OpenXcom Forum
Contributions => Translations => Topic started by: Totallytotal on January 19, 2012, 10:04:50 pm
Hello everybody,
I was surprised to see that there was no french translation. I am from Quebec (french-canadian), and I'm pretty much bilingual. I can't wait to help with the project, and i'll begin as soon as I can.
Apparently, I spoke too soon.
There already was a fully translated french version. I'll look into suggestions on what else I can help with.
You can always check if there are any errors in the current one, sometimes even professional translators make mistakes. :P
From what I've seen of it, it appears to be a hasty translation at best. Seems too close from the original english source text. Almost like a word-by-word translation.
This is your chance to improve on it :)
Having playing the old "French" version of Xcom for years, I've decided to take a stab at fixing the translation for openxcom.
So here is version v0.2 of my french translation. Just rename it back to French.lng if you want to test it out.
Alright, here is v0.3 of my French translation.
Now here is v0.4 of my French translation.
Damn you work fast. :) Be careful when updating strings though, so they still fit and don't exceed the UI space (eg. when replacing "alien" with "extraterrestrial"), I'll be revising this later and let you know of any UI issues I come across.
Thank you, SupSuper :). I've actually mostly been working on the menu text, since a lot of the original translation didn't fit all that well.
Most of the work I have left to do is in the OVNIpédie entries. I've only done the crafts and their armaments thus far.
Here comes v0.45 of my French translation.
Thanks for adding the new strings, SupSuper. Take a look...
Anyway, here is v0.46 of my French translation.
Oops, I forgot to attach it, so now here it is...
I've finished about half of the alien info/autopsie pages, along with the new terrain strings.
So here is v0.48...
I have completed the alien info/autopsie pages, so here is v0.50.
Having playing the old "French" version of Xcom for years, I've decided to take a stab at fixing the translation for openxcom.
Sorry to barge in like that, but after reading the last v0.50 translation I realized that I had to help.
To see "rifle" still mistranslated into "revolver" instead of "fusil" after all these years...
I'll use english.lng from: 17/10/2012.
I don't think I screwed up the format.
I have completed the alien info/autopsie pages, so here is v0.50.
Thanks, I've had to replace "Chirurgie Extraterrestre" with "Chirurgie E.T." for it to fit in the UFOpaedia.
Sorry to barge in like that, but after reading the last v0.50 translation I realized that I had to help.
To see "rifle" still mistranslated into "revolver" instead of "fusil" after all these years...
I'll use english.lng from: 17/10/2012.
I don't think I screwed up the format.
If you wanna help, shouldn't you cooperate with powerarc80 instead of starting from scratch?
If you wanna help, shouldn't you cooperate with powerarc80 instead of starting from scratch?
I started to work on the translation by fixing/improving over powerarc80's v0.45.
So it was far from scratch.
Anyway, the .lng you posted has still some awkwardness and anglicisms in it.
Because the original Microprose translation was filled with both.
But I'd like to know what powerarc80 thinks about this version.
To see "rifle" still mistranslated into "revolver" instead of "fusil" after all these years...
I haven't gotten around to fixing that yet, but thanks, it was rather annoying to keep seeing that :D
Also, what exactly have you translated so far?
Another thing, the main reason why I left cœur as coeur was that the game can't support the œ character with it being added to the Font.dat file.
Since you insist, however, I'll do that right now...
Here is the updated Font.dat and my old v0.50 with the new œ ligatures.
In the meantime harry, since I'll be busy for the next few days, you can keep working on the translation if you want. Just use the .lng file in this zip, and add your changes to the file.
In a few minutes I'll upload the bitmap version of those characters.
Alright, here are new bitmap versions of the Œ and the Ÿ, along with the corrected Font.dat.
SupSuper, if you have time, go ahead and add them to the game.
Here is v0.51 of my French translation.
SupSuper, here is v0.55 of my French translation. It's the last version I'll do until after v0.4.5 of openxcom is released.
Just a reminder, don't forget to add my unaccented soldier names, if you haven't already:,690.msg6592.html#msg6592
Thanks, I've already added them.
Btw whenever I update the languages on the codebase, it's a good idea to check for any changes, as I sometimes find mistakes and fix them on my end. In your case, the spaces in STR_DAY and STR_DAYS vanished. ;)
Very good, SupSuper :D
Originally I removed the spaces in STR_DAY and STR_DAYS to test something, but I can't remember what it was...
Anyway, thanks again.
I fixed v0.55 errors, inconsistencies (especially with accentuated upper cases) and some general awkwardnesses.
I found a few times some ". " were changed into ". ".
Here is v0.56 of my French translation.
Here is v0.57 of my French translation.
Now here is v0.57b of my French translation.
Here is v0.58 of my French translation.
Here is v0.58b of my French translation.
Hi PowerPC80,
Just a remark about following french translation
est délirant/e
Original (and better french) translation is
est devenu fou
(for women, it should be : "est devenue folle", so "devenu/e" or better "devenu(e)" would not be really relevant)
Original (and better french) translation is
est devenu fou
(for women, it should be : "est devenue folle", so "devenu/e" or better "devenu(e)" would not be really relevant)
Firstly, I made (and unmade) several changes a few months ago, but some of what I did (and undid) was reverted by harry (although he also fixed some problems as well). Now I have no idea what the current state of the translation is :). If you see a mistake, by all means, fix it.
Secondly, you correct regarding that the original is more typical. The reasoning for my choice of "est délirant/e" was twofold.
#1) To a prevent situation where the translation ends up looking like this... est devenu/e fou/folle
#2) Most importantly, I believe many of the soldiers names will not fit in the battle-scene window box if I change it to something like "est devenu/e fou/folle". Especially now that we have dozens of new and longer names in the .nam files. I could be wrong about this though.
I had to change the translation in other parts of the game for the same reason (most notably, the Graphs). Since you want me to change it, I'll look into it sometime today.
Hi PowerPC,
I do want nothing in particular, it was just to share this information.
This is the strong part of this opensource remake : all is modable and accessible by everyone. So I changed it on my version, because seing "est délirant" was not very funny for me, and now I am happy.
And, once more, thanks for the great job you all do ! :)
#2) Most importantly, I believe many of the soldiers names will not fit in the battle-scene window box if I change it to something like "est devenu/e fou/folle". Especially now that we have dozens of new and longer names in the .nam files. I could be wrong about this though.
If text doesn't fit even though there should be enough room, let me know. :) I've been fixing such problems reported by translators, and I believe that Infobox is one of them so it should fit a lot more text now.
If text doesn't fit even though there should be enough room, let me know. :) I've been fixing such problems reported by translators, and I believe that Infobox is one of them so it should fit a lot more text now.
Well SupSuper, it's not just that. It's about trying to make the game flow better and more readable to the audience. To do that, you'd need a separate string for every object/noun that was masculine/feminine. That's a whole lot of unnecessary complexity.
And lot of the strings are just too long in general. Take for instance...
The "Char d'Assaut/Lance-Roquettes" shares the same string for both the weapon and the vehicle. Really, it should be:
Rather then what it currently is:
Arme........................Char d'Assaut/Lance-Roquettes
Again, I'd rather not make the .lng file any more complex. I think you can understand :). I'll just try other solutions, like maybe "Roquettechar" or something :).
Hi PowerPC,
I do want nothing in particular, it was just to share this information.
This is the strong part of this opensource remake : all is modable and accessible by everyone. So I changed it on my version, because seing "est délirant" was not very funny for me, and now I am happy.
And, once more, thanks for the great job you all do ! :)
You misunderstand me, Aldorn. I very much need your criticism :). Seriously, I'm often careless, hasty, and lazy, so don't hold back (because I want this to be good).
Ultimately I'd rather reach a consensus and find something that suits everybody, maybe even changing it back to something like "est devenu/e fou/folle". If you have any other suggestions for this case, they would be greatly appreciated.
Another problem is the genuine lack of good/popularized French science fiction (most of which I end up reading in English). No doubt other translators have similar problems. I end up having to create words like the following:
In English it was something like "Hovertank" originally. I toyed with calling it aéroglisseur (, but a hovercraft isn't necessarily militarized. I can't call it a "Flottant" tank since we already have this pronoun for the race of floating aliens. I can't call it a chasseur ( since it's not a jet. So I ended up calling it a aérochar; its sort-of like an aéronef (, except it's also tank. For non-French speakers, I'm basically calling it an aerotank, if that makes any sense.
Anyway just a small glimpse into the mind of a powermad translator who has to act like a linguist :D.
You misunderstand me, Aldorn. I very much need your criticism :). Seriously, I'm often careless, hasty, and lazy, so don't hold back (because I want this to be good).
Nice, no problem ;-)
Ultimately I'd rather reach a consensus and find something that suits everybody, maybe even changing it back to something like "est devenu/e fou/folle". If you have any other suggestions for this case, they would be greatly appreciated.
So, if you need my opinion, I had a look at french release (.DAT files), this was (exact case) : "est devenu Fou"
So "est devenu fou" is nice, better I think than "est devenu/e fou/folle", that is really to complex to read, how would I say it, not really appropriate to situation : your soldier has gone berserk, it is not a good news, he is equipped with a rocket launcher and could kill all team members, it's no time to take a french training ;)
Let suppose you are speaking about "soldiers", no matter if they are men or women
Another problem is the genuine lack of good/popularized French science fiction (most of which I end up reading in English). No doubt other translators have similar problems. I end up having to create words like the following:
In English it was something like "Hovertank" originally. I toyed with calling it aéroglisseur (, but a hovercraft isn't necessarily militarized. I can't call it a "Flottant" tank since we already have this pronoun for the race of floating aliens. I can't call it a chasseur ( since it's not a jet. So I ended up calling it a aérochar; its sort-of like an aéronef (, except it's also tank. For non-French speakers, I'm basically calling it an aerotank, if that makes any sense.
Anyway just a small glimpse into the mind of a powermad translator who has to act like a linguist :D.
Regarding HWP (PAL in french for Plate-forme Arme Lourde), this was
"Tank/Canon", "Tank/Lance-Roquettes", "Tank/Canon Laser", "Hovertank/Plasma", "Hovertank/Lanceur"
My opinion is Hovertank is nice, as Skyranger, and so on...
These are futuristic weapons/vehicles/vessels, so it is not a trouble if you keep original english names
For exemple, Aéroglisseur is existing vehicle, but you are speaking of sommething that will be invented in future
But, in fact, whatever your choice, it will be a good choice, just because if you did nothing, game would be in english
Hope it will help a little
Well SupSuper, it's not just that. It's about trying to make the game flow better and more readable to the audience. To do that, you'd need a separate string for every object/noun that was masculine/feminine. That's a whole lot of unnecessary complexity.
And lot of the strings are just too long in general. Take for instance...
The "Char d'Assaut/Lance-Roquettes" shares the same string for both the weapon and the vehicle. Really, it should be:
Rather then what it currently is:
Arme........................Char d'Assaut/Lance-Roquettes
Again, I'd rather not make the .lng file any more complex. I think you can understand :). I'll just try other solutions, like maybe "Roquettechar" or something :).
I've fixed this to only show the weapon name like in the original now. :)
I've fixed this to only show the weapon name like in the original now. :)
Thanks SupSuper :D.
Here is v0.58c of my French translation.
Also SupSuper, the alien Plasma Rifle seems to be missing its damage value...
I'm constantly amazed at the amount of work all of you guys put into the project. Keep it up :D!
Anyway, here is v0.59 of my French translation with all the new strings.
Hi all,
Open Xcom v0.9 is anwsome, but french translation have many mistakes, it's literally burn my eyes !
So I propose this fallow patch, I re-write entire end file (new and advanced options) and correct many problems anywhere.
I maybe not see all, please if you see another problem report here !
Below the file to download.
Have fun !
Update with some improvements.
Hi all,
Some little changes for more confortable playing.
I dont understand this string "Save Scumming". Thanks for see fallowing string :
https:// Save scumming
https:// Conserver la graine aléatoire
https:// Loading a game will reset the random number seed, so taking the same action can yield different results. Doesn't affect Ironman Mode.
https:// Le chargement d'un jeu remettra à zéro la graine aléatoire, les mêmes paramètres peuvent donner différents résultats. N'affecte pas le mode Ironman.
-Other thing :
I add new translation for string "STR_AUTOSAVE_DESC" for reduce into 3 lines maximum, thanks to vote it
Maybe you can translate along the meaning of "abusing the savedgames"?
Save scumming ( is a common gaming term that comes from being "scummy (" (dirty, underhanded, etc) and in this context means "Abusing saves until you get an outcome you like".
If it helps, this is how it's translated in new XCOM:
"Recharges répétées"
"En chargeant une sauvegarde, vous réinitialiserez le générateur d'événements ; une action identique pourra donc aboutir à un résultat différent."
OK ! 8)
Except that this is a mistranslation : The save games are "repeated" when save scumming is OFF, not ON.
I'd say "Abus de sauvegardes", as proposed by kkmic.
True, the game is "repeated" when this feature is off.
"Repeating" is what is done internally. "Abuse" is what is perceived by the user. So I say that the proper translation is indeed the one pointed by yrizoud: "Abus de sauvegardes"
Anyway, feel free to experiment. Ask your friends :)
Need to update / vote for this string :
Done, you translation is currently "leading".
I updated french translation, and so :
- added a space before any "!", ";", "?"
- corrected spelling
- sometimes made new propositions
- voted for any of all 1344 strings (sometimes I voted by error for "XXX Extraterrestre" rather than "XXX E.T." until I see a comment "XXX Extraterrestre" does not fit in Hyperwave Decoder...)
Voters are welcome (beware, I think at least 2 hours are needed to vote for 1344 strings)
PS : I decided to add a comment on GetLocalization for any modification I made to help people see quickly what has been changed, until someone alert me that these comments were spamming all project team. I present my apologies for this (
(You will have to create an account)
I have almost 60 years and I still enjoy playing games Xcom (UFO / TFTD / Apoc)!
Thank you to all those who work for us to play these amazing games old!
It is a paradox!
I am French and I do not understand and I do not speak English (viva Google Translator !) !
Yet I managed to "do" translation TFTD in French!
I made "copy / paste" from the original game files ... 8)
See below...
French Translation - New version for XCom and TFTD !
completed version (2015-08-19) :
hello , i'm a french player and i notice some miss translation and i would take a look at translation from "Epervier" but his link look's broken.
any info about his translation is welcome
(i'm looking for a 1/1 vanilla translation)
thx for all your hard work.
The latest translation used is available at Transifex:
I have problem in Transifex for 2 strings, in XCOM-1 section :
{N} Units in Entrance
{N} Units in Target Exit
It's not possible to save translated settings !
For all others string is ok...
I have problem in Transifex for 2 strings, in XCOM-1 section :
{N} Units in Entrance
{N} Units in Target Exit
It's not possible to save translated settings !
For all others string is ok...
This means that the word may have several forms, depending on language. You must set all variants first (even if they're all the same) and only then you can save.
Heeer, I'm not sure tu understand. :o
"Saisir tous les pluriels pour continuer" what that's means ?
Heeer, I'm not sure tu understand. :o
"Saisir tous les pluriels pour continuer" what that's means ?
Exactly what is says, and what I've written before, but I know it's confusing. :)
Check the upper right corner, there's "1" and "autre" - click on both. Both must be filled before saving.
Aaaaaah okaaaaaaaaay !
That's it, thx Bro ! ;D
Hello, I have downloaded the last version of open x-com, the only point of disapointment for me is the fact that when I play TFTD most of the content ingame is in english...
I would like to find back the original/vanilla translation, how can I do that ?
The french translation is finished !
The french translation is finished !
I don't speak French, but I have compared:
- Canadian French translation, which was available before
- your French translation
- and the original French translation from 1995 TFTD
The Canadian French translation seems to be a lot closer to original TFTD translation; there are some differences but it's mostly similar.
Your translation however is different in almost everything... why is that?
Why not use the original translation?
I mean even the most basic things, like names of the aliens are completely different in your translation, for example:
STR_GILLMAN: "Créature du Lagon Noir" # fr
STR_GILLMAN: "Homme-Poisson" # fr-CA, same as in the original
Why would you do that?
Especially when you said that you wanted original/vanilla translation just 10 days ago... and I assume other French players would also like the original more.
Why not use the original translation?
For the meme gods, I suppose...
STR_GILLMAN: "Créature du Lagon Noir" # fr
Its simple: I have made somes researches and finally decided to get closer to the original materials, and the references of course !
Its simple: I have made somes researches and decided to be closer to the original materials, and the references of course !
Sorry, but what original materials?
There is an official French TFTD translation from 1995 by Microprose... which you can see in the original game... what can be more original than that?
It is well known fact that translators/dubbers were pretty lame until the mid 2000s, and never respected the references nor the contexts !
And another thing : if you look closely to the True-french translations/dubbings, they are never litteral translations from english, unlike Quebec-french !
It is well known fact that translators/dubbers were pretty lame until the mid 2000s, and never respected the references nor the contexts !
And another thing : if you look closely to the True-french translations/dubbings, they are never litteral translations from english, unlike Quebec-french !
Fair enough.
But I recommend to make a backup of your translations (for personal use)... sooner or later someone will replace them with the official ones.
I don't want to sound unpleasant, since I haven't seen this translation... But the original English strings did not have "Creature of Black Lagoon", it had "Gillman". So the argument "it is well known fact that translators/dubbers were pretty lame until the mid 2000s" seems irrelevant (and fishy).
In the same vein I could argue that they should be called "Deep Ones" after H.P. Lovecraft, and Deep Ones should be called something else... But I'm not running to Transifex to "fix" the original game, since it's not how translations are supposed to work. (I did that in my mod, though.)
I just felt like pointing this out, because is reminds me of that guy who was "translating" Piratez to German and "improving" the texts according to his (pretty messed up) vision... This didn't end well. I'm not saying you are like him, but it's a story worth remembering.
To clear things up (switch between english and french versions for both if needed) :
Gillman :
Deep One :
For those who don't agree with the translation, they can still modify the file after having downloaded it, like it always happen in these cases !
A bit of grave digging but :
The translation for gillman is 1) too long, 2) refer to a specific creature when we are talking about a species, 3) is totally out of context : what black lagoon. Cinematographic reference use is correct for pop culture reference, not for obscure references no one will have.
If we were talking about Men in Black or MiB like in XCE, every french speaker know what are Men in Black, but no one have an idea of what the 'Créature du Lagon Noir' is, especialy when it refer to some unknown location never mentioned in the game.
The translation for gillman is 1) too long, 2) refer to a specific creature when we are talking about a species, 3) is totally out of context : what black lagoon. Cinematographic reference use is correct for pop culture reference, not for obscure references no one will have.
I don't know who translated it this way, but if you're changing it back, then I'd recommend using original TFTD translation (and not invent yet another own translation).
Also, please don't use Transifex Issues for your personal notes/comments.
Otherwise I get spammed.
Answers to your questions attached.
Also, please don't use Transifex Issues for your personal notes/comments.
Otherwise I get spammed.
Answers to your questions attached.
Ho okay sorry
I don't know who translated it this way, but if you're changing it back, then I'd recommend using original TFTD translation (and not invent yet another own translation).
The change i made is close to that, i just changed some things that evolved in french since TFTD release (alien wasn't in dictionaries in 1995).
I saw some other entries that were badly translated in current state (orthographic, grammatical or typo errors) so i will probably make a full review when i'm done with xce.
The term alien cause me some issues. In xcom 1 and 2 it's translated to "alien","extraterrestre" or "E.T." wich cause some coherence issues. So idk if i should change to "alien" which is a more used in modern french.