OpenXcom Forum
OpenXcom => Open Feedback => Topic started by: Angelus_EV on May 11, 2014, 02:41:31 am
the new system to select sound and music types are great!
but i have questions.
how can i have 1.0 and 1.4 sound fx at same time?
where can i get mod sound files? :o
Download universal patch from extra download for better sounds.
Certain version like patched or Steam will have both 1.0/1.4 files. Note that the Options screen will show all formats regardless if you have them or not. :P
Modded sound files will always be applied on top regardless of the base format used.
wow, then i must re install the game coz i don't know how many times i changed the sound files!
sorry about double post but i re installed mine steam ufo then i copy the .cat files and nothing there say N/A
Should be fixed now. Use Adlib and 1.0 for the genuine vanilla experience. ;)