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OpenXcom => Open Feedback => Topic started by: bigwiggy on January 31, 2025, 09:32:32 pm

Title: A few questions.
Post by: bigwiggy on January 31, 2025, 09:32:32 pm
Hi all.  Just a few questions.  First what PSI strength is necessary for a soldier not to be a "PSI wimp"?
This has obviously changed from older versions of the game as I had a soldier with 69 PSI Strength & 60 Bravery, and he was panicked in 3 rounds as every alien PSI attack reduced his morale by around 40.

Also is it no longer possible to kill cyberdiscs with rifles? 
It was ever easy, but in older versions around 12-15  rifle hits could take down a disc.  But I've never been able to do it in Open Xcom, and that's with 20+ hits.  And discs now routinely survive direct hits from large rockets where as that was rare in older versions.  Lastly I also had a really frustrating thing happen as I brought down a terror UFO, but some of the Cyberdiscs wouldn't come out.  So I go in and find that some of them are actually trapped/hung up in the doors on the upper deck.  Considering the doors are only 1 tile the discs can't even fit through them, but the worst part was the only way to even get a shot at them was to look up through the drop chute which was lethal since being trapped and unable to move they had all their movement points.   I try to avoid save scumming, but that was a deal breaker. 

Title: Re: A few questions.
Post by: Juku121 on January 31, 2025, 11:07:28 pm
Psi attacks depend on a lot of variables and are chance-based, so nothing is ever certain.

But for a mid-tier Ethereal at 20 tiles trying to panic your soldier, the abovementioned 69 psi strenght (and presumably not much psi skill) will land you at very roughly 40% chance to get panicked. Every extra point of psi strength, 5 points of psi skill or a tile of extra distance gives you roughly a 2% better chance. So I'd say 60-70 psi strength is where it's starting to become viable to resist Ethereals, but even a full 100 in both psi strength and skill won't make you fully safe from a closeby (a few tiles) Superhuman Ethereal Commander trying to get your troops to curl up into small X-balls.

Obviously, Sectoids are a bit weaker and Mind Control is easier to resist.

Bravery will help a lot when tanking psi attacks - you lose 110-BRA morale.

I suspect the toughened-up Cyberdisks are a consequence of the difficulty bug - old X-Com reverted to Beginner when a save was loaded, and thus everything had its armour and firing accuracy halved.

Even so, you should be able to damage Cyberdisks somewhat even with Rifles: a rifle does 0-60 damage, *0.8 for Cyberdisk resistance against AP, -34 for armour. So 0 on average, but at least some damage ~1/4 of the time, ~7 points on average. Cyberdisks have 120 health, so it should take ~70 shots on average. ;D Probably less, since the armour will get dinged by the occasional lucky shot.

Big terror units stuck in Terror ships were always a thing as far as I recall. You should be able to play with the doors a little. The disks might not be watching the doors all the time, either.

If all else fails, Blaster them or blow up the Terror ship some.
Title: Re: A few questions.
Post by: bigwiggy on February 01, 2025, 02:06:41 am
Thanks Juku121  :)
Much valuable info there.

I had no idea the older versions of the game had a difficulty bug, but that certainly explains it.  So 70 rifle hits to take down a disc...say 6 discs on a terror mission is 420 hits  which is 21 rifle clips, lol.   But learning about the difficulty bug makes me think I should have tried intermediate as I was wondering why it was so much harder than I remembered.