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Modding => Released Mods => The X-Com Files => Topic started by: sirmik on December 23, 2024, 11:14:15 am

Title: Accuracy Bug?
Post by: sirmik on December 23, 2024, 11:14:15 am
I’m encountering a strange issue—perhaps someone else has come across it. I have two agents: one with 144 accuracy and the other with 133. Both are equipped with Black Ops Auto Sniper Rifles (though it happens with any weapon). The first agent has a base accuracy of 86% on Snap Shot, while the second has 118%, despite having 11 less accuracy.

What’s even stranger is that the first agent’s accuracy has been decreasing over time instead of improving. Interestingly, another agent with even higher accuracy (145) doesn’t seem to have this problem.

Any ideas? Help?


Title: Re: Accuracy Bug?
Post by: Stone Lake on December 23, 2024, 11:42:00 am
The accuracy of AutoSniper is reliant on both soldier's accuracy and reactions.
Title: Re: Accuracy Bug?
Post by: sirmik on December 23, 2024, 11:46:25 am
Yes, I know, but look at the screenshots—the difference in reaction is even greater than in accuracy. Even with a regular pistol, it's the same: the "better" one (Kare) has lower accuracy compared to agents with worse stats.

Title: Re: Accuracy Bug?
Post by: Stone Lake on December 23, 2024, 11:52:32 am
Yes, Kare's aimed accuracy with auto-sniper should be ~280. Share save I guess, the geoscape one.
Title: Re: Accuracy Bug?
Post by: sirmik on December 23, 2024, 12:19:12 pm
viola, However, I’m using a few mods, but I doubt any of them are affecting this (Brutal OXCE calculates accuracy only at the moment of "aiming," not based on the default value).

Title: Re: Accuracy Bug?
Post by: Stone Lake on December 23, 2024, 12:54:28 pm
I ran XCF 3.2 / OXCE 7.14.4 and failed to reproduce. I handed them both auto-sniper, and karl gets 218% aimed at 128acc/74rea, while kare gets 252% at 137acc/90rea, as they should.

Perhaps some BOXCE / mod thing.
Title: Re: Accuracy Bug?
Post by: sirmik on December 23, 2024, 01:55:33 pm
Hmmmmm, I have a newer version of both XCF (3.6) and OXCE (7.15.0).

Title: Re: Accuracy Bug?
Post by: CrazedHarpooner on December 23, 2024, 02:40:02 pm
Loaded it up in OXCE 7.15.0 and XCF 3.5.1, can't reproduce the issue either.

I take it that 3.6 is a typo since that is not the latest version officially released for XCF.

At this point, I can only suggest you make a copy of the ironman file and start testing by disabling other mods one by one, load the save at each removal and see if the aim 'fixes' itself. Just remember to re-enable all the disabled mods when you want to continue playing.
Title: Re: Accuracy Bug?
Post by: zRrr on December 23, 2024, 03:36:00 pm
I guess it's because first guy has Carapace Plate equipped. XCFAA has script that reduces accuracy if soldier has some vests or gas masks on. Script seems to have logic issue, because when soldier has any kind of type 1 or 2 protective gear, it replaces weapon accuracy formula with just soldier firing stat.

To test, unequip everything except rifle and pass a turn (protective gear stuff updates on turn start)
Title: Re: Accuracy Bug?
Post by: sirmik on December 23, 2024, 03:48:27 pm
I guess it's because first guy has Carapace Plate equipped. XCFAA has script that reduces accuracy if soldier has some vests or gas masks on. Script seems to have logic issue, because when soldier has any kind of type 1 or 2 protective gear, it replaces weapon accuracy formula with just soldier firing stat.

To test, unequip everything except rifle and pass a turn (protective gear stuff updates on turn start)

Wow, you're right—thank you! I would never have guessed that... A lot of my soldiers use this, and I didn't realize that's what it was. Others have weapons where "ordinary" accuracy matters, rather than some complicated formula.

Title: Re: Accuracy Bug?
Post by: hairybert on December 23, 2024, 06:43:42 pm
So it looks like a bug in the XCFAA (XCom Files Arsenal Additions) submod...