OpenXcom Forum
Modding => Work In Progress => Topic started by: Svanh on February 17, 2014, 05:36:20 am
I prefer to play X-com with a ruleset that makes most of the items in the game useful by giving them their own niche. I'm thinking of doing this for the vanilla armours and, knowing that I'm not the best at balancing, I'd like some feedback on how OP/UP I've made them.
I'm interested in suggestions on the stat modifications, resistances and armour values though I've only touched the stat modifications in the attached ruleset. What do you think needs to be changed?
I would have taken a crack at this eventually, but feel free to try ^_^
Take a look at my addon Armors here
I'm still making advance personal armor with 80% plasma rating, but could still die from a single direct hit from heavy plasma.
Only more experience soldiers can survive better. Maybe these rating for on all three armors:
100% - None
60% - Armor Piercing
60% - Incendiary
75%(Flying/Powersuit) - 85% (Personal Armor) - High Explosive
80%(Flying/Powersuit) - 90% (Personal Armor) - Laser
85%(Flying/Powersuit) - 90% (Personal Armor) - Plasma
60%(Flying/Powersuit) - 80% (Personal Armor) - Stun
70% (Flying/Powersuit) - 80% (Personal Armor) - Melee
70% (Flying/Powersuit) - 80% (Personal Armor) - Acid
40% (Flying/Powersuit) - 90% (Personal Armor) - Smoke
Stat Increases:
(Personal Armor)
weight: 0
tu: +5 or +8 (lightweight alien alloy)
stamina: +10 or 15 (lightweight alien alloy, armor ergonomics)
health: +8 or 10 (Increase survivability)
bravery: 30 (Soldiers think "I'm well armored" ^_^ )
reactions: +6 or +8 (Less Fear, more Concentration on the fight)
firing: +6 or +7 (Less Fear, more Concentration on the fight)
throwing: +10? (armor ergonomics)
strength: 0 (no exo-motivators >_< )
psiStrength: 0? (not built for it >_<)
psiSkill: 0? (not built for it >_<)
melee: +10? (lightweight alien alloy, armor ergonomics)
weight: 5
tu: +10 or +15 (lightweight alien alloy,Powered exo-motivators)
stamina: +15 or 20 (lightweight alien alloy, Powered exo-motivators)
health: +10 or 15 (Increase survivability)
bravery: +40 or50 (Soldiers think "I'm really well armored" ^_^ )
reactions: +10 or +12 (Less Fear, more Concentration on the fight, Inbuilt Suit Sensors ^_^)
firing: +10 or +15 (Less Fear, more Concentration on the fight, Targeting Sensors ^_^)
throwing: +15? (armor ergonomics,Powered exo-motivators)
strength: +20 (Powered exo-motivators! ^_^ )
psiStrength: +10? (not built for it >_< Maybe Neuro-link gives defense bonus)
psiSkill: 0? (not built for it >_<)
melee: +20? (lightweight alien alloy, armor ergonomics, Powered exo-motivators)
......As fun as all that seems, Heavy Plasma, CyberDisk, Sectopod and the dreaded Blaster Launcher can still Annihilate your people in one or two blasts >_< Thrust me, I checked. Multiple hits from Plasma rifles and pistols are needed. Even enough auto-cannon AP fire will kill you.
But bear in mine, these stats can also turn against you if your soldier is mind controlled! >_<
I'm interested in suggestions on the stat modifications, resistances and armour values though I've only touched the stat modifications in the attached ruleset.
What attached ruleset? ???