OpenXcom Forum

Contributions => Programming => Topic started by: 54x on July 01, 2013, 04:13:21 pm

Title: Scaled geoscape backgrounds
Post by: 54x on July 01, 2013, 04:13:21 pm
As requested, here are scaled versions of the geoscape backgrounds for 640x400 and 960x600 resolutions. It took a while as I did some manual smoothing of the button images, rotation graphics, and fonts.


There may need to be localised versions of these but those can come later.

edit: Whoops, forgot to copy and paste a couple smoothed letters on the 3x version. Fixed.
Title: Re: Scaled geoscape backgrounds
Post by: kkmic on July 01, 2013, 04:37:47 pm

I sense a hi-res version coming soon :)
Title: Re: Scaled geoscape backgrounds
Post by: xracer on July 01, 2013, 04:47:06 pm
there a few issues with some of the screen, some people are working hard to get it done.
Title: Re: Scaled geoscape backgrounds
Post by: kkmic on July 01, 2013, 04:55:46 pm
I did not say "today" :)
Title: Re: Scaled geoscape backgrounds
Post by: Volutar on July 01, 2013, 06:55:16 pm
1. are then paletted 8bit?
2. panel to the right is not subject to scale.. how about that kind of pictures? There are lot of .geo files with localized buttons.
Title: Re: Scaled geoscape backgrounds
Post by: 54x on July 02, 2013, 08:24:02 am
1. are then paletted 8bit?
2. panel to the right is not subject to scale.. how about that kind of pictures? There are lot of .geo files with localized buttons.

1. Yes, these are palletted images, or this would've been way easier to do.
2. It ought to be, other the interface will become way too small.
Title: Re: Scaled geoscape backgrounds
Post by: Volutar on July 02, 2013, 09:07:28 am
Interface must kept intact, since there are 15 geo files with custom panel. I don't think you'll scale them for every resolution as well.
Title: Re: Scaled geoscape backgrounds
Post by: 54x on July 02, 2013, 11:39:13 am
Interface must kept intact, since there are 15 geo files with custom panel. I don't think you'll scale them for every resolution as well.

Sir, you may be underestimating me. ;)

Are we talking about the localised versions?

edit: huh, my quote tag got truncated.
Title: Re: Scaled geoscape backgrounds
Post by: Hythlodaeus on July 02, 2013, 11:47:57 am
By the way, this counts as derivative artwork, methinks. It could be included in the original package.

Small request, 54x, could you also make a version of this one? This is the Amiga version background one kind folk ripped under my request a while ago.

Title: Re: Scaled geoscape backgrounds
Post by: 54x on July 02, 2013, 01:07:37 pm
By the way, this counts as derivative artwork, methinks. It could be included in the original package.

Small request, 54x, could you also make a version of this one? This is the Amiga version background one kind folk ripped under my request a while ago.


That looks like the same thing but smaller?

p.s.: work in progress attached. :)
Title: Re: Scaled geoscape backgrounds
Post by: michal on July 02, 2013, 01:39:04 pm
p.s.: work in progress attached. :)

Nice work :)

But you know we already have hd graphics for basebits? And for everything else?,892.0.html
Title: Re: Scaled geoscape backgrounds
Post by: luke83 on July 02, 2013, 02:17:09 pm
So we have a Full set now? Lets activate HD then ::)
Title: Re: Scaled geoscape backgrounds
Post by: Hythlodaeus on July 02, 2013, 02:34:09 pm
That looks like the same thing but smaller?

The starfield has more colours and is more detailed.
Title: Re: Scaled geoscape backgrounds
Post by: luke83 on July 02, 2013, 02:52:54 pm
The starfield has more colours and is more detailed.

So it does, i just downloaded the amiga version but since i have no experience with amiga i had no idea what i am looking at, still i would like this image without the planet in front for a wallpaper. Last week i download the Amiga tactical music and noticed it was completely different to what i am use to hearing from DOS, so i put it as a underlay to my normal tactic music for more effect, it sounds awesome with my headphones  :P
Title: Re: Scaled geoscape backgrounds
Post by: pmprog on July 02, 2013, 02:53:09 pm
Small request, 54x, could you also make a version of this one? This is the Amiga version background one kind folk ripped under my request a while ago.


Doesn't that seem rather silly? It has a fixing light applied to it, but as you're rotating the world with the sun passing round, that white "light" will always bee there too.
Title: Re: Scaled geoscape backgrounds
Post by: Hythlodaeus on July 02, 2013, 03:04:05 pm
That's just how the background was ripped with a sprite tool. Obviously the globe is meant to go away.
Title: Re: Scaled geoscape backgrounds
Post by: AMX on July 02, 2013, 03:31:59 pm
By the way, this counts as derivative artwork, methinks. It could be included in the original package.
Derivative, yes.
But it's not exactly transformative.
I wouldn't want to risk it.
Title: Re: Scaled geoscape backgrounds
Post by: 54x on July 03, 2013, 09:59:19 am
Nice work :)

But you know we already have hd graphics for basebits? And for everything else?,892.0.html

Ah, right, I hadn't viewed the pack myself before. I'm actually doing something that's engine-ready right now, and there'll be minimal original art in it, it'll be a straight scaling of the original artwork at 3x resolution. (or 2x as well, perhaps) This should make the geoscape, interception, and basescape stuff a bit less ridiculous to look at at high resolution. I figure UFOpaedia and screens like that can fend for themselves, however.

My stuff will have a sharp HQ2x-ish look to it, as I have to stick to the original palette if we want it to just be plug and play.

The starfield has more colours and is more detailed.

Ah, I'll have a look at applying the same colour stuff to the original image, as it will scale more easily than the amiga version- might as well pretty it up because as you point out, it is VERY purple, and some white in there couldn't hurt.

So we have a Full set now? Lets activate HD then ::)

Nope, initially I was only doing the geoboard for Warboy so that higher resolutions weren't so ridiculous. The basebits file is still in progress. (you can tell because some bits are straight-up 3x blowups of the original art, wheras others are smoothly shaded or artistically re-interpretted a bit to look good in 3x resolutions. Compare the crafts with the weapon cards, or the soldier graphic, or compare the small radar (which is complete, other than a tweak to that thing to the right that I've now decided is a box) to the large radar, and you'll see what I still have to finish.

Derivative, yes.
But it's not exactly transformative.
I wouldn't want to risk it.

Yeah this isn't original artwork so it would be something you'd plug in independently.

I can add "original hi-res geoscape artwork" to my spriting to-do list, but it's already pretty large. :)
Title: Re: Scaled geoscape backgrounds
Post by: Volutar on July 03, 2013, 04:03:36 pm
I woulnd't mind if that would be purely black background behind the Earth. I don't think that background can be copyrighted or derived :P
And moreover, it could be scaled to any size without any problems, and would look okay.
Title: Re: Scaled geoscape backgrounds
Post by: pmprog on July 03, 2013, 04:15:29 pm
Or you (anyone, someone) could try and write a procedural generator to create a space themed background at any resolution desired :)
Title: Re: Scaled geoscape backgrounds
Post by: Volutar on July 03, 2013, 04:21:10 pm
that's the option too... number of "stars" sprites and algorithms.
Title: Re: Scaled geoscape backgrounds
Post by: AMX on July 03, 2013, 04:57:52 pm
The truely insane among us might go so far as to suggest rendering an astronomically correct background, accounting for date and viewpoint - maybe it would be possible to borrow from Stellarium ( or a similar project...
Title: Re: Scaled geoscape backgrounds
Post by: 54x on July 04, 2013, 12:05:11 pm
Or you (anyone, someone) could try and write a procedural generator to create a space themed background at any resolution desired :)

Oh, we can easily do an alternative sprite for the background, it's probably easier to do that and make it fit into the image than to actually code in the relevant stars. (note: given the geoscape palette, purple, black, and white are really the only colours that will provide adequate contrast to the globe)

Or you (anyone, someone) could try and write a procedural generator to create a space themed background at any resolution desired :)

Yeah alternatively we could just model the starfield from earth, and rotate it as well as you move the geoscape camera.
Title: Re: Scaled geoscape backgrounds
Post by: luke83 on July 04, 2013, 02:51:35 pm
Yeah alternatively we could just model the starfield from earth, and rotate it as well as you move the geoscape camera.

I like this idea but lets not make it "Real World"accurate, lets just expand the existing background with matching artwork into a a big space-scape that rotates when you move the camera, then its stays true to the original yet expanding the concept at the same time.
Title: Re: Scaled geoscape backgrounds
Post by: 54x on July 06, 2013, 06:06:23 am
I like this idea but lets not make it "Real World"accurate, lets just expand the existing background with matching artwork into a a big space-scape that rotates when you move the camera, then its stays true to the original yet expanding the concept at the same time.

Oh, so like, texturing the inside of a sphere? Okay, how would we need to do that?
Title: Re: Scaled geoscape backgrounds
Post by: luke83 on July 06, 2013, 07:57:52 am
???????????????????????????????? :P
Title: Re: Scaled geoscape backgrounds
Post by: pmprog on July 06, 2013, 11:59:44 am
It's called a Skybox. You see it in FPS's all the time - even Doom and Duke3D

I don't know the algorithms to work, but that's what you're after
Title: Re: Scaled geoscape backgrounds
Post by: Yankes on July 06, 2013, 02:02:56 pm
I think better is draw only stars, Skybox or "sky sphere" is possible in openxcom (I did once something like that to texturing globe) but require lot of memory to work property (probably up to 100MiB for sky bitmap). Without it you will see big pixels in bigger resolutions. Filtering will not help because limitation of 8bit and if we will use 32bit this will kill cpu on bigger screen resolution.
Title: Re: Scaled geoscape backgrounds
Post by: 54x on July 06, 2013, 08:02:16 pm
I think better is draw only stars, Skybox or "sky sphere" is possible in openxcom (I did once something like that to texturing globe) but require lot of memory to work property (probably up to 100MiB for sky bitmap). Without it you will see big pixels in bigger resolutions. Filtering will not help because limitation of 8bit and if we will use 32bit this will kill cpu on bigger screen resolution.

We don't need a particularly big skybox as the issue isn't making it seem far away, (as there's no relative movement involved) but rather the scene changing as we rotate around the planet. (and possibly also with consideration to the time of the year)