OpenXcom Forum
Contributions => Offtopic => Topic started by: niculinux on June 21, 2014, 04:16:52 pm
Probably most of openxcom user won't be aware, but in 2003 an open source, freeware and cross platform clone of UFO: Enemy Unknown was relased, its name was UFO: Alien Invasion. It's a pretty cool game, plus supports mods itself!!!!!!! I've played around a bit with it and the only "drawback" with it it's that currently the game do not offer an interface for aerial fights, but these will occour when the craft enter each one in their sight radius, try the game to see what I mean.
Current version is 2.4 but after some years of developmente seems that a 2.5 verison might be come out by the end of this year!
If you're interested, please check links at the bottom of this post!
Official homepage (
Wikipedia page (
TRailer (outdated version (
There's even a link on the homepage. I'm pretty sure most of people here knows about that game.
There's even a link on the homepage. I'm pretty sure most of people here knows about that game.
Well seems I did an oversight :o but please, any programmes that will stumble upon this thread, please may even think of contribuing to the game developing? ;D
you want to convince the developer of openxcom to leave here and help out with ufo-alien invasion?
you want to convince the developer of openxcom to leave here and help out with ufo-alien invasion?
No no, maybe other programmers may be reading this...or even openxcom developer should occasionally help the other game ;)
Btw, how's Ufo: Ai? How's progress? Is it still being actively developed?
Last time I played that game it only had like 3 missions. I had no idea they kept updating it after that.
Couple of years ago, UFO: AI was project which i was following. After project xenocide died, it was only remake project which had chances to succeed. Sadly i'm afraid it will die sooner or later. After so many years of developing they still have lot to finish. I'm afraid that soon old crew will move to other things and it will be hard for them to find fresh blood. It's coded in c, using forked quake engine. In today standards it's quite old technologies.
Yeah, I basically quit playing the game when I learned that the terrain is indestructible. It may seem precocious, since it's just one feature and not central to the game, but it completely killed the gaming experience for me.
Yeah, that's huge downside of quake engine.
If someone could make an X-Com mod for Silent Storm, though. Man, that would be so awesome.
If someone could make an X-Com mod for Silent Storm, though. Man, that would be so awesome.
Man, that game is insane. O_o
I love its mechanics, but I think I need to grow up more to play this monstrosity. A few centuries should be enough.
Probably most of openxcom user won't be aware, but in 2003 an open source, freeware and cross platform clone of UFO: Enemy Unknown was relased, its name was UFO: Alien Invasion. It's a pretty cool game, plus supports mods itself!!!!!!! I've played around a bit with it and the only "drawback" with it it's that currently the game do not offer an interface for aerial fights, but these will occour when the craft enter each one in their sight radius, try the game to see what I mean.
Current version is 2.4 but after some years of developmente seems that a 2.5 verison might be come out by the end of this year!
If you're interested, please check links at the bottom of this post!
Official homepage (
Wikipedia page (
TRailer (outdated version (
Did they finally implement destructive terrain or is their project still stuck in 1970s?
Did they finally implement destructive terrain or is their project still stuck in 1970s?
Yup thats what broke it for me. They also needed more soldiers like Xcom, or more soldier depth like ufo aftermath
Three days ago version 2.5 was relased, two years after 2.4.
Here's changelog:
Three days ago version 2.5 was relased, two years after 2.4.
Here's changelog:
Downloading now. Might look at free orion as well.
Downloading now. Might look at free orion as well.
Better not. It's your choice of course, but I thought it was absolutely horrible.
Aurora is a great 4X game, but only for people with waaaaaay too much time. :)
Better not. It's your choice of course, but I thought it was absolutely horrible.
Aurora is a great 4X game, but only for people with waaaaaay too much time. :)
Checked it out, that's me. Thank you for this referral
Checked it out, that's me. Thank you for this referral
You're welcome. I'd be happy to discuss it sometime.
Now, any opinions about the new Alien Invasion? It's an interesting project, did it get any better?
Now, any opinions about the new Alien Invasion? It's an interesting project, did it get any better?
I only had a quick play around with version 2.4 a while ago, so comparisons are difficult.
First the setup:
The transparent (white) font is unpleasant to look at.
Tutorials page simple but rather uninformative. Though the intention may have been to encourage learning by playing.
Started single player game. Still that annoying white font.
No explanation as to how to leave the download (save game) screen. It was <ESC>.
Started Campaign.
No hint as to how to advance the intro <click>.
The one place where the transparent font may have been useful to see the map it's not used.
Then back to the transparent font on the first message. I will no longer mention this, but it really bugged me.
The Geoscape window was simple and easy to understand (~@:> white font) (Sorry).
Indeed, playing the Strategic game I found quite fun. Though the lack of an "Intercept" button was felt.
But the battlescape, where do I begin.
Firstly the good points. The models definitely are better that before, and move reasonably well on the screen. The indestructable terrain is not good, though it was fun to hide behind trees from plasma bolts until an alien ran round one and got a grenade launcher full of flechette in the face. The terrain itself seems rather simply "rendered" (is that the term), but works ok once one gets used to it.
But the battlescape UI seems to be an attempt to please lots of people that failed. The sheer fiddleyness of taking a shot detracts from smooth game flow. Reserve TUs for reaction fire calls up a menu (with counterintuitive colour choices in them), reserve TUs to fire another one. Fire at someone another menu, the same as the reserve for reaction with a line of fire drawn on the terran that distracts from the pleasure of the shot. Forget to switch things off and your men crawl across the board. The tooltips were useful though for learning what I was doing wrong.
In short a good geoscape game let down by the battlescape. In fact I look forward to a campaign using autoresolve for the majority of battles.
Still if it weren't for OpenXcom I'd choose UFO Aftermath for the battles. Though I have forgot about, ET and Xenonauts. Must have a quick play of those again.
Actually I might enjoy UFO Aftershock and Afterlight?
Thanks for the review, it was quite informative.
As for UFO: Aftershock, it is widely believed, and it's also my opinion, that it's way better and more mature than UFO: Aftermath. It is simply a superbly designed game, not overly flashy but extremely fun to play, combining complexity with smooth gameplay. Certainly in my top three of all times.
Also, I find UFO: Aftershock way more enjoyable with Okim's ACM mod (, thought it may be too frustrating for a newcomer (those Cultists are gonna f*ck you up).
As for the next game, UFO: Afterlight, it's certainly very good, but many people disliked its stylistics. It's way more cartoonish.
TAs for UFO: Aftershock, it is widely believed, and it's also my opinion, that it's way better and more mature than UFO: Aftermath. It is simply a superbly designed game, not overly flashy but extremely fun to play, combining complexity with smooth gameplay. Certainly in my top three of all times.
Also, I find UFO: Aftershock way more enjoyable with Okim's ACM mod (, thought it may be too frustrating for a newcomer (those Cultists are gonna f*ck you up).
As for the next game, UFO: Afterlight, it's certainly very good, but many people disliked its stylistics. It's way more cartoonish.
I am curious as to what is your third. I am assuming OpenXcom is one of the other three.
And why is ACM mod frustrating. I think I'd have to try it on vanilla first.
Three days ago version 2.5 was relased, two years after 2.4.
Here's changelog:
That's just sad.
Thanks god for openxcom.
As for UFO: Aftershock, it is widely believed, and it's also my opinion, that it's way better and more mature than UFO: Aftermath. It is simply a superbly designed game, not overly flashy but extremely fun to play, combining complexity with smooth gameplay. Certainly in my top three of all times.
Also, I find UFO: Aftershock way more enjoyable with Okim's ACM mod (, thought it may be too frustrating for a newcomer (those Cultists are gonna f*ck you up).
As for the next game, UFO: Afterlight, it's certainly very good, but many people disliked its stylistics. It's way more cartoonish.
I have all these games but have only done much with Aftermath. I've never finished it and usually fizzle out when the game starts kicking my butt all over the map. Maybe I need to learn to pick my battles better, or something. I tried a mod that sounded really good, but after several tries in very early missions where my entire squad was wiped out within seconds of spotting the first transgenant, I gave up on that. Started vanilla game up again just recently to see if I fare any better this time around.
Never gave Aftershock much of a chance due to my "need" to play things in order. That and the controls seemed to throw me off but that could just be because I never put much effort into it because I felt I needed to play the earlier game first.
Afterlight, hearing from many that it was the "best" ... I don't know what it is but I just can't figure it out. Something is just not clicking for me about the interface and how soldiers/scientists are managed and the like. I've tried a few times but never got anywhere with it. Could also be party due to similar issues with Aftershock.
One similar game I haven't seen mentioned is UFO: Extraterrestrials with the B-Man mod (the Gold version is the mostly the same but with some copyrighted features removed). I tried it with the Combo mod but it made some weird changes to the game that I didn't care for. It seemed a case of "too much of a good thing". I really like it with the B-Man mod, though the game can get quite dragged out due to the need to research Commanders to progress in the tech tree. B-Man allows you to increase the frequency of commanders appearing, so that can help with that issue. Still, I've never finished the game ... but actually not finishing games is not uncommon for me as I guess I get bored and move on to something else for a while and then cycle back eventually, which I have done again recently.
Made the mistake of trying to play UFO:Extraterrestrials without the B-Man mod just to see what that was like. PAINFUL! Don't even bother if you're tempted. Just get the B-Man mod and don't look back. That said, I did have to disable the original XCom aliens as it made the game much more difficult for me. Looking forward to UFO: Extraterrestrials 2, but not sure if that's vaporware or not at this point.
Made the mistake of trying to play UFO:Extraterrestrials without the B-Man mod just to see what that was like. PAINFUL! Don't even bother if you're tempted. Just get the B-Man mod and don't look back.
Let me correct it for you: ;)
Made the mistake of trying to play UFO:Extraterrestrials without the UNIMOD ( just to see what that was like. PAINFUL! Don't even bother if you're tempted. Just get the UNIMOD ( and don't look back.
B-Man's mod turned a poor game into an average game. UNIMOD ( was built upon the BMan's mod and made it into a great game. Its full list of features can be found here (
B-Man's mod turned a poor game into an average game. UNIMOD ( was built upon the BMan's mod and made it into a great game. Its full list of features can be found here (
Thank you once again, you are so helpful. Still on Aftermath combo mod 3.3. Good game, the similarity of the missions do detract from the game.
I have all these games but have only done much with Aftermath. I've never finished it and usually fizzle out when the game starts kicking my butt all over the map. Maybe I need to learn to pick my battles better, or something. I tried a mod that sounded really good, but after several tries in very early missions where my entire squad was wiped out within seconds of spotting the first transgenant, I gave up on that. Started vanilla game up again just recently to see if I fare any better this time around.
post out of order.
Thank for the info. I better stop "talking" about this to avoid highjacking this thread.
Sorry @Solarius: How do you quote 2 people in one post?
post out of order.
Thank for the info. I better stop "talking" about this to avoid highjacking this thread.
Sorry @Solarius: How do you quote 2 people in one post?
- Quote one person
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You can also just enable "Quick Reply" and every Quote will just get added without opening a new page.
You can also just enable "Quick Reply" and every Quote will just get added without opening a new page.
- Quote one person
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Well thank you both.
UFO:AI v2.5 is a great game, I love it !
But the fonts are horrible, so I download UFO:AI v2.6-dev, extract fonts and make an small mod for the stable v2.5.
Extract this file in installation game and read this for advanced using :
et pour mes amis francophones :
Enjoy !
Thanks!! Again linux packagers would be welcome to make it avaiable for tsht s.o. family!