OpenXcom Forum

Modding => Released Mods => Topic started by: hellrazor on January 10, 2015, 12:02:45 pm

Title: [RESEARCH] Research Alive Aliens - v1.54 Final - Translators needed
Post by: hellrazor on January 10, 2015, 12:02:45 pm
Modportal Link: Research Alive Aliens (
Dropbox Link: Final Version 1.54 (

README.txt of newest Version:

#Research Alive Aliens Mod by Hellrazor
#Readme for Version 1.54 Final

#Credits go to Fatrat for his Elerium Bomb, Ivan Dogovich for the HandObSprite,
#grzegorj for his TinyResearchMod which gave the idea :>
#Warboy1982 for his Reproduction
#CryptoCacuts for the Alloy Ground Tanks
#Shadow for the Improve3d Interceptor (Retaliator)
#Arthanor XCom Armoury Expanded from which i stole the Corpsesprite for the Alloy Tanks
#And Ryskeliini for the Taser Pistol
#And Robin x  Ryskeliini  for the Grey Armored Vest
#If i forgot someone please tell me and i will give you credits also :>

Hobbes Terrain Pack integrated, due to changes in newest nightly version
this mod requieres now at least: openxcom_git_master_2015_05_07_1605
Further updates will cover Ruleset adaption from OpenXcom if needed and
the Terrain Pack of course.

Welcome folks!
It is time to ready your Stun Rod equipped Grunts and get ready to go on the hunt.
On the hunt you say, YES on the hunt for your POW's. You want them,
you love them, you NEED them!

The Aliens are so different in their ways and their technology is so way
beyond anything human brains could think of that we NEED to interrogate as
many Aliens alive as possible! The Aliens have a lot of ranks at their
disposal and you NEED all of them, ok Soldiers, you don't need at all,
but Engineers, Navigators, Medics, Leaders and Commanders, are on the top
of your hunting List now.

Compability to other Mods:

Please turn of the following Mods:
   XcomUtil Starting Defensive Improved Base (gives Alien Containment Modules)
   XcomUtil Starting Improved Base  (gives Alien Containment Module)
   Elerium Bomb (it is incorporated)
   Alloy Ground Tanks (it is incorporated)
   Retaliator - Improved Intercepter (it is incorporated)
   Taser Pistol (it is incorporated)
        Grey Armored Vest (itis incorporated)

Please consider turning of the following Mods:
   XcomUtil Improved Ground Tanks (they are overpowered and the Alloy Tanks are more balanced)
   Any other Mods which add new Weapons which need to be researched
   (you can use them but no garante they will work)
   Any other Mods which add new Races
   (i can add compability to them in the future if you like so just tell me)

Best experience of this Mod is with Vanilla Weapons & Aliens.

About this Mod:
This Mod forces the player to storm an alien base earlie to be able to research the Alien Containment
and then capture alive aliens to unlock technologies. I made sure that you get a Floater Base Mission
in the first Month instead of the Alien Research Mission. Alien Base Mission also gets 2 additional
Waves of UFOs (2 Medium Scouts and 1 Large Scout) so you can have some UFO's to raid. I do not recommend
shooting those UFO's down because the Mission could get canceled.

Alien Contaiment research has 2 dependencies, first Alien Food, which you can get from a Supply Ship;
and second Alien Reproduction which is located only in the Command Center of an Alien Base, 4 in the lower Level
 of the Command Center and 2 in the Upper Level.

So capture the Command Center undamaged, in Personal Armor, with Laser and Earth Tech vs Floaters.

About the Alive Aliens:
To get all Techs you need:
   6 Engineers
   6 Navigators
   6 Medics
   1 Leader (To get Martian Solution, which is required by the Avenger)

You can UNLOCK MORE THEN ONE TECH with interrogating 1 Prisoner.

If you like, you capture 2(or 3) more Engineers, Navigators to get the last Alien Ships and Alien Mission Type.       

Technology Unlocks for:
Any Alien Engineer:
   Plasma Pistol + Clip (requires Alien Alloy, Elerium)
   Plasma Rifle + Clip (requires Plasma Pistol + Clip)
   Heavy Plasma + Clip (requires Plasma Rifle + Clip)
   Plasma Beam (requires Heavy Plasma + Clip)
   Blaster Launcher + Blaster Bomb(requires Small Launcher + Stun Bomb + Alien Grenade)
   UFO Power Source (requires Alien Alloys, Elerium)
   UFO Construction (requires UFO Navigation, UFO Power Source, Plasma Beam)
   Power Suit (requires Personal Armor, UFO Power Source)
   PSI Lab (together with Psi Leader and Medic)
   Firestorm (requires UFO Construction) (together with Alien Navigator)
   Lightning (requires Firestorm) (together with Alien Navigator)
   Avenger (requires Lightning + The Martian Solution) (together with Alien Medic and Navigator)

Any Alien Medic:
   Small Launcher + Stun Bomb + Elerium Bomb (requires Alien Alloys, Elerium)
   Alien Entertainment (required for Psi Lab) (requires Small Launcher)
   Examination Room (required for Psi Lab) (requires Alien Entertainment)
   Alien Surgery (required for Psi Amp) (requires Examination Room)
   Psi Amp (requires Mind Probe, Psi Lab, Alien Surgery)
   Mind Shield (requires Mind Probe, Psi Lab)
   PSI Lab (together with Psi Leader and Engineer)
   Avenger (requires Lightning + The Martian Solution) (together with Alien Engineer and Navigator)

Any Alien Navigator:
   UFO Navigation (requires Alien Alloys)
   Hyper Wave Decoder (requires UFO Navigation)
   Flying Suit (requires Power Suit, UFO Construction)
   Firestorm (requires UFO Construction) (together with Alien Engineer)
   Lightning (requires Firestorm) (together with Alien Engineer)
   Avenger (requires Lightning + The Martian Solution) (together with Alien Engineer and Medic)

Leaders and Commanders, do the usual stuff, unlocking Cydonia or Bust, or Psi Lab (if Sectoid/Ethereal)
ALL TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH COSTS HAVE BEEN DOUBLED!! (Interrogations / Autopsies are still vanilla costs)
Alien Origins, The Martian Solution and Cydonia or Bust more then trippled.
Weapon Balancing:

I adjusted craftweapons to make the Laser Cannon more usuable and Terrorships (Weaponrange: 42) more dangerous:
Sting Ray Range: 21 
Avalanche Range: 42
Laser Cannon Range: 30
Plasmabeam Range: 42
Increased Clipsize for Fusion Missile to 3

Groundweapons & Tanks:
Heavy Laser gets tiny Dam boost (85 ->90) and increased Accuracy (Can now fire 2 Aimed Shots per turn)
Elerium Bomb has same Blast Radius and Damage then Stun Bomb (except Damage Type)
Added Hovertank/Laser (same as Hovertank/Plasma but shoots Laser)
Added Hovertank/Elerium Bomb (same as Hovertank/Plasma but fires Elerium Bombs (new research project)
Added Taser Pistol (does ranged Stun Damage but has only a range of 5 tiles)
Added Armored Vest (Slightly modified stats, beginning Armor Costs: 20.000 $)

Cost Balancing:

Retaliator has rent cost equal to Interceptors.
Increased Cost for Armors and Crafts (to fit in with tank costs)
Firestorm: 1.500.000 $
Lightning or (Thunder): 2.000.000 $
Avenger: 3.600.000 $
Personal Armor: 88.000 $ Alloy Cost: 5
Power Suit: 168.000 $ Alloy Cost: 10
Flying Suit: 232.000 $ Alloy Cost: 10

About the Aliens in General:

New Aliens Races show up later (by 2 Months)
Increased Number of Alien Soldiers by 2-5 (depending on UFO Size)(Alien Base gets significant boost)
Increased Number of Alien Terrorunits by 1 (for each slot) for Terrorship, Battleship and Terrormission
Increased Number of Alien Terrorunits dor Base Defense by 2 (for each slot)
Alien Engineers will deploy first with Plasma Rifles then Small Launcher / Elerium Bomb
(Bases and Battleships get Blaster Launchers later on)
Weapon Loadouts / Item Levels adjusted (Mutons will bring you love with Heavy Plasma :D)


Well might be a good proposal you think or? HAPPY HUNTING!!!! and Godspeed.

I hope you like the changes in the Research tree, they should make the game even more
tense and feel you even more outgunned, so go chew on a cookie while interrogate your
Alien Prisoners.

This should be a little more tense. ;-)

Hobbes Terrain Pack Nightly (integrated)
lukes83 Extra UFOs
lukes83 Expanded Ubase Nightly
Turn on Alien Weapon Self Destruction for a real challenge (on the battlefield and in economics)

Play this in Ironman Mode!


Version 1.4.3:
 - Terrainpack Ruleset upgrade. No further Changes, is playable and stable.

Version 1.4.4:
 - Inventory flag for Tanks armors got lost somehow. FIXED.

Version 1.4.5:
 - Terrainpack Ruleset upgrade. Minor Changes to Research Tree Graphic.

Version 1.4.6:
 - Terrainpack Ruleset Upgrade integrated.

Version 1.5:
 - Mod Repack and Terrainpack integration for: openxcom_git_master_2015_05_07_1605
 - added metadat.yml

Version 1.5.1:
 - Terrainpack Ruleset Upgrade integrated.
   (some City location Fixes)

Version 1.52:
 - Switching Ruleset from Singlefile to Directory
 - Adjusted Resources to new folder standard
 - Language Support for en-GB added
 - Adjusted Ruleset to latest Changes in openxcom_git_master_2015_06_30_0026

Version 1.53:
 - Adjusted Ruleset to latest Changes in openxcom_git_master_2015_07_28_1355

Version 1.54
 - Adjusted Ruleset to sanity Check (Terrormission in regions.rul)

Any further upgrades will only cover the Terrainpack Ruleset Compability, other wise this Mod is completed.
But i am working on a expansion with more Stuff and more Races etc..
Title: Re: [RESEARCH] Research Alive Aliens / Alien Containment needs Research
Post by: hellrazor on January 10, 2015, 01:31:32 pm
Corrected a type error which prevented the mod from Loading.
New Version uploaded on to first post.

Works so far no Alien Contaiment in the beginning :>
But to be really sure everything works someone needs to testplay it.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH] Research Alive Aliens / Alien Containment needs Research
Post by: ivandogovich on January 10, 2015, 05:26:00 pm
Very Interesting ideas...  I like that this mod makes the game harder, rather than easier.

But... seems like too hard maybe?

So you need Alien Containment to start anything, but you need to assault and clear an alien base first?? 

I do really like that it makes alot of the other throw away techs important, ... the alien craft and base components. 

Feels like you would have to build research capabilities up quickly, but that you may run into times when your scientists would end up idling.

Cheers, Ivan :D
Title: Re: [RESEARCH] Research Alive Aliens / Alien Containment needs Research
Post by: hellrazor on January 10, 2015, 05:45:44 pm
Found two more bugs, fixed. New Version up!

Well you can have all the Laser Weapons and Power Suits.
So you have a fighting Chance.

And yes it should make the game harder!
Title: Re: [RESEARCH] Research Alive Aliens / Alien Containment needs Research
Post by: ivandogovich on January 10, 2015, 05:55:24 pm
Well you can have all the Laser Weapons and Power Suits.
So you have a fighting Chance.

And yes it should make the game harder!

It does look really interesting. :)
Title: Re: [RESEARCH] Research Alive Aliens / Alien Containment needs Research
Post by: hellrazor on January 10, 2015, 08:11:34 pm
It does look really interesting. :)

Maybe i will integrate the Alloy Tanks and the Retaliator Mod what do you think.

I also started to play arround a little bit with the Craftcosts, the are so cheap moneywise...
Title: Re: [RESEARCH] Research Alive Aliens / Alien Containment needs Research
Post by: ivandogovich on January 10, 2015, 09:10:53 pm
Maybe i will integrate the Alloy Tanks and the Retaliator Mod what do you think.

I also started to play arround a little bit with the Craftcosts, the are so cheap moneywise...

Hmm... I've never played with them as I felt they unbalanced the game.  They are probably good and necessary with this gamepace, though, so it may be worthwhile.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH] Research Alive Aliens / Alien Containment needs Research
Post by: hellrazor on January 10, 2015, 09:54:30 pm
Hmm... I've never played with them as I felt they unbalanced the game.  They are probably good and necessary with this gamepace, though, so it may be worthwhile.

Well they aren't that bad i like them. But yes they normaly would unbalance the game a little, Retaliator mainly because they do not cost monthly Interceptor rent, after all they are refitted ones. I personally set the Retaliator cost to: 725.000$ (600.000$ for the Interceptor 125.000$ for the refit) and of course a monthly rent fee of 600.000$,i also doubled Productiontime from 4000 to 8000 to simulate 96h of arrival and refittime, equals 4,75 Days with 70 Engineers.

The tanks well they have more Armor and +10TU's, but their production cost need to be increased mainly tha Alien Alloys, from 5 to 10 and money needs some adjustment.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH] Research Alive Aliens / Alien Containment needs Research
Post by: XCOMFan419 on January 10, 2015, 10:18:33 pm
Stingray Missile Accuracy reduced by 20.
Avalanche Missile Accuracy reduced by 20, Range equals now Range of Terror Ship.
Okay so there are two things I want to talk about.
1. Why do you do this? It doesn't seem to add any benefit to the mod other than to make the overall game harder (Which most mods already do) but it is not tied into what I like to call the 'theme' of the mod. It just doesn't make any sense. Oh don't get the impression that I don't like the mod or the idea, it's a great idea. I almost want to download it and put it in my next playthrough if I didn't already have several mods that conflict with this one.

2. Why do people always make the missiles less accurate? That also doesn't make any sense. The AIM-54 Pheonix (A real life radar-guided, long range anti-air missile) had a larger range than the Avalanche (at approx. 190km) and is presumably more accurate. Even missiles like the Sparrow, Sidewinder and the AMRAAM (while shorter range, comparable to the Avalanche) are much more accurate. It just doesn't make sense other than making the game harder (Both realistically and literally) than it needs to be.

Rant over, :-X very good mod.
Will try on my next-next playthrough  ;D
Title: Re: [RESEARCH] Research Alive Aliens / Alien Containment needs Research
Post by: hellrazor on January 10, 2015, 10:35:11 pm
Okay so there are two things I want to talk about.
1. Why do you do this? It doesn't seem to add any benefit to the mod other than to make the overall game harder (Which most mods already do) but it is not tied into what I like to call the 'theme' of the mod. It just doesn't make any sense. Oh don't get the impression that I don't like the mod or the idea, it's a great idea. I almost want to download it and put it in my next playthrough if I didn't already have several mods that conflict with this one.

2. Why do people always make the missiles less accurate? That also doesn't make any sense. The AIM-54 Pheonix (A real life radar-guided, long range anti-air missile) had a larger range than the Avalanche (at approx. 190km) and is presumably more accurate. Even missiles like the Sparrow, Sidewinder and the AMRAAM (while shorter range, comparable to the Avalanche) are much more accurate. It just doesn't make sense other than making the game harder (Both realistically and literally) than it needs to be.

Rant over, :-X very good mod.
Will try on my next-next playthrough  ;D

You can just go and comment out the the lines in the craftweapons section related to the Stingray and Avalanche Misseles.
I guess i can bump up the Accuracy again to normal, but the range should be equal to Terror-Ship Weapon range nevertheless.
Honestly I mainly did it to bring the Laser Cannon into the play. It can down all UFO's up to Supply Ship without the enemy firing.
But i consider setting it to equal Supply Ship range x-D.

2 Retaliators with Dual Laser Cannons can down a Terror-Ship, but you risk loosing at least one.
2 Retaliators with Dual Avalanche should be a safe bet.

Terror Ship are terrifying.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on January 11, 2015, 09:55:02 pm
Fixed a huge ammount of Bugs. Also, this is now a Research Mod only. Removed Craftweapon modifikations.
New Version in first Post.

I gonna repeat Testplaying :>
Title: Re: [RESEARCH] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on January 13, 2015, 11:10:36 am
I reworked the mod completly. -> Version 2.0
You know have to capture multiple Alive Aliens of each rank to go through the tech tree.
If you manage your research right one Prisoner my reveal several new topics (depending on the fullfilment of the requieres).

Also the "Alien Containment needs Research" is included as optional in an extra Ruleset file, which can be switch of or on through the mod menu, it is intended to work only with this mod.

Overall, i hope people will appreciate this mod and give it a try.

Use this mod as you please, but plz give credits :>

I had so far no time to test this properly but it should work, plz reply here in this thread if you find bugs or so. :)

New Version attached to first post. ( 2.0 )
Title: Re: [RESEARCH] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on January 14, 2015, 12:49:28 pm
Corrected a Logik Error in the Unlocks, which prevented them from happening...
Have no openxcom here to test it, hope it works.

Also removed v2.0 because it is now v1.2 ;D

I post again if i had the time to test.

New Version attached to first Post.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on January 14, 2015, 06:26:24 pm
So Folks!
It looks like what a wanted to have is finally working. (Current version 1.2, attached to first post of this thread or, post above).
I only made a quick testgame to see if the unlocking mechanism i used was working.

Worked so far. :)

What i know need is some Feedback!Feedback!Feedback!Feedback!
Maybe i will find time on the next weekend to do a proper testplay, i am excited as hell :>

If everything works on my testrun next weekend i declare this version final, and move it to Completed mods.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on January 18, 2015, 11:35:31 pm
Found a bug in Version 1.2 which prevented UFO Construction to be unlocked.

I fixed it in Version 1.2.1, works now.

Player which already have played with version 1.2, please edit the savegame files which you used with
version 1.2 and remove STR_PLASMA_BEAM_UNLOCK in the research section. Also remove STR_PLASMA_CANNON_DEP1 and STR_PLASMA_CANNON_DEP2, if they already show up there.
If they do not show in your savegame files you can just play on, after installing Version 1.2.1.

I am Sorry for the inconvinience.

Edit: Versions are only attached to first Post!
Title: Re: [RESEARCH] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on January 27, 2015, 01:03:18 am
I am at the moment also working on Version 1.3.
Which will have Dual unlocks, for Crafts and the psi lab.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on January 28, 2015, 09:40:06 pm
Hello there Version 1.3 Research rules are ready and i am testing them right now.

I am also planning on doing "Hints" for the Research tree, which would be as i have planned them,
UFOpaedia entries, which get unlocked for free, and would tell a little bit about which aliens are required for the
next research to unlock.

Please let me know if you think this a good Idea. :)
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on February 13, 2015, 01:18:23 am
TODO LIST for Version 1.3:

- Force First Alien Mission to be Base Missions, to ensure Alien Base comes earlie - DONE (Floaters)
- Alien Containment needs research -DONE
- Delay Alien Races (Snakeman, Muton, Ethereals) by 2 Months (balancing) - DONE
- Remove Alien Commanders from Battleship and Base Defense Mission -DONE
- Integrate Fatrats Elerium Bomb (More Explosives for the Aliens!) -DONE
- Integrate Alloy Ground Tanks (balancing) (with Alloy corpse) -DONE
- Added Hovertank/Laser -DONE
- Integrate Retaliator (balancing) (with Rent Cost) -DONE
- Research Hints and New Topics

Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: Arthanor on February 13, 2015, 01:40:58 am
Hi! I am looking at what you are doing and it reminds me a lot of what I have done/have on my ToDo list for the XCom Armoury Expanded.

I already have alloy ground tanks there, more crafts (rebalanced along with their weapons) and an expanded research/manufacture tree. On the top of the ToDo list now (beyond ironing the code) is splitting research and manufacture, and designing an alternate research tree that requires more live aliens.

The XCom Armoury Expanded is intended to be a collection of mods, which are all made compatible and balanced with each others, but still modular in that you don't have one giant file that does it all, but an actual choice on which part of the mod you want to use but turning on one/many submods. Generally I take existing mods and ask their author's permission to include them, but I am increasingly looking into collaboration as I develop new content for the XAE.

It looks to me like your research mod would fit right in for the "hard research variant" I am tinkering with, and being part of the XAE would save you the trouble of integrating alloy tanks and crafts. It would also keep your mod "clean" in its intention: "Research needs live aliens" would be about that instead of it becoming a megamod or a full conversion (unless that's what you want, of course).

Between the alloy ammo, alloy tanks and alloy crafts of the XAE, players would have the tools to cope with the delay I think. And I am also planning an alien race collection/rebalance to go with the XAE, in which your tweaks on the alien side could very well fit.

What do you say? Or I could just plunder your ruleset for the bits I am looking for, with your permission ;)
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on February 13, 2015, 02:12:25 am
Plunder all you want :>

And btw my Mod should still give the Player a somewhat vanilla Gamefeeling. The Alloy ground Tanks i only see as an extension to the Personal Armor (it just make sense).
Hovertanks are delayed a lot timewise in the research so something inbetween is needed.
The only thing i wanna add else Tankwise is Hovertank Laser, because the player is much more likely to have Hovertanks unlocked then Plasma Cannon.

The integration of Alloy Ground Tanks in XAE, i found a little bit to overpowered and they were to cheap i increased cost of Production Moneywise and the Cost Alien Alloys 10, also Alien Alloys can not be manufactured, but there are still plenty around. But i liked the Alloy Corpse :)

I also did not like what the Mod Author of the Retaliator did, he removed/forgot the Rent Cost and made it cheap, my integration of his mod costs rent, cost much more money to produce and only has a small sell value, also i doubled the Production time.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: Arthanor on February 13, 2015, 05:48:42 am
Alright, plundering it will be then. I agree that the XAE alloy tanks are not right yet. It is hard to add content and balance it as well since they both take time and new content tends to upset the balance so old content needs to be tweaked. The more ambitious the mod, the crazier the balance. Good luck with yours!
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on February 13, 2015, 09:26:51 pm
Alright, plundering it will be then. I agree that the XAE alloy tanks are not right yet. It is hard to add content and balance it as well since they both take time and new content tends to upset the balance so old content needs to be tweaked. The more ambitious the mod, the crazier the balance. Good luck with yours!

Well i will focus mainly on the alive aliens, eversthing else is just a littel balancing to give a fighting chance.
Mutons with Heavy Plasma are scary. They are even scarier if you don't have heavy plasma yourself :D
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on February 15, 2015, 12:11:26 pm
My TODO list is now nearly complete.

The last i need to do is add in Hints for Research (they are free)

I increased the number of Aliens you will encounter, depending on the size of the ship should be 2-5 more Alien Soldiers.
Alien Commanders in Battleships and Base Defense Missions have been removed and replaced by Alien Leaders. (1to1)

I was also considering a little bit off balancing, due to the nature of the mod, and the late showing of Heavy Plasmas i decided to incorporate the following craftweapon changes:
Range of Stingray from 30 to 21 (it a air-to-air short range Missile)
Range of Avalanche cut down to 42 (Terrorship range)
Range of Laser Cannon from 21 to 30
Range of Plasma Beam cut down to 42 (Terrorship range)
Increased Clip for Fusion missile from 2 to 3

This make Terrorships even more dangerous now since you always have to into their range if you wanna shot them down.

Ground Weapons changes:
- Heavy Laser Dam from 85 to 90, Snap Accuracy: 75, Aimed Accuracy: 110 (its XcomUtils improved Heavy Laser with reduced Damage XcomUtil had 120 which is overpowered)
- Blaster Launcher: Aimed TU usage reduced to 66% instead of 80% to simulate original Game behaviour, should also make the Aliens able to use it now (i had several playthroughs on Superhuman and they fired not even one Blasterbomb at me, now they will)
- Elerium Bomb gets Damage from 80 to 90 + Blast radius +1 (has now same stats as the Stun Bomb, except Damage type)

The Hovertank/Laser i added has the same stats as Hovertank/Plasma but another Turret and Fires Laserbeams (Dam 110).

Craft Costs:
Building Crafts is expensive and i always considered the Craft costs in the vanilla game to be way to cheap (Hovertank plasma cost nearly equal to the Avenger O_o).
So i decided to increase the Money cost of them to the following values:
- Firestorm: 1.500.000 $
- Lightning or (Thunder): 2.000.000 $
- Avenger: 3.600.000 $

Armor Costs:
Building Armor for your Soldiers is important i doubled all money cost for Armor too:
- Personal Armor: 44.000 $
- Power Suit: 84.000 $
- Flying Suit: 116.000 $

You can also not produce Alien Alloys, you have to capture them.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on February 15, 2015, 01:28:46 pm
Removed Newest Readme and attachment avaible on first Post of this Thread,3260.msg37294.html#msg37294 (,3260.msg37294.html#msg37294)
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on February 15, 2015, 06:20:09 pm
I am just started testplaying and i was able to eliminate the Alien Base with a Floater Crew end of February.
Tech's Laser Rifles, Personal Armor, Motion Scanner, Medikit, Alloy Tanks.
Total of 33 Aliens awaited me in the Base, they spawned a lot of Reapers... (i got 12 Reaper Corpses maybe more)

See Screenshot
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on February 17, 2015, 10:24:52 pm
Some Screenshots from the UfoPaedia
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on February 17, 2015, 10:27:09 pm
Some more Screenshots
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on February 18, 2015, 10:08:55 am
Reserach Tree Graphic (corrected Multilocks (Layers got mixed up)
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on February 18, 2015, 08:08:52 pm
Just tried this mod, v1.3 and the following happens on the 1st mission, see pictures regarding the black areas. I've the following mods on:

  - Xcom1Ruleset
  - Acid_Weaponry
  - Batman
  - CivArmorRich
  - CraftMissleSound
  - EleriumFlare
  - Enforcer
  - ExtraPockets
  - Extra_Explosions
  - FireStormGfx
  - GaussWeaponry
  - GenderDetail
  - GuidedMissile
  - HWP_Mortar
  - Improved_HandOb
  - Improved_Recruit_Start_Stat
  - Ironman Super Suit
  - Laser_Sniper_Rifle
  - MassAccelerator
  - PSX_Static_Cydonia_Map
  - PowerSuitHelmOff
  - Predator
  - SniperRifle_custom
  - SniperRifle_u2s
  - TacticalNuke
  - UFOextender_Gun_Melee
  - ViperAssaultCannon
  - WeaponNaymore
  - WeaponTranquilizer
  - XcomUtil_Fighter_Transports
  - XcomUtil_High_Explosive_Damage
  - XcomUtil_Improved_Ground_Tanks
  - XcomUtil_Pistol_Auto_Shot
  - XcomUtil_Skyranger_Weapon_Slot
  - small_rocket_small
  - Research_Alive_Aliens
  - Alternate_Lightning_Thunder
  - 2012DeathSounds
  - Commendations
  - CommendationsUFOpedia
  - XcomUtil_Starting_Defensive_Improved_Base
  - LukesDarkUFOs

Have tried various things like reloading, taking off Luke's Dark Ufo's but it seems that if any of my units get reaction shot in a dark area the game crashes to the desktop. I'm using the nightly of 2015-02-17 and I don't think any of the mods r causing a conflict but this is beyond my knowledge. Item list order is something of mine just to put stores/purchase screens in what I consider a more sensible order. Wud "Yet more ufos" work better?
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on February 18, 2015, 08:45:46 pm
Just tried this mod, v1.3 and the following happens on the 1st mission, see pictures regarding the black areas. I've the following mods on:

  - Xcom1Ruleset
  - Acid_Weaponry
  - Batman
  - CivArmorRich
  - CraftMissleSound
  - EleriumFlare
  - Enforcer
  - ExtraPockets
  - Extra_Explosions
  - FireStormGfx
  - GaussWeaponry
  - GenderDetail
  - GuidedMissile
  - HWP_Mortar
  - Improved_HandOb
  - Improved_Recruit_Start_Stat
  - Ironman Super Suit
  - Laser_Sniper_Rifle
  - MassAccelerator
  - PSX_Static_Cydonia_Map
  - PowerSuitHelmOff
  - Predator
  - SniperRifle_custom
  - SniperRifle_u2s
  - TacticalNuke
  - UFOextender_Gun_Melee
  - ViperAssaultCannon
  - WeaponNaymore
  - WeaponTranquilizer
  - XcomUtil_Fighter_Transports
  - XcomUtil_High_Explosive_Damage
  - XcomUtil_Improved_Ground_Tanks
  - XcomUtil_Pistol_Auto_Shot
  - XcomUtil_Skyranger_Weapon_Slot
  - small_rocket_small
  - Research_Alive_Aliens
  - Alternate_Lightning_Thunder
  - 2012DeathSounds
  - Commendations
  - CommendationsUFOpedia
  - XcomUtil_Starting_Defensive_Improved_Base
  - LukesDarkUFOs

Have tried various things like reloading, taking off Luke's Dark Ufo's but it seems that if any of my units get reaction shot in a dark area the game crashes to the desktop. I'm using the nightly of 2015-02-17 and I don't think any of the mods r causing a conflict but this is beyond my knowledge. Item list order is something of mine just to put stores/purchase screens in what I consider a more sensible order. Wud "Yet more ufos" work better?

Did you try my Mod alone?

Usually all Mods which add new Graphics shouldn't be a Problem.
Mods which add UFO's and Maps also should cause no Problem.

I can not explain the what happens when you switch into Battlescape, usually there is a Problem with filling those map tiles or they are not drawn.
But my Mod only adds a few new Items, changes the research massively, and changes Alien Deployments and changes the Order of the Missions ( so you get your Basemission first Month).

Please tellme if this also happens if you deactivate all Mods and only activate my Mod. ( Because it shouldn't).
I use the following Mods:
  - Xcom1Ruleset
  - Screening_Statstrings
  - Aliens_Pick_Up_Weapons
  - Improved_HandOb
  - Jumpsuit_Ufopaedia_Entry
  - Laser_Rifle_Recolor
  - Laser_Sectopod
  - Lukes_Extra_UFOs
  - Power_Suit_Helm_Off
  - Alternate_Lightning_Thunder
  - Research_Alive_Aliens
  - Terrain_Pack_Nightly
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on February 18, 2015, 11:18:19 pm
After a lot of tweaking and reinstalling everything I've finally got it to work, fingers crossed, had to remove commendations and Luke's dark ufos as because they were done prior to all the map changes that came in November time I think that might had been causing the problem but not entirely sure on this point. Will just have to be careful in future and not use any mods that change maps, routes or terrain with files earlier than November. If I want to use any of these mods I'll have to use an earlier nightly which in theory shudn't be a problem as I've on my pc nightlies back to 03-02-2014. So thanks for all ur help and if any thing else causes probs I'll let u know.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on February 19, 2015, 12:28:52 am
After a lot of tweaking and reinstalling everything I've finally got it to work, fingers crossed, had to remove commendations and Luke's dark ufos as because they were done prior to all the map changes that came in November time I think that might had been causing the problem but not entirely sure on this point. Will just have to be careful in future and not use any mods that change maps, routes or terrain with files earlier than November. If I want to use any of these mods I'll have to use an earlier nightly which in theory shudn't be a problem as I've on my pc nightlies back to 03-02-2014. So thanks for all ur help and if any thing else causes probs I'll let u know.

Glad to here that my Mod was not causing you any Problems in the end, and i am glad that you resolved your Problem.
Please let me know if anything needs balancing or suggest changes :).
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on February 19, 2015, 12:32:07 am
Updated Version 1.3 with some minor corrections (found some typos), i also added into the zip file the Research Tree Graphic i made.

Please tell me if the Research Tree Graphic is understandable to you or if it needs some adjustments.

I still wanna ad some Research Hints / Briefings which also should give some more Story (Lore) elements.
Anyone got some Ideas?

Edit correct Research Tree Graphic in Zip File for Version 1.3
Edit: Attachment are now only avaible on first Post of Thread ->,3260.msg37294.html#msg37294 (,3260.msg37294.html#msg37294)
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on February 19, 2015, 12:58:04 am
Nice chart for the research tree, my "Item list order" .rul is almost complete, prisoners and stiffs to go so here's what I'm working with atm. Yes the smoke pellets shud be up along side the HWP dispenser but it's one I forgot about when I was putting the sectopds in order and I can't be really bothered to redo the entire list order numbers for one thing. Please tell me if I've forgotten anything from all the mods I'm using. The only trouble with this rul file is that once u add other mods on it'll go out of sync. Also it doesn't involve the ufopaedia, that's beyond me. What I wud like to do with this to take it a stage further is to subdivide the whole list into sections like the manufacturing screens but I'm unsure how to do this so feel free to offer any suggestions.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on February 19, 2015, 02:16:59 am
Well just noticed that the Research Tree Graphic was missing the Multiunlocks for some tech's colorwise.

Updated the Research Tree Graphic in the newly avaible zip's (Version 1.3) and the attachment in this thread.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on February 25, 2015, 01:46:51 pm
Justed tested a new game and the missions generated are:

  - type: STR_ALIEN_BASE
    region: STR_NORTH_AFRICA
    race: STR_FLOATER
    nextWave: 0
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 150
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 1
  - race: STR_FLOATER
    nextWave: 0
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 150
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 2

So I don't think there r any conflicts going on I was just silly shooting everything, well almost everything. I assume that another alien base mission will eventually happen in my current game, April's missions look interesting incl Ethereals:

    region: STR_NORTH_AFRICA
    race: STR_FLOATER
    nextWave: 2
    nextUfoCounter: 2
    spawnCountdown: 15540
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 6
    race: STR_FLOATER
    nextWave: 2
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 9870
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 7
    region: STR_EUROPE
    race: STR_FLOATER
    nextWave: 0
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 15360
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 9
    region: STR_ARCTIC
    race: STR_FLOATER
    nextWave: 0
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 120
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 10
    race: STR_ETHEREAL
    nextWave: 0
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 120
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 11

These are from midnight just into April 1st.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on February 25, 2015, 02:06:03 pm
Justed tested a new game and the missions generated are:

  - type: STR_ALIEN_BASE
    region: STR_NORTH_AFRICA
    race: STR_FLOATER
    nextWave: 0
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 150
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 1
  - race: STR_FLOATER
    nextWave: 0
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 150
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 2

So I don't think there r any conflicts going on I was just silly shooting everything, well almost everything. I assume that another alien base mission will eventually happen in my current game, April's missions look interesting incl Ethereals:

    region: STR_NORTH_AFRICA
    race: STR_FLOATER
    nextWave: 2
    nextUfoCounter: 2
    spawnCountdown: 15540
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 6
    race: STR_FLOATER
    nextWave: 2
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 9870
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 7
    region: STR_EUROPE
    race: STR_FLOATER
    nextWave: 0
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 15360
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 9
    region: STR_ARCTIC
    race: STR_FLOATER
    nextWave: 0
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 120
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 10
    race: STR_ETHEREAL
    nextWave: 0
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 120
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 11

These are from midnight just into April 1st.
Good so you got the Mission :)

Ethereals should not show up in April!
They are supposed to show up ingame in the beginning of August. I just doublechecked my Ruleset and however you get those ethereals, i have no clue. YOU definitly should not have them.
And Retaliation Missions should be triggered from the UFO's you shot down.
I will ask one of the developers later if there is a case were Retaliation Race can be from another UFO.
I can only presume that one of your other Mods interferes with this, but i have no clue so far.
In my testgame i didn't had Ethereals so far, and all other Races were appearing in the correct order.

It is possible that for some odd reasons, the game defaults to XCom1Ruleset, but even then you should not get Ethereals in April (which is your 4th Month were you get snakeman on mass).
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on February 25, 2015, 02:35:33 pm
Maybe just bad luck or as u said some other rul file is over riding but not to worry. Since ur mod is heavily based on research I was wondering if I cud pick ur brains on this one. I used part of a mod called "Ultimate Interceptor Pack" and took the craft Predator from it as I had the mass weapons seperately. The only problem is this, I've unlocked the Predator too early, in effect @ the same time as ur Retailator. I looked @ the research and saw why. If I use the second attached rul file here and rename it back to predator.rul wud there be any probs with substituting it for the original predator.rul file as I realise that I shudn't have this good a craft b4 I get a Firestorm.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on February 25, 2015, 02:49:32 pm
Version 1.3.1
Included Stuff in the Readme.txt which was missing.
Fixed Bug with Sectopod Corpse (got overwritten by Alloy Tank Corpse)

Further changes in Version 1.3.1 to 1.3:
Alien Base Mission Waves adjusted (should appear quicker 1 Large Scout removed from wave 3)
Adjusted all Mapheights to 6 (except Small Scout and Base Missions)
Alien Base Mission Mapsize changed to 60x60
Terror Ship Mission Mapsize changed to 60x60
Battleship Mission Mapsize changed to 60x60

New Version avaible attached here:,3260.msg37294.html#msg37294 (,3260.msg37294.html#msg37294)
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on February 25, 2015, 02:57:39 pm
Maybe just bad luck or as u said some other rul file is over riding but not to worry. Since ur mod is heavily based on research I was wondering if I cud pick ur brains on this one. I used part of a mod called "Ultimate Interceptor Pack" and took the craft Predator from it as I had the mass weapons seperately. The only problem is this, I've unlocked the Predator too early, in effect @ the same time as ur Retailator. I looked @ the research and saw why. If I use the second attached rul file here and rename it back to predator.rul wud there be any probs with substituting it for the original predator.rul file as I realise that I shudn't have this good a craft b4 I get a Firestorm.

Well the Problem was how the original Author named the Research Topic, i changed the strings STR_ADVANCED_INTERCEPTOR instead of STR_IMPROVED_INTERCEPTOR.
So you should now get it later in the game :-)
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on February 25, 2015, 04:40:45 pm
Thanks, predator & ur mod updated.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on February 27, 2015, 04:31:25 pm
As an increased challenge I was thinking of increasing the difficulty to level 5 on my current game but since only the stats increase, I was also considering increasing the aliens as well to this but wanted to check with urself 1st that this won't cause any problems. Mainly it'll only increase the min no of aliens encountered except for battleships and the alien bases. Other reasons are that battleships being the primary vessel of the alien fleet shud be dang hard and alien bases a bit of a nightmare. Attached is my proposal.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on February 27, 2015, 07:48:31 pm
Well i thought about a few changes and put them in here but not all of them.
Will go into next Version.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on February 28, 2015, 01:54:27 pm
Version 1.3.2 :)

Removed unneeded MAP and TERRAIN Files (plz reinstall mod completly)
Increased number of Alien Terrorunits by 1 for Terrorship, Battleships and Terrormissions
Increased number of Alien Terrorunits by 2 for XCom Base Defense Mission
Increased number of Alien Soldiers in Alien Base significantly (from 7 to 5, randomspawn is +4 so max total 16 Soldiers)
Increased numbers of Alien Engineer / Navigator for Alien Base by 1

I also strongly recommend useing Expanded_UBASE_Nightly :)

New Version attached here:,3260.msg37294.html#msg37294 (,3260.msg37294.html#msg37294)
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on March 01, 2015, 11:31:34 pm
Well i am gonna add a new Tank :)
Hovertank / Elerium Bomb

Maybe this is overpowered. Clipsize is 16 and can fire 3 rounds per turn if stationary.

Functionswise it should replace Tank / Rocket Launcher or Alloy Tank / Rocket Launcher for terrain clearing.

Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on March 01, 2015, 11:57:22 pm
Is it going to be more accurate than either of the rocket launcher tanks. I suppose giving it an auto shot wud make it op.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on March 02, 2015, 12:05:46 am
Is it going to be more accurate than either of the rocket launcher tanks. I suppose giving it an auto shot wud make it op.

Well you can give it a try yourself -> see attached ruleset file.
I will put him into Research Alive Aliens but first i need to balance it, because it seems overpowered as it is now.

Edit: Removed attachment since it is now in Version 1.3.3 :)
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on March 02, 2015, 10:04:05 pm
Released Version 1.3.3!


- Added Hovertank/Elerium Bomb (probably needs Balancing, we will see)
- Added Taser Pistol from Ryskeliini #See:,1598.msg14729.html#msg14729
- Changed Colors in Research Tree Graphic for better readability

- Renamed all Files in Resources into a more stringent naming System you need to delete Resources/Research_Alive_Aliens and then install new Version!!!!!!

Also Turn of Hovertank_EBomb.rul it is included now. (May Conflict)

New Version attached here:,3260.msg37294.html#msg37294 (,3260.msg37294.html#msg37294)
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on March 03, 2015, 12:53:25 pm
Released Version 1.3.4:

- updated ruleset to newest changes in Mission and Alien Deployment changes.

So use the newest nightly for this! Or stick with 1.3.3 and the older nightly :)

New Version attached here:,3260.msg37294.html#msg37294 (,3260.msg37294.html#msg37294)
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on March 03, 2015, 05:32:04 pm
Really enjoying my current game tho I'm still using v1.3.2 as I put the hovertank ebomb on as a seperate ruleset and don't want the message of "missing stuff" deleted when I load my current game if I updated to v1.3.3 or v1.3.4. To balance the tank a bit I increased its aimed shot to 125% but tu usage to 75%. One other thing I assume I'm right on, u wud need to do at least 2 alien bases to complete the game as on the first one u won't have an alien containment built so the floater commander wud die. Btw the 1st alien base showed up in China in May and it is a floater base. Not too much of a surprise as even tho I shot both battleships down an alien infiltration mission in April wud have been successful in SE Asia. Keep up the good work and I look forward to any future updates.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on March 03, 2015, 09:28:20 pm
Really enjoying my current game tho I'm still using v1.3.2 as I put the hovertank ebomb on as a seperate ruleset and don't want the message of "missing stuff" deleted when I load my current game if I updated to v1.3.3 or v1.3.4. To balance the tank a bit I increased its aimed shot to 125% but tu usage to 75%. One other thing I assume I'm right on, u wud need to do at least 2 alien bases to complete the game as on the first one u won't have an alien containment built so the floater commander wud die. Btw the 1st alien base showed up in China in May and it is a floater base. Not too much of a surprise as even tho I shot both battleships down an alien infiltration mission in April wud have been successful in SE Asia. Keep up the good work and I look forward to any future updates.

Well you could just deactivate the mod in Mod options, but anyway.
In my current more advanced testplay i was just able to roll out the tank and useing it in the field (just had his first mission) i got a little bit unlucky and was only able to unlock the Small Launcher 1 Month back, it essentially replaces the normal Rocket Launcher now, and my dudes can carry more ammo.

I have a second testrun in which is just defeated the alien base (30 Floaters and 12 Reaper....) and i am now gonne test the Taser Pistol i included in the field i guess i play change her stats around a little bit, since atm moment it is identical to the normal Pistol in tu usage and accuracy.

I will see if i change the accuracy of the tank around after i fieldtested it :)
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on March 06, 2015, 03:57:13 pm
Put this mod on the Mod portal: (

Any further Releases will go there.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on March 06, 2015, 04:29:04 pm
Found a bug which prevented manufacture topic for Lightning/Thunder to appear.
Version 1.3.4 on the Mod Portal is fixed.
Also Fixed Version here in the attachments.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on March 08, 2015, 10:38:42 pm
Welcome Folks!

Released Version 1.4
Included modified Terrainpack ruleset from Hobbes Terrainpack (Port Attack Loadouts in Aliendeployment)

Fixed a bug which caused the game to crash when selecting the UFOpeadia entry for Small Launcher or Elerium Bomb directly.
Players who already had deployed the Hovertank/Elerium Bomb by ADVISED!

Please end your battlescape mission before you update and save in geoscape,
then edit your savegame file and add into the list of discovered research the following entry:
behind the entry of:
If you have not researched the Small Launcher or the Hovertanks so far you can play on without any trouble. :)

Minor adjustments to Alloy Tanks Alien Alloy Cost (they cost now 15 Alien Alloys instead of 10)
REATLIATOR Alien Alloy Cost also increased from 25 to 35 (you do not need a UFO Navigation)
Adjusted values for the Taser Pistol (smaller Clipsize, more expensive Snap Shot and Aimed shot)
Also changed Hovertank/Elerium Bomb Snaped Shot and Aimed shot to:
    accuracySnap: 90
    accuracyAimed: 120
    tuSnap: 40
    tuAimed: 75

New Version attached here:,3260.msg37294.html#msg37294 (,3260.msg37294.html#msg37294)

And soon also on the Mod Portal.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on March 08, 2015, 11:22:37 pm
Will update after current mission. Can u advise me on this point, am I missing something research wise as Psi Lab has not been released yet (see attachments). I have done all 3 Psi Lab unlocks and I think everything else, the only thing I can think of is as u'll see in the .doc attachment the Psi Lab unlocks r not in 1,2,3 order, wud this matter? Shud I put them in my current save in that order? Thanks on this one.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on March 08, 2015, 11:55:00 pm
Will update after current mission. Can u advise me on this point, am I missing something research wise as Psi Lab has not been released yet (see attachments). I have done all 3 Psi Lab unlocks and I think everything else, the only thing I can think of is as u'll see in the .doc attachment the Psi Lab unlocks r not in 1,2,3 order, wud this matter? Shud I put them in my current save in that order? Thanks on this one.

To get the Psi Lab you need to Interrogate: Alien Engineer, Alien Medic and a Psionic Alien (Sectoid Leader or any Ethereal). You also need to research the other stuff (Alien Entertainment, Alien Surgery, Alien Examination Room.
I will see into your files and then report back.

Edit: Just looked through your files and somehow, you got the STR_PSI_LAB_UNLOCK_2 before having researched the Alien Surgery. Which is pretty weird, because this should not happen. Because these unlocks should not happen before you had researched the Alien Surgery.
So i removed the STR_PSI_LAB_UNLOCK_2 from your file, please research an new Engineer to get it again and then tell me if it pops up if not i have a Suspicion what might be wrong.

Edit: My Error not yours.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on March 09, 2015, 02:50:02 am
Ok SIMON. I found the error.
Somehow i had a requires on the STR_PSI_LAB research projekt which should have been a dependency.

New Version 1.4.1 released:
Fixed Bug which prevented Psi Lab to get unlocked.

New Version attached here:,3260.msg37294.html#msg37294 (,3260.msg37294.html#msg37294)

And on the Mod Portal: (
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: kikimoristan on March 10, 2015, 02:55:46 am
does this support gazer or cover alien?
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on March 10, 2015, 04:44:57 am
does this support gazer or cover alien?

Not at the moment. But i have already thought about to add support for those, but haven't come up with a suitable solution so far.
At the moment i am more about fixing bugs and balancing.
Hopefully there aren't any more of those left.

The next step would be to make a probably 3 stage cydonia mission, but i have to redesign maptiles for the expanded ubase first (haven't had the time so far).
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: kikimoristan on March 10, 2015, 12:01:40 pm
you can make a special rulset compatibility patch that uses STR from your mod and STR from cover alien/gazer mods . the game will combine them if all those strings exist at load time. im pretty sure ive seen it happen with mib overriding or using ammo from a different mod simply by calling the same string name.   

but either way is good to know so i don't use those mods i was gonna try it out .
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
Post by: hellrazor on March 10, 2015, 12:22:01 pm
you can make a special rulset compatibility patch that uses STR from your mod and STR from cover alien/gazer mods . the game will combine them if all those strings exist at load time. im pretty sure ive seen it happen with mib overriding or using ammo from a different mod simply by calling the same string name.   

but either way is good to know so i don't use those mods i was gonna try it out .

Actually i was thinking of doing it the same as i did it with the Terrain Pack. Haveing a additional ruleset, which is compatible with my mod, there wouldn't be many changes, only in the missions and when they show up first but i haven't had the time to take a look at the ruleset.
I am also not sure if Gazer and Cover aliens do have spritesheets or spirtedirectories, which is a problem for Linux / Mac OS users, but this can be resolved easily. But as i did say before first Cydonia Mission  and bugs :)
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Hardmode (To make the game harder)
Post by: kikimoristan on March 10, 2015, 12:57:22 pm
optionally you can simply ask permission to repack cover/gazer and simply have a rulset that enables them otherwise are just there taking space which is no biggie is like 1 mb mod :)
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Hardmode (To make the game harder)
Post by: hellrazor on March 10, 2015, 01:16:52 pm
optionally you can simply ask permission to repack cover/gazer and simply have a rulset that enables them otherwise are just there taking space which is no biggie is like 1 mb mod :)

I guess that would be the way to go to ensure functionality everywhere.
But the prioritylist states other things first!
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Hardmode (To make the game harder)
Post by: hellrazor on March 17, 2015, 11:57:59 am
Hi there folks.

Since this Mod is nearly finished, and i am only doing some minor adjustments and trying them out (mainly Alien Alloy Costs for Armor and Money Costs, Heavy Laser playing around).
And so far if have not been running into any further errors.
It would be kinda nice to get some feedback of your ingame experiences and some suggestion what could change for better balance (but in general more challenging gameplay).

I also got requests to add support for some more races then the vanilla ones (Waspites and Gazers), would like them to be included as an extraruleset?
I am not considering adding new weapons, but if requested that also could be done if need be.

I have started to play around with a first Version of a 3 stage Cydonia Mission, which i will not include into this mod, but it will be a seperate one.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Hardmode (To make the game harder)
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on March 21, 2015, 01:37:27 pm
Just an observation in my current game but I thought I wud check it out with u. All 4 alien bases that have got up and running are Floater, not that I mind that, but is this normal? Also snakemen missions are in a very short non existent supply, is this just by sheer chance?

  - lon: 2.62760098412766
    lat: 0.09238490359850901
    id: 2
    race: STR_FLOATER
    discovered: true
  - lon: 2.365735067345479
    lat: 1.236245558994047
    id: 3
    race: STR_FLOATER
    discovered: true
  - lon: 2.147797292365576
    lat: -0.1381965874079082
    id: 4
    race: STR_FLOATER
    discovered: true
    nextWave: 2
    race: STR_FLOATER
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 26040
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 7
    race: STR_FLOATER
    nextWave: 3
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 1590
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 40
    region: STR_ANTARCTICA
    race: STR_FLOATER
    nextWave: 4
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 13140
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 42
  - race: STR_FLOATER
    nextWave: 3
    spawnCountdown: 3660
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 44
    nextUfoCounter: 1
    region: STR_ANTARCTICA
  - type: STR_ALIEN_BASE
    region: STR_EUROPE
    race: STR_SECTOID
    nextWave: 3
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 23370
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 46
    region: STR_EUROPE
    race: STR_FLOATER
    nextWave: 2
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 8700
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 47
    race: STR_ETHEREAL
    nextWave: 3
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 13860
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 48
    region: STR_SIBERIA
    race: STR_MUTON
    nextWave: 2
    nextUfoCounter: 1
    spawnCountdown: 6390
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 49
    region: STR_NORTH_AFRICA
    race: STR_FLOATER
    nextWave: 1
    nextUfoCounter: 1
    spawnCountdown: 4290
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 53
    race: STR_FLOATER
    nextWave: 1
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 13740
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 55
  - uniqueID: 56
    alienBase: 2
    race: STR_FLOATER
    nextWave: 0
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 1890
    liveUfos: 0
  - uniqueID: 57
    alienBase: 4
    spawnCountdown: 30
    liveUfos: 0
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    race: STR_FLOATER
    nextWave: 1
    race: STR_FLOATER
    nextWave: 0
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 15300
    uniqueID: 58
    liveUfos: 0
  - uniqueID: 59
    spawnCountdown: 15840
    liveUfos: 0
    type: STR_ALIEN_BASE
    race: STR_SECTOID
    nextWave: 0
    nextUfoCounter: 0
  - spawnCountdown: 29400
    liveUfos: 1
    uniqueID: 60
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    nextWave: 1
    race: STR_ETHEREAL
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 9690
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 61
    race: STR_MUTON
    nextWave: 1

I've thoroughly enjoyed ur mod as Ethereals are a bit of a nightmare now which is as it shud be, a large scout of them was close to a disaster for me. However I'm almost @ end game, just waiting to get a commander to unlock "cydonia or bust" and get my troops a good bit stronger psi wise before attempting that mission. Have u any other ideas planned for the future?
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Hardmode (To make the game harder)
Post by: hellrazor on March 22, 2015, 08:01:37 am
Just an observation in my current game but I thought I wud check it out with u. All 4 alien bases that have got up and running are Floater, not that I mind that, but is this normal? Also snakemen missions are in a very short non existent supply, is this just by sheer chance?

Missions are picked randomly, races also even thou raceweight and missionweight increase the tendency to get picked, so yes it is by chance.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Hardmode (To make the game harder)
Post by: hellrazor on March 22, 2015, 12:17:47 pm
Released an experimental Version 1.4.2 which is not avaible on the Mod Portal for now.

All technology research Cost have been doubled! Interrogations still cost the same.
- Incorporated Armored Vest Mod with modified Costs and Stats.
- Further increased Cost for X-Com Armors (Cost in $ are now 4 times vanilla, Alien Alloy Cost Doubled for Power and Flying Suit)
- Heavy Laser can now Fire 2 Aimed shots per turn (it is now really a good Sniper weapon, if you put a Soldier with 70+ accuracy on it)
- Taser Pistol TU usage adjusted (to make captures a little bit more easy)

Please try and tell if the game get's to hard.

The new Version (1.4.2) attached to First post here:,3260.msg37294.html#msg37294 (,3260.msg37294.html#msg37294)
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Hardmode (To make the game harder)
Post by: hellrazor on March 22, 2015, 11:31:12 pm
REMOVED. Muton Elite stuff goes into the Expansion.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][DONE] Research Alive Aliens Hardmode
Post by: hellrazor on March 27, 2015, 07:56:50 pm
Version 1.4.3 Terrainpack Compability Ruleset Upgrade (for Port Attack Missions).

The active development of this Mod is completed.
Any further Version will only by Upgrades for the Terrainpack Ruleset i provided with my Mod.
Also changes to the Ruleset, when they are enforced from Openxcom will also be updated.

If you encounter any more bugs while playing this Mod please post in this thread.

Newest Version can be found attached here,3260.msg37294.html#msg37294 (,3260.msg37294.html#msg37294)

And of course on the Modportal.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][DONE] Research Alive Aliens Hardmode
Post by: hellrazor on March 28, 2015, 11:39:47 pm
Version 1.4.4 Tank Armor inventory flag got lost (somehow...) FIXED!

New Version here:,3260.msg37294.html#msg37294 (,3260.msg37294.html#msg37294)

Hopefully this was the last bug...
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][DONE] Research Alive Aliens Hardmode - Translators welcomed
Post by: hellrazor on April 02, 2015, 12:50:26 pm
Well, if anyone wants to translate some of the Name and Text in my Mod, let me know i will integrate and update those with great pleasure :)
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][DONE] Research Alive Aliens Hardmode - Translators welcomed
Post by: hellrazor on April 03, 2015, 02:04:19 pm
Did some small changes to the Research Tree Graphic, because someone complained about things been unclear to him.
I hope it is for the better.

Modified Graphic attached here:,3260.msg37294.html#msg37294 (,3260.msg37294.html#msg37294)
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][DONE] Research Alive Aliens Hardmode - Translators welcomed
Post by: hellrazor on April 06, 2015, 11:48:24 am
Version 1.4.5 Released.
- Terrainpack Ruleset Upgrade to Version 3.5.

You will the new Version attached here (,3260.msg37294.html#msg37294)

Or soon on the Mod Portal.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][DONE] Research Alive Aliens Hardmode - Translators welcomed
Post by: hellrazor on April 30, 2015, 11:12:46 pm
Version 1.4.6 Release:
- Terrain Pack Ruleset upgrade to Version 3.5.3

Get it here (,3260.msg37294.html#msg37294)

Or on the mod Portal.

I am still searching for People who could do some translations, so please contact me or post here.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH][DONE] Research Alive Aliens Hardmode - Translators welcomed
Post by: pilot00 on May 07, 2015, 07:37:16 pm
Well, I can help you with the Greek translations I guess. But I have no idea how to do it (except creating text files and sending them to you LOL).
Title: Re: [RESEARCH] Research Alive Aliens Hardmode - v1.5 Final - Translators needed
Post by: hellrazor on May 07, 2015, 11:09:23 pm
Since Warboy decided to brake all Mods, i decided to fix all my mods ;)

Version 1.5:
 - Mod Repack and Terrainpack integration for: openxcom_git_master_2015_05_07_1605
 - added metadat.yml

Modportal link (

Readme and newest Version also here (,3260.msg37294.html#msg37294)
Title: Re: [RESEARCH] Research Alive Aliens Hardmode - v1.5 Final - Translators needed
Post by: pilot00 on May 09, 2015, 06:09:41 pm
I will start a run with your mod on in 5-6 seconds :D
Title: Re: [RESEARCH] Research Alive Aliens Hardmode - v1.5 Final - Translators needed
Post by: hellrazor on May 10, 2015, 12:59:09 am
I will start a run with your mod on in 5-6 seconds :D

Nice let me know how it goes. And by advised, the Taser Pistol is crappy....
Title: Re: [RESEARCH] Research Alive Aliens Hardmode - v1.5 Final - Translators needed
Post by: pilot00 on May 10, 2015, 02:51:19 pm
First problem I encountered is that the armor vests although on the purchuce list are unclickable, therefore unbuyable :)
Title: Re: [RESEARCH] Research Alive Aliens Hardmode - v1.5 Final - Translators needed
Post by: hellrazor on May 10, 2015, 02:57:09 pm
First problem I encountered is that the armor vests although on the purchuce list are unclickable, therefore unbuyable :)

Woot? No way. Maybe you don't have enough storage?

I just checked and i can buy them and equip them. So you maybe have to less storage.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH] Research Alive Aliens Hardmode - v1.5 Final - Translators needed
Post by: pilot00 on May 10, 2015, 05:07:47 pm
Meh I had a store empty. The problem was in somefiles that I garbled somehow... probably, I reinstalled it and it worked. So ignore it :D They indeed work.

EDIT: Or not, still I do have the same problem, but its not your mod. I cant load the last item of the purchuce list on every mod or without a mod. Same thing for the skyranger....weird.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH] Research Alive Aliens - v1.54 Final - Translators needed
Post by: hellrazor on March 16, 2016, 08:55:21 pm
Meh I had a store empty. The problem was in somefiles that I garbled somehow... probably, I reinstalled it and it worked. So ignore it :D They indeed work.

EDIT: Or not, still I do have the same problem, but its not your mod. I cant load the last item of the purchuce list on every mod or without a mod. Same thing for the skyranger....weird.

Upgrading to newest nightly seems to fix this.

--- posts merged by Solarius Scorch, nya~ ---

Terrain Pack Ruleset Upgrade

Version 1.5.1:
 - Terrainpack Ruleset Upgrade integrated.
   (some City location Fixes)

Modportal link (

Readme and newest Version also here (,3260.msg37294.html#msg37294)

--- posts merged by Solarius Scorch, nya~ ---

OpenXcom Ruleset Upgrade:

Version 1.52:
 - Switching Ruleset from Singlefile to Directory
 - Adjusted Resources to new folder standard
 - Language Support for en-GB added
 - Adjusted Ruleset to latest Changes in openxcom_git_master_2015_06_30_0026

Modportal link (

Readme and newest Version also here (,3260.msg37294.html#msg37294)

--- posts merged by Solarius Scorch, nya~ ---

OpenXcom Ruleset Upgrade:

Version 1.53:
 - Adjusted Ruleset to latest Changes in openxcom_git_master_2015_07_28_1355

Modportal link (

Readme and newest Version also here (,3260.msg37294.html#msg37294)

--- posts merged by Solarius Scorch, nya~ ---

Overdue Bugfix:

Version 1.54
 - Adjusted Ruleset to sanity Check (Terrormission in regions.rul)

Modportal Link: Research Alive Aliens (
Dropbox Link: Final Version 1.54 (

Readme and newest Version also here (,3260.msg37294.html#msg37294)
Title: Re: [RESEARCH] Research Alive Aliens - v1.54 Final - Translators needed
Post by: g5-freemen on April 05, 2016, 08:39:18 am
Can help with russian translation i think.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH] Research Alive Aliens - v1.54 Final - Translators needed
Post by: hellrazor on April 05, 2016, 08:22:43 pm
Can help with russian translation i think.

Feel free to do so. The strings are in the file called extraStrings.rul
Title: Re: [RESEARCH] Research Alive Aliens - v1.54 Final - Translators needed
Post by: g5-freemen on April 06, 2016, 02:59:41 pm
Russian translation ver.0.1 :)
And two questions
1) RETALIATOR in russian is the same word as AVENGER. So i called it ... somethink like INTERCEPTOR-M (M means modified, and ofter russian tanks,
air defense systems and other military systems use this letterhttps:// like  АК-74М, Су-30МКИ and etc.) . Another possible variant is "chastener", "executioner", "ultor".
2) WTF is  STR_KAUJUITOQ: "Kaujuitoq" ? Where is it? Looks like Google don't know.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH] Research Alive Aliens - v1.54 Final - Translators needed
Post by: g5-freemen on April 06, 2016, 09:28:39 pm
ver.1.0 of russian translation

And three questions
1) RETALIATOR in russian is the same word as AVENGER. So i called it ... somethink like INTERCEPTOR-M (M means modified, and ofter russian tanks,
air defense systems and other military systems use this letterhttps:// like  АК-74М, Су-30МКИ and etc.) . Another possible variant is "chastener", "executioner", "ultor".
2) WTF is the city STR_KAUJUITOQ: "Kaujuitoq" ? Where is it? Looks like Google don't know.
3) Alloy tanks is also a problem, because in russian language - alloy tank/cannon and names like this - too long and looks too stupid, so i called something like them TANK-M/CANNON and etc.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH] Research Alive Aliens - v1.54 Final - Translators needed
Post by: g5-freemen on April 07, 2016, 01:04:00 pm
Bug in manufacture.rul

    cost: 2000000
  - name: STR_THUNDER
    cost: 2000000


--- posts merged by Solarius Scorch ---

What the hell with alien containment ?
Why i must research it ? If i don't know how to build it in the beginning of game i can't build it at all. If i can't build it i can't capture live aliens and i can't research how to build it. WTF ?!
Title: Re: [RESEARCH] Research Alive Aliens - v1.54 Final - Translators needed
Post by: hellrazor on April 07, 2016, 03:14:18 pm
What the hell with alien containment ?
Why i must research it ? If i don't know how to build it in the beginning of game i can't build it at all. If i can't build it i can't capture live aliens and i can't research how to build it. WTF ?!

Raid a alien base and do so while leaving the commandcenter intact and you will be able toresearch alien reproduction and if you have alien food. And your answar shall be given.

--- posts merged by Solarius Scorch, love and kisses ---

Bug in manufacture.rul

    cost: 2000000
  - name: STR_THUNDER
    cost: 2000000
Thats not a bug. Its if you use my thunder mod witg this one.
and thanks for the translation. I will add it these days.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH] Research Alive Aliens - v1.54 Final - Translators needed
Post by: aziza on June 14, 2024, 08:28:26 am
when will be a release ?
Title: Re: [RESEARCH] Research Alive Aliens - v1.54 Final - Translators needed
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on June 14, 2024, 01:30:07 pm
There seems to be a problem with this mod-see attached. Mind you it is 8-9 years old.
Title: Re: [RESEARCH] Research Alive Aliens - v1.54 Final - Translators needed
Post by: hellrazor on June 14, 2024, 11:11:56 pm
when will be a release ?

This mod was the precursor of my Hardmode Expansion Mod (

This thread here only exists as a historic project.

So yes it it true it does not exist on its own anymore, but it was the basis of development of my: Hardmode Expansion Mod (

Any features in it exist there and even more so.

I am not gonna update this as a standalone.

EDIT: If you wish to do this on your own feel free to do so :) (Giving CREDIT is highly recommended Thanks.)