OpenXcom Forum

Modding => Released Mods => Hardmode Expansion => Topic started by: hellrazor on April 06, 2015, 12:23:24 pm

Title: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on April 06, 2015, 12:23:24 pm
Download Links Hardmode Expansion (,4971.0.html)

Downloads: (
Github Release: (

REPORT BUGS HERE (,4968.0.html)

Ufopaedia entry, it can be found here: Hardmode Expansion Ufopaedia (
(Big thanks to Steelpoint) Its not complete and pretty out of date!
Wiki (Automatically generated from github): Hardmode Expansion Wiki - trigramreactor (
(Big Thanks to noblebright from Discord, which set this one up for me)

IvanDogovich made Video with Installation Help:
Installing Hardmode Expansion Mod (

People LPing the Mod:

Loonsloon Hardmode LP Playlist (
The_Voice_ Ironman Hardmode LP on Youtube (

Development Only github repository DO NOT PULL (
Current ToDo List (,4966.0.html)
Credit List (,4965.0.html)
Changelog (,4967.0.html)

List of Submods, spawned from Hardmode Expansion (All Submods are part of the Big Modpack):
[UFO]UFO Vanilla Variants (,4283.0.html)
[EQUIPMENT]Advanced Medikit Mod (,3593.0.html)
[MAPS]Expanded Ubase Reworked (,3580.0.html)
[MAPS]Expanded Terror Reworked (,4972.0.html)
[CRAFT]Alternate Lightning - Thunder (,3314.0.html)
[HWP]Support Drones (,5517.0.html)

#Hardmode Expansion Mod by hellrazor
#Standalone intended

This mod requires at least:
OXCE: OXCE v7.12 see:,5258.0.html
or newer (Newer Versions can include changes, which requires the mod to be updated or patched)
Please report all issues and bugs here:,4968.0.html

Wiki Links:

README for Version
# This Mod is aimed at experienced X-Com Players #
#             Who like a challenge :)            #

About this mod:
My Personal approach on creating a sort of Long War Mod for the Original UFO - Defense.
I originally created it as a player torture device *evilgrin*, but it turned out to be a Mod people like to play because of the challenge it offers.
When designing this Mod, I decided to stick on the core Vanilla Original Game Principles and create basically a Expansion Pack, which
offers a much better Research Tree, a Economy were you need money desperately, where you will face difficult decisions and set backs during your campaign.
All this has been enriched with a lot of additional Weapons and Tanks, which all have a unique use case.
Enemies, which will give a Nightmare during your dreams (at least I hope so, *grin*).
Its a LONG war to free earth (ingame time: 15-17+ Months). So are you ready for the ride?

This mod intends to make the gameplay more challenging and deals with most of vanilla versions flaws, like overpowered Psi and early Plasma ownage.

It sticks strongly towards the vanilla core components and builts upon them.

It is aimed at experienced X-Com players, who know the game well and are not afraid of a difficulty higher then Superhuman.
The Aliens have more variants and your weapons will slowly become obsolete due to them.
Research progress is
a must, but comes at costs.

For playing you should choose difficulty Superhuman, since the mod is balanced around it.
The difficulty will be actually far higher then Superhuman, considering mainly the changes in economy and research.
Technologies will need alive aliens captures to unlock and will trigger additional mission.
Research takes longer and you do not have access to a alien containment from the beginning.

It is recommend to get between 200-250 scientists by November.
Otherwise the game becomes extremly difficult.

The vanilla game always lacked proper weaponry sets including melee weapons, shotguns, sniper rifles.
All of these have been added for the ballistic and laser weaponry for X-Com and the Alien plasma weapons.
A extended set of additional grenades and small launcher ammo together with added grenade launcher gives very good indirect fire possibilities.
Small launcher acts as a artillery style weapon, arking shot ;).

More armors, starting with ballistic vests up to reinforced power and flying suits expand the survival capabilities of your soldiers.
Power armor also extends stamina and increases carry capacity.

Have fun exploring the new drones and tanks, which will draw alien fire and help detecting targets to shot or support your wounded troops.
Drones may even help with capturing alive aliens.

A large number of terrains from Hobbes terrain pack and other mods (65+ additonal terrains) have been integrated and partially overworked (bugfixes mostly).
A extended set of maps has been added, featering turned version and additonal maps modules to make fighting within alien bases more enjoyable and tactical challenging.

Aliens have a couple of more UFO types, Fighter, Sentry, Excavator and LabShip.
Vanilla UFOs and new UFOs types all have extended set of interior maps variants (total 124 map). So enjoy exploring these.

Aircombat has been balanced, UFO's especially big ones will shot your interceptors.
A faster and much more durable interception craft has been added, also a enhanced skyranger version, with a back door.
Swarming Terrorships with interception craft is highly recommended. The Laser cannon is actually useable now ;)

Being able to interrogate alive aliens requires you to raid a nearby Alien Base early.
Otherwise you have no tech progress.
The base is located in your starting region.Raid this base as early as possible!

You will also need these:
Alien Data Slate (currently located on LabShips)
Alien Data Core (currently located on Battleships)

The game can only be won by capturing and interrogating a Ethereal Commander who unlocks the final mission.

However your run goes, let me know your feedback and how i can enhance the mod further.
For a detailed list of changes (may contain spoilers) see the Features further down.

For a real challenge play the game in Iron Man Mode!
Please do no use the OpenXcom Iron Man option and enforce your own Iron Man Mode, its a big mod, so bugs may happen.

I hope you will enjoy this collection of 60+ Mods (i stopped counting)
and please report any possible Bug you might find on the forum: ->,4968.0.html

Feedback of any form is also appreciated here: ->

Compability to other mods:
   This mod is intended to be a Standalone Mod.
   Mods which only add new Items and New Crafts may not pose a problem.
   UFO Extender Accuracy (Full support)
   High Quality Sounds ( from Daedalus

Not compatible:
   Commendations Mod (already integrated)
   PSX Static Cydonia Map
   XcomUtil Improved Base Layout
   XcomUtil Defensive Base Layout
   XcomUtil Improved Tanks
   XcomUtil Improved Heavy Laser
   All Mods which bring their own:

The list of included Mods is pretty big (60+) see Features.
Mostly Graphics, New Units, Terrains and Weapons.

Recommended Advanced Options: (In OXCE this options are enabled when loading the mod for the first time)
   Show Funds on the Geoscape
   Forced Craft Launch - Craft will likely be taking constant damage, allows more reliable response
   Storage Limits for Recovered Items - Encourage selling excess items after combat
   Live Alien Sale - To compensate for the larger amount of live aliens X-COM will capture
   Realistic Globe Lightning
   Psi Training Anytime
   UFO Extender Accuracy - All weapons are balanced around this mod, it is fully supported
   Explosion Height, Set to 3 - Allow explosive weapons to destroy larger urban structures
   Path Preview shows TU and Energy Usage
   Saved Pre-primed Grenades - For smoke grenade usage
   Show Stats on Inventory Screen
   Sneaky AI
   Alternate Movement Methods - To enable better tactical options and faster fights
   Alien Bleeding
   Autosell Manager for OXCE
   OpenXcomExtened Links

see CREDIT.TXT (,4965.0.html)
also see for all Terrain Pack Credits (also added in CREDITS.TXT)

see here: Feature List (

Language Support
Currently Supported Languages:
   English      US (en-US)
   English      UK (en-GB)
   Japanese   JA (ja)

Partially Supported Languages (50%+):
   Russian      RU (ru)
   Italien      IT (it)
   Polish      PL (pl)
   German      DE (de)
   Hungarien   HU (hu)
   Czech      CS (cs)
   Korean      KO (ko)
   Portugese   PT (pt_BR)
   Spanish Latin America ES (es_419)
   Spanish      ES (es_ES)

   If you want to help translating this Mod or any other OpenXcom Mods, take a look at:

Terrain Pack Licence Notice:
   All content from Hobbes Terrain Pack Mod Version 4.3 is under a Creatvie Common Licence!
   All modified and bugfixes Terrain Pack Mod files, which I use are also under the same licence, see point derivates.

   The XCOM Terrain Pack and its contents are being distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

   This license gives you the freedom to distribute and modify its materials for non-commercial proposes only and requires you to provide proper attribution.

   For proper attribution you need to include on your mod's credits a mention to Terrain Pack as well as to include the repository link ( as well as the specific terrain(s) you are using and their author(s) and their author's original mod page, if it exists.

   In alternative, you can simply credit the entire pack on the top section of your authors/credits file because of its overall importance to your mod, while providing the above repository link.

   Any derivatives made from the XCOM Terrain Pack also have the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license, which means that you cannot alter the original materials and share the modified versions without giving them the same CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license (

   You can find a full list of the authors along with the terrains and the versions/variants they contributed to on the AUTHORS file provided together with this LICENSE.

   This license is irrevocable and permanent as long as you fully comply with these conditions.

   Failure to comply with the terms stated above will result in an initial warning. If necessary, it will be followed by proper reporting of the license violation to the host site, and if the violation continues, revocation of your license and permission to use/modify/distribute the Terrain Pack.

Changelog here (,4967.0.html)
Please Report bugs to me in this thread: Bugreports (,4968.0.html).
Alternatly you can also try to catch me on the IRC Channel (freenode #openxcom)
Title: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread - Detailed Feature List
Post by: hellrazor on April 06, 2015, 08:51:41 pm
Detailed Features List of Added Stuff ontop of Vanilla content:

Quality of Live OXCE UI changes:
   DayNightIndicator (Geoscape UI)
   BleedingIndicator (Battlescape UI)
   StunIndicator (Battlescape UI)
   Burnindicator (Battlescape UI)
   CustomArmorPreviews (Soldier Armor)
   CustomItemPreviews (Tanks and Drones)
   CustomEnemyPreview (Battlescape UI)
   SoldierAvatars and TinyRanks (Battlescape UI)
   SoldierKneelingIndicator (Battlescape UI)
   Improved TU Reserve Sprites (Battlescape UI)
   Better Smoke Animation (Battlescape UI)
   Better looking Buttons for Inventory (Battlescape UI)
   Better Backgrounds for some Screens (Geograph and Battlescape UI)
   New Plasma Hit Animation for Heavy Plasma (Battlescape UI)
   Colored Explosions (Grey: Smoke, Yellow: HE, Stun: Purple) (Battlescape UI)
   SoldierCountryNames and SoldierCountryFlags from 115 Countries

Additional Alien Races/Units:
   Sectoid Elite
   Muton Elite
   Muton Elite Guard
   Muton Berserker Terrorist
   Armored Cyberdisc Terrorist
   Armored Sectopod Terrorist
   Chryssalid Spitter Terrorist

General Gameplay changes:
   Your Soldiers will be awarded with Medals (currently there are 61 Medals).
   Globe with 347 Cities (including vanilla ones)
   Better Globe with more textures
   Terrormission will also attack Ships on Sea (TFTD Liner and Cargo Ship)
   Research costs are 1,5 times vanilla
   Alive Aliens are needed to unlock techs (-> Research Tree Graphic)
   8 Armored Vests, which you can to equip on your Soldiers
   Melee Weapons apply Skill and Strength
   X-Com Soldiers start with Melee Accuracy from range 40-60
   More saner starting weapons stock and equipment for the Skyranger
   Defensive starting Base layout (with 1 Additional General Stores)
   Psi Amp is harder to get throu research
   Psi Amp production is much more expensive
   Corpses give access to World News and are needed for Meditkits
   Alien Alloys can not be produced, they are as precious as Elerium-115 now
   Elerium-115 recovery per UFO Power Source is 50% vanilla (25)
   Alien Alloys recovered from UFO mission are ~36% lower then vanilla
   Terrormissions have multiple Alerts and Terrainhint
   Aliens do have more chances to score more points.
   Alien Bases will generate missions without Scout Ship (Terror, Abduction, Harvest, Base), it is recommended to not tolerate more then 4 bases on earth at all time!
   Interrogating alive Navigators and Engineers will trigger additional monthly Aliens Missions (limited to 2 Missions per Month)
   Winning, losing or aborting a Mission will play a small cutscene from the Original PSX version of the game
   Flying towards, loosing or winning  Cydonia will play Original PSX Version cutscenes
   Attacking landed Battleship performing a Infiltrationmission gives 33% to deny the Infiltration Base being built (OXCE only)
   Attacking landed Battleship performing a Alien Base Mission from a Alien Base gives 33% to deny the mission success (OXCE only)
   Attacking landed Labship on a Harvesting or Abduction Mission gives 33% to deny mission success (OXCE only)
   Successfully Attacking a Infiltration Pact Alien Base, lets the country rejoin the council (limited to one country per Month - OXCE only)
   X-Com Base Defense damageging a Alien Battelship during a base attack will result in less Aliens spawning (roughly according with the damage done)
   X-Com Base modules, which require Alien technology research, have a additional construction cost (Alien Alloys, Elerium-115, UFO Navigation, UFO Power Source, Mind Probe) (OXCE only)

   The maximum funding you can receive from Nations is cut by 50%
   All Alien Items and Alive Aliens give less money when sold (50%)
   Base Maintence Cost increased to 10% of base modules price
   X-Com Wages and Hire Cost are 1.5 times Vanilla
   X-Com Soldiers receive 10% more salary per rank compared to rookie wage:
      - Squaddi:   33.000
      - Sergent:   36.000
      - Captain:   39.000
      - Colonel:   42.000
      - Commander: 45.000
   X-Com Armors and Crafts are a lot more expensive to produce
   Drones, Tanks and Soldier Armor is repairable, if the corpses are recovered intact
   Drones, Tanks and Soldier Armor is upgradeable

Groundcombat changes:
   Chronological Racemixes
   Aliens are earlier aware of your presence
   Paniced Alien will pick up their weapons
   Bigger Map for Terrormissions (60x60 and up to 24 Civilians)
   Bigger Maps also for Battleship, Terrorships and Labship (all 60x60)
   Alien will use Explosives and Explosive Weaponry from Turn 1 in Ground Combats
   Increased PSI Defenses for Aliens, but same Attack values (Soldier with PSI Str 80+ are fine as in vanilla)
   Ethereals are immune to MC from Xcom
   Aliens receive a Bravery Bonus (+10, Commanders are removed from Battleship and Base Defense Missions, increased numbers panic to quickly)
   Aliens have more saner Melee accuracy stats
   Chryssalids are slightly vulnarable to HE damage (as stated in the UFOpedia)
   Sectopod does Laser Damage (as stated in UFOpedia)
   Blaster Waypoints honor DOS Limitation (9 Waypoints)
   Shotgun Class Weaponry for Xcom and Aliens
   Dedicaded Melee Weaponry for Xcom and Aliens
   Medikits and Drone/Medikit can target enemy units, DOS behaviour (OXCE only)
   Psi-Amps use 25 TU and 25 Stamina (Energy) for Psi Panic or Psi Mind Control attack. Get your Stims ready! (OXCE only)
   Direct fire smoke acts as fire extinguisher (Smoke Grenades don't)

To actually enable X-Com forces to be successful in their Mission to save Earth a good combination of additional weaponry and equipment has been added, for X-Com and Aliens see detailed list:

   Alien Data Slate (currently carried by alien Leaders on LabShips)
   Alien Data Core (currently located in Battleships)

Additional Alien Weapons:
   Plasma Blade
   Plasma Sword
   Plasma Shotgun
   Plasma Sniper Rifle
   Small Launcher with Arcing Shot.
   Elerium Bomb for Small Launcher
   Smoke Bomb for Small Launcher
   Fire Bomb for Small Launcher
   Aliens will keep most weaponry through the game
   Aliens have all weapons avaible from start
   Aliens have a secondary clip type granting +20 Damage to all Plasma Weapons

Additional Alien UFOs:
   Fighter (9 Maps)
   Sentry (14 Maps)
   Excavator (11)
   Labship (4 Maps)

Additional Interior UFO Variant Maps:
   Medium Scout (8 Maps)
   Large Scout (27 Maps)
   Harvester (24 Maps)
   Abductor (10 Maps)
   Terror Ship (8 Maps)
   Supply Ship (2 Maps)
   Battleship (7 Maps)

Additional X-Com Weapons/Items:
   Combat Knife
   Alloy Knife
   Alloy Blade
   Taser Pistol
   Taser Pistol Elerium Clip
   Sniper Rifle
   Grenade Launcher
   Elerium Rocket
   Scatter Laser
   Heavy Laser Replacements:
      Heavy Laser/Sniper
      Heavy Laser/Auto
   Flashbang Grenade
   Incendiary Grenade
   Alien Proximity Grenade
   Stun Grenade
   Fire Grenade
   Elerium Powered Stun Rod
   Fire Extinguisher
   Field Medic Pack
   Advanced Medikit

All kinetic weapons also get Alloy Ammo once researched.
Pistols, Rifles, Shotguns, Sniper Rifles, Heavy Cannons and Auto Cannons get a 1,5 damage factor for AA-Ammo (AP Alien Alloy Ammo).
Heavy Cannons and Auto Cannons have access to EHE-Ammo (Elerium-115 enhanced explosive ammunition)

Medical Equipment Research depends on Corpse and StoryItem research.

Additional X-Com Tanks:
   Alloy Drone/Scout
   Alloy Drone/Scanner
   Alloy Drone/Medikit
   Alloy Drone/Adv. Medikit
   Alloy Drone/Taser
   Hoverdrone/Adv. Medikit

Additional X-Com Tanks:
   Alloy Tank Cannon
   Alloy Tank Rocket Launcher
   Alloy Tank Laser
   Hovertank Laser
   Hovertank Elerium Bomb
   Walkertank Laser
   Walkertank Plasma

Hovertank Launcher Ammo does 200 damage instead of 140

Drones and Tanks can be upgraded, repaired and refitted.
Tanks and Drones do have a weak Smoke Launcher for instant LOS block with limited range and limited shots.

Additional X-Com Armor:
   Armored Vest
   Alloy Vest
   Reinforced Power Suit
   Reinforced Flying Suit

Soldier Armor can be repaired and upgraded.

Additional X-Com Craft:
   Retaliator (Advanced Interceptor)
   Skystriker (Improved Skyranger)
   Thunder (Lightning replacement)

Additional X-Com Craft Weapons:
   Alloy Cannon
   Modified Range for Vanilla Weapons

Additional Terrains (95% From Hobbes Terrain Pack Mod, see CREDIT.TXT or for a detailed list!):
   Cargo Ship
   City Snow
   Expanded Farm A
   Expanded Farm B
   Expanded UBASE Maps
   Desert Mountain
   Desert Temple
   Desert Plane
   Dawn City A
   Dawn City B
   Expanded Terror
   Expanded Terror Snow
   Expanded Urban Mix
   Expanded Urban Mix Snow
   Forest Mountain
   Forest Marsh
   Grassland Desert
   Grassland Desert Mountain
   Grassland Forest
   Grassland Forest Mountain
   Grassland Swamp
   Industrial UFO
   Jungle Mountain
   Jungle Swamp
   Jungle Temple
   Liner Ship (Currently Inactive)
   Expanded Urban
   Expanded Urban UFO
   Expanded Urban Snow
   Native (Farm + Jungle)
   Native UFO
   Polar Desert
   Polar Desert Mountain
   Polar Mountain
   Polar Plane
   Docked Cargo Ship
   Port Industrial
   Docked Liner Ship
   Port TFTD
   Port Modified
   Savanna Desert
   Savanna Desert Mountain
   Savanna Forest
   Savanna Forest Mountain
   Savanna Swamp
   Steppe Desert
   Steppe Desert Mountain
   Steppe Forest
   Steppe Forest Mountain
   Steppe Swamp
   Taiga Desert
   Taiga Desert Mountain
   Taiga Forest
   Taiga Forest Mountain
   Taiga Swamp
   Tundra Desert
   Tundra Desert Mountain
   Tundra Forest
   Tundra Forest Mountain
   Tundra Mountain
   Tundra Plane
   Tundra Swamp

Future changes and additions can be found here:
See Future Development Plan (,4966.0.html)
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: hellrazor on April 07, 2015, 01:34:03 am
Btw does anyone do wanna have Meleeweapons?

And if so which ones?
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: ivandogovich on April 07, 2015, 01:47:42 am
Dioxine's Handle : 30 pwer stun melee weapon might fit nicely in your mod.
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: hellrazor on April 07, 2015, 02:02:01 am
Dioxine's Handle : 30 pwer stun melee weapon might fit nicely in your mod.

Well there is already the good old Stunrod, so i do not see the reason why.
I should have  expressed myself more clearly, Melee Weapons which kill.
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: ivandogovich on April 07, 2015, 02:07:26 am
Handle. 2X1. fits on the belt. Twice as fast as the stun rod.  But to each his own.

If you want lethal melee, PirateZ has that in spades too.  Just browse the booty pedia a bit.
Or my un-official weapon spreadsheet that helped me figure out the game. (third Sheet)
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: hellrazor on April 07, 2015, 02:17:19 am
Handle. 2X1. fits on the belt. Twice as fast as the stun rod.  But to each his own.

If you want lethal melee, PirateZ has that in spades too.  Just browse the booty pedia a bit.
Or my un-official weapon spreadsheet that helped me figure out the game. (third Sheet)

Thanks for that but i wanna stick with serious X-Com :)
I have seen a Combat Knife, a Alloy Knife even a Alloy Blade.
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: hellrazor on April 08, 2015, 01:54:30 pm
Who wants Combat Knife Alloy Knife and Alloy Blase in?
And maybe more Melee Weapons?

Please let me know so i can put it on the Todo List which i update regularly when i finish a implementation.
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 08, 2015, 09:43:31 pm
They have nice sprites, so why not.
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: hellrazor on April 09, 2015, 01:11:46 am
They have nice sprites, so why not.

Well the point is would they be usable in real combat. Because Shotguns also do damn good close range damage.
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: hellrazor on April 14, 2015, 12:20:24 pm
Just started debugging, so far everything works :)

Will now proceed with adding more stuff mainly reworking UFOPaedia.
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: Hobbes on April 17, 2015, 04:46:22 pm
Just started debugging, so far everything works :)

Will now proceed with adding more stuff mainly reworking UFOPaedia.

For each new feature, ask yourself the question: is this really necessary? I ended up removing a lot of stuff that I found out later that it wasn't necessary.
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: hellrazor on April 17, 2015, 10:55:52 pm
For each new feature, ask yourself the question: is this really necessary? I ended up removing a lot of stuff that I found out later that it wasn't necessary.

Jeah i know. I actually have added all the items now which i wanna include.
Reworking the ufopaedia is kinda neccessary because i have a few new researches and story items :>
I will definitly include expanded ubase, because there are maps i wanna modify a little bit.
And some more UFO's.

If i do not put in extra terrain/maps i could at least a Alpha Ruleset Version which people could test.

I already found most crucial bugs so i would be good to go what ya thinking?
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: yrizoud on April 18, 2015, 12:58:56 am
Even vanilla items can be made redundant by add-ons. For example I see you've included fire grenades : I've played with them recently, and I find the grenade form so handy that I find very little reason to use the 3 incendiary ammo of the vanilla weapons. In turns, this reduces the interest of those versatile weapons.
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: Arpia on April 18, 2015, 05:53:57 am
Even vanilla items can be made redundant by add-ons. For example I see you've included fire grenades : I've played with them recently, and I find the grenade form so handy that I find very little reason to use the 3 incendiary ammo of the vanilla weapons. In turns, this reduces the interest of those versatile weapons.

I dont think incendiary grenades make incendiary ammo's redundant... I think they were redundant to begin with. Inc ammo isn't very practical for doing damage on anything past sectoids and floaters. So a gun loaded with INC's is much less practical than a gun loaded with something else. INC grenades provide a handy dose of cleansing flame in a convenient package, without having to swap ammo or weapons.
The versatile weapons still have AP and HE ammo so I'd say they're still pretty versatile without the 3rd ammo type. But you could maybe offset the loss by adding in a stronger AP that can be researched? or pseudo plasma rounds? to keep multi-ammo weapons more relavent in the later game.
this is all just oppinion though.
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: hellrazor on April 18, 2015, 07:25:41 am
I dont think incendiary grenades make incendiary ammo's redundant... I think they were redundant to begin with. Inc ammo isn't very practical for doing damage on anything past sectoids and floaters. So a gun loaded with INC's is much less practical than a gun loaded with something else. INC grenades provide a handy dose of cleansing flame in a convenient package, without having to swap ammo or weapons.
The versatile weapons still have AP and HE ammo so I'd say they're still pretty versatile without the 3rd ammo type. But you could maybe offset the loss by adding in a stronger AP that can be researched? or pseudo plasma rounds? to keep multi-ammo weapons more relavent in the later game.
this is all just oppinion though.

I have a stronger AP Version. It is Alloy Ammunition for Standard Pistols, Rifles, Shotguns, Heavy Canons and Auto Canons.
So maybe removing the Incendiary Ammo for Heavy Cannon and Auto Cannon would be the way to go.
And Maybe remove the Incendiary Rocket and put in a Elerium Rocket or so (something which makes the Rocket Launcher longer usable, but still way weaker then the blaster launcher).

But this is only a suggestion.
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: Ridаn on April 18, 2015, 06:14:31 pm
I use Autocannon incendiary ammo to provide illumination on a regular basis. I do not think it should be removed.
Incendiary rocket on other hand.. never used it, and can`t think of a situation when I would.
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: hellrazor on April 18, 2015, 08:14:17 pm
I use Autocannon incendiary ammo to provide illumination on a regular basis. I do not think it should be removed.
Incendiary rocket on other hand.. never used it, and can`t think of a situation when I would.

So i could technically replace the incendiary missile for the rocket launcher with an elerium warhead missile (140 damage)
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: hellrazor on April 19, 2015, 04:14:45 pm
Today i started modding the expanded ubase maps.
So far i was forced to rework, most of the nodes... some weren't even linked properly, also a lot of walls missing and so forth.

To put a little enjoyment into all of this, i decided to redesign UBASE21 completly (the clone lab).
My current Version looks a little otherwise of course. See attachments.

Please let me now if you like it, then i place proper nodes for routes, otherwise i will play around with it more.
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 19, 2015, 04:56:30 pm
Very nice.
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: Ridаn on April 19, 2015, 05:02:59 pm
Today i started modding the expanded ubase maps.
So far i was forced to rework, most of the nodes... some weren't even linked properly, also a lot of walls missing and so forth.

To put a little enjoyment into all of this, i decided to redesign UBASE21 completly (the clone lab).
My current Version looks a little otherwise of course. See attachments.

Please let me now if you like it, then i place proper nodes for routes, otherwise i will play around with it more.

I like this one better than previous one (it had two corridors on East and West sides, with LOS blocking power sources, right?).
I`m really glad that someone is trying to keep Expanded U_Base up to date.
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: hellrazor on April 19, 2015, 05:14:07 pm
Good to know that you like it. :)

I will place proper routes and spawn points.

I am just reworking ubase 2c into food processing plant.

i will also redesign ubase 18 and 19, since the do not have any purpose at the moment.
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: hellrazor on April 19, 2015, 08:59:36 pm
Oh well i did not like what i did with ubase21,
so i gave it another try see for yourself.

I like it much better.

Anyone care to comment?
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: Ridаn on April 19, 2015, 09:04:27 pm
From a glance: ground level got more intersting, and now large 4tile units can move through mapblock and spawn there - great job.
I also fancy those new wall tiles :)
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: hellrazor on April 19, 2015, 09:13:50 pm
From a glance: ground level got more intersting, and now large 4tile units can move through mapblock and spawn there - great job.
I also fancy those new wall tiles :)

Well the double double doors could be a nightmare.
So i changed it once again.

Also now symmetric :>

I added proper routes to this version. I will put this version into my mod.
Once i am finished redesigning the maps i want i will make a extra thread for base modules (as a standalone version).
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: hellrazor on April 19, 2015, 11:04:22 pm
I did some work on putting ubase2c into some proper context, as a food processing facility.

I hope you like it.
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: Dioxine on April 22, 2015, 04:23:57 pm
Very nice and clean... too clean. I'd advise removing one of the cows and 1-2 tanks of each type, or rearranging some of their blocks into L-, H- and other shapes - such a perfect order of rectangles looks suboptimal :) Also - good luck with the expanded ubase, this thing really needs a fix!
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: hellrazor on April 22, 2015, 05:56:12 pm
Very nice and clean... too clean. I'd advise removing one of the cows and 1-2 tanks of each type, or rearranging some of their blocks into L-, H- and other shapes - such a perfect order of rectangles looks suboptimal :) Also - good luck with the expanded ubase, this thing really needs a fix!

Why would it be suboptimal?
It is the perfect order for storing stuff, to get it in and out quickly.

And btw i did a lot of work on the expanded ubase last weekend. Fix a lot of stuff reworked the rmp routes on all but 3 maps (i checked them they seemed to be ok, 2 of those will get reworked anyway.)

You can find the Version i put together on the last weekend here (;topic=3580.0;attach=14879)

But make a backup of the original files, because i did not rename them.
I tested it about 20 times to see if the aliens were behaving, and they did pretty good with the new routes.
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: Dioxine on April 22, 2015, 11:48:23 pm
I will be more blunt: suboptimal from the artistic point of view, or, to put it even more blunt, ugly :)
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: hellrazor on April 23, 2015, 12:40:15 am
I will be more blunt: suboptimal from the artistic point of view, or, to put it even more blunt, ugly :)

It's funktionell. The aliens are that way.
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: Arthanor on April 23, 2015, 12:49:28 am
Are they? One could argue that most of the UFO designs, and their base, are rather suboptimal.

While I would agree that your base elements are a little bit too organized (I think removing one cow would help, and not having all the empty food containers in the back row at the north wall, but more of a mix), I would not call them ugly.

I very much appreciate the work you are putting into the ubase map set either way. Thanks.
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: hellrazor on April 23, 2015, 12:51:28 am
Are they? One could argue that most of the UFO designs, and their base, are rather suboptimal.

While I would agree that your base elements are a little bit too organized (I think removing one cow would help, and not having all the empty food containers in the back row at the north wall, but more of a mix), I would not call them ugly.

I very much appreciate the work you are putting into the ubase map set either way. Thanks.

Oh well your right about those. i could also add in  1 or 2 of the green light with 4 spaces.
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: Hobbes on April 23, 2015, 01:09:46 am
I'll toss in something for the discussion about the alien base design: the less objects a map has, the more relevant and noticeable they look. IMHO it looks a lot better to have 1 or 2 bookcases (or cows, etc.) than a whole wall full of them.
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: Dioxine on April 23, 2015, 09:26:21 am
I've never said it's ugly per se, the overall design is very clean, and I'm really happy someone is trying to tackle the expanded u-base.
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: hellrazor on April 23, 2015, 10:11:54 pm
I'll toss in something for the discussion about the alien base design: the less objects a map has, the more relevant and noticeable they look. IMHO it looks a lot better to have 1 or 2 bookcases (or cows, etc.) than a whole wall full of them.

Jeah your right about that. As soon as i will find time i will change it a little bit around. It is the first time for me to create map modules myself.
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: hellrazor on April 24, 2015, 08:04:49 pm
Anyone wanna have a Alpha Release to play around a little bit?

There are still strings missing for some stuff. But functionality should be fully there.
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: Hobbes on April 27, 2015, 05:13:05 am
Anyone wanna have a Alpha Release to play around a little bit?

There are still strings missing for some stuff. But functionality should be fully there.

I won't have much time available in the next days but I'd like to try it out when I can find time :)
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: hellrazor on April 27, 2015, 11:06:11 am
I won't have much time available in the next days but I'd like to try it out when I can find time :)

I will supply you with one once i get back from work, today. Didn't had the time to respond to IRC yesterday (i was already at sleep).
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
Post by: hellrazor on April 27, 2015, 04:19:03 pm
I won't have much time available in the next days but I'd like to try it out when I can find time :)

You may find Version 0.1 of Hardmode Expansion here (;topic=3550.0;attach=14994).
Luke83's Extra Ufo's is not integrated yet, so switch it on for more UFO's (works like a charm).
Yet more UFO's package is not compatible (different AlienItemlevels!).

You may need the newest avaible nightly for this.

Language Support is only fully  for en-US and en-GB, even thou i added a lot of translation were i could find some.

There will be Bugs for sure.
Balancing will probably need some rework.

HF testing it out.
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - Release Version 0.1
Post by: hellrazor on April 27, 2015, 06:49:58 pm
For those 2 people who have already downloaded the mod.
Plz delete those two ruleset (FMP, and UFO redux) in the Mod ruleset directory before installing...
I am sorry i totally forgot about those two in there when looking after stuff and working on the mod.
I corrected the download on the first post of this thread.
Link in the post above also should link on the new attachment.
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - Release Version 0.2 - Bugfixes
Post by: hellrazor on April 27, 2015, 10:17:37 pm
Already found some Bugs, as i expected (it's a big mod..)

For details on Bugfixes and new Version please look here :) (,3550.msg42491.html#msg42491)
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - Release Version 0.3 - more Bugfixes
Post by: hellrazor on April 30, 2015, 11:08:41 pm
Version 0.3 Release:
Some Bugfixes and integration of Terrain Pack update.

Get it here: (;topic=3550.0;attach=15041)

For detailed list of Bugfixes look here (,3550.msg42491.html#msg42491)

Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.4 - Bugfixes / Balanci
Post by: hellrazor on May 03, 2015, 01:35:57 pm
I am testplaying this right now and doing balancing and Bugfixes

Version 0.4 Release
Look here for Bugfix details and changes (,3550.msg42491.html#msg42491)

Next Step is Yet more UFO integration.
Will take some time i guess. Meanwhile have fun playing.
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.4 - Bugfixes / Balancing
Post by: hellrazor on May 03, 2015, 10:32:55 pm
Some graphical teasers :)
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.4 - Bugfixes / Balancing
Post by: DoxaLogos (JG) on May 03, 2015, 11:07:13 pm
Nice!  ;D
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.4 - Bugfixes / Balancing
Post by: hellrazor on May 04, 2015, 12:24:00 am
Blue Smoke Grenade Handob :)

Thanks for IvanDogovich for the inital Handsprite and Chaosshade for the recolor.

See Screenshots.

EDIT: Added Blue Smoke Grenade HandOb File. Fell free to use but menation IvanDogovich and chaosshade.
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.4 - Bugfixes / Balancing
Post by: hellrazor on May 04, 2015, 01:11:50 am
Also HandOb for Stun Grenade:

Based upon FloorOb from Murmur, made by chaosshade for me :)
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.4 - Bugfixes / Balancing
Post by: hellrazor on May 04, 2015, 01:49:32 am
X-Com Armor Tease:
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.4 - Bugfixes / Balancing
Post by: hellrazor on May 04, 2015, 01:50:12 am
X-Com Weapon Tease:
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.4 - Bugfixes / Balancing
Post by: hellrazor on May 04, 2015, 02:04:28 am
Last teaser for today:
Title: Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.4 - Bugfixes / Balancing
Post by: hellrazor on May 04, 2015, 08:12:56 am
Included a flashbang grenade:

Thanks to Aldorn for those nice sprites i found here (,2699.msg28162.html#msg28162)
Also thanks for IvanDogovich for the Idea.

The only thing still missing is a good alien Meleeweapon...

Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.6 - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on May 05, 2015, 02:39:06 am
Just put in lukes extra ufo's.
I will go through YetMoreUFO's package and get some more UFO Maps which i like. :>
So there will be some not vanilla UFO's i don't know how many, but i only had a glance at the maps on mapview, so i will decide later.

Meanwhile, i am testplaying the mod further, so far i didn't run into any more errors.
I invite you to also testplay the mod, and see were it needs balancing. It is intended to be standalone thou.

Current Version avaible here Hardmode_Expansion_v0.6 (,3550.msg42491.html#msg42491)

A Readme, and a Research tree graphic will also be coming, didn't had the time yet.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.6 - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on May 05, 2015, 03:46:57 pm
So folks were closing in on the end :)

 - Updated this Thread

README.TXT and download of current Version (v 0.6) is avaible  HERE  (,3550.msg42491.html#msg42491)

What is still missing so far:
 - Research Tree Graphic
 - More translations (only en-US, en-GB full support, several other only partly)
 - Some more UFO Maps from YetMoreUFO's Mod.
 - Custom Cydonia Map  - The Pyramid of Pain (To make Cydonai 3 Stages instead of 2)
 - A Custom faction (delayed until Mission Scripting is there from OpenXcom)

Also avaible on the Mod Portal Hardmode Expansion (
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.6 - Testplayers needed
Post by: pilot00 on May 06, 2015, 02:14:28 am
Bout time someone added some real colour to the alloy armor. I was getting tired of the solo blue.

BTW the text of elerium missile should read "compatible" instead of "compatibly"

Also about the plasma shotgun, its a bit confusing but maybe you wanted to type something akin to: ....."revealed that the beams it emmits are weaker due to been diffused the longer the range increases but on the contrary, up close the effect is devastating" or somesuch because the way it is written is a bit garbled :)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.6 - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on May 06, 2015, 08:53:30 am
Bout time someone added some real colour to the alloy armor. I was getting tired of the solo blue.

BTW the text of elerium missile should read "compatible" instead of "compatibly"

Also about the plasma shotgun, its a bit confusing but maybe you wanted to type something akin to: ....."revealed that the beams it emmits are weaker due to been diffused the longer the range increases but on the contrary, up close the effect is devastating" or somesuch because the way it is written is a bit garbled :)

Hi the personal armor sprites are from shadics, i just used for my mod (they look great).
Elerium missle string corrected. Thanks :>
Also found type on Explosive Ammo.

The plasmashotgun description is from the original author, chaosshade.
I find it okay, but feel free to propose something different or more specific.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.61 - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on May 06, 2015, 03:18:32 pm
Some more Bugfixes on its way... (i should not do modding while half asleep..., sorry)

Version 0.61
 - Fix for vanilla Engineers missing getOneFree
 - Fix wrong named Supply Ship maps
 - Fix some minor string errors

Avaible here: (;topic=3550.0;attach=15214)

Or on the Modportal: Hardmode_Expansion (
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.6 - Testplayers needed
Post by: pilot00 on May 06, 2015, 04:36:56 pm
Hi the personal armor sprites are from shadics, i just used for my mod (they look great).
Elerium missle string corrected. Thanks :>
Also found type on Explosive Ammo.

The plasmashotgun description is from the original author, chaosshade.
I find it okay, but feel free to propose something different or more specific.

I didnt mean that the discription is bad or to change it. What I meant is that the language grammar and meaning is a bit wrong, hence my proposal (based on what he meant to say) :)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.6 - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on May 06, 2015, 04:58:43 pm
I didnt mean that the discription is bad or to change it. What I meant is that the language grammar and meaning is a bit wrong, hence my proposal (based on what he meant to say) :)

"based on what she meant to say"

Well i find it ok the way it is, but english is not my mother language so  i am open for corrections any time. :)

Make a suggestion if you like :)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.7 - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on May 07, 2015, 08:30:33 am
Some more maps incoming. More Vanilla Variants from YetMoreUfo's

I am also considering putting in SolarsNewUFO's, let me know what you think. :)

Version 0.7
 - Fix Harvester Maps
 - Added more Vanilla Map Variants from YetMoreUfos

Modportallink ( (;topic=3550.0;attach=15220)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.7 - Testplayers needed
Post by: Phoenix7786 on May 07, 2015, 09:52:48 am
Out of curiosity, where'd you hear that the Gazer was intended for vanilla?
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.7 - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on May 07, 2015, 11:13:56 am
Out of curiosity, where'd you hear that the Gazer was intended for vanilla?

Because the original author found those sprites in the vanilla PCK's. And made a complete new race out of it.
It was assumed that the Gazers originally were intended to be ingame, but never made it due to time and budget restrictions.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.7 - Testplayers needed
Post by: moriarty on May 07, 2015, 11:52:21 am
was it the vanilla game's pcks or was it in the famous "concept art" pictures from that talk that Julian Gollop did?
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.7 - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on May 07, 2015, 12:07:16 pm
was it the vanilla game's pcks or was it in the famous "concept art" pictures from that talk that Julian Gollop did?

Maybe one of the two, i can't remember it correctly. I only remember that they were intended to be ingame, but never made it.
Anyway we should ask robin who made them in the first place he should know for sure. They are a good addition in any case:)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.71 repack - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on May 07, 2015, 10:54:04 pm
Warboy has done it and broken all Mods ;)
In any way now we can have all our sepereate folder.
And i release Version 0.71 ;)

Version 0.71
 - Fix M_Range vector Error for Supply Ship Missions (Wrong Map asigned...)
 - Fix Minor Stuff in Alien Deployments
 - Mod Repack for: openxcom_git_master_2015_05_07_1605
 - added metadata.yml
 - removed VERSION.TXT

Modportal link (

Readme and new Version attached here (,3550.msg42491.html#msg42491)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.71 repack - Testplayers needed
Post by: sender on May 09, 2015, 11:00:19 pm
Tried the mod, a few comments:

- You get wayyyy too much money with all of these combats and enemies. When I have 100 scientists and 3 bases by february, something feels wrong. I'd suggest reducing the sell value of plasma weapons, say by 25-33%.
- Increased monthly cost of personnel is really annoying, because you get so much money from weapon drops but your monthly funding doesn't go up with it, so every month you end up taking a 3-5 million net loss due to all of those extra personnel and facilities you built. I'd suggest reducing the monthly salary back to normal, or increasing average funding.
- Not a fan of the new base layout, if the vanilla layout was an option I'd appreciate it. I know some people like the chokepoint strategy, but I like surrounding the aliens and dropping explosives in every hanger on turn 1 more.
- Maybe make it more clear in the readme what is required to research Alien Containment. I had to check the files to figure out the requirements, since normally in X-Com you sell that stuff immediately.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.71 repack - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on May 09, 2015, 11:15:11 pm
Tried the mod, a few comments:

- You get wayyyy too much money with all of these combats and enemies. When I have 100 scientists and 3 bases by february, something feels wrong. I'd suggest reducing the sell value of plasma weapons, say by 25-33%.

You also do not get the normal UFO Mission in the beginning, getting a huge lump of money is understandabel, if you raid the supply ships or maybe even the battleships.
I don't think it is to much money, but a reduction by the amount you suggest would be possible. But that would require replaying the early game conpletly and i am to far in at the moment (end of June).

- Increased monthly cost of personnel is really annoying, because you get so much money from weapon drops but your monthly funding doesn't go up with it, so every month you end up taking a 3-5 million net loss due to all of those extra personnel and facilities you built. I'd suggest reducing the monthly salary back to normal, or increasing average funding.

X-Com suffers from bad financing sponsorwise.
You do sell all those shiny alien weapons right? You also can later on produce LaserCanons to finance yourself.
I did this on purpose.

- Not a fan of the new base layout, if the vanilla layout was an option I'd appreciate it. I know some people like the chokepoint strategy, but I like surrounding the aliens and dropping explosives in every hanger on turn 1 more.

Switch on Custom Initial Base in Advanced Option and you can place the modules like you see fit.

- Maybe make it more clear in the readme what is required to research Alien Containment. I had to check the files to figure out the requirements, since normally in X-Com you sell that stuff immediately.

You get everything you need for the Alien Containment from the Alien Base raid, Alien Food and Alien reproduction. Those are the dependencies so far, but i will add a plot topic "Alien Biology" which explains some things and gives a hint towards the base Raid.

The README is not yet complete, also i am missing a research tree graphic. Since i had wrapped my head arround how to reorganize some parts of the tech tree.
Which occured during my own testplay.

So far i have decided the following:

New Research Topic:
- Alien Biology comes avaible after researching any alien corpse, is dependency for Alien Containment, gives hint towards getting Alien Food and Alien Reproduction -> Base Raid.
- Alien Language comes avaible after interrogating your first alive alien, it opens up the Alien Data Slate for research and gives hint towards interrogating a Navigator, also dependency for UFO Navigation, next interrogation of a Navigator will unlock Hyperwave decoder as in vanilla.
- Alien Power Systems comes avaible after Alien Alloys and Elerium-115 is researched, dependency for UFO Power Source, gives hint to interrogate Alien Engineer and UFO Construction (which require another Engineer and Navigator).
- Psionics comes avaible after researching a psi alien (Sectoid Leader/Commander or Any Ethereal), opens up Psi tree. Gives hints on Interrogating Alien Engineer and Alien Medic to unlock Psi-lab, also dependency for psi lab.

PSI Research Tree rework:
The psi will be reorganized in a fashion that can get the PSI much quicker then now, but the PSI Amp will be way of in the tree. So you can psi train you soldiers before yo get bested by the alien Mind control.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.72 bugfixes - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on May 10, 2015, 12:54:50 am
Alot of Bugfixes for today... (never made such a big mod so please excuse the inconvinience)

Version 0.72
 - Fix Map issues for Terrorships
 - Fix Sort order of Abductor Maps
 - Removed Examination Room Dependency from Medikit
 - Removed Alien Surgery Dependency from Advanced Medikit
 - Added more translation Strings for:
   - Russian
   - French
   - Spanish
   - Polish
 - Fixed Position of Karachi (was on the water)
 - Exchanged Sprites for HeavyLaserAuto against a recolored Version
 - Changed Production amounts for Alien Alloy Clips
 - Removed Alien Alloys Production and modified UFOPaedia String accordingly.
 - Added 4 more Research Topic Ufopaedia entries (not accessible at the moment, but you can turn on debug mode and take a look).

Modportal Link (

Readme and new Version attached here (,3550.msg42491.html#msg42491)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.73 bugfixes / Research Changes
Post by: hellrazor on May 11, 2015, 11:12:41 am
Today i have implemented some Research Tree Changes which were overdue, but i only realized them when playing throu
the Mod in my current Testplay, i also started a fresh one to check out the new researches and how the pace runs.

Version 0.73
 - Fix for several City locations from the Terrain Pack
 - Bumped up Production Cost for Psi Amp (500.000$, 5 Alloys, 10 Elerium)
 - Added 4 New Research Topics (Alien Biology, Alien Language, Alien Power Systems and Psionics)
 - Research Tree rework, players need to edit savegame files -> see Forum link.
   Alien Data Slate needs Alien Language (which needs Any Alive Alien Interrogation)
   Alien Data Core now needs Alien Data Slate, Hyper Wave Decoder and Alien Origins (which needs Leader or Commander interrogation).
   UFO Power Source needs Alive Alien Engineer and Alien Power Systems (depend on Alien Alloys and Elerium-115)
   Alien Containment needs Alien Biology (depends on any Corpse Research), Alien Food and Alien Reproduction
   UFO Navigation also depends now on Alien Language
   Psi Research Tree Rework:
   - Psionics Research Topic (requires The Alien Threat), and Psi Alien Interrogation.
   - Psi Lab is unlocked after Psionics, and Alive Engineer and Alive Medic is interrogated
   - Psi Amp is further up in the tree and needs Examination Room, Alien Surgery and Alien Entertainment,
     each of those need a Alive Medic to unlock.

Modportal Link (

Readme and new Version attached here (,3550.msg42491.html#msg42491)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.73 bugfixes / Research Changes
Post by: hellrazor on May 11, 2015, 11:24:07 am
Updating Savegames for Testplayers which all already deep into the Campaign.

Please Save your campaign in Geoscape before updating.

Open up the savegame file with a Texteditor of your choice (notepad++ for example)

Search for "poppedResearch:" and go to Section above which is named "discovered:". It contains your Research progress so far.
Depending on were you are in your campaign, plz add the following strings below "STR_THE_ALIEN_THREAT" :

Code: [Select]

If you have Researched Alien Alloys and Elerium-115 already, also do enter:

Code: [Select]

below "STR_ELERIUM_115"

I doubt that any of you has already reached the way of unlocking Psi.
If you have, please enter

Code: [Select]
Below the Psi Alien you have Researched (STR_SECTOID_LEADER for example).

This should give you the new research Topcis and fullfil all inconsistencies.
If you have any trouble after this, plz post here or try to catch me on the IRC.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.73 bugfixes / Research Changes
Post by: Bobwolf on May 12, 2015, 07:35:11 am
I'm still in the 1st month and "Oh my god" it feels more like an invasion than in the OG. Couple of Very large ufo, couple of large and many small ufo. Raided some small and I am currently raiding a large ufo that just landed.

I like what I see so far. Not too many weapon, maybe missing a scouting unit/tank.

Thanks for this modpack !
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.73 bugfixes / Research Changes
Post by: hellrazor on May 12, 2015, 07:58:33 am
I'm still in the 1st month and "Oh my god" it feels more like an invasion than in the OG. Couple of Very large ufo, couple of large and many small ufo. Raided some small and I am currently raiding a large ufo that just landed.

I like what I see so far. Not too many weapon, maybe missing a scouting unit/tank.

Thanks for this modpack !

There are couple of Laser Weapons and some more Melee Weapons you will get, dispite of the alien Plasma Weapons.
Did you try out the tanks in storage? (Research HWP Repair ;)).

A scouting unit? Like the this here (
It could also be repairable like the normal tanks.
Who else wants the Scouting drone?

Let's see if you can handle the Alien Base, i have my fears that some players find it to hard or so.(even thou the base is only manned by floaters)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.73 bugfixes / Research Changes
Post by: Bobwolf on May 12, 2015, 03:31:07 pm
The scouting drone is nice. I'd rather pay for a drone than risk my soldiers.

I'll play more today and will give you a feedback again :)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.73 bugfixes / Research Changes
Post by: hellrazor on May 12, 2015, 04:12:00 pm
The scouting drone is nice. I'd rather pay for a drone than risk my soldiers.

I'll play more today and will give you a feedback again :)

I usually use normal Tanks as Scouts. They soak up damage pretty good, and if you research "HWP repair", you can repair Tanks, if you recover all parts of their corpse intact at the end of the mission (happens automatically).

Repairing a Tank costs 50% of its initial costs.

There is also a intermediate Tank Class, the "Alloy Tanks", basically normal wheeled Tanks but they are faster (80 TU's) and they do have +20 Armor, compared to the starting tanks. They become avaible after the Base Raid (which you definitly should do at least end of February), It will provide you with some money, some researchable Items, which will unlock Alien Containment. Also do not sell the "Alien Data Slate", it is very vital to get Laser Weapons.

To unlock the Alien Containment tree, research at least 1 Alien Corpse (this should bring up "Alien Biology").

I need to do a overhaul of all strings in my mod and modify some vanilla ones to give the player enough knowledge to know when he needs alive Aliens. Which you will need many :D
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.73 bugfixes / Research Changes
Post by: Bobwolf on May 12, 2015, 07:17:39 pm
Ok feedback !

I've tried the alien base.. everything was going nicely until I start losing soldier because there was many many floaters with shotgun. They never miss and one shot your soldiers. I also had to shoot some floaters 6 time to kill them. Is that normal ?

I like the challenge but I'm not sure about the plasma shotgun. Basically, if you move in LOS with an alien armed with a shotgun, you are dead. And since the alien base is dark and in close combat most of the time, you can say goodbye to your soldiers.

I don't think it's impossible. I just fear I will have to equip my soldiers with explosive and destroy every dark corner haha.

I'm going to try one more time and see if I am lucky this time.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.73 bugfixes / Research Changes
Post by: hellrazor on May 12, 2015, 08:58:36 pm
Ok feedback !

I've tried the alien base.. everything was going nicely until I start losing soldier because there was many many floaters with shotgun. They never miss and one shot your soldiers. I also had to shoot some floaters 6 time to kill them. Is that normal ?

I guess you get some bad damage rolls there, do you have researched Alloy Ammo already? Because the +10 Damage the convential Weapons then do is quite good, even against Reapers. Shotguns are also quite powerfull then, their increase is +20 (from 25x6 to 45x5). I only attacked the Alien Base after i had researched Alloy Ammo, Alloy Vest and Motion Scanners and my Soldiers had gained some Str, to carry some extra Proxy and Incendiary Grenades.

Since the Aliens fight in close quarters and are ready for possible attacks they pick appropriate weapons to defend themselves. I certainly would.

The Floaters are basically Vanilla, with two exceptions, increased Bravery (was neccessary due to the increased numbers) and increased Psi Str.
All other Races have received this change as well. Bravery by +20 for Leader/Commander and +10 for the other ranks, Terrorunits unchanged.
All Aliens also have received a increase in Psionic Strength (x 1.5).
Psionic Aliens which already had Psiskill also have received a factor of 1.5.
Terrorunits have two Exceptions, Reapers have a doubled value of ground armor. Since you even could kill them with normal grenade on Superhuman.
Chryssalids are the other Exception, they receive a 1.2 Damage factor from explosives, since the Ufopaedia always said they are vulnerable to those.

I like the challenge but I'm not sure about the plasma shotgun. Basically, if you move in LOS with an alien armed with a shotgun, you are dead. And since the alien base is dark and in close combat most of the time, you can say goodbye to your soldiers.

hm... your right, i had during my testing and debugging the shade set to 5, which is basically daylight, so i could better see what was going on. Maybe turn on the lights?
Would that help? Even thou it is a big change.

I don't think it's impossible. I just fear I will have to equip my soldiers with explosive and destroy every dark corner haha.

I'm going to try one more time and see if I am lucky this time.

Explosives are quite a good way to go. Heavy Cannon and or Auto Cannons might also be a good choice.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.73 bugfixes / Research Changes
Post by: pilot00 on May 13, 2015, 12:24:26 am
The only thing that bugs me, is the first month hellcamp and the fact that you must go through it no questions asked, if you want to progress. Its ok if you know about it or been a veteran player but otherwise...I believe you should reconsider the nessecity of the base assault so early in the game and the requirements of the containment. And if you dont want to change those, it would be best to allow the possibility of  assaulting a landed abductor rather the base. Just my 2cents.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.73 bugfixes / Research Changes
Post by: Arthanor on May 13, 2015, 01:22:46 am
YetMoreUFOs has a variety of UFO maps for large scouts, some of which contain alien food/reproduction/habitat tiles. By taking these maps and instead defining them as different UFO types, you can make sure these UFOs spawn.

It would then be possible to create a custom mission with these UFOs to replace the vanilla sectoid research. This would supply all the required components to the player without having to assault a base or totally changing the gameplay from an easy mission to a much harder one.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.73 bugfixes / Research Changes
Post by: pilot00 on May 13, 2015, 01:57:08 am
YetMoreUFOs has a variety of UFO maps for large scouts, some of which contain alien food/reproduction/habitat tiles. By taking these maps and instead defining them as different UFO types, you can make sure these UFOs spawn.

It would then be possible to create a custom mission with these UFOs to replace the vanilla sectoid research. This would supply all the required components to the player without having to assault a base or totally changing the gameplay from an easy mission to a much harder one.

That sounds even better.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.73 bugfixes / Research Changes
Post by: Bobwolf on May 13, 2015, 02:02:45 am
At least to get the laser weapon. After that, I don't mind if better weapon become harder and harder to get.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.73 bugfixes / Research Changes
Post by: pilot00 on May 13, 2015, 04:02:44 am
At least to get the laser weapon. After that, I don't mind if better weapon become harder and harder to get.

All things considered you can just scout the base location and just wait till you have lasers and armor. But still IMHO its too much too early. And it will generate an abnormal number of activity.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.73 bugfixes / Research Changes
Post by: hellrazor on May 13, 2015, 07:31:45 am
All things considered you can just scout the base location and just wait till you have lasers and armor. But still IMHO its too much too early. And it will generate an abnormal number of activity.

You won't get Lasers or Personal Armor without a specific Item from the Base Raid. This specific Item also requires you to capture 1 alive Alien (any will do) to unlock "Alien Language", which opens up the UFO Navigation tree and of course the Item. ;>

The base is doable, you just need to use the right tactics.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.73 bugfixes / Research Changes
Post by: hellrazor on May 13, 2015, 07:57:44 am
YetMoreUFOs has a variety of UFO maps for large scouts, some of which contain alien food/reproduction/habitat tiles. By taking these maps and instead defining them as different UFO types, you can make sure these UFOs spawn.

It would then be possible to create a custom mission with these UFOs to replace the vanilla sectoid research. This would supply all the required components to the player without having to assault a base or totally changing the gameplay from an easy mission to a much harder one.

Wrong dear Arthanor. Those maps contain Examination Rooms, and they are already integrated.
Create a custom Mission? So how you wanna do this? There is no Mission Scripting as of now.
The only way to make sure the player get everything he needs is with the base.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.73 bugfixes / Research Changes
Post by: hellrazor on May 13, 2015, 08:00:52 am
At least to get the laser weapon. After that, I don't mind if better weapon become harder and harder to get.

Raid the Base, kill every enemy inside it.
Research Alien Food, Alien Reproduction.
Research Alien Containment.
Capture any alive alien, interrogate it.
Research Alien Language.
Research Alien Data Slate.
Research Laser Weapons.

Then you get Lasers.
And btw they cost Elerium and Alien Alloys in the production process. (Exception: Laser Cannon Vanilla, you could try it out now as a craft Weapon since i played a little bit around with the stats.)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.74 More Ufo Maps / Adjustmen
Post by: hellrazor on May 13, 2015, 02:38:40 pm
I put in SolarsNewUfo's,
i did not had time yet to overwork the maps properly and make variants of them, but multiple maps do exist already ;D (so i can just work throu them and update you without you knowing :P).

Version 0.74
 - Integrated SolarsNewUfos (Maps may still be buggy, i am working on them)
 - Laser Infantry Weapons do need Elerium-115 and Alien Alloys to be produced (Laser Cannon is still your Cash Cow)
 - Adjusted Laser Craftcannon Range (now 34) and Accuracy (now 50%)
 - Adjusted Plasma Beam Accuracy (now 60%)
 - Fix some String Typos

Modportal Link (

Readme and new Version attached here (,3550.msg42491.html#msg42491)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.73 bugfixes / Research Changes
Post by: pilot00 on May 13, 2015, 03:27:39 pm
You won't get Lasers or Personal Armor without a specific Item from the Base Raid. This specific Item also requires you to capture 1 alive Alien (any will do) to unlock "Alien Language", which opens up the UFO Navigation tree and of course the Item. ;>

The base is doable, you just need to use the right tactics.

Yeah you are right, I messed the mods, I Am working on three currently.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.74 More Ufo Maps / Adjustments
Post by: hellrazor on May 13, 2015, 03:50:23 pm
Yeah you are right, I messed the mods, I Am working on three currently.

Uhhh ok, may i ask which ones you are playing currently?
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.74 More Ufo Maps / Adjustments
Post by: Bobwolf on May 13, 2015, 04:30:07 pm
I just completed the base mission yesterday and it was really hard. It took me 2 hours. I had to hide in the elevator. Lost the tank but just a couple of soldiers.
It was really challenging.

And now let's restart to try the new patch !
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.73 bugfixes / Research Changes
Post by: Arthanor on May 13, 2015, 05:38:01 pm
Wrong dear Arthanor. Those maps contain Examination Rooms, and they are already integrated.
Create a custom Mission? So how you wanna do this? There is no Mission Scripting as of now.
The only way to make sure the player get everything he needs is with the base.
I'm pretty sure I have gotten other stuff from the UFOs in YetMoreUFOs. Either way, if it is not there, it is still possible to create new maps that have the components in a UFO the shape of a large scout (or other shapes should you be so inclined).

If Hobbes can script a whole story with his first mission against the MJ12, surely one can script a mission with different UFOs. In fact, just define new UFO types like the fighter is defined in Solar's new UFOs. Call them STR_REPRO_SCOUT and STR_FOOD_SCOUT or something. Then in a new mission STR_FIRST_CONTACT, which is done by sectoids, in the list the waves make sure you add at least one STR_REPRO_SCOUT and a STR_FOOD_SCOUT.

The first mission of the month would then be a "First Contact" mission, with fancier UFOs than will ever be encountered again. You can also add a "command scout" which has a a special crew with the alien dataslate on the leader.

I'm not saying it would be easy.. It is likely a fair bit of work and not something I have done myself. but defining new missions is not a new thing, the MiB and Hybrids both have entirely new missions, which have nothing to do with the vanilla ones.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.74 More Ufo Maps / Adjustments
Post by: hellrazor on May 13, 2015, 05:42:52 pm
I just completed the base mission yesterday and it was really hard. It took me 2 hours. I had to hide in the elevator. Lost the tank but just a couple of soldiers.
It was really challenging.

And now let's restart to try the new patch !

You do not need to restart, to use the new patch. Depending on what your Version was you maybe need to edit your savegame file ( when you used a version prior to 0.73).

But feel free to do so in any case, there should a few new ufo appearing and i already found a bug on one of the maps, but don't have a windows machine here for using MapView.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.73 bugfixes / Research Changes
Post by: hellrazor on May 13, 2015, 05:56:54 pm
I'm pretty sure I have gotten other stuff from the UFOs in YetMoreUFOs. Either way, if it is not there, it is still possible to create new maps that have the components in a UFO the shape of a large scout (or other shapes should you be so inclined).

Well that would not be the problem, the maps are in there and could be edited easily, and yes you are right you can get a few things from those ufos. But Alien Food is not on them, can only be retrieved from Harvesters or Supply Ships.
And the Alien Reproduction only exists in the UBASE2.MCD as a asigned item. It is possible to use MCD patch to make something else recoverable as those of course, or pull in the UBASE2.MCD and place tiles acordingly.

If Hobbes can script a whole story with his first mission against the MJ12, surely one can script a mission with different UFOs. In fact, just define new UFO types like the fighter is defined in Solar's new UFOs. Call them STR_REPRO_SCOUT and STR_FOOD_SCOUT or something. Then in a new mission STR_FIRST_CONTACT, which is done by sectoids, in the list the waves make sure you add at least one STR_REPRO_SCOUT and a STR_FOOD_SCOUT.

Hobbes was only able to do this, because the first mission in the game (which is the first mission on the mission list) and the first race in raceweights of those mission is being picked for this mission to occur 100% and ahppens to be in the starting region of the player first base.

Hobbes also had some Problems because one of his testplayers missed a few of those ufos and could not start the plot for laser weapons. Which also could happen with the proposal you made.

The Alien Base is in this regard much saver, i tuned the timings so that even if you shoot down a few scouts the mission itself will not be canceled and you get the base. It is there then and can be attacked by the player, when he feels ready or when he is running out of researchable topics.

The first mission of the month would then be a "First Contact" mission, with fancier UFOs than will ever be encountered again. You can also add a "command scout" which has a a special crew with the alien dataslate on the leader.

My actual plan was to do not let the Alien Data Slate be in the base, but have another mission, were you need fight a human organization and one of the recoverables would be the Alien Data Slate.

I'm not saying it would be easy.. It is likely a fair bit of work and not something I have done myself. but defining new missions is not a new thing, the MiB and Hybrids both have entirely new missions, which have nothing to do with the vanilla ones.

The problem is not with getting the missions to work, but to make sure they occur. Since so far only one mission can be set to what you want to 100%, we have limitations, which will obviously change with missionscripting which is needed for tftd.

Then fancy things will happen :)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.74 More Ufo Maps / Adjustments
Post by: Bobwolf on May 14, 2015, 12:28:22 am
21th January 1999,

We heard the alarm. We geared up as fast as we could and sat in the Skyranger. The commander told us we were heading in a port attacked by aliens. After a couple of hours, the Skyranger landed in the port. The door dropped on the floor and the tank got out. We heard multiple shots fired, 1 missile launched and then an explosion no more tank. Michal tried his luck outside. He fired a rocket at a big snake. Then the commander call of the mission as many strange alien were closing in very fast.

On our way back, the commander told us that all the civilian were killed. No one to save. Michal is the only one who saw those snakeman and then he mentioned  something about a thing with pincer...


Hey guys !

I just called back my troops from a terror site. Snakeman and Chrysalid everywhere. There was 23 civilian on the map. After 2 turns, 20 were dead... most of them turned into Zombie. Got a terrible score -650 or more. And yes it was the 1st terror mission.

Hardmore ? Hell yes lol


Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.74 More Ufo Maps / Adjustments
Post by: hellrazor on May 14, 2015, 03:03:25 am
21th January 1999,

We heard the alarm. We geared up as fast as we could and sat in the Skyranger. The commander told us we were heading in a port attacked by aliens. After a couple of hours, the Skyranger landed in the port. The door dropped on the floor and the tank got out. We heard multiple shots fired, 1 missile launched and then an explosion no more tank. Michal tried his luck outside. He fired a rocket at a big snake. Then the commander call of the mission as many strange alien were closing in very fast.

On our way back, the commander told us that all the civilian were killed. No one to save. Michal is the only one who saw those snakeman and then he mentioned  something about a thing with pincer...

So you got scared? Ok i would also have bailed out for sure, and also with my pants full, but believe me this missions can be done if your man have proper equipment and you recruit some good markmans, good reaction are also good.

There is a slight chance that this will happen:
Code: [Select]
        STR_SECTOID: 10
        STR_SNAKEMAN: 10
        STR_FLOATER: 80

Actually the mission should only be floaters, not those other two.

Hey guys !

I just called back my troops from a terror site. Snakeman and Chrysalid everywhere. There was 23 civilian on the map. After 2 turns, 20 were dead... most of them turned into Zombie. Got a terrible score -650 or more. And yes it was the 1st terror mission.

Hardmore ? Hell yes lol

Those mission come together with the bigger mapsize for Terrormissions which is 60x60 and field up to 24 Civilians and maxload of Aliens spawn of 28 Aliens.
But you can win them, obviously not in January with standard equipment. And not against Snakeman for sure, Floaters actually are good to play against.
Shotguns vs Reapers :)

Should i remove this?

The Screenshot is from Middle around end of mai to middle of june or so. Can't remember exactly.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.74 More Ufo Maps / Adjustments
Post by: Bloax on May 14, 2015, 03:30:12 am
Chryssalids in January aren't really a fair move, since rifles can't even pierce their 34 armor.

Although on the other hand it teaches you the valuable lesson of ABORT THE FUCKING MISSION SON, which is pretty hardmode.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.74 More Ufo Maps / Adjustments
Post by: Bobwolf on May 14, 2015, 03:50:54 am
Yeah keep it. It made my day to see all those lids and snakes.. I was going there to kill floaters but I changed my mind after 2 turns !

But I've been playing too much to try my luck against chrysalids with rookies...

By the way, one thing about the OG as been bothering me forever : 3 shots from a gun isn't called automatic, it's call a burst. Firing in automatic empty your magazine in a blink of an eye and it's very inaccurate but in very close range it's pretty good.

What I would suggest to do is to simply change automatic for Burst and maybe add a forth option to use automatic ? Reduce the accuracy so it's not worth it to use it beyond 5-6 tiles I'd say.

I'm willing to try it and see if it would break the game if you want to try it. :)

Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.74 More Ufo Maps / Adjustments
Post by: hellrazor on May 14, 2015, 04:19:15 am
Yeah keep it. It made my day to see all those lids and snakes.. I was going there to kill floaters but I changed my mind after 2 turns !

But I've been playing too much to try my luck against chrysalids with rookies...

By the way, one thing about the OG as been bothering me forever : 3 shots from a gun isn't called automatic, it's call a burst. Firing in automatic empty your magazine in a blink of an eye and it's very inaccurate but in very close range it's pretty good.

What I would suggest to do is to simply change automatic for Burst and maybe add a forth option to use automatic ? Reduce the accuracy so it's not worth it to use it beyond 5-6 tiles I'd say.

I'm willing to try it and see if it would break the game if you want to try it. :)

There are only 3 Shotmodes avaible, Aimed Shot, Snap Shot and Auto Shot (which is basically a Burstmode, default 3 Shots).
I do not really want to add new weapons any more. There actually is a Heavy Laser / Auto. With autofire. It is quite good. Should fit your description somehow.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.74 More Ufo Maps / Adjustments
Post by: Arthanor on May 14, 2015, 04:48:48 am
By the way, one thing about the OG as been bothering me forever : 3 shots from a gun isn't called automatic, it's call a burst. Firing in automatic empty your magazine in a blink of an eye and it's very inaccurate but in very close range it's pretty good.

What I would suggest to do is to simply change automatic for Burst and maybe add a forth option to use automatic ? Reduce the accuracy so it's not worth it to use it beyond 5-6 tiles I'd say.

You have to think of it in game terms: Autoshot represents firing many shots in a very small amount of time since it costs very few TUs. One could change the stats of autoshots to firing 18 shots and taking 6 times more TUs so that it would really empty your magazine, but that would make it a rather useless option.

If you play with UFOExtender Accuracy on, autoshots are indeed pretty useless unless you are really close to the target, like you describe.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.74 More Ufo Maps / Adjustments
Post by: hellrazor on May 14, 2015, 05:23:04 am
I am just testing out how to balance the Laser Cannon in combination with Retaliators
against Terrorships.

This really bothering me, sometimes the Retaliators can in 3vs1 get nearly zero damage.
On other runs i loose at least one.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.74 More Ufo Maps / Adjustments
Post by: Arthanor on May 14, 2015, 05:34:32 am
Hum.. if you want to reduce the variability, I guess the answer is: Increase the accuracy but reduce the damage to keep the same DPS.

Fewer runs with too many misses costing you a craft.
Runs with all hits deal less damage = take longer, so crafts are sure to be damaged.

Of course, that doesn't factor in the variability in the terror ship's hit/miss.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.74 More Ufo Maps / Adjustments
Post by: hellrazor on May 14, 2015, 05:35:16 am
The problem is the repair time. as you can see.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.74 More Ufo Maps / Adjustments
Post by: Arthanor on May 14, 2015, 05:48:42 am
Do you play with the option to scramble damaged/not refuelled crafts?

I do and long repair times incurred because you took on a big UFOs stop being a big issue. You can still scramble one of those Retaliators and take on a large scout or something if you need to. In theory, you don't need to down a terror ship more than once a month, the rest of the time you're dealing with easy stuff. Unless you added crafts like fighters which are small and deadly, but even those would die quickly and deal comparatively little damage.

The other option is to tweak the repair rate for the different crafts. This way a Retaliator can be repaired faster than the base rate. As HP increase, repair rate should increase too otherwise you get weird stuff. The vanilla values often make it faster to sell your avenger and build a new one than repair it, so I consider the rate open for tweaking.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.74 More Ufo Maps / Adjustments
Post by: hellrazor on May 14, 2015, 06:11:17 am
Do you play with the option to scramble damaged/not refuelled crafts?

I do and long repair times incurred because you took on a big UFOs stop being a big issue. You can still scramble one of those Retaliators and take on a large scout or something if you need to. In theory, you don't need to down a terror ship more than once a month, the rest of the time you're dealing with easy stuff. Unless you added crafts like fighters which are small and deadly, but even those would die quickly and deal comparatively little damage.

The other option is to tweak the repair rate for the different crafts. This way a Retaliator can be repaired faster than the base rate. As HP increase, repair rate should increase too otherwise you get weird stuff. The vanilla values often make it faster to sell your avenger and build a new one than repair it, so I consider the rate open for tweaking.

I guess i found a relativly good compromise.
Laser Cannon get Range 36 and Accuracy 50%, (Plasma Beam has Accuracy 60%)
Retaliator gets tiny boost in Armor from 200 to 240
And a increased repairRate 3% per hour repaired instead of 1.

See Screenshots

There is still a good chance you loose at least 1 Retaliator in a 3vs1 against Terrorships.
You could also use Avalnche Missiles, but there Firerate is lower i believe, also there range is reduced to 42.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.75 Maps Fixes / Bugfixes
Post by: hellrazor on May 14, 2015, 07:26:40 am
Started working on some of the new Maps and some smaller Bugfixes,
and a experiment ;)

Version 0.75
 - Fix Mapscript for PORTTFTD Terrain since due to increased mapsize the Waterfront blocks were placed wrong
 - Integrated Matching Weapon Sprites for the Blaster Launcher from trollworkout
 - Flying Suit research added dependency: Alien Data Core
 - Fix wrong Price for Power suit Repair (840.000 instead of 84.000 ;))
 - Trying to make Combination Retaliator with Dual Laser Cannons able to shot down Terrorships (3vs1)
   Retaliator gets Armor boost: 240 instead of 200
   Laser Cannon gets Range 36 and Accuracy 50%
   repairRate increased from 1% per hour to 3
 - Fix for YetMore Ufo's Maps and SolarsNewUfo's maps
   Labship: LOS, LOF errors fixed, increased size of central section to fit lower and upper level.
   Fighter: Fix LOS, LOF near right door
   Excavator: Fix missing roof tiles, removed unneeded groundtiles
   Sentry: Fix LOS, LOF possibility

Modportal Link (

Readme and new Version attached here (,3550.msg42491.html#msg42491)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.75 Maps Fixes / Bugfixes
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 14, 2015, 03:21:26 pm
Thanks for the maps! I'll add them and credit you.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.75 Maps Fixes / Bugfixes
Post by: hellrazor on May 14, 2015, 06:40:11 pm
Thanks for the maps! I'll add them and credit you.

Well have fun with it.
When i find time i will make some variants. I have some nasty Ideas for the Labship ^^
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.76 More Bugfixes
Post by: hellrazor on May 14, 2015, 06:43:26 pm
Got reported some Bugs:

Version 0.76
 - Fix somehow lost UfoPaedia Entry for Sniper Rifle
 - Fix BulletSprites for Sniper Rifle and Taser Pistol
 - Readjusted Aimed accuracy for Sniper Rifle, Heavy Laser Sniper and Plasma Sniper Rifle.
 - Fix wrong Hitsound for Plasma Shotgun Elerium Shells

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Readme and new Version attached here (,3550.msg42491.html#msg42491)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.77 More Bugfixes
Post by: hellrazor on May 14, 2015, 11:49:35 pm
Somehow i got sloppy... not testing this.

Version 0.77
 - Fix Alloy Ammo Production for Heavy Cannon and Auto Cannon.

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Readme and new Version attached here (,3550.msg42491.html#msg42491)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.78 Bugfixes / Adjustments
Post by: hellrazor on May 15, 2015, 12:08:58 pm
Got a requests on IRC to try something out:

Version 0.78
 - Fix Alloy Cannon and Ammo not needing Alien Alloys for production
 - Readjusted Tank Armors (Vanilla Tanks get +10, Alloy Tanks get +15 unto that),
   seems to be neccessary when Alloy Ground Tanks only become avaible after Alien Date Slate.
   Open for debatte.
 - Readjusted Muton Elites (Same HP as normal Mutons, but better Armor and 0.8 Damage modifier vs Laser,
   They do have slightly increased Fire accuracy and Reactions also Psi Str: 80.

Please let me know if the new Armor settings for the Tanks are ok or not.
Otherwise i switch them back.

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Readme and new Version attached here (,3550.msg42491.html#msg42491)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.78 Bugfixes / Adjustments
Post by: hellrazor on May 15, 2015, 10:46:05 pm
I just started making a Research Tree Graphic.
For the time being and to have a better Ooverview i split it up into seperate pictures.

I also have received a lot of feedback, and i guess i will reduce the number of Alive Aliens which you will need,
to get rid of this for some people tedious mechanism:

Alive Alien -> Item -> Alive Alien -> Item. But this will take time and discussion.

1.) Legend
2.) PsiTree
3.) Alloy Tanks
4.) Alien Data Core
5.) WinTheGame
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.78 Bugfixes / Adjustments
Post by: hellrazor on May 16, 2015, 10:48:51 am
Green Field need Engineers, Blue Fields Navigator and Red ones Medics interrogated.
1.) Alien Containment
2.) Launchers Weapons
3.) Alien Data Slate
4.) CraftsTree
5.) Laser Weapons
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.78 Bugfixes / Adjustments
Post by: hellrazor on May 16, 2015, 11:29:19 am
Green Field need Engineers, Blue Fields Navigator and Red ones Medics interrogated.

1.) Armor Tree
2.) Plasma Weapons
3.) HoverTanks
4.) MediKits
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.78 Bugfixes / Adjustments
Post by: hellrazor on May 16, 2015, 12:27:48 pm
I hereby open the Research Tree Discussion.
Any Feedback or Suggestions are Welcome.

I was forced to put those into seperate Grpahics for the time being.
But after optimization i will make one big Grpahic :>
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Version 0.79 Research Tree Overwork
Post by: hellrazor on May 16, 2015, 05:09:09 pm
Ok i have overworked the Research and finetuned it a little bit.

I had very long discussions about this with players and other Modders on the IRC.

I myself find the tree quite right as it is now. The only thing which is open for debate,
is the number of Alive Alien required to unlock certain techs, weapons and crafts especially.
Since those can be tedious.

See Graphic Attached

Version 0.79
 - Research Tree Fine Tuning, if you encounter any troubles, please tell me!
 - Added Research Tree Graphic.
 - Fix Snakeman Soldier not unlocking Alien Language, Alien Invasion

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Readme and new Version attached here (,3550.msg42491.html#msg42491)

Edit: Colorcoded the Research Tree to make clear that topics are interlinked.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.8 Bugfixes / MC Immune Ethereals
Post by: hellrazor on May 19, 2015, 02:14:31 pm
Due to changes of the attachments size of the Forum i can no longer provide you with a version in the attachments.
So it is only avaible on the modportal, if need be i can upload to dropbox (modportal down or malfunction, just let me know).

Version 0.80
 - Reduced Number of Aliens on all Large Scouts, Sentries and Excavators by 2.
   Since Maxspawn of 18 seems little bit to high (now -> 16 fits also better with Medium Scouts)
 - Integrated FastRamp ruleset from clownagent.
 - Removed unneeded Groundtiles on UFO_170.MAP (Graphic error on diagonal walls)
 - Replaced Muton Elites Terrorunits with Sectopods
 - Muton Elites receive +6 TU and +10 Firing/Throwing Accuracy compared to normal Mutons, also more intelligence
 - Readjusted Sectoid Psi (give them more Defense but equal Offense)
 - Psi immunity for Ethereals (more defense, same Offense)
 - Fix Final Mission due to changes in openxcom_git_master_2015_05_18_1515
 - Fix Alloy Vest Strings for Corspe and Reapir Topic
 - Put in the recolored Research Tree Graphic
 - Readme overhaul

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Readme attached here (,3550.msg42491.html#msg42491)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.81 Some minor Bugfixes
Post by: hellrazor on May 22, 2015, 12:48:51 pm
Founds some leftover minor Bugs from the changes in the research tree:

Version 0.81
 - Fix Heavy Laser Auto Manufacture Dependency
 - Fix Alloy Knife, Alloy Blade Manufacture Dependency
 - Readjusted Labship Crew Numbers (max 2 Leaders instead of 4)
 - Ufopaedia String overwork for Topics which bring live Interrogations with them.
 - Muton Elites Receive Damage Modifer 0.6 vs Laser Weapons

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Readme attached here (,3550.msg42491.html#msg42491)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.81 Some minor Bugfixes
Post by: hellrazor on May 22, 2015, 12:50:32 pm
Despite of that i really would like to get some additional feedback from people,
what further balancing maybe needed or which things need to be changed around.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: Alex_D on May 23, 2015, 08:17:30 am
I'm currently playing your mod. :)

I just started a campaign with version 0.80 and git 2015-05-20 01:45. Upgrading now to version 0.81 and latest nightly (git 2015-05-22 15:17).

I'll report back with any bugs. I like the initial resources and money. The buy-able armor for all starting soldiers is a nice touch.

Something I noticed, and I don't if it's the mod or the nightly (perhaps the latter), is that at the end of a battle when the score is computed it says something like 156 alien artifacts recovered and xx points earned. It caught my attention as the number of artifacts recovered was way higher than before, and that was a small UFO.

So far I have encountered Floaters. I'm on 1999 Jan 26 game date. On my first terror mission now. I'll report if I see something funny with the score.

EDIT: It was the nightly, apparently. Also
I cannot get closer to the alien containment, (e.g. STR_ALIEN_BIOLOGY). I have researched: STR_FLOATER_CORPSE, STR_FLOATER_AUTOPSY, STR_TANK_REPAIR, STR_THE_ALIEN_THREAT.  I have STR_REAPER_CORPSE on the works.
Do I need anything to get STR_ALIEN_BIOLOGY researched, like another corpse?
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on May 23, 2015, 09:43:50 am
I'm currently playing your mod. :)

I just started a campaign with version 0.80 and git 2015-05-20 01:45. Upgrading now to version 0.81 and latest nightly (git 2015-05-22 15:17).

I'll report back with any bugs. I like the initial resources and money. The buy-able armor for all starting soldiers is a nice touch.

Something I noticed, and I don't if it's the mod or the nightly (perhaps the latter), is that at the end of a battle when the score is computed it says something like 156 alien artifacts recovered and xx points earned. It caught my attention as the number of artifacts recovered was way higher than before, and that was a small UFO.

So far I have encountered Floaters. I'm on 1999 Jan 26 game date. On my first terror mission now. I'll report if I see something funny with the score.

EDIT: It was the nightly, apparently. Also
I cannot get closer to the alien containment, (e.g. STR_ALIEN_BIOLOGY). I have researched: STR_FLOATER_CORPSE, STR_FLOATER_AUTOPSY, STR_TANK_REPAIR, STR_THE_ALIEN_THREAT.  I have STR_REAPER_CORPSE on the works.
Do I need anything to get STR_ALIEN_BIOLOGY researched, like another corpse?

Looks like you researched the corpses before the Alien Threat. Alien Biology had a requires for it's unlock which it shouldn't, guess that was my error.
Corrected this, goes into next Version. But you should be fine with the reaper corpse. You also need some Alien Food and Alien Reproduction, did you found the base already?
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: Alex_D on May 23, 2015, 11:01:03 am
Looks like you researched the corpses before the Alien Threat. Alien Biology had a requires for it's unlock which it shouldn't, guess that was my error.
Corrected this, goes into next Version. But you should be fine with the reaper corpse. You also need some Alien Food and Alien Reproduction, did you found the base already?
Yes, researching the reaper allowed Alien Biology. And a floater base showed up with Alien Food and Alien Reproduction. So many Floaters! :) I ran out of ammo and had to go upstairs to get some more. Plus:
There was this floater camping on this room that you can only access by flying. He soaked a heavy cannon round and the bastard even returned fire killing one of my soldiers. I admit I was pissed off and reloaded. And went upstairs for a rocket launcher. He didn't return fire this time :)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on May 23, 2015, 11:34:39 am
Yes, researching the reaper allowed Alien Biology. And a floater base showed up with Alien Food and Alien Reproduction. So many Floaters! :) I ran out of ammo and had to go upstairs to get some more. Plus:
There was this floater camping on this room that you can only access by flying. He soaked a heavy cannon round and the bastard even returned fire killing one of my soldiers. I admit I was pissed off and reloaded. And went upstairs for a rocket launcher. He didn't return fire this time :)

No imagine instead of Floaters you were facing Snakeman, Mutons or Ethereals :D
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on May 23, 2015, 03:46:37 pm
I am just trying to redesign the interiour of the Fighter Ship from SolarsNewUfo's.

So far i came up with the following.
This should be good enough for some nice ambushes or?
I am also makeing a turned Version of this.

EDIT: Forgot Second Power Source :D
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: Alex_D on May 24, 2015, 12:32:31 am
It seems hardmode is really hard  :)  I just lost the campaign thanks to the negative score produced by some alien activity that no matter where I patrolled (as per Graphs), I couldn't detect entirely.

So the X-Com project was cancelled as per end of April 1999. And the final cut-scene was not the right one. I got instead the Brain level victory scene. See my attached last game. The nightly is git 2015-05-22 15:17.

EDIT: In general, the battlescape gameplay is good. The enemies are well balanced, I faced Sectoids and a large number of Cyberdisks in two separate terror missions. I'm glad the heavy rockets were in plenty supply.

EDIT2: The bad thing about the terror missions, is despite winning it with minimum casualties on my side, the large number of civilian deaths was enough to cause a negative score at the end of the battle.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on May 24, 2015, 09:13:20 am
It seems hardmode is really hard  :)  I just lost the campaign thanks to the negative score produced by some alien activity that no matter where I patrolled (as per Graphs), I couldn't detect entirely.

So the X-Com project was cancelled as per end of April 1999. And the final cut-scene was not the right one. I got instead the Brain level victory scene. See my attached last game. The nightly is git 2015-05-22 15:17.

EDIT: In general, the battlescape gameplay is good. The enemies are well balanced, I faced Sectoids and a large number of Cyberdisks in two separate terror missions. I'm glad the heavy rockets were in plenty supply.

EDIT2: The bad thing about the terror missions, is despite winning it with minimum casualties on my side, the large number of civilian deaths was enough to cause a negative score at the end of the battle.

Uhm... Your first and only Base is somewere in South America... i will give you a Screenshot of my Bases Screen middle of May :D So you see the difference.
Build more Bases (for starters, a hangar a Large Radar and a storage is enough), so you see more ufos, get more missions, get more money etc....
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on May 24, 2015, 10:50:51 am
Turned Version of the new Fighter Interior:
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on May 24, 2015, 10:56:59 am
Minor Bugfix and the New fighter Map:

Version 0.82
 - Fix Alien Biology require (unneeded)
 - Readjusted Race occurance (better this way)
 - Added New Fighter Map (different Interior) and turned version of the same.

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Readme attached here (,3550.msg42491.html#msg42491)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on May 24, 2015, 10:39:50 pm
It seems hardmode is really hard  :)  I just lost the campaign thanks to the negative score produced by some alien activity that no matter where I patrolled (as per Graphs), I couldn't detect entirely.

Judgeing from the amount of activity you had Alien Infiltration Mission in Europe, this is logically causing a lot of activity. I do not understand why you only have one Base?
At least 2 or 3 Radar Bases are a must so can keep an Eye on what the Aliens are doing. If you had a Infiltrationmission in Europe then maybe there is a base there which you could attacl to keep your game going.

So the X-Com project was cancelled as per end of April 1999. And the final cut-scene was not the right one. I got instead the Brain level victory scene. See my attached last game. The nightly is git 2015-05-22 15:17.

I just checked in a vanilla game, it's a openxcom issue. I guess one of the Bugs from the recent changes so to say.
i filed a issue regarding this Issues 913 (

EDIT: In general, the battlescape gameplay is good. The enemies are well balanced, I faced Sectoids and a large number of Cyberdisks in two separate terror missions. I'm glad the heavy rockets were in plenty supply.

Well you should be outnumbered by Aliens at least nearly 2 to 1, at least for everything bigger then a large Scout, but even those have a crew up to 16 on Superhuman difficulty.

EDIT2: The bad thing about the terror missions, is despite winning it with minimum casualties on my side, the large number of civilian deaths was enough to cause a negative score at the end of the battle.

I had quite some successful Terrormissions and the civilians, they die at least most of them, but it is a Terrormission so them dieing is logical.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: Arthanor on May 24, 2015, 10:53:26 pm
Well you should be outnumbered by Aliens at least nearly 2 to 1, at least for everything bigger then a large Scout, but even those have a crew up to 16 on Superhuman difficulty.
Isn't the idea in XCom that at the beginning, you are the underperforming, underarmed primitive species battling genetically modified, more advanced aliens that are way better than you and your only hope is that you have more manpower than them (since it is our planet and you can draft from all armies in the world; whereas they have to ship their soldiers across the stars or grow them in vats locally)?

That changes after you catch up tech-wise, of course, but I think the beginning was intended to be like that, with the end more equal where you take on even stronger aliens but are much stronger yourself, and the numbers sort of even out.

If the aliens always outnumber you, outgun you because they are more advanced, and outstat you because you're a mere human to their gene-enhanced soldiers, what's left? I guess you have tactics, but that's a tricky thing to rely on in a game against an AI that doesn't really fight as a team. And hoping your soldiers stay alive so they become so much better after a while, but then that takes away the "gene-bred monster" feel.

Not saying it's not an interesting twist, but it seemed to me like a departure from the original philosophy.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on May 24, 2015, 11:02:24 pm
Isn't the idea in XCom that at the beginning, you are the underperforming, underarmed primitive species battling genetically modified, more advanced aliens that are way better than you and your only hope is that you have more manpower than them (since it is our planet and you can draft from all armies in the world; whereas they have to ship their soldiers across the stars or grow them in vats locally)?

That changes after you catch up tech-wise, of course, but I think the beginning was intended to be like that, with the end more equal where you take on even stronger aliens but are much stronger yourself, and the numbers sort of even out.

Well if your working with 14 People in a Skyranger usually the aliens have the some or slighty more numbers. You will get a Better Transport as your first Craft useing UFO Tech, so you can bring up to 18 Soldiers per Mission.

If the aliens always outnumber you, outgun you because they are more advanced, and outstat you because you're a mere human to their gene-enhanced soldiers, what's left? I guess you have tactics, but that's a tricky thing to rely on in a game against an AI that doesn't really fight as a team. And hoping your soldiers stay alive so they become so much better after a while, but then that takes away the "gene-bred monster" feel.

Not saying it's not an interesting twist, but it seemed to me like a departure from the original philosophy.

Well you can't win this mod if you run aimlessly around and do zergling tactics with your soldiers. You will quickly run into morale issues and other stuff.
The Alien do have more Bravery so they panic less quickly and fight longer.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: Alex_D on May 25, 2015, 05:09:20 am
Judgeing from the amount of activity you had Alien Infiltration Mission in Europe, this is logically causing a lot of activity. I do not understand why you only have one Base?
At least 2 or 3 Radar Bases are a must so can keep an Eye on what the Aliens are doing. If you had a Infiltrationmission in Europe then maybe there is a base there which you could attacl to keep your game going.
Yes, I was trying for the 1-base challenge, having completed it on another mode (Redux) on superhuman as well. It seems radar bases are a must for this mod to work, because patrolling just simply doesn't work.

I'm starting a new campaign on a lower difficulty level, to see what I get. I'm patching the game now to version 0.82

I just checked in a vanilla game, it's a openxcom issue. I guess one of the Bugs from the recent changes so to say.
i filed a issue regarding this Issues 913 (
Thanks, that's what I figured out.

Well you should be outnumbered by Aliens at least nearly 2 to 1, at least for everything bigger then a large Scout, but even those have a crew up to 16 on Superhuman difficulty.
I had quite some successful Terrormissions and the civilians, they die at least most of them, but it is a Terrormission so them dieing is logical.
I don't mind them dying :) but the negative score far outweighs any positive score one gets by killing every alien.

EDIT: When we can start making STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS? I find, at a times, the looted supply starts to become pretty thin in the early game.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on May 25, 2015, 09:43:36 am
Yes, I was trying for the 1-base challenge, having completed it on another mode (Redux) on superhuman as well. It seems radar bases are a must for this mod to work, because patrolling just simply doesn't work.

I guess the negative points you receive from Alien Missions being successful, did work against you. I doubt that someone is able to do a successful 1 Base Challenge on this.
Radar bases are needed so it seems.

I'm starting a new campaign on a lower difficulty level, to see what I get. I'm patching the game now to version 0.82
Thanks, that's what I figured out.

The lower difficulty well reduce the numbers of the alien crew, but will not effect which missions aliens do, because this is entirely random. Except Terrormissions which come every month.

I don't mind them dying :) but the negative score far outweighs any positive score one gets by killing every alien.

Well depends maybe it was because of Sectoids... but i had slightly positive results on those Terrormissions, and enough points to do not get negative 2 Months in a row, which is gameover.

EDIT: When we can start making STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS? I find, at a times, the looted supply starts to become pretty thin in the early game.
You will never be able to manufacture Alien Alloys. They are the same now as Elerium-115. A precious ressource.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on May 25, 2015, 06:44:30 pm
Since this cutscene stuff brought some new changes, we need fixes ;)

Version 0.83
 - Fix Final Missions again due to changes in openxcom_git_master_2015_05_25_0957
 - Added one more Alien Leader to Labship (there was only one instead of 2...)

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Readme attached here (,3550.msg42491.html#msg42491)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on May 29, 2015, 03:05:52 pm
Hi guys,

i made some more Variants of the Excavator Ship. The differences are only how the interior is setup, and turned Versions.
See attached Pictures:
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on May 29, 2015, 03:09:19 pm
Some more Excavator Variants:
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on May 29, 2015, 03:10:42 pm
After i spend some time fixing some minor Bugs,
i decided to add some more content, which i hope you will appriciate:

Version 0.84
 - Alien will now Pickup Weapon after panic
 - Fix wrong asigned Damage Modifier for Muton Elites
 - Fix HandOb assignment for Elerium Rocket
 - Remove Blaster Launchers from LabShip Deployment
 - Adjust alienItemLevels for more endgame varienty
 - Slight redesign of UBASE_2c
 - Fix Map tile issue on New Fighter Map
 - Removed Double Power Sources on New Fighter Map
 - Added Expanded Terror from luke83, resized Maps and removed Cellars
 - Added 3 more variants of the Excavater and turned Versions (8 Maps now)

Modportal Link (

Readme attached here (,3550.msg42491.html#msg42491)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 29, 2015, 03:33:49 pm
Regarding the Excavator: exactly what I needed. :)

Can you please attach them in one package to the FMP thread?
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on May 29, 2015, 03:39:30 pm
Regarding the Excavator: exactly what I needed. :)

Can you please attach them in one package to the FMP thread?

I hope you do not mind the added UFO Power Source. Since your original Version didn't had one and it is kinda unlogical to have a UFO without Power Source right?

I can attach them towards the FMP thread if you like, but i will also include my modified original Version, so you have consistency.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 29, 2015, 04:11:17 pm
I hope you do not mind the added UFO Power Source. Since your original Version didn't had one and it is kinda unlogical to have a UFO without Power Source right?

Yeah, I... kinda forgot. :D

I can attach them towards the FMP thread if you like, but i will also include my modified original Version, so you have consistency.

Sure! Thanks!
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: Harald_Gray on June 01, 2015, 08:51:38 pm
Well, I've decided to give this mod a try and although I'm only nearing the end of February 1999 I'm beginning to get afraid regarding my research. My problem is that I've failed to locate the alien base I'm (going by the mod's description) supposed to raid to get much of my research started. I've even shot down two supply ships, neither of which followed a course typical for supply runs, so I do have alien food in my storage now, but I saw no base to raid for Alien Reproduction. And I've searched a lot.

So I've cheated a bit and took a peek into my savefile - there's no alien base anywhere in it. I haven't delved into the savefile too deep but I assume the aliens only have a base-building mission so far.

Uh oh, what to do now? Am I supposed to let the aliens build a base so I can raid it? And how am I to tell which UFOs are building it? And isn't that quite a lot of metagaming to get Alien Containment, especially considering I've already researched alien biology and there's alien habitat and alien food in my storage? What the heck do I even need alien reproduction for? It is not like I want to breed them...

Or should I keep shooting the aliens down because I won't need the new tech for quite some time yet? That would feel like I'm being penalized for playing well enough to prevent the aliens from building a base. Or is there something I'm not noticing yet? Anyone willing to advise?
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on June 01, 2015, 09:06:14 pm
Well, I've decided to give this mod a try and although I'm only nearing the end of February 1999 I'm beginning to get afraid regarding my research. My problem is that I've failed to locate the alien base I'm (going by the mod's description) supposed to raid to get much of my research started. I've even shot down two supply ships, neither of which followed a course typical for supply runs, so I do have alien food in my storage now, but I saw no base to raid for Alien Reproduction. And I've searched a lot.

The alien base mission is the first mission the aliens do. It will be in your starting region, were you put your first base.
Typically the alien base mission will occur in all might around 16-20 of January.
This can be delayed a little bit if you shoot down the scout ships.

So I've cheated a bit and took a peek into my savefile - there's no alien base anywhere in it. I haven't delved into the savefile too deep but I assume the aliens only have a base-building mission so far.

If they have it, you should be getting the base soon.

Uh oh, what to do now? Am I supposed to let the aliens build a base so I can raid it? And how am I to tell which UFOs are building it? And isn't that quite a lot of metagaming to get Alien Containment, especially considering I've already researched alien biology and there's alien habitat and alien food in my storage? What the heck do I even need alien reproduction for? It is not like I want to breed them...

Have you seen any Very Large UFO's yet? Since the alien base only gets set up as soon as the battleship enters the athmosphere.

Or should I keep shooting the aliens down because I won't need the new tech for quite some time yet? That would feel like I'm being penalized for playing well enough to prevent the aliens from building a base. Or is there something I'm not noticing yet? Anyone willing to advise?

I would rather let them land and get some Elerium-115 from the UFO instead of shooting it down.
You will need new tech, because the weapons you have will still enable you to fight what awaits you beyond April, but expect heavy losses and some Squad wipes.

In any case, can you provide me with a savegame file so i can check if you still have the alien base mission?
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: Harald_Gray on June 01, 2015, 10:06:56 pm
Hmmm, I took a look into the savefile and I'd say the mission is still active. But I've attached the savefile too, just in case. Thanks for your help with this.

I've seen *one* very large ufo - the battleship that attacked my base. Maybe those floaters were just lazy and thought they could save themselves some effort and take over my base instead of building their own  :)

About those supply ship - okay, I should have phrased that differently: I've shot down one and took out a landed one too.

Soooo.... I know I'm probably being a smartass but I would like to ask you to reconsider requiring alien reproduction for alien containment. I do understand the reasoning for requiring a base assault, as such a mission makes the game harder. But alien *reproduction*?!? Maybe you might rename it to something like Regeneration Vats and write a blurb about the aliens dying faster than their willpower can be broken unless we gain access to such tech. The current name is so illogical it makes my brain hurt.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on June 01, 2015, 10:28:09 pm
Hmmm, I took a look into the savefile and I'd say the mission is still active. But I've attached the savefile too, just in case. Thanks for your help with this.

I've seen *one* very large ufo - the battleship that attacked my base. Maybe those floaters were just lazy and thought they could save themselves some effort and take over my base instead of building their own  :)

Well there is a random chance to get a early Base Attack Mission on Superhuman, in January, so i presume you got this one, be lucky that you actually detected the Ship on radar.

About those supply ship - okay, I should have phrased that differently: I've shot down one and took out a landed one too.

Don't worry you will get the alien base. It will take a couple of days, since shooting down all those scouts actually bumped up the spawntimer quite a bit.
As proof i attached a fraction of screenshot. The base location will be not were it is on the screenshot thou, it is picked randomly in your starting region somewere.

Soooo.... I know I'm probably being a smartass but I would like to ask you to reconsider requiring alien reproduction for alien containment. I do understand the reasoning for requiring a base assault, as such a mission makes the game harder. But alien *reproduction*?!? Maybe you might rename it to something like Regeneration Vats and write a blurb about the aliens dying faster than their willpower can be broken unless we gain access to such tech. The current name is so illogical it makes my brain hurt.

Well the alien reproduction... the naming might be a little bit weird, but it is actually in the vanilla game, it even has a ufopaedia article etc.. but since no maptiles were ever linked to it it could not be recovered.
And i am not throwing away vanilla content, well i tried to make it a little bit logical with the Alien Biology Research description, too why you need Alien Reproduction.
But i guess not everyone like's the logic :>

There is for the moment another reason whx you need to get the alien base, but this will change in future, then you have to do something special ^^, a extra mission for Laser Weapons and such.

On further notice how was your experience with the mod so far?
Any suggestions stuff to add or to change (not Alien Reproduction)?
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: Harald_Gray on June 01, 2015, 11:30:47 pm
Well the alien reproduction... the naming might be a little bit weird, but it is actually in the vanilla game, it even has a ufopaedia article etc.. but since no maptiles were ever linked to it it could not be recovered.
And i am not throwing away vanilla content, well i tried to make it a little bit logical with the Alien Biology Research description, too why you need Alien Reproduction.
But i guess not everyone like's the logic :>

Yep, that would be me  :)
The thing I would do would be to add Alien Regeneration Vats (or some other such tech) as a separate research topic, one that requires something that can only be obtained by raiding a base, be it a data slate or alien reproduction or whatever. The result would be the same, i.e. the player has to raid a base, but the logic wouldn't grate on my nerves  ;)

On further notice how was your experience with the mod so far?
Any suggestions stuff to add or to change (not Alien Reproduction)?

I'm liking it so far, though it is really too early to judge the mod. The thing I like the most is the fact that I'm only fighting floaters. Early sectoids were something I've always disliked about the original game - they are supposed to be the second smartest race after the Ethereals, so why are they cannon fodder? Maybe I've been lucky but I've only had to fight floaters so far and I like that. I know I'll hate it later, because this means no early psilabs for me, but I like it story-wise.

I'm still trying to make up my mind about flashbangs. I like the idea but it is a bit frustrating to have access to them and no reason to use them (they're weaker then regular grenades so I'll only use them once I can keep the aliens alive).

Oh, and I'll try to remember to post here again after a few more months of ingame time.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on June 02, 2015, 12:06:57 am
Yep, that would be me  :)
The thing I would do would be to add Alien Regeneration Vats (or some other such tech) as a separate research topic, one that requires something that can only be obtained by raiding a base, be it a data slate or alien reproduction or whatever. The result would be the same, i.e. the player has to raid a base, but the logic wouldn't grate on my nerves  ;)

Well you could consider the Alien Reproduction, to be Alien Regeneration, so to say ;>
I could probably rename, with some simple strings changing, but adding new things to be recovered from maptiles, is limited, as far as i know to specific hardcoded MCD types (there are 9 alltogether if i remember right), if there could be more i could add other stuff, but i would not know how.
Also i have no clue about graphic editing and, adding something like regeneration tanks/vats would require some artwork.

What actually could be done and i was also initially thinking of, is make something recoverable as Alien Habitat. And bind Alien Containment to this, which would be way more logical, i presume, thou i would forced to edit some MCD stuff probably.

I'm liking it so far, though it is really too early to judge the mod. The thing I like the most is the fact that I'm only fighting floaters. Early sectoids were something I've always disliked about the original game - they are supposed to be the second smartest race after the Ethereals, so why are they cannon fodder? Maybe I've been lucky but I've only had to fight floaters so far and I like that. I know I'll hate it later, because this means no early psilabs for me, but I like it story-wise.

Well you will think back about those Floaters with joy in a few month. Snakeman will come sooner or later and also Sectoids and some other races later on.
Terrormissions will be pretty hard i hope and a Snakeman Terrormission especially.

I'm still trying to make up my mind about flashbangs. I like the idea but it is a bit frustrating to have access to them and no reason to use them (they're weaker then regular grenades so I'll only use them once I can keep the aliens alive).

Oh, and I'll try to remember to post here again after a few more months of ingame time.

Well the Flashbang greande was one of the last items i added, since it gives you a relative good chance to capture alive alien relativly safely.
How about making Flashbang grenades only avaible after Alien Cointainment is researched?
On the other side you could turn on Alien Weapon Self Destruction, which would make the Flashbang Grenades extremly usefull, to get extra loot and extra money ;>
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 02, 2015, 07:21:51 pm
The easiest way to add new recoverable stuff is to hide it inside, say, UFO Navigation (that's what I did with data discs in the FMP). It is best to put it inside some explodey stuff and give the item no explosion resistance whatsoever, to make sure it disappears when the object over it disappears.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on June 03, 2015, 01:06:06 am
The easiest way to add new recoverable stuff is to hide it inside, say, UFO Navigation (that's what I did with data discs in the FMP). It is best to put it inside some explodey stuff and give the item no explosion resistance whatsoever, to make sure it disappears when the object over it disappears.

Nice Idea, would probably work. But i actually mode my Story items indestructable, so that the players gets them even if he fires around Blaster Bombs.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: kennyzloj on June 06, 2015, 09:45:31 pm
Please, check the AC-AP alloy ammo production for autocannon. This ammo are produced as regular AC-AP ammo.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on June 06, 2015, 10:04:58 pm
Please, check the AC-AP alloy ammo production for autocannon. This ammo are produced as regular AC-AP ammo.

Thanks. Fixed this, goes into new Version.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on June 06, 2015, 11:15:09 pm
Some Minor Bugfixes seem to be neccessary:

Version 0.85
 - Fix wrong asigned Sprite for Plasmasniper FloorOb
 - Fix AutoCannon Alloy Ammo manufacture
 - Small Fix for Thunder Map (Power Coiles moved 1 tile back, to block walking on them)
 - Small Modification of original Fighter Map (LOS solved from room to room)
 - Added 1 more Fighter Variants with two entries

Modportal Link (

Readme attached here (,3550.msg42491.html#msg42491)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: SDEDEN on June 07, 2015, 02:55:07 am
I haven't tried this yet, but I do wonder; is it really necessary/logical to have to raid an alien base for Alien containment? I like the idea of needing to research alien food, a dead and/or live alien, and such, but forcing a base raid and base construction mission in the first month kind of railroads the game's "plot". Wouldn't it be enough to leave it up to a bit of chance how soon you can get your hands on "Alien food"? Maybe you have to wait and find a base or maybe you get lucky and find a big lab ship that has it. IIRC: there is one other mod-added UFO that has alien food, isn't there?

I'm just saying that part of the strength of XCOM is the variability. Other than the monthly terror mission you never know quite what to expect.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on June 07, 2015, 03:10:45 am
I haven't tried this yet, but I do wonder; is it really necessary/logical to have to raid an alien base for Alien containment? I like the idea of needing to research alien food, a dead and/or live alien, and such, but forcing a base raid and base construction mission in the first month kind of railroads the game's "plot".

I wanted to make it harder to get. You now have to fight a hard battle in the alien base, to actually get alive interrogations. And those are needed to unlock s Weapons and Crafts later on, and initially the Alien Data Slate.
I will probably change this with missionscripting and let there be a base created in a random region or the starting region of the player, depending on a research topic, probably alien biology. So the normal alien mission will not be interfered with.

Wouldn't it be enough to leave it up to a bit of chance how soon you can get your hands on "Alien food"? Maybe you have to wait and find a base or maybe you get lucky and find a big lab ship that has it. IIRC: there is one other mod-added UFO that has alien food, isn't there?

I'm just saying that part of the strength of XCOM is the variability. Other than the monthly terror mission you never know quite what to expect.

The base mission is the only way at the moment to ensure that the player, get everything he needs for the research.
I do not want to have people complain about not been able to unlock or get techs.

If i recall directly you can even skip Laser weapons and go directly for plasma weapons, if you find a Alien Data Core.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on June 07, 2015, 09:12:02 pm
Found some time today and made some variant UFO Maps.

First, 3 more Excavator variants:
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on June 07, 2015, 09:16:14 pm
Also i made 4 more Fighter variants.

So we do now have 11 Excavators maps and 9 Fighters, those should be plenty.

New Fighter variants:
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: davide on June 08, 2015, 11:35:50 am

Do you verify and include  unvanilla big UFO form YetMoreUfos package ?
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on June 08, 2015, 12:39:20 pm

Do you verify and include  unvanilla big UFO form YetMoreUfos package ?

Well, from the YetMoreUFO Mod i only included the vanilla variants, because the others they had in there were kinda untypical design and such.
I do however have the complete SolraNewUfo's in , meaning, Fighter, Sentry, Excavator and Labship (which i am doing variants for).

I did take a look at the other maps in Yetmore UFO's and i discarded most of the bigger UFO's since they do not fit the vanilla basic layouts and do not have any UFOpaedia Pictures or Interception pictures. And since i wanna have constistency regarding thaty i did not include those.
I only used UFO's which fit the vanilla outer layouts or do have UFOpaedia stuff (->SolarNewUfo's.)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 08, 2015, 05:10:20 pm
I'm especially enthusiastic about new Lab Ships!
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on June 08, 2015, 05:44:58 pm
I'm especially enthusiastic about new Lab Ships!

Well i am gonna make some Sentry Ship variants first, so that the small ones are basically finished.
The first other Labship map will be a 90° turned version of the now existing one.
And then e will see, i have some fancy ideas. :)

Solarius maybe you could also then make a new updted Version of your SolarsNewUfo's Mod :)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on June 08, 2015, 10:43:49 pm
New Version release,
MORE UFO Maps :) and some tiny fixes (sorry for keeping updating so much).

Version 0.86
 - Added 3 more Excavator Variants (11 maps now)
 - Spawn nodes rework for all Excavators
 - Added 4 more Fighter Variants (9 maps now)
 - All Fighters do now have 2 Power sources
 - Spawn nodes rework for all Fighters
 - Fix Wrong Ground tile and Cow in Labship
 - Replace some interior Walls on some Expanded Terror Maps (better look)

Modportal Link (

Readme attached here (,3550.msg42491.html#msg42491)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on June 10, 2015, 07:50:12 pm
Madness struck me with this one probably:
hm.. this doesn't look they way i intended it to look...
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on June 10, 2015, 09:02:19 pm
Well the frist looked kinda ugly... damn isometrics.

I find this one much better:

EDIT: Added a turned Version.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 10, 2015, 09:35:47 pm
Deadly. Nice.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on June 11, 2015, 01:57:28 pm
Deadly. Nice.

Well at least i hope so. More variants on the way, i guess we will have a complete Fleet of different types ;)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on June 11, 2015, 10:41:43 pm
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on June 11, 2015, 11:43:23 pm
Well ok that was overdue a little bit.

I find this Versions so much better:
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on June 13, 2015, 04:55:04 pm
Even more Sentry Maps:
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on June 13, 2015, 04:55:42 pm
And the last 2 so far (we have 14 now):
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on June 13, 2015, 05:05:56 pm
New Version release:

Version 0.87
 - Added 12 more Sentry Maps (14 now)

For more variaty!

Modportal Link (

Readme attached here (,3550.msg42491.html#msg42491)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on June 15, 2015, 03:57:25 pm
I have some nasty surprises for my the next release in the bag(despite new UFO Maps;)):

- Additional Alien Ranks (to balance the weapon usage of the aliens)
- Additional Units and Mixed Races. (Maximum number of Aliens will not increase further)
- Probably 2 additional Urban terrains (a mix of vanilla tiles, turned vanillas and Luke expanded Terror tiles), coupled with different MCD color styles.

I hope i am not going overboard with this, but you wanna have even harder gameplay right :D?

I am also considering increasing the Mapsize for Terrormissions and Port Attack Missions to 70x70, which gives ~twice the amount of Maptiles then vanilla 50x50, i am also considering increasing the maximum number of Civlians from 24 to 32. With the bigger Map you can then even safe some of them.
But this will requiere further testing.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on June 17, 2015, 12:26:57 am
Fear your future Terrormissions my dear friends ^^
Since they will be not what you expect:
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on June 18, 2015, 10:19:37 am
After some thoughts,
As long as noone will complain about Bugs, i will work on my next set of things i wanna do.
Priority list here:
 - Additional Ranks, Mixed Races
 - Labship variants (we need those badly)
 - Mapscripts for some cool looking Military Bases at the moment Area51Urban is used.
 - Reworked Luke'sExpanded Terror Maps (done) and pulled in 1 recolored MCD set (done), second recolored MCD needs some overwork but it is also in.

Things i do in the background: (you won't really notice)
 - Recheck all UFO Maps which i pulled in from YetMoreUfo's and Luke'sExtraUFO's (already did Medium Scout, Large Scout and Harvesters, found some minor bugs)
 - Recheck all UFO routes and spawn priorities off YetMoreUFO's and Luke'sExtraUFO's
 - Merge MCD files to be able to intermix MADURBAN Maps (Terrain Pack), Luke's Expanded Terror Maps and Vanilla Urban Terror Maps.

On further Notice doesn anyone wanna have 2 Stage Terrormissions? (I doubt it)
I can give you a taste for it, by adding a Underground section of the Military Base, which you need to clear out in a second stage (for the time being i use X-Com Base Modules)
Please let me know.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 18, 2015, 02:49:10 pm
Could you please resize your screens? They're too big for a regular desktop screen, not to mention a laptop screen.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on June 18, 2015, 04:43:44 pm
Could you please resize your screens? They're too big for a regular desktop screen, not to mention a laptop screen.

Still to big? They are actually only snippets since the normal  resolution is 1900x1200 and they have 1200x800.
I can shrink them in the future...
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 18, 2015, 07:34:37 pm
Still to big? They are actually only snippets since the normal  resolution is 1900x1200 and they have 1200x800.
I can shrink them in the future...

1200x800? When a normal screen is something like 1366x768 or similar, that makes a picture that is way too big for a forum thread - with browser interface and forum interface. :)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on June 19, 2015, 10:19:41 am
1200x800? When a normal screen is something like 1366x768 or similar, that makes a picture that is way too big for a forum thread - with browser interface and forum interface. :)

I don't know what is normal for you, but i have 2 Flatscreen on 1900x1200, so that's normal to me. And yes you are probably right that 1200x800 is really bad to view on low resolutions like 1366x768, but i doubt this is "normal". Maybe if you think that tablets and small Netbooks are normal devices...
I can't work with those, a Netbook for coding is fine, but everything involving graphics and games i do on my real machine at home.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 19, 2015, 10:55:15 am
I don't know what is normal for you, but i have 2 Flatscreen on 1900x1200, so that's normal to me. And yes you are probably right that 1200x800 is really bad to view on low resolutions like 1366x768, but i doubt this is "normal".

My desktop: 1360x768
My laptop: 1366x768
My desktop at work: 1360x768

Check your reality, dude. :P

EDIT: some statistics I dug up (
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: Meridian on June 19, 2015, 11:01:03 am
My desktop: 1920x1080
My laptop: 1680x1050
My desktop at work: 1280x1024
My tablet: 1280x800 -- I mostly use the tablet to read the forum

And yes, if it's not too much of a nuisance, please don't make screenshots wider than 900px or so... I don't have any statistics, but I think many people still have 1280x1024 (standard 19'') on their desktops and 1366x768 (HD ready) on their laptops.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on June 19, 2015, 11:23:58 am
My desktop: 1920x1080
My laptop: 1680x1050
My desktop at work: 1280x1024
My tablet: 1280x800 -- I mostly use the tablet to read the forum

And yes, if it's not too much of a nuisance, please don't make screenshots wider than 900px or so... I don't have any statistics, but I think many people still have 1280x1024 (standard 19'') on their desktops and 1366x768 (HD ready) on their laptops.

hm.. i guess
Code: [Select]
for i in $( ls *.{jpg,png,gif}); do convert -resize 80% $i re_$i; done
will do the job in the future.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on June 21, 2015, 12:55:02 pm
My dear friends,
i decided to add one more weapon into the earlie game,
the Grenade Launcher (i also made soem HandOb's and FloorOb's for the Ammo)

The Plasma Sniper will now also be more deadly and gets a second clip ;)

And does the term "Chryssalid Impregnation Spit" do ring some bells ;)?
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on June 26, 2015, 07:57:02 pm
Well i am working on some new units, once i finish their graphics and have made one more Map
there will be a release of a new Version with some good new stuff and some bugfixes and some nastyness *evilgrin*

Let me give you a tease:
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: Meridian on June 26, 2015, 07:59:47 pm
Transformers attack us too? :)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on June 26, 2015, 08:01:07 pm
Transformers attack us too? :)

No tranformers, but:
Recoloring stuff is so timeconsuming... i need a break.

EDIT: Does it really look like a Transformer? I mean come on i spoent the entire afternoon on those sprites and pictures and i still have to do the FloorOb's for the corpses
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: Meridian on June 26, 2015, 08:16:39 pm
That was supposed to be a praise... I like them!

Edit: and I saw more of your new floor plans for excavator and fighter today... pretty sweet
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on June 26, 2015, 09:04:34 pm
That was supposed to be a praise... I like them!

Edit: and I saw more of your new floor plans for excavator and fighter today... pretty sweet

Thanks, sorry didn't catch joke (as usual :D).
Well i am planing on creating even more UFO variants especially for Abductors and Terrorships. But since there already quite a few,  this has a rather low priority.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 26, 2015, 10:20:04 pm
It's too cute! I want one!
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on June 26, 2015, 10:26:16 pm
It's too cute! I want one!

Would you like them to be packaged with some certain mapfiles? :P

EDIT: Need to test those sprites first, since it is my first time doing this. I also fixed some palette issues with some HandOb's, since i used the wrong palette from BigOb's instead of the proper one, confusing shit those palettes are.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on June 27, 2015, 01:27:49 pm
Our two new Nasties are ready:

Even thou i have to redo the Ufopedia Pictures (again..)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on June 28, 2015, 08:10:02 am
I reworked the UfoPaedia Pictures once again, they do now look way better. Using the right palette really helped a lot :D
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 28, 2015, 10:08:34 am
Yeah, nice.

If I may ask, what exactly are you going to do with these? Will they differ from the vanilla units? Will they be used by some other alien race?
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on June 28, 2015, 10:29:47 am
Yeah, nice.

If I may ask, what exactly are you going to do with these? Will they differ from the vanilla units? Will they be used by some other alien race?

I am shifting around Terrorunits between races a little bit. Those two are stronger then there originals, the Armored Sectopod as i call him is really nasty. But i am not spoiling :P They also do enforce Instant grenades Advanced option, for the players or they won't work as expected.

Btw Solarius, a certain Map files is just in making, as i write this.

EDIT: i am meaning thisone here:
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.88 Release - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on July 06, 2015, 02:29:57 am
New Version release:
I needed to get this out, and there also have been a lot of changes in the latest nightlies.
To be compatible again and to bring you the nasties :P i hereby release:

Version 0.88
 - Fix Psi Amp Unlock dependency
 - Fix Fighters (1 Power Source)
 - Reordered all Alien Races in Ufopaedia after occurance
 - Added Kneeling Indicator Mod from civilian (modified Version)
 - Added Improved TU Reserve Sprite from civilian
 - Added Grenade Launcher from Ryskeliini
 - Added FloorOb's and HandOb's for Grenade Launcher Ammo
 - Small Launcher gets Arcing Shot
 - Added Second Clip for Plasma Sniper Rifle (130 damage)
 - Added HandOb's for Plasma Sniper Rifle Ammo
 - Increased Plasma Sniper Rifle Damage from 90 to 100
 - Added Race and Terrorunit Mixes
 - Added Two more Terrorunits
 - Diversified Terrormissions (Labels & Deployment)
 - Mapfixes for Expanded Terror Maps
 - Added UfoPaedia Pictures for Muton Elites and Autopsy
 - Reworked alienItemlevels and alienDeployments for new Ranks and Items
 - Boosted Health of Waspites and Gazers
 - Adjusted Ruleset towards changes in openxcom_git_master_2015_06_30_0026

Modportal Link (

Readme attached here (,3550.msg42491.html#msg42491)

New Labship Maps coming soon!!!!
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.88 Release - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on July 18, 2015, 12:27:40 pm
Well my second testrun which is little bit further into the game.
I encountered something, i wanna share with you all :D

Aren't they cute :)?

And yeah i won this mission, but only with some heavy casualities.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.88 Release - Testplayers needed
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 18, 2015, 01:07:36 pm
I encountered something, i wanna share with you all :D

There is no God D:
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.88 Release - Testplayers needed
Post by: begri on July 18, 2015, 10:43:49 pm
What is the difference between your other mod the alien research mod and this one?
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.88 Release - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on July 18, 2015, 11:32:45 pm
What is the difference between your other mod the alien research mod and this one?

This one has alot of more content, more UFO Types, a lot of vanilla UFO variants and even more variants for UFO's like the Excavator. Also more alien Races, some slightly mixed races, new Terrorunits, more weapons etc.. all merged together with a good research tree. The terrormissions are designed to be really hard especially in the beginning.
You will not dominate the Skies until you get avengers, since you now have to enter into the UFO's firing ranges and will take damage trying to shoot them down, especially Terrorships, they are now really dangerous. Also expect economic trouble especially earlie on (at least until you can produce Lasercanons for selling).

Overall it should provide a very unique experience. I recommend playing it on Superhuman to get maxspawns.

Once Missionsscripting gets around i have planned to a add human faction also with some special missions.

If you like take a look at the Readme (,3550.msg42491.html#msg42491)
To a full description of all features.

EDIT.: Be prepared for a high casuality rate and some "fuck this shit" moments ;)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.88 Release - Testplayers needed
Post by: begri on July 19, 2015, 02:15:43 am
Wow it is really hard. What r the technical difference between the difficulties?

Maybe superhuman will be hard as I see... but I don't want dump enemies :)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.88 Release - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on July 19, 2015, 11:43:37 am
Wow it is really hard. What r the technical difference between the difficulties?

Maybe superhuman will be hard as I see... but I don't want dump enemies :)

The main difference from Superhuman to veteran and all the other dificulties is, on Superhuman additional Aliens will spawn in.
From other Races and also other Races Terrorunits.

I don't know what you mean, with saying it is really hard. If you did try it out then i am pleased to listen to any kind of feedback you can provide.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.88 Release - Testplayers needed
Post by: begri on July 19, 2015, 01:43:42 pm
So the difference is just more aliens. Ok.

I always wonder that in the ufopedia the weight of the things aren't displayed. It is very important.

Or, some info about the choosen researches, or info about the manufactured things.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.88 Release - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on July 19, 2015, 04:01:43 pm
So the difference is just more aliens. Ok.

Well despite of the changes which will occur due to the difficulty level (lowered alien stats, even further lowered numbers).
The additional aliens spawning in on Superhuman, will only spawn on Superhuman, since they are useing a fallback routine of the game to spawn in.
They do not have normal spawnpoints asigned, since this is only possible for the alienRanks 0 to 7, which have asigned spawnpoints on maps.
So they will spawn near there brothers, or on any other spawnpoint which is open to all units. Which can have so nasty side effects in base defense missions, but i do not
wanna spoil anything :P You will feel the pain yourself, as i did.

I always wonder that in the ufopedia the weight of the things aren't displayed. It is very important.

Weight was never intended to be displayed, at least in the Original Game, so UFOPaedia Pages do not support it be default.
I could at it manually, which is something ireally do not wanna do.

The Advanced Option "Inventory Stats" will give you a weight indicator for every soldier while equiping it, so you can see how many weight they can carry, do not overload them
until it is really really neccessary.

Or, some info about the choosen researches, or info about the manufactured things.

Every research has at least 1 UFOpaedia entry following it.
About the Researches, there is a Research Tree Graphic witch shows you which research topics do lead to what. You can find it either in the Mod Files itself (because i added it)
or take a look at the first Post of this thread were it is also added.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.88 Release - Testplayers needed
Post by: begri on July 20, 2015, 02:10:16 pm
Know somebody how can I make to hold ctrl on Android device to get the special movements?
Or what mean extended mouse?
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.88 Release - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on July 20, 2015, 02:21:13 pm
Know somebody how can I make to hold ctrl on Android device to get the special movements?
Or what mean extended mouse?

Maybe you ask here (,2428.0.html)??
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.88 Release - Testplayers needed
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on July 20, 2015, 11:32:50 pm
If and when I ever get through Pirates I like the look of Hardmode but was wanting to know a few things (1) Is it possible to have a max range for the psi amp as v0.9j of Pirates has it at 16? (2) Especially since it has been updated there today, any chance of including "Mechtoids" as I don't think I could have it on at the same time as Hardmode due to Mectoids only having 0-2 Alien Item Levels? (3)
Just number crunched the other night there and it would be possible to mind control an Ethereal Soldier even on Superhuman if you had a maxed out psionic on 105/100 or 100/100 psi skill/psi strength. IF my numbers are right at 1 square you could have up to a 42%. Leaders and Commanders are immune to mc as the max attack strength a troop could have is 210.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.88 Release - Testplayers needed
Post by: Harald_Gray on July 20, 2015, 11:46:54 pm
Especially since it has been updated there today, any chance of including "Mechtoids" as I don't think I could have it on at the same time as Hardmode due to Mectoids only having 0-2 Alien Item Levels?

The Mechtoids use 0-2 alien item levels to stay compatible with vanilla game but they're written to work with 0-3 too. The same method can be used to make them work with 0-4 levels that Hardmode uses so you can simply rewrite the mod yourself by copying level 3 as level 4. Just make sure you load Hardmode *after* Mechtoids.

Or I can post a newer version of the mod that would do the same, I guess...  ;)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.88 Release - Testplayers needed
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on July 21, 2015, 12:01:55 am
If you don't mind that would be nice. Here is the alien item levels from hardmode v0.88:

  - [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 6]
  - [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 6]
  - [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 6]
  - [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 6]
  - [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 6]
  - [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6]
  - [0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6]
  - [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6]
  - [1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6]
  - [1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6]
  - [2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6]
  - [2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6]
  - [3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6]
  - [3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6]
  - [3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6]
  - [6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6]

Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.88 Release - Testplayers needed
Post by: Harald_Gray on July 21, 2015, 12:12:13 am
Oh, @^#$#&! this, Hardmode now uses *7* item levels? The version I'm still using (I'm not keen on updating during a playthrough) uses 5....

Okay, back to the drawing board. I guess I'll simply create a version *designed* to work with more item levels, because deployments designed for three levels simply won't stay sensible with seven. Should have time to do that tomorrow.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.88 Release - Testplayers needed
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on July 21, 2015, 12:18:51 am
No problems but so you don't completely panic 0-2 seems to be the norm for a lot of mods though FMP uses 0-3. I may be out of date on some of these facts so apologies in advance if I'm wrong on anything.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.88 Release - Testplayers needed
Post by: Harald_Gray on July 21, 2015, 12:51:10 am
No problems but so you don't completely panic 0-2 seems to be the norm for a lot of mods though FMP uses 0-3. I may be out of date on some of these facts so apologies in advance if I'm wrong on anything.

Yup, no problem here either and no panic too  :)

It is just that I've created the mod with 0-2 levels to remain compatible with vanilla and I've added that fourth level precisely to become compatible with FMP. It never occured to me that Hardmode might be using seven levels and it is quite annoying to discover this minutes after uploading a version that's compatible with the five levels in the Hardmode Expansion 0.84 that I have installed.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.88 Release - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on July 21, 2015, 01:47:16 am
Oh, @^#$#&! this, Hardmode now uses *7* item levels? The version I'm still using (I'm not keen on updating during a playthrough) uses 5....

Okay, back to the drawing board. I guess I'll simply create a version *designed* to work with more item levels, because deployments designed for three levels simply won't stay sensible with seven. Should have time to do that tomorrow.

Well jeah i added some more, because i added another Clip to a certain sniper rifle and changed stuff a little bit around.
I also made it to make Blaster Launchers in the early game harder to get. They chance of occurancy is the same as vanilla, or should be.

A upgrade within a running campeign should be possible without problems. I just checked.
Your missing out a lot of the new UFO Maps i made, and also the new Terrorunits.

But maybe wait, since i am working on the next upgrade as we speak. I am currently working on the Mapscript for the Military Base Attack Terrorstuff.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.88 Release - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on July 21, 2015, 02:00:33 am
In any case i am also thinking of adding,
a Subversion of the Hardmode Expansion, this is possible because the new Mod structure allows for this.
I have thought of the following:
One version were X-Com Crafts have a Backdoor consistently, and anotherone without them (as it is now).

Another thing is i would also like to include the HQ Quality sound pack Mod. I personally use them and like them.
I have so far hold back on this since i know not all people do like it, and like the original sounds more.
This is also something which could be covered with a Subversion (or Scenario).

Feel free to comment.

Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.88 Release - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on July 22, 2015, 01:34:50 pm
If and when I ever get through Pirates I like the look of Hardmode but was wanting to know a few things
(1) Is it possible to have a max range for the psi amp as v0.9j of Pirates has it at 16?

Well certainly possible, getting the Psi-Amp is actually much harder, since you have to do a lot of research, to actually get it.
Even thou there will also be a special Mission asigned to akquire a Psi-Amp before you can research it (the research will need the Item then).
I am not keen on taking away Psionics or limit them. The Lategame enemies are pretty resistant to it or even immune, so its usability is already nerfed.
But didn't had the opportunity in my testrun to field test psionics.

(2) Especially since it has been updated there today, any chance of including "Mechtoids" as I don't think I could have it on at the same time as Hardmode due to Mectoids only having 0-2 Alien Item Levels?

I am not planning to add any more Races, there will be a special kind of Ethereal for another special Mission, but since it is not a complete race so to say.
I will add a human faction/hybrids or so once Mission Scripting is there.

Just number crunched the other night there and it would be possible to mind control an Ethereal Soldier even on Superhuman if you had a maxed out psionic on 105/100 or 100/100 psi skill/psi strength. IF my numbers are right at 1 square you could have up to a 42%. Leaders and Commanders are immune to mc as the max attack strength a troop could have is 210.

Well jeah the chances of exploiting this are actually slim. So.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.88 Release - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on July 22, 2015, 01:39:13 pm
In any case those many alienItemlevels actually screwed up Blaster Occurance. I haven't seen any since my last Battleship Mission November,
so i was taking a look into this and did some testing.

With the former 5 alienItemlevels they would at least spawn 1 sometimes. With the new 7 not any more.
I have already put together a fix for the alienDeployments regarding this, so there will be Blaster Launchers occuring from Month 1.
I am really sorry but this was totally under my radar until now.

A new Version is nearly ready and will be released soon with fixes.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.88 Release - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on July 23, 2015, 06:20:57 pm
I have already redone the Labship routes, after fixing its proportions a while back.
A turned Version of the Original is also now ready.

Anyone interested in new Labship variants?
Get a peek here: (first design try so don't be to harsh)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.88 Release - Testplayers needed
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 24, 2015, 12:24:43 am
Very nice!
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.88 Release - Testplayers needed
Post by: davide on July 24, 2015, 08:05:35 am

Anyone interested in new Labship variants?

I am  interested about it

I hope  that you integrate unvanilla ufo too ::)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.88 Release - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on July 24, 2015, 09:43:17 am
I am  interested about it

I hope  that you integrate unvanilla ufo too ::)

Well Labship, Fighters, Sentries and Excavators are no Vanilla Ships. They were originally designed by Solarius Scorch -> SolarsNewUFo's.

Or do wanna have more custom designes? Because i have a rules on what UFO's i will put in into my mod.
1.) They need to have a ufopaedia & interception Picture.
2.) There layout should orient itself on the vanilla ships (no clunched together small rooms, doors directly aournd grav lifts and so on).

If somehas a good new UFO which matches these conditions, i am sure i will find a place in my mod to let it show up.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.88 Release - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on July 24, 2015, 02:58:35 pm
Very nice!

Well Solarius you will like it,
the Routes i gave it are designed to be more defensivly.
So storming this UFO should be a very dangerous task. Also a couple of the
crew will stay inside and guard it.

I hope it will satisfy everyone :)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.88 Release - Testplayers needed
Post by: Arthanor on July 24, 2015, 06:02:07 pm
Would you be open to publishing your UFOs as a separate mod? It would be a great resource to have to spice up an otherwise vanilla playthrough. There was YetMoreUFOs, but some maps were really funky (and some gzegorj didn't get around to fixing).. Or maybe have them integrated in Solarius' Alien Armoury Expanded?
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.88 Release - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on July 24, 2015, 06:25:42 pm
Would you be open to publishing your UFOs as a separate mod? It would be a great resource to have to spice up an otherwise vanilla playthrough. There was YetMoreUFOs, but some maps were really funky (and some gzegorj didn't get around to fixing).. Or maybe have them integrated in Solarius' Alien Armoury Expanded?

You see the Vanilla Map Variants i use are actually from YetMoreUFO's Mod. I did check Medium Scouts and Large Scouts already and modified them to a very small degree (mostly only optical you won't really notice). I also started doing this for the Harvester and for the Abductors Maps.
I do have planned to add more Variants for Vanilla UFO's, for example there only exist 10 Terrorships and 8 Abductors, but this will take a while.

The UFO's i made for my Mod, are actually Variations of the Original ones from SolarsNewUFO's Mod. I do provide Solarius Scorch with all updates, new Maps i make for those, so he can put them into the FMP or into a updated Version of SolarsNewUFO's Mod, or whatever he wishes.

I could do a vanilla variants Mod, which would only contain variants of those, as a standalone (a replacement for Luke's Extra UFO's if you like).
Is that what you have in mind?

Also feel free to do this yourself, you may use the Maps as you see fit, but give Credit to the Original authors and myself :)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.88 Release - Testplayers needed
Post by: Arthanor on July 24, 2015, 06:38:14 pm
On my ToDo list is creating a modular set of mods for aliens, where multiple races would be defined in a way that they don't conflict (ex.: currently, loaded mixed alien crews screws up the race weight and makes races like robin's almost impossible to see, while races that have their own missions are unaffected since the missions are picked first), also with possible alternate/advanced alien weapon sets and UFOs. So sort of an Alien Armoury Expanded++

I've you don't mind me "harvesting" your maps from the Hardmode mod, then I'll do that so I can add them to this mod set when I finally get to it. Thanks!
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.88 Release - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on July 24, 2015, 06:42:29 pm
On my ToDo list is creating a modular set of mods for aliens, where multiple races would be defined in a way that they don't conflict (ex.: currently, loaded mixed alien crews screws up the race weight and makes races like robin's almost impossible to see, while races that have their own missions are unaffected since the missions are picked first), also with possible alternate/advanced alien weapon sets and UFOs. So sort of an Alien Armoury Expanded++

I've you don't mind me "harvesting" your maps from the Hardmode mod, then I'll do that so I can add them to this mod set when I finally get to it. Thanks!

Well do as you see fit :) But make sure to check the dates on files from time to time, since i fix bugs or modify stuff sometimes.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.89 - New Labship - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on July 24, 2015, 09:22:09 pm
It is long overdue!
But finally here is the new Version.
There are a lot of bugfixes here, so i release:

Version 0.89
 - Fix Grav Shield dependency
 - Fix Heavy Plasma dependencies
 - Fix Blaster Launcher Occurancy Rate
 - Fix Blaster Launcher Unlock
 - Fix Waspite Inventory Sprite
 - Fix wrong placed Groundtiles on the Sentry Maps
 - Fix some Wall tiles Labship Map
 - Readjusted Weapon Reload Timeings for Harvester, Abductor, Fighter Ship and Sentry
 - Readjusted Weapon Powers for Harvester, Abductor, Fighter Ship and Sentry
 - Readjusted Fuelcapacity of Thunder (60->40) and Firestorm (20->30)
 - Retaliator Repair Rate change from 3%->2%
 - Thunder, Firestorm and Avenger get Repair rate 3% instead of 1%
 - Increased Firestorm Alien Alloy Production Cost (90->120)
 - Reworked stats of Gazers, Muton Elite and Muton Brain Guards to be more consistent
 - Reworked Route Nodes for Fighters, Sentry and Excavators (proper Importence set)
 - Reworked Labship Nodes
 - Added turned Labship
 - Added 1 Variant Labship and turned Version

Modportal Link (

Readme attached here (,3550.msg42491.html#msg42491)

Have Fun storming the New Labship! And be aware of Sectoid Terrormissions, they now have a little nasty extra ^^

EDIT: Attached Labship Interior Pics.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.89 - New Labship - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on July 24, 2015, 10:12:59 pm
The stuff i am working next on will be:

New Mapscripts for Terrormissions based upon AREA51 Terrain from the Modpack.
I have planned 3 so far, a Airfield, a Barracks and a Fortification.

Maybe some Military Civilians, especially for those and some convential weapons placed on the Maps.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.89 - New Labship - Testplayers needed
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on July 27, 2015, 03:06:35 pm
I've just started a new run through with v0.89 and really liking what I'm getting so far. You should be careful when you start a playthrough and add mods to increase difficulty as first mission on the first day was a Mechtoid large scout with 4-5 cyberdiscs. Needless to say I had to abort pretty pronto. Using the nightly of 2015_07_25_1421 but running off the exe from openxcom extended v2.4 so that I can have psi amp range of max 20. I noticed one small oversight though, in the units section of the hardmode rulest files you appear to be missing the increased psi strength and bravery for a sectiod medic.

      bravery: 90
      psiStrength: 60

At least I assume this was an oversight but thanks for what I assume is going to be a interesting challenge.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.89 - New Labship - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on July 27, 2015, 05:34:37 pm
I've just started a new run through with v0.89 and really liking what I'm getting so far.

Glad to hear that. Be advised:
I changed the weaponspower of some UFO's so they do more damage, they will also fire quicker.
Interceptors, without Avalanche Missiles should stay away from Fighters, Sentry Ships, Abductors and Harvesters.
They will shoot down your Interceptor.

You should be careful when you start a playthrough and add mods to increase difficulty as first mission on the first day was a Mechtoid large scout with 4-5 cyberdiscs. Needless to say I had to abort pretty pronto.

You probably screwed yourself over with slapping on the Mechtoid Mod already. It has a own Missionlist and own Racedefinitions, which will probably
overwrite the ones from Hardmode Expansion. You will most likely:
 - Not have the Floater Alien Base Mission in the first month.
 - You will because of this, for a long time, not have access to Interrogations, until you get another Alien Base.
 - You will not have Access to the Alien Data Slate, until you get another Alien Base.

I stated very clearly that this Mod is intended to be standalone, and with the latast changes difficulty will be high enough.
But in any case tell me how it goes.

As so far i can say that the Mechtoids Mod is not compatible, because it screws around with the Race and the Missionlist.

Using the nightly of 2015_07_25_1421 but running off the exe from openxcom extended v2.4 so that I can have psi amp range of max 20.

Well HF with that, Psi - Amps will only be avaible in the lategame, but i guess that will not make any difference.

I noticed one small oversight though, in the units section of the hardmode rulest files you appear to be missing the increased psi strength and bravery for a sectiod medic.

      bravery: 90
      psiStrength: 60

At least I assume this was an oversight but thanks for what I assume is going to be a interesting challenge.

Jeah just checked, probably a oversight from the initial Coreruleset writing. Will be fixed in the next Version.

I advise you, to turn of the Mechtoids Mod (reasons see above).

And one last thing Simon, since your running openxcom_git_master_2015_07_25_1421
Do the following:
Open in the Hardmode Expansion Ruleset folder the vars.rul
insert or replace:
alienFuel: STR_ELERIUM_115
alienFuel: [STR_ELERIUM_115, 35]
this will reduce the amount of Elerium you get per UFO Power Source from 50 to 35.
I do not advise to lower it more, since Elerium-115 usage for a lot of Production topics have been severly increased!
This setting will be standard in the coming 0.90 Version.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.89 - New Labship - Testplayers needed
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on July 27, 2015, 06:38:50 pm
I guessed as much when the first mission was mechtoids so as you advised I've removed it, pity though as it's a nice mod. Will wait and see what missions generate for March and if a base mission is generated but not floaters I can always change whatever the race is to floaters as I missed out on that base in the first month. The xcom intel v0.84 tool is very useful for seeing up to the next 13 alien missions in eta order (see attached). I'll play it by ear if I wish to implement the change about E115 as you suggested. Surely with the new mod structure, if I'm still on this game and v0.90 comes out could I not just upgrade to v0.90.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.89 - New Labship - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on July 27, 2015, 06:48:03 pm
I guessed as much when the first mission was mechtoids so as you advised I've removed it, pity though as it's a nice mod. Will wait and see what missions generate for March and if a base mission is generated but not floaters I can always change whatever the race is to floaters as I missed out on that base in the first month. The xcom intel v0.84 tool is very useful for seeing up to the next 13 alien missions in eta order (see attached). I'll play it by ear if I wish to implement the change about E115 as you suggested. Surely with the new mod structure, if I'm still on this game and v0.90 comes out could I not just upgrade to v0.90.

I only can say that you are now in a world of pain. Since you will not get Laser Weapons or Plasma Weapons, without Live Interrogations.
And fighting Snakeman Missions with only Alloy Ammo and Conventional Weapons?
Cry in pain, since they spawn in a few Mutons on each missions.
I actually mentioned the Elerium-115 stuff, because i myself have not the time to start a third testplay and since this is something which will only be noticeable in a full runthrough, i would like to have someone test this. The value can always be adjusted. So to say you may test this new feature in front before the initial release ;>

EDIT: You will already cry when you encounter a Sectoid Terror Mission, because... you will see :P

EDIT: 0.90 Version will mainly consist of Bugfixes, and some new Maps for UFO's probaly and some new Terraindefinitions for the Military Base Attack Terrordeployment.
So no major changes.

The research Tree is fixated. (Even thou i will have to edit it slightly and add Itemrequirements with the Special Mission for the Psi Amp, but this is minor)
The Weapon and Item List is also fixated.
The Alienrace List is also fixated.

So no more changes there.
There will be a human faction you will fight against once Missionscripting is avaible.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.89 - New Labship - Testplayers needed
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on July 27, 2015, 07:27:56 pm
Just decided to atart a fresh game with a new install but on finding the first base whether I'm running off the nightly exe or extended exe I get the following error message(attached). I have a good few mods on but not mechtoids now and I can't see what might be causing the error. Help please.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.89 - New Labship - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on July 27, 2015, 07:48:59 pm
Just decided to atart a fresh game with a new install but on finding the first base whether I'm running off the nightly exe or extended exe I get the following error message(attached). I have a good few mods on but not mechtoids now and I can't see what might be causing the error. Help please.

Any of the mods has Itemlevels defined which are not compatible with My mod.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.89 - New Labship - Testplayers needed
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on July 27, 2015, 08:45:56 pm
No apart from the xcom1 file hardmode is the only one that has item levels, even tried another fresh install with only hardmode loading last after the pre set mods like pistol auto shot. I'm only using 5 of them. Still getting the same error. Then I tried with only hardmode and still the same as soon as the alien base mission tries to start, doesn't even get to the inventory screen. The save attached is with only hardmode.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.89 - New Labship - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on July 27, 2015, 09:05:19 pm
No apart from the xcom1 file hardmode is the only one that has item levels, even tried another fresh install with only hardmode loading last after the pre set mods like pistol auto shot. I'm only using 5 of them. Still getting the same error. Then I tried with only hardmode and still the same as soon as the alien base mission tries to start, doesn't even get to the inventory screen. The save attached is with only hardmode.

Jeah i just tried myself and there is a bug somewere. I search for it at the moment.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.89 - New Labship - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on July 27, 2015, 09:15:45 pm
No apart from the xcom1 file hardmode is the only one that has item levels, even tried another fresh install with only hardmode loading last after the pre set mods like pistol auto shot. I'm only using 5 of them. Still getting the same error. Then I tried with only hardmode and still the same as soon as the alien base mission tries to start, doesn't even get to the inventory screen. The save attached is with only hardmode.

Simon i found the error!

I will release another Version, with the patch and someother patches....
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.90 - Urgent Bugfix - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on July 27, 2015, 09:45:42 pm
Bugfix Release

Players which have already downloaded Version 0.89, be advised to update towards 0.90 asap, since there is a critical Bug in it.

Version 0.90
 - Fix Wall tiles on 1 Excavator Map
 - Fix some Groundtiles on a few Excavator Maps
 - Fix Sectoid Medic Missing Bravery and Psi Str Increase
 - Fix alienDeployment for Alien Base Assault
 - Fix wrong MADDECOR.MCD file
 - Fix wrong MADURBAN maps
 - Reduced Elerium-115 amount you recieve per UFO Power Source (50->35)

Modportal Link (

Readme attached here (,3550.msg42491.html#msg42491)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.90 - Urgent Bugfix - Testplayers needed
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on July 28, 2015, 02:59:53 am
That has seemed to do the trick, started a new game with nightly 2015-07-27-1005, no Mechtoids, though I have to use the nightly exe rather than extended v2.4 (was looking forward to 4 weapons on a craft and the training room facility) but I'll maybe post a message on that thread as it's a bit weird but I'll not complain too much. It works and I can assault the base, probably get creamed but that's half the fun. The terror mission I'm doing at the minute is "alens attack infrastructure". Should be a hoot as its sectoid, floaters and both their terror units.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.90 - Urgent Bugfix - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on July 28, 2015, 07:17:42 am
That has seemed to do the trick, started a new game with nightly 2015-07-27-1005, no Mechtoids, though I have to use the nightly exe rather than extended v2.4 (was looking forward to 4 weapons on a craft and the training room facility) but I'll maybe post a message on that thread as it's a bit weird but I'll not complain too much. It works and I can assault the base, probably get creamed but that's half the fun. The terror mission I'm doing at the minute is "alens attack infrastructure". Should be a hoot as its sectoid, floaters and both their terror units.

Well the Terrormissions now have different Labels, depending on what terrain you will find there. It is upposed to be a little help, so you can decide, if you bring more Rocket Launcher or more Grenade Launcher. So you can adept the equipment a little bit, if you like.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.90 - Urgent Bugfix - Testplayers needed
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on July 28, 2015, 11:39:19 pm
I've been working on spreadsheets over the last day and have done graphs for the figures, which I find useful. They show the maximum chance for the psionic aliens to mind control/panic your troop and your chance at 20 squares distant to mind control them (I rarely use panic). Would it be ok to put them on this thread and if any one wants them as an aid they can download them. These graphs will only work for hardmode as they're based on those psi stats.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.90 - Urgent Bugfix - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on July 28, 2015, 11:49:42 pm
I've been working on spreadsheets over the last day and have done graphs for the figures, which I find useful. They show the maximum chance for the psionic aliens to mind control/panic your troop and your chance at 20 squares distant to mind control them (I rarely use panic). Would it be ok to put them on this thread and if any one wants them as an aid they can download them. These graphs will only work for hardmode as they're based on those psi stats.

Feel free to do so.
I actually never really calculated the distance into all of this, so it would be interesting to see.
Could you probably put them into a spoiler field and link them from dropbox or so?
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.90 - Urgent Bugfix - Testplayers needed
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on July 29, 2015, 01:37:18 am
I'll send them as an attachment here as it's the simplest way IMHO. They are based on the psionic formula:



These graphs are based on Superhuman difficulty and in defending from psionic attack, it assumes the best chance for an alien at 1 square away from you. The other graphs when you are attacking are based on 20 squares distance(visual range). Naturally as D increases the % goes down and vice versa. By the formula you could have a minus % or greater than 100% chance but those are only by maths. Unlike stated accuracy of a shot 100 or greater is a guaranteed success and 0 or less an automatic failure. I think it's useful to refer to as I like to have at least a 50% chance of success so these can be a limited aid.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.90 - Urgent Bugfix - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on July 29, 2015, 11:09:26 am

The current Version of Hardmode Expansion (v 0.90), is not compatible with openxcom_git_master_2015_07_28_1355 ( or newer.

Please use openxcom_git_master_2015_07_28_0903 ( with Version 0.90 or older Versions of Hardmode Expansion.

I am currently working on Updating the ruleset, there will be a new Version release soon.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.90 - Urgent Bugfix - Testplayers needed
Post by: Lion66six on July 29, 2015, 06:50:30 pm
So based on the current development work on this mod, when is the best time to jump into a good play test?

Should I hang around for a few weeks for any major changes, or get straight in this evening?
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.90 - Urgent Bugfix - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on July 29, 2015, 06:58:27 pm
So based on the current development work on this mod, when is the best time to jump into a good play test?

Should I hang around for a few weeks for any major changes, or get straight in this evening?

Well the current 0.90 Version is in pretty good shape, it is missing the Specialmissions thou, but those will take a while to design and to test.
So feel free to hop in just make sure you didn't use the newest nightly, because there were some severe changes in Openxcom, which i so far have not addressed.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.90 - Urgent Bugfix - Testplayers needed
Post by: Lion66six on July 29, 2015, 07:00:19 pm
Will do.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.90 - Urgent Bugfix - Testplayers needed
Post by: Lion66six on July 29, 2015, 09:36:18 pm
You didn't tell me that the aliens throw grenades at you!!!!!! :(

I don't mind one or two, but the moment you step out of the skyranger seems a bit harsh. Is it possible to have the AI only throw them after say turn 2 or 3?
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.90 - Urgent Bugfix - Testplayers needed
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 29, 2015, 09:37:14 pm
Is it possible to have the AI only throw them after say turn 2 or 3?

It is, but it would be cheating. :P
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.90 - Urgent Bugfix - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on July 29, 2015, 09:52:22 pm
You didn't tell me that the aliens throw grenades at you!!!!!! :(

I don't mind one or two, but the moment you step out of the skyranger seems a bit harsh. Is it possible to have the AI only throw them after say turn 2 or 3?

It is mentioned in the Readme as one of the features, and it is vanilla Original Game behaviour.
I advise to skip turn one, if there is no enemy directly visible and deploy a smoke grenade or two.
Also a tank is pretty good earlie on for scouting.

EDIT: On a second thought, i guess you had a alien armed with a Small Launcher firing at you with Elerium Bombs (90 Damage, same as a Alien Grenade). This not Vanilla.
Which is early on really one of the worst cases which you could get.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.90 - Urgent Bugfix - Testplayers needed
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on July 30, 2015, 12:19:24 am
Thought it was a good idea to have the tank here for cover until I realise it's stuck.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.90 - Urgent Bugfix - Testplayers needed
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on July 30, 2015, 01:47:19 am
Found a possible bug/problem, the first floater base is up and going but the alien missions have another one for N Africa and the battleship heads straight for my base and the game crashes to the desktop. I could simply delete this mission from the save prior to the battleship appearing but I'm not sure what is causing this and I've tried this but it says the save file is corrupt and won't load it. Therefore I'm out of ideas and I can't get by this. Should just mention that I upgraded to windows 10 from windows 7 today if that would have any effect.

Here is what I think is causing the problem:

  - lat: -0.41806794061793517
    id: 1
    lon: 6.1846077819461218
    race: STR_FLOATER
    discovered: true
  - uniqueID: 1
    type: STR_ALIEN_BASE
    spawnCountdown: 30
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    region: STR_NORTH_AFRICA
    race: STR_FLOATER
    nextWave: 6
    liveUfos: 4

Attached are saves prior to the battle ship appearing(geoscape) and one when it appears and the third one is with the mission deleted. I can still assault alien base 1 okay, using nightly 2015-07--27-1005
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.90 - Urgent Bugfix - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on July 30, 2015, 03:02:06 am
Thought it was a good idea to have the tank here for cover until I realise it's stuck.

This is a know problem from the Terrainpack, it has been reported there a couple of times.
I have no clue when Hobbes will release a update.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.90 - Urgent Bugfix - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on July 30, 2015, 03:19:09 am
Found a possible bug/problem, the first floater base is up and going but the alien missions have another one for N Africa and the battleship heads straight for my base and the game crashes to the desktop. I could simply delete this mission from the save prior to the battleship appearing but I'm not sure what is causing this and I've tried this but it says the save file is corrupt and won't load it. Therefore I'm out of ideas and I can't get by this. Should just mention that I upgraded to windows 10 from windows 7 today if that would have any effect.

Here is what I think is causing the problem:

  - lat: -0.41806794061793517
    id: 1
    lon: 6.1846077819461218
    race: STR_FLOATER
    discovered: true
  - uniqueID: 1
    type: STR_ALIEN_BASE
    spawnCountdown: 30
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    region: STR_NORTH_AFRICA
    race: STR_FLOATER
    nextWave: 6
    liveUfos: 4

Attached are saves prior to the battle ship appearing(geoscape) and one when it appears and the third one is with the mission deleted. I can still assault alien base 1 okay, using nightly 2015-07--27-1005

Simon i just tested with your savegame, and i can fight the basedefense mission without any crash.
i used the following Mods:
Code: [Select]
  - xcom1
  - hardmode-expansion
  - hqsounds
  - Screening_Statstrings

You on the other hand have a whole list active:

Code: [Select]
  - xcom1
  - UFOextender_Gun_Melee
  - XcomUtil_High_Explosive_Damage
  - XcomUtil_Pistol_Auto_Shot
  - XcomUtil_Skyranger_Weapon_Slot
  - Stormrider
  - UGVs
  - hardmode-expansion
  - FireStorm
  - LongSkyrangerWithRearDoors
  - StatStrings
  - OXCE_4_Weapon_Aircraft
  - Training_Rooms
  - only-sleeping

I would first try to turn of the OpenXcomExtendedMods (->Training Rooms).
Best thing is you turn of one Mod after the other until you find the culprit.
I mentioning this again that my mod is intended to be used alone, but of course you can slap on any mods you like.
But i have no influence whatsoever what such a mod combination will do, but in general Mods which switched out graphics should work without problems.

EDIT: Anyway, i am going back into my bed since i just realized it 2:30 middle in the night. Fucking E-mail alerts...
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.90 - Urgent Bugfix - Testplayers needed
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on July 30, 2015, 03:58:33 am
Yep taking those three mods off allows the base defence mission to start, though I'll will likely get creamed
(Floaters-ok, reapers-fine, sectoids-yikes, and cyberdiscs as well. No wonder you call this hardmode)
. Probably the training room mod in particular caused the issue. Had forgot they were still on as I had planned to play through the extended nightly but that didn't work out as I said before. Should have taken them off at that time but clean forgot about them. I knew about the tank issue already, it just makes you think about where you move your tank to until Hobbes fixes that issue. But in all seriousness many thanks for such a quick reply and solution.
If your interested I've another graph done for openxcom in general that shows how cock eyed your shots can be vs the shot stated accuracy in the battlescape. Got the figures off ufopedia and tried to work out with a lot of boring maths for stated accuracy beyond 100%. In other words a shot of 150% stated accuracy shouldn't miss. I seen quite recently a good few shots of mine of 120% just missing the target
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.90 - Urgent Bugfix - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on July 30, 2015, 09:36:55 am
Yep taking those three mods off allows the base defence mission to start, though I'll will likely get creamed
(Floaters-ok, reapers-fine, sectoids-yikes, and cyberdiscs as well. No wonder you call this hardmode).
Probably the training room mod in particular caused the issue. Had forgot they were still on as I had planned to play through the extended nightly but that didn't work out as I said before. Should have taken them off at that time but clean forgot about them. I knew about the tank issue already, it just makes you think about where you move your tank to until Hobbes fixes that issue. But in all seriousness many thanks for such a quick reply and solution.
If your interested I've another graph done for openxcom in general that shows how cock eyed your shots can be vs the shot stated accuracy in the battlescape. Got the figures off ufopedia and tried to work out with a lot of boring maths for stated accuracy beyond 100%. In other words a shot of 150% stated accuracy shouldn't miss. I seen quite recently a good few shots of mine of 120% just missing the target

Glad you got it running :)
Simon if you do not mind, could you please put the section were you described which aliens you did encounter into a spoiler field?
Players should not be aware of what is coming towards them in this regard.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.90 - Urgent Bugfix - Testplayers needed
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on July 30, 2015, 01:15:11 pm
Have modified the original message now, forgot to do that. Boy my memory's getting worse. I have also put a thread in the TOOLS section with all of the spreadsheets.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.90 - Urgent Bugfix - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on July 30, 2015, 01:29:13 pm
Have modified the original message now, forgot to do that. Boy my memory's getting worse. I have also put a thread in the TOOLS section with all of the spreadsheets.

Thank you for that :)
I actually had a quick look at the graphics, lets say interesting, very interesting.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.90 - Urgent Bugfix - Testplayers needed
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on July 30, 2015, 01:41:23 pm
Just one point, would your reply @ 9.36.55 am not need to hide the information as well, I don't seem to be able to modify it obviously. Unless other people wont be able to see that.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.90 - Urgent Bugfix - Testplayers needed
Post by: hellrazor on July 30, 2015, 01:43:29 pm
Just one point, would your reply @ 9.36.55 am not need to hide the information as well, I don't seem to be able to modify it obviously. Unless other people wont be able to see that.

Yep your right, totally forgot :> Thanks.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.91 - Adapted for missionscripting
Post by: hellrazor on July 30, 2015, 09:34:39 pm
Ruleset Adaptation done, i hereby release:

Please use newest Nightly, or at least Nightly Version: openxcom_git_master_2015_07_28_1355

Version 0.91

 - Fix some UfoPaedia Strings (typos etc.)
 - Fix Alloy Cannon infinite Ammo
 - Fix Alloy Cannon Rounds Alloy cost and Clipsize
 - Added UfoPaedia Picture for the Alloy Cannon (by MicktheMage)
 - Added a Airfield towards Military Base Terrorsitedeployment
 - Adapted Ruleset towards changes of openxcom_git_master_2015_07_28_1355

Modportal Link (

Readme attached here (,3550.msg42491.html#msg42491)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.91 - Adapted for missionscripting
Post by: hellrazor on August 01, 2015, 01:36:26 am
A small spoiler, towards one of the Enemies you encounter on Cydonia:
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.91 - Adapted for missionscripting
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on August 01, 2015, 02:42:59 am
Had already looked at the stats in the rul file, that's why psionics are going to be limited vs them. Per the graphs I worked out at best at visual range your maximum chance to successfully mc them=73%, 100% if you let them close to 5 squares. I would definately be using a lot of motion scanners vs them. I tweaked the motion scanner's tu use away down as per "Hudson in Aliens", it shouldn't take anywhere near 25% of your total time units to look at and interpret a motion scanner. Well that's MHO. Just did my first successful terror site and it went better than expected, only two ugv's as casualties, though most of the civvies were creamed

Perhaps you could advise me on this one as I don't want to risk corrupting my current game. I wouldn't mind upgrading from v0.90 to v0.91 but I realise that I would have to upgrade from nightly 2015-07-27-1005 as well. If I did that should my current saves work okay or would you have to start a new game?

Still haven't tackled the first base yet but using gauss mod 1.8 is leveling the playing field at the moment though cyberdiscs still take a good pounding. Will hopefully tackle it soon enough as I want to start trying to get live captures, maybe when I get the stealth suit armors.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.91 - Adapted for missionscripting
Post by: hellrazor on August 01, 2015, 02:48:39 am
Had already looked at the stats in the rul file, that's why psionics are going to be limited vs them. Per the graphs I worked out at best at visual range your maximum chance to successfully mc them=73%, 100% if you let them close to 5 squares. I would definately be using a lot of motion scanners vs them. I tweaked the motion scanner's tu use away down as per "Hudson in Aliens", it shouldn't take anywhere near 25% of your total time units to look at and interpret a motion scanner. Well that's MHO. Just did my first successful terror site and it went better than expected, only two ugv's as casualties, though most of the civvies were creamed

Perhaps you could advise me on this one as I don't want to risk corrupting my current game. I wouldn't mind upgrading from v0.90 to v0.91 but I realise that I would have to upgrade from nightly 2015-07-27-1005 as well. If I did that should my current saves work okay or would you have to start a new game?

Still haven't tackled the first base yet but using gauss mod 1.8 is leveling the playing field at the moment though cyberdiscs still take a good pounding. Will hopefully tackle it soon enough as I want to start trying to get live captures, maybe when I get the stealth suit armors.

I did not notice any problems in my testrun, while upgrading to the new Nightly, but make sure you get the newest one, since there were a couple of bugfixes already, due to the fact of introducing the Missionscript.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.91 - Adapted for missionscripting
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on August 01, 2015, 03:33:12 am
I've upgraded now and upon an intial test a save just before land site 13 goes fine, will let you know if there are any probs. Thanks for the info.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.91 - Adapted for missionscripting
Post by: hellrazor on August 04, 2015, 07:51:21 am
A new Version compatible with the new Nightly Version, will be released end of this week.
Since OpenTFTD is drawing all the attention, i decided that i can finally catch up on rechecking/overworking some Maps.
I give this priority at the moment, since i do not wanne be burdened with past problem sites.
And my perfectionism is demanding it! :)
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.91 - Adapted for missionscripting
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on August 05, 2015, 12:28:00 am
I am sorry to say but i just tested, and your Mod is not compatible with my "Hardmode Expansion" Mod.

You define your own Racelist and Missionlist, which will probably overwrite the original Missionlist of my Mod,
leaving Core Mechanics not accessible to the player.

EDIT: Which dosn't mean that we can't reach a possible compability once Missionscripting has arrived, i could then make my Basemission independent from the Mission/Race list occurancy and therefore people could use our to mods together.

The new Version 0.91 of Hardmode Expansion, which is adapted to missionscripting, should be compatible with this Mod again. If any trouble arrises please tellme maybe i can be more compatible.
A new Version compatible with the new Nightly Version, will be released end of this week.
Since OpenTFTD is drawing all the attention, i decided that i can finally catch up on rechecking/overworking some Maps.
I give this priority at the moment, since i do not wanne be burdened with past problem sites.
And my perfectionism is demanding it! :)

Based upon the two above quotes I'm looking forward to version 0.92 and I assume that "Mechtoids" will be compatible with this version and whichever nightly 0.92 will work with as Sectoids, discounting leaders, commanders and of course cyberdiscs, aren't a major challenge at the minute. But keep up the good work!
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.91 - Adapted for missionscripting
Post by: hellrazor on August 05, 2015, 12:53:17 am
Based upon the two above quotes I'm looking forward to version 0.92 and I assume that "Mechtoids" will be compatible with this version and whichever nightly 0.92 will work with as Sectoids, discounting leaders, commanders and of course cyberdiscs, aren't a major challenge at the minute. But keep up the good work!

Jeah, well depends, with normal equipment (i know you use gauss mod) they can be quite hard, especially on Terrormissions.
I wish you good luck when Snakeman appear, and of course Mutons. Mutons will field one if the new Terrorunits, which is pretty resistant and hard to kill.

I finished rechecking the vanilla UFO variant Maps and corrected some Minor stuff in them, their Routes are ok but i do not like the Route/Node Importences, so i will probably overwork them at some point, they are bugfree, but not ambushy enough for my taste.

I also found some minor issues on some Excavator and Labship Routes, which i also fixed.

Then there are the Maps/Routes from "Lukes Expanded Terror", which still have some minor Maps issues and the Routes..., i have to redo all of them since they are in some cases not correctly connected and Aliens probably get stuck somewhere.

Also the "Chryssalid Spitter" will enter the Game, for the time being it will only show up on "Mars - The Final Assault" Mission as a replacement for normal Chryssalids and later maybe on a Specialmission.

I also have to overpolish the Expanded Ubase Maps, since i noticed that you actually need to destroy all UFO Navigation type tiles, to destroy the Alien Base Control, and they appear on a couple of Map Tiles.

Also some Minor Sprites issues and some missing HandOb's.

I played a little bit around with Chryssalids and with "aggression: 2" reactionfire is less likely to stop them from approaching you.

I have not wrapped my head about the Special Missions in details, but most of them will actually be fought against a Human Faction.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.91 - Adapted for missionscripting
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on August 05, 2015, 01:34:03 am
I'm actually encountering the Snakemen at the minute as I'm now in April, with an odd 1 or 2 Mutons thrown in for good measure but H/E's are quite effective vs Mutons and a Mortar Tank. Noticed though on my last mission Snakemen can sometimes survive an ordinary proximity grenade, but not a heavy proximity mine. Although with the mine being weight 12 and a blast radius of 7 very few of my troops, if any, are strong enough to use them effectively. I really must do the first base to open up the research tree a bit more, trying to get them strong enough that they'll have a reasonable chance. Just when you mention about gauss weapons they may be a bit op as the gauss sniper rifle's aimed shot tu useage isn't that much more than the snap shot but its stated shot accuracy is usually 100% or more. Mutons are a completely different challenge with respect to ap ammo.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.91 - Adapted for missionscripting
Post by: hellrazor on August 05, 2015, 01:48:23 am
I'm actually encountering the Snakemen at the minute as I'm now in April, with an odd 1 or 2 Mutons thrown in for good measure but H/E's are quite effective vs Mutons and a Mortar Tank. Noticed though on my last mission Snakemen can sometimes survive an ordinary proximity grenade, but not a heavy proximity mine. Although with the mine being weight 12 and a blast radius of 7 very few of my troops, if any, are strong enough to use them effectively. I really must do the first base to open up the research tree a bit more, trying to get them strong enough that they'll have a reasonable chance. Just when you mention about gauss weapons they may be a bit op as the gauss sniper rifle's aimed shot tu useage isn't that much more than the snap shot but its stated shot accuracy is usually 100% or more. Mutons are a completely different challenge with respect to ap ammo.

You should really man up and do the base. Since it provides some nice financial bonuses as well.
The new Terror Unit which comes with the Mutons, doesn't care much about HE, AP and even Laser damage (Heavy Lasers will do usually).

You won't be getting any advanced Armor without live interrogations and you are delaying yourself even more with not doing the base, because getting access towards the Alien Data Slates requires a alive Interrogation (any should do). Without the Alien Data Slate, no Lasers, no Alloy Tanks, no Retaliators, etc.. it is a research bottleneck by design. I advice a combination of Shotguns+Alloy Ammo, Heavy Cannons and some Rockets Launchers (Proxy and Incendiary Gren do well of course also).

The spawn possibilty of Blaster Launchers can vary between 1 and 5 or maybe even 6 (at your current time position), so be careful who you leave exposed.

So be careful.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.91 - Adapted for missionscripting
Post by: hellrazor on August 05, 2015, 01:52:06 am
Uhh and btw,
i sweeted up CF08 (from Lukes Expanded Terror Maps) a little bit:
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.91 - Adapted for missionscripting
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on August 05, 2015, 04:43:11 am
Looks like good sniping positions on those balconies. I really detest snakemen terror sites because
By the rul file a snake terror site should have been 32 aliens in total, including 15 terror units. As attached I wiped out 44, bloody Chryssallids, stupid civilians as well because they always run straight towards them!
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.91 - Adapted for missionscripting
Post by: hellrazor on August 05, 2015, 09:52:40 am
Looks like good sniping positions on those balconies. I really detest snakemen terror sites because
By the rul file a snake terror site should have been 32 aliens in total, including 15 terror units. As attached I wiped out 44, bloody Chryssallids, stupid civilians as well because they always run straight towards them!

Jeah they are designed in this fashion, it took a while to find the perfect mapsize an the somehwat ideal spawncounts for this :P

The described effect, will be even more severe since aggression: 2. So no more retreat or holding back creating zombies. They do charge like crazy!
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.91 - Adapted for missionscripting
Post by: Harald_Gray on August 05, 2015, 10:05:02 pm
Okay, I'm almost ready for the Cydonia mission. I'm at the point where I ignore most of grounded UFOs, I've practically stopped caring about money, my bases are nearly invulnerable, my team is ready... But...

There's no way for me to research the Cydonia mission because there's no Ethereal base on Earth and no alien mission planning to build one. I've even downed an Ethereal battleship but there was no commander in it, which I believe is a design choice, not a random effect. And with almost 500 detected UFOs and sixteen months of in-game time behind me the wait is getting kind of boring.

So my question is, is there something in the code that might give me a hope that an Ethereal alien base mission might generate anytime soon? I'd hate to wait for maybe even another year or more of ingame time, hoping the random number gods will take a pity on me.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.91 - Adapted for missionscripting
Post by: hellrazor on August 05, 2015, 11:03:35 pm
Okay, I'm almost ready for the Cydonia mission. I'm at the point where I ignore most of grounded UFOs, I've practically stopped caring about money, my bases are nearly invulnerable, my team is ready... But...

There's no way for me to research the Cydonia mission because there's no Ethereal base on Earth and no alien mission planning to build one. I've even downed an Ethereal battleship but there was no commander in it, which I believe is a design choice, not a random effect. And with almost 500 detected UFOs and sixteen months of in-game time behind me the wait is getting kind of boring.

So my question is, is there something in the code that might give me a hope that an Ethereal alien base mission might generate anytime soon? I'd hate to wait for maybe even another year or more of ingame time, hoping the random number gods will take a pity on me.

Ok that was something which was bothering me from the beginning and i didn't had a proper solution for this.
Missions are picked randomly, and i had only 1 Month with 100% Ethereal Base Mission.
Since now Missionscripting is avaible, i will write a Alien Base Mission for the Ethereals in Month 14. Which will then be executed 100%.
This will go into Version 0.92, which i am currently working on.

I suggest for the time being, so that you can finish your playthrough the following,
edit in the Ethereal Alien Base Mission into your savegame (geoscape save) using the following Code:

Code: [Select]
  - type: STR_ALIEN_BASE
    region: STR_NORTH_AFRICA
    race: STR_ETHEREAL
    nextWave: 0
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 120
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 2
    missionSiteZone: -1

Insert this after
Code: [Select]

So you have a active Ethereal Base Mission in North Africa.
I am sorry about this serious oversight, but i was busy balancing out stuff, making Maps etc..
My own Testrun is currently in the beginning of December so i would have run into this sooner or later on my own.
May i ask how your overall experience was?
What could be improved?

EDIT: You can also shortcut by adding a Ethereal Commander into your Alien Containment if you want.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.91 - Adapted for missionscripting
Post by: Harald_Gray on August 05, 2015, 11:50:40 pm
May i ask how your overall experience was?
What could be improved?

Ummm, I'm not sure my experience is entirely relevant, considering I've kept the 0.84 version installed for the whole playthrough. However, for what it is worth:
- I like the increased difficulty
- numbers of aliens in small ufos are sometimes too high, to the point where one begins to skip missions that would be boring and unimportant
- those high numbers of aliens also mean money quickly becomes much less of an issue
- long research times plus more research topics require way more scientists; I've ended up with 250 for much of my game
- research paths are sometimes too unpredictable for a first-time playthrough
- heavy laser/auto is such a great weapon that I've never switched to plasmas
- gazers are perfect for soldier training; stun/disarm one, wait for it to wake up (or make a medic waste his shots on your tank), keep emptying pistol magazines into it until your soldiers train up
- I'm happy that neither laser cannons nor plasma beams need ammo, so keep it that way, please
- pacing the game into 14+ months seems too much, as by that time one has so many ufos appearing that one ignores most crashed ships
- muton elites are nasty, so I've made it a habit to leave their crashed ships alone; there are so many other races regularly appearing by then that there's little point in facing them repeatedly without a good reason

And I guess I'll wait for the 0.92 and try again before I make any more suggestions on how to improve it.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.91 - Adapted for missionscripting
Post by: hellrazor on August 06, 2015, 01:16:17 am
Ummm, I'm not sure my experience is entirely relevant, considering I've kept the 0.84 version installed for the whole playthrough. However, for what it is worth:
- I like the increased difficulty
- numbers of aliens in small ufos are sometimes too high, to the point where one begins to skip missions that would be boring and unimportant
- those high numbers of aliens also mean money quickly becomes much less of an issue
- long research times plus more research topics require way more scientists; I've ended up with 250 for much of my game
- research paths are sometimes too unpredictable for a first-time playthrough
- heavy laser/auto is such a great weapon that I've never switched to plasmas
- gazers are perfect for soldier training; stun/disarm one, wait for it to wake up (or make a medic waste his shots on your tank), keep emptying pistol magazines into it until your soldiers train up
- I'm happy that neither laser cannons nor plasma beams need ammo, so keep it that way, please
- pacing the game into 14+ months seems too much, as by that time one has so many ufos appearing that one ignores most crashed ships
- muton elites are nasty, so I've made it a habit to leave their crashed ships alone; there are so many other races regularly appearing by then that there's little point in facing them repeatedly without a good reason

And I guess I'll wait for the 0.92 and try again before I make any more suggestions on how to improve it.

Well jeah Waspite, Gazers and Muton Elites were readjusted (some serious buffs compared to v0.84). Also new Terrorunits are in, Heavy Laser/Auto will not suffice for the new stuff. So jeah.
Actually it would be better if you edit the Mission in. Since i cannot let Ethereals built one base each Month after month 13, they would just swarm you. Hm.. but maybe this is a hint go the fuck to Cydonia! So actually i will let them ^^
I had some minor research fixes between Version 0.84 and the current one, so research behaves now like in the Research Tree Graphic.
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.91 - Adapted for missionscripting
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on August 11, 2015, 02:02:18 pm
Well I finally got the courage up and did the floater base in Africa, quite tough. Currently at the end of July.
Was wondering why I was encountering virtually nothing but Mutons in July and I see that it's to do with the mission weights, like May is Snakeman month. Not looking forward to Muton Elite month or February of the second year which seems to be Ethereal month. Did my first terror mission with Mutons, Waspites, both the blobs terror units as I call them and armored cyberdiscs - very very tough. Boy they take some pounding, I think one armored cyberdisc took 12 or more hits from a laser rifle before dropping and exploding. I must have been a bit unlucky on the damage RNG and 68 armor is very impressive.

I must say that I'm getting a very challenging and fresh approach to UFO via Hardmode. Any word yet on version 0.92?
Title: Re: [Beta][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.91 - Adapted for missionscripting
Post by: hellrazor on August 11, 2015, 06:03:26 pm
Well I finally got the courage up and did the floater base in Africa, quite tough. Currently at the end of July.
Was wondering why I was encountering virtually nothing but Mutons in July and I see that it's to do with the mission weights, like May is Snakeman month. Not looking forward to Muton Elite month or February of the second year which seems to be Ethereal month. Did my first terror mission with Mutons, Waspites, both the blobs terror units as I call them and armored cyberdiscs - very very tough. Boy they take some pounding, I think one armored cyberdisc took 12 or more hits from a laser rifle before dropping and exploding. I must have been a bit unlucky on the damage RNG and 68 armor is very impressive.

I must say that I'm getting a very challenging and fresh approach to UFO via Hardmode. Any word yet on version 0.92?

I am glad you like it. :)
Well i have to redo the routes one 1 or 2 maps for the Expanded Terror, once this is done i release Version 0.92. Probably this evening, took me a bit longer then expected, but my room is so hot in the evening i really can't concentrate.

Actually i finished all routes for the Expanded Terror Maps, with the exception of one.
This one:
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.92 Lukes Expanded Terror Reworked
Post by: hellrazor on August 11, 2015, 10:10:38 pm
So finally :)
Rechecking and Reworking Maps is really a time intesive process if you wanna do it right.
If you find any error on the reworked Lukes Expanded Terror Maps, please let me know.

I hereby release:

Please use newest Nightly, or at least Nightly Version: openxcom_git_master_2015_08_06_1451

Version 0.92
 - Added Endgame Surprise (just for the fun, will be triggered by Cydonia or Bust and Avenger research)
 - Fix Ethereal Base not occuring (will be executed 100% each Month beginning in Month 13)
 - Fix route issues on Lukes Expanded Terror Maps
 - Fix tile issues on Lukes Expanded Terror Maps
 - Fix tile issues on all Abductor and Terrorship Maps
 - Fix Route Bugs on Labship and Excavator Maps
 - Fix Heavy Plasma Clip unlock
 - Fix Heavy Laser/Auto HandOb Position
 - Fix Minor Aliendeployments issue for Rank 9
 - Doubled Terrorsite Despawn Pointpenalty (1000 -> 2000)
 - Halved Points for destroying Alien Base Control (500 -> 250)
 - Chryssalids receive aggression: 2 (they will charge you no matter what)
 - Updated ruleset to latest changes in openxcom_git_master_2015_08_06_1451

Modportal Link (

Readme attached here (,3550.msg42491.html#msg42491)
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.92 Lukes Expanded Terror Reworked
Post by: hellrazor on August 12, 2015, 07:40:32 pm
I was thinking of a way of bringing some consequences for alive interrogations, which you will need to perform,
in order to unlock tech. And i think i found a very devilish way to do this. You will enjoy and fear this feature :D

Our first introduction to Missionscripting, in a more serious way will be,
that Interrogating Navigators will now have serious consequences for you by getting smaked in the face,
by a randomly selected additional Mission in the next Month, additional Missions can stack.
If you have not researched any alive Navigators and for some reasons you decide to research 3 in a row, you
get 3 Additional Missions next Month which are randomly selected on top of the normal ones.
Maximum is 8 additional Missions in the entire game, since this uses Vanilla Missiontypes Researchtopics as triggers.

I guess i will have Engineers spawn in Terrormissions and some Missionsites.

Code: [Select]
  - type: navigatorConsequenceAlienResearch
        STR_ALIEN_TERROR: 100
    startDelay: 9000
    maxRuns: 1
    varName: navigatorConsequenceAlienResearch
  - type: navigatorConsequenceAlienHarvest
        STR_ALIEN_HARVEST: 100
        STR_ALIEN_BASE: 20
    startDelay: 6000
    maxRuns: 1
    varName: navigatorConsequenceAlienHarvest
  - type: navigatorConsequenceAlienAbduction
        STR_ALIEN_BASE: 20
    startDelay: 3000
    maxRuns: 1
    varName: navigatorConsequenceAlienAbduction
  - type: navigatorConsequenceAlienBase
        STR_ALIEN_BASE: 100
        STR_ALIEN_BASE: 50
        STR_ALIEN_BASE: 40
        STR_ALIEN_BASE: 20
    startDelay: 6000
      STR_ALIEN_BASE: true
    maxRuns: 1
    varName: navigatorConsequenceAlienBase
  - type: navigatorConsequenceAlienSupply
        STR_ALIEN_TERROR: 100
    startDelay: 3000
      STR_ALIEN_SUPPLY: true
    maxRuns: 1
    varName: navigatorConsequenceAlienSupply
  - type: navigatorConsequenceAlienTerror
        STR_ALIEN_TERROR: 100
    startDelay: 6000
      STR_ALIEN_TERROR: true
    maxRuns: 1
    varName: navigatorConsequenceAlienTerror
  - type: navigatorConsequenceAlienInfiltration
        STR_ALIEN_BASE: 100
        STR_ALIEN_BASE: 50
        STR_ALIEN_BASE: 60
        STR_ALIEN_BASE: 20
    startDelay: 9000
    maxRuns: 1
    varName: navigatorConsequenceAlienInfiltration
  - type: navigatorConsequenceAlienRetaliation
    startDelay: 9000
    maxRuns: 1
    varName: navigatorConsequenceAlienRetaliation

I guess this will beef up difficulty ;)
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.92 Lukes Expanded Terror Reworked
Post by: Arthanor on August 12, 2015, 08:11:32 pm
So when a navigator tells you about an alien mission, that mission automatically get launched? (Or another one in later months, depending on weights). That's an interesting idea.. Do you have an in universe explanation as to why those missions get triggered by navigators and engineers though?

I would have tied it to psychic aliens, personally. Research a live psychic alien and the trauma of the interrogation is picked up by other psychic aliens, who launch a retaliation mission to try to free the captive.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.92 Lukes Expanded Terror Reworked
Post by: hellrazor on August 12, 2015, 08:19:50 pm
So when a navigator tells you about an alien mission, that mission automatically get launched? (Or another one in later months, depending on weights).
That's an interesting idea.. Do you have an in universe explanation as to why those missions get triggered by
navigators and engineers though?

I would have tied it to psychic aliens, personally. Research a live psychic alien and the trauma of the interrogation is picked up by other psychic aliens, who launch a retaliation mission to try to free the captive.

My dear Arthanor,
first i ask of you to put Spoilers into a Spoilerfield in your both above post, if you do not mind.
The missiontriggering is based upon the getOneFree option of a alive Interrogation. Depending on which Topic you get researched for free so to say, a additional mission gets triggered for the aliens in the next month. It is kinda random so to say :) Also some triggers have some multiple mission from which they can pick one.

Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.92 Lukes Expanded Terror Reworked
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on August 13, 2015, 02:33:43 am
Was noticing the deployment data for the Thunder craft and was wondering if it's possible to have the two troops nearest the ramp facing 45 degrees to the right and left respectively- see first picture. I have gone into the rul file and tried to change the direction troop 11 & 12 are facing by changing the last digit to 3 and 1 respectively but it doesn't do anything.

      - [9, 3, 1, 2]
      - [9, 6, 1, 2]

   deployment of above two to:

Also on a second point I'm still using the skyrangers as my transport but I use a version with 2 rear doors and was wondering where you find the deployment data as above for the plane map as I would like the last 4 troops facing 180 degrees to the way they are in the second picture. Many thanks in advance.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.92 Lukes Expanded Terror Reworked
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 13, 2015, 06:08:05 pm
The Final Mod Pack contains a more polished version of the "Skyranger" with rear doors, you may want to check it out if you like the general idea.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.92 Lukes Expanded Terror Reworked
Post by: hellrazor on August 13, 2015, 06:29:13 pm
Was noticing the deployment data for the Thunder craft and was wondering if it's possible to have the two troops nearest the ramp facing 45 degrees to the right and left respectively- see first picture. I have gone into the rul file and tried to change the direction troop 11 & 12 are facing by changing the last digit to 3 and 1 respectively but it doesn't do anything.

      - [9, 3, 1, 2]
      - [9, 6, 1, 2]

   deployment of above two to:

Also on a second point I'm still using the skyrangers as my transport but I use a version with 2 rear doors and was wondering where you find the deployment data as above for the plane map as I would like the last 4 troops facing 180 degrees to the way they are in the second picture. Many thanks in advance.

I changed it. It was actually on my mind for a while now. Goes into next Version.

You mean like this:
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.92 Lukes Expanded Terror Reworked
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on August 13, 2015, 07:49:23 pm
Will check out the skyranger Solarius mentioned and await version 0.93 with anticipation. It'll not be a big advantage for your troops but every little helps especially a slightly bigger field of vision.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.92 Lukes Expanded Terror Reworked
Post by: hellrazor on August 13, 2015, 07:57:58 pm
Will check out the skyranger Solarius mentioned and await version 0.93 with anticipation. It'll not be a big advantage for your troops but every little helps especially a slightly bigger field of vision.

Well i will finish those additional Missionscripts ;> and then you can have it.
Interrogating Navigators and Engineers will then have consequences for you, by getting additional Vanilla Missions. They are limited to 1 execution each per Month, so effectivly 2 more Alien Missions. Off course not in the first Months but as soon as you research alive Navigators / Engineers ones.

EDIT: Release will have to wait more content needs to be added.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.92 Lukes Expanded Terror Reworked
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on August 13, 2015, 08:35:16 pm
Pulled all the relevant bits from FMP v1.62 and have come up with this as a mod for the alloy skyranger. Upon intial testing it seems to work okay but I don't have a ufopedia entry for it. I noticed that in FMP v1.62 that in Resources\FinalModPack\FMP_addon_ExtraVessel\Ufopedia there doesn't seem to be an a ufopedia.gif file for the Skymarshall. So I assume that's why I don't have a ufopedia entry.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.92 Lukes Expanded Terror Reworked
Post by: hellrazor on August 13, 2015, 08:44:26 pm
Pulled all the relevant bits from FMP v1.62 and have come up with this as a mod for the alloy skyranger.

Does this use the SkyMarshal Map without Ramp? I have personally banned the Skymarshal for my mod, because the design is silly.
Simon the Skymarshal well never find its way into my Mod :P
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.92 Lukes Expanded Terror Reworked
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on August 13, 2015, 09:17:18 pm
Yep it is but I'm using it because it has more exit points and unlike the mod "LongSkyRangerWithRearDoors" it has doors over the openings and I should be able totweak the deployments so that half the troops are facing 180 degrees to the other half.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.92 Lukes Expanded Terror Reworked
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on August 13, 2015, 09:28:04 pm
Success after 2 hours of tweaking, now hopefully Solarius will get back to me at his convience and tell me why "no ufopedia entry".
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.92 Lukes Expanded Terror Reworked
Post by: hellrazor on August 13, 2015, 09:31:32 pm
Success after 2 hours of tweaking, now hopefully Solarius will get back to me at his convience and tell me why "no ufopedia entry".

Well Simon, maybe you wanna start a Thread on your own about this?

And here you have the adjusted Deployment with the Soldiers facing the door diagonal for the Thunder:
Put it into the crafts.rul and overwrite the section there.
It will be in the next release anyway together with missionscripting stuff.

Code: [Select]
  - type: STR_THUNDER
    sprite: 1
    fuelMax: 40
    damageMax: 800
    speedMax: 3100
    accel: 9
    weapons: 1
    repairRate: 3
    soldiers: 18
    vehicles: 2
    refuelItem: STR_ELERIUM_115
    refuelRate: 5
    score: 300
      name: THUNDER
        - BLANKS
        - LIGHTNIN
        - name: THUNDER
          width: 20
          length: 10
      - [10, 4, 1, 2]
      - [10, 5, 1, 2]
      - [9, 4, 1, 2]
      - [9, 5, 1, 2]
      - [8, 4, 1, 2]
      - [8, 5, 1, 2]
      - [7, 4, 1, 2]
      - [7, 5, 1, 2]
      - [10, 3, 1, 3]
      - [10, 6, 1, 1]
      - [9, 3, 1, 2]
      - [9, 6, 1, 2]
      - [8, 3, 1, 2]
      - [8, 6, 1, 2]
      - [7, 3, 1, 2]
      - [7, 6, 1, 2]
      - [6, 4, 1, 2]
      - [6, 5, 1, 2]
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.92 Lukes Expanded Terror Reworked
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on August 13, 2015, 09:39:26 pm
Thanks very much and if I knew how I would move this to a new thread, I know I could start a new thread but surely that would have it there and in your thread at the same time. TBH I've always thought that it was only somebody like Warboy or another administrator that could delete or move threads. If I'm wrong on this point don't hesitate to tell me how to move it to a new thread.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.92 Lukes Expanded Terror Reworked
Post by: Arthanor on August 13, 2015, 10:09:28 pm
The key point, SIMON, is that a topic that is entitled "Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion" and it is about hellrzor's mod. It should not be diverted for your own venture into creating the perfect troop transport for yourself. hellrazor already mentioned that he was not interested by that design for his mod.

If you want to create that transport, by all means do so, but start your own thread for the development here in the Modding/Experiments section. It is bad form to hijack other threads.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.92 Lukes Expanded Terror Reworked
Post by: hellrazor on August 13, 2015, 10:37:34 pm
Thanks very much and if I knew how I would move this to a new thread, I know I could start a new thread but surely that would have it there and in your thread at the same time. TBH I've always thought that it was only somebody like Warboy or another administrator that could delete or move threads. If I'm wrong on this point don't hesitate to tell me how to move it to a new thread.

Jeah that is kinda a hassle. Also you can not delete your own thread after another person posted in it.
Also not so good.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.92 Lukes Expanded Terror Reworked
Post by: hellrazor on August 13, 2015, 10:44:37 pm
The key point, SIMON, is that a topic that is entitled "Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion" and it is about hellrzor's mod. It should not be diverted for your own venture into creating the perfect troop transport for yourself. hellrazor already mentioned that he was not interested by that design for his mod.

If you want to create that transport, by all means do so, but start your own thread for the development here in the Modding/Experiments section. It is bad form to hijack other threads.

Well, hijhacking a thread isn't really nice. Even thou i can not see him doing that.
I was already aware of the SkyMarshals design.
But on the other side he revealed a bug to me, which i could eradicate so nevermind that.

I am actually interested in a enhanced version of a Skyranger, which can field 16 troops (4 Tanks, 3 Tanks + 4 Soldiers, 2 Tanks + 8 Soldiers or 1 Tank and 12 Soldiers).
So id like to see new designs, or maybe will play around with it myself if i find the time.
If anyone has Maps for a enhanced Skyranger i am interested.

Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.92 Lukes Expanded Terror Reworked
Post by: Arthanor on August 13, 2015, 10:57:02 pm
The XCom Armoury expanded has a 14 soldiers skyranger (old design) with extra holes/doors near the front, and a 16 or 18 soldiers variant of it with the same 2 front doors as well. It's in this post (,2675.msg35617.html#msg35617). I don't have pics but it is pretty simple. 2nd tile from the southmost soldier position, the wall of the skyranger is missing and a small platform is added for soldiers to stand on.

They were made by Aldorn for me, as they fit exactly with what I wanted: A minimal change that allows easier deployment. I don't like the doors as the idea of soldiers slowly peeking out the door and fighting from the inside of the craft feels like an exploit to me. If the aliens could shoot at the craft's engines and make them blow up, actually dealing damage to the craft when they hit it so that it has to be repaired, maybe, but with the invulnerable crafts, it's too easy.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: hellrazor on August 14, 2015, 12:01:24 am
First serious Mission Scripting stuff done and tested.
Also caught some Minor Bug. HF with this or should i say suffer in Pain. ^^
Who knows :P ;)

So i hereby release:

Version 0.93
 - Fix view positions for soldiers on the thunder craft.
 - Fix missing thunder craft MCD file.
 - Added consequences for alive interrogation of Navigators (additionals Alien Missions)
 - Added consequences for alive interrogation of Engineers (additionals Alien Missions)

Please use newest Nightly, or at least Nightly Version: openxcom_git_master_2015_08_06_1451

Modportal Link (

Readme attached here (,3550.msg42491.html#msg42491)
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: Infini on August 17, 2015, 02:58:34 pm
I cannot download the Mod (v.93).

A browser problem (I use Pale Moon) ?

By the way, Great work...  ;)
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: hellrazor on August 17, 2015, 05:52:54 pm
I cannot download the Mod (v.93).

A browser problem (I use Pale Moon) ?

By the way, Great work...  ;)

I can't download it either, seems to be a Problem related to the Modportal downloadlink generator.
I will reupload the file, when i am home.

EDIT: Reuploaded the file. Download is working again.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: Infini on August 18, 2015, 01:09:39 am
It's working fine now.

Thank you.

Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on August 18, 2015, 02:44:46 am
Yep looking forward to updating my current run through fr v0.92 to v0.93, using nightly 2015-08-06-1451 atm so I'll update to the latest nightly later on today which atm is 2015-08-18-0037 just to be on the safe side, I assume my save will be fine as I think v0.93 says nightly 2015-08-06-1451 or later. Really getting into some serious missions now in the middle of September and looking forward to the extra missions of v0.93. Here's a nice wee mod by Civilian that came in handy on my last mission, a  landed muton battleship. Maybe you would consider this for any future updates.

Was looking at what may come up for this month and next, interesting.
        STR_SECTOID: 10
        STR_SNAKEMAN: 10
        STR_MUTON: 10
        STR_FLOATER: 10
        STR_WASPITE: 50
        STR_GAZER: 10
        STR_SECTOID: 10
        STR_SNAKEMAN: 10
        STR_MUTON: 20
        STR_FLOATER: 10
        STR_WASPITE: 30
        STR_GAZER: 30

        STR_SECTOID: 40
        STR_FLOATER: 20
        STR_WASPITE: 20
        STR_GAZER: 20

        STR_SECTOID: 10
        STR_SNAKEMAN: 10
        STR_MUTON: 10
        STR_FLOATER: 10
        STR_WASPITE: 50
        STR_GAZER: 10
        STR_SECTOID: 10
        STR_SNAKEMAN: 10
        STR_MUTON: 20
        STR_FLOATER: 10
        STR_WASPITE: 30
        STR_GAZER: 30

etc, seems Waspite will be flavor of the month, not looking forward to when muton elite or ethereal are flavor of the month.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: hellrazor on August 18, 2015, 03:36:35 am
Yep looking forward to updating my current run through fr v0.92 to v0.93, using nightly 2015-08-06-1451 atm so I'll update to the latest nightly later on today which atm is 2015-08-18-0037 just to be on the safe side, I assume my save will be fine as I think v0.93 says nightly 2015-08-06-1451 or later. Really getting into some serious missions now in the middle of September and looking forward to the extra missions of v0.93. Here's a nice wee mod by Civilian that came in handy on my last mission, a  landed muton battleship. Maybe you would consider this for any future updates.

Was looking at what may come up for this month and next, interesting.
        STR_SECTOID: 10
        STR_SNAKEMAN: 10
        STR_MUTON: 10
        STR_FLOATER: 10
        STR_WASPITE: 50
        STR_GAZER: 10
        STR_SECTOID: 10
        STR_SNAKEMAN: 10
        STR_MUTON: 20
        STR_FLOATER: 10
        STR_WASPITE: 30
        STR_GAZER: 30

        STR_SECTOID: 40
        STR_FLOATER: 20
        STR_WASPITE: 20
        STR_GAZER: 20

        STR_SECTOID: 10
        STR_SNAKEMAN: 10
        STR_MUTON: 10
        STR_FLOATER: 10
        STR_WASPITE: 50
        STR_GAZER: 10
        STR_SECTOID: 10
        STR_SNAKEMAN: 10
        STR_MUTON: 20
        STR_FLOATER: 10
        STR_WASPITE: 30
        STR_GAZER: 30

etc, seems Waspite will be flavor of the month, not looking forward to when muton elite or ethereal are flavor of the month.
Well jeah, i hope they are tasty. I personally found their armor to be to weak, in comparison with mutons and gazers. I guessi will bump it up a little bit.

Also i thinking of adding Plasma Melee Weapons ( for the aliens and also replicate a Grenedier aliens like the technicians from tftd (Grenades and Melee weapon only).

Updating should not be a problem at the moment, only if our mighty developers decide to change Mod Support stuff again.

The breaching Charge is way to powerful in my opinion. Since it can destroy UFO outer hulls, which was always a priviliege of the Blaster Launcher.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on August 18, 2015, 04:06:35 am
Hokey doke, the one reason I use the breaching charge, well the improved one,  the one you buy is too heavy, is it's less messy than than B/L'S or H/E's(xcom util improved high explosive) and there's less chance of you blowing up something valuable on the other side. But each to their own playing styles. I like using the elerium mace mod though I had to tone it down a good bit as the original version I had was 250 stun damage per hit.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: hellrazor on August 18, 2015, 04:25:22 am
Maybe adding a "Improved Stun Rod"? Which does double stun damage then a normal Strun Rod?

Since i wana implement "Walkertanks" and 1 Final Late game Armor with Plasma Damage reduction. But you would need to capture a alive "Armored Sectopod" (the blue ones).

But that is just me spinning around ;D

EDIT: Before i add any new stuff, i am gonna clean up some loose ends.

Cleanup TODO List:
- Mapscripts rework for:
  - Expanded Ubase
  - Mars the Final Assault
- Add more new Mapscript for Alien Base Attack
- Rework BigOb's for Plasma Sniper Rifle and Plasma Shotgun to show Clips.
- Add Properly colored FloorObs/HandOb's for Plasma Shotgun Clips.
- Rework some Alien Base Modules (Medium Scout in Alien Base should be fun right?)

Possibly Future Additions:
- Plasma Melee Weapons
- "Walkertanks" (X-Com Sectopods)
- Additional Lategame Armor with Plasmadamage reduction
- Chryssalids Spitter (does anyone has some Chryssalids Battlescape Sprites? (unmodified Vanillas will do, i am just gonna do a recolor))

Well and of course the stuff on Still missing list in the Readme.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on August 18, 2015, 03:05:56 pm
I noticed a couple of spelling/grammar mistakes in the extra strings part of the ruleset files particulary "alien data core" and "alien plasma weaponry". Only got to this research in the last day and I noticed it in version 0.92 but attached are the corrections.

Was looking at the research diagram chart and I'm wondering why you need a medic for the avenger(unlock 3). Was this just to make it harder? I can understand the engineer and navigator but what would a medic know about engines or navigation? Like in the original Star Trek Dr McCoy didn't fly the Enterprise or fix the warp drive. Don't get me wrong I agree with making more conditions for the ultimate craft but am I over anaylsing this?
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: hellrazor on August 18, 2015, 06:14:19 pm
I noticed a couple of spelling/grammar mistakes in the extra strings part of the ruleset files particulary "alien data core" and "alien plasma weaponry". Only got to this research in the last day and I noticed it in version 0.92 but attached are the corrections.

Thanks for catching those :) Unfortunatly the file you attached has a size of 0kb, containing no data whatsoever.
You Probably want to reattach it.

Was looking at the research diagram chart and I'm wondering why you need a medic for the avenger(unlock 3). Was this just to make it harder? I can understand the engineer and navigator but what would a medic know about engines or navigation? Like in the original Star Trek Dr McCoy didn't fly the Enterprise or fix the warp drive. Don't get me wrong I agree with making more conditions for the ultimate craft but am I over anaylsing this?

Oh well, there is actually some reason behind this:
Of course it is to make the game harder :)
Also it makes sense at least for the Avenger to have a Medic as dependency, since the Aliens do know a lot more about the health impacts on spacetravel then humans do.
And since the trip of the Avenger to Mars takes at least 14 Days it is neccessary to have additional knowledge about this. At least that is my reasoning.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on August 18, 2015, 06:30:51 pm
Try this attachment.

You've a very fair point regarding the medic dependency. Just if I'm ever tweaking myself is it possible to have two unlocks that say both need an engineer or would researching the first unlock the second at the same time
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: hellrazor on August 18, 2015, 06:48:02 pm
Try this attachment.

Thanks, goes into next Version. Catching those typo or grammar errors in UFOpaedia articles is really business. I tought i had all of them already...

You've a very fair point regarding the medic dependency. Just if I'm ever tweaking myself is it possible to have two unlocks that say both need an engineer or would researching the first unlock the second at the same time
Hm.. judgeing from what i have done with the research tech tree stuff, i would say it is possible.

Like this maybe:
Code: [Select]
  cost: 100
  points: 100

You then would theretically need an Alien Engineer with:

Something in this direction probably.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: hellrazor on August 20, 2015, 11:41:14 pm
If have decided to beautify the normal Flying Suits.
Useing the Graphics Parts from Flying Armor Mod from 54x (

To create a complete new sprite for the Vanilla Fyling Suits.
They do have now there own death animation and even a Custom CorpseSprite.
See attached Screenshots/Sprites.

EDIT: Next up is creating seperate Sprite sheet for Moriaties Power Armor Delux (
and recolor it a little bit in the style of shadics personal Armor.
This will be used for a advanced lategame Armor, which is intended to help Soldier Survival a little bit. There will be a "Reinforced Power Suit" and a "Reinforced Fyling Suit".
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on August 21, 2015, 12:31:11 am
That'll be nice, I assume that all of what you've mentioned will be version 0.94 when it's ready. In my current game I've been using the first attached mod to act as a bridge between personal armor and power suits as atm I'm only up to researching powersuits. But will have to start mass producing powersuits asap as the personal armor variants are beginning to be outmatched, well I'm at the end of September in the first year. I also put on the second mod as an armor for the final mission but it's op, though that is somewhat offset by the huge manufacturing costs. Therefore an advanced lategame armor would be a more balanced alternative to Ironman suits. I personally do think that you have nailed it on the time it takes you to get various technologies as atm I'm only starting into plasma weapons, powersuits and my troops are almost at the end of their first month's psi training. Looking forward to version 0.94.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: hellrazor on August 21, 2015, 07:50:53 am
That'll be nice, I assume that all of what you've mentioned will be version 0.94 when it's ready. In my current game I've been using the first attached mod to act as a bridge between personal armor and power suits as atm I'm only up to researching powersuits. But will have to start mass producing powersuits asap as the personal armor variants are beginning to be outmatched, well I'm at the end of September in the first year. I also put on the second mod as an armor for the final mission but it's op, though that is somewhat offset by the huge manufacturing costs. Therefore an advanced lategame armor would be a more balanced alternative to Ironman suits. I personally do think that you have nailed it on the time it takes you to get various technologies as atm I'm only starting into plasma weapons, powersuits and my troops are almost at the end of their first month's psi training. Looking forward to version 0.94.

In my testrun i prioritized Armor research somewhat and had Power Suits relatively earlie, when Mutons appeared. My Problem is that it is now end of December and i still haven't researched Heavy Plasma yet. I researched all other Plasma weapons so far and i am currently researching Blaster Launchers :D

This left me really really outgunned against Muton Elites, since they do not really care about the damage of Conventional and Laser Weapons. Luckily i had somehwat trained PSI Soldiers so i could let them kill each other, while my whole Squad was trying to kill 1 or 2 Muton Elites with Lasers *lol*.

The new reinforced Power and Fyling Suits will only be avaible after interrogation alive Sectopod and alive Armored Sectopod. Well of course you need Power, Flying Suit before that and the Alien Data Core.

I haven't really thought about the stats yet, but they will also feature +20 Stamina and -20 weight. Maybe a slight increase in TimeUnits: +10 TU.
And of course there Armor values. I am still debatting this, either give them a 0.8 Plasma Damage Modifier and leave the Armor values as they are,
or increase FrontArmor to 130 and the all the others by +10. Or do a combination of both.
The Prices for these Armors will be enormous :P

SIMON did you run into any Elerium-115 or Alien Alloy shortages?

Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on August 21, 2015, 08:24:10 am
SIMON did you run into any Elerium-115 or Alien Alloy shortages?
No not atm, is there some glitch/bug that has occurred in your run through but I just built 24 power suits so that took about 200 E115, I actually sold almost 200 alloys as my main manfacturing base was running low on space. Also atm I've a Muton base in western Russia that I'll milk for the supply ships. The only other alien base is a Sectoid one in China but I'm waiting til my troops are much psi stronger before tackling that one, I suppose I can always milk their supply ships too as there will only be 1 sectoid leader. If you checked out the bug tracker there's a nice one I encountered in the last terror mission I finished last night. I also see that the Chrysallids do seem more aggressive as on that mission a Stunblaster didn't stop one but luckily enough I had my two best snipers with a gauss and laser sniper rifle in good positions to persuade it to go to sleep.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: hellrazor on August 21, 2015, 10:46:05 am
No not atm, is there some glitch/bug that has occurred in your run through but I just built 24 power suits so that took about 200 E115, I actually sold almost 200 alloys as my main manfacturing base was running low on space.
Nope no glitch bug, but i increased Elerium-115 and Alien Alloy Costs for basically everything.
The amount of Elerium-115 is also reduced from 50 to 35. This is a 30% drop.

Also atm I've a Muton base in western Russia that I'll milk for the supply ships. The only other alien base is a Sectoid one in China but I'm waiting til my troops are much psi stronger before tackling that one, I suppose I can always milk their supply ships too as there will only be 1 sectoid leader.

The aliens should act like in Vanilla regarding their Psi Attack strength, they do have increased Psi defense thou.

If you checked out the bug tracker there's a nice one I encountered in the last terror mission I finished last night.

I wasn't aware of this happening, when you drop down a unit on another one. Just read the bugtracker, you should supply Warboy with
a Vanilla savegame, or a easy way to reproduce the issue, so he can fix it. :)

I also see that the Chrysallids do seem more aggressive as on that mission a Stunblaster didn't stop one but luckily enough I had my two best snipers with a gauss and laser sniper rifle in good positions to persuade it to go to sleep.

Got to hear that they behave as they should be. Charging the shit out of your X-Com Soldiers.

On further Notice i finished the Sprites for the Reinforced Power and Flying Suits, i haven't decided on which color to give them thou.
Also i noticed that there is way to replace the punny Sectoids in the lategame with a Armored Version (there are some Sprites in the FMP i saw)
I will probably put those also in, they will still be Sectoids statswise but will have stronger Armor and be accompinied by Armored Cyberdiscs as a replacement of there
normal ones.
I guess fading them in as a replacement, the same time Gazer Mission occur will be a good thing, do you agree?
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on August 21, 2015, 01:23:15 pm
Yep but better Sectoids does sound like the Mechtoids mod a bit but if only the armor stats and their accompanying terror units change I would be all on for it. Are you going to change their sprite look at all so they don't look like they're fighting au natural. Never did understand that from vanilla but who am I to quuestion the original developers choices.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: hellrazor on August 21, 2015, 04:11:25 pm
Yep but better Sectoids does sound like the Mechtoids mod a bit but if only the armor stats and their accompanying terror units change I would be all on for it. Are you going to change their sprite look at all so they don't look like they're fighting au natural. Never did understand that from vanilla but who am I to quuestion the original developers choices.

Yepp other Sprites are the way to go. The FMP has some nice ones in it i think. At least i saw them sometime.

See attached Pic, they are lacking UFOPaedia Pictures or i haven't found them yet.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on August 21, 2015, 04:40:08 pm
Nice, makes them look nastier as well.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: hellrazor on August 21, 2015, 05:07:21 pm
Nice, makes them look nastier as well.

I am not really sure from were Solarius had those, since there aren't any UFOPaedia Pictures in there.
Which is a shame since putting those in would require exactly those.

EDIT: Btwi finished the BigOb for the Flying Suit :) So wie have two different ones now.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 21, 2015, 06:36:11 pm
The armoured Sectoids were made by XOps. (I slightly modified the picture to enlarge the head, because it was smaller than the non-helmeted one.)
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: niculinux on August 21, 2015, 11:30:15 pm
Na i was just kidding i use the matching weapon stuff from tollworkout, i like it more.

No offense to the Author of this mod.

you never know, in the meantime i'd propose the laser reskin mod (,2533.0.html) as of replacement sprites for laver weapins. These may require clips, that may be renamed "batteries"
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: hellrazor on August 22, 2015, 03:24:21 am
The armoured Sectoids were made by XOps. (I slightly modified the picture to enlarge the head, because it was smaller than the non-helmeted one.)

Hm..kay oh and i see he also has appropriate UfoPaedia Pictures. Which makes me even more happy :>
So we will have nasty Armored Sectoids in the lategame, instead of normal Sectoids, sounds kinda fun i guess :)
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: hellrazor on August 22, 2015, 03:57:54 am
I also found a Inventory Spritesheet for my MutonBrainGuards.
The original Picture is by xOp's. I did recolor it.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: hellrazor on August 22, 2015, 04:16:40 am
you never know, in the meantime i'd propose the laser reskin mod (,2533.0.html) as of replacement sprites for laver weapins. These may require clips, that may be renamed "batteries"

I am aware of those already. And when i was writing the inital alpha ruleset, i actually used them, but replaced them by the ones from matching weapon colors from tollworkout.
And since my Weaponlist is fixed (only exception are the melee Plasmablades, but i haven't thought of how to put them in the alienDeployments). I am not gonna use them.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on August 23, 2015, 04:39:45 pm
Having a lovely time in this mission so far-see picture.
Damned armored cyberdiscs take a good bloomin thumping to go down, will hate to see what way armored sectopods are. Gazers are a nice challenge though. Into November now and the only race that hasn't appeared yet are Ethereals but I think that'll start this month or next. Was wondering regarding the data core, is it always in the same room on a battleship and can/do you need to research it more than once?
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: niculinux on August 23, 2015, 06:03:00 pm
I am aware of those already. And when i was writing the inital alpha ruleset, i actually used them, but replaced them by the ones from matching weapon colors from tollworkout.
And since my Weaponlist is fixed (only exception are the melee Plasmablades, but i haven't thought of how to put them in the alienDeployments). I am not gonna use them.

ok, peraphs since the mod is about being hard, may want to consider to use clips/batteris for laser weapons, at least? :)

Edit: also, 30 shots for laser clips (15 for heavy laser) and 20 shots for plasma ones (10 for heavy plasma) may be a fair enough balance, plus consider to remove auto shot from both heavy laser and plasma :P
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: hellrazor on August 23, 2015, 07:36:14 pm
Having a lovely time in this mission so far-see picture.
Damned armored cyberdiscs take a good bloomin thumping to go down, will hate to see what way armored sectopods are. Gazers are a nice challenge though. Into November now and the only race that hasn't appeared yet are Ethereals but I think that'll start this month or next. Was wondering regarding the data core, is it always in the same room on a battleship and can/do you need to research it more than once?

No the Alien Data Core can only be researched once, and yes for the time being it is always in the same room on the Battleship. It will get his own special Mission were you will be able to collect it and only once. I guess you will find out about the Blue Sectopods sooner or later. (probably sooner) I hope you can handle Muton Elites somehow. Do you have access to Plasma Weapons?
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: hellrazor on August 23, 2015, 07:38:16 pm
ok, peraphs since the mod is about being hard, may want to consider to use clips/batteris for laser weapons, at least? :)

Edit: also, 30 shots for laser clips (15 for heavy laser) and 20 shots for plasma ones (10 for heavy plasma) may be a fair enough balance, plus consider to remove auto shot from both heavy laser and plasma :P

I will certainly not do so. Lasers are being obsolete once specific races appear, since they are nearly immune to them, no need to complicate things further.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on August 23, 2015, 07:46:37 pm
Yes atm pistols, rifles and sniper rifles but the only effective tactics versus normal sectopods seems to be high explosives and heavy proximity mines even when targeting their rear armor. The heavy proximity mine is a mod by Civilian called naymore, won't kill them in 1 go but should soften them up a good bit, useful versus armored cyberdiscs as they soak up a lot of punishment too,
even if you're using laser weapons.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: hellrazor on August 23, 2015, 07:57:37 pm
Yes atm pistols, rifles and sniper rifles but the only effective tactics versus normal sectopods seems to be high explosives and heavy proximity mines even when targeting their rear armor. The heavy proximity mine is a mod by Civilian called naymore, won't kill them in 1 go but should soften them up a good bit, useful versus armored cyberdiscs as they soak up a lot of punishment too,
even if you're using laser weapons.

I made the experience that Elerium Rockets have a decent chance of destroying normal Sectopods. The Heavy Laser / Auto does also a good job against both.
It's a shame that you didn't play the mod without extra addon Mods, believe me it would be much harder. You also attacked the initial base way to late i presume.
Timewise you should at least clear it end of February, so you have enough time to get access to Laser Weapons before a certain alien Race appears.
And one Tip of the bat, Ethereals will bring Armored Sectopods in big numbers. I am myself not looking forward to fight them.

I guess the Economy needs a rebalance, since getting money from alien loot compensates way to much, even more with the increased numbers and additional missions.
Maybe i drop the sell values of the Alien Weapons by a huge degree (50% at least or even more).
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: Alex_D on August 24, 2015, 05:10:37 am
After a while not playing the game I decided to continue the fun with my game of Hardmode Expansion.

I pretty much dominate the globe, so much that I carefully shoot down the UFOs over water so I don't have to retrieve them. Nevertheless, after a process of selection, where a couple of soldiers that were never MCs and a lot of tanks raided the Ethereal base and captured its commander. Immediately upon return I researched it, after have done the Martial Solution, but I didn't get Cydonia or Bust. The attached save is just before that.  Thinking I messed up with the research path, I waited for another Ethereal base and send a bigger and better psionic resistant team and captured their commander again. Its research option doesn't show again, but still no Cydonia research.

Did I miss something on the sequence?
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: hellrazor on August 24, 2015, 07:16:51 am
After a while not playing the game I decided to continue the fun with my game of Hardmode Expansion.

I pretty much dominate the globe, so much that I carefully shoot down the UFOs over water so I don't have to retrieve them. Nevertheless, after a process of selection, where a couple of soldiers that were never MCs and a lot of tanks raided the Ethereal base and captured its commander. Immediately upon return I researched it, after have done the Martial Solution, but I didn't get Cydonia or Bust. The attached save is just before that.  Thinking I messed up with the research path, I waited for another Ethereal base and send a bigger and better psionic resistant team and captured their commander again. Its research option doesn't show again, but still no Cydonia research.

Did I miss something on the sequence?

I hope you have enough Engineer and Navigators stored up, and at least 1 Medic. Since you are in for a hard ride to Cydonia. More or less.
In any case you didn't do anything wrong.
Somehow the research doesn't get unlocked.
To fix this go into the Hardmode_Expansion/Ruleset folder, and edit research.rul:

Code: [Select]
   cost: 3000
   points: 100
   unlockFinalMission: true


Code: [Select]
    cost: 3000
    points: 100
    unlockFinalMission: true

This fixes things. And you will see the Cydonia or Bust Mission unlock for Research.
I hope this was the last critical Bug...

And thanks for revealing to me that the Plasma Beam has a wrong Range set. ;)
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 24, 2015, 08:20:28 am
I pretty much dominate the globe, so much that I carefully shoot down the UFOs over water so I don't have to retrieve them.

This doesn't actually make sense (even though everyone thinks so at first). A crash down only gives you half the points anyway, even if it falls into ocean, so you can just ignore a crashed UFO until it disappears to the same effect as sinking it. If you want full points, you must destroy it.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: hellrazor on August 24, 2015, 08:52:48 am
This doesn't actually make sense (even though everyone thinks so at first). A crash down only gives you half the points anyway, even if it falls into ocean, so you can just ignore a crashed UFO until it disappears to the same effect as sinking it. If you want full points, you must destroy it.

Well his globe domination is based upon a typo in Plasma Beam Weapon Range. It was set to 52 instead of 42.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: Alex_D on August 24, 2015, 09:35:25 am
This doesn't actually make sense (even though everyone thinks so at first). A crash down only gives you half the points anyway, even if it falls into ocean, so you can just ignore a crashed UFO until it disappears to the same effect as sinking it. If you want full points, you must destroy it.

Yes, I heard about it, but the OCD in me wants them off the map :D
Curious, when you say full points, you mean destroy it in flight or assault the wreckage as normal? And what happens with the shoot-down score if upon landing one takes off right away?

Well his globe domination is based upon a typo in Plasma Beam Weapon Range. It was set to 52 instead of 42.

Thanks for the code fix. Now Cydonia pops-up on the research screen. And for the captured aliens (navigators, engineers, medics), damn! too bad I just sold a bunch of them. I suppose I have to re-capture them as needed.

As per the plasma cannons, no wonder why they were shooting down everything but battleships with impunity!  ;) Even the battleships were hit using wolf-pack tactics. I'd like for the Devs to implement a hot-key for the aircraft attack range and to select the aircraft for attack during the air combat screen. Or maybe there are such keys and forgot to re-read the options?  :o
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 24, 2015, 10:01:54 am
Yes, I heard about it, but the OCD in me wants them off the map :D

I can understand that :)

Curious, when you say full points, you mean destroy it in flight or assault the wreckage as normal? And what happens with the shoot-down score if upon landing one takes off right away?

Frankly I'm not sure. I know that you get full points for blowing a UFO to pieces, and half points if it crashes (either on land or in ocean). I do not know however if you get the missing half after you assault and recover a crashed UFO or not.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: hellrazor on August 24, 2015, 10:13:08 am
Thanks for the code fix. Now Cydonia pops-up on the research screen. And for the captured aliens (navigators, engineers, medics), damn! too bad I just sold a bunch of them. I suppose I have to re-capture them as needed.

Good to know that it works now. The original configuration also should have worked, but iguess the additional Code was needed. This Fix will also be aviable in the upcoming Version 0.94.

As per the plasma cannons, no wonder why they were shooting down everything but battleships with impunity!  ;) Even the battleships were hit using wolf-pack tactics. I'd like for the Devs to implement a hot-key for the aircraft attack range and to select the aircraft for attack during the air combat screen. Or maybe there are such keys and forgot to re-read the options?  :o

Well you can adjust this value easily for yourself in the craftweapons.rul. If you do so your Interceptors will drop like flies. This Typo Fix will also go into 0.94.
Actually noone seems to be having problems with money, which i suspected. Since the aliens give way to much from the loot they drop. I think i will drop
the sell values of Alien Items by 2/3 (66%). Maybe this helps with the now flawed economy.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: Alex_D on August 25, 2015, 06:59:24 am
Good to know that it works now. The original configuration also should have worked, but iguess the additional Code was needed. This Fix will also be aviable in the upcoming Version 0.94.

Now I keep looking I realized the Psi-Amp doesn't shown in the research. I believe I have all the pre-reqs. See my attached game.

Actually noone seems to be having problems with money, which i suspected. Since the aliens give way to much from the loot they drop. I think i will drop the sell values of Alien Items by 2/3 (66%). Maybe this helps with the now flawed economy.

I remember at the beginning it was kind of easy to run out of cash and I was selling up to the last bolt and nut just to make ends meet. Maybe such option for the late end-game items not to be that good in resale value.

Also since, if I'm not mistaken, one can barely break even selling manufactured items (I use Motion Scanners, just to keep those expensive Engineers employed), then it's not use to keep manufacturing bases fully staffed. I remember realizing this at some point and stopped going into full production mode with the Motion Scanner. It was a rude awakening when I needed savings like $10M just to pay salaries at the end of the month.  :P

I wish the game had an option in Graphs or elsewhere where detailed finances like one base but for all bases is presented.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: hellrazor on August 25, 2015, 07:14:57 am
Now I keep looking I realized the Psi-Amp doesn't shown in the research. I believe I have all the pre-reqs. See my attached game.
You need to interrogate 1 more Alien Medic for it to Pop up :P
Code: [Select]
Is missing, so go and grab 1 more Alien Medic.

If you use Version 0.93 it should work without trouble.

I remember at the beginning it was kind of easy to run out of cash and I was selling up to the last bolt and nut just to make ends meet. Maybe such option for the late end-game items not to be that good in resale value.
Well unfortunatly this isn't possible, but with the additional Missions you should be able to compensate, which means you need to fight more to get more cash, with the dropped sales revenue on alien Items.

Also since, if I'm not mistaken, one can barely break even selling manufactured items (I use Motion Scanners, just to keep those expensive Engineers employed), then it's not use to keep manufacturing bases fully staffed. I remember realizing this at some point and stopped going into full production mode with the Motion Scanner. It was a rude awakening when I needed savings like $10M just to pay salaries at the end of the month.  :P
Well you skipped Laser Weapons completly. So you also skipped the opportunity to produce Laser Canons for Cash (they do not require Elerium-115 or Alien Alloys).

I wish the game had an option in Graphs or elsewhere where detailed finances like one base but for all bases is presented.

Well i also wished for that.
Also you should really use range: 42 on the Plasma Beams :)

I used 200 Scientists in my Testrun, but i guess 250 are better. I need to do a complete new testrun anyway, since the next release will add lots of changes (especially the economy).
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: Alex_D on August 25, 2015, 08:10:17 am
You need to interrogate 1 more Alien Medic for it to Pop up :P
What a surprise! Sorry I couldn't resist and looked into the .rul file. :)

Well you skipped Laser Weapons completly. So you also skipped the opportunity to produce Laser Canons for Cash (they do not require Elerium-115 or Alien Alloys).
I normally skip the Laser weapons as Plasma are always better and within reach. But it looks like this time it wasn't good choice. I may complete the research just so I have an excuse to layoff those expensive scientists.
I can see the laser weapons almost completely superseded. With plenty of ammunition from dead aliens, plasma weapons are not in a short supply.
My normal set-up is Plasma-Sniper (Elerium) and Plasma shotgun (Elerium) in the backpack for close quarters, including those pesky Armored Sectopod, Just an auto blast in the ass and they are a goner! Of course a blaster bomb is always on hand. :)
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: hellrazor on August 25, 2015, 08:34:42 am
What a surprise! Sorry I couldn't resist and looked into the .rul file. :)
I normally skip the Laser weapons as Plasma are always better and within reach. But it looks like this time it wasn't good choice. I may complete the research just so I have an excuse to layoff those expensive scientists.
I can see the laser weapons almost completely superseded. With plenty of ammunition from dead aliens, plasma weapons are not in a short supply.
My normal set-up is Plasma-Sniper (Elerium) and Plasma shotgun (Elerium) in the backpack for close quarters, including those pesky Armored Sectopod, Just an auto blast in the ass and they are a goner! Of course a blaster bomb is always on hand. :)

Any alive alien medic should unlock it. If not then something is missing.
About those blue hulking ones, yes this is the weak spot by design. Problem is to reach it, otherwise Blaster Bombs are the way to go.
You also should take a look at the research tree graphic, its in the mod folder.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: Alex_D on August 25, 2015, 10:32:17 am
Any alive alien medic should unlock it. If not then something is missing.
I have researched I think all the alien medics except for the one I mentioned earlier, see my savegame for details. Yet no Psi-Amp research present.
By the way the Alien Habitat is of any use?

You also should take a look at the research tree graphic, its in the mod folder.
Yes, I did. It's pretty neat. This how I ended up asking those questions.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: hellrazor on August 25, 2015, 10:49:28 am
I have researched I think all the alien medics except for the one I mentioned earlier, see my savegame for details. Yet no Psi-Amp research present.

All Medics should have the ability to unlock it, they all have the same list with unlocks. Btw which Version are you running on?

By the way the Alien Habitat is of any use?

Well it is MCD type which can be set, same as for example Alien Reproduction. And if someone made some Artwork for a UFOPaedia Article for it,
it could be included as a researchable Item. At the moment you an only sell it for 100$.

Yes, I did. It's pretty neat. This how I ended up asking those questions.

You can research the same type of alive aliens multiple times, until all there unlocks and getOneFree options are exhausted.
The unlocks have conditions which need to be met until they unlock, for example they need another research to be fulfilled first.
You should be fine research any Alien Medic to get the unlock.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: Alex_D on August 25, 2015, 10:59:12 am
All Medics should have the ability to unlock it, they all have the same list with unlocks. Btw which Version are you running on?
I updated to 0.93 a few days ago. It might be the reason of my problem, potentially some saves could have made the item unreachable.

You should be fine research any Alien Medic to get the unlock.
I sold all my medics along with the engineers and navigators when there was no more research to be extracted from them.
I suppose I can try to capture a Floater Medic from a Lab Ship that just landed.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: hellrazor on August 25, 2015, 11:13:29 am
I updated to 0.93 a few days ago. It might be the reason of my problem, potentially some saves could have made the item unreachable.
I sold all my medics along with the engineers and navigators when there was no more research to be extracted from them.
I suppose I can try to capture a Floater Medic from a Lab Ship that just landed.

Savefiles should not be a problem, since the last serious research fixes were a while ago, version 0.81 or further back.
You will need Engineers and Navigators for the Craft research anyway, so selling them is never a good option.
And yes the Floater Medic will do! Go get him!
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on August 25, 2015, 03:46:05 pm
Can't wait for version 0.94, current game is of version 0.93 and nightly 2015-08-18-0447. So my question is this, when, hopefully very soon, v0.94 is ready will I just run it off the latest nightly at that time? I could upgrade my game atm to the latest nightly 2015-08-24-0859 but if I'm going to upgrade to v0.94 I might as well wait til then.

On a mission last night I actually found out what I suspected from an earlier mission that lasers are better vs Gazers than plasma, 25% better per armor.rul. This is always a good reason I feel that you should keep a good range of weapons around as even though it's cumbersome I find the heavy gauss effective vs a lot of aliens even normal mutons to a certain degree. Though I'm thinking that plasma pistols are beginning to be outgunned now, 52 average damage before you consider armor. The only reason I'm using them is for scouts who have a motion scanner in their other hand or a backup weapon for rocketeers

Noticed you said there in your post this morning that you use 200 sciencetists, funnily enough in my research base I use 235 with 15 troops using the rest of the living quaters.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: hellrazor on August 25, 2015, 04:36:23 pm
Can't wait for version 0.94, current game is of version 0.93 and nightly 2015-08-18-0447. So my question is this, when, hopefully very soon, v0.94 is ready will I just run it off the latest nightly at that time? I could upgrade my game atm to the latest nightly 2015-08-24-0859 but if I'm going to upgrade to v0.94 I might as well wait til then.
Well upgrading to the latest nightly shouldn't be causing trouble atm. Since most fixes are TFTD related.

On a mission last night I actually found out what I suspected from an earlier mission that lasers are better vs Gazers than plasma, 25% better per armor.rul. This is always a good reason I feel that you should keep a good range of weapons around as even though it's cumbersome I find the heavy gauss effective vs a lot of aliens even normal mutons to a certain degree. Though I'm thinking that plasma pistols are beginning to be outgunned now, 52 average damage before you consider armor. The only reason I'm using them is for scouts who have a motion scanner in their other hand or a backup weapon for rocketeers
I reworked the Armor value Balances for Waspites, Gazers, Muton Elites and Muton Brain Guards for 0.94. But since i have to add a lot of new stuff, which i need to test first, it will take some time. Also i need to start to prepare for my exams soons. So patience ;>
The Sectoid Elites are also on there way in ^^.

Noticed you said there in your post this morning that you use 200 sciencetists, funnily enough in my research base I use 235 with 15 troops using the rest of the living quaters.

Jeah 200 Scientists seems to be the minimum number needed, to research stuff in time.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: hellrazor on August 25, 2015, 11:23:53 pm
I just finished the Ruleset integration of the "Reinforced Power/FlyingSuits"

I also started to make a recolor of it, so i wanna hear some opinions about the colors.
Do you like the original one better or is the light blue one more appropriate?
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: niculinux on August 25, 2015, 11:45:11 pm
Blue is fine, you may also want to consider other different colors, such as grey for power suit and lighter blue for flying suit? Personal armor is already blue, unless you may also want  change also that?
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: hellrazor on August 25, 2015, 11:59:45 pm
Blue ks dine, you may also want to consider othrr different colors, sucj as grey for ppwer suit and lighter blie for flying suit? Personalmarmkr is already blue, unsless you change also that?

Kinda hard to read, could you correct your typos?
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: niculinux on August 26, 2015, 12:03:02 am
Kinda hard to read, could you correct your typos?

done, have mercy, Sir  ;D
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: hellrazor on August 26, 2015, 12:09:37 am
done, have mercy, Sir  ;D

Well i already have the Vanilla Armors in their original colors, and since those are a "Reinforced" Version with higher Armor and additional Ally Plating i thought giving it a Blue touch would be approriate.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on August 26, 2015, 05:16:15 am
Came across a weird glitch there but have managed to work around it for the time being, save and picture attached. When my Thunder went to a mission the alloy laser tank couldn't go down the ramp. The troops were fine, so I tried it with a hover crocodile tank and it got out okay. I then tried a mortar ground tank and it couldn't go down the ramp either. I'm just wondering as I updated to nightly 2015-08-24-0859 today has it maybe got something to do with the latest nightly and the bug (now fixed) I reported regarding walking on top of another soldier's head:

Warboy1982, Mon Aug 24 08:58:05 2015
no more walking on air.

walking on sunshine still acceptable.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: Alex_D on August 26, 2015, 08:10:56 am
Savefiles should not be a problem, since the last serious research fixes were a while ago, version 0.81 or further back.
You will need Engineers and Navigators for the Craft research anyway, so selling them is never a good option.
And yes the Floater Medic will do! Go get him!

I captured a floater leader, two medics, one engineers and two navigators. Only the leader showed up in the research screen. No psi-amp yet.

Let's see what the floater leader spits. While waiting the month passed and a Gazer base was discovered. And
after a painstaking mind probing search and the loss of one of my best psi-resistant trooper, I managed to capture the elusive Gazer Medic. And shows in the research screen. Let's see what happens when he/she/it cracks up.

Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: hellrazor on August 26, 2015, 08:37:04 am
Came across a weird glitch there but have managed to work around it for the time being, save and picture attached. When my Thunder went to a mission the alloy laser tank couldn't go down the ramp. The troops were fine, so I tried it with a hover crocodile tank and it got out okay. I then tried a mortar ground tank and it couldn't go down the ramp either. I'm just wondering as I updated to nightly 2015-08-24-0859 today has it maybe got something to do with the latest nightly and the bug (now fixed) I reported regarding walking on top of another soldier's head:

Warboy1982, Mon Aug 24 08:58:05 2015
no more walking on air.

walking on sunshine still acceptable.

Just upgrade to the newest github code. Warboy fixed this issue.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: hellrazor on August 26, 2015, 08:37:23 am
I captured a floater leader, two medics, one engineers and two navigators. Only the leader showed up in the research screen. No psi-amp yet.

Let's see what the floater leader spits. While waiting the month passed and a Gazer base was discovered. And
after a painstaking mind probing search and the loss of one of my best psi-resistant trooper, I managed to capture the elusive Gazer Medic. And shows in the research screen. Let's see what happens when he/she/it cracks up.

Let me know how it goes.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: Alex_D on August 26, 2015, 08:57:04 am
Let me know how it goes.

Indeed the last piece of the puzzle for the Psi-Amp was the
Gazer Medic.
. Now researching it, next is the Floater Leader, etc.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: hellrazor on August 26, 2015, 11:19:54 am
Indeed the last piece of the puzzle for the Psi-Amp was the
Gazer Medic.
. Now researching it, next is the Floater Leader, etc.

I am gonna recheck the research code this evening, i need to reorder all those listOrders anyway.
Would be nice to know which Version you had prior to 0.93.
If i do not anything wrong with the research.rul stuff, then you were running in a upgrade issue.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on August 26, 2015, 02:06:37 pm
Just upgrade to the newest github code. Warboy fixed this issue.

Thanks but since I've no idea about programming or compiling my own version of openxcom exactly how do I do this? Like I'm able to download nightlies or mods and extract them to the right places and have a fair idea of what files are/do and how to edit/create .rul files but I'm an idiot technologically speaking with graphics or anthing else. Just a small update on last night's message, I did further testing in battlemode and per those tests it does seem to be only ground HWP's getting out of the Thunder that causes this. Thanks in advance for any further tips you can offer me.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: hellrazor on August 26, 2015, 03:08:53 pm
Thanks but since I've no idea about programming or compiling my own version of openxcom exactly how do I do this? Like I'm able to download nightlies or mods and extract them to the right places and have a fair idea of what files are/do and how to edit/create .rul files but I'm an idiot technologically speaking with graphics or anthing else. Just a small update on last night's message, I did further testing in battlemode and per those tests it does seem to be only ground HWP's getting out of the Thunder that causes this. Thanks in advance for any further tips you can offer me.

I know about this already, and a Bugreport ( has been issued.

Jeah its a issue of the pathfinding, i am running the newest github code and the last commit ( from Warboy fixed the issue for good.

I just spoken to Warboy on the IRC, and the hoster of had a maintenance yesterday and the Server went down. In this process also the autobuilder for Windows Nightly builds hit the grave. It will be restored in time i guess.

You just have to wait until the autobuilder comes online again and presents you with new builds here (
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on August 26, 2015, 03:45:55 pm
That's lovely I'll just be patient and wait on that then and update to the newest nightly when it comes out as it will include all previous fixes from previous versions. In the meantime it only affects me in base 4 with the Thunder there and I've worked around this by changing to a hovertank crocodile from the alloy laser tank.

Getting very exciting at present in my current game, the Ethereals have appeared in early December.(Must be doing well at present as I've lost only the UK and last month Nigeria(base4 in N Africa must have been a successful Infitration mission that got through) Current ongoing mission is a Muton Elite fighter with Ethereals thrown in for fun. One of my troops in Stealth armor with a plasma sniper rifle(elerium ammo) went up on the roof of the Ironfist dropship, spotted an Ethereal and blasted him with an aimed shot(102% stated accuracy). One of the Muton Elites took a good bashing before he dropped though(a laser rifle shot, plasma rifle shot, stun bomb and finally a elerium rocket sent him down. So as you can tell I'm having bucket loads of enjoyment atm.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: hellrazor on August 26, 2015, 04:12:04 pm
That's lovely I'll just be patient and wait on that then and update to the newest nightly when it comes out as it will include all previous fixes from previous versions. In the meantime it only affects me in base 4 with the Thunder there and I've worked around this by changing to a hovertank crocodile from the alloy laser tank.

Getting very exciting at present in my current game, the Ethereals have appeared in early December.(Must be doing well at present as I've lost only the UK and last month Nigeria(base4 in N Africa must have been a successful Infitration mission that got through) Current ongoing mission is a Muton Elite fighter with Ethereals thrown in for fun. One of my troops in Stealth armor with a plasma sniper rifle(elerium ammo) went up on the roof of the Ironfist dropship, spotted an Ethereal and blasted him with an aimed shot(102% stated accuracy). One of the Muton Elites took a good bashing before he dropped though(a laser rifle shot, plasma rifle shot, stun bomb and finally a elerium rocket sent him down. So as you can tell I'm having bucket loads of enjoyment atm.

Make sure you apply this research fix mentioned here (,3550.msg50407.html#msg50407) to let Cydonia or Bust unlock.
I screwed up again :D as usual.

In any case SIMON, i have had thoughts about how to put in the Reinforced Armors research wise, i guess i give them a alive "interrogation" of a "Armored Sectopod"
as a prequisite. Maybe bundles this in the future so you can "hack" and "reprogram" captured "Armored Sectopods" and use them on your own.
Your thoughts?
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on August 26, 2015, 04:51:53 pm
Was going to wait til v0.94 as you mentioned this fix will be included in that version but have just applied it to v0.93 to be on safe side. I'm not sure about researching a live armored sectopod maybe just a normal sectopod as your troops should be fairly strong to handle a normal one but just might need that edge/extra protection for the armored ones the first time you encounter them. And I agree about reducing the sell prices of alien artifacts as I currently have $58 million in the bank and actually in the black by about 2-3 million on funding alone at the end of November.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: hellrazor on August 26, 2015, 06:17:56 pm
Was going to wait til v0.94 as you mentioned this fix will be included in that version but have just applied it to v0.93 to be on safe side. I'm not sure about researching a live armored sectopod maybe just a normal sectopod as your troops should be fairly strong to handle a normal one but just might need that edge/extra protection for the armored ones the first time you encounter them. And I agree about reducing the sell prices of alien artifacts as I currently have $58 million in the bank and actually in the black by about 2-3 million on funding alone at the end of November.

I was also thinking about of raising the base maintenance cost of the Base facilities significantly. Maybe make them 10% of the initial building Cost?
Would make the maintence Cost for the Base also more purposeful.
The increase would make each facility really expensive in maintenence, also hangers would get slighty cheaper.

Code: [Select]
    monthlyCost: 40000
    monthlyCost: 30000
    monthlyCost: 40000
    monthlyCost: 75000
  - type: STR_WORKSHOP
    monthlyCost: 80000
    monthlyCost: 50000
    monthlyCost: 80000
    monthlyCost: 20000
    monthlyCost: 15000
    monthlyCost: 40000
    monthlyCost: 60000
    monthlyCost: 80000
    monthlyCost: 120000
    monthlyCost: 130000
    monthlyCost: 75000
    monthlyCost: 140000
  - type: STR_HANGAR
    monthlyCost: 20000

Would be looking like this :)

The difference is around 5m in Base Maintenance for my Testrun, obviously the Weapon Sell prices need to be still lowered.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: Alex_D on August 27, 2015, 04:11:31 am
I am gonna recheck the research code this evening, i need to reorder all those listOrders anyway.
Would be nice to know which Version you had prior to 0.93.
If i do not anything wrong with the research.rul stuff, then you were running in a upgrade issue.

It was version 0.92. Just before resuming my gaming bug (after several weeks), as usual, I download the latest nightly and mod version. However, something was going on with the portal and 0.93 was not downloading properly, so I got 0.92 instead. Then I played for a few days until I was able to download 0.93.

Before all of that, the saves were created with version 0.87 or 0.88, I don't remember which one.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93 Interrogation Consequences
Post by: hellrazor on August 27, 2015, 07:40:10 am
It was version 0.92. Just before resuming my gaming bug (after several weeks), as usual, I download the latest nightly and mod version. However, something was going on with the portal and 0.93 was not downloading properly, so I got 0.92 instead. Then I played for a few days until I was able to download 0.93.

Before all of that, the saves were created with version 0.87 or 0.88, I don't remember which one.

Uhh jeah then this behaviour makes sense to some degree. I will probably upload a Version 0.93b only with the Cydonia fix and remove all older buggy Versions.
In the meantime i am working on 0.94, which will have attempts to fix the economy. So probably best is to start a new game with it. But i doubt that people wanna play the same Mod twice in a row.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on August 27, 2015, 06:03:51 pm
This is the last Version of the Mod in BETA Phase, i am switching to Work In Progress,
there a lot more features which need to be properly implemented and tested.
Meanswise HF playing the Beta:

Urgent Bugfix incoming:

Version Release: 0.93b
 - Fix Cydonia or Bust Unlock

Please use newest Nightly, or at least Nightly Version: openxcom_git_master_2015_08_06_1451

Modportal Link (

Readme attached here (,3550.msg42491.html#msg42491)
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on August 27, 2015, 08:40:43 pm
I played a little bit around with the Scoring for Civilians on Terrormissions.
Each killed Civilian now gives 50 Points towards the aliens instead of 30.
The screenshot is from a Debugtest, were all Civilians got turned into Zombies and all aliens were killed after that.
Each Zombified Civilians count double towards the score.
Nevertheless you will never encounter such a scenario, since many Civilians will just be killed by other means then zombification.
Even thou it is pretty impressive :D
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on August 28, 2015, 12:30:41 am
Time for a short tease update for the upcoming Version 0.94.

Enjoy a peak at our new friends:
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on August 28, 2015, 12:45:46 am
Nice, they certainly look more intimidating than a normal sectoid fighting au natural, I take it they'll have a good bit more armor than normal sectoids as if you blow, shout at or do virtually anything to normal ones they'll die most of the time even with your starting weapons. IMHO the normal psionic ability of leaders/commanders doesn't quite balance out their physical fraility. However if you change their frality too much are you not taking away from their ufopedia description:

"Low Threat: Sectoid

The Sectoids are usually the first alien you'll see. They resemble the "Greys" spoken of by New Age types and the X-Files television show: short humanoids with pale skin, elfin features and large, almond-shaped eyes. They are the only weapon carrying life-form that chooses to go naked into battle. This possibly psychological tactic does not appear effective, since it neither promotes a berserker style morale on their own part, nor do the sectoid size dangly bits appear to intimidate X-COM soldiers.

Sectoids are physically weak in combat. They have average mobility, no armor worth mentioning, and will fall easily to any weapon. Without their psi equipped Leaders and Commanders, they can be overcome with minimal risk. Be aware that Sectoids are on average more accurate shooters than floaters, and their ability to react is second to the Ethereals.

However, on any mission that doesn't involve a small/very small-sized UFO (Small Scout, Medium Scout, or Large Scout), the Sectoids will have a Sectoid Leader in their ranks. This Leader is capable of Psionic attacks that can panic your troops or even bring them under alien control. In the early game when Sectoid sightings are most common, this can be devastating because X-COM has not yet researched psionics, and so is wide open to this type of warfare. The advantage for X-Com is that there will be a limited number of Leaders or Commanders in combat, and capture of either will allow research into the field of psionics.

On any Mission involving terror units, the Sectoids will be accompanied by the formidable Cyberdisc, which adds another degree of complexity and difficulty to the situation. "
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: pWWWa on August 28, 2015, 12:48:17 am
Alternate Plasma Hit Animation.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on August 28, 2015, 12:50:23 am
Nice, they certainly look more intimidating than a normal sectoid fighting au natural, I take it they'll have a good bit more armor than normal sectoids as if you blow, shout at or do virtually anything to normal ones they'll die most of the time even with your starting weapons. IMHO the normal psionic ability of leaders/commanders doesn't quite balance out their physical fraility. However if you change their frality too much are you not taking away from their ufopedia description:

"Low Threat: Sectoid

The Sectoids are usually the first alien you'll see. They resemble the "Greys" spoken of by New Age types and the X-Files television show: short humanoids with pale skin, elfin features and large, almond-shaped eyes. They are the only weapon carrying life-form that chooses to go naked into battle. This possibly psychological tactic does not appear effective, since it neither promotes a berserker style morale on their own part, nor do the sectoid size dangly bits appear to intimidate X-COM soldiers.

Sectoids are physically weak in combat. They have average mobility, no armor worth mentioning, and will fall easily to any weapon. Without their psi equipped Leaders and Commanders, they can be overcome with minimal risk. Be aware that Sectoids are on average more accurate shooters than floaters, and their ability to react is second to the Ethereals.

However, on any mission that doesn't involve a small/very small-sized UFO (Small Scout, Medium Scout, or Large Scout), the Sectoids will have a Sectoid Leader in their ranks. This Leader is capable of Psionic attacks that can panic your troops or even bring them under alien control. In the early game when Sectoid sightings are most common, this can be devastating because X-COM has not yet researched psionics, and so is wide open to this type of warfare. The advantage for X-Com is that there will be a limited number of Leaders or Commanders in combat, and capture of either will allow research into the field of psionics.

On any Mission involving terror units, the Sectoids will be accompanied by the formidable Cyberdisc, which adds another degree of complexity and difficulty to the situation. "

Well at the moment they basically are Sectoids, with 1 exception they have further increased PSi Powers and show up in Armor which is equal to Personal Armor.
Maybe i will give them a little bit more health also. But i ned to encounter them in a testrun first.

SIMON, as you can guess and since you love them so much, they will bring loads of the Blue Cyberdiscs. ;)
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on August 28, 2015, 12:51:19 am
Alternate Plasma Hit Animation.

Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on August 28, 2015, 12:52:38 am
Alternate Plasma Hit Animation.

I like it maybe hellrazor will incoporate it into his mod.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on August 28, 2015, 09:29:06 am
I like it maybe hellrazor will incoporate it into his mod.

Already done, i use it for the Elerium Clips HitAnimation, for the Plasma Shotgun and the Plasma Sniper Rifle. I guess, i will also give it towards Heavy Plasma, the Armored Cyberdisc Weapon and Armored Sectopod Weapon.
To make them optically different then other weapons, since they do more damage.

Only things is the HitSound for the Elerium Clips. Need to find some custom Sounds for those also.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: niculinux on August 28, 2015, 05:15:30 pm
Already done, i use it for the Elerium Clips HitAnimation, for the Plasma Shotgun and the Plasma Sniper Rifle. I guess, i will also give it towards Heavy Plasma, the Armored Cyberdisc Weapon and Armored Sectopod Weapon.
To make them optically different then other weapons, since they do more damage.

Only things is the HitSound for the Elerium Clips. Need to find some custom Sounds for those also.

Thank you! Some little hints:

1) replace vanilla AR and pistol sprites without altering actual stats. Never stood them >.<

2) add a custom smg, uzi alike,it's a pity such weapon is missing widely usedin in '80 and mid '90 movies! Maybe modify the machine pistol mod ( actually resemble more a mac-10 than a uzi.

Concept idea: (
(from wikipedia :D

3) Replace vanilla heavy and auto cannon with another pair, or at least change vanilla sprites. Maybe usin other mods :)eg. heavy cannon with mortar (!!!!) (Dioxine's one in Piratez) and auto canno with Riskelliny's light machine gun (

4) Another skyranger door, like here ( ya kno it's frustrating whne all your soldiers get killed one by one while attempting to get on the ground! (very personal experience)

edit: some clues from new civilian's resources (,3772.0.html), CryptoCactus' (,3290.0.html) and Dioxine (,3392.0.html) ones :)
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on August 28, 2015, 09:24:05 pm
Thank you! Some little hints:

1) replace vanilla AR and pistol sprites without altering actual stats. Never stood them >.<

2) add a custom smg, uzi alike,it's a pity such weapon is missing widely usedin in '80 and mid '90 movies! Maybe modify the machine pistol mod ( actually resemble more a mac-10 than a uzi.

Concept idea: (
(from wikipedia :D

3) Replace vanilla heavy and auto cannon with another pair, or at least change vanilla sprites. Maybe usin other mods :)eg. heavy cannon with mortar (!!!!) (Dioxine's one in Piratez) and auto canno with Riskelliny's light machine gun (

4) Another skyranger door, like here ( ya kno it's frustrating whne all your soldiers get killed one by one while attempting to get on the ground! (very personal experience)

edit: some clues from new civilian's resources (,3772.0.html), CryptoCactus' (,3290.0.html) and Dioxine (,3392.0.html) ones :)

1.) Nope. I already use modified Sprites for those.

2.) Nope. I do not see a reason for such a weapon. Since the distance you would use those is already covered by Shotguns.

3.) Nope. I already use modified vanilla ones.

4.) Nope. It's good old Skyranger. So no modified Doors here, maybe add a improved researchable version which is faster.
Title: Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: niculinux on August 28, 2015, 10:59:34 pm
OK, i was eager to see an uzi, sigh, potentially could have fit in the middle between the rifle and the pistol, a very few mods are implementing smg ok got to make a reason :D

Today tryed 0.93b and always got beeeaten for goood...very hard..well i always sucked at videogames  :'( really goood job!!!!!!!!!

Edit: to go real hardcore i'd take out the improved laser weapons, so that everything has to go clip-fueled. Thats's really all, over and out!
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 29, 2015, 10:57:45 am
Niculinux, can't you just make you own damn mod? With so much energy spent on all possible threads, trying to push your ideas, for a fraction of it you could write your own ruleset. >:(
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: niculinux on August 29, 2015, 11:19:49 am
Niculinux, can't you just make you own damn mod? With so much energy spent on all possible threads, trying to push your ideas, for a fraction of it you could write your own ruleset. >:(

Sry i don't know how even to start!  :-\  also i suppose i'm scr**** because there are no virtually (even simple) editing tools under linux, exept falko's ones which i tryed last night, but too difficult for newbies  :'(  :'(
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 29, 2015, 11:29:46 am
Sry i don't know how even to start!  :-\

I've seen this quote from you many times. It's because you never tried. Because it's easier to pester other people to make stuff for you.

I can understand suggestion or criticism. But it's not suggesting, it is demanding. "I want such-and-such feature, make it for me". You know what? No. Neither Hellrazor, nor me, nor Hobbes, nor anyone else will cater to your specific desires.

Do you honestly expect that us modders were born with the knowledge? That we were spoonfed by the devs, or our mothers? No, we had to open the vanilla ruleset, read the, ask each other, and first and foremost learn by doing. Some attempts were horrible, but you can't have everything from the start. That's the value of work, of perseverance.

Openxcom is probable the easiest game to mod I've ever seen, and adding a weapon is one of the most basic mods you can think of. Take some ready-made mod which adds a weapon, there's a multitude of them, and change what you need. If you have trouble, ask questions and we'll help you, but read your sources first.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: niculinux on August 29, 2015, 11:38:20 am
I've seen this quote from you many times. It's because you never tried. Because it's easier to pester other people to make stuff for you.

I can understand suggestion or criticism. But it's not suggesting, it is demanding. "I want such-and-such feature, make it for me". You know what? No. Neither Hellrazor, nor me, nor Hobbes, nor anyone else will cater to your specific desires.

Do you honestly expect that us modders were born with the knowledge? That we were spoonfed by the devs, or our mothers? No, we had to open the vanilla ruleset, read the, ask each other, and first and foremost learn by doing. Some attempts were horrible, but you can't have everything from the start. That's the value of work, of perseverance.

Openxcom is probable the easiest game to mod I've ever seen, and adding a weapon is one of the most basic mods you can think of. Take some ready-made mod which adds a weapon, there's a multitude of them, and change what you need. If you have trouble, ask questions and we'll help you, but read your sources first.

I agree, but politely wanted to state i'm not pretend anything  :) maybe i'm too much an xcom fan. For personal reason, won't have much time to spend learning, sory also please forgive if i may be too annoying, peraphs should post less on the forums, sorry if it may be annoyns for users.. Sry again guy, and thanks for the very hard work  :)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on August 29, 2015, 01:22:49 pm
OK, i was eager to see an uzi, sigh, potentially could have fit in the middle between the rifle and the pistol, a very few mods are implementing smg ok got to make a reason :D
As far as i understand the concept of Sub Machine Gun, it mostly used in at short range or inbetween medium and short Range. Most of the other Mods which do have this class of weapons do not use shotguns. A Shotgun has a high risk high reward tendency, get up close and deliver mostly instant death to your enemies (as long as the RNG god is on your side). I like shotguns much much more then SMG's, that is also one of the reasons i gave the Aliens the Plasmashotgun from chaosshades Weapon Mod.

Today tryed 0.93b and always got beeeaten for goood...very hard..well i always sucked at videogames  :'( really goood job!!!!!!!!!

Learn and adept, war is brutal and without error tolerance. If your dead your dead.

Edit: to go real hardcore i'd take out the improved laser weapons, so that everything has to go clip-fueled. Thats's really all, over and out!

The Laser weapons in my Mod are the vanilla ones, those were always without Clips. I added another Heavy Laser Type because it is needed for reasons (to be specific blue flying disc shaped reasoned ones).

I agree, but politely wanted to state i'm not pretend anything  :) maybe i'm too much an xcom fan. For personal reason, won't have much time to spend learning, sory also please forgive if i may be too annoying, peraphs should post less on the forums, sorry if it may be annoyns for users.. Sry again guy, and thanks for the very hard work  :)

The OpenXcom ruleset files, are in essence nothing more YAML files, and follow the syntax of this simple markup language. The files can be edited with any known texteditor.
Essential information about the Ruleset files and there possible commands can be found here ( and here (

You can also look at the vanilla ruleset to see how things are done. Usually the easiest way to start is with something very small. I myself for example started with something
very very simple, adding a autofire Option twoards the normal standard Tank here (,3257.msg37227.html#msg37227).

For linux their is a big variety of texteditors i myself use Vim - Vi Improved ( Not a editor i would suggest for a beginner, but since i also use it for programming it is optimal for me.

Working on Graphics was something i was trying to avoid for a long time but at a certain point i realized that i simply could not avoid learning it, to get the stuff i wanted.
I had some help in the beginning from a variety of people. Usually people are eager to help, if you wanna learn something.

It was the same for editing Maps. Search for the tools, or ask around if you have trouble ask someone who might know.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on August 29, 2015, 01:26:19 pm
Sry i don't know how even to start!  :-\  also i suppose i'm scr**** because there are no virtually (even simple) editing tools under linux, exept falko's ones which i tryed last night, but too difficult for newbies  :'(  :'(

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
Samuel Beckett
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: niculinux on August 29, 2015, 04:16:47 pm
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
Samuel Beckett

Thanks hellrazor, may abofe the post before the last here? (,3866.0.html) Actually the most limited aspect is there are no simple-to-use image editing programs in linux to preserve the 256 palette, but i may be wron. Please for linux technical knowledge post here (,3866.0.html). Peraphs may drop in IRC se gather some more info, thanks again, don't know if i will have spare time though.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on August 29, 2015, 05:42:19 pm
Just did the first mission there with armored sectopods, boy what a mission.

Found out that they can survive a direct hit from H/E's @ 200 damage, blaster bombs and heavy proximity mines. Though they do take a fair bit of damage and usually don't survive a second hit or at least not a second direct hit in the rear. The only other weapon I found that would do any damage to them was hits from plasma sniper rifle(elerium rounds) though it was best to hit them in the rear again. Had one sectopod survive a direct H/E and 4 plasma sniper hits but per the mind probe he only had 10 health left. Still researching heavy plasmas atm as I'm trying to concentrate the majority of my researchers on getting the psi amp. I was lucky there that there were only 2 or 3 ethereal soldiers involved in crashed muton elite terror ship. Any advice apart from praying for a lot of luck?

Meant to ask are you considering the mod I saw there recently involving spitting Chrysallids for v0.94? That would make Snakemen terror sites even nastier.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on August 29, 2015, 06:03:25 pm
Just did the first mission there with armored sectopods, boy what a mission.

I hope you had fun there ;)

Found out that they can survive a direct hit from H/E's @ 200 damage, blaster bombs and heavy proximity mines. Though they do take a fair bit of damage and usually don't survive a second hit or at least not a second direct hit in the rear. The only other weapon I found that would do any damage to them was hits from plasma sniper rifle(elerium rounds) though it was best to hit them in the rear again. Had one sectopod survive a direct H/E and 4 plasma sniper hits but per the mind probe he only had 10 health left. Still researching heavy plasmas atm as I'm trying to concentrate the majority of my researchers on getting the psi amp. I was lucky there that there were only 2 or 3 ethereal soldiers involved in crashed muton elite terror ship. Any advice apart from praying for a lot of luck?

Well, they are supposed to be units to kick your ass, so if you had trouble with them, they did their Job well. ;P

They do not have any HE resistence, i presume you got some bad Damage rolls there. I actually modified its Armor stats a little bit, i did this already a few days ago, to keep pressing the player into flanking this unit. Plasma Shotguns in the back are a pretty good and safe bet, especially with Elerium Clips and Autoshots. Alloy Sword on a str maxed Soldier should also be a good way to kill them. Plasma Sniper Rifle of course in the back also works, i you can flank them or make them turn around.

Code: [Select]
    allowInv: false
    frontArmor: 160
    sideArmor: 150
    rearArmor: 100
    underArmor: 90
    drawingRoutine: 5
    size: 2
      - 1.0
      - 0.0
      - 1.0
      - 0.8
      - 1.0
      - 0.8
      - 1.0
      - 1.0
      - 1.0
      - 0.0
    loftempsSet: [ 92, 89, 90, 91 ]

I also modified its weapon stats, to make it more dangerous.

Code: [Select]
    weight: 3
    bigSprite: -2
    floorSprite: 31
    handSprite: 104
    fireSound: 11
    hitSound: 19
    hitAnimation: 56
    power: 115
    damageType: 5
    accuracyAuto: 50
    accuracySnap: 75
    accuracyAimed: 110
    tuAuto: 35
    tuSnap: 30
    tuAimed: 60
    battleType: 1
    fixedWeapon: true
    invWidth: 2
    invHeight: 3
    clipSize: -1
    bulletSprite: 8
    recover: false
    autoShots: 5
    listOrder: 11401
As you can see i increased the Damage by 15 points, so it is equal to a Heavy Plasma, it also can now Fire Autoburst with 5 Shots. And i will implement research, which allows you to "hack" and "reprogram" those units, if you can capture them "alive".

Meant to ask are you considering the mod I saw there recently involving spitting Chrysallids for v0.94? That would make Snakemen terror sites even nastier.

I told if i put this unit in they will only be present on the Final Mission on Cydonia. I do have to think about some cool sprites first, already organized all the normal Chryssalid ones, but didn't had the time to do anything with them, at the moment they are low priority.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: Alex_D on August 29, 2015, 11:53:07 pm
Hellrazor, thanks for the 0.93b!

By the way, plasma beam cannons are still 52 range :)  I suppose their range will be cut to 42 in version 0.94

It seems something is still funny with the research in my campaign. I have researched everything and there is no trace of the UFO-like X-Com craft (so no Avenger, no Cydonia mission). See my attached save. What else could I have been missing in research?
So far I have all the prerequisites for STR_NEW_FIGHTER_TRANSPORTER_UNLOCK_1 and STR_NEW_FIGHTER_TRANSPORTER_UNLOCK_2, that's it all seven types of engineers and navigators, plus all four types of medics.
I guess the update of a while ago still have some ripple effects on the campaign.

Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on August 30, 2015, 02:37:53 am
Hellrazor, thanks for the 0.93b!

By the way, plasma beam cannons are still 52 range :)  I suppose their range will be cut to 42 in version 0.94

It seems something is still funny with the research in my campaign. I have researched everything and there is no trace of the UFO-like X-Com craft (so no Avenger, no Cydonia mission). See my attached save. What else could I have been missing in research?
So far I have all the prerequisites for STR_NEW_FIGHTER_TRANSPORTER_UNLOCK_1 and STR_NEW_FIGHTER_TRANSPORTER_UNLOCK_2, that's it all seven types of engineers and navigators, plus all four types of medics.
I guess the update of a while ago still have some ripple effects on the campaign.

You somehow managed to research all the Engineer and Navigators, but never got the UFO Construction before doing so.
I fixed your savegame, by removing all the Engineers and Navigators you have already researched. They will now show up again and are researchable.
I don't really understand how this happened, since i can research those guys multiple times without any Problems.
And so far noone else has reported a issue of this kind to me.
Maybe this really was a glitch which happened while upgrading or it was simply because you researched all the Enginners and Navigators, before you researched UFO Construction,
but even then, those Engineers and Navigators still had unlocks to go for.
Were you able to research Engineers and Navigators multiple times at all?

Attached is the fixed savegame, HF on the Cydonia Mission.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: Alex_D on August 30, 2015, 06:42:18 am
You somehow managed to research all the Engineer and Navigators, but never got the UFO Construction before doing so.
I have the habit to test games in unexpected ways :)

I fixed your savegame, by removing all the Engineers and Navigators you have already researched. They will now show up again and are researchable.
Thanks for the savegame, now I see I can re-research these guys. It will take some in-game time to do so. Did you just remove the "discovered"  entries for these aliens?

I don't really understand how this happened, since i can research those guys multiple times without any Problems.
And so far noone else has reported a issue of this kind to me.
Were you able to research Engineers and Navigators multiple times at all?

Yes, I think I researched these navigators and engineers a few times each until they didn't showed up anymore, but I recall going through most if not all of them earlier, maybe before the update to 0.92 or so. My last alien researched I think was the Gazer Commander. No screen came up. But this one was in version 0.93b.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on August 30, 2015, 06:45:23 am
I have the habit to test games in unexpected ways :)
Thanks for the savegame, now I see I can re-research these guys. It will take some in-game time to do so. Did you just remove the "discovered"  entries for these aliens?
Yes i did only remove those.

Yes, I think I researched these navigators and engineers a few times each until they didn't showed up anymore, but I recall going through most if not all of them earlier, maybe before the update to 0.92 or so. My last alien researched I think was the Gazer Commander. No screen came up. But this one was in version 0.93b.

Just di some fun and killed a whole Group of Armored Sectopods with 1 Soldier and a Alloy Sword :D Pretty effective ^^
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: Alex_D on August 31, 2015, 08:19:21 am
Yes i did only remove those.

Got some woes, but moving forward.
After researching all of the engineers and navigators, I got the first two crafts, but the trigger for the Avenger research was still not there, so I deleted the four medics (!) and finally after re-researching them I got the ultimate craft. I saw the empty screens for the three avenger unlocks.

I think that's it. I'll report to you how the final battle went :)

Edit: The final battle was
up to the stature of the name. The gigantic brain level map was really hard, especially with this deadly combination of these super-elite mutons and the ethereals. Essentially my best psi-capable troops barely did a dent. The end it was a plasma-shotgun-and-blaster-fest, hopping from room to room to find where in the depths was the brain chamber. It was not your standard kill all aliens and win by default, it was hide and fire. :)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on August 31, 2015, 10:56:13 am
Got some woes, but moving forward.
After researching all of the engineers and navigators, I got the first two crafts, but the trigger for the Avenger research was still not there, so I deleted the four medics (!) and finally after re-researching them I got the ultimate craft. I saw the empty screens for the three avenger unlocks.
I think that's it. I'll report to you how the final battle went :)

I guess you somehow manged to break my research tree, but that is somehow good, so i can come up with some ways to prevent something like this happening in the future. Those empty strings you saw, this happens only when "fix" things in the research usually you do not see them at all.
It may also have been a inconsistency in your savegame while upgrading, several times. It is hard to trae something like this properly down. I only wanna say that in the upcoming new Version i will prevent what you did
skipping Laser and going straight for Plasma
a little bit, also by putting in the Special Missions and triggering them by research might also help.
Can't wait on your Final battle report.

Edit: The final battle was
up to the stature of the name. The gigantic brain level map was really hard, especially with this deadly combination of these super-elite mutons and the ethereals. Essentially my best psi-capable troops barely did a dent. The end it was a plasma-shotgun-and-blaster-fest, hopping from room to room to find where in the depths was the brain chamber. It was not your standard kill all aliens and win by default, it was hide and fire. :)

No complains about my blue walking toys? :)

I am glad that it was indeed hard, i will play around and optimize the Mapscript a little bit and also maybe add some more Modules especially for the last stage. I am not sure if it is a good idea to put in a medium second stage, since this would really put a huge dent on what the player has for the final mission. Maybe some sort of Mission were you need to reach the exitpoint and flee before the aliens hordes and try to reach 1 objective (destroy something) and then move towards the exit.

Any further feedback would really be appreciated.
(That the economy is basically broken, because of too much money i already now and i think i took good care ofit, but it needs proper testing).
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on August 31, 2015, 04:39:48 pm
It just shows that you can't take the stated accuracy for granted as a sure shot, in my current mission I missed a waspite with an aimed shot "stated accuracy" of 169%, most annoying so my next troop lobbed an alien grenade on it and that put the nonsense out of him. This must be the biggest stated accuracy I've ever missed with. The troop in question is maxed out on firing accuracy @ 121, was using a plasma sniper rifle and had the other hand free but was about 30 squares from the target. Even worse I reloaded with save scumming and same thing happened, just wanted to see what would happen as I accepted reluctantly that it was just a very rare miss under these circumstances. Unfortunately I wouldn't have had line of fire if I'd kneeled but the stated accuracy would have been 194%. I have rarely seen stated accuracies over 200% so I'm wondering just for future note is there a percentage of over 100% where these misses are impossible or does the chance of such misses just get smaller and smaller with there always being a mathematical chance you'll miss no matter what the stated accuracy says.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: Warboy1982 on August 31, 2015, 04:51:48 pm
you can miss with 5000% accuracy and hit with 0%.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on August 31, 2015, 05:13:13 pm
Thanks Warboy, I now know from your clarification that there isn't a guaranteed hit though occurances like this should be incredibly rare.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 31, 2015, 06:24:18 pm
I'd like to add that from my observations, the percentage counter tends to be unreliable when shooting through partial cover, for example a tree or when the target in on the roof. It often shows 100%+, but the bullet hits the obstacle anyway.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on August 31, 2015, 06:53:42 pm
Jeah it sometimes does that.

But there also situations were your proned to miss, despite of good accuracy.
Put a soldier on a hill and try to fire at a lien behind the ufo, even thou you have a Line of Sight (LOS),
your Line of Fire(LOF) doesn't take this into account and you will miss no matter what.

There are also random occasions, when you fire from a elevated position, for example hovering at level 6 in a flying suit and shooting again a alien behind the ufo, you do have clear LOS but your LOF will not correspond towards this.
On of the biggest "errors" so to say which can happen due to the way the game calculates a shoot, starting with the source and the destination points and line between them.

Maybe Warboy can shed some light into this, because i would wish, that if i have a LOS and a LOF that i can hit and kill the target.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: Alex_D on September 01, 2015, 06:50:22 am
I guess you somehow manged to break my research tree, but that is somehow good, so i can come up with some ways to prevent something like this happening in the future.
Feedback is the least I can do after so much work a mod creator has put into the game we love.

No complains about my blue walking toys? :)
Not much except when my soldiers were inside the Blaster blast radius :D

By the time they showed up I had already mastered the Blaster Bomb and/or the Plasma Elerium Shotgun. They were effective against these beam firing bipedal toys. If they had a secondary weapon such as a Blaster launcher, then things would be different as more brown pants would need re-issuing for my soldiers.

Any further feedback would really be appreciated.
I'm including the last three important savegames: 1. Just before taking off to Cydonia; 2. Just before going to the Brain level; 3. Just before shooting the Brain.
My mistake was to bring those useless alloy tanks. They were all dead within a few turns at the Pyramids level. Instead, for the space, I could have brought 4x4=16 useless rookies. They can scout more :).

At the end, the tactics were to go about into small groups of two or three, basically not engaging unless they were face-to-face, or crossfired. Blasters and Shotguns all the way, a blaster for long distance, a point-blank shotgun burst for close combat.

In the final level, those super-elite mutons were the most annoying (in a good way). I kind of got used to destroying the Ethereals and their blue mechanical pets during base or wreckage assaults on Earth, but, boy, these mutons could take, in some cases, a shotgun blast auto fire from 2 tiles over, and then turn around and return fire! Blasters were the only choice left, and even that direct hits only. Some soldiers ran out of ammo and had to reload from whatever items survived on the ground.

Looking forward to play it again in the near future.  :)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on September 01, 2015, 12:42:44 pm
Feedback is the least I can do after so much work a mod creator has put into the game we love.

Thanks for the praise :) I guess the final Version will epic for LP's i hope at least.

Not much except when my soldiers were inside the Blaster blast radius :D

By the time they showed up I had already mastered the Blaster Bomb and/or the Plasma Elerium Shotgun. They were effective against these beam firing bipedal toys. If they had a secondary weapon such as a Blaster launcher, then things would be different as more brown pants would need re-issuing for my soldiers.

Well i guess i have to give them some HE resistance, maybe 0.6 same as the Blue Cyberdiscs, so Blaster bombs against them are less effective. I found out that melee weapons are also very effective against them. But i guess the weapon of choice is still the Plasma Shotgun. Maybe i buff there Hitpoints also, so they become a real nightmare *muhahahahah* *evil grin*.

I'm including the last three important savegames: 1. Just before taking off to Cydonia; 2. Just before going to the Brain level; 3. Just before shooting the Brain.

I will take a look at them and play around abit with them soon, so i can balance out the units in a more devilish way. Chryssalid Spitters will also show up in the future in the final stage, but i guess i have to make them PSI immune, the player could abuse them against the other enemies.

My mistake was to bring those useless alloy tanks. They were all dead within a few turns at the Pyramids level. Instead, for the space, I could have brought 4x4=16 useless rookies. They can scout more :).

Well, those tanks were actually intended to use together with Laser Weapons and not for the Cydonia Mission, becaue they are useless at that stage of the game.
I guess converting alive "Armored Sectopods" into X-Com Walkertanks will be something i will add in the future, so you have a strong breaching unit, which will be usefull, but maybe to overpowered since the AI doesn't know the weak points.
The only way to go is testing.

At the end, the tactics were to go about into small groups of two or three, basically not engaging unless they were face-to-face, or crossfired. Blasters and Shotguns all the way, a blaster for long distance, a point-blank shotgun burst for close combat.

In the final level, those super-elite mutons were the most annoying (in a good way). I kind of got used to destroying the Ethereals and their blue mechanical pets during base or wreckage assaults on Earth, but, boy, these mutons could take, in some cases, a shotgun blast auto fire from 2 tiles over, and then turn around and return fire! Blasters were the only choice left, and even that direct hits only. Some soldiers ran out of ammo and had to reload from whatever items survived on the ground.

Looking forward to play it again in the near future.  :)

I am glad to hear that ;)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on September 02, 2015, 07:29:43 am
Ok i put in the "Walkertank/Plasma" as i call it, it is basically a "hacked" Armored Sectopod.

So they have the same stats as those. Maybe i will make them a little bit weaker or so, i don't depends on how unbalancing this unit now is.
I found a BigOb and Sprite for them from Sectopods HWP's Mod, but both required fixing the graphics. I also made some custom Corpsesprites, just for good measure. The Production Process of these requires a "alive" Armored Sectopod. So have fun getting one alive. *evilgrin*
So they are your lategame tanks which really can soak up some damage, they are slower only having 80 TU, but the impressive Armor compensates for that, even thou they are not invulnerable.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on September 02, 2015, 09:26:25 pm
Took the freedom of making a proper HandOb, for the Elerium Rocket
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on September 05, 2015, 03:42:52 pm
Well everyone is aware of Alloy Ammo i hope :)
It is quite a good idea, but the lack of sprites i found disturbing.
Bigob's were already existant, but FloorOb's abnd HandOb's were missing.
So i took the freedom and recolored those accordingly, see screenshots and attached zipfiles.
Those are for Pistol, Rifle, Heavy Canon and Autocanon.
I will also make the same for Sniper Rifle and Shotgun.
See attached zip file, also contains the Bigobs, which were not made by me.

Some people think those are only small details, but i like to have complete sets for consistency. :)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on September 05, 2015, 04:11:52 pm
Muton Elite Guards (former Muton Brain Guards) are also now be researchable.
And gave them a recolored UfoPaedia Picture (Original is from XOp's Mod).
I hope it looks kinda decent, since the lack of red in the UfoPaedia Palette made this rather painfull..
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on September 05, 2015, 06:34:36 pm
SniperRifle Clip do now have proper FloorOb's and HandOb's

I also post the Sniperrifle in question to which these belong.
See screenshots and attached zipfile (Contains Bigob also).
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on September 07, 2015, 01:02:51 am
Have you changed something in hardmode compared to a vanilla game as per screenshot, Russia defected at the end of February 2000? I thought Russia couldn't defect because of its location over more than 1 mission zone. Also attached is my latest save, I'm just wanting to check, without spoiling any surprises, am I on course in regards to getting to the final research as I haven't even researched the martian solution yet.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on September 07, 2015, 01:15:41 am
Have you changed something in hardmode compared to a vanilla game as per screenshot, Russia defected at the end of February 2000? I thought Russia couldn't defect because of its location over more than 1 mission zone. Also attached is my latest save, I'm just wanting to check, without spoiling any surprises, am I on course in regards to getting to the final research as I haven't even researched the martian solution yet.

I was always wondering if it was possible, and now i know. :) I presume this comes from the integrated Terrain pack. I am glad it works, since now all countries can join the aliens. How are you holding up?
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on September 07, 2015, 01:56:22 am
Pretty decent, though I've lost 5 countries by now and have 6 alien bases up and running atm. Must get around to kicking over a few of those anthills. I deliberately let the ethereals get a base up and going in N America
as I know you need an ethereal commander to finish the game
. I would say overall I'm very pleased with your expansion; Gazers, Muton Elites and of course Ethereals are the toughest aliens. I must admit that I never did fear cyberdiscs that much after the early part of any game but with what you've done to them, I fear them now as they take a heck of a beating. My current mission is a landed muton elite battleship and 1 of my scouts spotted 2 of them just outside the main entrance so I had my rocketeer pump a blaster bomb to hit between them and was surprised when 1 of them survived, but not for long as a scout in a stealth suit blasted it fairly close with a plasma shotgun. Really am looking forward to whatever else you're putting into v0.94.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on September 07, 2015, 03:19:41 pm
Pretty decent, though I've lost 5 countries by now and have 6 alien bases up and running atm. Must get around to kicking over a few of those anthills. I deliberately let the ethereals get a base up and going in N America
as I know you need an ethereal commander to finish the game
. I would say overall I'm very pleased with your expansion; Gazers, Muton Elites and of course Ethereals are the toughest aliens. I must admit that I never did fear cyberdiscs that much after the early part of any game but with what you've done to them, I fear them now as they take a heck of a beating. My current mission is a landed muton elite battleship and 1 of my scouts spotted 2 of them just outside the main entrance so I had my rocketeer pump a blaster bomb to hit between them and was surprised when 1 of them survived, but not for long as a scout in a stealth suit blasted it fairly close with a plasma shotgun. Really am looking forward to whatever else you're putting into v0.94.

I am reworking my research.rul at the moment. And be prepared,
since you may now encounter the Muton Elite Guards in Earth.
Also the Armored Sectopod has increased resistance to HE damage (0.75).
Sectoid Elites are also in and will kick your but with Psi, i also doubled there hitpoints (30->60)
and put them in Personal Armor with some nice damage modifiers. Their Psi might need balancing thou.

Once i finished integrating all new Items, Races and such. I will work on the 3 Special Missions for
the Alien Data Slate, the Alien Data Core and the Psi Amp.
I guess once these have been tested i will release probably, maybe also add some of the Missions from Hobbes UFO Redux,
once he releases a new Version of his Mod.
I will probably wait until then, since there is some awesome stuff in there and some of it may contribute to my mod nicely.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on September 11, 2015, 01:47:02 pm,2358.msg51247.html#msg51247

In relation to the above post by yourself is the following something to do with the terrains as I've noticed most notably on supply ships that I get a view of inside the ufo from the outside without ever having been in or having any of the aliens mind controlled. It seems to happen when one of your units is next to the outer wall of the ufo, see picture.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: yrizoud on September 11, 2015, 01:53:23 pm
The next time you see it, select the unit which apparently saw through walls, and hit F10 to make a "voxel screenshot" : It saves an image showing a kinda 3D view. You will probably see a "hole" between two walls.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on September 11, 2015, 02:34:07 pm
Thanks yrizoud, completely forgot about the f10 function.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on September 11, 2015, 02:38:36 pm,2358.msg51247.html#msg51247

In relation to the above post by yourself is the following something to do with the terrains as I've noticed most notably on supply ships that I get a view of inside the ufo from the outside without ever having been in or having any of the aliens mind controlled. It seems to happen when one of your units is next to the outer wall of the ufo, see picture.

I have noticed this myself a few times already. The interesting thing, that it only reveals the inside of the UFO, but not enemy units inside.
My guess is that this has todo with the MCD Patches for North Walls, which are applied by OpenXcom, since normally those fields are not walkable. Also this only occurs in my experience if the unit is directly on the field containing the wall.

I will check myself with Voxelscreenshots if there really are "holes" in the walls. But i doubt it, since you can not see units inside throu the wall.
Maybe i have to rework all UFO Maps in my Mod and add additional inner walls, so you can not see the terrain inside, like Luke83 Darker UFO's.

And btw SIMON, did you modify the Ruleset to make the Muton Brain Guards appear?
Since in Version 0.93b they will only show up on the Cydonia Final Mission, or is this from a New Battle?
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on September 11, 2015, 02:45:48 pm
Agree with you fully that it's probably just a minor visual glitch and as you said you certainly don't get to see the enemy units and if, as I have you been,you've been playing openxcom for a good while you'll know the general layout of the vanilla ufos at least. So it can't be used as a major exploit, I just thought it was a bit odd. Those pictures were just from a test I ran in battle mode to see how often this "oddity" occurred.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on September 11, 2015, 02:51:15 pm
Agree with you fully that it's probably just a minor visual glitch and as you said you certainly don't get to see the enemy units and if, as I have you been,you've been playing openxcom for a good while you'll know the general layout of the vanilla ufos at least. So it can't be used as a major exploit, I just thought it was a bit odd. Those pictures were just from a test I ran in battle mode to see how often this "oddity" occurred.

Well it essentially occurs on every UFO Map and it has todo with MCD Patches to make the North Walls tiles Walkable. In the Original DOS game you could not cross these.
Those MCD Patches are applied in the xcom1 ruleset.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on September 28, 2015, 10:53:41 pm
Due to my upcoming exams and my need to search for a new appertment,
i have to postphone any work on my Mod for the time being.

But i will be back :>
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: ivandogovich on September 28, 2015, 11:05:43 pm
Catching up on the thread:  Really nice work with your custom HandObs!! :)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: Hobbes on September 28, 2015, 11:06:38 pm
Due to my upcoming exams and my need to search for a new appertment,
i have to postphone any work on my Mod for the time being.

But i will be back :>

Good luck with everything! :)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on September 29, 2015, 12:19:13 am
Finally almost at the end, just kicking over the last non Ethereal bases, 2 Muton bases to go including the one I'm doing atm.
But will have to do an Ethereal base and go to Cydonia soon as I've noticed the aliens seem to only building Ethereal bases now, well I'm into June of the second year. I'm just trying to wait for my crack team to all have a psionic defence strength of at least 100, the lowest is 96 atm so I'm not mind raped all over the place. Am I right on thinking at this stage it's only Ethereals that build bases or have I been unlucky as the last 3 set up have all been Ethereal?
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on September 29, 2015, 02:24:41 am
Catching up on the thread:  Really nice work with your custom HandObs!! :)

Thanks ivan ;>

Good luck with everything! :)

Well to find a a new appartment in Berlin in 1 month is kinda uhhhh.... hard? So yes i hope everything goes well.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on September 29, 2015, 02:42:22 am
Finally almost at the end, just kicking over the last non Ethereal bases, 2 Muton bases to go including the one I'm doing atm.
But will have to do an Ethereal base and go to Cydonia soon as I've noticed the aliens seem to only building Ethereal bases now, well I'm into June of the second year. I'm just trying to wait for my crack team to all have a psionic defence strength of at least 100, the lowest is 96 atm so I'm not mind raped all over the place. Am I right on thinking at this stage it's only Ethereals that build bases or have I been unlucky as the last 3 set up have all been Ethereal?

I presume your playing on Superhumane difficulty? If so make sure you find the Brain Asap, if you can or, well lets say, nasty things come your way.
Ethereals are immune towards human PSI Attacks (Psi Str is like ~200 or so) but there PSI Attack Strength should be roughly the same as in vanilla. I suppose that you will not be mindraped with psistr 90+ same as vanilla. I could change this if you do not like it thou.
There is a extra alienMission which starts first time in month 13 or 14 when Ethereal first appear and it lets them build a alien base each month, so you have multiple chances to capture a Ethereal Commander.
And SIMON a strong advise: the Alloy Sword in Version 0.93b is excellent for killing Armored Sectopods! Even on Soldier with only Melee Accuracy 40, it applies the STR towards the damage of the weapon, if i remember right in 0.93b it did 160 damage on a +70 STR Soldier, so 320 Damage Maximum, enough to crit the throu the front armor with some random god luck ;>

Maybe i find some time inbetween and finish the last changes towards the ruleset, so i can release a version with a tighter Economy. Don't know if i find the time.
It will only consist of some new Items, the new Sectoid Elites lots of fixes mainly Economic changes, some other smaller changes. So no special Missions or so, because doing them is timeconsuming, which i at the moment simply do not have, i hope you all understand.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on September 29, 2015, 03:27:38 am
I think I'm still using v0.93 with the cydonia research fix though it could be the full 0.93b as I was that far along I didn't see the point in upgrading fully to 0.93b but
if the nasty surprise on Cydonia is "spitter Chryssalids" then I'll probably upgrade to 0.93b just before Cydonia if I'm not on that already. Though I could be thinking of what you might have planned for v0.94.
Ta for the response during your busy studies and I'll keep you informed.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on September 29, 2015, 11:35:48 am
I think I'm still using v0.93 with the cydonia research fix though it could be the full 0.93b as I was that far along I didn't see the point in upgrading fully to 0.93b but
if the nasty surprise on Cydonia is "spitter Chryssalids" then I'll probably upgrade to 0.93b just before Cydonia if I'm not on that already. Though I could be thinking of what you might have planned for v0.94.
Ta for the response during your busy studies and I'll keep you informed.

Nope Chryssalid Spitters are only in 0.94.
You are actually using the same ruleset as 0.93b :> (Why do i even write changelogs and document every change in it?)
The only change applied was the research fix in it, yes it is indeed basically full 0.93b so to say.
Cydonia will still be nasty on Superhuman. (even thou Base Attack values in Route files could make it even nastier but i need to talk with hobbes on how he used them first and look at the missionmaps he made).
I am serious about the usage of Alloy Swords thou, dead serious.

Any signing off for now.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: DeltaEpsilon on October 03, 2015, 04:45:25 am
Argh, I can't hold it anymore. How am I supposed to get alien food and alien reproduction using only Earth weaponry when assaulting an Alien Base? Like man, I skipped first two terror missions just because I have no good weapons to kill terror units. Cyberdiscs are PAIN. There are usually 7-9 cyberdiscs per terror mission and I am obligated to use HE packs to destroy them reliably. Tasers won't do anything, stun prods as well. Carrying rocket launcher with an elerium rocket seems useless as you are not guaranteed to kill a disc in one shot and also they weight a lot.
Man, I like how difficult XCom became with this mod, but this is just ridiculous. I can literally kill floaters, snakemans or sectoids for hours without a single loss, but should a cyberdisc appear and I am done for. Cyberdiscs are like sectopods in original game but at least sectopods had their weaknesses. Cyberdiscs for now are just overly tough and you are forced to deal with them using special weapons, which you bring just for the sake of killing cyberdiscs. And actually I see only two ways of killing discs: HE packs and rocket launcher. Alien grenades can cripple a disc quite a bit, but for most part you will need at least two alien grenades to bring one cyberdisc down and you need to throw them subsequentially as the explosion of one grenade destroys another. Heavy cannon won't do a thing, I managed to bring only one cyberdisc after about 15 hits (I play with TFTD damage formula) with AP. Rocket launcher is a better way of destroying cyberdisc if only it wouldn't weight so much that you need to either switch to lighter primary weapon or just sacrifice some cannon fodder. Also I found out the hard way shotguns are awesome for cyberdiscs as well but a little problem with that - cyberdisc explode if they are killed with anything but explosives or not stunned.
My rage is out.
Also chryssalids are pain too, but not as much as cyberdiscs. At least chryssalids don't explode and don't have resistances to common weapon.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on October 03, 2015, 10:27:42 am
Argh, I can't hold it anymore. How am I supposed to get alien food and alien reproduction using only Earth weaponry when assaulting an Alien Base? Like man, I skipped first two terror missions just because I have no good weapons to kill terror units. Cyberdiscs are PAIN. There are usually 7-9 cyberdiscs per terror mission and I am obligated to use HE packs to destroy them reliably. Tasers won't do anything, stun prods as well. Carrying rocket launcher with an elerium rocket seems useless as you are not guaranteed to kill a disc in one shot and also they weight a lot.
Man, I like how difficult XCom became with that mod, but this is just ridiculous. I can literally kill floaters, snakemans or sectoids for hours without a single loss, but should a cyberdisc appear and I am done for. Cyberdiscs are like sectopods in original game but at least sectopods had their weaknesses. Cyberdiscs for now are just overly tough and you are forced to deal with them using special weapons, which you bring just for the sake of killing cyberdiscs. And actually I see only two ways of killing discs: HE packs and rocket launcher. Alien grenades can cripple a disc quite a bit, but for most part you will need at least two alien grenades to bring one cyberdisc down and you need to throw them subsequentially as the explosion of one grenade destroys another. Heavy cannon won't do a thing, I managed to bring only one cyberdisc after about 15 hits (I play with TFTD damage formula) with AP. Rocket launcher is a better way of destroying cyberdisc if only it wouldn't weight so much that you need to either switch to lighter primary weapon or just sacrifice some cannon fodder. Also I found out the hard way shotguns are awesome for cyberdiscs as well but a little problem with that - cyberdisc explode if they are killed with anything but explosives or not stunned.
My rage is out.
Also chryssalids are pain too, but not as much as cyberdiscs.

Switch of the TFTD damage formula, if the normal cyberdiscs already give you trouble, i will not hear your raging if blue cyberdiscs appear. Or blue Sectopods or special Mutons and such. All the new units are been balanced against normal UFO damage rules. And a Elerium Rocket should easily be able to handle a normal Cyberdisc, even with TFTD Damage formula.
And btw it is just a floater base, one of the easiest races to fight against, they have low health, they are somewhat stupid.
And remember:
"He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life." Muhamed Ali
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: DeltaEpsilon on October 03, 2015, 09:52:46 pm
Switch of the TFTD damage formula, if the normal cyberdiscs already give you trouble, i will not hear your raging if blue cyberdiscs appear. Or blue Sectopods or special Mutons and such. All the new units are been balanced against normal UFO damage rules. And a Elerium Rocket should easily be able to handle a normal Cyberdisc, even with TFTD Damage formula.
I already did. TFTD formula doesn't change the range of damage for explosives BTW, it's still 50% to 150%.

And btw it is just a floater base, one of the easiest races to fight against, they have low health, they are somewhat stupid.
It's not a floater base. It's Sectoid+Snakeman's base, with cyberdiscs and chryssalids at once.

After some research I came up with a creative solution. It seems like alien bases are AWESOME for HE packs. Lots of corners which provide you cover while explosives clear these long hallways, it is just interesting. And so I took 10 my most suicidal meat, gave them tons of primed HE packs and loaded shotguns and boy, this one fight has been fun as hell. Unfortunately I failed nevertheless because I lost 9 out of 10 of my men and the last guy, who made it to command center, had only 1 shot left and no explosives. What a shitty situation when you have only one shotgun shell and two enemies in front of you. He died due to blaster launcher in his face. RIP SomeName /Meat.

However after that experience I finally know how to deal with that base and get alien slate and reproduction already.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on October 04, 2015, 04:12:34 am
I already did. TFTD formula doesn't change the range of damage for explosives BTW, it's still 50% to 150%.
It's not a floater base. It's Sectoid+Snakeman's base, with cyberdiscs and chryssalids at once.

Uhhh, the normal UFO damage modifier goes from 0 - 200% for all weapons, High Explosives included.
Not a Floater Base? Are you sure it's the first first alien base (Alien Base Number 1), since it is set to be built
in the first month you play and has 100% chance to be floaters.

After some research I came up with a creative solution. It seems like alien bases are AWESOME for HE packs. Lots of corners which provide you cover while explosives clear these long hallways, it is just interesting. And so I took 10 my most suicidal meat, gave them tons of primed HE packs and loaded shotguns and boy, this one fight has been fun as hell. Unfortunately I failed nevertheless because I lost 9 out of 10 of my men and the last guy, who made it to command center, had only 1 shot left and no explosives. What a shitty situation when you have only one shotgun shell and two enemies in front of you. He died due to blaster launcher in his face. RIP SomeName /Meat.

However after that experience I finally know how to deal with that base and get alien slate and reproduction already.

I always used a combination of Heavy Canons, Rocket Launcher, Shotguns and Proxy Grenades, also worked to some degree.
You should not fall behind to much research wise, since Lasers will only help you until Muton Elites occur.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 04, 2015, 04:41:26 am
Uhhh, the normal UFO damage modifier goes from 0 - 200% for all weapons, High Explosives included.

I am... sceptical.

Have you ever had a low-level alien survive a grenade? I don't think so.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: DeltaEpsilon on October 04, 2015, 04:52:09 am
Uhhh, the normal UFO damage modifier goes from 0 - 200% for all weapons, High Explosives included.
UFOPaedia states otherwise.
Second, they impart Damage within a narrower interval than weapons. Weapons impart from 0 to 2 times their rated strength. (In other words, the UFOpaedia is showing you their average strength.) Explosives also impart the average listed damage from the UFOpaedia, but they have a minimum of average/2 and a maximum of 3/2*average. So a blaster (HE 200) does from 100 to 300 damage at ground zero (GZ). You will still receive the damage listed in the UFOpaedia at GZ, on average. But you are guaranteed to get some damage if caught within its blast radius, unlike a firearm, which will hit you (if it hits!) for 0 to 2x damage, regardless of range. Of course, if your armor is high enough relative to the damage roll, it always blocks any actual damage.

Not a Floater Base? Are you sure it's the first first alien base (Alien Base Number 1), since it is set to be built
No, it was second base.

I always used a combination of Heavy Canons, Rocket Launcher, Shotguns and Proxy Grenades, also worked to some degree.
I have statstrings showing "class" of a soldier and I give them weapon according to their class. Suprisingly my best units are my throwers, which act both like an accurate long-range artillery and scouts.

Nevertheless I spent 1.5 hour to clear the Floater Base and oh god, it was hard as hell. None of my battleship assault can be compared by difficulty to this one base assault. Losing 13 soldiers out of 14, blowing 28 HE packs, using _only_ explosives and shotguns and it took me 85 turns to finally end this suffer.

While I was doing my job, I noticed one bug though - floaters never used the lift to XCOM green area and so I could kill them easily. I don't think it belongs to this mod though, but whatever.
And also a question: what are new spawn count values? It is abnormal for an alien base to have ~40 enemies in.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on October 04, 2015, 05:47:49 am
I am... sceptical.

Have you ever had a low-level alien survive a grenade? I don't think so.

Actually they can :P Sectoids are able to survive a direct Grenade to the face.
It's a rare case but possible.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on October 04, 2015, 05:51:56 am
UFOPaedia states otherwise., it was second base.
I have statstrings showing "class" of a soldier and I give them weapon according to their class. Suprisingly my best units are my throwers, which act both like an accurate long-range artillery and scouts.
Well i never put that much faith in throwing and used more smoke grenades and proxies, but if your tactic also works.

Nevertheless I spent 1.5 hour to clear the Floater Base and oh god, it was hard as hell. None of my battleship assault can be compared by difficulty to this one base assault. Losing 13 soldiers out of 14, blowing 28 HE packs, using _only_ explosives and shotguns and it took me 85 turns to finally end this suffer.

While I was doing my job, I noticed one bug though - floaters never used the lift to XCOM green area and so I could kill them easily. I don't think it belongs to this mod though, but whatever.
And also a question: what are new spawn count values? It is abnormal for an alien base to have ~40 enemies in.

Hm.. Floaters not coming up the green entry tiles? Uhhh, i put it on my todo list for now (exams and such). The spawn values are totally fine and normal on superhuman Difficulty, even thou Alien Bases do spawn the largest contigent.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on October 11, 2015, 08:54:35 am
Just continued testplaying with the new economy and the Races and new Racemixes.

I got really really scared today, when i saw this in a Sectoid Elite Terrormission...

Those Armored Cyberdiscs are a nightmare without Plasma Weaponry....
Since SIMON had some bad encounters with them i called this Screenshot:
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: DeltaEpsilon on October 13, 2015, 01:22:14 am
Man, something's really strange with these maps. I seem to have a lot of "bottlenecks" at certain maps like this one:
There is a bottleneck at the tile where my cursor is. Enemies seem to always go there as if there is no other places to go, like literally, I've been going in and out of this UFO for 3 turns and always there was a floater at this exact tile. Also a guy won't move (or it's another bottleneck) from the tile behind PS (2 tiles from my cursor along the diagonal to PS). Just by throwing random grenade at known bottleneck I usually get 2-3 enemies killed without even seeing them at first place.

Maybe it's just because maps are poorly waypointed, but I don't think it's that bad.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on October 13, 2015, 02:25:06 am
Finally started the Cydonian mission and I'm just in stage one atm but something I've noticed is:
the armored sectopods go down quite easily to flamethrowers. My friendly sectopods have a flamethrower in their other "hand", better IMHO than having to carry lots of flares, one armored sectopod dropped after being hit only 3 times but another survived a direct hit from a blaster bomb. Can't see anything in their armor stats as they take normal incendiary damage, is this intended or the result of funky fire damage on 2x2 units?
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on October 13, 2015, 07:09:22 am
Man, something's really strange with these maps. I seem to have a lot of "bottlenecks" at certain maps like this one:
There is a bottleneck at the tile where my cursor is. Enemies seem to always go there as if there is no other places to go, like literally, I've been going in and out of this UFO for 3 turns and always there was a floater at this exact tile. Also a guy won't move (or it's another bottleneck) from the tile behind PS (2 tiles from my cursor along the diagonal to PS). Just by throwing random grenade at known bottleneck I usually get 2-3 enemies killed without even seeing them at first place.

Maybe it's just because maps are poorly waypointed, but I don't think it's that bad.

Well those some of my first route designs, so yes the bottlenecks kinda suck. I noticed this myself in my testplay and i will change it in the future after my exams are over.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on October 13, 2015, 07:10:29 am
Finally started the Cydonian mission and I'm just in stage one atm but something I've noticed is:
the armored sectopods go down quite easily to flamethrowers. My friendly sectopods have a flamethrower in their other "hand", better IMHO than having to carry lots of flares, one armored sectopod dropped after being hit only 3 times but another survived a direct hit from a blaster bomb. Can't see anything in their armor stats as they take normal incendiary damage, is this intended or the result of funky fire damage on 2x2 units?

Well normally my mod doesn't have flamethrowers in them. But i could add incendiary immunity if you like :>
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on October 13, 2015, 01:39:57 pm
Well I wouldn't want total immunity but say only 10-20% of normal incendiary damage would correct this "loophole".
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on October 14, 2015, 12:26:12 am
Finished stage two earlier today and thoroughly have enjoyed this mod but can you advise me on the following:
Firstly does the alien brain always have to be upstairs from the t shaped room or could it spawn somewhere else? Secondly I always thought you only had to destroy a portion of the alien brain but maybe this has changed in openxcom And finally just to be different I would have liked to finish the brain off with an alloy sword strike but I was unable(see picture).
I ended up being in late August of the second year in game time and having played it in real life from 27th of July 2015, so it did take a good while but was worth it. Wanted to clear all alien bases on earth but it was unneccessary and all six left were all Ethereal so thankfully I didn't have to.
Might start a run through through of FMP or Redux now as I want to experience the "phaser" aliens, not so subtle hint if you would like to include them in v0.94. Keep up the good work and I may come back to v0.94 at a future date.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: Arthanor on October 14, 2015, 12:56:48 am
The brain is not a unit, and unfortunately melee weapons only destroy units, they cannot target terrain. That's why the alloy sword won't work.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on October 14, 2015, 11:17:39 am
Well I wouldn't want total immunity but say only 10-20% of normal incendiary damage would correct this "loophole".

Well depends, they are also very suspectible to Melee damage, so yes they do have their weaknesses.
But this nothing which can not be adjusted ;)

Finished stage two earlier today and thoroughly have enjoyed this mod but can you advise me on the following:
Firstly does the alien brain always have to be upstairs from the t shaped room or could it spawn somewhere else? Secondly I always thought you only had to destroy a portion of the alien brain but maybe this has changed in openxcom

Putting the Brain not in the T-shaped Room as you mentioned, would require desgining a new 20x20 Maptile, the T-shaped Room is the vanilla Brain Map. But that is nothing which can not be done in the future, i do have in mind to make few more base modules for the Alien Base, showing of "landed" and "docked" Medium Scouts, Large Scouts, Fighters and Sentries. I know it doable and i they only would have the default interior design (everything would end up in a maze of doing maps).
I also saw that in FMP there do exist some other Alien Base Modules, probably self designed ones from Solarius or from Civilians Base Add On Mod, i wanted to take a look at those for a long time, so probably those will also find its in (kinda depends on how they are made).

Well we did get some additional ruleset variables, from Warboy so you can set the objectiveType and amount of the objects (and other stuff) for custom mission design, i always found it unlogical, that i only had to destroy only 1 portion of the Brain to end the game, so i changed this and you actuall have to destroy the Brain completly, but thi i do not think this really matters and shouldn't be a big problem. And finally just to be different I would have liked to finish the brain off with an alloy sword strike but I was unable(see picture).

Unfortunatly Melee Type weapons cannot attack objects directly, it would actually make sense to have this kind of option ingame, but i guess it is rather hard to implement or simply something which has never considered to by neccesary.
Why not create a official Feature request to the developer Team? So this can actually find its way into upcoming 2.0 release (maybe)?

On the other hand, did you enjoy fighting the Muton Brain Guard? I designed them to be pretty much resilient against a lot of stuff. I may need to optimize the Mapscript and overwork the Maps a little bit to control the flow of aliens more towards the players starting point, so you will face them in their full force. Actually i think Psi Panic might be something which could be quite usefull against them, if you have a very potent Psi (95+/100). In version 0.94, those Muton Brain Guard, are renamed to Muton Elite Guards and can also be encountered on Earth and oh boy, i tested Terrormissions against them in New Battle, no joy there (got a few times Squadwiped :D, because of their ability to sneak up on me and Melee my Walkertank :D).

I ended up being in late August of the second year in game time and having played it in real life from 27th of July 2015, so it did take a good while but was worth it. Wanted to clear all alien bases on earth but it was unneccessary and all six left were all Ethereal so thankfully I didn't have to.

Well i will change the Missionscript regarding the generation of Ethereal Bases, so they stop the extra mission once you have interrogated the Ethereal Commander. Instead i could then set in Motion a mass infiltration Mission which technically already is in, but only occurs after you researched Cydonia or Bust and the Ultimate Craft. (Missions only get triggered in the following Month).

Might start a run through through of FMP or Redux now as I want to experience the "phaser" aliens, not so subtle hint if you would like to include them in v0.94. Keep up the good work and I may come back to v0.94 at a future date.

I am not sure if i should add any more alien Races, it is kinda problematic to show them all ingame, but maybe the "Phaser" aliens could be shown in a special Mission (maybe the one which would give you the Psi Amp Item).
I am currently in the process of rewriting the Race mixes for 0.94 Version and i also need to rework the structure of the additional Missions, i probably also will put in some Patches for the Terrain Pack (for MCD files and such).
My progress at the moment is really slow due to my upcoming exams so i will not have much time until middle of December this year, to actually Mod further. On the other hand it gives me the possibility to test out the new Economy settings and so far i actually like what i experienced, no clue how this will change when i start to produce Lasercanons, but probably i could adjust their productiontime to make them less profitable, but still profitable enough that it makes sense to produce them for money.

Anyway as always thanks for the feedback. I hope you enjoyed the Mod :)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on October 14, 2015, 03:30:21 pm
I was just thinking the same that both yourself and Arthanor stated and I suppose I could have used the powerglove which I tweaked so that it can destroy terrain at range 1, however the trade off is that you can't attack on diagonals as they are considered to be >1. Will keep an eye out for v0.94.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 14, 2015, 04:02:35 pm
The alien base blocks in FMP are taken from a variety of sources, mostly Civilian and Luke83. I wasn't too discriminating in what goes in, since they're all good and the alien base has no specific mapscript.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: hellrazor on October 14, 2015, 04:22:56 pm
The alien base blocks in FMP are taken from a variety of sources, mostly Civilian and Luke83. I wasn't too discriminating in what goes in, since they're all good and the alien base has no specific mapscript.

I have planned to make some more Mapblocks, containing landed/docker Medium Scouts, Fighters, Large Scouts and Sentry Ships.
Since those could be represented in a alien base 20x20x2 Map module. Will leave them in the FMP thread for your usage if you like, but do not expect anything before middle of december (my exams!)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Beta - v0.93b Cydonia or Bust Fix
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 15, 2015, 07:45:59 pm
I have planned to make some more Mapblocks, containing landed/docker Medium Scouts, Fighters, Large Scouts and Sentry Ships.
Since those could be represented in a alien base 20x20x2 Map module. Will leave them in the FMP thread for your usage if you like, but do not expect anything before middle of december (my exams!)

Hell yes. This is something I've wanted for a long time, just never got to actually do it.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.94 Release
Post by: hellrazor on October 16, 2015, 01:14:48 am
I am sitting on this for a while now and i need to get some Testplayers
before i add even more Stuff (mainly Terrains, Missions).

The economy has been drasticly altered, so getting enough money might actually be a problem.

I will compile a ToDo list with stuff which goes into Version 0.95, so i can keep track what is missing.
So now of to my final exams in 5 weeks :)

I hereby release:

Version 0.94
 - Fix HandOb issues fpr PlasmaBlade and PlasmaSword (thx pwwwa)
 - Fix some Groundtile issues on some UFO Maps
 - Fix wrong Gazer drawingRoutine
 - Fix wrong Muton Elite Guard Corpse BigOb
 - Fix WORLD NEWS UPDATE not popping up after researching a Alien Corpse
 - Fix 1 wrong placed Groundtile on LabShip Map (oversight...)
 - Fix some typos in some UFOpaedia Articles (thx SIMON)
 - Fix MCDPatch for TU usage for THUNDER.PCK
 - Fix Plasma Beam Range (52 -> 42)
 - Fix Alien Infiltration Waves
 - Added some more NEWS Strings (thx nadir)
 - Added Reinforced Power and Flying Suits (Moriaty Sprites)
 - Added Chryssalid Spitter Terrorunit (ranged zombification attack)
 - Added Sectoid Elite Race
 - Added HandOb's for Shotgun Clips, TaserPistol Clip, Elerium Rocket
 - Added FloorOb's for Pistol, Rifle, Heavy Canon, Auto Cannon, SniperRifle Alien Alloy Clips
 - Added HandOb's for Pistol, Rifle, Heavy Canon, Auto Cannon, SniperRifle Alien Alloy Clips
 - Added New BigOb's FloorOb's, HandOb's for PlasmaShotgun Clips and Elerium Clips
 - Added Walkertank/Plasma (hacked Armored Sectopod)
 - Added Plasma Melee Weapons from pwwwa
 - Added New Plasma Hitanimation for Heavy Plasma, Elerium Clips and Armored Sectopod Weapon
 - Added InventoryPicture and UfoPaedia Pictures for Muton Elite Guards
 - Added New BigOb for Vanilla Flying Suits
 - Added new Spriteset for Vanilla Flying Suits
 - Reworked the Racemixes
 - Readjusted TU usage for Heavy Laser / Sniper and Heavy Laser / Auto
 - Readjusted Armor for Waspites, Gazers, Muton Elites and Muton Elite Guards
 - Adjusted all Alien melee stats to more sane values
 - Doubled Money and Elerium-115 cost for Plasma Canons
 - Doubled Money and Elerium-115 cost for Fusion Balls
 - Doubled Money Costs for HWP Fusion Bombs (E-115 cost is 6)
 - Hovertank Launcher increased Damage (140 -> 200)
 - Changed ColorScheme of the Armored Sectopod (lighter Blue)
 - Armored Sectopod, does now Plasma Damage (115) and has Autoshotburst: 5
 - Reduced sellCost for all Items from Aliens and Alive Aliens by 50%
 - Increased Base Maintence Cost to 10% of initial Construction price
 - Increased Points Death penalties for Civilians (30->50) and X-Com Tanks (x2)
 - Reactivated RAILYARDURBAN Terrain in Infrastructure Attack Terror Mission
 - Converted all Sprites into *.png, rechecked Palettes (just for good measure)
 - Adjusted Ruleset to latest changes in : openxcom_git_master_2015_10_10_0133

Please use newest Nightly, or at least Nightly Version: openxcom_git_master_2015_10_10_0133 (

Modportal Link (

Readme attached here (,3550.msg42491.html#msg42491)

There are also some severe Research changes, so plz take a look at the new Research Tree Graphic:
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.94 Release
Post by: hellrazor on October 19, 2015, 11:14:22 am
Current ToDo List:

1.) Rework Chryssalid Spiter Sprites, Change Races so they appear on Earth.
2.) Update Terrain Pack Integration (a lot of Bugfixes have come together)
3.) Rework Expanded Terror and City Addon Maps for the Terrain Pack and my own Mod
4.) Add additional Civilians
5.) Rework Terror Briefings and Terrains Destribution
6.) Integrate Special Missions from Hobbes (initiated by interrogations of Alien Engineers and Navigators)
7.) Rework Mapscrips for Alien Base, Mars the Final Assault and some Terrorsites
8.) Create more alien base modules containing Medium Scout, Fighter, Large Scout and Sentry Ship, docked for service.
9.) Create a Mission raiding a Human Collaborator Base recovering the Alien Data Slate (Mapsize 80x80)
10.) Create a Mission containing 2 landed UFO's (probably 1 Terrorship and 1 Battleship) to recover Alien Data Core Mapsize (80x80)
11.) Create a Alien Base / Human Base Mission (2 parter) for recovering the Psi Amp (Mapsize 80x80).
12.) Create more Interior Variants of Vanilla UFO'S.

So there will some nice things to come, and i have some initial ideas maybe, there will also be "Counsil Missions" of some sort.
This list is just a roadmap, so order of stuff will probably change.

Further suggestions and all kinds of feedback are appreciated. :)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.94 Release
Post by: davide on October 19, 2015, 12:39:05 pm
As alternative to point 10.)
you could prepare a huge mothership ,
such as the Ufo2k map (60x60x4).
Unfortunately this map is incomplete but perhaps could be used as concept.

I think that an UFO map  level could be traformed in hangar contains small ufo (idea ispired me by your excellent point 8.)

Code: [Select]

files:Alien Other Ship
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.94 Release
Post by: hellrazor on October 19, 2015, 01:02:06 pm
As alternative to point 10.)
you could prepare a huge mothership ,
such as the Ufo2k map (60x60x4).
Unfortunately this map is incomplete but perhaps could be used as concept.

I think that an UFO map  level could be traformed in hangar contains small ufo (idea ispired me by your excellent point 8.)

Code: [Select]

files:Alien Other Ship

I guess that would even be a better method to do it. Does it really have a 60x60 size? because i guess a 50x50 size would be enough, so that some terrain on a 80x80 could still show up.
In the mothership to have 1 or 2 docked fighters would certainly be possible.
It also a question how high the Mothership should be, a battleship has 3 levels, so maybe make it 4 levels?
Also the amount of aliens, i guess 50-60 should be fine :>
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.94 Release
Post by: davide on October 19, 2015, 01:04:35 pm
An other concept map that I found in the past

The map could be resize to 40x40 removing useless roads
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.94 Release
Post by: hellrazor on October 19, 2015, 01:13:32 pm
An other concept map that I found in the past

The map could be resize to 40x40 removing useless roads

Hm.. thats a nice concept.

Maybe as a Info mission for the Alien Data Core mission, or eventually for recovering the Alien Data Slate.
In any case, i like the idea :)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.94 Release
Post by: hellrazor on October 19, 2015, 08:49:34 pm
How about using this Map (,2180.msg48602.html#msg48602) made by civilian, for a special Mission.

I mean its a large supermarket and the ma needs beautifying of course, but in essence could be interesting. Any Comments?
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.94 Release
Post by: davide on October 20, 2015, 02:55:15 pm
Why not !

Indeed I do not like the full flat roof ...

Above supermarket could be a parking (that needs a ramp for car too) or at least a garden.

Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.94 Release
Post by: hellrazor on October 20, 2015, 07:13:33 pm
Why not !

Indeed I do not like the full flat roof ...

Above supermarket could be a parking (that needs a ramp for car too) or at least a garden.

Well the flat roof can be changed.

I am thinking i am nearing myself into a financial breaking point on my Testrun,
i need to get 20m into my Bank or X-Com goes kaboom!

I am hoping of some kind of feedback from the ~20 people who downloaded Version 0.94 and have started a new campeign.
Financial changes are hard to balance especially in a game like X-Com were you have to consider a lot of factors.
If anyone has any suggestions regarding the economic changes, plz tell me.
Maybe remove the ability to produce Laser Canons for money?
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.94 Release
Post by: Orz on October 20, 2015, 09:00:14 pm
If anyone has any suggestions regarding the economic changes, plz tell me.
Maybe remove the ability to produce Laser Canons for money?

I haven't tried your mod (yet?), so I don't know how useful/useless my input may be. In short: you could just increase manufacturing time and/or reduce sell price of Laser Cannon to make it less profitable.

As an aside, I personally feel X-Com craft (FIRESTORM, LIGHNING, AVENGER, or whichever in your mod) should be able to be sold for a hefty price. You still wouldn't be manufacturing them for profit (too much time, too costly, too useful), but in those cases of financial bankrupcy they could be "sacrificed" to help you get back on good standing.

Economics should be a more important factor in X-Com. Unfortunately, they aren't in vanilla (you could easily reach 40K+ and 8 bases within just a couple months). Income shouldn't go too much past 10K and the challenge of going bankrupt should be always present, especially early on. Where's the challenge otherwise?

Just 2 cents!
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.94 Release
Post by: hellrazor on October 21, 2015, 02:55:26 pm
I haven't tried your mod (yet?), so I don't know how useful/useless my input may be. In short: you could just increase manufacturing time and/or reduce sell price of Laser Cannon to make it less profitable.

As an aside, I personally feel X-Com craft (FIRESTORM, LIGHNING, AVENGER, or whichever in your mod) should be able to be sold for a hefty price. You still wouldn't be manufacturing them for profit (too much time, too costly, too useful), but in those cases of financial bankrupcy they could be "sacrificed" to help you get back on good standing.

Economics should be a more important factor in X-Com. Unfortunately, they aren't in vanilla (you could easily reach 40K+ and 8 bases within just a couple months). Income shouldn't go too much past 10K and the challenge of going bankrupt should be always present, especially early on. Where's the challenge otherwise?

Just 2 cents!

I made crafts more expensive, ressource and moneywise and i do not think that making them sellable for a big price is a good idea.
My current experience is, that i have to fight more groundmissions in order to finance myself in my testrun, this part is actually made a little bit easier, since i do have 2 infiltration missions running, which provide me with a regular buildup of bases and UFO occurances in a heavily surveilanced area (4 Large Radars at the moment). Obviously if i didn't had them things would be a little more difficult, since the aliens would perform other missions etc...

But in essence i am so far satisfied. And i already thought about reducing the profit ability for Laser Canon production, but this would require some time to figure out the correct values, which i do not have a t the moment. The maximal funding the player can recieve is already cut by 50% so you will never be able to finance yourself completly by the funding (with country loses from infiltrations this factor gets even more increased).

Feel free to try out the Mod and let my now your experience, but play un Superhuman , otherwise thing might by out of balance.

The economy will change greatly, once the additional vanilla missions i am using right now, will be replaced by the special missions from Hobbes, since there will be much less loot compared to the vanilla missions, since those spawn a lot of UFO's, which would not happen any more, at least not in that degree.
I hope that overall i designed a Mod that will satisfy even experienced players to some degree and maybe i was able to make the lategame a little bit more interesting.
I am planning to increase the amount of points the aliens can get from Mission they perform and also give them points for missions which at the moment do not give them points (like Supply and Research missions for example). So the aliens will generate more Points then in vanilla, lowering the score of the player at least somehow.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.94 Release
Post by: hellrazor on October 25, 2015, 05:18:51 am
Honestly, i never thought this coming,
but i was awarded, by someone on the IRC with this:


After the person had looked upon the different unit stats in my Mod.
Should i feel honored or ashamed, i do not know :D

Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.94 Release
Post by: nadir-1648 on October 26, 2015, 12:37:07 am
As the unofficial Vlad Awards arbitrator, I'm gonna say that you should be very, very ashamed of yourself you horrible monster. Keep up the good work, the mod lives up to its name :D
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.94 Release
Post by: hellrazor on October 26, 2015, 07:56:40 am
As the unofficial Vlad Awards arbitrator, I'm gonna say that you should be very, very ashamed of yourself you horrible monster. Keep up the good work, the mod lives up to its name :D

What do you expect from someone calling himself "hellrazor" ? :P
Anyway back to business, i hope that sooner or later some change suggestions will arrive from people currently playing 0.94 Version, or some kind of feedback.
I also appreciate rage rants, because i then know i did it right, right? Ok enraging people should not be the goal i know...
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.94 Release
Post by: pWWWa on October 26, 2015, 09:17:12 pm
to hellrazor: Hit animation for knifes:
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.94 Release
Post by: hellrazor on October 26, 2015, 09:20:32 pm
to hellrazor: Hit animation for knifes:


pWWWa i will add those immediatly! Thanks dude!
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.95 - Bugfixes / Melee HitAnimations
Post by: hellrazor on October 26, 2015, 11:14:47 pm
Some small but critical Bugfixes!

I hereby Release:

Version 0.95
 - Fix Reinforced Power Suit Unlock
 - Fix Reinforced Flying Suit Unlock
 - Fix Walkertank HWP's Unlock
 - Fix Several Ufopaedia Strings (typos)
 - Added New Melee HitAnimation for Combat Knife, Alloy Knife and Alloy Sword (thx pWWWa)
 - Imported some TERRAIN patches from Hobbes Redux (no maps yet)
 - Alloy Tanks take 10% less Plasma Damage
 - Hovertanks take 15% less Plasma Damage
 - Armored Sectopod is immune towards Icendiary Ammo

Please use newest Nightly, or at least Nightly Version: openxcom_git_master_2015_10_10_0133 (

Modportal Link (

Readme attached here (,3550.msg42491.html#msg42491)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.95 - Bugfixes / Melee HitAnimations
Post by: hellrazor on October 27, 2015, 02:01:00 am
Another issue is the current state of translated strings, from the extraStrings Section.

The only fully supported languages so far are en-US and en-GB.
I will probably do a German (de-DE) translation myself in the future since it is my mother language.

I do have collected already translated random strings in various languages,
the ones with most random translation strings are:
- Russian (ru)
- Polish (pl-PL)
- Spanish (es)
- French (fr)

Since i am not a speaker of those languages, i would welcome any additional translated strings, especially for those
four languages, since they are the ones which do already have many strings so far, and are the ones which can achieve a complete
translation quicker then the other ones.

I advise, if you are on a windows System to use notepad++ for opening the file, the normal windows editor doesn't regonize the newlines...

Translators will earn their place in the creditlist and my eternal thanks and of course those of the players :)

I attached the current Version of extraStrings.rul from 0.95 towards this post, if you feel like, translate 1 or 2 strings, Post them here in the thread and
they will find its way into the mod fur sure!

EDIT: I removed the extraStrings.rul i make seperate files, for russian, french, psnaish and polish, which contain also the untranslated english strings.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.95 - Bugfixes / Melee HitAnimations
Post by: hellrazor on October 30, 2015, 11:24:16 am
Russian and French string files, in yml format (UTF-8 encoded)
they do contain a mix of the translated and untranslated Strings, untranslated strings are in English.

Please use notepad++ for editing the files or opening them for reading, if you are under a Windows operating system.

Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.95 - Bugfixes / Melee HitAnimations
Post by: hellrazor on October 30, 2015, 11:39:45 am
Spanish and Polish extraStrings file in yml format (UTF-8 encoded)

they do contain a mix of the translated and untranslated Strings, untranslated strings are in English.

Please use notepad++ for editing the files or opening them for reading, if you are under a Windows operating system.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.96 Bugfixes and Languages
Post by: hellrazor on November 01, 2015, 04:52:47 pm
Some small Bugfixes nothing major.

Version 0.96
 - Research changes:
   - Alloy Knife needs only Alloy Ammo
   - Alloy Sword needs Alloy Knife and Alien Data Slate
 - Readjust all Meleeweapons, lowered Power and Accuracy slightly, changed TU usage
 - Added Version String
 - Added language support for Russian, Spanish, French and Polish
   You will find a mix of English and the respective language until someone translates the missing stuff
 - Adjusted Ruleset to lastest changes in : openxcom_git_master_2015_10_31_1725

Please use newest Nightly, or at least Nightly Version: openxcom_git_master_2015_10_31_1725 (

Modportal Link (

Readme attached here (,3550.msg42491.html#msg42491)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.96 Bugfixes and Languages
Post by: DeltaEpsilon on November 04, 2015, 12:00:56 am
Ahem. I read extraString-ru a little and I've got one thing to say: please, do not translate names. They sound incredibly dumb after being translated. Just let them be as is. Although it's not related to this mod, here's an example why it is bad. "Snakeman" should remain "Снейкмен", not "Человек-змея" (roughly "Snake man") or "Floater" should be "Флоатер" or "Флоутер", not "Летун" (although it is a common name). It should be known it is not a good idea to translate names. As for this mod this applies for gazers (which are called "зритель" (spectator, observer) here), waspites ("осоид" (I can't even come up with approximate translation of this, it's a portmanteau)) and cybermites ("киберклещ" (translation is correct albeit literal)).
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.96 Bugfixes and Languages
Post by: hellrazor on November 04, 2015, 12:13:29 am
Ahem. I read extraString-ru a little and I've got one thing to say: please, do not translate names. They sound incredibly dumb after being translated. Just let them be as is. Although it's not related to this mod, here's an example why it is bad. "Snakeman" should remain "Снейкмен", not "Человек-змея" (roughly "Snake man") or "Floater" should be "Флоатер" or "Флоутер", not "Летун" (although it is a common name). It should be known it is not a good idea to translate names. As for this mod this applies for gazers (which is called "зритель" (spectator, observator) here), waspites ("осоид" (I can't even come up with approximate translation of this, it's a portmanteau)) and cybermites ("киберклещ" (translation is correct albeit literal)).

Uhh, i do not speak russian, i only collected already translated strings i did find in other mods, to make the work for the translators, if they exist, easier.
Feel free to correct those translations and post them here, i would be really glad to include any corrections or additional translations.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.96 Bugfixes and Languages
Post by: Kammerer on November 04, 2015, 09:13:25 am
Ahem. I read extraString-ru a little and I've got one thing to say: please, do not translate names. They sound incredibly dumb after being translated. Just let them be as is. Although it's not related to this mod, here's an example why it is bad. "Snakeman" should remain "Снейкмен", not "Человек-змея" (roughly "Snake man") or "Floater" should be "Флоатер" or "Флоутер", not "Летун" (although it is a common name). It should be known it is not a good idea to translate names. As for this mod this applies for gazers (which is called "зритель" (spectator, observator) here), waspites ("осоид" (I can't even come up with approximate translation of this, it's a portmanteau)) and cybermites ("киберклещ" (translation is correct albeit literal)).

I somehow cannot agree with you. The problem is that we have a basic game where there are a lot of already translated names of races and upon translating the mods we have to follow the chosen translation to keep uniformity. As for the translation of the names of races added by mods I can give some examples of the names I used while translating FMP:

Cerebreal - Церебреал
Chtonite - Хтонит
Tunlun - Тунлун
Gazer - Наблюдатель
Holodrone - Холодрон (though I saw Голодрон translation here and I like it much more)
Waspite - Васпит
Cybermite - Кибержук
Reptoid - Рептилоид
Salamandron - Саламандрон

I think we should translate the name of a race if this name describes its properties otherwise we'd have to name the brainsucker and the queenspawn from XCOM Apocalypse as брейнсаккер и квинспавн / квинспон which is awful. And of course we shouldn't forget about the sonority in Russian - if the translated name is much worse in Russian than its english equivalent we should use transcription / transliteration of the name.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.96 Bugfixes and Languages
Post by: hellrazor on November 04, 2015, 08:24:18 pm
I somehow cannot agree with you. The problem is that we have a basic game where there are a lot of already translated names of races and upon translating the mods we have to follow the chosen translation to keep uniformity.

I can only agree here that keeping thing uniform is important especially with language.

As for the translation of the names of races added by mods I can give some examples of the names I used while translating FMP:

Cerebreal - Церебреал
Chtonite - Хтонит
Tunlun - Тунлун
Gazer - Наблюдатель
Holodrone - Холодрон (though I saw Голодрон translation here and I like it much more)
Waspite - Васпит
Cybermite - Кибержук
Reptoid - Рептилоид
Salamandron - Саламандрон

SO which names should i use for Waspite, Gazer, Cybermite and Holodrone?
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.96 Bugfixes and Languages
Post by: DeltaEpsilon on November 05, 2015, 07:48:30 am
I think we should translate the name of a race if this name describes its properties otherwise we'd have to name the brainsucker and the queenspawn from XCOM Apocalypse as брейнсаккер и квинспавн / квинспон which is awful. And of course we shouldn't forget about the sonority in Russian - if the translated name is much worse in Russian than its english equivalent we should use transcription / transliteration of the name.
Ugh... UGGGH. Fine. You are right. I have no arguments.

SO which names should i use for Waspite, Gazer, Cybermite and Holodrone?
I think waspite, cybermite, gazer translations should be rough transcriptions of original name with some correction for it to have nice sounding, i. e. "Васпайт", "Кибермайт" (not "Сайбэмайт" which is correct (cyberdisc is called "кибердиск" as for example)), "Гейзер". Although gazer is a word in English, it has no analog in Russian and it's really hard to come up with made-up word for that (unfortunately there is no suffix in Russian similar to suffix -er in English which is used to make word designating person or thing). "Наблюдатель" is not a thing despite Google Translate saying otherwise. This word means something vastly more different than "gazer". So I propose changing "gazer" to "Гейзер". But wait, there is more. "Гейзер" sounds exactly like "geyser" and I think everyone not familiar with original name will most probably imagine geysers upon reading the word.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.96 Bugfixes and Languages
Post by: Kammerer on November 05, 2015, 03:01:28 pm
I think waspite, cybermite, gazer translations should be rough transcriptions of original name with some correction for it to have nice sounding, i. e. "Васпайт", "Кибермайт" (not "Сайбэмайт" which is correct (cyberdisc is called "кибердиск" as for example)), "Гейзер". Although gazer is a word in English, it has no analog in Russian and it's really hard to come up with made-up word for that (unfortunately there is no suffix in Russian similar to suffix -er in English which is used to make word designating person or thing). "Наблюдатель" is not a thing despite Google Translate saying otherwise. This word means something vastly more different than "gazer". So I propose changing "gazer" to "Гейзер". But wait, there is more. "Гейзер" sounds exactly like "geyser" and I think everyone not familiar with original name will most probably imagine geysers upon reading the word.

Well, I'm not against any of these translations, but I need to make one little remark about the translation of the word "gazer" in Russian. Here are the translations taken from some dictionaries:

Lingvo Universal

['geɪzə] пристально глядящий человек

Новый англо-русский словарь В.К. Мюллера
[ˊgeɪzə] пристально глядящий (человек), наблюдатель; star gazer наблюдающий за звёздами; звездочёт

Oxford English Dict

(ˈgeɪzə(r)) Also 6 gaser. [gaze v. + -er 1.] 1. One who gazes or looks steadily, from motives of curiosity.

Vicon English-Russian Dictionary

gazer [gaz·er || 'geɪzə(r)] n. пристально глядящий человек, наблюдатель

Большой англо-русский словарь в 3-х томах, 1994 г. под общим руководством акад. Ю.Д. Апресяна и проф. Э.М. Медниковой

gazer [`geɪzə] 1. 1) gaze II + -er 2) смотрящий пристально 3) наблюдатель, зритель 2. агент федерального бюро по наркотикам


gazer ['geɪzə] 1. смотрящий пристально 2. 1) зритель, наблюдатель 2) агент федерального бюро по наркотикам 3) агент федеральной службы по борьбе с наркотиками, окно

Since gazer alien is a sort of cyclops (with an "eye" on his stomach) I think it can be named as "наблюдатель" or "соглядатай". But I'm not against your translation, I just wanted to explain why I've chosen my version while working on FMP.

And about "holodrone" - I think the "голодрон" translation is the best.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.96 Bugfixes and Languages
Post by: DeltaEpsilon on November 05, 2015, 03:20:09 pm
Well, I'm not against any of these translations, but I need to make one little remark about the translation of the word "gazer" in Russian. Here are the translations taken from some dictionaries:
I wouldn't say it's hard to come up with correct and nice translation for "gazer" if I had not checked its translations beforehand.
"Пристально глядящий человек" is way too long, does not show any of properties of the race and can be translated as follows: "Fixedly staring man". Apparently it's not a man, it's not staring at you.

"Наблюдатель" seems incorrect. It is literally "observer", "spectator", "watcher". Gazer is somebody who is gazing at something while proposed translation is somebody who is merely watching or observing something, not staring or gazing.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.96 Bugfixes and Languages
Post by: hellrazor on November 06, 2015, 01:51:24 am
I appreciate the discussion :)

Any new translated strings will go into the next Version 0.97.

Since i do have exams in 3 weeks i will basically do not work on the mod in this period.
Maybe i will make some more langauge support files, but i only have some random strings from es-419 (portugese), sk (slowakien), cs-CZ (csech), it-IT (italian) and of course german (i do this myself, but appreciate any help). So i will make those additional files for further translations (if they come).
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.96 Bugfixes and Languages
Post by: hellrazor on November 06, 2015, 05:56:26 am
Playing around with Improved Skyrangers...

My so far achived result, the SKYSTRIKER as i call it ;)
It will appear researchwise together with the Improved Interceptor,
it will have a carry capacity of a maximum of 16, Tanks max 4, so the following teams would be possible:

16 Soldiers,
12 Soldiers + 1 Tank,
8 Soldiers + 2 Tanks,
4 Soldiers + 3 Tanks,
0 Soldiers + 4 Tanks

It also would get significant speed increase over the normal Skyranger, but no weapon mounts.
Also it would need Alien Alloys to be constructed and the MCD File needs a recolor towards Alloy blue of course ;>
Of course i also would need to make customized Interception and Base pictures.

I also found a way to make some proper Slide Doors and Stairs, so Soldiers could leave the craft behind the cockpit, but my exams are occupying me,
so this will have to wait. The sliding doors+ stairs will be were the X-Com logo is on both sides.

So far i like it, i do not think it would destroy the game balance in this configuration at least for my Mod.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.96 Bugfixes and Languages
Post by: hellrazor on November 06, 2015, 07:33:28 am
SKYSTRIKER in alien alloy blue.

Todo to complete it:
- make Slidedooranimation
- make turned stairs
- UFOPaedia Picture (reworking the original if possible)
- Base Icon and Interception Icons - DONE

Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.96 Bugfixes and Languages
Post by: marsmann on November 09, 2015, 09:07:10 am
Hi Hellrazor,

I am trying your mod in the latest version. I attached a save where I get an error with ctd, it comes in the beginning of march (yes, a bit in the future), the error reads "vector::_m_Range_check"
To see it you can just put the time to 1 day and wait. Do you have an idea where it comes from?

And one bug reporting: You changed the tu's from the original knife to 25% instead of 10, but I think the ufopedia states otherwise.

And good work with the mod, I like it.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.96 Bugfixes and Languages
Post by: hellrazor on November 09, 2015, 09:39:50 am
Hi marsmann,
I will look into the error this evening.
I am glad you like it :-)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.96 Bugfixes and Languages
Post by: hellrazor on November 09, 2015, 06:38:23 pm
What i found out is, that the game tries to execute a Terrorsite on Trindade Island (Missionzone South Atlantic),
Which then causes the CTD.

I so far have no clue why, since i didn't notice this issue in my current testrun and i had a few Port Attack missions myself,
but not in this missionzone.

I need to debug this further.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.96 Bugfixes and Languages
Post by: hellrazor on November 09, 2015, 08:15:37 pm
Hi Hellrazor,

I am trying your mod in the latest version. I attached a save where I get an error with ctd, it comes in the beginning of march (yes, a bit in the future), the error reads "vector::_m_Range_check"
To see it you can just put the time to 1 day and wait. Do you have an idea where it comes from?

And one bug reporting: You changed the tu's from the original knife to 25% instead of 10, but I think the ufopedia states otherwise.

And good work with the mod, I like it.

i found the error, and fixed the savegame for you.
obviously the missionSiteZone generated for the Terrormission was wrong (no clue how). It was set to -1 (default value) instead of 1.
Fixed save attached.

UFOPaedia article is totally fine. Since i changed those weapons to tuMelee and removed the flatrate vs  percentage.

And uncheat your soldiers :P

EDIT: Did you import the savegame file from a original game file were you hexedited the soldiers or so?
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.96 Bugfixes and Languages
Post by: marsmann on November 10, 2015, 08:16:29 am
Thank You very much hellrazor.

I don't want to uncheat them, as I enjoy most the economic and research part of the game. At the moment my time is short, so I don't want to have that many long outside missions. Your mod is even this way a challenge.

I didn't import them. In the original game you had to edit the values via hexedit in the soldiers.dat(?), but in openxcom the values are written directly in your savegame. You can just edit the savefile with a text editor and you will find everything there.

If you still need some german translations can you show me how to do them? I don't think I can help you a lot, but maybe I can take some.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.96 Bugfixes and Languages
Post by: hellrazor on November 10, 2015, 07:33:22 pm
If you still need some german translations can you show me how to do them? I don't think I can help you a lot, but maybe I can take some.

Regarding a German translation:

Ich bin da gerade selber dabei, momentan ist es ein Mix aus englisch und deutsch.
Ich häng hier mal die Deutsche Sprachdatei mit ran, einfach mit einem editor wie notepad++ öffnen und übersetzen :)
Die Itemnamen und die namen von Aliens usw hab ich schon gemacht, was mehr Zeit braucht sind die UFOpaediatexte und so.
Zudem die Städtenamen vom Terrainpack.

Kannst ja mal reinschauen. Falls du was übersetzt hast kannste es einfach hier posten ich bau das dann ein.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.96 Bugfixes and Languages
Post by: hellrazor on November 10, 2015, 07:41:31 pm
Thank You very much hellrazor.

I don't want to uncheat them, as I enjoy most the economic and research part of the game. At the moment my time is short, so I don't want to have that many long outside missions. Your mod is even this way a challenge.

I didn't import them. In the original game you had to edit the values via hexedit in the soldiers.dat(?), but in openxcom the values are written directly in your savegame. You can just edit the savefile with a text editor and you will find everything there.

If you still need some german translations can you show me how to do them? I don't think I can help you a lot, but maybe I can take some.

The savegame i attached should fix the Terrormissioncrash, i didn't change anything else, only fixed the bug.
Well if it is a challenge for you nevertheless and you enjoy the other parts of the game more, feel free todo as you please.

The good thing is Warboy was able to make a fix for the Savegame Importer for savefiles from the original game ;)
Your bugreport improved the overall codebase, be proud.
Even thou i still have no clue how the missionSiteZone was set to -1 for a Terrormission, it shouldn't.
I also didn't notice this in my own testrun, but when i will find the time i will make a proper test setup to find this, Warboy also requested a savefile, before the Terrormission is generated with a -1 missionSiteZone, my first conclusive tests didn't let this happen, but maybe some more extrem testing will provide this.

In any case if everyone else encounters this error, i am inclined, to get a savegame from the month before, so i can look at how the mission was generated (missions are only picked at the end of the month and obviously at gamestart).
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.96 Bugfixes and Languages
Post by: marsmann on November 11, 2015, 10:09:33 am
The good thing is Warboy was able to make a fix for the Savegame Importer for savefiles from the original game ;)
Your bugreport improved the overall codebase, be proud.
In any case if everyone else encounters this error, i am inclined, to get a savegame from the month before, so i can look at how the mission was generated (missions are only picked at the end of the month and obviously at gamestart).

Well, glad I could help allthough honestly I do not understand which bug you mean. Can you explain what was fixed? Just being curious...

Unfortunately I don't think I can help with a savefile. I got some saves a few days before the one I sent to you, but this is all after mid of february. As I understand You this doesn't help? But I always thought that the Terror missions for march would be generated at the end of february, so after the save I sent you?
Hm, wish You good luck with the bug, for me it is also the first time to find this Thing.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.96 Bugfixes and Languages
Post by: hellrazor on November 12, 2015, 08:39:35 am
Well, glad I could help allthough honestly I do not understand which bug you mean. Can you explain what was fixed? Just being curious...

Unfortunately I don't think I can help with a savefile. I got some saves a few days before the one I sent to you, but this is all after mid of february. As I understand You this doesn't help? But I always thought that the Terror missions for march would be generated at the end of february, so after the save I sent you?
Hm, wish You good luck with the bug, for me it is also the first time to find this Thing.

Well we had the theorie that you imported a savegame from the original game and somehow merged it while playing my mod, it was just a hunch, which proved to be false, but Warboy found a bug in the savegame converter, which could have been responsible for the wrong missionSiteZone value in your case. To be precise this here (
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.96 Bugfixes and Languages
Post by: marsmann on November 12, 2015, 01:32:08 pm
Thanks Hellrazor.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.96 Bugfixes and Languages
Post by: hellrazor on November 13, 2015, 04:11:23 pm
Thanks Hellrazor.

Yeah dude no problem :>

On another occasion, i decided to modify the THUNDER Map a little bit.
The initial spawn point has been moved 1 back, so Soldiers on the sides can diagonally shoot out of the craft,
without a tank or soldier blocking their LOF.
I also removed the possibility to rearrange your troops inside on turn 1, without stepping outside (flying coffin :D).
Unfortunatly i guess i will skip the version with the doors in the standalone Version because of this.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.96 Bugfixes and Languages
Post by: marsmann on November 14, 2015, 12:07:45 pm
Hi Hellrazor,

maybe I can give you the example Warboy was looking for. I attached 2 save files. One of february, with no terror mission, and the second in march where there is a terror mission with the "-1" in it.
I can fix it now myself, thanks to you, but maybe it helps to find the bug.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.96 Bugfixes and Languages
Post by: hellrazor on November 14, 2015, 12:17:16 pm
Hi Hellrazor,

maybe I can give you the example Warboy was looking for. I attached 2 save files. One of february, with no terror mission, and the second in march where there is a terror mission with the "-1" in it.
I can fix it now myself, thanks to you, but maybe it helps to find the bug.

Thx i will look into it :>
And btw the Expanded Ubase Rework Mod is a integrated part of Hardmode Expansion, no need to slap it on extra. :>

EDIT: Good now i can reproduce this and maybe Warboy too i will talk to him as soon as he is back online.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.96 Bugfixes and Languages
Post by: hellrazor on November 15, 2015, 07:42:19 am
Fix for missionSiteZone: -1 CTD Bug and Loaderror for Nightly Version openxcom_git_master_2015_11_15_0806 ( or newer.

This applies for ALL Versions of Hardmode Expansion.

You need to take the following four steps:

Step one:
 - download the attached regions.rul file and copy it towards mods/Hardmode_Expansion/Ruleset/ overwrite it.
Step two:
- make a geoscape save of your current campaign.


Open up the the savegame with a texteditor (for example notepad++)

Step three:

Goto section "  possibleMissions:"
and remove STR_ALIEN_TERROR from the regions, if STR_ALIEN_TERROR is the only mission currently asigned replace it with STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH

A entry like this:
Code: [Select]
    - region: STR_INDIAN_OCEAN
        STR_ALIEN_TERROR: 15
    - region: STR_SOUTH_ATLANTIC
        STR_ALIEN_TERROR: 15

Needs to look like this:
Code: [Select]
    - region: STR_INDIAN_OCEAN
    - region: STR_SOUTH_ATLANTIC

Step four:
 - check currently active alienMissions for STR_ALIEN_TERROR with missionSiteZone: -1

A entry like this:
Code: [Select]
    region: STR_PACIFIC
    race: STR_GAZER
    nextWave: 2
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 21090
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 74
    missionSiteZone: -1

Needs to be changed to this:
Code: [Select]
    region: STR_PACIFIC
    race: STR_GAZER
    nextWave: 2
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 21090
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 74
    missionSiteZone: 0

I apologize for this oversight. Because it was a really really subtle one which i only could track down with the help of our mighty developer Warboy!
All Hail Warboy!

This fix should also apply to ALL MODS having integrated the Terrainpack, and useing its regions.rul settings (Version 3.7 of the Terrainpack).
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Mothership Map
Post by: hellrazor on November 16, 2015, 02:40:40 am
As alternative to point 10.)
you could prepare a huge mothership ,
such as the Ufo2k map (60x60x4).
Unfortunately this map is incomplete but perhaps could be used as concept.

I think that an UFO map  level could be traformed in hangar contains small ufo (idea ispired me by your excellent point 8.)

Code: [Select]

files:Alien Other Ship
Using this with the newest Version of Mapedit, i get the following results:
Guess this calls for a complete remake...
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.96 Bugfixes and Languages
Post by: davide on November 16, 2015, 02:30:35 pm
It is not an MapView issue nor mothership map issue

It happens me too ... on the same development installation,
but with old data folder
that worked some time a go.

I think that there are some change on Tileset because I sometime unzipped some huge mods into it
for curiosity about new maps (Redux, FMP, Hardmod, XenoOp).

I found the issue showing by MapView other maps too ...
I will check if only Ufo maps have issue.

Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.96 Bugfixes and Languages
Post by: Dioxine on November 16, 2015, 03:43:19 pm
Yeah, looks like one of tilesets is a few tiles too large or too small compared to what the mapmaker was using. Better to repair the map than to wreck tilesets, though...
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.96 Bugfixes and Languages
Post by: hellrazor on November 16, 2015, 06:50:17 pm
Yeah, looks like one of tilesets is a few tiles too large or too small compared to what the mapmaker was using. Better to repair the map than to wreck tilesets, though...

It's probably the BLANKS in front of all the other MCD files.
I actually only wanted to take a look at the map, to get some inspiration.
I will build a new one from scratch, Mapsize will 50x50 with 5 or 4 levels.

Name will be the Alien Command Ship. I will orientate myself at the initial layout of the vanilla Battleship,
but i will add Labs, Surgery Rooms, Examination Rooms and a Room for the Alien Date Core, which gives the player access to Plasma Weapons, Blaster Launchers and Firestorms (i switched the Crafts around, so you first get the THUNDER, which is a replacement for the lightning and then the Firestorm).

I have seen that you made a template for a 50x50 Vessel for the Ufopaedia, Dioxine if you do not mind i will use this to create a Picture for it once it is designed.

My further idea is to let this UFO occur in a new Missiontype, the player will not be able to shoot it down, but it will land and the player can engage it.
The Crewmix i have in mind, will be a mixture of mainly Mutons, some Muton Elites and Sectoid Elites. Terrorunits will be Chryssalid Spitters, Sectopods and Armored Cyberdiscs.
All reliable killable with Heavy Lasers.
The first occurance could be after the player has researched the Alien Containment, obviously he will not be able to defeat the crew, since he doesn't have Laser Weapons at this point, but maybe he is able to steal the Alien Date Core from the ship, and abort the Mission (That will be a hassle to design in the Map lol), so he gets potential earlie access towards Plasma weaponry.

A second occurance will be after the player has researched the Alien Data Slate and interrogated a Alien Commander.

It is not an MapView issue nor mothership map issue

It happens me too ... on the same development installation,
but with old data folder
that worked some time a go.

I think that there are some change on Tileset because I sometime unzipped some huge mods into it
for curiosity about new maps (Redux, FMP, Hardmod, XenoOp).

I found the issue showing by MapView other maps too ...
I will check if only Ufo maps have issue.

I didn't had any issues with UFO's so from other Mods, like Luke's Extra UFO's or others, that is the first time.
I think that it has todo with the BLANKS in the beginning of the MCD list.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.96 Bugfixes and Languages
Post by: Dioxine on November 16, 2015, 07:29:53 pm
I have seen that you made a template for a 50x50 Vessel for the Ufopaedia, Dioxine if you do not mind i will use this to create a Picture for it once it is designed.

I have explicitely stated that this template is intended to help other modders (not like any of my other stuff is forbidden to use, anyway) :)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.96 Bugfixes and Languages
Post by: hellrazor on November 17, 2015, 07:48:12 pm
I have explicitely stated that this template is intended to help other modders (not like any of my other stuff is forbidden to use, anyway) :)

Ok :) I will use it to my hearts content :>
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: hellrazor on November 17, 2015, 08:59:12 pm
Double Terror and CTD fix (missionSiteZone: -1 Bug)

EDIT: If the Modportal downloads are currently not working please use the provided dropbox links.

For players running a current campaign: You need to edit your savegame files! This applies to all Versions of Hardmode Expansion!
Click here to know how (,3550.msg54335.html#msg54335)

Version 0.97
 - Research changes:
   - Reinforced Power Suit now needs New Fighter Craft instead of Alien Data Core as dependency
 - Fix Minor Graphic Errors in Reinforced Power Suit Inventory Pics
 - Fix For missionSiteZone: -1 Bug, you need to edit your savegames, see Forum
 - Added Hitsound for Combat Knife, Alloy Knife, Alloy Sword
 - Added partial language Support for German
 - Modified THUNDER Map and Routes slightly
 - Adjusted Ruleset to lastest changes in : openxcom_git_master_2015_11_15_0853

Please use newest Nightly, or at least Nightly Version: openxcom_git_master_2015_10_31_1725 (

Modportal Link Hardmode Expansion (
Dropbox Links:
BETA Version 0.93b (
WIP Version 0.97 (

Current ToDo List (,3550.msg42524.html#msg42524)
Credit List (,3550.msg42492.html#msg42492)
Changelog (,3550.msg42494.html#msg42494)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Mothership Map
Post by: davide on November 18, 2015, 11:32:44 pm
Using this with the newest Version of Mapedit, i get the following results:
Guess this calls for a complete remake...

I apologize, the map was correct (incomplete too)

Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - Mothership Map
Post by: hellrazor on November 19, 2015, 02:25:59 am
I apologize, the map was correct (incomplete too)

Which Version of Mapview did you use? I am useing Version: 1.2.1 Release.
The Blanks do you have a extra MCD file for those?
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: davide on November 19, 2015, 08:54:07 am
It is the original Ufo2k lua file:

I think that it needs  a Blanks more ...

Code: [Select]
AddXcomTerrain {
Name = "Mothership",
Tiles = {
Maps = {
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: hellrazor on November 19, 2015, 11:07:45 am
It is the original Ufo2k lua file:

I think that it needs  a Blanks more ...

Well thanks for the screenshots, now i was able to look at it properly.
I will build my own Commandship with mapsize 50*50 anyway.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: hellrazor on November 19, 2015, 09:11:26 pm
Something BIG is coming:
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: Meridian on November 19, 2015, 09:16:49 pm
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: hellrazor on November 19, 2015, 10:53:00 pm

It is growing...
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: Hobbes on November 19, 2015, 10:53:53 pm
It is growing...

The Danger of More ;)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: hellrazor on November 19, 2015, 11:01:03 pm
The Danger of More ;)

I know but i always wanted the aliens to have a gigantic Commandship. Also the player will only fight on this map once.
So i guess it is ok, at least to let the player recover the Alien Data Core.
What better way could there be as to have it located in the Alien Command Ship?
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: Dioxine on November 20, 2015, 12:58:16 am
Only one question: Can we fit so much Alien Alloys in our base Sir!? :)

This will be the biggest OXCom craft ever made, my Battleship is only 50x30x6 :) I haven't said my last word yet, though :)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: hellrazor on November 20, 2015, 01:17:08 am
Only one question: Can we fit so much Alien Alloys in our base Sir!? :)

This will be the biggest OXCom craft ever made, my Battleship is only 50x30x6 :) I haven't said my last word yet, though :)

Probably not :D
But i wanna find a way to reduce Alien Alloys for UFO's anyway, so this amount will cut down later to some degree.
But i guess from the initial size i expect around 800 unit of alien alloy, i will know for sure once i test it.

EDIT: The UFO_mothership map is also quite big and has 60x60x3 in dimension, so 10800 tiles. Mine will have 50x50x5 thats 12500 tiles. Ok so probably the largest so far :D
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: niculinux on November 20, 2015, 05:38:53 pm
Hey hellrazor, this mod willl work with openxcom extended executable 2.4 on linux?
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: hellrazor on November 20, 2015, 05:55:33 pm
Hey hellrazor, this mod willl work with openxcom extended executable 2.4 on linux?

No clue :) Try it out and let me know. Depends which nightly Version openxcom extended is currently based on.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: hellrazor on November 20, 2015, 07:19:09 pm
I was always wondering, why Blaster Bombs flying were actually the same color as Stun Bombs, always irritated me.

Well made a quick recolor so fyling Blaster Bombs are now indeed grey :)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: hellrazor on November 23, 2015, 07:36:58 pm
Due to my upcoming exams and projectwork i will not be able to work activly on my mod within the next 2-3 weeks.

Please be patient a new Version will be coming, once this stressful times for me are over.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: hellrazor on December 01, 2015, 05:05:04 am

It just keeps growing....
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: Yankes on December 01, 2015, 08:01:45 pm
Maybe some spice up of external shape a bit? Right now it look like scale up of Battleship but I think it should have its own unique feel and style.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: hellrazor on December 02, 2015, 12:37:47 am
Maybe some spice up of external shape a bit? Right now it look like scale up of Battleship but I think it should have its own unique feel and style.

Jeah that is just a first draw so to say to get a feeling of the dimensions of this ufo.
I have some ideas.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: DeltaEpsilon on December 02, 2015, 06:37:34 pm
Well, it certainly makes game harder. Slowed research leads to one interesting problem.
I so don't want to sell it, but it filled all my stores already.

And also I noticed some enemies carry melee weapons now. Honestly, I think that's kinda stupid. I don't think Muton'd like to have plasma blade instead of heavy plasma, they just make (almost) easy targets of themselves. Although it's kinda funny when they sneak behind you and chop you.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 02, 2015, 07:33:31 pm
And also I noticed some enemies carry melee weapons now. Honestly, I think that's kinda stupid. I don't think Muton'd like to have plasma blade instead of heavy plasma, they just make (almost) easy targets of themselves. Although it's kinda funny when they sneak behind you and chop you.

Actually, Mutons seem well-suited for melee combat, since they're so hard to kill and therefore able to get close. But it only makes sense if 1) melee weapons have very reliable damage, 2) melee weapons are fast, 3) the battlescape has little open areas for long range combat. Otherwise, yeah, not much sense.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: hellrazor on December 03, 2015, 09:42:47 am
Well, it certainly makes game harder. Slowed research leads to one interesting problem.
I so don't want to sell it, but it filled all my stores already.

And also I noticed some enemies carry melee weapons now. Honestly, I think that's kinda stupid. I don't think Muton'd like to have plasma blade instead of heavy plasma, they just make (almost) easy targets of themselves. Although it's kinda funny when they sneak behind you and chop you.

Well i am well aware of the amounts of Elerium-115 you are able to gather. The issue is, as soon as you start interrogating Alien Engineers or Navigators, you will get additional Alienmissions next month (this is limited to a maximum of 2 additional Missions per Month). I am currently only pulling in vanilla missions, which leads to a increased amount of UFO's which is basically twice as high as in vanilla. This will change in the future, since i will replace those additional Vanilla Missions with Missions from Hobbes Redux and some of my own stuff. Even thou you actually do not have trouble to gather enough Elerium-115 or even Alien Alloys ingame, especially if you Raid a Alien Base Supply Ships.
For my next release i did reduce the amount of Elerium-115 per Power Source further from 35 to 25, i also managed to reduce the amount of Alien Alloys you recieve from UFO's by an average of 37%. Considering that the amount of UFO's you encounter will also be reduced in the future (changes in missionstructure). Things should get thight (or maybe need further adjustment).

Do not underestimate the Aliens equipt with Melee Weapons, they are incredible dangerous in close quarters, since 1 Hit even from a Sectoid (which has the lowest Str and Melee Accuracy of the aliens) can instantly kill your Soldiers, if they hit. Aliens like Mutons, which are physically strong do have a very high accuracy to hit with the Plasma Sword and Plasma Blade, they do additional Damage because their Str is added towards the weapons damage. Tanks are also at a high risk, since they can also be instantly killed by them. In open terrain they are still dangerous, since the only ranged attack they do have are Alien Grenades (basically they are TFTD Technicians, carring drills and grenades). I may need to optimiz the spawns for them, so they are more likely to spawn inside the UFO, instead in the open field.

Actually, Mutons seem well-suited for melee combat, since they're so hard to kill and therefore able to get close. But it only makes sense if 1) melee weapons have very reliable damage, 2) melee weapons are fast, 3) the battlescape has little open areas for long range combat. Otherwise, yeah, not much sense.

1.) They do have reliable damage :)
2.) They are kinda, Human Melee Weapons do have a precentage TU usage of 25%, Alien melee weapons do have a flatrate TU cost of 20 TU's, which lets enemies like Mutons and Gazers easily attack you twice each turn if they can close in on you (Muton Elites and Muton Elite Guards can attack maximum of 3 and 4 times respectivly).
3.) Well open terrain of course cuts down the usefullness of Melee weapons, but any Urban setting or the insides of caves, UFO's and buildings still pose a significant threat.

I will definitly change the percentage of them to have a higher likebility to spawn on the inside of the UFO's.

EDIT: I also reworked all of the 117 current UFO Maps in my Mod, to prevent stuff like this (,3550.msg51266.html#msg51266). The effect is the same as with Lukes Dark Ufos (
I hope you will like it, as soon as i release the next Version.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: hellrazor on December 03, 2015, 10:10:50 am
Also something else, which i considered, since the latest Version of Openxcom will actually allows to do this, is to drop the 2 lowest diffiulty levels,
Beginner and Experienced and add  two new ones called "Demigod" and "Omnipotent". Those will further increase the alien stats and armors and maybe some stuff more.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: hellrazor on December 03, 2015, 10:49:27 am

That's a little dumb. You can only get this entry in UFOPaedia if you actually got and researched it. That's first.
Second is that it says, "your troops did a really good job to acquire this item" but in the end it says, "we must acquire this item at all cost". If you'd already got this item, why would ufopaedia advise you to get it again?

You should read it properly... the ufopaedia article also talks about a even greater information source then the Alien Data Slate, the Alien Data Core, hence "we must aquire this item at all cost" is related towards the Alien Data Core not the Alien Data Slate. It is also a hint that you need to get the Alien Data Core to get access to Alien Plasma Weaponry. The artile is totally sound, it is is called indirect speech.

EDIT: For further clarification, i can change "we must acquire this item at all cost" into "we must acquire this Alien Data Core at all cost", if needed.
EDIT2: The article also holds some typo errors, which i need to correct...
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: DeltaEpsilon on December 03, 2015, 11:17:48 am
Ah, I get it now. All this time I thought it was about Alien Data Slate.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: Warboy1982 on December 03, 2015, 11:18:42 am
"The examination and translation of the data stored in this slate has helped us further our understanding of the alien's technology. Initial probes yielded a wealth of information regarding optical arrays and the properties of alien alloys. Deeper analysis indicates that this is merely a small part of a larger "data core". There is little information about the data core, but one fact is clear: we must acquire one at all costs."
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: hellrazor on December 03, 2015, 11:21:51 am
Ah, I get it now. All this time I thought it was about Alien Data Slate.

Well the first part of the article actually is about the Alien Data Slate, but the rest of it is a hint towards the Alien Data Core.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: hellrazor on December 03, 2015, 11:24:19 am
"The examination and translation of the data stored in this slate has helped us further our understanding of the alien's technology. Initial probes yielded a wealth of information regarding optical arrays and the properties of alien alloys. Deeper analysis indicates that this is merely a small part of a larger "data core". There is little information about the data core, but one fact is clear: we must acquire one at all costs."

Hm.. also a nice way to formulate this out, but i am missing the Hint towards the bigger UFO's. Also the Alien Data Slate holds information about the Alien data Core, it is not a part of it. But thanks for this alternate version :)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 03, 2015, 05:57:47 pm
EDIT: I also reworked all of the 117 current UFO Maps in my Mod, to prevent stuff like this (,3550.msg51266.html#msg51266). The effect is the same as with Lukes Dark Ufos (

Hmmmm, how do you do that? :)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: hellrazor on December 03, 2015, 06:20:16 pm
Hmmmm, how do you do that? :)
In essence the same way as Turkishswede did it with LukesDarkUfo mod. Placing internal west and north walls to block lof.
I modified slighty to have a west/north wall corner tile with another loft just to make sure.
the additional walls do increase the ammount of recovered aliens alloys slightly , 10 additional tiles 1 alien alloy.
i can post a few screenshots later if you like.
it was a rather time consuming process...
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 03, 2015, 07:57:48 pm
Thanks, it's what I was afraid of. :) I guess I'll have to do it too, at some point.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: hellrazor on December 04, 2015, 01:32:49 pm
Thanks, it's what I was afraid of. :) I guess I'll have to do it too, at some point.

Well i reworked not only the vanilla variant maps, but also the maps for Fighters, Sentry Ships, Excavators and Labships.
So if you are interested in those, feel free to use them.
I am gonna add some more custom bulletsprites and then push a new release, before i actually start reworking the missionstructure und put in special missions etc..
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: marsmann on December 04, 2015, 01:47:42 pm
Another question, I never bothered in the main game.
How many hyperwave decoders do I need?
For Radars it was clear: 1 at every base. But here?
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: hellrazor on December 04, 2015, 05:41:37 pm
Another question, I never bothered in the main game.
How many hyperwave decoders do I need?
For Radars it was clear: 1 at every base. But here?

One Hyperwave Decoder is totally sufficient. Building Multiple Radars is actually something you wanna do since you increase your detection chances.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: marsmann on December 04, 2015, 06:23:53 pm
Just to make sure I understand you right, it's one for all bases and not one for each base, right?
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: hellrazor on December 04, 2015, 06:36:33 pm
Just to make sure I understand you right, it's one for all bases and not one for each base, right?

Each base needs one, image Hyper Wave Decoders the same Radars. So each base needs at least one.
You can also have Multiple Large Radars at each base to increase your detection chances, as long as
hyperwave decoders aren't around.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: hellrazor on December 06, 2015, 01:03:36 am
My you all reach the level of omnipotency!
Those new Difficulty Levels, will increase the Alien Stats.
Beware my dear friends:
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: DeltaEpsilon on December 06, 2015, 01:16:02 am
I've just researched UFO power source, but I didn't get "Power Suit" topic. What is going on? You don't tell me I need to capture an engineer every time I research something that requires interrogation of an engineer, do you?
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: hellrazor on December 06, 2015, 01:30:57 am
I've just researched UFO power source, but I didn't get "Power Suit" topic. What is going on? You don't tell me I need to capture an engineer every time I research something that requires interrogation of an engineer, do you?

There is a Research Tree Graphic in the mods folder, which will help you with any Research questions.
To get Power Suits, you need Personal Armor, the UFO Power Source, and when you have researched both interrogate a Alien Engineer (race does not matter).

EDIT: If you have the techs and the next step requires a Alive Interrogation, 1 Alive Interrogation may unlock more then 1 Topic.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: DeltaEpsilon on December 06, 2015, 10:50:24 am
I am having a problem which is similar to this:
I am trying your mod in the latest version. I attached a save where I get an error with ctd, it comes in the beginning of march (yes, a bit in the future), the error reads "vector::_m_Range_check"
To see it you can just put the time to 1 day and wait. Do you have an idea where it comes from?
It happens at Aug 26, about 2:51:15.

obviously the missionSiteZone generated for the Terrormission was wrong (no clue how). It was set to -1 (default value) instead of 1.
Fixed save attached.
Well, I fixed the save file myself. Do something about that bug if you have any clue as to why it happens.
A terror ship was heading to NORTHATLANTIC.
Also there are a bunch of other missions with missionSiteZone=-1 pending, should I delete them too? They are not going to happen any time soon.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: hellrazor on December 06, 2015, 11:58:10 am
I am having a problem which is similar to this:It happens at Aug 26, about 2:51:15.
Well, I fixed the save file myself. Do something about that bug if you have any clue as to why it happens.
A terror ship was heading to NORTHATLANTIC.
Also there are a bunch of other missions with missionSiteZone=-1 pending, should I delete them too? They are not going to happen any time soon.

Well i am already aware of the problem, and it is supposed to be fixed in the mod version, but you need to edit your savegame.
And remove Terrormissions from the possibleMissions section, since Terrormissions are generated by missionScript entries!
How to edit your savegame is described here: Edit savegame to get rid of this bug (,3550.msg54335.html#msg54335)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: DeltaEpsilon on December 06, 2015, 12:57:33 pm
'k then.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: hellrazor on December 07, 2015, 05:54:54 pm
'k then.

Did it work?
If you lile i can also provide you with fixed version.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: DeltaEpsilon on December 07, 2015, 06:41:20 pm
Yes, it did.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: hellrazor on December 09, 2015, 01:05:22 pm
Yes, it did.

Perfect, then my discription was good enough :)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.97 Double Terror and CTD fix
Post by: DeltaEpsilon on December 10, 2015, 07:31:35 pm
As requested:
( - second interceptor will yield the error if you try to bring the window.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on December 10, 2015, 07:55:44 pm
Jeah i gona take a look at it.

EDIT: The bug was fixed by: git commit (
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on December 10, 2015, 07:57:50 pm
Darkened UFO's
and some more Ammo Types

Version 0.98
 - Fix some typos and clarified Alien Data Slate ufopaedia text
 - Added Recolored Blaster Launcher Bulletsprite, grey Blasterbombs!
 - Added Fire Bomb and Smoke for Small Launcher
 - Added Custom Bullet Sprites for Alloy Ammo Clips
 - Added Custom Bullet Sprites for Elerium, Fire and Smoke Bomb
 - darkened Medium Scout, Large Scouts, Fighters, Sentry Ships,
   Harvesters, Abductors, Terror Ships, Battleship, Supply Ships and
   Labship (all 117 Maps!!!)
 - reduced recoverable Alien Alloys by ~36% for all UFO's
 - reduced recoverable Elerium 115 per Power Source (35->25, 50% vanilla)
 - Adjusted Ruleset to lastest changes in : openxcom_git_master_2015_11_30_1238

Please use newest Nightly, or at least Nightly Version: openxcom_git_master_2015_11_30_1238 (

Modportal Link Hardmode Expansion (
Dropbox Links:
BETA Version 0.93b (
WIP Version 0.98 (

Current ToDo List (,3550.msg42524.html#msg42524)
Credit List (,3550.msg42492.html#msg42492)
Changelog (,3550.msg42494.html#msg42494)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on December 14, 2015, 12:29:45 am
I am currently working on integrating new terrains and new Missions,

so before christmas we will have a new Version with some hopefully nasty presents ^^
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on December 14, 2015, 09:15:09 pm
I like all those new Terrains!
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on December 19, 2015, 08:57:24 pm
Fun with Terrains:
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on December 20, 2015, 05:28:30 pm
Optimizing Mapscripts sometimes has some very nightmarish results :D

Sorry needed to share that.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: Dioxine on December 20, 2015, 05:37:14 pm
Looks very realistic :)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on December 20, 2015, 05:43:01 pm
Looks very realistic :)

Well the RNG God has decided to gimme that sometimes ;D
Its just i am going over all my mapScripts and terror assigments, so i am trying to make things a little more nightmarish on the go, at least as far as i can.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: Dioxine on December 20, 2015, 06:15:10 pm
There's a thing I discovered yesterday, and you might find it helpful (if you don't know this already). The AI moves its units in the same sequence as the sequence defined in alienDeployments (top-to-bottom), not by a fixed rank order. I used this to make the AI move tough units first to tank player's reactions etc.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: DeltaEpsilon on December 20, 2015, 09:58:14 pm
Power suits don't protect from fire.

Shit. Rest in Hospital, Oisin O'Neil.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on December 20, 2015, 11:58:34 pm
There's a thing I discovered yesterday, and you might find it helpful (if you don't know this already). The AI moves its units in the same sequence as the sequence defined in alienDeployments (top-to-bottom), not by a fixed rank order. I used this to make the AI move tough units first to tank player's reactions etc.

Jeah i have that since ages, Terrorunits always move first.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on December 21, 2015, 12:00:37 am
Power suits don't protect from fire.

Shit. Rest in Hospital, Oisin O'Neil.

Uh actually vanilla Power Suits have immunity to Fire. Don't know why my ones don't. Fixed and thanks.
Hope Oisin doesn't take to long in hospital.
How are you holding out on your current campaign? I hope you will not give up.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on December 21, 2015, 09:59:09 pm
Some nice playtool, which Hobbes delivered to me:
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: Hobbes on December 21, 2015, 11:37:11 pm
Some nice playtool, which Hobbes delivered to me:

Have you finished the 2 Urban terrains?
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on December 22, 2015, 06:50:41 am
Have you finished the 2 Urban terrains?

Unfortunatly not, but i used your snow mcd files on normal urban and expanded terror, works :)
We would need a desert theme also.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on December 22, 2015, 12:53:41 pm
Fixed Water animation for TFTD Water, unfortunatly the wateris now blue instead of blue cyan, the UFO palette doesn't have that color combination.

Hope you people will still like it.

See attached screenshots:
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: niculinux on December 22, 2015, 01:06:29 pm
Fixed Water animation for TFTD Water, unfortunatly the wateris now blue instead of blue cyan, the UFO palette doesn't have that color combination.

Hope you people will still like it.

Thanks actually i really like it! Well done!
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on December 24, 2015, 07:18:58 am
Well look what we have here:
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: ivandogovich on December 24, 2015, 04:30:09 pm
Umm.. yeah.  So cool I just had to share. ;)  Maybe this will drum you up a broadcaster. :)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on December 24, 2015, 04:39:42 pm
Umm.. yeah.  So cool I just had to share. ;)  Maybe this will drum you up a broadcaster. :)

Uhh that mission was made possible by the conversion of the map and MCD sets by Hobbes. All credit goes to him, i just included it and probably some more of the stuff he has in UFO Redux. I will adapt things if i see the need.

The mod is far from being finished and at the moment lacks unique stuff, like a human collaborator faction for example.
So it is not quite ready yet. But difficulty should be really good i hope.

Thanks for the share thou.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on December 25, 2015, 08:00:54 pm
Started rework of Mapscripts for Terrormissions, first focus URBAN, MADURBAN and EXPANDED_TERROR Maps.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on December 25, 2015, 08:02:54 pm
Some more:
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 25, 2015, 08:49:18 pm
Are you making new map blocks, or fixing old ones?
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on December 25, 2015, 09:04:00 pm
Are you making new map blocks, or fixing old ones?

No just playing around with the Mapscript, to alter block distribution. Like URBAN has now 4 possible combination of occurancy rates for 20x20 map blocks, which each are equally possible, same goes for the roads.
So you can have a standard vanilla Terrorsite in Urban, or you can have a maze of a few 3 level Appartment buildings.
Nothing is fixed, map is still generated randomly, but on certain scenarios some blocks occur more often.

Like EXPANDED_TERROR has a possibility to spawn up to 4 of these 4 level Appartment blocks, which are a nightmare, if you do not blow them to bits.

A further goal is to make scripts to regulate 20x20 block occurance rate for UFO missions, based on mapsize, smaller maps get less 20x20 blocks, larger ones more at least thats the idea.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: Dioxine on December 25, 2015, 09:17:38 pm
These maps look painful, but also quite realistic.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on December 25, 2015, 09:20:06 pm
These maps look painful, but also quite realistic.

Well those are Terrormissions, they are supposed to be painful. About the realism maybe, need to see what else i can create.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on December 27, 2015, 09:44:58 pm
i guess the globe Urban Terrains also do work:
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: Cristao on December 30, 2015, 11:12:58 pm
Gonna try this for real. Commendations mod included. Will use my stronger soldiers mod though.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on December 31, 2015, 10:08:10 pm
Gonna try this for real. Commendations mod included. Will use my stronger soldiers mod though.

Fell free to do so :)
Let me know how it goes, gonna release a new Version coming Sunday, just finishing of the terrainupdates and everything.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on January 03, 2016, 05:11:08 pm
After 3 hours of painfully pixelpainting, i could restore the converted TFTD Water animation to its full beauty,
adding correct scangs data for the minimap and most importantly, WATER shadow!

EDIT: Now for the painful process of showing this of on Port Terrain, the docked Ships and of course Ship Attack Missions.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on January 03, 2016, 05:18:46 pm
For comparing here the original from TFTD:
Thx to Hobbes for the initial convert.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: Bloax on January 03, 2016, 05:43:27 pm
Looks to me like some palette shifting is in order on that water:
At least this frame looks better if you shift them around.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on January 04, 2016, 04:11:37 am
Looks to me like some palette shifting is in order on that water:
At least this frame looks better if you shift them around.

Feel free to provide me with a alternate Version.
Meanwhile water has arrived at PortTFTD:
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: Duke_Falcon on January 04, 2016, 10:29:30 pm
After finished Xops I started to play this one. Nothing fancy untill the month's end except I pillaged a Floater battleship carried 9(!) Reapers... Why is it a Floater ship if there are only 4 of them?   IT'S HARDMODE X-COM BABY!!!


Then that terror. I mean a Sectoid terror with 11 Cyberdiscs and only 2 Sectoids right at the end of the first month... First I thought it is a joke but no...   IT'S HARDMODE X-COM BABY!!!

I understand the meaning of hard just never thought there is someone out there who can and dare to exploit the meaning of this word so deeply... It were not designed to play on Superhuman, did it?

Please, do not misunderstand this, this mod is cool just surprisingly, well... hard sometimes? Or just weird?
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: DeltaEpsilon on January 05, 2016, 12:16:09 am
It were not designed to play on Superhuman, did it?
Of course it were.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on January 05, 2016, 07:00:33 am
After finished Xops I started to play this one. Nothing fancy untill the month's end except I pillaged a Floater battleship carried 9(!) Reapers... Why is it a Floater ship if there are only 4 of them?   IT'S HARDMODE X-COM BABY!!!


Then that terror. I mean a Sectoid terror with 11 Cyberdiscs and only 2 Sectoids right at the end of the first month... First I thought it is a joke but no...   IT'S HARDMODE X-COM BABY!!!

I understand the meaning of hard just never thought there is someone out there who can and dare to exploit the meaning of this word so deeply... It were not designed to play on Superhuman, did it?

Please, do not misunderstand this, this mod is cool just surprisingly, well... hard sometimes? Or just weird?

Only 2 Sectoids? that doesn't sound right. Maxspawn for a Terrorsite is 32 aliens. So 2 Sectoids is way to low. Are you sure you are playing on Superhuman difficulty?
You can simply test this, by creating a New Battle with a Terrorsite, press Strg+D to activaty debug mode and Strg+k to kill all Alien. You need "  debug: true" in your options .cfg. The ammount of aliens bodies should be 28-32 or so.

The mod is designed and balanced to be played on Superhuman. Some of the new Enemies you will encounter may need some further Stat adjustment, but that depends how it goes.
Do not forget to raid the Floater Base near your first Base, or you will run out of research beginning of May latest.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on January 05, 2016, 07:22:16 am
Also, take a look here:
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: Cristao on January 05, 2016, 10:36:11 am
Suggestion. Something similar to AWACS is required in the early game.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on January 05, 2016, 10:46:36 am
After finished Xops I started to play this one. Nothing fancy untill the month's end except I pillaged a Floater battleship carried 9(!) Reapers... Why is it a Floater ship if there are only 4 of them?   IT'S HARDMODE X-COM BABY!!!


Then that terror. I mean a Sectoid terror with 11 Cyberdiscs and only 2 Sectoids right at the end of the first month... First I thought it is a joke but no...   IT'S HARDMODE X-COM BABY!!!

I understand the meaning of hard just never thought there is someone out there who can and dare to exploit the meaning of this word so deeply... It were not designed to play on Superhuman, did it?

Please, do not misunderstand this, this mod is cool just surprisingly, well... hard sometimes? Or just weird?

Could you provide me with a savegame? Because those spawns for normal Aliens are way to low. Surprisingly the Terrorunits seem to have spawned with right numbers, even thou those are only minimal spawns.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on January 05, 2016, 10:50:07 am
Suggestion. Something similar to AWACS is required in the early game.

Building Small Radar Outposts will also do.
You can try and activate the Awacs Mod additionally i you see the need, i am not sure if they would work well together, please provide me with feedback.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: Cristao on January 05, 2016, 08:44:36 pm
Will try and see if they are compatible. My own experience is that I have had to use an empty skyranger to pull it off once I had built a second base. It also helps that I dont bother shooting UFOs down. I mostly try to land when they are on ground. Less damaging and more money!! Store Space is a problem especially when one hasnt researched a lot.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on January 05, 2016, 09:23:21 pm
Will try and see if they are compatible. My own experience is that I have had to use an empty skyranger to pull it off once I had built a second base. It also helps that I dont bother shooting UFOs down. I mostly try to land when they are on ground. Less damaging and more money!! Store Space is a problem especially when one hasnt researched a lot.

Well you only need 1 Item of each for researching. And Storage modules are pretty cheap.
Did you had any problems with Spawnnumbers?
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on January 05, 2016, 09:24:21 pm
The Docked Cargo Ship decided to bring in some Water:
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: Duke_Falcon on January 05, 2016, 10:14:49 pm
Spawning works well. It was my bad that I literally demolitioned everything. Corpses what destroy not recovered. After the high number of terror units I decided to level everything with explosive stuffs. And cyberdiscs frequently explode and kill the nearby aliens. Two such explosion is enough to desintegrate those poor sectoids without even spot them.

I checked that terror in debug mode and yeah, there were more greys just they vanished in the fiery carnage of explosions... Just like those useless civs did... And I admit I forfeit superhuman today and restarted in on lower difficulty. Cyberdics + Chrysalids in a Floater terror was just way to much for my squad and me to bring down the lethality level. Not impossible on superhuman but some surprises are to nasty for my taste.

And it is me or the research times really expanded? It took 15 days for a Sectoid autopsy for 20 scientists (well, 10 and halfway arrived 10 more still it took long). And I like the additional reports following the autopsies. Just one question: If explosive munitions is a research topic why not unlock it HE ammo for other weapons to? Like snipers and rifles? These weapons have explisve munition in RL mostly. It would awesome to have HE sniper rounds.

And did you changed AI behaviour? Floaters and Sectoids seemingly love to use grenades even if they enter a 3x3 room and kill themselves to with those grenades. And is this mod really incompatible with everything else? I mean with TFTD weapon damage mod for example. Well, I think I will try this...
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: Cristao on January 05, 2016, 10:38:57 pm
Well you only need 1 Item of each for researching. And Storage modules are pretty cheap.
Did you had any problems with Spawnnumbers?

Oh good!! I dont need to keep some just in case it is needed to make some weapon or armor! Great to know. Spawning works well with me.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: Cristao on January 05, 2016, 10:40:44 pm
Spawning works well. It was my bad that I literally demolitioned everything. Corpses what destroy not recovered. After the high number of terror units I decided to level everything with explosive stuffs. And cyberdiscs frequently explode and kill the nearby aliens. Two such explosion is enough to desintegrate those poor sectoids without even spot them.

I checked that terror in debug mode and yeah, there were more greys just they vanished in the fiery carnage of explosions... Just like those useless civs did... And I admit I forfeit superhuman today and restarted in on lower difficulty. Cyberdics + Chrysalids in a Floater terror was just way to much for my squad and me to bring down the lethality level. Not impossible on superhuman but some surprises are to nasty for my taste.

And it is me or the research times really expanded? It took 15 days for a Sectoid autopsy for 20 scientists (well, 10 and halfway arrived 10 more still it took long). And I like the additional reports following the autopsies. Just one question: If explosive munitions is a research topic why not unlock it HE ammo for other weapons to? Like snipers and rifles? These weapons have explisve munition in RL mostly. It would awesome to have HE sniper rounds.

And did you changed AI behaviour? Floaters and Sectoids seemingly love to use grenades even if they enter a 3x3 room and kill themselves to with those grenades. And is this mod really incompatible with everything else? I mean with TFTD weapon damage mod for example. Well, I think I will try this...

Research is real long in this mod. I am tempted to load up my stun pistol and tough armor for this mod just to get a first pass through it. Did you say cybers and chrysieess!!  :o :o
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on January 06, 2016, 12:21:43 am
And it is me or the research times really expanded? It took 15 days for a Sectoid autopsy for 20 scientists (well, 10 and halfway arrived 10 more still it took long). And I like the additional reports following the autopsies. Just one question: If explosive munitions is a research topic why not unlock it HE ammo for other weapons to? Like snipers and rifles? These weapons have explisve munition in RL mostly. It would awesome to have HE sniper rounds.

And did you changed AI behaviour? Floaters and Sectoids seemingly love to use grenades even if they enter a 3x3 room and kill themselves to with those grenades. And is this mod really incompatible with everything else? I mean with TFTD weapon damage mod for example. Well, I think I will try this...

Yes research times are expanded by 1.5 times vanilla values. I recommend to stock up scientists, after you raid your nearby Floater Base, which you need for Alien Containment Research, you should get 100 Scientists to be able to research Lasers some better Interceptors and so on. i recommend to get between 200 and 250 Scientists before you reach November, since Plasma Weapons take a long time to research and are needed against some specific enemies which laugh about Laser weapons.
But remember that you are financially restricted, wages for Scientists, Engineers and Soldiers are 1.5 times the vanilla value. The funding from the Counsil Nations is not enough to finance this intentionally. Earlie in the game you need to raid as many UFO's as you can, to get enough money. After Researching Lasers you also set up a production Base and fire out Laser Canons for income.

I am not planning to add explosive Ammo towards normal Rifles and or Sniper Rifles, it maybe possible for Shotguns in the future.

Research is real long in this mod. I am tempted to load up my stun pistol and tough armor for this mod just to get a first pass through it. Did you say cybers and chrysieess!!  :o :o

You can have a combination of Chryssalids and Cyberdiscs in some Sectoid Terrormissions earlie. Alloy Ammo is the only way to fight even those effectivly earlie on, explosives will also do, but do you really wanna destroy the loot?

There are enough methods avaible to capture alive Aliens in the game, Flashbang Grenades, Taser Pistol and Stun Rod. Later of Course Small Launcher with Stun Bombs or Stun Grenades.

But alive Interrogations only become aviable after you researched the Alien Containment, one dependency of it can only be found in Alien Bases, one exists near your starting Base. Its only a Floater Base. *evilgrin*

Oh good!! I dont need to keep some just in case it is needed to make some weapon or armor! Great to know. Spawning works well with me.
This is only true for the current avaible Version, once i release v0.99 with a lot of Terrain upgrades and some smaller fixes and 2 new Missions, you should collect Blaster Launcher and Blaster bombs, especially Blaster Bombs, since i removed the ability of the Player to produce them, so only captured ones can be used.

If any of you have trouble with the research, take a look on the Research Tree Graphic, which is located in the Mod folder, of course you can also ask questions here.
Starting alive Interrogations, especially of Engineers and Navigators will increase Alien Activity in form of additional Vanilla Missions, so you better get a second combat Team ready to handle those. *grin*
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on January 06, 2016, 12:32:00 am
And did you changed AI behaviour? Floaters and Sectoids seemingly love to use grenades even if they enter a 3x3 room and kill themselves to with those grenades. And is this mod really incompatible with everything else? I mean with TFTD weapon damage mod for example. Well, I think I will try this...

AI behaviour is unchanged, since i can not influence it.
It's not incompatible with everything else, you can use small Mods like Items or additional Craft. It is incompatible with Mods which temper with Alien Missions, the ItemLevels and the Alien Deployments.

I strongly advise against useing TFTD Damage Rules, there are Enemies in the Mod which will become extremly hard to kill, i suspect Muton Elite Guards and Armored Sectopods will be nearly impossible to kill with TFTD Damage Rules. But if you wanna increase your suffering fun playing the Mod feel free to do so.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on January 13, 2016, 09:51:45 am
Version 0.99 is nearly finished.

Testing will take some time thou, since i wanna avoid all critial bugs.

There will be no changes which break compatibility with Version 0.98.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: Dioxine on January 16, 2016, 03:42:40 pm
I've noticed some transparency issues in your version of MADDECOR terrain, MCDs 43 & 50 (patches of transparent black where some light-gray color should be). SCANG on MCD 50 looks wrong as well.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on January 17, 2016, 06:09:40 am
I've noticed some transparency issues in your version of MADDECOR terrain, MCDs 43 & 50 (patches of transparent black where some light-gray color should be). SCANG on MCD 50 looks wrong as well.

Thanks i take a look at it right away, actually those issues also should be in the original MADDECOR.MCD file.

EDIT: I fixed the file, but since i haven't released a new Version of my Mod yet, i posted the fix in the Terrainpack @ Dioxine.

EDIT: Also MADDECOR is from Hobbes...
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: Dioxine on January 17, 2016, 04:11:46 pm
I know I just opened it up randomly in MCDEDIT after you posted the upgrade :)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on January 17, 2016, 06:48:44 pm
I know I just opened it up randomly in MCDEDIT after you posted the upgrade :)

Jeah here again just in case:
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: Dioxine on January 21, 2016, 01:27:25 pm
Regarding your SEAURBAN tiles - could you post some manual about their proper placement in relation to each other? They're great but I thought there's no point in wating time to figure out this 9-piece puzzle by myself. I don't know if this post belongs here but the thread about the terrain pack was deleted, and you're the author, so.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on January 21, 2016, 01:51:46 pm
Regarding your SEAURBAN tiles - could you post some manual about their proper placement in relation to each other? They're great but I thought there's no point in wating time to figure out this 9-piece puzzle by myself. I don't know if this post belongs here but the thread about the terrain pack was deleted, and you're the author, so.

I actually did take a look at the original files from TFTD, to figure out the proper placements and patterns. Took a while but i had time on christmas.

Example (Numbers are MCD Index numbers for the SEAURBAN.MCD)
PORTUFO02 uses the following pattern:
11 | 5 | 8
13 | 4 | 9
10 | 3 | 6
11 | 14 | 17 <-- Pier Shadow
13 | 16 | 18 <-- Pier
10 | 12 | 15 <-- Pier
11 | 5 | 8
13 | 7 | 9

10 | 3 | 6
11 | 5 | 8
13 | 7 | 9
10 | 3 | 6
11 | 5 | 8
13 | 7 | 9
10 | 3 | 6
11 | 5 | 8

Repeating Pattern on PORTUFO07, and the Cargoship and Linership Maps.
1 | 3 | 6 | 1 | 3 | 6
2 | 5 | 8 | 2 | 5 | 8
4 | 7 | 9 | 4 | 7 | 9

I hope this gives you some clue :>

Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: Dioxine on January 21, 2016, 02:37:04 pm
I need to substract -1 from all these numbers, right? :) (since MCDs are 0-17, not 1-18).
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on January 21, 2016, 03:01:42 pm
I need to substract -1 from all these numbers, right? :) (since MCDs are 0-17, not 1-18).

Jeah if you start counting at zero.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: Dioxine on January 21, 2016, 03:59:51 pm
All works fine. Thanks!
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: kennyzloj on January 21, 2016, 11:25:22 pm
v 0.98 Heavy Laser Sniper has no short range accuracy penalty
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on January 22, 2016, 05:44:45 am
v 0.98 Heavy Laser Sniper has no short range accuracy penalty

Actually i think none of the Sniper Rifles does.

Are you playing with UFO Extender Accuracy?
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: kennyzloj on January 22, 2016, 09:41:27 pm
Are you playing with UFO Extender Accuracy?
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on January 22, 2016, 10:11:10 pm

i never played it with UFO Extender accuracy, any suggestion for a dropoff value?
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on January 27, 2016, 11:50:20 pm
Missionscript invoked Missions can lead to some severe Consequences!
I call this a nice Monthly opening (worstcase):
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 27, 2016, 11:52:22 pm
Yeah, it's exactly like I was recently getting 3 secret Cult of Dagon meetings at once, all over Europe.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on January 27, 2016, 11:55:33 pm
Yeah, it's exactly like I was recently getting 3 secret Cult of Dagon meetings at once, all over Europe.

Oh actually those are 2 different Missiontypes, doing a double spawn.
They can also do Triple spawns if you enter the Year 2000 :> (means worst case is 6 Missionsites Popping up in short sequence)
Missing them holds significant points penalties.
Each Missionsite missed is -2000 Points. So you need multiple Combat Teams or take a huge point penalty at the beginning of the Month.

In this case those are Docked Ships and Ship Attacks (each 50% executionchance each Month, starting with 1 Missionsite each, until 3 missionsites each).
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 28, 2016, 12:28:26 am
Yeah, I have similar goals for these missions. They shouldn't pop up in too many places at once, but it's possible and indeed gives you an incentive to have more teams. Because there's also this mad Reaper in Australia that's goring farmers left and right...
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on January 29, 2016, 11:16:51 am
Yeah, I have similar goals for these missions. They shouldn't pop up in too many places at once, but it's possible and indeed gives you an incentive to have more teams. Because there's also this mad Reaper in Australia that's goring farmers left and right...

Oh well you will need more combat teams and crafts anyway, since alive interrogations pull in additional vanilla missions, but the point penalty for those is marginal compared to Terrormissions or other Missionsites.

Naaaa Solarius this mad Reaper is not goring farmers, its goring Warboy1982, if we do not intercept successfully ;)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 29, 2016, 07:25:27 pm
Naaaa Solarius this mad Reaper is not goring farmers, its goring Warboy1982, if we do not intercept successfully ;)

Warboy would just smite it with a banhammer!
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on January 29, 2016, 07:56:38 pm
Warboy would just smite it with a banhammer!

I do not think so :P

Anyway i just finished my last exam successful today, so i am now having time to do some serious modding again ;>
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on January 31, 2016, 02:18:13 pm
A Idea of a new Battleship Interior Design, since i started to play around with those.

Could be very nasty i presume :)
And yes the design had in mind, to make it harder to storm.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 31, 2016, 05:58:30 pm
With closing doors on level 1, I think it's actually a little easier to storm. But I don't think it's bad.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on January 31, 2016, 07:37:19 pm
With closing doors on level 1, I think it's actually a little easier to storm. But I don't think it's bad.

Hm.. i could remove the 3 tiles doors on level 1. But i doubt it would change anything with entering level 2.
Since useing the four entrances in the middle there is basically a death sentence.

EDIT: I guess best thing is, i test it out, once with doors and once without them.

--- posts merge ---

Uhhh i really like it:
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 31, 2016, 08:58:53 pm
Nice. What was your approach to spawning nodes? Are there many, or few? What is their general spawning priority?
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on February 01, 2016, 01:23:27 am
Nice. What was your approach to spawning nodes? Are there many, or few? What is their general spawning priority?

best thing is, you try it out yourself.
I say, why don't you give it a ride?
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 01, 2016, 02:45:06 am
best thing is, you try it out yourself.
I say, why don't you give it a ride?

Thanks. It's good!
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on February 01, 2016, 10:45:35 am
Thanks. It's good!

I am currently making a standalone Darkened UFO Vanilla Variants Mod,
containing a collection of the following Maps:

Additional UFO Maps (darkened):
   8 Medium Scout Maps
   27 Large Scout Maps
   24 Harvester Maps
   10 Abductor Maps
   8 Terror Ship Maps
   2 Supply Ship Maps
   5 Battleship Map

Which makes a total of 84 strictly Vanilla interior Variants.
I always wanted to release those as a standalone anway, i will add more variants in the future, especially for Abductors and Terrorships.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: davide on February 01, 2016, 11:58:22 am
May it be used together Redux ?

Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on February 01, 2016, 01:31:32 pm
May it be used together Redux ?

but Hobbes disables the xcom1 ruleset MCD Patches, so you can not walk along North and West Walls.

Those UFO's are exactly made for the case, when the normal xcom1 ruleset MCD Patches are applied (which they usually are).
I also modified some of the MCD files, to make them explosion proof, so explosives used near diagonal walls, will not
carry their blast into the interior of the UFO. I also reinforced some armor values of some groundtiles, especially with HE Block values, since we have now 3d explosions, the original settings weren't intended for those. It is working very nicely.
Making them blast through proof is kinda logical, since we are talking about a Alien Alloy frame here.
Direct Hits with Blaster Launcher will still penetrate the walls.
Even thou the outer West and North walls have interior walls set, so you may need to shoot twice in some cases.
I did experiment, with setting invisible interior walls, which didn't had any armor values and were only blocking LOS,
but i abandoned this approach because, aliens going berserk may shoot this invisible interior West and North walls, and you can then look into them again. Also having a invisible West Wall and a visible North Wall for example just looks ugly ingame (ok that is a astetical aspect.)

EDIT: I also included Coopers Extra Battleship Mod, darkened those Maps and fixed the Patrol Information and some spawnpoints, also set Importances.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: Hobbes on February 01, 2016, 03:50:46 pm
May it be used together Redux ?

There will be more UFOs added to the next version of Redux.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on February 01, 2016, 06:32:07 pm
There will be more UFOs added to the next version of Redux.

You can feel free and take a look Hobbes, can now be found here (
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on February 25, 2016, 11:00:10 am
Small update,
yesterday evening my desktop pc decided to stop working. I assume its the graphic card or the mainboard.
Fortunatly i made a backup of my Mod progress after the last modding session, so no data is lost.

Without my desktop machine, i am currently not able to modify maps at all, or looking at maptiles in mapview.
I am currently putting together sprites for additional civilian units, which are needed since a load of terrains have been added,
and Island Attack e.g. need appropriate civilians.

Muton Berserkers also will come in, but i haven't really thought about what kind of Stats this unit should hold,
it will definitly have high amount of HP (like 160), only 10 armor in all directions, but takes only 50% damage from all weapons.
My thought was to make them extremly aggressive (same as Chryssalids), and of course give them good Strength and a Powerfull melee attack.
Racewise i planned to combine them with normal Mutons and Muton Elites.

After this is finished i will release a tested and hopefully bugfree Version 0.99 of Hardmode Expansion.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 25, 2016, 04:54:13 pm
Condolences about your PC. BTW check your power supply unit too...
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on February 25, 2016, 09:02:06 pm
Condolences about your PC. BTW check your power supply unit too...

Jeah i am kinda in a bad spot there, since i do not have spare hardware, which i could test.
First thing i will test is the graphic card. Since my Bios gives me at least beep error codes if i remove it.
Unfortunatly i do not have a onboard one, so i need to borrow one from a friend of mine for testing.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on February 27, 2016, 10:07:51 pm
I have added some more cities, so that the globe now contains 330 cities.

Looks kinda to overcrowded somehow, or?
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on March 08, 2016, 07:11:46 pm
We do now have a new alien visitor to earth, thanks to xOps for the awesome looking Sprites.
Also thanks to Bloax for some of Sounds this unit will use.

This Muton Berserker will replace Silacoids in Muton Terror Loadouts.
Silacoids are kinda low threat, so they will accompany Floaters, Sectoids and Snakemen early on.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: Countdown on March 14, 2016, 09:22:12 am
I'm curious why this darkened UFO thing is not an issue in 1.0, but became an issue in the latest nightlies. In OXC 1.0 you can walk along the side of UFOs just fine and you won't see in them. But in the latest nightlies you do. What happened to change it and thus made the "darkened UFO" mod necessary?

Before I actually didn't understand what you were talking about with this "darkened UFO" mod because I was using 1.0 and didn't have the issue.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.98 Darkened UFO's
Post by: hellrazor on March 14, 2016, 09:39:14 am
I'm curious why this darkened UFO thing is not an issue in 1.0, but became an issue in the latest nightlies. In OXC 1.0 you can walk along the side of UFOs just fine and you won't see in them. But in the latest nightlies you do. What happened to change it and thus made the "darkened UFO" mod necessary?

The community was lacking a unified, errorfree and rechecked UFO Mod, which compiled all avaible Vanilla Variant Maps together. Since This form of Mod already existed incorporated into Hardmode Expansion, i released it as a seperate Mod, for all people to enjoy, and for other Modders to use, if they wish so.

The darkened UFO Mod was neccessary, because of the handling of walls in Openxcom and MCD patches which allow Soldiers, to directly walk on fields containing North and West Outer UFO Walls. I am unaware what the issue really is, this question maybe up to solve with the developers.

Maybe some error occured in the development, which led towards this? Since i am no developer and i am unfamilar with c++ or the openxcom codebase, i decided to fix this issue for myself, by overworking the maps. I caught two things at once, the peaking inside, and blastwaves penetrating UFO walls (see Darkened UFO Mod Thread for Screenshots).

At least with the darkened UFO's peaking inside UFO's will not occur, and also blastwaves from explosives handled outside the UFO or shot against the UFO wall (while not destroying it) will also not penetrate inside.

If you wish to discuss the Darkened UFO Mod further, please do so in the respective Thread located here (,4283.0.html)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: hellrazor on March 18, 2016, 09:16:55 am
Terrain Pack overwork and bugfixes.
I also balanced some weapons and added bunch more missions (Docked Ship and Ship Attack).
We all also can now enjoy Chryssalid Spitters on Earth and Muton Berserkers.
I know it doesn't sound much but the Terrain Pack update took a lot of time.
Hope you all will enjoy the Version.

I didn't had time so far to work over all the additional civilians sprites, but for the next version they are indeed needed anyway.

Version 0.99
 - Updated Terrainpack MAPS, ROUTES, TERRAINS
 - Updated Terrainpack Ruleset Integration
 - Updated Globe Cities (330 now)
 - Restructered Globe textures and deployments for Terrormissions
 - Fix some minor Ufopaedia Typos
 - Fix LOFT issues and Armor values for UBASE2.MCD
 - Fix Routes CULTAFARM02
 - Fix Routes LINERSHIP01
 - Fix Routes JUNGLEMOUNT05
 - Fixed several MCD settings in Terrain pack MCD's (that took way to long!)
 - Fix Power/Flying Suit Fire Immunity
 - Fix Terrain Pack Landing Zone Maps
 - Fix Cow issue for UFO_210a
 - Fix Route issue EXPANDEDTERROR21.RMP
 - Fix some wrong Maptiles on some Terrorship Maps
 - Added Converted TFTD WaterAnimation MCD file
 - Added Battleship Variants by Cooper (modified) and a design of my own
 - Added Hovertank/Launcher Ammo consumes Blaster Bombs but has same Power
 - Added Ship Attack and Docked Ship Mission (triggered by Alien Data Slate)
 - Added Airfield Terrain
 - Added Plane Terrain
 - Added Polar Terrain
 - Added Chryssalid Spitter on Earth (Muton Elite Guard Terrorunit)
 - Added Muton Berserker (Muton Terrorunit)
 - Removed ability to produce Blaster Launchers and Blaster Bombs (use captured ones!)
 - Readjusted Grenade Launcher SnapShot TU
 - Readjust Heavy Laser/Sniper Damage and Heavy Laser/Auto TU
 - Reduce Weightreduction, increase Stamina for Power/Flying Suits and Reinforced ones
 - Increased Armor on Grenades slightly
 - Increased Armor for Terrorunit corpses (was 0, now 26)
 - Reduced Scores for killing Aliens by 50%
 - Reduced Recoverypoints for Alien Corpses by 50%
 - Reduced penalty for dead Civilians from 50 to 40
 - Reworked chronological Racemixes
 - Reworked Alien Races (more Ranks, same Numbers)
 - Optimized Mapscripts for Docked Ship Mission, Urban, Expanded Terror, Expanded Urban and several more.

Please use newest Nightly, or at least Nightly Version: openxcom_git_master_2015_11_30_1238 (

Modportal Link Hardmode Expansion ( <- Currently downloads are not working, please use the dropbox link.
Dropbox Links:
WIP Version 0.99 (

Current ToDo List (,3550.msg42524.html#msg42524)
Credit List (,3550.msg42492.html#msg42492)
Changelog (,3550.msg42494.html#msg42494)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: Meridian on March 18, 2016, 10:47:17 am
Looking good, looking good.

Is the 1.0 version coming out next, or are you gonna start with 0.99a or 0.99.1 (like many other modders before you :D )?
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: hellrazor on March 18, 2016, 12:59:09 pm
Looking good, looking good.

Is the 1.0 version coming out next, or are you gonna start with 0.99a or 0.99.1 (like many other modders before you :D )?

I will just go on in 0.01 steps, which will end with version 1.xx or so.
The mod isn't really finished so far, since there are still some things i wanna optimize, especially Mapscripts.
I am also lacking some unique special Missions.
Here is a list of things i had planned to add in the future, but some of them will take some time to finish,
especially integrating Hobbes special missions, probably some slight Mapoverworks are needed (initial Spawnzones and such).
I am also lacking additional Civilians, i only have the ones originally in the Terrainpack. Sorting the Sprites out will take some time,
and i already noticed that i need to do some recolors for some Spritesets and then destribute them along the Terrorsites.

There will be more Terrain and UFO Maps i will probably add over time, in my mind i had:
- 2 interior variants vanilla Supply Ship
- More Interior variants for Vanilla Abductors and Terrorships
- Some 20x20 Maps Modules for Mars Terrain
- Alien Commandship

The three Gamestory mission are:
Special Mission to aquire the Alien Data Slate
Special Mission to aquire the Alien Data Core
Special Mission to aquire the Psi Amp

The creation of them will probably also induce the creations of a Human faction for Special Missions.

Next thing i am working on will the Civilians and probably finish of the Alien Commandship,
since i need it at least for the Alien Data Core recovery Mission.

But i hope that some people will testplay and help eradicating some still left over bugs. (I am a perfectionist, but also a human being :P)
Feedback is also needed especially about some of the lategame races, i nerfed them a little bit.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: hellrazor on March 24, 2016, 02:40:13 pm
Quick Bugfix, for CTD with Port Attack Missions,
please replace your terrains.rul file in Ruleset folder of Hardmode Expansion
with the here attached file, was a small oversight i apologize.

EDIT: Removed attachment, see further down in the thread for the full Bugfix.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: new_civilian on March 25, 2016, 05:03:47 pm
Not sure if the fix also fixes this, but the docked ship missions CTD as they lack the SEABITS.MCD file entry.

About the mod: Really nice work so far! I especially liked the fact that you added all the new terrains from Hobbes and add a meaningful selection of weapons. One minor thing that I found: The sentry ship has a lot of passengers, i played on superhuman (ok my mistake lol) and encountered 17 (iirc) enemies which simply was way more than looks possible on theat small ship.  :)

You go!  :)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: hellrazor on March 25, 2016, 05:46:53 pm
Not sure if the fix also fixes this, but the docked ship missions CTD as they lack the SEABITS.MCD file entry.

About the mod: Really nice work so far! I especially liked the fact that you added all the new terrains from Hobbes and add a meaningful selection of weapons. One minor thing that I found: The sentry ship has a lot of passengers, i played on superhuman (ok my mistake lol) and encountered 17 (iirc) enemies which simply was way more than looks possible on theat small ship.  :)

You go!  :)

Jeah adding those terrains was a lot of work, especially fixing the MCD files took very long, but i guess i got rid of most of the bugs.

Its also on the Docked Ship Missions? Damn...
Well the SEABITS.MCD is no longer needed, i removed it since all the Maps do now use the SEAURBAN.MCD which has the convert TFTD Water animation in it.

Sentry Ship do have the same crew capacity as Large Scouts, will not change that in the future :P .

Ok, removed the SEABITS.MCD entry from all terrain definitions, please copy over the here attached terrains.rul into the Hardmode Expansion ruleset folder.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: hellrazor on March 25, 2016, 07:02:48 pm
Btw the biggest change weaponswise would be the rebalance of the Heavy Lasers.

See attached Screenshots:
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: hellrazor on April 01, 2016, 05:21:27 pm
Hi all the brave souls, which decided to dwelve into the Hardmode Expansion,
i have a request for those who are actively playing the Mod.
If you happen to encounter Muton Berserkers tell me please if they need to be nerfed.
A short battle report would be nice.
The combination of normal Mutons, Berserkers and Sectopods seems to be pretty deadly,
as i just lost half my Alpha Squad of well trained Soldiers and some promising Squaddies.
Unfortunatly my Tank was to far away to sacrifice himself. I had Personal Armor
and full Laser Tech tree..

Aeeeh jeah and bring Scatter Lasers and some Heavy Laser/Snipers, they seem to be the only reliable way of killing Muton Berserkers (at least to some degree)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: Xtendo-com on April 02, 2016, 05:35:24 pm
Alive Interrogations require you to raid a nearby Alien Base early.
Otherwise you have no tech progress. The base is located in your starting
region. For the time being also one of the Story Items is located in
the alien base. Raid this base as early as possible!
I tried several times to assault a base as early as possible, but I need more units every time.
Some questions:
1) Can I combine several transporters?
2) If I run away from alien base and come back quickly I need to kill the same amount of aliens?
Difficulty: SuperHuman+Ironman.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: hellrazor on April 02, 2016, 08:09:35 pm
I tried several times to assault a base as early as possible, but I need more units every time.
Some questions:
1) Can I combine several transporters?
2) If I run away from alien base and come back quickly I need to kill the same amount of aliens?
Difficulty: SuperHuman+Ironman.

Unfortunatly its not possible to combine several Trooptransports. The biggest team you can field early on are 14 men, once you progress further in the tech tree, your next transport craft can field up to 20 soldiers.

Running away from a alien base and assaulting it a second time, will reset all enemy numbers. You also will not get any loot which is needed for story progress, to reciece this loot, you need to kill every alien inside the alien base. If you managed to spot Alien Base No. 1 (should be in your starting region), you will only have to fight floaters, even thou a whole bunch of them. I recommend to get Alloy Ammo and Alloy Vests first, since with Alloy Ammo Shotguns will solve your reaper problems and Rifles get a significant boost.

The best success assaulting the base so far, i had by useing a mixed team of Shotgunners/Motiondetector dudes, Rifle dudes for support and some Auto Canons.
Otherwise else its a fight towards death.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: Xtendo-com on April 04, 2016, 10:20:38 am
Thanks! I like your difficulty changes, but after failing several times without a saves I will play again your mod with some modifications that I already did.
1) Increased amount of HP - soldiers have initial 100 HP with a cap of 200 HP like old school shooters of ID software.
2) medikit heal 15 HP, 20 HP, 25 HP per wound.
It's not a realistic and don't have a right balance especially with tanks that has only 90 HP (easy to hit, can't survive against blaster burst or alien shootgun), but I like an idea of high reuseability of soldiers with field medic.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: hellrazor on April 04, 2016, 03:13:57 pm
Thanks! I like your difficulty changes, but after failing several times without a saves I will play again your mod with some modifications that I already did.
1) Increased amount of HP - soldiers have initial 100 HP with a cap of 200 HP like old school shooters of ID software.
2) medikit heal 15 HP, 20 HP, 25 HP per wound.
It's not a realistic and don't have a right balance especially with tanks that has only 90 HP (easy to hit, can't survive against blaster burst or alien shootgun), but I like an idea of high reuseability of soldiers with field medic.
Well feel free todo so if you like, even thou you are seriously unbalancing it with giving soldiers more hp. I hope you get punched in the face lots of times, for this disgression by some Muton Berserkers, which are hilarious in ironman mode.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: Xtendo-com on April 04, 2016, 06:08:11 pm
Well feel free todo so if you like, even thou you are seriously unbalancing it with giving soldiers more hp.
May be you are right, but I balance that with surprise effect (I don't know what I can expect during an year), without any saves to revert an action and random unlucky situations like 200% damage.

In attachment
1) Two field medics.
I hope you get punched in the face lots of times,
2) A guy with M79 missed and hit to my skyranger with full of ammunition...
Title: Softmode Expansion
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 04, 2016, 06:14:18 pm
Well feel free todo so if you like, even thou you are seriously unbalancing it with giving soldiers more hp.

Not at all! It only requires boosting all weapons damage by something like 250%. Oh, and aliens' HP too. :P
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: hellrazor on April 04, 2016, 07:00:53 pm
Not at all! It only requires boosting all weapons damage by something like 250%. Oh, and aliens' HP too. :P

Actually its defeating the purpose of playing a mod which is based upon difficulty.

May be you are right, but I balance that with surprise effect (I don't know what I can expect during an year), without any saves to revert an action and random unlucky situations like 200% damage.

In attachment
1) Two field medics.2) A guy with M79 missed and hit to my skyranger with full of ammunition...

I usually do not have dedicadet Medics, no reason to have too, once you get normal Medikits half of the Squad gets one, the other a Motionscanner and you are set to go.
I actually also do not advise useing the OpenXcom builtin Ironman mode, there might be still bugs in the Mod, which i do not have found so far.
They can be small stuff which is easy to fix and does not break savegames, but you only know what they are once they occur.
It is much better to enforce your own ironman, and still have the possibility to reload another save if such a bug occurs.
Otherwise, the key to actually succeed in the early groundbattles, especially in _January, is useing 1 tank as a scout. A large proportion of aliens will carry Plasma Pistols,
which only do minor damage towards tanks, if at all. Also you get a Tank/Cannon and a Tank/Rocketlauncher for free, its sitting in the Storage.
The Tank/Cannon actually is really good early on, since it fires High Explosive Rounds and has 3 Shot Autofire. All early games enemies will basically fall to its fire, exception are Cyberdiscs. Even vs Chryssalids it does good work.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: Countdown on April 04, 2016, 07:16:49 pm
2) A guy with M79 missed and hit to my skyranger with full of ammunition...
Haha, this is actually what prompted me to make my first post (,4236.msg57890.html#msg57890) on these forums a few months ago. A cyberdisc blew up by the skyranger and took all my equipment with it. Pissed me off at the time, but now I look back at it and it's hilarious. Crazy random stuff like that is part of the appeal.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: Xtendo-com on April 04, 2016, 10:25:47 pm
Believe me or not I started again without HP modifications. I lost two free tanks with one shoot of blaster and my tanks don't even got out of the skyranger.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: hellrazor on April 04, 2016, 11:50:46 pm
Believe me or not I started again without HP modifications. I lost two free tanks with one shoot of blaster and my tanks don't even got out of the skyranger.

I hope you won the mission and recovered the corpses of them, so you can repair them (50% of cost).
Also try to avoid night missions they are really terrible. Otherwise i wish you good luck. Btw you can try to rush power suits, makes for a early Base Raid thou.

How about smoking your landingzone and skipping turn one? That sure helps believe me...

--- posts merged by Solarius Scorch-nya~! ---

Some small convinence SubMods:
Adapted XcomUtil_AlwaysDayTime
Adapted XcomUtil_AlwaysNightTime

For all terrains and ufos in Hardmode Expansion.

Edit: Also added my Screening Statstring Mod.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: Xtendo-com on April 05, 2016, 05:45:12 pm
Question about terror mission. It's really possible to save enough civilians without getting worse rating? I can't manually control civilians so they are doomed anyway.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: Cooper on April 05, 2016, 05:50:59 pm
Question about terror mission. It's really possible to save enough civilians without getting worse rating? I can't manually control civilians so they are doomed anyway.
You could stun as many of them as possible, aliens don't care about stunned civilians.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: hellrazor on April 05, 2016, 06:33:58 pm
Question about terror mission. It's really possible to save enough civilians without getting worse rating? I can't manually control civilians so they are doomed anyway.

That depends you will most likely have a poor rating. But better that as to take the 2k penalty if the terrorsite despawns.

You could stun as many of them as possible, aliens don't care about stunned civilians.

Well if he is able to do so, thats the way to go.

Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: Arthanor on April 05, 2016, 07:13:44 pm
Stunning civilians is a great way to prevent them from being targeted and killed, or worse targeted by a chryssalid and turned into a zombie. It's well worth doing as saving half the civilians would have netted you a score of 0, and saving all of them (obviously a rather unlikely outcome) would have gotten a positive score of the same magnitude as what you got.

This is actually a very interesting scoring example, where score is centered around rescued civilians and everything else averages out.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: Xtendo-com on April 05, 2016, 07:41:15 pm
I recommend to get Alloy Ammo and Alloy Vests first, since with Alloy Ammo Shotguns will solve your reaper problems and Rifles get a significant boost.
The best success assaulting the base so far, i had by useing a mixed team of Shotgunners/Motiondetector dudes, Rifle dudes for support and some Auto Canons.
I found another way to get base quickly without any additional researches except for motion detector. I don't ever used a mixed team, everyone wear one pattern. Pistol versus floater, high explosive versus aliens when pistol useless, motion detector. Reaper and silacoid dies after one detonation of high explosive. Floater dies after few or sometimes after one shoot.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: hellrazor on April 05, 2016, 07:53:55 pm
I found another way to get base quickly without any additional researches except for motion detector. I don't ever used a mixed team, everyone wear one pattern. Pistol versus floater, high explosive versus aliens when pistol useless, motion detector. Reaper and silacoid dies after one detonation of high explosive. Floater dies after few or sometimes after one shoot.

Well thats a creative way :) I presume you liked the Pistol autoshot :)?
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: Xtendo-com on April 06, 2016, 04:52:26 pm
Well thats a creative way :)

I noticed that my team turns into heavy demolition squad after that base assault. Everything in map explodes. Scout noticed an alien - BOOM with grenade, heavy explosions or M79. Alien hides in building - BOOM with heavy explosions and M79. Alien hides in UFO - BOOM with sensor grenade. Someone killed my scout - BOOM with primed high explosion just for case. It's really fun... But... I completely forget that... I explode also my loot... Nooooooooooooooo

I presume you liked the Pistol autoshot :)?
I only used autoshoot in order to shoot three times without reaction fire since three snap shoots requires the same amount of TU and more accurate.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: hellrazor on April 06, 2016, 05:47:42 pm

I noticed that my team turns into heavy demolition squad after that base assault. Everything in map explodes. Scout noticed an alien - BOOM with grenade, heavy explosions or M79. Alien hides in building - BOOM with heavy explosions and M79. Alien hides in UFO - BOOM with sensor grenade. Someone killed my scout - BOOM with primed high explosion just for case. It's really fun... But... I completely forget that... I explode also my loot... Nooooooooooooooo
I only used autoshoot in order to shoot three times without reaction fire since three snap shoots requires the same amount of TU and more accurate.
Blowing up loot is bad. You will need all the money you can get. Especially for financing your research. Well you will see how it goes. Getting your frist 100 scientists will give you some ecpnomic trouble. Expect being activly being on the hunt for more money, even more so if you loose countries to alien infiltrations.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: hellrazor on April 08, 2016, 09:37:03 pm
Just one gprahical teaser, the TerrorMissionDreamTeam.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: Xtendo-com on April 09, 2016, 02:10:41 pm
Just one gprahical teaser, the TerrorMissionDreamTeam.
One question. Can I easily explode them? :D
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: Duke_Falcon on April 09, 2016, 08:33:01 pm
One question. Can I easily explode them? :D

Hell, yeah! With blaster launcher from point-blank range...

I just so eager to test this group right now in-game! In a doodads-full area with small places and many corners these guys could be a real tough figth  :o
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: hellrazor on April 09, 2016, 09:17:56 pm
One question. Can I easily explode them? :D

Explosives are always to some degree effective.

Hell, yeah! With blaster launcher from point-blank range...

I just so eager to test this group right now in-game! In a doodads-full area with small places and many corners these guys could be a real tough figth  :o

Then replace the file "alienRaces.rul" in the Ruleset directory of Hardmode_Expansion with the here attached file. Also fixed some Bugs with Snakeman Race only having 11 ranks instead 12.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: hellrazor on April 27, 2016, 09:34:34 pm
Couldn't resist to leave a teaser here :)
A nice lategame Terrormission, combining Muton Elite Guards, Chryssalid Spitters and Armored Sectopods into a hellish enemy.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: hellrazor on May 20, 2016, 02:27:28 am
I started working on more Mapscript optimizations Expanded Urban may havesome nasty surroundings now.

Now lets intermix MADURBAN, URBAN and EXPANDEDTERROR next *evilgrin*
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: hellrazor on May 20, 2016, 03:14:25 am
Well wait until missioncreation gets started.

I am just waiting to finishing moving into a new appartment next week until i can start working on my modding backlog.
Meanwhile i make small optimizations or search for bugs.

Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: hellrazor on May 20, 2016, 11:06:43 am

You did pretty good on everything like the units, the maps and others.

But i'm always gonna be playing is XOps' Xeno Operations mod.

I haven't tried your big huge mod. But i'm still playing with Xeno Operations.

Keep up the good work.

Out of curiosity how can judge before taking a look.
Also i do not like to be looked down by your attitude.
I am sorry to say so but arrogance is not really the way to a productive conversation.
If you have any constructive feedback i am happy to receive it and discuss this with you in a civilized and productive manner.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 20, 2016, 03:53:38 pm

Out of curiosity how can judge before taking a look.
Also i do not like to be looked down by your attitude.
I am sorry to say so but arrogance is not really the way to a productive conversation.
If you have any constructive feedback i am happy to receive it and discuss this with you in a civilized and productive manner.

I don't think Iseijin was being disrespectful to you... Although I admit I don't really understand his posts at all.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: Countdown on May 20, 2016, 04:38:56 pm
Just chiming in, I also don't think Iseijin was trying to be disrespectful. Looked like a language barrier issue to me ... maybe he was trying to say he doesn't have time for your mod yet because he's still finishing Xeno Operations? Why would he bother posting to compliment your mod while insulting it at the same time? Unless he was "negging" (, in which case hellrazor he was hitting on you.  ;)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: Hobbes on May 20, 2016, 05:18:21 pm
I don't think Iseijin was being disrespectful to you... Although I admit I don't really understand his posts at all.

Just chiming in, I also don't think Iseijin was trying to be disrespectful. Looked like a language barrier issue to me ... maybe he was trying to say he doesn't have time for your mod yet because he's still finishing Xeno Operations? Why would he bother posting to compliment your mod while insulting it at the same time? Unless he was "negging" (, in which case hellrazor he was hitting on you.  ;)

About a year ago there was a japanese guy called 'kamigaminokoumaouji' who was claiming on his last posts that the university police had hacked his account, IIRC. He was spamming threads with posts of his 'top secret mod' that he was working on, which would have tons of features and how it would be freat, and telling other people who they would help him with his mod that came to nothing, because no one wanted to do the work for him, as expected.  It was simply impossible to have a relevant conversation with him because of his nonsense answers, which would usually end like 'please don't ban me', so he did had some idea that his attitude was not the most correct one, but since he continued with it, well eventually he got banned.

I don't know if IseijinBoueiSenben97 and kamigaminokoumaouji are the same person but the behavior pattern of both is almost the same. Either way, I got tired of this b.s. type of behavior a year ago - I've worked plenty with language barriers involved and they aren't a major issue if both people have the same goals and want to understand me as much as I'm trying to understand them. Which clearly is not the case here.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: hellrazor on May 20, 2016, 05:59:31 pm
Quick reply because i am on my mobile.
In essence i was fed up by his attitude which he already presented in another thread.
Language barrier maybe the case but i seriously doubt that.
My main question was how he can judge my work despote that he doesnt took alook at it.
He didnt reply on that unfortunatly. In any case i can only say that i am agreeing with hobbes summary and opinion in this matter.

PS. I hate my smartphone...
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: hellrazor on May 20, 2016, 10:45:32 pm
Quick hotfix for Version 0.99 in alienMissions.rul

Please copy this file into the Hardmode Expansion Ruleset directory and overwrite the old one.
Prevents the crash in screenshot.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: hellrazor on May 21, 2016, 12:00:27 am
Meanwhile madness struck me as i combined MADURBAN and EXPANDED_TERROR...
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: hellrazor on May 21, 2016, 12:07:46 am
Ok just for measure a small courtesy from mapscript testing, lets go supersize!
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: Countdown on May 21, 2016, 01:44:03 pm
Wow, that looks intense. In Vanilla, the 26 spots in the Avenger are overkill for most missions, but for maps like these you'll need every soldier you can get.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: hellrazor on May 21, 2016, 02:00:57 pm
Wow, that looks intense. In Vanilla, the 26 spots in the Avenger are overkill for most missions, but for maps like these you'll need every soldier you can get.

Well the 100x100 map was only for testing purposes. But i had an idea yesterday, it involves something really crazy.
The other maps are normal 60x60 Terrormission ones, so for the first 8 month you will probably only operate with 14 soldiers max on those (maybe 16 if i decide to finish the Skystriker Craft).

But i will move into new appartment next week, so i am currently stuck packing stuff and preparing.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: Xtendo-com on May 22, 2016, 05:11:59 pm
You released a some bugfixes after some time. If it correct to use bug fixes in that queue?,3550.msg60984.html#msg60984,3550.msg61929.html#msg61929,3550.msg65321.html#msg65321
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: hellrazor on May 22, 2016, 06:16:17 pm
You released a some bugfixes after some time. If it correct to use bug fixes in that queue?,3550.msg60984.html#msg60984,3550.msg61929.html#msg61929,3550.msg65321.html#msg65321

Feel free to apply them all at once. They just do fix critical bugs. No specific order needed.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on May 23, 2016, 03:24:12 pm
Just noticed a couple of spelling mistakes in an ufopedia article I unlocked(HWP REPAIR): debatte should be debate, stuff should be staff. Corrections attached.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: hellrazor on May 23, 2016, 08:05:02 pm
Just noticed a couple of spelling mistakes in an ufopedia article I unlocked(HWP REPAIR): debatte should be debate, stuff should be staff. Corrections attached.

Thx SIMON, put the fix in the next Version (which will take still some time for release).
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on May 24, 2016, 01:56:45 am
I've just experienced a crash and I'm not sure why, possibly something to do with the map generated as when you try to do crash site 8 openxcom crashes-see attached. In the meantime I can simply work around this by avoiding landing and see if the next mission goes okay. Well the next landed ufo and next 3 crash sites all crashed as well. I even tried to copy my saved game with the mods I've on and used the latest nightly but still the same crash on either the earlier save or this save attached.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: hellrazor on May 24, 2016, 06:50:46 am
I've just experienced a crash and I'm not sure why, possibly something to do with the map generated as when you try to do crash site 8 openxcom crashes-see attached. In the meantime I can simply work around this by avoiding landing and see if the next mission goes okay. Well the next landed ufo and next 3 crash sites all crashed as well. I even tried to copy my saved game with the mods I've on and used the latest nightly but still the same crash on either the earlier save or this save attached.

I can load and play the mission just fine. I am useing:
First you run a exe mod which i have no clue what it does.
Second you have a big list of Mods active:
Code: [Select]
  - xcom1
  - OpenXCom_Unlimited_Waypoints
  - TFTD_Damage
  - XcomUtil_High_Explosive_Damage
  - XcomUtil_Pistol_Auto_Shot
  - XcomUtil_Skyranger_Weapon_Slot
  - hardmode-expansion
  - FireStorm
  - flamethrower
  - POWERGLOVE(edited to destroy terrain)

I do not know if those are interfering. Probably not since they only add new items, btw XcomUtil_Pistol_Auto_Shot is already incorporated :)

My guess is on the exe Mod.
Best is you deactivate each mod after each other, until only hardmode and xcom1 are active, if it then still crashes, then try on Supsuper Gitbuild, if it there still crashes,
then i suspect i do have a problem, but as i told you it is loading just fine for me and i can play the mission.

EDIT: Are you sure you want to go through with the TFTD Damage Rules? If so welcome to the real world of pain.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on May 24, 2016, 03:36:40 pm
Spent an hour this morning and took off mods one by one and it turned out to be the mortar tank mod, particularly the hover version that seemed to cause the crash, why I don't know as it didn't do this before. So everything is working fine now, I also took off the pistol autoshot, didn't know that was included in hardmode. Yes using TFTD damage will make Sectopods a nightmare but that's half the fun. Thanks for your help and if you have the time could you look at the mortar tank mod and see if anything looks wrong or conflicts with the latest nightlies as I prefer this tank to the rocket launcher tank and surely if the ordinary mortar tank works then it may be something straight forward that causes problems with the hover version.

Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: Hobbes on May 24, 2016, 04:54:33 pm
Spent an hour this morning and took off mods one by one and it turned out to be the mortar tank mod, particularly the hover version that seemed to cause the crash, why I don't know as it didn't do this before.

Whenever you reported a bug for Redux I always wondered if it could be caused by another of those long lists of mods, although it actually was never the case.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: Xtendo-com on May 24, 2016, 05:44:48 pm
Can you archive your mods and share? You installed a lot of mods, so searching and installing by hands one by one requires a lot of time.
I know that you tried to find out what a mod that causes a bug, but I not sure that is a good idea since you loaded a save that already affected by other mods.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: hellrazor on May 24, 2016, 08:15:08 pm
Spent an hour this morning and took off mods one by one and it turned out to be the mortar tank mod, particularly the hover version that seemed to cause the crash, why I don't know as it didn't do this before. So everything is working fine now, I also took off the pistol autoshot, didn't know that was included in hardmode. Yes using TFTD damage will make Sectopods a nightmare but that's half the fun. Thanks for your help and if you have the time could you look at the mortar tank mod and see if anything looks wrong or conflicts with the latest nightlies as I prefer this tank to the rocket launcher tank and surely if the ordinary mortar tank works then it may be something straight forward that causes problems with the hover version.


Thanks for your patience, glad you could work it out and that you can play on.
Did you already applied the hotfixes i made for 0.99?
I mean these ones:
You released a some bugfixes after some time. If it correct to use bug fixes in that queue?,3550.msg60984.html#msg60984,3550.msg61929.html#msg61929,3550.msg65321.html#msg65321

Anyway i am gonna be back to preparing to move into the new appartment.
So sorry SIMON, i will not be able to take a look at the Mortar Tank Mod right now.


Whenever you reported a bug for Redux I always wondered if it could be caused by another of those long lists of mods, although it actually was never the case.

Jeah its just if i test it on my current version and it works i always suspect the additional mods to cause a issue and indeed there were several of these cases in the past.
No offense SIMON :)

Can you archive your mods and share? You installed a lot of mods, so searching and installing by hands one by one requires a lot of time.
I know that you tried to find out what a mod that causes a bug, but I not sure that is a good idea since you loaded a save that already affected by other mods.

He could maybe put them on a dropbox and then with time more people could use them and errors would cease to exist, small mods can be made error free :)

Anyway thanks for responses, singing off for now, since the PC needs to be packed for moving also.
Will be back within a few days. :)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on May 24, 2016, 11:18:40 pm
I have a zipped version of all the mods I choose from ready to send but it's 828mb in size so I'm unsure how to attach something this large.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: hellrazor on May 25, 2016, 01:43:54 am
I have a zipped version of all the mods I choose from ready to send but it's 828mb in size so I'm unsure how to attach something this large.

Maybe try dropbox (  ?
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on May 25, 2016, 01:57:43 am
You could try this, I've never used all the mods but it's nice to have a choice, some are very old, there's about 200 in total-see attached link
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: hellrazor on May 25, 2016, 02:07:31 am
You could try this, I've never used all the mods but it's nice to have a choice, some are very old, there's about 200 in total-see attached link

Maybe there is something in there which i can plunder *downloading for further inspection*
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: Xtendo-com on May 25, 2016, 05:18:11 pm
You could try this, I've never used all the mods but it's nice to have a choice, some are very old, there's about 200 in total-see attached link
I tried to assemble mods according to save, but even with that pack is not possible to repeat your mod set. May be you can just archive your ready to run and already configured openxcom directory? Don't forget to exclude  copyrighted stuff.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on May 25, 2016, 08:13:58 pm
I assume all the mods I included in the link aren't copyrighted as they are the mods made by the openxcom community over the last 2 years or so. I've attached another link here for all the TFTD mods that I can pick from if anyone wants a look.

Btw hellrazor I assume the next version of hardmode will be at least a few weeks away and will it be v1.0?


--- posts merged by Solarius Scorch; guys pls ---

Knowing when to run!
Got a docked ship mission just there but aborting and taking a -800 score was the better part of discretion: Sectiods, Cyberdiscs and Muton Beserkers, just beyond my troops atm as it's early June and I'm only researching laser weapons and personal armour now. Don't know how I'll manage the spitter Chrysallids, that'll be fun. Looking at the armor.rul file 70 armor for them will make them very tough but at least you're showing some mercy by making them 30% more vulnerable to explosives!
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: Hobbes on May 25, 2016, 09:33:22 pm
I assume all the mods I included in the link aren't copyrighted as they are the mods made by the openxcom community over the last 2 years or so. I've attached another link here for all the TFTD mods that I can pick from if anyone wants a look.

Thanks a lot for posting the previous .zip with all the mods - very interesting to browse :)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99 Terrain/Mission/Race Updates
Post by: hellrazor on May 26, 2016, 03:02:08 am
I assume all the mods I included in the link aren't copyrighted as they are the mods made by the openxcom community over the last 2 years or so. I've attached another link here for all the TFTD mods that I can pick from if anyone wants a look.

Btw hellrazor I assume the next version of hardmode will be at least a few weeks away and will it be v1.0?


--- posts merged by Solarius Scorch; guys pls ---

Knowing when to run!
Got a docked ship mission just there but aborting and taking a -800 score was the better part of discretion: Sectiods, Cyberdiscs and Muton Beserkers, just beyond my troops atm as it's early June and I'm only researching laser weapons and personal armour now. Don't know how I'll manage the spitter Chrysallids, that'll be fun. Looking at the armor.rul file 70 armor for them will make them very tough but at least you're showing some mercy by making them 30% more vulnerable to explosives!

Well i will certainly make 0.99.1 release with all the patches and some added in civilian variety. I am also not finished with going over all the mapscripts for the terrains.
After that there is still loads of stuff missing before v1.0 Counsel Missions from Hobbes will definitly be included, since they are a challenge. Also story item missions need to be made. But i have already seen some terrains i will probably use for them. Hobbes Biolab and Blue Pyramid come to my mind.
And of course i need to finish the skystriker and the alien commandship, which i will start from scratch again, since 50x50 is to big. 40x40 will suffice but i need a really original design.
There are also loads of tiny small bugs which need fixing, scangs data for the minimap on some terrains and some undestructable terrain i noticed.
Allied troops on some scenarios are also needed and armed civilians (police, army soldiers).
big backlog *sign*

But nevermind my new appartment is really good, especially because the flatmate is great. Signing off now till next week moving takes time.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.1 Bugfixes/Some Details
Post by: hellrazor on June 05, 2016, 10:53:47 pm
Some small Bugfixes and some Details which were missing:

Version 0.99.1
 - Fix Missing SEABITS.MCD file (not needed anymore but was still listed in terrain ruleset)
 - Fix walking TU issue for TUNDRAPOLAR.MCD
 - Fix Some wrongly asigned Sounds
 - Fix DropOff values for some Weapons for UFO Extender Accuracy
 - Fix regionWeight for North Atlantic (was 45!! noew 5)
 - Fix some Typos in UFOpaedia (thx SIMON)
 - Added 2 more Battleship Variants from Cooper
 - Added Expanded Urban Mix (mashup off MADURBAN and EXPANDED_TERROR)
 - Change some Terrorunit asignments (Mutons, Sectoid Elites, Muton Elites)
 - Spread the Chryssalid Spitter plague
 - Spread Muton Berserkers
 - Increase Alien Scoring (Research, Infiltration, Retaliation and Supply will give Alien Score now)
 - Doubled Scoring for UFO action for Terrormissions
 - Increase Armored Sectopod HE Resistence
 - Blaster Launcher Waypoints reduced to 9 (DOS Version behaviour)
 - Optimized Mapscript MADURBAN
 - Adjusted Ruleset to lastest changes in : openxcom_git_master_2016_05_27_1727

Please use newest Nightly, or at least Nightly Version: openxcom_git_master_2016_05_27_1727 (

Modportal Link Hardmode Expansion ( <- Currently downloads are not working, please use the dropbox link.
Dropbox Links:
WIP Version 0.99.1 (

Current ToDo List (,3550.msg42524.html#msg42524)
Credit List (,3550.msg42492.html#msg42492)
Changelog (,3550.msg42494.html#msg42494)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.1 Bugfixes/Some Details
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on June 15, 2016, 12:52:25 am
Just had a crash at the end of an alien base mission, the last sectoid elite soldier got stuck in the wall and I tried debug mode and killing him, also tried moving him out of the wall which seemed to work but after killing him normally and ending my turn the game still crashes. I could update to v0.99.1 but I only need a live Ethereal commander and do the last mission so I didn't think it was worth while upgrading from v0.99. The attached save is after I moved the alien out of the wall to position (17.36,0). He was originally (17,40,0) and must have fell into this mess from above. I have a save from just before the mission starts so it's not a big worry but in case someone else has come up against these "stuck in a wall" aliens I thought you might want to look into this further.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.1 Bugfixes/Some Details
Post by: hellrazor on June 15, 2016, 01:20:26 am
Actually it seems the crash is caused by the alive Chrysallid spitter laying on the ground.
I need to check this tomorrow evening properly.
You can update to 0.99.1 without issues, mainly some bugfixes nothing major.

Edit: if you drop a explosive on the position you killed the last alien you should be able to end the mission. Also when i go into the inventories of your soldiers i get a crash, i will check which one this evening.
In general any recommodations to improve the mod?

Edit2: The alien base maps need another overhaul as it seems, iwanted to addsome more maps anyway towards it.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.1 Bugfixes/Some Details
Post by: hellrazor on June 16, 2016, 02:28:21 am
removing the alive Chryssalid Spitter on position 29,19,1 lets you complete the mission normally.
I just checked again and this is indeed the problem.
Unfortunatly i really didn't had today to find the cause in the ruleset which might be causing this.
I will patch this soon and also update to the latest vanilla ruleset changes.

I was distracted by female attention.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.1 Bugfixes/Some Details
Post by: hellrazor on June 18, 2016, 03:01:13 pm
Hotfix for Alive Chryssalid Spitter Recovery

Please download attached file and overwrite "items.rul" in Hardmode_Expansion/Ruleset/

HF all
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.1 Bugfixes/Some Details
Post by: hellrazor on June 21, 2016, 07:17:26 am
Hotfix for compatibility with: openxcom_git_master_2016_06_15_0013

Just replace attached "Hardmode_Expansion/Ruleset/alienDeployments.rul with the here attached file. (Version 0.99+)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2 More Bugfixes
Post by: hellrazor on July 05, 2016, 04:55:40 am
A few more Bugfixes and some preperatiosn for the new stuff to come in:

Version 0.99.2
 - Fix Alive Chryssalid Spitter Recovery
 - Added more manufacture dependencies for Tanks
 - Increased Scoring for Alien Pact Signing to 750
 - Doubled Alien scores generated for Alie Bases (5 -> 10)
 - Restructered Resource files
 - Restructered UFOpaedia
 - Adjusted Ruleset to lastest changes in : openxcom_git_master_2016_06_25_2118

Please use newest Nightly, or at least Nightly Version: openxcom_git_master_2016_06_25_2118 (

Modportal Link Hardmode Expansion (
Dropbox Links:
WIP Version 0.99.2 (

Current ToDo List (,3550.msg42524.html#msg42524)
Credit List (,3550.msg42492.html#msg42492)
Changelog (,3550.msg42494.html#msg42494)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2 More Bugfixes
Post by: hellrazor on July 10, 2016, 08:48:17 am
Players, please check your savegame files.

New OCX Bug prevents game from correctly generating alien Bases.
Please take a look at this Bugreport ( on the Bugtracker.

There is also a workaround described.
Manually change in section "alienBases:" of the savegame file the alienDeployment from STR_TERROR_MISSION to STR_ALIEN_BASE_ASSAULT

This workaround also works for Hardmode Expansion and all other mods.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2 More Bugfixes
Post by: hellrazor on July 10, 2016, 10:40:55 am
Hotfix for Alien Base generating Bug.
Please make sure to edit the savegames as described on the bugtracker.

If you have a alien base entry in your savegame looking like this:

Code: [Select]

  - id: 1
    lat: -0.10264731825452789
    race: STR_SECTOID
    lon: 0.14710695516257202
    deployment: STR_TERROR_MISSION

Change it manually in the savegame file towards this:

Code: [Select]

  - id: 1
    lat: -0.10264731825452789
    race: STR_SECTOID
    lon: 0.14710695516257202
    deployment: STR_ALIEN_BASE_ASSAULT

After applying the hotfix for Version 0.99.2
This is related towards github commit (
And related towards this bug ( on openxcom bugtracker.

I am sorry for inconvenience.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2 More Bugfixes
Post by: hellrazor on July 14, 2016, 10:15:20 am
Bug fix description added. *bump*

Also I am currently overworking the maps for Alien Bases, and adding turned Versions for all Maps.
Progress can be found here here (,3580.0.html).

I wanted to strongly increase the tactical situations you can run into in Alien Bases and especially in the last Mission of the game.
Once the Maps are reworked a specialized mapscript for the boss battle will be added, and yes it will be a challenging one :)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2 More Bugfixes
Post by: hellrazor on July 17, 2016, 04:35:26 pm
Cydonia Alien Brain Fight will be a real pain.
Not all Maps blocks do have turned versions yet and block occurance rate has not been limited.
But thats for showing what you can expect ^^
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2 More Bugfixes
Post by: hellrazor on July 17, 2016, 04:35:58 pm
One more example:
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2 More Bugfixes
Post by: hellrazor on July 21, 2016, 07:17:08 pm
Hotfix for Alien Infiltration Missions not generating Alien Bases.

Download the here attached file alienMissions.rul and replace the old one in the Hardmode_EXpansion directory.
Then check you savegame file for Alien Bases again...

If you have a alien base entry in your savegame looking like this:

Code: [Select]

  - id: 1
    lat: -0.10264731825452789
    race: STR_SECTOID
    lon: 0.14710695516257202
    deployment: STR_TERROR_MISSION

Change it manually in the savegame file towards this:

Code: [Select]

  - id: 1
    lat: -0.10264731825452789
    race: STR_SECTOID
    lon: 0.14710695516257202
    deployment: STR_ALIEN_BASE_ASSAULT

After applying the new hotfix for Version 0.99.2 attached towards this post

I am sorry for inconvenience.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2b Fix Alien Base Spawning
Post by: hellrazor on July 23, 2016, 11:20:01 am
Fix Alien Base Spawnings
Players which are already in a running campaign may need to edit savegame files, as described here (,3550.msg67051.html#msg67051)!

Version 0.99.2b
 - Fix Alien Base Spawnings
 - Adjusted Ruleset to lastest changes in : openxcom_git_master_2016_07_22_0229

Please use newest Nightly, or at least Nightly Version: openxcom_git_master_2016_07_22_0229 (

Modportal Link Hardmode Expansion (
Dropbox Link WIP Version 0.99.2b (

Current ToDo List (,3550.msg42524.html#msg42524)
Credit List (,3550.msg42492.html#msg42492)
Changelog (,3550.msg42494.html#msg42494)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2b Fix Alien Base Spawning
Post by: hellrazor on July 27, 2016, 04:28:47 am
Quite a while ago i mentioned i wanted to create a gigantic alien UFO and i showed some first concepts.
I decided that the original design i had in mind was to big (50x50x6).
I made some new attempts with a reduced size of (40x40x8), I had some other constellations also ongoing.
Well I played around a little bit with different big UFO designs.

The one so far I did like most is this HUGE thing here, it will be called Alien Command Ship:
The design is still open for debate, since i only played around with outer hulls so far, maybe it looks a little bit awkward? What do you think?

EDIT: Removed Dropboxlink, since this doesn't seem to work properly, attached screenshot to Forum.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2b Fix Alien Base Spawning
Post by: Cooper on July 27, 2016, 06:08:51 am
Like it! Looks very aerodynamic and UFO-ish.
Maybe make the top floor look more like the floor below, and the floor below more like the top floor? If that makes sense..
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2b Fix Alien Base Spawning
Post by: hellrazor on July 27, 2016, 08:20:47 pm
Like it! Looks very aerodynamic and UFO-ish.
Maybe make the top floor look more like the floor below, and the floor below more like the top floor? If that makes sense..

Jeah I know what you mean, I just wanted to see the first of the possible outer hull configurations.
I create a alternate Version maybe it looks indeed better, I was thinking of that also when looking at it retrospectivly...
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2b Fix Alien Base Spawning
Post by: DeltaEpsilon on July 28, 2016, 07:59:41 pm
On that "Alien Parasite" thingy we discussed in IRC.

A remainder for you.

Alien Parasite:
Not much is known about this alien life form. It seems to physically take control of any organic sentient being that is underneath it. It is not known whether they take control of their minds or physically move them by stretching and extending its omnicelluar body. Either way, it seems to be sentient. Alien forces sometimes introduce units infected with the parasite in their assaults. It is unknown whether they do that to disguise their units or to use the parasite as a living shield. Regardless of their intent, the parasite works together with aliens and poses a great tactical danger for XCom squads as they can not see what unit is hidden beneath the ball of slime. The parasite is fragile but protects the host from danger. Approach with caution as you might receive any kind of alien after killing the parasite.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2b Fix Alien Base Spawning
Post by: hellrazor on July 28, 2016, 10:35:28 pm
Just a Screenshot nothing more....
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2b Fix Alien Base Spawning
Post by: hellrazor on July 29, 2016, 02:45:31 pm
On that "Alien Parasite" thingy we discussed in IRC.

A remainder for you.

Alien Parasite:
Not much is known about this alien life form. It seems to physically take control of any organic sentient being that is underneath it. It is not known whether they take control of their minds or physically move them by stretching and extending its omnicelluar body. Either way, it seems to be sentient. Alien forces sometimes introduce units infected with the parasite in their assaults. It is unknown whether they do that to disguise their units or to use the parasite as a living shield. Regardless of their intent, the parasite works together with aliens and poses a great tactical danger for XCom squads as they can not see what unit is hidden beneath the ball of slime. The parasite is fragile but protects the host from danger. Approach with caution as you might receive any kind of alien after killing the parasite.

Thx dude, I will keep this Idea in mind, for a possible later change.
Meanwhile I will finish the things I wanna do first.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2b Fix Alien Base Spawning
Post by: hellrazor on August 06, 2016, 10:37:55 pm
I removed all older Version from the mod portal the only currently available Version is 0.99.2b.

This was due to the fact the older version had serious issues with the newest version of the openxcom nightlies.

I will now overhaul the mod and finish things I have in my backlog since a while.
A new release will add a lot of more content but may take some time.

For all people currently playing, please share me your experiences, additional ideas or possible changes or stuff to adapt.
mfg hellrazor
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2b Fix Alien Base Spawning
Post by: hellrazor on August 13, 2016, 03:50:47 pm
Berserker Power:
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2b Fix Alien Base Spawning
Post by: Lion66six on August 13, 2016, 07:35:46 pm
I have an issue with a new saved game, wonder if you can help.

New Game. Alien base appeared. I managed to knock it down on the 19th of Feb. However I didn't recover a data slate from it?
Nightly Build : 2016-07-22
Mod Version : 99.2b

Saved Game file attached for review. Is this a bug or was I too keen?
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2b Fix Alien Base Spawning
Post by: hellrazor on August 13, 2016, 10:19:34 pm
I have an issue with a new saved game, wonder if you can help.

New Game. Alien base appeared. I managed to knock it down on the 19th of Feb. However I didn't recover a data slate from it?
Nightly Build : 2016-07-22
Mod Version : 99.2b

Saved Game file attached for review. Is this a bug or was I too keen?

You do have the Alien Data Slate in your storage, see attached screenshot.
To unlock it for research you need to interrogate a alive alien, any would do, to research alien language.

EDIT: But you are on the right track towards the alien containment, once you have it i strongly recommend research "Alien Alloy Ammunition", it gives you a significant damage boost for conventional weapons, allowing you to even fight Chryssalids with them.

EDIT2: You can turn off the "Aliens pick up weapons mod" it is fully embedded, also for the new alien weapons. The death counter is *autsch* high btw...
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2b Fix Alien Base Spawning
Post by: Lion66six on August 13, 2016, 11:21:05 pm
Awesome, thanks for the fast response. Will carry on in that case. Again, awesome set of mods. You really have put a lot of work into making this an excellent experience, and I thank you for it.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2b Fix Alien Base Spawning
Post by: hellrazor on August 14, 2016, 05:06:28 am
Fix for changes in latest nightly.
 - Adjusted Ruleset to lastest changes in : openxcom_git_master_2016_08_12_1900

Just copy the attached file in mods/Hardmode_Expansion/Ruleset and overwrite the old file.
To use the newest nightly.

EDIT: Had a Error when adjusting to newest nightly ruleset corrected file attached!!!!!

Also see Newest github commit ( jeah i have github now!
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2b Fix Alien Base Spawning
Post by: hellrazor on August 16, 2016, 10:22:47 pm
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2b Fix Alien Base Spawning
Post by: Lion66six on August 24, 2016, 10:13:38 pm
Any HyperWave Decoder? Checked the tech tree and I don't see it?
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2b Fix Alien Base Spawning
Post by: hellrazor on August 24, 2016, 11:48:18 pm
Any HyperWave Decoder? Checked the tech tree and I don't see it?

Check the Craft Tree. It is there.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2b Fix Alien Base Spawning
Post by: Lion66six on August 25, 2016, 07:20:19 pm
Check the Craft Tree. It is there.

Aye found it, thanks. Must have been blind on that day!
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2b Fix Alien Base Spawning
Post by: hellrazor on August 25, 2016, 07:56:29 pm
Aye found it, thanks. Must have been blind on that day!

No problems, happens to the best of us :)

How is your progress so far and do you have any ideas for things which need to be changed or so?
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2b Fix Alien Base Spawning
Post by: hellrazor on September 01, 2016, 09:58:01 am
OK i decided to overwork the CRASHEDPLANE terrain a little bit.
The result looks much better especially the desert version.
See Screenshots:
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2b Fix Alien Base Spawning
Post by: Starving Poet on September 04, 2016, 07:02:22 pm
I was thinking about running this mod in my next LP since there are so many people running Piratez right now.   Do you consider it to be feature-complete, at least enough for a cohesive run-through?
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2b Fix Alien Base Spawning
Post by: hellrazor on September 04, 2016, 07:08:37 pm
I was thinking about running this mod in my next LP since there are so many people running Piratez right now.   Do you consider it to be feature-complete, at least enough for a cohesive run-through?

The current BETA Version 0.99.2c is basically free of any major bugs.
The mod in the current stage will give you a decent fight, even thou i had not had the time to implement the Defense, Destroy and Extract Missions from Hobbes Area51, despite that, it is nearly feature complete.
A cohesive run through is surely possible, even thou i am not sure sure you will successfully beat the cydonia mission.

You can not compare it to Piratez, the intent of the mod was different.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2b Fix Alien Base Spawning
Post by: hellrazor on September 06, 2016, 11:01:52 am
A new kind of warfare is upon us!

Adding 4 Support Drones and Alien Alloy versions. Will be first released as a standalone mod.
The Drones take up space for HWP's but offer expandable units, with small hitboxes (enemies will probably miss them, but 1 hit is enough to destroy them).
- Drone Scout (More Armor, Smoke Cover)
- Drone Scanner (Fragile, Smoke Cover, Builtin Motion Scanner)
- Drone Medikit (Fragile, Smoke Cover, Builtin Medikit)
- Drone Taser (Fragile, Smoke Cover, Builtin Taser(limited range 7 tiles))

Alien Alloy Version are faster more durable and have more Medikit, Taser Charges
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2b Fix Alien Base Spawning
Post by: Lion66six on September 12, 2016, 07:50:44 pm
Well mate, bitten the bullet. Gonna do an LP for this excellent addon. I will do some updating so I can get the drones involved. Recording starts in the next week or so :-)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2b Fix Alien Base Spawning
Post by: hellrazor on September 12, 2016, 09:05:26 pm
Well mate, bitten the bullet. Gonna do an LP for this excellent addon. I will do some updating so I can get the drones involved. Recording starts in the next week or so :-)

The Drones are WIP and are not integrated so far.
But you can use the BETA Version 0.99.2c ( in combination of the updated Scout Drone Mod from here (;topic=4761.0;attach=23920)

Its a nice addition and i am currently also useing it in my testrun.
Do NOT pull from my github repo, the stuff there is totally work in progress and some stuff will not work correctly since i am patching stuff left and right.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2b Fix Alien Base Spawning
Post by: Duke_Falcon on September 15, 2016, 10:07:57 pm
This mod become dozen levels more harder than I last played it!
I were defeated and beaten around may on Superhuman (-11600 terrible!) and on Veteran (-6500 terrible!). I, what a shame it is, now play on Beginner and now I have +250 at the end of may...

Did you strongly messed with the point system or something? As I saw I more easily got negative points than bonuses when mission summaries occur. And damn the Cyberdiscs! They ALWAYS spawn (4-6 at best per terror but sometimes more) in the middle of a bunch of civs... Either they shot down the civs or I destroy the discs but they explode and kill the civs I got tons of penalty points.

Still love the mixed crews! Good job the research-system. Has serious logic. I only want some flamethrowers in the beginning arsenal as it seems you created billions of bush-covered maps where my soldiers can not shot the aliens but the aliens easily shot my soldiers down... And a lighter flying suit would be also great (modified personal armour with worse stats) for snipers and rocket-launchers... But these are only my dreams :)

And at some place in the pedia texts there are exchanged "then" words were "than" should be.

Overall and summary: Bloody good job! I did not beaten by X-com since 1994! :)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2b Fix Alien Base Spawning
Post by: hellrazor on September 15, 2016, 10:42:37 pm
This mod become dozen levels more harder than I last played it!
I were defeated and beaten around may on Superhuman (-11600 terrible!) and on Veteran (-6500 terrible!). I, what a shame it is, now play on Beginner and now I have +250 at the end of may...

It depends on version you play 0.99.2c Beta version has some overwork in the pointsystem already.
I can only tell you one thing, you need to counter infiltration missions scorewise. Each successful infiltration grants the aliens 1500 points at the end of the month on top
of the scores the alien base will generate and of course the UFO activity. You need to attack at least a few of the larger UFO's when they are landed to counter this.
So Radar bases are needed -> worldwide coverage.

Did you strongly messed with the point system or something? As I saw I more easily got negative points than bonuses when mission summaries occur. And damn the Cyberdiscs! They ALWAYS spawn (4-6 at best per terror but sometimes more) in the middle of a bunch of civs... Either they shot down the civs or I destroy the discs but they explode and kill the civs I got tons of penalty points.

Cyberdiscs are harmless, Mutons will bring some special Cyberdiscs, they can be considered dangerous.
Terrormissions are designed to give you kinda of a zero score, or slightly negative. Missing them and letting them despawn will cost you seriously, you will loose 2000 points when they despawn. Flying there and doing liftoff is kinda okish with ~ -1000. If you are sure and or need the money fight it out. Score should zero out.

Still love the mixed crews! Good job the research-system. Has serious logic. I only want some flamethrowers in the beginning arsenal as it seems you created billions of bush-covered maps where my soldiers can not shot the aliens but the aliens easily shot my soldiers down... And a lighter flying suit would be also great (modified personal armour with worse stats) for snipers and rocket-launchers... But these are only my dreams :)

Implemeting Flamethrowers in vanilla OCX is tricky. I already saw them on the Final Mod Pack, but so far have not considered it. The bush covered maps are from the Terrain Pack Integration, some of the maps need some overwork thou. Because the bush coverage on some maps is in my eyes to much. I will fix this in the future, didn't had the time so far. You can get the normal Flying Suits pretty quickly if you invest into this form of research, question is if you have the funds to do so.

And at some place in the pedia texts there are exchanged "then" words were "than" should be.

I am not a english native speaker, but I appreciate your feedback in this regard, could you tell me which UFOpaedia articles, so i can correct it?

Overall and summary: Bloody good job! I did not beaten by X-com since 1994! :)

Glad you liked it, working on some new toys, the drones :)

One last question thou, did you encounter any financial issues ingame?
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2b Fix Alien Base Spawning
Post by: Duke_Falcon on September 16, 2016, 10:15:50 pm
Yeah, I use the latest version (without drones).

The typos I found so far:
Alien language: then should be than
Alien biology: then should be than
If I find more I shall note you but so far I researched only that much topics...

Monetary troubles? Yeah, first month is an "inkasso" as I were need to set up at least two more bases. That and recruit more scientists quickly depleted my cash (Floater base could brought back some of the money thanks for the loot)...

And grenade launchers need constant manually reload. All the other girls and boys resupply from available clips and put them in their inventory but grenades not. If I not check the Skyranger (it is enough to enter the list screen of weapons on board) after every missions, grenadier boy forget to pick some grenades for his baby... What is a big surprise in the next battle! Boom! No ammo lads, we sucked... Even rocket launchers auto-resupply untill there are enough reserves in the stores.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2b Fix Alien Base Spawning
Post by: hellrazor on September 17, 2016, 01:19:41 am
Yeah, I use the latest version (without drones).

The typos I found so far:
Alien language: then should be than
Alien biology: then should be than
If I find more I shall note you but so far I researched only that much topics...

Ok thanks, i recheck them.

Monetary troubles? Yeah, first month is an "inkasso" as I were need to set up at least two more bases. That and recruit more scientists quickly depleted my cash (Floater base could brought back some of the money thanks for the loot)...

Well my current testrun might come to an soon. Since my financial situation is kinda desperate. I am forced to raid every ufo i can get... Well but i always go for a full macrogame with 6 combat teams and shitload of scientists and engineer.

And grenade launchers need constant manually reload. All the other girls and boys resupply from available clips and put them in their inventory but grenades not. If I not check the Skyranger (it is enough to enter the list screen of weapons on board) after every missions, grenadier boy forget to pick some grenades for his baby... What is a big surprise in the next battle! Boom! No ammo lads, we sucked... Even rocket launchers auto-resupply untill there are enough reserves in the stores.

If you equip your soldiers in the base inventory they will automatically restock themselves, as long as your base has enough of the item in question.
Even for grenade launchers. In tactical battles useing "R" will give you a reload without having to enter inventory.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2b Fix Alien Base Spawning
Post by: Duke_Falcon on September 19, 2016, 08:51:52 am
It seems this mod in the current state is almost impossible to accomplish. I were beaten again and there are no levels down in difficulty...
- Aliens receive tons of points while player receives minimum. So either accomplish EVERYTHING in a month or you start to lose to much point around april-may and onward. Not even Alien base raids can help.
- Money problems. There were a month when I got no money (have six base for radar coverage, three interceptors to air assaults, 10 soldiers per base for protection albeit no retaliation ever occured). Interceptors run out of Avalanche quickly and if no money to resupply then no shot-down then minus point then bad score then defeat then restart then... And even more interceptors may need as to much repair time occurs since weapon ranges way under the UFO's and these bastards shot really hard. And since repair occurs before rearm there is no meaning to send out damaged interceptors only wait while all the UFOs fly away and generates some really nice amount of negative score...
- Research is sometimes took just to long. I mean an autopsy needs only 1-3 days at best since those corpses and their internals decay. Strange when 10 scientists work on laser rifle, 10 on snakeman autopsy and 10 on floater leader (as it were in my case) and all research started in the same time AND finishes in the same time (well, 4-8 hours in difference).
- Terrains. Some of them, as I noted in an earlier post, is just to dense and sometimes there is no way to get through except to burn and explode everything. Floaters laugh on me as they flought above obstackles and shooted my soldiers stucked in the bocages. I know that terrains are not made (at least not all) by you but such things make the game unintentionally harder.

Otherwise it do challenging just there is no "winner" strategy I found so far. Maybe I need to try debug mode? That kills the fun but give some chance to generate above -3000 per month. On the other hand this mod is REAL so it contains only what happen in a real life alien invasion: No matter how hard we try we utterly lost... All hail our new alien overlords!
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2b Fix Alien Base Spawning
Post by: hellrazor on September 19, 2016, 09:15:33 am
It seems this mod in the current state is almost impossible to accomplish. I were beaten again and there are no levels down in difficulty...
- Aliens receive tons of points while player receives minimum. So either accomplish EVERYTHING in a month or you start to lose to much point around april-may and onward. Not even Alien base raids can help.
- Money problems. There were a month when I got no money (have six base for radar coverage, three interceptors to air assaults, 10 soldiers per base for protection albeit no retaliation ever occured). Interceptors run out of Avalanche quickly and if no money to resupply then no shot-down then minus point then bad score then defeat then restart then... And even more interceptors may need as to much repair time occurs since weapon ranges way under the UFO's and these bastards shot really hard. And since repair occurs before rearm there is no meaning to send out damaged interceptors only wait while all the UFOs fly away and generates some really nice amount of negative score...
- Research is sometimes took just to long. I mean an autopsy needs only 1-3 days at best since those corpses and their internals decay. Strange when 10 scientists work on laser rifle, 10 on snakeman autopsy and 10 on floater leader (as it were in my case) and all research started in the same time AND finishes in the same time (well, 4-8 hours in difference).
- Terrains. Some of them, as I noted in an earlier post, is just to dense and sometimes there is no way to get through except to burn and explode everything. Floaters laugh on me as they flought above obstackles and shooted my soldiers stucked in the bocages. I know that terrains are not made (at least not all) by you but such things make the game unintentionally harder.

Otherwise it do challenging just there is no "winner" strategy I found so far. Maybe I need to try debug mode? That kills the fun but give some chance to generate above -3000 per month. On the other hand this mod is REAL so it contains only what happen in a real life alien invasion: No matter how hard we try we utterly lost... All hail our new alien overlords!

Why do you even bother shooting them down? Wait until they are landed and raid them. I strongly advise building 3 Large Radars at each base, radar detection chance improves greatly. Also you have the graphs and once you have a infiltration mission some were, you need to counter it. Raid those landed infiltration UFO's its essential.
You only need to have a  positive score. Alien bases do also generate some other missions and also give the aliens more points, building a base near a alien base will grant you loads of loot. Raid more, receive more money, research faster or get slowly pummeled into submission at least when your weapons do no more damage to new enemies occurying.
I recommend "Force Craft Launch" for a reason. The Airgame improves once you get Retaliators, they can even shoot down Terrorships once you put 4 of them on one, i tend to use Laser Cannon + Avalanche on them, works great.

The more you fight on the ground, the more money you get. The more success you have, the easier it becomes.

The following goals should be fulfilled until end of may:
- Alien Containment unit build
- Lasers / Personal Armor researched
Optional: Laser Canon Production for money

Fight fight fight!
There is a winning strategy, find it. Actually there are more then one :P

The terrains will be fixed in the future, i myself do not like some of them, thats already of a long list of mine.

Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2b Fix Alien Base Spawning
Post by: hellrazor on September 20, 2016, 08:50:57 am
Btw Duke_Falcon,

I would be inclined to have savegame file to check what is going on with Alien Missions and scoring.
Just wanna have a look. Would be nice to have.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2b Fix Alien Base Spawning
Post by: hellrazor on September 21, 2016, 12:49:15 am
I really got annoyed with the bulletsprites for the Alloy Ammo, so i changed them now looks like this:
(Yes i like details and yes i am meticulous...)
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d Bugfixes/Adjustments/Overwork
Post by: hellrazor on September 21, 2016, 03:54:08 am
Bugfixes, Adjustments and some Minor Map Overwork:

Version 0.99.2d
 - Simplyfied some Missionscripts
 - Fix ROUTES for UBASE_06 and UBASE_15
 - Fix Map Error for UFO_160e.MAP
 - Fix Terrain issues for:
 - Fix Shotgun Class BulletSprites
 - Fix some minor UFOPaedia typos
 - Fix Alloy Tank Laser Autoshot
 - Adjust Alien Alloy Ammo Prices
 - Adjust Alloy Cannon and Alloy Cannon Ammo Prices (Craft Weapon)
 - Adjust UFO Extender Dropoff values and Ranges to be more balanced
 - Adjust Muton Berserkers (no more energy issues *evilgrin*)
 - Adjust HandObs for HeavyLaser/Auto and HeavyLaser/Sniper
 - Adjust Alien Race occurances (Mutons come 1 month earlier)
 - Adjust Vanilla Tanks back to original values
 - Added proper Raceweights for Retaliation Missions
 - Added proper BulletSprites for Alloy Ammo
 - Added Earlier Alien Cheat Turn for ALL Deployments
 - Added increased scoring for VERY LARGE UFO's (double the vanilla value)
 - Added overworked CRASHEDPLANE Maps

Please use newest Nightly, or at least Nightly Version: openxcom_git_master_2016_08_28_1950 (

Modportal Link Hardmode Expansion (
Dropbox Links Latest Version (,4971.0.html)

Current ToDo List (,4966.0.html)
Credit List (,4965.0.html)
Changelog (,4967.0.html)

EDIT: This will be the last update until I have fixed my apartment situation once again *sign* ... SOLVED :> Lets continue modding ^^
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d Bugfixes/Adjustments/Overwork Maps
Post by: Duke_Falcon on September 28, 2016, 10:31:03 pm
My playing laptop had an OS break-down and not all stuff is reinstalled upon it yet. If I will reset OXC and Hardmode and will have ample time to play it again I shall post saves.

Now, that my working laptop works I can only post graphics and other small things. But Hardmode is promising and I think it has a minor glitch what even vanilla had: Alien grenade + Personal armour + Lasers win the game for you. Or you find a way to balance that to? I hope you did as it will make late-game armour researches usefull at last.
Title: Re: [WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d Bugfixes/Adjustments/Overwork Maps
Post by: hellrazor on October 04, 2016, 08:06:32 pm
My playing laptop had an OS break-down and not all stuff is reinstalled upon it yet. If I will reset OXC and Hardmode and will have ample time to play it again I shall post saves.

Now, that my working laptop works I can only post graphics and other small things. But Hardmode is promising and I think it has a minor glitch what even vanilla had: Alien grenade + Personal armour + Lasers win the game for you. Or you find a way to balance that to? I hope you did as it will make late-game armour researches usefull at last.

Lategame enemies are mostly immune to Lasers, so the combination you mentioned will get you through most battles until ingame October, were Laser resistent enemies show up.
Maybe reading the Mods description would be a nice idea right?

I appreciate the offer for savegames :)
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on October 13, 2016, 12:36:16 pm
Due to the fact, that I am moving into my new apartment end of this month.
I will not be able to actively mod until mid of November.

I will conduct Bugfixes if any bugs are reported, as usual :)

After that I will follow the roadmap in the Future Development Plan (,4966.0.html).

Feel free to leave any feedback or suggestions here.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d - General Feedback Thread
Post by: Arthanor on October 27, 2016, 07:39:36 pm
Just finished watching Lion66six's 9th episode and noticed that the scout drone lost cost him 30 points to a soldier (Hobbes the 5th!) 20 points. I thought that was peculiar. Of course, the drone is still less of a loss since it is easier to replace than a soldier with experience, but it still seemed worth mentioning.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on October 28, 2016, 07:42:36 pm
Just finished watching Lion66six's 9th episode and noticed that the scout drone lost cost him 30 points to a soldier (Hobbes the 5th!) 20 points. I thought that was peculiar. Of course, the drone is still less of a loss since it is easier to replace than a soldier with experience, but it still seemed worth mentioning.

Well once your soldier survives a few missions, loosing him is more expensive.
Loosing a Walkertank/Plasma costs you 60 points.

The Drones are not a fully integrated part of the mod, not now since I so far did not had the time to add them properly.
I made a adjusted Version of the Scout Drone Mod for Hardmode Expansion it is located here (,4980.msg72948.html#msg72948).

There will be a dedicated standalone Mod called Support Drones (, which will also be integrated part of Hardmode Expansion of course.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on December 13, 2016, 03:15:39 am
I decided to turn the Lightning Replacement Map by 90 degree.
The turned THUNDER looks like this:
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on December 13, 2016, 04:29:46 am
Cydonias new Dimensions (For the Final Fuckup so to say - still haven't turned the Large Gardens *sign*):
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d - General Feedback Thread
Post by: Lion66six on December 13, 2016, 12:32:50 pm
Is it me or is there two brains in them screenshots. One in a box? How random, how does that work?
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on December 13, 2016, 02:25:49 pm
Is it me or is there two brains in them screenshots. One in a box? How random, how does that work?

The one in the box is a old already dead alien brain, a "FAKE" brain, it has no function other then to mislead you :P
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on January 06, 2017, 03:23:36 am
New Craft incoming.
Reworking the UfoPaedia picture will be a pain.
Has a back exit with a proper door, is faster then normal Skyranger and allows for 16 Soldiers.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d - General Feedback Thread
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 06, 2017, 03:42:23 am
Reworking the UfoPaedia picture will be a pain.

Yeah... I normally just save the image of the craft from MapView and put it on some sky background:



The results aren't as great as original X-Com pictures, but as you can see, still pretty nice.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on January 06, 2017, 03:44:25 am
Yeah... I normally just save the image of the craft from MapView and put it on some sky background:



The results aren't as great as original X-Com pictures, but as you can see, still pretty nice.

Hm.. well I will see how it goes.
If everything fails I will try your method =).
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on January 09, 2017, 06:43:26 am
Well the Base Graphic is now finished:
I oriented myself on the colorcode of the Retaliator.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d - General Feedback Thread
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 09, 2017, 11:03:59 am
Well the Base Graphic is now finished:
I oriented myself on the colorcode of the Retaliator.

Pretty nice!
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on January 13, 2017, 02:34:37 am
Pretty nice!

I asked Bloax from the IRC to assist me with creating the UfoPaedia picture.
I think he did a very good job:
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d - General Feedback Thread
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 13, 2017, 02:45:00 am
Awesome job!
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d - General Feedback Thread
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on February 14, 2017, 04:25:01 am
I saw on Lion66six's playthrough that he lost a scout drone and it cost him 30 points.

You can see it here on his mission end screen: (
It says "TANKS DESTROYED...............1.......-30". You can see the scout get shot at timestamp 16:30.

I feel the score hit is a bit too high for that tiny scout. Most of the time it won't matter, but if your score was tight, putting them into the line of fire could be more of a liability than they're worth. I think 5 or 10 points is plenty.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on February 14, 2017, 08:45:12 am
I saw on Lion66six's playthrough that he lost a scout drone and it cost him 30 points.

You can see it here on his mission end screen: (
It says "TANKS DESTROYED...............1.......-30". You can see the scout get shot at timestamp 16:30.

I feel the score hit is a bit too high for that tiny scout. Most of the time it won't matter, but if your score was tight, putting them into the line of fire could be more of a liability than they're worth. I think 5 or 10 points is plenty.

The score penalty was set in mind with the combat power the scout drone provides, if used to their full extend of capabilities.
Once you start deploying and using them in skilled way, they are extremely powerful, even thou they themselves can not attack.

A team of correctly used Sniper/Rocketeer/Artillery can take out every enemy once the have a hard to hit, mobile and expendable (if needed) spotter.

The drones will most likely die, once you leave them in plain sight to the enemy. (sometimes parking them between you soldier and the aliens may even safe a live =)).
I was actually considering to increase the score penalty even more, or make them more expensive, since the combat value they hold is immense.

EDIT1: The Scout Drone is currently still a seperate mod.

EDIT2: I guess your right i am just integrating the drones into the mod, and a score balance for them is indeed needed.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on February 28, 2017, 11:06:51 pm
Request for feedback, I am currently putting together a new patch which fixes all so far reported bugs, changing some early game research and rebalancing some lategame enemies.
In any case, please let me know if there are any things which really need to be changed or balanced.

I am open for suggestions.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d - General Feedback Thread
Post by: Lion66six on March 01, 2017, 05:16:59 pm
Can't think of anything at the minute. If that changes, I will be letting you know. So far its pretty damn spot on :-)
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on March 05, 2017, 09:35:37 pm
Can't think of anything at the minute. If that changes, I will be letting you know. So far its pretty damn spot on :-)

Feel free to do so at any time.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on June 01, 2017, 02:00:38 am
My new toys are finally nearly ready.
The drone army is coming:
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d - General Feedback Thread
Post by: SteamXCOM on July 16, 2017, 04:19:45 am
In the rules code for research.rul there is the code

dependencies: *ALL_ALIVE_MEDICS
or it might say
dependencies: *ALL_ALIVE_ENGINEERS

what does that dependency mean?


In looking over what you have, Hellrazor, you may wish to
--pull out the tanks and 
--the alloy ammo for the cannon and auto cannon ;
As a separate  mod to enhance the main game
This will
--to keep vehicles relevant to the end game
--as well as updating the AP capability two cannons to keep up with the other weapons, maybe adding the smoke to the cannon from the grenade launcher

The rifles are pretty much  upgraded by the lasers and plasma, and yes the stat change on the heavy laser is good as I usually play with some kind of mod to fix that.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on July 16, 2017, 06:28:34 am
In the rules code for research.rul there is the code

dependencies: *ALL_ALIVE_MEDICS
or it might say
dependencies: *ALL_ALIVE_ENGINEERS

what does that dependency mean?

Those are YAML anchor calls. They are designed further in the beginning of the tree.
If you look at my ruleset you will see those very often.
Just helps to simplify things, especially if you would have double definitions.


In looking over what you have, Hellrazor, you may wish to
--pull out the tanks and 
--the alloy ammo for the cannon and auto cannon ;
As a separate  mod to enhance the main game
This will
--to keep vehicles relevant to the end game
--as well as updating the AP capability two cannons to keep up with the other weapons, maybe adding the smoke to the cannon from the grenade launcher

The rifles are pretty much  upgraded by the lasers and plasma, and yes the stat change on the heavy laser is good as I usually play with some kind of mod to fix that.

Why should i remove tanks?
I added some extra ones, which are useable throughout the game and in lategame you want Hovertanks instead of tracked ones right?
Their is even a converted Sectopod, very powerful.
Tanks/Drones/Soldier Armor is also repairable, if you recover the corpse.
And i am adding production topics to upgrade them.
Weapons in my mods become slowly obsolete due to the nature of enemies you encounter.
Enemies will become nearly immune to AP weapons, later then immune vs lasers.
You can always compensate with explosives.

Grnade Launcher already has a smoke ammo and a followup, the Small Launcher.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d - General Feedback Thread
Post by: SteamXCOM on July 16, 2017, 08:39:26 am
Why should i remove tanks?

What I meant was have the alloy and other tanks  as a separate stand alone "mini" mod together with the the heavy cannon and auto cannon alloy and smoke ammo.
It can be used with the vanilla game without changing it too much.
Sorry I was not clear about that.

The main mod is fine as it is with all its equipment, with tanks and everything else that can be added
Keep up the good work

Thank you for the explanation about the YAML anchor calls
I see how it works

first you DEFINE this

    dependencies: &ALL_ALIVE_ENGINEERS

then LATER on
dependencies: *ALL_ALIVE_ENGINEERS
(no need to repeat all the engineers again)
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on July 16, 2017, 09:15:00 am
What I meant was have the alloy and other tanks  as a separate stand alone "mini" mod together with the the heavy cannon and auto cannon alloy and smoke ammo.
It can be used with the vanilla game without changing it too much.
Sorry I was not clear about that.

The tanks actually do exist as a standalone mod already, its called Alloy Ground Tanks. I did also add some Tanks of my own. Haven't thought about putting those out there as a seperate mod.
Feel free to make such a mod if you see the need for it thou.

The main mod is fine as it is with all its equipment, with tanks and everything else that can be added
Keep up the good work

I am currently working on a new release version - 0.99.3.
It already includes all so far reported bugs and some balancing adjustments.
Additionally it will contain the Skystriker Craft, the Support Drones Mod and finally the newly reworked Alien Base Maps.
The Commendation mod will also be included, even thou its a shame there are still some graphics missing, I will have to use some placeholders for the time being (its 6 out of 61).

A update of the terrain pack files i also have planned but this requires some more work and time.

Thank you for the explanation about the YAML anchor calls
I see how it works

first you DEFINE this

    dependencies: &ALL_ALIVE_ENGINEERS

then LATER on
dependencies: *ALL_ALIVE_ENGINEERS
(no need to repeat all the engineers again)

You got it :)
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on July 17, 2017, 07:56:30 pm
Let there be the awards!!!

I added Ivan Dogovichs Commendations Mod.
Your soldier will now be rewarded with up to 61 medals.

So keep them alive to see all those fancy decorations.

Only three things todo until the release of Version 0.99.3:
- Finish the Expanded Ubase Maps, still Aliens gardens are not turned
- Add more Civilians from the Terrainpack.
- Make Crafts, Tanks, Drones, Soldier Armor upgradeable.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d - General Feedback Thread
Post by: Cristao on July 23, 2017, 03:02:09 pm
Is one able to use this mod with OpenXcom Extended?
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d - General Feedback Thread
Post by: Meridian on July 23, 2017, 03:11:50 pm
Is one able to use this mod with OpenXcom Extended?

Yes, with the newest one (3.9a)
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d - General Feedback Thread
Post by: SteamXCOM on July 23, 2017, 06:39:23 pm
Does one have to start a new game? 
I just discovered I can open original XCOM game saves from 1997 in OPENXCOM and resave in OPENXCOM format.  What a find, I was about to build the Avenger and have lots of high ranking soldiers from that save.
I did not get a chance to experiment but on existing games do the medals transfer over?
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on July 23, 2017, 07:12:01 pm
Does one have to start a new game? 
I just discovered I can open original XCOM game saves from 1997 in OPENXCOM and resave in OPENXCOM format.  What a find, I was about to build the Avenger and have lots of high ranking soldiers from that save.
I did not get a chance to experiment but on existing games do the medals transfer over?


if you want to play my mod its best to start a fresh new game.
I do not think that the savegame files of the original game carried the needed information for the diaries and commendation.
A old game played already on openxcom, would hold the information for the commendations, since the soldier diaries are working very well.
The medals would then be awarded either at the end of the current month, for all soldiers or after the next mission for those who took part in it.
Makes up for a long list initially.
Your soldiers would also get medals as you play along over time, of course.

I have no clue if my mod or the commendations mod does work on OpenXcom Extended, I never tested.
They both have been tested and working properly in the Official OpenXcom Nightlies.

If you have any Feedback I would like to really welcome it.

They will work properly with the newest available nightly
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d - General Feedback Thread
Post by: SteamXCOM on July 23, 2017, 10:56:33 pm
The medals would then be awarded either at the end of the current month, for all soldiers or after the next mission for those who took part in it.
Makes up for a long list initially.

This great information, I wondered how / when the medals were actually awarded
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d - General Feedback Thread
Post by: Diaboliko on August 13, 2017, 05:19:56 pm
While going for hardcore plays, resetting the game after every wipe, I've only been playing until the second terror mission. Sectoid only was somewhat fine if one doesn't limit the craft with 80 items (takes at least 30 big rockets), but the Las time I've met my demise at some ~german city with both floaters and sectoods (I had a great start but decided to ignore the base since previously killing I within the January and then rushing for a prison proved to be too expensive and risky(though its totally possible to make a super good start by doing that, Im sure)... The problem is: the city was made of stone buildings, about 4 floors each, and it also was full of tight spaces. Even during the day I had very little chances of success, but still... The only viable strategy I saw there is going for a full demolishing, which works like crap with those stone buildings. I ain't asking for physics there, but it hurts my feelings that Im being forced to do that :( and it also gives no penalties on itself... Imagine an organization vanishing the land in order to get rid of the alien menace... I wont be pleased with those methods really (especially since grenade kills are cheap and effective(though risky since you wanna have nades prearmed)). Also cyberdisks shit on high explosives from above, yeah. I can use some *grenades thrown on heavy units stay on them)*
Speaking of whether or not I'm worthy of evaluating things - I did realize how good the fire is(though I still find grenade launcher too costy in recharge terms), realized how to quickly rise stats at low risk(high score, tanks and reaction fire against scout ships)  and kinda succeeded at making ultimate strategy against the first alien base(stay away from lifts and doors, burn everything and use reaction fire properly).
But I still find close space imbalanced(like If aliens knew Im near every time Im behind a wall, unsmoked) .  I also give no crap about the floater-filled large ships(except the CQC at the heaviest of them all).
Oh and btw plasma shotguns need a nerf against tier 0 tanks. That's just ridiculous how one bullet kills them. And I wonder if there is a way to highlight tiles at which nades fall. On high bullet speeds I rarely track them well.

Sorry for making a post full of /r/ things, but  I typed it on cellphone :) Mode is awesome anyway(but my butt hurts)
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on August 18, 2017, 09:50:17 pm
Hello there :)

First thanks for your feedback and sorry for my late reply.

While going for hardcore plays, resetting the game after every wipe, I've only been playing until the second terror mission.

Do you play with the OpenXcom Ironman option turned on? If so i do not recommend it, since this a large mod and it may contain bugs.
Having a fall back savegame in such cases is always good.
You can of course enforce your own Ironman.

Sectoid only was somewhat fine if one doesn't limit the craft with 80 items (takes at least 30 big rockets), but the Las time I've met my demise at some ~german city with both floaters and sectoods (I had a great start but decided to ignore the base since previously killing I within the January and then rushing for a prison proved to be too expensive and risky(though its totally possible to make a super good start by doing that, Im sure)... The problem is: the city was made of stone buildings, about 4 floors each, and it also was full of tight spaces. Even during the day I had very little chances of success, but still... The only viable strategy I saw there is going for a full demolishing, which works like crap with those stone buildings.

Have you turned on the explosionheight for 3d explosions? Some HE Packs, Large Rockets and even better Elerium Rockets will make a short deal of those buildings.
Well the aliens attacked a densely populated city so large buildings are to be expected, right?
You have enough tools to deal with those early on.

I ain't asking for physics there, but it hurts my feelings that Im being forced to do that :( and it also gives no penalties on itself... Imagine an organization vanishing the land in order to get rid of the alien menace... I wont be pleased with those methods really (especially since grenade kills are cheap and effective(though risky since you wanna have nades prearmed)).

Well we work for the UN, right? The will pay the bills :D
Prearmed grenades are risky, I personally preprime Smoke Grenades, Incendiaries and Stund Grenades.

Also cyberdisks shit on high explosives from above, yeah. I can use some *grenades thrown on heavy units stay on them)*
Speaking of whether or not I'm worthy of evaluating things - I did realize how good the fire is(though I still find grenade launcher too costy in recharge terms).

Against Cyberdiscs I can only recommend using Large Rockets in the early game (33% instant kill on Superhuman), even burning them is also a good idea.
Let your grenade launcher guy hang back a bit, if loaded and full TU you can fire 2 Snapshot with  Soldier with some experience, the arcing shot is worth it.
I usually operate with team of 10 or 12 men and some tanks and drones. So i have two guys dedicated towards the grenade launcher, combined with some sniper and a tank or drone you can clear the outside terrain rather quickly while my riflemen storm the UFO, for example.

realized how to quickly rise stats at low risk(high score, tanks and reaction fire against scout ships)  and kinda succeeded at making ultimate strategy against the first alien base(stay away from lifts and doors, burn everything and use reaction fire properly).

Regarding alien bases, i have nearly finished adding the additional maps i made, so in the end their are 80+ map modules for them, making them even more of a labyrinth of death that they are already. Fire is good against Chryssalids (to block paths).

But I still find close space imbalanced(like If aliens knew Im near every time Im behind a wall, unsmoked).

Aliens remember your position, once they spotted you, also alien learn a bit earlier were you are all over the map then in vanilla.

I also give no crap about the floater-filled large ships(except the CQC at the heaviest of them all).

Plunder them all!!!
Getting a second Skyranger and fully equipping it is a really good idea.

Oh and btw plasma shotguns need a nerf against tier 0 tanks. That's just ridiculous how one bullet kills them.

The plasmashotgun is devasting by design. It gets even more powerful later in the game, with another ammo type.
A Plasmashotgun salvo can kill a lot of your team early on, i recommend extreme caution.
Maybe check out the Scout Drone mod:,4980.msg72948.html#msg72948
A full set of drones is included in the next version release.

And I wonder if there is a way to highlight tiles at which nades fall. On high bullet speeds I rarely track them well.

Try the minimap, press "m", to open it on the battlefield. You can track items laying around.

Sorry for making a post full of /r/ things, but  I typed it on cellphone :) Mode is awesome anyway(but my butt hurts)

Nevermind, happens to me all the time.
Your butt will be kicked hard I guarantee that :P
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d - General Feedback Thread
Post by: Diaboliko on September 06, 2017, 06:46:11 am
Do you play with the OpenXcom Ironman option turned on? If so i do not recommend it, since this a large mod and it may contain bugs.
Rather a little puss mode :> Go all in for the most effective play. If you fail - reset. Currently desided to reset missions only since every new race shows its own ... difficulties... one can't be ready for. Its all different "on paper"
I must admit, aliens still become too weak if you kill them super effectively. However In 3 month I had no aliens for ~15-20 days during 2 of them. Thats kinda.... Odd. I wonder if supply ships were flying. Second terror mission seems to contain both sectoids and floaters if you succeed everywhere. Thats kinda odd. Perhaps players should be told about WHO is terrorizing the city? I mean if you've got the attack message, you probably got some info on the attackers, right?  Not like sectoid setup cant kill the floaters and reapers effectively, but I had one playthrough with very low strength personel once. Got rekt. Yep...

Have you turned on the explosionheight for 3d explosions? Some HE Packs, Large Rockets and even better Elerium Rockets will make a short deal of those buildings.
I did. The problem is - on mentioned map (I believe now it was Berlin) with 6+ levels of height and very tight spaces cyberdisks are flying too high. I wish they themselfes had a rework to make them more fair... (reactions and accuracy are too high IMO. Accuracy is managable by DPSing it hard though, but still)

Well we work for the UN, right? The will pay the bills :D
Thats right... But melting cities down shouldn't be good for x-com reputation. Just as killing civilians aint. Btw, is rescuing stunned civs adding points? I still cant get to checking it out...

Against Cyberdiscs I can only recommend using Large Rockets in the early game (33% instant kill on Superhuman), even burning them is also a good idea
Gonna take a loooong while to burn those down... Or plenty of TU if you didn't mean the DoT. Is their AI affected by fire in any way btw?

Aliens remember your position, once they spotted you
Still, some of them seem to just patrol a single room space. They either do it by random or they are REALLY good at their patrol job since they always find me as soon as I enter the room :>

also alien learn a bit earlier were you are all over the map then in vanilla.
Check the attachment. Last man standing won the game on turn... 80? I wonder if xcom got any mods that cause you to hurry up... Not like hardmodes menaces are not enough, but what if... I will eventually get good enough at it to beat it without failed missions in one go once? :>

The plasmashotgun is devasting by design.
But it pretty much one-shots the default tanks with one pellet. :< Why do tanks have that much armor anyway? Are plasma pistols that bad by design to never damage the tanks? :>
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.2d - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on November 01, 2017, 07:58:44 pm
Attached towards this post is a modified items.rul file, which makes Hardmode Expansion v0.99.2d compatible with the newest nightlies.

If you are using openxcom_git_master_2017_10_30_2248 or newer please replace the the file "items.rul" in the Hardmode_Expansion/Ruleset directory, with the file attached towards this post.

The mod then loads correctly.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.3 - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on June 02, 2018, 01:54:19 am
Hardmode Expansion - Skystriker, Support Drones, Commendations, PSX Cutscenes, More Alien Base Maps

Download Links Hardmode Expansion (,4971.0.html)

Some long overdue bugfixes and more features =). HF getting your asses kicked!

Please use newest Nightly, or at least Nightly Version: openxcom_git_master_2018_04_24_2218 (

Current ToDo List (,4966.0.html)
Credit List (,4965.0.html)
Changelog (,4967.0.html)

Version 0.99.3
 - Final Ressource File Restructure
 - Turning THUNDER by 90 degree (Unified Craft MapSize)
 - Fix Tile and Route issue for LINERSHIP00.MAP
 - Fix CRAFT spawn for CARGOSHIP
 - Fix Soldier Armor Repair in Research Tree Graphic
 - Fix Alien Grenade / Elerium Rocket Research and Graphic
 - Fix Wall issue for UFO_190m.MAP
 - Fix out of boundary nodes for some Maps
 - Fix missing usage information on medical items/drones
 - Fix Several extraStrings Typos
 - Fix Missing Name String for MALE_CIVILIAN
 - Fix mapScript for POLAR, MARSH and SWAMPS to reduce chance of UFO inaccessible
 - Fix Increase lategame weapon variety
 - Fix Tile and Route issue on EXPANDEDUBASE21
 - Fix Missing Halfed fundingCap
 - Fix missionZone values N/S Atlantic
 - Fix NIKE Cross Commendation and some commendation spellings
 - Adjusted Raceweights slightly
 - Adjust Manufacture more to vanilla
 - Adjust Muton Race - Added Muton Elite Leaders
 - Adjust Stats for Muton Elites and Muton Elite Guards
 - Adjust Armor Damage Modifiers for Muton ELite, Muton Elite Guard, Holodrone, Armored Sectopod
 - Adjust Race composition, Ranks and Spawnnumber for Final Mission Stages
 - Added turned Versions for: UBASE_00
 - Added turned Versions for: UBASE_02
 - Added turned Versions for: UBASE_03
 - Added turned Versions for: UBASE_04
 - Added turned Versions for: UBASE_05
 - Added turned Versions for: UBASE_06
 - Added turned Versions for: UBASE_08
 - Added turned Versions for: UBASE_11
 - Added turned Versions for: UBASE_15
 - Added turned Versions for: EXPANDEDUBASE16
 - Added turned Versions for: EXPANDEDUBASE17
 - Added turned Versions for: EXPANDEDUBASE18 (Fake Brain Room)
 - Optimized Mapscript for Alien Bases
 - Optimized Mapscripot for Cydonia Final Assault
 - Added more Missions to Alien Bases to generate:
   - Alien Research
   - Alien Terror
   - Alien Abduction
   - Alien Retaliation
   - Alien Harvest
   - Ship Attack
   - Docked Ship
 - Added size check to Mapscripts and optimized spawns
 - Added proper Raceweights for Alien Retaliation
 - Added some more UfoPaedia articles for some research topics (mostly early games stuff)
 - Added SKYSTRIKER (Improved Skyranger)
 - Added Support Drones Mod
 - Added Support Drones Upgrade Manufacture
 - Added Commendations Mod
 - Added Commendations Fixes
 - Added PSXCutscenes Mod
 - Changes to early game Research, Alien Alloy Techs are now fully available
 - Change Ruleset to be conform with: openxcom_git_master_2018_04_24_2218 or newer
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.3 - General Feedback Thread
Post by: DaEMon on June 07, 2018, 08:46:04 am

I am just starting a campaign (still on january) on this mod and I have a question. At which turn aliens start cheating?
I just raided a battleship (yes, a a battleship in January!) and it seems to me that aliens learn your positions quite early. I had no problems ambushing and killing aliens left and right with no casualties on my side until turn 11-12 when suddenly aliens started picking my men all over the place. I still completed the mission but lose 6 good soldiers.

I know that the mod description says that aliens gain earlier awareness of your presence but it would be nice to know when so we can plan ahead.

Great mod by the way, enjoying a lot so far.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.3 - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on June 07, 2018, 09:10:17 am

I am just starting a campaign (still on january) on this mod and I have a question. At which turn aliens start cheating?
I just raided a battleship (yes, a a battleship in January!) and it seems to me that aliens learn your positions quite early. I had no problems ambushing and killing aliens left and right with no casualties on my side until turn 11-12 when suddenly aliens started picking my men all over the place. I still completed the mission but lose 6 good soldiers.

I know that the mod description says that aliens gain earlier awareness of your presence but it would be nice to know when so we can plan ahead.

Great mod by the way, enjoying a lot so far.

The alien awareness happens earlier.
Usually aliens will learn the position of all your men under two conditions in vanilla:
 - having only 1 or 2 aliens left
 - turn 20+

In Hardmode this happens earlier, around turn 14+.
So strap your boots, pack your mags, motion scanners, smoke grenades and medikits and get those lazy rookies moving on the double! :D

I recommend using the game option advanced movement methods for a reason (it allows running, but spending energy, and thats when medikits start playing a role and the respective drones) ;)
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.3 - General Feedback Thread
Post by: DaEMon on June 10, 2018, 08:23:46 am
I think there might be a bug in the research tree. I researched Improved skyranger and I don't have available Alloy HWPs for research. I'm using last version of the mod
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.3 - General Feedback Thread
Post by: DaEMon on June 10, 2018, 08:25:47 am
Here is the save
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.3 - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on June 10, 2018, 11:09:14 am
I think there might be a bug in the research tree. I researched Improved skyranger and I don't have available Alloy HWPs for research. I'm using last version of the mod
Here is the save

Hello, yes there was a slight oversight, somehow the Alloy Tank Armor had "Improved Skyranger" as dependency instead of "Improved Interceptor" on the Research tree.

After reasearching the improved Interceptor the Alloy Tank Armor will appear.

Attached here the corrected Research tree graphic.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.3 - General Feedback Thread
Post by: DaEMon on June 10, 2018, 09:04:59 pm

I just got a map where the UFO can't be reached. Maybe the map generator should not produce such maps.

Anyway, I will just reload the map so I can actually play it.

I attach the save.

Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.3 - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on June 11, 2018, 09:32:53 am

I just got a map where the UFO can't be reached. Maybe the map generator should not produce such maps.

Anyway, I will just reload the map so I can actually play it.

I attach the save.

The problem is not with the map generator, its with the map tiles and how they can be combined.
All maps which have as basis the normal vanilla polar terrain, suffer from a combination of the maptiles were such unaccessible situations may happen. So everything which is listed as swamp for example.

In my testings with the mapscript, i was able to reduce such cases, but it is not possible to prevent them for 100%, without redesigning any polar based terrains totally.

It also may happen in vanilla sometimes, so :)
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.3 - General Feedback Thread
Post by: DaEMon on June 11, 2018, 08:31:15 pm
Thank you for your quick reply.

I agree that is almost impossible to generate flawless maps when you have a random map generator and map blocks with unpassable terrain.

I'm really enjoying this mod. It takes Xcom to a whole new (and insane :o) level.

I will keep reporting any minor stuff that might not be working right as I play the campaign.

I noticed another difference between the game's tech tree and the tech tree's chart. I have available for research "alien launcher weapons" before researching "Elerium Rocket". I do have Alien Data Slate.

-- posts merged. Please don't double-post ---

I forgot the save
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.3 - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on June 12, 2018, 09:46:27 am
Thank you for your quick reply.

I agree that is almost impossible to generate flawless maps when you have a random map generator and map blocks with unpassable terrain.

Well i always see it as a pilot error or a miscalcuation from the officer in charge, to attack from this specific angle :D

I'm really enjoying this mod. It takes Xcom to a whole new (and insane :o) level.

Thanks, I hope you enjoy (i know you will :P) the progressing ingame months, when things get crazier and crazier.

I will keep reporting any minor stuff that might not be working right as I play the campaign.

I noticed another difference between the game's tech tree and the tech tree's chart. I have available for research "alien launcher weapons" before researching "Elerium Rocket". I do have Alien Data Slate.

-- posts merged. Please don't double-post ---

I forgot the save

This stupid research graphic will be my doom....
Yes it actually shows it as a dependency. Let me recheck that later this day.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.3 - General Feedback Thread
Post by: DaEMon on June 29, 2018, 06:09:22 am

I have a couple of things to report:

Some drone upgrades are not working as supposed.
Drone Scanner -> Alloy Drone Taser requires Drone Scout
Drone Taser -> Alloy Drone Medikit requires Drone Scanner
Drone Taser -> Alloy Drone Taser requires Drone Scout

Drone  Scout -> Alloy Drone Scout crashes the game :'( when you try to produce it. I'm using v0.99.3 of the mod and git 2018-05-10.

On the tech tree, "Elerium bomb launcher" doesn't become available for research after Alien Launcher and its bombs.

Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.3 - General Feedback Thread
Post by: DaEMon on June 29, 2018, 11:03:01 pm

I'm now in October first year, so I haven't yet faced several of the new aliens featuring in this mod.
But I think I advanced enought to get some feeling on the mod balance and mechanics.

1) Economic system. It's brilliant. You are always struggling for money, you are required to capture almost every UFO that lands.
I'm currently running 10+ millions in deficit, and the amount UFOs arriving on earth are just enough to provide loot money for that plus production costs for amors, weapons, personnel, etc.
Producing laser cannons makes some profit, but most of the time your engineers are busy with other projects, like amors (and armor repairs), weapons, crafts or equipment.

2) Shouting down UFOs. No point. Most UFOs can outrange even avalanches, making short work of your interceptors. I think it is nice that you can't now avoid terror sites without a heavy commitment.

3) Research tree. It's really good and most features of it makes a lot of sense.
I could point out that the Alien Data Slate shouldn't be in an Alien Base, because you are basically getting it for free, since you are already raiding a base early on for the alien containment.
Btw, I Love the world news updates. It's always great to have more background story.

4) Heavy Auto Laser. I have no idea what it's good for.
For long/mid range fight Laser Sniper is way better. Better accuracy and damage.
For close fight Scatter Laser outclasses it completely. The auto laser is heavier, requires a lot more of TUs to fire, and scatter laser fire 10 beams with autoshot.
Maybe it is good for aliens I haven't met yet? like Armored Sectopods?

Same issues with the Heavy Plasma. Formerly, the best gun in the game is now beaten by the new plasma guns.
Although it has Aimed Shot available, the Plasma Sniper Rifle is better for long range fight with better accuracy and damage (Elerium clips).
And for close range the Plasma Shotguns are hands down better.
Maybe Heavy Plasma damage output should be buffed? Or an Elerium clip variant available for it?

Congratulations for this mod which both great and challenging. Keep up the good work.

I couldn't make too much progress in last few weeks, because the World Cup took away lots of playing time (three games per day take away lots of time). Anyway, tomorrow my team plays against Portugal, so I think I will have plenty of time starting on sunday to advance in the campaign and hopefully save the planet. ;D

Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.3 - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on September 23, 2018, 08:40:55 pm

I have a couple of things to report:

Some drone upgrades are not working as supposed.
Drone Scanner -> Alloy Drone Taser requires Drone Scout
Drone Taser -> Alloy Drone Medikit requires Drone Scanner
Drone Taser -> Alloy Drone Taser requires Drone Scout

Drone  Scout -> Alloy Drone Scout crashes the game :'( when you try to produce it. I'm using v0.99.3 of the mod and git 2018-05-10.

On the tech tree, "Elerium bomb launcher" doesn't become available for research after Alien Launcher and its bombs.

I will have a look at this, sorry for the delay. Normal life was a little bit demanding the last months.
Probabely a typo or so.

--- posts merged ---


I have a couple of things to report:

Some drone upgrades are not working as supposed.
Drone Scanner -> Alloy Drone Taser requires Drone Scout
Drone Taser -> Alloy Drone Medikit requires Drone Scanner
Drone Taser -> Alloy Drone Taser requires Drone Scout

Drone  Scout -> Alloy Drone Scout crashes the game :'( when you try to produce it. I'm using v0.99.3 of the mod and git 2018-05-10.

On the tech tree, "Elerium bomb launcher" doesn't become available for research after Alien Launcher and its bombs.

For the Drone Upgrades, check out the attached manufacture.rul.
Just replace the file manufacture.rul in the Ruleset directory with the attached one.

It corrects the wrong assignment and the crash issue with the drones upgrades.

The Elerium Bomb Launcher is a tank weapon. You also need to have researched Hover HWP Topic to make this weapon available.
Maybe thats not clearly or wrongly shown on the Research Tree Graphic. I check.

Sorry for delay in my answer.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.3 - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on January 28, 2019, 10:30:08 am
Madness has strucken me playing around with something new.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.3 - General Feedback Thread
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on January 28, 2019, 12:07:19 pm
That looks really tedious but potentially very rewarding.

4) Heavy Auto Laser. I have no idea what it's good for.
For long/mid range fight Laser Sniper is way better. Better accuracy and damage.
For close fight Scatter Laser outclasses it completely. The auto laser is heavier, requires a lot more of TUs to fire, and scatter laser fire 10 beams with autoshot.
I haven't played the mod yet, but glancing into the code it looks to me like the Heavy Laser Auto is fine, and the Scatter Laser is the one that should be nerfed.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.3 - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on January 29, 2019, 04:46:00 am
That looks really tedious but potentially very rewarding.

I haven't played the mod yet, but glancing into the code it looks to me like the Heavy Laser Auto is fine, and the Scatter Laser is the one that should be nerfed.

Really? Its a shotgun class weapon. After 4-6 tiles range its not really hitting shit because of the random bullet spread.
Its supposed to be your way out in close quarters against Chryssalids, Berserkers, Mutons and other Hitpoint strong enemies.
And they can also carry a Plasma Shotgun, which seals the deal.

If you haven't played then you probabely do not know, give it a try, then you will see. Even thou i changed it up slightly recently.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.3 - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on January 29, 2019, 06:22:23 am
That looks really tedious but potentially very rewarding.

They are way to quickly to panic:
But it feels somewhat rewarding to slaugther them, once you reached the moral tipping point.
A aggressive aproach seems best.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.3 - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on January 31, 2019, 01:53:08 pm

I'm now in October first year, so I haven't yet faced several of the new aliens featuring in this mod.
But I think I advanced enought to get some feeling on the mod balance and mechanics.

1) Economic system. It's brilliant. You are always struggling for money, you are required to capture almost every UFO that lands.
I'm currently running 10+ millions in deficit, and the amount UFOs arriving on earth are just enough to provide loot money for that plus production costs for amors, weapons, personnel, etc.
Producing laser cannons makes some profit, but most of the time your engineers are busy with other projects, like amors (and armor repairs), weapons, crafts or equipment.

In October you should have encountered at least some of the new terror units, like the Muton Berserkers and Waspites and Gazers.
Get ready for some serious fights, if you have psi weak troops once Sectoids Elites appear.

10 Million deficit? Thats small i had a deficit of up to 40 Million, running on 8 bases and 6 combat teams.
I also added a dedicated base for production in my testrun, so i manage to go by with producing Laser Cannons if i need to.
I added upgrade ability for tanks and soldier armor recently, allows more flexibility and saves some engineer time.

2) Shouting down UFOs. No point. Most UFOs can outrange even avalanches, making short work of your interceptors. I think it is nice that you can't now avoid terror sites without a heavy commitment.

Try Retaliators, they are able to take down Alien Terrorships with good chance of none being blown out of the sky.
I usually run them on Laser Cannon/Avalanche Missle combo. Do not be afraid of getting shot, the repair times have been reduced slightly.
Due to the early game research changes i made they are now avaible without alive interrogations.

3) Research tree. It's really good and most features of it makes a lot of sense.
I could point out that the Alien Data Slate shouldn't be in an Alien Base, because you are basically getting it for free, since you are already raiding a base early on for the alien containment.
Btw, I Love the world news updates. It's always great to have more background story.

The research tree took a long time to design and test, even the OpenXcom research code had to be overworked to make it function properly.
But everything turned out fine. Yes the Alien Data Slate is still currently in the Alien Base and you are basically getting it for free.
I had a special mission in mind to recover it, but so far i was more occupied to balance the long game factors like economics, alien weapon resistance etc..

4) Heavy Auto Laser. I have no idea what it's good for.
For long/mid range fight Laser Sniper is way better. Better accuracy and damage.
For close fight Scatter Laser outclasses it completely. The auto laser is heavier, requires a lot more of TUs to fire, and scatter laser fire 10 beams with autoshot.
Maybe it is good for aliens I haven't met yet? like Armored Sectopods?

Same issues with the Heavy Plasma. Formerly, the best gun in the game is now beaten by the new plasma guns.
Although it has Aimed Shot available, the Plasma Sniper Rifle is better for long range fight with better accuracy and damage (Elerium clips).
And for close range the Plasma Shotguns are hands down better.
Maybe Heavy Plasma damage output should be buffed? Or an Elerium clip variant available for it?

The Heavy Laser/Auto starts making a lot of sense once you turn on UFO Extender accuracy. No aimed shot, but the Snaps Shot dropoff start at 24 tiles or so.
So optimal for midrange scout and snipe tactics. I buffed its autoshot from 3 to 4 instead so you actually take out some harder enemies.

I will add Elerium Clips for Plasma Pistol, Plasma Rifle and the Heavy Plasma. Had to make some sprites first, which i finally did a few days ago.

Btw Armored Sectopods laugh at Laser Weaponry, literally. Try taking them out from behind or stun them. Stunning is actually the way you wanna go,
since you need Alive Armored Sectopods to produce Walkertank/Plasma and you wanna have those!

Congratulations for this mod which both great and challenging. Keep up the good work.

I couldn't make too much progress in last few weeks, because the World Cup took away lots of playing time (three games per day take away lots of time). Anyway, tomorrow my team plays against Portugal, so I think I will have plenty of time starting on sunday to advance in the campaign and hopefully save the planet. ;D

Thanks looking forward to more feedback and i apologize for me taking such a long time to answer towards your feedback.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.4 - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on February 10, 2019, 04:30:42 pm
Hardmode Expansion 0.99.4 - Tactical Maze! Bugfixes, Slight Rebalances, Full set of turned Alien Base Maps, Armor Upgrades and Tank upgrades

Download Links Hardmode Expansion (,4971.0.html)

Also on: (

Finally finished the complete set of Alien Base Maps, so Alien Bases are now the Tactical Maze i want them to be.
Also added some slight changes to weapon balances and some items.
Also Support in Japanese and Russian (mostly complete), if you wanna help translate, the mod is on Transifex (

Please use newest Nightly, or at least Nightly Version: openxcom_git_master_2018_09_17_0112 (

Current ToDo List (,4966.0.html)
Credit List (,4965.0.html)
Changelog (,4967.0.html)

Version 0.99.4
 - Added Translations for Japanese language, ja (TRANSIFEX)
 - Added Translations for Russian language, ru (TRANSIFEX)
 - Added Translations for British English language  en-GB (TRANSIFEX)
 - Added turned Versions for UBASE_01 (4 Maps total)
 - Added alternate/turned Version 1 for UBASE_01 (4 maps total)
 - Added alternate/turned Version 2 for UBASE_01 (4 maps total)
 - Added turned Version for EXPANDEDUBASE_19 (4 maps total)
 - Added turned Version for EXPANDEDUBASE_20 (4 maps total)
 - Added turned Version for EXPANDEDUBASE_21 (4 maps total) Clonelab
 - Added Soldier Armor Upgrades
 - Added Tank Upgrades
 - Added FloorOb Sprites for Vanilla Plasma Weapons
 - Added Fire Grenade (converted Fire Bombs)
 - Added Modified Sprite for U_EXT02 (remove shadows)
 - Fix Wrong production requirements for some Drone Upgrades)
 - Fix naming issue with Alloy Drone Medikit repair
 - Fix Runvarnames for some Missionscripts
 - Upgrade Heavy Laser Autoshot (now shots 4 times)
 - Adjusted Weapondamage for balancing (Heavy Laser/Sniper, Scatter Laser, Plasma Shotgun, Plasma Sniper)
 - Adjusted Ruleset to latest changes in : openxcom_git_master_2018_09_17_0112 or newer
 - Adjusted Missions generated from Alien Bases (Region inheritance)
 - Adjusted Smoke and Fire Bomb to be collectable (Burn Baby Burn)
 - Adjust Alive Alien Interrogation Consequences
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.4 - General Feedback Thread
Post by: Aytherio on April 17, 2019, 06:36:51 pm
I have some suggestions:
It needs fire extinguisher, last time 2 soldiers burned out slowly after accidential missed reaction shot of heavy cannon incendiary ammunition.
Is it possible to implement extention with placing units manually at start on alien base missions? Or at least could be autoplacement more balanced? It's very annoying that minority of units are placed with no supply ammunition and cut off from others, they became likely dead from the beginning. For example: second enterence spawned 3 soldiers and 2 scout drones, and it was still not so bad as could be because of pretty high strength of those soldiers and they was loaded up to the eyeballs, but it's only luck, there was lightly equiped guys on other spot.
Also annoying when x-com ship landing right in front of ufo, once i had even door to door situation with est. 10 tiles of free space between.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.4 - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on April 27, 2019, 12:40:17 pm
I have some suggestions:
It needs fire extinguisher, last time 2 soldiers burned out slowly after accidential missed reaction shot of heavy cannon incendiary ammunition.
Is it possible to implement extention with placing units manually at start on alien base missions? Or at least could be autoplacement more balanced? It's very annoying that minority of units are placed with no supply ammunition and cut off from others, they became likely dead from the beginning. For example: second enterence spawned 3 soldiers and 2 scout drones, and it was still not so bad as could be because of pretty high strength of those soldiers and they was loaded up to the eyeballs, but it's only luck, there was lightly equiped guys on other spot.
Also annoying when x-com ship landing right in front of ufo, once i had even door to door situation with est. 10 tiles of free space between.

What you describe is behaviour which also happens in the vanilla base game. I am not really inclined to change it.
Also i do not really think it is actually changeable, without going from OpenXcom to the OpemXcom Extended code base.

If you guys set yourself on fire and burn to death. Sorry but if they are unfit to handle those big guns.
Also you can use smoke grenades to actually extingish fire. If that also applies to units who are already burning, i am unsure. Would have to check the codebase for that.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.4 - General Feedback Thread
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 27, 2019, 08:58:54 pm
Ordinary smoke doesn't work on units.

What you need is
Code: [Select]
    isFireExtinguisher: true

Of course, OXCE only.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.4 - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on June 14, 2019, 07:43:53 pm
Ordinary smoke doesn't work on units.

What you need is
Code: [Select]
    isFireExtinguisher: true

Of course, OXCE only.

I am not really inclined to change to OXCE, it would be a lot of work. It also seems that only a few people if any are actually playing the mod.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.4 - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on June 14, 2019, 07:47:51 pm

Due to changes in OpenXcom and how it now handles the indexes of Terror Weapon Sprites, this mod will not load with OpenXcom Version Newer then:

openxcom_git_master_2019_06_05_1233 (

Please use OpenXcom Version: openxcom_git_master_2019_06_05_1233

For the time being while i update the mod to the newer Versions.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.4 - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on June 19, 2019, 08:25:54 am
Hardmode Expansion 0.99.5 - Bugfixes and Cpompability! - Just some needed bugfixes, please enjoy.

Download Links Hardmode Expansion (,4971.0.html)

BUGFIXES BUGFIXES. You alle want them right? Then get them.
Also Support in Japanese and Russian (mostly complete), if you wanna help translate, the mod is on Transifex (

Please use newest Nightly, or at least Nightly Version: openxcom_git_master_2019_06_17_0106 (

Current ToDo List (,4966.0.html)
Credit List (,4965.0.html)
Changelog (,4967.0.html)

Version 0.99.5
    Fix Mod not loading for openxcom_git_master_2019_06_08_1528 or newer
    Fix missing Requires for Tank Laser Cannon Upgrades
    Fix missing energyRecovery for Drones
    Fix Amsterdam name and string values
    Fix Armor values for Groundtiles in Alien Bases (Silacoids...)
    Fix Mujungle Walking TU's
    Fix Junglemount Walking TU's
    Updated JA translation from transifex
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.5 - General Feedback Thread
Post by: davide on June 19, 2019, 08:57:23 am
I wish I try a standalone too,  Expanded Mars Terrain, because it  was modded very little but it could be the epic end game.

Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.5 - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on June 19, 2019, 08:59:37 am
I wish I try a standalone too,  Expanded Mars Terrain, because it  was modded very little but it could be the epic end game.


I am already working on that but no spoilers :P
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.4 - General Feedback Thread
Post by: wolfreal on July 03, 2019, 01:36:27 pm
It also seems that only a few people if any are actually playing the mod.

A shame, because this is a awesome mod.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.4 - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on July 04, 2019, 01:57:36 pm
A shame, because this is a awesome mod.

Thank you for your kind and motivational words.

What makes the mod awesome from your prespective?
If you have any suggestions for further improvement i am inclined to hear those.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.5 - General Feedback Thread
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on July 20, 2019, 05:56:39 pm
In my current playthrough of v 0.995 I noticed this spelling mistake in the Waspite description, correction attached. If I'm not being too picky any other corrections I'll forward on. Thanks for a very challenging mod.
Not looking forward to the Chrysallid spitters though, any advice?
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.5 - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on July 20, 2019, 06:13:15 pm
In my current playthrough of v 0.995 I noticed this spelling mistake in the Waspite description, correction attached. If I'm not being too picky any other corrections I'll forward on. Thanks for a very challenging mod.
Not looking forward to the Chrysallid spitters though, any advice?

Thanks SIMON, i added it already, newest Version can be found here ( for the time being, until i add the new content; For which I already finished the graphics.

In regard to chryssalid spitters, it my help to know that they use arcing shot and have 50% hit/miss chance.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.5 - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on September 01, 2019, 12:30:24 pm
Hardmode Expansion 0.99.6 - Some more Bugfixes! - Just some needed bugfixes, please enjoy.

Download Links Hardmode Expansion (,4971.0.html)

BUGFIXES BUGFIXES. You alle want them right? Then get them.
Also Support in Japanese and Russian (mostly complete), if you wanna help translate, the mod is on Transifex (

Please use newest Nightly, or at least Nightly Version: openxcom_git_master_2019_06_17_0106 (

Current ToDo List (,4966.0.html)
Credit List (,4965.0.html)
Changelog (,4967.0.html)


Version 0.99.6
 - Updated RU translations from transifex
 - Added partial language support for: DE, IT, HU, PL
 - Fix UFOPaedia string typos (thanks SIMON)
 - Fix Index for xcom1 terrorweaponsprites
 - Fix missing rank MUTON_15
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion - v0.99.5 - General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on November 15, 2019, 12:19:37 pm
Hardmode Expansion 0.99.7 - MCD Bug Fixes for new MCD check, please enjoy.

Download Links Hardmode Expansion (,4971.0.html)

Some minor MCD Bugfixes to make the Mod load correctly with the new MCD check patch.

I also updated the language files from transifex. Adding Czech which is now also partially supported.

The mod has so far been completly translated to Japanese and Russian.

If you wanna help translate, the mod is on Transifex (

Please use newest Nightly, or at least Nightly Version: openxcom_git_master_2019_11_10_1731 (

Current ToDo List (,4966.0.html)
Credit List (,4965.0.html)
Changelog (,4967.0.html)


Version 0.99.7
 - Fix UFOL83.MCD armor values for new MCD check
 - Fix DANWDECOR.MCD armor values for new MCD check
 - Fix AREA51Z.MCD armor values for new MCD check
 - Updated transifex Language files
 - Added partially Czech translation
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: Cristao on January 03, 2020, 02:17:13 pm
I think I will pick this up in a few weeks.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: Steelpoint on January 05, 2020, 09:08:39 pm
I've been giving this mod a short play through, and I'm very much enjoying it thus far. Actually losing an XCOM playthrough early on was quite exciting, and I'm quite fond of the new weapons, I find they all mesh in well.

Despite the need to mount an Alien Base Assault to progress the tech tree, my initial foray showed that despite it being a Floater base, I'm quite outgunned. I think I'll try again on my new playthrough when I get some Alloy items and take some shotguns.

My only complaint thus far is with Terror missions. The actual missions are good (outside of a Floater tossing a grenade into your ship turn 1) but I've found, at least on the Port attacks, that the end game turns into a elongated game of hide and seek. Exacerbated when in one mission I had two floaters stuck behind some train yard railing, which I only found after much exhaustive search.

I look forward to future updates, as they come. Good work.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: Steelpoint on January 08, 2020, 07:19:35 pm
Played some more so I can give some more feedback. My current run is late in June. I'll pick some notable comments.

My current squad roster consists of half the squad as generic infantry men, with rifles and backup shotguns (weight pending), two grenadiers using the very effective grenade launcher, two snipers and two rocketeers, as well as two motion/drones. So far its proven very effective. I only shake it up for Alien Base Assaults where I ditch the Grenadiers and just give em a Rifle and Shotgun.

Edit: I find these Alien special missions to be very brutal. Bordering on unfair. I just had a mission on another out of control ship, this time I had no super-skyranger and was just thrown on a empty deck, on the low ground, surrounded by snakemen, green bugs and chrysalids.

At the end of that long mission I somehow only lost two soldiers out of sixteen, and my two drones, however literally everyone else was critically wounded, and a rogue alien grenade destroyed my entire stockpile of equipment that was also dumped off of the skyranger.

I chose to just reload a older save and abort the mission, I'd rather tank the -1.5k score.

Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on January 10, 2020, 11:26:29 am
I think I will pick this up in a few weeks.

Can't wait for your feedback. :)
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on January 10, 2020, 06:13:00 pm
Hello Steelpoint,

thank you soo much for your valueable feedback.

I've been giving this mod a short play through, and I'm very much enjoying it thus far. Actually losing an XCOM playthrough early on was quite exciting, and I'm quite fond of the new weapons, I find they all mesh in well.

I found that most mod have too many weapons, which do not have a unique purpose or does not play well with other weapons in regard of what kind of a battlefield role the soldier equipt with it should have. Its great that you like the additional weapons. They do mesh well indeed. :)

Loosing it early game can happen easily, especially when ignoring terrorsites early on.

Despite the need to mount an Alien Base Assault to progress the tech tree, my initial foray showed that despite it being a Floater base, I'm quite outgunned. I think I'll try again on my new playthrough when I get some Alloy items and take some shotguns.

Jeah, the Base Assault is kinda critical to progress in the tech tree, there is some Alien Alloy Tech avaible for research before going into the base. If you spend some research on it, you can even go into this mission with Personal Armor and Alloy Weapons and the bigger team from Sykstriker. Proxygrenades also do help a lot and fire.

My only complaint thus far is with Terror missions. The actual missions are good (outside of a Floater tossing a grenade into your ship turn 1) but I've found, at least on the Port attacks, that the end game turns into a elongated game of hide and seek. Exacerbated when in one mission I had two floaters stuck behind some train yard railing, which I only found after much exhaustive search.

I look forward to future updates, as they come. Good work.

I think i am gonna add some armed civilians on some missions to spice things up a little bit. ;)
Jeah that can happen on those maps sometimes, but not let yourself be discouraged from such minor things.

I am working on a update as we speak, let yourself be surprised.

Played some more so I can give some more feedback. My current run is late in June. I'll pick some notable comments.

Late in June, consider yourself lucky to be alive, if you do not have Laser Weapons up to that point.
There are some green huge dudes coming soonish. ;)

  • All of my Terror missions to date have all been from TFTD, almost all of them but two were port/factory attacks, with only one being a resort attack and one being a Military base attack. In terms of difficulty, I found them challenging but manageable with good tactics, firepower and luck, only one Terror mission forced me to early abort when my landing zone was swarmed with Zombies and Chrysalids before I got off the craft.

Hm... too much TFTD terrains? Maybe i have to recheck the terrain assignments.
The Snakeman Terror Sites are actually really important for getting a Chryssalid Corpse, or the good medikits will never see the light of day.
I depends sometimes its necessary just to respond to the site and dustoff immediatly, to avoid the big score penalty.
I already have done a overwork of the scoring but still putting it to the test, will be in the next update thou.

  • One terror mission started with a alien throwing a grenade into my craft and killing half my squad, decided to redo that one.

The good old classic grenade to the face, always a good one ;)

  • Speaking of terror missions, I had some kind of special alien mission which involved aliens hijacking a cargo ship. Interesting idea, except I had to instant abort that mission when, again, my landing zone was utterly overrun with a dozen zombies and chrysalids alongside plenty of snakemen, while I only had alloy ballistics. The near -2000 score penalty from that sent me into the negatives at the end of the month. Very rough, may have just been bad RNG with snakemen + tons of chrysalids all around my landing zone.

I call that really bad luck. But you can kill Chryssalids with Shotguns and Alloy Ammo but you have to get into 1-2 tile range to do this effectively.
High Risk - High Reward.

  • The alien base attack was a good challenge, albeit a long slog towards the end. At minimum I only felt confident doing that mission with alloy ammo ballistics (especially shotguns) and alloy armour. I still lost half my squad.
  • Drones are a god send, and I wish you could buy them from the start of the game. I keep a healthy reserve of Motion/Drones as I usually lose one a mission, I find them invaluable in breaching UFOs (I can put them at the door, best case they can open it next turn for entry, worst case they tank the shotgun wielding alien).
  • Motion Scanners are a god send in general, far more so than in vanilla I find.

Jeah the early base mission is rough, there were a couple of people who actually had serious issues with this mission. You really have to think how you setup your team and how you use what equipment with whom. Just running in noobstyle will end in certain death in most cases.

So finally someone who actually uses the Drones! I was waiting for feedback regarding those.
Did you had a opportunity to try out the Drone/Medikit? You can use it to stim up your Shotgun soldiers so they can run longer (if you use Advanced Movement Methods Option).

Remember you can repair the Drones and Tanks, if you recover their corpses intact.

Motion Scanners in general are damn useful, everyone who does not use them will most likely end up getting loads of deaths. *evilgrin*

  • The early game techs are a nice fit into the game (alloy ammo, alloy armour, upgraded ships, etc) and help make up for the delayed tech progression, which I enjoy. The upgraded Interceptor provides a very noticeable increase in combat efficiency.

I am glad to hear that you appreciate this ;)

My current squad roster consists of half the squad as generic infantry men, with rifles and backup shotguns (weight pending), two grenadiers using the very effective grenade launcher, two snipers and two rocketeers, as well as two motion/drones. So far its proven very effective. I only shake it up for Alien Base Assaults where I ditch the Grenadiers and just give em a Rifle and Shotgun.

Seems like a familar setup, but i do have more then one combat team, usually 2 minimum, up until 6.
Grenade Launcher gets replaced with the Small Launcher later, there is even a Hovertank for shooting Elerium bombs.

Edit: I find these Alien special missions to be very brutal. Bordering on unfair. I just had a mission on another out of control ship, this time I had no super-skyranger and was just thrown on a empty deck, on the low ground, surrounded by snakemen, green bugs and chrysalids.

At the end of that long mission I somehow only lost two soldiers out of sixteen, and my two drones, however literally everyone else was critically wounded, and a rogue alien grenade destroyed my entire stockpile of equipment that was also dumped off of the skyranger.

I chose to just reload a older save and abort the mission, I'd rather tank the -1.5k score.

Jeah that is the Linership from TFTD, i did not had the time to rework the map so the UFO Defense craft can properly spawn on this map. Its works for TFTD since these craft are smalle 10x10 instead of 20x10. So for the time being you are literally out in the open. Its your one time chance to get a good ass whooping. ;P

I usually also just tank the score until finished reworking the Linership map.

Thanks you so much for your great valued feedback, please let me know more ;)

Kind regards hellrazor
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: Steelpoint on January 11, 2020, 07:52:39 pm
More than willing to give feedback for a good mod.


Midway through August, fun times and all. I already finished most of the laser weapons research around July (except the auto/laser which is in progress). My biggest issues right now are financial, my maintenance costs hover past the $15 million mark whereas my current council income is just shy of $7 million. My 'XCOM Factory" can churn out nearly $8 million a month from laser cannons which, alongside selling most alien artefacts, is keeping me afloat. I have about 110 Engineers and Scientists and I'm expanding my factory. I lost my American airbase to a retaliation, as such I reinforced my Asia airbase and also setup a second strike team operating from Asia, both to defend the base and contribute to the fight.


In terms of Drone feedback. I've found myself exclusively using Drone/Scanners, the information from the motion scanner is something I find invaluable in battle, while my SoP is for all my Infantrymen to carry a motion scanner on their belt, I simply find the drone is often better placed to use a scanner and have TUs to scout.

While I do use the advance movement settings, I find it uncommon for me to rely on medkits for the stamina boost, whenever my soldiers exert themselves via sprinting its usually a one or two turn affair, which does not drain their stamina entirely. Ergo, I've not found great utility with using a Drone/Medkit, I can appreciate it as a strong support unit, especially early on when medkits are limited and bulky, but losing the Motion Scanner is a massive drawback.

I've had no issues recovering the dead drone wrecks for repairing them, the repairing mechanic overall is a good feature, it encourages me to give everyone armour and eases the loss of a drone.

Personally I've yet to field HWPs, I've begun considering making a few Tank/Lasers to station at my bases to augment the defence forces in case of a base attack, however financial constraints have delayed that plan (I find I'm needing at least 6+ million surplus just to break even after maintenance costs).
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on January 12, 2020, 09:54:01 pm
More than willing to give feedback for a good mod.

That is much appreciated.

Midway through August, fun times and all. I already finished most of the laser weapons research around July (except the auto/laser which is in progress). My biggest issues right now are financial, my maintenance costs hover past the $15 million mark whereas my current council income is just shy of $7 million. My 'XCOM Factory" can churn out nearly $8 million a month from laser cannons which, alongside selling most alien artefacts, is keeping me afloat. I have about 110 Engineers and Scientists and I'm expanding my factory. I lost my American airbase to a retaliation, as such I reinforced my Asia airbase and also setup a second strike team operating from Asia, both to defend the base and contribute to the fight.

Well after all X-Com is a under financed black ops organisation operating in the shadows. No wonder it does have budget issues.
I always found that in vanilla you get way too much money to easily. Being on negative in regard income <-> maintenance was kinda a design decision in the mod.
One of my lategame runs has a factory with 440 engineer and a total of 555 engineers and 250 scientist. Budget deficit is around 35m per month.
You definitely have to learn to manage your economics, but that is intentional.

Its a shame that the game itself only gives you a few graphs and no detailed total cost overview, i have to check back Meridian maybe something like this is possible in OXCE.

In terms of Drone feedback. I've found myself exclusively using Drone/Scanners, the information from the motion scanner is something I find invaluable in battle, while my SoP is for all my Infantrymen to carry a motion scanner on their belt, I simply find the drone is often better placed to use a scanner and have TUs to scout.

Jeah, its basically the same for me. The Drone/Scanner seems just superior to all the others. Maybe nerv them a little bit? Give it a limited number of scans?
Buff the other drones? Just a idea removing the Smoke Launcher from the Medikit drone and adding a motion scanner to it. So its Drone/ScannerMedikit :D
No i guess that would be to overpowered...

What i will do is boost the Drone/Taser (Range: 20 and unlimited taser shots) so it can better used.

While I do use the advance movement settings, I find it uncommon for me to rely on medkits for the stamina boost, whenever my soldiers exert themselves via sprinting its usually a one or two turn affair, which does not drain their stamina entirely. Ergo, I've not found great utility with using a Drone/Medkit, I can appreciate it as a strong support unit, especially early on when medkits are limited and bulky, but losing the Motion Scanner is a massive drawback.

I've had no issues recovering the dead drone wrecks for repairing them, the repairing mechanic overall is a good feature, it encourages me to give everyone armour and eases the loss of a drone.

Well stamina on your soldiers becomes way less a issue, once you deploy Power Suits, there is a flat bonus for that and also carry weight.
I noticed that i usually stim up my Riflemen/Shotgunners before i attempt to breach a building, cave or UFO. Just to have the extra mobility it sometimes helps to reach the last alien and autoshot him into the face with a Scatter Laser :D

Well armor, tanks and drones are a continious investment. The ability to repair and upgrade them is fits right into this theme, at least those were my thought.

Personally I've yet to field HWPs, I've begun considering making a few Tank/Lasers to station at my bases to augment the defence forces in case of a base attack, however financial constraints have delayed that plan (I find I'm needing at least 6+ million surplus just to break even after maintenance costs).

Deploying them as additional base defense forces is usually a good idea. Once you reach the first alien tech transport there is even the option to bring at least one tank additional.
Ends up to be a really nice mix of HWP in open terrain, swarmed with drones left and right. Snipers zapping everything from long range from level 8.
The more ground battles you successfully fight the more money you will have. Its usually even worth to pic up crash sites from scouts and similar craft, all those alien weapons sell for some money. :)

Expanding the factory and selling Laser Canons like crazy is also a option, and has the benefit of producing/repairing things faster if needed.
Crafts are a serious investment beginning with the first pure alien tech based one.

I hope that you will further have fun with the mod. I hope you will be able to unlock psionics its really a game changer (for everything other then Ethereals of course, they a very hard to actually psionically engage).

Looking forward to some more feedback.
Maybe you even have some change suggestions, i also like to hear those.

Kind regards hellrazor
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: Steelpoint on January 19, 2020, 02:37:33 pm
If I were to make any suggestions, I'd support some form of sym that some other similar mods add, if only so my new recruits can stand a chance of improving themselves before being sent into the slaughter.

I'd rather support making non-scanner drones better than nerfing the drone/scanner. Perhaps you could replace the Drone/Medkit's smoke launcher with a internal shotgun, it would give the more aggressive player an interesting firepower alternative in the drone, and would be competitive against the Drone/Scanner.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on January 25, 2020, 01:20:49 am
Hello Steelpoint,

If I were to make any suggestions, I'd support some form of sym that some other similar mods add, if only so my new recruits can stand a chance of improving themselves before being sent into the slaughter.

Some form of sym?
I am not familar with this term. Would you mind to explain?
You mean soldiers with higher starting stats? For example some slightly raised minimum values for attributes?
Like i already did with melee?
(The vanilla minimum melee stats for soldiers when generated was down to 20, thats very punishing if you consider that in my mod melee weapons actually to apply the melee stat for additional accuracy and strength for damage. I actually never tested out how much damage a Soldier in a Powersuit could  do with a Alloy Sword or a guy in a reinforced Powersuit with a Plasma Sword. Melee attacks especially from melee focused units like the Muton Berserker are usually a unit hit kill. Also the aliens alldo have a minimum melee accuracy stat of 40. Sectoids compared to average humans do to not make good melee fighters so that was just balancing and making it melee more consistent.)

I'd rather support making non-scanner drones better than nerfing the drone/scanner. Perhaps you could replace the Drone/Medkit's smoke launcher with a internal shotgun, it would give the more aggressive player an interesting firepower alternative in the drone, and would be competitive against the Drone/Scanner.

Removing the smoke launcher from the Drone/Medikit and giving it a shotgun or rifle weapon could be a option indeed.
Maybe equipping the Drone/Medikit also with a Taser Module from the Taser Pistol could be a option, so it could be used as guard unit against for stunned aliens, especially for psionic enemies. The Drone/Medikit could also be used to heal wounded aliens, which you actually want to capture. (I usually play with turned  on Alien Bleeding so that could add a new dynamic here.). I  would actually limit the amount of shots for the Taser on the Drone/Medikit for maybe lets say 6 or 9, Aimed and Snap Shot only.

In this regard the question is, if i could actually drop the Drone/Taser. Or at least giving it a significant boost, increased Stun Damage and Range and unlimited shots.

The same would basically go for the Alloy Drone/Medikit and Alloy Drone/Taser.

I think i would be a very nice idea to have also the option to deploy a purely lethal offensive Drone.
The Drone/Scout could actually get a weapon, it is basically never used, but can be bought after being researched.
Also i think it should then be renamed to Drone/Shotgun. To be consistent a Alloy Drone/Scatter Laser would also be needed and a Alloy Drone/Plasma Shotgun. Maybe those really would be to overpowered? Or just a good offensive tiny tank.
Shotguns are really the most over powered weapon in the mod in regard of one hit kills from close distance.
Maybe give it a Rifle class weapon instead? I am unsure, Your thoughts?

Also, what would happen to the normal tanks? Would they basically become obsolete. The drones have less armor but small Hitboxes, Tank have substantially higher armor. I mean why would you actively wanna use a Tank/Cannon or Alloy Tank/Laser, when you can deploy at least 2 Drone/Shotgun or 2 Alloy Drone/Scatter Laser??
On the other side i could add normal tanks with a Shotgun Class weaponry (not sure if that actually makes sense..., hm...having Sectopods with a Alien Scatter Laser weapon would be a nice idea also Armored Sectopods with Plasma Shotguns. Does that sound to crazy?), so many things to consider.

Any more ideas?

Also all of these changes, would require changes to the drone sprites and maybe even complete new set of sprites, i am really really bad at making sprites. I could try but the result would be really low quality. The Drone sprites i use, where actually made from IvanDogoVich on my request. (I probably miss spelled his name...)

Just my thoughts. :)
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on January 25, 2020, 01:22:18 am
Oh i totally forgot, i really should nerf flash bang grenades then a little bit.
Ok you can always just stack up 3-4 to make sure the alien gets stunned....
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: Steelpoint on January 25, 2020, 02:35:02 pm
Yes, I misspelled and meant a Gym, although I think a more proper word would be Training Centre, allows your troops to slightly train up their stats to a limit, although I think this is more a Openxcom Extended feature.

If the issue is trying to balance a Shotgun Drone against the Tanks, you could simply make the shotgun less powerful than the handheld variant, and/or increase the price tag of manufacturing and repairing a gun Drone to be comparable to a regular Tank of a similar tech level, you could also limit their ammo to a degree, such as only four shots a drone or akin. Drones are still quite fragile and a single good plasma hit can spell doom, and if their only weapon of choice is a close range weapon it introduces a risk/reward situation, also you would be sacrificing scouting power for more firepower as you are stripping the smoke launcher and a motion detector for a close range gun and medkit.

I think the idea is that a Shotgun/Drone would not be a pure dedicated combat unit akin to a Tank, but a support unit that can defend itself. You make the active choice between increasing your scouting and defensive tools (Drone/Motion) or you instead focus on offensive tools to try and shoot your way out of a situation.

This is only an idea, and it could just turn out to be a poor one. Even if a Shotgun/Drone was added I'd still likely keep using the Drone/Scanner due to its scouting potential.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on February 12, 2020, 08:18:24 pm
Yes, I misspelled and meant a Gym, although I think a more proper word would be Training Centre, allows your troops to slightly train up their stats to a limit, although I think this is more a Openxcom Extended feature.

Yes i figured that much. That is indeed a OpenXcom Extended feature.

If the issue is trying to balance a Shotgun Drone against the Tanks, you could simply make the shotgun less powerful than the handheld variant, and/or increase the price tag of manufacturing and repairing a gun Drone to be comparable to a regular Tank of a similar tech level, you could also limit their ammo to a degree, such as only four shots a drone or akin. Drones are still quite fragile and a single good plasma hit can spell doom, and if their only weapon of choice is a close range weapon it introduces a risk/reward situation, also you would be sacrificing scouting power for more firepower as you are stripping the smoke launcher and a motion detector for a close range gun and medkit.

I think the idea is that a Shotgun/Drone would not be a pure dedicated combat unit akin to a Tank, but a support unit that can defend itself. You make the active choice between increasing your scouting and defensive tools (Drone/Motion) or you instead focus on offensive tools to try and shoot your way out of a situation.

This is only an idea, and it could just turn out to be a poor one. Even if a Shotgun/Drone was added I'd still likely keep using the Drone/Scanner due to its scouting potential.

The points you made in regard of the shotgun variant make sense, to see it more as a way out of tight situations with the drone itself. Thanks that will help with balancing.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on February 12, 2020, 08:34:00 pm

Current development of my mod is being set to hold for the time being.
I am forced by Hobbes, to remove a big bunch of content, mostly terrains from the mod.

I first have to clear my mod of the content, which he revoked his agreement to me using it.
This includes most of the additional terrains, since i adapted those from the Terrain Pack Mod and some content from his Area 51 mod.

In this regard can anyone help me identifying the Authors/Creators of the following Civilian Sprite and Sprite Sheets? (See attached file)
That would be really nice. Thanks in advance.

Content which is a conversion from TFTD, will for the time being remain in the mod, or reconverted in my own doing if needed (Its a unsure point, because the original Artwork has a different holder then Hobbes, I am not a lawyer.)

I so far did not had time to make a proper review of all of this.
And i was honestly in the last couple of weeks to disappointed and pissed of at Hobbes to actually do this.

I have already spoken to some other modders, especially luke83 and we basically decided to make Community Map Pack:,7830.0.html

I am also planning to recreate most of additional globe terrains from the Terrain Pack, with new Original Artwork and puts those under a CC Licence, most likely this one here:

Or a weaker Version have not decided this.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 12, 2020, 10:26:34 pm
MaleCivilian10 looks like Robin's Man in Black.

MaleCivilian2, MaleCivilian3, MaleCivilian4, MaleCivilian6, MaleCivilian9, MaleCivilian11, FemaleCivilian5 I'm not sure, perhaps TFTD, but they are prevalent among so many mods that I doubt there is anyone to claim ownership. MaleCivilian4 bigob is based on a Xenonauts sprite, I think Dioxine edited it.

MaleCivilian5, MaleCivilian7, MaleCivilian8, FemaleCivilian5 are from TFTD.

FemaleCivilian2, FemaleCivilian3, FemaleCivilian4, FemaleCivilian6, FemaleCivilian7, FemaleCivilian8, FemaleCivilian9, FemaleCivilian10 look like they were made by Dioxine.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on February 15, 2020, 07:05:23 pm
MaleCivilian10 looks like Robin's Man in Black.

MaleCivilian2, MaleCivilian3, MaleCivilian4, MaleCivilian6, MaleCivilian9, MaleCivilian11, FemaleCivilian5 I'm not sure, perhaps TFTD, but they are prevalent among so many mods that I doubt there is anyone to claim ownership. MaleCivilian4 bigob is based on a Xenonauts sprite, I think Dioxine edited it.

MaleCivilian5, MaleCivilian7, MaleCivilian8, FemaleCivilian5 are from TFTD.

FemaleCivilian2, FemaleCivilian3, FemaleCivilian4, FemaleCivilian6, FemaleCivilian7, FemaleCivilian8, FemaleCivilian9, FemaleCivilian10 look like they were made by Dioxine.

Ok thanks Solarius for this information. Then i will pull them in and give credit to whom i can (know off)

I am actually also looking for some Spritesets for Armed Civilians or some collaborators.
Also having a male and female Scientist unit would be really nice.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 15, 2020, 07:27:21 pm
Robin made very nice scientists of both genders (in From The Apocalypse).
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: mlavia on April 21, 2020, 05:08:14 pm
Is the alloy ammo cost really intended?
I like the idea of alloy ammo to improve early game conventional weapons, but manufacturing cost and time are so high that are pushing them out of the game (specially in early game, when you need them).
From a fast calculation, supposing 40 engineers working for 730 hours per month and computing base maintenance costs, this is a compare table with conventional ammo costs (per single unit buyed/produced):
(sorry for the terrible formatting, I'm new here)

pistol clip: 70 - alloy: 1774 (more than 25 times over)
rifle clip: 200 - alloy: 3180 (~16 times)
shotgun clip: 200 - alloy: 7401 (~37 times)
sniper clip: 500 - alloy: 8401 (~17 times)
HC AP: 300 - alloy: 12184 (~40 times)
AA AP: 500 - alloy: 12184 (~24 times)

and for a complete comparison:

knife: 100 - alloy: 18236 (~182 times!)
rocket: 900 - elerium: 33733 (~37 times)
vest: 20000 - alloy: 75438 (~3.77 times)

For a mere +10 damage, seems skipping them and investing the money in laser research is a much better investment.
I did not study the whole game economy, but I think alloy items cost ratio should be more like the alloy vest, or something between 5-10 times conventional costs. This could be easily achieved raising by ten times the number of clips produced (and the required alloy) in a single production cycle, but keeping current project time and space. It would also be logical that ammo clips are produced in batches and you can't start a project for a single one. I think the real challenge with these items should be the alloy management, not the cash. I could post more specific numbers if requested.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on April 22, 2020, 10:11:49 pm
Is the alloy ammo cost really intended?
I like the idea of alloy ammo to improve early game conventional weapons, but manufacturing cost and time are so high that are pushing them out of the game (specially in early game, when you need them).
From a fast calculation, supposing 40 engineers working for 730 hours per month and computing base maintenance costs, this is a compare table with conventional ammo costs (per single unit buyed/produced):
(sorry for the terrible formatting, I'm new here)

pistol clip: 70 - alloy: 1774 (more than 25 times over)
rifle clip: 200 - alloy: 3180 (~16 times)
shotgun clip: 200 - alloy: 7401 (~37 times)
sniper clip: 500 - alloy: 8401 (~17 times)
HC AP: 300 - alloy: 12184 (~40 times)
AA AP: 500 - alloy: 12184 (~24 times)

and for a complete comparison:

knife: 100 - alloy: 18236 (~182 times!)
rocket: 900 - elerium: 33733 (~37 times)
vest: 20000 - alloy: 75438 (~3.77 times)

For a mere +10 damage, seems skipping them and investing the money in laser research is a much better investment.
I did not study the whole game economy, but I think alloy items cost ratio should be more like the alloy vest, or something between 5-10 times conventional costs. This could be easily achieved raising by ten times the number of clips produced (and the required alloy) in a single production cycle, but keeping current project time and space. It would also be logical that ammo clips are produced in batches and you can't start a project for a single one. I think the real challenge with these items should be the alloy management, not the cash. I could post more specific numbers if requested.

Manufacturing times and cost will stay as they are and are prefectly balanced.
Also you can not produce alien alloys so where is your problem?

If you wish to go through the painful process of going to get Laser Weapons without Alloy Ammo, feel free to do so.
Even thou i do not recommend it.

If you think the mod is not balanced correctly, feel free to do so.
I do not see any issues in this regard.

Whats your problem anyway?

Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: mlavia on April 23, 2020, 12:38:12 am
Ehi, no need to be upset.
This thread is called feedback, so I provided a feedback.

I did some January/April run tests, and peeked manufacture and research rules.
Funds are scarce and you need loot to pay upkeeps, so I found more appropriate to invest in radar outposts and weapon research (scanner, drones, explosive, containment -> slate -> laser = good weapons and good money).
The base mission is doable in February with drones and conventional weapons + explosive (vs. Floaters, Reapers). I really like drones!
The only unfair missions are terror missions, where all civilians are dead after 2/3 turns and you often face 4+ Cyberdisk just in front of your Skyranger door. Only wise choice is abort, but even when you win you collect a big negative score due to civilian casualties.
But before lasers, the only life saving strategy is to smoke, scout, snipe/rocket. It gets repetitive. Differently from vanilla, AI tends to send all aliens out of the ufo (why?), and I can wait and snipe/blow them on the door. I almost never entered large ufos (I would like to, but aliens keep coming out and I never have a safe approach chance).
I tried alloy ammo, and I found it more enjoyable because they allow little bit more aggressive and less tedious strategy.
But I really felt they are too far overpriced (see the numbers) and was curious to understand the reason, if any (did I miss something? no debate over it in the forum?), so I asked. I also did my personal rebalance in the rules, felt it more fun and realistic (in game terms) and shared my mind. That's all.

I would also change the alloy weapons tree a little bit:
(melee): alien alloy -> alloy knife -> alloy sword (no dependence from ammo and personal armor)
(fire): alien alloy -> alloy ammo -> alloy cannon (cannot operate a cannon before ammo)

I never used melee until now, it just makes more sense to me like this.
I really could not find any debate on alloy weapons in the forum, so was thinking they are overlooked and not properly balanced.
But they are just suggestions, you can discard them without being harsh.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on June 21, 2020, 07:42:02 pm
Ehi, no need to be upset.
This thread is called feedback, so I provided a feedback.

Sorry bro, I was over reacting, just came out of lockdown when i wrote the last message.
Did seem it got to me, this social isolation...

I did some January/April run tests, and peeked manufacture and research rules.
Funds are scarce and you need loot to pay upkeeps, so I found more appropriate to invest in radar outposts and weapon research (scanner, drones, explosive, containment -> slate -> laser = good weapons and good money).

Good, i hope you enjoyed it so far. Money is scarce intentionally.

The base mission is doable in February with drones and conventional weapons + explosive (vs. Floaters, Reapers). I really like drones!
The only unfair missions are terror missions, where all civilians are dead after 2/3 turns and you often face 4+ Cyberdisk just in front of your Skyranger door. Only wise choice is abort, but even when you win you collect a big negative score due to civilian casualties.

Jeah Terrormissions are basically screw you player thing so to say. This might change in early game in the future, when armed civilians (police, soldiers) also play a role.
But usually you can fight the missions and still get a okish score. Better then to take the immense despawn penalty.

But before lasers, the only life saving strategy is to smoke, scout, snipe/rocket. It gets repetitive. Differently from vanilla, AI tends to send all aliens out of the ufo (why?), and I can wait and snipe/blow them on the door. I almost never entered large ufos (I would like to, but aliens keep coming out and I never have a safe approach chance).
I tried alloy ammo, and I found it more enjoyable because they allow little bit more aggressive and less tedious strategy.
But I really felt they are too far overpriced (see the numbers) and was curious to understand the reason, if any (did I miss something? no debate over it in the forum?), so I asked. I also did my personal rebalance in the rules, felt it more fun and realistic (in game terms) and shared my mind. That's all.

Overpriced? You mean how many clips you can produce from 1 alien alloy? Production time and space?

I would also change the alloy weapons tree a little bit:
(melee): alien alloy -> alloy knife -> alloy sword (no dependence from ammo and personal armor)
(fire): alien alloy -> alloy ammo -> alloy cannon (cannot operate a cannon before ammo)

Interesting suggestion, i consider those changes. Have to review the research tree anyway. Thanks.

I never used melee until now, it just makes more sense to me like this.
I really could not find any debate on alloy weapons in the forum, so was thinking they are overlooked and not properly balanced.
But they are just suggestions, you can discard them without being harsh.

Well damagewise and researchwise i think the alloy ammo in my mod i pretty balanced towards the enemies. Production of the ammo is something else.

Would you mind sharing the changed ruleset? Maybe your changes are more reasonable and realistic, a look can't hurt :)
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: mlavia on June 29, 2020, 02:14:45 am
Would you mind sharing the changed ruleset? Maybe your changes are more reasonable and realistic, a look can't hurt :)

Sorry, after reaching lasers I didn't care alloy ammo anymore, so I didn't save my modified ruleset when updating to your new version. Now I'm December, fighting all the big bad guys with high tech weapons.
Anyway I still have my costs analysis sheet (see attach), so is possible to recreate it.
For "overpriced" I mean total production costs are too high compared to the normal ammo, and giving a low benefit (+10 damage) it would push the player to skip them (specially because you need them only in the early game, when your cash is short).
To fit them into the game I tried to lower their production costs, but balancing production of single clips was impossible due to the high labour/workshop cost, so I created batches of clips.
This way alloy ammo will cost about ten times the normal one for rifles, and some more for the cannons.
As I said, I didn't study the whole economy of the game nor a perfect new balance of ammo costs, just did a quick and dirty fix for something I felt wrong.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: mlavia on July 03, 2020, 11:03:39 am
There is something else giving me a bad feeling: almost every month the aliens will send a large group of UFO trying to build a base. Even if I attack and destroy every landed UFO, the base is still built and a local country infiltrated. And even if I destroy the base before the end of the month (and my area/country score is much higher than the aliens) the country is still lost. I understand you want to make the game hard, but I feel this is somewhat incoherent with the outcome of the events (aliens were totally defeated).
Anyway, after discovering lasers (april/may) I start to build laser cannon factories everywhere and stop concerning about money. So losing countries is not really affecting the game, but still leaving a bitter taste in the mouth since you are punished even if you didn't do anything wrong.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on July 06, 2020, 05:24:04 pm
Even if I attack and destroy every landed UFO, the base is still built and a local country infiltrated. And even if I destroy the base before the end of the month (and my area/country score is much higher than the aliens) the country is still lost.

To Hellrazor: It is now possible to allow an infiltration mission to fail (thus not build the base AND not cause nation to leave council) by adding an interrupt chance to one or more of its waves. There has to be at least one wave after the one that interrupts it, because the mission completes at the same instant that the final wave spawns onto the globe.

Code: [Select]
      - ufo: STR_BATTLESHIP
        interruptPercentage: 100
        count: 1
        trajectory: P6
        timer: 120

^ In the above case, if this battleship is either shot down or a ground assault finishes it off, the mission has a 100% chance of failing. This failure can only occur if the mission has not already completed, therefore one or more extra waves must be tacked onto the list, appearing after the battleship. It takes around 4-8 hours for the battleship to land, and it stays landed for another 6-10 maybe, so if you have the final wave (a small scout, for example) appear with a wave timer of 1440 (24 hours), it'll take 12-36 hours to appear, which will always grant enough time to assault the battleship.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on July 06, 2020, 05:30:17 pm
To Hellrazor: It is now possible to allow an infiltration mission to fail (thus not build the base AND not cause nation to leave council) by adding an interrupt chance to one or more of its waves. There has to be at least one wave after the one that interrupts it, because the mission completes at the same instant that the final wave spawns onto the globe.

Code: [Select]
      - ufo: STR_BATTLESHIP
        interruptPercentage: 100
        count: 1
        trajectory: P6
        timer: 120

^ In the above case, if this battleship is either shot down or a ground assault finishes it off, the mission has a 100% chance of failing. This failure can only occur if the mission has not already completed, therefore one or more extra waves must be tacked onto the list, appearing after the battleship. It takes around 4-8 hours for the battleship to land, and it stays landed for another 6-10 maybe, so if you have the final wave (a small scout, for example) appear with a wave timer of 1440 (24 hours), it'll take 12-36 hours to appear, which will always grant enough time to assault the battleship.

Interesting i was not aware of this.
Is this OXC or OCXE option?

Remeber i will not support OXCE, only OXC.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on July 06, 2020, 05:31:22 pm
There is something else giving me a bad feeling: almost every month the aliens will send a large group of UFO trying to build a base. Even if I attack and destroy every landed UFO, the base is still built and a local country infiltrated. And even if I destroy the base before the end of the month (and my area/country score is much higher than the aliens) the country is still lost. I understand you want to make the game hard, but I feel this is somewhat incoherent with the outcome of the events (aliens were totally defeated).
Anyway, after discovering lasers (april/may) I start to build laser cannon factories everywhere and stop concerning about money. So losing countries is not really affecting the game, but still leaving a bitter taste in the mouth since you are punished even if you didn't do anything wrong.

That is default DOS Version behaviour. So to say vanilla.
But yes maybe something can be done about this with the option DarkReaver mentioned, I will check.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on July 07, 2020, 01:01:57 am
It's OXCE, but you don't have to support OXCE to add it. People will only be able to make the mission end early if they are using OXCE, but the other players will be unaffected. (It will make a small balance difference between playing OXC or playing OXCE.)
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on July 07, 2020, 02:22:51 am
It's OXCE, but you don't have to support OXCE to add it. People will only be able to make the mission end early if they are using OXCE, but the other players will be unaffected. (It will make a small balance difference between playing OXC or playing OXCE.)

So it could be used additionally. I see. I might consider it.
Thanks for your constructive critic. :)
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: Bobwolf on July 18, 2021, 05:15:23 pm
Hey guys!

I like how difficult the game is. However, the terror mission are.... punishing in a bad way?

I've been trying and trying to get an "Ok" score in terror mission but it seems impossible (at least the 1st two terror mission). I don't mind if the aliens are really strong but the penalty for dead civilian is too much. They are all dead in 2-3 turns and even if I finish the mission (with casualties..) my score is around -500 to -850. If there was a way to comeback it would be ok but getting around 800 pts to score a "positive" end of the month is nearly impossible. So I'm done after 2 months because of two negative score.

I made it once to april I think but I was lucky to get a couple of ground mission that went well and cleared a floater base.

Except the terror missions, I really enjoy the challenge. Aliens are very aggressive (like they should).

Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: on September 24, 2021, 08:12:43 pm
Enjoyed it very much.  Took me about 6 months to finish; about 2 hours each day game play.   I tried to get all landed ships to get all resources. 

What is next?   I want even harder hard mode.  How about after the first play through in Supper Human level, you have the option to choose, god like level, omnipotent levels, etc.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: Steelpoint on October 01, 2021, 05:37:01 pm
Enjoyed it very much.  Took me about 6 months to finish; about 2 hours each day game play.   I tried to get all landed ships to get all resources. 

What is next?   I want even harder hard mode.  How about after the first play through in Supper Human level, you have the option to choose, god like level, omnipotent levels, etc.

I think this mod is pretty much as hard as it gets outside of deliberately setting restrictions to how you play the game.

Hey guys!
I've been trying and trying to get an "Ok" score in terror mission but it seems impossible (at least the 1st two terror mission). I don't mind if the aliens are really strong but the penalty for dead civilian is too much. They are all dead in 2-3 turns and even if I finish the mission (with casualties..) my score is around -500 to -850. If there was a way to comeback it would be ok but getting around 800 pts to score a "positive" end of the month is nearly impossible. So I'm done after 2 months because of two negative score.

Terror missions are essentially putting pressure on you to score victories elsewhere. Ignoring a Terror mission gets you a -2000 score, landing and aborting is about -1500 (you at least tell the country you "tried") but if you do the mission well with minimal XCOM deaths, you can get around -500 or so from the mission.

The point of doing a Terror mission is to minimise the political (score) damage the Aliens inflict on you. The onus is on you to make up the difference elsewhere, raiding landed ships should quickly balance out the negative score. A successful raid on an Alien base will easily account for two successful terror missions.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: Steelpoint on October 10, 2021, 02:24:36 pm
I've become so well enamoured with the mod again that I've gone ahead and started making a wiki page for it on ufopedia. I'm slowly adding content to it but if anyone wants to browse or help, go on ahead.

For the 3 people who browse this anyway.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on October 11, 2021, 03:11:21 pm
I've become so well enamoured with the mod again that I've gone ahead and started making a wiki page for it on ufopedia. I'm slowly adding content to it but if anyone wants to browse or help, go on ahead.

For the 3 people who browse this anyway.

Awesome. Thank you for doing this.

I should really work on a update.

My girlfriend had a brainstroke and this is now not easy at all. Life is sometimes fucking you harder then any mod...

EDIT.: Sadly I can not remember my password for the ufopaedia.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: Steelpoint on October 11, 2021, 03:57:04 pm
Awesome. Thank you for doing this.

I should really work on a update.

My girlfriend had a brainstroke and this is now not easy at all. Life is sometimes fucking you harder then any mod...

EDIT.: Sadly I can not remember my password for the ufopaedia.

No problem, I've been able to peruse the ufopaedia via just looking at the game files from the mod, I've mostly used it to give flavour text for some of the wiki pages, like what the 'technical' objectives of certain UFO classes are for.

If you do make an update, my troops would appreciate less industrial/island/ship terror missions and more vanilla ones  :)

I'm sorry to hear about your girlfriend, I've worked with people who live with the condition and I can understand the long term implications and difficulties in the rehabilitation process. I can only wish you and her the best in the recovery process.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on October 12, 2021, 04:12:28 pm
No problem, I've been able to peruse the ufopaedia via just looking at the game files from the mod, I've mostly used it to give flavour text for some of the wiki pages, like what the 'technical' objectives of certain UFO classes are for.

If you do make an update, my troops would appreciate less industrial/island/ship terror missions and more vanilla ones  :)

I'm sorry to hear about your girlfriend, I've worked with people who live with the condition and I can understand the long term implications and difficulties in the rehabilitation process. I can only wish you and her the best in the recovery process.

I really like the Ufopaedia stuff and also the flavor text :)
I added the Ufopaedia entry to my documentation and the Modpage on

Still have to find out who can give me a new password for my ufopaedia account.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on October 12, 2021, 05:48:59 pm
Still have to find out who can give me a new password for my ufopaedia account.
I would start with SupSuper. If he can't, he likely can at least point you in the right direction.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: R1dO on October 12, 2021, 06:03:26 pm
When you try to log in there is a "Forgot your password?" link. Does that not work for you?
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: Steelpoint on October 13, 2021, 09:31:48 am
I really like the Ufopaedia stuff and also the flavor text :)
I added the Ufopaedia entry to my documentation and the Modpage on

Still have to find out who can give me a new password for my ufopaedia account.

That's most excellent, I'll have to redouble my efforts to flesh out the other pages.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on October 13, 2021, 12:23:21 pm
When you try to log in there is a "Forgot your password?" link. Does that not work for you?

Jeah i found it.

I would start with SupSuper. If he can't, he likely can at least point you in the right direction.

That was the way to go.
Now i am able to login into the Ufopaedia :)

That's most excellent, I'll have to redouble my efforts to flesh out the other pages.

I like the flavor texts :)
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: Steelpoint on October 14, 2021, 08:52:49 pm
Jeah i found it.

That was the way to go.
Now i am able to login into the Ufopaedia :)

I like the flavor texts :)

Thank you.

I'm slowly grinding my way though, I'm just focusing more so on the basic information, I've left room for a brief strategy guide for later down the track but at the moment I think its best to keep things to the facts.

If someone wants to lookup how effective a gun is, or what a certain enemy does, it should be on the wiki.

Of course all this wiki work has made me appreciate not only the amount of effort that's gone into the mod. But how god damn terrifying Chrysalid Spitters are, one shot zombification from across the room is nasty.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on October 15, 2021, 03:03:10 pm
Thank you.

I'm slowly grinding my way though, I'm just focusing more so on the basic information, I've left room for a brief strategy guide for later down the track but at the moment I think its best to keep things to the facts.

Since my Ufopaedia account is now working, I look at finished articles and make small corrections if I find something wrong/msileading if you do not mind. ;)

If someone wants to lookup how effective a gun is, or what a certain enemy does, it should be on the wiki.

Ineed that is important.

Of course all this wiki work has made me appreciate not only the amount of effort that's gone into the mod. But how god damn terrifying Chrysalid Spitters are, one shot zombification from across the room is nasty.

They are nasty indeed.

I might consider to actually convert to mod to OXCE, there some interesting things, like having countries rejoin X-Com after alien bases, which made the pact is defeated and interrupting infiltration missions. Even thou i really really do not want to deviate from vanilla principles.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on October 15, 2021, 07:30:40 pm
I might consider to actually convert to mod to OXCE, there some interesting things, like having countries rejoin X-Com after alien bases, which made the pact is defeated and interrupting infiltration missions. Even thou i really really do not want to deviate from vanilla principles.
I'd recommend doing it, and this is coming from the author of the only other megamod in the community to dedicate to OXC. Even in Faithful, I added a few OXCE features just because there were things I felt the mod needed that couldn't be done otherwise. Faithful still maintains balance centered on OXC as much as possible but runs about the same if not better in OXCE just because OXCE really is generally superior.

When I finally upgraded to OXCE, I rebranded my mod as Harmony and left Faithful where it was. The inspiration I got from reading the ruleset reference ( and seeing all the new options available to me led to Harmony's additions on top of Faithful being two or three times as extensive as Faithful itself. You could do likewise perhaps, make a Hardmode 2 or something, leave Hardmode to function in OXC and move on into OXCE. I promise you that you will not ever look back.

- - -

I was also thinking back on our chat about the difficulty of the mod. I think you said your mod wasn't difficult enough because of how it stacks up against some of the other mods in the community, and I said those mods are also really difficult, I said Hardmode is definitely a really difficult mod. But I remembered that you once said the mod is only designed to be played on Superhuman difficulty, so I was thinking perhaps you could flesh out the difficulty ranges and design the mod to be played on all five difficulties, ranging from hard (Beginner) to crushingly difficult (Veteran) to absolutely nightmarish (Superhuman). People could still enjoy the mod, but nobody would ever say it was too easy. I've had a fair bit of experience with difficulty settings and tweaks, so I can offer you some help on that either here or on Discord if you're interested.

But fair warning: modding in OXCE quickly gets addictive! If you're limited on available time, you might think twice about it, or at least pace yourself.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on October 17, 2021, 07:19:01 am
I'd recommend doing it, and this is coming from the author of the only other megamod in the community to dedicate to OXC. Even in Faithful, I added a few OXCE features just because there were things I felt the mod needed that couldn't be done otherwise. Faithful still maintains balance centered on OXC as much as possible but runs about the same if not better in OXCE just because OXCE really is generally superior.

Well there is definitely a lot of Quality of Live stuff in OXCE. The craft and soldier equipment templates for example, i do not even wanna play without those any more :D.
What it still lacks is a better financial overview, but I have not checked the newest version. Lot of shit going on.

When I finally upgraded to OXCE, I rebranded my mod as Harmony and left Faithful where it was. The inspiration I got from reading the ruleset reference ( and seeing all the new options available to me led to Harmony's additions on top of Faithful being two or three times as extensive as Faithful itself. You could do likewise perhaps, make a Hardmode 2 or something, leave Hardmode to function in OXC and move on into OXCE. I promise you that you will not ever look back.

To some degree I am actually thankful to Hobbes, forcing me to remove those globe terrains (I still have those archived on my disc for personal use, I wish he could just accept them.. sign...). I basically have a clean mod now on which I can work on the core stuff.
I think i did a job at changing the economy and the research, these two components will smack the player in its face on a regular basis, you will face financial problems and the question of what to research next.
The Economy eases up a little bit when the player starts producing Laser Canons and is gaining some independence from the funding countries.

Also you must keep the number of alien bases in check, they tend to multiplicate, I guess technically I could add Hunter Outposts, once a alien base exists for a specific time, it will start hunting X-Com crafts, flying near by or so?
I also saw that it is now possible to spawn VIP's, which can be recovered. Rescue these two Egg Heads or so.

I was also thinking back on our chat about the difficulty of the mod. I think you said your mod wasn't difficult enough because of how it stacks up against some of the other mods in the community, and I said those mods are also really difficult, I said Hardmode is definitely a really difficult mod. But I remembered that you once said the mod is only designed to be played on Superhuman difficulty, so I was thinking perhaps you could flesh out the difficulty ranges and design the mod to be played on all five difficulties, ranging from hard (Beginner) to crushingly difficult (Veteran) to absolutely nightmarish (Superhuman). People could still enjoy the mod, but nobody would ever say it was too easy. I've had a fair bit of experience with difficulty settings and tweaks, so I can offer you some help on that either here or on Discord if you're interested.

But fair warning: modding in OXCE quickly gets addictive! If you're limited on available time, you might think twice about it, or at least pace yourself.

Well the thing is, for example i would never be playing Piratez. Personal choice. I found the Final Mod Pack a bit slapped together, with things that really did not make sense, especially some research stuff.
Also I never liked the weapon designs. Designing weapons and their use cases and usage limitations is something very important. I am not a fan of weapons, were you can only shoot or move in one turn. Or being forced to have only single shot weapons, because some people played too much with UFO Extender Accuracy and think weapons with autoshots are a disgrace.

I think Hardmode can also be played on lower difficulty settings, without issues. Even thou maybe it is then harder for the player to balance the economy (reduced loot income), would require test (testing takes along time...)

You can add 100.000 useable Items/Weapons to a mod and call it a day, or you go and add specific Items/Weapons, which each has a unique use case.
What is the big difference you may ask?

Look at the Final Mod Pack or Piratez for example. There is so many "clutter" weapons in the bank of those mods. Not all of them have a unique use case.
So what happens? If it does not have a unique use case, or a easily to determine advantage for the player, it will never be used and stays "clutter".

To be honest I so far in all those years, I never finished playing my own mod, ey i gotten to November and now i being pummeled by Muton Elites. I did go a little bit overboard with having 6 strike teams and the entire shit of moving equipment around keeping track of ammo, restocking items base management got a little bit crazy.

I mean there are certain people, who really seem to like my mod and I am wondering why (the main purpose was to build a player torture machine... so many masochists out there :D)
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: Finnik on October 17, 2021, 02:49:45 pm
I mean there are certain people, who really seem to like my mod and I am wondering why (the main purpose was to build a player torture machine... so many masochists out there :D)

I heard feedback that it is a good way to learn how to play OXC right.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on October 17, 2021, 11:51:19 pm
I heard feedback that it is a good way to learn how to play OXC right.

Really? Thats sounds nice. Never considered that there is a teaching aspect actually.
Please elaborate.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: Finnik on October 18, 2021, 01:03:12 am
Well, there is a hardcore OXC Russian-speaking streamer, Evil_bl ( ( that plays many mods SH/IM, and do it very well. I usually use his opinion for balance purposes, as he is able to find any abuse, that is presented in the game, or even a little unbalanced thing. So I watch him, look at what he is doing and think if I can nerf this effective tactic  :P

Tho he streams in Russian, he is very welcome for English-speakers and would answer in English. So you can ask himself, he streams very often.

He recently said that is you want to learn playing OXC well, you should finish Hardmod (I think he recommended Veteran, but not sure).
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: Evil_bl on October 18, 2021, 01:17:52 am
He recently said that is you want to learn playing OXC well, you should finish Hardmod (I think he recommended Veteran, but not sure).

If you want to learn how to play XCOM - you should finish Hardmod in SH/IM
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on October 19, 2021, 07:27:43 am
Well, there is a hardcore OXC Russian-speaking streamer, Evil_bl ( ( that plays many mods SH/IM, and do it very well. I usually use his opinion for balance purposes, as he is able to find any abuse, that is presented in the game, or even a little unbalanced thing. So I watch him, look at what he is doing and think if I can nerf this effective tactic  :P

Tho he streams in Russian, he is very welcome for English-speakers and would answer in English. So you can ask himself, he streams very often.

He recently said that is you want to learn playing OXC well, you should finish Hardmod (I think he recommended Veteran, but not sure).

Oh right yes. I remember, especially the way he was swearing sometimes. :D
It was really nice to see how he evolved in his playstyle during his attempts.

And he used TFTD damage rules if i recall.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on October 19, 2021, 07:29:06 am
If you want to learn how to play XCOM - you should finish Hardmod in SH/IM

Thanks for the praise.

My girlfriend will finish her brainstroke recovery soon, then I will be having time again to mod more actively.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: Finnik on October 19, 2021, 01:53:35 pm
Will you port it to OXCE to have all that new features?
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on October 19, 2021, 02:55:15 pm
Will you port it to OXCE to have all that new features?

I will port it completly over to OXCE, just for the Quality of Life stuff for the player.
However, the next Version will not have the Terrain Pack content from Hobbes in it and for the time being also not a replacement (its a lot of work...)

I probably will use Maps from the Community Map Pack in the future. So sorry groundmissions will then be a little bit boring for some time.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: Evil_bl on October 19, 2021, 07:19:59 pm
And he used TFTD damage rules if i recall.

It was another streamer. :) Mister Jopper
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on October 19, 2021, 08:28:06 pm
It was another streamer. :) Mister Jopper

Oh right, sorry for the mix up.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: DanielMcKean on November 25, 2021, 04:01:11 am

Really enjoying the mod so far but sadly just lost a playthrough due to some unlucky alien blaster bomb fire. That got me thinking, could you include a little supplementary mod to remove blaster bombs from the main mod (like the ones that make it always day or night)?

I just feel like blaster bombs are just so devastating with no real way to mitigate their damage through effective strategy or though tech and that alien grenades offer a similar but more reasonable threat that I can limit by positioning soldiers thoughtfully.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on November 25, 2021, 11:07:05 pm
I just feel like blaster bombs are just so devastating with no real way to mitigate their damage through effective strategy or though tech
It's tricky to mitigate them, but it can be done. Usually, the aliens hurt themselves with blasters more than they hurt the player. Spreading your troops out helps, but clearly doesn't help enough sometimes. I don't know if Hardmode has it the same way, but in vanilla, aliens cannot fire the blaster launcher within their first two turns. You can take advantage of this grace period to get your soldiers into a safer defensive positioning. Covering all of your troops with smoke is also very useful; if the aliens can't see you then they won't fire blaster bombs at you. They also prefer not to use grenades and blaster launchers against single targets. If only one soldier is visible to the aliens and the rest are obscured by smoke, the aliens usually won't use explosives. You can try to learn which alien craft have blaster bombs and avoid those if you don't feel ready to go against them, or use a cheap disposable crew to mitigate the loss from any unlucky blaster bombings.

There are more strategies I'm sure, those are just the ones I came up with off the top of my head. It's not called Hardmode for nothing!
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: jasam on January 09, 2022, 08:18:41 pm
Hi! I want to share my feedback. I've played UFO: EU in the DOS times, then a few years ago I played OXC Final Mod Pack, recently played FMP again, and now I'm in March 2000 in the Hardmode Expansion, on Ironman (I know this is not recommended, but read on).

First, let me say this loud and clear - although I think some things could work a bit better, this is the best mod I've played, and my current game is the best xcom game since ever. The. Best. Ever.

The first 9 months or so were a real struggle. I've been losing missions, losing interceptors, skyrangers, a few times almost lost the game (because of financial, or because of score). Oh, I also lost two bases. The game has been unforgiving of any mistakes, my soldiers rarely lived longer than one month, but it has been *very* enjoyable. A few missions that I remeber particularly well:
- storming my first Fighter craft. I remembered from FMP (on Veteran) that it has just two engineers inside. Man, that was a surprise!
- early-mid-game, just after I could afford to give my whole squad the Personal Armour, storming the very large craft (lab ship? Or how that's called). I've been well below a low score limit last moths, and lost some missions this month, and I've known that I lose the game if I lose this mission. These ships are very defensive, and I lost my whole squad, except for one soldier. I have known that there's just one red muton left, but I had a dillema, to retreat to the craft and abandon the mission (meaning almost sure that end of month will be end of game), or to fight - if I died, end of month would surely, 100%, be end of game. Ironman, no saves. xD! (I won, running with two pre-primed alien grenades and motion scanner, and I honestly was surprised that I ended the month with score of 4. Four points above zero)
- storming alien base just to not lose the month - late in the  game, but without power suits yet. Alien bases have become easier to storm in the mid game, more on this below.
- cargo ship massacre mission, early in the game - sniper rifles with alloy ammo vs floaters I think? Or sectoids? Not sure. I've had 5-6 soldiers left alive, pretty much for the terror mission, but I was sure that I will bail out when I go to lower decks. Fortunately, there was no lower deck (in TFTD, ship massacres were much, much longer).

I love the balance, which in the early to mid game was always forcing me to do very difficult decisions. This mod is difficult, challenging, and very rewarding.  My wife has been killing me, telling me that I must stop playing this, but I just couldn't. And ironman - you can't compare this to superhuman, there are no difficult decisions to make if you can just save before ;) This mod has really forced me to play the best xcom campaigns ever, and I know that I was never even close with the quality of my game.

I have only one minor remark about the balance in the early game: tanks and drones. I have never played them well, although I tried. I know there are players who do well with tanks, but... they're much, much more expensive than 4 rookies, and certainly have less possibilities than 4 rookies. I lost my tanks often, and kept on repairing them, but when I lost both without recovering the parts, I just didn't buy them any more - and the game become easier. Sure, a tank may survive a single hit, which an unarmoured soldier would not... but most often my tanks were anyway going down after a single hit, or two.

Anyway, now, in the mid-late game, I have two strike teams, I use scatter lasers almost exclusively, and most often fight muton elite and sectoid elite, sometimes ethereal. The game become easy. I am not sure, if this means that it's unbalanced, or could be improved, or it's just is what it is, with better tech I get easier gameplay? Anyway, my observations:
- scatter lasers are not a bad weapon for long range. You can kill ethereal or sectoid from a long distance quite easily. With muton elite, well, you better cover, but still I often force close combat, even in artic/desert missions.
- scatter lasers are *extremely effective* against cyberdiscs and sectopods. I'm not sure it it is not a bug? I'm pretty sure I saw sectopod go down after a single hit.
- power suit saves lives pretty well in the alien grenade blast area. Also, killing a cyberdisc from 0-tile distance will kill the soldier, but a bit further - not a scratch. I kill discs in alien bases from 2-3 tiles away, with a single scatter-laser shot.
- muton berserkers were a pain in the ass, until I've found out to set up traps for them and kill them with reaction fire.

Perhaps I can make my game more challenging if I just stop using scatter lasers, not sure. Maybe I will.

Alien missions - I feel like alien base assault is one of the easiest mission types now. When I storm alien base with 16 people, all with smoke grenades, motion scanners and scatter lasers, I most often lose 3-5 soldiers, and gain millions in sales, and at least 1000-1100 points. I seriously started allowing aliens to build bases, just to be able to storm them later. The ground assault missions are still hard, sometimes. I definitely prefer to raid a base than to raid a battleship or a terror ship. Although... I think at least with some ship types, there's a deployment problem: I think I've won at least one supply ship assault, and one lab-ship assault (or was it a battleship?) without even leaving the vicinity of the dropship. The aliens just kept coming, till there were no more. But anyway, often when I have a decision to make - to assault a large ship, or not, I decide not to. I'd lose more people than in alien base, for much lesser rewards.

I haven't seen any snakemen yet - do they appear late in the game?

Anyway, I keep on playing. I'm about to fight my first ethereal base (I play with psionics line of sight, I guess this makes ethereal much less dangerous; I didn't ever like psionics though, it's just too easy in the late game, and screening and firing weak psi-strength soldiers is too easy when ethereal appear). I'm not sure where to go from here now, but I love this mod. I haven't expected so rewarding gameplay, and I really can't complain that the game becomes too easy. Maybe it's just experience. I still lose a lot of people in my second strike team - this is a rookies cannon fodder for small and medium ships, just with personal armour, survivors get promotion to my primary team.

Also, I sell almost all alien weapons, but keep all blaster launchers and eggs. I'm going to try scorched earth scenario on some missions when I finally research blasters, and if that does well, do this on Cydonia. Not sure how far I am from Cydonia (can research the martian solution, but no elerium-based crafts). Plan for now:
- try some new tactics in ground assaults, maybe they *could* be won at lower costs than alien bases?
- disable psi-line of sight if ethereals are too easy
- stop using scatter lasers maybe
- hunt for medics and engineers, I think I need them for some research

Again, in last words: this mod is great!
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on January 25, 2022, 03:43:17 pm
It's tricky to mitigate them, but it can be done. Usually, the aliens hurt themselves with blasters more than they hurt the player. Spreading your troops out helps, but clearly doesn't help enough sometimes. I don't know if Hardmode has it the same way, but in vanilla, aliens cannot fire the blaster launcher within their first two turns. You can take advantage of this grace period to get your soldiers into a safer defensive positioning. Covering all of your troops with smoke is also very useful; if the aliens can't see you then they won't fire blaster bombs at you. They also prefer not to use grenades and blaster launchers against single targets. If only one soldier is visible to the aliens and the rest are obscured by smoke, the aliens usually won't use explosives. You can try to learn which alien craft have blaster bombs and avoid those if you don't feel ready to go against them, or use a cheap disposable crew to mitigate the loss from any unlucky blaster bombings.

There are more strategies I'm sure, those are just the ones I came up with off the top of my head. It's not called Hardmode for nothing!


Really enjoying the mod so far but sadly just lost a playthrough due to some unlucky alien blaster bomb fire. That got me thinking, could you include a little supplementary mod to remove blaster bombs from the main mod (like the ones that make it always day or night)?

I just feel like blaster bombs are just so devastating with no real way to mitigate their damage through effective strategy or though tech and that alien grenades offer a similar but more reasonable threat that I can limit by positioning soldiers thoughtfully.
Aliens can use all weaponry starting from first round. If you catch the Squadwiper then you catch it.
And I will not remove Blaster Launchers and Blaster Bombs from my mod, your suggestion to do this as a kind of submod would be possible, but it would only work correctly when loaded in the correct mod loading order, removing blaster would mean to use a different set of alienDeployments. Once you get close to Blaster Launcher wielding alien, they are more likely to use their Plasma Sword or Plasma Blades to stab you or your tank or your drone.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on January 25, 2022, 07:30:30 pm
Hi! I want to share my feedback. I've played UFO: EU in the DOS times, then a few years ago I played OXC Final Mod Pack, recently played FMP again, and now I'm in March 2000 in the Hardmode Expansion, on Ironman (I know this is not recommended, but read on).

First, let me say this loud and clear - although I think some things could work a bit better, this is the best mod I've played, and my current game is the best xcom game since ever. The. Best. Ever.

Hello jasam,

thank you very much for your feedback. And i think you discovered the addiction factor of the mod. Because you never know, can i make it next month? Am I ready for the next base assault? ;)
Thanks for the praise, i do not think this is the best mod of all, but surely my reimagination of how the vanilla game should be. Especially economics and research. Further improvements will happen soonish und i can officially reintegrate the Terrain Pack Mod, as soon as it has been rereleased by Hobbes and i do have the usage permission.

I am asuming your playing Version 0.99.7 from the Mod Portal?

The first 9 months or so were a real struggle. I've been losing missions, losing interceptors, skyrangers, a few times almost lost the game (because of financial, or because of score). Oh, I also lost two bases. The game has been unforgiving of any mistakes, my soldiers rarely lived longer than one month, but it has been *very* enjoyable. A few missions that I remeber particularly well:
- storming my first Fighter craft. I remembered from FMP (on Veteran) that it has just two engineers inside. Man, that was a surprise!
- early-mid-game, just after I could afford to give my whole squad the Personal Armour, storming the very large craft (lab ship? Or how that's called). I've been well below a low score limit last moths, and lost some missions this month, and I've known that I lose the game if I lose this mission. These ships are very defensive, and I lost my whole squad, except for one soldier. I have known that there's just one red muton left, but I had a dillema, to retreat to the craft and abandon the mission (meaning almost sure that end of month will be end of game), or to fight - if I died, end of month would surely, 100%, be end of game. Ironman, no saves. xD! (I won, running with two pre-primed alien grenades and motion scanner, and I honestly was surprised that I ended the month with score of 4. Four points above zero)
- storming alien base just to not lose the month - late in the  game, but without power suits yet. Alien bases have become easier to storm in the mid game, more on this below.
- cargo ship massacre mission, early in the game - sniper rifles with alloy ammo vs floaters I think? Or sectoids? Not sure. I've had 5-6 soldiers left alive, pretty much for the terror mission, but I was sure that I will bail out when I go to lower decks. Fortunately, there was no lower deck (in TFTD, ship massacres were much, much longer).

Yeah the first couple of months are a struggle by design. X-Com is outgunned, undermanned and underfinanced totally in the beginning.
Getting your soldiers to live longer will take some exercise. I personally do not play with UFO Extender Accuracy. There is full support for it in the mod for people who want to use it, I am just a big fan of Laser Rifle Autofire or Autofire in general.
Loadouts are different depending on the craft to other mods, soon also the quality of enemy ammo will be part of this. So attacking a Battle Ship/Lab Ship or Terror Ship will be even more dangerous as it is already.
Some of the interior desgins of UFO's are defensive, you never know until you check or you learn all variants. If that happen i might just add more.

I found this two stage Ship Missions in TFTD a little bit too much myself, so there is only stage one. Hope you do not mind.

I love the balance, which in the early to mid game was always forcing me to do very difficult decisions. This mod is difficult, challenging, and very rewarding.  My wife has been killing me, telling me that I must stop playing this, but I just couldn't. And ironman - you can't compare this to superhuman, there are no difficult decisions to make if you can just save before ;) This mod has really forced me to play the best xcom campaigns ever, and I know that I was never even close with the quality of my game.

I have only one minor remark about the balance in the early game: tanks and drones. I have never played them well, although I tried. I know there are players who do well with tanks, but... they're much, much more expensive than 4 rookies, and certainly have less possibilities than 4 rookies. I lost my tanks often, and kept on repairing them, but when I lost both without recovering the parts, I just didn't buy them any more - and the game become easier. Sure, a tank may survive a single hit, which an unarmoured soldier would not... but most often my tanks were anyway going down after a single hit, or two.

Thats a really great praise, thank you for that. I hope your marriage will still hold out, take some time off playing dude or let her play ;)
What I can say to Tanks and Drones is the following. Early on I mostly use Tanks for Base Defence only, instead I invest in Drone/Scanner (having a motion scanner onboard).
Tanks have armor and can be upgraded with Alien Alloys and later on to Hover Tanks. Drones also get a upgrade later. Tanks are big bulky and draw fire. Maybe switching on TFTD Damage rules (Damage Range: 0,5 - 1,5 instead of 0 - 200) will help their survival, do not expect anything to survive Plasma Shotguns (Except lategame Soldier Armor maybe). Drones are very small and have a small hitbox and also some armor. Having a small hitbox is the biggest strength of the drones, they can scout ahead and let the soldiers take out any enemy they spot. They also can break line of sight from enemies with their integrated smoke launcher (works well for breaking line of sight of enemies facing the ramp at turn 0).
Drones can also assist in capturing alive aliens and heal your troops, which is very handy for base defense missions or alien base assaults.
A Skyranger can transport 14 soldiers maximum. This means: 10 Soldiers + 1 Tank, 6 Solders + 2 Tanks, 2 Soldiers and 3 Tanks. Or you use Drones: 11 Soldiers + 3 Drones do fit on a Skyranger. (13+1, 12+2 respectivly)

Anyway, now, in the mid-late game, I have two strike teams, I use scatter lasers almost exclusively, and most often fight muton elite and sectoid elite, sometimes ethereal. The game become easy. I am not sure, if this means that it's unbalanced, or could be improved, or it's just is what it is, with better tech I get easier gameplay? Anyway, my observations:
- scatter lasers are not a bad weapon for long range. You can kill ethereal or sectoid from a long distance quite easily. With muton elite, well, you better cover, but still I often force close combat, even in artic/desert missions.
- scatter lasers are *extremely effective* against cyberdiscs and sectopods. I'm not sure it it is not a bug? I'm pretty sure I saw sectopod go down after a single hit.
- power suit saves lives pretty well in the alien grenade blast area. Also, killing a cyberdisc from 0-tile distance will kill the soldier, but a bit further - not a scratch. I kill discs in alien bases from 2-3 tiles away, with a single scatter-laser shot.
- muton berserkers were a pain in the ass, until I've found out to set up traps for them and kill them with reaction fire.

Perhaps I can make my game more challenging if I just stop using scatter lasers, not sure. Maybe I will.

I only use Scatter Laser or any Shotgun class weapon at close range (meaning up to 6-8 tiles away maximum), If i use them i wanna make sure the enemy dies, because it usually puts your soldier in a kind of exposed position.
Everything else can be shredded with HeavyLaser autofire from distance. In the beginning Laser Rifle will do that. For long distance takeouts I recommend Heavy/Laser Sniper variant.
I play without UFO Extender Accuracy btw. Yes Scatter Lasers are good can also do some ground clearing (explosives are better for that and faster), but Muton Elites take reduced damage from Laser type weapons, so they become ineffective.
When you see blue Sectopods you will know ;)

There are some modding options in OpenXcom Extended, which I have to look into in regard of making sure Shotgun Class weapons are crap at distance ;)

Alien missions - I feel like alien base assault is one of the easiest mission types now. When I storm alien base with 16 people, all with smoke grenades, motion scanners and scatter lasers, I most often lose 3-5 soldiers, and gain millions in sales, and at least 1000-1100 points. I seriously started allowing aliens to build bases, just to be able to storm them later. The ground assault missions are still hard, sometimes. I definitely prefer to raid a base than to raid a battleship or a terror ship. Although... I think at least with some ship types, there's a deployment problem: I think I've won at least one supply ship assault, and one lab-ship assault (or was it a battleship?) without even leaving the vicinity of the dropship. The aliens just kept coming, till there were no more. But anyway, often when I have a decision to make - to assault a large ship, or not, I decide not to. I'd lose more people than in alien base, for much lesser rewards.

Really they are easy? I am always scared of doing them, even when going in with a Team of 17 Soldiers and 3 Drones.
I also let them build some bases usually, just to harvest supply ships and train some troops.
Maybe making Alien Bases more of a threat score wise would balance this out, or allow aliens to make small outpost bases (40x40) for harvesting and such would be funny.
I am open for suggestions.

I haven't seen any snakemen yet - do they appear late in the game?

Anyway, I keep on playing. I'm about to fight my first ethereal base (I play with psionics line of sight, I guess this makes ethereal much less dangerous; I didn't ever like psionics though, it's just too easy in the late game, and screening and firing weak psi-strength soldiers is too easy when ethereal appear). I'm not sure where to go from here now, but I love this mod. I haven't expected so rewarding gameplay, and I really can't complain that the game becomes too easy. Maybe it's just experience. I still lose a lot of people in my second strike team - this is a rookies cannon fodder for small and medium ships, just with personal armour, survivors get promotion to my primary team.

Also, I sell almost all alien weapons, but keep all blaster launchers and eggs. I'm going to try scorched earth scenario on some missions when I finally research blasters, and if that does well, do this on Cydonia. Not sure how far I am from Cydonia (can research the martian solution, but no elerium-based crafts). Plan for now:
- try some new tactics in ground assaults, maybe they *could* be won at lower costs than alien bases?
- disable psi-line of sight if ethereals are too easy
- stop using scatter lasers maybe
- hunt for medics and engineers, I think I need them for some research

Again, in last words: this mod is great!

Snakemen do appear as in vanilla. In the lategame the chance of getting them might be a little bit lower, but it still exists. If you encounter Chryssalid like creatures in the lategame be very careful. Distance impregnation is possible.
You can sell all alien equipment until you can use it, in general i advise to keep at least 1 of everything for research purposes, even corpses.
Psi Line Of Fire makes the game way to easy, Ethereals become a joke without it. I recommend switching it off.
Feel free to explore all weapons have their purposes and only using Scatter Lasers might fire back in some situations very badly. Running dual: Laser/Rifle and Scatter/Laser i found to be the best, since you can switch from distance fighting to close quarters.
Power Suits, increase not only armor values, they add more Stamina and some additional weight capacity for carrying stuff.

Also you will need some psi resistent soldiers at least for capturing a Ethereal Commander.
Be wary of blue Sectopods. They will hurt.
Hunting for alive alien Medics, Engineers and Navigators is strongly recommended, or you will never get to Mars ;)

Glad that so far you had a good time with the mod and thank you for your feedback.

Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: jasam on January 25, 2022, 10:09:07 pm
I am asuming your playing Version 0.99.7 from the Mod Portal?

Hi! I can't tell - I'm playing latest master branch from github, and it's not tagged (commit: f6c4255317d56e12ced4202727f2be9da6c218fe )

I found this two stage Ship Missions in TFTD a little bit too much myself, so there is only stage one. Hope you do not mind.

Yeah, I don't mind. I'm actually not a big fan of TFTD - it had its perks, but long missions had a feeling of wasted day without any progress ;)

Drones are very small and have a small hitbox and also some armor. Having a small hitbox is the biggest strength of the drones, they can scout ahead and let the soldiers take out any enemy they spot. They also can break line of sight from enemies with their integrated smoke launcher (works well for breaking line of sight of enemies facing the ramp at turn 0).

I didn't think of the hitbox size, thanks for the hint! I may still revisit drones - the game has progressed, and I'm facing new challenges. More on that below.

I only use Scatter Laser or any Shotgun class weapon at close range (meaning up to 6-8 tiles away maximum), If i use them i wanna make sure the enemy dies, because it usually puts your soldier in a kind of exposed position.

My tactics now is based primarily on heavy smoke - I always try to keep all my soldiers inside the area that's been covered with multiple smoke grenades, and progress slowly, with scouts exitting the smoke area and returning to it during their turns. I've had numerous encounters where an alien was first seen from about 10 tile distance. I didn't even try using heavy lasers, although I admit that against Muton Elite (Guard) even multiple soldiers with scatter laser fire are sometimes not enough. Anyway, I got to plasma shotguns and sniper plasmas now, so maybe laser weapons are not so interesting any more.

When you see blue Sectopods you will know ;)

I got them! I got a few very interesting encounters since my first post - spitter chryssalids, blue sectopods. It was very fresh to me:
- chryssalid spitters are deadly, and these bastards have insanely high reactions I guess - one of them, attacked with scatter laser fire from a distance, took down two my soldiers. That base assault was a disaster (fortunately, with my rookies squad).
- blue sectopods are mighty opponents, and a serious threat to solitary soldiers. Each time I take my chances and do some freestyle, they put me to the ground. With patient tactics though, they stand no chance. It takes at least 3-4 hits from scatter lasers to kill them, true, but when I can attack them with multiple soldiers from more than one spot, they can be stopped.EDIT: this is not true, and I made a terrible mistake. Will describe later.

 I'm not sure I mentioned - I'm a big fan of heavy fire concentrated on a single opponent. With base assaults (they got much more complicated with muton elite guard bases, but still doable), I hide behind corners, throw smoke grenades generously, and spend a lot of time on camping with motion scanners.
- another day, another base assault - I got my blaster launchers this time! The mission was a big failure - I won, but took heavy losses. It turned out that making holes in the walls may not be a good idea, when I rely on the fact that I can use 6-8 soldiers during a single turn to focus on a single target, and somehow I have more than four muton elite guards in front of me.

Really they are easy? I am always scared of doing them, even when going in with a Team of 17 Soldiers and 3 Drones.
I also let them build some bases usually, just to harvest supply ships and train some troops.
Maybe making Alien Bases more of a threat score wise would balance this out, or allow aliens to make small outpost bases (40x40) for harvesting and such would be funny.
I am open for suggestions.

Since my last post, things got complicated. For a brief moment I've had an impression that the game is becoming tiresome, forcing me to take missions I don't want to take - a lot of ufos landing, lots of alien base missions, and lots of infiltration missions. I may be mistaken, but I think during last game month, I had 3 infiltration missions - each with a supply ship, lab ship, battleship, and some smaller ones. And I never know which of these ships I need to take down and ground assault to prevent the infiltration - so my rookies have had plenty of training.

But then the invention of the psi lab happened, and also first serious plasma weapons and flying suits. With that, new strategic challenges appeared:
- base layout - how to remodel my bases, so I can train 30-40 soldiers in psi-labs?
- with 150 scientists, really needed expansion, as research is progressing very slow -> moved most experienced soldiers to a new base, put 7 psilabs these, and also started building workshops there. The initial base will have more labs in the future, and will be primarily for research. But this took a lot of money!
- upgrading power suits to flying suits, and building new flying suits took a lot of elerium!!! Oh, this hurt.
- now, I'm chasing for alien medics, and they are rare. I go for the examination room -> ..... -> psi amp path, but have no medics :D

Anyway, the next 2-3 game monts will tell if my strategic decisions were good or not.

Snakemen do appear as in vanilla. In the lategame the chance of getting them might be a little bit lower, but it still exists. If you encounter Chryssalid like creatures in the lategame be very careful. Distance impregnation is possible.

Yeah, learned it the hard way. BTW. do I need both the Snakeman *and* Chryssalid corpse for a medikit research, or only one of them? Chryssalid spitter didn't unlock medikit research for me.

Anyway, let me see... I checked in the savegame file - since the beginning of the game I killed 4 snakeman soldiers. I don't remember seeing them. I have no corpses. Maybe that mission was a failure? Anyway, 4 snakemen during 17 months ;) I guess I had bad luck, or maybe snakemen wave was during the time I was struggling and couldn't afford much battlescape at all?

Psi Line Of Fire makes the game way to easy, Ethereals become a joke without it. I recommend switching it off.

Will do. And we'll see if my smoke cover is worth anything then ;)

Anyway, again, thanks for this mod!
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: jasam on January 25, 2022, 11:41:38 pm
Disabled the psionic line of sight, and just had my first mission - lab ship with sectoids against 16 rookies (unevaluated psi strength). Lost 6, despite flying suits. Other 4 are wounded. Man, that was bad!

Quick question: the original UFO:EU had a bug (??) (ufopaedia says so, I think), where if psionic alien saw any soldier, they could attempt to capture any of the soldiers. Does openxcom replicate it? My smoke curtains have had lesser efficiency than anicipated :) But perhaps some of them have seen me from behind, who knows.

EDIT: okay, I just have had a guy on the roof of the supply ship psionically attacked. How is this working?

Anyway. I have had two terrible missions, one (lab ship) won with heavy loss, other (battleship) I've abandoned after 4 turns; now with the sectoid supply ship, I think I have some reasonable strategy for psionic attacks with unrestricted psi line of sight: use even more smoke, and after every encounter, when the alien dies make sure to retreat. It seems to greatly reduce the occurrences of the psionic attacks, although it's my third mission, so can't tell if it isn't a coincidence.

Anyway, hellrazor, I'm aware that this is the mod feedback thread and not a general openxcom strategy guide, so I shut my mouth now.


I did a terrible, terrible mistake :[ - it turns out that i was playing on the beginner all the time! Beginner!! I thought that ironman is automatically implying superhuman difficulty, but no. I've found this out when I looked at the armored sectopod ruleset for armor and realized that it should be impossible to do any harm to it with scatter lasers. I guess this means all my observations about scatter laser efficiency against heavily armored units are trash, beginner has greatly reduced armors.

I edited my savegame now, to set superhuman, and still won a base defense mission (20 my best soldiers vs 55 muton elite guard, blue sectopods and spitters), and I still can kill sectoids with laser rifles and scatter lasers, but it feels like i have underdeveloped teams against elite aliens now - good results in the past months caused aliens to progress to the best units while I have severely underdeveloped teams. We'll see how long it takes to lose the game xD I have shitloads of plasma shotguns and sniper rifles.

BTW, hardmode on the beginner was much harder than FMP on veteran for a good part of 1999 ;)
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on January 28, 2022, 04:24:13 pm
I did a terrible, terrible mistake :[ - it turns out that i was playing on the beginner all the time! Beginner!! I thought that ironman is automatically implying superhuman difficulty, but no. I've found this out when I looked at the armored sectopod ruleset for armor and realized that it should be impossible to do any harm to it with scatter lasers. I guess this means all my observations about scatter laser efficiency against heavily armored units are trash, beginner has greatly reduced armors.
Hellrazor: I recall you saying once that the mod is only designed to be played on Superhuman. If you want to "enforce" Superhuman difficulty, you can add the following into your ruleset:
Code: [Select]
difficultyDemigod: true
difficultyCoefficient: [4, 4, 4, 4, 4]
aimAndArmorMultipliers: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
This is assuming your mod is using vanilla difficulty values at present.
difficultyDemigod makes it so that any aliens that haven't spawned when the map runs out of spawn points will spawn onto the map anyway, possibly all piled up at one spot. This happens on Superhuman anyway, but with this setting it will happen on all difficulties.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on January 28, 2022, 04:30:15 pm
Hellrazor: I recall you saying once that the mod is only designed to be played on Superhuman. If you want to "enforce" Superhuman difficulty, you can add the following into your ruleset:
Code: [Select]
difficultyDemigod: true
difficultyCoefficient: [4, 4, 4, 4, 4]
aimAndArmorMultipliers: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
This is assuming your mod is using vanilla difficulty values at present.
difficultyDemigod makes it so that any aliens that haven't spawned when the map runs out of spawn points will spawn onto the map anyway, possibly all piled up at one spot. This happens on Superhuman anyway, but with this setting it will happen on all difficulties.

Thanks for pointing that out, yes it basically uses vanilla settings in this regard Difficulty.rul ( But forcing it would be the way to go *evilgrin*
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on January 28, 2022, 04:48:22 pm
Hi! I can't tell - I'm playing latest master branch from github, and it's not tagged (commit: f6c4255317d56e12ced4202727f2be9da6c218fe )

Yeah, I don't mind. I'm actually not a big fan of TFTD - it had its perks, but long missions had a feeling of wasted day without any progress ;)

Feel free to update, i introduced some changes in regard of Alien Plasma weapons and a little change in the research tree.
To long missions were the reasons i stopped playing TFTD. Is was just to time intensive to systematically search alien colonies to destroy the Synonium Device or whatever ist was called....

I didn't think of the hitbox size, thanks for the hint! I may still revisit drones - the game has progressed, and I'm facing new challenges. More on that below.

Please do so :)

My tactics now is based primarily on heavy smoke - I always try to keep all my soldiers inside the area that's been covered with multiple smoke grenades, and progress slowly, with scouts exitting the smoke area and returning to it during their turns. I've had numerous encounters where an alien was first seen from about 10 tile distance. I didn't even try using heavy lasers, although I admit that against Muton Elite (Guard) even multiple soldiers with scatter laser fire are sometimes not enough. Anyway, I got to plasma shotguns and sniper plasmas now, so maybe laser weapons are not so interesting any more.

I added new toys to the alien weaponry. Heavy Plasma is now finally the best direct fire weapon again (doing 135 Plasma Damage when loaded with a special type of ammo).
Smoke is good, but can also work against you and your troops.

I got them! I got a few very interesting encounters since my first post - spitter chryssalids, blue sectopods. It was very fresh to me:
- chryssalid spitters are deadly, and these bastards have insanely high reactions I guess - one of them, attacked with scatter laser fire from a distance, took down two my soldiers. That base assault was a disaster (fortunately, with my rookies squad).
- blue sectopods are mighty opponents, and a serious threat to solitary soldiers. Each time I take my chances and do some freestyle, they put me to the ground. With patient tactics though, they stand no chance. It takes at least 3-4 hits from scatter lasers to kill them, true, but when I can attack them with multiple soldiers from more than one spot, they can be stopped.EDIT: this is not true, and I made a terrible mistake. Will describe later.

 I'm not sure I mentioned - I'm a big fan of heavy fire concentrated on a single opponent. With base assaults (they got much more complicated with muton elite guard bases, but still doable), I hide behind corners, throw smoke grenades generously, and spend a lot of time on camping with motion scanners.
- another day, another base assault - I got my blaster launchers this time! The mission was a big failure - I won, but took heavy losses. It turned out that making holes in the walls may not be a good idea, when I rely on the fact that I can use 6-8 soldiers during a single turn to focus on a single target, and somehow I have more than four muton elite guards in front of me.

Chryssalid Spitters are special, they do take increased damage from explosives, same as normal Chryssalids. Indirect fire out of reaction range works wonders against them. ;)

Since my last post, things got complicated. For a brief moment I've had an impression that the game is becoming tiresome, forcing me to take missions I don't want to take - a lot of ufos landing, lots of alien base missions, and lots of infiltration missions. I may be mistaken, but I think during last game month, I had 3 infiltration missions - each with a supply ship, lab ship, battleship, and some smaller ones. And I never know which of these ships I need to take down and ground assault to prevent the infiltration - so my rookies have had plenty of training.

But then the invention of the psi lab happened, and also first serious plasma weapons and flying suits. With that, new strategic challenges appeared:
- base layout - how to remodel my bases, so I can train 30-40 soldiers in psi-labs?
- with 150 scientists, really needed expansion, as research is progressing very slow -> moved most experienced soldiers to a new base, put 7 psilabs these, and also started building workshops there. The initial base will have more labs in the future, and will be primarily for research. But this took a lot of money!
- upgrading power suits to flying suits, and building new flying suits took a lot of elerium!!! Oh, this hurt.
- now, I'm chasing for alien medics, and they are rare. I go for the examination room -> ..... -> psi amp path, but have no medics :D

Anyway, the next 2-3 game monts will tell if my strategic decisions were good or not.

Yeah, learned it the hard way. BTW. do I need both the Snakeman *and* Chryssalid corpse for a medikit research, or only one of them? Chryssalid spitter didn't unlock medikit research for me.

Anyway, let me see... I checked in the savegame file - since the beginning of the game I killed 4 snakeman soldiers. I don't remember seeing them. I have no corpses. Maybe that mission was a failure? Anyway, 4 snakemen during 17 months ;) I guess I had bad luck, or maybe snakemen wave was during the time I was struggling and couldn't afford much battlescape at all?

Will do. And we'll see if my smoke cover is worth anything then ;)

Anyway, again, thanks for this mod!

It depends how you progress in the game, I usually have Lasers researched and in production latest beginning of ingame June and usually also Power Suits.
Also Superhuman Difficulty gives more enemies and more loot, so you have more cash for bases. See possible base designs here (

Disabled the psionic line of sight, and just had my first mission - lab ship with sectoids against 16 rookies (unevaluated psi strength). Lost 6, despite flying suits. Other 4 are wounded. Man, that was bad!

Quick question: the original UFO:EU had a bug (??) (ufopaedia says so, I think), where if psionic alien saw any soldier, they could attempt to capture any of the soldiers. Does openxcom replicate it? My smoke curtains have had lesser efficiency than anicipated :) But perhaps some of them have seen me from behind, who knows.

EDIT: okay, I just have had a guy on the roof of the supply ship psionically attacked. How is this working?

Anyway. I have had two terrible missions, one (lab ship) won with heavy loss, other (battleship) I've abandoned after 4 turns; now with the sectoid supply ship, I think I have some reasonable strategy for psionic attacks with unrestricted psi line of sight: use even more smoke, and after every encounter, when the alien dies make sure to retreat. It seems to greatly reduce the occurrences of the psionic attacks, although it's my third mission, so can't tell if it isn't a coincidence.

Anyway, hellrazor, I'm aware that this is the mod feedback thread and not a general openxcom strategy guide, so I shut my mouth now.


I did a terrible, terrible mistake :[ - it turns out that i was playing on the beginner all the time! Beginner!! I thought that ironman is automatically implying superhuman difficulty, but no. I've found this out when I looked at the armored sectopod ruleset for armor and realized that it should be impossible to do any harm to it with scatter lasers. I guess this means all my observations about scatter laser efficiency against heavily armored units are trash, beginner has greatly reduced armors.

I edited my savegame now, to set superhuman, and still won a base defense mission (20 my best soldiers vs 55 muton elite guard, blue sectopods and spitters), and I still can kill sectoids with laser rifles and scatter lasers, but it feels like i have underdeveloped teams against elite aliens now - good results in the past months caused aliens to progress to the best units while I have severely underdeveloped teams. We'll see how long it takes to lose the game xD I have shitloads of plasma shotguns and sniper rifles.

BTW, hardmode on the beginner was much harder than FMP on veteran for a good part of 1999 ;)

Well i the economic and research changes do not care about the difficultylevel soo much.
In regard of Psionics, the ingame AI gets a peek at all XCom unit positions at predetermined turns and with that knowledge it then uses its psionic powers. It is not a bug! Thats how it was designed.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on May 06, 2022, 02:54:45 pm
Hardmode Expansion 0.99.8 - Bugfixes/Rebalances/OXCE Support/Terrain Pack Reactivation

Download Links Hardmode Expansion (,4971.0.html)

A General overwork of the mod has been done, several things have been adjusted for balancing purposes.
A lot of bugs have been fixed and some new tools introduced ;)
I hope the tools, both an X-Com and Alien side will introduce more hurt for both side ;) :P

OXCE will now be the new Official Development target for the mod, I make sure that it will also run under OXC, just to satiesfy purists.

Yes Meridian and Yes Yankes you did it, you converted me to the OXCE church of QOL!

I also got official permission from Hobbes to reintroduce the Terrain Pack content i use in my mod. Please see README.TXT, CREDIT.TXT and the respective Licence file:
This Licence only applies to content from the Terrain Pack Mod and the derivates I made from those. Just to be clear!

Last but not least the mod has getting some more translations. Japanese, Russian are 95%+ supported, German 80+! (see detailed list below)

If you wanna help translate, the mod is on Transifex (

Please use newest Nightly, or at least Nightly Version: openxcom_git_master_2022_04_29_0633 (
Please use newest OXCE Version, or at least OCXE Version: OXCE 7.5.3 (,5258.0.html)

Current ToDo List (,4966.0.html)
Credit List (,4965.0.html)
Changelog (,4967.0.html)


Version 0.99.8
 - Add Support for OXCE (HOOORAY!!!)
 - Add Elerium High Explosive Ammo for Heavy Cannon and Auto Cannon
 - Add EleriumClips for Aliens
 - Add more Civilians
 - Add Chryssalid Spitter Zombie
 - Add Terrain Pack 4.3 Licence file
 - Add Terrain Pack 4.3 Author List
 - Add Terrain Pack Licence Graphic (by-nc-sa.png)
 - Add Ufopaedia Graphics for Globetrotter Medal by Holomorph
 - Add Ufopaedia Graphics for Martyr Medal by Holomorph
 - Add Ufopaedia Graphics for Mindcontrol Medal by Holomorph
 - Add Ufopaedia Graphics for PostMortemKill Medal by Holomorph
 - Add Ufopaedia Graphics for PsiPanic Medal by Holomorph
 - Add Ufopaedia Graphics for Slavekills Medal by Holomorph
 - Add missing Commencations Licence file
 - Add new Manufacture categories for Drones/Tanks/Personal Armor
 - Add more possible upgrades for tanks
 - Add partial language support for french (FR)
 - Add Overworked Research Tree by mlavia
 - Add Rulesetbased globe info as replacement for Hobbes IMPROVEDGLOBE.DAT
 - Adjust Armored Sectopod Damage modifiers
 - Adjust sizes of tanks and drones/ammo slightly
 - Adjust xcom score penalties
 - Adjust Terror Mission asignments
 - Adjust Taser Drones
 - Adjust Hovertank Laser and Plasma
 - Adjust Taser Pistol
 - Adjust Heavy and Auto Cannon
 - Adjust blastradius for Smoke Ammo/Grenades
 - Adjust Terrormissionasignments and Mission Calls
 - Adjust Alloy Drone energy recovery
 - Add Language files for: pt_BR, es_ES, es_419
 - Fix Mod not loading under OpenXcomExtended (Missing Zombie corpse)
 - Fix Drones getting stunned/zombified under OpenXcomExtended
 - Fix Missing Sprites for Taser Drones
 - Fix Hair and Face recolor for Armored Vest and Alloy Vest
 - Fix wrong asigned BigOb/FloorOb for Sailor
 - Fix requires for Support Drone Ufopaedia Article
 - Fix requires for Alloy Drone Armor Ufopaedia Article
 - Fix Craft spawn position for CargoShip
 - Fix some typos while doing Terrorsite restructure
 - Fix listorder for Taser Pistol/Pistol
 - Fix listorder for Stun and Fire Grenade
 - Fix bulletsprite/arcingshot for Hovertank/Ebomb
 - Fix wrong upgrade for Drone/Scanner
 - Fix wrong Map tiles for EXPANDEDUBASE_21b/d
 - Fix wrong manufacture dependency for Alloy Drone Medikit
 - Rebalance Taser Drones
 - Rebalance Armored Sectopod
 - Rebalance Alloy Ammo
 - Remove AREA51 Terrains as requested from Hobbes
 - Remove IMPROVEDGLOBE.DAT as requested from Hobbes
 - Restructure Ufopaedia Section to be more sane
 - Restructure Resources Files
 - Update Language files for: ja, ru, de, fr, it, ko, pl, cs, hu, en-GB
 - Overwork README.TXT and CERDITS.TXT, to satisfy Terrain Pack Licence File
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: Steelpoint on May 20, 2022, 03:33:05 pm
I must get around to finishing the wiki someday  :)
In any regard, I'm happy to see further updates, and VERY happy to see the map pack added back.
Great work
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on May 22, 2022, 11:09:17 am
I must get around to finishing the wiki someday  :)
In any regard, I'm happy to see further updates, and VERY happy to see the map pack added back.
Great work

That would be really awesome, if you would be doing this. I will of course also contribute, when the time.
Thanks in advance. You did a awesome so far.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: Steelpoint on May 22, 2022, 12:17:20 pm
That would be really awesome, if you would be doing this. I will of course also contribute, when the time.
Thanks in advance. You did a awesome so far.


Most of the remaining work is transcribing stats to their pages, while I've made good progress in starting the rest of the alien pages

One are that anyone with experience with hardmode can help with is the strategy sections here:

Im focusing more on hints and tips relevant to Hardmode, if anyone wants to add anything or thinks of something worth mentioning that would be great
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on May 22, 2022, 04:24:31 pm

Most of the remaining work is transcribing stats to their pages, while I've made good progress in starting the rest of the alien pages

One are that anyone with experience with hardmode can help with is the strategy sections here:

Im focusing more on hints and tips relevant to Hardmode, if anyone wants to add anything or thinks of something worth mentioning that would be great

I am gonna add some stats and hint to the units.
Probably tomorrow evening after work.
Thank you so much so far. ;)
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: Steelpoint on May 29, 2022, 06:53:39 pm
Wiki work is mostly finished I just have to flesh out a few pages and get around to describing each individual alien unit  :) The strat guide section is quite subjective and I am no major veteran, so I'll come back around to it later.

After playing the mod some more I thought to myself how surprising that hellrazor didn't do something to make it that X-COM can't use alien plasma guns right off the bat. You don't really need to manufacture any plasma weapons since you'll have a massive stockpile by that time. Minor point in any respect.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on May 31, 2022, 05:25:37 pm
Wiki work is mostly finished I just have to flesh out a few pages and get around to describing each individual alien unit  :) The strat guide section is quite subjective and I am no major veteran, so I'll come back around to it later.

After playing the mod some more I thought to myself how surprising that hellrazor didn't do something to make it that X-COM can't use alien plasma guns right off the bat. You don't really need to manufacture any plasma weapons since you'll have a massive stockpile by that time. Minor point in any respect.

Thanks i am waiting again for my wiki password. Forgot mine unfortunately....
I have no clue why it takes so long to get a new password on my ufopaedia account....

So far great work. I wanted to work also on the wiki, but without my ufopaedia password...
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on May 31, 2022, 10:20:15 pm
Announcement for Players Upgrading from 0.99.7 to 0.99.8 mid campaign

All players, which started their run of Hardmode Expansion 0.99.7 and upgrade the mod Version during their campaign to 0.99.8 have to edit their savegames. To prevent a crash which can occur at the end of the month, when the game is executing the missionScripts.

You need to take the following five steps:


Step one:
- make a geoscape save of your current campaign.

Step two:
Open up the the savegame with a texteditor (for example notepad++)

Step three:
Goto section "alienStrategy:" subsection "  regions:"

A entry like this:
Code: [Select]
    STR_EUROPE: 16

Needs to look like this:
Code: [Select]
    STR_EUROPE: 16

Step four:
Goto section "alienStrategy:" subsection "  possibleMissions:"

A entry like this:
Code: [Select]
    - region: STR_PACIFIC
        STR_ALIEN_BASE: 15
If you can not find the region: STR_PACIFIC under "  possibleMissions:" please add at the end of the list the following entry also.

Needs to be changed to this:
Code: [Select]
    - region: STR_NORTH_PACIFIC
        STR_ALIEN_BASE: 15
    - region: STR_SOUTH_PACIFIC
        STR_ALIEN_BASE: 15

Step five:
Goto section "regions:"

A entry like this:
Code: [Select]
  - type: STR_PACIFIC
      - 0
      - 0
      - 0  
      - 0
      - 0
      - 0

Needs to be changed to this:
Code: [Select]
      - 0
      - 0
      - 0  
      - 0
      - 0
      - 0
      - 0
      - 0
      - 0  
      - 0
      - 0
      - 0

After this you are good to go.
You can check if your editing weas successful, by checking the graphs and see the two new regions there.


While you are at it, please also apply the following patch to "items_HM.rul":

Got to items_HM.rul Line 3251 and replace
Code: [Select]
bigSprite: 57

Code: [Select]
bigSprite: { mod: xcom1, index: 57 }

This also fixing a crash in lategame.
I am sorry for this inconvinience and hope that you are all having fun playing the mod.

Kind regards,
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: Steelpoint on June 02, 2022, 07:32:28 pm
Thanks i am waiting again for my wiki password. Forgot mine unfortunately....
I have no clue why it takes so long to get a new password on my ufopaedia account....

So far great work. I wanted to work also on the wiki, but without my ufopaedia password...

Sorry to hear about the issue, I do recall you seem to have bad luck with ufopaedia. The work continues either way, and the wiki will always be there whenever you get access.

Anyway, I forgot how useful laser weapons are. Fancy alloy ammo is good and all but mutons quickly shut that down.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on June 02, 2022, 09:14:09 pm
Sorry to hear about the issue, I do recall you seem to have bad luck with ufopaedia. The work continues either way, and the wiki will always be there whenever you get access.

Well we will see. The problem is yes the wiki is nice, but there a lot of information which is not 100% precise, which is ok because any information is better then none. But being able to correct or clarify things would be really nice.

Anyway, I forgot how useful laser weapons are. Fancy alloy ammo is good and all but mutons quickly shut that down.
Did you give the EHE Ammo for the Heavy Cannon and Auto Canon a try? I designed it to be anti Muton ^^ Of course it involving throwing Elerium-115 into the explosive aether ;)
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: Steelpoint on June 03, 2022, 11:58:34 am
Well we will see. The problem is yes the wiki is nice, but there a lot of information which is not 100% precise, which is ok because any information is better then none. But being able to correct or clarify things would be really nice.
Did you give the EHE Ammo for the Heavy Cannon and Auto Canon a try? I designed it to be anti Muton ^^ Of course it involving throwing Elerium-115 into the explosive aether ;)

I've skimmed over the explosive weapons, I've never bothered to research HC/AC explosive ammo and I've done well enough to get to Lasers/Personal armour without researching elerium yet. Considering how long it takes to research even the most basic of things I've found I hyper prioritise things I find critically important rather than minor things that may not be as important.
Stronger explosives are nice, but lasers will handle most enemies and I can equip them to anyone. Once I get to full Lasers and Power Suits I tend to go back and pick up the minor things I've missed.

Also I've never really found a home for the AC/HC in my armoury. Most of my early soldiers run with Rifles with Shotguns in their backpack, and then some combination of Grenade Launchers, Rocket Launchers and Snipers.

I've been quite lucky in my current campaign to have only had to endure one terror mission into July (which I immediately aborted as it was a cruise ship one) so I've not run into early cyberdiscs.

In terms of the wiki management, I do concur some things are likely incorrect or not 100% factual, just the process of updating it sadly which can be quite difficult over time. I try to fix things over time.

Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: psavola on June 03, 2022, 06:42:13 pm
I've skimmed over the explosive weapons, I've never bothered to research HC/AC explosive ammo and I've done well enough to get to Lasers/Personal armour without researching elerium yet. Considering how long it takes to research even the most basic of things I've found I hyper prioritise things I find critically important rather than minor things that may not be as important.
Stronger explosives are nice, but lasers will handle most enemies and I can equip them to anyone. Once I get to full Lasers and Power Suits I tend to go back and pick up the minor things I've missed.

Also I've never really found a home for the AC/HC in my armoury. Most of my early soldiers run with Rifles with Shotguns in their backpack, and then some combination of Grenade Launchers, Rocket Launchers and Snipers.

Similar take in my two campaigns. By the time mutons start appearing regularly, you have been able to rush the lasers if you concentrate on building the research infrastructure quickly. (I usually farm the supply cruisers for a while and do the first base in Feb/Mar, depending on money and other factors). Against mutons in close combat, laser shotgun is great and over longer distances multiple sniper rifles do the trick. I also never used AC/HC, they seemed too heavy and too inaccurate in the beginning to be useful. In the beginning I usually used 3-5 grenade launchers (almost overpowered against beginning foes?), 3-5 sniper rifles w/ alloy ammo and some shotgunners. Biggest difficulty prior to lasers and alien grenades were certain terror units which required quite a few even heavier explosives (especially if you have a cyberdisc, and silacoid to lesser degree, terror mission while still working with grenadiers and alloy ammo).
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on June 04, 2022, 12:48:34 am
Bugfix for Plasma Weapon Research in 0.99.8 mid campaign

Attached to this post you find a patched research_HM.rul, which fixes a bug I found today in regard of Plasma Weapon research, which was not correctly unlocking. Now it works is intended.

Just copy the here attached file "research_HM.rul" into the Hardmode Expansion Ruleset folder und overwrite the old "research_HM.rul" then you are good to go :)

I am sorry for the inconvinience.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on July 08, 2022, 01:16:12 pm
Hardmode Expansion 0.99.9 - OXCE Features/Bugfixes/Rebalances

Download Links Hardmode Expansion (,4971.0.html)
I hereby send this plague to all players. May your soldier fight bravely and vigilant!

Fixing some ciritical Bugs, which made the mod crash under OXCE and OXC.
Rebalanced some Weapons and Armor especially Shotguns.
Enabled a list of Features from OpenXcom Extended

Language files have also been updated.

If you wanna help translate, the mod is on Transifex (

Please use newest Nightly, or at least Nightly Version: openxcom_git_master_2022_04_29_0633 (
Please use newest OXCE Version, or at least OCXE Version: OXCE 7.5.3 (,5258.0.html)

Current ToDo List (,4966.0.html)
Credit List (,4965.0.html)
Changelog (,4967.0.html)


Version 0.99.9
 - Adjust UFO Extender Accuracy Settings
 - Adjust Armor Resistence for Reinforced Suits
 - Adjust Armor Resistance for some Lategame Enemies
 - Fix wrong/missing Sprite for Spitterzombie
 - Fix Plasma Weapon Research Bug
 - Fix Plasma Pistol Elerium Clip hitAnimation not showing
 - Fix Spitter Zombie not spawning from Spitter melee attacks
 - Fix Sortorder for HC and AC Ammo
 - Fix missing listOrder for Spitter Melee Weapon
 - Fix missing UFO Extender settings for Laserrifle/Taser Pistol
 - Fix missing arcingshot for Chryssalid Spitter
 - Fix missinf UFO Extender settings for Chryssalid Spitter Ranged Weapon
 - Add OXCE Missioninteruption for successful Ground Assault
 - Add OXCE option to let Countries rejoin the Council once Pactbase is defeated
 - Add OXCE medikit DOS targetting behaviour for drones and medikits
 - Add OXCE recommended and fixed Useroption
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: davide on July 13, 2022, 09:22:38 am
I am still here after so many years, ;D
thanks for keeping your mods alive :)
Do you plan to integrate the extended community map pack as well?
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on July 13, 2022, 11:14:20 am
I am still here after so many years, ;D
thanks for keeping your mods alive :)
Do you plan to integrate the extended community map pack as well?

Hi there :)
I hope you did improve your english in all those years. ;)

Yes i might add all the terrain maps I can find and which also will work under OXC, just beacuse I want all the terrains!!!!
So far no timeschedule has been for this.

I also good some nice idea about a Hovering Support Drone and potentially a Walkertank/Laser.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: davide on July 14, 2022, 01:02:04 am
Hi there :)
I hope you did improve your english in all those years. ;)

 :o ::) ;D ;D

...I think it still takes a few centuries...

Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: Vojevoda on February 08, 2023, 11:21:25 am
Hello. A new Hardmode enjoyer here. Would like leave some feedback.
I`m playing latest Version 0.99.9.
First of all, I`d like to thank Hellrazor for this extremely painful but incredibly fun and enjoyable experience.

I`m have been playing this game since release in 1994. Had a classic transformation from save scum to Ironman. But I`ve never been a super hard core player who knows every ins and outs of the game. Very long time ago I found original UFO to be very easy. And switched mostly to TftD since OpenXcom made playing that game a much more reliable experience. However, some design decisions of TftD always made experience significantly less enjoyable. I`m of course talking about two staged terror and base mission. I think that original Xcom almost nailed pacing part of the game from very beginning.  And right now I see Hardmode as a perfect combination of two games. Much more transparent and easy to follow pacing, and a real challenge difficulty wise. 
I`m having my first play through (watched some let`s plays of the mod that sold me on the idea. Thank you Loonsloon), I just transitioned to May. Got my first live alien and working on dataslate.
Here is some feedback and questions based om my limited experience:
1)   New research tree is amazing. Really like the idea of alloy rounds to make transition to Lasers much longer and rewarding.
2)   However, I find new shotguns to be slightly over tuned compared to other weapons. And super over tuned compared to Rifles. For example, first though on new Grenade Launcher was – “OP as hell”. But very soon, I understood that terrain made them very balanced. Plenty of obstacles. I presume a deliberate design of some new UFOs that provide addition cover. Let alone almost zero use in closed environments like bases. Shotguns on the other hand, seem to have zero down sides. First of all, Shotgun snap shot is mathematically over five times better over rifle. They both have same TU cost of 25%. Same accuracy of 60% but rifle shoots only one round and shotgun shoots five of them. In comparison, Rifle auto shot is just a joke. Three shots with lower accuracy and higher TU cost. And on top of that, add higher damage of individual round of a shotgun. 46 against 40. I feel like rifles need a boost in accuracy and TU cost to be justified. And no, I don`t think that higher values for aimed shot compensate. Snipers are better and we always have second support trooper for CQB. Besides, you only need two snipers at most. Maybe two grenade launchers (if terrain allows it), rest is just shotguns.
3)   Are melee weapons just fun service? For now, I see zero use for them. Maybe later versions will change my mind.   
4)   In my play through if found remarkably few UFOs. It`s may. I saw only 24. Most of them are very small that often outrun my Interceptors. And significant chunk had been large sectiod ships. I have three radar bases in regions that game claimed to have alien activity. But after construction, two of my bases had zero contact. I know of the second base. But it`s a sectiod base. Basically invulnerable at this point. Found third one after region had signed a pact with aliens and luckily it was mixed Floater/Sectoid base. In normal game this good for you. But here, where main income is missions, that is a significant problem. I feel like things will start to fall apart by the end of the month. What`s even stranger, is that I watch Loonsloon`s play through, and he had been doing better than me in terms of dealing with aliens, and yet, he sees plenty of UFOs.
5)   Psi…. Oh boy, where to begin with that. This part of the game had always been most broken and frustrating. Second month – full Sectoid base.  Zero chances of successful assault. Also, that makes all large UFOs I find near that base pure Sectoids. Making them a low chance gamble for an Ironman play through. Perhaps, we could tune game logic a little bit. So that pure Sectiod crews appear a little further down the road? Or, I`d make Sectoid Psi abilities slightly weaker. Like increase TUs to make them use it slightly less often. That will give us a proper fighting chance and we could meet Ethereals prepared.
6)   On top of that, I`d make our solders unable to use attacking Psi abilities. And made Psi-Amp in to a purely defensive mechanism. Not impenetrable shield. But additional protection for Psi attacks. 
7)   Some minor terrain issues. Particularly I had some very frustrating jungle/pyramid layouts that made large UFO site frustrating as hell. Very narrow paths. Extreme amount of vegetation.  And more importantly, when I tried to clear path, most of the vegetation turned out to be immune do explosives and incendiary damage.

But again. Thank you very much for this mode. It was super fun. Hoping it will improve over time and more people will hear about it.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on February 13, 2023, 04:30:18 pm
Hello. A new Hardmode enjoyer here. Would like leave some feedback.
I`m playing latest Version 0.99.9.
First of all, I`d like to thank Hellrazor for this extremely painful but incredibly fun and enjoyable experience.

Thanks your feedback and for the praise. I hope you will enjoy the mod until the end, if you get that far. :)

I`m have been playing this game since release in 1994. Had a classic transformation from save scum to Ironman.
But I`ve never been a super hard core player who knows every ins and outs of the game.
Very long time ago I found original UFO to be very easy.
And switched mostly to TftD since OpenXcom made playing that game a much more reliable experience.
However, some design decisions of TftD always made experience significantly less enjoyable.
I`m of course talking about two staged terror and base mission.

Well i played TFTD myself in the past, but the two stage terror missions and the two stage base missions, were a turn off for me.
I really disliked several of the design decisions in TFTD also.
Once i discovered OpenXcom, i started modding and Hardmode Expansion was being born in 2014 (if i recall correctly).
It basically is my own imagination of UFO Defense, different but still totally in the sense of gameplay vanilla mechanics.

I think that original Xcom almost nailed pacing part of the game from very beginning.
And right now I see Hardmode as a perfect combination of two games.
Much more transparent and easy to follow pacing, and a real challenge difficulty wise. 

In my opinion the original Xcom could have needed some more time with playtesters, to iron out some stuff.
ResearchTree and Economy mainly, this was one of the main reasons for this mod.

I`m having my first play through (watched some let`s plays of the mod that sold me on the idea. Thank you Loonsloon), I just transitioned to May. Got my first live alien and working on dataslate.
Here is some feedback and questions based om my limited experience:

Ohh wait until you get to the later months and nasty enemies will show up.
I advice to keep distance from red colored Mutons :)

1)   New research tree is amazing. Really like the idea of alloy rounds to make transition to Lasers much longer and rewarding.

Thank you, you will need a lot alive ranked aliens to get to higher tech. Hope you do not mind. ;)

2)   However, I find new shotguns to be slightly over tuned compared to other weapons. And super over tuned compared to Rifles.
For example, first though on new Grenade Launcher was – “OP as hell”.
But very soon, I understood that terrain made them very balanced. Plenty of obstacles.
I presume a deliberate design of some new UFOs that provide addition cover.
Let alone almost zero use in closed environments like bases.
Shotguns on the other hand, seem to have zero down sides. First of all, Shotgun snap shot is mathematically over five times better over rifle.
They both have same TU cost of 25%. Same accuracy of 60% but rifle shoots only one round and shotgun shoots five of them.
In comparison, Rifle auto shot is just a joke. Three shots with lower accuracy and higher TU cost.
And on top of that, add higher damage of individual round of a shotgun. 46 against 40.
I feel like rifles need a boost in accuracy and TU cost to be justified.
And no, I don`t think that higher values for aimed shot compensate. Snipers are better and we always have second support trooper for CQB.
Besides, you only need two snipers at most. Maybe two grenade launchers (if terrain allows it), rest is just shotguns.

The grenade launcher and the modified small launcher are especially powerful, when the terrain is good.
And they are nearly totaly useless indoors, due to the arking shot.

Shotguns, yes go down the road of overestimation of them and it will be your downfall.
Shotguns only have a effective Range of 20 tiles, of course you can forcefire but in my eyes it not really worth.
Id rather take some Aimed Rifle Shot or Snaps shots, when the enemy is more then 16 tiles away.
If find the random bullet spread on distance with shotguns just to dangerous for my own units.
I occasionally use Scatter Lasers to clear obstacles in midrange, but Shotguns class weapons are designed for a fighting distance of 1 - 16 tiles distance.
For high hit point enemies consider distance 1 - 8 tiles to deliver massive damage, play shotgunners similar then in NuCom (Thats the idea, with Advanced Movement Methods, you can run and strafe!).
Also Conventional Shotguns with Alloy Rounds are a pretty safe way to kill Chrysalids up close, they can oneshot them (Crit!!).
Cyberdiscs can also be killed with them, but Alloy AP Heavy Canon can do that better from distance.

Rifles (and of course Sniper Rifles) deal safely with long distance low HP units, Shotguns deal safely with short distance high HP units.
And there are some really nasty high HP units. Please let me know of your first encounter with Muton Berserkers ;)
I enjoy listening to the pain they provide to player units.

3)   Are melee weapons just fun service? For now, I see zero use for them. Maybe later versions will change my mind.   

Melee weapons are designed to deliver massive damage in CQC, all melee weapons apply the units strength towards the damage.
A soldier with 70 strength and a plasma sword can deal 0 - 340 damage. If attacking from behind he will not trigger reactionfire.
I may change the usage TU of melee weapons in the future, currently its a fixed 20 TU per usage, i think percentage wise would be better.

4)   In my play through if found remarkably few UFOs. It`s may. I saw only 24. Most of them are very small that often outrun my Interceptors.
And significant chunk had been large sectiod ships.
I have three radar bases in regions that game claimed to have alien activity.
But after construction, two of my bases had zero contact. I know of the second base. But it`s a sectiod base.
Basically invulnerable at this point. Found third one after region had signed a pact with aliens and luckily it was mixed Floater/Sectoid base.
In normal game this good for you. But here, where main income is missions, that is a significant problem.
I feel like things will start to fall apart by the end of the month.
What`s even stranger, is that I watch Loonsloon`s play through, and he had been doing better than me in terms of dealing with aliens, and yet, he sees plenty of UFOs.

Get more Rader bases and check your graphs for activity. You can also stack large radars on bases.
It also depends on how many UFO's you shot down, i avoid shooting down UFO's and try to catch them when being landed. (No retaliation)
Usually 3 is enough on one base to nearly detect any UFO which comes in range. You get more discovery checks.
If you know were a alien base is, make sure you build a base of your own nearby, place a combat team there and milk supply ships for money.

5)   Psi…. Oh boy, where to begin with that. This part of the game had always been most broken and frustrating.
Second month – full Sectoid base.  Zero chances of successful assault.
Also, that makes all large UFOs I find near that base pure Sectoids. Making them a low chance gamble for an Ironman play through.
Perhaps, we could tune game logic a little bit. So that pure Sectiod crews appear a little further down the road?
Or, I`d make Sectoid Psi abilities slightly weaker. Like increase TUs to make them use it slightly less often.
That will give us a proper fighting chance and we could meet Ethereals prepared.

A hint:
Get some Personal Armor or Power Suits, once you have Pistols with Alloy Ammo and normal HE grenades are all you need to handle full sectoids supply ships.
Bring a big team, a few guys will go nuts, but they can't hurt themselves or others. Its the perfect opportunity to capture a sectoid leader for psionics.

6)   On top of that, I`d make our solders unable to use attacking Psi abilities. And made Psi-Amp in to a purely defensive mechanism. Not impenetrable shield. But additional protection for Psi attacks. 

You can't MC Ethereals anymore. What i was thinking is making Psi-Amps use up stamina with each attack.
Your soldiers will be basically safe from PSI attacks with Psi Str 80+, when being close up to Ethereals you want Psi Str 90+.
In Harmode Expansion v1.0 lategame enemies will be more resistant to Mind Control, especially over long distance.
Your Psi Soldier will have to move up, to reliably control enemies. At least thats my idea, with this change.

7)   Some minor terrain issues. Particularly I had some very frustrating jungle/pyramid layouts that made large UFO site frustrating as hell. Very narrow paths.
Extreme amount of vegetation.  And more importantly, when I tried to clear path, most of the vegetation turned out to be immune do explosives and incendiary damage.

Noted, I have to recheck the pyramid and the some of the jungle terrain destructability.

But again. Thank you very much for this mode. It was super fun. Hoping it will improve over time and more people will hear about it.

Thank you for your feedback. I hope you enjoy playing the mod.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: Vojevoda on February 13, 2023, 08:34:42 pm
In my opinion the original Xcom could have needed some more time with playtesters, to iron out some stuff.
ResearchTree and Economy mainly, this was one of the main reasons for this mod.

Original Xcom went through development hell. And was released way before they could call a finished product. Fortunately, it was a grate foundation for modding (since OpenXcom appeared).  It`s amazing that 30 years after the release, driven individuals can shape it be a game of their dreams. Maybe we will get to the point you get to release this as a finished product to the market ;)

Ohh wait until you get to the later months and nasty enemies will show up.
I advice to keep distance from red colored Mutons :)

Yeap. Mutons arrived a little before I could finish laser research. It was four or five painful missions. Too many had to sacrifice their lives to buy Earth some more time.

Thank you, you will need a lot alive ranked aliens to get to higher tech. Hope you do not mind. ;)

Not only I do not mind, I fully endorse this long and complex research tree.

The grenade launcher and the modified small launcher are especially powerful, when the terrain is good.
And they are nearly totaly useless indoors, due to the arking shot.

May I ask, why Elerium Rockets cost so much money to produce? 10k for a single shot seem to much. Especially considering that we are making them using other materials. Three Elerium-115 is 7,5k. Making a single shot cost 17.5k. I love rocket launcher, but in this economy, using Elerium rockets seems like luxury.

Also, have you considered  adding alloy version of rocket launcher? A slightly lighter, and slightly more accurate. Maybe making switching rockets requiter fewer TUs, so that we could make expensive shots on targets that really worth it? Just a thought.

Shotguns, yes go down the road of overestimation of them and it will be your downfall.
Shotguns only have a effective Range of 20 tiles, of course you can forcefire but in my eyes it not really worth.
Id rather take some Aimed Rifle Shot or Snaps shots, when the enemy is more then 16 tiles away.
If find the random bullet spread on distance with shotguns just to dangerous for my own units.
I occasionally use Scatter Lasers to clear obstacles in midrange, but Shotguns class weapons are designed for a fighting distance of 1 - 16 tiles distance.
For high hit point enemies consider distance 1 - 8 tiles to deliver massive damage, play shotgunners similar then in NuCom (Thats the idea, with Advanced Movement Methods, you can run and strafe!).
Also Conventional Shotguns with Alloy Rounds are a pretty safe way to kill Chrysalids up close, they can oneshot them (Crit!!).
Cyberdiscs can also be killed with them, but Alloy AP Heavy Canon can do that better from distance.

So far(lasers mostly), I still can`t find a good use for rifles. Even though I want to. 16 to 20 tiles range is enough in most cases. Especially when we are talking some tougher aliens, those rifles just don`t do much. Auto shot is too inaccurate. Heavy Laser does it better(better accuracy and more shots) and end even has better snap shot(75% acc vs 65%). Let alone it deal more damage.  And for everything at distances further than 16-20 tiles, we have a Sniper. With sniper I can make two or three high hit chance shots. And each individual sniper shot, deals 60% more damage.
Maybe a double shot snap would make it a better alternative?

Rifles (and of course Sniper Rifles) deal safely with long distance low HP units, Shotguns deal safely with short distance high HP units.
And there are some really nasty high HP units. Please let me know of your first encounter with Muton Berserkers ;)
I enjoy listening to the pain they provide to player units.

First Berserkers were fun(and still are). Encountered my first one on night terror mission. Laser shotguns what got me through. I`m very positive, had I had fever shotguns and more rifles on that mission, I would`t make it through.

Melee weapons are designed to deliver massive damage in CQC, all melee weapons apply the units strength towards the damage.
A soldier with 70 strength and a plasma sword can deal 0 - 340 damage. If attacking from behind he will not trigger reactionfire.
I may change the usage TU of melee weapons in the future, currently its a fixed 20 TU per usage, i think percentage wise would be better.

Will sure try them out when I get to research plasma ones, and find a way to maintain squad not full of rookies.

Get more Rader bases and check your graphs for activity. You can also stack large radars on bases.
It also depends on how many UFO's you shot down, i avoid shooting down UFO's and try to catch them when being landed. (No retaliation)
Usually 3 is enough on one base to nearly detect any UFO which comes in range. You get more discovery checks.
If you know were a alien base is, make sure you build a base of your own nearby, place a combat team there and milk supply ships for money.

Money is a very big problem. Can`t afford to stack radars so easily. But after playing a little more, UFOs become more frequent. Will see how things evolve. 

A hint:
Get some Personal Armor or Power Suits, once you have Pistols with Alloy Ammo and normal HE grenades are all you need to handle full sectoids supply ships.
Bring a big team, a few guys will go nuts, but they can't hurt themselves or others. Its the perfect opportunity to capture a sectoid leader for psionics.

Even personal armour is rather far down the research tree. Let alone Power. Dealing with large Sectoid ship is fine. Pain in the ass but fine. Since it has only one Leader. But very large ones or bases early game is too much it seems.

You can't MC Ethereals anymore. What i was thinking is making Psi-Amps use up stamina with each attack.
Your soldiers will be basically safe from PSI attacks with Psi Str 80+, when being close up to Ethereals you want Psi Str 90+.
In Harmode Expansion v1.0 lategame enemies will be more resistant to Mind Control, especially over long distance.
Your Psi Soldier will have to move up, to reliably control enemies. At least thats my idea, with this change.

That is a grate idea. Looking forward to 1.0 release.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on February 15, 2023, 06:39:12 pm
Original Xcom went through development hell. And was released way before they could call a finished product. Fortunately, it was a grate foundation for modding (since OpenXcom appeared).  It`s amazing that 30 years after the release, driven individuals can shape it be a game of their dreams. Maybe we will get to the point you get to release this as a finished product to the market ;)

I will NEVER ever release any of my modded stuff commercially! (Some stuff has licences which forbid that!)
I do this work for fun, for all people to enjoy and my intention is and always was to stay non commercial!!

Yeap. Mutons arrived a little before I could finish laser research. It was four or five painful missions. Too many had to sacrifice their lives to buy Earth some more time.

Hehe, great I hope they will be remembered!

Not only I do not mind, I fully endorse this long and complex research tree.


May I ask, why Elerium Rockets cost so much money to produce? 10k for a single shot seem to much. Especially considering that we are making them using other materials. Three Elerium-115 is 7,5k. Making a single shot cost 17.5k. I love rocket launcher, but in this economy, using Elerium rockets seems like luxury.

Yes they are expensive for a reason! Get more Engineers, to produce i usually put 24 of them on one base end let them endlessly produce Elerium Rockets.
Terrain destruction with them is just so fucking Powerful. :-P

Also, have you considered  adding alloy version of rocket launcher? A slightly lighter, and slightly more accurate. Maybe making switching rockets requiter fewer TUs, so that we could make expensive shots on targets that really worth it? Just a thought.

Rocket Launcher is good as it is. Unloading and relaoding is 15 TU flat. DOS Behaviour. So no, i see no benifits for a Alloy Version of this weapon or any other Weapon already in the Mod.
Alien Alloy Ammo basically upgrades your firepower with conventional Earth weapons.
Your next Evolution stack is Lasers, remember that.

So far(lasers mostly), I still can`t find a good use for rifles. Even though I want to. 16 to 20 tiles range is enough in most cases. Especially when we are talking some tougher aliens, those rifles just don`t do much. Auto shot is too inaccurate. Heavy Laser does it better(better accuracy and more shots) and end even has better snap shot(75% acc vs 65%). Let alone it deal more damage.  And for everything at distances further than 16-20 tiles, we have a Sniper. With sniper I can make two or three high hit chance shots. And each individual sniper shot, deals 60% more damage.
Maybe a double shot snap would make it a better alternative?

Laser Rifles are a good training weapons for rookies. Kneel, Aimed Shot Twice over the Map. Repeat his 6 zurn and you get max EXP for the soldier, if all shot hit.
If i have 4 new guys in a 16 man team, i actually do like that they can't kill stronger aliens right out, so they EXP with every hit/kill.
If you use UFO Extender Accuracy you will see its usage.

First Berserkers were fun(and still are). Encountered my first one on night terror mission. Laser shotguns what got me through. I`m very positive, had I had fever shotguns and more rifles on that mission, I would`t make it through.
Will sure try them out when I get to research plasma ones, and find a way to maintain squad not full of rookies.
Money is a very big problem. Can`t afford to stack radars so easily. But after playing a little more, UFOs become more frequent. Will see how things evolve. 
Even personal armour is rather far down the research tree. Let alone Power. Dealing with large Sectoid ship is fine. Pain in the ass but fine. Since it has only one Leader. But very large ones or bases early game is too much it seems.

Have you considered to let engineers produce Motion Scanner or Laser Canons for sale?
Engineer will nearly be cost neutral if you let them produce Motion Scanners for sale for the entire time.
The will run a certain profit once you start producing Laser Canons to finance yourself.

You have three income sources: Funding Nations, Selling Alien Loot, Producing and Selling Items (Motion Scanners and Laser Canons)
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on April 11, 2023, 09:31:19 pm
Hellrazor: I recall you saying once that the mod is only designed to be played on Superhuman. If you want to "enforce" Superhuman difficulty, you can add the following into your ruleset:
Code: [Select]
difficultyDemigod: true
difficultyCoefficient: [4, 4, 4, 4, 4]
aimAndArmorMultipliers: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
This is assuming your mod is using vanilla difficulty values at present.
difficultyDemigod makes it so that any aliens that haven't spawned when the map runs out of spawn points will spawn onto the map anyway, possibly all piled up at one spot. This happens on Superhuman anyway, but with this setting it will happen on all difficulties.

Added. Right now, late i know :)
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on May 04, 2023, 08:47:55 pm
Hardmode Expansion - Fix for Terrormissions not spawning correctly

Download Link: Hardmode Expansion - Fix for Terrormissions not spawning correctly (

Critical Fix for Terrorsites not spawning correctly on globetextures

So you all can enjoy the variety of Terror Mission Terrains once more ;)

If you wanna help translate, the mod is on Transifex (

Please use newest Nightly, or at least Nightly Version: openxcom_git_master_2022_04_29_0633 (
Please use newest OXCE Version, or at least OCXE Version: OXCE 7.5.3 (,5258.0.html)

Current ToDo List (,4966.0.html)
Credit List (,4965.0.html)
Changelog (,4967.0.html)


Critical Fix for Terrorsites not spawning correctly on globetextures
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on August 06, 2023, 09:09:09 pm
Hardmode Expansion - First fully OXCE Tuned Release - Balancing and Bugfixes - Alien Base Operations

Download Link: Hardmode Expansion - First fully OXCE Tuned Release - Balancing and Bugfixes - Alien Base Operations (

"Oh, Lord source, savier of my grace, forgive me my wrong doings on myself and others. I shall serve you until I fully see your light, which holds the truth about love, wisdom and kindness. So that I may be enlightened, to enlighten others for myself and for your name." - Hellrazor

This first fully OXCE Tuned Release, from Hardmode Expansion NO more support for good OXC, unfortunately.
Enjoy the new mechanics, more in future ;)

I got hammered with five snakeman terrorsites within three ingame days, I probably only got unlucky, too many bases on globe ;)

The Research has seen a little overhaul mainly to balance, advanced tanks now need live alien captures to researchable. Research Tree Graphic (;topic=3550.0;attach=60378) got some good Overhaul.

Modfile also attached towards this post: Hardmode Expansion v0.99.9.3 (;topic=3550.0;attach=60380)

If you wanna help translate, the mod is on Transifex (

Please use newest OXCE Version, or at least OCXE Version: OXCE 7.9.8 (,5258.0.html)

Current ToDo List (,4966.0.html)
Credit List (,4965.0.html)
Changelog (,4967.0.html)


 - Research tree Overwork so everything fits better
 - Fix Bug for Mod not loading on OXCE 7.7.x+
 - Fix Plasma Blade not being available in lategame to player
 - Fix Mars Terrain Height (4 -> 8)
 - Fix globe texture asignment, which prevented Terrorsites from spawning properly
 - Fix missing Adv. Medikit Dependency
 - Fix PLasma Pistol/Rifle Clip sell prices
 - Fix Walkertank/Laser upgrade pricing
 - Rebalance lategame enemy PSI DEF
 - Rebalance X-Com early armors and damage modifiers
 - Rebalance Damage Modifiers for Tanks/Alloy Drones
 - Rebalance Psi Amps to use Stamina additionally to Time Units for Psi Panic and Mind Control
 - Adjust Raceweights for more Snakemen
 - Adjust Terror Occurance and Scoring
 - Adjust Spitter Zombies to be more dangerous
 - Adjust Avenger Soldier spawn to match THUNDER
 - Adjust Meleeweapons, more attacks possible
 - Adjust Alien Alloy Ammo for konventional Pistols, Rifles and Shotguns
 - Adjust Alloy Drones Research being available after Data Slate
 - Adjust Taser Pistol Clip sizes
 - Add Alien Proxy Grenade (Alien Grenade conversion for X-Com)
 - Add more randomness to Alien Mission starts
 - Add Alien Base execute Missions (Terror, Harvest, Abduction, Base), No Scouts
 - Add more Upgrade Options to X-Com Tanks
 - Add Upgrade Option for Medikts
 - Add Smoke Launcher to all Tanks (free ammo)
 - Add Walkertank/Laser (Sectopod converted)
 - Add Split Alloy Drone/Medikit -> Alloy Drone/Adv. Medikit
 - Add Elerium Powered Stun Rod
 - Add Taser Pistol Elerium Clip
 - Add additional construction cost for X-Com base modules, which require Alien tech research
 - Add more recommendedUserOptions for inital Startup
 - Add Superhuman as default and only Difficulty
 - Add Forcing of Vanilla (OXC) Soldier experience gaining
 - Refactor Drone Smoke (ammo is free now)
 - Disable Bug Hunt mode (Non vanilla behaviour)
 - Disable LINERSHIP Terrain until Map allows for Craftspawn
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on March 19, 2024, 02:10:39 pm
I finally came around to finish the Support Hoverdrones.

I hope they will find very useful for players :)

See some Pictures Attached
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on March 19, 2024, 03:02:43 pm
Hardmode Expansion - Support Hoverdrones - Balancing and Bugfixes

Download Link: Hardmode Expansion - Support Hoverdrones - Balancing and Bugfixes (

"Oh, Lord source, savier of my grace, forgive me my wrong doings on myself and others. I shall serve you until I fully see your light, which holds the truth about love, wisdom and kindness. So that I may be enlightened, to enlighten others for myself and for your name." - Hellrazor

I finally added the Support Hoverdrones and also fixed some bugs, which where found in the meantime.
The main game core is now complete and balanced. There is one exceptio thou; I am still waiting for a OXCE feature to make the economy also balanced for lower diffculty settings.
Once this happens I can basically officially name this "Hardmode Expansion - UFO Long War" or something like this ;)
I will now focus on Terrain first an then Missions.
Further development of the mod will follow, since I am planning to add some stuff. See: Future Development Plan (,4966.0.html)

The Research Tree has seen a significant overhaul mainly to balance, advanced tanks and drones now need live alien captures for being researchable.
See here: Research Tree Graphic (;topic=3550.0;attach=62629)

Modfile also attached towards this post: Hardmode Expansion v0.99.9.4 (;topic=3550.0;attach=62631)

If you wanna help translate, the mod is on Transifex (

Please use newest OXCE Version, or at least OCXE Version: OXCE 7.9.8 (,5258.0.html)

Future Development Plan (,4966.0.html)
Credit List (,4965.0.html)
Changelog (,4967.0.html)


 - Fix Infiltration base prevention, if Battleship Attack successful
 - Fix Alloy Drone Taser Sprite Background
 - Fix Alloy Drone Scout Weapon Range
 - Fix Hovertank Smokeweapon Clipsize
 - Fix SellPrice for Alloy Cannon Craftweapon
 - Fix BuyPrice Drone Scout
 - Fix Infiltration UFO's attempting to land on water point sites
 - Fix Plasma Weapons needing both clips being researched for manufacture
 - Adjust UFO air/landed score
 - Adjust Enhanced Power Armor Bonuses
 - Add Taser Pistol Elerium Clip Animations
 - Add support Hoverdrones for X-Com
 - Add direct fire smoke acts as fire extinguisher (Smoke Grenades don't)
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on May 31, 2024, 01:26:44 pm
Some Screenshot from the Quality Of Live stuff and some UserInterface enhancements I found or made myself and added.

Of course we also have Avatars now and I added a lot of Inventory Pictures for the Right Click Preview in OXCE.
I am still missing those for all Drones sadly.
There are some Bugs which I fixed which were pretty servere.

Oh and btw I got a new Wiki: (Big Thanks to: noblebright fropm Discord)

New Release comes soon!
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on May 31, 2024, 05:28:45 pm
Hardmode Expansion - Quality of Life - Balancing and Bugfixes

Download Link: Hardmode Expansion - Quality of Life - Balancing and Bugfixes (

I call this Quality Of Life because we fully arrived in the OXCE world now with Hardmode Expansion Mod.
I enabled a lot QOL features on the Battlescape and Geoscape. Some Screenshots see HERE (
I also added a lot Graphics found nice GUI enhancement mods, which i deemed worthy to be absorbed.
The Ufopaedia good a boost, with images for all Tanks and Drones.

And of course i fixed some more bugs, some critical (game crash!). So please feel free to update.

I wanted to focus on missions and terrains but it was QOL first :D

I am looking forward to mix and match terrains with the OXCE possibilities.
Also I found a sprite of Chryssalid hatching from the ground. Now guess what this will become *evilgrin*

I will now focus on Terrain first an then Missions. For real! (I will have to reinstall my desktop computer for this, so please be patient this takes ages for me todo.)

And there is now a Wiki!
Wiki (Automatically generated from github): Hardmode Expansion Wiki - trigramreactor (
(Big Thanks to noblebright from Discord, which set this one up for me)

I hope you all have a great summer, I am looking forward for further feedbacks, critique points and curses and praises.
I will keep the vanilla theme of this as it is. Added Graphics and better GUI some more features will not change that whatsoever!
Please help translating the Mod, if you can and if you want.

Further development of the mod will follow, since I am planning to add some stuff. See: Future Development Plan (,4966.0.html)

Modfile also attached towards this post: Hardmode Expansion v0.99.9.5 (;topic=3550.0;attach=63685)

If you wanna help translate, the mod is on Transifex (

Please use newest OXCE Version, or at least OXCE Version: OXCE 7.12 (,5258.0.html)

Future Development Plan (,4966.0.html)
Credit List (,4965.0.html)
Changelog (,4967.0.html)


 - Fix Game Crash due to Mission invocation
 - Fix UFO waterlanding possibilities
 - Fix Heavy Plasma Manufacture unlock error
 - Fix Wrong Deathsound for all Female Civilians
 - Fix Typos for Weaponlists
 - Fix Typos in extraSprites
 - Fix Position of Magadan City
 - Fix Missing BT_PSIAMP for Psi Panic and Mind Control Commendations
 - Fix Background for some Drone/AlloyDrones Sprites
 - Fix not working Cancel on Infiltration and Base building Alien Base
 - Adjust all Shotguns to behave like proper Ones
 - Add Fire Extinguisher Item
 - Add Armed Civilian to Terrorsites
 - Add Army Soldiers to Military Bases
 - Add TerrainHint DayNightIndicator
 - Add Stun, Burn and Bleeding Indicators for Battlescape
 - Add Avatars and TinyRanks for Battlescape
 - Add OXCE Armor Preview for Craft Equip Screen
 - Add OXCE Tank/Drone Preview for Craft Equip Screen
 - Add SoldierNames and SoldierCountryFlags
 - Add Inventory images for all Civilians
 - Add Inventory images for all Aliens
 - Add Inventory images for all Tanks
 - Add Ufopaedia images for all Tanks
 - Add Ufopaedia images for all Drones
 - Add Enhanced GUI Buttons and Backgrounds
 - Add Final Version of the Commendation sprite provided by cevaralien
 - Add higher salaries for officers (10% increase per rank compare to base salary)
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hederino on June 10, 2024, 07:53:34 pm
Does Bravery play a role in Psi Defence? AFAIK the psi attack and defence formulas are moddable. In my first Ethereal encounter, a Fighter UFO landing site in February 2000, they managed to get my high psi strength soldiers (one at 83 PST/49 PSK/10 BRV, another at 88/23/20) to panic like it was nothing. I would put it down to the relatively short distance due to the small map size or the controlling aliens being Eth leaders substituted for the lacking officer ranks, but they seemed to go for the low bravery ones to perform their mind tricks on.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on June 14, 2024, 11:22:51 pm
Does Bravery play a role in Psi Defence? AFAIK the psi attack and defence formulas are moddable. In my first Ethereal encounter, a Fighter UFO landing site in February 2000, they managed to get my high psi strength soldiers (one at 83 PST/49 PSK/10 BRV, another at 88/23/20) to panic like it was nothing. I would put it down to the relatively short distance due to the small map size or the controlling aliens being Eth leaders substituted for the lacking officer ranks, but they seemed to go for the low bravery ones to perform their mind tricks on.

We are using vanilla PSI rules here. Bravery does not play a role in any PSI checks. Just to make that clear.
It gets checked after the morale is lowered (from PSI Panic e.g.) below 50 to see if any Panic action will happen (running in Panic, going berserk etc..) see:

I recommend Soldiers with PSI-Str 90+ against Ethereals. Usually you are safe with this for an distance at least against mind control.

Using 1 or 2 Psi weak Soldiers as Lightningrods is really helpful ;)

Also do not forget that distance plays a significant role in Psi Attacks. The more distance the lower the chance of any attack to succeed.

So yes smaller craft have smaller maps, so Ethereals might be more powerful on those (also depends on your random chance as usual).

Hope this answered your question ;)
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hederino on June 15, 2024, 09:02:45 pm
Using 1 or 2 Psi weak Soldiers as Lightningrods is really helpful ;)

I would always take two to three inexperienced/sacrificial guys as psi sponges on missions where sectoid leaders would show up. I just wanted to see how psionically strong soldiers would fare against the eths. After all, there won't be enough psi sponges if it's not just the leaders who are psychics. And 90+ psi soldiers are hard to come by (less than 20 of them across three main bases so far).

On an unrelated note, I have a suggestion: the HWP limits for crafts don't apply just for 2x2 tanks, but also for drones. I was scrolling through the ruleset reference and saw that  parameters such as maxSmallVehicles and maxLargeVehicles exist. How about making use of this so that more drones can be carried by each type of craft?
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on June 17, 2024, 02:28:59 pm
I would always take two to three inexperienced/sacrificial guys as psi sponges on missions where sectoid leaders would show up. I just wanted to see how psionically strong soldiers would fare against the eths. After all, there won't be enough psi sponges if it's not just the leaders who are psychics. And 90+ psi soldiers are hard to come by (less than 20 of them across three main bases so far).

Screening for High PSI Str is a costly process, but totally worth it.
I usually start with a Team of 80+ and a Secondary Team of 69+, the secondary Team with some PSi Skill Training in the lab can be used relatively safely against Sectoids and the occasional mixed in Ethereal.
I screen for high psi 90+ and gather rookies and train them on the field, everyone else PSI Str 68- gets used for attacking alien bases  of non Psi races until they died a honorable Death on the battlefield. :)

Or you turn on the Option of PSI Str Improvement and let the 69+ guys slowly become 90ish :)
The Psi Str improvement can be done in the Psilab or on the battelfield (even thou the battelfield is way more effective.) and can be combined with bravery training. Obviously everyone below 69 is just trash.

On an unrelated note, I have a suggestion: the HWP limits for crafts don't apply just for 2x2 tanks, but also for drones. I was scrolling through the ruleset reference and saw that  parameters such as maxSmallVehicles and maxLargeVehicles exist. How about making use of this so that more drones can be carried by each type of craft?

I am hesitant regarding his change. Would need some testing. And you can bring at least 3 Drones/Tanks and a Maximum of 4 totally with the vanilla setting.

Here a suggestion on how it could be changed as a example:
Skyranger - Max 2 Drones and Max 2 Tanks
Skystriker - Max 4 Drones and Max 2 Tanks
Thunder - Max 4 Drones and Max 2 Tanks
Avenger - Max 6 Drones and Max 3 Tanks

No clue how to balance this at the moment.

The problem is which spaces on the Craft do they occupy on the Battelfield Map, it would requiere some testing to see how it behaves.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: Tamren on November 06, 2024, 01:47:33 pm
Never played this mod before, are there any submods I should load right away or can they all be considered optional?
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: Meridian on November 06, 2024, 01:52:50 pm
Submods are by definition optional.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on November 06, 2024, 04:55:25 pm
Never played this mod before, are there any submods I should load right away or can they all be considered optional?

All so titeled SUBMODS on the Hardmode Expansion Board are a part of the Mod.
The SUBMODs only exist in seperate forms so vanilla Players, can also use them as mods alone, without Hardmode Expansion.

Just to make that clear :)

Submods are by definition optional.

Hardmode Expansion gaves birth to standalone SUBMODs and all of them are a part of Hardmode Expansion.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: Tamren on November 07, 2024, 02:34:04 am
Ah ok, not the usual way of doing things but it makes sense in context.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on January 16, 2025, 11:20:27 pm
All Terrorsites now will also Spawn the Terrorship!
That was some headache work. Had to optimize all mapScripts for Terrorsiteterrains to make sure the UFO and Craft gets correctly spawned.

The most work took the DOWNTOWNURBAN terrain...
MapScript attached. No further Comment. Hobbes you are a mad man! In a positive way ;)
Thanks for converting all those lovely terrains from UFO2000 over to OpenXcom.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: CrazedHarpooner on January 17, 2025, 01:34:48 am
Impressive and extensive. Hope nobody minds if I attempt to optimize the script, it does look like a challenge.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on January 17, 2025, 11:21:15 am
Impressive and extensive. Hope nobody minds if I attempt to optimize the script, it does look like a challenge.

I already optimized it to the state i need it to be. And it is a very specific script.
First it places the Railstation 20x20 blocks randomly on the map, then it adds a horinzontal street from 10x10 blocks.
Then it checks for the 20x20 Railstation block and where the horizontel street is placed once found it will set a rail road crossing towards the specific position, then add all the other rails (10x10 blocks) needed on the line.
It checks every damn needed position, thats why it is so long, see checkBlock. There is no other way to script it differently.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: CrazedHarpooner on January 17, 2025, 04:23:49 pm
Challenge accepted and completed. I took a different approach, instead of checking each individual block where the station could spawn (25 spots for a 20x20 block in a 60x60 map) I scanned the whole column reducing the number of total checkBlocks to 5 and overall commands for the whole script to 27. Tested the execution without fail for over 20 new battle generations with the github WIP version of the mod. I've documented the approach in the script file, so feel free the peruse as you wish.

Must thank you for this, as in the process I've realized that if an addLine command intersects with a block corresponding to the other orientation line blocks (vertical line intersects with horizontal road or horizontal line intersects with vertical road), the map generator will automatically replace the intersecting block with one of the crossing group. This also means that my script could be optimized even further, but requires the railroad crossing block to be assigned to its own group.

The script is contained within its own rul file so it can be dropped (and removed) easely in the ruleset folder.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on January 17, 2025, 05:58:38 pm
Challenge accepted and completed. I took a different approach, instead of checking each individual block where the station could spawn (25 spots for a 20x20 block in a 60x60 map) I scanned the whole column reducing the number of total checkBlocks to 5 and overall commands for the whole script to 27. Tested the execution without fail for over 20 new battle generations with the github WIP version of the mod. I've documented the approach in the script file, so feel free the peruse as you wish.

Must thank you for this, as in the process I've realized that if an addLine command intersects with a block corresponding to the other orientation line blocks (vertical line intersects with horizontal road or horizontal line intersects with vertical road), the map generator will automatically replace the intersecting block with one of the crossing group. This also means that my script could be optimized even further, but requires the railroad crossing block to be assigned to its own group.

The script is contained within its own rul file so it can be dropped (and removed) easely in the ruleset folder.

Ok, nice!
I am gonna test it. Lets see what it produces. Thank dude.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: CrazedHarpooner on January 17, 2025, 07:24:33 pm
The script is contained within its own rul file so it can be dropped (and removed) easely in the ruleset folder.
I just realized a large mistake in this part. There's no guaranteed load order of the rul files, if for whatever reason, OXCE loads my file before your mapscript file, this will result in my script getting replaced by yours. To ensure propper testing you might want to allocate it in it's own small mod or rename either your script or mine to something else during testing (IE: DOWNTOWNURBAN_2). If you rename mine, ensure the terrain points to this new name. Sorry for that mistake.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on January 18, 2025, 02:59:01 pm
Challenge accepted and completed. I took a different approach, instead of checking each individual block where the station could spawn (25 spots for a 20x20 block in a 60x60 map) I scanned the whole column reducing the number of total checkBlocks to 5 and overall commands for the whole script to 27. Tested the execution without fail for over 20 new battle generations with the github WIP version of the mod. I've documented the approach in the script file, so feel free the peruse as you wish.

Must thank you for this, as in the process I've realized that if an addLine command intersects with a block corresponding to the other orientation line blocks (vertical line intersects with horizontal road or horizontal line intersects with vertical road), the map generator will automatically replace the intersecting block with one of the crossing group. This also means that my script could be optimized even further, but requires the railroad crossing block to be assigned to its own group.

The script is contained within its own rul file so it can be dropped (and removed) easely in the ruleset folder.

I tested your Version of the mapScript and i got some Errors. Random crashes occured sometimes and I was wondering why.
Turns out the addCraft has to be set after addUFO. There can be cases when the addCraft command may fail thats why it has to be executed before the second Road!
I had to debug and came up with this (Please notice that Railstation now only has a 75% Execution chance, so it will not always spawn but very often):

Code: [Select]
    - type: resize #We need 60x60x8
      size: [6, 6, 8]
    - type: addBlock #Add Rail Station
      size: 2
      blocks: 8
      executionChances: 75
    - type: addLine #Add EW Roads
      direction: horizontal
      executionChances: 75
#Position 0,0 - 0,4
    - type: checkBlock #Check Railstation
      label: 10
      size: 2
      blocks: 8
        - [0, 0, 1, 6]
    - type: fillArea #Place Rails
      conditionals: 10
      blocks: [9, 21]
        - [0, 0, 1, 6]
    - type: checkBlock #Check EW Roadblock
      label: 20
      conditionals: 10
      blocks: [10, 18, 19]
        - [0, 0, 1, 6]
    - type: removeBlock #Remove EW Roadblock
      conditionals: 20
      groups: 2 #Using groups here is the only way!
        - [0, 0, 1, 6]
    - type: addBlock #Add Rail Road Cross
      conditionals: 20
      blocks: 12
        - [0, 0, 1, 6]
#Position 1,0 - 1,4
    - type: checkBlock #Check Railstation
      label: 11
      conditionals: -10
      size: 2
      blocks: 8
        - [1, 0, 1, 6]
    - type: fillArea #Place Rails
      conditionals: 11
      blocks: [9, 21]
        - [1, 0, 1, 6]
    - type: checkBlock #Check EW Roadblock
      label: 21
      conditionals: 11
      blocks: [10, 18, 19]
        - [1, 0, 1, 6]
    - type: removeBlock #Remove EW Roadblock
      conditionals: 21
      groups: 2 #Using groups here is the only way!
        - [1, 0, 1, 6]
    - type: addBlock #Add Rail Road Cross
      conditionals: 21
      blocks: 12
        - [1, 0, 1, 6]
#Position 2,0 - 2,4
    - type: checkBlock #Check Railstation
      label: 12
      conditionals: [-10, -11]
      size: 2
      blocks: 8
        - [2, 0, 1, 6]
    - type: fillArea #Place Rails
      conditionals: 12
      blocks: [9, 21]
        - [2, 0, 1, 6]
    - type: checkBlock #Check EW Roadblock
      label: 22
      conditionals: 12
      blocks: [10, 18, 19]
        - [2, 0, 1, 6]
    - type: removeBlock #Remove EW Roadblock
      conditionals: 22
      groups: 2 #Using groups here is the only way!
        - [2, 0, 1, 6]
    - type: addBlock #Add Rail Road Cross
      conditionals: 22
      blocks: 12
        - [2, 0, 1, 6]
#Position 3,0 - 3,4
    - type: checkBlock #Check Railstation
      label: 13
      conditionals: [-10, -11, -12]
      size: 2
      blocks: 8
        - [3, 0, 1, 6]
    - type: fillArea #Place Rails
      conditionals: 13
      blocks: [9, 21]
        - [3, 0, 1, 6]
    - type: checkBlock #Check EW Roadblock
      label: 23
      conditionals: 13
      blocks: [10, 18, 19]
        - [3, 0, 1, 6]
    - type: removeBlock #Remove EW Roadblock
      conditionals: 23
      groups: 2 #Using groups here is the only way!
        - [3, 0, 1, 6]
    - type: addBlock #Add Rail Road Cross
      conditionals: 23
      blocks: 12
        - [3, 0, 1, 6]
#Position 4,0 - 4,4
    - type: checkBlock #Check Railstation
      label: 14
      conditionals: [-10, -11, -12,-13]
      size: 2
      blocks: 8
        - [4, 0, 1, 6]
    - type: fillArea #Place Rails
      conditionals: 14
      blocks: [9, 21]
        - [4, 0, 1, 6]
    - type: checkBlock #Check EW Roadblock
      label: 24
      conditionals: 14
      blocks: [10, 18, 19]
        - [4, 0, 1, 6]
    - type: removeBlock #Remove EW Roadblock
      conditionals: 24
      groups: 2 #Using groups here is the only way!
        - [4, 0, 1, 6]
    - type: addBlock #Add Rail Road Cross
      conditionals: 24
      blocks: 12
        - [4, 0, 1, 6]
#End Position Checks
    - type: addUFO
    - type: addCraft
    - type: addLine
      direction: vertical
      executionChances: 75
    - type: addBlock
      size: 2
      executions: 6
      blocks: [1, 6, 14, 15]
      freqs: [3, 2, 2, 3]
      maxUses: [3, 3, 3, 3]
    - type: fillArea
      blocks: [2, 3, 5, 7, 16, 17]
      freqs: [3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3]
      maxUses: [3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3]

I will credit you for the initial optimization. :)

Funnily enough not using "groups" on the removeBlock command clears the entire line, even if you only define certain blocks or a specific block. This seems to only work with the "groups" thingy properly.
No off to let this Railstation spawn on the normal URBAN terrain :D
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on January 18, 2025, 04:21:06 pm
Well the URBAN had to come to the Railstation but ok. As long as it works :D
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: CrazedHarpooner on January 18, 2025, 07:41:32 pm
Based on your last version of the script:
Code: [Select]
    - type: resize #We need 60x60x8
      size: [6, 6, 8]
    - type: addBlock #Add Rail Station
      size: 2
      blocks: 8
      executionChances: 75
#Position 0,0 - 0,4
    - type: checkBlock #Check Railstation
      label: 10
      size: 2
      blocks: 8
        - [0, 0, 1, 6]
    - type: fillArea #Place Rails
      conditionals: 10
      groups: 13
        - [0, 0, 1, 6]
#Position 1,0 - 1,4
    - type: checkBlock #Check Railstation
      label: 11
      conditionals: -10
      size: 2
      blocks: 8
        - [1, 0, 1, 6]
    - type: fillArea #Place Rails
      conditionals: 11
      groups: 13
        - [1, 0, 1, 6]
#Position 2,0 - 2,4
    - type: checkBlock #Check Railstation
      label: 12
      conditionals: [-10, -11]
      size: 2
      blocks: 8
        - [2, 0, 1, 6]
    - type: fillArea #Place Rails
      conditionals: 12
      groups: 13
        - [2, 0, 1, 6]
#Position 3,0 - 3,4
    - type: checkBlock #Check Railstation
      label: 13
      conditionals: [-10, -11, -12]
      size: 2
      blocks: 8
        - [3, 0, 1, 6]
    - type: fillArea #Place Rails
      conditionals: 13
      groups: 13
        - [3, 0, 1, 6]
#Position 4,0 - 4,4
    - type: checkBlock #Check Railstation
      label: 14
      conditionals: [-10, -11, -12,-13]
      size: 2
      blocks: 8
        - [4, 0, 1, 6]
    - type: fillArea #Place Rails
      conditionals: 14
      groups: 13
        - [4, 0, 1, 6]
#End Position Checks

 # This command will detect vertical railroads (group 13) and place the railroad crossing (group 14) that intersect with the road
    - type: addLine #Add EW Roads
      direction: horizontal
      executionChances: 75
      verticalGroup: 13 # Railroads N-S
      crossingGroup: 14 # Railroad Crossing

    - type: addUFO
    - type: addCraft
    - type: addLine
      direction: vertical
      executionChances: 75
    - type: addBlock
      size: 2
      executions: 6
      blocks: [1, 6, 14, 15]
      freqs: [3, 2, 2, 3]
      maxUses: [3, 3, 3, 3]
    - type: fillArea
      blocks: [2, 3, 5, 7, 16, 17]
      freqs: [3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3]
      maxUses: [3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3]

HOWEVER, for this version to work the following terrain mapBlocks need to be updated and assigned to either group 13 (N-S) or 14 (crossing). I picked those numbers so it's easier to visualize which group is which if you're familiar with default road groups (2 E-W, 3 N-S, 4 crossing), so you can change them to what you consider best for your style.
Code: [Select]
      - name: DOWNTOWNURBAN09
        width: 10
        length: 10
        groups: 13 # Railroads N-S
      - name: DOWNTOWNURBAN12
        width: 10
        length: 10
        groups: 14 # Railroad Crossing
      - name: DOWNTOWNURBAN21
        width: 10
        length: 10
        groups: 13 # Railroads N-S

These changes will make it so you don't have to script the railroad crossing replacement as the addline command does it for you when you specify the correct verticalGroup and crossingGroup. The command just has to be executed AFTER the railroads are placed.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on January 19, 2025, 11:31:01 am
Thanks but for the time being I have what I want and my script is still OXC compatible, so i go with that.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on January 30, 2025, 01:21:40 am
I am making further progress while I am currently working on the next Version of Hardmode Expansion.

Just some small Graphical Teasers from some Graphics stuff I added/completed etc.

I also noticed that for some reason I did not had a HandOb for the AlloyKnife and added one, unfortunately i do not know who made it so maybe someone can help me identify the person in question so I can credit accordingly.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on January 30, 2025, 01:41:54 am
Since OXCE also offers scripting support I decided to also look into this and i found some interesting things,
for one a simple Red Hit Flash confirmation script, which I added. Just to give visual feedback towards the Player.

Then we got the Ufopaedia Celatid, oh boy, oh boy.
I learned some lessons about expotential growth there :D
So yes the Ufopaedia Celatid is now Part of Hardmode Expansion, but only with a linear growth pattern (meaning, it can only Clones once, Clones make new Clones; exception is Cydonia on Cydonia Celatids do have expotential growth pattern).

What I currently struggeling with is I am lacking some Inventory Graphics for the entire Drone set (Normal Drones, Alloy Drones and Hover Drones). Unfortunately I am not a great graphical artist myself. So I hope some might offer his help in this regard. I already search a few other mods like FMP and XCF for possible drone inventory sprite as basis for creating something myself and yes there are some sprites which can be used as a basis but they also require completely new stuff...

Current Changelog progress so far:
 - Fix Mod not loading on OXCE 8.0.0. (rapidyml)
 - Fix Wrong Inventorysprites for Alloy Tanks
 - Fix Alien Data Slate Occurance
 - Fix wrong values on Snakeman / Waspite Armors
 - Fix Hovertank Inventoryimage position
 - Fix some Colors on some Inventory and Ufopaedia Pictures
 - Fix DOWNTOWNURBAN Mapscript for size 60x60
 - Update Language files for more translations
 - Unify Alien Base cancellation behaviour (exception Alien Base at Gamestart)
 - Adjust Alien Missions and Scoring slightly
 - Adjust Armors for Gazers, Sectoid Elite, Muton Elite, Ethereals, Muton Elite Guard
 - Adjust Aliendeployment spawns to also enable lower Difficulties with proper scaling
 - Adjust Terrorsite mapScripts for UFO spawn and proper block variety
 - Adjust Alien Alloy recovery from Missionsites to give proper yield
 - Adjust Tank fire accuracies slightly
 - Add Terrorships Spawn on Terrorsites
 - Add Terrorship reappears after Terrorsite despawn or failed/aborted XCom Mission
 - Add DOWNTOWNURBAN Railstation to URBAN and INDUSTRIAL Terrosites
 - Add Ufopaedia Articles for Armors / Combat Analysis
 - Add Running will NOT trigger Mutual surprise
 - Add Info for Melee Weapons that user strength increases damage
 - Add another Graphic for a DayNightIndicator
 - Add Psi Animation by pWWWa
 - Add Psi Miss Animation
 - Add Missing HandOb for Alloy Knife
 - Add Script: RED HIT FLASH for all Battlescape units
 - Add Ufopaedia Celatid (Ability to Selfclone once on Earth and unlimited on Cydonia/Psivision 13 tiles)
 - Add Custom Background for UFOpaedia Armor articles

I want to add some more terrains from TerrainPack 4.3, which I still lack at this point.
And also the economy rebalance with SellCostcoefficient, so the mod can be played also on lower difficulties then Superhuman with keeping the tight balanced economy.

I am looking forward to any form of feedback/critique points for the current released Version:

And yes there will be a Version 1.0 at some point ;)
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on February 23, 2025, 04:19:56 pm
Is it ok to upgrade my current game of v0.99.9.5 to the master WIP as the website is still showing as the latest-see attached.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on February 23, 2025, 06:05:05 pm
Is it ok to upgrade my current game of v0.99.9.5 to the master WIP as the website is still showing as the latest-see attached.

I do not recommend there are some serious bugs i am aware of, which i was not able to fix so far.
There is also some stuff missing and some other things not completly implemented.
Its called WIP/dev version. for a reason...
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: pWWWa on February 25, 2025, 04:12:46 am
I also noticed that for some reason I did not had a HandOb for the AlloyKnife and added one, unfortunately i do not know who made it so maybe someone can help me identify the person in question so I can credit accordingly.

Seems, It started by Solarius Scorch and finished by Dioxine (Alien Origin thread (

BTW, what do you think about Melee terrain damage (,8634.msg143262.html#msg143262) ?

Also, please, check attached:
-hit animation for Alloy Knife (recolored plasma blade`s slash from last update);
-big, medium and small plasma firearms hit animation.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on February 25, 2025, 03:38:49 pm
Seems, It started by Solarius Scorch and finished by Dioxine (Alien Origin thread (

Thanks I will update Credits accordingly.

BTW, what do you think about Melee terrain damage (,8634.msg143262.html#msg143262) ?

That is a thing now? I need to take a closer look, also it would potentially allow to breach UFO walls with Plasma Sword (100 base damage + 70 soldier strength = 0-340 possible damage). I am not sure if this is a good thing.

Also, please, check attached:
-hit animation for Alloy Knife (recolored plasma blade`s slash from last update);
-big, medium and small plasma firearms hit animation.

Uhhh those look nice. If you do not mind I will use them, but will also make a golden/yellows recolor for the elerium plasma weapon clips.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: CrazedHarpooner on February 25, 2025, 03:54:39 pm
That is a thing now? I need to take a closer look, also it would potentially allow to breach UFO walls with Plasma Sword (100 base damage + 70 soldier strength = 0-340 possible damage). I am not sure if this is a good thing.
You can fine tune that with the ToTile property under meleeAlter making them do their usual damage to units, but greatly reduced to terrain, enough so it can't cut through walls you don't want them to. Also under meleeAlter are RandomTile and TileDamageMethod. But yes, if you're not careful with how you configure the damage, they'll start slicing UFO walls like melted cheese.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on February 25, 2025, 07:48:26 pm
You can fine tune that with the ToTile property under meleeAlter making them do their usual damage to units, but greatly reduced to terrain, enough so it can't cut through walls you don't want them to. Also under meleeAlter are RandomTile and TileDamageMethod. But yes, if you're not careful with how you configure the damage, they'll start slicing UFO walls like melted cheese.

Currently i do not want to dive into this. There are other more present things which I need in my Mod.
For example implementing the costSellScript, so I can balance the Economy for lower difficulties. This has priority.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on February 26, 2025, 11:43:05 am
Is it ok to upgrade my current game of v0.99.9.5 to the master WIP as the website is still showing as the latest-see attached.

I was able to fix the scripting bugs and conflicts I had. And I updated the meleeHitAnimations and the Plasma HitAnimations.
So if you like, you can update: GitHub WIP Version: Hardmode Expansion WIP (

But do not complain about the X-Com Drone Combat Analysis UFOpaedia articles crashing, they are missing graphics, for the armor articles. -> InventorySprites.

If you run into any other Bugs, please let me know so I can fix those. Thank you.

EDIT: Heavy Plasma is now nearly as deadly as the Plasma Shotguns up close! You have been warned!
EDIT2: Hovertanks are basically fire support Platforms and pretty resitant to plasma (more as in vanilla). They do have good aim and good drop off values and can autofire within sightrange without dropoff, autofire provides 4 shots.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on February 26, 2025, 11:46:09 am
Also, please, check attached:
-hit animation for Alloy Knife (recolored plasma blade`s slash from last update);
-big, medium and small plasma firearms hit animation.

All absorbed. ;)
I attach some screenshots later.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on March 01, 2025, 02:31:56 pm
Progress, I got the Script for the Difficulty based Price adaption to work.

The solution looks ugly and I wish there was a case match in the scripting language...

Code: [Select]
      TIMER: int
      SELL_PRICE_BE: int
      SELL_PRICE_VG: int

      - offset: 3
        code: |
          var int temp;
          geoscape_game.difficultyLevel temp;  # get difficulty
          if eq temp DIFF_BEGINNER;
            item_rule.getTag temp Tag.SELL_PRICE_BE;  # custom item sell price
            if neq temp 0;
              set cost_current temp;
          if eq temp DIFF_EXPERIENCED;
            item_rule.getTag temp Tag.SELL_PRICE_BE;  # custom item sell price
            if neq temp 0;
              set cost_current temp;
          if eq temp DIFF_VETERAN;
            item_rule.getTag temp Tag.SELL_PRICE_VG;  # custom item sell price
            if neq temp 0;
              set cost_current temp;
          if eq temp DIFF_GENIUS;
            item_rule.getTag temp Tag.SELL_PRICE_VG;  # custom item sell price
            if neq temp 0;
              set cost_current temp;

          return cost_current;

#FACTORS: BE: 1,786 VG: 1,282 TO SH (50% VANILLA)
      SELL_PRICE_BE: 32148
      SELL_PRICE_VG: 23076
###List of Items

Maybe someone knows a different solution for this, but i do not see any other way.
I hope that with a complete list of items, I can fix the lower difficulties economy for Hardmode Expansion.
I will have to ask for people testing this, once the newest Version is released.

EDIT: And yes Beginner and Experienced use the same number of spawning units, the same can be said for Veteran and Genius.
The Alien stats will of course differ.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: CrazedHarpooner on March 01, 2025, 03:21:13 pm
The closest thing to case matching would be with nested else cases like so
Code: [Select]
      - offset: 3
        code: |
          var int temp;
          geoscape_game.difficultyLevel temp;  # get difficulty

            item_rule.getTag temp Tag.SELL_PRICE_BE;  # custom item sell price
          else le temp DIFF_GENIUS; # For VETERAN and GENIUS
            item_rule.getTag temp Tag.SELL_PRICE_VG;  # custom item sell price
          else; # For SUPERHUMAN
            set temp 0;

          if neq temp 0;
            set cost_current temp;

          return cost_current;
I've also changed to check to lower or equal instead of just equal, this way the starting 'if' looks for both beginner and experienced, the first 'else' then checks for veteran or genius, tecnically it would also look for the other 2 lower difficulties, but since those are covered in the initial 'if' they aren't a factor at this point. In addition I've extracted the temp check to it's own exterior check so you don't have include it in every previous 'if' or 'else'. Did have to add a 2nd 'else' for SH with my change otherwise 'temp' would of remained with a value of 4 and mess up the return cost.

In addition, depending on how you would rather approach it, instead of manually setting the prices you could use the factor you want to use and put this in the script
Code: [Select]
            muldiv cost_current temp 1000;
before returning it. The factor would have to be in an integer format, so using your example in the code for beginner, set it to 1786 and divide by 1000. You could also add a tag for the divider so you can customize the precision per item, but that does mean more tags to read in the script and manually set in the rules.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: hellrazor on March 02, 2025, 05:14:57 am
The closest thing to case matching would be with nested else cases like so
Code: [Select]
      - offset: 3
        code: |
          var int temp;
          geoscape_game.difficultyLevel temp;  # get difficulty

            item_rule.getTag temp Tag.SELL_PRICE_BE;  # custom item sell price
          else le temp DIFF_GENIUS; # For VETERAN and GENIUS
            item_rule.getTag temp Tag.SELL_PRICE_VG;  # custom item sell price
          else; # For SUPERHUMAN
            set temp 0;

          if neq temp 0;
            set cost_current temp;

          return cost_current;

Absorbed, will test this but should work.

I've also changed to check to lower or equal instead of just equal, this way the starting 'if' looks for both beginner and experienced, the first 'else' then checks for veteran or genius, tecnically it would also look for the other 2 lower difficulties, but since those are covered in the initial 'if' they aren't a factor at this point. In addition I've extracted the temp check to it's own exterior check so you don't have include it in every previous 'if' or 'else'. Did have to add a 2nd 'else' for SH with my change otherwise 'temp' would of remained with a value of 4 and mess up the return cost.

Jeah that sounds right. I take it thanks.

In addition, depending on how you would rather approach it, instead of manually setting the prices you could use the factor you want to use and put this in the script
Code: [Select]
            muldiv cost_current temp 1000;
before returning it. The factor would have to be in an integer format, so using your example in the code for beginner, set it to 1786 and divide by 1000. You could also add a tag for the divider so you can customize the precision per item, but that does mean more tags to read in the script and manually set in the rules.

A factor won't do.  I only wanna change prices for Items which are effected by different spawn numbers, meaning Weapons and Items the aliens carry and their corpse and alive sales values.
So a list with specific items is the only way.
Title: Re: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
Post by: CrazedHarpooner on March 02, 2025, 11:59:28 am
A factor won't do.  I only wanna change prices for Items which are effected by different spawn numbers, meaning Weapons and Items the aliens carry and their corpse and alive sales values.
So a list with specific items is the only way.
I didn't mean it as a global factor for everything, but a factor per item. While I'm sure different items will need their own adjustment others would probably share a very similar factor, let's say the whole plasma weapons using the same 1.7 (aprox) for the lower levels, while let's say lasers using a different one. True that the workload wouldn't be that much different other than saving yourself from calculating the exact prices needed to be listed per item, so the value of this suggestion is very circumstantial.