OpenXcom Forum
Modding => Released Mods => Topic started by: x60mmx on March 23, 2015, 10:58:53 am
Improved Avenger is a pretty simple mod. It gets rid of the 2 wide door and ramp which really slows down deployment when you take advantage of the Avenger's large capacity, and adds a 4 wide ramp along with a custom 4 wide door that rises vertically. Now you can roll your soldiers and tanks out faster, and lay out more fire from the get go when needed. Very handy for Terror missions! I also increased the fuel as I always found it strange that it can't fly around very long on Earth, yet it can fly to Mars.
I like this mod but on looking @ the specifics, is there not a ROUTES file missing? Also I wud tweak the refuel rate of the Avenger up to 30 as it'll only take 10 hours to fully refuel and not 2.5 days.
Whoops, missed changing the refuel rate. Will update it today. As far as the routes, it didn't need to be changed.
Totally missed that I had indeed made a RMP for it. That's why I shouldn't be publishing too late at night. Refuel and RMP corrected now and I updated the link in the OP. Thanks for the catch SIMON.
Great adaption, certainly looking forward to using this mod tho I might not be using it much in my current game as I'm on the point of going to Cydonia. However it has my vote and will be one of the mods I put on my next game. Possible update for a future v1.2, 2 side 1x1 doors for the troops?
Funny you mention that, was thinking of putting side door in the style of the vanilla Lighnings door.
I like this mod but on looking @ the specifics, is there not a ROUTES file missing? Also I wud tweak the refuel rate of the Avenger up to 30 as it'll only take 10 hours to fully refuel and not 2.5 days.
Naturally it will cut the Elerium consumption eightfold as well, as 1 Elerium is used for each refuelling cycle... :)
Naturally it will cut the Elerium consumption eightfold as well, as 1 Elerium is used for each refuelling cycle... :)
Whatever, this craft is pure cheese. :)