OpenXcom Forum
Contributions => Offtopic => Topic started by: CoolKid on May 04, 2014, 02:33:50 pm
Hello guys.
I didn't see topic like this so i will make one.
If you want to post anything about openxcom challenge, post it here!
I have challenge for you guys. It's a mission generator challenge. So here's the condition:
-battleship (any map type) or cydonia final assault
-ethereal race
-maximum tech
-all equipment available
-superhuman difficulty
Please use latest nightly build
I've tried this several times and always fail :-[
I won't make it harder like max darkness level but, it's up to you. :P Let's see if you guys can beat this. 8)
You can attach save file here or post it on youtube would be nice. :)
Good Luck..!!
I don't get it... Are you suggesting such a mission can't be done?
How would we finish the game then? :P
I don't get it... Are you suggesting such a mission can't be done?
How would we finish the game then? :P
I don't know about you, but I just avoid Ethereal missions altogether. :P
I see. So you guys hate ethereal huh?
Anyway, the answer for my challenge is just turn off psionic and go all out. Simple huh? I didn't mention about messing around Advance/Mod rule, right? :P
Alright then let's change ethereal race to mixed race. But Psionic and ranged base accuracy must be turned on. No more crying. :P
No, no, I love the idea of the challenge. But in a full campaign there are certain missions I've decided I just won't do. :P
Well, the second stage of Cydonia is mostly Ethereals anyway, so... :)
Oh cmon. This is not too hard. Because no equipment restriction. Just avoid being spoted and blaster launcher all over the place. ;D
Now it's your turn. Give us a challenge. I can't wait to try. Please make a unique one. ;)
Although, im still waiting for a challenge. But here i've another challenge for you. This one is really fun i guarantee it. ;)
So here we go..
Challenge: "Alone in the darkness"
- you can only have 1 soldier...!! (protips: use rookie :trollface: )
- darkness level: MAX
- tech level: MAX
- mission type: large scout
- alien race: sectoid or floater
- difficulty: free (protips: play on superhuman :trollface: )
- terrain type: free (protips: beware of polar and desert)
- armor: power suit
- weapons: laser pistol
- tools:
- motion sensor x1
- electro flare x2
- alien grenade x3
- high explosive x1
- smoke grenade unlimited
- advanced/mod rules:
- instant grenade: on
- explosive height: 3
- ranged base accuracy: on
- pistol auto shot: on
- strafing/running: up to you
The other equipments are BANNED and don't use alien weapons drop but you can use the bomb if it droped.
PROTIPS: Play it with really scary song for nice experience. ;). And this challenge will make you pro motion sensor + smoke grenade user. :D
Good Luck..!!
I hope this thread will get more crowd. :)
Wow, this one actually sounds fun!
I hope I can try it before it's closed. :)
Glad if you like it. Don't worry there will never been "closed" :P
Im still trying to make challenge about mind control only. Not sure how it works. Still in progress. :)
Glad if you like it. Don't worry there will never been "closed" :P
Im still trying to make challenge about mind control only. Not sure how it works. Still in progress. :)
One man (or woman). One psi-Amp. Zero weapons.
Oh, and no alien tech researched. :P
One man (or woman). One psi-Amp. Zero weapons.
Oh, and no alien tech researched. :P
Did you tried that already? Did you win? The problem with that setup is u must face at least 1 alien and that suicidal.
EDIT: Hmm that might work with strong psyguy and weak aliens so the mind control attempt always success. But that would be too easy i think.
So, same setup with "alone in the darkness" but weapon psi amp with no bombs except smoke grenade unlimited. Let's try that.
New Challenge. Here we go..!!
Challenge: "Puppet Master"
- you can only have 1 soldier
- darkness level: MAX
- tech level: MAX
- mission type: large scout
- alien race: sectoid, floater, muton, or snakeman.
- difficulty: free
- terrain type: free
- armor: flying suit
- weapons: psi amp
- tools:
- motion sensor x1
- electro flare x2
- smoke grenade (unlimited)
- advanced/mod rules:
- live alien captured: on
- ranged base accuracy: on
- auto pistol: on
- instant grenade: on
- explosion height: 3
- strafing/running: on
The other equipments are BANNED and you can't fight. Only alien that u controlled can fight.
PROTIPS: Play it with really scary song for nice experience. ;)
Feel like a magician? ;D
Good Luck..!!
Sounds like you should use the custom battle mode, set up your "challenge" game and post a save in the thread :)
avoiding ethereals missions at all? you wanna know what missions are a pain in the ass?
lobsterman terror...IN A FUCKING LINE CRUISER (on tftd) jeeeez that was just horrible X_X
avoiding ethereals missions at all? you wanna know what missions are a pain in the ass?
lobsterman terror...IN A FUCKING LINE CRUISER (on tftd) jeeeez that was just horrible X_X
I see the lobsterman on any terror ship mission and I just get back into the Triton and leave. Same with Bio-Drones.
So when can we experience this with OXC? :P