OpenXcom Forum

Modding => Work In Progress => Topic started by: Chiko on January 21, 2012, 11:32:00 pm

Title: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: Chiko on January 21, 2012, 11:32:00 pm
As some might remember, this thread was an old sprite repository. Modding the game was not as hard as I imagined so I started to make my own mod, Alternate Xcom.

The idea is mostly to expand the content and the duration of the game campaign by extending the tech tree, adding more items, rebalancing some stuff, changing the lore a bit, but all of this within the Xcom universe. Major changes include:

General Changes:
-New inventory graphics for some of the vanilla weapons.
-The Rifle has been separated into two weapons, Assault Rifle and Sniper Rifle.
-Auto Cannon now fires in auto mode only and their ammo has smaller blast radius but it needs considerable less TUs to use, fires 5 rounds per attack and has more rounds per clip.
-The Cannon has been replaced by a new weapon, the Siege Cannon. It can fire over obstacles and buildings with the help of a spotter. Their ammo has smaller blast radius since now it's a lot more deadly. It's basically a grenade launcher.
-The Piercing Ammo for Siege Cannon has been replaced by Smoke Ammo for for tactical uses.
-Changed the resistances to fire to make that damage type more deadly to unarmored characters.
-Renamed some damage types. Armor Piercing is now Piercing, Incendiary is now Heat, High Explosive is now Blast, Acid is now Chemical.
-Replaced laser damage with shock damage. Shock damage have been rebalanced to better suit its new role. Laser weapons now deal heat damage.
-Added a new grenade, Incendiary Grenade. It can cover a decent area with flames.
-Added a short range fire dealing weapon, Spitfire Cannon. It's similar to a flamethrower in concept but it launches 5 bolts of fire that can cover a small area with flames depending of the spread of the shots.
-Researching all non mechanical corpses, Alien Alloys and Alien Polymer will now let you research a Dart Rifle, which can deal either chemical or stun damage.
-Researching All mechanical corpses and a muton corpse and Alien Alloys will let you research better armor piercing ammo for pistols, assault and sniper rifles.
-Hovercraft HWPs now need a Cyberdisc corpse as main component to be built.
-Edited many of the vanilla description to better suit and describe the changes made by this mod.

Shock Weapons:
-Shock weapons will be the first human weapons available for research. Laser weapons will be available after all shock weapon tech is researched.
-Shock weapons have limited range and ammunition and they cannot be recharged in the field but they deal extra damage to mechanical enemies or targets with implants.
-The shock rod also needs this research to be available.

Laser Weapons:
-The Laser Weapons research has an actual ufopedia entry now.
-Laser Weapons now use Power Cells so their ammo is no longer infinite.
-Having all basic Laser Tech Tree, Alien Alloys and Elerium 115 will allow you to research Elerium Lasers.
-As soon as you research Elerium Lasers, you will be allowed to manufacture powerful ammo cells for personal laser weapons. (HWPs, Craft and Facilities with Laser Tech are unaffected for now)
-Laser power cells do a bit less damage than vanilla laser weapons and the new Elerium ones do damage between the first Laser power cells and Plasma weapons.
-Laser Rifle has been split into Laser Assault Rifle and Laser Sniper Rifle.
-Laser Sniper Rifle uses Heavy Laser Power Cells or Heavy L115 Power Cells.
-Heavy Laser now has auto shot, is less accurate but uses less TUs.

Plasma Weapons:
-All plasma weapons have reduced rounds in their ammo clips.
-Plasma Pistol and Rifle cannot fire in auto mode.
-Heavy Plasma cannot be fired in aimed mode now but it can be fired over obstacles, making it more useful.
-You will be allowed to research alien plasma weapons and learn how to use them but you cannot manufacture them, and their ammo.
-Once you have researched all laser tech, Elerium 115, Alien Alloys and all alien plasma weapons and their ammo clips, a new research topic will appear, Plasma Technology Adaptation.
-When you finish researching it, you will also get a free research, Human Plasma Pistol, and be allowed to research the rest of the human version of alien weapons, along with Plasma Defense and Plasma Cannon for Craft and HWP.
-There's also a Tank/Plasma HWP, which is available as soon as you research the Plasma Cannon.
-There's now further research for human plasma weapons which allow you to develop new ammo cells to deal heat or shock damage.

Fusion Weapons:
-Researching any Fusion Tech (Fusion Grenade, Fusion Blaster or Blaster Bomb) will give you the Alien Fusion Weapons Ufopedia Entry.
-Soon after researching a fusion weapon, your agents will be allowed to use them but manufacturing them won't be possible.
-Upon researching all Fusion Weapons, a new research will appear, Fusion Technology Adaptation.
-Researching that will allow you to manufacture fusion grenades and will unlock the rest of the fusion adaptation research, including Craft, HWP and Facility Weapons.

Non-Lethal Weapons:
-Researching any dead alien will unlock the Non-Lethal Weapons research.
-Researching that will allow you to research Electro-Shock Rod (renamed Stun Rod) and the Alien Containment Facility.
-Upon researching either an Alien Stunner Gun (renamed Small Launcher) or a Stun Bomb, you will be given the Alien Abduction Weapons ufopedia entry.
-Researching a Stun Bomb will also give you knowledge of Alien Polymer, which you will be able to manufacture and use in the construction of more Stun Bombs and other Non-Lethal Weapons.
-Having knowledge of Alien Polymer will allow you to research Stun Grenades, which are hand thrown version of Stun Bombs.
-Having knowledge of the Alien Stunner Gun, Alien Alloy and Alien Polymer will allow you to manufacture human version of Stunner Guns.
-Having knowledge of Electro-Shock Rod, Alien Alloy and Alien Polymer will allow you to research and develop the Stunner Rod, which will need ammo but it will do more stun damage.
-Stunner Guns will shot their Stun Bombs in an arched manner, just like the Siege Cannon, to make them more useful than Stun Grenades.

Here are some of the item sprites. Some of them are in the mod, others are vanilla sprites put in there for comparison, and the rest are unused sprites:

Standard-Issue Weapons
Combat Knife / Pistol / Assault Rifle / Sniper Rifle

Heavy Weapons
Siege Cannon / Auto Cannon
AP Ammo / Explosive Ammo / Incendiary Ammo

Self-Propelled Weapons
Rocket Launcher
Small Rocket / Large Rocket / Incendiary Rocket

Throwable Devices
Explosive Grenade / Smoke Grenade / Incendiary Grenade / Explosive Mine / Electro-Flare

Electromagnetic Weapons
EMP Pistol / EMP Rifle / EMP Cannon
EMP Grenade / EMP Mine

Laser Weapons
Laser Pistol / Laser Rifle / Laser Cannon

Alien Plasma Weapons
Alien Plasma Pistol / Alien Plasma Rifle / Alien Plasma Cannon
Plasma Power Cells

Human Plasma Weapons
Plasma Pistol / Plasma Rifle / Plasma Cannon
Plasma Power Cells

Mass Acceleration Weapons
MA Pistol / MA Rifle / MA Cannon / MA Autogun
Kinetic Rounds / EMP Rounds / Plasma Rounds / Fusion Rounds

Alien Explosives
Alien Grenade / Alien Proximity Grenade

Alien Abduction Weapons
Alien Stunner Gun
Stun Bomb

Advanced Non-Lethal Weapons
Stunner Gun
Stun Bomb / Stun-Gas Grenade / Stun Ammo

Handheld Devices
Motion Scanner / Personal Shield / Personal Cloaking

WIP Mod:
Known Issues:
-Most of the new items have no custom hand/floor sprites.
-Some of the items are not sorted correctly in the lists since I'm still adding new stuff.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Yankes on January 22, 2012, 08:34:20 pm
I dont like it, because you remove laser rife :D
but except that your set look good.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on January 22, 2012, 10:23:46 pm
Lolz. I'll probably reuse the laser rifle sprite style in another type of weapons. Maybe for EM Weapons. :P

I'm trying to make all weapons of the same type look similar in looks.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Daiky on January 22, 2012, 11:22:01 pm
Would you be able to make a knife in that similar style? :) Lot of people find a cheap, simple melee weapon missing from the game...
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on January 22, 2012, 11:40:54 pm
Sure I can try. Never thought of making a Knife before. :P

Edit: Here, I gave it kinda the same size of a pistol so it can fit in a Belt in the inventory screen.

Combat Knife
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Daiky on January 23, 2012, 01:03:04 am
Nice, I can see myself stabbing a sectoid in the back with one of those :)

I would give it an attack power of 30, cost of $400, weight of 4, TUCost 10%, accuracy 150%. So a cheap, fast weapon with pretty good damage in early game. (you can one-shot a floater or sectoid with it). Every soldier should have one on their belt, you never know when it may come in handy ;)

And for the upgrade idea: knife that needs to be manufactured with a blade that cuts through armor , which also costs elerium to produce the blade, see thermic lance of TFTD. (the special skin of the muton needs to be research first before you can manufacture this advanced knife)
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: hsbckb on January 23, 2012, 01:15:22 am
I really hope that this knife can be introduced before v1.0 .  ;D
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Yankes on January 23, 2012, 01:26:25 am
I would give it an attack power of 30, cost of $400, weight of 4, TUCost 10%, accuracy 150%. So a cheap, fast weapon with pretty good damage in early game. (you can one-shot a floater or sectoid with it). Every soldier should have one on their belt, you never know when it may come in handy ;)
300 dmg per tunr? isnt bit OverPowered? :)
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: hsbckb on January 23, 2012, 02:35:20 am
Chiko, Can you tell me what software you use to create /modify these art work?

How can you match the style of art work with the original xcom? ;)
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on January 23, 2012, 03:17:32 am
Chiko, Can you tell me what software you use to create /modify these art work?

How can you match the style of art work with the original xcom? ;)
Well, I'm using Paint Shop Pro. It's old and similar to Photoshop but I'm too used to it to actually upgrade to something better.

The way I use to make this stuff is just cutting parts of other sprites and then I put the ones I want together, then I modify them. The Knife was a bit harder coz the only thing I used from another weapon was the handle. I took it from the Stun Rod. I made the blade from scratch.

So this can be done with pretty much any software. :P
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: hsbckb on January 23, 2012, 07:04:07 am
Chiko, thank you and keep up your good work!

When I have more spare time, I will do some modification of the paper dolls in the equipment screen.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: luke83 on January 23, 2012, 07:34:55 am
Hey those images look pretty cool, are you going to work on the sprites for your new weapons also?
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on January 23, 2012, 04:59:42 pm
You mean the ones from the Tech Tree I mentioned before?

Sure, I'll then post them here as separate weapon ideas. I was thinking about posting the Tech Tree here but it's a bit... extensive. It has Tech ideas taken/inspired from different games. :P

Also, I tried to make like human versions of the Alien Plasma Weapons. I couldn't really make much... Anyways, I also added like an idea of the differences.

Alien Plasma Weapons
Increased Damage / Decreased Weight

Human Plasma Weapons
Increased Acc / Decreased TUs usage
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Yankes on January 23, 2012, 05:35:46 pm
only one word, Awesome :D
one small fix I think, you can made ammo clip same size in weapon like stand alone clip. It would be better if every thing is same scale.

Different property should be based on handicaps, you cant use properly alien version because your hand dont fit it.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: MKSheppard on January 24, 2012, 07:41:27 am
One thing I always thought weird about the original XCom was that human researchers could reproduce alien technology so easily. Yeah, you hardly ever need to build Plasma rifles or their clips if you scavenged them from aliens, but you could build them, along with pretty much everything else.

When you think things through, alien tech scavenging and reuse is a major flaw in gameplay in UFO and it's sequels.

Consider: You research Heavy Plasma and that's it; you basically never ever need to manufacture personal weapons anymore; except maybe for small production runs of Stun Bombs for the Small Launcher since you now have weapons piling up after each mission.

It makes more sense if you cannot use alien weapons because they are:

A.) Designed for alien hands and musculature.
B.) The weapon itself has a wireless RFID chip that interfaces with a RFID chip in each alien soldier.

Thus explaining why your soldiers can't just pick up a heavy plasma and push the firing stud and fire it; thus requiring research into how to overcome the RFID encryption to 'unlock' the weapon.

Thus, you would then need to "remanufacture" alien weapons into human-useable weapons, e.g. replace the alien handgrips with human ones, remove the alien RFID lockout, and add other useable indicators. Maybe the aliens use psionics to tell the soldier that there are only five rounds left in the magazine; requiring the design of a LCD panel on the side of the weapon to make it useable to humans, etc.

And all this remanufacturing has a non-trivial failure rate -- e.g. you need to have three heavy plasmas to make a remanufactured heavy plasma; and the gun has a random chance of breaking after each mission.

I'm not quite sure how well that last point would be received. There's a lot of stuff that makes sense -- on paper -- in Game Design. It would add a lot of overhead to the player if they had to go: "welp, I had five guns broken from my last shootout, guess I need to remanufacture more guns."
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: moriarty on January 24, 2012, 02:47:00 pm
I love those new weapon sprites, but they suffer from the old problem: copyright issues. you cannot just use proprietary images (from the original x-com game, that is) and re-distribute them without express consent from the copyright holder. yes, heavily-modified images do count into that.

if, however, you find some kind of modular system which takes parts of images designed entirely by you and allows for an in-game-generation of hybrid items (say, the installer for openxcom takes the images from the (legally bought and installed) original game and fuses them with your parts, that's ok, because the installation package does not contain the original images or any of their parts.

complicated? yes.
stupid? yes, because the original game is ages-old.
relevant? yes, because the copyright-holders are still making money out of the original game! they will furiously pursue anyone who tries to redistribute any part of it. especially if it's for free. open-source? communism! well, you get the idea.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Daiky on January 24, 2012, 06:22:09 pm
I think it's a bit off-topic to discuss copyright issues here. We are not distributing copyrighted graphics here, Chiko is just showing how variations of existing weapons would look graphically.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: kkmic on January 24, 2012, 08:09:56 pm
I think it's a bit off-topic to discuss copyright issues here. We are not distributing copyrighted graphics here, Chiko is just showing how variations of existing weapons would look graphically.

*kkmic is thinking about SOPA/PIPA/ACTA *
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: moriarty on January 24, 2012, 08:34:03 pm
I am sorry if that appears a bit off-topic or harsh. I wasn't trying to smother a brilliant idea, I just wanted to point out that while it really is cool and I really like it, it appears that Chiko is putting a lot of energy into creating those weapon and ammo sprites - although they won't be able to be used. better to point that out sooner than later, I thought.

Like I said, if you make those designs generator-friendly, it will never be a problem. that is something worth thinking about for further designing, isn't it?

and to be more on-topic, I always thought that the Heavy Weapon line for Human soldiers should at least include some kind of bipod or tripod. come to think of it, you should be able to "set them up",  greatly increasing accuracy at the cost of rendering your soldier immobile until he either spends time units folding it - or abandons the weapon. There's something that could also be upgraded once "alien alloys" are researched: weapons get lighter, so you have more energy left for actions.

I still think that the upgrades only stay manageable if you make them global. Once you research alien alloys, additional research topics open up, where perhaps you can opt to make weapons either stronger or lighter, but always affecting all your human weapons. Else this will turn into an RPG-style management for weapons, and I don't think that goes well with this game.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Yankes on January 24, 2012, 09:46:51 pm
I am sorry if that appears a bit off-topic or harsh. I wasn't trying to smother a brilliant idea, I just wanted to point out that while it really is cool and I really like it, it appears that Chiko is putting a lot of energy into creating those weapon and ammo sprites - although they won't be able to be used. better to point that out sooner than later, I thought.
why not? what is this different to any other mod? did you see Quake HD? HD mods for GTA, Skyrim, Oblivion. They created new graphic based on original one and need original game to run. We cant use it if we want standalone OpenXcom but right now OX need original data.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: moriarty on January 24, 2012, 10:25:00 pm

great-looking take on this, was discontinued for exactly these reasons

there is a difference between making a mod and making a game. openxcom is a full game, completely playable and all, and cannot include any graphics that come from another proprietary game in any other way than what it does: accessing the graphics from an existing installation. or then using some kind of processing routine to change them. no original game graphics or graphics that recreate the original look and feel may ever be included in anything downloadable.

even without SOPA.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on January 24, 2012, 11:50:31 pm
Well, the stuff I'm making are for mods. Like the HWPs suggestions thread I made. I have no idea if I'm going to be able to mod the files in OpenXcom myself so I'm posting the ideas and stuff I have in mind.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: ninex on January 25, 2012, 12:56:55 am

great-looking take on this, was discontinued for exactly these reasons

there is a difference between making a mod and making a game. openxcom is a full game, completely playable and all, and cannot include any graphics that come from another proprietary game in any other way than what it does: accessing the graphics from an existing installation. or then using some kind of processing routine to change them. no original game graphics or graphics that recreate the original look and feel may ever be included in anything downloadable.

even without SOPA.

not exactly.
Part truth is: Neffuri canceled project due lack of time. he found commercial job, he won't open tts source cause it is written badly. Neffu afraid that owner of x-com trademark will lawsuit him, or something.

Highly unlikely scenario (there are more remakes like ufo2000)
also we have freeciv witch is an opensource remake of Civilization....

Neffu is a coward and poor liar. Source code of tts are badly programed and he ashamed to make it public.
That's the truth.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: luke83 on January 25, 2012, 07:36:32 am
Hey Chicko,
 Any chance of some graphics for a alien proximity grenade/mine. I wish to do a Alien MINE LAYER for there base defences  but im still playing with ideas ( plus i need to finish all my HUMAN first  ::)).
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on January 25, 2012, 08:02:33 am
Sure thing. I'm not doing anything productive tomorrow morning so I'll work on it.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: luke83 on January 25, 2012, 08:05:32 am
"sure thing. I'm not doing anything productive tomorrow morning so I'll work on it. "
Tomorrow is Australia Day ( It is a public Holiday ) so my boss gave us friday off as well , That means i can stay up late every night and work on  my sprites after the kids go to bed  :P
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: moriarty on January 25, 2012, 08:51:57 am
Well, the stuff I'm making are for mods. Like the HWPs suggestions thread I made. I have no idea if I'm going to be able to mod the files in OpenXcom myself so I'm posting the ideas and stuff I have in mind.

oh, okay. I was kind of under the impression that it was for an official (post-v1) version of openxcom. once again, I totally appreciate that stuff, I am just being very cautious about using original graphics in a world where things like SOPA are even being considered. (and just to be cautious again: I don't know how 2k/Firaxis think about these kind of things, but the "mod" argument really becomes invalid when the mod you are doing is not for one of their games. look at it like this: you are taking graphics from one of their games (xcom) and using it to create a mod for a different game (openxcom).
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on January 25, 2012, 04:07:28 pm
Aww yeah! This has its own thread now. Main post updated. ;D

Edit: Not much of a difference but since they are of Alien design, I couldn't use the similar look of the human Proximity Greanade.

Alien Explosives
Alien Grenade / Alien Proximity Grenade

only one word, Awesome :D
one small fix I think, you can made ammo clip same size in weapon like stand alone clip. It would be better if every thing is same scale.

Different property should be based on handicaps, you cant use properly alien version because your hand dont fit it.
I'll see what I can do about that. I think it's going to be a bit difficult, probably making some weapons taking up more inventory space. Also, most ammo isn't the same size of the ones on the weapons in the original game. :P

oh, okay. I was kind of under the impression that it was for an official (post-v1) version of openxcom. once again, I totally appreciate that stuff, I am just being very cautious about using original graphics in a world where things like SOPA are even being considered. (and just to be cautious again: I don't know how 2k/Firaxis think about these kind of things, but the "mod" argument really becomes invalid when the mod you are doing is not for one of their games. look at it like this: you are taking graphics from one of their games (xcom) and using it to create a mod for a different game (openxcom).
I know what you mean. Well, lets hope Firaxis is not like that. There are a lot of mods for games using images, music and ideas taken from other games and have been around for years. :P
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: luke83 on January 26, 2012, 06:25:56 am
Looks fine to me , just wanted a different graphic than the humans  :P
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: moriarty on January 26, 2012, 11:42:09 am
could you also make a stun grenade, using the Stun Bomb with some kind of handle/fuse from the human grenade?

@Yankes: about the alien weapons not fitting the human hand: I don't know about that, the different alien races already have hands so different from each other, probably the weapons already have some kind of compensation for that (moldable grips?). Look at the hands:


Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: luke83 on January 26, 2012, 11:58:57 am
Maybe the alien guns check who is using them
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on January 26, 2012, 03:49:38 pm
Alien Biometric Sensors? There's a weapon in Jagged Alliance 2 that uses Biometric Sensor Technology to allow only 1 person to be able to use it.

@moriarty: Do you need a stun gas-based grenade or a stun blast one like the one fired from Small Launchers? I ask because there's a stun gas-based grenade sprite posted in Advanced Non-Lethal Weapons in the front page. I was thinking about a hand-thrown version of a Stun Bomb but it would be kinda redundant IMO... Maybe making a Stun Bomb able to be used as both a hand grenade and as ammo for the Small Launcher?
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: luke83 on January 27, 2012, 08:45:02 am
Wow, nice collection you have going , all i need now is a Handheld personal protection shield and maybe a hand held cloaking device and my dream X-com comes into reality :D
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Daiky on January 27, 2012, 11:07:35 am
It seems every x-com fan has his own dreams, and they are sometimes very different of each other but also similar in a way :)
I am also fan of armor as an item (so you don't loose it when the unit dies), but a shield was not what I had in mind :p
And for your cloacking device, I had something similar:
In the marksman tree, the 5th perk is "camouflage: when the soldier is kneeling, it can only be seen from 4 tiles away", it is graphically shown as a soldier that is semi-transparent.
(yeah... my xcom got 20 perks in 4 skill trees :p... long story)
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: luke83 on January 27, 2012, 11:12:54 am
Sorry that was a ENERGY shield not a Medieval  type Shield , My Bad.

Actually come to think about it a i can just see a Dwarf with a Big axe and shield working with the sectoids ;D Not sure how to spin the story to have it make sense though.

Your xcom sound pretty cool , i like the idea of some special skills along the way. i want a copy ;)
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: moriarty on January 27, 2012, 11:25:48 am
now you mention it, some kind of portable fortification would actually be nice... it doesn't have to be a shield you carry yourself, but perhaps a true support-HWP (without a weapon of its own) that allows your soldiers to take cover behind it and has like ten times the armor value... for those times when you face off five cyberdisks simultaneously in a terror mission. it also prevents those awkward skyranger-door-opens-blaster-bomb-flies-in-everybody-dies moments... it's like a moving wall :)
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Daiky on January 27, 2012, 12:15:55 pm
I was more thinking of the personal armor and flying suit as an item you can put on/off, pick up from a dead soldier  etc
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on January 27, 2012, 05:27:21 pm
Sure, I can make those shields. And no worries, I was thinking of shields more like the ones in Apocalypse. xD

Also, I have something a bit similar to those perk ideas in my Tech Tree of shorts. It's more like the "classes" and trainings in UFO afterlight.


All of them being able to participate in Tactical Missions, some of them required for special missions. There are also new abilities, trainings and Specializations for each occupation. Naturally, there are new related buildings like Training Area and Medical Ward.

There's also a temporary occupation for idle personnel... they will be automatically assigned as General Workers. Generally, they slightly decrease Base maintenance costs. :P
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on February 02, 2012, 07:16:41 am
Man, it's good to have my lappy back. Sorry about the delay with those 2 new devices. :P

Motion Scanner / Personal Shield / Personal Cloaking
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: luke83 on February 02, 2012, 07:32:37 am
Your starting to get a nice little collection ;D
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on February 02, 2012, 07:46:44 am
Indeed. :P

I'll try to do more tomorrow. I have the morning off.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on May 11, 2012, 08:54:32 am
Indeed. :P

I'll try to do more tomorrow. I have the morning off.
Well, not really lol.

My new job prevents me from being as active in here but if anyone is interested in posting ideas that need to be turned into sprites, I can still do that. Also, if anyone would like to use the sprites posted in the main page, just take them. Helping the modding communities is one thing I love as much as playing old games. ;D
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: moriarty on June 28, 2012, 01:12:56 pm
to pick up this thread: I thought I'd contribute a little bit. My concerns over copyright issues remain, but I guess as long as the game requires the original files, adding stuff as mods should be fine...

here's my version of the stun grenade. I'm not sure about the "stun gas" thing, because I don't remember reading anything about it being a gas. if it was a gas, why did it stun sectopods and cyberdiscs? and why did it use elerium? why wasn't there a lingering effect (like purple stun-smoke)? I always think of it as some kind of neural disruption effect, which would also affect the cybernetics of the advanced cybernetic terror units, but not the simple x-com tanks.

so I think the stun grenade should be more like a stun bomb with a direct fuse:
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: moriarty on June 29, 2012, 12:23:31 am
okay, I hope this also works with the other armor types (will have to check later), but here's the first edition of the Daiky/Chiko Combat Knife. maybe we should call it the DaiChi Knife, just to confuse people (wouldn't that mean something like "great power"?)
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: michal on June 29, 2012, 07:42:03 am
DaiChi sounds cool :D But maybe instead of Knife call it Blade? DaiChi Blade would sound more mysterious ;)
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Daiky on June 29, 2012, 11:13:13 am
don't forget to create an ufopaedia article for it (hi-res image + stats), a bigger image for inventory view and an image for the item on the ground :)
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: moriarty on June 29, 2012, 11:22:00 am
I guess the inventory item would be the one made by Chiko. hi-res image... uh... okay... I'll see what I can do... :)

stats and fluff text should be done by Daiky :P he's the inventor, after all :) :)
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: luke83 on June 29, 2012, 11:54:37 am
Thats a nice looking knife, Did you work out which sprite image is what or did you cheat?
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: moriarty on June 29, 2012, 11:55:48 am
I kinda worked it out. I'll post it in your old thread right now :)

EDIT: just for reference, that's,426.0.html (,426.0.html)
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: moriarty on June 29, 2012, 10:04:28 pm
sooo, with my newly-made soldier composites, I re-checked the DaiChi Blade(tm) and found that I had previously used the wrong arms for placement reference in two of the rotations. here's the updated version (still have to check if it works well with the other soldier sprites):
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: moriarty on June 30, 2012, 03:18:50 pm
I'm done checking with the other armor types, found another wrong-arm-incident, did some minor pixel changes, so I hope that this is the final version.  ;)

As for the UFOpaedia image, Chiko's original picture should be fine for that. My rough draft for the text follows:

-----begin UFOpaedia text-----
This knife is built for close combat. Using its hardened edge and point, a trained field operative can silently kill a lightly-armored enemy with a single slash or thrust.
----- end UFOpaedia text -----

that being said, would it be possible to have different chances for reaction-fire, depending on the weapon used? not reaction fire by the attacked unit, but by onlooking aliens, of course. It would be nice to truly make this a "silent" weapon, perhaps drastically decreasing the chance for reaction fire unless the nearby alien is looking directly at the knife-wielder.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on July 01, 2012, 03:54:52 am
here's my version of the stun grenade. I'm not sure about the "stun gas" thing, because I don't remember reading anything about it being a gas. if it was a gas, why did it stun sectopods and cyberdiscs? and why did it use elerium? why wasn't there a lingering effect (like purple stun-smoke)? I always think of it as some kind of neural disruption effect, which would also affect the cybernetics of the advanced cybernetic terror units, but not the simple x-com tanks.

so I think the stun grenade should be more like a stun bomb with a direct fuse:
About sectopods and cyberdiscs... one of the new weapon types I had in mind was EM Weapons. Those would be effective weapons against anything but really effective against robot-type enemies, causing no physical damage to them = Stun
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: moriarty on July 02, 2012, 08:05:19 pm
Chiko, which graphics program do you use? I'm having a little trouble and maybe you could help me.

I was trying to convert your laser rifle into a .bmp to push it to the "bigobs.pck" (so I could try it out in the game).

unfortunately, when I try to convert the image into one with the proper color palette, it gets all screwed up, because GIMP only supports a very simple method by which it tries to find the nearest color for a given one... the result is attached.

Just in case you use GIMP too, I've attached an exported palette file for the bigobs.pck file... the red tones available are a little bit different, but usable (and it simply won't work with others anyway). do you have an easy way of converting your files so that they match the palette?
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: moriarty on July 07, 2012, 10:03:04 pm
sooo... that was a bit tricky, but I learned a few things. here's the beta version of Chiko's Laser Weapons!

Chiko, please tell me what you think of them! I decreased the laser rifle's width by 1 pixel, I thought it looked too bulky - too much like the heavy laser.
as for the colors: because of the palette that xcom uses, the reds are a bit stronger.

converting them to the xcom colors was actually quite difficult, I had to separate the graphics into the greyscale parts and the red parts, turn everything greyscale, apply xcom palette, then re-colorize the red parts by changing the hue... not at all easy. if you have a program that handles this easier, please let me know :)

If you want to try the weapons, head over to luke's site ( I've uploaded complete .pck files for easy use.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Yankes on July 08, 2012, 02:54:03 am
this look great :)
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on July 08, 2012, 09:43:02 pm
Nice job converting the sprites. I always had problems with color palettes and stuff. Also, the laser rifle width looks fine to me. Laser Rifle and Heavy Laser I made do look like the same. :P

Also, the pic editing program I use is really old. It's Paint Shop Pro 7. I'm too used to it to upgrade to something better.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: moriarty on July 08, 2012, 09:55:28 pm
Hooray for PSP7! I've been using that one for ages :)

Then one day I discovered the GIMP, and decided to go legit :D

Really, the transition was a bit difficult at first, but it does everything and more. You should really try it... I could give you some hints on how to do stuff :)

I'm kind of relieved that you don't hate me for changing what I changed :) it's your "babies", after all.

Do you have a favorite new weapon you would like me to try next?  :D
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Amunak on July 08, 2012, 10:51:32 pm
Do you have a favorite new weapon you would like me to try next?  :D

Well I think that everyone loves Blaster Launchers. And kittens.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: moriarty on July 09, 2012, 08:50:21 am
would you really want me to make a nyan nyan launcher?  :o
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Amunak on July 09, 2012, 11:14:05 am
Nyan launchers?
Exactly! :D
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: moriarty on July 09, 2012, 11:30:27 am
 :o LOLOL  ;D
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Yankes on July 09, 2012, 08:01:38 pm
good candidate for easter egg, more powerful weapon than blaster launcher :D
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: moriarty on July 09, 2012, 08:10:28 pm
right, you set waypoints on aliens, and instead of exploding on hit, it does a few circles around them, trailing rainbows all the time, and they drop unconscious from synapse overload  ;D
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: moriarty on July 16, 2012, 09:24:05 pm
okay, I've been busy... doing other stuff, but then I did find some time for this:

these are "bigob" sprites for a few of chiko's weapons. if you don't know: those are used for the inventory, for the bottom menu part of the battlescape screen and for the UFOpaedia.
I've also made "floorob" sprites, the ones that are displayed on the battlescape for stuff that's lying around. I did not make new sprites for the human conventional weapons, as the ones that exist actually fit chiko's weapons better than they did the original ones :)
the rockets for the launcher have been trimmed a bit: they are a little bit slimmer and shorter, to better fit the re-designed launcher.

Chiko, I hope you don't mind that I changed the plasma weapon's ammo sprites: I flipped them upside down and made a few changes to align the green part with the little green dots on the weapon itself - my idea was that the clip is actually inserted lengthwise, with the green bit sticking out, so the way they are displayed now is aligned with how they would fit in the weapon.

again, I would be happy to receive feedback, before I go ahead and start doing the "handob" sprites...  ;D

EDIT: first update already, changed floorob for plasma rifle and small launcher...
EDIT2: oops, forgot the new rifle and pistol with ammo... now added.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on July 17, 2012, 01:49:24 am
No worries, lad. You can edit them all as you see fit. I'm just glad these are being used for something and not lost at the dark corners of the last pages in this forum. ;D

I'd do more but I lack the will these days. I guess real life is being stronger, lol.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Amunak on July 17, 2012, 02:39:37 am
A little offtopic, but I can't resist...
I'd do more but I lack the will these days. I guess real life is being stronger, lol.
Don't let it win!
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on August 24, 2012, 07:44:48 pm
A little offtopic, but I can't resist...Don't let it win!
Lol, it's really difficult to resist real life. I'm looking for a new job so I can have a life. I'd like to work in the mornings so I can have the rest of the day for meself.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Warboy1982 on October 31, 2012, 01:17:09 am
i hope you don't mind, but i am including the hell out of your sprites in my mod project.
- knife (also made a recoloured version for alien plasma blade)
- your plasma weapons (used these for alien railguns)

if this is a problem, let me know and i'll remove it, and of course i'll credit you in the readme.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: moriarty on October 31, 2012, 07:08:46 am
anything I've done is yours (or anyone's) to use :)

of course, the idea was originally chiko's... but judging from what he said so far, he's probably totally ok with you using it.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on November 10, 2012, 04:16:34 am
Yup. Anyone can use these so there's no problem. Have fun!
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on November 22, 2012, 07:07:54 am
Got a bit of free time now. I quited my stupid, boring and time consuming job of mine. I'm not looking a new job any time soon so yeah, here:

EM Weapons
EMP Pistol / EMP Rifle / EMP Cannon / EMP Grenade / EMP Proximity Mine

Basically, stun weapons to disable Robots, HWPs and the like. I'd probably add a grenade sprite in there tomorrow.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Warboy1982 on November 22, 2012, 07:35:04 am
sorry to hear about your job loss, but welcome to the club!

i like these, but they look very similar to the standard plasma weapons, if i may suggest, try altering the barrel/muzzle area a bit more, and perhaps add some flashing lights and glowing power coils or something?
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: michal on November 22, 2012, 08:16:36 am
i like these, but they look very similar to the standard plasma weapons,

Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on November 22, 2012, 08:37:08 am
They are based off the original Plasma Rifle. My Plasma Weapons are all based off the original Plasma Cannon and Laser Pistol coz they have kinda the same style.

Since the original Plasma Rifle sprite became "unused" in my sprite set, I reused it to represent the style of EM Weapons. :3
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on November 22, 2012, 03:44:22 pm
I think the only other weapon sprite that I haven't used is the Laser Rifle sprite. There's a new weapon tech tree I think that could be like THE late game weapons, available only after you have researched all possible weapon tech both human and alien. The tech is not new, it's actually in X-Com 2.

Mass Acceleration Weapons (Aka Gauss Weapons)
The difference is that unlike X-Com 2's Gauss Weapons, these should be more similar to conventional weapons than energy bolt firing weapons like plasma weapons.

Weapon Types would be:
MA Pistol
MA Rifle
MA Cannon
MA Autogun
MA Gun Turret (For HWPs)
MA Cannon (For Aircraft)
MA Defense Station (Facility)

They would be a lot more versatile by allowing the use of varied ammo like:
AP Rounds: Standard ammunition
Fusion Rounds: The new explosive ammunition for these weapons
Plasma Rounds: Basically, a stronger version of incendiary ammo
EMP Rounds: Robot stunner ammunition
Stun Rounds: Stun ammunition to use against living organisms

If only we could add more weapons... :P
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: karvanit on November 22, 2012, 03:52:42 pm
Just wait until we hit 1.0! Then the gates will open...
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on November 22, 2012, 04:09:02 pm
That would be the most awesome day ever!
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on November 22, 2012, 05:33:56 pm
Mass Acceleration weapons based on the old Laser Rifle sprite. They still look a bit weird, specially brightness and contrasts but I'll tweak them later. Ammunition sprites will come next.

MA Weapons
MA Pistol / MA Rifle / MA Cannon / MA Autogun / Kinetic Rounds / EMP Rounds / Plasma Rounds / Fusion Rounds
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Warboy1982 on November 22, 2012, 10:15:03 pm
i'm so totally stealing that laser minigun for my mod.

i'm going a similar route with my weapons, ie:

mundane (human AP)
laser (human beam)
plasma (alien energy)
disruptor (alien beam)
gauss (alien AP)

and then have subtypes for each type:
assault rifle (standard xcom rifle style)
shotgun (multiple low powered projectiles)
carbine rifle (high powered single shot weapons)
assault cannon (full auto flavour)

for a total of 25 weapon types, plus alien and human flamethrowers and grenade/missile launchers, and specialty weapons (like an EMP rifle capable of stunning a sectopod)

so basically what i'm saying is, there's a lot of holes in my sprite set. thank you for filling another one :P
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on November 23, 2012, 12:45:19 am
Tehehe... no problem, lad. Remember to check the sprites once in a while or to save these ones coz I sometimes edit the sprites already done at random. Well, not at random, it happens when I feel like tweaking them.

Also, I have something similar to your subtype weapons in my dreamed X-Com. Weapon Modifications. Basically, they add or change functionality in weapons. They also get a partial name change.

Burst Mode: Add Burst Shot to Pistol and Rifle Class Weapons / Prefix added "Assault"
Optical Scope: Better Aimed Shots for Pistol and Rifle Class Weapons / Snipers can aim at Body Parts / Prefix added "Scoped"
Laser Sight: Slightly increases Acc for Pistol, Rifle and Heavy Class Weapons / Prefix added "Laser-Sighted"
EMP Mode: Plasma Weapons gain the Ability to fire EMP bolts / Name replacement "Plasma" to "EMP"
Stun Mode: Plasma Weapons gain the Ability to fire Stun bolts / Name replacement "Plasma" to "Stunner"

As you can see, these would be like Subtype Weapons too.
Also, the EM Guns I posted do not exist in my dreamed X-Com. The EMP Mode makes them redundant items. I made the sprites for them anyways. :P
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on November 24, 2012, 04:47:30 pm
Added a bit more sprites to the main page in this thread.

EMP Grenade, EMP Proximity Mine and Different ammo choices for the MA Weapons. I also edited some of the weapons.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Yankes on November 25, 2012, 01:52:54 pm
Chiko could you made that clip in weapon graphic and clip graphic look exactly that same? I have most problems with heavy weapons because original clips are big as whole weapon.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on November 25, 2012, 06:31:06 pm
Chiko could you made that clip in weapon graphic and clip graphic look exactly that same? I have most problems with heavy weapons because original clips are big as whole weapon.
I tried it a while ago but it's kind of difficult. Scaling items to the same size, specially ammo clips on weapons will cause the weapons to not fit in the Left/Right Hand grids in the Inventory. The other option would be to make ammo clips small like the ones represented in the weapons.

Ammo and Weapons are already different sizes in the original game. Sprites in the inventory window don't really need to be scaled the same size, IMO. They are just graphic representations of the items depending on the slots they take in the inventory window.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on November 25, 2012, 10:48:00 pm
Been trying to make a Flamethrower. I could only get this done.


Looks somewhat weird... I'll give it another try later. :P
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: xracer on April 02, 2013, 05:51:21 pm
How is it that i have missed this thread??!!! I know this is reviving and old thread but it is great work.

Chiko the work is awesome, this has so many good ideas written all over. I hope you do post a little higher res version, for when OPENXCOM goes high-def :)
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on April 06, 2013, 04:17:47 am
Might do. Only thing I would be needing are high-def of the original weapons since I use ingame graphics to "create" new stuff. :P
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: mercy on April 08, 2013, 04:16:07 pm

Not bad man. Nice sprites. Definitely continue developing the weapons.

However the sprites could use more creative innovation. Current ones are too much similar to original pixel graphics.

Maybe the soldiers should hold the knife upside down, blade pointing toward ground, but much more important is to develop a different, new outlook of all weapons.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Yankes on April 08, 2013, 07:08:01 pm
However the sprites could use more creative innovation. Current ones are too much similar to original pixel graphics.
whole point of Chiko work was to made its look like original.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on April 14, 2013, 04:33:06 pm
Yup. The difference with vanilla sprites is I'm making items with the same tech look alike.

A good example world be vanilla laser weapons. they all look different. I didn't really liked that so I decided to make sprites all using the same style and color. I'm still using the sprites I'm replacing to make other weapons like the Electromagnetic Weapons all based on the vanilla Plasma Rifle sprite.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Aldorn on April 15, 2013, 02:44:06 pm
Nothing really of interest, but I vote for similar weapons too, I mean not so different from original to keep atmosphere...
Job done by Chiko is just amazing !
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Aldorn on February 18, 2014, 04:34:42 pm
Chiko, I see some of your stuff is available under completed mods, but not all are available
Would it be possible for you to provide a zip file with all of your nice work displayed in first message of this discussion ?

Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on March 12, 2014, 09:11:22 am
Sure, I need to find the files first, though. I will try to have them uploaded tomorrow. I totally forgot about this site again so sorry about answering like a month later. :P

Edit: Wait, if you mean making all those pictures be actual usable items then I would need to make the battlescape version of those items too, which I haven't. If that's the case then you would need to wait a bit. I will probably start making my own mods once version 1.0 is released.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: xracer on March 21, 2014, 12:45:49 am

I thought you were going to make the floorobs for all of them so i could use them :P

Como estas? te haz perdido :)

Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Warboy1982 on March 21, 2014, 06:31:05 am
floorobs are pretty easy, hell you can get away with using the front facing handob.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Dioxine on March 23, 2014, 11:33:02 pm
Or rotate the bigob 90 degrees and reduce its size to about 35-40%...
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: xracer on March 24, 2014, 03:55:08 am
Or rotate the bigob 90 degrees and reduce its size to about 35-40%...

will that look good?
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Warboy1982 on March 24, 2014, 10:04:51 pm
it's about 8x3 pixels, how good do you want it to look? :P
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Aldorn on May 22, 2014, 03:09:40 am
Chiko, I see some of your stuff is available under completed mods, but not all are available
Would it be possible for you to provide a zip file with all of your nice work displayed in first message of this discussion ?
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on June 19, 2014, 06:06:36 am
I hear version 1.0 is finally out. That's awesome news! I'm currently modding other games but I would love to make some mods for this game one of these days.

Sorry about the delay, I totally forgot about OpenXcom for a while now. You can actually just right click the images and save them to your hard drive.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 19, 2014, 05:39:00 pm
I hear version 1.0 is finally out. That's awesome news! I'm currently modding other games but I would love to make some mods for this game one of these days.

It's a bit off-topic and possibly intrusive, but may I ask what games are you modding now?

I'm asking because good modders tend to play good games. :)
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on June 19, 2014, 06:28:02 pm
Currently, Neo Scavenger and Silent Storm. I have made lots of stuff for Neo Scav but I haven't done anything for Silent Storm yet, I haven't even been able to run the official editor.

Before those I managed to release mods for a few other games like Arx Fatalis, Cortex Command, Teleglitch, Cataclysm DDA, Dungeons of Dredmor, TES Oblivion... those are the ones I remember.

I have modded more games but I don't upload all the stuff I make. My attention span is crippled, so most aren't finished. :P
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 19, 2014, 07:02:52 pm
Ah, thanks. Perhaps we could have a thread to share such info. :)
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: tnarg on June 19, 2014, 07:11:28 pm
Hi quick question from a newbe modder:

Is there any convetion in place for Sprite numbering (ie floorSprite and bigSprite numbers) so that my Mod will work with others?

I plan on making 1 with 5 ammo types an undesided number of tanks and 3 aircrafts.
What Sprite numbers should I use?
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Falko on June 19, 2014, 07:18:24 pm
each mod has itts own file id list
as long as you keep your file id/numbers below 1000 you can select any useful id
there will be no interference with other mods
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: tnarg on June 19, 2014, 07:35:40 pm
OK thanks that's good to know. does that meen I can't accss the default spites? (I was going to be lazy and use some of the default floor and hand Sprites)
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Falko on June 19, 2014, 08:03:11 pm
Code: [Select]
    bigSprite: 1
    floorSprite: 1
    handSprite: 0
  - type: STR_RIFLE
    bigSprite: 0
    floorSprite: 0
    handSprite: 8
switches the images for laser and rifle if you want to do something like that
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 19, 2014, 08:42:29 pm
OK thanks that's good to know. does that meen I can't accss the default spites? (I was going to be lazy and use some of the default floor and hand Sprites)

No, you can use sprite numbers as they are used in the Xcom1Ruleset.rul. Note that these numbers are not defined in the ruleset itself (except several late additions), so this numeration is not dependent on any ruleset.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on June 20, 2014, 09:58:58 pm
Well, I'll just start modding this game now. Time to give those sprites actual uses. :P
I will probably ask a lot of modding questions in here to avoid littering the forums with them separately.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on June 21, 2014, 04:23:50 am
So far so good. I've started adding the sprite replacement and I'm starting to create new weapons, which is kinda harder since I'm not really good at the non inventory sprites.

Also, I always wanted to add a new aircraft into the game. This one is from an old game from the 90's but I kinda like it for an advanced interceptor.

Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 21, 2014, 04:36:07 am
I wanted to say "We have enough interceptor mods", but this one looks way too cool. :)
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on June 21, 2014, 09:27:16 am
What about separating the rifle into 2 different weapons? Assault Rifle and Sniper Rifle. AR would get a decrease in accuracy, specially in Aimed Shot and the SR would get no burst shot, deal more damage, smaller ammo magazine, etc.
Not really and original idea by now, though.

Also, what about giving the Autogun burst shot only, a bit less accuracy but a bigger ammo capacity and the ability to fire a lot in a single turn? Like in the Xcom intro. :P

Edit: I almost forgot. It took forever to make because of the palette thing but I finally made it to look a bit more decent.
I'm kinda unsure about their stats. Should it be just overall better than the firestorm or maybe faster but less armored?
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: niculinux on June 21, 2014, 11:41:24 am
Wow chiko that craft is awesome! I agree on havin a sniper rifle but i' remake rhe rifle, maybe some sorta m16 ak47 hybrid? There are a lot of artwork on internet for inspiration <3

Maybe somebody may take some "inspiration" form this (

Edit:typos fixed x:
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Aldorn on June 21, 2014, 11:43:14 am
Chicko ! Chicko ! Chicko !
Do you hear the crowd noise  :)

What about separating the rifle into 2 different weapons?
Please do it
There is already a Sniper Rifle, but I have to admit I prefer the look of your own design
Your contribution is a diamond in that sprites are exactly in same spirit of vanilla, and ammunition you provide are just perfect

May I ask a set of 5 laser clips of growing size for this kind of material... (

Should it be just overall better than the firestorm or maybe faster but less armored?
Do you mean an interceptor able to stop future new Raider Ships ? 8)
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Warboy1982 on June 21, 2014, 12:30:56 pm
I wanted to say "We have enough interceptor mods"

you're not the mod police, there's no such thing as enough or too much. :P

and welcome back Chiko!
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 21, 2014, 01:22:57 pm
Also, what about giving the Autogun burst shot only, a bit less accuracy but a bigger ammo capacity and the ability to fire a lot in a single turn? Like in the Xcom intro. :P

In my opinion, that would make an already crappy weapon even worse. IMO the Auto-Cannon is the least efficient X-Com weapon, lacking both the power and the accuracy. If we take away its single fire option, then it'd be less flexible too.
Unless you want an autofire monster, but then I guess you need to go all the way ( :)

Edit: I almost forgot. It took forever to make because of the palette thing but I finally made it to look a bit more decent.

A bit more decent? It looks way better! :)

I'm kinda unsure about their stats. Should it be just overall better than the firestorm or maybe faster but less armored?

Yes, after all we need to fill this niche. There's plenty of "improved interceptor" mods out there, but nothing high-end really.
Though "faster than Firestorm" seems really, really fast!

you're not the mod police, there's no such thing as enough or too much. :P

Sorry, what I meant is that there are zillions of improved interceptors already. I'm not saying people can't make more, only that there's not much demand, from what I can see. And public demand is the main reason for modding, at least for me.
But since Chiko wants something different that I expected, this argument goes out the window and I made a bit of a fool of myself.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Human Ktulu on June 21, 2014, 08:01:54 pm
I like Chiko gfx  :P
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on June 21, 2014, 08:19:47 pm
Wow chiko that craft is awesome! I agree on havin a sniper rifle but i' remake rhe rifle, maybe some sorta m16 ak47 hybrid? There are a lot of artwork on internet for inspiration <3

Maybe somebody may take some "inspiration" form this (

Edit:typos fixed x:
I thought about making real world weapon sprites but I kinda want to stick with the vanilla style.

May I ask a set of 5 laser clips of growing size for this kind of material... (
Sure, I will post them here when they are done. A question, though. Are those clips usable for all 3 laser weapons or it's gonna be like 1 for the pistol, 2 for the rifle and the last 2 for the cannon?

and welcome back Chiko!
Happy to be back! It's been a while now. :P

In my opinion, that would make an already crappy weapon even worse. IMO the Auto-Cannon is the least efficient X-Com weapon, lacking both the power and the accuracy. If we take away its single fire option, then it'd be less flexible too.
Unless you want an autofire monster, but then I guess you need to go all the way ( :)

I had no idea you could affect how many bullets a weapon could fire at a time. I could do something similar with this one. Burst or Full Auto.

What I suggested is actually practical in its own way. I modded it in the vanilla Xcom years ago. You can use it to turn buildings, and any potential cover in general, into Swiss cheese, specially if you are using explosive ammo. Maybe I should leave the accuracy alone, though. It turns into an alternative to using rocket launchers to deal with aliens inside buildings. :3

Edit: It would be cool if there was some kind of "suppression" caused by simply being shoot at, which should "damage" TUs and Morale. That would give burst and auto fire a different tactical use.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Aldorn on June 21, 2014, 09:11:54 pm
Sure, I will post them here when they are done. A question, though. Are those clips usable for all 3 laser weapons or it's gonna be like 1 for the pistol, 2 for the rifle and the last 2 for the cannon?

My request is very selfish and purely for my own use...

I am intended to have at least five weapons per technology (Regular/Gauss/Laser/Plasma)

Also the five weapons are Pistol, Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Heavy, HMG

Just some difference of size would be great (I tried myself but failed...)

There exist already SOME (, but, without criticizing other modders, I like yours as they seem more consistent to me
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on June 21, 2014, 09:48:00 pm
Question... Is there a way to implement a flamethrower? I remember posting one some pages ago out of boredom but since fire can spread, maybe it could be used to deal with aliens inside buildings. Also, can the damage caused by fire be edited?
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Aldorn on June 21, 2014, 09:57:42 pm
Question... Is there a way to implement a flamethrower? I remember posting one some pages ago out of boredom but since fire can spread, maybe it could be used to deal with aliens inside buildings. Also, can the damage caused by fire be edited?

There is already ONE ( implemented

The way used to mod this kind of ammunition effect is the explosion with high values set to "bulletSpeed:" and "explosionSpeed:" (in addition of "arcingShot:" for the weapon)

But that's right it is more like an incendiary auto cannon than a real flamethrower, as it does not burn all along the distance, I guess an engine limitation

Feel free to propose your own version  ;)
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Warboy1982 on June 21, 2014, 11:11:48 pm
Question... Is there a way to implement a flamethrower?

this looks like a job for.... WARBOY!
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 21, 2014, 11:16:07 pm
this looks like a job for.... WARBOY!

Oh goodie! :)
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Dioxine on June 21, 2014, 11:17:40 pm
Time will tell :)
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Unknown Hero on June 22, 2014, 02:56:01 am
Really nice work Chiko,

I would only suggest to make some changes to the gun barrel for the Alien Plasma Pistol / Alien Plasma Rifle, and for the Human Plasma Pistol / Human Plasma Rifle to give them a little more volume; it seems to lack something (in French in the text: "ce je ne sais quoi") compared to the Alien Plasma Cannon and Human Plasma Cannon.

I made some changes (only for the alien weapons, and poorly done (don't zoom in, don't use it ;) ) just for the goal to explain it  :)


I was about to make a proposal for an electric shock grenade to use against Cyberdiscs, but it seems that it's no longer necessary  :D
Your ideas about Electromagnetic Weapons are great.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on June 22, 2014, 05:02:25 am
Being able to add new sounds is awesome. I found one that fits the Sniper Rifle perfectly well. :3
Talking about the Sniper Rifle. You can only fire one aimed shot or two snap shots per turn and it takes 5 round clips but it does 3 times the damage of the normal rifle, so it's best to keep snipers in stationary positions and let others do the exploring.

this looks like a job for.... WARBOY!
:O     It would be awesome if flamethrowers could be featured into the game!

Really nice work Chiko,

I would only suggest to make some changes to the gun barrel for the Alien Plasma Pistol / Alien Plasma Rifle, and for the Human Plasma Pistol / Human Plasma Rifle to give them a little more volume; it seems to lack something (in French in the text: "ce je ne sais quoi") compared to the Alien Plasma Cannon and Human Plasma Cannon.

I made some changes (only for the alien weapons, and poorly done (don't zoom in, don't use it ;) ) just for the goal to explain it  :)

I was about to make a proposal for an electric shock grenade to use against Cyberdiscs, but it seems that it's no longer necessary  :D
Your ideas about Electromagnetic Weapons are great.
Sure, I also think my plasma weapons look a bit lacking. I will probably edit them when I start adding the plasma weapon sprites into the mod.

Also, about the Electromagnetic Weapons. There's no EMP damage in the game so they are just ideas for now. I will suggest it, though. I'd love to implement them into the game.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: niculinux on June 22, 2014, 11:45:23 am
Dear chiko,

A little little "request" please, may you laso make a new sprite for the mind probe? Actually the original one featured in the vanilla game it's a......ball?!?!?!?!  :o

Thanks :)
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Aldorn on June 22, 2014, 02:29:17 pm
Talking about the Sniper Rifle. You can only fire one aimed shot or two snap shots per turn and it takes 5 round clips but it does 3 times the damage of the normal rifle, so it's best to keep snipers in stationary positions and let others do the exploring.
Don't forget to add a "minRange:"

EDIT : and don't forget to post result of your work 8) ;)
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on June 22, 2014, 04:58:44 pm
Dear chiko,

A little little "request" please, may you laso make a new sprite for the mind probe? Actually the original one featured in the vanilla game it's a......ball?!?!?!?!  :o

Thanks :)
Well, it's alien tech. It's supposed to look weird for us. xD
I'll see what I can do.

Don't forget to add a "minRange:"

EDIT : and don't forget to post result of your work 8) ;)
MinRange? What does that do exactly? Edit: I found it in the wiki. :P
What number do you think it's appropriated here? 10 maybe?

Also, ever since I added mods, I keep getting an error with dll files but the game works anyways. Is that normal? :P
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Aldorn on June 22, 2014, 05:28:13 pm
MinRange? What does that do exactly? Edit: I found it in the wiki. :P
What number do you think it's appropriated here? 10 maybe?
Gauss Sniper Rifle is 20 if I remember but I think it's a little too much, so 10 seems ok

Also, ever since I added mods, I keep getting an error with dll files but the game works anyways. Is that normal? :P
I don't think so
On Win 7 x64 I never meet such an error. In this case better is perhaps to reinstall
PS : beware of Commendations/Diaries mod as it changes exe and dll, but I guess you are aware of it
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on June 22, 2014, 07:04:13 pm
Aww... I wanted to implement the Stun-Gas Grenade featured in the main page but there's no such thing as stun smoke. :P
Guess it's just gonna be an stun explosion like with stun bombs.

Also, what do you guys think about Stun ammo for the Autogun and Cannon? It would give those weapons more chances to be used in late game, IMO.
There's also sprites for pistol and rifle stun ammo but that seems too much. :P
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Aldorn on June 22, 2014, 08:45:21 pm
I already ask you but I wonder if I well understood your answer, so I ask again  :-[ : are you able to provide material from your first post (by material I mean 1 gif per weapon or per clip) ?
It's a pain to see all this nice stuff and not be able to use it

And what about floorhob, handob, ... : do you plan to work on it too ?

As an example of application, stun ammo, if not used as stun ammo, could be used in replacement of alloy ammunition, etc...
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on June 23, 2014, 05:46:29 am
I already ask you but I wonder if I well understood your answer, so I ask again  :-[ : are you able to provide material from your first post (by material I mean 1 gif per weapon or per clip) ?
It's a pain to see all this nice stuff and not be able to use it

And what about floorhob, handob, ... : do you plan to work on it too ?

As an example of application, stun ammo, if not used as stun ammo, could be used in replacement of alloy ammunition, etc...
I can do that but it would take time, since they were made with full color depth/no palette. I will be including them in the mod I'm making, though so anyone will be able to take the gif files from the mod.

And yes, I will work on the floorhob and handob but even thinking about it makes me lazy. xD
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Aldorn on June 23, 2014, 09:32:43 am
I can do that but it would take time, since they were made with full color depth/no palette. I will be including them in the mod I'm making, though so anyone will be able to take the gif files from the mod.
Ok I didn't know or understand this

And yes, I will work on the floorhob and handob but even thinking about it makes me lazy. xD
You, lazy ? :o

Do here only what you enjoy doing and leave the rest, there will always be other motivated to complete these tasks.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on June 23, 2014, 06:52:36 pm
Also, where can I get the floorhob and handob sprites? I remember someone posting them in a thread but that was eons ago.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: KingMob4313 on June 24, 2014, 04:29:43 am
This thread is now a sprite repository for modding purposes. I'll try to constantly update this thread with new sprites and I can also take sprite requests too. The sprites I'll be posting here will be mostly for new ideas, rather than replacements of the old sprites.

Standard-Issue Weapons
Combat Knife / Pistol / Assault Rifle / Sniper Rifle

As others may have asked, do you have links to the other ob views for battlescape and the like.

Also, do you take commissions?  I could use a graphics set for a light machine gun and a sub machine gun.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on June 24, 2014, 05:14:00 am
As others may have asked, do you have links to the other ob views for battlescape and the like.

Also, do you take commissions?  I could use a graphics set for a light machine gun and a sub machine gun.
I haven't done any yet. I first need the vanilla ones so I can edit them.

And maybe. I usually spend my free time on my current mod than sprite requests lately. :P
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on June 24, 2014, 08:32:54 am
Wow... I just tried the arcingShot string on weapons and it makes them really interesting. :O
I think I will add that feature to plasma weapons.

Also, I just managed to add my first research thingy. After you research Small Launcher and Stun Bombs, you will be allowed to research Stun Grenades. It took a bit of time to figure out but I think I will mess with the research tree. I kinda want to rename the Laser Weapons research to Energy Weapons, give it a ufopedia entry and make it so you have to research all laser tech first to be able to research plasma weapons.

In vanilla Xcom, if you can get your hands on laser/plasma weapons way too quick... I will try to change that by make research take longer and by adding more things to research.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Aldorn on June 24, 2014, 11:44:08 am
Wow... I just tried the arcingShot string on weapons and it makes them really interesting. :O

Do you know also the "shotgunPellets:" option ?

Also, I just managed to add my first research thingy. After you research Small Launcher and Stun Bombs, you will be allowed to research Stun Grenades. It took a bit of time to figure out but I think I will mess with the research tree. I kinda want to rename the Laser Weapons research to Energy Weapons, give it a ufopedia entry and make it so you have to research all laser tech first to be able to research plasma weapons.

You should have a look at Solars FMP Tech Tree...
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on June 24, 2014, 05:48:54 pm
Do you know also the "shotgunPellets:" option ?
I only read about it in the wiki but I haven't tried it yet. It sounds a bit weird in the description but if I understand correctly, it fires multiple shots but only one is shown due to vanilla engine limitations.

What about giving the arcingShot to the Cannon? It would allow it to be used as a bombardment weapon since it could be fire over obstacles.

You should have a look at Solars FMP Tech Tree...
Well, I made one (Kinda, it's more an ideal Xcom than a tech tree) years ago so I will try to implement the most I can from it but a lot of stuff is beyond my ability to mod, at least for now.

Also, I uploaded it some time ago coz a friend asked me if he could read it. It's a bit complicated to understand, though coz it's an amalgamation of ideas. :P

I will take a look at that tech tree, though. Maybe there's something new.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: yrizoud on June 24, 2014, 06:46:55 pm
Be careful that arcing weapons are very hard to use in alien bases, because of low ceiling.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on June 24, 2014, 07:08:42 pm
Be careful that arcing weapons are very hard to use in alien bases, because of low ceiling.
Uh oh... Forgot about that detail. Imma try them in a base attack and see if the ceiling becomes a problem. I hope not, I really like how plasma behaves differently than the rest of the weapons.

Edit: The won't hit the ceiling but it seems they sometimes "miss" an object and hit like next to it. I tried hitting an explosive alien container thing and it looked like I hit several times but the thing didn't explode. It did when I fired from another direction, though. Imma test that some more, maybe it was just bad hitting chance.

A curious thing, though. since this weapon can fire over obstacles, it makes aliens more dangerous. There is this alien who was at where the cursor is in the pic and it was able to bombard one of my troops and actually kill him this way. I don't think he has a direct line of sight but there was another alien seeing that guy.
Can aliens "use" spotters the way we do? If they do then this feature makes the game harder at the early stages. xD
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on June 24, 2014, 09:08:48 pm
Finally gave the arcingShot to cannons. It turns them into friggin mortar cannons and you can fire them over buildings if you have a spotter. I love it. I shall rename them Siege Cannons and edit their ufopedia entry.

Also, I decreased their blast radius. Their explosions were a bit too big, IMO. I also did for Auto Cannons, specially since they have bigger ammo clips and can fire a lot more bullets per turn.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 25, 2014, 12:34:02 am
Can aliens "use" spotters the way we do? If they do then this feature makes the game harder at the early stages. xD

If an alien sees your soldier, they know exactly where the soldier is for a number of turn equal to their Intelligence (normally 2, for the not-so-bright ones). So they actually have a very good intel. :)
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on June 25, 2014, 03:13:14 am
About the research thing I mentioned. Is it a good idea to add human versions of the alien weapons? If so:

1-As soon as you research a weapon and its ammo, you can build human looking version of them, with probably some bonus like better accuracy or less TUs usage.


2-Once you research all items related to a specific tech, plasma for instance, you will be allowed to research the human counterparts with the bonuses.

If an alien sees your soldier, they know exactly where the soldier is for a number of turn equal to their Intelligence (normally 2, for the not-so-bright ones). So they actually have a very good intel. :)

I didn't imagine it would be like that. I thought it was simpler.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Aldorn on June 25, 2014, 01:17:09 pm
I like this idea of human version of alien weapons
1st : they are nice
2nd : this will make alien weapons found on battle screen unusable, so beware to take enough ammunitions with you
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on June 25, 2014, 07:47:28 pm
Hmm... after a while testing plasma weapons with the arcingShot, I think it makes them way to powerful... you can just send one person to explore and as soon as you encounter someone, you can tell everyone to rain down plasma with incredibly accuracy. Also, since this goes over obstacles, it's impossible to aim at a wall, since the shoot will either land at either of the sides instead of hitting the wall. So I will remove it.

One thing I could do, is to edit all 3 plasma weapons into this:

-Reduce the number of rounds per clip. These guns have too much ammo, IMO.
-Remove the burst shot option from the plasma pistol and rifle.
-Turn the Heavy Plasma into a fully automatic siege weapon. Which only fires in bursts and with the arcingShot feature so it will be a mixture between the Auto Cannon and the Siege Cannon.
-Make it so all 3 plasma weapons are used by the aliens at later stages of the game to avoid aliens using only the Heavy Plasma.

Also, I could post a download link and keep it updated it so you can all try these changes and see if it's good content or not. I could use some feedback since I suck at rebalancing. :P
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Aldorn on June 25, 2014, 07:55:21 pm

Once more, have a look at Solars Alien Expanded Armoury, as he added new Alien weapons (Plasma Caster, Plasma Blaster, Plasma Sniper Rifle, Toxingun).

There is an unused sprite of "heavy Plasma" (Plasma Destroyer if I well remember) that I used to make a Plasma Scatter (Plasma HMG)
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 25, 2014, 10:12:03 pm
Once more, have a look at Solars Alien Expanded Armoury, as he added new Alien weapons (Plasma Caster, Plasma Blaster, Plasma Sniper Rifle, Toxingun).

There is an unused sprite of "heavy Plasma" (Plasma Destroyer if I well remember) that I used to make a Plasma Scatter (Plasma HMG)

Thanks for the mention, Aldorn. :) For clarity, the weapon is called Plasma Blaster, but its string is STR_PLASMA_DESTROYER, since I couldn't settle on a name.

Because some people complained it was too similar to Heavy Plasma, Dioxine made a more distinct sprite, which is now used. However, I still attach the old files for those who prefer them. And you can totally use it Chiko, although you're a way better artist than me anyway. :)
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Aldorn on June 25, 2014, 10:39:15 pm
Thanks for the mention, Aldorn. :) For clarity, the weapon is called Plasma Blaster, but its string is STR_PLASMA_DESTROYER, since I couldn't settle on a name.

Because some people complained it was too similar to Heavy Plasma, Dioxine made a more distinct sprite, which is now used. However, I still attach the old files for those who prefer them. And you can totally use it Chiko, although you're a way better artist than me anyway. :)
And you were well inspired to do so, thanks  :)
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on June 26, 2014, 04:36:16 am
I wasn't able to do much today coz I got some work to do but here's a link to the unfinished mod in case someone wants to take a look:

It includes:
-New inventory graphics for some of the vanilla weapons.
-The Rifle has been separated into two weapons, Assault Rifle and Sniper Rifle.
-Auto Cannon now fires in auto mode only and their ammo has smaller blast radius but it needs considerable less TUs to use and has more rounds per clip.
-The Cannon has been replaced by a new weapon, the Siege Cannon. It can fire over obstacles and buildings with the help of a spotter. Their ammo has smaller blast radius since now it's a lot more deadly.
-The Laser Weapons research has its own ufopedia entry.
-All plasma weapons have reduced rounds in their ammo clips.
-Plasma Pistol and Rifle cannot fire in auto.
-Heavy Plasma cannot be fired in aimed mode now but it can be fired over obstacles, making it more useful.

I think that's all for now. I have some time right now so I will work on ways to add more research entries and stuff.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Aldorn on June 26, 2014, 05:13:03 am
Lots of stuff...

Be not offended, I am not interested by the ruleset

But by the sprites... :)

And there's a nice picture that can be used for some ufopaedia entry, nice contribution

I display some of your stuff just for pleasure
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on June 26, 2014, 05:25:57 am
No worries, as stated in the main page, all this stuff is free to use by other ppl.

Also, I forgot to mention Incendiary Grenades and Stun Grenades are also there. Stun Grenades need the research of Small Launcher and Stun Bombs first for them to be available for manufacture.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Aldorn on June 26, 2014, 05:27:49 am
Do I have to understand that you plan to provide all stuff displayed on first page ???

Hmmm....  ::)

EDIT : I definitely love the sniper rifle
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on June 26, 2014, 06:13:32 am
Yeah, those sprites and their names below were based on that .txt file I posted before. I will try to implement the most I can from that. Most of it cannot be implemented right now, though.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on June 26, 2014, 09:10:48 am
Uh oh... there some weird mistake I made but I can't see what's wrong. The Laser Weapons ufopedia entry is always shown, even if you start a new game and you can research it.  D:

Edit: Nvm, I just noticed what I missed. :P
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on June 27, 2014, 02:10:26 am
I'm almost done with the extended plasma research. It works like this:

You will be allowed to research alien plasma weapons and learn how to use them but you cannot manufacture them, including their ammo. Once you have researched all laser tech, Elerium 115, Alien Alloys and all alien plasma weapons and their ammo clips, a new research topic will appear, Plasma Weapon Adaptation. When you finish researching it, you will also get a free research, Human Plasma Pistol, and be allowed to research the rest of the human version of alien weapons, and also Plasma Defense and Plasma Cannon for Craft and HWP. There's also a Tank/Plasma HWP, which is available as soon as you research the Plasma Cannon.

I will do something similar with the rest of the alien Tech.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Aldorn on June 27, 2014, 07:40:14 am
This should not suit to Solarius :P, but nice to propose this alternative

I will refond my mod to use Terran Plasma Weapons :)

Chiko, may I ask you to set this link in your first also header post ?
Chiko's WIP here (
and to update it from time to time with your last available stuff (especially images)

EDIT : I'am not sure if it yours, but I found this in my archives, I did not even remember to have downloaded it
In case it helps you, see attached archive
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Aldorn on June 27, 2014, 04:08:59 pm
Chiko, I would have a request for you  ::)

Do you mind you could design some new (fixed) weapon, specific to the XCOM Enforcer (see attached)
The default weapon is the Plasma Rifle, I tried with Auto Cannon as of same colour...

If you have any inspiration
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on June 27, 2014, 09:00:56 pm
This should not suit to Solarius :P, but nice to propose this alternative

I will refond my mod to use Terran Plasma Weapons :)

Chiko, may I ask you to set this link in your first also header post ?
Chiko's WIP here (
and to update it from time to time with your last available stuff (especially images)

EDIT : I'am not sure if it yours, but I found this in my archives, I did not even remember to have downloaded it
In case it helps you, see attached archive
Is he doing something similar?

Also, yeah. Next update of this WIP should go into the main page instead of a post.
And those sprites are not mine but they do look similar to the alien plasma weapons I made a while ago.

Chiko, I would have a request for you  ::)

Do you mind you could design some new (fixed) weapon, specific to the XCOM Enforcer (see attached)
The default weapon is the Plasma Rifle, I tried with Auto Cannon as of same colour...

If you have any inspiration

Hmm... how should it look like? Maybe it could be like the heavy plasma but with no way to hold it, kinda like the vanilla Auto Cannon does. Vanilla Auto Cannon does look kinda weird since it has no visible way to hold it. :P
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on June 27, 2014, 10:19:56 pm
I just updated the the mod and posted it in the main post. It includes all the changes I mentioned before.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Aldorn on June 28, 2014, 12:32:27 am
Hmm... how should it look like? Maybe it could be like the heavy plasma but with no way to hold it, kinda like the vanilla Auto Cannon does. Vanilla Auto Cannon does look kinda weird since it has no visible way to hold it. :P
I'm not very creative, I trust you...
Suggestion : a weapon of same colour as armor, as if it was part of the armor
(Absolutely not urgent...)

I just updated the the mod and posted it in the main post. It includes all the changes I mentioned before.
Thanks dude  ;)
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 28, 2014, 02:20:51 am
Is he doing something similar?

Yeah, I'm on the Final Mod Pack team. Aldorn was referring to the fact that I seem to fight the idea of preventing humans from using alien tech for silly reasons like not having similar hands, because it's not true. :P However, I'm not fanatical enough to enforce it on other people. :P

As for the Enforcer weapon, will it be a Fixed Weapon, like someone suggested? AFAIR there was a bug with weapons going missing or something.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on June 28, 2014, 03:18:17 am
Oh, well, there's no need to worry about that in this mod coz humans can still use the alien weapons, just not manufacture them at first. I'm making it so instead of manufacture an exact duplicate of an alien item, Xcom will make a "human" version of it with some small bonuses so it makes more sense to actually make them coz in vanilla Xcom you get so many weapons from missions that it's not even necessary.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 28, 2014, 03:20:47 am
Oh, well, there's no need to worry about that in this mod coz humans can still use the alien weapons, just not manufacture them at first. I'm making it so instead of manufacture an exact duplicate of an alien item, Xcom will make a "human" version of it with some small bonuses so it makes more sense to actually make them coz in vanilla Xcom you get so many weapons from missions that it's not even necessary.

It's a fair point. I'll think about it too, though perhaps not in the first release.

Is manufacturing human plasma weapons exceptionally hard/costly in your scheme? Because if they're (even marginally) better than alien weapons, I can't see why it wouldn't be used.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on June 28, 2014, 03:51:21 am
What about this one?

It's a fair point. I'll think about it too, though perhaps not in the first release.

Is manufacturing human plasma weapons exceptionally hard/costly in your scheme? Because if they're (even marginally) better than alien weapons, I can't see why it wouldn't be used.
It's more like adapting alien tech so you need an alien weapon and 1 alien alloy to make one. Ammo is pretty much the same as before but you can only manufacture ammo when adapting their weapons is available, which is now later in the game.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on June 28, 2014, 04:17:35 am
Laser Weapons kinda get outclassed fast... what about Elerium fueled Laser Weapons? I remember someone asking for ammo clip sprites for Laser Weapons so Maybe I could make it so Lasers Weapons need ammo clips to operate but they offer lots of ammo anyways. So, as soon as you research Elerium and Alien Alloys, you get to research stronger ammo for them. :3
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Aldorn on June 28, 2014, 04:42:39 am
Yeah, I'm on the Final Mod Pack team. Aldorn was referring to the fact that I seem to fight the idea of preventing humans from using alien tech for silly reasons like not having similar hands, because it's not true. :P However, I'm not fanatical enough to enforce it on other people. :P

As for the Enforcer weapon, will it be a Fixed Weapon, like someone suggested? AFAIR there was a bug with weapons going missing or something.
I confirm, depending on my own tests, that set fixedWeapon to false make it crash, so it is necessary to set a fixed weapon

I would like a specific weapon, some HMG/Scatter/... with autoShots: 5

What about this one?

This one is nice, please keep it

Depending on how long it is to make a new weapon, if you have time and patience for another one, I would suggest an automated heavy weapon, like the Railgun but with Powersuit colorscheme
A weapon very "robotic", that even a strong soldier could not carry

Do not forget to attach this new plasma weapon, even if finally not used for Enforcer, it will be used for any other new heavy alien weapon  :)
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 28, 2014, 05:51:47 am
If it is fixed, then why does it even have an inventory screen? O_o
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Aldorn on June 28, 2014, 06:02:51 am
If it is fixed, then why does it even have an inventory screen? O_o
Because if it hadn't, lots of us would have asked to have access to its inventory  :P

And occasionally, you can make him carry some stuff
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 28, 2014, 06:23:36 am
Because if it hadn't, lots of us would have asked to have access to its inventory  :P

And occasionally, you can make him carry some stuff

OK, I thought X-Com units with fixed weapons cannot have inventory. I'm glad to have been wrong though. :)
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on June 28, 2014, 08:00:51 am
This one is nice, please keep it

Depending on how long it is to make a new weapon, if you have time and patience for another one, I would suggest an automated heavy weapon, like the Railgun but with Powersuit colorscheme
A weapon very "robotic", that even a strong soldier could not carry

Do not forget to attach this new plasma weapon, even if finally not used for Enforcer, it will be used for any other new heavy alien weapon  :)
Sure, I can try something else. Also, are you using the vanilla sprites for your plasma weapons or custom sprites?

Laser Weapons kinda get outclassed fast... what about Elerium fueled Laser Weapons? I remember someone asking for ammo clip sprites for Laser Weapons so Maybe I could make it so Lasers Weapons need ammo clips to operate but they offer lots of ammo anyways. So, as soon as you research Elerium and Alien Alloys, you get to research stronger ammo for them. :3
Either that or I could just make the Laser Weapons upgradeable instead. But making Laser Weapons so then you can upgrade them to these new ones might sound like an annoying thing to do so maybe you could just build them from Alloys and Elerium instead?
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Aldorn on June 28, 2014, 08:14:30 am
Sure, I can try something else. Also, are you using the vanilla sprites for your plasma weapons or custom sprites?

For now, I use vanilla + new plasma weapons from Solarius Scorch (see below).

But I wait for any new alien/terran plasma weapon you would provide, as you make harmonious stuff.

I will certainly keep some of Solars as I like them too (perhaps will replace the plasma caster = 2nd)

BIGOBS stay the most valuable, as for FLOOROB I can use existing ones, eventually same for HANDOB

Another "small" request : are you able to make a MiscResearch2.gif like Alien Alloys, for some text to be displayed on the left side (I mean : resize MiscResearch.gif, push it on the right border, and set the background of the remaining part to transparent/black colour) ?
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Mackus on June 29, 2014, 01:34:12 am
Because if it hadn't, lots of us would have asked to have access to its inventory  :P

And occasionally, you can make him carry some stuff

Wait: Does it mean I can mod in new armour type with built-in weapon, or two?
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Aldorn on June 29, 2014, 02:04:15 am
Wait: Does it mean I can mod in new armour type with built-in weapon, or two?
I don't think so
But it would have to be tested
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on June 29, 2014, 07:30:26 pm
Question, lads. I just finished with the laser power cell stuff. There's an issue, though.

When you check on a laser weapon ufopedia entry, it will show the elerium power cells too even though you are supposed to have no idea about their existence... Is there a way for them to don't show up there or at least until you research the Elerium Laser Weapons topic?
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Falko on June 29, 2014, 07:34:39 pm
look at the shotgun mod there it works
here a hint
Code: [Select]
    type_id: 4
    section: STR_NOT_AVAILABLE
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Aldorn on June 29, 2014, 07:56:16 pm
Question, lads. I just finished with the laser power cell stuff. There's an issue, though.

When you check on a laser weapon ufopedia entry, it will show the elerium power cells too even though you are supposed to have no idea about their existence... Is there a way for them to don't show up there or at least until you research the Elerium Laser Weapons topic?
Follow Falko's recommendation, or post your ruleset here and I will have a look
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on June 29, 2014, 08:41:16 pm
Thanks! That did the trick. I just uploaded the latest build with this stuff in the main page. Additional changes include:

-You need All Laser Tech Tree, Alien Alloys and Elerium 115 to be able to research Elerium Lasers.
-As soon as you research Elerium Lasers, you will be allowed to manufacture these powerful ammo cells for personal laser weapons. (HWPs, Craft and Facilities with Laser Tech are unaffected for now)
-Laser power cells do a bit less damage than vanilla laser weapons and the new Elerium ones do damage between the first Laser power cells and Plasma weapons.
-You now need Elerium Lasers research and all Alien Plasma Weapons to be able to develop Human Plasma Weapons.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on June 30, 2014, 08:18:20 am
Is there a way to make this elerium ammo thing with craft and HWPs? Or the only option there is to just make new Elerium Laser HWPs and Craft Cannon?

Also, I will edit the laser weapons stats. Pistol won't auto shot. Rifle will be separated into assault and sniper, just like I did with the standard issue weapons. The heavy Laser will have auto shot, less acc but less TUs usage for firing in automatic mode.

I won't make new power cells for Laser Sniper Rifles, they will instead use the Heavy Laser Power Cells or Heavy L115 Power Cells also used in the Heavy Laser. So Laser Sniper Rifles will need a lot of TUs to fire, cause Heavy Laser damage and have superior accuracy. They will have an accuracy penalty for using at close combat, just like the normal sniper rifles.

Edit: About the Flamethrower. A way to implement it into the mod would be as a "melee" weapon that uses ammo. It could be like the most damaging melee weapon available and it could then be upgraded with elerium to name an idea.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Aldorn on June 30, 2014, 11:32:00 am
Is there a way to make this elerium ammo thing with craft and HWPs? Or the only option there is to just make new Elerium Laser HWPs and Craft Cannon?
I think so, have a look at Alloy Crafts ( and Gauss HWP (

I won't make new power cells for Laser Sniper Rifles, they will instead use the Heavy Laser Power Cells or Heavy L115 Power Cells also used in the Heavy Laser. So Laser Sniper Rifles will need a lot of TUs to fire, cause Heavy Laser damage and have superior accuracy. They will have an accuracy penalty for using at close combat, just like the normal sniper rifles.
Some modders are used to make Sniper Rifle clip smaller than other weapons clips (as for me, I make it containing only 2 bullets...) so, depending on efforts it asks you, a power cell specific to Laser Sniper Rifle would be appreciated ; otherwise it is always possible to use any other clip (Rifle or Heavy).

Anyway, I am glad to learn you will create this Laser Sniper Rifle !

I give you another idea  what about a Laser Heavy Machine Gun ?
- low power
- high tuUse
- very heavy
- but with high autoshots (10 or 20)

Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 30, 2014, 03:14:59 pm
I think so, have a look at Alloy Crafts ( and Gauss HWP (

You'll need a new tank though, there's no way of using exchangeable ammo on a tank.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on June 30, 2014, 04:57:26 pm
I was afraid that was the case. Well, there isn't many HWPs and Craft Weapons so it won't be so bad.

Also, I've been playing with flamethrowers a bit and I noticed being on fire and incendiary explosions are not as effective as most damage types, regardless of the number you set in their damage output, which probably only affects direct hits. It would be cool if there was a way for this damage type to spawn fire on the floor without explosions. I'll shelve the flamethrowers for now but I'll keep the sprites in the folder called "Unused" i just introduced in the latest update so ppl can have them.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on July 01, 2014, 07:56:09 am
Just updated the download link in the main page. It includes:

-Laser Rifle has been split into Laser Assault Rifle and Laser Sniper Rifle.
-Laser Sniper Rifle uses Heavy Laser Power Cells or Heavy L115 Power Cells.
-Heavy Laser now has auto shot, is less accurate but uses less TUs.
-Rocket Launcher now uses the sprite posted in the main page.

I think I will now work on a Non-Lethal Weapons research tree. You will get this one after you research the Small Launcher and Stun Bombs. First item developed in this tree should be the already added Stun Grenade. Next one could be an improved Stun Rod, Human version of the Small Launcher with bonuses, Stun Ammo for the Siege Cannon and Auto Cannon but I have no idea if it's possible since those two weapons already have 3 types of ammo. I dunno how will this affect their ufopedia entry either.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on July 02, 2014, 07:37:11 am
Just got home so I will continue working on this new Non-Lethal Weapon tree. This is what I have in mind:

-Researching any dead alien would unlock the Non-Lethal Weapon research.
-Researching that will allow you to research Electro-Shock Rod (renamed Stun Rod) and the Alien Containment Facility.
-Upon researching either an Alien Stunner Gun (renamed Small Launcher) or a Stun Bomb will give you the Alien Abduction Weapons ufopedia entry.
-Researching a Stun Bomb will also give you knowledge of Stun Fluid, which you will be able to manufacture and use in the construction of more Stun Bombs and other Non-Lethal Weapons.
-Having knowledge of Stun Fluid will allow you to research Stun Grenades.
-Having knowledge of the Alien Stunner Gun, Alien Alloy and Stun Fluid will allow you to manufacture human version of Stunner Guns.
-Having knowledge of Electro-Shock Rod, Alien Alloy and Stun Fluid will allow you to research and develop the Stunner Rod, which will need ammo but it will do more stun damage.

Also, Stunner Guns will shot their Stun Bombs in an arched manner, just like the Siege Cannon, to make them more useful than Stun Grenades.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on July 02, 2014, 06:58:27 pm
I have most of the tech tree complete but there's one minor issue I have no idea how to fix...

I left this piece of code in all organic autopsy research:
Code: [Select]

In a particular case, when I research a Sectoid Corpse, it unlocks Non-Lethal Weapons, Floater Corpse and Reaper Corpse even though they are already available for research. Apart from that little detail, all the rest is working as intended.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: clownagent on July 02, 2014, 11:00:01 pm
Just got home so I will continue working on this new Non-Lethal Weapon tree. This is what I have in mind:

-Researching any dead alien would unlock the Non-Lethal Weapon research.
-Researching that will allow you to research Electro-Shock Rod (renamed Stun Rod) and the Alien Containment Facility.
-Upon researching either an Alien Stunner Gun (renamed Small Launcher) or a Stun Bomb will give you the Alien Abduction Weapons ufopedia entry.
-Researching a Stun Bomb will also give you knowledge of Stun Fluid, which you will be able to manufacture and use in the construction of more Stun Bombs and other Non-Lethal Weapons.
-Having knowledge of Stun Fluid will allow you to research Stun Grenades.
-Having knowledge of the Alien Stunner Gun, Alien Alloy and Stun Fluid will allow you to manufacture human version of Stunner Guns.
-Having knowledge of Electro-Shock Rod, Alien Alloy and Stun Fluid will allow you to research and develop the Stunner Rod, which will need ammo but it will do more stun damage.

Also, Stunner Guns will shot their Stun Bombs in an arched manner, just like the Siege Cannon, to make them more useful than Stun Grenades.

I also thought about changing the lore of the non-lethal alien tech. I felt they should have weapons based on low temperature to freeze their victims and take them with them.
Recoloring of the stun weapons to "ice" blue is easy.
But your idea with purple stun fluid is funny.  There is already a mod for purple psi fluid named 'psioline'.  Maybe one could mix them to produce some purple super fluid  ;)

Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on July 03, 2014, 04:13:12 am
Hmm... I forgot about the purple stuff in the psi amp. I will probably change that into another color or use another sprite entirely. :3
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on July 04, 2014, 10:43:01 pm
Just updated the mod in the main page with the list I mentioned before. The only thing I could not implement was the ammo for the Stunner Rod. I'm not sure there's such thing as a melee weapon that needs ammo. :P
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Falko on July 04, 2014, 10:53:08 pm
melee,psi,mindprobe have no ammo :(
ammo counting is currently? part of projectile creation
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on July 05, 2014, 03:55:53 am
That it seems. I might suggest it later, I think it might be useful for others as well.

I think I'll move into the Fusion Weapons now. I think fusion weapons need some rebalance too, specially the Fusion Blaster.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on July 07, 2014, 02:29:57 am
I've been thinking about more ways to make autopsies more useful and I think I will add Floater, Cyberdisc and Sectopod autopsies as requirements for UFO Construction.

Another idea could be to link Hovertank Tech with Cyberdiscs and make it so you need a Cyberdisc Corpse along with other materials to build a Hovertank, giving corpses more uses other than just research and selling.

I once suggested a "Walker Chassis" out of Sectopod research and posted this mock up pic:
I have no idea how to implement something like this since I suck at unit sprites. :P

About the Fusion weapons. The tech tree is gonna be similar to the one I made for plasma weapons:
-Researching any Fusion Tech (Alien Grenade, Fusion Blaster or Blaster Bomb) will give you the Alien Fusion Weapons Ufopedia Entry.
-Upon researching all Fusion Tech, a new research will appear, Fusion Weapons Adaptation.
-Researching that will allow you to manufacture human version of them, including the Craft, HWP and Facility Weapons.
-You will also be able to develop Fusion Mines and Fusion Bomb Devices, which will be a deployable explosive similar to the High Explosive.

Also, I want aliens to never stop using Pistols and Rifles... is this gonna work?
Code: [Select]
  - [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2]
  - [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2]
  - [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2]
  - [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2]
  - [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]
  - [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]
  - [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2]
  - [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2]
  - [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
  - [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 07, 2014, 03:41:11 am
I've been thinking about more ways to make autopsies more useful and I think I will add Floater, Cyberdisc and Sectopod autopsies as requirements for UFO Construction.

Another idea could be to link Hovertank Tech with Cyberdiscs and make it so you need a Cyberdisc Corpse along with other materials to build a Hovertank, giving corpses more uses other than just research and selling.

It's a neat idea.

I once suggested a "Walker Chassis" out of Sectopod research

It's beautiful! :D

Also, I want aliens to never stop using Pistols and Rifles... is this gonna work?
Code: [Select]
  - [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2]
  - [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2]
  - [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2]
  - [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2]
  - [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]
  - [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]
  - [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2]
  - [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2]
  - [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
  - [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]

Yeah, sure. You can use my table if you want:
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Deskulpa on July 07, 2014, 03:48:17 am
"Also, I want aliens to never stop using Pistols and Rifles... is this gonna work?"
Yes, you will have 20% pistol, 30% rifle, 50% heavy.

Request Sprites Weapons:
  - Toxic grenade using smoke
  - Acid Gun
  - BlasterLauncher with stun missile
  - Plasma Flame Elerium a Incendiary weapom using elerium ammo.

DonĀ“t know if this weapon can work, but having the sprites give more hope.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on July 07, 2014, 04:53:14 am
Thanks guys... I now know something more than just a guess about how this table works. So the more of a number in a line, the higher the chances, got it.

-The toxic smoke grenade sounds interesting. Reminds me how smoke grenades cause stun damage. I wonder if increasing the smoke damage does actually increases its stun damage. I always wanted a smoke stun grenade. :P
-Acid gun sounds weird. I also totally forgot there's an acid damage in the game. Hmm...
-A Stun Missile for the Blaster Launcher could be just a recolor of the Fusion Bomb.
-About the Plasma Flame Gun. You mean like a flamethrower? Coz there's a sprite for one along with an ammo clip inside the "Unused" folder inside the mod. If not, maybe it could be like an ammo type for plasma weapons. A different colored clip which makes the Plasma weapons fire a fire colored bolt that does incendiary damage instead of the green one.

Also, Solarius Scorch. I read somewhere each line containing these numbers equals a month. Your table being a lot bigger than the vanilla one means the alien's item progression takes over 30 months to reach the latest loadout, am I right?

If so then I will make mine bigger too. I had no idea you could just add more and I definitely like that idea. :3
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: skaianDestiny on July 07, 2014, 04:20:06 pm
For the Walker chassis, you may want to look at this:

Same idea, but uses the Sectopod sprites directly.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 07, 2014, 05:59:20 pm
Also, Solarius Scorch. I read somewhere each line containing these numbers equals a month. Your table being a lot bigger than the vanilla one means the alien's item progression takes over 30 months to reach the latest loadout, am I right?

If so then I will make mine bigger too. I had no idea you could just add more and I definitely like that idea. :3

Yes, correct. I like playing long games, and the last row is repeated infinitely, so I wanted it to take a bit longer until this happens and every month is the same.

For the updated extended version called Alien Armoury Expanded (, I actually added another loadout per each enemy, so now they're numbered from 0 to 3. You can do this if you want more variability.

-Acid gun sounds weird. I also totally forgot there's an acid damage in the game. Hmm...

I actually made one in the Alien Armoury Expanded, using a sprite I got from Civilian. :) See attachment.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Arcalane on July 07, 2014, 06:44:01 pm
-Acid gun sounds weird. I also totally forgot there's an acid damage in the game. Hmm...

Probably because the only creature type to use it is probably the rarely-ever-seen Celatid ( It's apparently one of the most powerful non-explosive attacks in the game.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on July 08, 2014, 01:17:42 am
That Toxigun reminds me a lot of Xcom Apoc. Nice.

Also, just a thought. I just had the idea of using alien corpses to "manufacture" units. Kinda like Necromancy. xD

Also, can you add live xcom soldiers as ingredients to manufacture units? Cyborg units is an idea that has been in my notes for ages.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Unknown Hero on July 08, 2014, 02:22:35 am
@ Chiko

Also, can you add live xcom soldiers as ingredients to manufacture units? Cyborg units is an idea that has been in my notes for ages.

Wounded Soldier --> Robocop.  :)

Quoting myself:

I want both.  :)

Mechanized Robots (aka BattleMechs, aka Mechs) controlled by human pilots in cockpit.

Think "Mech Commander 1" (with management of various weapons and equipments, ammunitions, skills and experience of the pilots, repairs, purchases, etc.).

HWPs, available throughout the game, low cost.
Mechs, only available later in game after different researches (to be determined), high cost.

Mechs can be considered as different "Armors" by the current game engine.

"Prepare me:

2 Commando-A for scouting and observation.
1 Raven-J for reco, electronic warfare and quick action.
1 Hollander II-A for close support.
1 Hunchback-A for urban combat.
1 Catapult-W for long range support.
1 Atlas-A for direct assault.
1 Refit Truck for repairs and ammunitions.

Sectopods, we are coming."  :D
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Warboy1982 on July 08, 2014, 02:49:29 am
I once suggested a "Walker Chassis" out of Sectopod research...

i actually took that idea and ran with it, pretty sure it got repackaged into a standalone mod at some point...
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on July 08, 2014, 03:11:43 am
i actually took that idea and ran with it, pretty sure it got repackaged into a standalone mod at some point...
Is it that one that uses a recolored sectopod or one not in the openXcom mod section?

I found another mock picture of that suggestion:

It would be cool if Chassis and Turret were separated items and you could have one HWP type and a choice of Turrets instead of Different HWPs with build in Turrents.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Arcalane on July 08, 2014, 03:27:50 am
It would be cool if Chassis and Turret were separated items and you could have one HWP type and a choice of Turrets instead of Different HWPs with build in Turrents.

...that would be really neat, actually. More modularity/flexibility. You'd have less risk of incompatibilities or mismatches between mods (such as XComUtil's better-HWPs not applying to custom HWPs like the Tank/Minigun) since they can just add new turret choices for existing base types.

With a little ingenuity you might even be able to make it so tanks could share (some) weapons with craft, meaning you only need a base HWP chassis and a Laser/Plasma Cannon, instead of having to make a seperate Turret/Laser or Turret/Plasma. Obviously giving them Avalanches might be a bit much... ;)

I know you can use corpses for production (cf. armour repair mod ( but I don't know about live soldiers.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Falko on July 08, 2014, 10:11:29 am
I found another mock picture of that suggestion:

It would be cool if Chassis and Turret were separated items and you could have one HWP type and a choice of Turrets instead of Different HWPs with build in Turrents.
use to make new hwps
see drawingroutine11/tank01b there you have 4 "walking" animations + turrets replace the animation frames with with the images from template x_rob and move the turret in the tank01b template up and you have finished 80% of the work
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on July 08, 2014, 11:10:03 pm
Thanks for the link. I was looking for Tank sprites the other day. Also, what's the split me button for? every time I try to use it, it just goes all Internal Server Error on me.
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Falko on July 08, 2014, 11:28:49 pm
you download the tmaplate change it and upload the changed template
if it does not work post the file/drawingroutine you upload
the splitting makes aut of the full animation frame the block wise spritesheet one can use in OXC
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Aldorn on July 20, 2014, 12:21:20 pm
Chiko, do you think you could make attached weapons 32X48 sized, and include them in your next rar archive, so that they become usable ?
(in order to use them with Daedalus's creation/adaptation (
I tried to do so without success...

It's ok now  :)
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Chiko on July 28, 2014, 09:05:17 am
Sorry about the inactivity, lads. I've been hooked on a new game plus job stuff but I will come back eventually. :3
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Aldorn on July 28, 2014, 11:57:14 am
Sorry about the inactivity, lads. I've been hooked on a new game plus job stuff but I will come back eventually. :3
Don't worry, I am now autonomous  :)
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Aldorn on August 09, 2014, 03:42:18 am
Hi Chiko, as I am now autonomous, I decided to include Terran weapons in my mod
I will also use your technique to design alien weapons handles as attached
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: ivandogovich on August 09, 2014, 07:19:41 pm
Sweet looking weapons, Aldorn.  :D
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: Aldorn on August 09, 2014, 07:47:53 pm
Sweet looking weapons, Aldorn.  :D
Thank you, but I only apply ideas or modify creation of others  :-[
Title: Re: Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: Chiko on April 24, 2015, 08:45:30 am
It's been a while but I finally managed to drag myself into modding this game again. I'm moving to another city so I will have less free time than before but I'm also giving the other games I'm modding a rest plus I found all my mod files after my old lappy died so I have all the tools to keep at it. I just need to remember how to mod all the things. xD

Sooo... I see here the next thing to change is Fusion Weapons and I see I was also working in a flamethrower weapon called Spitfire, which was basically a short range fireball thrower. I remember I abandoned the concept because fire damage did almost no damage no matter the damage set in the code. Is that different now or is that still the same?

Oh, I also changed the thread a bit since it's no longer a sprite repository. :P
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: Dioxine on April 24, 2015, 09:23:11 am
Welcome back!

Fire does around 10 damage per turn (including the initial hit), as always, ignoring armor (but adjusts for Fire Resistance). The Power attribute simply governs its blast radius, nothing more. However you can deal more damage by simply making your weapon to fire multiple projectiles.
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: yrizoud on April 24, 2015, 10:43:44 am
Or alter the damageModifier of all armors: If you set it to 3.0 for example, everybody takes triple damage.
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: Warboy1982 on April 24, 2015, 01:24:52 pm
welcome back, chiko, you were missed :)
Title: Re: Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: Yankes on April 24, 2015, 06:43:52 pm
It's been a while but I finally managed to drag myself into modding this game again. I'm moving to another city so I will have less free time than before but I'm also giving the other games I'm modding a rest plus I found all my mod files after my old lappy died so I have all the tools to keep at it. I just need to remember how to mod all the things. xD

Sooo... I see here the next thing to change is Fusion Weapons and I see I was also working in a flamethrower weapon called Spitfire, which was basically a short range fireball thrower. I remember I abandoned the concept because fire damage did almost no damage no matter the damage set in the code. Is that different now or is that still the same?

Oh, I also changed the thread a bit since it's no longer a sprite repository. :P
Welcome back :)

You can check out my special build:,2915.0.html
It allow to change how fire behave, it can do direct damage like rest of damage types.
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: Chiko on April 24, 2015, 11:31:04 pm
Thanks, lads. Glad to be back!

Also, I followed Yrizoud's suggestion on fire resistance and it works like a charm. Fire is actually hazardous now.

-Unarmored characters, human or alien, will be 2.5x to 3x weak to damage.
-Lightly armored characters will receive the normal 1x damage.
-Armored characters, including HWPs, will be unafected by the new changes.
-Characters weak to fire will be 4x to 4.5x weak to fire.

I've thought about making a HWP with a Spitfire cannon too, now that this is possible. It will probably have a slightly longer range.
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: Chiko on April 25, 2015, 06:06:05 am
Hmm... actually, Imma reduce those numbers a little bit. Walking over fire should not instakill the next turn. :P

Also, is there a way to change the explosive sound of bullets that explode? The Spitfire Cannon fires 5 firebolts with really low accuracy to it works like "spread" firing. But I'd like to remove the explosion sound and just add a new one. Is it possible?
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: Chiko on April 26, 2015, 07:17:46 pm
Alright, new mod update. It includes:

-Added a new weapon, Spitfire Canon. It's basically a flamethrower that fires 5 bolts at short range. It's as useful as it's dangerous to use since the bolts explode and leave flames on the ground.
-Alien Grenade is now called Fusion Grenade.
-Blaster Launcher now called Fusion Blaster.
-Researching any Fusion Tech (Fusion Grenade, Fusion Blaster or Blaster Bomb) will give you the Alien Fusion Weapons Ufopedia Entry.
-Soon after researching a fusion weapon, your agents will be allowed to use them but manufacturing them won't be possible.
-Upon researching all Fusion Weapons, a new research will appear, Fusion Technology Adaptation.
-Researching that will allow you to manufacture fusion grenades and will unlock the rest of the fusion adaptation research, including Craft, HWP and Facility Weapons.
-Stun Liquid now called Stun Polymer.
-Changed the background image for the stun polymer research.
-Craft Stingray and Avalanche missiles have a different firing sound.
-Fixed the bug that unlocked autopsy research even though you already had them unlocked.
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: Chiko on April 27, 2015, 05:07:13 am
Hmm... It seems messing with the maxRange in a weapon disables the reaction shot. Agents with Spitfire Cannons just stay there even with full action points. Reaction Fire would be a double edge sword because of the short range and explosive bolts but it would still be nice against Chrysalids.
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: Dioxine on April 27, 2015, 08:53:44 am
Hmm... It seems messing with the maxRange in a weapon disables the reaction shot.

Can't confirm that, I'm getting proper reaction shots even with maxRange=1 weapons. There must be another reason for that.
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: Chiko on April 27, 2015, 04:40:53 pm
Can't confirm that, I'm getting proper reaction shots even with maxRange=1 weapons. There must be another reason for that.
Hmm... maybe it's the fact that the Spitfire only fires in auto mode? I think there's no such way as auto mode reaction fire.
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: ivandogovich on April 27, 2015, 04:48:36 pm
Reaction fire is only ever snap fire, iirc.
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: Chiko on April 27, 2015, 04:59:43 pm
Reaction fire is only ever snap fire, iirc.
Oh noes... that would also mean the Auto Cannon has no reaction fire either. It only has auto mode too. D:
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: yrizoud on April 27, 2015, 05:24:52 pm
You can try use "shotgunPellets" property to make it shoot multiples times.
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: Dioxine on April 27, 2015, 05:49:57 pm
Not with area damage. The area damage will work only for a single pellet, the others will deal... some sort of damage too, but not area damage. At least this is how it worked when I've last tested such weapons.
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: Chiko on April 27, 2015, 08:36:05 pm
I'll just add snap shot to the Spitfire, maybe allow it to fire 3 snap shots max.

Don't know about the Auto Cannon, though. Its low TUs cost, increased ammo capacity and low accuracy make it more like to damage the environment and potential cover rather than to kill a single alien so it might end up doing more friendly fire than anything else in reaction fire. I'll just leave it like that.

I was also thinking about adding an elerium fueled Spitfire ammo but since maxRange cannot be tied to ammo, it would require a new weapon instead. Maybe I could make it an ammo type for the Adapted Plasma Weapons so they can deal fire damage.
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: Chiko on May 04, 2015, 06:59:21 pm
I moved like next to Antartica so I'll have little free time these days. I also have no internet in the place I'm staying but I've made some progress.

Since there's no way for me to add new damage types, I'll just rename them and adjust the damage/armor values.

Laser damage will be replaced by Shock damage, which will cause lots of damage to machines or aliens like floaters, since they are part machine. Laser weapons will deal heat damage but really little, since I made most characters weaker to that damage type.

Shock weapons will be the first researchable human energy weapons instead of laser weapons. These guns will fire bolts of electric current but will have limitations. There will be no ammo for them but their range will be limited. After researching shock pistol, rifle and cannon, Laser weapons will be available.

After that, I will add an extra research after plasma weapon adaptation, which will allow players to manufacture ammo types for plasma guns, one that will deal heat damage and another for shock damage.
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: Chiko on May 06, 2015, 06:51:13 pm
I just uploaded a new update. It includes most of the changes mentioned in my previous post. More information in the main page. :3
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: Chiko on June 16, 2015, 10:15:13 pm
New update uploaded. More info in the main page.
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: Chiko on September 27, 2015, 05:09:02 pm
It's been a while. My internet connection is a little better now and I have a bit more spare time in my hands so I guess it's time to keep updating this mod.

I have a list of things I wrote down but I think imma rebalance some things first, like the sniper rifles. Their snap shot is too accurate... I'll probably reduce it from 70% to 50% hit chance. I added snap shot so soldiers could use reaction fire with their rifles so less accuracy for them should be more rebalanced.
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: xracer on September 27, 2015, 05:35:10 pm
hey welcome back!!! it has been a while :)
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: Chiko on September 27, 2015, 07:08:15 pm
Hey there, long time no see. It's been too long. Luckily, modding this game is not hard so I won't have to relearn how to do stuff in it. xD
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: niculinux on September 28, 2015, 10:15:59 pm
Hey there, long time no see. It's been too long. Luckily, modding this game is not hard so I won't have to relearn how to do stuff in it. xD

Hola Chiko!!! Please delight us with some fine works of yours!! <3
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: Chiko on October 02, 2015, 04:40:51 am
I've been doing some minor changes to the mod but I will probably add the mass acceleration guns mentioned in the first page. They will be powerful armor piercing weapons and probably the last researchable guns in the mod.

Hola Chiko!!! Please delight us with some fine works of yours!! <3
Will try!
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: xracer on October 03, 2015, 07:07:40 pm
I've been doing some minor changes to the mod but I will probably add the mass acceleration guns mentioned in the first page. They will be powerful armor piercing weapons and probably the last researchable guns in the mod.

Sounds like a good plan :)

Por cierto puedes hacer sprites con resolucion mas alta :P
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: Chiko on October 07, 2015, 02:22:11 pm
Hmm... MA Guns only having one type of ammo is kinda limited for the most powerful weapons. Maybe I could remove the different energy cells for human plasma weapons and give that feature to the MA ones instead.

Sounds like a good plan :)

Por cierto puedes hacer sprites con resolucion mas alta :P
Lo se, aunque prefiero los sprites originales por alguna razon. xD
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: Chiko on October 21, 2015, 04:48:18 pm
I've been trying the mod I have noticed something research related. Some new research get "announced" after researching stuff but some of my stuff won't do that. I wonder if it needs to be enabled somehow or is a bug...
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: hellrazor on October 24, 2015, 03:09:33 am
I've been trying the mod I have noticed something research related. Some new research get "announced" after researching stuff but some of my stuff won't do that. I wonder if it needs to be enabled somehow or is a bug...

Check if your research topics do have dependencies added, once all dependencies are fullfilled, it will generate the "We can research now..." Message Window.
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: Chiko on November 04, 2015, 02:10:15 am
Check if your research topics do have dependencies added, once all dependencies are fullfilled, it will generate the "We can research now..." Message Window.
Makes sense. Will check that out.
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: Chiko on November 12, 2016, 04:39:35 pm
It's been ages since I've played OpenXcom but now that life seems to be getting a bit lighter on me, I feel like getting back to this mod again.

I still have lots of things in mind plus the notes I keep around of stuff I'd like to implement. One of those things was a basic armor and a combat knife. Both are already in other mods but I'd like to try my hand with those concepts, specially ruleset wise. Speaking of which, here's the armor:


Now the challenge is going to be adapting that to the color palette and making the battlescape sprites for them. D:
Basic Armor should either reduce movement of make it so it reduces energy faster when moving around as a penalty.

Another early armor idea is a fire resistant one. Ever since I added the Spitfire flamethrower-like weapon, I thought about adding a related armor for it. It will probably add a high enough protection against heat and smoke damage but will have more movement penalties than a Basic Armor.

The combat knife, IMO, should deal maybe a moderate amount of damage, low chances to miss but it should cost low Tus so for instance, an Xcom agent should kill a floater with a min of 5 slashes/thrusts, maybe. I will also add a more powerful version of it when Alien Alloys gets researched.

Also, I've always wondered what twoHanded string does... does it reduce acc in a weapons when carrying another object on the other hand? If so, how much is the acc reduction?
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: Meridian on November 12, 2016, 04:47:02 pm
Also, I've always wondered what twoHanded string does... does it reduce acc in a weapons when carrying another object on the other hand? If so, how much is the acc reduction?

Yes, penalty is 20% (normal, not flat).

100% accuracy will decrease to 80%
50% accuracy will decrease to 40%
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: Chiko on November 12, 2016, 08:24:41 pm
Hmm... what about this for the Fire/Smoke proof armor fo units using the Spitfire?


Yes, penalty is 20% (normal, not flat).

100% accuracy will decrease to 80%
50% accuracy will decrease to 40%
Nice. Thanks for the info. I had a feeling it would affect acc.
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 12, 2016, 08:30:08 pm
Hmm... what about this for the Fire/Smoke proof armor fo units using the Spitfire?

I will probably steal it Yes, it's very nice. :)
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: Chiko on November 13, 2016, 09:29:55 pm
What about Hybrids like in Xcom Apocalypse?


Maybe even Androids too.

I will probably steal it Yes, it's very nice. :)
Lulz, I still think it needs something else. It's just a jumpsuit with bigger boots and gloves plus headgear.
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 13, 2016, 10:13:18 pm
Lulz, I still think it needs something else. It's just a jumpsuit with bigger boots and gloves plus headgear.

Sure, these are simple designs, but it's an army, not a friggin' fashion show. :)
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: The_Funktasm on November 14, 2016, 04:12:18 pm
Hmm... what about this for the Fire/Smoke proof armor fo units using the Spitfire?

Nice. Thanks for the info. I had a feeling it would affect acc.

Very reminiscent of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. scientists and SEVA suits from the same game. I might steal this like Solarius said, but swap the brown for a saturated XCOM palette green.

Also, though it's plain, that also is good. Plain can be considered generally rather human. Exotic is more an indicator of alien tech. Remember, opposites provide each other contrast. For every plain bit of XCOM equipment, the alien stuff "pops" and stands out more, and the hybrids are more obviously a mix of two different styles.

Also, having made a mod with a combat knife, I suggest enough power to kill a floater in one/two experienced stabs. I know it sounds cheap, but while a sectoid is mass-produced as-is, a floater seems like it could be disabled by cutting one or more relevant connective areas with contact to their anti-grav engine. But I'm anal about that sort of thing. It's hard to say one way or the other on that note.
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: Chiko on November 15, 2016, 06:51:47 pm
I gave it an almost transparent pattern so at least it looks like it's made from a different material. :P

Anyways... It's my first time adding a new unit type so I have some questions for those who know how it works. I know one way to get them is to "manufacture" them like with the advanced HWPs. That would be ok for androids but I don't think that should be the case for hybrids, IMO. Is there another way to spawn them? Also, is there a way for them to be either male or female at random, like when you recruit soldiers?

If not, then I guess growing them in vats would by engineers would be the only option.
Or maybe Hybrids could be a new enemy type made by aliens. So getting one for you could be to capture one alive and use it as a component to "build" one for you.

--- posts merged - Solarius Scorch ---

Hmm... is it possible to allow items to be used by certain agents? I want to make different types of field agents:

-Better starting physical and combat stats.
-Can use heavy armor and weapons.

-Lowest combat stats.
-Can use medikit and other scientist related items.

-Lowest physical stats.
-Can man HWPs and use technician related items.

Also, is it possible to allow an agent to "wear" a HWP as armor? One of the ideas I had a long time ago was for HWPs to be manned instead of being remote controlled.

Also, having made a mod with a combat knife, I suggest enough power to kill a floater in one/two experienced stabs. I know it sounds cheap, but while a sectoid is mass-produced as-is, a floater seems like it could be disabled by cutting one or more relevant connective areas with contact to their anti-grav engine. But I'm anal about that sort of thing. It's hard to say one way or the other on that note.
Hmm... well, a way to implement something like that would be like reducing a floater's armor against melee attacks so it affects them more than others. It would be cool if autopsy research would also add a permanent damage bonus against the researched creature.
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: ohartenstein23 on November 15, 2016, 06:58:45 pm
I don't think you can restrict items by soldier type, but restricting armors is certainly possible.  Setting item weights and certain armors to negative weight (so extra carrying capacity) can somewhat get around the item thing.  You can also give armors built-in weapons, so the scientist agent could use say, a medic armor or one with a built-in mind probe.

You can also make an armor that is a 2x2 unit, and only your technician can wear it, it might be a little finicky though with the turret.
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: Chiko on November 15, 2016, 10:21:55 pm
I don't think you can restrict items by soldier type, but restricting armors is certainly possible.  Setting item weights and certain armors to negative weight (so extra carrying capacity) can somewhat get around the item thing.  You can also give armors built-in weapons, so the scientist agent could use say, a medic armor or one with a built-in mind probe.

You can also make an armor that is a 2x2 unit, and only your technician can wear it, it might be a little finicky though with the turret.
Hmm... built-in weapons sounds like a nice alternative.

Soldiers could have a built-in melee attack so they can cause damage even when unarmed.
The built-in mind probe thing sounds perfect for the Hybrids I have in mind.
Maybe one armor type for Technicians could have a melee attack that does the EMP damage I introduced some updates ago so they are effective against enemy HWPs or enemies enhanced with electronic implants like floaters.

Is a built-in medikit possible?

Also, armor that can be a 2x2 unit gives me hope enough to try. :P

*Gasp!* that gives me an excelent idea for Androids. Maybe they could be more like modular robots. So different armors could range from humanoid forms to a 2x2 Sectopod-like form. Maybe they should also be able to man HWPs like Technicians do.

--- posts merged. please don't make my life so hard :P - Solarius Scorch ---

Hmm... what about this reskin for the Alloy Heavy Armor?

Soldier and Droid in Alloy Heavy Armor

If "Wearable" HWPs is possible without issues, this will probably be how Technicians look.

Technician without armor and Technician manning a HWP

If I implement agent classes into the mod, I will color code them like I did in the technician example there. Red/Gold for Soldiers, Red/Green for Technicians and Red/Blue for Scientists. Hybrids will probably have a color code too, maybe Red/Pink.
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 16, 2016, 10:06:55 pm
*Gasp!* that gives me an excelent idea for Androids. Maybe they could be more like modular robots. So different armors could range from humanoid forms to a 2x2 Sectopod-like form. Maybe they should also be able to man HWPs like Technicians do.

Yes, I had the same idea! You manufacture an "AI core", which has some simple armour set as default (used when no other armour is assigned to it), for example the small threaded drone or something even simpler. They you can produce various robot hulls that functions as armours, be it HWPs, humanoid droids or Sectopod-like machines.
I'll do it when, uh, I have the time.
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: Chiko on November 17, 2016, 01:17:55 am
Yes, I had the same idea! You manufacture an "AI core", which has some simple armour set as default (used when no other armour is assigned to it), for example the small threaded drone or something even simpler. They you can produce various robot hulls that functions as armours, be it HWPs, humanoid droids or Sectopod-like machines.
I'll do it when, uh, I have the time.
There's one thing that is worrying me, though. That being if a 2x2 armor is detected by the game when loading units into a ship. I hope it does coz otherwise we will find ourselves with stuck units. xD

I couldn't get the palette thing to work with the original vest idea so I had to make some adjustments:


The "Light Armor" is working in my game. The only thing to do now is to make the battlescape paperdolls, which is making me lazy already. I've seen some similar ideas in the mod library so I'm tempted to ask an author if I can use their work instead. xD

Next will be the fire resistant armor and I will probably release an update.

I'm having some issues with the armor... it works ok right until someone wearing it dies. It crashes the game and I can't find what's causing the problem. D;
Title: Re: [WIP] Chiko's Alternate Xcom
Post by: misterx on January 17, 2020, 02:41:31 pm
some nice content, at least the original plasma rifle alike and the research screen. Hope someone may want to reuse the aasets
Title: Re: New weapon graphics
Post by: JeffreyHopkins on December 06, 2020, 09:44:54 am
Sure, I can make those shields. And no worries, I was thinking of shields more like the ones in Apocalypse. xD

Also, I have something a bit similar to those perk ideas in my Tech Tree of shorts. It's more like the "classes" and trainings in UFO afterlight.


All of them being able to participate in Tactical Missions, some of them required for special missions. There are also new abilities, trainings and Specializations for each occupation. Naturally, there are new related buildings like Training Area and Medical Ward.

There's also a temporary occupation for idle personnel... they will be automatically assigned as General Workers. Generally, they slightly decrease Base maintenance costs. :P
Really, you are doing an amazing job here. Are you making your own characters because it would be amazing if you do so . Best of luck with your work.