OpenXcom Forum
OpenXcom Forks => More Forks => Topic started by: xracer on September 19, 2013, 04:23:03 am
Hello everyone,
now i know that everyone is busy working on their own mod, so what i am attempting is a bit to ambitious for a single non-programmer :)
THe basic idea of the mod that i want to do is a "higher resolution" version of the game and by the i mean bring to game to 960x600 base res
This is where i have been putting a lot of my ideas and artwork that i want to use in the mod
With help from warboy, supsuper and Volutar i was able to get the battle scep control panel working to about 95% there is one more function not available but it should be easy to implement for a programmer :)
Currently i am working on modifying the inventory screen, basically trying to combine the stats screen with the inventory screen. right now it si still very early and the GUI is not displaying object properly as well as the active areas are not available.
The sprites for the battle scape are original plus the combination of Chiko's sprites and maybe one or 2 that i did. they will be improved and changed in size to fit the new sprite size.
I have also added a couple of mods from warboy and Moriaty and some artwork from Luke.
Lastly I would like the actual battlescape to be displayed in a closer view of the map
Truly i have not done anythign on it yet just a mock up of how i would like it to be viewed since i do not think the old bar style GUI will work too well.
Base Management
UFOPEDIA this one will take a little formating effort i do not want to rework all the screens, i simply want them to fit more objects, allowing more space for fluff text and such.
Research Tree The research tree has been completely added to the ruleset except for cleaning up dependencies and drawing out exact branches everything is added and fully functional.
GUI in here and thanks to Supsuper i want to combine the inventory screen with the stat screen as well and also add Shoes mod for showing awards. based on the awards we talk to him about.
Lastly the GUI in the base management is what will need the most work just to allow a nicer "higher" definition sprites for all the facilities.
As such like i said i have been workign on it and a few things have been implemented and is thanks to a bunch of programmers and artist but is getting to a point that is really hard for me to do the coding :( not because i do not have time but just because i do not have the skills.
That website i listed is were most of my ideas are present. I have forked Supsuper branch this is the branch i work off and this is my master
by the way due to the huge difference in reluset this version is no longer compatible with Supsuper master.
I hope someone puts there hand up to help you mate, you are doing a fantastic job and i want to see it finished oneday ( not Only because i want to use some of your hardworks in FOXC :P )
Come on you "Smart" Programmers , help the rest of us out to achieve our dreams :P
well i guess is must continue this way :P
slow and steady :D
So I am restarting my efforts, however since i have been away for so long the code has change a lot I will start from the beginning I will post some mock ups to show the direction i will like to go.
If you have any comments ideas, or suggestion or simply want to lend a hand let me know.
Right now i am updating all the code, since i have been gone for a long time, and the amazing OXC coders don't sleep or eat and only code code code. so a bit of work ahead, someone Plaes mentioned hat he will look into doing in in git "properly" which i do not what that means :)
In any case i will try to stay up to date with the code and post here any changes or addition to the art.
The code is finally rebased, however had to restart from zero, control panel is now functional, need to fix a small issue with an inactive area in the screen. All work is done in BattlescapeState
Starting to work on the inventory screen in InventoryState. Hopefully will have something ready to show in a few days. Sprites are being re-sized to allow higher resolution artwork.
A little update on the status of my mod
is a early build of the geo gui a lot of issues need to be resolved. We will see how it goes.
Time for a blue glow signifying Earths atmosphere.
What's the color depth? Were you able to increase it?
Time for a blue glow signifying Earths atmosphere.
Yeah, but don't ask me as it is, i am having a hard time doing it :)
What's the color depth? Were you able to increase it?
No i didn't is the same pallete, i wouldn't even know how to do that :P
Plus if it wasn't for Warboy, SupSuper, Shoes and others i wouldn't be able to do anything of this :)
Based on input from you guys i have made some modification to the look of the geo interface.
Let me know what you guys think.
color corrected version with a little tweak here and there
Great news!!!! fixed many issues and got the game to be fully operational albeit with a lot of tweak to be corrected.
Thanks to everyone that is helping me :) So I made a little short video, this mod inlcudes many weapons and other mod artifacts, let me say this again. I AM NOT THE PERSON THAT DID THE ART WORK (ok maybe 1 of them) i suck at artwork :)
let me know what you guys think
NOTE: Just realized that my microphone was mute so... sorry :(
What a nice job it is! :) Could you please upload current build of your mod?
What a nice job it is! :) Could you please upload current build of your mod?
I am doing a couple of tweaks to make it look just a little better.
I will upload probably one in about 3-4 hours meaning around 2 AM :)
OK to the point of this post
A couple of question people have asked me.
The artwork items size
I am making the slots for all items 31x31 (w x h)
However this are the max size for the items:
1 x 1 items: 25 x 25 pixels, for example all mines, grenades flares, etc...
1 x 2 items: 25 x 55 pixels, as you can see items gain a few extra pixels, pistols, ammo, etc...
1 x 3 items: 25 x 85
2 x 2 items: 55 x 55
2 x 3 items: 55 x 85
3 x 4 items: 85 x 110
of course this are the max size this doesn't mean it has to be that size, clearly some items are 3 x 1 and i do not think we have anything 1 x 3 this was put just to show the sizes.
Now you are asking WTF is 3 x 4? i am just making a little change where corpses will be this size and as such it will not be able to fit your hand slot, but you can put it on your back :)
any other questions let me know.
The jumpsuit
i totally love it ;D!....and i dont want to sound annoying but i think there is something weird in their face...maybe there are so much "plain" color in the eyes they look like they even have it...idk how to explain it :-X..still i'll follow closely this project looks really amazing :)
WOW! They are looking cool!!!
i totally love it ;D!....and i dont want to sound annoying but i think there is something weird in their face...maybe there are so much "plain" color in the eyes they look like they even have it...idk how to explain it :-X..still i'll follow closely this project looks really amazing :)
To tell you the truth i agree, however i am not an artist, i did try to change it but in teh end they looked like badly make-up drag queens, so i went back to original :(
The main reason why i have not set a good version is because there is an error in the active area for the inventory screen. The objects get mapped to the correct location but the active area for the items is moved. I have tried several things and a few people have given me some ideas but i have not been able to make it work. As soon as that is working the rest is just feature add on.
However if anyone would like to contribute the code is here
I have uploaded all the image source files, and even testing files :) anyone is welcome to help specially since i am not a coder :)
Here is the latest file that I did a little cropping it was done by Luke.
but in teh end they looked like badly make-up drag queens, so i went back to original :(
well maybe they was trying to save the world WITH STYLE :D!
ummm yeah i get your point...i would help but im not a coder,or an artist..i am nothing ;___;
the only thing i can do its cheer you up, keep going my friend this project deserve to come alive! :D
well maybe they was trying to save the world WITH STYLE :D!
ummm yeah i get your point...i would help but im not a coder,or an artist..i am nothing ;___;
I am not a coder or artist either, i only have a vision in my mind, if i had half the skill that either warboy or Supsuper has i would have already finish :) To tell you that i am having trouble doing a direct image referencing :(
In any case this is a WIP I will keep working on it slowly as i can it is a mayor revamping of everything I am using artwork from a lot of people and i want to clarify that they are the one that have done the work i am simply taking their work and adapting it to work in my version.
Hello everyone,
Well the mod is finally coming together, thanks to a few people i have resolved several issues and now the artwork looks cleaner, there are a few little issues but nothing mayor, next i will try to get all the ufopedia corrected, since i introduced many new items i bet it is a mess :)
in any case here is something to show you what has been done.
a little update
this is a current screenshot
This looks incredibly smooth. Obviously much work went into this screen. (Except the soldier stats, which look kind of unfinished, but I suppose you know that.)
Still, I must confess that what caught my eye the most were all those awesome new guns I want to use :D
Thanks, it is still a work in progress, there are a lot of things i am trying to do.
And yes i know the stats are incomplete i am getting an error when i try to implement them :)
The guns is a huge departure from the original and hopefully i can implement what i have in mind. My current build is "playable" but the screen look all screw up in general i think the mod is about 20% done.
Really excellent work, although with combining the hi-res mod with extra assets like those new weapons I hope you aren't biting off more than you can chew. If you can get the vanilla game working at hi res then I can see this mod becoming the default one for future modders to start with.
to tell you the truth the addition of the weapons was the easy part :( that was just adding a few more sprites and ruleset adjustment, which i thought at first was hard, then realized it wasn't so much. (maybe that is why i left it like 90% complete)
However making the game "higher resolution" is really taking a toll :S specifically one feature that i think is the "main" change to vanilla is the merging of the inventory screen and the stats screen. Thanks to a few people I have been able to incorporate a few things already as you can see in the screenshot. And the battlescape inventory is easier since it is just static. The geoscape inventory on the other hand... :O
And to tell you the truth it is far more than i can chew firstly i am no programmer, so if you would like to lend a hand 8) Secondly i work on it during my "Free time" :)
In any case I do it because i love this game, anyone can jump in and out at any time, after all the main code is being done by a lot of people so not "many" bug in the code just a matter of passing values and adjusting location of object and assets :)
I'm afraid you cannot truthfully claim any more not to be a programmer. You are doing just fine. We can see your progress from the Youtube video version to the screenshot that you posted above. Taking one thing at a time, getting it fixed, and then moving on.
As for helping out.... I looked at the instructions for setting up a git clone for compilation and with the required libraries and it looked a bit daunting. I've done simple C programming in MinGW, but this project is something else.
That has the latest upstream with my diary + what I have done up of commendations. I don't know if you can pull it into your stuff from your end or if I need to request a pull, but you can look around!
Wow talk about a lot of work!!! man the amount of changes is drastic, and yes i can make a pull directly into my fork, however the changes are so drastic that require manual merging.
Since there is so much space in my debriefing screen i was thinking of merging promotions and awards into a single screen. I know I know always asking for more. anyway once i get the little problem i have resolved i will look at it.
I tried to minimize my impact on the source, so hopefully it wasn't too much :)
I could easily see promotions and commendations being on the same screen. They're kind of related after all.
Thanks to Warboy we got a couple more issues corrected.
Here is the latest screenshot, nothing amazing just code fixing.
The stats bar continue to elude me, one of this days somehow they will magically appear.
I saw your PM in IRC; speaking about merging stuff; the alpha release thing I posted to github includes all of the latest commits by warboy and supsuper, so maybe that's what's causing the merge conflicts with your stuff? Because I thought my code was pretty self contained: only a few changes to existing code.
I saw your PM in IRC; speaking about merging stuff; the alpha release thing I posted to github includes all of the latest commits by warboy and supsuper, so maybe that's what's causing the merge conflicts with your stuff? Because I thought my code was pretty self contained: only a few changes to existing code.
Hmmm... i am not sure my code is only 3 days or so behind basecode, i will remerge it today and do a comparison with yours and see how that goes. If too many manual changes i will just start copying your code into mine hopefully with no side effect.
Right now I am trying to fix the Base Scape info screen to include the inventory, and create for tabs to change between Stats, Awards, Record, so that your mod will be integrated directly. however trying to do that is a little above me and i am reading a lot :) now.
Were you using any part of my mod before I made that "alpha release" branch? (Which btw doesn't work; the little testing I did was not enough to catch a few segfaults)
another little step
Another little work done,
In this case i actually did some actual work!!! the area where the hair and the "face protection" wasn't showing properly so i did some correction to show the way i think it should work.
Alien Alloy Armor
This look very good, style is like original.
You're using TTS graphic or doing it by yourself?
This look very good, style is like original.
Yes Yankes, i am trying to make it look as close to the original look as possible, clearly some areas will change but i am attempting to keep the same color scheme with minimum difference.
You're using TTS graphic or doing it by yourself?
Yes Michal, I am abusing TTS graphics of course i am adjusting a few things here and there some of the sprites are from TTS other are done by Chiko and actually a couple are now done by me by coping by coping and pasting a lot :).
But still progress is slow, i am trying to learn C++ as i go. :) and there are so many things i do not understand.
another little update
xracer please never give up!! You're doing great work!
Also I suggest you draw up your idea on how each section will look. Just use a pencil, draw, label everything, and upload it to us. This will help us see what you're wanting to do.
Plus, we can help you make the best aesthetic choices for button placements, etc. after seeing what you're doing.
xracer please never give up!! You're doing great work!
Also I suggest you draw up your idea on how each section will look. Just use a pencil, draw, label everything, and upload it to us. This will help us see what you're wanting to do.
Plus, we can help you make the best aesthetic choices for button placements, etc. after seeing what you're doing.
Thanks for the support, however as someone mentioned i have bitten much more than i can chew, and any work that i have done is thanks to actual programmers, i am no programmer, right now although i have not updated anything i have been trying to see if i can create an geoscape inventory.
I do not know if i will continue or not, but i will keep looking at the code whenever i can.
you are handing your workload as well as anybody, so don't beat on yourself. What I was originally concerned about was not so much you getting side tracked, bogged down, and burnt out was that your final release be as much like the master branch that all of the other developers could merge their work into it with a minimum of fuss.
you are handing your workload as well as anybody, so don't beat on yourself. What I was originally concerned about was not so much you getting side tracked, bogged down, and burnt out was that your final release be as much like the master branch that all of the other developers could merge their work into it with a minimum of fuss.
well the issue is that the code in my version it is modified, not extremely but enough to break just about every mod. But i guess Warboy does that kind of stuff all the time :)
Like i said before i am still looking at the code, but at a much much much slower pace. I will keep the cope up to date with base so hopefully it will stay relevant if anyone wants to join in.
Hello everyone,
Well i am back into this, so i wanted to ask people input, give me ideas of how to use all the new real state.
This is my idea for the base view
I would like any and all input, since i will have some free time in a few days i figure i can start gathering ideas so that maybe i can get something done.
The current version is here
there are some few issues :) i know i know just trying to do things here and there get me excited next thing i know i am workign on something else.
so any ideas for all screen research, manufacturing, let me know draw it, sketch it, do it with crayon or even paint just give me some ideas :P
Looks good! And welcome back :)
Here is something I did in my spare time.
I feminized the females in pic posted above and slightly changed the postures to something a little more natural. If you people like this I can attempt to do the same with the other posture pics.
Hey R,
Those look really, nice also instead of modifying the flat png i can give you the source png i think that will make it easier for you, actually you can get it from the github i put the source there so that anyone can do it, i extracted the from psd and made it in to png since i am better working with fireworks and not photoshop.
Let me know i can put the source here if you like
OK a little update on this whole thing first i am fixing several bugs that i was ignoring but i am listening to Warboy and correcting some of those.
here is the lastest revision
Hey Racer.
Good to know that you like the changes. I'll try to make the changes to the source files. Some questions:
Firstly I can't seem to find the source files for the pictures. If you could link them it would be great. Secondly: I have the source files of the original TTS graphics. Should/Could I work from them? Thirdly: What HD pictures is still needed? I could try my hand to make them from the original graphics of Xcom. Lastly: Must I save the graphics as .png or .psd and where must I post them?
Hey Racer.
Good to know that you like the changes. I'll try to make the changes to the source files. Some questions:
Firstly I can't seem to find the source files for the pictures. If you could link them it would be great.
Hello R,
thank you, all the resources are here
they are separated accordingly, since most of the game will be adjusted.
Secondly: I have the source files of the original TTS graphics. Should/Could I work from them?
you can use TTS files since those are the ones i am using also, however i have already modified a few of them specifically the alien alloy armor because there was a small issue how the face protection was covering the hair of some of the soldiers.
Thirdly: What HD pictures is still needed? I could try my hand to make them from the original graphics of Xcom.
Basically i still need just about everything in HD all the sprites are stretched :) almost nothing is HD
Lastly: Must I save the graphics as .png or .psd and where must I post them?
People love PSD and is great for artist, I am no artist :P and i suck at photoshop however manipulating PNG in fireworks i can do, the only problem is that after i work in fireworks i need to do palette correction in photoshop. you can post it here or you can add it to github either way is ok
Hey Xracer
Some more questions.
You talked about a 'flat png' and the 'source png' Where is the difference? Is the image just a single layer image with a black (0,0,0) background or does it need something special that I need to do?
Is the correct way to download the images: 1) Opening up the individual image on the git. Then 2) Right click > Save image as... ?
Are all images on the git already stretched out and ready to be edited?
I might be a little nitpicky here, but I just want to make sure I don't do some unnecessary mistakes.
Hey R,
Well first is very doubtful that you could make a mistake :)
About the images all the bigobs are stretched to fit the current GUI some of them could be a little longer but they are not bad.
About the PNG, yes the flat PNG, all layers have been flatten by PS because when i need to palette corrected PS doen't like all the layers created by FW (fireworks),
I think it might be best if you know PS to just work there so that the art work is by default 8b instead of all the mumbo-jumbo i do :)
The source PNG are the PNG will multiple layers that i can work with in FW, because truly i can't even make a gradient in PS :(. However in FW i can do a few things.
also there are a lo of floorobs and hand obs that are not done i want to put them into a single spritesheet, one column one weapons. Because i can't do them :(
Let me know. and we can add the source artwork to git so that we can easily add or edit if necessary. and we can remove all my stretched "artwork" :)
and yes you can download the files, you might be able to just download instead of save as, i have not tried that.
aslo in the BG folder the ***SRC are the original file and the HD*** are my version that i am trying to rework but of course the color palette is all screw up.
basebits have not been streched and i do not know if they will ever be as i have not decided how the base interface will look, maybe you artists :) can give me ideas.
ok i think that should keep you busy :P
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Yes yes I know, you don't have to tell me!!! shheessshhh not even the system likes me.
Anyway since this is the longest uncompleted mod i have decided to make a final push this time like i mean it.
First i will create mock up of basically the whole game and ask for you input. If the mayority likes it, then I (read someone else) will attempt to make it work.
anyway here are the first mock ups
The colors will be adjusted to match, like i said it is just a mock up
any input is welcome.
I have something extra to put in this mockup (no comments about what you did so far):
How about you dump that "build new base" button? It always bugged me that is so rarely used in the game that is "almost" useless.
My idea: remove the "build new base" button and use the base slection buttons to add a new base when clicking an empty one. Even better, show grayed-out buttons for empty slots, and add a big "plus" sign to the leftmost one (and a tip on the screen if possible)
I don't have the time right now but I'll try and adjust your mock-up later to better express myself.
That will require a bit of change in the code, but I think it's an improvement.
Yes I can see that, taking that button will give more space, but now we have so much :) and also I think it will require a little tooltip to show "New Base" however the only problem I see with that is that it may not be intuitive.
I will resize all the window areas to be wider because there is a lot of unused real state.
I want to minimize the use of windows and continuously redraw new ones wherever possible, but I do not want to over clutter the screen, is like I want to game to seem natural, like it was meant to look this way from the beginning.
I will adjust all the colors so they look uniform. I think those big section labels will be a little smaller, just enough to separate the areas.
The soldier screen will have active areas for soldiers where you can click the name and you will be taken to the inventory/stats screen for managing the unit.
Interestig. I wait a nicromancer
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Ok here is another mockup.
In this case the active areas are present and selecting a craft will cause the middle and lower window to update.
If an transport craft is selected then second and third window will show, however if a intercept craft is selected selected then only the second window will display since the craft has no crew.
Maybe i should create a little frame for the areas? what do you think?
Interestig. I wait a nicromancer
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Sorry i didn't get that. Puedes escribir en español si es necesario.
Saludos :)
Ok here is another mockup.
Maybe i should create a little frame for the areas? what do you think?
I think frames would be good and whatever background need to be more muted probably so that the text/displays stand out more. Also feels like the base map itself should have a bigger buffer from the left side.
Cheers, Ivan :D
Hello Ivan
Yes next revision, i will add a frame to the right side areas, and also i remove the "new base" icon i think kkmic is correct, we will see how it looks, and i will make the icons i a little wider.
About he color, yes i agree with you completely but that is done ingame processing by applying filters :) so it will be done.
About the "bigger buffer" i do not know exactly what you mean by that, could you please elaborate.
Thank you.
About the "bigger buffer" i do not know exactly what you mean by that, could you please elaborate.
I just meant that the base map shouldn't be pressed against the left side of the screen. Both element (Right and left) should be more balanced and overall centered.
I know that you are still at the rough conceptual stage, and still trying to get a good feel for how things could work, so I don't expect it to be perfect right, now. But I will give you my feedback and observations as I see them from time to time, and hopefully they will help.
Cheers, Ivan :D
Yes the screen will be a little more balanced, the right side will be made wider at that time we will see if the base layout needs to be moved or not. Also this will allowed for the items to not look so crammed.
And ideas is exactly what I am looking for, I know all my ideas are not the best thus if I get more input that will be great.
ok a few modification in view of comments, clearly still not optimal, more ideas suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
The GUI looks surprisingly efficient. It needs some artistic work, but it's getting there and I like the philosophy!
Is more util in all grphics i see. Good work
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The GUI looks surprisingly efficient. It needs some artistic work, but it's getting there and I like the philosophy!
You sound surprised!!! :P
yes the artwork will need to be redone. When this is completed and the battlescape design also done, the last part will be the Ufopedia, and it think that will be the bigger challenge.
Although i am still trying to get some more use of the available space i do not want to make it look so empty :) but i guess if we increase the font size a little that will make more use of the space.
Is more util in all grphics i see. Good work
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Yes the utility is amplified since you can see a lot more data from a single point of view. preventing jumping back and forth from window to window.
Thank you for your input, if you have any ideas how to improve it let me know.
Only i think a better look. New wallpapers and i think a line or wallaper to separate the part of base of the others screens
Lo veo bastante bien. Bien ordenado y claro. Yo mejoraria los fondos y pondria alguna linea o un cambio en el fondo para separar lo que es la parte de la base del resto de pantallas. Solo para que fuese mas claro. Un gran trabajo y espero testear el proyecto algun. Dia. Gracias
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Lo veo bastante bien. Bien ordenado y claro. Yo mejoraria los fondos y pondria alguna linea o un cambio en el fondo para separar lo que es la parte de la base del resto de pantallas. Solo para que fuese mas claro. Un gran trabajo y espero testear el proyecto algun. Dia. Gracias
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Estoy de acuerdo. Algo mas para distinguir los diferentes partes de la pantalla desde el fondo seria mejor.
OMG ... did I just say all that in Spanish?
Chevre! Ivan :D
Lo veo bastante bien. Bien ordenado y claro. Yo mejoraria los fondos y pondria alguna linea o un cambio en el fondo para separar lo que es la parte de la base del resto de pantallas. Solo para que fuese mas claro. Un gran trabajo y espero testear el proyecto algun. Dia. Gracias
Concuerdo un poco contigo, pero el problema yace cuando eliges "Build Facility" en ese caso necesitamos que las dos areas we bean uniformes. Entonces al separar y luego uniticarlos se veria incorrecto.
Sobre los fondos, realmente no peudo cambiarlos por el tamaño de allow, que es 960x 600 o 320 x 200, y am where recortarlos pierden substancia. Creo que boy a usar el marco principal para dividirlos, pero los fondos me van a dar problemas.
Estoy de acuerdo. Algo mas para distinguir los diferentes partes de la pantalla desde el fondo seria mejor.
Chevre! Ivan :D
Your Spanish is good. But the problem lies in how to separate it. I though about it before but could not come up with a good solution. That is why I created the little frames to divide the space into areas for better visualization. I will make a mock up separating the areas, maybe I can use the main window frame to create the separation.
hmm... maybe just a darkened panel on the back ground image for the right side would work.
That is not a bad idea, I will have to give a try when I get back home, I think a single darker frame might look even better to differentiate between the area that is persistent and the area that changes and that will also use a little more space :) and with that we can control the tint of the windows for better reading.
In the mean time here is a look at how I work :)
Ok since i am about to start doing this, and by doing i mean (destroying every bit of code in OXC)
So here is what i need to do
so i need to understand the structure
+ BasescapeState
| - BaseView
|--+ BaseInfoState
|------+ MonthlyCostState
|------+ StoreState
|------+ TransferBaseState
|--+ SoldierState
|------+ SoldierMemorialState
|--+ CraftState
|------+ CraftInfoState
|------+ CraftSoldierState
|------+ CraftWeaponState
|------+ CraftArmorState
|--+ BuildFacilitiesState
To be cotinued...
Just wanted to say that two-paneled base screen looks FANtastic.
hmm... maybe just a darkened panel on the back ground image for the right side would work.
Hey so I made a little mock up, didn't have time to post it, but it looks like that will be a great solution.
Just wanted to say that two-paneled base screen looks FANtastic.
Thank you, I just started looking at the code and it is doable, but with my skill set a little hard, So progress will be at best very slow, we will see how it goes from there. Right now I am trying to figure out how to remove some of the for :) specifically the window centering code, and that is proving tricky.
In the mean time here is a look at how I work :)
It is much better then the analysis of requirements that sometimes my boss ask to me :o ;D
another mock up, don't judge on the color :P
let me know what you guys think.
Looking better! ( I'd darken the red up, but I won't say that, because I wouldn't want to get caught judging the color).
I like the "+" s on the bases. Looking good.
Its ok. May be better but the way is correct. May be close all the boxes. In my opinion. Close the top and down
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Looking better! ( I'd darken the red up, but I won't say that, because I wouldn't want to get caught judging the color).
Its ok. May be better but the way is correct. May be close all the boxes. In my opinion. Close the top and down
Could you do a little mock up to show what you mean, I think i understand, and it would make it look like a more "single window" but i think it will be an issue when you select a different craft so the middle area will change, and based on the craft type the 3rd window may not be available. Let me know how could i improve it.
Thank you guys.
Could you do a little mock up to show what you mean, I think i understand, and it would make it look like a more "single window" but i think it will be an issue when you select a different craft so the middle area will change, and based on the craft type the 3rd window may not be available. Let me know how could i improve it.
Thank you guys.
I see the image and now is fine. May be a problem this morning and see different. Sorry
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Hello all,
So thanks to the awesome coders from OXC, i have been able to start working on this, and i wanted to ask some question maybe a coder can answer them.
I want to create a "super state" meaning a main state were a lot of sub-states will be called and drawn on.
this is what i want to do
will hold permanent active areas
- minibaseview
- Basegrid
- Menu
from this function we will call all other states and draw them on the right side as depicted
_btninfomation calls baseinfostate(), basetrasnferstat() and so on basically calling multiple states at once.
_btnsoldier calls soldierstate(), soldiermemorialstate(), soldiermemorialinfostate() (i forgot how that last one is called)
and so forth
Is this a correct approach or not, any help will be appreciated.
I was thinking on merging a lot of state but i think just calling them will be a simpler solution. I think it will be easier than recoding everything, i will need to adjust a few parameters but no huge reworking of the code will be required.
Please let me know if there could be an easier implementation or if this is even logical or possible with the current code.
Thank you
A little update on my progress.
Please be advise that i am not a programmer so my progress is very very very slow.
Also i didn't want to record audio :)
Let me know what you guys think, I know is almost a rehash of what i had previously done, but this is with V1.0 of OXC, not completely up to date with the current code but as close as is going to get.
ok one screen down another million to go here is an update everything in the new inventory/info screen is not functional
Did you mean "is now functional"? Your sentence seemed oddly affirmative for a negative statement.
Also your presentation needs a bit of work in terms of alignment. If fixed, things tucked away in corners while there is lots of empty space and frames that don't line up between each other, would make it look much better already (to me at least..). I have attached a mockup I made in paint using your figure.
Otherwise, I see a lot of promise in your work. I think many of us are number addicts and that's why we play XCom instead of fancier looking fast-paced games, so having more on display is certainly a good thing!
Did you mean "is now functional"? Your sentence seemed oddly affirmative for a negative statement.
hey i was tired :P but yes it was supposed to be now.
Also your presentation needs a bit of work in terms of alignment. If fixed, things tucked away in corners while there is lots of empty space and frames that don't line up between each other, would make it look much better already (to me at least..). I have attached a mockup I made in paint using your figure.
You maybe correct, however there are some buttons that in that specific screenshot do not appear. Also although i see you centered the paperdoll, you moved the ammo window on the left side, in my point of view that makes it more unbalanced. The ammo window is only present when you have selected a weapon other wise the area will be empty. And i have been asking for ages for input but as you can see is mainly like 2 people that say "hey change that or do that" so i have been going at it the way i "think" looks decent, I am not saying is perfect but is not that bad :P
Otherwise, I see a lot of promise in your work. I think many of us are number addicts and that's why we play XCom instead of fancier looking fast-paced games, so having more on display is certainly a good thing!
Yes I do hope to display more info on the screen, use the real state more wisely, and also i am working on adjusting the basescape, which will be removed so many clicks while traversing the UI.
Like i said any input is welcomed and maybe will adjust a few things here and there ;)
Also yes this was my original idea, and location of items, because i didn't know what would i add, however now that is basically settled i do see your point, and i will make some adjustment, not as drastic as you depict but definitely more centered and maybe a little more open, right now all the grids almost run into each other.
Thank you
Well, I'll happily keep up with the comments if you keep up with the screenshots ;)
You're right that, with the ammo box missing, my suggestion looks off. I tried it with the ammo box in the top left corner as well, but couldn't fit everything easily, then I forgot that it would disappear.. With some tweaking of where the inventory and stats show up, it might be possible to get it to work though.
Have you considered the impact of rulesets on boxes placement? I'm not sure how it works, but in regular OpenXCom, you can define where the boxes are (see Quickdraw or ExtraPockets mods). In the end, it might be something everyone can tweak?
Anyhow, glad I could help and I'll keep watching. Keep up the good work!
Have you considered the impact of rulesets on boxes placement? I'm not sure how it works, but in regular OpenXCom, you can define where the boxes are (see Quickdraw or ExtraPockets mods). In the end, it might be something everyone can tweak?
This weekend i will make some adjustments based on your comments, I do think you have a point and i will try to polish that idea.
About the reluset, as it is right now all the grids can be adjusted via the ruleset except for the ground grid. However, my version is no longer compatible with OXC hence i am calling it OXCHR :O dont' worry one day i will come up with a cooler name :)
Now seriously my code is about 2 months behind the basecode, and doesn't include a lot of features that have been added, specifically doesn't include the modable GUI, why? Well because my original code was based on V 0.9 and from there to the latest nightly the code is so different that it broke all my changes and tryign to do a merge of the code wasn't pretty (trust me I tried :( ). I decided to get it back to work with V 1.0, but only up to the point right before Warboy destroyed my life ( read: Warboy introduced the modable GUI into the code)
If you visit my G+ page you will see that a lot of things were done already, right now i am redoing them and since now i have a better vision for the BaseScape GUI am moving forward with more emphasis, but at a more calm pace. I will attempt to complete area by area, As of this point i consider the Inventory interface fully functional, albeit small adjustments can be made to make it look more balance.
My next goal will be to fix the Battlescape GUI since i realized that there are many many bugs on my GUI implementation.
Then i will jump on the Debriefing screen, which will include mission results, Promotions, award and any other stat i can think of (or you can think of). It will give you an overview in a single screen. And this will also be my testbed for learning how to either merge states or create a super state. So i will be bugging programmers. By the way just so you know i am not a programmer :)
Once we complete that i will probably do the GlobeScape GUI which is not that complicated albeit for some tiny buttons issues.
from there the path is still out of focus, but the main task will turn to the BaseScape and use my knowledge of the Debriefing screen to either merge many many states into one huge state or create a superstate to call the other state within.
Ok too much ranting, I hope you stick around, and give me input.
Oh, I see..! Any hope of merging in non-GUI related changes from the code?
Then i will jump on the Debriefing screen, which will include mission results, Promotions, award and any other stat i can think of (or you can think of). It will give you an overview in a single screen. [...]
I hope you stick around, and give me input.
One thing for debriefing (I know, it's later, but still) that would make me happy is showing stat improvements. Something like, line by line:
Soldier A +1 0 0 +2 0 0 ...
Soldier B 0 0 +1 0 ...
with column titles on top, of course, so you know what the numbers are for.
I'll stick around and comment for sure! OpenXCom is becoming my one and only stop for gaming!
this looks allright but sadly to my likeing its 2 pastell and mute collored witch makes it seam blury to me and it could be nestalgia or soemthing i like the pixle art more
One thing for debriefing (I know, it's later, but still) that would make me happy is showing stat improvements. Something like, line by line:
Soldier A +1 0 0 +2 0 0 ...
Soldier B 0 0 +1 0 ...
with column titles on top, of course, so you know what the numbers are for.
one thing i do want to do is not make it look like a bunch of numbers plastered all over the place, we have to make it look like it was meant to be there ;)
this looks allright but sadly to my likeing its 2 pastell and mute collored witch makes it seam blury to me and it could be nestalgia or soemthing i like the pixle art more
the truth is that i do not see the difference, however if you can see it maybe you can fix it, I am no artist and this artwork was taken from another user, if you could create proper pallete artwork in this resolution that will be great :) Also i do not see the difference because i am color blind so they look great to me :D
here is a new little update, I realized there is a small bug, i am missing two labels on the screen.
one thing i do want to do is not make it look like a bunch of numbers plastered all over the place, we have to make it look like it was meant to be there ;)
Oh.. hum.. Yes. I can see your point about numbers not looking like they were meant to be there. Hopefully we could find a way, since I think that would be a great addition to a debriefing, experience being the most valuable thing you get out of a fight (tied with loot, maybe..)
As for the update, it still looks to me like the inventory is too far to the top-left. You have much more space between it and the stats than between the inventory and the left edge of the screen, and lots of space under while little above. Do you have something you want to put in the lower space?
Oh.. hum.. Yes. I can see your point about numbers not looking like they were meant to be there. Hopefully we could find a way, since I think that would be a great addition to a debriefing, experience being the most valuable thing you get out of a fight (tied with loot, maybe..)
Well if we come up with a nice depiction or maybe a mock up we can work from there, clearly this will be much later as i am still trying to learn a lot of things about programming, and work is always a trying to take me away from OXC, but don't worry i won't let it :)
As for the update, it still looks to me like the inventory is too far to the top-left. You have much more space between it and the stats than between the inventory and the left edge of the screen, and lots of space under while little above. Do you have something you want to put in the lower space?
well the reason is that this is where the ammo item is located, originally i wanted to rotate the item 90 degress that way i can lower everything, the reason why teh ammo needs such a large space is for rockets since they are a 1 x 3 sprite maybe there is an easy way to rotate it, maybe is hidden function in OXC :)
We will see, also this give us space for somthing else, you know people always looking for a place to crash :)
Ok since i am a little tired of working on the BattlescapeState and InventoryState I started playing with the debriefingState, and thanks to SupSuper and Warboy I have made little progress, the only issue I have is that .holly cow there is so much space!!!!!!!!
Ideas are welcome, I am however going to incorporate Shoes Record tracking mod as a main part of my Mod so medals and all that will be included, where you ask? i have no idea yet.
Lots of space..! That means lots of potential :D
What about.. Displaying the number of hits by soldiers (don't display the ones who did not hit any alien), since that's what governs XP gain. Even better, make it so you can click on the soldiers in that list, bring up their stat page on the right side and see what they gained (Gains from the last mission could be shown in a different colour from the overall gains).
You can also add kills, and which weapon did the hit/kill, to tie in with the commendation mod which store that information.
I do want to put more info, but remember this is a debriefing screen not a management screen, so we will only display information pertaining to the mission that just complete, we will have a little more infomation like
List of promotions
List of awards
list of casualties
List of Wounded? :S
I know what you are saying and i love stats also, but we need to keep it clutter free :) "less is more" "KISS" (Keep it...)
I want to display information in a nice clear manner, we can add a few things here and there but i am not planning on adding any type of actions to the screen line selecting soldier or other stuff. I hope you see my perspective.
Not even in a button..? :(
Nah, I see your point. I guess I'm just addicted to XP/Stat and progression ;)
I think a list of wounded, with how long they will be wounded for, would be a great addition to the other things you mentioned.
and a little something to satiate your thirst for more.
is very early but i figure i should post it so you know we are making progress
This might be useful for expanding the base building space to allow more total facilities. I wish I knew how to code stuff, but I'm willing to help in any way I can.
About the reluset, as it is right now all the grids can be adjusted via the ruleset except for the ground grid. However, my version is no longer compatible with OXC hence i am calling it OXCHR :O dont' worry one day i will come up with a cooler name :)
Now seriously my code is about 2 months behind the basecode, and doesn't include a lot of features that have been added, specifically doesn't include the modable GUI, ...
So, basically, you have forked the project and you are working on your own branch. As the main branch has adjustable positioning for the GUI, it just has to implement adjustable font and size to catch up with what you have here.
So, basically, you have forked the project and you are working on your own branch. As the main branch has adjustable positioning for the GUI, it just has to implement adjustable font and size to catch up with what you have here.
Thats not quite correct
the code defines whats in each screen and what happens if you click on buttons/press specific keys,... the "adjustable positioning" can only handle position (+size) and colors not more
so to combine e.g. all 3 base info screens into one basescreen you need to redefine what the basescreen can do
and that can not be done via ruleset the putting x/y/width/heifgt/colors into the rulset is just tedious work and i am all for making every button rulbased so i can have a mod 2xscalebattlscape+150%fontsize that changes the items good for that scale/resolution/fontconfig but making the same functionality available on different screens needs some thoughts and planing to avoid code duplication so good luck getting it done
Hey xracer, I saw you sent me a message on IRC looking to merge my mod into your work. It's possible to do it through git. I'll lay down some broad descriptions here and we can go over on IRC this weekend ;p
So you will create a new branch, so you should have :
master (supsuper's branch, it is vanilla)
xracer (your 'master' branch with your mod)
You will need to add my repo as a remote, in the same way you have a "upstream" and "origin" remote repos. I forget how to do this, but let's say you do it and you call my repo "shoes"
You will checkout master and then "git checkout -b medals" to create a copy of master called 'medals'. You will "git pull shoes alpha_release" which will fetch my branch containing my mod and merge it into master. There will probably be some conflicts because I haven't updated my mod in a long time. If you wait for me to do this, it will be less work for you.
Afterwards, you will want to "git checkout xracer" and "git checkout -b xracermedals" to create a copy of your working branch ready to merge my work into it. Then, "git merge medals" and deal with the conflicts.
It's that easy!
This might be useful for expanding the base building space to allow more total facilities.
Yes it is possible but that will truly require a significant amount of work, at this point will be beyond the scope of the current conversion, but hey if someone has the skills to do it we can add 1 row and 1 column just to give you extra space beyond that i think is too much.
I wish I knew how to code stuff, but I'm willing to help in any way I can.
You and me both my friend, you and me both. What is your skill set maybe you are "an artist savant" and never knew about it.
So, basically, you have forked the project and you are working on your own branch. As the main branch has adjustable positioning for the GUI, it just has to implement adjustable font and size to catch up with what you have here.
Yes, i have forked it and like i knew from the beginning my code will not be compatible with basecode. The main branch has mod-able GUI but this means you can adjust location and maybe size of items. But it just doesn't end there there are a gizillion updates, fixes from like 50 people on the main basecode, and they touch on just about every part of the game.
Like Falko state, the difference between what i am doing and a mod-able GUI is drastic. The current branch will retain all its states but allow you to move them around and resize them, however you cannot add functionality to those state (without code adjustments). My version is basically removing redundant functionality and putting several states into a single state.
Thus I have the main BaseViewState from there i will have let say the BaseInfoState, which includes Baseinfostate, trasnsferstate, storesstate and monthlycoststate, rolled into a single state, such that when you click the baseinfostate all that information will be available in a single single screen, instead of clicking one then click ok then click another then Ok and so on, i am trying to remove tedious going back and forth, without changing the functionality of the screens.
Warboy has thought me how to create multiple windows in a single screen and having all areas remain active. And SupSuper has mentioned the approach of superstates to allow childstates in teh same window, I am not sure which approach is the best or even the better one, I will right now do the simpler thing which is create my child state, and then we will see how we can bring those into the main state.
We are here for the long haul ladies, so zip your fanny packs, grab an MRE and lets get moving.
It's that easy!
You lost me at
"It's possible to do it through git"
You gave me an idea : clone your working branch and name it like "newOXC-test", and then I will pull it and work my magic and merge my mod to it, then I will make a pull request and if all works, you will just have to press "yes" and voilà, the commendations mod will be inside your mod.
Assuming it's not a headache for me to merge it all ;p
Arthanor here this is to satisfy your need for numbers :)
Not bad! So much information..! :D
I especially like seeing the inventory and transfers at the same time (plus used and total space). That's "All you have and will have in the near future, plus how much more you could have" at a glance. Very nice.
What's your plan for the right side? I'm thinking buy or sell (or both and you switch between them with a button?). But that's more numbers..!
This is the right side,
The left side will be the base view, here i have made a little mock up of what i mean, all the sizes are not final, i will make better use of the space. The right side is the one that will change based on your button selection
You and me both my friend, you and me both. What is your skill set maybe you are "an artist savant" and never knew about it.
I am especially good at balancing figures, making a large number of factors work together, performing lots of arithmetic operations to solve technical and placement problems, visualizing code and math in 3D, and making adjustments to things other people started. I can spot potential errors or exploits and design smoother and less faulty variations on the system.
Glad to inform that soldier diary is now an integral part of OpenXcomHR or however we will call this conversion :)
All the work was done by Shoes, little by little we are moving forward.
I am especially good at balancing figures, making a large number of factors work together, performing lots of arithmetic operations to solve technical and placement problems, visualizing code and math in 3D, and making adjustments to things other people started. I can spot potential errors or exploits and design smoother and less faulty variations on the system.
Well in that case maybe there is something you can help this mod with :), if you have seen I am changing the research tree a little, adding a few weapons from other mods so rebalancing the game is a huge issue that I have not even dare to look into :) at this exact point in time I have not added that code to the mod since I had start from scratch, but if you will like to help us a little that will be greatly welcomed.
I saw your message on IRC, turns out I forgot to add my files before committing to the branch!
That should now properly have your mod and my mod merged.
well that was a long weekend :P
I saw your message on IRC, turns out I forgot to add my files before committing to the branch!
That should now properly have your mod and my mod merged.
Yes i got that, and now everything is working in my branch like i mentioned in IRC, i had to go back to OXCHD-WIP because somehow i managed to not link my other branch properly.
This weekend i will do a PR to my master and get all that together.
Currently merging some more states, but this is slow and tedious work :) and to try and get all the states working together to prevent too much redundant code. After i finish i will do a code clean up to removed so much commented-out code.
We are moving forward!!!!
A little update
A little update
Nice work on bringing in the commendations. :)
Cheers! Ivan :D
Will you make it so that the new "high res" stuff has bigger fonts to go with the increased screen area?
I realize some people have bad experiences from XCOM 2012's UI design, which was designed around being visible on a television at 10 feet in 720p (huge fonts), but the inverse is also equally bad -- microscopic font in high resolution.
Will you make it so that the new "high res" stuff has bigger fonts to go with the increased screen area?
I realize some people have bad experiences from XCOM 2012's UI design, which was designed around being visible on a television at 10 feet in 720p (huge fonts), but the inverse is also equally bad -- microscopic font in high resolution.
Hello MKSheppard
Yes, the font size will be increased x1.4 which i think that will enough to allow all text to be legible bot not overwhelm the scree. I did a test a while back but i didn't implement in this current version.
Thanks for reminding me :)
And now we are aligned with basecode!!!!
I only took me a few days and several nights, and thanks to a few programmers, the code is now up to date!!!!
Do you think this entire modification could work as an option?
What I have in mind is merging it either with OpenXCom or OpenXCom Extended, but with the possibility of disabling it (as not everyone will want to play in hi-res, I think).
Do you think this entire modification could work as an option?
What I have in mind is merging it either with OpenXCom or OpenXCom Extended, but with the possibility of disabling it (as not everyone will want to play in hi-res, I think).
Technically, it can be done, however due to the significant amount of code change it will be complicated to make it work, or maybe just a lot of ifs, but that would be beyond my current scope, maybe in the future and savvy programmer can make it work, right now my goal is to make this convertion 100% when and if that happens then you or I could pitch the idea to the core team.
As you may know they are willing to accept some changes, prime example is the soldier diary mod which will pretty soon be part of the main code, although I can claim "I got it first" :P
Suggestions, ideas or anything is asked,
I am working on the base facilities screen, in case you do not understand me, if you are xiweing the globe you click on bases,
You get the base view with the menu control, clicking on facilities opens up the facility list, and clicking on a facility allows you to build that facility in the base.
Here is the issue, I am trying to see how to display the facility location and size wise to fit the new area better.
Also I need to fix an issue with how close clicking on the facility works, since right now that calls a new instance of the baseview, any ideas are welcomed.
This is what I was thinking
OK this took me a lot longer than expected :S
Integrating the soldier diary mod into my soldier info, here is a little video showing functionality
Another little update the soldier battlescape inventory has the new higher resolution sprites. everything working, with maybe just minor discrepancies in the images.
New weapons have been added as well as new ammo for our initial weapons, giving our soldier more diversity in combat,
all weapons now have armor piercing, explosive and non-lethal.
I see very good. Great work
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Thanks Arrakis,
Also would like to show you guys a little glimpse of what is going on with my coversion, thanks to all the coders and modders a lot of things are starting to come together. Here is the latest and greatest.
Guys, how to install this wonderful mod? Thanks in advance)
Guys, how to install this wonderful mod? Thanks in advance)
Hello, the mod has not been released as of yet, there are too many things to be done, but you can see the progress here
Here is a screenshot as a little preview of how we are doing.
Dear xracer, thank you for the quick reply) I wish you the best of luck!
Dear xracer, thank you for the quick reply) I wish you the best of luck!
Thanks, although not released the code is available for download, But it is not compatible with Vanilla OXC.
You can go to github, download and compile it, and play with it, I will correct those little game crashing bugs, but truly the code is far to unstable.
Also the code is there if you have cvery little skill, you can start making adjustments and corrections and push them, I am working off WIP with my master as a back up in case I screw something up.
Thanks for visiting :)
Sorry for taking so long having a few difficulties with somethings, but still working on it :)
Got surprised by the real high resolution of those pictures... Those look awesome.
Got surprised by the real high resolution of those pictures... Those look awesome.
Lol, yeah that is some amazing work done by a few people also taken from TTS as well as the paper rolls.
Thanks for viewing if you have any ideas how to improve on it let me know.
Oh my god. Total nerdgasm! This is a dream come true! Keep up the fantastic work!
My only complaint is that the base map is so small. All that empty space around it! Should be bigger :-)
Oh my god. Total nerdgasm! This is a dream come true! Keep up the fantastic work!
My only complaint is that the base map is so small. All that empty space around it! Should be bigger :-)
well truth be told i hope to convince some great artist to create larger tiles for displaying there, eventually :)
A little update "OpenXcom HD preview V 0.01"
Still a lot of work to be done, but we are moving along.
New text for Plasma technology. WIP
since we are modifying the way the plasma weapons are researched and manufacture the text needs to mirror that.
Plasma Weapons:
Our scientist been able to decipher the functionality of alien plasma technology, however it is painfully clear that we are fighting a far superior technological race. The technology is not able to be duplicated with our means and as such we need to acquire alien weaponry at any cost. Furthermore we have been able to discern three main components for the alien plasma technology, which are the frame, which is made up of alien alloys, a minuscule particle accelerator chamber and containment field that concentrates and maintain the plasma stable. we believe that with further research we can isolate those main components in order to produce human plasma weapons.
Plasma Pistol:
Our scientist have completed research on the alien plasma pistol. However due to significant difference in the anatomy and physiology of the alien race we are not able to use this weapons the technology that permits the function of this weapons is not understood, but our scientist have been able to replicate the alien plasma pistol by isolating the main components and reassembling them in order to make it functional for humans. However due to our limited knowledge in the technology our weapons are not as powerful as their alien counter part. but are a huge step up from our current technology and should help us greatly against the alien invasion.
Ok guys i need to take a little time off from developing this. But work has caught up with me so I need to put this on the rear burner, I am not leaving it just slowing down a little bit.
I have uploaded my latest build to either master or WIP
It contains a lot of corrections, and many updates.
Well i will still be lurking here every now and then.