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Modding => Released Mods => XPiratez => Topic started by: DracoGriffin on October 26, 2015, 09:35:17 am

Title: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on October 26, 2015, 09:35:17 am
latest edit: New to X-PirateZ or trying to wanting to look up research trees or enemy stats? Check out the X-PirateZ wiki here:

Bootypedia ( - Thanks to UFOpaedia!

If you notice anything missing, feel free to make an account and add in your own edits!


Hi fellow Cap'ns!

Currently working on the Bootypedia aka Piratez wiki over at

Link here (

About ... half is completed as of the Armor posting. (Equipment, Melee & Ranged Weapons will follow almost same layout as Armor, but sorting raw data is  :'( ). Eventually things will get their own articles (to essentially provide more and more information, where direct articles could even have the raw ruleset data and such for mathing and things).

I'll have to do another pass on the earlier content to bring it up to more current article standards (mostly because I am futzing with tables more and more).

Any comments or critiques is greatly appreciated; trying to figure out how much should be hidden (to avoid spoilers) vs exposing everything (pun intended?) as it is a wiki. For instance: on the Armors page, all the default armors could be visible while the researched armors would be hidden (collapsed).

Also, lot of the images haven't been uploaded (mostly re-used in places as much as possible to avoid have duplicates of the vanilla X-Com stuff) and I started skipping notes for now.

edit: Updated link to main page

edit: Thanks for sticky, Dioxine!
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Boltgun on October 26, 2015, 10:39:53 am
I think it's best to copy what the other ufopedias like classic xcom or long war do in terms of spoilers. Collapsing is a good idea and at the same time puttint (*spoiler*) next to major plot stuff will be useful.

I wonder what are ufopedia's rules concerning NSFW on the other hand.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on October 26, 2015, 05:03:18 pm
I wonder what are ufopedia's rules concerning NSFW on the other hand.

One reason why I avoided uploading all the images. Also, haven't heard from Hobbes on this one yet.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Dioxine on October 26, 2015, 07:21:30 pm
Astounding job on these tables, I'll be using them myself :)

As for NSFW material - why not make a stock blank pic with big letters NSFW written diagonally across it, and paste it wherever a risky image would go? There won't be any problems with site rules, and it might even draw some more people to actually DL the mod :)))

Oh and damage type 'none' in armor desc should read as 'special'.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 26, 2015, 07:34:53 pm
Awesome. I'll help when I can.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on October 26, 2015, 08:52:32 pm
Astounding job on these tables, I'll be using them myself :)

As for NSFW material - why not make a stock blank pic with big letters NSFW written diagonally across it, and paste it wherever a risky image would go? There won't be any problems with site rules, and it might even draw some more people to actually DL the mod :)))

Oh and damage type 'none' in armor desc should read as 'special'.

Yeah but that would feel ... incomplete, I guess? That's the core component of a wiki... having all the information available. Kinda pointless if people just use debug mode or look in \Resources\Armors to see what things look like. I mean, armor-wise, nothing is TOO NSFW (except Slave armor, which I believe is inaccessible through regular gameplay); mostly borderline, and it's pixels. However, the Research background/screens are incredibly risque and those will be difficult. The decision is up to Hobbes as a UFOpaedia moderator/expert but the options I see are: placeholder NSFW picture (like you said), placeholder NSFW picture on the broader articles but allow the actual picture on direct articles, collapse the picture by default with like a NSFW caption/title, or just use the picture normally without any modifications or placeholders.

Yeah... had to decipher a lot of things in the rulesets to try to uncover what they meant. There's bound to be a few mistakes here and there; however, not sure how to handle the None -> Special change. As it is a wiki, I'd have to explain what Special is and... I have no idea. Could you explain how the Special damage modifier works and what is/is not affected?
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Dioxine on October 26, 2015, 09:43:02 pm
I'd like the art backgrounds to be not displayed in the wiki anyway, at least as a general rule. As long as it's mod, it's fine, but those are works of various artists, so having their pictures as sort of an online advertisement... wouldn't be fair I think.
Also these in the future might include some pictures with even more nudity, I'm not saying they will, certainly not many, but it is a possibility.

Slave armor is inaccessible, I've not made the decision yet if it'll ever be. Most of its role will be probably taken by Reticulan-tech armor which will be supposed to be most effective against Star Gods.

About the Special damage, so far there is no lore behind it, just a general direction. It is inflicted by:
- Cyclops 'strip beam';
- Seductress stun/morale boosting ability;
- Battle standards;
- Tentacle monster not implemented yet
And the greatest res, is, as a rule, given to most risky outfits.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on October 26, 2015, 09:56:15 pm
I'd like the art backgrounds to be not displayed in the wiki anyway, at least as a general rule. As long as it's mod, it's fine, but those are works of various artists, so having their pictures as sort of an online advertisement... wouldn't be fair I think.
It'd make things look very bare; tons of text can be hard on the eyes. Example  ( how it might look; some backgrounds might need to be cropped for space or something.

Unless you mean because the backgrounds might not be original content and various ... technical issues could arise, then that's much more understandable.

About the Special damage, so far there is no lore behind it, just a general direction. It is inflicted by:
- Cyclops 'strip beam';
- Seductress stun/morale boosting ability;
- Battle standards;
- Tentacle monster not implemented yet
And the greatest res, is, as a rule, given to most risky outfits.
So a hand struck by Cyclops 'strip beam' with 30% Special would reduce the damage or have reduced chance to resist? Battle standards... those with higher % Special gets more of an effect than those with lower % Special or vice versa?

It's all so tricky!
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Dioxine on October 26, 2015, 10:05:25 pm
It'd make things look very bare; tons of text can be hard on the eyes. Example  ( how it might look; some backgrounds might need to be cropped for space or something.

Unless you mean because the backgrounds might not be original content and various ... technical issues could arise, then that's much more understandable.

Hmm, I'll try to prepare faction logos soon, so they could break that bare text. Church of Sirius will be the same as in Apocalypse, but others will have to be made from scratch. And yeah... the 'technical' issues is what I am concerned with. The backgrounds, well, all art backgrounds, are NOT original content, which is stated in the description. I don't want my mod, after all, to become as underground as Doom's Grezzo 2 mod :)

So a hand struck by Cyclops 'strip beam' with 30% Special would reduce the damage or have reduced chance to resist? Battle standards... those with higher % Special gets more of an effect than those with lower % Special or vice versa?

It's all so tricky!

It's just normal damage, so a gal in Bikini will only take 20% damage from that beam, unarmored will take 60%, and in full armor - 100%. This is both for the armor-damaging power, and for the wounding power - a hit that reduce bikini's armor (well, actually natural armor) by 10, would reduce Power Suit's armor by 50.
Same goes for battle standards - they actually work better on people wearing proper clothing, you can rationalize it as standards being 'discipline' items and do not work on jaded pirates as well :)

I see you've began adding paperdoll pictures (i love the nsfw one). What about using various gal's looks for that, for better variety?
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on October 27, 2015, 08:21:54 am
I see you've began adding paperdoll pictures (i love the nsfw one). What about using various gal's looks for that, for better variety?

Ooh, edits are tricky. I almost didn't see this message until I was re-reading some of the stuff here.

All those are basically placeholders to give an idea of how the page and content will display (so tables don't break or whatnot). Of course various different gals can be utilized to show off the different skins and hairstyles! (which will be improved after the first content pass. Still have to do: Equipment, Weapons (basic blurbs), Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons, Minor Factions, Mission Types, Hostages/Kidnapping, Governments/Protection Racket/Scoring Methodology, Tactics, Strategy Guide, FAQ, Black Market, Manufacturing, Research)

Half that list isn't going to be very data/table intensive as the last few have been, as well as the next few (especially Weapons, ohmygerd), so once the usable item section is complete, rest should be churned out more quickly.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on October 27, 2015, 04:27:24 pm
Just gotta say, thanks so much for your work on this Draco!  You too Solarius!
I think PirateZ is such a challenging game, that these tools will greatly improve its accessibility for new players.  They will be able to get the information that they need to get a successful campaign running with less sense of being bewildered and overwhelmed. :)
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Dioxine on October 27, 2015, 04:51:28 pm
Just another thought - I think it'd be good to add to the facilities' chart 'function required' and 'function provided' colums, these are too important to move them to adnotations.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on October 29, 2015, 08:03:06 am
Just another thought - I think it'd be good to add to the facilities' chart 'function required' and 'function provided' colums, these are too important to move them to adnotations.

Done. I tried both first but ended up having redundancy... (Workshop -> Requires None, Provides Workshop) sort of thing and I tried a few synonyms but just didn't work out, especially since the Allows Research/Manufacture columns offered a bit of the same information. So I ended up just adding a simple "Requires Facility?" column for now.

Also, Equipment ( page is up; Melee/Ranged weapons should look really similar to the table and infoboxes. Ranged Weapons will have alterations to suit for the ammunition changes (essentially I'll layout the table so the clip damage/types/etc will go row by row, while the other firearm information [independent of weapon clip stats] will be at the top or bottom, depending how the table looks).

I might skip Weapons for now in order to update Minor Factions (duplicated from Major Factions), Mission Types (copy & paste the Shippings infoboxes [Flavor Text, Conducted By <Factions>, Score if Successful?, Notes]), Protection Racket/Governments (copy & paste Facilities infoboxes [Flavor Text, Notes (perhaps indicate something like the Contacts or EuroSyndicate Laser weapons? May not be necessary)] and detail some type of scoring mechanism and the negative scoring of attacking Govt ships/units.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on October 31, 2015, 08:29:36 am
Finished up Minor Factions (, Major Factions (, Shippings ( and Missions (

Also, I may need to move Faction NavBars (link here ( and here ( from the bottom of the Faction pages or maybe add a Subheader so people know to keep looking. (= See Also = most likely)

Didn't see too many changes between versions 0.95A/B/C, so shouldn't be too hard to update once all page templates are complete (last mountain to conquer is the Melee/Ranged Weapons).
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: doctor medic on November 01, 2015, 11:02:49 am
By the way i have seen the dark ones and clandestines make crackdown missions,you may want to add that too
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on November 01, 2015, 06:56:28 pm
By the way i have seen the dark ones and clandestines make crackdown missions,you may want to add that too

Good to know. I think I already had those listed on the missions page for Crackdown. Thanks for the info!
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on November 03, 2015, 04:42:13 am
Updated the Equipment ( page.

Governments ( page is done (not sure what else to add), Weapons ( page is up (basic... not sure what else to add), Melee Weapons ( and the Melee Weapons NavBar ( are done.

Categories may not be the best for the Melee Weapons, but I wanted to categorize them somehow other than damage type (Cutting/Piercing/Stun/etc). Melee Weapons NavBar needs so many pictures.  :-[

Also, some formulas on the Melee Weapons & Equipment pages may not be 100% correct.

Sorted Ranged Weapons into this so far:
Code: [Select]
      STR_BOW: Bow
      STR_BOW_NEON: Future Bow
      STR_LONGBOW: Longbow
      STR_XBOW: X-Bow

      STR_FIREBALL_LAUNCHER: Arena Fireball Launcher
      STR_FLAMETHROWER: Flamethrower
      STR_HEAVY_FLAMER: Heavy Flamer
      STR_FLAMETHROWER_LR: Long Range Flamer

      STR_PISTOL: Assault Pistol
      STR_CLOCKWORK_GUN: Clockwork Gun
      STR_HEAVY_PISTOL: Confederate Eagle
      STR_DART_PISTOL: Dart Pistol
      STR_ES_PISTOL: EuroSyndicate Laspistol
      STR_FLINTLOCK_PISTOL: Flintlock Pistol
      STR_GAUSS_PISTOL: Gauss Pistol
      STR_SLUGGA: Handcannon
      STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_LT: Heavy Plasma Pistol
      STR_PISTOL_LT: Holdout Pistol
      STR_KRUGER: Kruger
      STR_LASER_PISTOL_PIR: Laspistol
      STR_MAGNUM: Magnum
      STR_COLT45: Manstopper
      STR_LUGER: Officer's Pistol
      STR_REVOLVER: Ol' Revolver
      STR_PIR_PLASMA_PISTOL: Plasma Pistol
      STR_OLD_PISTOL: Rusty Niner
      STR_ASSAULT_LASER: Scorchy
      STR_LASER_PISTOL_LT: Self-Charging Laspistol
      STR_REVOLVER_LT: Small Revolver
      STR_PISTOL_ADV: Smartpistol
      STR_SNUBBY: Snubby

#Heavy Weapons
      STR_PIR_CANNON: Assault Cannon
      STR_AGL: Assault Grenade Launcher
  STR_AUTO_CANNON: Auto-Cannon
      STR_BFG: BFG
      STR_CANISTER_GUN: Canister Launcher
      STR_GRENADE_LAUNCHER: Grenade Launcher
  STR_HEAVY_CANNON: Heavy Cannon
      STR_HEAVY_LASER: Portable Lascannon
      STR_RECOILLESS_RIFLE: Recoilless Rifle

#Machine Guns
      STR_SUPERHEAVY_RIFLE: 37mm Rifle
      STR_SAW: Autogun
      STR_AUTO_LASER: Autolaser
      STR_SHOOTA: Boarding Gun
      STR_BOZAR: Bozar
      STR_CHAINGUN: Chaingun
      STR_SHOOTA_MK2: Custom Shooty Gun
      STR_SAW_GYRO: Gyro-Stabilized Autogun
      STR_HEAVY_GAUSS: Heavy Gauss
      STR_HEAVY_LASER_PIR: Heavy Laser
      STR_HMG: Heavy Machine Gun
      STR_PIR_HEAVY_PLASMA: Heavy Plasma
      STR_HYDRA_LASER: Hydra Laser
      STR_LMG: Machine Gun
      STR_MINIGUN: Minigun
      STR_BATTLE_PLASMA: Plasma Destroyer
      STR_SPARTAN_MG: Spitfire
      STR_SHOOTA_MK3: Super Shooty Gun
      STR_UAC_PLASMAGUN: UAC Plasmagun
      STR_MINIGUN_2: Vulcan RFG

      STR_LASER_RIFLE: Advanced Lasgun
      STR_RIFLE: Assault Rifle
      STR_BATTLE_LASER: Battle Laser
      STR_BATTLE_RIFLE: Battle Rifle
      STR_FLINTLOCK_MUSKET_B: Bayoneted Musket
      STR_RIFLE_AK_B: Bayoneted Rifle
      STR_ES_RIFLE: EuroSyndicate Lasrifle
      STR_GAUSS_RIFLE: Gauss Musket
      STR_HARPOON: Harpoon Gun
      STR_RIFLE_AK: Homefront Rifle
      STR_HUNTING_LASER: Hunting Laser
      STR_HUNTING_RIFLE: Hunting Rifle
      STR_LPG: Light Plasma Gun
      STR_PIR_PLASMA_RIFLE: Plasma Rifle
      STR_HSR: Python HSR
      STR_RIFLE_M16: RCF Carbine
      STR_NITRO_EXPRESS: Reaper Rifle
      STR_RETICULAN_LASER_GUN: Reticulan Lasgun
      STR_SMARTRIFLE: Smartrifle

      STR_BLUNDERBUSS: Blunderbuss
      STR_BOOM_GUN: Boom Gun
      STR_COMBAT_SHOTGUN: Combat Shotgun
      STR_SHOTGUN_LT: Domestic Shotgun
      STR_DB_SHOTGUN: Double-Barreled Shotgun
      STR_SHOTGUN_PA: Heavy Shotgun
      STR_SLUGTHROWER: Heavy Slugthrower
      STR_SHOTGUN: Military Shotgun
      STR_PLASMA_SHOTGUN: Plasma Blunderbuss
      STR_SAWED_OFF: Sawed-Off
      STR_LASER_PISTOL: Smasher
      STR_SCATTER_LASER: Splatty
      STR_SUPER_SHOTGUN: Super Shotgun

      STR_ROCKET_LAUNCHER_ADV: Advanced Launcher
      STR_PIR_BLASTER_LAUNCHER: Blaster Launcher
      STR_MORTAR: Mortar
      STR_SSRL: Panzerfaust
      STR_QUAD_LAUNCHER: Quad Launcher
      STR_RPG: RPG
  STR_ROCKET_LAUNCHER: Rocket Launcher
      STR_SHOULDER_LAUNCHER: Shoulder Launcher
      STR_3RL: Tornado Rocket Mortar

      STR_STORM_LASER: Assault Laser
      STR_ASMG: Assault SMG
      STR_SMG_50CAL: Big Ben SMG
      STR_MP: Blackmarch SMG
      STR_DEATH_BLOSSOM: Death Blossom SMG
      STR_TOMMYGUN_LASER: Laser Tommy
      STR_MPG: Magneto-Plasma Gun
      STR_SMG_ADV: Mini-Cougar SMG
      STR_RETICULAN_PLASMA_GUN: Reticulan Plasma Gun
      STR_HSMG: Spraygun
      STR_SMG: Submachine Gun
      STR_TOMMYGUN: Tommy
      STR_RAIL_RIFLE: XG Assault

#Sniper Rifles
      STR_COMMANDO_RIFLE: Commando Rifle
      STR_SNIPER_RIFLE_ADV: Custom Snipin' Gun
      STR_SNIPER_LASER_PIR: Precision Laser
      STR_HUNTING_RIFLE_ADV: Scoped Rifle
      STR_GAUSS_SNIPER: Sniper Gauss
      STR_SNIPER_RIFLE: Sniper Rifle
      STR_SNIPER_LASER: Snuffy

      STR_SKULL_ROD: Hellfire Wand
      STR_HELLGUN: Hellgun
      STR_BAGPIPES: Pipes of Doom
      STR_TK_DEVICE: TK Projector
      STR_FLAK_CANNON: Arena Flak Cannon
      STR_BLOWPIPE: Blowpipe
      STR_PRED_DISC: Disc o'Death
      STR_FUSION_TORCH: Fusion Torch
      STR_FUSO_KNIVES: Fuso Knives
      STR_COOKER: Microwave Cooker
      STR_MINING_LASER: Mining Laser
      STR_RAIL_DRIVER: Rail Driver
      STR_PIR_SMALL_LAUNCHER: Small Launcher
      STR_SPORE_LAUNCHER: Spore Launcher
      STR_TESLA_COIL: Tesla Coil
      STR_TOXIGUN: Toxigun
      STR_ZAP_GUN: Zapper

Not sure if I missed any or if some are incorrect but can always be changed easily enough once the raw data part is put in.

I might skip to Kidnapping/Hostages before tackling Ranged Weapons and NavBar. Although, not looking forward to Black Market/Manufacturing/Research pages either...
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: doctor medic on November 03, 2015, 02:40:41 pm
Wait the smuggler were mutant allies?
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on November 03, 2015, 05:19:16 pm
Wait the smuggler were mutant allies?

Basically, since they are comprised of purebloods, mutants and aliens, and they are undermining the Star Gods' power.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Boltgun on November 03, 2015, 07:26:55 pm
Wait the smuggler were mutant allies?

The definition of allies is a bit blurry. Raiders are almost the same as your band of pirates (except not as good), and you fight and hire mercenaries at the same time.

Smugglers are humans plus a few aliens, including catgirls who still cannot be enslaved. I avoided killing the captain however since the brainers seemed to like him a bit too much.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on November 06, 2015, 06:11:07 am
Ranged Weapons Navbar ( is up but still trudging through all of the Ranged Weapons ( (partially complete); still have Shotguns, SMGs, Sniper Rifles, Supernatural and Miscellaneous to finish.

Some of the ranged weapons probably aren't categorized correctly but once the data is in, it's just a simple cut and paste.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on November 06, 2015, 04:29:09 pm
Hey Draco: 

I'm working on capturing all of the BootyPedia screen.  These images might be useful for individual item pages.  I have all of them for the Starting Entries, and am about halfway done cropping and naming them. 

I'll work on the full bootypedia using Debug when that is done.

I'm not sure the best way to upload them to, though.  Nor how to best incorporate them into the work you are doing.  I can share them in Dropbox if that would be useful.

Also, I hugely appreciate all the work and effort you are putting into this. :)

Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on November 06, 2015, 08:14:42 pm
Hey Draco: 

I'm working on capturing all of the BootyPedia screen.  These images might be useful for individual item pages.  I have all of them for the Starting Entries, and am about halfway done cropping and naming them. 

I'll work on the full bootypedia using Debug when that is done.

I'm not sure the best way to upload them to, though.  Nor how to best incorporate them into the work you are doing.  I can share them in Dropbox if that would be useful.

Also, I hugely appreciate all the work and effort you are putting into this. :)

First off, thank you for appreciating it, gives me motivation to finish. I have been focusing on doing it for myself right now because otherwise I would have gave up awhile ago since trying to devise a layout that presents enough information without becoming cluttered has been difficult as well as sorting through the data. :P

For images; it's kind of tough. UFOpaedia never really got a good way to multiple uploads so it's just a lot of tedious single file uploads (also a reason I skipped it. Other reason is I am terrible with graphic editors atm.).

If you check the pages, I generally already have a "sample" (Example page ( / Example filename Uniform_Annihilator_Piratez.gif (, .png is best, .gif work too) picture as well as most of the filename patterns (you can check the source or just ask me a question here, UFOpaedia talk page, or Steam or however you like if you aren't sure). The hammer image you uploaded probably won't be used as most of that information will be in infoboxes. However, that will be great for Research articles... but Dioxine already mentioned not wanting to use the backgrounds for purposes (aka l e g a l mostly). So... yeah.

Anyway, this is the convention the site is using for weapons/armor/equipment/etc:

X-Com: UFO Defense

X-Com: Terror From The Deep

XCOM: Enemy Unknown

XCOM: Long War Mod

I'm trying to follow Long War layout, as I feel that's the best aesthetically of the other examples.

Sorry for the wall of text.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on November 06, 2015, 11:08:01 pm
Thanks Draco!!  I'll look into how best to upload and include them. 

For now, here is a link to the images in Dropbox.  I've sorted them into folders that match the Bootypedia sections.  These are only the Starting Entries.   At a minimum, it could be useful for someone in the Inventory screen that wants to look at the entries in another window.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on November 06, 2015, 11:38:18 pm
At a minimum, it could be useful for someone in the Inventory screen that wants to look at the entries in another window.

Sorry, forgot to mention this in my wall: one reason screenshots of the inventory isn't necessarily a good idea is because the information can change and then you'd have to update the screenshot each time, whereas the sprites generally don't change (especially in actual released games like vanilla X-Com). (And editing text is way easier/faster than cropping and uploading and resizing and sdgfsdfgsdfg image adjusting stuff)

Again, I really appreciate the help because it's a lot of work (it took Dioxine two years to make all of it :P), and I know how long trying to get the images just right can be a pain. Just trying to save yourself some time if you decide to keep helping (please do!).
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on November 06, 2015, 11:52:28 pm
Sounds good Draco.  :)

Yeah, I realize these can get out of date and stale, and that by far the work you are doing is much more in line with the outstanding comparisons and analysis that is known for.  I'm going to at least get up this starting set, and caveat it as .95c.

I'll look closer at how best to grab just sprites to help with the tables that you are doing too.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Axebeard on November 07, 2015, 04:15:19 am
I know the Wiki is just starting up, but I noticed the armors are missing the important stats, like their special abilities relating to Stamina/ TUs etc.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on November 07, 2015, 04:40:40 am
I know the Wiki is just starting up, but I noticed the armors are missing the important stats, like their special abilities relating to Stamina/ TUs etc.

Make sure you expand the infoboxes below instead of just looking at the quick reference table.

Nothing is missing, good sir. It's just that there is so many things, I have most stuff default collapsed rather than getting hit with a super long page.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on November 07, 2015, 05:04:24 am
Just throwing all of the Starting Bootypedia Entries together into a list on a page here.  (Screenshots)

Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on November 10, 2015, 03:57:54 am
Hey Draco: :)

I tried uploading BigObs for the weapons, (started with the Melee list).

I saw your reversion and comment, asking where they should go, (column, etc).   

I was following your suggestion to use the "Long War" wiki format, and putting them above the item name. 

Its cool if you want them somewhere else.  Just let me know.

Also. is being a pig for me.  It works for an hour or two, then becomes very unresponsive.  Hours later it might come up again.  This limits how much I can accomplish with uploads/edits in a session.  <grrr>

Cheers, Ivan :D
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on November 10, 2015, 04:10:03 am
Ranged Weapons ( is nearly done; just trying to figure out how to present the quick reference table (it breaks really easily due to the multiple ammunition types). Here are the easy ways:

*Duplicate an entry for each ammo type (So for Advanced Launcher there would be "six" entries, rather than just "one" main entry)
*Split the table up somehow

I'm trying to figure out the "hard" way with some of the advanced mechanics but not sure how it'll pan out. If anyone has experience with making the current table sort properly (only Ammunition -> Cartridge(s)/Ammo Count, Damage -> Type/Amount, Additional Effect(s) should be sortable currently, while the rest of the information Type, Weight -> Unloaded/Loaded, Size, Usage, Accuracy Modifier, Damage Bonus(s) shouldn't move [ I'm thinking sort keys would help here tied to the weapon name ]).

Hey ivan; changed the images to the infoboxes as they were breaking the quick reference table (sorting incorrectly). There might be a loophole to make it work properly. Which brings me to the next point: should there be images in the quick reference table or no? I could go either way and I can try to look into making it sort properly.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on November 10, 2015, 04:16:05 am
Also. is being a pig for me.  It works for an hour or two, then becomes very unresponsive.  Hours later it might come up again.  This limits how much I can accomplish with uploads/edits in a session.  <grrr>

Cheers, Ivan :D

Wow, I was working on a reply and then noticed yours. But yeah, the images were breaking the image sorting. I put them in the MeleeNavBar and infoboxes (just expand everything to see where they are :P). The naming convention is great. I gotta re-think the whole hidden thing but man, there's just a lot of stuff and very difficult to detail it concisely without having some collapsible mechanism.

Yeah, it does that a lot for me as well. The only work around I've found is to delete the cookies/cache for and it works instantly again. Asked Hobbes and he didn't know why either.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on November 10, 2015, 04:32:39 am
Ok, Awesome!  I see where you are putting them.  I'll work on that then. :)   I never realized that area was collapses.  XD

Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on November 10, 2015, 04:39:19 am
Ok, Awesome!  I see where you are putting them.  I'll work on that then. :)   I never realized that area was collapses.  XD


I put collapses inside collapses so I could collapse my collapses when I collapse from all this collapse talk.

(Seriously, to see what I mean, expand everything on a page and see how HUGE some pages get without default collapse)
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on November 11, 2015, 06:33:43 am
Everything has been moved out of my Sandbox so if anyone was nervous about jumping in and editing... don't be anymore !
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on November 11, 2015, 09:04:00 pm
Hey Draco :)  What is the new link on

Edit:  Nevermind:  I found it.  :)

Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on November 13, 2015, 05:57:55 pm
 :)  All the images are up for Melee and Ranged weapons in the Collapsible Sections of the Pages.

Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on November 13, 2015, 06:07:06 pm
Hey, awesome. Was just about to say something since I noticed you just finished Ranged Weapons.

I think I need to adjust the infoboxes a little but not sure how to make it look. Some have the statboxes moved to the right, some have some sentences sneaking between the statbox and image, and most have the statbox underneath.

What do you think looks best?

Option A: maneuver statbox to the right of the image (a few do this already as some images are better than others)
Option B: maintain statbox below the image (and make sure sentences dont sneak between image/statbox)

Quickest example (at least on my browser's settings): Advanced Launcher is Option A, whereas Blaster Launcher is Option B.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on November 13, 2015, 07:05:21 pm
I think it does look cleaner when the text doesn't sneak below the images.  I'm not sure how to go about that though.  :?
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on November 13, 2015, 09:36:37 pm

I started working on the outfits.  I'm cropping the inventory images down, but its not exact.  Still working out a method.  How do you think these are turning out?   (Also, just skip the ones that you arleady have NSFW image on ?)

I'm planning to grab random dolls, so we get a sense of the different look/feel that this lovely mod has.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 13, 2015, 09:51:06 pm

I started working on the outfits.  I'm cropping the inventory images down, but its not exact.  Still working out a method.

I used a template where I copied every doll. It was barely taller than the dolls, and I kept the same distance from the pic's bottom to the feet.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on November 13, 2015, 09:58:52 pm
Do you have copies of these around?  (Don't want to reinvent the wheel). ;)  I didn't see them in the Wikia site.

Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on November 13, 2015, 10:51:42 pm

I started working on the outfits.  I'm cropping the inventory images down, but its not exact.  Still working out a method.  How do you think these are turning out?   (Also, just skip the ones that you arleady have NSFW image on ?)

I'm planning to grab random dolls, so we get a sense of the different look/feel that this lovely mod has.

Yeah, the two with NSFW placeholders (I think there's only two at least); probably don't want those on a broad article, so yeah, I would skip those.

Eventually, it'd be cool to have all the dolls for each armor (not on the armor page, that'd be messy fast, but rather on the armor's direct page [Like Bikini], that would have all the research reqs, manufacture times, raw ruleset data, etc).
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 13, 2015, 10:57:35 pm
Do you have copies of these around?  (Don't want to reinvent the wheel). ;)  I didn't see them in the Wikia site.

Sure, here's the template along with some dolls.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on November 14, 2015, 12:46:38 am
Thanks Solarius.

Ok, got all the armors uploaded.  These are pretty amazing.  I barely scratched the surface when I was playing my campaign. XD

With my weekend schedule, I probably won't get much else done until Monday.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on November 14, 2015, 12:56:37 am
Thanks Solarius.

Ok, got all the armors uploaded.  These are pretty amazing.  I barely scratched the surface when I was playing my campaign. XD

With my weekend schedule, I probably won't get much else done until Monday.

Looks beautiful.

And yeah, lotta depth to Piratez... just hidden deep!
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on November 16, 2015, 08:50:25 pm
Man, ivan, it's crazy how good things look with all the images you've uploaded.

It's one thing to see how things will look (in your head with the mock tables) but those NavBars are slick.

I gotta start picking this back up to bring it up to date.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on November 16, 2015, 08:51:25 pm
Okay, I've been working on the factions quite a bit.   I have images up for all the major factions.

Meridian's LP made me curious about the faction that he encountered.  I've dug into the ruleset a bit and added some new entries for the individual enemies.

Draco, have you developed a template for these types of pages?  Do you have suggestions for better formatting?  (These are just really down and dirty).  i.e. Image on the left, or some type of stat box there?  I haven't compared with other wikis on these guys.

I'd like to get some of the detailed stats in too, ie exact armor values, enemy stats, etc. but I also want to be cautious how much is exposed without spoiling.

New Faction Banner too. :)
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on November 16, 2015, 09:17:29 pm
Yeah, I have a plan for those pages; they will essentially have *everything*. Direct articles are gonna be super spoilery.

I just have to devise a way to make it readable without being just a huge wall of text and aesthetically pleasing.

Most likely inventory sprite image top right, bootypedia top left to top center, unit statbox on right under inventory sprite image (with captureable/hostage price), common weapons list, research tree (what's required to research [if any], what does researching this unlock, etc), collapsed ruleset raw data (so if players want to mod or do their own ruleset exploring).

Not sure what else yet.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Dioxine on November 16, 2015, 10:25:28 pm
Maybe you should mass-replace lorem ipsum for humanlike enemies with 'WS3 BS3 S3 T3" :D

And the banners... Ivan, I have no words - they're AWESOME!!!
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on November 16, 2015, 10:28:28 pm
And the banners... Ivan, I have no words - they're AWESOME!!!

LOL.  I thought they were kinda cheesy, but thanks! :)

Um... what is :  "'WS3 BS3 S3 T3"  ??  ::)

I see you (Dioxine) added it to the Highway man page, but I can't figure out what it means. ;)
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Arthanor on November 16, 2015, 11:36:38 pm
Weapon Skill: 3
Ballistic Skill: 3
Strength: 3
Toughness: 3

It's a way for the initiated to convey "normal human soldier" as those are the stats of a normal human in Warhammer/Warhammer 40k ;)
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on November 17, 2015, 12:00:52 am
Lorem ipsum is just a way to have placeholder text without writing placeholder :P
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on November 17, 2015, 01:39:25 am
 :o  Wow.  I really did just upload an image for every faction enemy.  All the minors have a faction banner.  Majors will probably have to wait for a banner tomorrow.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on November 17, 2015, 01:58:02 am
:o  Wow.  I really did just upload an image for every faction enemy.  All the minors have a faction banner.  Majors will probably have to wait for a banner tomorrow.

Everything goes really quick once the template is in place (like how you matched the uploaded files to the filenames I made up on the page, so you can upload without having to edit anything [well maybe sizes to adjust proportions]). Cool huh? :D

The hard part IMHO was making the banners, so thank you! It's look so pretty!
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on November 17, 2015, 06:37:48 pm
The last major faction banner is in place. :)


I'll look around for any more locations needing images.   

Any other thoughts on what to tackle next?  Unit Stats, etc?
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Dioxine on November 17, 2015, 06:40:56 pm
Inv Pics for Star Gods (silver) and Star God Guardian (Red)
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on November 17, 2015, 06:49:18 pm
Woot! Thanks!  Did you need a copy of the standard Ethereal? (transparent back?)
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Dioxine on November 17, 2015, 06:50:57 pm
Yeah found it somewhere in my archives.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on November 17, 2015, 06:55:31 pm
Is there a match up with

Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Dioxine on November 17, 2015, 07:01:26 pm
Is there a match up with


Guardian is red, others are silver. Well at least this will be fully implemented in the soon-incoming new release :)
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on November 17, 2015, 07:29:48 pm
@ Dioxine: Hmm... so only the public enemy is in the orange robes?

[Posts merged. No double posting - Dioxine]

Okay, testing out some images for Vessels.  As Dioxine has requested that we avoid uploading the custom art found in the Bootypedia to avoid Copyright issues,  maybe we can use some of the ingame items.

The base icon could be our place holder for these guys, or we could use Tactical Battle screenshots made with new battle generator.  (Or both when we have time?) ;)

( ( ( Here are some examples of the Bonny & friends enlarge 3x and sharpened. 

Looks acceptible to me.  If this works for you, Draco, I and update the place holder images in the Vessels Page.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Dioxine on November 17, 2015, 07:46:28 pm
@ Dioxine: Hmm... so only the public enemy is in the orange robes?

No, he's in white robes, actually (by ruleset recolor) :) But I don't have an inventory pic with the gangsta clock on his neck. Yet.
Original, orange Ethereals aren't in the game as of now (as in visible, psionic, using weapons); this will be explained in the lore. Guardian uses weapons & is visible now, but he's no longer psionic (except for a formidable psi def).
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on November 17, 2015, 09:30:05 pm
( ( ( Here are some examples of the Bonny & friends enlarge 3x and sharpened. 

Looks acceptible to me.  If this works for you, Draco, I and update the place holder images in the Vessels Page.

I didn't even think about a BattleScape screenshot.

Yeah, maybe the base image on the left (since they are smallish) and at some point, BattleScape image on the right (and eventually, on the direct Vessel pages we can have the Roster line-up placement [like you did for the Bonaventura - where soldiers stand when deployed depending on listing in the roster]).

But feel free to experiment too, that's the nature of the wiki! Anything that goes wrong or whatnot, can always undo it (best to always preview though so things don't get broke, I learned that the hard way. :P)
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on November 17, 2015, 10:00:15 pm
I've updated the Multi-role craft.

I'm not sure I've parsed the Piratez vessels that use the original graphics correctly, (i.e. Crab/Drakkar, etc). XD
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Dioxine on November 18, 2015, 03:59:21 pm
I'm not sure I've parsed the Piratez vessels that use the original graphics correctly, (i.e. Crab/Drakkar, etc). XD

The only ones that are wrong are Deliverator (BlazerBase.png) and Thunderhorse (DropshipBase.gif). Also, attaching an upgraded gfx for Baracuda (author: Mick the Mage).
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on November 18, 2015, 05:21:54 pm
Thanks Dioxine!  I have those corrected! :)
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on November 18, 2015, 07:14:44 pm
Ivan, looks like you're getting stuck on the UBK Piratez template thing, like I did.

My wiki-fu is just a bit too weak for it. Good luck though!
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on November 18, 2015, 07:51:08 pm
I'm getting there!! The trick is in the .gif as far as I can tell, because it tries to always append .gif to the images.

I've made a new image template that I can use to make base bits (with dirt/walls/doors etc) but my Pixlr doesn't save as .gifs so I have to run a third step to save as .gif.  Kinda crazy, but I think it will work. Woot!

Edit:  Working:

Still have more images to create/upload, but alot are done. :)

Edit 2:  Facilities are now updated with images for all of them. :)

Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on November 19, 2015, 03:29:02 am
Would you mind updating my terrible Still version? What did you use to get those cropped so well, screenshots or ?
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on November 19, 2015, 03:42:42 pm
Sure thing, already did so. ;)

For these new images, I used a few things.  Pixlr was my online editor that allowed me to do layers.  I used basepits.pck to get the dirt background for the bottom layer, and the doors for top layers.  Then I used most the rectangular generic room from the same image above the floor, and brought in Dioxine's /resources/basebits facility images ontop of the room. Nudged them around a bit to align them properly, then saved them out.  Pixlr saved as .png, so I just used Powerpoint to resave them as a .gif and oila!! ;)

I think I'm mostly done uploading images for things.  Battlescape shots could be added, spritesheet grids etc too, but those may take more time.

I'm considering working up some armor lines pages.  These would have the progression of all each line of armor, i.e. Tac vest through tac armor etc.  I haven't explored these really, so I've got a lot to learn there. 

I'd also like to get a good format for Unit vital stats and start to fill those in a bit.

Any other suggestions on places where we still need images?  Or something that you feel we should tackle first?

Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on November 19, 2015, 10:13:13 pm
Honestly, you've done amazing work and that's pretty much "it".

Now it's just a matter of updating for the recent releases and putting pictures where they make sense.

The other parts that I haven't gotten to (as there isn't a huge demand, most basic info is there) is listing all the Black Market items (costs/research needed/etc), as well as all manufacturable items (cost/time/space/research/materials/etc). Then there's the Research... which is going to be crazy. I'm not even sure how to present it yet (either just listed by research title or attempt to  categorize [e.g., starting topics, weapons, crafts, facilities, armors, interrogations, etc]).

It's just a matter of what you think needs to be added/edited/removed of what's been put up.

--- Yes, the template for Units you found is basically what I'm going to use. And to find templates; whenever you edit a page, below the edit box you should see a line: "Templates used on this page:" and click the arrow to see what they use. For the Unit Statbox, the template/mediawiki code is:
Code: [Select]
{{Unit Stat Wrapper Open | title = Sectoid }}

{| border = 0
|- valign = "top"

{{Unit Stat Box |=
| time_units = 54-62
| health =  30
| energy = 90-104
| reactions = 63-78
| strength =30-32
| bravery =  80
| firing_accuracy = 26-64
| throwing_accuracy = 58
| close_combat_accuracy = 76
| psi_skill = 40-58
| psi_strength = 50-69


{{Unit Stat Box 2|=
| armour_front = 2-4
| armour_sides = 1-3
| armour_rear = 1-2
| armour_under = 1-2
| energy_recovery = 30
| victory_points = 10-25
| aggression = 0-2
| intelligence = 3-8
| height_standing = 16
| height_kneeling = 12

{| {{StdTable}}
|- {{StdDescTable Heading}}
| colspan ="2"|Valid Ranks
| Soldier
| Yes
| Navigator
| Yes
| Medic
| Yes
| Engineer
| Yes
| Leader
| Yes
| Commander
| Yes
| Terrorist
| -


{| {{StdTable}}
|- {{StdDescTable Heading}}
! colspan ="8"|Damage
|- {{StdTable Sub Heading}}
|Acid Spit
|- align = "center"
{{Unit Stat Wrapper Close}}

The information will probably have to be changed/updated (That is, probably have to make our own templates with similar format) to reflect the differences (mostly minor I believe, should just only be the OpenXcomExtended things like Melee Dodge) for X-PirateZ.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on November 20, 2015, 01:49:28 am
I've tweaked / updated a Unit Stat box, (creating some new templates along the way).

Added to the Ratman Page:

Feel free to update/modify/publish the templates that I have in my sandbox.  I'll probably not have a ton of time the next 3 days to work on the 'pedia much.

Template locations:

Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Dioxine on November 20, 2015, 01:56:30 am
Hmm, the 'morale recovery' box is pointless, since every unit in the game is governed by the same Combat Stress mechanic. Maybe use the space to add melee dodge? (in case of Ratman, that'd be 55 * 0.4 = 22% front, 11% back)
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on November 22, 2015, 07:14:40 pm
Images have been uploaded for the new .96 items. ( guns, enemies, facilities, etc.)

@Dioxine:  Question:
Is Tactical Armor H (Helmeted) still in the mod?  I'm not finding it in the current ruleset / lang files. 
Also:  I noticed Ghoul unlocks STR_Helmet (Per Imeryak's research viewer).  Wouldn't it make more sense for the Highwayman to unlock the helmet?
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Arthanor on November 22, 2015, 07:54:41 pm
Helmeted tactical armor is still in the mod, as an alternate use of tactical armor. So it is not an item per say, but when you have a tactical armor in your stores, you can equip a gal with either the helmeted or bare-headed version. Pretty cool mechanic!
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Dioxine on November 22, 2015, 09:49:22 pm
Also:  I noticed Ghoul unlocks STR_Helmet (Per Imeryak's research viewer).  Wouldn't it make more sense for the Highwayman to unlock the helmet?

STR_HELMET actually means "helmet with enviro protections". Enviro protections on Highwayman's helmet are as follows:
- Machined steel armored shell on a well-worked leather webbing;
- Heavy-duty plastic shades;
- Old rag wrapped around the face.

Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on November 23, 2015, 02:49:50 am
Thats... amazing! :o :o  I love that mechanic, that it allows you to use both.  I can't really wrap my head around how that works. >.<  Leave it to Dioxine to figure out how to make voodoo like that.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Dioxine on November 23, 2015, 05:15:02 am
That's simple, you tie 2 or more armors to 1 'store item', or STR_NONE if you want unlimited supply :) We have to thank devs for that :)
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on November 23, 2015, 03:38:23 pm
Ugh, perfectionism is getting to me.

Not sure how I want to list units now:

Alphabetically, descending order of "rank" (Low levels are on left, increasing "strength"/rank to the right) or how they are listed in the Bootypedia in-game. (For instance, Humanist Activist is listed last, but should be first considering "low" rank and/or alphabetical order.)

I get stuck on dumb stuff.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on November 23, 2015, 04:24:30 pm
Alphabetical is a solid choice because its not subjective.   However, I think by "rank" or at least threat level is an excellent way to approach it if you can pull it off. ;)
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Arthanor on November 23, 2015, 04:38:20 pm
Ah! A brother in "getting stuck for stupid reasons and overthinking stuff" :D

I'd say by rank/importance. Although it's the most difficult to implement, it is also the most useful (higher rank = better interrogation and ransom). Actually, you could probably get that by looking at the ransom assigned to them. That scales directly with how important their faction/Dioxine think those are.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on November 23, 2015, 05:38:43 pm
The uptime and connection issues with UFOpaedia lately has been insane.

So much for updating for now.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on November 23, 2015, 05:55:11 pm
The uptime and connection issues with UFOpaedia lately has been insane.

So much for updating for now.

Not just me?? cool. I haven't been able to get on for the past 1.5 hours. >.<
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Dioxine on November 23, 2015, 06:18:41 pm
I think ordering them by ransom value is a pretty good idea :) Activist is last in the in-game Pedia just because he's their allied troop, not core troop, a 'chaos cultist' of sorts (and he allows to field some govt units as well :) )
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on November 23, 2015, 06:52:34 pm
@Dioxine:  Can you help me understand the "Human" faction a bit?? By this I mean the random humans: Fatman, Human Laborers, etc.  Are they random with say traders and govt types, ?  Are they hostiles normally, or innocent civ bystanders?

If they spawn with various factions, like I guess they might, then I believe it might be worthwhile to add a faction page for them as well.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Dioxine on November 23, 2015, 07:20:54 pm
They're hostiles when you meet them, but they don't form any 'faction' per se, and you get negative points for killing them (live capture is always worth +10 points, I think?).
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on November 23, 2015, 08:04:05 pm
@Dioxine:  Can you help me understand the "Human" faction a bit?? By this I mean the random humans: Fatman, Human Laborers, etc.  Are they random with say traders and govt types, ?  Are they hostiles normally, or innocent civ bystanders?

If they spawn with various factions, like I guess they might, then I believe it might be worthwhile to add a faction page for them as well.

Perhaps under Governments; or perhaps "Civilians" minor faction with "Friendlies" - aka Human / Lamia / Brute / Hybrid & then "Hostiles" - the aggressive civilians that you listed.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on November 24, 2015, 01:32:39 am
Human Citizen's minor factions added: 

I have also tweaked the stat boxes too for the units.
is the current example.  What is the concensus on the templates?  If they seem good, I'll move them out of my sandbox and work on a few of the factions (bandits & academy are first on my list).
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Arthanor on November 24, 2015, 02:16:53 am
Looks pretty good.

Have you tried a 4 columns table with titles per columns? The first two columns would be as you have them (with titles Stats and Parameters, respectively, or just Stats above the two), then Resists as a column, and Recovery. It seems odd to have some info in columns, and then some info in rows.

Also, I'd put melee accuracy below throwing, not at the bottom (to have all accuracies together, and also I think that's how it's presented in game).
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on November 24, 2015, 09:03:22 am
Academician direct article ( - this is why I've been putting these off, Ivan. Soooo much work. Hopefully pretty. Hopefully helpful.

Also, I'm trying to get the Statbox to look like this: (

But I don't want to keep wasting more time trying to figure out the appropriate MediaWiki/HTML/CSS code to make it just so. (If anyone can make it look right, PLEASE SEND HELP)

edit: Also, I have no idea how accurate the loadouts are for the Academician, but hopefully it's close enough.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (Jaynes)
Post by: ivandogovich on November 24, 2015, 03:14:30 pm
Looks Awesome Draco! :) 

Also: Jaynes:

Jayne's Shipping of the World is pleased to present you the latest identification guide:

 "Jayne's Shipping of the 2600 World"

I think I've got all the ship profiles matched up correctly but I could use a few sets of veteran eyes to confirm. ;)
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Arthanor on November 24, 2015, 03:56:50 pm
That looks nice Draco! Maybe just move "Size" to the 3rd column on top of "2x2 unit" (they are related, afterall) so the columns fit a bit better length wise and it'd be perfect ;)

@Ivan: I can't open the page :(
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on November 24, 2015, 04:15:58 pm
@Arthanor, seems like isn't working well this AM.  I can't get anywhere either.

@ Draco:  Thinking about it some more:  Things like recovery speed.  Only note them if they are unusual in a "comments" or "notes" section? ie. Ghoul's  health regen/stun recovery.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on November 25, 2015, 12:36:19 am
That looks nice Draco! Maybe just move "Size" to the 3rd column on top of "2x2 unit" (they are related, afterall) so the columns fit a bit better length wise and it'd be perfect ;)

@Ivan: I can't open the page :(

Size has to do with Hitbox size supposedly, and 2X2 is just simply to indicate it's not a standard 1x1.

@Arthanor, seems like isn't working well this AM.  I can't get anywhere either.

@ Draco:  Thinking about it some more:  Things like recovery speed.  Only note them if they are unusual in a "comments" or "notes" section? ie. Ghoul's  health regen/stun recovery.

I didn't notice anything like that for Ghoul, and if it's that rare (one unit out of how many?), it's best just to put it somewhere else instead of creating template for all units but only affects one.

So yeah, notes section is probably best (and since we don't need to worry about spoilers on direct articles, best to use collapsing for big stuff only not just for spoilery things).
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Arthanor on November 25, 2015, 12:41:38 am
Size has to do with Hitbox size supposedly, and 2X2 is just simply to indicate it's not a standard 1x1.

I understand that. They're not the same but they make sense close to each other since they both relate to how big something is. It is an indicator of which volume is used to represent the unit in 3D space when calculating shooting hits. Ex.: A large one occupies more space (has a bigger 3D volume), so near misses that still go through the same tile are likely to hit, whereas small ones are harder to hit since even "hits" have a small deviation that might be enough to take the trajectory away from the (small) volume.

The idea was more to shuffle things around a bit and make all 3 columns have similar heights for visual uniformity, bonus that the information fits together.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on November 25, 2015, 01:09:38 am
@Arthanor, seems like isn't working well this AM.  I can't get anywhere either.

@ Draco:  Thinking about it some more:  Things like recovery speed.  Only note them if they are unusual in a "comments" or "notes" section? ie. Ghoul's  health regen/stun recovery.

Actually, looking through ruleset again, all enemies have the normal Combat stress (none of them have any bonuses whatsoever either). So perhaps we swap in Stun Recovery? (Only 6 enemies - Ghoul / Ethereals) Or perhaps swap Bleed Immunity(15 units) from the other Statbox in and don't do Combat Stress(0 units)/Stun(6 units)/Health(1 unit) at all.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on November 25, 2015, 01:21:55 am
I think stun recovery swapped in sounds good.  Health regen in the notes. 

Because we know Dioxine is reading this, I'm sure he'll be motivated to create some new nasties that throw more curveballs like this at us.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Cristao on November 26, 2015, 12:25:19 pm
Good work guys. Someone should please note somewhere that it is possible to get negative storage space in the vault and it is not a bug but a design feature of the XPirates mod - I currently have -455 in my main base,
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on November 26, 2015, 01:40:32 pm
Good work guys. Someone should please note somewhere that it is possible to get negative storage space in the vault and it is not a bug but a design feature of the XPirates mod - I currently have -455 in my main base,

Yep, I tested that awhile back to see if slaves break anything and they don't. So yeah, if you have that many slaves, it's possible.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Cristao on November 26, 2015, 03:07:46 pm
Do you guys want someone to be a grammar checker? I do have a busy job but I dont mind running reading through passages and correcting the grammar. English is my first language.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Dioxine on November 26, 2015, 04:04:35 pm
Would be useful to make a list of mistakes you find, so I can fix mod files as well.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on November 26, 2015, 05:41:51 pm
Would be useful to make a list of mistakes you find, so I can fix mod files as well.

I was wondering about that, Dioxine.  I've put a few in the bug thread, but wasn't sure if that is where you  would like it.  I'm finding one every now and again in the bootypedia entries.  Would you like to create another thread for just typos?
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Dioxine on November 26, 2015, 07:20:02 pm
Bug thread is fine, just please do it in bulk, not every 2 strings :)
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on November 26, 2015, 10:06:11 pm
Yeah, I used to do that in my bug reports but didn't seem Dioxine cared. :(

However, now, I'm just putting (sic) after the more glaring errors in the Bootypedia. (View Source, CTRL+F (sic), done)

That's why Ivan I had changed that one Bootypedia entry to lorem ipsum rather than making up our own. Although, that's not a big issue... could be useful for Dioxine. Perhaps we can put our own "flavor entries" in the notes that can be "borrowed"? :D
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Dioxine on November 27, 2015, 01:28:39 am
Yeah, I used to do that in my bug reports but didn't seem Dioxine cared. :(

Yeah that's probably why I fixed every mistake you've found and reported there :P

As for your flavour texts, I'm all for it :)
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: niculinux on November 28, 2015, 09:59:07 pm
As for the Starting bootypedia page ( aside for Skyranger, for the other starting ships, the Pigeon, Pachyderm and the Hunter-Killer it's not stated whether these use Nuclear Fuel ro not. Some clarification may be needed.;)
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on November 28, 2015, 10:27:27 pm
As for the Starting bootypedia page ( aside for Skyranger, for the other starting ships, the Pigeon, Pachyderm and the Hunter-Killer it's not stated whether these use Nuclear Fuel ro not. Some clarification may be needed.;)

Much more data is available on the Vessels page.  Just expand the section you are interested in.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on December 16, 2015, 12:46:29 am
I've been wanting a Combat ID Guide of the units in the battlescape for a while.  The paper dolls are awesome, but sometimes a bit tricky to interpret in battle.   

So I started fooling with MCDedit on kkmic's recommendation.


Here's a look at the Academician.

I've tossed it into the 'pedia page online here:

Any thoughts on better placement?

My intent is to eventually have a page where all the units are displayed.  Look-a-likes would have some pages too.

Edit: Other images added too:
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on December 16, 2015, 05:52:13 am
Yeah, sounds great!

My only suggestion would be perhaps making a .gif that walks/turns in place (instead of the grid placement) but that might take a lot longer to do.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on December 16, 2015, 05:55:32 am
Its official.  Ivan is crazy.

As far as the animated .gif.... I couldn't figure out how to do it. XD
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Dioxine on December 16, 2015, 08:56:20 am
Its official.  Ivan is crazy.

As far as the animated .gif.... I couldn't figure out how to do it. XD

Niiice. And gifs aren't supported by bare-bones Photoshop - you need a special (free) extension for that. Yeah that is silly.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on December 20, 2015, 12:42:57 am

Ok.  The Combat ID Template is complete.  All images have been uploaded with at least some representation of battlefield appearance.

I've got ideas to make pages with "look alikes"  and a page that breaks the enemies down by armor value: Unarmored, Light Armor, Medium Armor and Heavy Armor.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Dioxine on December 20, 2015, 07:31:54 am
There's false info on the Cyberdisc. Its armor is 34, not 42.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on December 20, 2015, 04:24:38 pm
There's false info on the Cyberdisc. Its armor is 34, not 42.

Thanks! Fixed!
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on December 24, 2015, 12:32:30 am
Discussion on the new Rebel Faction.

I'm thinking to add them to the Minor Factions page.  There is no current Ufopedia entry for them in the Piratez_lang.rul file to use, but I can work up a banner for the faction.

A possible entry might be:


Rumors have surfaced of an armed faction that has arisen within the Mutant Alliance.  These misguided souls have turned on their mutant kin and joined forces with Local Government units in an effort to raise themselves from their down-trodden status.

Civilian equivalents of these units are often found as the innocent target of marauders during Pogrom missions.

Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on December 24, 2015, 12:41:24 am
Well, if they are only a part of Govt missions, probably best to be placed under Govts unless they ever get their own missions?

(Human Citizens technically get their own with the Hopper shipping; it's a mix of Trader/Hostile Civvies, but mostly Citizens)
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Dioxine on December 24, 2015, 12:56:02 am
They'd be best described as "Mutant Rebels" faction, enterprising folks loosely affiliated with Mutant Alliance who protects them. Their cooperation with Govt is circumstantial and only happens if you tick them off enough to launch a Crackdown (at that point, the Alliance is strong enough for these guys to secure Govt support for a Crackdown). Normally there are no Govt units during the only mission this faction flies (so far), the "Rebel Trading". In the future, they will be also flying "Rebel Patrol" mission or something like that (a mission which has a chance to thwart a monthly Pogrom).
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on December 24, 2015, 01:08:32 am
How about this:?


Seems as if some members of the Mutant Alliance are trying to make a name for themselves.  They appear to have secured some trading vessels and are making an effort to establish their faction in the Interstellar Economy.  They also appear to have secured weapons and the limited support of some of the local governments.

Civilian equivalents of these units are often found as the innocent target of marauders during Pogrom missions.

Also, I've greatly tweaked the previous crayon version of the rebel lamia.  Still not completely satisfied with the tint, but its a lot better.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on December 24, 2015, 06:53:10 pm
Rebel Faction Banner:  Too NSFW?  ???

Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Dioxine on December 24, 2015, 08:01:45 pm
Splendid. Now we only need Church Matron, I think? Or am I missing someone?

Plus a teaser.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on December 25, 2015, 02:47:36 am
Rebel Faction Banner:  Too NSFW?  ???


Yeah, I would just remove the Lamia to be on the safe side.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Yankes on December 25, 2015, 04:00:13 am
or buy some cloths for her ;P
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Dioxine on December 25, 2015, 05:26:11 am
or buy some cloths for her ;P

I definitely want to make her some... If you want Ivan, you can try fitting Combat Armor onto her :) (would need an extra lower plate). Currently I am too busy with other stuff.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 25, 2015, 12:59:33 pm
What would happen if you, like, don't care about several pixels wide boobs?

I'm not picking a fight, I just really don't understand the problem :)
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on December 25, 2015, 04:34:45 pm
Yeah I get you Solarius.  It seems kinda silly, but cultures vary and some might find it offensive.  I don't much care either way.

I was thinking about trying to work her belly scales up to the torso, as that might be a nice effect and allow us to keep her chesty but scaled if you will.  Not sure when I can get to it with the holidays, but I'll put it on my todo list. :)  Monday at the latest.

Edit: Jammed out a rough "scaled chest" version of the lamia sprites.  Attached.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on December 25, 2015, 06:49:58 pm
Roughed out a "scaled Chest" paperdoll.

Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Bloax on December 25, 2015, 10:38:35 pm
Edit: Now with a not-perfect-but-passable paperdoll.
( (
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 26, 2015, 12:06:55 am
Oglaf never fails :)
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on December 29, 2015, 01:16:29 am

Thanks Bloax!  Its incredible!
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Dioxine on December 29, 2015, 08:01:25 am
Just make an adnotation: not actual in-game Lamia picture, not actual in-game text. I'm sensitive about such things. (since I'm not taking this for Lamia's picture as it doesn't look like her sprite, and that tail won't fit the window anyway).
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on December 29, 2015, 04:27:22 pm
Just make an adnotation: not actual in-game Lamia picture, not actual in-game text. I'm sensitive about such things. (since I'm not taking this for Lamia's picture as it doesn't look like her sprite, and that tail won't fit the window anyway).
Thanks for the feedback!  I've annotated the Rebels.  I'll also remove the Lamia image altogether, until you have a satisfactory image. :)

You mentioned previously a version of "combat armor".... I didn't really understand that.  Are you referring to the kevlar vest type of gear found on the Trader Guard and others?

Also, I presume that you weren't really satisfied with the "scaled chest" sprites & inventory image that I roughed out earlier.  Is there anything else you like me to try?
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Dioxine on December 29, 2015, 04:54:07 pm
Yes that's a combat armor. And I've actually added your Lamia image to the game (the second try, the first was horrible). Good enough for me since I don't have to be SFW (maybe just replace Lamia image in the Pedia with NSFW stock image? Might be best that way). I think the only inv image we're missing atm is Church Matron. Great work from you and Bloax there.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki) -Inventory TU Table
Post by: ivandogovich on December 29, 2015, 10:18:47 pm
I just put together an Inventory TU Table for Piratez at the link below.  Feel free to add observations and or corrections! :) (

Edit:  Worked up a Combat Armor Lamia.  (Attached).  If you like the look, I can update the battlefield sprites too.
(Though one thought.  If these gals are going to show armor, their armor values should probably raise from the current value of 4.)
Otherwise we can just leave it as is. :)
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Dioxine on December 30, 2015, 08:54:35 am
Inventory table is okay, you only forgot to mention that lower cost of moving items is from the same leg as the target hand, but the opposite, not the same, shoulder.

@Lamia: Hm, that looks bad. And her basic armor is 12, not 4. I was never planning to 'update' Lamias, that was going to be a separate unit (that doesn't exist yet).
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on December 30, 2015, 03:21:05 pm
Inventory table is okay, you only forgot to mention that lower cost of moving items is from the same leg as the target hand, but the opposite, not the same, shoulder.

@Lamia: Hm, that looks bad. And her basic armor is 12, not 4. I was never planning to 'update' Lamias, that was going to be a separate unit (that doesn't exist yet).

Excellent feedback! Thanks!  I think I'll try adding R/L  Shoulder, Hands, Legs to the table .  I like what you have done with the costs, and had never noticed the crossed hand to shoulder reduction.  Nice.

@ Lamia:  Yeah, the armor doesn't really "pop"....   I may tweak on it a bit more.... we'll see.  Thanks for the correction about her armor!  I've got it wrong online, but will fix it. :)
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Meridian on January 01, 2016, 11:49:15 am
Excellent feedback! Thanks!  I think I'll try adding R/L  Shoulder, Hands, Legs to the table .  I like what you have done with the costs, and had never noticed the crossed hand to shoulder reduction.  Nice.

You would have noticed, if you had this :D

Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on January 01, 2016, 07:03:24 pm
You would have noticed, if you had this :D


That is so cool!  I love it!
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on January 04, 2016, 07:18:19 pm
@ Draco:

I'm working on capturing ingame images of the Pirate vessels as well as Enemy Shippings.

These will have two basic elements:

I'm thinking these can go on individual vessel pages, but we haven't really set up a standard for those yet if I recall correctly.   We have the really important details on the overview pages, but do we want to include these and more again on the individual pages?  Anyway, this is just to get the thoughts flowing.

Here is a quick montage of the Leviathan mocked up in PowerPoint.

Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on January 05, 2016, 08:38:50 pm
That looks beautiful!

Yeah, no template was made yet for the direct vessel pages. And yes, the plan would be to have all the information on the article (similarly to the unit pages).

I'm wondering if making dedicated templates for each vessel/unit would be easier to maintain (update one page full of the details per version, rather than trying to update every page?). Just not sure how to implement it better.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on January 06, 2016, 06:39:07 pm
Not duplicating things certainly has an appeal, so templates for each vessel certainly makes sense. (Definitely feels like a bit of work though)

I've also been laboriously trying to work through updating all the Piratez_lang.rul changes to 'pedia entries. ... yeah... its taking a while.  I've gotten to weapons and its going to take some grinding. 

With the addition of Gun-Butt attacks being a thing now, I tried formatting out the table for the Musket.  How does this look?
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 06, 2016, 10:56:19 pm
It's pretty technical, with Accuracy expressed in formulas instead of the simple numbers from Ufopaedia and so on. But I like it.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on January 07, 2016, 12:46:20 am
I got to messing with something else.  The Piratez Table where the main navigation happens.  I set up some icons for the different sections that borrow from Piratez resources rather than EU 2012.

This is the current. 

Here is my mockup.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 07, 2016, 02:20:26 am
Awesome selection of pics for sections!
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: sambojin on January 11, 2016, 07:55:58 am
Added Expl. Cannonballs to the Assault Cannon under Heavy Weapons. With basic notes, due to the massive difference in ammo-type usages.

Might also add that concussive is good against walls/terrain. It is, isn't it? (that's why hammers work, on top of snap fire for targeting?)

Those little exploding beauties turns one of the worst guns in the game into one of the best all-round death machines you can have. Cheap, fairly light, cheap and fairly light ammo.

Even a noob with runt duds can carry one. 20+ strength and they've got the gun and two reloads. Plus they contribute. Explosively and inaccurately.

Actually, the gun is pretty damn accurate from any reasonable range. But there have been *incidents*

Also, you need to duck during base defense missions/inside ufos to fire it at any reasonable range. But you probably should duck whenever you fire it anyway. Many gals died to bring you this information.....

(posts merged - Dioxine)

Is flavour text fine on the wiki for initial techs?

It sort of helps put people on the right path.

Updated Cattle Prod with flavour text, Anglicized Pirate-speak, kind of showing the research allowing it.

I figure with it being a basic tech, pretty funny, and giving some basic "strategy", it'd be fine, even while giving away research requirements.

All good on little things like that? Or full "iron wall" on initial techs? Discovery is fine with me, and there's lots of stuff that does similar stuff that you have already at the start, but I hope it's cool on the earliest things.

It is a wiki, after all. You'll definitely spoil something for yourself.

(posts merged - Dioxine)


Does the exploding cannonball directly inherit the normal cannonball's features?

Ie: minimum 50% damage, +50% stun damage?

Because I've definitely stunned out enemies before with an explosive cannonball. But was it due to concussive-explosion, direct hit, direct inheritance from cast-iron balls, smoke caused due to explosion, or did I forget that I hit them with something else (pretty sure they got stunned just due to an Expl. Cannonball from an Assault Cannon shot, without any other damage). Might not have heard the death sound either, but I got 4 captures from only 2 prod-stuns from the mission, and I "stunned" 2 others with Expl. Cannonballs. How?

Early smoke-naps that I didn't see?

The ruleset on them implies that one uses TFtD damage mechanics, and extra stun. So did the exploding cannonball inherit this, did I simply mis-remember, or does concussive have a stun component?

For the wiki.

Does concussion have a stun component? How big? Should it be noted in ammo? If it's +25/50% stun damage, then it makes sense. Just normal "stuff". Makes Kabooms better.

I forget if "-" or "--" gives inheritance on types in this sort of structure. Available Ammo in this case. But it would explain and give options down the track (incremental upgrades) to ammo types. But it would explain why any ammo type upgrade to a weapon feels godly powerful.

"-" may inherit all "-" types, in order of listing. Any same types get the last type that of that kind on the list, any differences get added to the capabilities. In the Assault Cannon's case, they would be huge.

Is this the case? Or is "-" completely different from the next "-" on the list? And can "--" therefore inherit from a type directly above them?
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Dioxine on January 11, 2016, 03:19:37 pm
- All explosives use TFTD damage formula by default;
- extra stun damage is a feature of ammo, not weapon, so ammo cannot inherit it, as every ammo type is a separate item;
- explosions do cause stun but I don't know how much compared to other lethal weapons;
- I know nothing about inheritances in YAML structure (I thought the ruleset files were just 'dumb' databases), however the stuff you're talking about sounds interesting. Do you have any working code to illustrate that?
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: sambojin on January 12, 2016, 12:30:36 am
Nope, sorry. I wasn't really sure what style of format it used. Probably wouldn't be too hard for me to put together some code in a ruleset with inheritance structure within it though. I'll see if it's possible.

I'll chuck some together after the weekend (lots of work this week).

Probably just do a "bullet/now with explosions/now with exploding fire!" as a tester, for easy visual confirmation of working/not working code. I don't really know if it's possible, but it should be.

At least I now know that there is some stun components to explosions. Whether it's from the explosion or the created smoke, it explains the captures with Expl. Cannonballs. Thanks.

Added: Small note on arcing shots for bows and kneeling for indoor use.

Edited: Flamer/H.Flamer/LR.Flamer damage values changed to X-Piratez ruleset values. H.Flamer morale value changed. Blast radius and arcing shots noted in effects.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki) Prison Processing Draft
Post by: ivandogovich on March 25, 2016, 12:45:50 am
I've got a draft table up of Prisoner Processing values... ie. how much Ransom them for, what you get if your slave or rob them, how many techs they can reveal with Get One Frees with a hint toward what they mainly specialize in, and also if you can interrogate them.

It still needs a bit of explanation (ie a key for how much space each slave type provides), but the data is pretty solid. 

I'd still like a few more sets of eyes on it, and any feedback before I release it into the wild, however. ;)

Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Boltgun on March 25, 2016, 11:47:43 am
Good job, it might need an explanation of the columns (especially what GetOneFree means) and maybe how to unlock slavery, robbery and interrogation.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Dioxine on March 25, 2016, 04:06:17 pm
Hehe, this will have to be upgraded in the 0.98B due to four new options of prisoner processing :)
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Solarius Scorch on March 30, 2016, 01:40:29 pm
Why is Bootypedia so hard to find on Ufopaedia? Long War has is own link on the main page (under featured projects), why can't we?
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on March 30, 2016, 03:10:04 pm

Well, the Bootypedia supports just a mod of OpenXcom, which is a featured project.  The work done there is extensive, but even at this point its out of date in many places back to .97 or even .96.  The amount of ruleset digging to keep the weapons and craft tables has been beyond my abilities to keep up to date, though I have added this or that, here or there.  Imeryak, with his great ruleset parsing skills has been able to keep somethings like the manufacturing table up to date along with his TechViewer  (that reminds me, we really need to have a page explaining that awesome tool).  Maybe when Draco is back for the summer, we'll get caught up.

But back to the original question:  I suppose, because we are a sub of a sub, we haven't got a place on the main page.  There is a link under OpenXcom>Mods.  I don't know that there has really been a discussion about the issue on the Ufopaedia site, or not, but it seems like that at least should take place before we shove a link in there ourselves.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on March 31, 2016, 02:27:37 am (

I've updated the Prisoner Processing sandbox, and copied it over to the "Kidnapping" /hostages page linked from the main navigation table.  As always feedback is useful.

Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on April 06, 2016, 12:22:20 am
Working on the Research Page.

Its tough keeping things generic on one level yet specifics on another.

Again, any feedback is welcome. I anticipate this page going live within a day or two.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on April 07, 2016, 02:30:19 am
Research Page ( is published.  Feedback is still welcome.

I also cranked out a quick reference table for all the auxiliary ( (HWD) units.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: sambojin on April 11, 2016, 11:40:20 am
Might do a quick ruleset test/change for massive research, or bother pouring through it all on the rulesets, to update armours to the new inventory slots. And add a slight comment of what they mean at the top of Armours.

It's Important! dammit.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: legionof1 on April 11, 2016, 12:09:45 pm
Yes inventory space notations for the armors would be very much appreciated. Certain armors seem great on paper until you see the inventory.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on April 11, 2016, 03:49:23 pm
Yeah, we could use a new Inventory section on the hands page.   And all of the armors need updating.  A new column on the quick ref table too?
I asked Dioxine for help understanding the NULLS used to block off in but he just suggested using new battle to check the out.

Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: legionof1 on April 13, 2016, 05:18:57 am
Most armor's in game descriptions say how many spots that have so the information is not completely hidden. However armors do not lose sockets in a uniform manner so the inventory size value is of limited help. Amazon armor for instance loses the quick draw slot, part of the belt and one leg and one shoulder while having a 2 row pack. Mesh armor loses one shoulder spot on each side, a part of the belt and only has a 1 row pack. The inventory between them is only 2 spots different with the same belt. but the mesh armor is much more favorable for sidearms and multiple grenade use but must use its hands for larger then 3x1 items. 

Guerilla is moderately good outfit stat wise but it has a full pack which most early outfits lack     
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: sambojin on April 13, 2016, 05:25:51 am
Is a scaled image as well as a "x/25 inventory slots" comment worthwhile for each armour then? Maybe linking to a full-sized image?

Or is this way too bandwidth intensive for the wiki? The kilobytes will certainly rack up with all the extra image data, and I have no idea who's hosting it. But a separate description for each armour is time consuming to write.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: legionof1 on April 13, 2016, 05:56:10 am
Bandwidth is not something i would worry about. Lets face it these are not very high quality source images we are talking about here. However formatting is a concern. a full inventory screen at legible size is a huge amount of screen space. Perhaps someone could devise a legible box grid style thing something like:

XX00 <=mesh armor belt layout. 0 is open. X is closed.

Such a format would compress the needed space. But it would need to be formatted is a way so that it will retain the internal pattern no matter viewer display. So no simple text. My web page writing experience was over a decade ago so i barely recall how do it back then let alone in a modern form other wise i would take a shot at it. I would rather not butcher an already info dense wiki page.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on April 13, 2016, 06:42:38 am
Is a scaled image as well as a "x/25 inventory slots" comment worthwhile for each armour then? Maybe linking to a full-sized image?

Or is this way too bandwidth intensive for the wiki? The kilobytes will certainly rack up with all the extra image data, and I have no idea who's hosting it. But a separate description for each armour is time consuming to write.

I am all for including an image of the inventory for each armor.  These can be enclosed in "spoilers" on individual pages for the armors. 
If some one wouldn't mind stepping up to do screen captures of these from the "New Battle Generator" I could get them into the wiki. :)
(Otherwise, I'll get to it eventually, but extra hands make light work).

Edit:  I screen captured everything, and will work on it.  It will take a bit of Image Manipulation work to get them all ready.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on April 13, 2016, 06:50:42 pm
Yes inventory space notations for the armors would be very much appreciated. Certain armors seem great on paper until you see the inventory.

Ok. 51 images later (see teaser below), I have them trimmed and ready for upload. 

I'm kind of torn how to display these.  Ideally, I'd like a separate page for each Armor, similar to the individual Enemy pages.  Thats a lot more work.  Its also evident from looking at the armor page that its slipped significantly out of date (.96 was the last solid update, but some items might have been added in bits and pieces). (
We'll probably at least need another column in the quick reference table that gives the #/25 inventory spaces available (also, interesting to know that these numbers don't include the 2X3 hand spaces).

I have Three options:
1. I can upload the files, then change the links (on the Armor Names) in the quick ref table (and the similar links in the detailed entries below) to point just to the file.  Clicking on it would go to the file page which would just show the image (similar to this: (

2. We can post the link in the detailed entry with a title like "Inventory Image"

3. We can include the Image (Collapsed) in the detailed entry so the user could click "expand" and view it on the same page.

(Also: Anyone want to take on making all the individual Armor pages?? ;)
Edit: I have added the column to the Armor table with the #/25 values for each armor.   Its still pretty out of date.  I still need to upload all the images.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: sambojin on April 13, 2016, 10:32:03 pm
I'm all for expanding it in-page if it's not too hard. It looks classy, and it saves flicking between heaps of tabs if you're browsing on mobile (something I do occasionally when playing).

But anything is good. People will only be flicking to the image quickly, so whatever is nice and simple to do for all the pages. Image links to a file that opens in a new page is good too.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: legionof1 on April 13, 2016, 10:39:00 pm
in page spoiler. Thanks for the good work.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on April 13, 2016, 10:54:20 pm
Ok, the "Outfits" section is updated.  I'll tackle the others later.

Edit;  All the others have been added now too. 
The page is still out of date as there are 6 armors missing:
    Novice Robe
With name changes, there is some rearranging that could be done in the details sections to make them alphabetical again (Leather>Durathread, Force-Belt>Refractor)
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on April 15, 2016, 02:05:47 am
More work on Auxiliaries.  All the Humanoid individual pages are done.  All aux's that have an Inventory Accessible now have an inventory image accessible.  In addition, I've reworked the Tank/Hovertank images to make them match their battle sprites. :)  (and yeah, the variation is awesome! Great job, Dioxine!)

Edit: All the beasties are now built. :)
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: sambojin on April 16, 2016, 03:12:14 am
Everything looks great and it was exactly what was needed. Thanks for all the hard work and time you took to do this, ivandogovich.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on April 16, 2016, 03:50:57 am
Everything looks great and it was exactly what was needed. Thanks for all the hard work and time you took to do this, ivandogovich.

LOL. Yup. There is always plenty to be done. Dracogriffin did a great job building out the initial structure.  There is so much data mining that goes into it.  Its kinda intimidating.  I'm still daunted by some of the things that need updating (i.e. armor & weapons & equipment).  XD   I got to focus on making everything look pretty by getting images added. :)

I still have visions of good analysis articles coming out to enhance the strategies and tactics sections. 

But its still fun, and I enjoy doing it. :)
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on April 29, 2016, 02:38:22 am

The Armor page is completely up to date at this time. 98D1. :)

I have added a new section on Base Functions to the Facilities page  ( explains what the functions are and list out what they allow.

I still need to go back and finish up the individual Auxiliary pages as they are about half done.

Then, I think I'll start with melee weapons and try to bring in all the ones that have been added since .95? ack! The real grind will be going back through and checking all of the previous weapons for nerfs, changes, and new capabilities.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: DracoGriffin on June 17, 2016, 12:08:31 am
Bump for editors! Anyone can join and edit - don't worry about making mistakes or aesthetically layout.

Also, tiny request to Dioxine - potential to have thread stickied or new sticky that links to the Wiki? It might be nice for any new people to be able to look stuff up!
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on June 25, 2016, 08:06:11 pm

Thanks to the terrific work of ohartenstein23, we have updated the Quick Reference Tables of all Pirate and Enemy Craft. ( (

Also, it looks like the admins at Ufopaedia have started manual account creation for new users.  Looks like Hobbes is still an admin, so if the process isn't easy to figure out over at, you can probably PM him here.

Status of the Wiki:
There is a ton of catch up work to do to bring it up to .99.  Most of the wiki dates back to .98x and some as far back as .96.  I haven't had as much time to work on it in past months, and the early game has changed significantly since I started my campaign in .97.  I'm replaying early game now, and just got my Bonaventura in September of the first year, and am starting to feel like a real Pirate now.   Articles are needed on the early farming missions: Temple Raid, Watch Tower, Warehouse Wars, Ratman Rodeo, Science Outposts etc.  Articles on early research would be good too (ie, is it best to go Survival>Bows>Scale Armor, or Violence, etc., etc.).  A nice article on the Airbus and getting up to the Pachyderm would do wonders as well as any tips on what to do about all the Civilian Shipping noise (does anyone shoot them down? Do you get crashes to assault? Can you get loots/experience from the crashes? or are they just a waste of ammo?).

So, feel free to jump in!  I'm willing to post any article generated here on the forums and provide whatever assists I can to those that want to get a wiki account and contribute directly.  The more the merrier!
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ohartenstein23 on July 01, 2016, 07:19:23 pm
Ivandogovich and I have been discussing the air combat quite a bit, and this has lead to the creation of a strategy guide that we're thinking of uploading to the Bootypaedia under the empty Strategy Guide section.  I'm posting a link to the document here first; we want your feedback and suggestions to improve it!  So here's the link for the google document:

Please make comments either here or directly on the document.  Thanks!
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on July 02, 2016, 04:09:18 am
I got a chance to put some notes in, mostly for stuff I need to write. :)  I really like how this is coming together.  It will be the first article under the "Strategy Guides" section of the wiki :)
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ohartenstein23 on July 21, 2016, 03:05:14 pm
I doubt I'm the de facto expert on interception strategy - any suggestions out there for improving the article?

Also, are there any suggestions on what should be updated next on ufopaedia's Bootypedia?
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on July 21, 2016, 03:42:07 pm
There is so much to update, its silly.  I'd like to start by churning back through all the equipment.  It feels like one of the most out of date sections.  However, I've been busy working on mods at the moment so I haven't given the wiki much attention.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ohartenstein23 on July 22, 2016, 12:37:45 am
I've plenty of time commuting on public transit, I can start looking at updating the weapons tables.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ohartenstein23 on July 28, 2016, 04:56:09 pm
Hey Ivan, I've got the updated information for melee weapons in a spreadsheet, I'll send you the updated table for the wiki once I've had a chance to edit the HMTL table.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on July 28, 2016, 05:06:10 pm
Hey Ivan, I've got the updated information for melee weapons in a spreadsheet, I'll send you the updated table for the wiki once I've had a chance to edit the HMTL table.


I'm working on adding the recent armors right now.  I'll tackle the new enemies next.  Thanks for the help!
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ohartenstein23 on July 28, 2016, 05:41:30 pm
Awesome.  I'll work on the ranged weapons next, though that will probably take much longer.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: khade on August 06, 2016, 05:09:22 am
It looks like the wiki is down, or taking longer than my computer is willing to attempt to load, at least.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on August 06, 2016, 05:39:49 am
Yeah, its down at the moment.  Not just you.

I asked Hobbes, and he things Jo5hua is doing some maintenance on the site that he's been planning for a while.

Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on August 10, 2016, 04:24:35 pm
Good news, everyone! The site is back up!
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on August 19, 2016, 01:52:47 am
Finally caught up with all the new enemies!
 I created a new banner for the monsters (ala Megascorpions and their unnamed but planned brethren).  Its a new category in the Minor Factions. (


I decided the Magical Girl would join the Rebels as one of those sort-of-aligned entities and she obviously doesn't belong to the human denizens.

Ohartenstein23 is making steady progress on the range weapons, updating the quick reference table at the top.  Its ironic or comical that just as he's about done with the shot gun section, Dioxine adopts his spread modifications all of those changes.  I think its safe to say that these scatter guns will undergo some flux before we stabilize on good values for them.

Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ohartenstein23 on August 25, 2016, 09:44:54 pm
Finally finished the quick reference table for ranged weapons! (  Writing a script to automate most of the process certainly helped.  Expect the rest of the page to be updated... well, whenever I feel like writing a new script to make the rest of it easier too.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on September 02, 2016, 02:05:15 am
We finally got a tactics page published using the wisdom unlocked from all those encrypted discs etc. :)
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ohartenstein23 on September 12, 2016, 08:01:03 pm
The ranged weapons article is up to date for 0.99C! (  Some clean-up is necessary for the imported text from the Bootypedia, and images for many weapons need to be uploaded still, but expect it to take much less time to get everything up to date for new versions.  That 0.95 to 0.99C jump was a doozy.

Edit:  Yes, I know 0.99C1 is out with new weapons and some other changes, I just haven't gotten around to downloading it yet and running my reference-table-writing-scripts on it.  Plus some edits are necessary to add in the information about the Gaussian damage formulas for plasma weapons.

Further edit:  Now we're rolling 0.99C.1.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ohartenstein23 on September 28, 2016, 04:21:27 pm
We've got an air strategy guide on the wiki! (  There have also been a few updates to the ranged weapons, vessels, vessel weapons, and shippings pages, to bring them up to 0.99C1.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on September 28, 2016, 05:45:36 pm
We've got an air strategy guide on the wiki! (  There have also been a few updates to the ranged weapons, vessels, vessel weapons, and shippings pages, to bring them up to 0.99C1.

Sniff! That is a thing of beauty!! So well Done! Thanks!
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Solarius Scorch on September 28, 2016, 07:35:01 pm
Yes, it's really elaborate! Good job!
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ohartenstein23 on September 29, 2016, 12:54:13 am
Thanks guys!  I had it pretty much written for a while now, so it was about damn time to get it online.  Thank Dioxine he didn't completely turn interceptions on their head in the last few updates, only just a mild upset of the balance.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ohartenstein23 on October 19, 2016, 07:57:03 pm
Melee weapons article is up-to-date! (
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: stepbystep on November 09, 2016, 03:41:15 pm

040 || Using a two-handed weapon single-handedly usually incurs a 33% accuracy penalty. However, some weapons (indicated by the red 2-handeness marker) are either too heavy, too intricate or otherwise impossible to use when your off-hand is empty.

Shouldn't it be "...impossible to use when your off-hand isn't empty."?
(or alternatively "...impossible to use when you're holding something else in your off-hand.")
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ohartenstein23 on November 09, 2016, 03:46:34 pm
The text is taken straight from the Bootypedia pinup articles, this was a typo in a previous version (note the version out-of-date message at the top of the article), fixed in newer versions.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: stepbystep on November 09, 2016, 07:03:17 pm
 ::) sorry, my bad...
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ivandogovich on December 13, 2016, 06:25:30 pm
New feature:  A table that shows which vessels can go to which environment:

( (

(There are a couple other environments in the ruleset (Acid Rain and Nasdac) that don't have vessel restriction so these are not listed.)
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: juff on December 16, 2016, 07:12:47 am
Hi, I've been playing the game for a couple of months and would like to help out with bootypedia.
How do you find the graphics for the enemies, and what size they are?

Also, I did the research times for x-piratez at ( but, i accidentally omitted the second underscore. is there a way to move the page? Thanks.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ohartenstein23 on December 16, 2016, 03:19:08 pm
Awesome, glad you want to help out! The images are defined by a unit's armor, so you need to find which armor that unit has, then look for which sprites in extraSprites it is.  The image files are found in the mod's Resources folder - look in the extraSprites definitions for which subfolder.  The battlescape sprites are difficult to look at from source file though - I think IvanDogovich knows a good way of getting those images on the wiki.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Dioxine on December 16, 2016, 05:07:55 pm
The enemy paperdolls are all gathered in the Body_X folder, if that helps.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Zum on April 26, 2019, 04:57:37 pm
Couldn't find info anywhere, so I'll ask here. Is it ok to go a year and a half(almost two years' november already, huh) into the game without workshop? Can't find how to build the damn thing. What are prerequisites for it? I have fire "walk with me" tech and bomb tech too. Aside from new guys and gals in power armor and genderless demons every interogation just gives me knowledge about some weapon or card #whatever.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: legionof1 on April 26, 2019, 09:46:12 pm
tech viewer is your freind. Press Q on geoscape o open menu, then q again to open search field. Screenshot of the tech in question attached this time.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Zum on April 26, 2019, 10:46:53 pm
Oh, I get it, thank you! To the hunt for stapler then.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Torchwood on April 02, 2020, 05:44:45 pm
If you need a stapler, do warehouse wars. Almost guaranteed to find one there.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: xcomfan on May 14, 2020, 01:31:18 pm
There is also this wiki:

It is supposed to be a new version? Pleade specify in the first post :)
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Meridian on May 14, 2020, 01:34:32 pm
It is supposed to be a new version? Pleade specify in the first post :)

Stop f*cking spamming!
Or do you really have IQ < 5 to see the thread is from 2015... or IQ < 0 to see which one is up to date?
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: xcomfan on May 14, 2020, 02:31:29 pm
Stop f*cking spamming!
Or do you really have IQ < 5 to see the thread is from 2015... or IQ < 0 to see which one is up to date?

umh...ok sorry it'a different project then...
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: RolandVasko on May 14, 2020, 02:47:58 pm
There is also this wiki:

It is supposed to be a new version? Pleade specify in the first post :)

anyway, nice find!

i like the title pic (banner with 2girls)
and nice to know the graphic author of all those pics

Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ontherun on May 02, 2023, 11:21:24 pm
Update, is down, see here for details. (,5345.msg151206.html#msg151206)

There was avaiable Baturinsky's Online Bootypedia (the author of the xpedia engine, the project was actively developing) it is at:

The most recente one is instead at

there are also some more updates to 0.99N4.0.2 version made by the Vengos forum user, avaiable here (,3626.msg154630.html#msg154630). Please moderators, pin up the thread? Thanks.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: howareyou32ny on June 09, 2023, 05:57:16 pm
Update, is down, see here for details. (,5345.msg151206.html#msg151206)

There was avaiable Baturinsky's Online Bootypedia (the author of the xpedia engine, the project was actively developing) it is at:

The most recente one is instead at

there are also some more updates to 0.99N4.0.2 version made by the Vengos forum user, avaiable here (,3626.msg154630.html#msg154630). Please moderators, pin up the thread? Thanks.

great info buddy. TY
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ontherun on June 13, 2023, 10:50:22 am
great info buddy. TY
Don't mentin it! Also it hovffer a couple of useful utilites: a palette converter ( and a ruleset reference (nightly) ( Well these links are kind "hidden" in the openxcom extended menu. Have fuuun!!!
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: howareyou32ny on June 14, 2023, 09:55:40 pm
Don't mentin it! Also it hovffer a couple of useful utilites: a palette converter ( and a ruleset reference (nightly) ( Well these links are kind "hidden" in the openxcom extended menu. Have fuuun!!!

Nice buddy. how to use Palette Converter. I tried but do not know how to use it.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 14, 2023, 11:25:50 pm
Nice buddy. how to use Palette Converter. I tried but do not know how to use it.

1. Click "Add new transform".
2. Change blocksize from 16 to 256.
3. Click the first row (gray) in the left box.
4. Click the first row in the middle (empty) box.
5. Change blocksize back to 16.
6. Change rows in the middle box as desired. To do so, click on a row on the left box and then on a row in the middle box.
7. Click "Save changes".
8. Load a file by dragging it into the working area.
9. Select your changed palette from the dropdown. The new palette is called "transform_NEW", unless you named it differently.
10. Click "Convert".
11. Click "Download".
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: howareyou32ny on June 17, 2023, 09:39:21 pm
1. Click "Add new transform".
2. Change blocksize from 16 to 256.
3. Click the first row (gray) in the left box.
4. Click the first row in the middle (empty) box.
5. Change blocksize back to 16.
6. Change rows in the middle box as desired. To do so, click on a row on the left box and then on a row in the middle box.
7. Click "Save changes".
8. Load a file by dragging it into the working area.
9. Select your changed palette from the dropdown. The new palette is called "transform_NEW", unless you named it differently.
10. Click "Convert".
11. Click "Download".
wow. will try.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ontherun on October 18, 2023, 02:58:57 pm
Please care to keep update itmore regulairly? As of now the on line version is 2022.08.09. Anyway, thanks for it!  :)
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Iazo on October 18, 2023, 05:03:22 pm
The only thing not updated is, ironically, the About page.

I assure you, this one is good for the latest version.
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ontherun on October 25, 2023, 09:54:12 am
The only thing not updated is, ironically, the About page.

I assure you, this one is good for the latest version.

Thnaks Iazo, but please any good-willed men might care to update also the first page? nonetheless there are small incongruences, eg according to bootypedia to get "smartrifle" are needed "smartgun" and "advanced firearms", see here ( while ingmae tech viewer says also "advanced rifle" is needed, see here (,3626.msg158371.html#msg158371)
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Iazo on October 25, 2023, 11:12:35 am
That's not what your screenshot says. I do not see the difference between the screenshot and online pedia?
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ontherun on October 25, 2023, 11:44:13 am
That's not what your screenshot says. I do not see the difference between the screenshot and online pedia?

Sorry, messed up as always! Here
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: Iazo on October 25, 2023, 12:30:24 pm
I still do not see what you are trying to show me. This page is identical to the online one?
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ontherun on October 25, 2023, 12:55:53 pm
I still do not see what you are trying to show me. This page is identical to the online one?

Actually im wrong: the advanced rifle is a prequisite for advanced fireamrs which in turn is needed for the smartrifle, right? if so well, it does not matter!
Title: Re: Bootypedia (aka the wiki)
Post by: ontherun on December 05, 2024, 02:27:14 am
"advanced lasgun" page has no image:

Updated to N8, but please to forum admins/moderators: make this thread sticky? It's a really precious resource!