OpenXcom Forum
Modding => Released Mods => Topic started by: Ran on January 30, 2014, 06:46:43 am
So here is my first mod:
The Fusion Torch is an extremely powerful short range demolition device with a range of 1 tile. It can cut through UFO hulls with ease and is especially useful inside UFOs where Blaster Bombs would cause too much damage. Its high TU cost doesn't make it a good melee weapon, but any unlucky alien coming close enough will be annihilated by this device.
The Fusion Torch's Power cell stores enough energy for 5 devastating blasts.
To unlock the Fusion Torch, Blaster Launcher and Blaster Bomb need to be researched. After Fusion Torch research is completed, the Fusion Torch Power Cell may be researched. Both items need to be manufactured.
Mod comes in 2 Versions:
FusionTorch.rar has only Aimed Shot and standard flame hit sprite
FusionTorchAuto.rar has Aimed- and AutoShot-2 option and custom blue flame hit sprite.
Savegames for for testing:
Sep2nd.sav lets you research the Fusion Torch
t1.sav is a battlescape mission with a downed Muton Terrorship.
So far it seems to work fine, the HANDOB sprites look somewhat terrible, I'm really bad at drawing objects with a few pixels. :(
Please tell me what you think!
Looks great, but I'd like to recommend lower damage values, chiefly because, with 500 damage, that makes it really easy to kill Sectopods on close range.
it also makes it possible to carve through skyranger hulls, i guess you guys can have your windows after all. ;)
I admit that was the sole point of this mod. ::)
This. Looks. Awesome.
I hope you get it pretty late though, after Heavy Plasma Gun, Flying Suit and psionics... Otherwise it might be unbalanced.
I'd also increase TUs to at least 85%. This shouldn't allow for more than cutting holes in the scenery, or perhaps an alien unfortunate enough to wander close at the beginning of your turn.
Anyway, I'll certainly use it!
EDIT: OK, I check the ruleset and it seems it needs a Blaster Launcher/Bomb. Not bad, but I'd suggest adding Elerium-115 to the prerequisites, as you need to make your own clip design to power this baby.
I have added Alien Alloys and Elerium-115 as research dependencies and increased TU cost to 80%.
Damage 500 is indeed needed to 'remodel' X-COM crafts, but you may choose whichever value suits you.
Should I increase accuracy even further?
I mean, how hard can it be to miss a wall in front of you?
I noticed there is a bug which lets the Fusion Torch misfire over considerable distances from time to time in what looks like an arcing shot. Seems rare and no real problem however. Please test and give feedback!
Accuracy is fine; it's not always easy to cut the wall.
As for the 500 damage, I just heard that 200 is enough to cut through UFOs, and 250 through the Skyranger (if you really want this feature). Perhaps you should consider bringing it down to these values, to give the poor Reaper some survival chance. :)
I haven't reached your torch yet, but I'll try it as soon as I research it. :)
None-explosive weapons affect terrain with 25% to 75% of their original power.
This means the Fusion Torch has an effective destruction power of 125 to 375.
The outer UFO wall can take 100, the X-COM crafts 255.
So already with strength 500 the crafts have a 50% chance of withstanding the Fusion Torch, while UFO walls will always be penetrated. I think this is fine.
As for the Sectopod and other unfortunate aliens - if you managed to come close enough to hit them with 80%TU cost, you deserved that kill as well as an award. 8)
The only creature able to survive a direct hit is the Zombie, as it will hatch a Chryssalid no matter how much damage it takes. You'd have to change firing values to AutoShot-2, so the 2nd hit also kills the Chryssalid to solve this issue.
Autoshot-2 would also allow you to cut a hole AND melt the alien behind it, using a teammate with a motion detector.
Intresting :)
Killing the alien behind the wall sounds fun but proved quite difficult.
You easily end up standing in front of it with no TUs left.
I have added a separate Autoshot mod which includes a new hit sprite with blue flames - FusionTorchAuto.rar
Geoscape and battlescape savegames for testing can now also be found in first post.
Ran, I noticed your torch is visible in the Ufopedia since day 1. You can fix it by changing the Ufopedia section to this:
type_id: 4
type_id: 4
Hope it helps.
Thanks, I completely forgot about that.
Should be fixed, please keep reporting any issues you find.
Is it possible to have the torch translated in german?
I would do it myself, if you`d tell me how.
The problem is, it shouldn`t be in the normal strings, right?
Sure, German is my first language. ;)
I generally don't like German translations and prefer to play in English, so I had not added any translation until now, check the new attachments and feel free to use or modify the German text.
The translation seems fine :-)
If I would like to make the changes, where should I do this. Is there a file, where it could be done?
You have to edit the mod ruleset yourself, the custom strings should be in there (this applies to all mod translations too).
One more thing:
After having invented the torch, the game did not show me the damage value.
This was corrected after I had invented the ammunition. Is this intended?
Ran, I have updated the Bigob and made a new ammo clip for the Fusion Torch, look for them in Piratez 0.61, you might like them.
Ah, great!
Will take a look immediately ;)
Just tested out your mod. I like the idea of the torch very much, but:
It is WAY overpowered.
In my opinion it should be an alternative to the blaster launcher. But be honest. A soldier with a launcher can shot up to 4 times.
With the torch you can have dozens of shots, because the ammunition doesn`t have an significant weight.
One shot per ammo would be fair, I think.
This is an open-source game, feel free to edit the rules the way you like.
No one forces you to use it as it is. ;)
You`re damn right :-)
Is there a way to change the ruleset, so that the torch uses ammo, that takes two places in the inventory? I want to make the torch similar to the blaster launcher.
Sure, just change invHeight from 1 to 2 in the ruleset.
power: 500
size: 0.1
costSell: 50000
weight: 5
bigSprite: 58
floorSprite: 74
damageType: 5
clipSize: 5
battleType: 2
invWidth: 1
invHeight: 1
hitSound: 52
hitAnimation: 1
blastRadius: 0
You should also create a bigger inventory sprite or it will look a bit weird.
For further references see:
Many thx! :D
Hey Ran, here's the Polish translation of your strings:
- type: pl-PL
STR_FUSION_TORCH: Palnik fuzyjny
STR_FUSION_TORCH_POWER_CELL: Bateria palnika fuzyjnego
STR_FUSION_TORCH_UFOPEDIA: Palnik fuzyjny stosuje reakcję anihilacji materii z antymaterią dla wytworzenia niezwykle silnego strumienia plazmy. W odpowiednio bliskiej odległości strumień ten przecina wszystko, w co trafi, topiąc twarde stopy w ciągu sekund. Nawet najwytrzymalsze materiały, jak te stosowane w pancerzach UFO, są łatwo rozcinane przez palnik fuzyjny. Sprzęt ten efektywny jest jednak tylko na zasięgu bezpośrednim i wymaga specjalnej baterii.
STR_FUSION_TORCH_POWER_CELL_UFOPEDIA: Ta wysokoenergetyczna bateria jest niezbędna do zasilania palnika fuzyjnego. Przechowuje dość energii dla wytworzenia 5 strumieni plazmy.
If you can take the Dart Gun from TFTD, and port it into XCOM, then what about aliens, and other weapons?
If you can take the Dart Gun from TFTD, and port it into XCOM, then what about aliens, and other weapons?
Sure you can. :)
It's a bit more complicated with aliens, since TFTD uses a different colour palette, a different drawing routine, and the sprites aren't in the right order. But it can be done.
Though I think you got the wrong thread by mistake. ;)
I admit that was the sole point of this mod. ::)
This is another way to implement side doors 8)
Small fixes in Polish translation (too much spaces after dots :P):
- type: pl-PL
STR_FUSION_TORCH: Palnik fuzyjny
STR_FUSION_TORCH_POWER_CELL: Bateria palnika fuzyjnego
STR_FUSION_TORCH_UFOPEDIA: Palnik fuzyjny stosuje reakcję anihilacji materii z antymaterią dla wytworzenia niezwykle silnego strumienia plazmy. W odpowiednio bliskiej odległości strumień ten przecina wszystko, w co trafi, topiąc bardzo twarde stopy w ciągu kilku sekund. Nawet najwytrzymalsze materiały, jak te stosowane w pancerzach UFO, są łatwo rozcinane przez palnik fuzyjny. Sprzęt ten efektywny jest jednak tylko na zasięgu bezpośrednim i potrzebuje specjalnej baterii.
STR_FUSION_TORCH_POWER_CELL_UFOPEDIA: Ta wysokoenergetyczna bateria jest niezbędna do zasilania palnika fuzyjnego. Przechowuje wystarczającą ilość energii dla wytworzenia 5 strumieni plazmy.
Small fixes in Polish translation (too much spaces after dots :P):
- type: pl-PL
STR_FUSION_TORCH: Palnik fuzyjny
STR_FUSION_TORCH_POWER_CELL: Bateria palnika fuzyjnego
STR_FUSION_TORCH_UFOPEDIA: Palnik fuzyjny stosuje reakcję anihilacji materii z antymaterią dla wytworzenia niezwykle silnego strumienia plazmy. W odpowiednio bliskiej odległości strumień ten przecina wszystko, w co trafi, topiąc bardzo twarde stopy w ciągu kilku sekund. Nawet najwytrzymalsze materiały, jak te stosowane w pancerzach UFO, są łatwo rozcinane przez palnik fuzyjny. Sprzęt ten efektywny jest jednak tylko na zasięgu bezpośrednim i potrzebuje specjalnej baterii.
STR_FUSION_TORCH_POWER_CELL_UFOPEDIA: Ta wysokoenergetyczna bateria jest niezbędna do zasilania palnika fuzyjnego. Przechowuje wystarczającą ilość energii dla wytworzenia 5 strumieni plazmy.
You are wrong. Double spaces, while weird, are the standard of X-Com, and have been since 1994.
French translation
- type: fr
STR_FUSION_TORCH: Torche à Fusion
STR_FUSION_TORCH_POWER_CELL: Cellule de Torche à Fusion
STR_FUSION_TORCH_UFOPEDIA: La Torche à Fusion provoque des réactions Matière/Antimatière qui créent un puissant jet de plasma.{NEWLINE}Ce jet de plasma est capable de découper littéralement sa cible, faisant fondre la moindre particule en quelques secondes à peine. Ni la plus puissante des armures, ni les coques d'OVNI les plus solides, ne peuvent y résister.{NEWLINE}Malheureusement, l'effet est de courte distance (proximité immédiate) et nécessite une cellule dédiée.
STR_FUSION_TORCH_POWER_CELL_UFOPEDIA: Cette cellule à haute énergie est utilisée par la puissante Torche à Fusion. Elle procure suffisamment d'énergie pour 5 jets de plasma.
Thank you, Polish and French translations have been added.
You are wrong. Double spaces, while weird, are the standard of X-Com, and have been since 1994.
Ok, I will remember that.
Probably because the developers are british:
Russian translation.
- type: ru
STR_FUSION_TORCH: Плазменная Горелка
STR_FUSION_TORCH_POWER_CELL: Батарея для Плазменной Горелки
STR_FUSION_TORCH_UFOPEDIA: Этот тип плазменной горелки использует реакцию материи-антиматерии для создания чрезвычайно мощного струя плазмы.{NEWLINE}На достаточно близком расстоянии струя плазмы режет цель насквозь, расплавляя её за считанные секунды. Даже самая прочная броня или корпус НЛО не выдержит мощность этого устройства.{NEWLINE}Однако, оно эффективно лишь на очень близком расстоянии и требует отдельной батареи.
STR_FUSION_TORCH_POWER_CELL_UFOPEDIA: Эта высокоэнергетическая батарея требуется для использования Плазменной Горелки. Одной батареи должно хватить на 5 раз.
Thany you, Russian translation has been added. :)
Hi. Spanish translation:
- type: es
STR_FUSION_TORCH: Soplete de Fusión
STR_FUSION_TORCH_POWER_CELL: Célula Energética Soplete de Fusión
STR_FUSION_TORCH_UFOPEDIA: El Soplete de Fusión utiliza una reacción de Materia-Antimateria para crear un enorme haz potente de plasma.{NEWLINE}Estando suficientemente cerca, su chorro de plasma puede penetrar profundamente en el objetivo, derritiéndolo en segundos. Incluso las armaduras o el casco de un OVNI no serían capaz de resistirlo.{NEWLINE}No obstante, sólo es efectivo a muy corta distancia y necesita una célula de energía independiente.
STR_FUSION_TORCH_POWER_CELL_UFOPEDIA: Esta potente célula de energía es necesaria para que funcione el Solplete de Fusión. Proveé suficiente energía para 5 chorros de plasma.
- type: es-419
STR_FUSION_TORCH: Soplete de Fusión
STR_FUSION_TORCH_POWER_CELL: Célula Energética Soplete de Fusión
STR_FUSION_TORCH_UFOPEDIA: El Soplete de Fusión utiliza una reacción de Materia-Antimateria para crear un enorme haz potente de plasma.{NEWLINE}Estando suficientemente cerca, su chorro de plasma puede penetrar profundamente en el objetivo, derritiéndolo en segundos. Incluso las armaduras o el casco de un OVNI no serían capaz de resistirlo.{NEWLINE}No obstante, sólo es efectivo a muy corta distancia y necesita una célula de energía independiente.
STR_FUSION_TORCH_POWER_CELL_UFOPEDIA: Esta potente célula de energía es necesaria para que funcione el Solplete de Fusión. Proveé suficiente energía para 5 chorros de plasma.
Russian translation.
Fixed russian translation
- type: ru
STR_FUSION_TORCH: Плазменная Горелка
STR_FUSION_TORCH_POWER_CELL: Батарея для Плазменной Горелки
STR_FUSION_TORCH_UFOPEDIA: Этот тип плазменной горелки использует реакцию материи-антиматерии для создания чрезвычайно мощной струи плазмы.{NEWLINE}На достаточно близком расстоянии струя плазмы прорезает цель насквозь, расплавляя её за считанные секунды. Даже самая прочная броня или корпус НЛО не выдержит мощность этого устройства.{NEWLINE}Однако, оно эффективно лишь на очень близком расстоянии и требует отдельной батареи.
STR_FUSION_TORCH_POWER_CELL_UFOPEDIA: Эта высокоэнергетическая батарея требуется для использования Плазменной Горелки. Одной батареи хватает на 5 применений.
Ran, This looks like just what I was looking for! I'm compiling an "Up Close and Personal" modset with pistols, melee, and grenades. I'd like to include this in the modset, and would be happy to give you attribution!
Cheers, Ivan :D
You are welcome, Ivan! :D
I have updated the mod and added the latest translations, thank you for contributing!