OpenXcom Forum
Modding => Work In Progress => Topic started by: robin on November 22, 2014, 01:13:39 am
reloadCautious: 2
reloadStandard: 2
reloadAggressive: 2
What's that value, 0.2 seconds?
So it should be "game seconds".
Meaning: every 1 real second (equal to 5 in-game seconds, at battle-speed) it shoots 2.5 times (1 shot every 0.4 real seconds).
Right? (My math score in school was 2 too).
The interception screen operates outside of the normal time progression, so altho your math seems correct I'm not sure that it works like that.
It might be better to just regard these numbers as scalar values that are meaningless unless compared to other reload rates, for example:
CANNON_UC reload of 2 would fire 6 times as fast as the laser cannon reload of 12 which in turn would fire twice as fast as a Harvester reload of 24.
The interception screen operates outside of the normal time progression, so altho your math seems correct I'm not sure that it works like that.
It might be better to just regard these numbers as scalar values that are meaningless unless compared to other reload rates, for example:
CANNON_UC reload of 2 would fire 6 times as fast as the laser cannon reload of 12 which in turn would fire twice as fast as a Harvester reload of 24.
I see, thanks.