into buildings. Your base now looks like a base.
5. And populated it.
Things I didn't do:
1. I didn't unlock new mission types. Bounty hunt grade C is in queue, you might do it right away, they aren't much harder than D in most cases.
2. I didn't build a second base.
Things you should prioritize:
1. Build second base with at least 2 hangars. You want to move empty airbus there (there would be a mission where airbus is the best transport, plus nostalgia), and buy shadowbat for your main team. Second hangar should get Golden Hawk. Bolt that funky heavy gun you got from codex into it, should be quite powerful.
2. I'm making spiked maces, it's quite good weapon against armored targets, put them in the main vessel. Next item you will want to make is thermal mesh, which is being researched. It goes into wear slot and helps against plasma damage. Quite good.
3. Get overcharged radar, delete your old one
4. research wise - after medicine rush sickbay (I made sure to leave enough supplies to build one straight away), you will start to recover faster and will be able to hire another brainer. Chew through people, some of them have "metal ore", it's a prerequisite for alchemy (lets you build still in other bases, it's a prerequisite for mess hall, brainer!). Better ships are locked behind "Ship engine" tech. You could've gotten it by now if you didn't kill everyone in "traitors at large" mission, traitor mutants know some cool techs. It might be worth buying one for researching.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on May 04, 2020, 10:16:51 am
Very very kind of you, thanks! eh i know i'm not that smart... :'( ;D So to unlock codex related ships once i manufactured it, i have to interrogate proper enmies?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on May 04, 2020, 12:49:50 pm
You have to interrogate enemies for a LOT of things. And for a lot more things interrogating them is better then just researching them because you'll get score for the interrogation and the new tech. So if you don't need the information about assault rifles NOW, just wait and hope some prisoner will tell you about it.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Gremlion on May 04, 2020, 01:11:50 pm
For your own sake consider that you can't get anywhere without repeated interrogations of every single being.
Construction of any relevant ship is gated behind Shadowmasters (doesn't drop as an item, you get it from interrogations and some rare books) ->Codex crafts-> Shadowtech ->cloaking device-> Interceptor assembly ->everything else.
Take, for example, enemy you should've interrogated in the first month:
"Leads to" is a hard dependency. Because you didn't research him ever you never got 2 missions.
Highway house, iirc - guaranteed spawn of aircraft weapon. You can check gal diaries in my save, in ~40 days I got 7 downed civilian missions (6 done, 1 crash site is ready to go), Imagine if you did the same 7-8 months ago? 50+ ufo with 100k engines...
Bandit business - I think unlocks bandit town mission, very fun as it has like 30+ enemies, it's ton of ransom money, weapons and researches.
"Gives one for free". 13/41 means that you can research him 41 times and it would give additional tech each time, 13 times left (thanks meridian for this counter).
For example, he can tell about smugglers.
And it's the only thing which stops you from getting acquainted with smuggler shop.
I love hallucinogen grenades, they make enemies surrender and panic. Laslock pistol is quite good with admiral outfit, though you already proved that can't read what admiral outfit does.
Smugglers themselves is a dependency for diplomacy and interrogations.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: wolfreal on May 04, 2020, 08:49:13 pm
Just try again. It took me like three "one year" runs to grasp some of the stuff. And after that, I have done several "Until december 2602" runs to get some of the middle game grasp.

I will attach my current run. It is not perfect, I have made several errors, like chasing for early workshop and struggle to get it because RNG. I'm trying to get shadowmasters now to get better craft, and I'm starting expanding the radar / hangar coverage. And I need to research new missions, 'cause I'm getting a little behind in the getting new stuff department. Getting airballs / 25mm cannon is vital if you want a good progression early. And yes, brainers are absurdly important here. The mod can forgive you lot of stuff, but getting extremely behind in tech is not one of then.  When you start losing the night vision advantage, and does not have the proper equipment, you're scrubbed.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on May 04, 2020, 09:37:57 pm
Ok guys thanks, ive sold the airbus and expedition, and bought an airspeeder and a blowfish, luckily i unlocked the spike rockets so i may equip the former, ive also a 25mm cannon but not unlocked its ammo to buy.

Edit: screenshots and save attached :)

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: khade on May 04, 2020, 11:57:14 pm
The airbus is still useful, though an aircar will work instead, though it holds fewer troops.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Gremlion on May 05, 2020, 12:06:01 pm
You were told to hire brainers multiple times, have 1.5M and and 9 empty labs. You haven't fixed anything.
Use save from this message.,4102.msg126866.html#msg126866
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on May 05, 2020, 12:46:05 pm
You were told to hire brainers multiple times, have 1.5M and and 9 empty labs. You haven't fixed anything.
Use save from this message.,4102.msg126866.html#msg126866

ok, i went ahead and stuck with mine, don't wanna spoil the funn, gonna use as backup..thanks!
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: vadracas on May 05, 2020, 12:47:27 pm
ok, i went ahead and stuck with mine, don't wanna spoil the funn, gonna use as backup..thanks!

Have you hired the brainers?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on May 05, 2020, 12:55:31 pm
Have you hired the brainers?

Updated this .sav (,4102.msg126915.html#msg126915) and have 9 of thems, one have been purhased at the black market, she's on her way to hideout :)

Also i'm gonna extarct and sell the food the local paesant gave me as tribute, it is supposed to be done that way?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: vadracas on May 05, 2020, 03:12:19 pm
About the food, that's what you do until you research certain food topics which sell for much more and require some of those items.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on May 05, 2020, 07:19:10 pm
OK, in the meantime finally interrogated an highwayman and manufactured a carronade, which sadly cannot be mouted on airspeeder but got the spike rockets so who cares? Built also some nice air muskets but still searching for a standard weapon (auto rifle, assault rifle and battle would be fine though i researched these but cannot buy still) but an enemy hideaout has appearde, im tempted to assault it, don't know. And by the way still not encountered spartans and raiders, the latters being more common i guess?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: RolandVasko on May 05, 2020, 08:56:31 pm
hey, Master Plasma Pistol, and Impaler would be fine,
not just such musketes!  :P  8)

 :D  try this,
and now look at my save game:

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Gremlion on May 06, 2020, 02:37:03 am
Also i'm gonna extarct and sell the food the local paesant gave me as tribute, it is supposed to be done that way?
Food currently is unfinished feature, more or less. Most of it doesn't even have a bootypedia page. Farm talks about uber wheat being an explosive, for example. Personally, I just sell all food items when I get too many items in the storage, changing runt jobs back and forth not worth my time, game gives enough money to not minmax SO much.
OK, in the meantime finally interrogated an highwayman
so, half of a february is down the drain, lab and workshop is still understaffed, nothing being built on the base, and you lost 6 gals. I'd say missing highwayman is the smallest problem there.
and manufactured a carronade, which sadly cannot be mouted on airspeeder but got the spike rockets so who cares?
Expensive things which can overkill civilian ships into not leaving a wreck to raid? Nobody, really.
Built also some nice air muskets but still searching for a standard weapon (auto rifle, assault rifle and battle would be fine though i researched these but cannot buy still)
All of those weapon can barely scratch 30 armor guys, as a rule of thumb such enemies usually have weapons which can barely scratch your 30 armor gals, so it's better to not even bother and stun them for cash reward. And enemies which will die from 30 damage guns you better take alive anyway. You can use domestic/police shotgun with rubber slugs for 20 daze damage.
but an enemy hideaout has appearde, im tempted to assault it, don't know.

1. Your ships suck. Enemy bases have radar circle, when you cross it - enemies intercept you. Your ships aren't able to even reach it without being intercepted.
2. with what army?
3. You have 2 bases, actually.
And by the way still not encountered spartans and raiders, the latters being more common i guess?
Oh, you had raiders. They killed your gals in missions landing-10 and landing-13.
Spartans... I had a game where I haven't seen them until well into year 2, though it was in the version without Prepper camp mission (it's either ruffians or spartans by my experience).
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on May 07, 2020, 10:58:50 am
ok finally managed to unlock the shadowtech and the VIP and buyed a nice shadowbat! also unlocked !bandit business! missions and worrking on the !neophyte bootcamp! but still struggling with auto rifle and assault rifle, very nice weapons. Built another barracks block, along with burrow, i fear to go bankrupt so gonna ave at leas some more runts in the sweatshop works :)

Also manufactured an handful of piratey weaoons, handcannon and boardin guns. Now i'd like to build a secon base, but think i gonna need at least 2 bilions, right?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: RolandVasko on May 07, 2020, 11:14:05 am
how many scientis (brainers, smart gals) do yu have now?

pretty good!  :o    ;: )
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: themeless on May 07, 2020, 04:05:53 pm
I haven't played the original much so don't have baseline to compare. Could you tell me if attached save has some glaring flaws?

I spent a few months with low score cos everyone was wounded.
I'd like to mass produce platemail but couldnt even find it under research.
I know i need to invest in a craft with weapons but no idea what to buy since whenever i tried it craft just died horribly.

which armor to wear against forces of evil? I can kill em just fine but fireball spam kills troop morale.
I dont get some of the weapons. I spent so much effort on clockwork gun and its nowhere near spikey smg. Some seems to be clearly superior, which ones to go for?
like stun baton/handle/ball bat, which one works best?
How exactly bonus xp from gym/sailor suit work?
Where can i get some hats?

any help is appreciated.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Gremlion on May 07, 2020, 05:27:20 pm
You can't go bankrupt if you invest.
Runts literally print money.
My save at the start of feb 2602, month behind you:
800 runts making simple grog do 12.8M per month, my maintenance of all bases combined is 8M.
every base has 3 extractors + workshop + still + some hangars

Brainers are crucial:
"research score" is taken from the save game, it's what brainers generate when they complete research.
Couple point:
1. You can see on the graph exact moment where I got interceptors, my score went by +5k.
I had full lab in the second month, it took me 8 months to get there.
You have half the lab, it would take you 16 months. Simple math.
2. Fully staffed lab generates more score than a bunch of hands doing every mission. Like, my Jan score - 12k from brainers, 4k from hands. and 12k score from brainers = 4 millions of infamy money.

Where you can improve tactically:


It's comparison between how you play and what I did with your savegame.
Drifter stunned with a shotgun didn't die because I use rubber bullets.

1 point of infamy gives $333 at the end of the month.
In the trade guild warehouse you didn't get 100 points from captures = you will not get 33k bonus at the end of the month
Temple of Sirius briefing literally says that you get a penalty for killing civvies. And you go and kill them. -40 points. You lose the game when you get negative points. You could get 200+ infamy there, you lost 40. 280 difference*333= 90k loss. Priest you killed worth 60k alive and 2k dead.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on May 07, 2020, 07:22:55 pm
wow thanks gremlion, that a very scirntific work form yours!! In the meantime, maded it at the end of may 2602, i unlocked c brass bounty missions, built a second base in  the confederation and replaced the aircar with the hawk..and now there are three enemy bases around the world!!! Unloked also test flight 8)

On the other hand unlocked lock'naar recruitment and the chainmail and got a couples of these, along with the confederate eagle, may be a nice coupling :)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Gremlion on May 07, 2020, 08:34:59 pm
I haven't played the original much so don't have baseline to compare. Could you tell me if attached save has some glaring flaws?
You can reread last 2 pages, everything said there can be applied to your save (i.e no brainers, no runts, no additional bases approaching the end of the year). The only difference is that you are doing tactical fights much better.

I spent a few months with low score cos everyone was wounded.
use backup teams. You want to spread freshness and wounds over multiple groups. You want multiple bases with ship to be able to reach landed ships in time, usually people go for "current dropship capacity"*2 in secondary bases and 3-4 times in the main one (losing the lab is more or less = losing the game).

Freshness you can recover by like 9/day with onsen, which means you can do 9 turns/day. It's 2-3 short missions with godly gals, but once per 2 days for bad ones.
Wounds you can eventually start to recover faster, but you need medicine researched.
Both of those recover options you couldn't get because your research speed is slow - not enough brainers.

I'd like to mass produce platemail but couldnt even find it under research.
Platemail takes ~year to get with 20 brainers, you have 6, you will get in in 3 years.
You were close to getting chainmail, but you still didn't research warehouse wars, mission which gives guild stapler, bottleneck for durathread working ->workshop->chainmail.
!topics! will unlock new missions, new loot and new enemies to interrogate.
You want blowfish ship for underwater ones and at least x-bows.
underground - recruit lokknars.

I know i need to invest in a craft with weapons but no idea what to buy since whenever i tried it craft just died horribly.
You need to focus on interrogations of non-faction people to get "shadowmasters" topic. Experiment victim, Hoes, drifters, savvy girls and sharp guys... you can mouse wheel click and see if a person can give it for free. It will unlock codex crafts, they will be your backbone for a long time.
You got red codex, scorpion will be a great dropship, snake will be fine intercepter - it has shield and can use any weapon you find.
To get weapons you need to interrogate highwayman, it unlocks 2 missions, one of them guarantees aircraft weapon loot. Undersea missions give sonic oscillator, amazing anti-civilian weapon.

To purchase weapons you need to invest into bounty hunting, rockets and 30mm cannon is there. Alternatively, with a snake the fastest gun to get is from "contacts:rogue field warlords", it gives ramjet cannon, you need to get rogue field from interrogation and research slavery.

before engaging check how ship looks - green ones and ambulance can't shoot back, you can down such ships with anything.
You can pile up multiple ships to intercept a single one by intercepting your own ship.
which armor to wear against forces of evil? I can kill em just fine but fireball spam kills troop morale.
You need environmentally sealed armors, heavy suit, iirc the first one.

I dont get some of the weapons. I spent so much effort on clockwork gun and its nowhere near spikey smg. Some seems to be clearly superior, which ones to go for?
I'd say clockwork gun is something you take from your belt slot when you are going in melee and accidentally see academy drone 2-3 tiles above the ground.
Personally, I don't see any use for spikey whatsoever, people who die to it can be stunned in one hit.
What guns to go for is sooo subjective... Some people love bows due to arc + huge bonuses from gal stats. Some like shotguns for "never miss" accuracy. Some just want to see the world burn.
My fav training weapon is domestic shotgun with rubber slugs, it leaves victims alive.

like stun baton/handle/ball bat, which one works best?
handles start to kill people when you have moderately trained gals, so usually I start with handles, then switch to batons, and carry cattle prods on missions where I expect guys able to resist top roll of a baton (elite soldiers with 80+ armor don't take damage from 0-60 stun baton)

How exactly bonus xp from gym/sailor suit work?
When you get exp, it makes secondary stats grow faster.

Where can i get some hats?
research luxury fur. oh right, you didn't research monster hunt. Nowhere.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: themeless on May 07, 2020, 10:44:31 pm
how does freshness work?
after posting the save i had already progressed somewhat going by previous pages.
though i didnt increase brainer amount yet i created a 6 hand (+ some humans to defend while vulnerable) outpost thats going to pump out x-grog and hopefully clear my base off the plantations.
i have a few chainmails, one platemail as high armor options. Its just too good at this point soloing entire prepper camp with platemail+sabre, thats why i wanted to see its research path.

i should have luxury fur. probably from shamblers and probably made ushankas with them already in that save.

I specifically didnt research majority of !!! missions because skipping them would cause me to lose score. I guess thats not the case?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: vadracas on May 07, 2020, 11:08:23 pm
I specifically didnt research majority of !!! missions because skipping them would cause me to lose score. I guess thats not the case?

Bruh, Going to them gets you 1000 times as much score as skipping one once in a while does. Not directly, mid you, but those missions unlock researches(which give score), new manufacturing projects(money), and money(the ability to expand, do more missions, more research, and more manufacturing). Also, I had 19 brainers mid year 1, I think.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Gremlion on May 07, 2020, 11:24:58 pm
Warriors can't stay in the fight indefinitely, so we can't be too passive. Every turn, they will lose 1 point of Freshness (unless at very low Morale; letting it all out helps), or more, depending on armor. When they are at high Freshness percentage, they will receive bonuses to Morale, Stamina and Stun recovery. As their Freshness drops to half, these bonuses start to turn into maluses. At very low Freshness, our Hands won't regenerate full TUs and might even receive Stun damage. Freshness is replenished every night at the Hideout. The more luxurious it is, the better. The building with the highest Refreshment rate counts.
It's a system to balance "1 team for every mission" and usage of items like mushroom beer, 40 hp heal which doesn't require wounds. It costs 30 freshness, so average gal can do it twice. Alcohol also costs freshness, so if you run around and chug beer, you will recover longer.

Plate mail is gated behind "back to school" + chainmail. back to school needs library, library needs sci books, sci books is an item you get from 3 sources - mutant alliance (fastest to do, you  need alliance favor bounty reward), doctor X database (gated behind rare interrogations), gnome (it's a mutant you can interrogate repeatedly without losing it, so you WILL get it eventually, but she is pretty rare on her own without going gray codex, which spawns one - it's either a capture in B grade goblin zaxx mission, rare(literally 1% chance) loot from rare smuggler strongbox, rare event)

Chainmail is, well, needs workshop and superconductive wire.

From researchable missions the only one which penalizes score is eurosyndicate deal, i think.
The rest you can unlock freely.
List of missions which deduct score is pretty short, it's "help the lokknars" 2 variants (skim through briefing, it tells enemies) for -150, and pogrom (like -100 without mutant alliance and -1000 after making an alliance).
personally, the only missions I postpone
1. Undersea missions - I get prerequisites for chiller outfit first, then at the start of new month do missions->operations-> produce chillers for a team, so I have everything ready when mission spawns.
2. Mansion invasion - until you get some easy to use wallsmashing instrument like electric lasso or small chainsaw (power tools research, iirc).
3. Organ trafficers - it's a horrible mission which requires good gals to do it fast because environment slowly kills you (and damages armor) and enemies are regenerating bullet  sponges. And enemies use chem weapons, it damages armor, so even power armor eventually gives up. You also want to have some "redecoration" instruments there too
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on May 07, 2020, 11:28:51 pm
In the lategame there is another mission which gives negative score when you ignore it: mutant suppression.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Nalca on May 08, 2020, 12:50:41 am
3. Organ trafficers - it's a horrible mission which requires good gals to do it fast because environment slowly kills you (and damages armor) and enemies are regenerating bullet  sponges. And enemies use chem weapons, it damages armor, so even power armor eventually gives up. You also want to have some "redecoration" instruments there too
Not so horrible with good strategy and equipment:
Use a team of gals equipped with Combat/Trench shotgun and Smokey armor, and go there during the day.
You can kill everything with the shotgun, and you're protected from the acid rain, the acid weapons and the deadly smoke weapons. Just watch out for the dogs, your gals are dead if they catched without armor.
If you stun a ghoul and you don't need it, shoot it on the ground. They will regenerate otherwise.

Just remember to catch a ghoul scientist AND a regular ghoul (or else you will be blocked in your research later). And keep someone with a cattle prod nearby to watch them.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: vadracas on May 08, 2020, 12:58:13 am
Not so horrible with good strategy and equipment:
Use a team of gals equipped with Combat/Trench shotgun and Smokey armor, and go there during the day.
You can kill everything with the shotgun, and you're protected from the acid rain, the acid weapons and the deadly smoke weapons. Just watch out for the dogs, your gals are dead if they catched without armor.
If you stun a ghoul and you don't need it, shoot it on the ground. They will regenerate otherwise.

Just remember to catch a ghoul scientist AND a regular ghoul (or else you will be blocked in your research later). And keep someone with a cattle prod nearby to watch them.

I prefer pikes and barbarian swords for that mission, but otherwise totally agree.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: themeless on May 08, 2020, 01:10:26 am
thanks for the info.
I guess I'll keep this run going till it ends up trashed and do the next one properly.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Gremlion on May 08, 2020, 01:46:39 am
Personally, I'd like to get at least chainmails + aye-phones + chem coats for organ grinder so gals will survive stray magnum/blunderbuss shot. Still, doesn't make the mission fun to do.
thanks for the info.
I guess I'll keep this run going till it ends up trashed and do the next one properly.
Don't be so hard on yourself. You are doing good on battlefield, only 2 deaths in a year and full prison. Unless you get random stargods/merc base assault (very unlikely on this difficulty) you should be fine to catch up, there's plenty of easy targets. Just don't research *stop targeting civilian targets* until you feel like they are waste of time.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on May 08, 2020, 12:03:35 pm
gnome (it's a mutant you can interrogate repeatedly without losing it, so you WILL get it eventually, but she is pretty rare on her own without going gray codex, which spawns one - it's either a capture in B grade goblin zaxx mission, rare(literally 1% chance) loot from rare smuggler strongbox, rare event)

Updated this save (,4102.msg127024.html#msg127024) and...,damng...i got the gnome with a rare event, but still cannot research it but figures in my inventory. What are the prequisite needed? And i've equipped the hawk with the flamecannon, but what munition fot it are needed? Cannot be bought at the black market but only manufactured?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Gremlion on May 08, 2020, 12:45:19 pm
event gives "mad gnome", you need to appease her (manufacture) after researching madness.
Bottleneck for appeasing is chocolate, easiest source is gambling&reclaiming coupons.
Flame cannon shoots hellerium. you can buy or you can distill some, then you will get enough from downed ships.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on May 08, 2020, 03:29:35 pm
event gives "mad gnome", you need to appease her (manufacture) after researching madness.
Bottleneck for appeasing is chocolate, easiest source is gambling&reclaiming coupons.

oh..i always sold it! dddoohh!! :'(
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ashghan on May 08, 2020, 03:39:38 pm
Flame cannon shoots hellerium. you can buy or you can distill some, then you will get enough from downed ships.

Be aware that it often destroys civilian loot, basically costs 12k/shot (you're burning expensive hellerium), and with a poor accuraccy against small targets - you might need a couple of shots to shoot down anything. Basically - think and calculate before you use it - you might lose more money than you make.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: RolandVasko on May 09, 2020, 12:02:17 am
well, just short & simple ~~ UFO-xCom tactical simulation, /strategy games just NOT are for very beginner´players.. they are damn hard as hell (even on easier difficulties)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on May 11, 2020, 01:34:42 pm
Get some dogs and/or bloodhounds as well. Lokk'Naar make excellent snipers in long corridors where the enemy can't see them if they sit at one end.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Nalca on May 11, 2020, 02:08:42 pm
I always have some Flak Cannons or better in secondary bases.
It's useful against tedious ratman invasions, against missiles swarms and during base defense.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on May 11, 2020, 03:05:18 pm
I always have some Flak Cannons or better in secondary bases.
It's useful against tedious ratman invasions, against missiles swarms and during base defense.

Still have not researchd flak cannons so canno try. In what consist enemy missile attack on a base? I never experienced it, there are some prequisites to make in happen?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Nalca on May 11, 2020, 04:53:38 pm
It will hit your base and destroy 3 buildings at random. If some buildings are unconnected after that, they will be destroyed too.
No base defense mission after that.

I never experienced it, there are some prequisites to make in happen?
Once enough months have passed, they will start, until you research a specific topic to stop them.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on May 12, 2020, 11:15:16 am
Hey seems i have saved my run form ruin...jokes aside, slowly expandind my second base, and made it into the end of august 2602! Sadly, I'm significantly behind the laser weapon tech, but have researched the shadowtech, and im also upgrading the capacity of the main base, and expanding the second one, and upgraded bounty mission to level C. Had to fire 5 on 15 brainres because of insufficient funds.. :'(

As noticeable events, repelled a dark ones attack on my second base with five (trained) peasant though they fall a lot in panicking during battle! Ialso delepted the golden codex research, and recovered from my financial bad status and unlocked basic engineering and the basic cannon munition, hopefully i may improve my fleet arsenal. Also unlocked the research for cannon defence and 250mm RL cannons, while manufactured an handful of kustom handcannons, also managed to assault succesfully an academy supply ship, and researched mad gnome but was unable to appeanse it because need some more chocolate  :'(

Edit: went forward till the very end of oct 2602, built a third base, unlocked undersea operation and tesearched heavy slugthroeer, also met the spartans for the very first time on a downed vessel assault, im researching gauss cannon parts, hopefully gone manufacture some, and have also produced some more tactical armors
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: wolfreal on May 15, 2020, 05:05:14 am
Do not fire the brainers. Brainers almost pay for themselves with the points made for researching
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on May 19, 2020, 11:45:20 am
I ahd an hard time killing that mchtoid, it is a sectiod with one of those armor WWI style? And, by the end of nov 2602 i got "zro tolerance" from death realms! How  may i get it back?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: khade on May 19, 2020, 01:32:01 pm
Unless something has been drastically changed, They're not going to change their minds, it's the equivalent of when the aliens subvert a funding nation in base X-Com.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on May 19, 2020, 08:04:12 pm
I got in 2603, aen of jaunary, buila a four base in south america, unlocked sea adventure, bank favors and (finally) smugglers,.

Edit: Still cannot buy laser weapons, any pointers? And i need alao acqua plastics but i have to butcher deep one corpses to extract or i may unlock like the plastasteel? I sold loads of their corpses..arghhh!!
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: vadracas on May 19, 2020, 09:04:49 pm
And i need alao acqua plastics

I haven't been looking at your saves, but seriously?! You can get aqua plastics from robbing/enslaving things like Academy Medics, which you have definitely seen lots of by that point in the game. And the game even hints in the Academy outposts briefing/description that the Academy Medics are valuable.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on May 19, 2020, 09:08:08 pm

I haven't been looking at your saves, but seriously?! You can get aqua plastics from robbing/enslaving things like Academy Medics, which you have definitely seen lots of by that point in the game. And the game even hints in the Academy outposts briefing/description that the Academy Medics are valuable.
Academy on this run seems to be quite rare..i get a lot pf ratmen caves missions instead!!   :'(

And to recruit slave soldiers i habe to create a slave from man prisoner first, right?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: wolfreal on May 20, 2020, 02:47:11 pm
If you are in the "Gals are superior" path, then yes.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on May 20, 2020, 08:10:16 pm
All right so i guess they cannot be unlocked at the black market, in the meantime another update: by the end of february 2602 i made a dedicated base in sout east asia for the underwater missions, and assaulted a shirne ship, captured church beastmaster and finally managed to kill my first chrissalyd terrorist! A real nightmare, and as grand finale i unlocked "interstellar travel" and "heavy fighter craft" which gave me the kraken and researched gauss weapons disassembly like the laser ones, but cannot still manufactrue both!

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: RolandVasko on May 20, 2020, 08:30:46 pm
^^ hehe, *Humanists, and (P)trolletariat  :D :D)

btw. are these plantations really worth it ? (them)

bcos, indeed, its just really vast area of bases, builded-off, seized-o..  with them..
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: vadracas on May 20, 2020, 08:48:46 pm

btw. are these plantations really worth it ? (them)

If space isn't being used, it should be used for weed plantations.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on May 20, 2020, 10:51:37 pm
Please may someone provedo a video/some GIFs/screenshots with explication on how update buildings work? Also on how to harvest the weed and boom plantation
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on May 21, 2020, 12:14:31 am
Please may someone provedo a video/some GIFs/screenshots with explication on how update buildings work? Also on how to harvest the weed and boom plantation

Here you go, niculinux xcomfan.  I found this on the bootypedia page for weed plantation.  You should use the bootypedia more as it tends to be very quick and useful for providing needed information.

"Automation of lighting and watering allowed (alloweed?) us to master the growing of a notoriously difficult, yet very useful plant - the Sectoweed. Farming ain't for dumbheads and needs following certain steps:

1) Construct Sectoweed Plantation, this needs 12 Sectoweed. It can be either constructed anew, or on top of an existing Plantation, the latter saves us $80k.

2) When ready, 'Dismantle' it to change water and light regimen, fostering second phase of growth. This will cost $40k.

3) When fully grown, 'Dismantle' again to harvest (costs $5k). This will net us 240 Sectoweed and leave behind a standard Plantation."

I recommend planting on the first of the month for best results.  Apologies if this is out of date; it's not from the latest version.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: vadracas on May 21, 2020, 01:06:00 am
Some of the prices are off- ex the second phase only costs 25k not 40.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: DeeplyCasul on May 21, 2020, 09:04:39 am
All right so i guess they cannot be unlocked at the black market
You can buy aqua plastics in the black market after researching prize: military supplies from goblin zaxx bank
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on May 21, 2020, 10:19:07 am
Here you go, niculinux xcomfan.  I found this on the bootypedia page for weed plantation.  You should use the bootypedia more as it tends to be very quick and useful for providing needed information.

"Automation of lighting and watering allowed (alloweed?) us to master the growing of a notoriously difficult, yet very useful plant - the Sectoweed. Farming ain't for dumbheads and needs following certain steps:

1) Construct Sectoweed Plantation, this needs 12 Sectoweed. It can be either constructed anew, or on top of an existing Plantation, the latter saves us $80k.

2) When ready, 'Dismantle' it to change water and light regimen, fostering second phase of growth. This will cost $40k.

3) When fully grown, 'Dismantle' again to harvest (costs $5k). This will net us 240 Sectoweed and leave behind a standard Plantation."

I recommend planting on the first of the month for best results.  Apologies if this is out of date; it's not from the latest version.

Ok thanks, i got that, i was asking also for "graphical examples",  for instance how i recognize it when it is fully grown? there is an asterisk on it? And most important sectoweed cannot be bought at black market?

You can buy aqua plastics in the black market after researching prize: military supplies from goblin zaxx bank

that what i wanted to know, thanks!

I actually prefer not playing using the tech tree viewer, it's really cheaty and i think it sould be used for testing purposes, hope Dioxine in the final version will disable it

Edit: seems you cannot escape from the "organ grinder" mission!! There are other types where it happens?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: vadracas on May 21, 2020, 12:07:52 pm
Ok thanks, i got that, i was asking also for "graphical examples",  for instance how i recognize it when it is fully grown? there is an asterisk on it? And most important sectoweed cannot be bought at black market?

Sectoweed cannot be bought, this is how you get it, by collecting some on a mission with the right map and farming it.

A SECTOWEED PHASE IS DONE WHEN THE FACILITY FINISHES CONSTRUCTING. Then you left click to dismantle and move onto the next phase.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: CPLT-K2 on May 21, 2020, 12:39:04 pm
Ok thanks, i got that, i was asking also for "graphical examples",  for instance how i recognize it when it is fully grown? there is an asterisk on it? And most important sectoweed cannot be bought at black market?
I actually prefer not playing using the tech tree viewer, it's really cheaty and i think it sould be used for testing purposes, hope Dioxine in the final version will disable it
How do you regoc... it's a building, what happens when a building gets completed? Do you just click through everything game shows you?
Not wanting to "spoil" yourself is understandable and I thought there was an option or maybe it was a fever dream of mine.
But really, do you not read the research entries of things?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: vadracas on May 21, 2020, 01:06:00 pm
Hmmmm, "I prefer not to use the tech tree viewer." Also xcomfan, Hey guys can you tell me anything and everything about how to play the game. 

If you are going to use the forum to ask for info, at least check the tech tree for what you want first, it's really tedious to disprove every single bug report you submit and answer all of your questions repeatedly in different ways.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on May 21, 2020, 01:18:42 pm
I actually prefer not playing using the tech tree viewer, it's really cheaty and i think it sould be used for testing purposes, hope Dioxine in the final version will disable it

Edit: seems you cannot escape from the "organ grinder" mission!! There are other types where it happens?

Well playing spoiler free is one thing, but the tree is so dense and interlinked it's practically impossible to navigate without the viewer. There is like 5k distinct entities in the mod, most of them research able and with multiple types of linkage. you don't need it all the time, but if you run into a progress gate you would be flailing blind trying to pass it. And there are 5 or 6 major gates in the mod. Imagine stumbling blind for months or years each time.

There are a few more no escape missions. Most give hints to being so in the briefing text. Read or die.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on May 21, 2020, 01:54:54 pm
Well playing spoiler free is one thing, but the tree is so dense and interlinked it's practically impossible to navigate without the viewer. There is like 5k distinct entities in the mod, most of them research able and with multiple types of linkage. you don't need it all the time, but if you run into a progress gate you would be flailing blind trying to pass it. And there are 5 or 6 major gates in the mod. Imagine stumbling blind for months or years each time.

There are a few more no escape missions. Most give hints to being so in the briefing text. Read or die.

Ok, actually i was guilty no to read enough. I did and lost a vessel on "organ grinder" mission, in his playthrough here ( Meridian faces same mission, but in mine the map was full of toxic smoke but in his game not, it's av random thing or depends from difficulty?

Anyway i forgot also to bring gask mask, in such missiin are mandatory!
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: vadracas on May 21, 2020, 02:10:21 pm
Ok, actually i was guilty no to read enough. I did and lost a vessel on "organ grinder" mission, in his playthrough here ( Meridian faces same mission, but in mine the map was full of toxic smoke but in his game not, it's av random thing or depends from difficulty?

Anyway i forgot also to bring gask mask, in such missiin are mandatory!

Bruh. Watch the first literal 20 seconds of the video and tell me why the smoke wasn't there for him.

Second, I run that mission with gals in smokey armor, no gas masks, and they barely get hurt at all by anything chem(which is 90% of the damage sources on that mission). Gas mask won't help when you have that armor because the resistance buff provided by the gas mask isn't allowed to pass the resistance the armor is already at.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on May 21, 2020, 04:06:15 pm

Bruh. Watch the first literal 20 seconds of the video and tell me why the smoke wasn't there for him.

I meank that tick someke, it begins to appear as soon a si end the first turn, see the attachment.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: vadracas on May 21, 2020, 04:25:23 pm
I meank that tick someke, it begins to appear as soon a si end the first turn, see the attachment.

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on May 21, 2020, 04:29:23 pm

Bruh. Watch the first literal 20 seconds of the video and tell me why the smoke wasn't there for him.

The mission ends at 14:08 but i did no see it. Probably because of the defender armor, that has an heat vision built in? I went there with tactical armors and plate mail (looted)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: vadracas on May 21, 2020, 04:44:27 pm
The smoke wasn't there because he either removed the graphics for it in his custom OXCE build, or he physically removed the manuscript for this mission in the .rul files, either way, It was not because of Defender armor.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Meridian on May 21, 2020, 04:52:13 pm
The smoke wasn't there because he either removed the graphics for it in his custom OXCE build, or he physically removed the manuscript for this mission in the .rul files, either way, It was not because of Defender armor.

It was neither of those.
I just made a simple mod to replace smoke sprites with transparent sprites.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: vadracas on May 21, 2020, 05:05:21 pm
It was neither of those.
I just made a simple mod to replace smoke sprites with transparent sprites.

Ah, that makes sense, I figured you hadn't changed gameplay, just didn't know what of a million methods you'd used to make those effects appear to not be there.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on May 22, 2020, 03:45:24 pm
It was neither of those.
I just made a simple mod to replace smoke sprites with transparent sprites.

Thanks for solving the mistery  :)

I've research the prepper box, but i cannot open it. It's a bug or am i missing something? It seems not..
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: vadracas on May 22, 2020, 04:23:41 pm
It's a manufacturing project...

If you don't see it there check your list of hidden items in manufacturing you could have accidentally hidden it.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on May 22, 2020, 04:47:29 pm
It's a manufacturing project...

If you don't see it there check your list of hidden items in manufacturing you could have accidentally hidden it.

Oh, thznks, and if do, how i do unhide it?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: vadracas on May 22, 2020, 04:52:53 pm
Just right click it once.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on May 26, 2020, 06:34:27 pm
yes, that did the trick ;) in the menatime finally  researched the mad gnome and miklkin out of her all the possible knowlodge, bough a nice turtle and equipped with heavy and laser weapons i looted from humanists instructors and reticulans. Learned how to disassemble laser and gauss weapons, but cannot manufacture neither buy these, but i'm researching the reticulan plasma charger parts. I have unlocked the contact with Death Relams, and the Nord federation, unlocking death relams games weapons and the onsen, plus finally secured also military supplies so i can buy aqua plastics!

Other hideaouts are still specialized in some certain mission, i have established a small manufacture in north america; here im bulding small prisons too, and builded - along  in my main base - large barracks, the seems to be needed.

Edit: any hint on how to get an academy provost; which is needed to unlock plasma weapons and it is crucial to the game?

Edit 2: and the sleek hull cannot be bought?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ashghan on May 27, 2020, 12:31:53 pm
None of the hulls can be bought - it's your codex reward. You only get one, with the type based on the codex colour you chose when you used the tiny drill.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on May 27, 2020, 05:00:52 pm
ko it's an unique thing. I've finally mamaged to build a kraken and unlocked the mutant lasers, building a workshop in my second base so i might make an hunter-killer, im tired of the hawk!  :) Started to build one in Africa, too!

I've built in my main base an onsen, and delepted the "socializing" thing and unlocked the vodoo!
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Gremlion on May 27, 2020, 11:45:29 pm
This is faq/guide thread, not your mission report thread.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on May 28, 2020, 05:33:41 am
While you may have a point Gremlion, but at this point report stuff has been going into the thread since like page 4 or 5. We are up to 41 pages now.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on May 28, 2020, 09:51:59 am
Ok guys, thought a bit of reporting with .sav attached might be useful for defining and sharing strategies won't abuse of that too much :)

To select and clear all items in inventory we press X but to just select all of these, which key is used? I wanna select all items to perform certain operations, how i do that?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: vadracas on May 28, 2020, 01:13:16 pm
I believe it's A, and though it's fine that you post your saves here, it would be great if you refrained from posting images other than bug report style screenshots as this thread would literally be half as big without them.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dr1ven1 on May 28, 2020, 01:54:12 pm
I've started to tackle the mercenaries as best as I can but I'm having some problems with the tanks. Any suggestions/tips on how to deal with them?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on May 28, 2020, 04:53:20 pm
I believe it's A, and though it's fine that you post your saves here, it would be great if you refrained from posting images other than bug report style screenshots as this thread would literally be half as big without them.

ok will do, update the previous post. (,4102.msg128121.html#msg128121)  :), this time is an "emergency": i've tryed A but nothing, Z and X work only in craft loadout inventory and fence menu. For isntance, i just wanan select all items in the black market, and then set the amout of the quantitty to but. Same in the manufacture menu, tere is a way?

If not, feature to implement?

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: vadracas on May 28, 2020, 06:47:29 pm
Select all is a feature, just checked. Try ctrl-A or shift-A or alt-A one of those i correct.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Meridian on May 28, 2020, 06:57:15 pm
Select all is a feature, just checked. Try ctrl-A or shift-A or alt-A one of those i correct.

where did you check?

For instance, i just wanna select all items in the black market, and then set the amount of the quantity to buy. Same in the manufacture menu, there is a way?

If not, feature to implement?

That makes no sense.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on May 28, 2020, 07:12:42 pm
where did you check?

That makes no sense.

It is not mentioned in the hawkeys article in bootypedia? And a thing i early researched are treasure chests. Are supposed to be found in church bases or anywhere else?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: vadracas on May 28, 2020, 07:15:42 pm
I checked by doing it then promptly forgot which key it was.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Meridian on May 28, 2020, 07:19:09 pm
There is no hotkey to select all items on the Purchase screen (Black Market).

There is also no hotkey to select all items on the Manufacture screen.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on May 28, 2020, 08:23:05 pm
Select all is a feature, just checked. Try ctrl-A or shift-A or alt-A one of those i correct.

Tryed but non worked  ???
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: vadracas on May 28, 2020, 08:33:29 pm
wait wtf, of course there's no hotkey to select all items on those screens, that doesn't even make sense.

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Gremlion on May 29, 2020, 02:28:42 am
I've started to tackle the mercenaries as best as I can but I'm having some problems with the tanks. Any suggestions/tips on how to deal with them?
Try EMP minibombs. Armor almost doesn't work vs them, solid damage and tanks have low resist vs this damage type.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dr1ven1 on May 29, 2020, 08:39:48 am
Try EMP minibombs. Armor almost doesn't work vs them, solid damage and tanks have low resist vs this damage type.

Will do!
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on May 29, 2020, 12:23:23 pm
I've ebgaged the sea oddity mission, it's a two stage one, but once i got to the second part cannot face the ghost gals! Some magical/specific items are required?

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Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Gremlion on May 29, 2020, 12:46:13 pm
They have high resistances, but damage taken is not zero, might take a while. The best way is to disperse energy with energy. Electricity, laser, plasma, emp.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dr1ven1 on May 29, 2020, 02:05:34 pm
They have high resistances, but damage taken is not zero, might take a while. The best way is to disperse energy with energy. Electricity, laser, plasma, emp.

Currently using the Eurosyndicate lasers but these things sure can take a lot of punishment  ;D
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Nalca on May 29, 2020, 04:02:12 pm
You can use Flintlock SC-Balls against them. It work with your air Musket and can also be used underwater.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on May 29, 2020, 11:08:45 pm
Lassos work, as well as ahh, I forgot the name, the 1x1 melee weapon that deals electric damge the shock'a'fist.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dr1ven1 on June 01, 2020, 09:36:52 am
Getting close to them is quite tough though. Managed to take a few of them down after a bit of a struggle.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on June 01, 2020, 05:47:44 pm
I ignore the sea adventure mission.

But I met them with some Lokk'Naar in an underground mission and there getting close wasn't the problem. My Lokk'Naar not being used to melee on the other hand ...
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on June 01, 2020, 06:39:03 pm
Finally got the "back to school" topic, and built el fuego craft! But most of these codex craft need missile/heavy veapons, but i've salvaged only light cannons!! I also overlooked that in my secondary hideouts did not have a radar! I have provided so...

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Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ashghan on June 01, 2020, 08:30:27 pm
Funny how you quickly forgot:
Quote from: vadracas
though it's fine that you post your saves here, it would be great if you refrained from posting images other than bug report style screenshots as this thread would literally be half as big without them.
Seriously - most of us know these screens, and for those that don't - let them discover the game for themselves.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on June 01, 2020, 10:11:15 pm
Ok that was the last, promise :) Lasgun and laspistol seems cannot be bought, only dissassemble and manufacrure once i got the right tech?

And the reticulan ones might be bought once "contact: reticulans" is researched?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Corento on June 02, 2020, 02:23:22 pm
and you should read at least once your text before posting - in every single one you have many typo faults. It is not hard to read, but I personally rather skip your posts, then to read that mess.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: The Martian on June 02, 2020, 07:50:26 pm
Seriously - most of us know these screens, and for those that don't - let them discover the game for themselves.
My suggestion is to use the Spoiler tag when posting that kind of image.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dakkdakk on June 03, 2020, 05:38:09 pm
Using the spoiler function is regular forum etiquette since forever, so people with slower internet speeds don't have trouble reading a particular thread that happens to be full of images. So yea, if you absolutely must post pictures, put them in a spoiler.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on June 04, 2020, 01:54:02 pm
OK got it for good, sorry...hey i had dismantle one base in south america - the flint acienda - because shipping spot in that area were scarce  :'( anyway i unlocked the ramjet cannonns and built a coulpe of swordfish!  8) Sold out the undersea gear missions, because it was not worth  :-X

Edit: i sold the turtle and tryed to build a deliverator, i have the prequisites but cannot produce it. Why?

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Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on June 05, 2020, 01:52:54 pm
It costs 250k, but you only have 100k. You need more money.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on June 05, 2020, 03:06:49 pm
It costs 250k, but you only have 100k. You need more money.

Ok sorry i forgot to use the spoiler function, edited the post. So while standard lasguns cannot be bought, only manufactured in custom taylored version, does happen the same for gauss and plasma ones?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ashghan on June 05, 2020, 03:21:42 pm
No, you can't manufacture regular SG plasmas. But you can research your own versions of plasma weapons - they are a bit different in combat roles than their Star God equivalents, but just as deadly when you use them right. Plus at some point you also get access to 'bootleg' versions that are inferior to Star God ones in some aspects (heavier, slower to fire, less accurate etc.), but do not have a lock (so you can use them before you research SG plasma unlock), can be bought and use the same clips as SG plasmas.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on June 05, 2020, 07:59:23 pm
Oh i see, i have only unlocked the lasgun weapons ammo manufacturing along the cusrom lasgune, resigned on the deliverator and unlocked the mutant master craft weapon, but in next mont ( the beginnign of dec 2603) i got a crackdown from the star gods and cannot resist...gonna trya again...oh that humanist ship has a nice touch!

Check the saves,, i'd need your advice again if it might be possible to avoid it, also by doing certain things?

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Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: RolandVasko on June 06, 2020, 02:23:39 pm

hehe you xcomfan, you!  :D  ;D :DD) :D)

also yu such *fašíííýýsta,  *rasiíííýýýsta", xenofob, a *nácek"   ;D :D :DD ;DD  :P  lůl LůL

(well, jjust.kidding  :  )
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on June 07, 2020, 07:01:51 pm
(well, j.k.just.kidding  :  )

I got you got it! :)

Sometimens, in a mission debriefing, enemies surrended gives me negative score, other times positive. Depends on the subjects, enemies and civilians/non hostiles?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: MemoryTAS on June 08, 2020, 04:40:03 am
Civilians/govt/mutant alliance upon initial capture give negative score. As soon as you research any live capture, it gets set to +10 for a capture. Therefore it pays to research all new civilians/govt forces asap.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on June 09, 2020, 12:03:52 am
Just to add to MemoryTAS's answer above, don't capture many units which haven't been researched yet from those factions unless you can handle the negative score.  Capturing actually scores worse than killing them until those units have been researched.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on June 09, 2020, 10:04:47 am
The benefits of interrogating them usually outweigh the minor point loss. If you don't have the prison space and sell them that can still be a net win at the beginning when every $ counts.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on June 09, 2020, 04:09:32 pm
OK, and why i also get negative score from "dead men looted" debriefing string?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on June 09, 2020, 05:07:04 pm
Once you have researched a particular unit from the civ/govt/alliance factions, try to avoid killing that particular unit in the future.  Take the 10 points for capture and avoid all the negative scoring for killing them.  I was just pointing out that if a particular unit from those factions has never been researched, the negative score for capture is worse (absolute value larger) than for killing.  For instance, consider the first time you take on the mutant alliance in a eurosyndicate mission having researched none of their units.  If you somehow manage to capture them all you will lose over 1000 more points than if you had killed them all.  This really only matters if you are having trouble keeping your monthly score positive.  Which is highly unlikely if your squad is actually capable of winning a eurosyndicate mission by capturing everyone.  It is more relevant if one encounters a landed ship with government units early in the game.

If negative score for looting dead bodies is bothering you then:  "There is no kill like overkill."
This of course has its own tradeoffs such as diminished loot.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on June 09, 2020, 07:15:14 pm
OK, and why i also get negative score from "dead men looted" debriefing string?

Because you killed civilians that are most like part of one of the countries that are giving you money to trouble the Star Gods and their henchmen. They don't give you money to harass and kill their citizens.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on June 10, 2020, 08:19:35 pm
OK, so here is my very last .sav game; this time around i stick to Gremlion's advices: i started a brand new game in L2 at "john silver"
difficulty, used a custom layout base have 13 brainers and spread them across multiple projects; did not waste money on black market and only stuck with what i gathered as loot and did not waste money on the black market.

Please use this as test, especially if there gonna be some major changes to the research tree in the early games for the next upcoming versions :)

As for questions, in one of my runs  posted here (,4102.msg128628.html#msg128628) i had a Star God crackdown in my main base at 2603. On "davy jones" difficultt this is normal? O if i play at "captain kidd" it might happen later? I was unlucky or it depends on the difficulty picked up in a game? And gods and mercenaries strike solely at the main base?

To complicate matters most of codex craft use heavy weapons, while the research kinda "impose" to research light first...any other advice to quicken manufacture times?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: RolandVasko on June 13, 2020, 07:36:23 am
In my current game, i have 6 of myGals named Victoria, Amber, Krystal, Sulli, Luna, & Yoona  :P

and during in one of recently mission (i think it was Sister in danger, *Damsel in distress, - just 1gal imprisoned in cellar, by some ratmen and badmen, thugs..), thug and highwayman killed just right the Sully!  :o bad mark!, such coincidence, anyway poor Sulli! :/(
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on June 15, 2020, 09:13:15 am
As for questions, in one of my runs  posted here (,4102.msg128628.html#msg128628) i had a Star God crackdown in my main base at 2603. On "davy jones" difficultt this is normal? O if i play at "captain kidd" it might happen later? I was unlucky or it depends on the difficulty picked up in a game? And gods and mercenaries strike solely at the main base?

To complicate matters most of codex craft use heavy weapons, while the research kinda "impose" to research light first...any other advice to quicken manufacture times?

The major faction attacks, including stargods start being a possibility at the 18 month mark. There is an adjustment of when based on difficulty, but 18 months is the median. So stargods in 2603 while unlucky is normal. You got the strongest of the major factions paying a visit to the most valuable base. RNG.

As to Craft weapons, Codexs with only heavy slot craft, give you a suitable weapon as part of the tiny drill project. There is also the quadcannon which you can buy from crazy hannah fairly early.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on June 15, 2020, 09:31:11 am
The major faction attacks, including stargods start being a possibility at the 18 month mark. There is an adjustment of when based on difficulty, but 18 months is the median. So stargods in 2603 while unlucky is normal. You got the strongest of the major factions paying a visit to the most valuable base. RNG.

Well i ecpect them to show at least a year later? Can i eish that for future version or gonna live with it?

As to Craft weapons, Codexs with only heavy slot craft, give you a suitable weapon as part of the tiny drill project. There is also the quadcannon which you can buy from crazy hannah fairly early.

Provided that i find i light machine gun, prequisite in L2 version. Ot's kinda frustratin like getting the wrench to achieve "tools and blades" in past versions  :'(
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: MemoryTAS on June 15, 2020, 09:32:56 pm
Well i ecpect them to show at least a year later? Can i eish that for future version or gonna live with it?

Provided that i find i light machine gun, prequisite in L2 version. Ot's kinda frustratin like getting the wrench to achieve "tools and blades" in past versions  :'(

1. That's probably not going to change, you can still absolutely fight them out of a base defense by that point though provided you make sure to keep an adequate supply of heavy weapons just in case for usage against sectopods once you kill their shields.

2. LMGs are common in prepper boxes, in the Prepper Camp mission, and the research isn't uncommon from other sources. Also you don't need wrench until after you research tools and blades.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on June 15, 2020, 09:42:53 pm
Well the problem is heavy weapons, though krazy hanna sells the basic stuff the problem is contactin her relies too much on luck, and without those game is almost lost for sure... :'(
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: MemoryTAS on June 15, 2020, 11:30:09 pm
XPiratez has a ton of luck. You'll end up hunting for something or another and not finding it for a while. I don't see the specific problems with this. How far into your playthrough are you?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on June 16, 2020, 08:25:45 pm
XPiratez has a ton of luck. You'll end up hunting for something or another and not finding it for a while. I don't see the specific problems with this. How far into your playthrough are you?

Yes it's true! In oct 2601, started another run with the gray codex with "John Silver". Jellifish is different but not very comfortable, but it's really annoing that one crew member to that arcane ray which due yo its placement is rarely used in battle...still looking for crazy hanna, just built personal lab, but got the smuggler contact

Doing the sitzkrieg mission, i cannot destroy humanist's battle tank, even if i used 10 LASSes on it!!  >:( I suppose explosive with 100+ damage might get the job done (LASS is 90)

Edit: actually were 6/7 because i missed some shots, the tank  parket 8tself below the jellyfish!
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on June 17, 2020, 06:05:22 am
Yes it's true! In oct 2601, started another run with the gray codex with "John Silver". Jellifish is different but not very comfortable, but it's really annoing that one crew member to that arcane ray which due yo its placement is rarely used in battle...still looking for crazy hanna, just built personal lab, but got the smuggler contact

Doing the sitzkrieg mission, i cannot destroy humanist's battle tank, even if i used 10 LASSes on it!!  >:( I suppose explosive with 100+ damage might get the job done (LASS is 90)

Edit: actually were 6/7 because i missed some shots, the tank  parket 8tself below the jellyfish!

You do know the arcane ray has waypoints right? you don't need a los.

Yeah slitzkrieg tank is quite sturdy. Very resistant to most damage and at least 100 armor everwhere. Need the serious antitank weapons. the lowest tech solutions are satchel charges if you can get em on target, and fire attacks.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on June 17, 2020, 09:14:25 am
You do know the arcane ray has waypoints right? you don't need a los.

Yes but as you can read in my previous post it depend on how you spawn on the map. Should it have a 360° degree sight?

Edit: still cannot unlock the scoped magnum, there fore no "bigger guns"  >:(

Edit 2: i saw on a youtube gameplay video - probably a Meridina gameplay - that there is a way to apply last armor put on a gal via the armor screen, which key was it? ALT + left click?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: incas on June 17, 2020, 10:25:03 am
Edit 2: i saw on a youtube gameplay video - probably a Meridina gameplay - that there is a way to apply last armor put on a gal via the armor screen, which key was it? ALT + left click?
Right click.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: khade on June 17, 2020, 11:48:18 am
Scoped Magnum can be gotten through quite a few interrogations, or through several different books.  Alternately, you can get it through the bounty system, though I forget who you have to suck up to.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on June 17, 2020, 12:00:48 pm
Scoped Magnum can be gotten through quite a few interrogations, or through several different books.  Alternately, you can get it through the bounty system, though I forget who you have to suck up to.

yes, i know i got via bounty but it's always luck  :'( it' goblin zaxx

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: khade on June 17, 2020, 12:21:33 pm
Just thump a few enemies on the head and then see what they remember, each interview cuts down on the number available, they won't tell you something you already know, until you get all the things they know, they're worth more as conversationalists than as ransoms or robbery or slavery
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on June 17, 2020, 01:46:46 pm
never encountered: nov 2601 a mutant progom driven by the church wit..."rocky"!!! ugly nightmare!!  :o
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: amjh on June 17, 2020, 08:34:41 pm
You can check what an interrogation can give in the tech viewer and research the other available options first to cut down the possible outcomes. Often, you can more than double the changes of getting something useful.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on June 17, 2020, 08:39:52 pm
You can check what an interrogation can give in the tech viewer and research the other available options first to cut down the possible outcomes. Often, you can more than double the changes of getting something useful.

Thanks again i know; but certain things should be more straightforward and less depend in luck; at least no frustratinf for the player.

I never saw rocky in none of my runs (4/5)  :o
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: khade on June 17, 2020, 09:11:02 pm
The whole story is about chance, your starting crew know nothing about what's going on, they're not soldiers, they're effectively private school girls crossed with lab experiments.  To get far in the story, they must rely on luck.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on June 18, 2020, 08:02:33 pm
The whole story is about chance, your starting crew know nothing about what's going on, they're not soldiers, they're effectively private school girls crossed with lab experiments.  To get far in the story, they must rely on luck.

A classic frustration exampèle in the sceenshot attached: aside from the auto-rifle i still not find in feb 2602 the rest is accomplisbile via research, but that damn rifle is still mandatoryy|

What is the difference between

Slayer Bullets
Plastasteel Munitions
Ellectra-Pulse Munitions

The slayers are caonceived for pistols, are like the contemporary HP ammo ( and i've seen there absolutely useless agains armored enemies, but he other two are for rifles (not the same weapons)

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on June 18, 2020, 08:36:04 pm
Unless things have changed drastically in the most recent versions, I'm pretty sure there are a bunch of research sources for auto rifle.  Also the bootypedia covers those 3 ammo types fairly well.  Slayers do more hp, stun, and morale damage but have reduced armor penetration than the standard pistol ammo. Plastasteel munitions are higher power than standard.  Clip size might also be larger.  Electro-pulse munitions do electric damage instead of piercing and do more stun damage.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: MemoryTAS on June 19, 2020, 01:28:43 am
I get more auto-rifles than I could ever want just from gambling, you really need to be more patient.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on June 19, 2020, 08:13:25 pm
ok, i have a courtesan, "manufactured", but do i use/exploit her?

how does pimpcraft work?

UAC weapinry is neither buyable nor manufacturable? Actually only carabine is avaiable throught the black but other pieces no; it's wierd since is ancient tech?

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: stax77 on June 19, 2020, 10:12:47 pm
ok, i have a courtesan, "manufactured", but do i use/exploit her?

how does pimpcraft work?

The courtesan takes a prison spot, and has negative upkeep (so it generates money for you at the end of the month). You do not need to do anything.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: MemoryTAS on June 19, 2020, 10:57:05 pm
ok, i have a courtesan, "manufactured", but do i use/exploit her?

how does pimpcraft work?

UAC weapinry is neither buyable nor manufacturable? Actually only carabine is avaiable throught the black but other pieces no; it's wierd since is ancient tech?
You can buy various pieces of UAC weaponry via different sources.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: RolandVasko on June 20, 2020, 01:52:41 am
°° ^^
UAC should sent to our gals vault their,UAC´s travelling businessman!  :P ;:D
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on August 26, 2020, 07:32:10 pm
I have some trouble understanding the scorpion vessels exit tiles, somebody might help?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Blazen on August 27, 2020, 12:38:25 am
I think there is a lift in the ship and lift tiles don't count as exit tiles. If you shift the girls a tile towards the openings it should be fine.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on August 27, 2020, 10:42:09 am
Fill the Scorpion with crew, fly to a mission, remember the position they spawn. Where they stand in the beginning is exactly where exit tiles are.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on August 27, 2020, 07:34:35 pm
Suppose scoprion map is not easy on that side, ok thanks. I'm in the very end of nov 2601 and still cannot find sci books that are crucial for advancing. These are obtainable from academy or church? Which characters are related to that items,if any?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on August 27, 2020, 08:51:30 pm
sci books are from progressing the DR.X arc(slow route) or allying with mutant alliance(triggers regular pogroms to replace the baby starter ones).
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on August 27, 2020, 09:51:24 pm
sci books are from progressing the DR.X arc(slow route) or allying with mutant alliance(triggers regular pogroms to replace the baby starter ones).

So in consequence of the aforenentioned events, they eill be more easilt found ok, but in which ships/missions, if there are some specifically related,?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Greep on August 28, 2020, 12:31:56 am
(also repeatedly researching a gnome will get it too, but this is the "extremely slow" way)

You straight up get the research from mutant alliance, it isn't found.  To join the mutant alliance you need:

-alliance favors (mutant martial arts bounty -> alliance favors)
-academy medic researched
-mutant origins researched
-mutant pogrom researched

The fastest way to get mutant alliance tokens is to upgrade your bounty hunting badge to C ASAP:  humanist arsenals give tons of tokens (as well as being one of few locations for critical "light machine gun" and "humanist soldier" researches)

Btw, question for the experienced dudes: it still confuses me what's actually safe to shoot down retaliation-wise.  I got lucky and got an early shadowmasters, so I can't deal with a retaliation at this stage.  From what I gather it's:

-Anything on the ground
-megapol patrol

-gunboats? (Assuming not)
-military supply (Also assuming not)
-Those weird metallic things?

I don't think I can even shoot down anything else, though.

I also got armored cars so maybe I can handle retaliations anyways?  Or do they have plasma even in the first year?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on August 28, 2020, 04:04:18 am
If you have gotten to crazy hannah and bought some mines/rpg heat/panzerfausts your able to handle retaliations. and with cars level tech im sure your fine.

You do have the right of what is and isn't safe(no idea what you mean by metallic thing), but even then you need to shoot down alot of craft to see a retaliation. Each target of a faction you shoot down adds like 2-3% to the chance of a retaliation spawn. It can be legitimately difficult to trigger one when your intentionally trying too.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Greep on August 28, 2020, 05:10:07 am
Cool.  Unfortunately, can't find a picture of the weird ship, but it's basically a metal cone with the top chopped off so it's flat.  Not a hunter killer, at least sometimes it isn't.

Sounds good, think I'm just going to train a bunch of troops, shoot shit down and see what happens.  I guess I won't have to worry about raider fighters shooting me down if I send two scarabs and go all in.  Played too many "safe" games before of just doing easier missions.  Mostly just worried I'll shoot down academy and get mind controlled during base defense, but I assume I can just drop panzerfausts on the ground as long as I wield something.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Yglorba on August 28, 2020, 06:56:11 am
sci books are from progressing the DR.X arc(slow route) or allying with mutant alliance(triggers regular pogroms to replace the baby starter ones).
Technically you can also get them by repeatedly researching a gnome, but it takes a while or a lot of luck.  (Gnomes aren't consumed when researched, which is good because they're not exactly common early on.)

I recommend joining the Mutant Alliance, though.  The pogroms are not that bad and, more importantly, it's a prerequisite for a bunch of other stuff you will probably want eventually.  In particular, AFAIK you can't get the tech that shuts down Zero Tolerance missions without joining the Mutant Alliance first.  You'll also never be able to recruit Bugeyes.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ashghan on August 28, 2020, 01:02:56 pm
-Anything on the ground SAFE
-necroplanes SAFE
-wasps SAFE (Cobra and Viper as well)
-megapol patrol SAFE - everything from Megapol is safe

-raiders? NOT SAFE
-gunboats? NOT SAFE
-military supply NOT SAFE - but I'd risk it anyway, since it carries decent loot (good armor for early-mid game)
-Those weird metallic things? NOT SAFE - that's a Small Scout type shipping
-Freighters? NOT SAFE
Some additions:
- any civilian shipping (obviously) is safe
- ambulances are safe, even though they are Academy faction (there is a scripted retal mission though)
- any 'Star God tech' shipping (steel colored vessels) is not safe
- all 'roving bands' is safe (though they might trigger a retaliation if they happen to pass close to your base)
- zombies - all ships flown by the zombie faction (including the normally not safe ones) are free game - Zombies don't do retaliations, or at least I've never seen one
- simply anything from Bandit, Zombie, Megapol, Civilian, Reticulan, Necropirate, Dark Ones factions is safe
- anything from major factions (+Humanists and Raiders) is not safe
- I have no idea about Spartans - never had a retal from them, but not sure if it was just luck - it would be safe to assume they can retal EDIT: Yes, they can crackdown.
- might not be obvious but Govt shipping is not safe - not only it carries a hefty penalty to score when shot down (Ordinator and Govt Fighter only), it can also trigger a retaliation. Landed ships are safe though, so if you have researched govt personnel and take care to stun a lot, landed Ordinators might be decent loot, if difficult to assault.
- mutant freighters, if you get that far, are obviously safe from retal, but again - carry a large penalty for shooting down. They carry plastasteel though, if you critically need it. Onb the other the infamy penalty for shooting down, assault and not completing the trade mission might be high enough to make you consider buying the p-steel instead.
- a vessel colour cheat sheet: white, green, blue and light brown is always safe. Steel and dark brown - not safe (most of the time).
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Greep on August 28, 2020, 02:14:25 pm
Interesting, reticulans are safe.  Good to know.  Actually kinda wonder if it's worth shooting down unsafe guys.  Strike bases are easy enough to defend, but it feels like it's not worth it to train and maintain ~30 gals just to keep a weed base safe lol.  Seems like avg hand maintenance after the queen is ~20k so 30 hands is 600k maintenance.  So either I have to let those bases just get vaporized by early faction retaliation or simply not bother with early unsafe shootdowns.  Hangarless bases are a bit easier to defend, though, so maybe I can just shove a barrel bomb into the access lift xD

Other issue is ammo costs.  Doing the math, with ramjets I'm mostly just breaking even against megapol/wasps/etc although it's worth it for the occasional apples.  So I should probably downgrade to quadcannons, but looks like those got shoved way forward in the tech tree, and carronade ammo is even more expensive than ramjets lol.  Guess there isn't any good early heavy unless you got the flame cannon.  I guess I'm better off going for 30mm cannons from jack and selling a scarab for a worm.

Edit: dang nvm, worms are crazy slow o.o maybe I'll just try scarabs with 30mm cannons, and keep the ramjets turned off except for emergencies or military transports if I feel like shooting it down.

- a vessel colour cheat sheet: white, green, blue and light brown is always safe. Steel and dark brown - not safe (most of the time).

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on August 28, 2020, 03:06:12 pm
In my runs by the end of 2602 i usually got base crackdowns from academy, ratmen and most of all dark ones (most of the times base is attacked), seems to be more frequent of all, even if i am low on the research tree and encounterd them a few time. I had abloslutley not crack down from spartans or raider, so i assume only the major factions that are hevily tied to the game plot may attack?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ashghan on August 28, 2020, 03:22:11 pm
It's all a risk-reward calculation, when it comes to shooting down retal ships. Some things are worth the risk (military transports for equipment and freighters for a chance at some aircraft weapons/ammo with an easy fight). Military shipping is usually not worth it mid game (and suicidal most of the time). Large Scouts are good for a printer. Fighters (if you can manage to win the fight) for Hellerium.

As for weapons for Scarab, the first decent one is naval cannon with an acceptable blend of power and upkeep cost. Quadcannons are too weak and inaccurate to matter against anything that can actually fight back. Flame Cannon is a bit useless too, due to massive damage which vaporizes most small targets and insane ammo costs. Ramjet is decent combat wise, but ammo cost is prohibitive as well. Carronade is completely meh - I couldn't find a niche for its use, it's even worse than Quad. I never used 250mm missiles and spike rockets, based on the fact that missile ammo is hard to get in large quantities. Gat Lascannon, Beam Laser, Basilisk and Obliterator are all nice, but by the time you get them, Scarab will be outclassed anyway (still useful for a tertiary base or as a damage dealer in multi-craft engagements).

Fun fact - I once savescummed enough freighters to get a gattling lascannon for my Scarab. Anything below Heavy gunship was basically instant slag. :D
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Greep on August 29, 2020, 02:13:20 am
Alright, military transports it is for now.  I think once I get a backup weed base, it makes more sense to just shoot anything down that I feel like, since rebuilding a weed base isn't too expensive.  So maybe a few hands, a bunch of dogs, and an hmg car for ninjas/doomies is good enough for them, and I'll just abandon ship on a faction retaliation.  Or maybe just give everybody literally everybody barrel bombs and see what happens lmao.

Thinking about it more, seems with aircraft more = better.  With my 2 scarabs + 2 hks/worms I bet I could use entirely light guns for a lot of ships.  Too bad the worm lost a light gun slot :(

Edit: Yup, shot down a necroplane with 2 scarabs with 2x25mm cannons even, so this should be good enough for patrol cars and wasps when I get 30mms which seem to be a massive step up in cannon firepower.  I guess the armor on scarabs really helps vs extremely weak enemies.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ashghan on August 29, 2020, 11:58:56 am
Approach armored cars with a degree of caution - their weapon is pretty powerful, long ranged and accurate (but slow to fire), so expect to get hit a couple of times. While it most likely won't take down a Scarab, taking 100 damage means 4 days out of commision.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Greep on August 29, 2020, 12:41:53 pm
Oh yeah those suckers hurt, missiles/heavy all the way, although I just leave them up once I get rogue fields. 

But yeah, two scarabs just cannoned a wasp to death with minimal damage using 30mms.  Definitely the way to go for pretty much any flying non-faction ships.  I think green is my favorite codex now :D
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Greep on August 30, 2020, 11:41:08 am
Lol, well now we know about spartans.

Almost immediately got a retaliation, shot down two barques, seems to have happened in the same month even.

( (
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on August 30, 2020, 12:04:51 pm
Missions are rolled at the beginning of the month. So a reaction can only come in the following months AFAIK.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Greep on August 30, 2020, 12:15:51 pm
Might've been the previous month then.  Started shooting things down in august, I guess I misremembered when the first one was.  Which would mean the first unsafe thing I shot down triggered a crackdown hah.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ashghan on August 30, 2020, 01:42:57 pm
I think their most popular Crackdown-capable mission is military supply, so you might have shot down one of those. Still, we have instant research. :)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on August 30, 2020, 06:49:07 pm
Facing the x-prison mission, but i had to reload since i accidentally blow up stairs to escape! What is the besta lpace to set explosives to free the gals, i think below the prison cells, right?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on August 30, 2020, 07:11:32 pm
Best place to set explosives to free the gals is nowhere, because you are supposed to do it with that pickaxe found nearby.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on August 30, 2020, 08:46:02 pm
Best place to set explosives to free the gals is nowhere, because you are supposed to do it with that pickaxe found nearby.

I thought these were there for a reason, actually eith it managed to destroy cells'floor, just need to pick a more convenient spot..but can not used also to dig in the underground? AFAIK in thet case have a pretty limited power, maybe need some tweaking in next version, or it may deoend by the map, not sure about that
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on August 31, 2020, 02:13:27 am
Pickaxe works just fine, never had any trouble busting the gals out with one. Sure, it might not work on the 1st try, but then you just try again.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Greep on August 31, 2020, 03:27:27 am
Well, at least I fended off the spartans.  It's pretty funny just wrecking them on the field with heavy suits and then finding they bring plasma guns to the base assault and they just melt the faces off of a dozen rookies.  I can see why melee is so favored, since failing to klll on the first shot usually means a reaction fire of death.  Checked the loot and.. just glad they didn't get a chance to use the blaster launcher I picked up O.O

I think I'm going to leave academy ships alone.  Are they the only ones that Mind control you early on? or are guild/church also just as bad?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on August 31, 2020, 04:14:38 am
academy, church, and star gods are the factions with mind powers
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on September 01, 2020, 01:42:40 pm
Well, i did built three bases, then dismantled one and sold a kraken early built because missing heavy craft weapons one (!!!) while in the menatime acquired military supplyes and technology to produce laser ammos, researched diplomacy and light craft weapons (to get these i overlookded that is nedded research of light cannon, chem and explosive munitions!), so i might make the heavier ones and then finally start to make a piracy vessel fleet..

This time i researched also stop tracking civilian traffic, gonna see what would be...and in the end grabbed dr x database! And i got as consequence a memorial steele, is that of any usage or i might sell it?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on September 04, 2020, 01:27:46 pm
..and in the end by sept 2602 i had a mercenary crackdown in the base, and it's gonna be the end ( connot be  they appear more late in the game? I've even lowered the ddifficulty level from 1 to 0 but still no way..

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ashghan on September 04, 2020, 05:44:45 pm
Not all games are meant to be won. Just like in real life. Know when to fold 'em.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on September 04, 2020, 06:20:55 pm
Sad but true ( goin' forward far as ive seen, spider silk is not recoverable during a "cave hunt" project, or am i wrong? It can be obainded doing besides the "gigant spider hunt" mission also doin' the "infested cellar" one. Right?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Greep on September 04, 2020, 08:55:08 pm
Yeah difficulty doesn't affect shootdown crackdowns unfortunately.  They don't seem really necessary when the game already has scheduled faction retals, but that's the way it is.  You're best off not shooting down anything faction related until you've got a hyperwave decoder so you don't accidentally piss these guys off.

Regarding spider silk spider hunt, yup.  You can occasionally get spider corpses from from expedition strongboxes, I definitely recommend doing those anyways when you've got more than a few hundred vault space.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on September 05, 2020, 06:15:01 pm
Yeah difficulty doesn't affect shootdown crackdowns unfortunately.  They don't seem really necessary when the game already has scheduled faction retals, but that's the way it is.  You're best off not shooting down anything faction related until you've got a hyperwave decoder so you don't accidentally piss these guys off.

oh ok actually i did not even think to shoot down mercs: only groun assaulted a ship of theirs and was lucky to capture a merc commando, they're very irritable!

Regarding spider silk spider hunt, yup.  You can occasionally get spider corpses from from expedition strongboxes, I definitely recommend doing those anyways when you've got more than a few hundred vault space.

thanks, actually went on a spider hunt mission and fought some nomads and stole some spider silk from them and then retreat! ;D here we have another run with green codex, the only thing i hate about it are those damn gas triggers in worm >.<
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dioxine on September 05, 2020, 08:02:37 pm
Difficulty does, in fact, affect retaliation chance after shootdown, or at least chance that they will throw retal on the continent the attack originated from (else they will target the continent where shootdown took place).
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on September 05, 2020, 08:13:20 pm
Difficulty does, in fact, affect retaliation chance after shootdown, or at least chance that they will throw retal on the continent the attack originated from (else they will target the continent where shootdown took place).

Ok but the difficulty setting was 1 so quite low, interestingly in that game (,4102.msg131299.html#msg131299) i had two bases the ground assault which i mentioned above happened in USA near my second base while crackdown targete my main one. Comclusion: mercenarues are really ruthless!!! :'(
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Greep on September 05, 2020, 08:32:40 pm
Ah didn't know that about retals.  Actually I'm pretty confused how you even got that retaliation if it's year 2 and you're on diff 1 doing only ground assaults o.O
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on September 05, 2020, 09:32:00 pm
I really don't know how to think, in the aforementioned game one of their vessels intercepted my metallo durin air patrolling before i kidnapped the merc commando, pheraphs they discivered location of my main hideout? Who knows.. :-\
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on September 06, 2020, 03:42:43 pm
lots of things hunt for your base. Ratman patrols, deamon flocks, everything with radar. And once a base is pinged anyone else can jump on the opportunity until some actually makes the strike.

Now usually the same faction that found you in the first place is the one to make the strike, but the waves are spaced out with some RNG, so the attack wave from a search can get preempted.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on September 06, 2020, 04:01:57 pm
oh, ok so that leads to a question - aside to building an hideout shroud - what are best tacticts to avoid hideout spottings?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on September 06, 2020, 08:22:48 pm
Don't shoot down bigger factions vessels near your base and shoot down anything with radar before it goes near your base.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Greep on September 08, 2020, 11:10:19 am
Anyone try the x-prison mission with the freshness weapons system?  Trying x-prison for the first time, sadly think everyone's gonna die xD.  A single shot from the harpoon stuns pretty much kills off the gal for the rest of the mission due to the unrecoverable freshness, and I don't see how to avoid getting harpooned a few times since you need to move at least somewhat quickly in the first place.

Edit: yeah that was disappointing.  Made it to the top, but everyone was panicking and having no TUs because they had 1-2 dart/harpoon hits.  So close :(
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Jimboman on September 08, 2020, 05:03:45 pm
Anyone try the x-prison mission with the freshness weapons system?  Trying x-prison for the first time, sadly think everyone's gonna die xD.  A single shot from the harpoon stuns pretty much kills off the gal for the rest of the mission due to the unrecoverable freshness, and I don't see how to avoid getting harpooned a few times since you need to move at least somewhat quickly in the first place.

Edit: yeah that was disappointing.  Made it to the top, but everyone was panicking and having no TUs because they had 1-2 dart/harpoon hits.  So close :(

By the time the x-prison comes-up you should have well-trained gals to send on the mission.  I sent my best (a princess among them) with good tu's that enabled them to duck into cover so they didn't get shot.  I won by having the academy people panicking after I killed a few medics and an esper!

The trick is to not move quickly enough to take out the enemy, but not so quick your gals get over tired.  One or two did panic, but killing an enemy and allowing the gals to rest helps.

This was on John Silver difficulty on L2 by the way, before the 'mistake' in panics on L3.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Greep on September 08, 2020, 10:22:30 pm
Yeah I think I moved a little too fast, but mostly the hard parts are those long corridors with no doors or those windowed dead ends.  Not much you can do but run to the end and hope an enemy isn't going to round the corner/wall.  Maybe I'll chuck some high explosives around the corner next time just to be sure, at least now that I know the layout I know I won't blow up any stairs.

Also probably should've used the painkiller from looted advanced medipacks, I forgot that even existed during the mission since I don't really use it.

I did send my best, so next time around will be with my not-so-best, though lol.  I think my Pirate queen is the last of the lunatics left.

For the L3 morale issue, there's a bug fix you can apply in the bugs thread, though, so I at least wasn't running with all of the enemies unpanicked :)

Edit: Ah, I really should've been wearing rags instead of topless, didn't realize they give the same reactions.  That'd probably make things a lot easier not having any panicking.

Well anyways, rags is definitely the way to go, beat it on the second time around and... gotta say that is a ridiculous amount of loot O.O  Was about to make it to the exit and got the victory screen instead.  I'm not sure what I'd even do with 147 life support systems, but it's pretty nice :)

I'm not sure why, but I didn't face any espers.  I'm assuming it's because I unlocked the mission very early (year 1), so maybe the game just wouldn't add it to the map or something.

In case anyone's curious, here's the loot, I really feel sorry for anyone who took the exit.  I can see why people keep the airbus, that was tough in the van:

( (
(also 5 ship engines)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on September 09, 2020, 12:15:02 pm
It's a stealth/infiltration mission, the key is not gettin too tyred, but most important avoid not to get shot even one single time
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Greep on September 09, 2020, 12:20:01 pm
Well, I nuked one of my own gals and three engineers with a high explosive on the run I made it with, stealth isn't exactly my specialty ;)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on September 14, 2020, 02:22:40 pm
Well, I nuked one of my own gals and three engineers with a high explosive on the run I made it with, stealth isn't exactly my specialty ;)

Have a look here (,4102.msg131092.html#msg131092) and the following posts, just take your time snd plan every move, gotta have more patience ;) In the meantime finally manage to build a surgery room and secured the knowlwdge for the study one and the power station, hopefully might start to manufacture advanced firearms, actually i can build smart pistol, shotgun and smartgun (a smart version of the assault machinegun) but why for the smartrifle industrial tools are needed? don't know.... also got academy medic and engineer interrogation! Yay!

hey thare is acharacter limit in the savegame neme file, it depends by the openxcom executable? Hope it will be removed in the next versions!

Edit: this time around i avoided to mess with large/very large enemy vessels, i suppose the mercenaries ones - to get base crackdowns - but deliberatedly missed the "x-prison" mission when spawned; it will do in the future? I hope not to have screwed up the whole game!!
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on September 15, 2020, 12:47:21 am
you will get two more chances, for a total of three, at the x-prison
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Greep on September 15, 2020, 03:00:33 am
I think it's three for gravball?  The database is needed for higher studies I think, advanced medicine leads to something important, so I don't think it'd be locked out.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on September 15, 2020, 01:34:37 pm
you will get two more chances, for a total of three, at the x-prison

Ah ok, and if i miss al of them, the game is gone? (!?!?)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on September 15, 2020, 03:13:30 pm
No, just this storyline.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Greep on September 18, 2020, 04:01:14 am
Pretty amusing exploit I found:

20 workers: +80 space, -100k/month, 300k/hire
1 contraband: -75 space, +480k/month

Money doubles faster than once a month, with virtually no limit (300 runts can process over 2 Billion dolaros worth of contraband per month)

Infinite money -> Infinite gems/hypno panels (from kidnapping espers)/vips -> infinite ghost suits, bio suits, integrated devices, tokens, coupon redemptions-> shadow orbs etc

Not going to use it since it's an obvious exploit, just found it funny.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on September 18, 2020, 01:16:05 pm
Do you have the space to process 2 billion dolaros worth of contraband? Space is the main limiter here.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Greep on September 18, 2020, 02:21:53 pm
Right, that's the workers part.  You just keep hiring more workers :)  It gets out of control pretty quick since there's no limit to workers, and when you check out the stats, the maintenance and hiring for the 20 workers per contraband doesn't really cut into it much.  When you want to horde usable cash just buy gold bricks

Edit: ah, borked up the math a bit.  It is money multiplying, but not quite doubling per month, more like x130% per month or so.  The upper bound of 2 billion/month is right I think, but it would take a few months longer to get there.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on September 18, 2020, 04:24:55 pm
OK, upgraded to L4/6.6.1 OXC version, and this time melee fights seems to be more harder than before! I really like new bootypedia inventory background and the base one too!

so finally i got a study room but i desperately hydra laser to get "laser wepaons construction" aside the "riot shield" to get "school graduation", "full plate mail", "advanced firearms", "industrial tools" and "smartrifle" >:( where do i get it, aside the !highway house! missions? Seems only stormrats have it. Also got another chance with the x-prison mission, don't know if it will be the last since at least 2/3 opportunities were missed. Do exist any "remedy" when fighting on the psichedelics terrains, where there are all that strange sounds?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: magitsu on September 18, 2020, 08:35:38 pm
I think I got Hydra from a humanist pogrom in my current campaign.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Greep on September 18, 2020, 11:06:56 pm
Riot shield:  Very common on megapol.  Hydra laser: It's also one of the gun almanac items, so simply knock out research by researching the others on the list and save up almanacs until you can gaurantee it.

Psychedelic: win fast xD
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on September 23, 2020, 01:53:18 pm
Riot shield:  Very common on megapol.  Hydra laser: It's also one of the gun almanac items, so simply knock out research by researching the others on the list and save up almanacs until you can gaurantee it.

Actually seems that damned shield is to be found in medium/large megapol vessels, not the samller one like the cars. Ive downed 4/5 of these but athe fell all into the sea!!!  >:( >:(

Psychedelic: win fast xD

Map on steroids :)

In the meantime by the end of aug 2602 i finally got "laser weapons construction" at the very end of sept  x-prison mission keeps spawning, let's see how far it will go...
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Dioxine on September 23, 2020, 08:53:01 pm
Pretty amusing exploit I found:

20 workers: +80 space, -100k/month, 300k/hire
1 contraband: -75 space, +480k/month

It takes around 3 years of spamming this technique to get to maximum gain of circa 3bln per factory base per month... But yeah, it's been fixed now (doubled contraband disassembly time).
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on September 24, 2020, 09:54:01 am
you will get two more chances, for a total of three, at the x-prison

In my latest run with green codex x-prison i spawning since march 2602, now im nearly the end of dec and still it keeps happening, i suppose it'a an obligatory passage in the game, anyone might confirm?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rince Wind on September 24, 2020, 01:07:35 pm
No, you have to research the stuff you found there.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on September 25, 2020, 04:31:08 pm
No, you have to research the stuff you found there.

Well i donnt know but...i failed again!!! Probably beause i did not accomplish the x-mission, or i rushed research a bit, infact i spent a whole month only in research, doin' only 1 or 2 missions, or even because i got two months a negative score, somebody might explain the real reason?

Edit: oh, there is a key in the interface where to look at previous month score? As far as i can tell there is no way...right?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ashghan on September 25, 2020, 04:52:33 pm
You can look at the graphs to get an idea how you did for all previous months. And if you're relly curious as to the exact number, you can open up a savegame with a text editor - it's all there.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: machinehater on September 26, 2020, 05:43:16 pm
Yeah, always have a look at the graph. At the beginning of every month it goes to 0. I usually, at the beginning of the month, i do missions, until i get to 2000~4000, then you have a buffer, even if at the end of the month a progrom happens, what you may want to skip or simply can't win.
And research a lot of stuff, gun almanac for example, this gives a lot of infamy. And set the right amount of brainers to the projects, if a project is on "good", i pull down the brainers until it is on average. So you do not waste braining power.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: xcomfan on September 29, 2020, 05:51:02 pm
What is the purpose of a slave taskmaster? It's a slave that i can buy or what?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: machinehater on September 29, 2020, 10:26:15 pm
Yes, the slave taskmaster is like 8 usual slaves.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: DaEMon on October 06, 2020, 02:54:06 am
What is the purpose of a slave taskmaster? It's a slave that i can buy or what?

You can upgrade a taskmaster into a drone herder that gives 100 storage space and 100k monthly income. Of course you need to build first 8 slave robots plus some other stuff.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: gijoe on April 12, 2021, 01:41:18 am
In the latest versions, seems the ones with the 0.99Lxx branch, i cannot buy airbuses anymore once i researched the topic "contact: car thiefs", so if i sell it's gone forever?

is it an important craft? I might sell it without serious consequences in a game?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on April 12, 2021, 08:15:44 pm
Only one airbus, but aside from one specific mission where it allows you a 6th person its not special.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: gijoe on May 10, 2021, 10:46:12 pm
What kind of armors do damsels wear? The bootypedia description say the samr as peasants exept the most "plebean" ones so the "trappings" they can use are named after noble titles or what? What kind of research do i need to manufacture these anyways?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Nilex on May 11, 2021, 02:44:14 am
Looking at this truncated pedia list ( only CAMO is exclusive to Peasants.
Notable exclusives in the whole list (, starting from 238, are FUSILIER and MILITIA.
Everything other that Peasants can wear also fits them.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: gijoe on May 12, 2021, 02:58:28 pm
Oh i saw there are some saved files attached in this thread so i wanted to add mine: on 0.99L9 i saw that there is a map where radiation damages gas, but in the extractor desription it says that radiation are needed by the gals to sustaing theri strenght, it is an inconsistency? I also intercepted an armored hummer i was hoping to ground assault but it did not stop

if you guys have some hints to share please tell us
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on May 12, 2021, 03:15:03 pm
Oh i saw there are some saved files attached in this thread so i wanted to add mine: on 0.99L9 i saw that there is a map where radiation damages gas, but in the extractor desription it says that radiation are needed by the gals to sustaing theri strenght, it is an inconsistency? I also intercepted an armored hummer i was hoping to ground assault but it did not stop

if you guys have some hints to share please tell us

Well not all radiation is equal, the gals do metabolize hellrium radiation to maintain there explosive metabolism, but i imagine its a relatively delicate process. To much or the wrong type can still be a bad thing.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: gijoe on May 12, 2021, 03:58:10 pm
Well not all radiation is equal, the gals do metabolize hellrium radiation to maintain there explosive metabolism, but i imagine its a relatively delicate process. To much or the wrong type can still be a bad thing.

Yes, i go the point. Also now to get workshop "steam power" and "durhatred working" topic need to be research, which in turn are given respectively by "wrench" and "guild stapler", topics to complicate matters...
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Barleyman on June 19, 2021, 12:52:57 am
Assassinate or execute?

In the mutant alliance kill missions you have traitor mutants you're told to kill. But if you capture them, you can take them to base, give them a fair trial and execute them. Which one is preferable? You get assassination trophy for kills but execution gives beanie points too.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: username on June 19, 2021, 12:57:46 am
Assassinate or execute?

In the mutant alliance kill missions you have traitor mutants you're told to kill. But if you capture them, you can take them to base, give them a fair trial and execute them. Which one is preferable? You get assassination trophy for kills but execution gives beanie points too.
Taking them alive seems to consistently give better rewards, because killing them in the field only gives you what's on the corpse (the assassination trophy), but bashing them over the head and dragging them back to your base gives you what's on the corpse AND whatever you'd get by subsequently trading them in via any number of options.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Greep on June 19, 2021, 11:16:42 pm
Well you have to research them to execute them, so you lose out on some initial trophies.  Not a big deal in the long run, but occasionally alliance tokens becomes a bottleneck for entering the mutant alliance, so I just kill them out in the field to make sure.

This is in contrast to the humanist activist missions (KKK dudes), those you get the tokens as battle loot even if you capture them IIRC.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: MemoryTAS on June 20, 2021, 01:56:55 am
Well you have to research them to execute them, so you lose out on some initial trophies.  Not a big deal in the long run, but occasionally alliance tokens becomes a bottleneck for entering the mutant alliance, so I just kill them out in the field to make sure.

This is in contrast to the humanist activist missions (KKK dudes), those you get the tokens as battle loot even if you capture them IIRC.
This and the fact that once you research them, the infamy bonus goes from the 100s range to 10 for each upon a capture is why I just kill.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Barleyman on June 22, 2021, 02:28:30 am
This and the fact that once you research them, the infamy bonus goes from the 100s range to 10 for each upon a capture is why I just kill.

This. Unless execution has hidden infamy bump, I definitely saw big infamy numbers by killing them outright in the field. Somehow you'd think giving them a fair trial and executing them would give a bigger one but maybe pay per view executions are not a thing.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: RSSwizard on June 28, 2021, 10:31:19 pm
Here's how you build the CASINO.
Without spending a giant chunk on shipping the coins.
On android you have to actually hold down the arrow for minutes coming and going since there's no scrolling multiples.

Yeah so I LOADS up the coinz into the ship
And I SHIPS the ship overseas
And then I UNLOADS da ship
(and then I ship the ship back - shoop da shoop)

Still gotta ship the Glamour but thats only about 18k in terms of cost.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: hitthat on July 20, 2021, 11:38:42 am
I saw once i engage the dark ones in whatever misison, especially in "doomed farm" one, they gonna keep raiding my bases over and over again every 3/4 months, it is possible to stop them? If yes, how i do that?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: username on August 06, 2021, 04:44:17 pm
I saw once i engage the dark ones in whatever misison, especially in "doomed farm" one, they gonna keep raiding my bases over and over again every 3/4 months, it is possible to stop them? If yes, how i do that?
Other than trying to shoot down incoming craft before they hit your base? Not really, no, there's no real way to counter base raiding. The capacity to brutalize a faction's ability to act against you doesn't exist in the engine and it certainly wouldn't work on the FORCES OF HELL even if it did.  At best, a research topic could shut off a faction's activities like it does with the Reticulans, but it wouldn't be a process of beating them in the face to make them stop until you stop beating them in the face.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on August 25, 2021, 02:59:34 pm
Hello, gave a fresh start usin an old save and then upgraded it to 0.99L10.7, picked up the green codex but still by the end of aug 2602 i cannot find hydra laser! Please note that also some researchi did still is in the topics, like !undersea treasures! one please might developers check the attached save?

I have also unlocked jack's favors and about to engage the "X-prison" mission but i was hoping to get some better equipment, in the meantime i am assaultin a church ship, a golden one...
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on August 27, 2021, 10:26:48 am
And there are some base saves to test, actually the gray codex is rellay weird, i got few misisons, lots of interceptions bu tno landings, i think the former ones should happen more frequently? Please check again. Thanks!
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on August 28, 2021, 07:12:23 am
Looked at all the saves, and while outliers are present in lot of ways none of them are actually not working as designed/coded.

Thou you can debate on if it's as intended, balancing drops is highly complex. Any given item has something like 4-5(sometimes dozens) sources on average all with there own independent % to appear. And because none of those parts can talk to each other sometimes things are really great or really sucky. Such are parallel, non dynamic tables.

It's like going to a casino and putting a random handful of coins in every slot machine in the place. The result is too chaotic to control in any single case, but you can predict and assure the statistical averages.   
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on September 07, 2021, 10:24:47 pm
So, started a new game in M1.5.1 with difficulty set to 2 and in Apr 2601, all of a sudden what ever direction i pick with the airbus i am instantly intercepted by ninja gals! Actuall some days before i had a crackdown mission for them, so i suppose that .sav is screwed..

don't nknow if this is a "test update" or Dioxine is using us as test subjects :D but rejecting the codex power makes the game way more harder, even more that goin with males instead of gals! So there is any solution to escape the ninja gals sourvellance? They are capable to track player bases?

Ah, i recovered a damaged airbus, what is its use for?

Edit: goin on a mission with hunt party makes me unspottable, don't have teste same effect with expedition but supposte not, as it is told by bootypedia description so both are working as intended i think
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on September 07, 2021, 11:43:39 pm
yeah the ninja base radar range is huge, and can be quite the pickle. But it seems like this is the intended course, to force you to deal with your ninja rivals.

That said it's possible to use more then just hunt parties(which are intercept immune) to deal with the problem. Enemy bases have a reset timer on spawning fighters so you can pull a bait and switch to get something better out the door.

First iterations of mechanics are often rough here in XPZ, and challenge mode paths even more so. It takes hundred of hours of play and feedback to feel out the balance for new things. Anyone playing on the newest patch is always a guinea pig.

The damaged bus is intended to fill the gap for transport needs caused by the missing STC craft on the reject power path.

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on September 08, 2021, 01:17:48 am
yeah the ninja base radar range is huge, and can be quite the pickle. But it seems like this is the intended course, to force you to deal with your ninja rivals.

Well, in M1. 5.1 this happen way too early, necropirates first should do such thing, to have a more balanced difficulty curve, since their stuff is similar to the starting player one, and hell they are pirates too. Up to now bandits done that too, but ninjas should come into play in the midgame.

That said it's possible to use more then just hunt parties(which are intercept immune) to deal with the problem. Enemy bases have a reset timer on spawning fighters so you can pull a bait and switch to get something better out the door.

Got it, but this means a craft sacrifice every now and then? lots of money too, indeed..  :'(

First iterations of mechanics are often rough here in XPZ, and challenge mode paths even more so. It takes hundred of hours of play and feedback to feel out the balance for new things. Anyone playing on the newest patch is always a guinea pig.

too bad guess we have to live with it

The damaged bus is intended to fill the gap for transport needs caused by the missing STC craft on the reject power path.

Ok any other hint on how to assemble it? Thanks  :)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on September 08, 2021, 12:42:26 pm
I tend to agree that it's rather early in its current form. But well first iteration.

You don't actually need to lose anything, thou you might. Just getting the fighters to launch triggers the cool-down, so if the base is range of your base just taking off and returning right away will expend the current cooldown, and once the fighters land themselves you have a window to work with. Depending on the distances you still might have a problem but the risk is limited.

As to getting the bus back online you need research a Gnome and and Electrics & Electronics. 

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ultimoos on September 08, 2021, 04:52:37 pm
I started a test game at difficulty 2 on M1 version. No sky pirates in April so I keep playing. In June I think I updated to M1.5 and did not see any pirates until October when first APC's appeared. Tho I did not locate any base yet I'm very happy with this timing. At this point in game I have at least a SNAKE and some double 25mm cannons. I do not think I've seen any fighters tho.

I'm not sure what impact it's having on my monthly score. Unlike previously when I could not even keep it at positive, I'm making at least 8000+ points each month now.
I december larger land APC's started crawling around. I have an Interceptor with plasma chargers now but still need  3 crafts to shot one down. Ground battle has proven to be a bit too much because of that 14mm cannon, so I avoid doing them for now.

It's January 2602 now and I've still not seen any ninja fighters, nor did I locate the base.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on September 08, 2021, 06:39:15 pm
I started a test game at difficulty 2 on M1 version. No sky pirates in April so I keep playing. In June I think I updated to M1.5 and did not see any pirates until October when first APC's appeared. Tho I did not locate any base yet I'm very happy with this timing. At this point in game I have at least a SNAKE and some double 25mm cannons. I do not think I've seen any fighters tho.

I'm not sure what impact it's having on my monthly score. Unlike previously when I could not even keep it at positive, I'm making at least 8000+ points each month now.
I december larger land APC's started crawling around. I have an Interceptor with plasma chargers now but still need  3 crafts to shot one down. Ground battle has proven to be a bit too much because of that 14mm cannon, so I avoid doing them for now.

It's January 2602 now and I've still not seen any ninja fighters, nor did I locate the base.

You did not take the "reject the power path" i assume but this might be a bug since ninjas are supposed to spawn anyway in the game, whatever was player choice. Some more investigation/testing is required..
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on October 06, 2021, 12:07:34 pm
well alright...updated my last save (,4102.msg140962.html#msg140962) to m2 (2.0) and actually i cannot use the vessel bai tactic because it won't work with craft with acc >5 anyway selling the airbus le me continue play but it considerably slowens game progress....ah in the infested cellar be sure always to carry a pickaxe bcause 70% of times rats spawn inside chambers obstructed by walls  :'(

A ninja hideout spawned literraly over my base but it is impossible to destroy it unless you have the proper tech...
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Zharkov on October 07, 2021, 01:05:34 am
yeah the ninja base radar range is huge, and can be quite the pickle.

This works both ways. It makes the ninja bases easy to locate.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Zharkov on October 07, 2021, 10:56:04 pm
What are the different colored shields and what are they good for? (I am sure there was an BootyPedia entry about this, but I cannot find it.)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Mathel on October 08, 2021, 02:00:39 pm
Several entries, in fact. One per each shield.
You will find it in Mysteries: Personal Shields   and the following 4 segments. (Gold shield, Blue Shield, Purple Shield and Red Shield)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Gremlion on October 08, 2021, 08:53:30 pm
Temporary health which can regenerate and has resistances different to your armor.
In most cases gold is the least useful shield (piercing and concussive damage ignore it, pretty much most grenades and guns), red blue and purple are about the same in terms of protection.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on November 30, 2021, 01:47:40 pm
M3 introduced new starting bonuses, dependin on in which country/part of the world player will enstablish first hideout, but these are one tme and startin-only or are supposed to spawn from time to time?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 01, 2021, 12:50:14 pm
M3 introduced new starting bonuses, dependin on in which country/part of the world player will enstablish first hideout, but these are one tme and startin-only or are supposed to spawn from time to time?

They are one time only, and only apply to the first base.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Berggen on December 03, 2021, 11:59:13 am
They are one time only, and only apply to the first base.
Are those bonuses listed somewhere, I can´t find them in the pedia or when starting a new game, or Am I doing somethong wrong?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Iazo on December 03, 2021, 12:50:01 pm
Country bonuses:
Your starting country is researched for free
The Confederation: 1 govt pistol, 3 big iron, 50 big pistol rounds (6 shots), 10 glamour, -150 infamy
Eurasian Autonomy: 1 baby nuke, 1 uranium weapons documentation, 1 govt fine
Iron Tribe: 8 junk piles, 30 necroplane parts, 50 chemicals, 50 scrap metal
Eurosyndicate: 6 super maids, 6 maid outfits, 9 gothic raygun clips, 3 energy weapon parts
Blackmarch: 1 gnome
Romanica: 6 crusader SS armors, 6 peasant nun outfits, 6 olde swordes, 6 quarterstaves, 1 golden cup, 1 golden cross
Nordfederation: 5 young ubers
Central Province: 75 sectoweed
Fuso: 3 fuso swords, 3 sudoku blades, 6 fans, 30 fuso knives, 20 glamour
Death Realms: 20 chitin plates, 10 animal poison, 10 spider silk, 20 demon skulls -75k dolaros
Hidden Expanse: 3 flak tower kits
Ghostgates: 24 slaves, 24 slave maids, 4 slave gladiatrices, 4 slave lashers
Rogue Fields: 5 govt fines
Theban Hive: 12 assault clone licenses, -600 infamy
Kingdom of Canada: 50 cultural wealth, 15 personal databases, 10 glamour, 3 govt personal codes, 1 exquisite lingerie
Cali Republic: 50 mutant porn, 50 glamour, 50 crack, 50 hideout cleaning bills
Dark Dominion: 3 arcane books, 2 esoterica
Latin Empire: 1 old earth books, -50 infamy
The Technocracy: 20 optronic parts
Pirate Straits: 3 hoes
Turan: 3 turanian gals
Steel Pact: 10 metal ores, 1 prepper box
Red Revolution: 10 workers
None: 2 lokk'naar scriptures, 3 grrrl guides, 1 of 6 free techs: animal poison, spider pilk, monster teeth, monster eye, luxury fur, chitin plates, +50 infamy

Continental bonuses:
Arctic: 6 tribal outfits, tech human polar outfit, +450 infamy
Antarctica: 6 tribal outfits, tech human polar outfit +700 infamy
Siberia: 8 luxury furs, tech ushanka, +200 infamy
North Atlantic: 6 tribal outfits, tech sea transport, +450 infamy
Europe: 3 rare earth elements, tech rare earth elements, -50 infamy
North America: 5 vodka,tech uber wheat, +200 infamy
South America: 10 each of red pepper, devil's pepper, egglant, orange, coconut, tech what do?, +450 infamy
North Africa: 6 beer, tech swag items (golden ankh, amphore, golden cup, golden cross, crown, ol' coins, diamond), -50 infamy
South Africa: 3 blowpipes and 24 blowpipe darts (3 shots each), tech monster hunting, +200 infamy 
Central Asia: 777 capitulatory tax, tech necropirate, +200 infamy
South East Asia: 10 each of mutant fish, mutant egg, pumpkin, tech mutant egg, +200 infamy
Australasia: 20 explosive cannonballs, tech sea adventure, +450 infamy
Pacific: 1 hero, tech the deep ones, +700 infamy Continental bonuses:

Thank mr. Torchwood

The continent bonus is gained in the frirst few hours, the country bonus is gained in the first few days.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: JamTheDane on December 04, 2021, 12:43:54 am
Well, restarted a few updates ago, but havent gotten far enough to have a plane that can actually shoot down something, so i guess it's time to restart again :)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Berggen on December 04, 2021, 12:00:18 pm
Country bonuses:
Your starting country is researched for free
The Confederation: 1 govt pistol, 3 big iron, 50 big pistol rounds (6 shots), 10 glamour, -150 infamy
Eurasian Autonomy: 1 baby nuke, 1 uranium weapons documentation, 1 govt fine
Iron Tribe: 8 junk piles, 30 necroplane parts, 50 chemicals, 50 scrap metal
Eurosyndicate: 6 super maids, 6 maid outfits, 9 gothic raygun clips, 3 energy weapon parts
Blackmarch: 1 gnome
Romanica: 6 crusader SS armors, 6 peasant nun outfits, 6 olde swordes, 6 quarterstaves, 1 golden cup, 1 golden cross
Nordfederation: 5 young ubers
Central Province: 75 sectoweed
Fuso: 3 fuso swords, 3 sudoku blades, 6 fans, 30 fuso knives, 20 glamour
Death Realms: 20 chitin plates, 10 animal poison, 10 spider silk, 20 demon skulls -75k dolaros
Hidden Expanse: 3 flak tower kits
Ghostgates: 24 slaves, 24 slave maids, 4 slave gladiatrices, 4 slave lashers
Rogue Fields: 5 govt fines
Theban Hive: 12 assault clone licenses, -600 infamy
Kingdom of Canada: 50 cultural wealth, 15 personal databases, 10 glamour, 3 govt personal codes, 1 exquisite lingerie
Cali Republic: 50 mutant porn, 50 glamour, 50 crack, 50 hideout cleaning bills
Dark Dominion: 3 arcane books, 2 esoterica
Latin Empire: 1 old earth books, -50 infamy
The Technocracy: 20 optronic parts
Pirate Straits: 3 hoes
Turan: 3 turanian gals
Steel Pact: 10 metal ores, 1 prepper box
Red Revolution: 10 workers
None: 2 lokk'naar scriptures, 3 grrrl guides, 1 of 6 free techs: animal poison, spider pilk, monster teeth, monster eye, luxury fur, chitin plates, +50 infamy

Continental bonuses:
Arctic: 6 tribal outfits, tech human polar outfit, +450 infamy
Antarctica: 6 tribal outfits, tech human polar outfit +700 infamy
Siberia: 8 luxury furs, tech ushanka, +200 infamy
North Atlantic: 6 tribal outfits, tech sea transport, +450 infamy
Europe: 3 rare earth elements, tech rare earth elements, -50 infamy
North America: 5 vodka,tech uber wheat, +200 infamy
South America: 10 each of red pepper, devil's pepper, egglant, orange, coconut, tech what do?, +450 infamy
North Africa: 6 beer, tech swag items (golden ankh, amphore, golden cup, golden cross, crown, ol' coins, diamond), -50 infamy
South Africa: 3 blowpipes and 24 blowpipe darts (3 shots each), tech monster hunting, +200 infamy 
Central Asia: 777 capitulatory tax, tech necropirate, +200 infamy
South East Asia: 10 each of mutant fish, mutant egg, pumpkin, tech mutant egg, +200 infamy
Australasia: 20 explosive cannonballs, tech sea adventure, +450 infamy
Pacific: 1 hero, tech the deep ones, +700 infamy Continental bonuses:

Thank mr. Torchwood

The continent bonus is gained in the frirst few hours, the country bonus is gained in the first few days.

Oh! Thaks a lot, Where did you find them?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Iazo on December 07, 2021, 01:51:21 pm
The discord channel.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on January 10, 2022, 04:01:44 pm
A new game in m4 (but lowered difficulty fomr 3 to s in april 2601) im in may 2601 and still miss the workshop, but in feb i spotted a strange vessel, maybe are the ninjas?

About those guys, now jack in the early game give some clues about their intention, fine. Oh and the gravball league...dont'knowwaht was the inspiration screenshot for the bootypedia...Also noticed that Now robots in front of wathctowers seems to be more though, need atr least 30+ damage to blow up.

Edit: also, don't miss Iazo's thread for some other hints (,10299.0.html)!
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on January 12, 2022, 12:25:41 am
How do I produce glamour? And what are its utility and purpose?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on January 12, 2022, 12:58:15 am
Doing certain missions fast, useing bikes or V8 craft, certain outfits, makeing normal slaves, some events, ect. It is used to produce some voodoo outfits, advance bounty hunting ranks, part of building casino and a few other buildings, and some slavery/recruitment types need it.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on January 12, 2022, 01:07:43 pm
Jall right thanks; just wanted to say that eurasian autonomy seems to offer enough disavantages, exept for that uranium documentation which might become useful only in the later game,so that bonus story sure needs more balancing; anyway playng on "john silver" game seems quite balanced, while in "blackbeard" player should not miss much misison otherwise score will drop significantly :( maybe some more tolerance on that level wiuld be appreciated :P i did not try the asian country/areas, maybe in the future...In the meantime ive seen also that in "blackbeard" a black powdre bomb is enough yto destroy those ninja turrets in their airfield whenassaulting a base of theirs, so it is just a matter of cannon fodder  :o

Here we go again in jan 2601, let's cross our fingers...
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Skybreaker on January 16, 2022, 01:15:28 pm
Hey guys, looking for some tips. Been playing X-piratez since who knows when, doing 1 playthrough per year. I always go in blind, so I am always behind on the tech curve, and one other gimmick I do is I don't use grenades. Used to do it in OG, and pretty much every game devolved into hot potatoing or just suiciding the strongest grenades / high ex and similar, so I grew to hate it so much I can't stand using them anymore. The patch before ninja bases came was the pinnacle of balance, difficulty and reward to me, but ever since ninjas came I can't make it past early game without using some sort of a gimmick.

Bearing all that in mind I have a few questions.

1. Any tips on air game, aka good ships and loadouts?

I have NEVER managed to properly make use of Kraken or any of the heavy weapons. They either get completely absorbed by armor, or are not strong enough to kill the ones they can penetrate. As for light weapons I used to prefer sonic, but now I'm not sure. Missiles are the only thing that works for me, but they are too expensive to maintain, and in newer versions there is SO MUCH MORE air traffic that I simply can't invest in them. And the skies are so deadly now that I'm lucky I chose Grey codex this time, as I have absolutely no clue how I would manage anything without being undetectable. Even just the clusters of ninja bases are so dense that I couldn't break through even if I had a ton of interceptors. I always have the problem that my ships are either too slow to catch up to something, or those that can are too weak to take it down, so I basically only take down very small ships, occasionaly small, and then only extremely late game manage to make squads to take down the larger ships.

2. Notably good shooty guns I should use?

Currently I am using M-laser. I have access to smart weapons and that whole tier (no Gauss or Plasma atm). The thing is I don't really know what else is above average. I usually go guns + bows into Silver Snake into Laser / Gauss / Plasma. I added Mortars into my arsenal in order to deal with the ninja turrets, as I simply can't find anything else that I can fire without immediately getting reactioned to death. This is definitely not intended as by the time I got mortars there were, at least, 17 spawned bases around the world. My actual go to strat is melee, as that was the only thing I managed to ever use with consistency.

3. How to use voodoo effectively?

This is the first time I am going for Grey codex. Usually my voodoo is limited to bugeyes landing onto a sub and then MCing through walls, that's literally it. I don't know how to effectively use ANY other voodoo ability in the whole game, so tips here would really help.

4. How to actually deal with ninja bases?

I have destroyed 5 - 6 of them, plus an airfield, but I still feel like I'm stumbling like a moron. Jellyfish obviously bypasses their defenses, so that's basically one layer I automatically am not dealing with. Then the turrets, the only way I managed to destroy them without imminent death is by mortars (and they still take 4 or more hits), but since they spawn so early I assume there are many other ways to do it. Specifically the 14mm 4 square ones, the small turrets are not a problem. I even feel like my heavy armor is barely up to scratch for this mission, as plenty of my units survive with slivers of health left.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on January 16, 2022, 08:29:49 pm
1) Air game advice, heavy weapon slots are actaully pretty good against most targets in the early game, very little of early content actually has any armor. The issue is actually accuracy. Heavy slots on craft without an accuracy bonus and/or a good pilot will miss alot, ninja targets in particular have exceptional dodge stat. The kraken is kinda slow but targets don't always just zip around at max speed. There are more opportunists to use it then just what some parameters on paper say. Light slots should be your focus in the early game aside from a gold codex run, there cost efficient and the lowest tier can drop both ammo and additional guns off common targets like megapol. Another point that you may be missing is that you can have up to 4 craft in a battle if you gather them up properly. There is a button to minimize the window of craft that are caught up to the target so the rest can catch up too, you can also assign craft to escort each other so they fight as a group.

2) 17 bases seems like hyperbole to me, even with ninjas. Mind that some of the ninja bases are just outposts and much less challenging to remove. As to dealing with ninja turrets the best tool is emp grenades carried by the ninjas themselves, after that mortar as you have already discovered. Don't try to find one weapon to solve every situation, the mod is expressly designed against a one size fits all approach. You need to look at resists, damage scaling factors and other data points to find what works best for an given encounter. Even what works best for one of your crew might be awful for another. Few weapons are exceptional even for there class/role and those features which do make them good at one thing can make them awful at something else. A sniper is not shotgun. Adapt to what/whom you have and what your enemy is.

3) the way to start iwth voodoo for most users is wands, or in the case of bugeyes terror. You need to build skill before the real tools/MC are likely to be successful. Need to hit to get exp so begin with the baby tools and work up. Voodoo in this mod is more about the specialist effects from the tools or using it against mental midgets like Mercenaries. Vanilla it was all powerful one size solves all end game, here like almost everything else it's just one tool of many in the box.

4) made mention of emp nades above, but most of the trick to engaging a ninja outpost/airfield is to stay out of line of fire of the turrets until you thin the ranks, hopefully garnering some emp nades to use in the process. Turrets you want to engage from either out of line of sight with nades and other arcing attacks, or when they can't see you due to camo/invis. They can't reaction fire something they can't spot. 
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Greep on January 16, 2022, 10:02:45 pm
Yeah, you're not going to be able to use a kraken on ninja interceptor ships, unfortunately.  Not only do they get a dodge bonus, but small ships get an additional avoid bonus on top of that from being small size.  This basically means heavy weapons aside from beam lasers and 250mm rockets simply will not hit, and 250mm rockets just lack the ammo capacity for most dangerous ninja ships.

Krakens with naval guns are mostly meant to take out light armored fatties like freighters, heavy freighters, ninja land cruisers, science vessels, corvettes, heavy gunships, escorts, that sort of thing.  You can add a beam laser or 3 to take on dodgy fighter class ships, but not the end game ones really.


Voodoo: Effectiveness also depends a lot on difficulty, since enemy vdef is heavily dependent on stats that get buffed/nerfed.  You honestly might not want to bother on blackbeard or higher unless you're specifically training it for mercs, and only on your absolute highest vpower gals/bugs.


hunter killers:  Fast ships (worm, pachyderm) are also effective mid-game so you don't need to be grey codex.  I think you're meant to simply give up if you can't defeat the ninjas before they completely swarm the planet.  Not that that's easy, I'm confused with a lot of this version myself :/

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Requiem on January 17, 2022, 05:45:45 am
I have ninja problem too and wonder how you guys deal with such things and whats going on for you on the new version.

My trivia:
Things go slow for me since i play on 3 difficulty, just wanted to chill and goof around with some of the new mid/late game content while still wanted that game provide some challenge too me. I went for 2 hangars at the beggining with the harvester and blowfish for no reason. Also rejected the power since wanted to take a look at ninja toys in the lategame. No mutant alliance for now cause i got smart books from the gnome. Unlocked C missions but game gave me first stepler and first nice pile of aquaplastic only at second year so right now i am at april of second year and this month workshop and library will be finished.
I have ninja fortress located in blackmarch and it acts wierd. On previous month they spawned 3 "save the general" missions wich gave me -6000 of rating and next month  they just sitted quiete and do nothing. Seems like at first they need to accumulate some points to do such things.
I am just worrying that sky will be swarmed by them soon like some people report or something like that.
So now i wondering what should i do next after construction of library and workshop finishes.

Downside of the Harvester is speed 400 and no -SUB-, so i barely can catch anything but ambulances and necroplanes but if i do it just goes down. With mistress or gnome as a pilot i can even handle ninja interceptors 1 on 1. Not sure about outcome tho. Does it worth it to lure them out?
Should i build new base with outpost near ninjas maybe? But i fear that they will strangle this until the base develop enough.
I can buy shark jetbikes but they will cost another 2mill to me.
New base anywhere else just for more profits and hangars?
Sell my blowfish and send pigeon/v8 to spy on ninja? Not sure what it will gives in longterm.
Base siege is not a option i guess. I have mortars but i think losses will be huge anyway.
Anything else?

sorry for the mindflow.
Oh and also i have second base(secret hideout) at the Death Realms, but they out of my reach and dont do rampages too much.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Greep on January 17, 2022, 10:51:29 am
Yeah, hunter killers have always been wonky, don't understand why they've been expanded.  Lost my dutchman and another blowfish in the same month, buhbye 2 million in equipment and ships.  Luckily I'm about to get authorized dealers for a (crazy expensive) pachy, but what's the point in adding interesting slow craft like harvesters and buses if they're just going to poof almost immediately? 

Speaking of which, I sent a v-8 to the vicinity of these jetbike shootdowns and...nothing.  Checked the general area for a few days.  Is base detection not working for outposts via ships or does it just take a really long time?

@ requiem:

Ninjas are highly randomized. Most missions in the game are determined monthly, but ninjas generate missions as a % chance each day.  So you could theoretically get 10 ninja base defense attacks in a single month.

Pigeon doesn't have [undetectable] unforunately, but spy zepellin does.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Iazo on January 17, 2022, 12:51:37 pm
You are supposed to anchor the ship for a few hours.

If you keep moving it, you will not get the 3000 miles base detection bonus.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Requiem on January 17, 2022, 01:29:14 pm
So i guess outpost near them is the only option for me to survive then? Because right now its impossible to get in time on these missions(8hrs) with harvester.
Pigeon doesn't have [undetectable] unforunately, but spy zepellin does.
I dont like baloons. Basic idea was to place pigeon outside of their radar and catch landed supply ships with harvester to cripple them.
But if there is just a pure chance to spawn the mission behind the curtains i guess there is no point to do that.
what's the point in adding interesting slow craft like harvesters and buses if they're just going to poof almost immediately?
Harvesters not poof immediately, they have 360 durability. I think you didn't get me, harvesters not gonna be killed if they get caught, they shred everything to pieces right now with 14m x3. Problem that they cant catch anything with thier speed of 400.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Greep on January 17, 2022, 06:27:50 pm
You are supposed to anchor the ship for a few hours.

If you keep moving it, you will not get the 3000 miles base detection bonus.

Well I mean, I left it there for a week.  Either I just got crazy unlucky and two ships got blown up on the east coast america from the west coast outpost, or the detection bonus doesn't work for outposts.  Jetbikes have a pretty small radar so I think it's the latter.

Edit: yup it's broken, I just checked my sav file and there's three outposts in america, one revealed two unrevealed, and the v8 doesn't ever see that one.  That, or the bonus only applies to airfields.

Edit:... oooookay this is a mystery.  The v8 specifically does not detect bases.  I put my blowfish there and both were discovered immediately.  Maybe there's a bug where undetectable ships also can't detect bases?

Edit: mystery solved, low altitude craft don't get the bonus at all, expedition also failed to find them until getting them under radar.  While it makes some kind of sense, I think it'd be nice to know this in

So i guess outpost near them is the only option for me to survive then? Because right now its impossible to get in time on these missions(8hrs) with harvester.

I think you'll just need a faster ship TBH.  Ninjas will continue to make bases slowly.  At the very least, a fast ship to bait things to the harvester and maybe do just those missions.

And yeah I pussied out of the peasant run before actually building the harvester lol.  It's kinda hard to do a peasant run with farming bases being so hard to defend.  I think I'll try it out again, though.  I spent like all of my brainer time and money this run getting super early May vehicles only to find I can't really afford them lol.  So I thought I'd try peasants with flamethrowers instead or something.

Btw, does anyone know if there's a minimum chance to hit on aircraft weapons?  I was expecting a harvester would get trashed by a jetbike, but if there's even a 5% minimum chance to hit that wouldn't happen.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Requiem on January 18, 2022, 12:21:21 am
Peasants have not bad stat caps, it is a rough start but if you not lose your main toons too much they go overcap with medals pretty soon and become as useful as ubers. Actually all races have cap for firing 120 and i think it is even possible to turn band of narlocks into little monsters. And still nobody locks you out of using ubers.
Just dont make mistakes like me. I settled in a country wich gives books for voodoo, i choosed the path wich requires grey codex and then just rejected the power and took 2 hangars where 3 is required.
Yep, thats me.  :D
Btw, does anyone know if there's a minimum chance to hit on aircraft weapons?  I was expecting a harvester would get trashed by a jetbike, but if there's even a 5% minimum chance to hit that wouldn't happen.
It's all about using good pilots.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on January 18, 2022, 01:17:52 am
There is no floor for how bad your chance to hit can go. Bonuses from both sides are summed out, then you roll the to hit formula for things like weapon accuracy and target size. If the foe has sufficiently greater dodge you will never hit.

Thou practically only ninja bikes have the dodge to do that. And even then only against awful pilots or low accuracy guns.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Skybreaker on January 19, 2022, 01:03:39 am
Thanks for the tips guys! Honestly, I kinda jumped the gun on the questions it seems. Another month in game changed literally everything. Turns out I was so insanely unlucky with my researches that I had most things locked out (like gun emporium locked in 2603 kinda locked, first live ruffian I capped was near the end of 2603 and I pretty much had no access to buyable weapons of any kind outside of prizes, including craft). Another month of disks got me tornado mortars + a loader that can make use of them, shield researches including sear armor, smart magnum bullets which can actually handle most things, laser cannons and a lot of other stuff. No school grad yet tho. I'll invest more into flying squadrons. I was always under the impression that each tier of ships was designed to kill the next enemy ship level, as I thought the 4 ships in a squadron was just an unintended engine feature and not something to play consistently with. Now that I know it's intended I'll actually use multiple ships which should improve my sky game a lot.

Also the bases number was not a hyperbole, I looked at my map state atm and the highest base number I can see is 18 (, but I'm pretty sure there are a few more out there. With fortuna and the new tech I have been easily clearing the world slowly of the lower tier ninja bases, haven't tested the highest one yet. Have a cluster of 1 big and 3 small ninja bases all within a 100 meters of each other so the jellyfish will have to do as no other ship can get anywhere close due to the number of defensive ships that spawns. Tho maybe I'm just too afraid and should just make a squadron to tackle it.

I suppose I just have difficulties adapting to the way this patch is played, as I'm pretty much a "take heaviest armor and blast them in the face while tanking" outside, then "clear everything in melee" on the inside, and on the geoscape I'm extremely passive while developing plantation bases around the world, and none of those work well vs ninjas.

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Greep on January 19, 2022, 04:37:35 am
Well plantation bases work extremely well in L versions and earlier.  TBH it's really difficult getting useful plantation base spam to work against ninja base assaults.  Like, if you have 5 plantations the maintenance is mostly canceled out by your garrison.  So I stopped trying to bother and am just going with 2 bases, with the extra base only because I need some place to have extra hangars and to store more hookers haha.

Btw @requiem,

did you ever get a bandit base defense?  looking at the .ruls that's a thing now if you go the peasant route, but only very early game.  I know bandit pogroms have armored cars, so I was wondering if I need to stock up on crates of violence or if it's just a bunch of ruffians or something.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Requiem on January 19, 2022, 05:56:01 am
Yes i had 2 or 3 defences in the first year, but they had just packs of dogs/hounds and some ratman hobo. Not sure how they crawled in, because i shoot down all slow things.

I have different problems now. I killed some ships with Osirons and then Academy become active, i managed to capture a ship with Provost and around 5 cyberdiscs, but they sended 3 ships or so and builded new hideout on my island. I am furious about this. Siege will be.
Also realised that i need to grind for gnomes somehow on "reject the power" path cause seems like it's the only way to get Shadowtech and to build interceptors. Thats frustrating, first it was stepler now this.

Well plantation bases work extremely well in L versions and earlier.
Dont know about plantations but i found that maxed out amount of Runts is extremly useful. They cost like 10k each and 100 of them produce income of 4mil with shateau or 1.4m with grog. So Large quarters instead of hangar is the viable option.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Greep on January 19, 2022, 06:39:03 am
I killed some ships with Osirons

Uh oh.  Academy is a pretty hard base defense from what I hear :/

Luckily you only need 1 gnome, they don't get consumed on research.  Just keep turning these boots in and hope for the best I guess.

There's also raptors, although they won't really take anything down that a harvester can, they're just fast.

According to the .ruls, that was just the ratman base defense which I've had a bunch before.  There's a new one "bandit" in M4, though, which occasionally happens if you go peasant route.  I guess we'll see what happens if I get one.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Requiem on January 19, 2022, 06:49:14 am
I recieved 7 of them from the event in the beggining but wasted all. Can you imagine that? 6 went into brainers and 1 into recruit.
I guess only option for me now is mass produce recon expeditions for old boots.. Also i wonder wich missions give crazed gnomes?

I think Deliverator will solve all my speed problems, i only need to survive till then. If i unlock Thunderhorse somehow(Cloaking Device, yep) then Harvester will become absolete completly.

Academy is a pretty hard base defense from what I hear
Siege will be not for me. For them.  :D
I will take all RPG's i have with me.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Greep on January 19, 2022, 07:06:24 am
I heard UAC vaults has gnomes?

I do know there's the armored gnome in bounty hunt B.  If you didn't ?challenge? any bounty hunters yet, challenge goblin zaxx and you'll have a gauranteed chance at capturing the gnome.  The gnome is difficult to capture, although you can look around the forums for methods.

Thunderhorse is a ways away heh.  You need to successfully assault a heavy freighter typically.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Requiem on January 19, 2022, 07:23:53 am
challenge goblin zaxx
Thats a good idea actually. I already have this subject to research.

Whats the deal with UAC btw? I remember that on previus run i had multiple base defences against those guys from doom.
Met few missions this them on the current run but cant figure out what needed to unlock vault.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Greep on January 19, 2022, 07:35:08 am
Ratmen and doom dude base defenses are just something that happens a few times a year, no way to stop them spawning I think.  You can stop them from successfully invading with even a small amount of base defense facilities (they're hidden foot patrols, so they go down easy) if you want to bother.

Main bottleneck for UAC vaults is the uranium weapons documentation.  So it's mostly random when you can unlock it.  I haven't done the mission myself yet.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Requiem on January 19, 2022, 08:17:57 am
I guess those missions just not for me, cause they locked behind embrace the power=>shadow chasing=>hyperwave mysticism.
Dont know what in the hell Wasteland priestess II neither.
Interesting that ninja gods=>ninja guns locked behind shadow chasing too.
Truly confusing stuff going on.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Greep on January 19, 2022, 08:44:34 am
Well, it's actually weird, I don't think they're lockout out on reject path.  But in order to start that path you need your gnome, since it looks like the priestess is gated by shadowtech :(

    minDifficulty: 1
    firstMonth: 1
       STR_SHADOWTECH: true
       STR_CHRONICLES_001: true
       STR_MONSTER_HUNT: true
    executionOdds: 42
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Requiem on January 19, 2022, 08:58:15 am
I guess its about this thing on the screenshot. She met me as event in early game and said that i need to unlock Thebes and do some grind for "purple bloom".
I will try to focus on capturing civilians more now. I only bothered with leaders so far.
Oof.. If only I had chosen the gray codex..
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on January 19, 2022, 10:58:44 am
I guess its about this thing on the screenshot. She met me as event in early game and said that i need to unlock Thebes and do some grind for "purple bloom".
I will try to focus on capturing civilians more now. I only bothered with leaders so far.
Oof.. If only I had chosen the gray codex..

I am not sure, but as of 0.99M4 ver. that event is fixed anyways, it happens in every single game, pherapsh might need to be randomized?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Greep on January 19, 2022, 11:06:01 am
Yeah that's the first priestess event.  The second priestess event that requires shadowtech on reject path, so the gnome is necessary for it.  Also gates off the primal hunts I think.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ruberto on January 22, 2022, 02:29:10 pm
Just wanted to say Fire pit is pure gold to defend secondary bases where you don't have proper garrison.

Just place it between your Hangars & lift and Outpost & living quarters, so enemies have to come through it to get to your crew.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Requiem on January 23, 2022, 11:22:44 pm
executionOdds: 42
Is that a chance  for event to apear?
Unlocked everything i could i think but still no event.  :-\
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Greep on January 24, 2022, 12:22:07 am
Yup, per month.  Just gotta wait.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Requiem on January 25, 2022, 03:37:18 am
I am trying to do "govt base defence".
Briefing says that i can convince the general somehow but how?
I got him and govt enforcer(stunned their asses with emp)in escape area but mission ends with fail and without them. I tried to heal him to the sleep status or carry them in hands. Nothing works.
So how to complete these missions? Do i supposed to kill all those turrets or accept -2500?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on January 25, 2022, 09:16:09 am
Clear the board or take the score. Thou knocking out the government elites can help the overall score, they are not recoverable.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Requiem on January 25, 2022, 01:38:13 pm
I thought xpiratez ideal mod.  :(
Worst part is these 6 miniguns on the sides. I think it is possible to execute some epileptics with this mission.
Interesting that corpse of the general recoverable. At least now i got second power armor for assault bike.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ruberto on January 25, 2022, 03:42:52 pm
I thought xpiratez ideal mod.  :(
Worst part is these 6 miniguns on the sides. I think it is possible to execute some epileptics with this mission.
Interesting that corpse of the general recoverable. At least now i got second power armor for assault bike.
mission is a frustration, but as you noted you can get some good loot from the general and his enforcer pals
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on January 25, 2022, 03:58:07 pm
In may 2601 still do not have a workshop, but im ground assaultin a guild ship, the month before jack warned about ninja expansin, score is dropping down, hope i can survive next month before i fail...
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ruberto on January 30, 2022, 08:07:15 pm
In may 2601 still do not have a workshop, but im ground assaultin a guild ship, the month before jack warned about ninja expansin, score is dropping down, hope i can survive next month before i fail...
I see some improved graphics - you use some extra mod?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ultimoos on January 30, 2022, 08:36:14 pm
It's just a display filter, you can choose one in video settings.
BTW. Is there a way to check how research that "affects game progression" actually impact the game? I know that researching a specific mission type makes this kind of mission spawn but what about other tech? Like "communication" for example.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Earthquake on January 30, 2022, 09:38:34 pm
Just check the tech.
This kind of researches has yellow mark *Affect game progression* (or somehow like that, I never see how it spelled in English in-game) in tech tree.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Greep on January 30, 2022, 10:22:47 pm
It's just a display filter, you can choose one in video settings.
BTW. Is there a way to check how research that "affects game progression" actually impact the game? I know that researching a specific mission type makes this kind of mission spawn but what about other tech? Like "communication" for example.

I don't think there's a way in game but there is a way if you must know:

-Look up the the tech in x-piratez wtf online bootypedia
-copy/paste the str_XXX portion of the url

cntrl-f it in faction.rul and event.rul and see what comes up
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ruberto on January 31, 2022, 07:06:19 am
Hi guys, a strategy question:
How do you use mechas (if you do at all, i mean)?
You get to build them after you get to build tanks, but they are less sturdy than tanks, and with weaker weapons.
So what's the point?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Requiem on January 31, 2022, 10:48:47 am
Well, mecha punch can crush walls and they have good night vision so they can be support for your tanks, but thats in theory.
tbh when i think that one mecha will replace a tank or an assault bike, then it seems to me that they are not worthy of a hwp slot at all.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Greep on January 31, 2022, 11:10:49 am
Honestly, I don't think many people use mechs.  If anything the main advantage is just that you can theoretically unlock them much,much faster if you stumble upon a killer robot since those jerks sometimes show up in runabouts.  If you have something that's unkillable it doesn't really matter what it's shooting xD
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on January 31, 2022, 12:25:19 pm
Mecha is technically possible before tanks if your lucky, but getting the mecha spiders and all the other random bits is alot of RNG to go right. Tank has 7 prerequisites, Mecha has 13, with quite a few being pre back school level, if you get the drops.

As far as role a mecha offers greater utility by having a "melee" shot attack that strips armor and high terrain damage, also superior NV and thermal to a tank, and better turning costs. The tradeoff is slightly inferior frontal and side armor, and lower resists. Mecha does have superior under armor going for it.

Mecha i find is actually worthwhile if you don't have laser tech, since only the laser tank has an unlimited ammo option, the 60mm tank in particular can suffer from having to expend limited ammo just to clear a path.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Requiem on January 31, 2022, 12:56:30 pm
Actually if they can destroy tank obstacles in ninja fortress they can be vital in such sieges since fusion torch takes to much time to use.

I'm desperate about ninja fortresses btw, i just dont have a feel of unlimited POWAH no matter what i unlock.
Even with tanks, i might get through the first stage, but I have no idea what lurks in second.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ruberto on January 31, 2022, 01:46:00 pm
Actually if they can destroy tank obstacles in ninja fortress they can be vital in such sieges since fusion torch takes to much time to use.

I'm desperate about ninja fortresses btw, i just dont have a feel of unlimited POWAH no matter what i unlock.
Even with tanks, i might get through the first stage, but I have no idea what lurks in second.
It's nightmare of tunnels and lifts down there. Ideal terrain for ninjas to slice your troops. Expect heavy losses.
But I have beaten it when I had only Loaders, Heavy and Demolisher suits for armour and cars for hwp.
(Granted, I did use like 4 Red dragon nukes, 2 to level above ground fortifications and 2 more to thin the ninja horde in the underground tunnels.)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Requiem on January 31, 2022, 02:04:23 pm
Wait HWP's allowed on the second stage?
Actually i can see this like harvester with 3 tanks and mecha with smoke screen salvo on turn 1. After that mecha can light up targets cause its have thermal vision.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Skybreaker on January 31, 2022, 10:41:32 pm
Can confirm you can get mechs way before you get tanks. I think I had them more than a year before tanks. I had an early gnome so that helped. I also got extremely messed up by RNG and got Rogue fields warlords contact somewhere late 2604, so that might have been an issue as well.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Iazo on February 01, 2022, 02:57:19 pm
There's been the great tonk nerf of 2021, now tanks require some really intensive researches, some from craft weapons that require you to shootdown serious meanies.

Mecha tech blocks are different, yet easily met on higher difficulties.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on February 16, 2022, 01:15:33 pm
ok after raiding succesfully a guild ship (,4102.msg143526.html#msg143526) i captured and researched a guild engineer, but the following month i got a big jocke score, and then another one, plus got a ninja strike at the very end on the second month so i failed!

This time i sent tooo much on research while i should have been doing some more missions, gotta start over in a next update!!  ;D any advice about?

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Iazo on February 16, 2022, 05:20:47 pm
What do you mean you spent too much time on research instead of doing missions?

Why not do maximum amount of both at the same time?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on February 17, 2022, 01:05:44 am
What do you mean you spent too much time on research instead of doing missions?

Why not do maximum amount of both at the same time?

Well actually i sat a bit too much spending time in research over missions. And even when i engage one my gals were wounded for some days i decide in the meantime to go research instead of missions while these are recovering.

Maybe i should suffer casulties instead, by not healing in battlescape tbe almost dead ones and recruit fresh troops so that i should be always ready?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Iazo on February 17, 2022, 03:42:38 pm
Do you mean to say that you are just skipping missions and not attending them in order to spin the globe faster so research is done?

That is a bad idea. And yes, you should always be able to field a full strength sortie, even if many of your people are wounded. This is expected, and the way game was designed.

Also you do not need to be so callous as letting your people die on the battlescape. Even almost dead people will recover, and veterans are worth a lot in tactical flexibility. Hire new people AND save almost dead people, I don't see why you cannot do both.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: just_dont on February 17, 2022, 05:42:31 pm
Also don't forget that retreating is a thing. Visiting missions is nearly always beneficial, actually fighting them to the victory - might not always be a good idea, but you'd never know unless you at least try. Specific tactical details might turn even a very hard mission into a possibility, if not for the victory then for some loot.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on April 08, 2022, 04:46:53 pm
0.99M5 introduce the caputains research topics, hiw tjese dobagfevt the game? As far as i can get that topics privide only score changes, not any item or new technology, is it right?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: legionof1 on April 09, 2022, 05:52:29 am
They mostly affect the weights of events. Though some combinations of ideals(gained via captain and codex selection)have some extra quirks.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Psyentific on April 17, 2022, 02:27:19 pm
as far as i can tell, the four different flavours of Captain influence what random flavour events you get. things like "had great sex with FBB +100 infamy" or "got real mad and fucking killed something, -50 infamy +1 reaper corpse". There's also a couple unlocks, for example soreass can build flak tower kits from necroplane parts, lazyass can build a hotel etc. there also seems to be a connection with the Codex colours.

behind the scenes each captain is associated with 3 out of 4 different Ideas (ex. Might, Pride) and 3 out of 6 different Aspects for flavour events (ex. Lusty, Aggro, Nerd). the Ideas and Captain Types are associated with a Codex (ex. Pride -> Gold, Might -> Red) which seems to have some hidden fun stuff ( if you pick the right (wrong?) captain/codex combo. as far as i can tell each Captain lacks a certain Idea (ex. lazyass has no might) so i think if you pick the codex diametrically opposed with your captain type (ex. lazy -> red) you might wind up with whatever Chaos Saint is. i haven't tried this so if you do please make a trip report.

[[fixed URL - Solarius Scorch]]
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 17, 2022, 09:32:43 pm
Yes, this is exactly how it works.

As for the special case you mentioned in the spoiler, it has some special features - most notably, earlier access to certain missions (hard but profitable). So choosing this path is for experienced Captains only.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on April 26, 2022, 02:21:06 pm
0.99M.5.2.1, thiis time at the beginnnig "recruit local peasants" is directly avaiable at the start, probably because the peasant revolution path, but i intercepted a strange party, with a pic presentin an human and a vehicle illustration, are they highwayman?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ivandogovich on April 26, 2022, 04:01:49 pm
@ontherun:  Thats the Rogue Courier. Its new in M5.2, iirc.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on May 04, 2022, 10:46:59 am
Updated previous save (,4102.msg145722.html#msg145722) to 0.99N1.0.1 with the WxD patch, but only aplied "AllInOne - Extract and Override (GIF2PNG+Fonts+Corrections)" (,3626.msg145900.html#msg145900) at blackbeard difficulty, seems i have a bit of a rough start, but on the very end of feb 2601 i think i'm doing fairly well ;)

Please have a look for testing/debug purposes!
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Meridian on May 04, 2022, 11:02:26 am
Updated previous save (,4102.msg145722.html#msg145722) to 0.99N1.0.1 with the WxD patch, but only aplied "AllInOne - Extract and Override (GIF2PNG+Fonts+Corrections)" (,3626.msg145900.html#msg145900) at blackbeard difficulty, seems i have a bit of a rough start, but on the very end of feb 2601 i think i'm doing fairly well ;)

Please have a look for testing/debug purposes!

You blindly believe a random person that their patch is correct... and even want other people to check it?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on May 04, 2022, 02:58:52 pm
You blindly believe a random person that their patch is correct... and even want other people to check it?

actually i though iit would be nice to see effort gone well, as they see "i love when a plan comes togheter ("....anyway if might be useful pleas euse the M5.2.1 save...ah there is some video test for the N1 relase on youtube here (, enjoy :)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Kleinstar on June 14, 2022, 02:38:47 am
On my latest save ninjas decided to setup their base right next to my starting base. Soon enough they started expanding and by the 4th mini base they setup up I figured I should probably start taking them out since flying out to missions unmolested was starting to become a hassle.
At my tech level I was able to take out all the ninja forces with relative ease except for the two 2x2 chaingun turrets. I've tried handheld recoil less rockets,  rocket launchers with anti tank rockets, and the quad launcher with fire ammo. These all seem to damage them but it usually takes 4-5 shots before they go down and the person firing the rocket usually ends up dying from the reaction fire.
The safest way I've found to deal with them is hope that my craft lands on the opposite side so I can setup mortars and bomb them from a distance.
However I don't think relying on my craft landing in the right place is a sound strategy.
I'm just curious if I should wait until I get something like a tank before taking these bases down or if I'm missing some anti turret weapon.

TLDR: Would like some advice with dealing with the 2x2 chaingun turrets in ninja bases
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Earthquake on June 14, 2022, 12:24:56 pm
The best way to destroy them - EMP grenades, if you managed capture them somehow from ninjas. One in enough, if you're lucky, two - if not.
Once I destroyed it with napalm bombs and incendiary grenades (for 4 turns all the team bombard turret with them)

The most satisfying method for me - rush research to Krazy Hanna, she allows to buy mortars.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Stoddard on June 16, 2022, 09:16:40 pm
TLDR: Would like some advice with dealing with the 2x2 chaingun turrets in ninja bases

3-4 direct hits with RPG HEAT, or 1-2 with AT rockets, or a near hit with a HELL rocket do them just fine. One person can't usually deal with it, so you mass-fire on a single turn, that's true.

2-3 volleys with PS ammo miniguns also work IIRC. I haven't tried Vulcans on them yet.

That said, I find the ninja maps too small too. Nowhere to set up a proper mortar section.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Delian on June 16, 2022, 10:34:17 pm
Stoddard you're probably thinking about minigun turrets. 14mm turrets ( are different and way harder, concussive damage does very little to these.

If you don't have emp grenades, then I think the easiest way to kill them is with Recoilless Rifle. Takes around 4 shots. Attack them at night from 17 tiles away since their night vision is 16 tiles and they won't retaliate.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Stoddard on June 17, 2022, 12:27:08 am
Stoddard you're probably thinking about minigun turrets. 14mm turrets ( are different and way harder, concussive damage does very little to these.

No, Miniguns die from a single hit, 2 if unlucky.  I admit, recoilless will have a bit easier time with them, esp with PS ammo.

Still, HELL rockets rule, they just trash everything around, cause secondaries and are so much fun.

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Iazo on June 17, 2022, 09:41:35 am
A lower tech alternative is assault cannon+ acid balls. You can fire it out if their range, or out of los with decent accuracy. Takes 3 direct hits.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Apocca on July 04, 2022, 11:30:57 am
Someone also suggested using flamethrower or fusion torch:,3626.msg147340.html#msg147340
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on July 14, 2022, 03:15:12 am
If your squad brought nothing that will work on those turrets and emp is not available, try quad fire with those blunderbusses w/chem shells that the ninjas carry.  Eventually the chem will eat through the turret armor.  IIRC it will take 6-8 shots or so assuming most pellets are hitting.  It should go without saying that this will require an experienced gal and good cover next to her firing position.  Experienced in this case meaning excellent TUs, reactions, and accuracy.  Understand that this is a desperate solution.  Emp grenades are a much better solution.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on November 02, 2022, 07:25:39 pm
Hello again! the N2 brings up the xcom: apocalypse equipment craft style, but i don't get it, please how does it work?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: shinr on November 02, 2022, 09:22:47 pm
Hello again! the N2 brings up the xcom: apocalypse equipment craft style, but i don't get it, please how does it work?

The simplest way to describe it is that the equipment is now tied more to the Hands/Soldiers than the craft itself.

For example, you equipped the Lunatic Uber via the Hands screen and then assigned her to an Airbus, and thus the items she carried will be automatically transferred over to the Airbus, and will be transferred out if she is unassigned.

The number/+numbers is stuff equipped on the Hands and stuff lying in the craft, respectively, and the former cannot be subtracted via the equipment screen, you need to directly remove the items from the Hand in question. Also, if those items are either fully equipped by the hands or fully lying in the craft, the separation will not be shown.

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Ultimoos on November 04, 2022, 04:48:55 pm
I can't believe it was even possible to do. Best QoL feature ever.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: GrooveCrusader on November 06, 2022, 05:52:30 pm
Are their any essential techs at the start of the game I should be focusing on? I am aware there is a sort of "time pressure" in the mod in the form of the ninjas that will give you around an in game year till they become a real issue if I'm not mistaken.

I also tend to get stuck 6 or 7 ish months in where my score tanks even though I'm doing well (capturing as much people as a can, researching as much as I can and getting as much runts as possible to produce x-grog/money on the side), I suppose its down to bad luck though at the same time I have horrible feeling I'm likely missing something very obvious like I often do haha.

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: unarmed drifter on November 06, 2022, 06:50:25 pm
Are their any essential techs at the start of the game I should be focusing on? I am aware there is a sort of "time pressure" in the mod in the form of the ninjas that will give you around an in game year till they become a real issue if I'm not mistaken.

I also tend to get stuck 6 or 7 ish months in where my score tanks even though I'm doing well (capturing as much people as a can, researching as much as I can and getting as much runts as possible to produce x-grog/money on the side), I suppose its down to bad luck though at the same time I have horrible feeling I'm likely missing something very obvious like I often do haha.

maybe try this,10299.0.html
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Gremlion on November 07, 2022, 02:51:20 am
My go-to goes like:
1. Unlock scale mail. You need to unlock cave hunting and do some of them to get chitin plates, then gather them as needed. 30 all around armor makes  the life much easier.
2. Bounty hunting.
3. Shadowmasters for codex crafts. The easiest way to bruteforce them is to repeatedly research hoes, whom you can get like 5-6 per red lantern villa mission. So, second prison asap.
3a Airballs to arm a codex craft if you didn't get lucky. Though, most codices give some weapon and you usually can down a police car to get a gun.

I've checked my latest save and I see that my first crash site was done in May

4. Crazy Hannah. Aircraft weapon, mortars. (Around that time I like to get Rogue field warlords, love the ramjet cannon)
5. Interceptor by the end of the year to get into space

Strategy-wise I expand ASAP, because every new base at the very least means mess hall + sickbay, 2 more brainers. And radar coverage. With the amount of hunter killer enemies just checking by the graph becomes too dangerous.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Paratoos on November 12, 2022, 09:32:20 pm
Scavenging and Treasure Hunting.....How?

If you buy a Recon expedition from the Black Market, you can debrief etc. But I have no idea how to use the Treasure Hunting or get the items needed to do the Scavenge: Antarctica etc.
Any tips?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: shinr on November 12, 2022, 10:44:07 pm
Scavenging and Treasure Hunting.....How?

If you buy a Recon expedition from the Black Market, you can debrief etc. But I have no idea how to use the Treasure Hunting or get the items needed to do the Scavenge: Antarctica etc.
Any tips?

For me, those unlocked by choosing the Jackass/Triumphant Captain option, and how it works AKAIK is that occasionally you will get a pop-up event (the frequency of which is dependent on the number of bases in the regions) showing a successful/failed treasure hunting.

On failure you get a minor Infamy hit.

On success you get an item in your first base to extract from via manufacturing.

Most of the time, it is crap like Scrap Metal and Chemicals.

But one time, I got THE SINISTER DEVICE OF DOOM from an Oceania scavenging, which is AFAIK is bad for a Golden Codex Captain if the disabled techs in Tech Tree Viewer is anything to go by.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Iazo on November 13, 2022, 08:36:55 am
Also, Peasant Revolution.

If you want to get rid of your doom device, make a base in Antarctica or we, and ship it there. Let the first crackdown deal with it, lul.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on November 21, 2022, 09:34:48 pm
If i pick the ?reject the power? path i may sell tiny drill and menacing hull safely without consequences?

and how divebombs craft weapons (DV) do work?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: FiendishDrWu on November 22, 2022, 04:52:01 am
So, started a new play-through after not touching XPiratez for a while, on John Silver.  Early April of the first year, and the Ninjas drop some massive HQ right next to my base; my airbus can't leave the base without getting swarmed and shot down.  Restored to a previous month and continued from there; the Ninja base still spawns and seems to be in a slightly different place but still close enough so I can't launch aerial interceptions.  I can attack the base with my V8; but in that case it's 5 of my soldiers vs dozens or hundreds of enemies, and I don't have the equipment to even begin to deal with this. 

Is this really the intended behavior? 

I see four ways forward from here: limp along using only the V8 to perform missions while building a base somewhere else that I can use as my intercept base and hope I don't run out of money & score while that happens, call this run a wash and start a new play-through from scratch, edit my save game to move the ninja base somewhere further away, or attack the base and use debug mode to "win" the mission while making exceptionally rude hand gestures. 
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: FiendishDrWu on November 22, 2022, 06:15:36 am
I've decided to go the first route; 2nd base is coming along.  It turns out I can sneak the airbus out if I'm headed to a mission that's almost directly opposite the direction of the ninja base. 
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: shinr on November 22, 2022, 07:19:33 am
I think you suffered a bad RNG on Ninja HQ placement.

In my current run, I placed my first base in North America and in the Ninja HQ dropped deep in North Africa.

But IMO, there should be a code that prevents the Ninja HQ from spawning in the theoretical max radar range of the first Hideout just to prevent cases like these.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 22, 2022, 10:51:43 am
One method to evade ninjas in such an unfortunate accident is to launch a craft and then immediately return before the ninjas shoot it down. Let the ninja patrols fly about for a bit, then they will return to base and will be unable to scramble again for a while. This allows you to fly out safely.

But IMO, there should be a code that prevents the Ninja HQ from spawning in the theoretical max radar range of the first Hideout just to prevent cases like these.

I think it can be done by excluding your home region; honestly I thought it was the case already.
I could be wrong about this being an option, though.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on December 22, 2022, 04:56:23 pm
Firearms have two damage types: "piercing" and "stabbing". What is the difference?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Iazo on December 22, 2022, 08:13:28 pm
What do you mean? There are a lot of other damage types, not only these two.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on December 22, 2022, 10:46:08 pm
What do you mean? There are a lot of other damage types, not only these two.
for instance spraygun aqua clips deal damage type "stabbing". And so the ramses gun, introduced in 0.99N2
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on December 23, 2022, 02:40:03 am
Just like with any other damage type. Generally firearm projectiles deal "piercing" damage, but that is not a strict rule, chem ammunition will have chem damage type etc. Some armors and units resist piercing damage better, so using ammunition that deals different type might increase damage done, even if raw power is lower, for example.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: AnHoff96 on January 04, 2023, 09:13:46 pm
Why do I receive such big hits to infamy during may and june?
I can't go past june because my infamy goes to hell and I get to walk the plankey plank...
I do quite well on my pirating and I avoid unnecessary killing of civilians and other noncombatans, I'm baffled, third time it happened to me now
What am I missing?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Psyentific on January 05, 2023, 02:51:30 pm
Why do I receive such big hits to infamy during may and june?
I can't go past june because my infamy goes to hell and I get to walk the plankey plank...
I do quite well on my pirating and I avoid unnecessary killing of civilians and other noncombatans, I'm baffled, third time it happened to me now
What am I missing?
judging by the timing, that's probably the Sky Ninjas setting up their base(s)
deploy the Little Bird to as many missions as possible to farm glamor for more score.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Iazo on January 05, 2023, 10:40:59 pm
What version of the game you are playing on?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: magitsu on January 19, 2023, 05:38:39 pm
If you've looked for some hands-on advice, here's an ongoing channel with mission specific guides. N2 version, so very recent.

These seem to be covered at the moment:
Undersea Passage
UAC Vault
Ninja Outpost
Taberna del Diablo
Mage Tower
Abandoned Spaceship
Organ Grinder
Infamy score / charts
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Pallington on January 29, 2023, 03:48:43 pm
wondering if anyone else has gone through and done the research, what's the best way to store large amounts of money (that you can freely buy/sell, talking millions)? my playthrough is getting pretty late game (john silver cuz i'm really bad) and as far as i can see the best is gold bars (pay 11 get 10 on sell, very little space used) but has anyone found better?

also, playing on N1 cuz i play super slow (read, savescum). the ninja hq spawned within overcharged radar range (iirc it was outside of normal radar range tho) too. catgirls are very stronk and i wouldn't be surprised if they got nerfed in the future (8 catgirls + some savescum/careful play can handle ninja base late game, blitz if you're bad like me or grav boots if you've got balls of steel)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Iazo on January 30, 2023, 12:40:53 pm
You can beat anything with savescumming.

That said, Cats were netfed already in N3.

No better way to store large amount of money than gold on lower difficulties. (On higher difficulties, you store your money in investment in bases)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Pallington on January 30, 2023, 02:11:23 pm
You can beat anything with savescumming.

That said, Cats were netfed already in N3.

No better way to store large amount of money than gold on lower difficulties. (On higher difficulties, you store your money in investment in bases)

1: true, tho i'm pretty sure you could beat ninja hq with just 8 pre-nerf catgirls with only like 2 losses if you played really carefully even without savescum

2: i see, thanks for the answer

also, random question, which missions do aquamen show up on? i need it for higher studies (i bought three flippin academy scientists before i got the science vessel doc but i can't find aquamen for the life of me :/, what i get for skipping underwater missions earlier ig)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: zombieguy223 on January 30, 2023, 07:12:32 pm
also, random question, which missions do aquamen show up on? i need it for higher studies (i bought three flippin academy scientists before i got the science vessel doc but i can't find aquamen for the life of me :/, what i get for skipping underwater missions earlier ig)
I believe Aquamen only appear on three missions:
Beach Sweep (Surface, unlocked through Dreams of the Deep)
They Came From The Sea (Surface, one of Jack's Lvl B Bounty hunts)
Devil's Reef (Underwater, randomly appears starting late in the first year)

Beach Sweep is ambushing a bunch of Deep Ones, Lobstermen and Aquamen on a beach (usually jungle) with a few civilians around.
They Came From The Sea is a big fort defense against an army of the above, with no civilians.
Devil's Reef is destroying three beacons with an army of the above around. You can leave with an overall win after destroying the beacons, however. Killing all enemies is not required (or advised).
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on February 02, 2023, 02:24:09 pm
Started a brand new game with N3.1.3 and everything seems to be fine now, engaging in a temple raid misssion....
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Vengos on February 23, 2023, 05:52:51 pm
Can someone suggest good weapon for high throwing stat ?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 23, 2023, 06:29:54 pm
Can someone suggest good weapon for high throwing stat ?

Ninja stars. Also javelins and throwing axes, to a lesser degree.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on February 28, 2023, 01:17:17 pm
Why that numer in the right corner of the screen sometime is green, blue and purple? I konw it's red when an enemy is on my line of sight, but what about the other colors?

Here are also a couple os saves from N3.1.3 version, upgraded with the N4.0.2, give a look for thestin purposes, please :)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Mathel on March 01, 2023, 11:56:02 am
Why that numer in the right corner of the screen sometime is green, blue and purple? I konw it's red when an enemy is on my line of sight, but what about the other colors?

Here are also a couple os saves from N3.1.3 version, upgraded with the N4.0.2, give a look for thestin purposes, please :)
Red: Current unit sees this hostile.
Green: Another own unit sees this hostile.
Blue: Own unit with critical (fatal) wounds
Purple: Own unit close to fainting, or dying of overstun.

They are displayed in this order of priority. First red, then green then blue, then purple.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on March 01, 2023, 12:27:47 pm
Oh, thanks! The N4 verison introduced captain ranks. How do i get those? And are automatically awarded by doing something?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Solarius Scorch on March 01, 2023, 01:03:55 pm
Oh, thanks! The N4 verison introduced captain ranks. How do i get those? And are automatically awarded by doing something?

They are awarded if you reach a certain number of points at the end of the month. They are meant to reflect your political status.
Each rank unlocks some benefits, but also places certain expectations (generally speaking, you should maintain a certain level of points each month).
You can only advance by 1 rank per month.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on March 15, 2023, 03:13:52 pm
They are awarded if you reach a certain number of points at the end of the month. They are meant to reflect your political status.
Each rank unlocks some benefits, but also places certain expectations (generally speaking, you should maintain a certain level of points each month).
You can only advance by 1 rank per month.

Oh that make all more difficult...anyway i just started a brand new game with gals and the "rejected the power" paths and a custom layout base but it's even more difficult since i won'thave access to early crafts! Well, l'll see what i can do  ;D in the meantime i sold the menacing hull and the tiny drill...
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Moon_Dew on March 22, 2023, 10:21:34 am
Country bonuses:
Your starting country is researched for free
The Confederation: 1 govt pistol, 3 big iron, 50 big pistol rounds (6 shots), 10 glamour, -150 infamy
Eurasian Autonomy: 1 baby nuke, 1 uranium weapons documentation, 1 govt fine
Iron Tribe: 8 junk piles, 30 necroplane parts, 50 chemicals, 50 scrap metal
Eurosyndicate: 6 super maids, 6 maid outfits, 9 gothic raygun clips, 3 energy weapon parts
Blackmarch: 1 gnome
Romanica: 6 crusader SS armors, 6 peasant nun outfits, 6 olde swordes, 6 quarterstaves, 1 golden cup, 1 golden cross
Nordfederation: 5 young ubers
Central Province: 75 sectoweed
Fuso: 3 fuso swords, 3 sudoku blades, 6 fans, 30 fuso knives, 20 glamour
Death Realms: 20 chitin plates, 10 animal poison, 10 spider silk, 20 demon skulls -75k dolaros
Hidden Expanse: 3 flak tower kits
Ghostgates: 24 slaves, 24 slave maids, 4 slave gladiatrices, 4 slave lashers
Rogue Fields: 5 govt fines
Theban Hive: 12 assault clone licenses, -600 infamy
Kingdom of Canada: 50 cultural wealth, 15 personal databases, 10 glamour, 3 govt personal codes, 1 exquisite lingerie
Cali Republic: 50 mutant porn, 50 glamour, 50 crack, 50 hideout cleaning bills
Dark Dominion: 3 arcane books, 2 esoterica
Latin Empire: 1 old earth books, -50 infamy
The Technocracy: 20 optronic parts
Pirate Straits: 3 hoes
Turan: 3 turanian gals
Steel Pact: 10 metal ores, 1 prepper box
Red Revolution: 10 workers
None: 2 lokk'naar scriptures, 3 grrrl guides, 1 of 6 free techs: animal poison, spider pilk, monster teeth, monster eye, luxury fur, chitin plates, +50 infamy

Continental bonuses:
Arctic: 6 tribal outfits, tech human polar outfit, +450 infamy
Antarctica: 6 tribal outfits, tech human polar outfit +700 infamy
Siberia: 8 luxury furs, tech ushanka, +200 infamy
North Atlantic: 6 tribal outfits, tech sea transport, +450 infamy
Europe: 3 rare earth elements, tech rare earth elements, -50 infamy
North America: 5 vodka,tech uber wheat, +200 infamy
South America: 10 each of red pepper, devil's pepper, egglant, orange, coconut, tech what do?, +450 infamy
North Africa: 6 beer, tech swag items (golden ankh, amphore, golden cup, golden cross, crown, ol' coins, diamond), -50 infamy
South Africa: 3 blowpipes and 24 blowpipe darts (3 shots each), tech monster hunting, +200 infamy 
Central Asia: 777 capitulatory tax, tech necropirate, +200 infamy
South East Asia: 10 each of mutant fish, mutant egg, pumpkin, tech mutant egg, +200 infamy
Australasia: 20 explosive cannonballs, tech sea adventure, +450 infamy
Pacific: 1 hero, tech the deep ones, +700 infamy Continental bonuses:

Thank mr. Torchwood

The continent bonus is gained in the frirst few hours, the country bonus is gained in the first few days.

Is this still accurate?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Vengos on March 22, 2023, 02:25:19 pm
Is this still accurate?
Cali Republic now gives also 8 catgirls captive and 75 hideout cleaning bill instead of 50.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Torchwood on March 29, 2023, 07:32:35 pm
To nobody's great surprise, Cali Republic turns out to be full of illegal aliens.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on April 05, 2023, 04:11:55 pm
Oh that make all more difficult...anyway i just started a brand new game with gals and the "rejected the power" paths and a custom layout base but it's even more difficult since i won'thave access to early crafts! Well, l'll see what i can do  ;D in the meantime i sold the menacing hull and the tiny drill...

I really do confirm my previuos statement! Moreover, in june 2601, still cannot unlock "contact: car thieves" so i cannot have neitheran aircar!!! In the meantime i set up an hunt party for ground misison, seems quite good....
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on April 11, 2023, 03:26:15 pm
..and in the end managedto manufacture a dutchman! Was lucky i catch a "broken ancient airbus" by event (a prequisite for that craft) but still no interception capabilities...but raised my revius score from "big jock" to "thug" (currently by the end of aug 2601) but most important finally i was able to repel a dark ones base crackdown, so i can continue playing, hurra!!

Need some interception craft now...

Edit: in the menatime i managed to reach the end of nov 2601, researched the "buckaroo" but score is dropping (bully 2.sav) :'(
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: termidor on April 17, 2023, 01:35:45 am
One quick question, what are the conditions to unlock the rank:boss research? I am at Feb second year and in  general I'm doing fine, but I'am unable to advance in rank to get Krazy Hannah.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Mathel on April 18, 2023, 08:19:51 pm
One quick question, what are the conditions to unlock the rank:boss research? I am at Feb second year and in  general I'm doing fine, but I'am unable to advance in rank to get Krazy Hannah.
Have Rank: Enterpreneur
Have interrogated (researched) an "officer" or higher ranked foe. (MarSec Bodyguard, for example)
Have researched "The Social Hierarchy"
Have earned at least 6000 points in the previous month.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on April 19, 2023, 03:48:57 pm
ok, so finally i got promoted to "rank:rogue" and finally unlocked "contact: car thieves"! I also built the personal labs, but i regret to have produced the little bird, it's basically useless! Previously wasted some money buyng a priranha but did not have 25mm cannon rounds  >:( :D
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Vakrug on April 20, 2023, 10:31:36 am
i regret to have produced the little bird, it's basically useless!
It is not completely useless (but close to that). With little bird you can at least destroy Roving Bands.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 20, 2023, 10:51:31 am
It is not completely useless (but close to that). With little bird you can at least destroy Roving Bands.

And that's a big difference, points-wise.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on May 03, 2023, 01:51:14 am
The mod has five diffculty levels, but to have acces to all content i must play from nr. 3 and above ("blackbeard"), right?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 03, 2023, 11:37:53 am
The mod has five diffculty levels, but to have acces to all content i must play from nr. 3 and above ("blackbeard"), right?

No, 2nd is enough to get all the features (except some highest level only nastiness).
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Patooka on May 09, 2023, 12:36:01 am
Just out of curiosity, do Rimrider outposts ever decay?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 09, 2023, 10:50:35 am
Just out of curiosity, do Rimrider outposts ever decay?

I haven't checked the data, but they don't seem to ever disappear.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on May 09, 2023, 02:54:45 pm
Whoa, with a hell of a luck (?!?!) i stumbled upon an academy hopper and captured an academy esper!! But cannot research because i don't even have competed the "school books" project - though i own these in my lab. Hurra!
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on May 17, 2023, 04:21:15 pm
Reached end of july 2602, acquired the racketeer rank, and bought again a nice pirhana (the screenshot is right before; also dismantled the corridor next to the lab and built crew quaters) , but researched the "back to school" project too, while stood succesufully against a dark ones crackdown.

Still need to get access to an interceptor assembly, and laser weapon construction, though  :'(
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on May 23, 2023, 11:04:55 am
Why "dead men looted" in debriefing misison screen always earns negative score? Is there somothing i can do to avoid it?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 23, 2023, 01:12:26 pm
Why "dead men looted" in debriefing misison screen always earns negative score? Is there somothing i can do to avoid it?

Not "always", only when you kill people you're not supposed to.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on May 25, 2023, 02:53:17 pm

Anyways, by the end of november 2602 finally unlocked laser weapons and finally managed to buld even a power station, and got promoted to rank: enterpreneur! Also encountered the first mercenaries ship, managed to ground assault a couple of these, but quickly retreat without engaging, havin them flying around  drops significantly score, from 6000 to 5000 by the end of the month, so i cannot score more, damn!

But then sadly at beginning of the month got a base crackdown from guild and marsec, so i was defeated  :'(
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Gremlion on May 26, 2023, 04:07:53 pm
i suppose them are civiliana and in general neutral and/or friendly units?[/li][/list]
Not necessarily, government people if you attack them would be unfriendly and tank the score by hundreds
  • the mag munitions decription says:

    Instead of expending effort in trying to develop full-fledged rail weapons, we drew inspiration from the Rail Driver and prepared self-propelling magnetic munitions that can be fired from sufficiently robust firearms. As the ammo needs a power source and magnetic coils, the ammo is heavier, but the firepower increases by 25-50%. The Armor Penetration, if any, is lost, however.

    so these are more a rifle verison of the slayer bullets - a conterpart of expanding bullet ( - but both seems to be pretty useless against decen armoured enemies, let's say 20+ right?
Normal armor piercing on guns that can use those ammo ignores around 10-15%, so an upgrade of the 25% damage minimum would be an improvement in general. Not only that, but piercing damage above 60 actually damages armor, so machinegun with the MAG ammo (HMG has 82 damage) might allow you to strip armor where normal ammo would do nothing.

I recall beating a mechtoid (60 armor, 0.8 piercing multiplier) with the Eagle pistols.

  • In the guns of the patriots misison reinvorecemt came after the fifth turn and then every five turns or it happens randomly, that is no necessailry after a certain amount of turns, but following the mess player causes during battle, eg: intense use of explosives, tha alerts the patrols?
Missions with reinforcements are coded by placing invisible mines that detonate on expiration and summon enemies as the "explosion". You might skip turns, and they would spawn, you might baby nuke the city, and they would spawn in the same order and amount.

  • Building an hideout in certain countries has effect on how enemy has chances to spot and assault it? Might be better an island ?
no, spread your hideouts to cover land with the radar.

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 27, 2023, 12:03:25 pm
Missions with reinforcements are coded by placing invisible mines that detonate on expiration and summon enemies as the "explosion".

What? No. Maybe years ago...

The rest of your post seems correct.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Gremlion on May 28, 2023, 06:34:29 pm
I recall checking zombie pyramid for the tomb guardian as late as in N2.1, and I recall seeing "fusetimer" there.
            STR_SPAWN_ENEMY_ZOMBIE: [5, 40]
            STR_SPAWN_ENEMY_TOMB_GUARDIAN: [13, 27]
            STR_SPAWN_BLACK_PYRAMID: [9, 13]
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 29, 2023, 01:18:30 am
I recall checking zombie pyramid for the tomb guardian as late as in N2.1, and I recall seeing "fusetimer" there.
            STR_SPAWN_ENEMY_ZOMBIE: [5, 40]
            STR_SPAWN_ENEMY_TOMB_GUARDIAN: [13, 27]
            STR_SPAWN_BLACK_PYRAMID: [9, 13]

You're right, this mission probably uses such a system for the effect of zombies crawling out of the portals. But it's a special case and most missions with reinforcements use reinforcements mechanic instead.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: thegoldenpath on May 29, 2023, 03:50:19 pm
Had a question regarding the Haunted Forest mission that is a few zombies on a map that has some gravestones. There is an item on the ground called Tanhuaser something or another that never shows up on the booty list after combat and if I have a gal pick it up it, it doesnt show up either. Is this just a visual artifact or am I missing something here?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Iazo on May 30, 2023, 03:38:38 pm
It is a lore thing. I am not entirely sure how much is Blade Runner and how much is Xpz lore.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Nalca on May 30, 2023, 09:11:14 pm
A Tannhauser something ?
It is a lore thing, and a hidden one. Do more research in the game and you will understand.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 31, 2023, 01:07:00 am
It's not only Blade Runner, The first Gunbuster also had Tannhauser gates. :)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on May 31, 2023, 12:47:49 pm
Well not a bug, but hey where the hell is stuck the gigant spider queen?!?!? I had to sacrifice a tribal to demolish the wall, and kill it!!
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on June 07, 2023, 04:00:30 pm
ok, so..i started over again in 0.99N.4.0.2, time is end sept 2601,built an hideout in blackmarsh hopin to get the "faust" vessel  and managed to put a small band of gnomes! But did not assault too many guild ships ths time(mostly excavators) so hope the guild won't get mad at me and attack my hideout...but instead academy already tryed 4/5 crackdowns (!!!) because probably they spotted my base.

And Im still without a stapler and so no workshop!  Hope gonna resist....
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Psyentific on June 09, 2023, 02:46:43 am
ahh, the stapler. yes, being bottlenecked on that damned stapler is a very common occurrence. they can spawn as a Guild Team Leader's gun, or sometimes as random map loot. try hitting guild warehouses a lot, they're good for loot and training too.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on June 21, 2023, 01:54:17 pm
ahh, the stapler. yes, being bottlenecked on that damned stapler is a very common occurrence. they can spawn as a Guild Team Leader's gun, or sometimes as random map loot. try hitting guild warehouses a lot, they're good for loot and training too.

Oh man in jan 2602 this time i did 4/5 warehouse wars mission just found a stapler and biulding a workshop! Also the academy lanched about 10 crackdowns on my base, i suspect they find it....

So, aside !warehouse wars!, guild topling tower missions and ground assault guild vessls (not all), there are missions that might spawn 100% a stapler as loot? Otherwise i gotta to start over...doh!
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: boss300 on June 21, 2023, 07:21:27 pm
I just got a Gov't enforcer retaliation in like, April

Is this punishment for starting in Thebes and not  expanding to Eurosyndicate early?

Regardless; am NOT prepared, gonna lose units for sure because the most I can do to the enforcers is slice them  :'(
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: boss300 on June 21, 2023, 07:48:17 pm
I just got a Gov't enforcer retaliation in like, April

Is this punishment for starting in Thebes and not  expanding to Eurosyndicate early?

Regardless; am NOT prepared, gonna lose units for sure because the most I can do to the enforcers is slice them  :'(

 ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on June 22, 2023, 01:23:01 pm
...and eventually got that "faust" but i nedded 30 $5000 silver chips (in 0.99N5) so it took a load of time, but is neither that speedy craft...aaargh!

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on June 28, 2023, 03:52:20 pm
0.99N5.1.2, and in aug 2602 managed to build an hefaistos battery and a power station but still neither laser weapons nor krazy annah....not even to mentin still not able to build my own aircraft exept for the airtruck...but at least got promoted to "enterpreneur".. there was a damn golden ship of the church (shirne ship?) i gorund assaulted 2/3 times but neverrecoverd it...
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on July 05, 2023, 03:35:10 pm
0.99N5.2.0, managed to survive till nov 2602, a year, fnally...but i got hacked by sky ninjas (event) and tale out one milion and an half of dolaros!? It is not possible to have some kind of it defences against these?

I lost an aircar, but i secured military supplies so i can buy spike rocket to equip an aircar, simple interceptor. And sadly, despite i scored as "boss" the next mont i was promoted to "enterpreneur"...
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 05, 2023, 03:37:52 pm
0.99N5.2.0, managed to survive till nov 2602, a year, fnally...but i got hacked by sky ninjas (event) and tale out one milion and an half of dolaros!? It is not possible to have some kind of it defences against these?

There is; invest money in gold, silver, art and other artefacts instead of keeping it on your bank account. This includes never selling found treasure, unless you need the cash immediately.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on July 05, 2023, 03:52:34 pm
oh..but death realms has gone a zero tolerance politics so they won't pay protection anymore..if a country goes like that may i get it back?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 05, 2023, 06:34:52 pm
oh..but death realms has gone a zero tolerance politics so they won't pay protection anymore..if a country goes like that may i get it back?

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Psyentific on July 05, 2023, 10:37:03 pm
for recovering from a Sky Ninja Terror Hack, you really only need enough money to get yourself out of negative dollarydoos so your manufacturing-for-profit can resume. it's helpful to keep wealth in solid assets in order to hedge against this, but that you need to be balance having piles of loot against having piles of guns/etc.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on July 12, 2023, 04:36:44 pm
In my last save i've researched contacts: museum and can produce "cultural wealth" but it for what is used/required for?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: zombieguy223 on July 12, 2023, 05:39:48 pm
In my last save i've researched contacts: museum and can produce "cultural wealth" but it for what is used/required for?
To my knowledge, cultural wealth is currently only used to make land deeds at a ratio of 50:1
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on July 12, 2023, 09:13:01 pm
To my knowledge, cultural wealth is currently only used to make land deeds at a ratio of 50:1

.. and what is the purpose of the "land deeds"?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: zombieguy223 on July 13, 2023, 04:19:10 am
.. and what is the purpose of the "land deeds"?
Land deeds have a storage size of -100, effectively reducing how much storage is being used by 100.
E.g. you have a base with 100/300 used storage/max storage, transferring one land deed to that base  adds -100 to the used storage making it 0/300, transferring one more land deed changes it to -100/300
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Nalca on July 13, 2023, 05:11:44 pm
.. and what is the purpose of the "land deeds"?
Resolving your storage problems. But it do will not resolve your money problems.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Alex_D on July 13, 2023, 08:37:42 pm
Freeing slaves may gets more storage at the expense of loss of income. For example:

50 Cultural Wealth units for 01 Land Deed worth 100 Storage. Or equivalent: 1 Cultural Wealth (CW) = 2 Storage Units (SU).

1 Slave = 1 SU. Emancipation = 1 CW or = 2 SU. Gain: 1 SU
1 Slave Maid = 0.75 SU. Emancipation = 1 CW = 2 SU. Gain: 1.25 SU
1 Slave Brute = 2.5 SU. Emancipation = 1 CW or = 2 SU. Loss: 0.5 SU
1 Slave Gladiatrix = 2 SU. Emancipation = 2 CW = 4 SU. Gain: 2 SU
1 Slave Specialist = 4.5 SU. Emancipation = 2 CW = 4 SU. Loss: 0.5 SU
1 Slave Taskmaster= 8 SU. Emancipation = 3 CW = 6 SU. Loss: 2 SU
1 Slave Witch = 12 SU. Emancipation = 5 CW = 10 SU. Loss: 2 SU

So, emancipate normal and maid slaves, prioritizing the latter. Convert the Gladiatrices into Dancers for the money or emancipate for the storage, and keep the other higher end slaves as such as they are more worth as storage.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on July 19, 2023, 03:40:58 pm
finally brake into 2603 and built a secon base in the middle of the actual USA...unlocked also raider arms factory so next month should spawn new misison type...i also ground-assoulted an hopper but sadly killed an academy esper though i am still not able to interrogate it :'(

Edit: added another save, with more advancement in the research and a better equipment for the second base...
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on October 18, 2023, 03:10:29 pm
0.99N6.0.5, at the end of july 2603 finally got promoted to "rank: boss" and unlocked  "contact: krazy annah" and "contact: lo wand death emporium" so finally got acces to heavy weapons  :P

there is a lot going on int he world, i also obtained the gun collector title and managed to researchan academy esper and unlecked basics of gauss by stealingand runnin from a mercenary ground assault misison (!!!), so things are going fairly well...not to mention i started to build a third base in asia!

Any other advice on next moves? Thanks in advance!
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Psyentific on October 18, 2023, 11:43:22 pm
checking the charts made me very suspicious, so i used the airtruck to patrol and found a base. that's probably been sapping your monthly score for a while now.

you need Zombie Fatman both alive and corpse in order to get Tarnian Arrows and then Advanced Chemistry. this plus Industrial Scanner will get you an Industrial Printer which will unlock further goodies and also manufacturing monetization w/ Durathread Printing and Piratey Lingerie. this will also get you Advanced Personal Protection with the /SS armor research chain.

you've got 3 vaults in your main base. get slaves to make that inventory space and use the base tiles for better things. you want to be capturing people alive for the points anyway and using slaves allows you to turn captives into inventory space. you can use 20 workers instead of 100 slaves, but this costs money instead of makes money.
you can build Hyperwave Decoders. you should roll out Hyperwave to every base and build as many bases as needed to get global Hyperwave coverage. use these bases to put more fighters on the map and make multi-craft intercepts on tougher targets.
your second and third bases are vestigal stubs. turn them both into manufacturing-for-profit using extractor, still (grog! chateau!), workshop, and industrial printer (see above). build a Large Prison at another and use that base as a prisoner processing base.
build Dojo at all bases and use it to passively generate high-quality expendable troops. this is important for long-term sustainability, especially on Gals Are Superior to bring out all your gals' true potential.
all of the above combined is basically "you could be scaling upwards a lot more aggressively" but it's piratez so don't feel obligated to get all sweaty about it like this.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on October 19, 2023, 10:54:27 am
All right,thanks! But oh suddenly i got a crackdown form mercenaries, i guess i have no change, man i should not have ground assault one of their small ship....aarghh! (in fact i even recoverd it)

Anyway, a couple of questions:
1) I try to assault that base with airtruck but than an enemy interceptor takes off and destroys me! How can i deal with that?

2) I picked "?reject the power?" path and cannot have imediate acces to shadowtech and related craft. I cannot have that anymore?And please, how can i unlock more vessels to manufacture?

Edit: sorry, messed up with the .sav file...

Edit 2: no panic, taking different choches i managed to avoid mercenaries, and even get promoted to big boss! Hurra, the adventure continues..
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on October 25, 2023, 05:09:43 pm
Hurrà, after some intense gnome-milking i got finally cloacking device, allowing me in the *pirate airforce* topic! In fact picking th "?reject the power?" path denies acces to codexes and related craft, while allo only the non-codex hellerium fueled ones, but the former mentioned device is needed.

Also got into gauss basics, and have modified my second and third base, now gotta manufacture at leas one good interceptro and amore spacius transport to replace the airtruck, any clues about?

sidenote: i also got a star god crackdown on my second base, here is a save if you want to check, but reloading the game i did not see them anymore

edit: i do not have shadowtech in that save, not yet..
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Psyentific on October 26, 2023, 01:49:46 am
pirate airforce is an important tech; glad you picked up shadowmasters and cloaking, i was kinda worried once i realized you might not get it. next stop for airgame is Interceptor Assembly -> Improved Fighter Construction. the Hunter Killer equipped with cannons and Seagull or Spike (ideally gauss or craft lascannon and stingray or hammermite) is your best immediately available option. you can provoke the ninjas to get the hyperjet, which gates you from Improved Fighter (Predator is a direct upgrade to HK) and further Air Supremacy. build a third base at the start of the month and make every base have at least one Hunter-Killer. shoot down everything.
in terms of transport, i will once again shill the Bikes; they don't have any cover in the craft but they generate extra glamour. they're cool, get it?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on October 26, 2023, 12:25:19 pm
ok, so following you advice i manufactured a couple of hunter killers and eventually got shadowtech. Expanding my second base so might move an HK so i can create a kraken (in the meantime researched). But most importantly i lost my third base by a spartan crackdown armed with plasma weapons (!!!) this time multiple reloading  the .sav file did not help...actually i rarely encountered them ingame so feels a bit strange...and suffered by the 30 oct 2603 of a ninja hack that took away 1.25 bilions (aagagrhhh) slygtly less before i researched "spy on ninjas"  >:(

also got a couple of enemy bases on the map, if im not mistaken are one academy and one guild.. i try to assault them via an hunt party in another save but why if i abort got -400 infamy point as penalty? Noooo.... lastly managed to recover from a bad score researching and assaulting some taken-down vessels, home my run won't end always any other hints are loved  :)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on November 08, 2023, 02:55:15 pm
0.99N6.0.7., may 2604 promoted to public enemy and i've started rebuiding my third base, but sadly a rimrider outpost came out soon after! Actually there is already one in africa, but i tryed to assault but retreat since they got mind power control and i don't know how to deal with it. I've enstablished a nice mint plus an hideout shroud and an hyperwave decoder :P

Got also new nekomini craft in my first base, replacing the old ones, but i'd like to unlock a large transport hellerium fueled since the star cat vessel darin a lot of nekomini batteries and these are somewhat expensive! I also refused the eurosindicate deal since ive read it causes lots of trouble...

Lastly, unlocked also white dragon customer but it needs glamour and the other ones tokes to get its prize... ;D >:(

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on November 15, 2023, 02:13:26 am
Sept 2604, reorganizing once again my fleet, and finally got "advanced chemistry", "academy medicine" and code breaking, but still no way to unlock gauss wepaons because academy engeneering is needed. i've also unlocked the magic shop and crusing counsellors misison and got a bunch of wands from an apocalypse cave cultists mission! Built also a vodoo schoold

I've engaged some vessels in combat but in dogfight screen are displayed as "jammed", there Is some craft device that allows to see these?

I need also some hypno panels, where i can get those? Church's "bomber" and "fighter" give some of these as loot of in note mistaken, any other source tio advice, please?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on November 22, 2023, 04:18:30 pm
Nov 2604, researched about the solar governor and about set up an industrial printer....ops i still have the workshop, with the industrial printer it is not necessary anymore!  :P

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on December 13, 2023, 02:10:06 pm
End of May 2605, the rimriders outpost are filling the planet, should i be worried about, because i feel i don't have the meaning to face them yet, but finally got that "cybernetic interface", "advanced firearms" and "guild engineering" so that finally i can get my hand on the smartrifle! I even destroyed an academy base and a guild base (yay my fisrt time) but soo these naughties built another, and even the mercenaries got one in northern russia! Eventually, got the rail driver too, so unlocked the basilisk and gauss craft canons, and the "prospector" ship (by enslaving a guild engineer and researching it). Sadly, academy raided once again my third base, destroying it again!!! So reorganized my second base in north america, upgrading my vaults ot armored ones, but in the meantime they did not build other ones in the globe, and in the meantime started to build my third base in africa, hopefully they would leave me alone...

...and with my hit-and-run tactics (repetedly assaulting enemies hideouts and aborting misisons after i engage these) eventually got the "guild rep secrets" so unlocked the "the russian files"  log and the related "syberia base investigation" mission, though it is a bit rare when it comes to spawn  :'(

Some other quesitons:

1) i have not declared war on ninjas yet, but in which way i am supposed to win the fight?

2) i picked the ?reject the power? path, how im supposed to get "crowning" it is crucial to win the game, and it is supposed to be codex exclusive, there is another way?

3) the stc vessel equipment cannot be used on other crafts, right?

4) What kind of aircraft equipment might be used on the slots marked "lt sup sys"?

5) i desperately need to capture "guild navigator" and most of all "academy engineer", where i might find them?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Iazo on December 14, 2023, 10:47:42 am
You can use STC on a few non-shadowmasters craft, though I do not know whether reject has access to them. Off the top of my head, Crab and Raiding party.

You should use the online pedia, some of your other questions have answers there, like what equipment goes in the light support system slot. No one can remember that just so.

Crowning is gotten by being lucky with the priestess and sorceress lessons, and then supposed to win the stoneage hunts.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on January 03, 2024, 05:01:42 pm
all right well---the reject the power path is too damn difficulte since i cannot win any of those damn primal hunts mission...there are 5 of these in total, if im correct where is nedded to slaughter:

gigant cockroach
gigant bullfrog

and the last one is about canny gals....

only stone age equipmen t is allowed, according to bootypedia here (

Battle Flag · Battle Pipes · Blood Vine Whip · Peg Leg · Ushanka · Luxury Fur · Dog Collar · Hellerium Charm · Demon Skull · Big Demon Skull · Handle · Chitin Knife · Monstermano · Holy Club · Chitin Sword · Stone Hatchet · Ball Bat · Bone Club · Short Bamboo Combat Stick · Giant Bone · Primitive Bow · Hunting Bow · Hunting Bow Arrows · Poisoned Arrows · Spear · Leather Whip · Poisonous Tentacle · Good Lookin' Rock · Pointy Sticks · Blowpipe · Blowpipe Poison Darts · Pipes of Doom · Celatid Essence · Torch · Demonic Essence · Bandages · Sivalinga Stone · Canteen o' Refreshment · Canteen o' Wisdom · Frog Concotion · Cigar 'El Commandante' · Coconut · Melon · Bananas · Pear · Orange · Apple · Sectoweed · Ghastly Shroom · Uber Helmet · Redcap · Mutant Meat · Mutant Fish · Mutant Egg
but i think it is not updated because i bought canteen of frefreshment but i did not se them in battle...bandages are ok, but what are the items allowed to recover energy and stun damage?

lastly, here is a save where i finally discovered academi engineering, if you want to give a shot...i think i will start over again with a codex...

edit: that run was a lazy ass captain with not codex, hope that info might be useful
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Psyentific on January 08, 2024, 10:39:02 pm
the werewolves sound like the only really tough enemy there, everyone else can be handled especially if you accept casualties. the real constraint is the equipment limitations, which, yeowch. especially painful is no Vodka/Bandage/FirstAid which means any fatal wounds you take are not getting fixed. most of those are support items so your weapon selection is very limited. the standouts on the list for me are:
-Primitive/Hunting Bow w/ Poison Arrows
-Pipes of Doom w/ Celatid Essence

all the rest are weapons that are very inadvisable to use against a werewolf. never sleep on Spear/Pike when fighting melee-only enemies because the spear's "reaction fire" as an enemy closes to within 2 tiles will inflict TU damage and prevent the enemy from getting closer; same effect as Dog Bark. as you've seen from fighting Deep Ones, the pipes are more than capable of killing tough things as long as you can stomach the noise. i've never used hunting bow w/ poison arrows, but my experience with other poison-type weapons (ex. Poison Dagger) is that they're a lot more killy than the raw numbers suggest.
all in all it's an interesting set of limitations and a doable challenge but unless you're specifically building within it then you're gonna have a bad time.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on January 10, 2024, 12:41:56 pm
ok, don't know whether to try my luck...anyway downloaded 0.99N7.0.4.5 and after some more reading on the forum (specifically here  (,11726.msg161051.html#new) and here (,11538.0.html)) i decidet to start a new game in asia (central province) and Africa (hidden expanse) because there were the only zones i did not try from the start, moreover i have not yet taken the first personality test (screenshot refers to the central province .sav), so guys if you want to nearly skip jan 2601 the chance is yours!  :P

.sav files attached start from page 19 (,4102.270.html) (mine starting with the J10 release, though ther eis one by user netron on page 17 here (,4102.msg102982.html#msg102982))

Edit: these save files were attache because of the breaking changes in the game beginnin plus for captain who questionnaire, hope that might help :)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Brain-Pill on February 26, 2024, 01:07:44 pm
Am I missing something in regards to Slave Emancipation? The research states that "It becomes obsolete next to the power we get from machines" yet:

A single slave provides 1 unit of storage. Emancipating that slave grants one unit of Cultural Wealth. 50 points of CW buys one Land Deed which grants 100 units of storage. Sounds pretty good at first glance, since the efficiency of all my regular slaves is effectively doubled. Except...

...I can instead train up every single Slave into a Slave Specialist, which grants 4.5 units of storage and only dissolves into 2 units of Cultural wealth. So, in less transformations, I'm gaining a 4.5x increase in efficiency per-slave over letting them free.

Same goes for other types of slaves. Lashers still only give 1 CW, but grant 2.5 storage just by existing. Gladiatrixes technically offer a good deal, but are too rare to actually emancipate. Taskmasters lose efficiency if emancipated *and* have the option of becoming -100 storage units each. Witches lose efficiency outright. Even maids, who could've benefitted from that transformation have the option to work on a farm instead.

So, yeah... Is that intended? Is my FBB just lying to me or am I missing something else that can be done with Cultural Wealth? I personally don't mind playing as a university with an incredibly aggressive enrollment process, but I do really like the concept of expanding my pirate empire past the engine limitations of a few bases.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on May 08, 2024, 05:15:43 pm
I don't know i never engaged in slavery... but in N8, may 2601 i noticed there are more ground enemies but still cannot get ground weapons for mines to use, am i missing something? This time picked the lazy captain and the red codex, hopefully it would trigger the chaos saint missions,see here (

Edit: anyway i saw that academy small ship are often landing in africa, which makes sense since most of that continent is less urbanized and good to make research and experiments, or i finally i git lucky?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on May 22, 2024, 04:35:15 pm
again taken an old save here (N4.0.2) ( updated to N8 got to rogue rank and finally i have my first ground vehicle here, armed too!! I've rushed "school books" topic and the metal armors, unlocked the "contact: car thieves" but cannot buy plastasteel yet but i have a workshop up and running, still no codex picked. I desperately need craft weapons and  the gun emporium to be unlocked.... i usually skip  "?peasant revolution?", but next time got to chose it over the cats (which i picked up in this save)

edit: if you want to try the peasants here is another updated save attached, an N2.1 taken from here ( with ?none-of-the-above? captain topic picked! Othet ols saves: there is an M4  ( while some L10 ones here (

edit: 2 I noticed in the N4.0.2 there is a problem because picking the gals still gives the chance to have cats, in fact the "?cats for live?" topic is not disabled, same with L10 ones, so too outdated save should break something, for help please refer to "Important: Upgrading Saves Between Versions" thread ( while the N.2.1 is fine, i updated an attached the latter to this post. Just played around with the files a bit, and seems if the upgrade happened before the "divergin paths" topic is completed, the game would be ok, otherwise i'll get the possibility to have the cats anyways (cheating!?), while the captain test will happen the next month, so saves prior the introduction of the cat path are gonne be not compatible.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on May 23, 2024, 02:37:52 pm
ok, so continuing from the N2.1 updated, may 2601 picked the red codex; the first test was autoskipped, but i picked from the second batch of choices the "thief captain", also took the gunwagon first and the battle cab secondly, but both are seless agains medium enemy ground craft (bandit truck) so i wen for the angry bird..still no workshop couse a stapler is missing but in the meantime the bootypedia pics are very well being updated!
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on May 27, 2024, 11:17:03 am
othet two alternative startin saves: in one i finally tooke the ?peasant revolution? along with the ?jackass captain? topics, and in another the ?male touch? and ?soreass captain?, so a brand new world will eventually open...

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on May 29, 2024, 01:36:28 pm
..and eventually went with the ?dumbass captain?  Ive the stapler but no wrench so no worksop..neither i picked any codex but im afrai i rushed the catgirls a bit too early, so i have no armor for them... :'(

But since that captain it prevents getting the "analitics room" which is required for getting "back to school" topic so there are other alternatives for getting that school topic?

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Troblin on June 23, 2024, 08:52:05 pm
Asked about scavenging then got no answer then decided to edit own post in case someone ever reads it. Question was - does scavenging give anything unique?
And long story short nah - some things from the scavenging list might become rare or very rare at some point of game progression, so I'd say that on the whole scavenging is insurance vs unlucky odds and bad knowledge of stuff in the veeery long run theoreticaly.  The stuff I'd care most about minmaxing is shadow orbs thus mystery boxes. Those can be obtained from stuff like mining and gambling - sloowly but yep. (unless save scumming) So ended up treating scavenging as a source of randomness and scenic flavor rather than utility tech. Might be very useful but a pack of fines right before end of month may be quite fun.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on June 27, 2024, 04:13:28 pm
Asked about scavenging then got no answer then decided to edit own post in case someone ever reads it. Question was - does scavenging give anything unique?
And long story short nah - some things from the scavenging list might become rare or very rare at some point of game progression, so I'd say that on the whole scavenging is insurance vs unlucky odds and bad knowledge of stuff in the veeery long run theoreticaly.  The stuff I'd care most about minmaxing is shadow orbs thus mystery boxes. Those can be obtained from stuff like mining and gambling - sloowly but yep. (unless save scumming) So ended up treating scavenging as a source of randomness and scenic flavor rather than utility tech. Might be very useful but a pack of fines right before end of month may be quite fun.

I don't know, probalbly not, but i'd advice not on spending time with gambling.

In the menatime updated a previous save with the thief captain ( ang got into sept 2601 but with no workshop yet!!! Just found a stapler but forgot to research the superconductive wire earlier, so got somehow late the personal labs. If you do that too, an event will pip up saying that you need it plus at least 16 brainers (!!!). As for basic research infrastructures need only the library, which requires sci books to be built. Necroplane parts and aerodinamycs a are also important to assembly early air interceptors

As for crafts the game suppose player gets little bird in the very early game, i unlocked the angry bird instead which i sold for a very nice priranha!  :o im in dire straits now, but hope to save this run anyways...I'd also recommend unlocking *the mutant alliance* ASAP, which give acesso to sci books, needed for library facility

edit: i have an alternative save where at end of oct 2601, i got the angry bird instead of the little, but still recovered no stapler!! (Done at least three warehouse misison but got only the stapler clip.

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on July 24, 2024, 05:04:46 pm
upgraded to N9.0.1, got in the very end of march 2602, finally built the library and the workshop, but strangely and sadly i still miss "the social hyerarchy", need only beastmen to get it! Managed to stole a couple of reticulan plasma chargers so i built my onw one! Also kidnapper a reticulan technician sio i unlocked "basic engineering". Please note that from such  xpiratez version *pirate airforce* is not locked behind a particular rank anymore, only reuiring the basic eng. A bit of good news is that now manstopper doesn't require "contact: gun emporium" anymore, merchants are enough.

As for vessels, i bought another piranha and a blowfish, but got to sold the airbus,  (more troops on battlescape are  a pmust) but so i gotta resign on some infiltration missions, but shooting and looting enemy tech is equally profitable, especially when it comes to infamy (score). Seems also i'm doin well preventing ninja from expanding, which is a good thing, i manage to shot down theri assault bike early. Also beginning to work on laser weapons... 8)

now, some questions:

1) i often got geoscape events tellin im a good guy: that is because mainly because i don't shoot civilian vessels or there are other motivations?

2) what are best vessels to attack an enemy hideout without workshop and shadowtech technology? Hunt party appears to be the best choice but he perhaps there are other alternatives? Seems im doing failry well so non of these had appeared, but if it will occour how i gonna deal with it?

3) Any hint/suggestion on where and what to build in a second hideout?

4) changin difficulty by editing a saved game might lead to strange game behavior and/or compromise a run?

Edit: finally got "the social hyerarchy" along with the metallo!
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Delian on August 29, 2024, 02:47:16 pm
1. Such events have nothing to do with killing people. It's about the captain personality and monthly score.
2. A well-armed CONVOY should be able to take out the enemy planes and bring lots of soldiers to the hideout.
3. Europe is easy to cover with radar and often has stuff flying over it
4. As long as you're not changing from/to 0 (easiest), and from/to 4 (hardest), there won't be anything strange.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on September 03, 2024, 03:57:13 pm
Ok thanks! Upgraded to 0.99N9.5.6and got into march 2603  a small question about the new interrogaiton tecniques workings: it changed over time and i'd want to interrograte a guild engineer; i have captured one but it does not show in the manufacture screen; so the outcome of the interrogaitn is random or i have to milk out everithing he knows before accessin to guild engineering?

In certain cases, like the mad gnome, the interrogation is avaiable in the manufacturing screen so what's the point/difference?

Oh in march 2603 i have discovered ninja seeker documentation but mercs build an hideout on south pole! Am i doomed? (i know because i tryed an assault...)

Edit: so as far as i know within the end of 2601 is crucial to have as much as advanced technology and weapons you could have, since startin from jan 2602 major factions and relative subfactions starting to have plasma and advanced weapons, plus the major ones begin to build hideouts; by 2603 and on even minor faciton gets advanced weapons - at least as far as i can tell i met spartans  progoms usin laser guns - so better speed up with the research. But also use the right tools for the right job: church i more vulnerable to piercing weapons while guild suffer more from laser (at leas the less armored ones), so make carefully your choice...

I have replace the .sav file so i got at the end of the month, for a safer upgrade!  Plus added one where i am at the end of the next month too, and finally got red codex awakened, plus got promoted to "big boss":P
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on September 11, 2024, 11:02:50 am
as for interrogation tecniques zombieguy223 clarified in "a thread for little question (" so let's quote him:

Researching Interrogation Techniques just unlocks those topics as random rewards from those people. You will have to trust in the RNG to give you the topic you want if there is more than one available from a given person. Most of the random rewards are shared between multiple different enemies, so you can reduce the pool by researching less valuable people and getting their topics out of the way. You can also save just before the research finishes on a new geoscape day (e.g. save at 11:50pm) and reload that save until you get the topic you want, if you're desperate.

so i guess it's better to exaust all the other possible results to be sure to get the outcome of the interrogatin, but it will take a load of time, aaarrghh! But what's the point of the interrogatin menu in the manufacture screen?

Anyway, slowly progressing into the game, jun 2603 did the x-prison misison and managed to make enemies surrended so i sold the entire prison!! Lots of money, but i lost a second base i was bulding by a church assault plus 1 bilion by a mysterious "curse of dolaro"  >:( and MERCS got a second base in grunland!

And where/how i can get a vibro sword?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: zombieguy223 on September 11, 2024, 03:36:06 pm
But what's the point of the interrogatin menu in the manufacture screen?

And where/how i can get a vibro sword?

The interrogation category in the manufacturing screen is mostly a holdover from previous versions. You used to have to 'break' high-tier enemies like Academy Medics and Espers in the manufacturing screen after researching interrogation techniques in order to get their secrets. The broken enemy would always give the secrets on research. That was changed back in N3 to the current system of locked random reward, so most of the interrogation options were removed as well.

Vibro swords can show up in a few places. The main ways you can find one are: Blood Rituals mission (very small chance of appearing); Siberia Base Investigation (moderate chance of some of the leaders having one); random reward from Iron, Titanium or Tritanium coupons; random reward from mad scribblings; small chance from glamour recruitment; guaranteed from recruiting a damsel of war (she can only show up as a rare random event). There are some other missions they can appear on, but those tend to be in pretty late-game missions and by then you'll probably have the research to make them yourself.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Kanzas on September 19, 2024, 12:04:32 am
I am delighted with the game and go through every update from scratch. BUT Mission to Cydonia killed everyone, found a dungeon. and I can’t figure out where to go, how to get through it? The mission is great but it’s already 4 hours and I’m replaying it for the second time.

Mod note: This is an English forum, while we do have a notable non English membership, they are not the majority. I have taken the liberty of converting your post to English, to the best of my limited ablity.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on September 25, 2024, 03:22:58 pm
The interrogation category in the manufacturing screen is mostly a holdover from previous versions. You used to have to 'break' high-tier enemies like Academy Medics and Espers in the manufacturing screen after researching interrogation techniques in order to get their secrets. The broken enemy would always give the secrets on research. That was changed back in N3 to the current system of locked random reward, so most of the interrogation options were removed as well.

Thanks, so the mod becomes even more difficult every update! Good to know...

I am delighted with the game and go through every update from scratch. BUT Mission to Cydonia killed everyone, found a dungeon. and I can’t figure out where to go, how to get through it? The mission is great but it’s already 4 hours and I’m replaying it for the second time.

Mod note: This is an English forum, while we do have a notable non English membership, they are not the majority. I have taken the liberty of converting your post to English, to the best of my limited ablity.

Dear Kanzas, as shinr wrote here ( the final mision is a two stage one, you have to reach the exit area - usually the one with green tiles - and press the lift off button n the interface. Sorry i cannot hel more because i never got there (!!!)

In the meantime, updated to 0.99N9.7.7 by the end of november 2603, there is a lot going on in europe, church activity is high and it is likely to produce another base, next my main one! Researched "code breaking" and "air supremacy" but im out of time as for building hideouts, so i think i won't survive... in fact despite but managed to build ananalytics room, for the third time i lost my second base, now while i was building it and it was seized, i suppose i have to change continent since in asia there are en enemy hideout, a church one. I repelled an academy assault on my first base but did not get to capture a provost that was there  :'(

Still need both the guild and academy engineering, especially the latter since i need gauss weapons otherwise cannot deal with MERCs and marsec bodyguards...there is any other alternative tool good for defeatin them? Moreover, rimriders at beginning of September built their first outpost in south america, these have mind powers so pheraphs without vodoo i cannot fight them back...but gotta promoted to rank: "public enemy", and researched "academy medicine", now need to unlock those damn gauss and plasma weapons...

Goin' forward, here is another research bottleneck, riot shield is needed not only to get the full plate mail, but also for industrial tool to futher pregress in the research? Aside megapol personnel, it's possible to engage stromrats in a base crackdown or in the missions "highway house" and "the sniper", it's gonna be alittle tricky as always...then we have to try our luck with megapol enforceres and stormrats since there is no other way to get it?

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on September 25, 2024, 04:40:52 pm
...because the run it's gonna likely to fail, i've started another two runs: one in iron tribe, whre i picked the "jackass captain" and another in blackmarsh, in place of the old saves not properly compatible...see here ( Don't wannoa spoil too much for what i've done so check yourself, see you next update...

Hey please also check the "XPiratez Information Compilation, Starter Guide & Weapon Spreadsheet" thread ( started by user "eharper256", very useful info for now goin mad!
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on October 05, 2024, 07:39:16 pm
In the meantime, there is a mission which in my runs spawn quite often, "ratmen cache" but i always skip it because i don't have small units to engage it. Does it provide some important loot so that im suppose to go in?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 07, 2024, 02:15:09 pm
In the meantime, there is a mission which in my runs spawn quite often, "ratmen cache" but i always skip it because i don't have small units to engage it. Does it provide some important loot so that im suppose to go in?

You can skip it, but I don't see why, it's a fun and profitable mission.

Just get some Lokk'Naars, they're cheap and easily accessible, and don't need to be trained for the Ratmen Cache mission (as opposed to the Old Earth Metro, which is notably harder).
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on November 27, 2024, 12:42:11 pm
Updated to N10.1.1.1, and so theold save "beginning_in_blackmarsh (" picked the "?embrace th power?" topic but did no choose a path neither a codex, so choice il still up to be made  :)

Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on December 11, 2024, 03:20:43 pm
Updated also air_supremacy sav to be compatible with the new N10 (, see here (, so got into the end of april 2604, got an "odiousless captain" (i have no picked up a specific captain class) still missing "academy engineering" and "guild engineering"but got "industrial tools" which is rather crucial for the research, alon started the "seek out the desert witch" quest and got challenged by cleopatra, altohugh i really should start nuilding a second base and expand my vessel fleet...

Any hint on how i should preceed?  :)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on December 23, 2024, 04:07:09 pm
I've noticed tha on some gournd assoult crash recovery missions - mostly supply ships - these appera to be turn-timed in a number of 10, once turne expire there is a debriefing screen and my vessel if forced to leave, why it is? In the briefing game tells nothing, it the same gournd assault briefin screen.

Why this is so?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: zombieguy223 on December 23, 2024, 05:10:23 pm
I've noticed tha on some gournd assoult crash recovery missions - mostly supply ships - these appera to be turn-timed in a number of 10, once turne expire there is a debriefing screen and my vessel if forced to leave, why it is? In the briefing game tells nothing, it the same gournd assault briefin screen.

Why this is so?
There is a warning about this in the Pedia entry for supply ships, but I think that's the only explicit mention of there being any kind of time limit, and it doesn't mention a specific length of time:
Quote from: Bootypedia
Supply Ships are used to fly regular supply runs to enemy Secret Bases. They are fast and hard to get once they manage to get close to their Base, but should yield significant booty (especially Hellerium) with only moderate risk, if we work fast - they're rigged to explode.

So there is some warning about this, but it's fairly easy to miss if you aren't reading all of the entries. And there isn't a mention of it in the actual mission briefing either.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on January 16, 2025, 03:52:51 pm
N10.2 verison, end of nov 2604, i smashed a couple of church bases, but blackmarch jagers (why? :( ) took out my second one in fuso, but i built another one in central province! Finally got promoted to "crime lord", managed to scure supplies of "master crafted wepaon parts", and "academy engineering" and "guild engineering" but stil i am missin "advanced chemistry"!!!  In the menarime, managed to contact wiz biz hoping to get zombie fat man from there, still, made some experiment with slave soldiers and got the "superhero costume"....
Now some questions

1) when failing an assault on supply ship, if i ran out of tuen but manage to flee enemies are no count as killed, right? Suppose the saved themselves and got scattered around?

2) i need to get "advanced chemistry", but it requires "Longbow Tarnian Arrows", to get it i have to research "zombies" but i'm missin "zombie fatman". I skipped "zombie bait" mission, but there are other missions that spawns such enemy? How do i get these?

3) i am a "classless captain", but picked red codex it prevents to get "vodoo:excess" which is a prequisite for "non-profit lab", so i have to forget about it?  :'( >:(

4) i'm having an hard time fighting marsec bodyguards and exoguards, i mainly have piercing weapons and an handful of plasma ones but these do nearly nothing to them? What should i use?

5) how does plasma damage work? Laser ignore 1/3 of the armors ok but what are plasma damage features?

6) Please what are the weapons manufacturable with "master crafted weapon parts" item?

7) i'd like to obtain "plasma spitter parts", to assemble my own one, where i can find/get it?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: greattuna on January 16, 2025, 07:00:19 pm
1. Presumably, since they defended their ship successfully, they're able to disarm the bomb.

2. Plenty of missions have a small chance of having zombies in them. It would be wise to pay attention to any ships under the "Unknown" flag as well. You can also read arcane tomes until you get lucky.

4. The bodyguards will fall to any high-powered weapon, especially when hit from the back: light cannons, auto-cannons, r-rifles and other anti-tank weapons, high-expolsives, axes/heavy melee, heavy lasers if you got them, and of course, plasma. Exoguards will be slightly more difficult, but after you drain the shields, you can treat them as slightly tougher bodyguards.

5. Plasma weapons just deal a lot of damage + armor damage + setting things on fire. You can see it if you compare assault rifle to a plasma rifle: one has 30 damage, and the other - 80.

6. Bossgun (a very powerful, accurate machinegun), kustom blunderbuss (better blunderbuss), commando rifle (a precise marksman rifle with Reactions scaling), super shotgun (strong shotgun with good range). All of them are very good, but I get the most use out of commando rifle, personally.

7. High-end military ships have plasma spitter parts: crusiers, battleships, etc. Shoot them down or raid them when they're landed to get your prize.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on January 23, 2025, 01:09:07 pm
End of march 2605 (secon time ever i hit this year!!), got ppromoted to "rank: sky terror" (my first time ever!)  and finally researched "advanced chemstry" by hit and steal  a couple of zombie fatmen in a "zombie hunt" misison, got also "school graduation",  im manufacturing a crab in my second base to try that craft.... but the guild built a secon base near my main one!!!! :o By now i should be able to deal with these.... i laso managed to build a"vodoo school" and a "computer core" at my main base so  unlocked gauss wepaons but....i sold these away previously !!!!  ;D ;D (screenshots attached at bottom of the post)

now some answers to previous post:

1. Presumably, since they defended their ship successfully, they're able to disarm the bomb.

oh so i assume it should be intellegible by reading the screen "we'll meet again [..]" etc.

2. Plenty of missions have a small chance of having zombies in them. It would be wise to pay attention to any ships under the "Unknown" flag as well. You can also read arcane tomes until you get lucky.

Yes the "unknown" vessels are zombies, but these spawn mostly zombie troopers, along some strix and ordinari zombies, guess i was unlucky then...

4. The bodyguards will fall to any high-powered weapon, especially when hit from the back: light cannons, auto-cannons, r-rifles and other anti-tank weapons, high-expolsives, axes/heavy melee, heavy lasers if you got them, and of course, plasma. Exoguards will be slightly more difficult, but after you drain the shields, you can treat them as slightly tougher bodyguards.

Well actually these guys are quite tricky, i shot them with the light cannon but no way, also with kruger (65 plasma dmg) magneto-plasma gun (55) and plasma tommy (45) but no way,  (pheraphs i was unlucky?) managed to down them with the bossgun and the smart cannon, and electro sword so i assume anything with damage >60 should do the job; but then the smart cannon has 45 dmg but a better amor effectiveness so i should watch more the weapon features

5. Plasma weapons just deal a lot of damage + armor damage + setting things on fire. You can see it if you compare assault rifle to a plasma rifle: one has 30 damage, and the other - 80.

yes, i saw it has some trouble with armors >30. or i was unkucky again :(

6. Bossgun (a very powerful, accurate machinegun), kustom blunderbuss (better blunderbuss), commando rifle (a precise marksman rifle with Reactions scaling), super shotgun (strong shotgun with good range). All of them are very good, but I get the most use out of commando rifle, personally.

thanks, i have all of those except the commando rifle  :'( gonna try it ASAP!

7. High-end military ships have plasma spitter parts: crusiers, battleships, etc. Shoot them down or raid them when they're landed to get your prize.

i should be lucky to intercept the right one...
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Apocca on January 29, 2025, 03:54:09 pm
Starting a new game in N10.0.2 since I got stuck in N1 trying to get Prank Dr X but never getting the right event.

Looks like allot has changed. No longer can you get your Codex craft early because you need more workspace. Or at least, that's how I remember it, so now I'm stuck with Little Bird who has finite ammo that cannot be replenished until you get Krazy Hanna.
I also see you start out with some rubble and can only build Burrows. Thought you were able to build at least some more buildings in the beginning.

Went for Lazyass Captain / Grey codex to try and get Prank Dr X and subsequent story arc again.

January and February went well with score, got to 3000 for the next rank. March was almost 0 score because of so many UFOs flying over that I could not shoot down. I hope April gets better now that I have Little Bird.
Also, I got a message in March about getting missile strikes. That's really early.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: shinr on January 29, 2025, 07:06:30 pm
Went for Lazyass Captain / Grey codex to try and get Prank Dr X and subsequent story arc again.

Be advised that Various Dr. X paths are now locked behind specific Captain paths, and Pranking X might not be available for Lazyass Captain if I'm reading the offline xpedia right.

Also, I got a message in March about getting missile strikes. That's really early.

From my understanding, unless you play on the highest difficulty, you won't get missile striked until the Technocracy Hunter Killers start showing up a lot later.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Apocca on January 30, 2025, 02:36:49 pm
Hmm, don't really see it's locked to a specific captain.
Only thing I was missing last time was scented message 2
To which captain is it locked?
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Apocca on January 31, 2025, 10:12:17 pm
Ah, Creativity but it should also allow for Lazy-Azz Captain via Reprobate
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on February 04, 2025, 10:18:41 am
Be advised that Various Dr. X paths are now locked behind specific Captain paths, and Pranking X might not be available for Lazyass Captain if I'm reading the offline xpedia right.

As of 10.2 pranking dr x seems not to be codex related (see screnshot attacched).

Aug 2605, decalred war on ninjas and they have thei HQ near my main base! I wonder if it is supposed always to be so...anyway i finally captrured a guidmaster by destroyin a guild's base in north africa and got "guildmasters secrets" and with hellerium munition some firearms got nicely upgraded in the firepower foundamental step would be got academy provost secrets, but those guys seems really hard to find...yo!  But besdes:

1) assaultin ninja HQ is a real pain...these damn turrets are nasty...maybe with some tanks might get the jobdone..any hint on how to deal with?

2 where i can get grav units? Seems i may not purchese these, maybe need some other research? I can get from wrecked cyberdis and looting dead bodies/robbing enemies that worn it, any other sources?

3)where i can get integrated devices item? Seems i can not buy these too

4)where i can get heavy power couplings? I mean, aside from disassembly some heavy energy weapons like heavy laser, heavy gauss)
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Apocca on February 04, 2025, 09:17:49 pm
Ah, tnx for the confirmation on Dr X Prank Her.

1) assaultin ninja HQ is a real pain...these damn turrets are nasty...maybe with some tanks might get the jobdone..any hint on how to deal with?
I always went for Grav Unit -> Flying Armors -> Grav Harness -> Swiftsuit -> Blitz armor and then kill the turrets with melee
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: Psyentific on February 04, 2025, 10:44:21 pm
Academy Drones are a good source of grav unit parts, but almost any flying unit will drop them when killed. For the integrated devices, they often drop (or robbed from) academy mid-ranks and higher-ups.
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on February 05, 2025, 02:08:23 pm
As for the power couplings, these are only to be extracted from certain items, like the reticulan fusion reactors, and some weapons, anyway got the esper secrets, finally!

Edit: these, as bootypedia says, are quite scarce but are component both of infantry and craft weapons so you really need to make a choice...
Title: Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
Post by: ontherun on February 11, 2025, 02:36:33 pm
i've come to choice reject or cooperate from red eye girl....any advice?

also, how i can get avalanche missiles?