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Modding => Released Mods => XPiratez => Topic started by: Yugian on March 09, 2024, 12:02:41 am

Title: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run (AAR Write up in Progress)
Post by: Yugian on March 09, 2024, 12:02:41 am

Hey, Im Yugian. Im a streamer. 'bout 2 years ago at this point, I was the absolute madlad that decided to Reject The Market. ( That was hell, but a damn fun challenge. And now that I've finished my most recent XCom-Files Run, I felt it a return to Piratez was fitting. But my viewers have been really hankering for some Catgirls. Class acts, those guys.

But I've come up a make things interesting. What if the Six Ubers Never Made it? What if the bus got impounded? And what if, in their infinite wisdom, the Shadowmasters pivoted to a bunch of outlaws, who tried to steal christmas from California?

What if Every Day, Was Caturday?

Rules Of The Challenge
1. Catgirls Only. (I was pathing this before Cat's 4 Life.) Im also allowing the Black Cat, as this was a fair question to be asked, and I felt it was fitting in the theme (And mostly inconsequential.)
2. Davy Johns Difficulty (Jack Sparrow is a pretty wildly different game and this is for fun. My Respect to JS players, I aint that hard.) To make up for this, we're tacking on Chaos Saint to the run.
3. This run will be streamed in 6-8 hour chunks. Viewers can buy rerolls and save their characters. I have a free Reroll, and one for my personal character running around. Thus, this run is not "Ironman." It should still be fairly lethal though.
4. I will try to write up some garbage fluff and post up a thematic Pin-Up that doesn't get me banned every update. No promises. Sauce will be provided.

I stream MON-WEN-FRI, but I plan to stream this on WEN-FRI. 2 PST/5 EST to 8 PST/11 EST
You can find me here. ( Feel free to throw in hats into the ring and see how you get splattered!

Thanks for Reading. Best of Luck everyone!

Survivors: Gwynevere Bennett (Way of Missed Strike, B-72 K-212, Zephyr1124 (B-76, K-207) ,Fleur Vert (B-53, K-123), Gentlefood (Way of Shadow, B-81, K-150), Kiest (B-58, K-99), Xeoposer (B-73, K-211), Isdar (B-58, K-117), Kaminyan The Blender Cat (Way of Death, B-62, K-209), Tarmph (B-82, K-204), Mittens Leadpaw (B-43, K-62), Catvy (Way of Shadow, B-78, K-141), DoctorRex (B-55, K-67), ArdriKrios (B-68, K-202), NinjaZombie0 (B-52, K-121), SquirrelWizard (Way of Sunlight, B-70, K-99), Mjolko (B-54, K-72), Talemgrandmaster (B-71, K-120) Shirajirajin (B-60, K-84), , Slegex (B-59, K-96), Violeta Kellide (Way of Shadow, B-86, K-195), NictisOfTheMafia (B-62 K-87), Wabbon (B-43, K-103), Sayuri (Way of Claw, B-58, K-99),  CGP (B-28, K-37) Krickraken (B-39, K-67) Curechan9 II (B-25, K-30), Rovlemhage (B-20, K-33), CaptainOrion (B-17, K-23), Psyentific1 (B-40, K-71), ZebraFinch (B-23, K-39), DJ Grom (B-20, K-33), Scotty297 (B-33, K-34), Atusid (B-35, K-81), GigaShogg (B-28, K-40), Das_Bystander (B-23, K-37), Kildarienhyton (B-24, K-32), VintageMedic (B-20, K-21), Xika (B-14, K-19)

shoGGofu (B-6. K-6. Spartan Ambush.)
The Little Bird (Act Of Ninja God)
Roush (B-27, K-40, Gave their life to save another sister. Got Robo-coped with Dragonbreath Rounds.),
Lucille (B-11, K-16, Tried to Match the Drifter with the Big Iron on his Hip.)
Curechan9 (B-17, K-12, The Winter Tower was a Trap.)
Jim3798 (B-5 K-8, FAT ZOMBIE WANTS A HUG.)
Das_Bystander (B-2 K-9, Splinter kicked her ass.)
Weed Base Crew x9
Claw Of The North Nyan (B-2 K-27, Half as long, but twice as bright...),
BoboBuffalo (B-8, K-10, Murder Mutts Ahoy!)
GigaShogg (B-29, K-44, Intercontinental Dog Missile Incoming.)
Engineering Crew x32

Some of this stuff is out of order. Turns out writing early game is like. 80 things at once. This will be updated with what should be read in what order.

So it hasnt saved all my Highlights, or informed me of my Highlights not saving. So some of this Recorded run is lost.
I've caught on, but July 2601 is where the Highlights are saved. Before that, the footage is dead. Which is... Early run. OTL
That really sucks. But, C'est La Vie or however thats spelled.

Addendum: No. actually. The entire first year, *Save* July is gone. I dont get... Why. But welp.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on March 09, 2024, 12:07:46 am
Captains Log #1
January 6th 2601 (Convinced to use local notary)

Well, Turns out those Cali-Bastards have hands.

Turns out trying to steal the Holidays from them was a terrible idea. Even if we had months to prepare the perfect heist (Two is enough, right?), they were prepared for us to try a fast one. If she was still alive, Miriam would be having a hell of a laugh right now. Now as it stands, there's eight of us left. Its a little under half of us that survived the raid. Not only that, but they've compounded our ship and SOLD IT (We didn't find it on the lot when we busted out)- the Evidence locker was bereft our equipment and the only reason we're alive is that Hubbies happen to pack away enough High Explosive to level a block.

Or, when it comes to Plastasteel Torture Dungeons- half the building. Still, let it never be said we didn't appreciate a magnificent explosion.

Good news, we're alive. Bad news, we're out of prison. Hell, Fleur managed to hotwire an Airbus on the way out: Bit of a tight fit for eight, but some of the other kits didn't mind sitting on each others laps. Think we spent half the flight arguing who got the damn window seats and who got to squeeze who. Good fuel mileage on this thing too- but we had to land somewhere local, and fast. Luckily- someone looted a Geiger counter and we were getting some noise over the desert. Might of saved all our lives, really.

Now, the kits weren't exactly Happy to head into an irradiated base, but that Usually suggested some manner of facility. Not my first rodeo on Earth- Humans had an odd propensity to build things underground. Either we'll find somewhere to charge the cars battery and catch some Z's (we were all REALLY tired at this point), or we scoot along and not eat the Rads. Either a choice by bullets, or a choice by mild sickness. We can correct the later, the former is Much harder- depending on where you get tagged. Though, The choice was made for us for a minute- We couldn't get the damn vault door open at all. All it had was a slot for some kind of circular key- and that's not the kind of lock you can pick. All hope lost for a second, Zephyr managed to find something under the seat.

Something about looking for snacks or booze they stashed before the ride over. But they found our key. Yes. Really. Turns out after we stripped the car later, we weren't the first ones to use this thing: We were just luckier then they were. But one of their parting gifts before they tried to leave Cali-Republic themselves was The Bloody Key. I don't like coincidences like that. But, we needed in- and some divine intervention was seeing us in the door. So, we cranked the key (Looks like a drill for some odd reason), and the base just spurred to life. Half digging itself out of the ground, it almost looked... military, to me.

But, Home is home. All that's left to do is take inventory and figure out where to go from here- and who's capable of fighting. Soylent tastes like ass, and we're not going to get back to the stars just lazing about here. Thankfully, only the bottom layer of the facility is flooded with 115. If we're careful, we wont even come near the stuff. Considering seeing if i cant outsource some labor to locals who would relish being in that gunk.

Oh. Yes, for you whom may be reading this. It should be fairly obvious, but I was voted Captain. I was the highest ranking officer of the crew before everything fell apart- and given that the previous captain is now Very dead, it seemed only fitting. Now I have to watch myself. The kits are on edge, terrified out of their minds, hurt and we're without any good equipment. Somehow, I have to make that work. For others, that would be incredibly daunting. For me, I merely have to fall back on the ways of trounce- I personally subscribe to the way of the missed strike. But to quote a passage:

'Be not unlike water. A drop in an ocean shall ripple outwards like a Typhoon. Misfortune is merely opportunity to strike'.

Still. 'Captain'. I think I'm coming to enjoy being called that. Despite all, I think this will be quite fun.

-Gwynevere Bennett

Stream is over! (
Sauce (

Post Mortem

Hired: Gwynevere Bennett (Way of Missed Strike, B-14 K-23), Zephyr1124 (B-15, K-23), Gentlefood (B-11, K-16), Kiest (B-13, K-30), Xeoposter (B-14, K-16), Roush (B-14, K-20), Isdar (B-13, K-10), Kaminyan The Blender Cat (B-10, K-15), Tarmph (B-16, K-30), NebTheSquid (B-3, K-10), Catvy (B-12, K-19), Fleur Vert (B-14, K-23), Doctor Rex (B-8, K-4), ArdriKrios (B-4, K-15), NinjaZombie0 (B-4, K-12), SquirrelWizard (B-3, K-3) Curechain9 (B-4, K-0), Mjolko (B-5, K-3), Talemgrandmaster (B-5, K-7) Shirajirajin (B-5, K-3), shoGGofu (New Hire!), Slegex (New hire!)

Died: No one!

Deus Ex Machinas: 16 (16 Total)
We had some Ass Spawns. Camo is a Hell of a Drug though. For the most part, it was condensed, rather then constant.

The Good: No One Died! Thats a totally strong start That totally wasnt paid for!

The Bad: Turns out 23 cats are as expensive as the Entire Brainer Crew. Having 1.94M in Maint Costs with only 450k in Income is going to suck. And I still have 6 Brainers to get.

The Funny: My Mod accidently gave people a Tax Refund on Channel Points. Needless to say, people got to spend on DEM's for a lot of little things.
Thats bound to change.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Psyentific on March 09, 2024, 02:54:57 pm
I stumbled across this from the forum thread and had a lot of fun watching along. I've always thought Piratez would be great fodder for a Lets Play so I'm excited to see where you take this all.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on March 09, 2024, 11:32:13 pm
Hey, Glad you enjoyed Psyentific! Yeah, im hoping it stays fun- and that we find some wacky stuff along the way. Its not my first rodeo, but realizing a few things (no Dr.X Storyline, No Late-game tanks, our first armor is going to take a hot minute), its definately changing the mindset of how the game is played.

I never realized for example how *Silly* Camo could be at times. 9-7 at night is just. So good.

If folks have questions That don't spoil anything, Happy to answer!
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Gremlion on March 11, 2024, 11:08:46 am
I've watched the VOD, and I have an urge to give a tip - you are not using the base to the fullest. You can spam burrows, which will provide a)living space; b)speed increase on new buildings built above burrows. If you would do burrows, you can hire more runts which will help you immensely with the maintenance costs. Iirc, your current amount of runts could do ~600k/month and you can hire 1.5 times more than that. This alone would've covered your expenses.

edit: another moment - you can use hammer to remove seats in your airbus for a safer dance near the door - more space, less visibility from windows.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on March 11, 2024, 06:23:59 pm
I've watched the VOD, and I have an urge to give a tip - you are not using the base to the fullest. You can spam burrows, which will provide a)living space; b)speed increase on new buildings built above burrows. If you would do burrows, you can hire more runts which will help you immensely with the maintenance costs. Iirc, your current amount of runts could do ~600k/month and you can hire 1.5 times more than that. This alone would've covered your expenses.

edit: another moment - you can use hammer to remove seats in your airbus for a safer dance near the door - more space, less visibility from windows.

Honestly, thank you for that advice. I was planning to pivot around to upping the runt count, just kind of lost the forest for the trees there for a second in trying to get bodies into the run.

I think the rubbles turn into burrows? If i start cleaning those up, we *Should* be able to effectively achieve the same result, whilst cleaning up weak spots in the base.

And much like never realizing molotovs Murder Academy drones, Never figured using the hammer to clean up the bus. I just need to commit that to memory. And habit.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Gremlion on March 11, 2024, 09:09:55 pm
What I meant with the burrow spam, see attachment - the same base within a month or two. When you build a burrow (or the corridor in my case), after it finishes, you can expand from it. And after you start expansion you can build on top of the corridor(or burrow), which 1. doesn't cancel already started project. 2. speeds up construction.
As a result, if you want to have 3 libraries close to each other, you don't need to wait 40 days until first one finishes, then start second, and in 40 more days finally start third library, you can start them almost simultaneously on prebuilt corridors/burrows.

I spam burrows in the main because it needs more living space "right here, right now", and corridors everywhere else.
It would help you when you get a workshop - you will be able to expand without waiting for a month until it finishes and you will have living space to fill it up.
PS: You don't need workshop for the tiny drill, you need space to start the project. You can achieve it by building more extractors, and then filling them with runts = money!
PPS: You can redecorate not only your airbus, but buildings on the map too. For example, a lot of buildings in ratman rodeo are paper thin. breaking wall can save you not only turns, but lives too - enemies face the door often since they try to use it, but they might never face the wall with no windows.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Psyentific on March 11, 2024, 09:16:54 pm
What I meant with the burrow spam, see attachment - the same base within a month or two. When you build a burrow (or the corridor in my case), after it finishes, you can expand from it. And after you start expansion you can build on top of the corridor(or burrow), which 1. doesn't cancel already started project. 2. speeds up construction.
As a result, if you want to have 3 libraries close to each other, you don't need to wait 40 days until first one finishes, then start second, and in 40 more days finally start third library, you can start them almost simultaneously on prebuilt corridors/burrows.
You don't need to build out Burrows (or Security Corridors etc.) to open more accessible tiles for building. Go to Options, click Advanced button, scroll down to Geoscape header, and check the Allow Building Queue setting. It's still very useful to clear out the rubble (ie turn it into burrows) and build more burrows/extractors though. The burrows especially because almost everything can be built on top of a burrow.

And much like never realizing molotovs Murder Academy drones, Never figured using the hammer to clean up the bus. I just need to commit that to memory. And habit.
It works because burn damage (and the fire effect) bypasses armor to damage HP directly, and because robots as an enemy category tend to have lots of armor and very little health. Same reason lasers are great against terminators. Stuff like this is what I love about Piratez; no matter how gud you git, somehow there's always room for more.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Fugazza on March 12, 2024, 03:38:59 am
Hey, you had some custom music during the stream.... What Mod was it? Also, it was entertaining! I wasn't on during the entire thing, tho.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on March 13, 2024, 02:40:53 am
Hey, you had some custom music during the stream.... What Mod was it? Also, it was entertaining! I wasn't on during the entire thing, tho.

Hey, im a service, not an obligation! Happy to have had you for a time! Also, Got the Hook up for you:

You don't need to build out Burrows (or Security Corridors etc.) to open more accessible tiles for building. Go to Options, click Advanced button, scroll down to Geoscape header, and check the Allow Building Queue setting. It's still very useful to clear out the rubble (ie turn it into burrows) and build more burrows/extractors though. The burrows especially because almost everything can be built on top of a burrow.

Honestly, Yeah. later in the game when I tried to update/get rid of old buildings, it was annoying to figure out what i could actually build over.  :-\
Burrow spam is actually something i wanna try now though.
It would help you when you get a workshop - you will be able to expand without waiting for a month until it finishes and you will have living space to fill it up.
honestly the main advantage here. Build over is great. All of my hate for buildings that take a month + change to build.
PS: You don't need workshop for the tiny drill, you need space to start the project. You can achieve it by building more extractors, and then filling them with runts = money!
I actually do remember this from my first run! I think I did extractor cheese for the space, because I was a brainlet at the time. Good times, but also not a bad idea. Im debating when I want to get Red, given its not Direly Important for Cats... But I Also know nowadays that
Its no longer just turn the key and activate. Its got an event sequence now.
Might Prioritize trying to slice up corpses and sell food for once. Never tried to be a Kitchen before.

PPS: You can redecorate not only your airbus, but buildings on the map too. For example, a lot of buildings in ratman rodeo are paper thin. breaking wall can save you not only turns, but lives too - enemies face the door often since they try to use it, but they might never face the wall with no windows.
Oh yeah. Taken full advantage of this before. I think I used slashing weapons or just Auto Guns into the side of walls? I remember a 'Blade Damage' can destroy walls, just that Hammers do it better. When TU's are at a Premium... But Hammers do tend to do it in one, yeah.

I've only ever really used a hammer for mining purposes and
Killing 25mm on bandit ships with Ubers. That sucked. If I remember right, they overwatch. Hurtie.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Gremlion on March 13, 2024, 09:58:07 am
Personally, I love the mace over the hammer. It can destroy terrain, it can damage armor, and isn't affected by cqc like hammer does. It was a part of my default loadout.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on March 13, 2024, 12:26:31 pm
Interlude #1
January 21st, 2601

"This document is silly, and you know it."

"What makes it so silly Comeownder?"

"First- Call me that again and I'll have your tail. Second, your asking me to sign a Proclaimation that declares that we're Corsairs."

"Its *Just* a Letter of Meowrk! It Leginyamizes the business Come-Capnyan!"

I groan sharply, Catvy gets away with exact wording this time. I lean over to read the paperwork that we've been sent - given that our communication dish is of limited functionality they had to send parchment. Luckily, I happen to know Terran Domestic, so I can read this.

"Greetings, Captain-

You have somehow stumbled upon and activated an ancient military structure of significant importance. Normally I would write this off to fortuitous circumstance, but this seems too well planned for you to have merely done so by accident."

"Hah. We won't correct him on that one." "Correct him on what?" "Nothing."

"In recognition of this and the build-up of military assets, We would know of your intentions. If they align with our own, we might even be willing to offer a deal. However do bear in mind that failure to reply to this documentation will be seen as a declaration of war upon the provincial governments, and we will of course report your locations to the Factions."


"Alternatively, despite your being Nekomimi agents, we could have use for your unique skills and abilities. If you are for hire we would sign a contract with you - renewable monthly - tasking you with disrupting Faction assets however you see fit. Kill them, maim them, rob them, it is all the same to us in the end. The more damage you do in a month, the bigger bonus we'll pay you. Should this deal interest you, send a reply and we will arrange a meeting... Think about it, Captain. There's enough scum, villains, and tragedy on this planet already. The factions don't care for these people: but you could be heroes. And you could get paid handsomely for it.

For your consideration
- The Chairman

"Don't you see how COOL this could be?!" Catvy gushes once more, her energy infectious enough to be a miniature sun as both her hands and tail flail excitedly. Unfortunately, my tone shatters the illusion as I slam my hand onto the table, and for a moment I am quite thankful for my privacy - my 'cynical' viewpoint would surely be unpopular with the crew. "Did you only read the last paragraph?! Is your head as full of fluff as your ears?! We'll be playing politics with the governments! We'll be entangled in local affairs! We're trying to get off the planet, not build an empire!"

"But how are we going to get any Meowwwny to do sooo?" Catvy whines by way of reply however, and I am forced to relent, because goddamnit she had a point. Grumbling quietly, I look over a Data-Pad and access my terminal to check the financials... It's looking like the Hacan just pulled out of the market.

Looking between the terminal and the kit, my gaze narrows. I know I'm bested, and despite myself even I'm sold on the romance of it all, but in this moment I must maintain my authority, so I wave her away and pull out my quill pen. This proves to be the second mistake I make this evening though, as once dismissed, she bursts out of my office with a resounding echo of delight and holds her hands up as she starts screaming that we're going to be pirates. All too soon after I hear a reverberating chant in return from the crew: "Pirates! Pirates!"

Sighing sharply. I prepare my first address for the evening.

"To the Good Chairman, I have received your message..."

Declaration Felonious Corsair
By the Decree of the Captain, We stand united under the banner of the Starlit Skull!
Though our dream may be to the return to the stars, We must first fight through the worst this planet has to offer us! They have stolen our ship, taken our dignity and left us with nothing but scrap and metal! But this is not where the crew of the Starlight dies! It is where we embrace our destiny, and form a new warrior house! This planet is ripe with opportunity; To Plunder, to steal from and to kill the sworn enemies of our people: The Ethereals, and their thralls! They see us as nothing but Corsairs- Mercenary Felines and Scoundrels; Let us embrace their fear! Let us declare ourselves Pirates, and scour them! We shall laugh at their unjust property laws, have adventures in style, and gather wealth to rival even the Emirates! But we shall fight as a true warrior house: With Honor, without fear of death and for our freedom! Upstarts we may be- but in time, even the great warrior houses shall acknowledge us!

By exercising Violence, shall we earn our right to exist! By the tenacity of our efforts, shall we embrace our survival! By guile and wit, shall we trounce our foes with vicious Cunning! And by embracing what is new, Weird and strange: Shall we discover the weakness of the damnable Ethereals!

Come with me my Claw-Sisters! We number only eight, but our numbers shall swell! We are not the only Nekomimi upon this world- Looking for opportunity! By proving ourselves, we shall-

...Why the hell did something explode outside?
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Psyentific on March 13, 2024, 06:52:49 pm
begun, the cat-puns have...
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Kamivax on March 13, 2024, 08:55:14 pm
Let's see what today's stream will bring to our garbage lore/fluff/headcannon
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on March 13, 2024, 10:27:45 pm
begun, the cat-puns have...

They began months before I got Caturday started. I am only giving them power now. Woe be upon my soul, for I have fallen low.  :-\

Let's see what today's stream will bring to our garbage lore/fluff/headcannon

Death. Pain. And Debt. Mostly Debt.

Personally, I love the mace over the hammer. It can destroy terrain, it can damage armor, and isn't affected by cqc like hammer does. It was a part of my default loadout.

Absolute lad here. Maces are awesome.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on March 13, 2024, 11:06:31 pm
Captains Log #2
1st of May 2601

Something is flying outside of the base. Scouts have reported an thin silhouette circling around. Assuming it was a drone, I ordered the crew to bunker down and expeditionary crew to be recalled. It wasn't the first time we'd been attacked in our home, and i'd have us be ready if the academy wanted to have round two with us. Thankfully, it was neither the Academy, nor an attack force... Rather, it was worse. It was those Ubers again- and they're rather cross with us. Some of our contacts later told us that those were 'Ninjas', that the blips we saw on radar was their interceptor force.

'Bikes', as you were, that could easily shoot down our airbus. We have to be Extraordinarily careful from now on: We don't have claws for Sky combat. If they catch us, we'll lose an entire wing of Claw-Sisters to an ambush. Once more, I press Cat O'Nine Tails for Airships: And once more im denied aid. It simply cannot be done through the channels we have.

Cat O'Nine Tails however is making good on her promise to help swell our numbers. Within but a few months, our numbers have exploded nearly twice over. Going from our original eight to Twenty three, I fear almost that we have expanded too fast. I know the Original Starlight crew well, as if we were a litter. But they are not familiar with me yet as a Captain- I do not blame them for this. Leadership changes a sister. Now they must get familiar with equally wild personalities- whom in turn that do not know me. My leadership is tested, and I must be sufficient for task.

It was already tested when we were put to task, to save some of the Peregrine Cult- Tourists from that spiritual ideology. A swarm of bats descended upon the sisters- I still wonder why they were in the bloody Coldof all things... But. We could only save one. A mystic by the name of SquirrelWizard (They claim that they were given this name. Fair enough, I'll find out their real name soon enough) The others scattered or were dead. I see hurt in the sisters eyes, and wonder if they blame me for the failure of the operation... or if they wish for vengeance upon the foe, that we did the best we could? That we were unprepared and had to fight with skin upon snow, certainly did not help our case. I was interred for at least a week from my bits wanting to freeze off...

But. The point stands. We've certainly the capacity to fight now. And fight we will. Before writing my log, I had to manage payroll... There was not enough Cognac for my needs. If the sisters knew that we're only making a fourth of what was needed, I'd have a full blown Rebellion or Trial to cull the numbers. The most dangerous thing that a mercenary force can do- is know that their payroll is unreliable. But I've kept the secret for now: If I am able to expand our labor force quickly enough and increase through-put... They'll never know, and they'll be happy kits. Right as rain, and we can get back to plundering.

To put their minds at ease, I've assigned a Wing to the Little Bird. They've already shot down several craft, and I've tasked them with finding more ammo for its machine gun. When sisters are busy with killing, there's little time for questioning. Hell, I'm rather quite proud of them as of late: Despite the privative tech, they shot down an entire wing of enemy aircraft. "Necropirates', as they are called. Amazingly resilient though- I will need the Research team to figure out what they hell they are Exactly, but to this date: No sister has been put into the Graybook. I am thankful for their skill and capabilities- yet must be scornful of how quickly some of them waste their nine lives.

I can feel that book burning though; Throbbing as it looks as me. It wishes for a victim. My anxiety only grows.

Stream is over after running late. Aaaaaa (
Sauce (

Post Mortem

Hired: Violeta Kellide (Way of Shadow, B-9, K-9), NictisOfTheMafia (B-10 K-10), Lucille (Newly Hired!), Wabbon (Newly Hired!)

Survivors: Gwynevere Bennett (Way of Missed Strike, B-20 K-39), Zephyr1124 (B-25, K-48), Gentlefood (Way of Shadow, B-22, K-26), Kiest (B-19, K-35), Xeoposer (B-14, K-16), Roush (B-26, K-39), Isdar (B-23, K-25), Kaminyan The Blender Cat (Way of Death, B-25, K-60), Tarmph (B-31, K-56), NebTheSquid (B-5, K-14), Catvy (Way of Shadow, B-19, K-43), Fleur Vert (B-24, K-36), Doctor Rex (B-10, K-7), ArdriKrios (B-9, K-17), NinjaZombie0 (B-11, K-16), SquirrelWizard (Way of Sunlight, B-13, K-15) Curechain9 (B-13, K-8), Mjolko (B-15, K-13), Talemgrandmaster (B-16, K-30) Shirajirajin (B-15, K-11), , Slegex (B-13 K-17)

Died: shoGGofu (B-6. K-6. Spartan Ambush.), The Little Bird (Lasted all of a month. Stupid Jetbike spawning on top of it. At least it went down swinging.)

Deus Ex Machinas: 18 (34 Total)
The base defense. The fuuuuucking base defense... I've learned to respect Difficulty 4 Dogetide.

The Good: Industrial Output is at full capacity. Suppressed Pistols are Online Baby. Space suits means that we'll have Undersea missions soon, and the first upgraded Transport is unlocked. Still need to buy it (Which costs too much). Brainers are near capped out and we'll get some more here soon with personal labs coming up. Kevlar is the next objective.

The Bad: Dogetide. Holy Shit dogs are nasty on Difficulty 4. I think 9+ of the DEM's today was just "And the dog cleared 2 chambers into the third one, and killed someone". Someone finally died as well, Sorry Shog. Turns out we got unlucky and spawned into Spartans.

Some really bad First Spawn turns as well. That sucked too.

The Funny: As much as it sucked Balls, it is kind of funny that the Ninja Jetbike spawned onto of my Helicopter coming back. As if to say "Begone with you!"

Also I learned that Dogs are their own faction now. They must be, because I had an agent mission with nothing but Dogs. Dogetide must of gotten them too.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Kamivax on March 14, 2024, 10:25:45 pm
Another funny is finding out one of the cats most dedicated to melee is also one of if not THE most accurate shooter in the crew. How the hell does that happen?
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on March 14, 2024, 10:38:21 pm
Another funny is finding out one of the cats most dedicated to melee is also one of if not THE most accurate shooter in the crew. How the hell does that happen?

Shotguns, stupid good ACC Growth and Lady Luck Medals.


Thats at least a +6 right there. Which, considering your at 137- basically accounts for all but one bonus. Which im pretty sure "Master of X" is getting the last of it.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Psyentific on March 14, 2024, 10:55:26 pm
some absolutely brutal missions in this session. nice to see that people are starting to run out of redos and dying-for-real.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on March 14, 2024, 11:00:36 pm
some absolutely brutal missions in this session. nice to see that people are starting to run out of redos and dying-for-real.

Honestly, half of those were because im pants on head stupid, and tried to push some things I shouldnt have (Why did i think that Reaction killing spiders was a good idea?)

Dogetide though? Thats just. Fuck.

Still. If people are gonna spend em, earlier is typically better in an XCOM game. But yeah. The Tax refund is basically over. Which is good. I've gotten a good feel for how we wanna fight. Cats as they are Really don't want to fight in the day. And every occasion we have to is a mass casualty event waiting to happen. Kevlar cant come soon enough.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on March 15, 2024, 11:02:32 pm
Captains Log #3
2nd of July, 2601

A disaster and a tragedy. One for each month. The first is... A set back. The second however, is the first of many losses to come. This is not the first time I've lost a claw sister. It is not the first time I've even lost squads. But I was never the captain. I was always a field commander. I fought and bled with my sisters upon the field, fighting against the Ethereal empire and its auxiliaries. I've fought pirates (Irony abounds that we're now the very same thing we hunted), scum and fools. But today, is the first time that someone has died under my commission. Her death was... undignified. An ambush at the breach- gunned down by a spray of machinegun fire. So much happening at once that we couldn't even retrieve her body.

I... I feel remorse for this. That we've no means to give her last burial rites. That we cannot retrieve her body, as those... Those Men have likely done terrible things with it. The crew already looks to me for answers. Half are wondering how it happened- the ground crew blame themselves for abandoning Shog's body in the chaos... and there is an air of vengeance on the deck. The illusion of invincibility has been broken. There is Starlight blood on Terran soil: an insult that cannot be rectified. The sisters scowl sharply as they sharpen their blades.

Next time... Next time, they will not run. There is blood in the water, and they are on the hunt.

As if my authority wasn't under enough threat, we also faced an assault force of Ratmen- taking vengeance for our successes as of late. They employed combat dogs that... Nearly took the lives of several other sisters. I could count as many as they defied fortune, their lives burning away as panic overtook the base. We were VERY lucky: No lives were lost. But these encounters are weakening faith in the crew. Doubt is creeping in- And the disaster with the spiders... The governments are happy with our performance, but the morale of the crew MUST be accounted for. If they lose faith... Mutiny is not far behind. They will not die for a cause if they believe I do not have their best interests at heart.

We're starting to face foes our equal- and we are sorely underequipped. These last few disasters have only highlighted how dangerously underprepared we are. Now that mortality has crept its hand over our shoulders- our sisters feel encroaching death. He has now become my foe- It is not a battle that I can win, but I must keep him at bay... And considering we cannot commission armor from home, we must look to domestic solutions. Perhaps we will look to the very killers that took Shoggofu's life, for our solution. Our claw sisters reported that they were rather resistant to our attacks...

I still need time to write a Eulogy. As with my logs as of recent, I've been having to do so by my bedside. Once I'm on my feet again, I can give the proper address. The sisters need to know that our fallen are not forgotten. That even if they gave everything for our dream, that they still shall return to the stars with us.

All Glorious, to our fallen sisters. All glorious, for vengeance we shall have. These Men shall pay the price.

Stream is Over (
The Vod is here! (
Sauce (

Post Mortem
Hired: Sayuri (Way of Claw, B-15, K-18)

Survivors: Gwynevere Bennett (Way of Missed Strike, B-27 K-55, Zephyr1124 (B-30, K-69), Gentlefood (Way of Shadow, B-29, K-39), Kiest (B-21, K-35), Xeoposer (B-26, K-54), Isdar (B-28, K-51), Kaminyan The Blender Cat (Way of Death, B-29, K-80), Tarmph (B-39, K-79), NebTheSquid (B-11, K-20), Catvy (Way of Shadow, B-25, K-56), Fleur Vert (B-29, K-55), Doctor Rex (B-13, K-10), ArdriKrios (B-19, K-38), NinjaZombie0 (B-15, K-24), SquirrelWizard (Way of Sunlight, B-20, K-20), Mjolko (B-20, K-18), Talemgrandmaster (B-23, K-36) Shirajirajin (B-17, K-11), , Slegex (B-19, K-23), Violeta Kellide (Way of Shadow, B-20, K-34), NictisOfTheMafia (B-21 K-19), , Wabbon (B-6, K-4)

Died: Roush (B-27, K-40, Gave their life to save another sister. Got Robo-coped with Dragonbreath Rounds.), Lucille (B-11, K-16, Tried to Match the Drifter with the Big Iron on his Hip.) Curechan9 (B-17, K-12, The Winter Tower was a Trap.)

Deus Ex Machinas: 8 (42 Total)
The Winter Tower. THE WINTER TOWER.

The Good: Kevlar is Online. Didn't do Lucille much good, but hey, we have it now. Red Codex is Active. 17 Brainers are going at it- so Research is in full swing.  Also Rifle bullets are manufacturable now, so the Whirly Bird can actually KILL things again on the AIrscape. Hell yeah.

The Bad: I learned today units can be displaced. This happened to disastrous effect regarding the Comms tower. Either they rushed me, or suicide dove bombed right into my cats. Sorry Curechan.

Doctor X is not an Optional Encounter. We need advanced medicine to continue the Story/Progession line. Therefore, Caturday is impossible. To move past the roadblock, we are allowing one set of Ubers to be hired to go do the X-Prison.

The Funny: Nothing overly funny in the moment. Bandit Camp Large went pretty good.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Kamivax on March 16, 2024, 01:46:44 pm
Is it any ubers or it has to be lunatic ubers only to deal with X?
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: John___Doe on March 16, 2024, 09:44:57 pm
It isn't hard to allow cats in x-prison, just need to add them and their desired outfit in the xprison startcon. It would look something like the attached.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on March 16, 2024, 10:39:17 pm
It isn't hard to allow cats in x-prison, just need to add them and their desired outfit in the xprison startcon. It would look something like the attached.

Its not, but im trying to play as hard by the rules of the game as possible- so others can follow the steps if they wanted to do Caturday. Its why I started in Catlifornia and planked the starting six ubers.
That being said, If its thematically interesting- there might be room to bend the rules a Little bit...
Side bar, thanks for the file.  ;)

Edit - As I think about it, It still might be impossible, even if we bring cats along. The doors might be too strong for them to breach, and I dont know how much its destruction factor is.
Reedit- Never mind, I misremembered the first door being sliding. its 100% possible. Just need to quickly grab the pickaxe

Is it any ubers or it has to be lunatic ubers only to deal with X?
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on March 20, 2024, 05:28:35 am
Interlude #2
January 22st, 2601

During the address to the crew, it turns out a 'blazing star' fell near the base. We had about ten minutes to smear paint and get our equipment ready. Of course, for the shadow kits, it’s just their daily attire by this point. Amusingly embarrassing to start with, annoyingly frustrating once they gained confidence in wearing it, But that is besides the point. I set out with a vanguard and moved towards the crash site with weapons at the ready. For posterity’s sake, I have recorded audio of the mission for playback at my leisure. We've still got some earpieces and radios to keep in communication with each other on the field, it’s how I can give orders despite being in a sick bed.

We nearly had a friendly fire incident from someone being a bit too jumpy, but I cant blame them. Our "star" turned out be a wrecked ship hull, codenamed the "Menacing Hull". The damn thing barely resembles a ship, more like a lump of metal with booster rockets attached to it. It’s a miracle it could carry its crew complement -a complement of recently escaped individuals not too unlike ourselves, mutants of the Uber Strain. I am no stranger to Humankind - I've had my encounters with Marsec and tranS-Stellar - but humanity is roughly our equal. Smooth skinned, instead of blessed with fur. Nubs for fingers instead of claws. Tough, instead of graceful. These... Creatures though?

They are terrifying giants. They clear over us by at least sixty centimeters, and at least are two Kits wide. Their muscle tissue and skin are not unlike body armor (for all we know, it could very be they augmented!), and it is a fact they know blatantly well. They will happily wade into battle with whatever weapons they can stride forward with, knowing that they can absorb enormous damage and still hold a reasonable chance of survival. It is seemingly a cultural ideal that they present their bodies in as little coverage as possible, as if to present their strength to the world and show that they are unafraid - or as a sign of 'beauty'.

I think the truth of the matter is that they recognize they are a living terror weapon, and here were three members of that very strain right before us. This is where that 'near accident’ happened. Only the drill I wear on my necklace nowadays prevented an incident, and most definitely a few casualties, one of which I don’t think I would’ve walked away from. They were at first hostile... Then they recognized that I held a key on me. A key that they needed for their ship. A ship that they were only too happy to surrender to us, on two conditions:

First, if we were willing to investigate the mystery that had been consuming their existence, a mystery ship that held wonderous power... That needed the drill to activate.

Second, they needed somewhere to live- and they were Non-Combatants. They all were, claiming to be Scientists - 'Brainers', if you would.

Well, as it turns out I have a fully stocked laboratory that’s just collecting dust. If they could fix up some of the equipment in this base, if we could get their ship working again, and if we have a way out? They will earn their keep. Besides- I have a crew of warriors, not scientists. As strange as it would be to host mutants in our base, I doubt anyone wants to make a career watching their Claw-Sisters claim glory.

12th of Feburary, 2601

It has been a few weeks from when I allowed the survivors of the Menacing Hull (Their words) to dwell within Starlight... Which, not unlike the flag we now bear, has become the name of our home. Our hopes, our dreams and our desire to return to the stars- they live and die inside this hole in the ground. That is a hell of a place to put one’s faith, especially given the fact this place is crumbling at the seams so badly that it’s held up by duratape and prayers... Yet even so the Kits have settled into the flow of life here well, even if we have a glowing hole in the floor of a room. Even if its not comfortable, I've ordered all crew to dwell within quarters well away from the literal sludge pit, as we don't have the facilities to treat radiation poisoning.

The 'Brainers' are possessed of both madness and annoyingly narrow focus when it comes to their interests. I've given them instruction to focus on getting our communication dish back up and running, and they did. But they have also spent the better part of a month philosophizing over what it meant to be a pirate, the empowering qualities of lingerie, and why we should wear specific brands... As if that wasn’t bad enough, in between discussing these pillars of 'culture', they take breaks and molest the captives we happen to take in for ransom! Needless to say, if they weren't so goddamn effective at their work, I'd have them thrown out or shot! For a number of reasons, we can’t ransom back people who have been Snu-Snu'd!

We've an Ethyrnet connection though, and it did not take long for us to get some hits. The governments were happy to have a more direct line to contact us, but more importantly we've discovered that agents of the House are present on this planet, both from the Peregrine Cult, and the Empress herself, and both of which wished to establish relations with us. Our unique circumstances - as fledgling as they are - provide an interesting opportunity for political moves on Earth. Even before we've even proven ourselves as a true power yet, we've become a polity. It speaks to how... Influential we can become that we can tilt the balance of power so. I've a meeting with the Peregrine cult here soon - an agent by the name of 'Cat of Nine tails'. The name strikes me as pretentious - or otherwise inane - but for the sake of our Claw-Sisters, I will see to her.

I don't think they truly realize, however, that we just want to go home

 Sauce  (
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on March 20, 2024, 10:58:44 pm
Memento Mori
September 3rd, 2601

Sisters, we are gathered here today- To mourn the loss of our claw-sisters.

Setting upon the path of glory, to form the foundation of our warrior house- we knew the danger that we would face. Left with nothing but our claws and our wits, we have had to scavenge, tear and steal everything we've had. It would be inevitable that we would be left undersupplied, and without the proper equipment to wage our battles. Despite all, I am proud of you all. The blood spilled in our name, the victories taken in our name... which is why we must also recognize the sacrifices in our name. We will only lose more sisters along the way- Whom gave everything so that we may return to the stars in which we belong.

We remember ShoGGofu, a victim of Men whom call themselves Spartans. Cowards and scoundrels, we have done wrong by her to have given her body to them. I swear, upon my honor as captain- that we *Will* find her, and inter her into the halls. May the Violence inflicted upon them be but a step towards the path of redemption. We remember Lucille- a Sweet and innocent Kit. I believe that she was starting to come to know us as crew, and would have been a fine sister to join us in the journey across the stars. We remember Curechan, A victim of the winter tower. A... Mistake on our behalf, and one I take full responsibility for. And finally, we remember Roush. Whom above all, shall be remembered for giving her life- to save that of her Claw-Sister. Would that it be that we all give our lives for so noble a deed. To her, the highest honors shall be bequeathed.

Interred into our great halls, we shall preserve their bodies, so that once we may return to the stars- they may be buried properly. Cast into the void, towards the sun. For there is no better a fitting end to a Warrior of the Stars, then to be returned to that great expanse.

We are the brave!
Let us feast and love today,
For Tomorrow, we may die!

Captains Log #3

The address has been finished. Songs of merriment and drink carry through the halls, as somber airs bleed away to a celebration that is life. I would partake, but there is not enough senior staff to help me manage the duties of the crew, and it seems bittersweet to celebrate my failures whilst my Claw-Sisters drink to life. I imagine such is the case with Kaminyan as well- I caught a glint of their eye before they departed the address. Whom could blame them? Even from a tribal background- practically earthborn... Maybe Especially so, the loss is felt. After all, were it not for Roush's sacrifice, it would be Them in this address.

We all deal with grief in our own ways. I do not begrudge hers.

I've been balancing the books so far. Money is still tight, but we're making strides to correct that. Our Engineering staff are Finally equipped with tools to start balancing out the Munitions stockpiles. Our greatest challenges have been equipping the kits with a reliable set of equipment: Weapons that they can count on and reliably field, and Armor to preserve and protect them. There is only so long can go gone unseen: And both have been resolved. For as much grief as the Brainers give me, they have designed an all encompassing battle dress- A Kevlar weave that adorns us from tail to head. Coated in familiar paints to help us blend in, and yet is light weight and flexible. The only problem we now face for its universal deployment is logistics and manufacturing our own weave. Problems that should soon fix themselves in time.

Instead, I turn to greater ambitions. We have been cooped up too long in our hideout. Reactive, instead of proactive. We need further eyes upon the world- Finances to fund a second operational base. Expansion becomes my creed. If we are to meet expectations- to gather intelligence and find where these Spartans live, we will need to expand how far our eyes reach. Facilities to supply our needs. Tiger Transport has been willing to provide us another Helicopter for the purposes of commanding the skies- and now with the ability to keep it fed with ammunition...

They will learn the danger that is a Sky-Warrior. For there are no better pilots then a Claw-Sister. Even if we're using ramshackle equipment. (What we we wouldn't give for a claw...)

Would that I expand on my thoughts, but I must honor a promise. The drill around my neck pulses with a tingling energy- Throbbing with an excitement. The Brainers have finally figured how to draw its power... The temptation to reject the power was ever present, but no. I cannot risk their mutiny- I cannot risk angering them. Were it not for my word- I would have cast this thing away. It whispers in my ear and promises me great power. That to honor the gods, I will become something more. The coincidence finally comes full circle as the answer was reached: Someone was watching- and directing our very actions.

They've come to collect. But I will not be their pawn. By the time we return to the stars: They shall tremble at what they have created.

Stream is over! (
Part 1 of vod is here, we had a crash (
And Part 2 is right here! (
Sauce (

Post Mortem
Hired: CGP (B-1, K-0) Krickraken (Newly Hired!) Curechan9 II (Newly Hired!)

Survivors: Gwynevere Bennett (Way of Missed Strike, B-36 K-89), Zephyr1124 (B-39, K-102) ,Fleur Vert (B-33, K-80), Gentlefood (Way of Shadow, B-43, K-69), Kiest (B-26, K-44), Xeoposer (B-39, K-98), Isdar (B-37, K-65), Kaminyan The Blender Cat (Way of Death, B-38, K-105), Tarmph (B-45, K-96), Mittens Leadpaw (B-15, K-26), Catvy (Way of Shadow, B-39, K-76), DoctorRex (B-14, K-14), ArdriKrios (B-25, K-53), NinjaZombie0 (B-22, K-50), SquirrelWizard (Way of Sunlight, B-27, K-24), Mjolko (B-26, K-26), Talemgrandmaster (B-38, K-55) Shirajirajin (B-24, K-17), , Slegex (B-30, K-39), Violeta Kellide (Way of Shadow, B-37, K-62), NictisOfTheMafia (B-37 K-41), Wabbon (B-19, K-30), Sayuri (Way of Claw, B-24, K-30)

Died: No one!

Deus Ex Machinas: 9 (51 Total)
Huh. Didnt feel like nine.

The Good: Kevlar is just about Universal. We have stabilized the Codex at this point, Fausts are within Arms Reach, and other aircraft are not far behind. We're starting to reach that comfortable curve of the game which we can start blazing through missions.

The Bad: Im still debating if I go Mutant Alliance or not. Honestly, my experience has been pretty comfortable without it, but there a lot im missing right now because of no Library. Decisions, Decisions...

The Funny: 14mm Tank Rifle go Brt. Especially when it doesnt.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on March 22, 2024, 11:07:32 pm
Captains Log #4
November 3rd, 2601

Taut ties bite into my flesh, Leather grips tightly as if to become my second skin. Decorative swords are put upon my hip, and a gilded crown is put upon my head- glistening with gold, Plastasteel and elegant frills. The tapestry that my blades rest upon is a fresh weave, the story of our house with all the care a craftswoman can mind. Made of silks and furs, the compliment to all this gaudiness is jewelry made of trophies. Each of our claw-sisters has offered her 'tribute' to me: A feather from a fine bird, a Bullet casing and dried herbs to name but a few...

I am made into a show piece. A 'beautiful' thing, made to intimidate our foes. I worry that we have taken this rallying cry too far- But it is too late now. I did not stop the kits when they embraced being pirates. I did not stop the sisters when they embraced traditional living and the reemergence of huntress culture. Now I Cannot stop this. I cannot stop my Claw-sisters violating my privacy to decorate me so. That I am now exalted- that we embrace the madness of earth, and commit treason against our empress.

I am now made Queen. A queen of pirates- a Warrior Queen, the strongest of us all. One who shall guide us back to the stars- and Noblesse Obliges.

"...Shall everyday begin as such now? I do not need help dressing..." It is an irritated reply, but an honest one. At least it is not a mutiny to begin each day. If my authority is to be belittled, it is at the very least one that in service to me.

"Be thankful Kaminyan is not here to decorate you, Capnyan. Have you seen the elaborate knots they can do? And the bodypaint..." The first kit sighs softly, and I am unsure if she is in fear or in awe. The Dancer chimes in soon afterwards- ensuring that the dress is upon my frame, yet light enough to not restrict my movement. "Why not? There is Much of your body left untouched. You don't want to be a living canvas?"

I see a wolfish grin behind her eyes. Its a bloody tease, somehow having caught on to my... Sheepish disposition about all of this. If I did not know better, that this is a conspiracy to straighten my spine. Embrace what I have become. It is no coincidence that two of the most feminine members of the crew are now attending to me. If I am displeased, they will surely spend another hour to prepare me for the day.

"I think I'm Quite Content with what I have right now, I do not need-" I am interrupted, unable to finish my sentence. An unintentional mistake- but a fatal one. "Only Content? Oh that will not do. Dear, could you go get the gray box on the counter? I believe our Queen expects a higher standard of us..."

Gods save me. The empress wont.

Stream is over! (
Saaaauce. Cant find the artist here. Wouldnt mind some help. (
The VERY late Vod. (

Post Mortem
Hired: Rovlemhage (Newly Hired!), CLAW OF THE NORTH NYAN (B-1 K-9), Das_Bystander (Newly Hired!) ZebraFinch (Newly Hired!) Jim3798 ((Newly Hired!) BoboBuffalo (Newly Hired!) Scotty297 (Newly Hired!)

Survivors: Gwynevere Bennett (Way of Missed Strike, B-38 K-98, Zephyr1124 (B-46, K-125) ,Fleur Vert (B-38, K-95), Gentlefood (Way of Shadow, B-53, K-99), Kiest (B-33, K-54), Xeoposer (B-55, K-156), Isdar (B-43, K-80), Kaminyan The Blender Cat (Way of Death, B-44, K-123), Tarmph (B-54, K-107), Mittens Leadpaw (B-18, K-33), Catvy (Way of Shadow, B-45, K-84), DoctorRex (B-24, K-24), ArdriKrios (B-37, K-79), NinjaZombie0 (B-26, K-55), SquirrelWizard (Way of Sunlight, B-45, K-69), Mjolko (B-36, K-39), Talemgrandmaster (B-52, K-75) Shirajirajin (B-39, K-50), , Slegex (B-33, K-41), Violeta Kellide (Way of Shadow, B-48, K-99), NictisOfTheMafia (B-41 K-46), Wabbon (B-29, K-60), Sayuri (Way of Claw, B-29, K-40),  CGP (B-10, K-15) Krickraken (B-11, K-14) Curechan9 II (B-7, K-4),

Died: Streched Shana (K-2), Irked Mrmyshka (K-2), Velvet Flapper (K-3), Lazy Bun (K-3) (Died Holding the Line.)

Deus Ex Machinas: 12 (63 Total)
At least 5 were used to save the weed base. But we have some very rough lethals here.

The Good: Happy New Years! We managed to make it through the Year and we're on 2602! Congrats Cats, we're powering through! The Weed Base was preserved and we have our science books now. So, Back to School here Very Soon. Its a bit slower then I could of done honestly, but I was seeing if I couldn't hit some thematic points. It didn't, and with new pathing- we're going to get caught up. Also, We have VOODOO. We can see our Psi-Scores! Huzzah!

The Bad: So, Some pathing was done and why some story writing was delayed. X-Prison isn't needed, but holy shit is life going to suck because of it. For spoiler reasons, I wont mention them, but I am... Tightening my belt, and getting ready for some rough times.

Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Solarius Scorch on March 25, 2024, 03:44:35 pm
Its not, but im trying to play as hard by the rules of the game as possible- so others can follow the steps if they wanted to do Caturday. Its why I started in Catlifornia and planked the starting six ubers.
That being said, If its thematically interesting- there might be room to bend the rules a Little bit...

I fully understand your position. However, Dr. X's entire arc relies upon her special connection with her Uber creations. The prison is but the first step here, with later missions and stories being heavily dependent on the Escaped Lunatics' past and the Doctor's story with them. While it's easy to allow catgirls on Uber-only missions, rewriting the whole story would be a major ordeal, or else a part of the game won't make any sense. Even the Captain is supposed to be a Lunatic herself, as Dr. X treats her so; if the Captain and her crew are not ubers, Dr. X wouldn't have the motivation to pursue them in the first place.
In my opinion it would be best to just accept that this particular arc won't be explored in this campaign. There are other important allies whose arcs don't mind you being a catgirl.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Psyentific on March 25, 2024, 09:25:05 pm
"I think I'm Quite Content with what I have right now, I do not need-" I am interrupted, unable to finish my sentence. An unintentional mistake- but a fatal one. "Only Content? Oh that will not do. Dear, could you go get the gray box on the counter? I believe our Queen expects a higher standard of us..."

Gods save me. The empress wont.
I'm getting a bit of an Overlord vibe here; this whole scheme has gotten away from itself and now The Captain is merely along for the ride.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on March 25, 2024, 10:26:42 pm
I fully understand your position. However, Dr. X's entire arc relies upon her special connection with her Uber creations. The prison is but the first step here, with later missions and stories being heavily dependent on the Escaped Lunatics' past and the Doctor's story with them. While it's easy to allow catgirls on Uber-only missions, rewriting the whole story would be a major ordeal, or else a part of the game won't make any sense. Even the Captain is supposed to be a Lunatic herself, as Dr. X treats her so; if the Captain and her crew are not ubers, Dr. X wouldn't have the motivation to pursue them in the first place.
In my opinion it would be best to just accept that this particular arc won't be explored in this campaign. There are other important allies whose arcs don't mind you being a catgirl.

Holy shit its Scorch. Hi dude. Hopefully this has been an entertaining read!

Yeah, I am in agreeance with you here. When I started the run, and realized No Dr. X, that meant
No Tanhouser gates and thus the humanist questline wont happen.
, that was rough. Its also why for the writings I haven't mentioned her: Its funny she keeps diving bombing us with base defense in the run- but I do agree she really *Should* have no interest in us, except maybe having her car, and we got rid of that.

Its merely how to rectify getting Advanced Medicine- which without, we cannot advance the game. We'll eventually hit a roadblock and cant Graduate/High Studies (I forget which). Its also why I debated on Mutant Alliance for a Hot Minute.
I doubt I was going to get Lucky *Twice* with Lazy Ass Book Drop.
Considering they're more of a Political faction that Represents Mutants rather then "Be a Mutant or GTFO", and that I was well behind on a Library... Yeah. ended up caving here. Besides, they use you- as much as you use them. Its just only more tense now, given we're Xenos.

I'm getting a bit of an Overlord vibe here; this whole scheme has gotten away from itself and now The Captain is merely along for the ride.

The Pains of Wrangling Catgirls whom are 90% outlaw by volume. Except Sayuri's a Tourist.

The pain of Wrangling Catgirls. We're all merely along for the ride at this point. But I personally believe in stories with levity as much as they feature its cruelties.  ;)
Things will get far more serious. And the Red Codex is bound to change a fair bit as well.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Solarius Scorch on March 27, 2024, 12:23:11 pm
Holy shit its Scorch. Hi dude. Hopefully this has been an entertaining read!

Hello! Yes, it has. :3

Yeah, I am in agreeance with you here. When I started the run, and realized No Dr. X, that meant {spoilered}, that was rough.

True, but there are still other endings. Besides, X's arc is still unfinished anyway, despite being the most advanced of all non-standard endings.

Its also why for the writings I haven't mentioned her: Its funny she keeps diving bombing us with base defense in the run- but I do agree she really *Should* have no interest in us, except maybe having her car, and we got rid of that.

I don't think she does any bombing. While she's an antagonist, she wants you alive and cares about your ubers.

Its merely how to rectify getting Advanced Medicine- which without, we cannot advance the game. We'll eventually hit a roadblock and cant Graduate/High Studies (I forget which).

Hmm, I don't think that's the case. I can't really prove it without dissecting the tech tree (which I'm not eager to do because spoilers), but her arc is meant to be optional, so there are probably other ways to finish the game. After all, it's possible to
lose the gravball match against her three times
, which would lock you out from the rest of her arc, but should not prevent you from finishing the campaign.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on March 27, 2024, 08:40:20 pm
Hello! Yes, it has. :3

Then I am humbled Sir. Hopefully I keep it up.  :D

I don't think she does any bombing. While she's an antagonist, she wants you alive and cares about your ubers.

Yeah no, she doesn't do Literal bombing, but at least 3-4 of my defender medals right now are because academians keep knocking on the door.
I think only Red-Eyes is the only person who sends Bombing attacks. And you have to piss her off first by hitting her space station first, I think.

Hmm, I don't think that's the case. I can't really prove it without dissecting the tech tree (which I'm not eager to do because spoilers), but her arc is meant to be optional, so there are probably other ways to finish the game. After all, it's possible to
lose the gravball match against her three times
, which would lock you out from the rest of her arc, but should not prevent you from finishing the campaign.

Respect to not wanting to go into spoiler town. Keeping it in brackets here - Sadly has the requirement of the Database of Dr.X. (Second on that page, last in the game files right now.) Honestly, it could be avoided, but Arcane Interface is attached to it- and that is needed for higher studies. Everything else though? Actually not necessary to win the game. And that is the Only Dr.X required thing. Honestly, her Arc really 'starts' (Or never starts) with the Grav-Ball thing.

As I now remember, technically I think the Zubrin is outside of Higher studies? But between new Cydonia and how the Zubrin tends to kill who gets off the boat- I've had it nuke Termicators before trying to just get off due to "The universe only respects strength"- I don't really consider it viable as an option... Then again. That's kind of a shallow answer. I made Battle Tanks Intercept viper fighters before.

Edit: Okay. So the Zubrin doesnt explode violently anymore. Huh.
Yeah, giving it a test run on the old 2023 run... Yeah. It works. Kind of thematically ass, but by constraints of the challenge- thats how legal play would have to do.
Double Edit: Okay, I might have some madness in mind. Looking over matters more deeply, I might have options. Means No Nano-Surgery or Sleeping Beauty- but. It can be done actually. It also means twelve for endgame. Ah well.
Triple combo Edit: Or Star God Plasma Guns. And no Assault suits. Which is no Anni's. Which is no Termicator. Mmmfh. I'd have to run Space Guard/trooper armor... Fuck it, we ball.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on March 27, 2024, 11:01:07 pm
Captains Log #5
2nd of January

Personal Reminder to myself, you celebrated the New Year on the 31st. You were Hungover on the 1st. The Date isn't Wrong.

Happy New Year. We've been stuck on this planet for a Year. We've been stuck in this Hole for a year. I think im starting to go Stir Crazy.

Supping on the first 'Yearly' vintage of our Cider, we're... Certainly getting better about this. I certainly feel more refined. Maybe the Brainers were onto something with alcohol and 'cultural refinement'. Empress knows they've shaken me down for everything I'm worth- both for finances and materials. Bothersome, really. But at least we've finally breaking even on finances- Hell. In some months, we're even making a profit again. For once, I feel like I'm running a profitable enterprise.

Much as I have feared though, to continue progress on our own ambitions- I have had to go around Cat of Nine Tails. After much internal debate, I've struck a deal with the local Mutant Polities. They had material that we needed for our Research core to expand, and they need trained killers to be the bane of their foes. The woes of those whom would abuse mutant kind- A fight that we have no personal stake in, but should serve as further opportunities to grow our increasing political influence. If we are careful, we can angle a faction that would suit our preference. Nunity took to us warmly, and the Peregrine cult favors Post-Rapture. Especially if their theory proves true and that we were All once Terrans.

As I've tread upon the grass of earth though- and seen its forests, I will admit I've felt a certain... connection to this all. There is a sense of spirituality about this land. A connection, a... Longing to it all. The wind off rolling hills, the bristle of trees and scent of wildflowers. I've come to understand why The Huntress culture has rapidly spread through the crew like a influzena: It is almost as if it was meant to be. Nekomimi, adorned in beautiful tapestry and woven in furs, hunting for their prey and being one with the land.

One in which they came from.

Or perhaps I am having too much Chateau. Perhaps I am melancholy and listening too much to the Cult- and that they've wormed their way into my mind. That denied the stars for so long, I am trying to rationalize anything that brings me comfort, and I merely the latest in our line that risks succumbing. Yet, I am bound here: I am destined to stay for my crew. ensure their survival. My Claw-Sisters could simply take their pay and leave: find the nearest smuggler ship or wait for one to deliver us material, and go back to the stars. Yet they do not.

Perhaps there is more magic here then I care to admit.

But that is neither here nor there. We have shaken on a deal with the Polities. I can only hope that this is not a mistake, or that they do not grind us to a pulp in their wars. We must remind ourselves we are still in service to our empress, and this serves her needs as much as our own. Besides, if we are lucky, perhaps we can find where our fallen Claw-Sister has been interred. After all, the Spartans prey upon Mutant Kind, and their leadership will be among their numbers.

Surely, one of their number will know where she is.

Stream is Late, but now Live! AAAAAA (
Saaaauce. Ew because of it being Reddit, but its the sauce. (

Post Mortem
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on March 29, 2024, 11:32:23 pm
Captains Log #6

7th of Febuary

Melancholy fades away like setting sun when you've got too much to do.

On my desk lies at least twenty five combat reports- and I Know I haven't gone through them all. Im working as fast as I can, but I cant keep my finger on the pulse of every combat action that happens nowadays. I've had to decentralize and trust that my officers know what they're doing- so I can focus on the more important operations. Its been a hell of a reduction in my stress levels to say the least, and the other Claw-Sisters are starting to see the burdens I've been carrying for them in managing field operations (Quite Often from my Hospital bed!) Its been an... Interesting stablizing force here.

Instead, I now face two problems: One, We're not designed for this kind of warfare. Our enemies are starting to counter our tricks with advanced equipment, whilst I struggle to petition Cat Of Nine Tails for even the most basic tactile stealth gear. Hell, I'm not even begging for Unipuma Stealth suits (Though we've managed to scrounge a few up), I'm just looking for the reactor belts. Camouflage only works so well, for so long. But like many things- they deny my requests, citing that a Warrior should be 'Clever enough to adapt' to the changing circumstances.

Right. I can comfort my crew that our fallen Claw-Sisters were simply retarded and that we're better off without them, for the misfortune of being under-equipped for the job. To hell with her.

The only solution I have is to bring in fresh faces- Another Ten join our ranks. Some have had basic training, some are being pressed immediately. There's not enough Veteran sisters, and some are going Stir-Crazy waiting for their chance to get out of the revolving door that is Medical. I need more bodies on the field, and I simply have to accept that not all of them will survive. They'll simply have to trust their Elder-Sisters to lead them out of the fire. Yet such decisions shall influence the crew in another way: That of the ways.

It is no way that  many of us are former combat veterans, even before this piracy business. I have made no secret that I follow the way of the missed strike- Opportunity follows in careless attacks. Many of my Claw-Sisters took to The Way of Shadow when we had to smear ourselves with paint and hide in the bush in the buff. There are a few outliers- and whilst survival was our principle concern, ideas of combat doctrine and philosophy were put to the wayside... But now that we are starting to find our footing, entrench and find ourselves growing in comfort: Matters of philosophy soon follow. And with fresh faces and time to argue over which strategies work and which do not...

There will be a growing diaspora of doctrines. A collection of military polities within our own organization that will argue which of the ways are correct, and which shall no longer suffice. But perhaps there is a way to bring these thoughts into line. For all of these Arts are simply interpretations of the Way of trounce. I will never be able to bring them all to heel: For talent often seeks to define itself and stand out- and to grow its strength. But they see me as Captain, and they will *Obey*. In Curating their growth, I shall have officers whom specialize in their fields, and in turn I shall have strike teams that are of a unified mind. It must be that as we grow wiser, that these scattered ideas once again, form the ways of trounce. Each us of, a piece of the whole.

Hah. I speak of being busy, and yet here I am writing prose. Perhaps I am not so far removed from my Noble blood after all. To think I used to detest reading and writing. That I'd rather go play with the other Claw-Sisters, then to look adminastration. Perhaps my father can be thanked afterall. But thats neither here nor there. The second problem I'm facing, is that my Science Team needs to speak to me, and that's terrifying in its own right.

I end this log with a deep breath and trepidation. Its always an adventure to go in there.

Back to School

"Gwynevere De Tylmerade Bennett, Captain Level Access. Authorization Code- SERAPH."

I am not using their codes. I don't need to be laughed at for being 'Horny' again. But with a flick of my Keycard and the gentle hiss of the door, it slides open with a satisfactory ease and a wave of *heat* blasts me in the face. I thank the Stars that I have desert blood in me, or else this would be unbearable. I simply don't get why the 'Brainers' must have things so bloody HOT. I don't care if its their preference to not wear clothes, I swear half of the salary goes to the Power bill so they can keep warm in the nude!

Stepping inside however, the Laboratory is a wonderous display of colors and not so wonderous odious cadavers. A sterile room defiled, but alive with the discoveries and passions of those whom call this room 'home'. Once only operated by the Brainer-Strain, more have joined their ranks; More of their own Castaway kin that we have rescued and brought into the fold- but also Hacan blooded Claw-Sisters whom share in their pacifistic tendency. The Brainers tend to the needs of Violence, explosives and abstract thought- The Hacanites tend to the needs of worldly, Nekomimi concerns- alongside political machinations. Together, they create union of creativity and intellectual capacity. Harmonious however, we could not be further from. Striding forth, my ears pick up a pained, shrill sound- a tone that could only be produced by one of our kin.

"That's my tail, you fucking bitch!"

My eyes drift as melee starts off to my left. Glass shatters and a table smashes as Claw and Fist intermix into what could best be described as a 'Catfight'. Apparently, the Brainer couldn't help but grasp her tail for some odd reason- A lesson these ubers do not seemingly learn. If anything- they only seem inclined to be... Encouraged by our wild reactions to others touching such fluffy tails. Whilst at first i was prone to stopping such incidents- I've come to learn this is how they bond, or work out grievances. It only makes it harder for our Claw-Scientists to garner the respect of their fellow working companions if they cannot prove that they brawl. The hooting and the howling over the spontaneous fight is their entertainment anyway. I have a more important destination in mind.

At the far end of the lab sits a circular table, staring into a incandescent holographic image of the planet. In a shape before the landmasses were split (We've had to adapt the map). At the far end, sits the FBB (Pretentious that, but she wont accept 'Chief Scientist') and the Elder Claw-Matron. A spread of papers and documents. That they called me down here, rather then sending a runner to deliver their report- Means it is something worth my precious time. So I shall not waste theirs. Striding forth, I clear my voice before speaking.

"FBB. Honored Matron. You've called me down here for a Report?" I flit my eyes between them, but it is the FBB whom speaks here. The Matron seeks to speak at the right opportunity- Preserving words for impact.

"Yes, Ma Capitaine. Our investigation is complete, and whilst I *Could* explain matters to you, I suggest you read those papers. You will find elucidation on our labours, and what this means for our organization as a whole... And why of course, you should keep us around."

I roll my eyes at the incinuation. Yes, I know your needs are ridiculously expensive. But I open the documentation in question- and my eyes glaze over the details at first. It takes a few passes before I understand it all: What is presented before me is theoretical concepts. But beyond those such as 'How to Firearms work' and 'Why does the Bikini look good on us'- I see cracking Hyperwave Technology. I see Plastasteel being molded into bullets, alongside many wonderous things. I see Advancements of our tools, and the ability to bring us beyond just merely Humans.

What I see before me, is the makings of Empire. Apparently, the shock spreads across my face- for my ears catch what my eyes do not.

"Impressed, Cap'n? What I present before you is the keys to the Kingdom. You held up your word with our... Agreement, and thus we shall hold up ours. You speak of returning to the stars, but what if we could do something better? What if going as Paupers, we make you the Queen you are supposed to be? Your Kittens have already adorned you with a crown- We are merely formalizing the title... And a Queen such as yourself should have herself a Fiefdom worthy of her status, should she not?"

I look to her, blinking absentmindedly. "You want to take the earth?"

"Heavens no! Unless that is your ambition that is." The FBB smiles faintly, her hands gently clasping together. "My thoughts are that there is no one else you should *Bow* to- and we know the *Star Gods*-" "Ethereals." I try to correct her as quickly as possible, but she merely brushes me off. "-are taking a keen interest to our operations... Twice we've humbled them. And twice, we've had to run. Do not think they will let us go so easily in the future..."

I look to the Claw-Matron. She simply nods in rare agreeance with the FBB.

"Think about your legacy. It is as much Yours as it will be Mine. And what better way to cement your crown, then to slay the gods themselves..." Her lips curl once more, as my hand traces over the papers again.

Despite the warm air, the papers feel cool to the touch. The Air is charged, and my mind races a mile a minute- As I weather Manipulations from the FBB. There is clearly a direction she would see us go in- despite her insinuations to the contrary... and yet she would give us the tools to claim it for ourselves.

In which way, does the road go from here?.. Is such still truly my choice?

Stream is Over! (
The Vod is here! (
Saaaauce. Ew because of it being Reddit, but its the sauce. (

Post Mortem
Why is the image so big? Im legit sorry about that. Most of the time, its pretty small...

Hired: Kildarienhyton (B-2, K-2), VintageMedic (Newly Hired!), Xika (Newly Hired!)

Survivors: Gwynevere Bennett (Way of Missed Strike, B-54 K-137, Zephyr1124 (B-53, K-148) ,Fleur Vert (B-44, K-106), Gentlefood (Way of Shadow, B-63, K-118), Kiest (B-47, K-69), Xeoposer (B-58, K-170), Isdar (B-50, K-96), Kaminyan The Blender Cat (Way of Death, B-51, K-155), Tarmph (B-67, K-144), Mittens Leadpaw (B-29, K-47), Catvy (Way of Shadow, B-52, K-102), DoctorRex (B-37, K-37), ArdriKrios (B-49, K-124), NinjaZombie0 (B-36, K-85), SquirrelWizard (Way of Sunlight, B-56, K-80), Mjolko (B-41, K-44), Talemgrandmaster (B-61, K-89) Shirajirajin (B-48, K-64), , Slegex (B-47, K-68), Violeta Kellide (Way of Shadow, B-61, K-137), NictisOfTheMafia (B-54 K-72), Wabbon (B-32, K-74), Sayuri (Way of Claw, B-46, K-72),  CGP (B-20, K-23) Krickraken (B-24, K-31) Curechan9 II (B-13, K-9), Rovlemmmhage (B-9, K-15), CaptainOrion (B-7, K-12), Psyentific1 (B-13, K-30), ZebraFinch (B-10, K-13), DJ Grom (B-5, K-12), Scotty297 (B-6, K-3), Atusid (B-10, K-27), GigaShogg (B-10, K-13), Das_Bystander (B-7, K-10)

Died: Jim3798 (B-5 K-8, FAT ZOMBIE WANTS A HUG.), Weed Base Crew x5 (The Government Wants its cut.), Claw Of The North Nyan (B-2 K-27, Half as long, but twice as bright...), BoboBuffalo (B-8, K-10, Murder Mutts Ahoy!)

Deus Ex Machinas: 18 Deus Ex (98 Total)
7 were Spent on The Weed Base. 3 were Spent on The Pogrom. Both were failures.
Sometimes you dont win.

The Good: Catitical Armor has arrived and Not a moment too soon. Having Real Armor protections means that I can actually stand line and Fight. Krazy Hanna is now a thing too, so explosive ordinance is now reliably fieldable. Air Game is Online and with Fausts/Pidgeon combo in a central location, Time for the Cats to prove they are Aces...

The Bad: Well, The government decided my Weed base was going to go- and they hit me right as I was transferring named characters to the main place. Worse, I fought it out. 28/30, so the defense was worth -1000 points. Also I lost everything there. Not the worst situation, but I was writing an Interlude featuring The Claw. That Sucks to resolve that story so soon. I liked her. Everyone else did too. Goverment armor too thick to stab sadly.

Also We had the worst Pogrom spawn today. I really want to pitch the Scorpion at this point- its spawns are weirdly inconsistent, and that's frustrating to deal with.

All and all, a rough series of encounters, and hopefully we'll turn it around soon.

The Funny: The Spartans being the Crews Nemesis is Hilariously in lore for us. Thats two of Two for Pogrom count. Hopefully, the game keeps playing with us on this one. Now we just gotta figure out how the hell to pour water on rocks...
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on April 04, 2024, 12:41:29 am
Captains Log #7

March 5th, 2602

Another Shipment of warriors called to the front. Purrtina sat her command console, as she sighed softly. Underforce again, but at least she could understand this time. She could be frustrated, and she would make good on her threat sooner rather then later... But she could not say she didn't understand. Besides, the culling of the bandit tribes had made things quiet for the past few months. Perhaps the silence would do her some good.

Her defense of the plantation had made her a Hero. An Icon within the crew: A representation of a warrior to strive and live up to. It made her a teacher for her survival tactics. A teacher of the Way of Pain. To teach how to shape these tourists and disorderly kittens, and shape them into being warriors. How to trade a cut, for a kill.

'Warriors of the North Nyan.' Hah, she had come a long way from being in the army. From being a grunt in the forces, to a mercenary across the stars. From an interstellar traveller... To being a Cadre Instructor in a base full of weed. She still wasn't sure if this was a demotion or not- but the pay was right, and the coffee in her cup was a bold, bitter flavor. In hindsight, that wasn't so bad. A sip of the decadent drink only biased her further, her nerves fraying in a delightful sensation. This should have continued on, much like any other day. But there was one exception to today- a gentle shrill voice to her right.

"Wing Commander, there's an inbound contact. Are we expecting someone?" Purrtina would have her ears shoot up, as she shot a look to her radar operator. Canting her head, Setting her cup down and scrambling to find her files, she'd look for authorized codes and expected dates... Reinforcements weren't due for at least a week. Unless something had changed Drastically, that was definitely not a friendly ship.

"Hail them, and demand they transfer IFF codes." A moment of silence- before something would detonate nearby.

Breaching charges. They weren't waiting. Worse, they Knew how to fool their Radar dish: They were betrayed.

Thrown to the floor from the blast, Purrtina would scramble to pick up her gun- A prize from the previous raid, a Model 879 Koshiki 6.7 Autopistol. She was going to need it. The Radio operator was far less graceful in ascending to her feet- more akin to a tailless cat then a warrior... Bah, this is what she had to defend with? She survived the worst of this world once, she could do so again. But if these kittens were going to die, this one could serve one last purpose before she went.

"Congo, Send out an SOS Signal to Starlight! Tell them we've been betrayed-"

Gunfire would interrupt her. The sounds of foreign screaming in an ungodly tongue not a single sister knew to understand. But it made it clear whom was attacking. The Locals. Those whom they were sworn to fight on behalf of: Now indulging in their greed and striking them when they were weak. Two shrill noises would be silenced within seconds- unaware of what had just happened, and never having the chance to fight back. Merely victims whom had fulfilled fates ambition to make this a tragedy. Aspiring to nothing more, other then currency for another's ambitions.

"...By the Empress... Did you hear me Congo?! Signal, now! Tell them our contractors have invaded the base and we cannot hold- Tell them that we are Betrayed!" The recruit would blink absentmindedly at the request: Dawning realization that her commanding officer had given her an order that they were going to Die. Fear gripped her, as she started clacking away at the keys.

"And... What are We going to do, Wing Commander?" Her tone was desperate, as if trying to find any way out. Congo didn't want to die in a hole in the ground, away from where she could not see the stars. An animal backed into a corner- with a life so young, a coil ready to spring and make her name in this world. Her response would be the racking of the handgun.

"We fight for our right to live. This is insurance." Purrtina would scowl sharply. The firefight picked up once more, and the sounds of men would fall. At least not all was lost, but this was a losing fight. The truth of it, would be that they would be bleeding this enemy before they went to hell. Make this costly. Make them pay. "Is the SOS Signal sent?"

"Y-yes Wing Commander." Congo would reach for her rifle, racking the bolt as she quickly ran though the safeties of her gun. A strange weapon- with a curved magazine and wooden furniture. A perfect weapon for an underground warrior. Heavy, clunky... And powerful. Looking to her Wing Commander, She would pull out her short blade- an elegant weapon marked with the symbiology of the Fusoian warriors. Blinking- she'd speak in a meek voice once more. "What... What are your orders?"

Purrtina would loop around the staircase, trying to get an angle on the attackers... Two. Two downstairs. Easy to ambush. They weren't aware they were up here, but they were securing the floor. Good, an easy ambush. Looking back to Congo, her orders would come as a growl.

"Follow me into hell. We'll go bloody, scarred and with Company." That Growl would then turn into a warcry, as she leapt down the stairs. Blade drawn in that murderers poise- as she descended upon the first man. The stonework was but a cutting board- and the blade sank into his heart, rending him from the mortal coil in but one breath. The second man would tear into her ear with a round of his gun, Tinnitus and pain racking through her skull. But she didn't care: The lesson she had learned was clear- The lesson she had taught.

Trade a Cut, for a kill. Her blade would merely trade its sheath for another one, dragging into the man from gullet to groin. His armor but a mere joke- a Mockery for the blade to cut through. More rounds would discharge from behind her as the voices of men echoed from nearby. The sounds of two bodies would drop- Victims of Congo's uncertain fury... and sharp giggling.

Good. Bloodlust. She would need it.

The walls would become her ally. Tearing, and lacerating through their forces- The Claw of the north would make her name known once more. A survivor, a devastator of these men. Hope lived in her blade, and her gun. Two shots, a man would fall. Three, another would follow. Five men. Ten. Twenty. The forces numbered in dozens- but she was no rookie. She had seen battle. She was bloodied. And she would make her vengeance known. But this was no fairytale. This was no story of destiny- This was battle. This was War. And all it took was one mistake, to end ones life.

That mistake came as her shoulder ruptured. An explosion of pain and blood billeted out- as her firearm fell to the ground- her left arm going limp. Growling as she turned around- there stood a man with a smoking handgun, a High-Caliber weapon that she couldn't identify through the pain. Privateer style not unlike herself, his voice crackled with Artificial tones echoing from his blackened carapace.

"Purrtina Orion. Wanted in Twenty Seven systems for murder, insurrection and larceny. Dead or alive, your coming with me."

Purrtina would growl sharply. Her name was on the lips of first this man. Then her aide. She could recongize from the tones. But the words were not clear. Only a demand for her surrender. Flicking her blade into the ready stance- she'd stare him down.

"Try and take me." A pause, then a silent nod from the man. As if it was respect. "As you wish."

Her legs still worked. She could still run. Ten meters. She could clear that. And so she would bolt forward, arm positioned infront of her face and the blade in a reverse guard. She could only win if she could get his neck- the plate of his Carapace armor was too smooth. Too thick. But the joint, his neck- Gave her a chance at victory. Trade a Cut for a kill.

Several shots rang out as she closed the distance. Her flank. Her Gut. Her breast, though the plate stopped that one. One in the thigh- but adrenaline gave her the last push she needed. Lunging with her blade, she'd thrust with everything she had left- one last desperate push. One last kill- before she went: a worthy kill. The sound of echoing steel would ring out as the blade failed to meet its mark, impacting the collar of her foe.

Then steel pressed against her forehead. One last sound, and the world went dark.

14th of March

"Captain, I am a busy man- even as your representive to the Governments. You did not need to send thirty pings to have your message come across." The voice over the intercom was tired, annoyed. As if it sat on a high perch, and merely 'ordained' itself to speak with the mercenaries these people had hired. I was in no mood for this shit. It had been a week sense they had conducted an attack on My people- The fact it TOOK a week to do so, showed how little they cared. It set the mood for this little meeting, and my temperament.

"Considering it took over a week for you to pick up the phone, I believe I was well within my rights. Especially as you broke contract." My face wrinkled, agitation making the marking upon my face look like agitated whiskers. He could not see such a thing, but my Claw-Sisters could. They were watching with bated breath: This was something that they wanted answers for- and they could not wait for me to merely 'finish up the call'.

"Hm? How have we broken contract? We have paid you on time, and generously at that for the damages you have done-"

"You Murdered Five of my People, and seized control of territory that Belongs to us!" I could not hide my anger at this point. Could I have been more diplomatic? Yes. But my Claw-Sisters wanted blood. I wanted remuneration and an apology. Blood was sadly out of the question... For now. But we had to get something.

"Ah. Yes- Well, we did not sanction that attack. I do believe we have mentioned the Aristocracy will act as it will on occasion. For what it is worth, we offer our condolences-"

My hand would slam down on the table, my temper rising. "To Hell with your condolences and your excuses! You Know that doesn't mean Shit. I'm not here to ask for pity, I'm here to ask for compensation for our losses!"

There was a gentle cackle over the radio, before the man would speak. "Ah yes. Compensation. I agree. Let us discuss terms. After all, as according to your contract- You are obligated to compensate us for any 'Accidental friendly fire'. Compensation for the families that have lost loved ones in your conflict- Citizens now bereft of fathers and mothers..."

"You wouldn't Dare."

"...There was Twenty Eight souls that died in that base. The Central Province is expecting- Captain. Make the payments soon. Then perhaps refocus your efforts. From I hear, the Spartans Seem to be quite the Thorn in your side..."

Another laugh. Then the feed would cut. And then with unpredicdented speed- a Bank Account's routing number would be sent to us. My claws dragged onto the table- My ears falling as the only sound I produced was that of a Lion about to pounce.

Perhaps that was fitting. I looked back to my crew- with hate in my features. My eyes betrayed my intentions:

My Cup had spilled and was once again rendered empty- Something had to fill it once more. Blood would do.

Stream is Over! (
There is No Sauce Link this time. This was provided by one of my Viewers- Thanks NebTheSquid!

Post Mortem
Diiiiiner time.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on April 06, 2024, 12:02:49 am
Captains Log #8

? of ?
V̸̬̋̾͒͌i̵͍̦̓̈́o̵̼͋͜ļ̶̓̚ë̸̟̣́̀͛͛n̸͔̥̮̍͊̒ç̵͚̈͗̔͑ḙ̵͚͍̀,̵̥͝ ̴̺̤̹͂̒t̴̐̈́̈́͠ͅh̶͍̘̼̾̈́̑͜͠e̵̢͓͘͜ ̷̼̾̏͘s̴̭͚͕̀̔̆u̵͉̜̓̉͝p̸̨̭͎̦̀̿r̴͇͉̗̂́͠é̵̟̺͔̗͛m̴̢͙̱͂͠e̴̤̔̄ ̴̠͐̈́̍͠à̶̬͂ú̷͉̹̂t̴̲̲͉̭̍ĥ̷̢̢͉̗̍̒͠ȍ̵͇̓̚r̴͚̜̪̭̿̆i̷̗͐͛t̴̝̫́͛̈́ý̸̻̿͘ ̷̣͂̊̆̏f̷͓̀̈r̵̩͚̗̋͗́o̷̜͙͇̐̐m̸̙͔͇̟̋́͂ ̵̣̪̯̎͠w̴̞̰̲͛̄̎͝ǐ̶͓̦̓́c̸̭͓̓̌h̶̘̜̍͗̔ ̸̠̂̊̏ȧ̴̘ḻ̷̛͈͍̄l̴̪̻̈́ ̴͍͍̆͝õ̴̢̬͚̯t̷̙̬̪͍̉͐̈ȟ̴̯̣͇͛͋ȩ̸̼̭̍r̵̘͙̍͜ ̸̗̪̠̩̿ä̸͉͎́û̶̩̭͍́͑͆t̵͖͉͔̽h̶̺̤̬̳̀ô̴̠̼͝r̸͎͈͊i̸̝̳͗̕̚t̶̡̙̟͆i̵̹̰̲̮̒̂e̶͜͝s̷͔̋̈́ ̴̰̝̯́́̊̕d̷̦̃ͅe̶͖̔̇̽͘r̶̬̣͕̉̍ī̵͇̐͘v̴̛̤̲̻e̵̜̮͎̿͋̄̆d̴̯̘̈́̀

I awaken in fire. I hear the screaming of a thousand voices. Instinctually, I know they are my foes. Barren soil creases under my feet as I rise, ash falling from my frame like winter snow. Burned into this world- My majesty is made known to all who witness my birth. My soul is that of royalty, My form befitting of such magnificence. No imperfections mar my flesh, No god matches my strength. I am beautiful beyond compare, my shape the envy of any other Lioness whom wishes to be. Whom I shall choose to be my King shall be blessed, not me to He. This legacy, shall be my gift to my Kits, as they become as me.

But such words are meaningless, without the ability to enforce such claims. A thousand souls would steal my birthright- to wash away my legend and my noble line. It is their dreams that they would see bloom, like shining stars. Only the strongest will shall rule as sovereign.

Striding forth, I behold a battlefield: Weapons as far as the eye can perceive- Forged in the Hellfire that surrounds us. Thousands are at my beck and call- all eagerly awaiting a worthy master to claim them, accepting that a warrior of half their skill shall wield them... But my hand goes low, as if by instinct to claim what is mine. A blade made for purpose- ornate as befits a gilded warrior, but forged for the crucible that is war. A blade made for two hands- but not bereft of true swordsmanship. It flicks into my hands with ease, as if filling a void that had existed for so long.

My heart beats like a drum- A fitting accompaniment to these dancing steps of war. It emblazons the soul, as I prepare to face the first of this host. A woman possessed of golden strands for hair. Soft faced, and young- but clutching what was the deadliest weapon of all: Ambition, to see her dreams through. The Will to power to bend the stars and empires to her whims. The strength to take what she pleased. She must be the first to die; for she is the most deadly of this host.

For she is me. To master combat, You must be the first to die. For in defeating yourself, no opponent could dare best you.

We draw our blades with nothing more then a nod and a scowl. There can be no words in this exchange, for there is no avoiding destiny. There is no compromise that would be sufficient to our desires- A crown cannot rest on two heads. Instead, diplomacy is conducted in the most honorable tongue we can muster- The song of steel. We move in sync, as we prod and tease for openings. We are not unlike dancers- putting on a grand performance. A weaving flurry of flesh, bone and sinew- craving release of tension, the impact of force through the body. We seek the ecstasy of victory.

The moment comes. I clutch my sword to my shoulder- she aims from the center. We thrust- and exchange our steel. My breast lacerates as I feel my flesh violated by blades kiss, searing pain coursing though my body as it screams out my mistake. But this is no mistake- this is an exchange, to claim the beast that lies before me. My blade goes high- aimed for the throat, I Feel it tear like paper, severing the warrior from her body. I keep my posture- as the meat before me falls into the soil, a wet thump to echo out in this burning battlefield.

A hand reaches up to feel the blood freely flowing from above where my heart is. I clutch my hand instinctively- as the pain recedes. In this battle, I am made Exalted. This will scar. This will become proof that I am no coward. For what warrior, proven in battle, would be so smooth? So genteel that they could not suffer the tides of battle?

I feel imaginary hands wrap around me. I am called beautiful. I am called wonderous. A sensation tickles my core- as I am teased. But they recede- as blood pours past my feet. The fallen warrior provides me direction and feeds the soil. I am reminded of my duty- for I am the queen of a barren land. I will rule over nothing, until the soil is fed with blood.

A thousand voices scream out once more as they finally descend to battle. Men. Women. The Young with so much to gain. Elders with decades of combat. Beasts who wish to savage the flesh- and the deceitful whom wish to take what I am due by dishonorable conduct. Let them come. They shall feed the river of blood- as we all do. They shall be the crucible in which my land is made the envy of all.

I clutch my sword and bring it high once more- a devils grin upon my features. A thousand today.

A thousand tomorrow. A thousand again- until the first bloom into spring.

The first sensation when I woke up was that I felt my arm scalding- something tautly wrapped around of a heavy and thick weight. My body was slick was sweat and I swear I was running a fever. My Head pounding like a drum and my chest beating as if I was in the clutches of mortal terror. My body simply wasn't Responding to me, as fatigue crept over my body. I wished to scream, but I could not, my voice caught in my throat. Only the burning sensation in my arm kept me grounded to this reality- Grounded to the terror my body was trying to convey to me. My arm shot up, to clutch at what had claimed my arm.

Chains, burning like the hells.

A meek scream of pain echoed out- but I would rip at the chains. A foolish thing that- but I had no give. Instinctually, I reached for my arm- And only fought weight. Pulling my arm as if pulling the sword from the stone, my fingertips traced over something not unlike paper- before I reclaimed my limb. Clutching it close to my chest- As if I had nearly lost my newborn kit, It took me minutes to push myself back up to my knees. My breathing would not calm down- My Body would not calm down. So what in the hell just happened?

Looking to what I had seemingly touched- It was a book of hellfire. A book bound in brass and chains. Its foul stench was overpowering- as if I had taken a piece of the vision I had seen home with me... Wait. A vision? A vision...

Scrambling to my feet and only One Minor incident of crashing against my desk with my shoulder from stumbling- I stumbled to find the Red Codex. It wasn't here anymore. My memory starting to return to me, I remembered trying to read it again... Did I try something with it? Did it... Try to attack me? Did it Test me? Was that why my head pounded like a drum? And why was there a sense of foreboding so strong... I had no strength or heart to lift the new book right now. I had no mind for tactics in such a state. I needed rest. I needed... Something.

My hand would pound on the intercom- my voice raspy and terse. Mustering what strength I had, I'd speak.

"This is your Captain Speaking... I shall be taking a week of rest..."

Stream is over! (
The Sauce Boss is BACK BOIZ. (
Ian didnt forget the VOD in this. (
Oh no he totally didnt. (

Post Mortem
"Yes, I'll go back and do 7 too."

Hired: No One!

Survivors: Gwynevere Bennett (Way of Missed Strike, B-67 K-191, Zephyr1124 (B-68, K-189) ,Fleur Vert (B-51, K-116), Gentlefood (Way of Shadow, B-73, K-140), Kiest (B-52, K-83), Xeoposer (B-68, K-187), Isdar (B-55, K-105), Kaminyan The Blender Cat (Way of Death, B-61, K-203), Tarmph (B-78, K-184), Mittens Leadpaw (B-42, K-61), Catvy (Way of Shadow, B-69, K-121), DoctorRex (B-40, K-39), ArdriKrios (B-57, K-153), NinjaZombie0 (B-47, K-112), SquirrelWizard (Way of Sunlight, B-69, K-98), Mjolko (B-50, K-56), Talemgrandmaster (B-68, K-110) Shirajirajin (B-55, K-70), , Slegex (B-56, K-87), Violeta Kellide (Way of Shadow, B-76, K-168), NictisOfTheMafia (B-61 K-83), Wabbon (B-37, K-85), Sayuri (Way of Claw, B-55, K-86),  CGP (B-26, K-31) Krickraken (B-36, K-59) Curechan9 II (B-19, K-19), Rovlemhage (B-18, K-27), CaptainOrion (B-14, K-20), Psyentific1 (B-32, K-54), ZebraFinch (B-22, K-37), DJ Grom (B-14, K-23), Scotty297 (B-24, K-20), Atusid (B-27, K-62), GigaShogg (B-28, K-40), Das_Bystander (B-19, K-23), Kildarienhyton (B-21, K-29), VintageMedic (B-13, K-12), Xika (B-14, K-17)

Died: 17 of The Engineering Crew.

Deus Ex Machinas: 10 Deus Ex Machinas (115 Total)
How I learned to stop fearing the Supply Ship and just let them be.

The Good: The Chaos Saint is finally awake. That means witch quests, and whilst I have no clever solution for Nocturne in Red- I Do have alternative quests to go pilfer. That means beauty virus and plenty of chances to get people boosted. Also, Explosive Muntions are finally finished, so that means Golden Guns are Standard issue Now, once I can acquire more. Golden Pistols we actually have a healthy supply of, and they scale Really good. Its likely they'll never leave the Armory.


The Bad: Im up to 7 Million in Bills now. Cats are Goddamn expensive Broski. I'm happy I have a functional Airgame now, and this is my first month in awhile that I 'Broke even', but I Really need to come up with a better solution other then spiking everything I see. Attrition will get me there sooner, rather then later. And this isn't including the fact that I only have One good interceptor. And it costs 30-150k to refuel, depending on how hard I gotta use it. Its a crutch, a lovely one for the cats but... Yikes, I need some aircraft that isn't the Faust. Or better guns. Better guns probably.

The Funny: I've slept on the Longbow. I thought it wouldn't be efficient for cats to use. That thing *Kills* Cyberdisks, what the shit. I used it as kind of a specialist weapon, but as the hunting bow runs out of its 'Optimal' use, I might just transition into it. Considering if I want Chem Rounds or 'Fire' Arrows to go with it, or just go hard on damage.

Also, our first real rounds of Cats Going... Well. Diving. It goes as well as you expect. Panick Kats.wav

Also my Engineering base keeps getting attacked. Its not governments Thank god but its like... Go home. We don't even make Weed here. We don't make anything here yet. They should be now, because its online and its got defenders and guns but... Like. Go home. We're just a Gas station right now.  :-\
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 06, 2024, 11:48:41 am
Very good! The Destroyer seems pleased.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on April 06, 2024, 01:07:15 pm
Very good! The Destroyer seems pleased.

Every Explosion is a Prayer in his name.  ;D

Yeah, The Red Codex finally woke up. I will admit it was a little hard to write 'Megalomania power trip'. Not sure if I landed it 100% right. Then I get to have fun writing Chaos Saint. If it reads right though, glad it was a fun read!

Edit: I had 6 cats lined up with explosives for amusement- but it did it top-bottom instead of left-right. Cut them out so that it wasn't just unnecessary blob.

He also gave us a Puppy. We had to give it away. Because No dogs.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Psyentific on April 07, 2024, 12:06:51 am
Mister Bones says "The ride is starting!"
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Kamivax on April 08, 2024, 02:47:30 pm
Hello! It's me, Kamivax. I also go by Kaminyan The Blender Cat in the Caturday run. I am here to share some insight on Kaminyan: as you might have noticed while reading the Captain's Logs, Kaminyan is not like most of the Starlight's crew, both original and added, as she is described as practically earthborn by the Captain.

 This is because she has spent quite a long time (I haven't fully figured out HOW long though) in Earth's jungles, so she is (at the start of the run at least) feral, primal and closer to the cat girl equivalent of a canny gal than your average cat girl, outlaw or tourist. This has left her predisposed to melee weapons, though she still knows her way with a gun.

She follows the Way of Death, one of the Seven Ways of Trounce (which i find best described as battle philosophies or could even think of them as fighting styles if that clicks for you). The Way of Death is the idea of "hit them fast, hit them hard" or "the enemy cannot kill you if they are dead", it is to end the fight after it began, with the first attack.

 Obviously that doesn't always work when everyone else has armor, but that won't really stop Kaminyan from either hacking her prey to pieces with an axe or just pummel the life out of them with her holy club, or as she prefers to call it, a "macuahuitl" which is presumably complete gibberish to the rest of the crew.

Being the most primal and most tuned with her wild side might cause some possible issues with the Red Codex, effectively turning her into a furry berserker that would make Khorne quite proud, if he can feel pride. She tends to get into arguments with Squirrelwizard, one of the more voodoo or magically inclined crew members (if not THE most), for...reasons that feel pretty obvious since you basically have a khorne berserker and a tzeentch sorcerer in the same room.

Kaminyan makes for a fairly reliable ally on the field, typically closing in and dealing with potentially troublesome enemies and generally being a bit of a bullet sponge (seriously, she has tanked light cannon rounds and a point blank grenade) for the rest of the Starlight's crew, though that leads to her getting sent to the medbay semi-regularly. Alright, I think that's enough lore dumping for me, if people have questions pertaining to Kaminyan,  I will answer to the best of my ability.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: drew2319 on April 08, 2024, 09:44:24 pm
Drew2319, reporting in! I'm Catvy in the run. I can shed some light (and probably some fur) on Catvy and their "lore" if anyone's interested.

Catvy currently is torn between the Way of Shadow, and the Way of Sunlight. Stuck between the idea of sniping from the shadows, and firing explosives from behind cover. Their main claim to fame is their...interesting luck. Catvy is plagued by what seems to be inverse luck. Incredibly unlikely shots land more often, and what should be sure tends to miss. Explosions too fall under this, though the Catvy can't push it too far. Even their luck can't save them from an RPG immediately after a frag grenade.

Catvy is normally fairly affable and always ready to offer a pun or a quip when off the field, but that humor tends to vanish once guns are drawn. Until they get shot, then the humor returns in full force as a coping mechanism. Which could imply that the Catvy is ALWAYS coping with some kind of trauma, but that's dog propaganda. In their free time, they actually write poetry.

Their chosen armament WAS a sniper rifle, but as the team of cats have discovered explosives, Catvy may have discovered their new calling. Currently rocking the mortar, they send death arcing through the skies. Something about their intuition serves them well when operating it, and a natural eye for geometry.

Cat-ch you all next time, when Catvy attempts to steal the Capnyan's Log to record their own entries!
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on April 08, 2024, 10:39:31 pm

Captains Log #9

June 2nd, 2602

I'm still not feeling terribly great.

I'm doing better then I was a week ago though. My body no longer gripped by mortal terror, and breathing isnt a concious effort. So, Its progress. Still, I feel like I'm lurching everywhere I go- as if something is weighing on my back and taxing my muscles. At least if I had a stomach ache to go with it- I could suffer jokes about potential 'mistakes' (Which I have NOT committed, thank you!). No, I feel a sense of foreboding. Like static in the air, or an acrid taste on my tongue. Something is coming, and I know not what it is. The best I can do is prepare for it.

As 'Voodoo' (The brainers call Psionics this for some reason. I'll humor them) starts to proliferate throughout the crew, I will see what I can do to try and seek the council of our stronger psykers. Some have prior experience, and even Squirrelwizard 's methods are starting to make sense, at least for this occasion. As we deal more and more with the 'Star Gods', we will need to be more and more wary of their potential methods of attack and those of their followers. At the very least, we can be blessed with the fact we as a race moderately skilled in our potentials. I was never graded particularly high, but-

Captains Quarters

My vision flickers in and out, as if I am losing myself again. Black feathers fall from the sky with clarity as clear as crystal- as warmth proliferates my room once again. Fear grips me once more as I slam my pen down, my hand reaching to turn my plow into a sword. Or in this case, the ever comforting taste of home: A Pulse Pistol.

Ripping it forward, aimed with the care a child would- my eyes darted around the room, then to the roof. Nothing. Was I going mad? That was entirely a possbility here. But a soft voice would break through the silence, teasing in its tone and finding amusement at my headspace. I didnt hear the words at first, I simply pulled the trigger and let loose rounds at whereever the voice was coming from.

I missed. Or more correctly, there was nothing there to begin with.

"Mm. Right, I forgot I was dealing with a Red Queen for once. More prone to thinking with violence- instead of simply waiting for me to Talk..." From nothingness, emerged a woman from shadow. Half dressed, equal parts crow and demonic, with ebony hair and a bemused smile. That look is one im familiar with, one whom knows that she is in total control. She is Humoring me, and I am merely the pawn.

Its not a comforting thought. But realization dawns upon me, I've seen her before. in logs from the brainers- when they were doing arts and crafts with magazines. The words fall from my lips, as if a puppeteer pushed me forth- my gun lowering as I speak. "You... Your from-"

"Two Girls, One Panties? That was fun. Yet, you are doing well. Sifting through clues we have left behind for you... You are moving along the path the Shadowmasters have foreseen." Her tone is approving, even if its spiked with enough pride to poison the well. Or is that smug disposition? Her hands trace across my desk- her presence now entirely too close for my comfort. "And now you've started upon the Path... You are a fascinating creature. Half of this world, half of another- Yet fitting in neither..."

My hand grips my gun again- my features scowling at something she should not Know... Yet Does.

"Calm down, You know its useless. Don't waste ammo you'll need for the trials ahead, you idiot." We exchange glances- but we know whom holds the power here. I aquiess, and her queer smile returns. "You will need friends if you are to master not only your new powers, but the dark star as well. Have you chosen this path? Or Been chosen? The answer is pointless, for you must now survive walking it... And we, the Witches of the Coven- have taken an interest in your potential. The birth of a new Chaos Saint..."

She hums with a sastified disposition. Measuring up a new sister to be? Im being appraised as if im prey, before a predator. Or if I am ripe for slaughter- Both could be equally true. A finger rises up to take my chin- as she speaks once more. "I shall return in the future. My sisters and I wish to test you- quests befitting of your aspirations. To see if you are worthy. If not, we are simply hastening your demise..." Then most egreiously of all, she takes a hand to my head- and laces her fingers through my hair, to tease my ears. "Im inclined to believe you will succeed... But you may easily prove me wrong."

She turns to leave- feathers once more congregating. Only snap reactions allow me to muster any strength to my voice- overcoming her assault. "Wait, Hold on, I have questions-!"

She cranes her head back- bemusement upon her features. "Your not a Devious Queen. I dont have to answer Shit for once."

I choke back irriation, or the urge to put more holes in my walls. Instead, I just yell. "Im not. According to you, I am a Chaos Saint instead! Apparently, that is above a crown, so you will answer to me!"

She rolls her eyes, her wings flapping once as if to work out the insult. "Aspiring saint. You have proven nothing yet... But I'm not gone yet. Make your questions quick."

Right. Okay. "You speak as if there are other 'queens', other Codex's that have existed and those whom have wielded them- Is that true? Whom are they? What IS a Chaos Saint, and how did you know...?"

She sighs quietly, as if my questions were chosen poorly. Or was she simply tired of hearing these questions? She at least ordains to answer, despite the irritation. "Yes, You are not special... Weren't special, until now. Your still not. You may be. We've yet to see... You will learn as you walk the path. And how did I know?" Once more, her wings flap and that smug disposition crosses her lips. Once more in total control and this was to humor me. A tease.

"An answer for another time." And in feathers, she disappears. Leaving nothing but my own thoughts, and the hum of my sodium lights.

"Goddamnit-!" I slam my hand down in a clear irritation, rage creeping into my mind again. Yet, the visit was not entirely without merit. For one, I feel much lighter now. If the She-Bitch was simply on my back the entire time, I'm glad to have her Off- and if simply knowing what is Wrong with me was the cure, at least I can fight and lead my crew again. Regardless of what may come in the future, if i was not capable of that- we would already be lost. But my ear would flick with a clear irritation.

She had no right to touch my ears... Which. In a hair trigger- heard boots coming down the hallway. Picking up my gun again, i'd look to it, and the half dozen holes in my wall. Well shit.

"Capnyan! We heard weapon discharges! Was it another assassnyan?!" Clutched with rifles- two kits enter my door. Armed for battle, as good Claw-Sisters should be, I blink, before slumping back into my chair, letting the gun collapse onto the table. Rubbing my face- my ears would flick as I'd wave them away.

"I'm alright... I'm doing alright. Just a Malfunction. Back to your posts- Thank you Sisters."

They both shrug, before leaving my quarters. This was not helping my image around the crew- already once disturbed from the the 'yelling' and the sudden need for rest... But. I will press on.

Who else will see us through this storm? Especially now, as our 'patrons' look upon us so? I knew that leaning upon them was a mistake... To have placed our faith into the hands of random gods. We all must endure it to the end now... And as I once said. They will Tremble at what they have created. They have ordained me to walk this path, after all...

Stream is Over! (
Behold, a Sauce! (

Post Mortem

I had a pretty Happy Birthday and I am no longer lazy. So get your late update.

Hired: No One!

Survivors: Gwynevere Bennett (Way of Missed Strike, B-72 K-212, Zephyr1124 (B-76, K-207) ,Fleur Vert (B-53, K-123), Gentlefood (Way of Shadow, B-81, K-150), Kiest (B-58, K-99), Xeoposer (B-73, K-211), Isdar (B-58, K-117), Kaminyan The Blender Cat (Way of Death, B-62, K-209), Tarmph (B-82, K-204), Mittens Leadpaw (B-43, K-62), Catvy (Way of Shadow, B-78, K-141), DoctorRex (B-55, K-67), ArdriKrios (B-68, K-202), NinjaZombie0 (B-52, K-121), SquirrelWizard (Way of Sunlight, B-70, K-99), Mjolko (B-54, K-72), Talemgrandmaster (B-71, K-120) Shirajirajin (B-60, K-84), , Slegex (B-59, K-96), Violeta Kellide (Way of Shadow, B-86, K-195), NictisOfTheMafia (B-62 K-87), Wabbon (B-43, K-103), Sayuri (Way of Claw, B-58, K-99),  CGP (B-28, K-37) Krickraken (B-39, K-67) Curechan9 II (B-25, K-30), Rovlemhage (B-20, K-33), CaptainOrion (B-17, K-23), Psyentific1 (B-40, K-71), ZebraFinch (B-23, K-39), DJ Grom (B-20, K-33), Scotty297 (B-33, K-34), Atusid (B-35, K-81), GigaShogg (B-28, K-40), Das_Bystander (B-23, K-37), Kildarienhyton (B-24, K-32), VintageMedic (B-20, K-21), Xika (B-14, K-19)

Died: GigaShogg (B-29, K-44- Intercontinental Dog Missile Incoming.) All 15 of The Engineering Crew.

Deus Ex Machinas: 12 Deus Ex Machinas (127 Total)
The Combats are getting nastier. And there was no saving that Industrial Base.

The Good - SAMURAI PIZZA CATS. We have the Samurai Armor! And despite the laundry list of BAD, we're still alive and getting two new bases up and running. Losing material by the truck load is bad. But the fact we can bounce back means we're generally on the upswing to keeping afloat. That's Winning.

More importantly, we have The Secret Deal. Time to upgrade our standard equipment to Pulse Munitions- and our front line battle cats get an upgrade in their armor.

The Bad - Well, First thing that comes to mind. I lost the Industrial base. Even with decent protection, it got slammed twice over the course of a few days. Despite shooting down every bandit vessel that came their way. Then the main base got hit a day or two later. So uh. That Sucked.

It would be a greater set back, but I then got an Industrial refueling mission- Selling off all the Captors there and the 300 Helerium put us back on track. But I am *Woefully* behind on bases. I think what's worse is simply just falling one step behind on the kills that would have saved the base. Yet, it is entirely my fault. I lean on Ground defenses, and thus I paid the price for it.

I would put it under funny, but with my bases off line, I don't have the space I need to get my Hunting Party going as well. So Primals are delayed too.

That can hurt.

The Funny- Witch Quests are Online. Love and Beauty, here we come. Noctrune in Red, Plz no.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on April 12, 2024, 11:56:40 pm
Captains Log #9

July 1st, 2602

Weight as heavy as Iron. Pages staining with Ink. Names running through my terminal, to be recorded but one last time.

Such is the Path of Glory.

Two weeks ago, proxies raided our facilities. Fueled by the anger of seeing us deduce their numbers so- The clans, either by those xenophobic arseholes simply getting lucky or simply having planned and waited for us to be vulnerable, devoted three fleets against us. Two were felled in exchange for our industrial firm, and the third failed to even breach Starlight. But that the local populace is starting to notice, and organize invasions against us... We've dealt with attacks from the bandits in peace meal. We've had traitors, and academy attempting to bring us in for interrogation. All of course Will be answered, but that we've finally suffered the sting of invasion...

It was enough. It was the tipping point. You don't invade someone you don't consider a near peer, or threatening to overtake you. We are a true power, and earth trembles in the wake of our reach.

It was certainly enough to convince Cat O'Nine Tails to bring her concerns the chain of command. Also of course, that we were competent enough to justify the material expense. We've now ascended past just being an auxiliary- an expeditionary force upon a planet that was a thorn in the Ethereal side. The Shadowcats eyes are upon us, and they have deemed us an asset to be protected. Our bondage to the Empress only increases in the wake of these developments, but our influence as well.

Increasingly so, we are growing into becoming a faction of our own right. Earth-shakers, movers and dictators. An ace from the core worlds brought a goddamn Claw, Motivated only by a desire to fight on the path of glory. This has only assured our dominance in the skies as we leverage a true Star Fighter- and for better or worse, has announced to Terra that the Nekomimi are here. Not as tourists, but as warriors. We are those warriors. And worst of all, I now know why someone would steal priceless hardware from the Homeworlds; to risk their everything to fight on a backwater.

Its me.

When I was declared a saint, it was more then just a piece of the puzzle connecting- washing away the fatigue that was haunting me. Coming to this planet- Soaking in its Conch field and the shadow weaving into it, they have been Waiting for me. I was never a powerful Psyker, and that was fine with me- I always preferred a straight up approach. But I was always... Sensitive, to matters. And like a flame, the moths have now latched their hooks into me. I can Feel power coursing through my fingertips... and so does the world.

Volunteers flock to our doorsteps. From near, from far. They can feel 'greatness' echoing through the conchfield. They can feel my Psychic presence- and they are filled with visions of a Terra renewed. They see my dreams of peace and blood. They witnessed my struggle with my identity on this planet- and my sovereignty. They See the scar over my breast in those dreams- garnered by my own hand. Even though my own flesh is unmarred and untouched in such a way- they know that most intimate secret. They swear fealty by placing a hand over their heart- some even offering to scar themselves in a way, to share in my aspect. A devotion not unlike those given to Faith.

They will fight and die for me, simply because they believe in those dreams. That unconsciously, I manipulate and betwixt them to see beautiful dreams. That in which I am strong and broker no foe; That I see fields of green and that the world can be reborn without the touch of Star gods. That we can live free- outside of the yoke of those whom claim to be our masters.

And its reach is far beyond just this planet.

It is a relevation that is... It unsettles me. I was once just a Warriors daughter. Now here I am- Captain. Shaper. Queenmaker. And I will confess I've stood infront of the mirror a few times, rendered bare and with a dagger in my hand. My arm weak as my body seemingly craves scarification- the mind screaming out in protest at what I am doing... Or, whatever is animating me to do so.

Knowing if I take that plunge- Things will change. Acceptance of destiny. Acceptance of the dream. And its something I will never be able to take back.

Im not sure if im ready for that yet. If we all are.

Stream is over wow i never updated this i didnt run 24 hours lol (
Is still sauced  (
I had a Crash so here Pt1 Vod  (
And heres part 2  (

Post Mortem
I have to get better about this again. Holy shit.

Hired: Das_Bystander III (B-1 K-2)

Survivors: Gwynevere Bennett (Way of Missed Strike, B-74 K-227, Zephyr1124 (B-81, K-230), Gentlefood (Way of Shadow, B-85, K-159), Kiest (B-59, K-103), Xeoposer (B-76, K-238), Isdar (B-61, K-129), Kaminyan The Blender Cat (Way of Death, B-67, K-231), Tarmph (B-89, K-233), Mittens Leadpaw (B-48, K-79), Catvy (Way of Shadow, B-83, K-164), DoctorRex (B-61, K-88), ArdriKrios (B-74, K-212), NinjaZombie0 (B-55, K-128), SquirrelWizard (Way of Sunlight, B-77, K-104), Mjolko (B-63, K-90), Talemgrandmaster (B-75, K-132) Shirajirajin (B-66, K-94), , Slegex (B-63, K-105), Violeta Kellide (Way of Shadow, B-89, K-198), NictisOfTheMafia (B-67 K-96), Wabbon (B-49, K-119), Sayuri (Way of Claw, B-64, K-116),  CGP (B-32, K-46) Krickraken (B-40, K-69) Curechan9 II (B-27, K-33), Rovlemhage (B-25, K-39), Psyentific1 (B-50, K-82), DJ Grom (B-25, K-39), Scotty297 (B-36, K-38),  GigaShogg (B-28, K-40), Kildarienhyton (B-28, K-43), VintageMedic (B-26, K-29)

Died: Xika (B-16, K-22, Ultra-Violence is Not a joke.),  Das_Bystander II (B-23, K-37, Esper Casts Las Bullets.), Atusid (B-42, K-95, First Plasma Death! And Heavy at that!), CaptainOrion (B-25, K-31, The Baron wanted you dead so bad. Holy hell.), ZebraFinch (B-27, K-47, Asshole Reinforcements are not fun.), Fleur Vert (B-63, K-136, Ian. Learn your lesson. Stop messing with Megapol.)

23 Base Defenders

Deus Ex Machinas: 11 Deus Ex Machinas used (138 Total)
People are Gasing out. Uh oh.

The Good - Midline ships are starting to be pretty takeable. Its still a fight, but I've put away a few Espers by this point. Most of them were pretty lucky, but it means we're starting to get some pretty high profile captures under our belt. So where are the gold ships so I can get lidded?

Love and Beauty showed up. So we have a dose of Beauty Serum- which is great! But it only gave us one. And im not sure how many you can get at once. So either I rolled like garbage, or im only going to have a few beauty serums at most in this run. Which. Ouch.

The Bad - Government hit us again. I survived this time, but holy shit. 14/15 defenders dead, and like. 50 dudes rushing in. The Worst way that mission could have gone, short of losing the base. Still, Fuck'em. Red coats can bite me.

The first of the Original Eight has also fallen. RIP Fleur. Actually, as I check my Attritional rates last stream... God. that's the most fatalities I've had in one month. Makes sense for how much we did, but... Attrition is gonna get us without more caution.

The Funny- First stream I nearly had to cut in the middle from how much I've had to do in a single month. The Cats are being stretched out to their limits. Yet we keep pushing. Aint no rest for the Wicked!

Also we GOT THE WEED CRACKHOUSE. Always a fun time!  :D
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 13, 2024, 01:46:31 pm
Here's "my" 2 minutes silly tribute to the LP. Saint Catgirl, deliver us!
(Generated with Stable Diffusion, arthemyComics model)
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on April 13, 2024, 11:02:44 pm
Here's "my" 2 minutes silly tribute to the LP. Saint Catgirl, deliver us!
(Generated with Stable Diffusion, arthemyComics model)

It is appreciated and humbling. More Cats to join the Pin Up's. And they're pretty good too!  :D
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Delian on April 16, 2024, 09:36:05 pm
There's a bit too much save scumming going on... also, it's more of an anti-challenge since catgirls are stronger than ubers.

But it's an ok run, enjoyable to watch.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on April 17, 2024, 01:48:56 am
There's a bit too much save scumming going on... also, it's more of an anti-challenge since catgirls are stronger than ubers.

But it's an ok run, enjoyable to watch.

Well, hey. I can respect the stance. Glad to hear it's been enjoyable! Though i will say DEMs aren't strictly good... Roll backs don't strictly save a situation. Also they're all viewer funded. Not ignoring when i throw in one for myself though or 'good faith'.

But I'd have to disagree with Cats being Stronger then Ubers. Damn good specialists and plenty lethal. Lokk'nar bros still suffering. But:

5 Armor base really hurts. Along with trailing about ~40 HP behind the 20 Armor base Uber- it's not until catical Armor that you can actually reasonably expect to survive a "fair" firefight. Ubers only really balk at shotguns early on. Which they also get their armors first, so anything cats benefit from, Ubers get first.

90% of my Cats are Outlaws (Honestly, an unexpected boon from when Cats 4 life got announced). Even with stress nerf to them, those +6 bonuses really do make a difference, to the point I consider them stronger then Warriors. Grading cats from tourists sadly makes the argument skew more in favor of Ubers. Avaliablity really does effect my opinion here.

Near universal Camos are awesome but Sniper Spotter gives you basically one kill before you'll get every grenade on the map thrown your way. It feels really strong as of the moment. But even ignoring it, Ubers with NV 12 aren't hurting that bad compared to NV 16.

Cat-Dodge is... It should be good? But I've still watched dogs cross from three rooms and still one shot even high level Cats  reliably. Intercontinental Ballistic Dog missile is a half joke for a reason, and when Map's can have upwards of EIGHT of them in the blind- that Five armor REALLY hurts. Ubers will be messed up, but the armor and HP along should get them through the turn. Melee Ubers also usually have armor to stabbing and cutting. Cats don't have that as options.

Cat Reactions are wonderful, and if you can get set up they can just overwatch entire maps. But Cats "always go first" kind of dies down later on. Early Cats (such as Garrisons) also struggle to react to enemy troops who can and WILL strike first, or even back. For base defense, this has hurt. Even Dojo'd, you can struggle. Also even if Cats get Cocaine fueled reaction levels, Ubers aren't THAT far behind. For effective purposes, Ubers keep up, if always a step behind.

Also the equipment choice for cats is Extremely limited. generally you want a Gas Mask (4 Weight), a Rad shirt (Extremely good general shirt, but I know people will argue me. Luxury furs deserve a spot here too. 5 weight), a medical item of some kind (4~6 Weight). Good armor is catical Armor (6 weight) or Guerrilla (-4, but you risk being one shot.). I know there's others but those are actually printable. Then you want a Grenade (3), Stun Weapon (Cats can't punch, 3 Wt), Aye-Phone (because Fuck stealth, I think it's 4?)

That's 29/45 on a fully trained cat. And that's being generous. Coms change things (I'm only starting to field boarding guns and heavier weapons.) But a Gun of decent quality is about 12 weight, not always including her reloads. Golden guns are rare (except now they're not as of secret real that just happened) and expensive to manufacture. She has to make real choices with her load out.

The Uber can easily keep that in her battle rattle, pack on a Pegleg (A fantastic support item), and the weapon of her choice. Honestly she fights her slots more often then her weight. (Cap 80 and easily has more through coms she'll pick up from her weapon choice.)

That's... everything that comes to mind as of the second. More then happy to be proven wrong on aspects though. can steal those tactics for the run.

Edit: Also remembered that Catgirls are Horribly Expensive. I've had extreme economic issues, even from the beginning of the run from Cats demanding Shiiiiit Tons of money.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Psyentific on April 17, 2024, 04:45:26 pm
the fucking money is the real hamstring imo. this playthrough is expanding and scaling up way, way later and much slower than I usually do in a Gals or Peasant Rev run, just because the cats are so goddamn expensive. normally you'd fill the gaps with peasants or m*le soldiers and use those as chaff while the cats provide stiffener, but can't do that because gimmick run. you wind up paying millions in upkeep just for garrison troops. Even if you turn a base into a grog/weed/chateau etc. profit manufacturing center, you end up losing all that money it makes just paying for the garrison.

all the tactical considerations can be worked around; you can skimp on weight, get indoors and out of LOS and so on. but there's no fix for the economic layer, once you're doing every mission and selling everything you can, that's it, that's all you get.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on April 18, 2024, 12:07:54 am
August 1st, 2602

The Dead have finally been accounted for.

I've managed to work past my dreams for now. The desires of the shadow, as I've put my mind towards combat unceasing. Perhaps that in itself is the prayer to my patrons- whom must be pleased with the carnage we've left in our wake. Instead of battling fatigue and lethargy, I fight Attritional rates and balancing my checkbook. Making sure I have the funding for new defense spending and ensuring that the our war machine grinds ever onward.

Twenty three Garrison units. Six of our Fighting crew... and one of them was Fleur. Ah, Fleur... She was always spirited. A steady heart with a calm demeanor about her, yet eyes not unlike a hawk. Never afraid to put herself up against a challenge... One of us eight whom knew Captain Miriam. And now she goes to greet her ahead of us. I.


Okay. Compose yourself. Your sounding like a widow. You knew this was coming.

As is observing of the burial rights, we've interred the dead into caskets and preserved them for now. Once we're off this planet or can request further assistance from the Empress (Hell, I'll pay for Smugglers at this point), we will surrender them to the stars- as befits any warrior of the empire. Maybe I'll see about Ucron's star though for Fleur.

She liked the Garden world there. Hm.

Right. So. The War Machine. The witches have tried us, and what lies on my desk appears to be some serum. Only enough for one dose, but it looks... Strange. Like its actively /alive/. I've kept it off limits whilst we figure out what it is fully capable of. From what the Brainers tell me, its a Retrovirus. A Gene therapy that can enhance our capabilities. Its also something we cant reproduce- much to my Chagrin. Its a product of Bio-Tech and the Golden Witches capabilities. Unique, and limited. When she feels charitable enough to speak to us again, we must answer. Considering last month though, I do not think the Arch Coven is shy about testing my strength. We will see the Golden witch at work again.

Cleopatra on the other hand, is irritable that we did not answer the phone for her requested jobs. I sent her footage of some... Redcoats that have answered my door. She was much more charitable afterwards to our situation. The damage done to the European powers always puts a smile on her face. Which speaking of. I have a call here soon with the our Liaison once more. Apparently, the Iron Tribe has taken exception with us.

Good. I've been holding this in for Months.

August 2nd

My Cadre stands near. Those of Miriam's crew. Those whom were first wave. And those whom want to see the man whom had condemned garrisons to die. The Holographic display would flicker to life- as our shadowy benefactor, ever covered by shadows- spoke with a tone that was less the gracious. Good, it was His turn to suffer indignant defeat.

"Captain. I believe we've made it clear that you are not to cause damage to the governments. Yet I am to report a Platoon missing from the Iron Tribe... What is worse, is that You have have posted combat footage on the Ethyrnet, for everyone to see. As if you are boasting about it. Do you realize how this makes you look, Captain?" My eyes shift to the crew. A few snickering as others avert their eyes. Thank you for making my job harder. It takes everything I have to not betray emotion- and keep composure. To turn this to my advantage. My ears flicking, I place my hand on the table, my voice firm.

"I know Exactly how it looks. I will not suffer you a second time, to tell me of Remuneration. You know exactly Why they died, and I will ensure that you have no leverage to lean on." Of course, our secrets and weakness was put on the forefront too- we only won by a knifes twist. A single defender. The new Garrison Commander of that base, by virtue of... Well. being alive. But that was neither here nor there.

"You do not Want me to be your enemy, Captain... You realize you are on a Contract. We can take away what we have Given. You wish to speak of Leverage, you only exist as an organization because we Allow it." A minor victory. I can hear irritation in his voice. A dangerous line to tread- for he had far more clout to act on his threats then we do. But if I am to protect my sisters- to change the dynamic of this relationship... I must press on.

"Hm. A shame then- if we were to disappear, that the factions would only bury deeper into your side. Especially as your Collaboration with Xenos is made evident- and Enemies of the star gods at that... one might think of you as seditious. Think of you as Rebellious. Do you think that Earth could suffer Another volley bombing from them? Do you think you could survive?" A silent moment of tension. A staredown, between two powers. An acknowledgement, that we were rapidly becoming peers... and that they held increasingly little power over me. A smile imparts from my lips. "Let me be perfectly clear. If you send more of your men after me- I shall slaughter them. I will hang their corpses from my walls, and I will ensure that it is seen. I will offer no quarter to those whom Dare strike at me under a banner of good faith. And should this problem continue, I will escalate."

Another moment of silence. Have I overplayed my hand? Have I pushed too far? I dont know. But I dont give him a chance to respond.

"Now, If you will excuse me- I am going to go do the Job you Pay us for, Despite your best attempts. We will be expecting our deposit as usual. Dont be late." My finger clicks on the button, and I exhale sharply. Tension leaves my body- as I look upon my Claw-Sisters.

Hopefully, I made a good showing of that.

Stream is no longer live! (
Today's Sauce is brought you by Kamivax. Thanks Kami! (

Post Mortem
Get to this one sooner rather then later, Ian.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Delian on April 18, 2024, 03:51:00 am
That's... everything that comes to mind as of the second.

If you're getting shot at, it means you're doing something wrong. You need to be playing more into catgirl strengths. And enemy weaknesses.

On night missions you're often moving your units into lit areas, because with night vision on, you can't really see those. I suggest you use the Ctrl+End keyboard shortcut (Toggle Brightness), and play on medium lightness. That way you can still see things at night, while also seeing which lit-up places to avoid. Game also looks better that way. Only turn on Night Vision when you want to be sure of your visible distance or if there's no lit areas.

You almost never use smoke. Use it more offensively instead of defensively. Especially on day missions. Of course, it's not useful against certain enemies.

Money Purses, Bags of Cash, Treasure Chests, etc, you should always extract instead of selling directly. Extracting yields more money. You're not particularly efficient with money as you're hoarding a ton of stuff that would simply be better off sold, and the money invested into better gear and more bases.

The game supports mouse wheel. Among other things, you can use it to quickly move workers and researchers around. Just hover the cursor over the number of assigned personnel next to a project and spin it. Can also hold Ctrl to make it faster.

There's plenty of light and strong weapons to choose from. Alternatively, produce some Levitators.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Kamivax on April 18, 2024, 05:17:33 pm
The game supports mouse wheel. Among other things, you can use it to quickly move workers and researchers around. Just hover the cursor over the number of assigned personnel next to a project and spin it. Can also hold Ctrl to make it faster.

There's plenty of light and strong weapons to choose from. Alternatively, produce some Levitators.
I think I already told Yugian about mouse wheel, he just never uses it. What are Levitators? I am not very knowledgeable in Piratez.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on April 19, 2024, 01:18:22 am
If you're getting shot at, it means you're doing something wrong. You need to be playing more into catgirl strengths. And enemy weaknesses.

You almost never use smoke. Use it more offensively instead of defensively. Especially on day missions. Of course, it's not useful against certain enemies.

Not sure what you mean here. Enemy density and Sniper Spotter relationships alone makes smoke not the most ideal, and near impossible to avoid getting shot.

I will admit I could be using smoke more offensively, But I try to exploit the hell out of my night vision. (Fully admit I don't regear for Daytime) but my Internal logic kind of falls:
If Enemy has Sniper-Spotter, why bother? After the first shot/kill, they'll know exactly where that unit is. (I could be entirely wrong on this, but as far as im aware of, thats how S-S Relations work.)
If Enemy doesn't have Sniper Spotter- It is extremely likely we'll out vision them, so why cut off my own LoS? Cats have Minor Thermal (I believe) but I could just. Pull back and out vision them. 9 V.S 12.

I will admit that smoke is 100% a habit though and when you break the habit, its hard to go back. Actually kind of broke the habit because of Piratez...

Money Purses, Bags of Cash, Treasure Chests, etc, you should always extract instead of selling directly. Extracting yields more money. You're not particularly efficient with money as you're hoarding a ton of stuff that would simply be better off sold, and the money invested into better gear and more bases.

I actually do know of this. With stabilizing Income from the Infamy, i'll probably Forget to crack them open, given im not reliant on direct injections of cash and my Runts have nothing better to do. Especially when I need Casino. I kept them around as "I need 2 million by the end of the month boosters", and Difficulty 4 does slash the selling price by about 25%. So. Easier to just sell the big bags when I wanted cash. Not efficient though, 100% agree.

The game supports mouse wheel. Among other things, you can use it to quickly move workers and researchers around. Just hover the cursor over the number of assigned personnel next to a project and spin it. Can also hold Ctrl to make it faster.

I think I already told Yugian about mouse wheel, he just never uses it.

Actually, Knew about this as well. My mouse wheel has just been broken and just rode out my mouse. Though considering its double clicking and my keyboard is janking multiple keys, I ordered myself new hardware... about a week ago. Should of arrived by now, actually...  :P

On night missions you're often moving your units into lit areas, because with night vision on, you can't really see those. I suggest you use the Ctrl+End keyboard shortcut (Toggle Brightness), and play on medium lightness. That way you can still see things at night, while also seeing which lit-up places to avoid. Game also looks better that way. Only turn on Night Vision when you want to be sure of your visible distance or if there's no lit areas.

This I Did NOT know however, and is really goddamn neat. Thank you lad. It is however, definately messing with me, because im not used to it. Defiantely looks better though. Just have to remember to do it every mission.

There's plenty of light and strong weapons to choose from. Alternatively, produce some Levitators.

What are Levitators? I am not very knowledgeable in Piratez.

Oh yeah. Suppressed Pistols and Bio Daggers for early game. Omega Rifles Murder. Lasguns are always fun. There is definitely good equipment, just noting that compared to Ubers- it a lot Tighter in what you can bring. both in variety in density.

Also forgot about Leviators honestly. As for what Levitators are Kamivax, they're a Gear item that reduce your carry weight, but increase you freshness drain by like... 2? Lemme check that.
Its 15 weight for +1 Freshness drain. Honestly worth some value here, compared to Ubers.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: H0lyD4wg on April 19, 2024, 09:44:06 am
If Enemy has Sniper-Spotter, why bother? After the first shot/kill, they'll know exactly where that unit is. (I could be entirely wrong on this, but as far as im aware of, thats how S-S Relations work.)

When an enemy sees one of your catgirls, she becomes spotted (= valid target for out-of-LoS snipers) for a number of turns equal to that enemy's spotter score (often just one), not for the entire rest of the mission. If she's not spotted again during that time, the "spotted" status runs out. So shooting a (one-turn) spotter doesn't have to mean "going loud", only taking a small step back to spend the subsequent enemy turn behind hard cover, and then back to sneaking around on your next turn.

Heuristic for estimating the spotter rating of your enemies:
Generally speaking, soldiers (e.g. Humanist Soldier, Spartan Rifleman, Ninja Gal) and competent bandits (e.g. Highwayman, Ratmen) have spotter 1, dedicated scouts and lookouts (e.g. Spartan and Raider scouts, Stormrats, Field Gun, Pillbox) have spotter 2, and field officers (e.g. Spartan Lieutenant, Humanist Leader) have spotter 3-4.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on April 20, 2024, 12:50:12 am
When an enemy sees one of your catgirls, she becomes spotted (= valid target for out-of-LoS snipers) for a number of turns equal to that enemy's spotter score (often just one), not for the entire rest of the mission. If she's not spotted again during that time, the "spotted" status runs out. So shooting a (one-turn) spotter doesn't have to mean "going loud", only taking a small step back to spend the subsequent enemy turn behind hard cover, and then back to sneaking around on your next turn.

Heuristic for estimating the spotter rating of your enemies:
Generally speaking, soldiers (e.g. Humanist Soldier, Spartan Rifleman, Ninja Gal) and competent bandits (e.g. Highwayman, Ratmen) have spotter 1, dedicated scouts and lookouts (e.g. Spartan and Raider scouts, Stormrats, Field Gun, Pillbox) have spotter 2, and field officers (e.g. Spartan Lieutenant, Humanist Leader) have spotter 3-4.

Ah, I did actually know of the intelligence stat- but thank you for a bit more fine detailing on that! Though, I am curious. Is it in 'half turns', or does it count down only on enemy phases?

Still, the issue is less 'I get seen' and more of I kill someone, and the ~25 (average?) enemies know exactly where she is. So grenades get chucked, or someone shoots through a window. Difficult to get a good hard cover when you've got 8 Cats and 6 of them murder to clear the drop zone. Im debating transitioning into the Firefox for a harder cover for me to exploit. More expensive, but the Metallio is rough when it comes to Turn 1-2 survival in that regard if it lands like shit.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on April 20, 2024, 01:02:53 am
? of  ?
Č̶̝͕̺̫̩͍̫͍̰̠̇̚o̷̱̫͔̓̄̍͂n̷̝̦̯̓̂͒̓͐͊͆̂̕͠s̴̡̧̨͙͙̟̦͎͔̬͙̲̪̻̼̓͐̈́̌̈́͘͝u̸̥̜̥͈͕̇̽́m̷͕̹̘̱̭̼̙̬͙̞̗̈́̓̌̃̀̔̈̀̈́̉̎͘ê̸̛̜̪͍͇̎̂͐̏͝ ̶̡̹͉̯̠̰̙̣̭̝͆̓̈́̎̊́̃̈̾ţ̴̼̏͌̈́͛̆͛ḩ̵̱̘͓̮̳͓̈́̄͠͝į̶͓̖̞̼̈́̄͊̓͊̈́̔̇̂͗͛̉ŝ̴̺̼̹̋ ̵̦͝w̵̨̩̩̼̹̜̮̖̯͕̔̈́͌̽͆͋̌͐̌̐̐ͅȍ̴̤̤͉̭͇̩̲̽̃̓͋̔̈́ŗ̶̧̨̧̣̤̟̗͖̈́̐͂̈͛̋̔̑̐̓̇̌͂ļ̵̲̠̘̙͉̔̓d̶̟̼̘͎̩̞̫͙́̔̈́̿̎̎̀͋̕͝͝͝,̸͓̤̗̩̠͛͆̒̾͋̀̄͘͝ͅ ̴̖̖͈̯̪̱͙͇͍͖͖̯̀̒͑̌̏̀͌́̓̈́͝a̴̛̝̼̦̻̭͇̖̻̩̰̳̤̜͑͋͐̽̔͐͜͝ͅn̵̡̧̝̲̖̣̱̓̎͌͗̋̓̏d̶̨̛͈́̀̈́͒̄͌͋̋̏̔̀̾͝ ̶̼̩͚͇̙̺̜̖̜̋͌̉̀̆̏͑̆̍̆̚͝͠͝b̵̢͚̳͈̺̜͚̝̺̼͉̟̫̯̽̊͌͗́ͅe̵̡̠̲̱̺̔̓̍ ̵̨̛̻̲̬͐̀̊̎̈́͆͒̓̉̀c̵̨̫̃͐̉̊͐̿̌̌̈̚o̵̢͉͇̻͇̗̔̏͂n̸͚̟̖͇͗͂̒̒͒̓̆̆͛ś̵̨̡͇̪͚͈̺̞̖̯̪̆̔̀͋̀͆͂̚͠u̷͉̬͎͂̓̂̅̄͌͒͑͂̊͑͝͝͝ͅm̸͇̜̟͚̺̙̈̎́̇͠ę̴͙̝̤̖͕̔ḏ̶̢̨̡̯̹̠̥̖̞͈̘͍͎̒̃̌.̴̪̜͙̩̙̳̤͔̜̖̬̚

They Fall like rain.

Corpses sinking into the ethereal sea. Echoing pulses across the rippling tide of the conchfield. Falling on top of each other, as they turn to gray. Souls from all walks of life- Forming the great graveyard that is Terra. For all of what the star gods took from humanity- For as much as the course of human history had been irevokably changed from their conquest, they could not take this.

What they could not take, they instead despoiled. This Graveyard turned legion- as billions of souls still were fading away. Six Hundred years without final rest, without respite. Grasping, clawing. A psychic echo that would not stop screaming. A song that could not be silenced. Beyond this veil, was the pain of countless souls. Emotion so strong, that it could pierce the veil, and bleed into the world of the living. To reach for the living, so that they may yet stave off this fate.

Yet how can one understand what lies beyond the point of no return, whilst having yet to cross it?

That she could see this- was proof that Terra had accepted her. That one day, when she would cross that threshold, she would join this graveyard of the dead. No longer merely a visitor of the land, but rather a soul that belonged to this realm of billions. But today was not that day- Life would not leave the Black Cats body, The Baron would not have his due. No, she was brought here for a different purpose. A feminine giggle to echo through the rippling sea- her eyes would dart to where it could have possibly come from. From every angle, from every way it could come...

Nothing. Just a lingering expectation... and the scent of ripe cherries.

Instead, her eyes would look upon the great ball once more. The taste of sulfur danced upon her tongue- and her body felt as if would catch ablaze. The sensation was overwhelming- threatening to strike at her senses... but she was tougher then that. Stronger then that. Instead, it conjured memories. Memories that were an age ago, yet still were remembered with the veracity of a scar that never healed. That of another black cat. That of a sister in arms, whom gave her life- for her own.

Unending rage. Fury. Emotion swelled in her heart, as she reached out. Desperate to make amends. Desperate to bring her back- But strength alone could not change her fate. Guilt instead would be the prize- as something slipped from her hand. Flailing to grasp at it, she'd catch it right between her claws. A stone, of a strange shape. Engraved with beautiful symbiology- the duality of the masculine and feminine... These were stones they got from the hunters. Dawning realization crossed her features, as warmth coursed through her hand. Prana.

She couldn't do anything here... But if she could awaken. If she could get access to this stone again... Maybe.

Maybe she could reverse the whims of fate. Maybe she could bring her back. Bring them all back.

Third of September

I was writing in my book when my door was violently assaulted by a hand. I should have heard the sound of boots on the ground, but with a busy base and many hands flowing through the corridors, that is a luxury that had faded a long time ago. Apparently, My Honor guard was nowhere to be found at the door too. That, or maybe this was pressing enough that whomever it was, wasn't being bothered to stop. Very well, with a flick of the button and a sharp hiss, I would grant the intruder an invitation.

"Come in. You dont need to pound my door."

Surging forth, Kaminyan would slam her hands on my desk- The passions clearly worn on her face like a veil. The force exerted was enough to echo impact throughout the room. Her haired was frazzled and her scars were visible- she clearly cared not for her appearance any more then the tribal bones and straps she cared for. Even as ebony black as she was- I could tell she was exhausted: Running on emotions rather then energy. Yet she still commanded enough force to make me jump in my seat- Her voice did not lack for that strength either.

"Capnyan, I've seen it-! I saw them!" She was half practically yelling. Her ears flicked like daggers and her tail the conduit for motion that could not be contained in the body. Her hands gripped as if squeezing blood from a stone. It had... Had she taken her usual 'meditations' before coming here? I'd rise my hands, trying to ease her.

"Who? Who did you see? Take a breath Kami, Your going to get nowhere with this-"

"Our Claw Sisters! I saw the Atusid, Fleur... Roush! I saw them all!" She doesn't wait to let me finish. Elation crosses her voice, as if in her mind she saw friends long past once more. But that's impossible... Or maybe it wasn't. Her head lowering as if to give the dead respect- it soon would flick back up to look me in the eyes. An expectation- a hunger. Something has taken hold of her, as soon she states the ridiculous. "Capnyan, I know where they are! I can bring them back!"

I blink incredulously. I have to fight the urge immediately to reprimand her for this prank- or to order our 'Master of Catweed' to cut off her supply, until she recovered. But I entertain the notion, as I shake my head with a sigh. "Kami... The dead don't come back. I know that you miss Roush. We Both miss our sisters dearly, but-"

Again. She doesn't wait. Instead, she merely assaults my desk again- as if Im the one in the wrong. As if she was dictating terms and delivering punishment. "I CAN!" Her voice cracks, like a singular cut into glass. Her eyes betray somberness that has to be choked down. For the fiercest of warriors often have the softest of hearts- something that can be ill afforded on the field of battle. And in this case, I am her foe. But she would continue to speak- a light rumble to her cadence. "I just need those stones we're stockpiling- and brainers, and a room! Somewhere where I can have some space to-!"

"You want an entire section of the base, a portion of our staff and stone we don't fully understand- so you can practice Witchcraft to cheating the reaper?" My tone grew dry- and incredulous. My temperance had limits- and whilst she was damn good warrior... I wasn't going to bend to her will. A dangerous stance to take, for someone clearly overwrought.

"Its NOT witchcraft!" A flash of anger, driven by those passions cross her face. Our eyes meet in a duel of prides. Thank the Empress that we are in private conferance- We are leaving ourselves no way of saving face in a public space. Hells, there was likely listeners at the door from how loud Kaminyan is being. "Trust me Capnyan- don't you want to see them again?!"

She's not wrong. But we have to live in the here and now. I had to accept these realities an age ago, when I took command. And it is not her place to judicate to me how she handles her grief. To her words, I return a quiet growl. "Yes. I would. But the dead are dead, and I am not commiting what limited resources we have to a flight of fancy, that you may process your grief!" Poor choice of words, admittedly- but her energy was... overwhelming. I had to reassert control, even if it was in an antagonists role.

Im met with a growl- as she withdrew her hands. The first battle was that of words. The second was of pride. A stand off. Clenched hands soon bending- claws visible in light. She's sizing me up, and if I do not do the same, I will be seen as weak. There Will be a fight. So I slowly rise from my seat- joining her in this battle of wills. My own hand to match hers in the shape of a battle claw.

She's about as big as I am- A testament to her survival on this planet, and her freakish nature as a Nekomimi. Scars mark her body, both fresh and old- I know her skill with arms and that one mistake could cost me. I know if she came here to fight, she has put herself into the headspace of a battlefield that she often does to deal with the stress... Leaving my only options to restrain her, or drop her. But that in itself is a weakness to be exploited. She's fatigued, and acting on impulse and emotion. I know her way of trounce- Mine is made to counter hers.

And above all, I'm growing my strength as a Saint. I can win this, should it come to it.

Would there be space, we would circle each other. A clear stand off. WE don't want to make the first move- but it is clear that we wish for opposite things. This is not a glorious fight, it is a tragedy- and someone would be reduced for it. But such was the will of warriors- To see ones dream fulfilled, one had to suffer theirs not to. Perhaps our passions drove us so fiercely, that someone else would enter the room. The encroaching smell of Weed to fill my room- making my nose wrinkle and my senses violated- Kaminyan flinching as this was strong. Even for them.

Squirrelwizard would come in, calm and composed. A hand to her mouth to nurse a pipe that seemed to billow out smoke. Where two were not unlike fire, she was like a gentle... Strongly scented breeze. A light hum to her cadence, she'd hold up her other hand and speak. "Capnyan, Kaminyan. Calm yourselves- You might get hurt. That would be rather silly, wouldn't it?"

I would breathe in to address them, but their hand would raise again, clearing their voice. "I know what is going on. I... Have seen it as well. The seriousness of this situation..." A breath. A ring of smoke to follow. A sastified smile from the serenity of their indulgence. "I understand your intentions. You speak with the burden of a crown... And you, speak with the burden of guilt." That alone should have provoked a fight. I see Kaminyan's eye twitch, as if challenging her fight or flight response. They already didn't get along the best, so this was not helping. But they would speak, somehow to serenade the beast that flared in her heart. "Capnyan... I can give credence to her words. It Is possible."

"See, I told you-!"

"But you cannot do it alone." The Herbalist would step forward, as if to join us- eyeing us both. "...Yet, we cannot simply devote so much to this- that this may take months... years even..." Another wiff of her pipe, before exhaling sharply. "...There must be a compromise. Capnyan, may I speak?"

I would nod. She may.

"I understand my relationship with her is strained... But I would ask you to trust me. I will share my room with her, and we will work on this project together. In return, grant us access to the Sivalinga Stones. Either we will succeed... or we will not." But I knew her track record. The tone suggested that there was no one better qualified for this. Once more, my authority is challenged- but this one is undercut with kindness. With Politeness. And... She wasn't wrong. Out of anyone, she was the best qualified to oversee this project. There was also enough wisdom to put aside grievances, to see this project through.

After all, there was only one of us whom saw the other side.

Looking over to Kamivax, seemingly draining of energy, I'd breathe in the misty airs- before nodding. "Fine. Granted. I will grant you two, to accomidate for mistakes. But no more."

"That is sufficient for our purposes." A smile crept on the Herbalists face, content with the compromise- before nodding to Kaminyan. "Then when you are rested, come to my room. We will delve into your mystery together... This is rather exciting." Her tail flicked contently- before she would move to stride out of the room. "And much more productive then those incident with the runts in the vents..."

Dont remind us. Looking to Kaminyan- now that the tension had died... Where there was a clash of ideals. Now it had turned to understanding, and a silent apology. For what it was worth, that was a sentiment shared by two. It was not as if I wished to deny her out of pragmatism, or cruel hearted desire. It was simply clashing realities. I motion for her to take a seat, so that she may take a break- and rest her head. Wordlessly, she'd collapse into the seat... and was out like a light.

Understandable, Really. I follow suit- if only to continue writing my papers.

Stream is Over! (
This might be too saucy. Please, notify me immediately if it is. I'll happily change it. It felt fitting, but I do NOT want to try the mods. (

Post Mortem
Hum de dum dum...
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on April 25, 2024, 12:28:26 am
August 4th, 2601
Doomed Farm

Knee deep in the dead.

Roush was loading in another magazine as she put a burst down range. Having an underslung rifle was a... strange concept to her. But she wouldn't question it. Humans were weird, and the weapon was plenty lethal. Besides, she was waiting for the right moment to fire a grenade launcher. Maybe she would just to have fun...

No. She had to wait. They were in limited supply, and the Capnyan didn't want to waste the limited supply they had. Booo. So instead she'd rack the bolt- and put more shots down range.

If nothing else, these men were possessed of a fervor unknown to even the Spartans. She did not know if that was more or less terrifying- but she did know that was equally worthy of death.

Another burst- two shot connecting as she ruptured a shoulder. The blast of a shotgun would finish him off as she'd pout, looking towards the killer. Some brown haired cat she didn't recognize. She'd mewl sharply in her direction- motioning to her with two fingers.
"Hey, stop dealing my kills!"

Grumble grumble. How was she going to impress people with that?

Striding forward with a careful gait, she'd hit the wall of a shed with her shoulder- taking cover as she took a breather. A fellow black cat joined her- their respiration a chorus in the charged air of the night.

"Hey, Roush- do you got a spare magazine?" Roush would check her belt- before nodding and handing over the curved magazine. "Yeah. Here. Your lucky that we share Ammo." "Or maybe the Capnyan is giving all of us black cats, black rifles?" They'd share a laugh- shaking their heads, before leaning forward.

"Maybe... But speaking of black cats, do you know where Kaminyan is? I haven't seen her for a bit..." She'd lean out, putting another burst into a target. This one, was actually hers. Oh good, she could put a notch onto her rifle. "Or how about everyone else? The Claw-Sergeant still alive?" Order broke down awhile ago. Coordination was local, and provincial. And she knew that their sister-Cat was one to go wild out in the field. Didn't want to shoot her.

"Don't know, but I think two of us are down! The enemy is using dragons breath rounds, and they just don't die!"

Roush would look back to her claw-sister, before rolling her eyes. "Just shoot them more! Watch!" She'd then lean out, but held fire. Well, she would have. But she held her fire. She got her answer alright- watching as a black blur streaked through the night, descending upon the men with wild, reckless abandon. Giggling, laughing. Bloodlust in the eye.

It would be downright inspiring, if she wasn't staggering. Clearly at her limits- she'd trundle towards the next man, swinging weakly. Leaving herself a target.

Shiiiiiit. She couldn't risk firing into melee, there stood a good chance that she would hit her. So instead, her hand fell to her belt- opening up a pouch. Their alcohol ration- time to test the strength of the glass on this. If she could angle it right, she could get it right near her... And so she broke cover, angling the bottle over her head as she Chucked that thing with all the strength due to her. The Bottle spinning like a throwing star in the sky- the glint of light of nearby, showed her where she hit.

Right on the head of the man, and nearby to Kaminyan. Direct shot. That would be a story to share for later, as pride crept across her face. But there was always a saying.

It goeth before a fall.

Turning around, caught out- and her claw-sister failing to cover her, a man wore witness to her action. Left exposed, she'd level his shotgun upon her. Before she was any the wiser, the sensation of burning caught her. her senses left her- as pain racked her body. Pellets rendered her nothing more then a lump of meat, igniting within her body as her Kevlar tried to stop the impact in vain. Her mind screamed at her to stop the source of the fire- but she lost strength before even the third shell was fired. Her terror echoed throughout the field, but she would not hear her own words.

If there was any solace, she was spared a painful death. It was merciful even- for it to be so sudden. She did not have to live to be rendered into tallow.

She just merely ended. And that was it.


Emptiness in sensation. A world composed of nothing but gray. A sensation of falling through an endless sea. Where there should of been cold, there was only weight. Down, down into the depth we plunge, into the abyss that one belonged.

No longer the taste of brimstone on the tongue, the sensation of burning to kiss the flesh. Pain ebbed away, retreating from the lips to the surface unforeseen. Perhaps to never reach its destination. Ever tempting it was to close ones eyes. To let finality of strength leave from the tips of the fingers. To allow oneself to find rest, that brief touch of oblivion to subsume the hole of whom one was.

The drifter scanned her eyes- head turning but so slightly, as any movement in excess drained what limited strength she could still muster. Looking for any anchor in the abyss- to ground and stabilize herself, what she would find itself, is that she had not become unlike rain.

Thousands of bodies- draining of color as they fell inward. Men and women- Even foreigners... and Nekomimi, not unlike herself. All whom had past that Ethereal gate, and were being escorted to their final rest. Rarely did they move. Many were cradled, or otherwise still as they fell- as if they carried no strength with them to beyond.

Those still conscious, could only lament their final fate. A life cut short. A quest left unfinished. One more task to be done. Was that to be her own fate? To join the screamers, and the dreamers? Perhaps that choice was made for her, as soon she felt herself land upon something both soft- and formless. A Feeling of comfort, but in what remained of her soul, a violent impulse of survival Fight or flight, desiring both.

Hands grasped at her- but they held no sway. The struggle was not in fighting them, they only meant to steal what they could not have. It was to summon the will to fight once more, and she had not come here to die in such a way. Ripping herself from the binding mass of whom was to be her companions- Biting, clawing, ripping her body free- she'd ascended to her feet- rising above those below her.

Her eyes would see nothing more then a vast expanse. Not unlike if she was on a planet, a sphere. With bodies that attempted to defy their fate, not unlike her. Yet they would eventually be dragged back into the mire. Dragged back into the whole. Like a star burning out the last of its light- never to be ignited again. Even now, she could feel fingers dig at her feet- grasping for her ankles.

They did not wish for her to leave. They would not let her leave. There was no escape, in the end.

Ripping her feet from the mire- she'd try to jump try to reach out her hand. Maybe she could swim. Maybe she could buy herself time. Perhaps she was to burn out like the others, but it would be in utter defiance. And so she would walk, circling this sphere. Always on the verge of collapse, but never reaching that final threshold.

An eternity of walking. Animated by a will that never yielded.

A feminine giggle would follow, as her ears perked. Her eyes would dart around as she clutched her hands- bereft of claws, but instinct gave them shape. This was different. This was new. This was terrifying. And yet she stood her ground- for all the danger that provided. She would not relent from this hunter: they would have to take their due from her.

Yet instead, it only whispered in her ear. A promise, a seductive lure.

"Have you not yet had your fill? Do you still hunger for more?"

Oppressive weight fell upon her, as if it was the last defense. To try and deny this woman her prize. Her very being simply became a law of weight. Pulling her down. Down. Down. As if the natural order was fighting against her. As if something was wrong here. Yet she could still speak. "If it gets me out of here, I /do/. I wish for /more/."

"Good. Then take my hand." Flesh would descend upon her- as a giant had reached for her. She would waste no time in clutching it. All she had to do, was wrap her arms around- and trust this being. It was all she could do at this point.

"Remember that it was love that has brought you back... Consume this love, and bring this world closer to the edge of ruin. Become beautiful- for one day you shall return this love when you are consumed..."

Color would return to her body. Sensation would return to her body. Warmth returned to her body. The sound of rushing water flowed past her ears, not unlike billowing past wind. Leaving the fallen behind... leaving this sunless sea.

Her body felt weak. As if one had slept for an eon and only been awaken now. Acrid respect for the dead was the taste upon her tongue and the very scent she carried; Formaldehyde. Yet no Nausea followed- It was as if the body simply sweated out the poison. As if the body was a finely tuned machine that simply had been powered down for some purpose- and now once reconnected to mortality, the organs had activated without her.

The heart beat once again. The mind flourished with intrigue and consciousness. The limbic system, despite its discontinued use, rippled with the desire to be used. The sensation of power with the expression of power and muscularity. The nerves didn't even fire back in pain, instead only reaffirming the souls claim over the vessel it was given. And worst of all?

She was hungry. Starving. A carnal desire for fatty meats and sharp tasting fruits. Of drinks to burn a newly virgin throat and indulge of all things sweet. A lust for something salty, and finish with the finest of indulgences that may befit the fancy. The body had spent what energy it had to breathe life into itself again- and now it needed more. To be all consuming. In all capacities: it wished for More.

Sound was still a strange sensation to her- as if having been pulled from the ocean, there was still water clogging her ears. She heard something about... Proving someone wrong? Rubbing it in her face? And something about Mayonnaise? Nonsense to her. Instead, Roush would try to push herself up. Feeling around what felt like stone. An echoing rumble could be felt in her throat, as the limbs protested.

She wasn't back yet. But others took notice.

What sounded like bootsteps would echo over- sharp and distinctive on metalwork. Then the sound of voices- and blinding light. A sharp, grunting pain would echo- before a feeling of weightlessness. Ascension. Braced against... something. To keep her aloft. Then a question.

"Roush. How are you feeling?" To her left, the sound of a Nurse. A ginger cat, clearly with more care then skill in the field. Though Bedside manner was no skill to be neglected either. Her hand was taken, as her fingers were stretched out. Flayed and handled with doting care. Stiff, and imprecise- a sensation of pain. An instrument that had yet to be finely tuned again.

"Mmmh. Well, i'll never get married now." She'd huff with a sardonic tone. A bit of black humor, having cheated death. The Ginger cat- perhaps self-conscious, would hop back with a flail of her arms, letting the board that could charitably be called an arm hit the stonework- a sharp squeak.

"i-im sorry! I-i was just checking for Rigor Mortis! I-i didn't mean to-!"

"Hold on. Rigor Mortis?" An uncomfortable tingle would crawl up the spine. The core of her being recoiling at what could possibly be- the dream of which she was in dying throughs. Nearly taken in by the graveyard of many. As if willing her fingers to flex, they would on command- before looking back up. "Im /Alive/, arent I? Im clearly not dead." Her tone was flat. Blunt.

"You were dead! It was something the Witch and the Native did you! Did to everyone in this room!"

Hold on, everyone? Her eyes would glaze over... The room itself was horrifying in its own right. A Ritual room, comprised of strange symbols misunderstood. A section of the Medical bay, converted into... some kind of offering room? Her exposed stomach had a stone that had rolled down and caught on it- spent of its energy and dull in color. She'd move to pick up the oddly phalic shaped rock, before claiming it for herself... Observing the room, there was four more besides herself. All adorned with this stone. Fluer, she recognized. But not some of the others...

A question crossed roush's mind. An important one. If she was dead, then how long had it been? A few hours? days? Looking to her hand and the stone she clutched- she'd snap her attention to the ginger nurse, and made the demand known. "What day is it?"

"It's... September 18th. Its Shaday."

Only a month then? She remembered her mission in August. Then it had not been that long at all-

"Your record states that you nearly died a year ago. Its... 2602. You died in 01. You've been preserved until now, so that you could be shot out into the sun. Its a miracle that we had such traditions- or else you wouldn't be here right now...!"

Nearly a year? A whole year? Then the nature of her death... She'd reach for her body- feeling for imperfections. Burns, she felt herself immolate and die- her body a living pyre as she was hit with Magnesium... And yet there was nothing. Perhaps to the Chagrin of the watching nurse- watching a patient feel herself, but there was no scar. There was no wound. If anything, her skin was as smooth as the day she was born.

How much had changed? Were they any closer to getting off the planet? Did they finally get their hands on some lasers? Those were answers that she would not get here. Aiming to slide off the Pedestal, the Ginger nurse would quickly spring forth- aiming to catch her by the shoulders.

"N-no! You need to stay here, you need to go through physical therapy! There's no way your field for field duty!"

"All I need is a gun and to get back out there- That or punching the Capnyans face. Or Kami's for being an idiot and overextending so far-" Even if she had saved her life, it wouldn't have needed saving if she hadn't been so foolish. But protest as she might have- the Nurse was overpowering her. And if she was able to do so, then there was no way she'd survive right now. So with a disgruntled sigh, she'd wave off the nurse.

"Fine, I'll stay. When do we begin?"

"Uhm... given that your capable of motion and /seem/ fine... Uh... Tomorrow?"

Tomorrow was good. She actually had a Tomorrow.

Maybe more, depending. Each day was a gift now. To be consumed whole.

Stream is over! (
Suprise, a sauce! And yes, she's actually a Cat! Thanks FF11 for square nosed Cats! (

Post Mortem
The logs get longer, but the Mortem doesnt get done...
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on April 26, 2024, 11:45:44 pm
November 1st, 2602

In the war between the Ethereals and the Mrrshan, The stars have always belonged to the Later.

In terms of power, The Ethereals dominate. Their awesome control over Psionics, diverse portfolio of troops and mythical technologies have always bested the Mrrshan. With utter mastery of the Biological and harnessing the power of Elerium- their territory stretches over many sectors of the galaxy. But they have always been a rigid caste society. No lust to dream, nor desire to create. If it worked, so shall it be.

And thus, despite their overwhelming power- The Stars belonged to the Mrrshan.

Dancing, fluttering across the void- glittering like the stars, The Mrrshan have maintained their independence by the strength of their warrior traditions, and their starships. Even amongst peers, they were known to be the finest of pilots. Hundreds of fighters secure their space onboard massive carriers- a position coveted enough to hold rivalries and prove ones skill though increasingly daring deeds.

A traditional that is felt in her people today. Even within the humble domain of starlight, even possessing just One Claw from the empire- has proven to be the bane of Earths domestic fleet. Not /that/ hard of a challenge, of course- they've yet to pull out any True vessels worthy of combat. But hearts rose as the reports came in from last months kill board.

Science Ship. Heavy Freighter. Twelve fighters. Science Ship.

Some of the heaviest ships for tonnage on earths surface. Class 3 and 4 ships, under the Imperial Designation. Worthy kills to any Starfighters legacy. For too long, the crew balked under there merely being 'one' starfighter. That they had to share- and that by the deigning of the captain and assignment, that the crew watched as one was chosen for glory. But such was no more.

Air bases, fighter frames and weapons were being authorized and installed onto said frames. The secrets of flight- to reclaim the stars and retake what was their rightful demesne, was becoming theirs again. More flight missions were being authorized- more pilots were needed and the battle to claim those skies were starting in full earnest. The Handicap wasn't even a dreadful fact, those being assigned 'inferior' ships. If anything, it merely only increased the prestige. For after all, one could easily kill with a marvel of engineering- that was easy.

But how glorious would it be, to be given equipment was only 'adequate', and still claim the skies? A true showing of ones skill. That they could be trusted with more expensive equipment- and expect nothing but elite performance.

So strong this cultural ideal- that these claw-sisters sign up for air duty, despite the danger. To be truly recognized as warriors: for after all, were they not a new warrior house? Did not nobility in such a way demand a battleship, adorned with a battalion of pilots? Could they not be the first, and made knights of the sky- and their status elevated in such a way, that their descendants became synonymous with the glory of starlight? To carve their own piece of the empire- and territory? To retire, watching their children inherit their vessels?

Not all of them would make it back. But enough could, that the dream would ignite. The dream burned in their hearts. Surely the Ethereals would notice them, decimating their fleets. They would certainly retaliate, and challenge their supremacy.

Good. They wanted a challenge.

The Dancer would chuckle quietly, watching as youthful kittens flocked to the boards- fawning over the assignments yet to be. Exaggerating their glories- and asking to be transferred to the new locations. Air Base 'Coffee' was the first base. Expected time until Operation: Three months. That was three months they could have been chosen. Three months to prepare.

She remembered her past. Her history in the Airforce. She did not speak of it in grand detail, nor did she emphasize her role. It was merely a fond memory, a time once served chance to race across the interstellar void. Across Atmospheres, blazing into targets whom challenged her. It was neither glory, nor gold that emblazoned her heart in those pitched battles. It was the feeling of freedom. The Feeling of exercising her talents: Her skills. Nowhere else, did she feel so free. As if her kind was born without one last vital aspect to compliment their tails and ears; Wings.

She was retired, at least in an official capacity. For the journey had to take her elsewhere. But she always found such youth charming. Adorable, even. Perhaps she would tease them, ensure that they were up to snuff. After all, if they were to follow in her wake- they must be up to snuff. The way of the Claw is unforgiving, and one must have the vigor's and stamina to endure- even after extensive battle. If her doctrine of trounce was to survive- they couldn't be anything less then the best. And now that they were stepping out from shadow, onto light...

Sayuri would smile to herself. Yes, that would be rather fun, wouldn't it?

Stream is Over! (
Into the Danger Zone, Your Sauce is. (
After a thousand years. Heres your VOD (

Post Mortem

Hired: Nekogirl2K (B-1 K-1) Affeboll (B-1, K-5), Fry_Guy0 (Newly Hired!) Paevyn (B-3, K-7)

Survivors: Gwynevere Bennett (Way of Missed Strike, B-98 K-332, Zephyr1124 (B-108, K-300), Fleur Vert (B-74, K-156, D-1)  Gentlefood (Way of Shadow, B-105, K-229), Kiest (B-81, K-177), Xeoposer (B-101, K-348), Roughguy (B-33, K-46, D-1) Isdar (B-77, K-167), Kaminyan The Blender Cat (Way of Death, B-81, K-268), Tarmph (B-108, K-290), Mittens Leadpaw (B-70, K-131), Catvy (Way of Shadow, B-106, K-223), DoctorRex (B-77, K-127), ArdriKrios (B-92, K-244), NinjaZombie0 (B-64, K-152), SquirrelWizard (Way of Sunlight, B-108, K-131), Mjolko (B-83, K-134), Talemgrandmaster (B-84, K-164) Shirajirajin (B-72, K-99), Slegex (B-82, K-149), Violeta Kellide (Way of Shadow, B-110, K-257), NictisOfTheMafia (B-81 K-145), Wabbon (B-65, K-159), Sayuri (Way of Claw, B-78, K-152),  CGP (B-48, K-79) Krickraken (B-70, K-113) Curechan9 II (B-31, K-39), Rovlemhage (B-48, K-83), Psyentific1 (B-66, K-126, D-1), DJ Grom (B-40, K-58), Scotty297 (B-47, K-56),  Atusid (B-42, K-95, D-1) GigaShogg (B-28, K-40), Kildarienhyton (B-30, K-47, D-1), VintageMedic (B-43, K-55), Xika (B-16, K-22, D-1), Das_Bystander III (B-13 K-17), Warzy2 II (K-14, B-17), Anerisa (B-11, K-8) UltraShogg (B-6, K-8)

Died: No One!

Revived: "Ian, your late on adding this tab. But when it is noted/relevant/when I update the previous Posts (Which i swear I am doing), this will be used!

Deus Ex Machinas: 6 Deus Ex Machinas used (175 Total)
Math might not be right here. Im really behind.

The Good - The Tend of cementing our air game is continuting. Having to write these well after the fact (Which is going to make previous Posts sound weird), we have been working on getting air game nice and solid. Truth be told, I think the Claw is a bit too good for how early you get it in Cat Path. Having decent funding makes its exotic fuel not so expensive, and its not like you cant flip a ship for it. Might want to consider a 'Battery' or 'Mid-Line' ship for mid game.

But yeah. Im dropping big freight- and we even raided a Rimriders outpost pretty immediately. Cats are getting stronk enough to handle that, and given we just ploughed through them, we have some *Really* High tech toys. The first and only real plasma guns we're going to get this run, short of Plasma Pistol/Sub Plasma. The Extra Hardware is just nice, and might let us pivot into fighting Mercenaries sooner, rather then later. Just need to have a Reliable AT Option, and...

The Bad - Not really much bad to say. Rimriders hurt, the fact the Quarians spawned underneath us and got to do some inital mind control sucked *Hard*, but otherwise- we did suprisingly well there. Also the fact that Traitor Cats dont give us Arts of Trounce. Booooo.

Arguably, Research is slowing down- but its more accurate to say we're hitting the hump researches. It just takes time. Piratez was never a fast affair.

The Funny- Cultural Videos and Missiles go boom. Also, remember Hallucingentic Grenades, Ian.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on May 02, 2024, 12:04:15 am
Capdorks L00000g #11

3 of dec

As I write this, I just want to note that I am on copious amount of drugs. If I sound delusional, that is because Opiates are a hell of a drug and the herbalists gave me some funny flower that makes me feel tingly. I am actually doing really wonderful. I don't even feel the giant hole in me. Or the burn scars raked across my left flank. They are allowing me one arm to write with.

That's super dumb. Something about agitating my wounds. I'll agitate their wounds.


But. Yes. Conflict. How I got my lovely scars is that, whilst i have not gone through the combat reports because I'm not allowed to work right now- we have encountered rimrider forces. Paramilitary types that should be our allies- rendered as our enemies by circumstance. They're getting through the holes we're leaving in the skies, because we're shooting all the dumb ships down with our cool star ship. It works out for us, because they're got high tech stuff that doesn't require ID's for. Which is super cool.

Oh, and we ran into traitor cats too. We got a good job for taking in some of the traitor cats- which. I placed in the Spartan cells. They're going to have a lot of fun beating them up and making them mewl. I got a gold star from the Shadow Cats. Mine even has a smiley face on it.

Its cute, with a pink little ears.

So we ran into Rimriders, and this will not be the first time. As we continue to thin air coverage and replace it with our own, more of these types are gonna slip in. I'm also worried about the escalation of nasty stuff that will result, given we've been using the pew pew ship. They know we have it- they know we're packing it. Its been blazing across earth for the better part of a year now. Actually, for a year?

Its almost new years soon. We've been here for two years. We tried to steal Christmas two years ago. I feel oddly nostaglic now, and really sad. I don't know why. We couldn't save the captain, No bodies so no voodoo- and she was gone ages ago. Maybe I enjoyed how simple things were back then. Maybe its phantom pain for a life we wont get back, where there was so much less rules.

Note to self: Get a Nuke and blow up prison Facility. For old times sake. (No, no. Do not do this. This is a bad idea.)

Oh, oh yeah! I got a letter from my cherry penpal! She's really wordy. But she loves us a lot- and sends us cherries. I dont like cherries too much, but it smells nice. Its really forboding though, and

I am fine and everything is fine also i am smelly and dumb and wont let me beat up the Neko-runts

As I Lie in bed, i have come up with a brilliant idea. We never did steal Christmas, but we are doing super well. So what if we brought Christmas to the base, as a power flex? Yeah. I'll give out that as an order! It wont go wrong this time, not at all! I'm gonna hit the button on my bed right now and gonna tell people we're stealing Christmas again! Then we'll celebrate it!

We're gonna do it Miriam! We're gonna steal christmas for you!

===Audio Transmission Intercepted===
-Point of Origin, Unknown
-Recorded Date, Unknown
-Faction, Unknown
Playback? [Y]

They are becoming an increasing threat, Sir. Do you suspect they know about us?

No. Not yet. They are flailing about. Lashing out at what they can reach. But at the pace they are going at, it will not be long before they find out about us. They already know of our garrison troops on planet... The Factions have been petitioning for Martial law. The guild and the academy have been slowly losing their clout over Terra, It will not be long for MarSec will return to judicate in force. Barring them, if they should fail to reinforce the power of the factions...

...The Ethereals will return. Are we strong enough now to-

Not yet. But they are not returning to Terra for us. If we are clever, we can redirect these fools against them. These Xenos shall be equal parts our shield, and our sword. Serving the whole of humanity before they are sacrificed. We must merely keep them distracted- fighting against our common enemy. We must buy ourselves time, so that we may call the leader from the realm of shadow.

Y-yes. Of course. You are right, as always. Shall i send out agitators?

Wait a bit longer. Send out feelers, and subtly introduce that the Mrrshan have been staging troops. That they are moving beyond just the Peregrine cult. Inform them that Jasana has taken a... Personal interest in Terra now.

Its not so far removed from the truth, is it now?

No, I suppose its not...

Stream is Off! (
Christmas Sauce, for the IG December Month! (
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on May 04, 2024, 12:04:41 am
Twas a night before Christmas, all was frost and snow
The planet had celebrated, another bitter year
The president removed, another death game
Turns out Van Damme, could not kick his way to freedom
But amidst revelry and cheer
Agents acting with mischievous glee
Stole the captains instructions with misintent.

Returning to where it began
they warned the wardens, they set the prisoners free
Anyone remained, suffered their fate
Merciful to the ignorant, suffering to the dutiful
Presents were given, in two seperate spots
One to where Captain Miriam met her end
One to where the crew was born
All it took was a timer, and a smile
And then they fled, into the night.

All across the Cali Republic, as they voted between Stallone and Schwarzenegger
Saw a most magnificent cloud, radiant in light and heat
'No effect was faked', this was all apart of the show.
No more bondage of Megapul, nor the Californians
On Christmas day, they would cry of tragedy
But they had succeeded in their mission
After two long years, there was no regret
They had stolen christmas
No one would forget.


2603. The new year has come.

The comet of 2602 was an auspicious one. The times of change. Everyone feared what was soon to come. Picking sides and preparing for what may inevitably be. They moved their pieces on the grand board- solidifying their power. Some powers grew in strength, rising like the stars. Others fell, and soon became naught but dust. Khemri cared naught for whom lived or died- for it served in purpose in struggle and strife.

But there was something different about this year. This Century. Agents of change- A hand just lax enough to loosen on the reigns of power. Challengers to power were stiring.

It started with a shipwreck, a ragtag group of raiders that fell from the stars. Caught in Prison- and led in an exodus to destiny. The first domino to fall. No one should have known or cared- they should have died and the planet indifferent to their plight. But they survived, and thrived. Regardless of what their fate may be, the world would be irrevocably changed.

The Nekomimi had their eyes affixed on this planet. Challengers to the ever patient ninjas had forced them to move. The enemy beyond- knowing that their grand design was threatened by pretenders to humanities throne. The Depth Dwellers... mostly the same as they had ever been. And the Star Gods themselves- slowly learning of the insurrection from within.

A backwater planet was becoming the crux of history. A seminal moment of history to be reclaimed. The tactical consideration for others. Regardless of their reasons, the planet would be caught once more in the flames of war by those whom wished for change.

2062 was the Year of change. But 2063 would be the year of war. For all were waking up, realizing the Times would soon test them. The grand question that was soon to come: Whom would survive the changing times? And whom would be the corpses that paved the way for their success?

One can only hope that they prepared Enough.

Stream is Over! (
A Fond Farewell to 2602, and a New Beginning for 2603... (
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on May 09, 2024, 12:16:31 am
Feburary 1st, 2603

It feels strange to have a surplus after so long. Money flows into the coffers and maintenance is paid for. Salaries are paid out, and I haven't had to liquidate any assets... Instead. I am holding a bag of credits in my hands. Shining like jewels, not that I'm lacking for those either. its... Quite strange to feel as if I am wealthy. Not that I'm complaining, of course. If anything, I wish for more. We're going to need a healthy breadbasket for a war chest, once we've ourselves a capital ship.

For now though, I have pockets set to burst and a lack of problems that need fiscal solutions. I do not lack for weapons, I do not need to expand my infrastructure as of the time. I replace losses we experience in the sky... And Its not as if I can buy mystical powers down at the store. Maybe I could perhaps buy time? A dedicated center for research... Maybe. I will have to sit down and consider my options. Though. Actually. Wait.

Whilst we have not been lacking for the ability to get the practice in- to train and keep in shape for the battles forward (Or Physical therapy when someone has to replace an arm), I've come to realize that we've never had the time or resources to really... Devote ourselves to improving ourselves. There's only so much we can pull from the field. And whilst none of us are lacking for talent, we've had that library for two years, and I think I've barely even touched it. That's been the territory of the Brainers- and maybe our Weed cat.

Perhaps its time to change that.

Calculating the costs, that should be entirely manageable. Set aside a few million for the purposes of training. Consult with those of Jackstown and their ilk to see if we could not get some training manuals and figure out our *Own* way of developing our skills. Maybe consult with Cat of Nine Tails or Shadowcat for special forces training from the empire itself. Perhaps there's even something to confer with, discussing with the Uber strains... The Mutant alliance an age ago also offered us training.

There are options, and there are many of them. But they must be considered later.

We've another confirmed downed craft, and its another big one. Im worry about our attritional rates... I've had to use the last of our stones to bring back our fallen sisters, and we've had too many close calls. We might be burning ourselves out sinking these titan ships. But its the only way to keep our sponsors happy right now. I need to consult with our Herbal cats to peer into the shadow... See if we cannot get more. It is now no longer enough that we cheat death. Now we must find a way to conquer it. But we must survive long enough for that.

Some months ago, a Woman referred to as the 'Red Mage' consulted with us, and connected us with several Wizards, but has not yet returned to discuss with us. Perhaps it is time to seek her out... See what she wanted. And see if she cannot get us what We want.

Stream is Over! (
Hey look! A piratey themed Catgirl! Amazing! Also Sauce. (
The VOD is here. (

Post Mortem
One Foot infront of the Other...

Hired: No One!


Died: No One!

Revived: No One!

Deus Ex Machinas: 5 Deus Ex Machinas used (198 Total)
Math might not be right here. Im really behind.

The Good - Honestly, im happy we had a slow month? As fun as they can be, shooting down giant ships can be taxing and slow affairs. Also kind of makes it hard to go back to smaller ships. Yeye, suffering from success and all that. But when your prepared for 40+ dudes on a boat at a time... Those can take a hot minute, and popping off some research is good. Which, speaking of- we can talk about Cydonia now, and the win condition. So huzzah to that!

Transformations are finally underway. Swiftpaws and Muscle Cats ahoy. Also with Nepping, I can Hotbox more of my Cats for Damsel training. I do need to figure out where to give out that beauty serum though. Kind of a 'Use it right when we need it' thing...

Also, the Red Mage quest line is started. With some work, I should be able to get my sustained way of getting the miracle stones, given cinderella project is locked off to us. That'll be a worry off my back.

The Bad - Kinda gased out during this stream. Sleeps not been the best about that. Sorry about that. Also, even if I'm arguably ready for it- Turning on the Aurora questline is Always a bad time. Beware, beware. The Ides of Missile Hell. Eridains are also starting up on their bullshit, and whilst the Cat suits did phenomenal work in keeping us alive, it still put most of the crew down for a time... Also. No civilian survivors. The Double Terror also sucked too, having to do them back to back.

The Funny- Finally managed to get some story arcs going. Going from "Not much to write about and its hard to loop in stuff because i dont want to ghost write too far" to "I have started three storylines at once." Fantastic. ALSO WE GOT CHINESE DRAGONS. Haven't gotten one yet, but WE GOT 'EM. THANKS RED CODEX.

Also. Send help. I cant flip my slaves fast enough, and I don't want to give up my Reps. I wanna raid space freighters.  >:(
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on May 11, 2024, 12:10:44 am
March 16th, 2603

It has now become clear to us, the face of our enemy.

It began when we received some codes from the church official we beat. Prying him of knowledge and demanding answers, he looked at us with fearful eyes once we stole that key from him. Saying we did not know what we were dealing with. Then he laughed at us, daring us to look into it- that knowledge would consume us and our ambitions would see us burn like moths. I'm fairly certain that he mentioned something about his gods as well, but by that point the brainers and our tribals had their way with him and that's none of my business.

Its what I pay them for.

Instead, I deferred to the FBB and Elder for this one. I was a Professional Mercenary by trade, whilst I could crack this thing- its their job and if I bricked the stick we got from the robes? I was never going to hear the end of it. That was... What. Couple of months ago? What's important is they finally figured out what we were looking at, and where it went to. And what we hold in our hands, is something beyond value.

The codes are for a defensive matrix that revolve around the fourth planet of this solar system: Mars. I'm sure the irony is not lost on anyone that we hold a fourth of those very codes, operating on some rule of four (How pedantic.) This Matrix protects the grand fortress and manse of Cydonia, belonging to being known as the 'Solar Governor'. A being that is only referred to in hushed whispers and Utter reverence. It explains why the church wacko was overwrought- even as little lip as they pay to the Ethereals.

We hold knowledge that is utterly forbidden. Only Humanities privileged elite knows of this individual, and no one has met him in person. Or she. Or... It. Its very likely some kind of Ethereal, considering the Stellar Empire's leadership... Yet, I've heard rumor once that there was something above Ethereal. Old smuggler tales from other captains whilst on shore leave, that they've been haunted by dreams of something... Demonic. Otherworldly. A gentle carress of the mind, that played on their fears and cowed them into line.

Fantasy, surely- for nothing is that psionically strong. It breaks the known laws of the Conchfield effect to be able to manipulate planets from that far away. Yet I cannot help but feel nerves fray and a shiver to run down my spine at the thought of it...

Regardless of how I feel about this, we've discovered Earths critical weakness. Not even the Empress knows this, nor has ever come as close as we are now to having a real chance to take this world. Loyalty to the crown would dictate we talk to Cat of Nine and Shadowcat and inform her of this situation... But I think will keep my cards close to my chest. Not even the crew can know about this. I've ordered my Brainers to keep silence on this, and ensure that No one has access to the files.

Not until its time to make our move.

But there it is. If we decide to stay here: stay the course... embrace destiny. Then everything we must do by this point- Everything that *I* must do, from the weapons we have- the talent I curate... It all must be for the purpose of ensuring a lighting strike. We're not a threat, *Yet*. We're a respected power on earth, but a curiosity at best. We're a new status quo- and despite taking scores of class threes, we will never be able to eliminate any of the factions. Not within our lifespans, and not without cutting off the Ethereals backing. There's simply too many of them, and too much influence.

But if we were to make storm Cydonia and Assassinate the Solar Governor? Then its possible. Considering that from our limited information, he is the lynchpin that holds everything together here? A Coordinated assault from the homeworlds, or agents within major political powers in tandem with the assassination- And we could easily instate a Coup d'état. Backwater as this planet may be, the things we've experienced here: The powers and capabilities of humanity and the investment of resources despite it all... If we take this planet, then everything could change. The Sector. Our faith. The knowledge we could bring back...

But we would only get one shot at this. Failure means that we will be scoured from the surface of the earth. The Peregrine cult would likely go with us and anyone whom ever held Mrrshan sympathies would be next. Likely in Nuclear Hellfire. Also rekindled wars and aggression. Thankfully, we'd all be dead and not have to care.

Quite frankly, The weight and implication of all this terrifies me. Even if we are well over a year off of considering such a feat (Progress on the planning of this will be under OPERATION: TRIPLE A), the fact that by my will alone- I can exalt or doom an entire planet... This is what it means to be a saint, doesn't it? Why I had such a dream? The capability to make such choices. The ambition to seek those heights.

The wheel of fate is turning, and I must be its weaver.

Stream is Over! (
May you Sauce in Interesting times... (
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on May 18, 2024, 12:12:41 am
Sorry about no stream on Wednesday, I was tasked with House sitting and a favor was called in. One does not ignore those whom helped your life back in order.

April 2nd, 2603

Blood Trickles down my fullers.

Today is a day that lives on in Infamy... In a good way, mind you. Today is the day in which we have struck a decisive blow against the Traders guild. Their home, their hearth. A place of refuge. This was not merely just shipping or assets being maneuvered- though we've certainly taken plenty of those scores as well. But this is territory, and they will not forget this soon.

We're stripping everything from this place, up and to including the wall paneling. We've but a few hours before they can organize and get a task force out here, so its not an elegant job. But the salvage crews are working overtime, and every Claw-sister who isn't bleeding out and exhausted is getting in on matters. One of the few luxuries of being both captain and bullet-ridden: I need not get to work.

We've come a long way from being convicts. I can see it upon the brows of the Claw-Sisters. I can see it in their gait, in their practiced killing hands. We've become killers. Warriors, whom would be a fine addition to any army. Rivals to special forces. In today, we've proven that we are a warrior house. We've proven to the world that we are not merely raiders; opportunists whom clutched pearls from the sky. We are a true warrior house, and had we the ability to hold onto this territory... It would have made a fine fief.

The dead shall be left here. A message to those whom would follow: That they were not safe. That they would always have to fear our retaliation. And surely, we would have it in return. This was an escalation of the conflict: but they already were looking to wipe us out. We merely found them first. But to the many dead whom laid in these halls, this tomb that they would find... Let them live in fear of what we can do.

An idea was born today. I merely wonder how it would desiminate throughout the crew.

April 11th, 2603

My conference with the Red Mage has achieved some results.

Obviously, she's not telling us everything. That's just *Reasonable.* We don't know her well enough, and we're 'Xenos' to her. Outsiders and useful pawns to her schemes. Cuter then she could have hoped for, but she is carefully investing into us, piece by piece. Wealth does not seem to be shortcoming with her, she's investing enough funding that its clearly including Hush-Funding. 'Retainer Fees' she calls it, but there'd be more then a singular lump sum if that was the truth.

Our first operation together had us attack one of her rivals. Acquiring a magical artifact to further her ambitions: We were well paid in salvage and another lump sump for a reward well done. Oddly enough- the artifact she tasked us for was... a Padlock. For in this world, you need locks to open doors, rather then keys. This sounds utterly ridiculous, but I brought it up with SquirrelWizard and they said it made 'Complete and utter sense'. An 'Inversion of your expectations to keep the gates beyond secure'.

Beyond utter goddamn non-sense. But I'm also bringing back the dead by using magical stones and the fact that I am a walking avatar of war and violence. So opening doors using locks makes sense to me. Maybe you just slam them together.

That's actually kind of funny.

But its clear we're descending into some rabbit holes. Choices are being made, and we're taking sides. As we further our collaboration with the Red Mage, we'll be cleaning more of her dirty laundry up. More of her rivals will become targets. And worse off- She has invited us to be her forward agents in trying out what she calls "Tanhouser Gates". Gates to the other side... A few Claw-Sisters got to get... Intimate, with her. Taking her measurements, and were taught the basics of what would happen going in. Im too wounded, so I cannot take charge. But by her words, we will be going somewhere completely unknown to us. We would have to gather tools, materials and assets from within- to further expand our ability to traverse this place. It is very likely we're walking in naked... Yet it was the next step forward.

And she would be contacting us soon.

Stream is Over! (
May you Sauce in Interesting times... (
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: drew2319 on May 18, 2024, 12:40:18 pm
Catvy's Log.

I'm currently sitting in what I assume is a bed. I assume this because the world around me feels...soft. My memories are a kaleidoscope of color and shape with no meaning or order, which sucks. I can't remember me. Or you. Or her. What little I do remember sears my mind and I shy away from it.

A flash of light, a trip down into the depths of Shadow and the darkness within us all.

I remember camaraderie. Bracing for something new, something scary. Something necessary. I remember being a cat, but not a me cat.

A skeleton collapses before my claws. Its weapon clattering to the ground, quickly snatched up by a cat who bore a face unfamiliar, but a soul wreathed in warrior fire.

I remember feeling confident. My friends around me handling the new as we had the old. Our skills and training serving us well. Demons. Undead. Nightmares? Maybe. Fear.

A pain, unlike any I had ever felt. No wounds upon my flesh, but my shining heart rent asunder, spilling its open wounds like flowing gold into the void around me. My assailant unseen. I hope they died.

I remember nothing. I sit here in this soft field, hearing whispers, a language long lost to time. Emotions flicker at the edge of it like embers off a chemical fire, colors dancing and trying to tell me their secrets.

Suddenly, clarity, sharp like Ka__n_a_'s claws, slicing through me in horrific fashion.

I'm in a Voodoo coma.
And the people outside have my soda stash.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Kamivax on May 19, 2024, 04:15:51 pm
Kaminyan's Log
I normally wouldn't make a log, however and acquisitions have made me feel like writing one is necessary. Those...things we found at the bottom of the sea and in those magic boxes...I think the brainers and the Capnyan called them "arcane strongboxes", I don't understand why they use such fancy language. Those things have...voices...I can't think of any other way to describe the feeling. I asked Capnyan and anyone with Voodoo aptitude...even Squirrelwizard if they could feel it, they just looked at me like I was mad. Maybe this is less of a log and more just me writing my ramblings down, but I'm certain there's POWER in those things, those 'simulacrum parts'...great power. Power we could use to protect the newer members, power to finally make the Star Gods pause before striking us... at first we just found a torso with a head attached, but no limbs and cavities where a heart and brain would sit....then when opening the boxes we found arms and an strange thing that, if my memory of how the torso looked...would fit in the head cavity so I assume it's the brain. Each piece brings new sensations when I get close to them: the torso brings feelings of a hide of great toughness, the arms bring forth strength unimaginable to us Nekos and the brain brings forth thoughts alien to me, full of Voodoo might. It scares me, but at the same time I feel like they're calling to me, asking me to make the being whole. I'll try asking the others if we could search for the rest of the parts, the legs and the heart, as a side project. Hopefully this will prove to be a great asset to us in the coming future... for some reason I feel like I have heard those voices before, when I had my revelation about the Sivalinga stones, as if the will of Terra herself wants us to bring this being to fruition to break those that have claimed her by force...the vile Star Gods.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on May 23, 2024, 12:12:53 am
May 15th, 2603

I have received my Claw-Sisters back from the void.

Catvy's in a Coma, The others describe being put into cages and tortured... Only a few were able to break through and take up arms to defend themselves. Perhaps it was a mistake to send in the most sensitive souls. I was unable to go on the mission myself, as I was still wounded. A mark of shame, really. I'm not one to send others where I would not go myself: And being wounded left me unable to do so. I'm still walking off injuries from the base assault- The Herbalists would not permit my passage. Perhaps now they have even more precedent to do so.

Sanity has always been something in short supply regarding this Crew. Starry eyed dreamers are not exactly bastions of common sense- Earth has proven itself to be a Chaotic mire of confusion, avarice and death... and now stepping beyond the veil- I worry that will be the breaking point for many of our number. I've come to understand why shamans were always mad; that our witches always seemed to be a little off and why our kin shy away from plying too many whom peruse that path.

Its madness. Soul rending madness, that part of me wishes I could step back from. But the shadowmasters will not let me.

I feel an inexorable pull to the void now. As if weight was pulling me down. I can fight it: Quite handily. The lessons learned from fighting the Witches trials, and my own... Abilities, protect me. But I've come to understand the dream that I once saw- that left me with our awakened codex: It was a trial. To see if I could withstand and fight back against the influence of this... Shadow. It was also a dare to ambition. The later of this to be pondered another time. The importance here is that I can. But how many others cant? I have to curate whom goes into the void carefully in the future now.

Perhaps I can consult with the herbalists whom can measure who has seen these dreams and rejected it? I cannot tell my sisters to abandon 'Voodoo', nor are we in a position to do so. This world is so deeply mired in it, that to step away from its offerings is tantamount to suicide. Cutting off your nose to spite your face. But it is no longer enough to measure just raw potential. I must measure their character.

I must measure their souls. But at least the pay is good... And these... Echoes. I've been called into the summoning halls. For the saint is needed to guide these souls as well...

Stream is Over! (
A broken mirror, is a reflection of the soul... (
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Kamivax on May 24, 2024, 11:01:52 pm
For those who might be wondering why the Captain's Log for last stream was edited, it's because Kaminyan didn't go to the realm of fear the singular time we have gone there so far. If my memory of that stream is correct, she was still nursing wounds from a previous mission and couldn't go.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on May 25, 2024, 12:13:30 am
June 10th, 2603

Klaxons would blare as an alert was broadcasted across holds. A muster to arms for all Aerospace assets: Mobilize and prepare to engage enemy air assets. This was not the usual Hunter-Killer Protocols, in which they sank ships for profit. No, this was a battle for survival. All weapons hot- Crews are to work extended shifts and ensure all wings are repaired and reloaded within an hour of their previous mission. The Armory was open, and all requisitions for additional ammo were sanctioned.

The Pilots, whom once fought each other for the privilege's of conducting these missions- now dreaded the extended combat. There would be no argument over whom fought for the house- Whom was a knight of the sky. The romance pushed aside as the emergency orders were given. Protest was stifled as video feeds of abandoned structures were being bombed by what looked to be drone assault ships.

Turbo Penetrator missiles. They could breach into the hideout. Accompanied by powerful blasters that could rip apart Aerospace hulls.

The importance of the mission was made evident. Flak-Cannons might be able to intercept the missiles, but every scout they let slip through the net- was a chance that their home would be struck by the finger of god. As made evident by early engagements as well, There were entire wings of them. The sky was mercifully not full of them (Yet), but if they could not keep up the pace? That could very well change. Glory could and would easily be found in fighting such a menace, but such desires of glory bled away to sheer pragmatism. Resolve and fighting like cornered rats.

Once more, The house was taught humility. That there was always someone far more dangerous out there, and that now they had become a significant thorn in someone's side... They were not afraid to use those assets. For whilst the pilots were given orders? Starlight would not forget how it started.

A Red-Eyed menace. A child, whom spoke both of whimsy and sadistic glee. Of wishing to get to know her 'older sister'. And then, when she fell into despair. Into apathy, to claim we were all bound by masters. Puppets on strings. Then finally, not unlike glass breaking when we countered her designs - she shattered. Broadcasting herself on our screen.

Declaring War. That all Meanies were to be exterminated.

Stream is Over! (
Launch Every Cat-Jet. For Great Sauce. (
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: drew2319 on May 25, 2024, 01:38:35 am
Catvy's Log
I'm writing this from the medbay, where I seem to have my own dedicated little corner now. Turns out psychic coma wasn't the worst thing the Capnyan was going to put me through this year, no sir! I'm writing this one while everyone is out on mission, by the way, so I can say whatever the nya I want. Literally ten minutes after I wake up from that coma, Capnyan is kicking down the medbay door and demanding I get up to fight some lobsters.

That went well.

Holding a military structure with way too many entrances against a horde of walking armor and claws, I set up dead center under the open sky, and fired off more gas shells in the one mission than I've ever fired before. Team was doing well, except the one time someone leaves me alone, a [expletive redacted] crab snuck through and I had to claw it to death. Next couple of seconds, it happened AGAIN, but the second one got me across the chest. And exactly 20 seconds later, I felt another crab claw snap, and...I blacked out.

Woke up here, with the medbay runts wondering how the hell I'm still alive. They say I'm in here for another month with change. Again. The only thing keeping me sane right now is the amount of soda in the fridge and the fact that I can still walk around and operate my mortar on the range...good thing about my choice of weapon, it doesn't aggravate an injured shoulder.

I'm really, REALLY starting to question how the hell I survive this shit.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Kamivax on May 25, 2024, 07:10:25 pm
Kaminyan's Log
I finally get out the medbay after a month in following some nasty shocks from one of them fish people things...only to get sent back in...for another 18 days. At least it's just 18 days. I hope every time I get out the medbay I can spend at least one month out of it...I don't know how many times that has happened recently...that fish siege was fun...until I decided to shoot the enemy instead of the tried and true bonking. Not only do the lasers fail to down the target...THEY ALERT IT TO ME and it just zaps me into a month long stay. Every time I'm left in the medbay or at base, the voices come back...begging, pleading and sometimes DEMANDING for me to "make us whole" and then telling me to "collect the legs and heart" and every single time I've told them that we aren't getting missions where we get arcane boxes or that our undersea missions haven't had the fortune of finding those parts...or anymore parts for that matter. The stays in the medbay might be healing my body...but my mind only fractures further outside of missions. This stay can't end soon enough.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on May 30, 2024, 12:10:25 am
July 14th, 2603

Another man, spent and used like a torch. I grumble sharply as I pinch my brow, ears flicking with murderous intent- the tips pointed not unlike throwing daggers. I already know the words to be spoken: 'He knows nothing of the code. He cannot break the encryption'. My orders are the same: Let him go. He is of no worth to us. Perhaps it is unsurprising, That ship engineers would only know of ships and their function. But that does not help us now, nor me as I am gathered before my Claw-Sisters.

I am put before my peers. I am to explain myself, and the situation at hand. Whilst we have avoided disaster so far, it is only a matter of time. Even if this was to go perfectly, my crew wants to know why there are spotters attempting to TAG our home. So. With a heavy breath, I lean forward to start to explain myself.

"To explain, we're not blood-" "Well, No shit. Your not Canadian. Your weird Capnyan, but I dont think you've got royal blood in you!"

I shoot a look towards the Kit who mouthed off, a discerning eye as if judicating her punishment. She merely whistles and looks off to the side. A wonderful start to the conversation as snickering echos in the room. The next breath taken is a lighter one.

"...Right. Yes. So moving along. Aurora has been in contact with us for a long time-" "Hold on, she's been in our phone lines before this?! How long?!" I pull out a pen and chuck it at the second kit to interrupt me- the 'whiskers' on my face scrounging up as I flick it at her. "The next one to interrupt me gets a bottle to the head and a trip to the medical bay. Do I make myself clear?"

There is a silence. It goes on uncomfortably long, before I groan with a distain. Now they're following orders. I rotate my cuff, and receive the choir of obedience I asked for. Okay. Deep, irritated breath.

"...As for HOW long, she's been following us nearly the entire journey." I can feel the eyes boring into me. Yes. There is truth in this manner. I never really noted it down- assuming it was some girl whom became a Stalker. She dressed up as a pirate to try and impress me! Then when I didn't heap praise on her, she got incessantly depressed and bothered- What. Should I be concerned over every caller or individual whom wishes to throw themselves at my feet? That happens almost weekly now.

"...It started innocently enough. She called us over Government codes, when we still figuring things out. Said she was a fan, wanted to know more about Shadowtech-" A third of the crew breathes in to speak. I hold up a bottle of rum- and she acquiesces. No one wants to go back to the Medical wing- I get enough complaints that they have to stay in for too long. "-Which we didn't understand at the time. We had a few pieces of tech that made our base run. I made a few inquiries after the call and no one could trace the logs. So I let it be. Then she called a few more times. If people want to purview the logs, I had those recorded."

There is a silence. Good. Fear of the empress was put into them. Or the fear of the saint. Im starting to like that. My hands gently grip and loosen, as I speak.

"Yet she kept pressing. Wanting to know more. First she tried to placate me, dressing up as a pirate and sending me it as a selfie-" That got a chorus of snickers. I allowed them that, because it was pretty silly at the time. "-Then she wanted to know whom my masters were. I told her we had none... And she called me a liar." To quote the empress would have been equally unbelievable to a child. Or worse, made us attached to the Academy. So instead, I will bask in being a Queen. "..She danced before me as if taken by a fey mood-" Spritely as one as well. "-Then became crestfallen. That she could no longer trust me. Not before she had me."

"And THAT wasnt worrying?!"

I rose the bottle up, angled up to throw at the voice... but it was a fair question- and I did get to regale the tale. So I nodded in affirmation to the statement. "No more threatening then what we'd faced up to that point. And we didn't know what she was capable of. So I brushed it off." A mistake that they were paying for in retrospect.

"So the disruptions from the satellites was her!" Once more, I nod. "And all these hunter killers-"

"Are her. It is why I've ordered a full mobilization. When she took over the video screens from our Communications array... That was her declaring war. That we were no longer prey, but capable of challenging her? She took it as a personal offense. Which leads us to now." I pull out the data pad, marked with the symbol of our foe. Engraved and opulent. "Our efforts have led us to This. A datapad recovered from one of the Hunter Killers. It is why I have press ganged every engineer into figuring out its encryption. The governments aren't assisting us-" A groan from the room, that wasn't unexpected. "-So we must solve our own problems again."

"Why do we even entertain them?! What good do they even do for us?!" Everyone stares at the poor Claw-Sister speaking out of turn, before there's a clearing of someone's voice. "They... They Pay us, you moron." "Yeah, even the Tribal knows they're not useless. Just assholes." A nervious laughter echoes- before I call everyone to attention.

"Our opinion of our sponsors Aside- we are getting close to cracking the code. Once we do, we might be able to figure out where Aurora has been holed up. Once we do-"

"We'll raid her home, steal her away and ransom her back to-"

The bottle goes flying, shattering on impact against her thick skull. Rum goes flying in all directions- and the tragedy of wasted spirits echoes in the room. I said I would. So I did.

"We will do more then just ransom her." I stand with a firm resolution, chair pushed back as I slam my hand on the table. "We will make the Crown of Canada bow to us. Then we will take it as a prize. Sisters, The Canadians have already declared war on us! This is merely a formality! This is but a step forward in our conquest! To make a nation of earth bow before us- Will only affirm the validity of our claims! I ask of you, whom will be Claw-Sister whom will bring me my prize?!

The room erupts, now sanctioned to indulge in noise as they trip over themselves vocally to do so. After all, it was a chance for glory. A chance to rise above in status of our house... And that in no small part, mine own aura can move the masses. As if I am coated in a mantle of glamour... A privilege afforded to me by my increasing mastery as a Saint. Even if my crew is resistant- Veterans and equally potent souls in their own right, Even they can be swayed.

We will need it. To declare war on the Crown Princess of Canada... It will be no easy task.

An Herbalist breaks into the room during the ramboncous cheer. "C-capnyan, the report you asked for..." Already meek, she was rendered twice shy. A gentle pat on the head elevates her fears, with claws to scratch behind the ears. I am feeling generous in this moment of exuberant cheer. The rumbling in her throat is lost amongst the noise- as my eyes drift to the papers.

Aurora was on the move... And our agents had returned from scouting a newly burgeoning enemy... The Sky Ninjas. Things were moving apace.

Stream is Over! (
Beware, Beware. The Crown Princess Of Canada... (
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on June 01, 2024, 12:04:56 am
August 16th, 2603

Agh. I'm walking with a cane right now. Leg's a little lame, but I'll be functional here soon enough. There is advantages to being the Captain... and also annoyances. This is both in one. But I've been called for regarding some matters in the science wing, regarding the Brainers and Herbalists. A gentle clack to echo in this cacophony of madness and debauchery that is our home. I am interrupted by the echoing sound of noise behind me- as I cant my head to look.

The hanger is ablomb with noise and crew, arguing with each other. It is often wise to figure out what the crew is grumbling about before I have to take personal discipline on the matter. Introduce people to the brig, or the beatstick, or some other manner to keep them calm. The "Herbalist weed punishment" is a particularly fearsome one, as no one wishes to be in the same room as the head priestess when it goes on.

Indescribable things happen in those chambers. I am better off not knowing what.

Thankfully, it was something rather pedantic in the longrun. The first of the Hoverbikes was commissioned and sent to Starlight. It hadn't even been a day and kits are clamoring over it: wanting to give it special paint jobs, or claim ownership. I swore I even heard someone claiming they wanted to drop nukes off the back of the Cargo bay. There was the echoing sound of wrestling and tackling as teeth, fur and claw was leveraged in what could best be described as 'Catfights'. MP's were nearby to ensure nothing got out of hand (Even though some of the senior staff were in this kerfluffle...), so the situation was well in hand.

Besides, if they dont cut loose over pedantic, silly matters- they'll get themselves hurt over something else. So I let them be. I haven't needed to judicate every last thing in this base for a long time.

Instead, my focus returned back to the center of my actual attention. The laugh was welcome and a helpful salve. I found myself bypassing the Lab curiously enough (And to my annoyance), so having to walk from the literal end of one base to the other had better been worth the fact I was charlie horsing myself.

It was.

Before me stood a complex of supercomputers, hypertuned frequencies and signal boosters. An industrial strength cable directly running to the Hyper-Pulse Generator, and providing it and this new communications wing a symbiotic function. Whilst still under construction- Even its Skeletal structure was... Inspiring. Enough so that I wasn't going to rag someone in telling me that this should have been labeled as an Engineering project. But that is besides the point- Neither here nor there.

My fingers run across holograhic keys- tactile output tickling my fingers as resonance pinches back at me. This was it. This was happening. My eyes look to the monitors to be imbedded above- and I let out a deep breath, held for at least three years at this point. A smile crosses my features. Whilst the situation had become far more complicated... There was always the possibility to go home now. To petition the empress herself. No more middle-men, no more in-betweens. We could extradite people.

After three long years, I can abide by my promise. We could go home... Well. Others. The deals I've made. The angles I've had to play. The... Destiny that is before me. There was no going home for me anymore. There was only the path ahead. The road as a monarch- a Queen. A conqueror. But I could protect those who didn't want to be here. Protect those whom were done with the fighting. Protect those whom wanted to leave.

We often forget the point of violence. That it is a means to live- that glory is the foundation of our lives. That by fighting honorably, we give purpose to the violence and meaning to elevate us to a civilized status. That the measure of our worth is by the skill of our martial prowess. Whilst it is true that without the strength to see ones ideals through- without the will to power to seize and fulfill ones ambitions, that they are worth nothing in this world... It cannot be the end of the road.

Violence is a means to an end. Battle, not unlike winter, shall turn to peaceful spring.

Stream is Live! (
Hope is a Fragile Currency... (
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on June 06, 2024, 12:40:15 am
September 18th, 2603

The Space Comms are online. The Hyperwave-band is tested. Signal is being received. All lights read green. It was time to Phone home.

I give the Authorization. And the signal is sent.

Remarkably, we are able to connect to Fieras within minutes. The speed of Hyperpulse, and how the brainers have managed to wrangle it in... Its borderline fantastical. To think we started with three idiots whom didn't even know how of the world in broad-strokes, to having teams reverse engineering technology we've never even seen within months... Terrans are terrifying when they put their mind to something. Did they truly only lose because of simply being outclassed? Or was there something else? The assassin brotherhood, opposing the efforts of man so thoroughly that only he himself could be his bane? Or did the Star Gods come with fury and fire? Supposedly, something happened with the Knights of Cydonia- having won, and yet still surrendering earth...

Oh. Hold on. What is... What the fuck is this? Would you like to... No! Godsdamned advertisements. Even over hyperwave? And now I'm on hold... I grumble with a sharp breath, as i move to lean onto the counter, ears flicking with murderous intent.

This is why. This is why they lost. Because no matter how big you grow, you still have to deal with paperwork- and the need to hurry up and wait. A reminder that even a Pirate queen is still as much an equal as a tourist when it comes to getting a phone line into the central chambers.

Fuuuuuuuuuuck. I couldn't even ask for Liquor, I had to look 'professional'. So instead I would suffer silently, fingers tapping on the counter. Yoo hooo, yo hooo, a pirates life for-

An image would soon come to life on screen, as I shot up. Please let no one have heard me squeaking over the Comms. A white tiger of muscle, fur and armor was the visage I was greeted with once we were live. Age did not detract from His visage. If anything, he was not only a man- but an old man in a career in which many died young. He bore the experience of campaigns and the wisdom to direct the forces of the Mrrshan with unrivaled ease. Even that i was arguably his equal in standing now, for I was the Head of my house- his presence was imposing enough that I felt obligated to salute.

Social standing meant nothing, compared to fourty years of difference. He'd likely outlive most of the crew, and still keep fighting.

"Haw! So you are the one they are talking about. The Captain and Founder of 'Starlight'. Surviving on nothing but ingenuity. The She-Warriors would perhaps learn a thing or two from your tactics."

"You uhm... You humble me, Sir...?" A guiding question. I wanted to know his name. Some manner of formal address. He would deny me this.

"Sir will do. You are not yet free of that exoplanet and unworthy of my name. When you return to Fieras, perhaps we will take to drinks. Until then- you will listen and obey. Are we clear?" He is blatantly asserting dominance over me. And yet, I cannot help but feel moved to heel. As if the weight of the empress backed his words- and he knew this. As if I was a commander in the army, and he was the general. Worst part is- the relationship as it stood? This was true.

"We... We are clear, Sir."

He bristles his whiskers, a stern gaze upon me as if to drill the point home and crush me with social pressure... But he soon relents. There is silence- before he starts putting in commands to his console. "I will collaborate with you. Warriors of the middle ranks shall be allowed to volunteer to your cause. The training will be good for them, 'less their tails fall off from only training in the barracks." There is a pause, before there is a final sastified ding from the console "All glorious to you, Captain of Starlight."

I nod gently- and breathe in to speak. His gaze turns sharp, before he speaks again. I cannot get in a word edgewise- and it is a reminder why we left the Mrrshan military. An old man must assert authority over his army, 'less they think they can overtake him as General of the Pride.

"We have heard your request. I am directing you to Highstar now. He will deliver the will of the empress to you and you will abide by it. I only answered first, as I wanted to see who this upstart Captain was, if it was worth my time to allow my warriors to assist your cause. Your deeds speak- but I needed your measure. it is passable, for now."

But we barely said anything. Im not sure what has been proven-

"Transfering you now."

Direct and to the point. I suppose that's appreciated, considering what I have to deal with on Earth. And Im put on hold again. Wonderful. A sharp breath to brush some bangs out of my face as I wait on yet another government agency... One of the herbalists walks over, offering me snacks. I hold up my hand- an appreciated gesture, but those will have to wait. Things such as Rum, and cookies- Honey glazed meats and succulent fruits: I would indulge in its totality once we were done here. But I still had one last thing to do. So I would suffer here and wait.

It feels like hours, even though its merely minutes. But I see the face of the diplomat once more, and I rise to attention- hands folded as I keep a formal posture about me.

"Highstar, good to see you. I dont imagine you thought that I would be calling you now, would I?" There's a gentle smugness to my tone. As if I was challenging the man to how fast we progressed here. That we could contact the pride at Our Leisure. Yet he seems calm, and my attempt to make him budge does not even phase him. Which only makes me worried- because that meant he had something that made him stalwart. Not a good position to be in diplomatically. But I would clear my voice and speak. "I presume you've had the chance to review my extradition request?"

"Ho-bah. I have read your request. It is presumptious, but I have read it in is entirety. I have reviewed it with my council and the empress herself." The Empress? That's Why did it go up so far? Were we that much of a political liability? Or were we simply worthy of that much concern? I do my best to keep a stoic face, but that our simple request for formal aid in departing the system was so heavily scrutinized I am shaken by the concept. The words that follow, break me.

"It has been denied. You are in too important a stragetic position. By your own power, you have trapped yourself. The Ethereals are coming to Earth. If we were to arrive in any force capacity- we would provoke a war and cause a Genocide of our own we cannot prevent. If you wish to become a Warrior house, as you so claim- you will fight your way out and prove your right to exist by strength."

Emotion overwhelms me. I grip my fist hard enough that I draw blood- before slamming it down on the counter. "And what of everyone here whom Cannot fight?! There is Peregrine cult here- and the crippled! Non-Coms and-"

The diplomat keeps a strong face. This is not the first time he's denied someone, and faced an emotional reprisal. It will not be the last.

"As is your duty, you will protect them. Once it can be arranged- they will be extracated. To be a warrior house is not just luxury and glory, child."

Child? Child? He Insults me. "And what about the warriors I was just promised?! Was that an empty lie to placate me-"

"No. I am aware of the generals dealings. He believes there is merit to your efforts. The empress does as well. They will arrive on the Free-Trader ships, once they have been collected. Now mind your temper, Warrior. Or am I speaking to a mewling kitten- instead of the Captain of Starlight?"

I bristle under the words, the marks on my cheeks looking like flared whiskers. But there is nothing I can do. If I push back, I will damn everyone whom wants to go home. So I loosen my grip- and look away, just to try and save face. Nothing more then a few breaths to afford me time, before my voice goes low.

"I... I beg forgiveness. It is for the love of our people, that I acted so rashly. It has been a struggle to be so far removed from Fieras. I forget myself."

There is goddamn bile in my throat for having to admit that. That I was attached to the crown so directly. But it is enough to appease the diplomat, and that is what speaks right now.

"Forgiven. You are in a stressful situation and a new house head. You will be stronger for this." He clears his voice- before speaking once more. "As the empress has decreed- you are in a stragetic position now deemed too important to remove you from. You are instead given orders to Combat the Ethereals directly."

"And how are we do to that with the equipment we've got? We're scraping by with what we have." A soft rumbling from my throat suggests irritation. It would be easier if we had professional equipment. "Will the Empress provide us with what we need to combat this enemy?"

"Once the skies are clear. There is too much presence around earth right now. There is an agreement with Laputa to move people, but military supplies of such caliber will not go unnoticed. Bring us their Robes- and we will be able to sanction a release of supplies. These are your orders. Do you understand me, Starlight?"

I nod softly- before rubbing my face. I understand.

"Then I shall let you go. May you find Glorious victory."

The feed winks out. And there is silence. An herbalist meekly walks up to me, asking if I wanted anything now. I nod, and ask for a glass of water... The poor girl doesn't know what she is about to invoke. Dutifully she serves me. Tending to my need- and parches my thirst. I shall not waste water.

But as I move to leave, The glass is thrown with the force of a bullet into the wall. The sound of shattering glass echoes through the halls, and catches the attention of everyone present.

No one is dumb enough to speak to me right now. No one dares cross me. I pass, without trace.

Stream is over! (
On strings we dance, to tunes of others... (
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on June 13, 2024, 12:08:50 am
(Applogize for only one Caturday stream last week. I was needed for tasks and thus didn't feel comfortable just up and going in the middle of it. We'll be back on track for this one. Bright side- new parts for the computer!)

22nd of Oct, 2603

The volunteer force has finally arrived. Ten in total, coming with crates of wargear. The Smugglers could at least get that in without too much attention- specialists that they are.

The Divide between the homeworlders and ourselves is evident. Stark even. Whilst I am shown respect, for I am the commanding officer- they scoff at the crew I've assembled. My troops are battle hardened, experienced... and disciplined enough to listen. Their armories are unique and they are often draped in trophies and effects of their own design. As has been the case from our very inception: We were privateers and corsairs. Its why this whole pirate shtick works out as well as it does. We've been at this for longer then this- its just only these past few years stuck on a planet that made things interesting.

But to these warriors, our 'Claw-Sisters' are brutes whom only understand the basics of combat. A few were ACU's- Two were Fieras Freeborn. Smug superiority crosses their lips, knowing they had the most elite training the empire could muster. It was ten minutes before I had to break up a fight, and it was over the fact we're uncouth spacers. I debate if calling the empress was a goddamn mistake: But. They're professional pilots. They can fill out our airforce- and the care packages they came with are a package deal. Without them, there was no supply. So they're tolerated.

They need some adjusting, some rum, and maybe a hotbox or two to mellow out. The point of them coming here was to get them out of the house- so, in a way? We're dealing with our own unruly children. If nothing else, they're professionals- we can learn something from each other: Along with genuine combat doctrine. The Ways of Trounce.

A few of the Claw-Sisters took what they knew and had with them- adhering to one doctrine or another as befits their skills. I've noted it a few times, and they've served as Quasi-Political parties. But with actual Homeworld Veterans coming to intermingle with us, this dynamic might change very rapidly. Claw-Sisters joining Cadres to take their skills further, and focus their minds and bodies...

Every step of our journey has been built upon compromise, cooperation and stealing what we wish to grow stronger. Elite special forces training is merely another prize to a Corsair- and it will be easy to goad them into spilling their secrets. We'll see what makes the ACU so special: trained and prepared to fight 'Antarians'- whilst the Freeborn could show us what Nobility could do.

We would all be stronger by the end of this. Or they would be dead. Unfortunate- but a possibility.

Addendum: There was something else I needed to notate.

Cleopatra has gotten ahold of us again. Awhile back, she wished for us to participate in some gambling scheme in which we hunted beasts with nothing more then 'tribal weapons'. There was good money involved, and my huntresses relished the chance to take their skills further. It was fun, we learned quite a few things and made a tidy profit. That, should of been that. But fool that I was, I've come to realize what a mistake that was.

No, at least fools have the benefit of the doubt. Of ignorance- Such is why they're fools and not idiots. I should have known full well what I was doing in dealing with her. There was a reason she paid so much for us to fight. To bring my hunters to such dire locations, and combat in such odd scenarios.

For I looked upon an abomination. Children made of our blood and flesh, spilled during the Primal trials. Our very gene code has been weaponized to strengthen Thebes- our trials to further improve her understanding and mastery of our forms. There is no waste in this woman. No lumps of muscles or imperfection that marks her as having been born. Strong of mind and body- and slavishly devoted to her queen. She was put to heel by merely a word. First to the Queen Bee. Then, with but a mere word- to me.

A gift. A 'sample' for me to see. A silent implication and a threat. That our cooperation has brought us great boons- but that she was more then capable of combating us. That she could 'improve' upon us, creating warriors fitting for her empire. For now, our survival was a boon to her- and she wished to continue this relationship: But this was no alliance of powers. She had violated the sanctity of our kin, stolen whom they were and made obedient slaves. I wasn't looking at people- I was looking at Mutts designed entirely and solely for the purposes of combat.

Which is rich, coming from me. I'm one as well. But at least I was born. Not made.

Stream is Over! (
You will live to fight, and fight to live, here and now... (
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on June 15, 2024, 12:08:53 am
December 9th, 2603

"And we're certain this will stop them?"

My brainers nod. Finally, they understood the code and cracked the Datapad. The white haired bitch could hide no more secrets from us. Apparently, this whole assault? The commitment of military force and the aim to suppress us? to eliminate us, and presumably capture me? Was all apart of a grander operation called "Operation Snowstorm." Taking advantage of vulnerabilities in our early communications to have put in a backdoor. Ensuring if I didn't play nice- that she had means to track us down.

This was no longer a task she could accomplish. She could use old Targeting data- but other then our assets in the Dark Dominion? There was nothing she could do. She was locked out- and she would need to try a new angle to get to us. In essence, we've bought ourselves breathing room before she strikes again. Something we crucially needed. Recalibrating was going to take time anyway... So with a motion of my hand, I speak with a queens authority.

"Then make it so. If we have to go to ground for a couple of months, then It'll have to be so."

"Hopefully Capitaine, it will not be more then a month. Maybe two."

"Well, as long as we don't have to cancel Mega-Christmas over matters. That's Our Shtick, not hers..." I'd huff with some irritation- before i'd flip the pages of the document presented before me. Something catches my eye. Tapping my finger on the paperwork, I'd clear my voice.

"...And this an odd side project you've been working on, I see. A Dossier on the crown princess of canada? Rather scarse then I would expect of you all, but enough to work with. One might be suggesting that we go and settle the score- Stage a counter attack." I look at my council presumptuously. "Do you mean to go over my head and plan a military operation outside of me?"

There is a stoic deadpan in the room, as if my ribbing failed to even land. But the FBB would keep a small, delightful grin about her- as she gently flicked her hand.

"Ma Capitaine, you wound me. You pay me to think, and organize information for you. It is not My place to prepare for military operations... But I can certainly guess as to what you will do. Or what Honor demands we do. You will, of course, handle the planning. The rallying of the troops, what it is that you do. But why wait for you to explicitly tell me to look into our enemy? She will be a bother for My endeavors and as much as I'd enjoy a break..." She leans forward- the candor leaving her face as a deadly gaze crosses her eyes. "...There are so many Questions I have for her. Ma Capitaine- would you care to follow me?"

Follow her? An odd request, but very well. The council can wait. The FBB was the authority here, after all. So we pass through the halls- to a small enclosure dedicated to the research and designer projects of the Brainers and Herbalists. Pieces of wrecked HK's were brought here, the Nekorunts tearing apart pieces with their strange... goblin like tendency. But they made fine work of our equipment, and carried on enthusiastically. So we did not mind them. Instead, what I was looking at was the skeleton of what looked to be a Dropship.

"We've been so inefficient, using craft specialized in One thing... and those batteries? Ma Capitaine, we may be wealthy- but we must keep in mind our spending where we can. And the space we use for our hangers!" She threw her hands up, exasperated. "It is our way to embrace disorganized chaos- but think of all the space we could have if we condensed our hangers!... But to do that, we must have a craft worthy of doing everything- at a reasonable speed, must we not?"

Oh boy. This was a sales pitch. A rare thing from the FBB. It meant she usually had some 'better' idea for this week- that would be superseded next week. I'd roll my eyes- before my hands would find themselves looped into my belt again. "Alright- What is this craft then? What is the chariot that will get us to Heaven, Earth and Aurora inbetween?"

As if the magic words were muttered- my FBB sprung to life- her arms wide before the great skeleton. Her voice booming throughout the room.

"Behold, my finest craft yet! The Drakkar! Faster then our other craft- practically just as spacious as the flagship and limited only by the skill your pilots as to where it can go, and given what I have seen? That should be no such problem."

I walk over to the cockpit of the design, gently brushing my hand over the Canopy glass. A theory, still. She was promising a lot for this- but if it was true... It would be a miracle to say the least. But this was the FBB.

She could make those promises.

"How far along, are we?"

"Past conceptualization, and moving onto design." Well, yes, I can see that. "We are merely finalizing some theories regarding Aerodynamics and balancing the weight of the engine and its hardpoints... Give me three months, Ma Capitaine... No. Two." Ah, she was driven to the passions now, as she pondered. She had promised a lot... She wished to deliver. Or else her reputation was at stake.

"In two months, I shall give you the finest dropship that a Captain could wish for."

Stream has been over, sorry sorry (
Land, Air and Sea. No foe shall best me... (
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 15, 2024, 01:07:15 am
I have to say, I really dig that art as a Drakkar illustration.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Kamivax on June 15, 2024, 06:44:05 pm
So in the version we are doing this run on (N7.0.4) the singing spear does charm damage and gives Femme Fatale Commendations, but when we check the Xpedia (which is admittedly for version N8), it says it should do warp damage with a resist type of charm, and should give unmaker commendations (since its doing warp damage), is it supposed to do Charm damage in Version N7.0.4?
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on June 15, 2024, 10:20:35 pm
I have to say, I really dig that art as a Drakkar illustration.

Honestly, I got Really lucky stumbling onto that. Figured it was 'close enough', and it was a solid piece of art.

Also considering the Drakkar is The end game craft for us, It deserved a nice depiction. Its as much a character now as is our crew. Arguably far more disciplined too.  :P

Also, suuuuup Scorch. o/
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Kamivax on June 16, 2024, 03:30:13 am
Honestly, I got Really lucky stumbling onto that. Figured it was 'close enough', and it was a solid piece of art.

Also considering the Drakkar is The end game craft for us, It deserved a nice depiction. Its as much a character now as is our crew. Arguably far more disciplined too.  :P

Also, suuuuup Scorch. o/
It's not exactly fair to compare the discipline of cats and a literal machine
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 16, 2024, 10:55:47 am
Looking forward to the next episode! :3
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on June 20, 2024, 12:17:47 am
January 2604

I was told two months. It was my Christmas gift. In my stable, now lays a black devil under my command. As fast as our flagship, with a combat load far closer aligned to our combat doctrine. A beauty of a dropship, and even capable of carrying tanks. It was everything I was promised, well under half the time that was needed. As I ponder this, I've come to realize that my FBB has been... exaggerating timelines to me. I've started to catch onto her little trick. Whilst not perfectly so, I've come to learn that any equation she's been throwing at me, has been divisible by a factor of four.

Giving her that box-set of Earth Xenophilia paraphernalia has been a monumental mistake. But the amount of work she puts out, and the joy she experiences in such matters is... I can excuse the quirks, I guess. Maybe. But that is besides the point.

Once more, I feel a foreboding as the new year comes about, despite the calm. This year was the first with the Claw-Warriors, and they certainly brought back old traditions to the base. It is only in our fourth year and their contrast- that I realize how much we've acclimated to earth tradition and culture. They held a silent vigil to the fallen- and we aimed to share gifts and joy to the base. They treated the season as somber melancholy, and we have adopted the spirit of revelry.

How quickly this planet and its customs have effected us. It explains why our Tribal cats were so swept up, so fast. How we became so... and how fast these Claw-Warriors may come to join us. But once more, besides the point.

I keep making side tangents- to distract myself from the gentle feeling dread that is upon us. I believe it was... Two years ago at this point, that I felt this very way. Or maybe just a year- The time flows so fast. Despite combat and despite the death... It has become normal. A campaign measured in the vast stretch. But it was on these days that I once again reflect and ponder- and know that our enemies are returning. An Ethereal task force came to seek us out: Figure out where we were and root us out. We parried and countered them as best as we could- but they have not deigned to return.

They will be returning soon, with how much we've established ourselves on this world. How much people have come to fear our 'sect'. Even in our simple efforts- our effectiveness in battle and blood spilt, we've established a new world order. The governments confer with us in our efforts to mediate their conflicts. They've betrayed information of where the factions establish their permanent installations in which they derive their power- and it was only just three days hence that we blew an entire academy center of learning sky high.

Nothing more then a crater. An offering of the truest faith to the destroyer.

It has been a slow road to get here, but our enemies move against us.  They know what we're capable of. We've proven time, and time again. Endlessly- in combat, the strength of our dominion. It is even now, that we start to reverse engineer the very technology of the Ethereals. We finally understand enough of their means- that we can bring valuable information back to the Empire.

Do I want to though? I have ruminated and pondered my navel for quite some time, but a choice is coming. Its coming soon. It has woven its way into my dreams- but one does not need the powers of a saint to feel it in their bones. Undoubtedly- my Claw-Sisters can feel this too. They have fought hard and long enough, been with me long enough to feel that the season of change is upon us once more. That they can feel that a decision must be made on the matter. That we will soon reach a point of no return.

To swear loyalty to our crown is one thing. To be bound by it is another. To write this, treasonous- and I could easily be sentenced to death for such thoughts. But such is the weight of crowns.

It is not upon us yet. But the signs will start to emerge. Then we will see what I rule over.

I needless to say, ruined Christmas by being a Sour Pus. I have only just recently recovered from being thrown in the hotbox and told that i needed to take a 'chillpill'. I don't like these 'chillpills'. I've only been cursed with introspective pondering and damned visions!

Stream is oVER! (
It is in Light, where the Darkest Shadows are cast. (
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on June 22, 2024, 12:05:31 am
January 29th, 2604

The Files led us here.

An imposing metal door that could survive the test of time. Built into the side of a mountain- with enough snow to disguise the flat of a landing pad. We'd of thanked the designers to give us such a clean location to land the Drakkar, but. They're long dead. Had the defenses worked as intended either, we'd be cursing them instead for being bastards. But, that was neither here nor there.

Metal door, attached to a solid Plastasteel frame. Wide enough to accommodate a vehicle bay and... arguably tall enough for a Ethereal walker to go through. A curious design decision. Did Humanity invent their own war machines, before the end? Or was that the Knights of Cydonia? We knew that they made one desperate gamble to claim victory from an impossible situation... Maybe we got very lucky. Maybe we just found a cache. Their last testament on this world.

Or maybe its desperate thinking, as I can see my own breath in this cold. I can tolerate the chill and even I'm Starting to get bothered by it. We cant stay out here for long, and we have to get inside somehow.

"C-capnyan." One of the Claw-Sisters takes to my side, shivering. Even bundled up with furs and a scarf, even with that a funny hat of the Red Revolution and the little flaps on it- she cant handle this cold. She'd holding an 'Aye-Suite', something a bit fancier then just the 'Phone'. Motion, Radiation, Thermals- with a penetrating X-Ray Layer to see through it. The Knights however were far more clever then the average human, as it turned out.

"W-we cant tell what's inside... Radiation levels are present, but low. M-more like a leak, instead of an atmospheric effect. C-clean otherwise. T-The walls are lined with lead, and we cant get a deep scan. L-low level energy signatures are present, its why we likely didn't get shot coming in..."

I nod gently to her, hand resting on my hip as I breathe in deeply. Right. My ears flick with irritation- as I look to the door once more. "I see. Can we get through the doors with the codes we've gotten from the Russian files?" Otherwise, we were going to need the mining laser, and that could take a few minutes- if not more." A SolMine Geo Charge was going to be a bit much here and risked bringing an avalanche on our head. As much as 'Big Explosion' was tempting and a rapidly growing favorite amongst the crew.

"N-not without power from an external source."

I sigh sharply, and rub my face. Okay then. "Then get one of the bloody cables and hook in the onboard engine to the front doo-" Claxons then fired off. Everyone present immediately twisted to the sound- weapons up.

"Who the fark just triggered an alarm?!" "Wasn't me, I was too busy admiring the view!" "I'm providing overwatch- I aint anywhere NEAR!" Accusations go flying until the source of the sound is sourced. All guns turn to the kit standing in front of the keypad- her hands up as her comrades stare at her, blinking. Her knife instinctively drawn in the ready position- she'd just... thumbs towards the keypad- before clearing her voice. "You were all putting in the codes wrong!"

People lower their weapons. Some incredulously. Some amusedly. I step in as I pull up my cannon and motion with my head. "Alright Claw-Sisters, Come on! This doesn't mean this place is safe! Stack up- There might be more humanists on the other side- and we just rung the bloody doorbell!"

"Oh hell, more Nazi Prey? I didn't get my fill last time! I'll feast on their bone mar-"

"Shut it, or I'll feast on Your Bone Marrow!" Obediently, my sisters fall in line. Despite the levity, we all knew we were walking into the Lions den that wasn't ours. When we weren't going to tear our sisters a new one, we were predators upon the prey. Seconds feel like minutes, and minutes feel like hours as the doors struggle to animate. Fighting hundreds of years of abandonment, and several blankets of snow- only for its full function to be demanded. Patience was required. We were in no rush, and neither was the machinery.

Not unlike the aforementioned prey however, the doors would eventually yield. Lights would flick on- and we would storm inside. Breaching the entrance lobby with the fury of a stormtrooper- it was mercifully clear. That was before us was a service elevator- and no other way down. Well, at least we could all fit on the damn thing, gear and all. When the weight allowance was in full bloody Tonnage- no amount of us that could fit was going to make that thing hitch. So- once more, we exercised patience and got on the elevator. And slowly down did the gears grind, straining to operate past the rust and-

"Capnyan, can I have a smoke, now that im not freezing my bits off?" "No." "Empress damn you."

Sometimes, I forget I lead kittens.

With a reverberating stop that threatens to throw us off balance- we brace and ready to storm the facility. A Claw-sister mans the button to open the doors. We take a breath, and then we slam it- as hydraulic discharge reveals the sight of the base.

Its in a tragic state.

We barely get half out the door when Momentum dies. Whilst the interior has been preserved as best as it could be, its been hundreds of years. Wall paneling is falling off, lighting is faulty and there are bones. Human bones. Fanning out as we assess the damage, the soft hum of internal batteries and incandescent lights. It has a... Ire resemblance to Starlight in its design. At least, before we had our way with it. My hand drags against the wall- before looking to my fingers.

Not even a mote of dust at all. Hell of a thing, Plastasteel. At least, I assume so. The color is off- and it could be some other composite alloy...

I hear our boots echo throughout the facility- and I take it as my que to step forward in my own direction. I go where my feet tell me, and trust where my gut sends me. Its something I've learned to do, given all that has happened and the powers I command. It is not long before I am the first, though certainly not the last, to step into what seemed to be their heart. Their nexus- Where the Knights of Cydonia planned, observed and died. Their terminals are still abuzz- having powered on to meet their new masters, their holographic map of earth slowly animating to life. As I look around, the permanence of the walls reveals what the Knights called themselves- marked with a distinctive symbol.

An X. X-COM: UFO Defense. Vigilo Confido.

I hold up my hand up to the symbol- a bit beyond my reach, but I cannot help but ponder what they could of been like. How much hope they must of placed in these people. How proud they must of been to fight against the Ethereals... How far did they come to fail so close to their goal? Were they even alive to realize how far their people had fallen? Or was it all inevitable in the end?

Would we also inevitably fail? Or did humanity simply fail to become special? The weight of eons suddenly rests on my shoulders. I turn my head to overseers office above all, and the stairs leading up to it- before flicking my head to the Geoscape. I could look at it later. Shaking my head, I start the ascent up the metal steps to... What was obviously a sealed door with a keypad lock. Goddamnit. I slam my hand against the steel X infront of me- as if a target to hit, and growling in frustration. And there was nothing about a code for this door either- or rather. I don't know what it would be called, and I don't remember each one off the top of my head. So I just slam some of the buttons with my finger in an instinctive rage.

Then it clicks and lets me in. The hell? I would guess I got lucky, but... No. I've learned to not believe in that anymore. Or at the very least, to look twice. I peer at the code for future reference... 0451. Hah.

Stepping in- Stale air escaped and what was left was... a room. A simple thing that. I only saw the deck- but this was nothing more then a quarters for someone whom led this organization. A Captains quarters, one might even say. But it was filled with the mundane and the Xenological. On one hand, items for hobby. Ruined by the eons and inattentive care. On the other- Trophies of what was clearly the Ethereal forces. A mutons skull, mounted on the wall. A Recticulan weapon alongside a disassembled laser pistol... in a pattern I've never seen before.

The humans had access to Lasers before their fall. They had access to Good lasers.

Alongside it- there was a terminal, with a dull light. An audio file was left open- and was asking to be replayed. Without hesitation, my fingers drifted to the touch screen... How did I know it was one? Never mind. It responded to my touch- before the terminal would bark back at me. Thankfully, it was in Terran Common- so. I could understand it.

'Chief Agent Zander-

If you are hearing this, I am either dead, or incarcerated. Congratulations, you are now the Commander of XCOM. Treat her well- Or at least, better then I have.

As you are aware of, Witch Point was bombed out of existence and Men in Red barely weathered their last assault. We've transferred all industry here to Last Light, along with any spare equipment that could be afforded. Considering those bastards in the council are going to cut off our funding- Your going to need to lean on our contacts and start reselling weapons to anyone that'll buy them. Try the UAC corporation- They still owe us for that favor on the moon. Otherwise, do what you can to try and pilfer from what you can from the Golden Academy. Its a miracle that they're still around- but when your the favored child of the Ethereals, what can you do?

Your going to have some Ruskies come on by as well. Don't panic if this happens- they're still trusted allies. Not a single one of them wants to bend the knee, and thank god for it. Part of the compromise is access to our research labs. Yes, I do realize what this means, but considering our ass is to the wall right now, and that half of the known world has turned against us, seduced by power? Theres only so much we can do. We have to fight fire, with fire. Besides, I'm not against having the Ruskies armed with Turbolasers or whatever nonsense they come up with.

If your wondering where I've gone, I've taken the avenger along with the rest of the Crusade unit for an operation against the MiB. We're going for what we've suspected: That those traitors have the movements and permanent installations for the Aliens. As long as one of us can get that Rosetta Stone to you, we've a hope of finishing this fight. We've staging it as if we were going for a 'last desperate gamble'. Perhaps in some ways, it is. But you have to trade a cut for a kill, Zander. We're bringing enough ordinance to make this a grave for two. And if we cant make it out, they should be able to recognize my armor and the Ancient Katana. They'll know they 'got the commander' and that they have 'beheaded us'. That should buy you some time and space to figure out the rest.

We'll be launching from where it all started: From Starlight. Wish us luck. And should we not return, keep up the good fight, soldier.'

Well. Hell. That explains a lot. And shows how long we've been guided on this entire journey.

I slump my head against the counter- as I sigh deeply. I was not comfortable with this. But... We could review this later. Right now, I needed to download this information and get it on my Tac-Pad. Though, Turbolasers? Once I'm plugged in and starting the process- I flit back to the menu, Thank god I've got administrator access, and begin to browse what files there are. It looks like they had a Codex themselves- the 'UFOPedia'. I'd make a comment on the matter, but the Brainers named Ours the 'Bootypedia', so. Stones at glass houses. Thankfully easier to navigate too, given its got a search function.

It only takes a minute to find what I'm looking for. XCOM lives- if but in a small way. The old earth has yet to yield itself.

Stream is over! (
I am watchful. I am Vigilant. (

Edited: Fixed up a minor Lore Oopsy, and did some spell checking. Somehow missed some things on the first pass.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 22, 2024, 02:25:30 pm
Awesome scene. I enjoyed it a lot.

One point though: Zander was leading the Cydonia mission, not the original Commander. Not sure if this aligns with the text, though I may misunderstand it.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on June 22, 2024, 05:36:22 pm
Awesome scene. I enjoyed it a lot.

One point though: Zander was leading the Cydonia mission, not the original Commander. Not sure if this aligns with the text, though I may misunderstand it.

Naw, its my fuck up. A good eye, ser- and happy to admit fault to correct it. I actually ruminated on this for a moment and its thankfully a very easy fix. The Moon Missions Strike Again.

I'm glad it reads well. Admittedly whilst writing it, I felt it ran on a bit to 'get where its going'. But uh. Only so much detail you want to put in before it gets too wordy for a forum based format. Had some idea of maybe showing more of disheveled state of the base. Maybe making the audio recording one of the AI's a 'Keeper of the mission' to see the resolve of the Cats.

Maybe a return to this in a less 'updatey' fashion. I've wanted to write more stuff that isn't 'stream is live'- inbetween content. But, been busier then I like for awhile. Or, maybe there's a blessing in keeping it tight.

I have admittedly read the Bootypedia for the Zander Files and trying to smoothly connect his ascension to the command seat, given the commander apparently is busted in 2005. I uh. must of somehow spaced he leads that. There's a little weirdness in mixing both Files Canon and GuavaMoment's Canon.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 23, 2024, 12:45:56 pm
Naw, its my fuck up. A good eye, ser- and happy to admit fault to correct it. I actually ruminated on this for a moment and its thankfully a very easy fix. The Moon Missions Strike Again.

Understandable. It's pretty hard to follow every detail, as there's no easy to read timeline.

There's a little weirdness in mixing both Files Canon and GuavaMoment's Canon.

Heck, I'm not immune to that either. Probably the biggest hiccup are the origins of UAC. Dioxine has always intended the UAC to be created in late XXI century, as the last great initiative of independent Earth, but I misinterpreted it and wrote UAC to already be active in the 1990's. This remains a major continuity problem which I don't know how to solve...
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on June 24, 2024, 10:14:35 pm
Understandable. It's pretty hard to follow every detail, as there's no easy to read timeline.

Heck, I'm not immune to that either. Probably the biggest hiccup are the origins of UAC. Dioxine has always intended the UAC to be created in late XXI century, as the last great initiative of independent Earth, but I misinterpreted it and wrote UAC to already be active in the 1990's. This remains a major continuity problem which I don't know how to solve...

To be fair, both situations Can be true. Given the UAC is a bit more shadowy in files- it could of just been that the remnants of what's left of the Old Earth folded in and they became a more Public figure in XXI. From what I understand- the UAC Corporation is more subsidiary to BlackOps/Syndicate During the 90's. Not unlike the Lotus going from 'Shadow Cult that worships the Golden Lady' to 'School for children and maybe a few psykers, we swear only good intentions.'  ;)

The fun part of a wonky timeline is details get messy and loosely connecting dots are acceptable.

Edit: Nnnnnope, misremembered that connection too. Gaaah.

And now i realize im getting more spoilery for your own stuff- They are fighting a Civil war within their own organization. Considering XCOM goes in, cleans up their house and deals with the first 'wave' of invasion from the Demons/Shadowrealm, alongside trashing their parent company, it is exactly the situation that allows them to go independent and 'pay back the favor' they owe XCOM by being Humanities last light. Short of XCOM itself, of course.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 25, 2024, 10:24:50 am
Yes, I see it in a similar way. But Dioxine's vision was different, and it was first, so I still consider it a problem...

Anyway, looking forward to the next episode. 8)
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on June 27, 2024, 12:16:02 am
April 6th, 2604

Im starting to neglect my work.

I've been pouring over the UFOPedia we've recovered from Last Light. I've been forwarding useful technical read outs to the Brainers and Herbalists, as is their want. The Brainers are Ogling over the new laser designs, and the herbalists keep them in line to ensure they don't make a giant laser discoball or something. There was a notary of some safety instructions regarding it in their Codex- Apparently we would not be the first to try that trick.

That killed their enthusiasm pretty fast.

But that's not what I find fascinating. There's time Capsules in here. Apparently- they were prepared for the potential future (That sadly came to pass) in which Humanity would find itself in a dark age. That they would not be able to beat back the Alien invasion. There is... Cultural data here. Maps of the old world. Governments and how people lived. Music, foods. Some works from a guy who shook spears or some nonsense. Overly wordy for my tastes but extrapolates some of the 'middle ages' for us. But this is beyond what the recorded testament's of the old earth books were talking about. More then just the history of how things came to be: Its a library full of-

"Capnyan. The Red Mage is knocking on the front door- she's wondering when the accommodations will be complete."

I glaze my eyes up to a familiar black tabby for a moment. Or is she black?... Okay. No. She is. I haven't glazed my eyes into oblivion yet. I flick my hand off handedly, probably sounding more tired then I mean to- my eyes lowering back down to my scripture.

"Tell her to ask the Herbalists. I don't happen to have rooms made of crystal lattice and inscribed with symbols- and do you want to get Squirrel out of hers?"

She chafes under statement- but silently relents. Smart kit, neither of us want to go in there. Its practically otherworldly at this point. And thus, I go back to reading for a moment. Looking back, this was probably a mistake. I can hear a pin drop in another room, yet right now my ears were practically plugged with fluff- didn't hear what she said. Then she speaks again.

"She's been asking for assistants for some help. Do you mind?" "Mmhm. If she needs help, go and... Bloody help her." "And she wants the simulacrum parts." "Okay. We're not using them for anything." "And the Zortrium crystals-"

I look up with an unamused stare as the questions keep coming. I swear I caught a glimpse of a... Devilish smile? But my ears flick irritably, my tone growing sharper. "Look, whatever she needs- I'm Sure we can provide her. My patience is being tested here, is there anything else you need?" I'd then hold up a finger. "Wait. Hold on. When was the Red Mage here-?"

Now she's definately grinning. Smug tribal cat shit. Her tail flicks with bemusement- before speaking up. "During Christmas time. Dont you remember? She came on by with wine and-"

I hold up my hand, groaning irritably. "There's your reasoning. Probably got so smashed for new years I forgot again. Fine. Okay. She's here. We're getting her a room. Get her what she wants." My eyes drift low, if but for a second.

She nods- bowing her head before moving to leave. "She'll make us whole again..." My ears shoot up, eyebrows raised. "Make us what?"

"Nothing- Capnyan."

She departs, and I sigh softly. Very well. At least I can get back to my reading. So, what was this about the French and their crepes?

"Capnyan, Capnyan!" A kit, one of the newer members of the crew, marked with ebony hair and a bandana crashes through my door, My door goes flying off it hinge as I watch it go flying into my wall. Thank the empress it didn't hit any of my valuables, but I am needless to say, thoroughly unamused. Raising up with a deathly stare, i'd motion with my hand. A silent insinuation to speak, before I went to get my beat stick and find it walloping her head. I see a flicker of shame, before she speaks up. "Your needed on the bridge! The ninjas are making moves!"

"The Ninjas...?" Did I forget about them too? Good god. I really have been reading too much. I make a quick note of the sister in question, before grabbing my gun and my Zwei- I'd motion the Kit in question. "Claw-Sister, whats your name?" My voice is firm, authoritative. Im not in a mood.

"They call me Kingdom Knight!" Pretentious. But I suppose she does look regal- adorned as a warrior should be. "Fine. Lead the way. But the door is coming out of your pay." "Whaaaaat?! Come on-" "MOVE."

It doesn't take us long to get to the command deck. A chorus of salutes greets my entrance- as I move to take my throne. I snap my fingers and motion to the communications officer: My orders are clear. Bring up the Geoscape. And so she does: Numerous red dots are spreading out. Tracking Data for what was a fleet of Jet fighters securing the Airspace around the world. Screening for coverage against enemy factions... Notably, us. A manifesto has been sent to us.

'To the Vile pirates of this world:

You do not belong here. You are Anathema to our very existence. Your belief in the demon gods alone marks you for death. That you are marked as their chosen- is a mistake we have let fester for too long. But not only that, they have chosen an outsider: A Foreigner. An Alien to be their ally. We have meditated on this truth and it has been revealed. You were not to be our chosen enemy- to prove ourselves against a worthy foe. Your existence is a defiance of what should have been, and will be. We declare war on you, Half-Breed. We resist you, as mutant kind resists the star gods. The difference is that we shall succeed.

Should you wish to spare the rest of your degenerate kind, you may surrender yourself and your leadership. Otherwise, we shall purge every soul whom is of Nekomimi stock. Your blood shall be offered to the Liberator, and we will suffer no stain of your Pirate culture OR filth to remain on this world.

Prepare yourself. The Shadowmasters will be watching.'

My grip tightens. My gaze sharpens. I growl sharply- as I look to my communications offer. "Where did the declaration come from?"

"Unknown, but all Hyper-Pulses are tracking the Origin point of the various missions from the Antarctic!"

Clever. We cant merely just assault that. They chose a fortification point to specifically target our weaknesses. And right when we are tasked by the empress to fight back against the star gods, an already daunting task regarding our equipment... My better judgement leaves me. I stomp back up to my feet, my hand emphaises the movement. I speak with fury and fire in my voice.

"Launch every fighter we have. I do not want to see a single goddamn ninja in My skies. Quartermaster, Ensure that we are Well stocked on our 'Warcrime' rounds, and ensure no claw-sister goes without CRY-Gas. For every drop of Mrrshan blood they spill, I will ensure that their mutated blood burns like the fires of Phlegeton! I will Scour and scalp them, and for every badge a sister brings me? I will ensure an extra share of rum and a golden credit chit!"

I mask my anger with zeal, and conceal my feelings in the joy of my crew- whom are already happy to pursue the genocide of our enemy. But for me, its personal.

They knew where to stab to hit my heart.

Stream is Over! (
The Shadowmasters will be watching. (
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on June 30, 2024, 12:15:14 am
=Applogizes for not posting on Friday. I had some affairs that took place in the middle of the day. You get a Saturday Caturday Today.=

May 16th, 2604

I sit before a council of my peers.

No one here is on trial- It is a review of the last combat reports. Or rather, a lack thereof. It should have been expected really, but it is a reminder that I cannot be goaded into such foolish action again. Usually, when a party declares war so openly- they are on the attack. They are aiming to strike and overwhelm you. To gain the decisive advantage in the conflict to come. In a way, they did achieve such- but only in the way that sneaky bastards could.

"Dancer, how many interceptions did your wings manage?" My tone is weary. I know the answer to come. But I must ask for throughness in the report.

"Few. None of them aligned towards the Ninjas. They co-opted to bounce signals off of Trader Guild vessels. Every shot down craft was under their IFF, or a Civilian-Vessel flying through the skies. Thankfully, we have avoided breaking out commitments and there was no Non-Com Kills." The last of her words is almost prideful. As if there was a professionalism to go with her report. Such is the pride of the Wing Commanders. I nod with a solemn nod- before turning my head to my Hunters. Two of them of my original crew- I swear that Zephyr and Fleur are sisters with the fact they're both limeys. The last is an addition through merit- Viola. Fine archers they are, and fine trackers they must be.

"Huntresses, how was your tracking and investigation of the enemy fortifications?"

"Terrible. Its too cold up there. You'll freeze your tail off first before you get close. Even using some of those Elerium powered furs that local use, its unbearably cold." Fleur scoffs as she folds her arms. Her sister in Lime immediately responds as well. "Worse, they've studied our tactics. Heavy fortification guns and AA to prevent our approach. Heavy Plastacrete fortifications will make leveraging our tank slow without blasting the studs out."

Which meant Solmine Geo Charges, slowing us down and allowing them a better response time. And its likely that they had plenty of these strategic options throughout their facility.

"Captain, if I may-" The third of their number speaks. "Perhaps we could just fly over them? I-i know we have jetbikes and that they would be too light for this, but what if we used the tanks we took from the Mercenaries? Wouldn't that be a good way to draw fire from their AA and be reasonably protected?"

"Ah, Mon Cher- Your thinking is sound, but the theory does not meet reality." The FBB Interjects at this point, as she places down a Datapad with as much care as you would expect an Uber-strain to do. At least the Data-Pads are made for their needs: They weren't breaking that brick. "The Capitaine and her kind are too big to pilot a Hovertank. Even as small as you can be- you are not the size of a black box." Viola blinks absent mindedly- her tail flicking quietly. "Its Automated?"

"Indeed it is. Even in all my experience, the biggest cockpit I can put into it, is one sized for a Lokknar." So, it was impossible then. We would have to make do. I look to the FBB before grumbling quietly- and motion to her. "I presume you've put your mind to more 'Pragmatic' solutions? Ones that would be realistic for our use?" The FBB Lights up with delight again. The common mistake I make, but whom am I to deny her the passions? This time though, she has pragmatic examples, as she clomps several guns onto the table. X-COM Weaponry. Well, that didn't take her long to reverse engineer and prototype, did it? Several of my sisters look with awe as they pick up the weapons.

"Why is there a charging handle on the side of the Laser Rifle?" "Because it looks cool, and its more familiar to the hands- coming from using the Omega Rifles."

Well. Cant fault that at all.

"As you have requested Cap'n, These are the first generation of Nuclear lasers. So very intricate in their design, but so... Simple, in practice. I am already devising the second generation. The battery is a bit... Heavy for Mrrshan. But we do have those synthsuits for a reason, do we not?" She's not kidding. Even picking up a basic Lasgun, this thing is a solid brick. Its like swinging my Zweihander in rifle form. The sisters will have to get used to it. A sharp exhale- the FBB looks to me, and clicks her tongue.

"Ah, no no no Ma'Capitaine. That one is Not for you. That is too light weight. You need something more impressive then that. Shall I show you to the Prototype of the second generation?" All eyes fall on her, as she pulls out what is very clearly a 'Big ass Rifle'. More sized for a Lion instead of our frames. More clearly sized for an *Uber*, and even she's struggling to carry it. I stare at her blankly, unable to resist snarking as I do so.

"I thought this was meant to be More Portable. Not less."

"Bah... I am working that out!" Theres a loud, clanging echo as she placed the weapon on the table. "Someone, bring down the blast shield! The Capitaine needs to try out our new test weapon!"

For my part, I pick up the weapon. Holy Shite its heavy. This is a lot, even for me. But, I'm able to carry this thing. Flicking the switch, it spools up like a goddamn powerplant in my hand. Like conjuring lighting in my hand. I can Feel this thing vibrating as it hums to life, and it commands a deadly respect. I know my FBB was reticent to give us some Uber Inspired designs because we couldn't carry it... But hells. Maybe she had some good ideas. It takes my entire body to lift and use this thing comfortably, but I'm able to flick my aim pretty comfortably. Maybe I'll see if the FBB cant stick a bayonet on this thing. The trigger pull is firm and sastifying, and the blast of the weapon is sharp and quick.

I put a hole into the blast wall with but a single pull. It doesnt withstand continuous assault. A rapturous applause is had- because if we can print one? We can print many. And everyone is excited for the new gun.

"Introducing the Battle Laser. For your heavy Troopers- Ma' Capitaine. Otherwise, I offer you Scorchy, Snuffy, Fatty and Stingy. Specialized weapons for all your needs- and no ammo concerns to be worried about. The perfect weapons."

Unless we're fighting the church. Setting the weapon down with a audioable clunk, I take a deep breath, before looking to the FBB, motioning to her.

"Lasers are good. I applaud your work... but I want something more personal." A heresy leaves my lips. "I want an upgrade to our Pulse Guns. You've seen them work. You know how they operate. The Neko-Runts have been long practiced in maintaining our equipment, but I don't just want to maintain. I want a true improvement. Mrrshan fight with Ballistics. Make me a better gun." My voice is challenging. Authoritative. The FBB is taken aback, but... scratches her chin. Then she curls her lips.

"...I believe I have an idea. Allow me to speak to the engineers you brought in during the last month. I need some... External expertise on this. But between the files and your pulse guns..." She ruminates. Thinks. If she was possessed of our feline features, she would undoubtedly be far more animated. But she instead is possessed of a cool, calculated mind. Then she snaps her fingers.

"And it wont even delay the Lascannon either. Yes Capitaine- Your will be done."


"Ah. Do not worry about it. All things in due time."

Stream is Over! (
Oh boldly hunting we go... (
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Psyentific on June 30, 2024, 07:26:43 pm
"Well yes we've had Lascannon, but what about Heavy Lascannon?"
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on July 04, 2024, 01:02:24 am
"Well yes we've had Lascannon, but what about Heavy Lascannon?"

Now only if we could find a Cat that could carry it...

=Hey, sorry about the delay on this one. Friend called me on some matters and it went on for a bit. Friendo is all good though!=

July 1st, 2604

Its been a quiet month. At least, so far as our profession allows.

The Brainers and herbalists have been hard at work. Sometimes, that is how the world simply works. I could describe the wonderous things they're working on- but that's not my job. That's why we have a codex, where we can read such things. There is but only one technology that I would go at length about- due to its fearful implications. But that is for a later time. Right now, it is merely Pandora's box, and I know that if our empress was to learn about it...

Well. We would suddenly have a much tighter leash. But we could also secure ourselves a very comfortable retirement. After all, we reversed engineered a prototype of the Ethereal forcefield. We already had a working sample with Blitz armor, but that was using localized, infantry scale refractors. This? This is a ship scale forcefield. This... this could change the nature of warfare. Far more then Plasma guns. Far more then simply building bigger ships- for we certainly do. We would be able to last in a fight.

How does one in a war? Logistics. How does one keep a solid logistics train? You keep losses equal to production. How do you keep your losses equal? You keep your attrition rates low. And finally, how do you keep your attrition rates low? You preserve what you have. And what better way to preserve your equipment then an extra layer of ablative defense? Morah had always been a struggle to generate this field- A strong energy source, but hard to disperse and keep a craft fueled. Forcefields are energy intensive- after all. But figuring out how it was done in an Elerium template...

It wouldn't be hard to translate into a Morah format.

Once more, not my concern. I have to think localized. That's a problem I'll deal with if it gets out. She doesn't know, we cant make much use of it ourselves right now- out of sight. Out of mind. Instead, I ponder to the world at large. Our contacts have grown increasingly reticent to make open deals. Law is starting to return to the planet and big craft have been... Rarer as of late. On one hand, I worry if we've been too effective. On the other hand, this feels like a crack down of policy. A crack down of the actions of the bigger factions.

Someones taking an interest in their movements. As if someone is auditing them. And theres still Ninjas to be concerned with...

Stream is going Live (And is late!) (
There is always Calm before a storm. (
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on July 06, 2024, 12:10:24 am
August 17th, 2604

A radical idea is flowing though the crew.

The Ethereals are finally arriving. Expeditionaries- No truly committed force yet. But this is a usual pattern for them, and they Will Escalate in force. Its only a matter of time. I can certainly say that we're doing well to counter them. As it turns out, when we are not permitted formal military supply from the home territories, we make do with upscaling solutions. We've yet to meet a 'Star god' that can outlast a Heavy Las-cannon. An irony, considering their preferred war machine of choice... But also something we should very much keep in mind.

Their Death Machine is much nastier then ours. Should we run into one, we must be prepared with infantry support.

Thus for the past few months, I've been enforcing that we are well versed in the ways of trounce. Coordinating with the Claw-Warriors on our missing gaps of knowledge and putting them into practice, we've devised a training regiment to comprise of every doctrine they inhabit. There will be no talent that our Claw-Sisters cannot preform. One will always have a preference, but to know all methods of combat: To never be without a tactic? It will be vital in the battles to come. There is only so many times we may bring ourselves back from the void. It is draining on the soul and myself even- And if we face terrible losses? Each of us is precious. We must make ourselves as strong as we can be.

There is an irony in this, for this would be the very words the way of the beast would be speaking of. A way that demands mastery of all.

Yet in our rush to master our ways, It has left us with the old crew, and our veterans. Those whom have been here for some time. I have come to learn that is a dangerous concept... For they have learned that they are getting political in their own ways. They have been listening to me speak to the emissaries of our empress, and my own... debates on the matter. Some of them disapprove of bowing a knee to 'foreign' powers. Perhaps some of them see the writing on the wall, that they will lose their privilege's of being a pirate- should the empire come this way. Some maybe see a legitimate struggle, and identify with the people here, on this planet. Or maybe it is because they simply wish to fight, both land and sea against the 'Star Gods'.

This Radical idea... is to empower the people of this planet.

We have discovered the secrets of how the Stellar Empire make their Materials. We have rediscovered just about every old technology that humanity had found in their prime. We've deciphered the mythic ways of the old UAC Company and translated it into a modern format. The Recticulans are also quite interested in establishing connections to the local governments... In essence. We've stirred up the pot enough that people see which way the wind is blowing. They want to be prepared.

The dream and desire to make their lives better? Any institution will always seek itself strength- but they have always had a world to be concerned with. Never given time to truly stretch out, or always under close scrutiny that they could not chase these dreams without being destroyed or hamstrung by powers above them. If it is not their factionalism, it is their politics that will damn them, as avarice and greed take hold.

It might be taking hold here too.

But, my Claw-Sisters are suggesting that we give them this power. I am unsure on the matter, of course. Even if we have Retro-Tech that would not truly bother us too badly on a tactical scale... We will fundamentally change the balance of power. The consequences will reach far beyond us. Humanity itself would increase in its strength. People could live more free, and define their own destiny. This is a good thing- and it would combat the factions on this world. but it would also increase suffering as well: As Nations seek to claim their neighbors. As Ethereals and Factions notice they no longer hold Dogs on a Leash, but wolves. That the wolves must be put down before they get ambitious enough to rebel.

And what of the future, when the Empire itself inevitably comes for Earth? What if we have such designs on the planet? Will they bow to us, embracing us as saviors? Our alliances are political- Always have been. My Claw-Sisters argue for at least the Mutant Alliance, as we would never have gotten this far without them... And we are honorable. But what of Men? To share the secrets of Plastasteel forging, and undercutting the guild? What of the Recticulans- whom wish for as much claim on this world as we do? What of the governments whom have proven that they are Fair Weather friends at best?

Is the short term gains, worth it? Will this planet stablize, or will it fall into anarchy? Will they hail us as saviors for granting them this dream of strength? Or will they fight us?

I... Truly don't know. Every step of the fate, the only future I've had to concern myself with is the safety and well being of the crew. Our wealth- appeasing the governments and being a bane to our enemies. If I was to be an architect, it was merely to build ourselves up. And indeed we have. Nearly Five years on planet, and we have become... irrepressible. Now, I must truly consider the fate of kings. We were accepted as a Political power ages ago. We were accepted as our own polity, capable of influencing the world stage not long ago.

One can tell themselves they are Sovereign. One can tell themselves that they are great. To command respect in battle. To build great towers and claim dominion. I have done these things. I have dreamt of these things. The Destroyer shows me that burning field as I deliver onto him craters. I see my royal legacy walk before me, and am filled with a delight that only a mother can experience- despite knowing I bear no such thing in reality.

It is only when you must debate the fate of others, that you hold true power. That you are truly Queen.

By my grace, I can empower these people. By my will, they can be made a subject.

Perhaps in that context, the choice becomes simple. Perhaps there is more of my blood father in me, then I realize.

Stream is over! (
The Winds of change are upon us. We must decide Who we are. (
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on July 11, 2024, 12:10:32 am
(Sidebar here, This will get a rewrite when I can get to it. Not happy with how this one turned out, and more of getting it out because I gotta. I applogize for this log being kind of ass and rough ideas.)

September 21st, 2604

"Today, breaking news! As of an hour ago, the Solar Courier HQ has been struck by a terrorist organization! Detonated in a truly massive explosion- the attackers have identified themselves in a Manifesto that has sent over the Holonet as the 'Mutant Self Defense Force'. Declaring that they will no longer be victims, that this was a strike in collusion against those whom fight back against tyranny. That the Sky Pirates of Starlight are *Real*, and that they fight against the oppressive Star Gods: That they fight for You. To join the MSDF, is one step closer to a freer world..."

The video cuts out, as the representive looks at us with scorn. Gripping his fist, he turns to look at me with a sharp breath. "What have you done, Captain...? You have given Mutants the means to fight back! You support Vagabonds and rebels- You know where they will turn their eyes and strike first!"

"From where I am looking, they struck back against the very enemies you have paid us to fight. I should be applauded, not lambasted." I lean forward in my chair, flanked by two Claw-sisters. I cannot help but admit that there is a gentle smugness to my tone. A blow that truly hurts.

"They struck what would be noticed, but now that they know of violence? They will overthrow local lords and nobility! They will challenge the very people Paying you and ensuring your autonomy! Your days are numbered Captain! You've turned against the hand that feeds you in this... Act of Rebellion!"

I raise an eyebrow- rotating my cuff as the plates rattle, as if a ghostly laugh. "And do you plan on telling them? Do you aim to turn them against us?"

He chafes, before standing up. "I will do my job. I will inform of this. Of everything... Unless there is something you would say to soothe their temperament?" He smiles faintly. He's quietly asking for a bribe. I meet eyes with him, and smile faintly in tandem.

The draw is smooth. A flick of the hand is all that it takes. The crack of the bolt- and the snap of the flintlock. The smell of Ozone and burnt flesh fills the room, as the man is liberated from his wits.

I am not a faithful woman. The gods saw fit to have me be born different, and I have ever been faithful in scorning them. But in this moment, It is irony that I break faith; to practice it. I look to my mother, so many stars away. There are so many questions I would ask her from what I have done in this journey. Of what I have done bearing my crown and the precedent I have set. But of all that I would ask her, I would ask her this above all:

I have empowered the Mutant Alliance. When we were weak and left with nothing, Nunity was willing to give us the tools we needed to move forward. Postrapture embraced that we were simply another people upon the land with their... Strange ways. And Trolletarit. They uh... They exist. They're practically harmless, but not every organization was perfect. But these powers came to our aid when others did not. They believed in us, as much as a useful pawn could be useful, but they saw our value.

The governments of the world have a mercenary contract with us. but that relationship was purely economical. Now that we are their peer, they cannot argue against us. Sure- we could easily fall and they could withdraw their support, we are still co-dependent on each other... But they need us, more then we need them. Yet they have always treated us as the necessary evil. Corrupt as they are- they have always treated us with fault, even as the blood of our sisters lay at their hands. That they would punish the survivors, for the mistakes of their guilty.

My sisters have not forgotten. They have Never Forgotten. And now, the body of the guilty laid at my feet. This would be the only reward they would tolerate.

Would you be proud of these choices? Have I done the right thing?

"Remove him from my chambers. I dont want him to stink up my halls."

Stream is Live! (
Freedom at the end of a Barrel. (
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on July 20, 2024, 12:14:50 am
(Welp. I've uh... had some interesting times recently. Had to sideline Caturday for a bit, but now we're back in the saddle. Breaks are good though!)

November 1st, 2604

There are very few people whom can bypass our IFF. Rarer still that they know where we live, and that they have the keys for the front door. The harmony of these three facts means when blazing heat and bay doors fired off, we knew whom had arrived: Free Traders. The mail had arrived.

What has felt like ages ago, we sent them their crate of robes. The bodies of the so called 'gods'- as many as we could stick in such a retched thing. Ships worth of the fallen, the slain... the unworthy. A voyage made across the stars as physical proof of our capabilities, that we were worth investing in. That Claw-Sisters have died perpetuating the war against the great enemy of the stars. The Tyrants of this planet. That we could win this fight, if we merely had investment of the Empress.

Our pleas were answered. She had heard us. Where we had sent one crate, she has sent us many. Green boxes filled with Stormcat, The suit of Veteran warriors. Enough for a Regiment to encase itself in a flexible, light weight battle armor. Lighter then The Carapace that was Ironcat, but without compromising our natural mobility for protection. A fine tailored suit for the challenges we'd face ahead: Breaching, assault. But we needed better, This was for general threats- and threat we were facing...?

Eyes turned then to several black boxes. Crates full of High Explosive Ordinance. Marked with Hazard symbols and treated with the care you'd expect at this point. The Free Traders panicked for a moment; Then they remembered whom they were dealing with. Fresh Muntions from the Homeworlds were included of all types, alongside Micro-Rockets. Neko-Runts were already hard at work shipping the ammunition away, and assembling pieces of what was clearly Harness suits for Exo-Skeletons. The very frames that would house Peacemaker Launchers.

There was plenty to share. From the size of these shipments, it was clear that there would be more coming too. This was not a charity drive or donation from the Home-Worlds. This was a commited effort of war material: A sanction from the Houses. Regardless if they recognized our claims or not, they had no choice but to support our war effort. We had now become a factor in the grand scale of politics, with our actions now judicating where the knife would fall in this sector.

Yet as our influence grows- So do the shackles.

Cheer fills our halls, and a round of Chateu is held for the crew. But I instead turn to the Captain of the ship, whom has a key for me. The instructions are clear: I am to take it to the Hypercomms, and plug it in. Our contact is waiting for the confirmation of our delivery... and the conditions of our contract. For if nothing else, I have come to understand this beast:

That war is logistics. Nothing is for free.

Whilst the world celebrated their much needed victory, I tread forth to the realm of the stars, Our small piece of the greater whole. Merriment reverberated, before tapering off as I crossed that threshold. From Warriors, to our engineers that maintained the systems- There was an irony that discipline was not found within the warriors of my realm, but those whom made the machines sing.

Upon my orders, the machines spin to life. Upon my will, they insert the key. Soon, Holographic displays bleed in, and I stand before the Quartermaster.

A woman of ebony hair sits before me, with skin as smooth as a humans. She is kith, and marred by countless battles- Her eyes is taken from her, and the air about her has the proven aura of a warrior. Her posture extrudes confidence, and she clearly was delegated with our handling- For whom else could keep a handle on a rowdy bunch of Feminine Cat-Warrior upstarts? Perhaps in another life, I would be taking orders from her... Or she to me. But that is not the situation at hand.

"Ho-bah, Captain of Starlight. I see you have recieved your reward for your service." Her tone is confident. Smooth. She speaks with a gentle touch of silk in her voice, but I've grown experienced enough to know it hides steel. A dagger you would never see before it was too late. A devotee to the way of Shadow, or perhaps even a traditional claw? She has been granted sanctity into my demesne, and she knows how to own the room. "I am Jasmira, The Merchant Advisor of System-92 Branch here. We have received your commitment to the Empress. She has agreed to grant you access to supplies and requisition from the House supply. Free Traders have been appointed as Intermediaries, you will negotiate with them regarding transaction price- as they will be handling delivery of your war material."

I bow my head. My tone is deferential, but curt. Despite all that has been said, we were reliant on our patron. If we were to get the equipment we need to survive... Well. I like to think I've started to become quite capable of conducting court politics. Maybe I was turning into a respectable captain after all.

"Thank you Jasmira. Your words bring hope to my crew, and to have the Empresses sanction in this war emboldens them. We will redouble our efforts with the new supply she has sent us... Is there anything else that we need to speak of?" My tail flicks softly, hand gripping gently. An unease fills my body- an expected one. But I've come to learn that no deal ever comes without strings. A breath is taken. A breath is stolen.

"Indeed. We have heard that you have developed new technologies. We will take a look at what you have developed... Then Inform you what has interested us. As these are your creations, you will be compensated fairly for them. Is this acceptable?"

That means access to our database. That means the inevitable was coming. But we could not say no. Not if we were to keep the door open. And so it is with great reluctance, that we begin the choice that will soon lead us to the point of no return. A minute of rumination follows, before I nod to the woman.

"This is acceptable. I hope the house will find many of our inventions to be wonderous and worthy of her attention."

They are words that change a galaxy. It is here, that lives will be irevokably marked.

Stream is over! (
In great armor, shall we clad them... (
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on July 25, 2024, 12:33:26 am
December 11th, 2604

I stare at a Holographic screen, watching the ebb and flow of red pulsing marks. The Incandescent screen throbs as I scan for targets- The Ethereals were making a sweep of the planet. Recording their actions, we would have to be wary if they were aiming to take direct action. They were not- they were simply tending to their pawns. Reestablishing their footholds, making ready for landfall where they were needed. If there was one thing we could always count on regarding their order: They rarely saw the need to take direct footfall. Even now, when they had all the authority and power they could hope for: Where laws did not apply to them and they could simply blast us from the map? They favored subversive, covert action.

Admirable, really. But also foolish. A conservative hands off approach would not beat us: It simply let us strike at an opportune target. And so I waited. My breath gentle as my ears flicked. The anticipation of a hunt crawling down my back as my lips curled gently. This was fun. I was having fun waiting. How long had it been sense I enjoyed this nervous tension? That I must be careful, 'less predator become prey?

My crew can certainly tell the change in the air- my infectious aura spreads to them. They in tandem, get ready to pounce... It takes hours, but we notice a break in the formation. A Claw-Sister screams out.

"Class 4, Cruiser, Breaking off! Its vulnerable! Ethereal are on board, possibly command staff!"

I slam my fist down. That was our meal ticket. The last key of the puzzle to be. "Give orders to Market and Airbase 2- Tell them to scramble their wing, and join the Claw! I want that Cruiser to hit Terra Firma!" I'd then stand up, as I prepared to grab my equipment.

"Authorize the Starfall alarm- and Tell my boarding crew to meet me in the Hanger. Tell them we need the Lascannon Pattern, and make sure they assemble within ten. We wont have long."

The Claw-Sisters echo my commands, and the base starts blaring out claxons. I for my part, simply fasten on my helmet and walk down the hallway with a purpose. Underequipped, but certainly not undergunned. We make our play.


Subsonic engines scream in the air as the wing took flight. A full muster had taken place, numbering in Four. A magnificent black arrow covered the wing, concealing the smaller fighters.

"Mm. Th Capnyan is so serious about this. Its not like we've not shot down a Crusier before. In fact, Dancer could just handle this, right? She's in the nice Starfighter-"

"Can it Whaler. We're not fighting Men. These farkers can hit the broad side of a barn. She's good but she's not that good. Capnyan wants no mistakes in bringing this ship down."

"Mmhm. And if you happen to sink Baracuada, your sinking a very expensive ship. A lot of trust put in you for that craft, so try not to eat the dirt?"

"Darlings, Please. If you wish to argue, do so afterthe kill?" A gentle rolling voice would echo through, that still commanded respect. An elders voice, given to a young frame. The point of the wing, the pride of the fleet. "No one will be shot down today, provided you follow orders. Crab, how are your systems reading?"

"Systems are good. Shields are up- speed is clocked... Weapons are hot." There was a nervous breath, before tapping could be heard. "I'll be ready. I'll be ready..."

"Deep breaths. You'll do fine. Break off once shields are broken- and we'll handle the rest." The command of the wing would clear her voice- before speaking. "Barracuda. You will dive the target- Once the crab disengages, you are to follow. Should it still be flying, I will bring it down."

Little needed to be said about the Whalers job. Two massive missile packs- and a burning desire to see a ship fall.

"Claw- Im picking something up on sensors. Is that our target?" There was a moment of silence as targeting data was shared, digital calculation made and verified. The quiet chime would verify a positive, a voice crackling through.

"Thats our target. Whaler, your clear to engage." A giggling would echo, as an enthusiastic warrior flicked the switches.

"With pleasure! Sending the Hammer!" There was a groaning from the Barracuda, as she tapped her head against the cockpit. "Did we really have to call them 'hammerites'...?"

Regardless of childish disposition, a fury of rockets raced across the sky, and impacted a shimmering target- hidden by clouds. Slamming into the shields- the energy cast its wispy mantle away, revealing the massive super-ship in its full magnificence. A worthy prey for the wing. Twisting to meet the wing, Plasma fire would streak out, aiming to retaliate. Range proved the worthy ally as it barely missed the flying dart known as the Whaler- the Pilots voice chiming out. "Hey, I thought The Crab was gonna handle that! I'm beautiful- but I'm feeling a little shy here!"

"Oph- right, sorry-!"

Fighters emerged from under the Whaler- like a swarm of locusts. Burning at full speed, the mockery of their design and the two Fighters screamed forward as they made at full burn. Counter-Plasma fire echoed as they shot with all fury they could muster. The finest of Air weapons that the crew (And empire) could bring to bear. The Crab simply moved to intercept the Plasma shots as a flying puck- shields taking the shots with refined ease, calibrated to weather the heat and scorching damage.

From the kittens watching- it was not unlike a dance. Missiles weaving from the support carrier- The Crab defending their Knights of the sky as... Well, a noble knight. And the two fighters tearing upon the ship, soon bereft of its shields... and soon failing integrity. Excitement echoed as the fighters practically played chicken- daring each other for more potent strafing runs. This was not just a fight: This was a mockery of the Cruiser. They had no support element. They had no fighters. This was entertainment. This was Dominance of the sky. And their spectators couldn't help but cheer.

At least until the crab had something spark off its hull.

"Shit- Help! Something just fried on my hull-!"

"Looks like your shield generator just went pop. Break off, im out of missiles too. Finish it up Barry and Claw. We've done our part, so steal the-" In tandem, as the Crab sparked and frayed under its sustained damage, something exploded before the target before them. It buckled and shimmered once more, as two diving fingers weaved inbetween its pylons and escaped its rapidly failing form. The Whaler pilot sighed sharply, a bit contentious but happy for the result. "...Glory." A gentle scoff, as the wing rejoined formation.

"That is DEFINATELY a sinker! Woo- That was exciting!"

"Focus everyone, we're not landed yet. That being said, Good kill... Starlight- The target is disabled and heading down to the ground. You are clear to engage. You've ten, fifteen minutes before it makes splash down with its controlled landing. Good hunting- Wings of Liberty."


Walking through the smoke and ruin of the ship, My weapons lower as the ship is cleared.

Took one in the gut, but i'll live. Its a searing pain, but its nothing that we cannot mend. Not unlike the way of Pain- Trade a cut for a kill. And this was certainly a felt loss. My tail flicked as I heard the crack of a laser- then another. No survivors: Too risky. After all, it took a moment of weakness before they all turned on each other... All the Ethereals needed was once. Thankfully, all we needed was their Commander.

A tingling racks the back of my mind as I point one eighty turn, flicking my weapon to ready. It thankfully needs not aim high, but low. My eyes catch the bleeding form of a 'Star God', dying underneath collapsed hull and his own wounds. It doesn't have long before it'll depart this world, but one has to respect his spirit. Its not unlike us: If hell was coming to take us, we might as well bring guests. As it stands, he is too distracted to pry my mind- my fortress closed with its gates barred and my thoughts my own.

In Truth, I'm mortally terrfied of someone taking over my mind- I was never... good at this. But the training had paid off, and I was more then just a Cat now.

To his desperate attempt, my boot would meet the sheet of Plastasteel that was his mantle. It has no mouth- yet I can hear him scr
eam, tickling my brain in primal ways that these... Creatures can invoke. I growl sharply as my thumb sets up a coup de grâce. But before I deliver my mercy, I have questions that must be answered.

"Where is your commanding officer?" A crackling voice from my speaker echoed. I sound more like a machine then woman- Perhaps terrifying to lesser beings, but undoubtedly an irritant to this creature whom did not Fear me. Once more, it tried to push its thoughts towards me, but it is not unlike someone pushing a river or splashing water at my face. It much less 'speaks', instead I simply 'know' its mind. The surface level and no more.

"Dead. Killed by your Fighters. A great man was killed today- by your willful ignorance and greed..." I feel it scowling at me. I feel its malediction, and anger. Spite and spittle, as much as these creatures can do so. "Your empire extends its dominion where it cannot reach. You sacrifice for what you cannot hold. You will die to take this world- You will be trapped in its Psychic field. When you can no longer escape, we will have our revenge."

I scoff at its dissertation. Its assuming that to be unable to transfer my soul to the next of 'kin', that I will simply fade away into nothing will be the worst fate of all. It is... Certainly terrifying to think about. To fade away into nothingness. But it does not understand: I am fast friends with the Baron. I have learned to steal life back from the jaws of his world. I am not just a mere footsoldier just sent to die.

Though at one time, he must of thought the same. He was not a mere Ethereal, sent to watch after his masters. Hubris is a long way to fall.

"And if you can take a message back to your Order, tell them that Starlight descends upon you. That you are too late: that you face a golden saint and her crew. That this planet belongs to us and My People. Khemri welcomes naught her oppressors or the mewling cries of the weak anymore. I am coming for you- and if it is not This ship, it will be another, until I get what I want."

It hisses once more. Moreso then its death. Moreso then the audacity... 'Saint'. That word seems to flare its temper in a way no other word does. As if this creature still had its own, primal Fury- despite itself as a creature of 'reason' and 'logic'.

"Saaaaaint.... A GOLDEN Saint... You dwell in SHADOW. That explains this feeling of FOREBODING. You DEAL with powers you are NOT READY for. You trade YOUR FREEDOM for CHAINS. You DOOM THIS PLANET. Your PATRONS Do not LOVE you! They will USE you as they have now, a MURDERER of our ORDER, then they WILL TAKE AWAY Your power once they are DONE. You are a FOOL. You are a TOOL. You have WON NOTHING here. You have DOOMED us ALL!"

I sigh softly- before I bring up my Pistol.

"...It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul."

A shot rings out. And it is done.

Stream is over! (
Do you know how hard it is to find Combat Scenes or Catgirls in any form of armor? Its madness. (
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on August 08, 2024, 12:40:37 am
(So the last two weeks have been... eventful. Would prefer more here but i've got to get back on this. So, this will have to do.)

Janurary 13th, 2605

There is a message on my desk. A digital one. My hands trace over the datapad, But I already knew whom sent this before I touched it. Jasmira. It was only a matter of time. Many of the Star Gods technologies were the envy of the Mrrshan empire. Whilst we would never able to crack the more intricate of their technologies without guidance... There was enough here that it could revolutionize warfare, medicine and industry. It would take generations to disseminate it all... But to advance in Tech Level? Or to even find tools that not even the Ethereals could master, or even touch? Our personal and red Codex must of been a delightful skim. To see what things they can pilfer from us like vultures.

All it takes is a press of my finger and the flick of the wrist for the audio to start playing. The Devils deal starts to play.

'The house is interested in your knowledge of the forcefield technology. In exchange for this duty to the Empress, we will recognize your status as a warrior house and grant you access the Power Armor of the Elite Formations. Encrypt this data with the attached codes. Do not disappoint the Empress.'

So it was. The final pledge of loyalty. This was less a request, and more a compromise for 'good service'. They could not take from us, despite the extensive spy networks they had here. They knew that we would deliver them a planet and a wealth of resources. Its cultural significance would bring in line the Peregrine cult- Likely to govern the planet if we were not assigned to such a task. That we had a wealth of trained soldiers- and that every step of the way was earned for their support.

Much have I spoken of the romance of becoming a warrior house. Much have I disciplined my Claw-Sisters in such a way. Dreams were that. Dreams. It was a method of control, and motivation early on in our careers. But it has been five years now... Closer to four, but the point still stood. We've been here long enough for... Ambition to take hold. To take root. My FBB expects it. My crew expects it.

I take the Datapad and head topside. I need a breath of air.

I behold a vast expanse. This land that we call ours. Underneath our ministrations, it has healed. Where once there was barren soil and nothing but ruin- there was life growing once more. Little by little- Perhaps I would be old and gray once it had fully recovered. But that we could change but a little bit- was proof of greater things. Across this vast expanse- my Claw-sisters had made roots here. I know a few would ask to retire from my service to settle away families. We've been trapped here for so long, that this has... become in part, our planet.

Would we want to give away such a thing? I've ruminated. I've belayed these thoughts. But we're reaching the point I can do so no longer. There must be an answer. There must be a call.

Khemri- Earth, could benefit so much from being under the Empire. We would all be taken care of- we would not want. We would all be honored warriors... These people could be free of oppression. Free of the Ethereals. No matter the choice- we would have to fight for it. To live was to face struggle. Even if they oppose us- The liberator was correct about one thing; One cannot have freedom without conflict. It was won through force of arms- and these humans were not living. The wealthy reveled in decadence- The poor struggled and wallowed. They could do so much better.

The only true opposition would be the Factions. And once cut off... They would bend the knee, if they weren't already wiped out to begin with. Then it would be the Mutant Alliance. Maybe some would fall into line- but we had empowered them. They would... They would oppose us. And in turn, Mutant-Kind would merely trade one master for another. Kinder masters, but they would never accept the empresses rule.

I breathe in sharply, gripping the Datapad. How many of my own crew would refuse it as well? We've fought plenty of traitor cats. We've experienced life beyond the empire for so long, that some of us know no other way. Some of my Claw-Sisters consider themselves Native at this point. One is, and its goddamn Kaminyan. There was a good chance that they would refuse the empress and splinter off. And she was my peer when it came to a duel... I'm certain I would win in a straight fight. But it never would be Just us fighting.

But what other choices do we have? We're running out of options. The Ethereal are arriving in force. The noose is tightening around us. For all the power and prestige I command- For everything we've done... We're lacking but the vital pieces needed! Has it been my own fault? Have I made a mistake? Was there something I overlooked? Have I let my enemies grow too strong- Or do we simply lack the creative spark to create our own destiny?

Is this meant to be? Strength left my legs in that moment as the weight of the world came down upon me... And I simply let the sun beat on my back. Letting weight rest upon my shoulders. Weight rest on my body... weight rest in my mind. A swirling mass of thoughts. Indecision wracked at me.

I simply let go.

Stream is Over! (
A thousand lives, A thousand times. The soul cries, as can only travel one. (
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on August 08, 2024, 02:26:39 pm
Rewrite Required.

Well. uh. Looks like we were ready to kick start up Cydonia sooner then I thought and I overestimated my abilities to take it on. That being said, I want to state:

The Run Started in 7.0.4. The literal last roadblock to doing Cydonia well, does not exist in N9. If you want the TL;DR? You Can Complete Caturday with rules as laid out. Advanced Medicine was the Roadblock that was only accessible through Dr.X Storyline. With it being accessible by the Cyber zombie Database as of recent updates, You can now get Higher studies for Conqueror, Temicator for your armor and Plasma Guns aplenty. This is written from the experience of before those times. Please keep that in mind for the write up.

So, how did we do?
The Run ended on Cydonia 5, on Turn 18.
On a second attempt, Grabbing the BFG's from Cydonia 4, We have successfully completed the run.

Hmm. Not the best, honestly. I could have done some optimizing better. Got on by with my rule of 'Viewers can use points to save themselves' a bit more then I should have. Log quality dropped at times and I appreciate folks slogging through some of its lower moments. Hopefully it was a good read though.

Attacking Cydonia is... A bit of a shitshow, but there's only so much we can do. Making it to Cydonia 5 is a fucking hell of an achievement, considering Cydonia 2 should have bricked us. The fact we tripped on the last hurdle is... Disheartening. But to be fair, I scummed like a bastard to get as far as i did in Cydonia. It became clear that without Perfect movement in Cydonia 2 and Cheese? We should have bricked right there. Eventually, it became less about 'Can you do it' and moreso 'Is it possible?'

The theory is 'Possibly'. Cats can get to Cydonia, and nothing stops them from getting through it. Realistically? If you can somehow make it through Turret maze legitimately? I don't see you having trouble in Cydonia 5. But its going to take someone whos a hell of a lot better then me to do so. I'm going with a big ol' fat Noooooo. I will explain in further detail later on.

What could we have done better?

Well, as others noted: Early game is the rough part of Piratez. Once you get an economy cash flow going in? You basically set. Cat Outlaws are Expensive to maintain. Honestly, my own terms and conditions might have made it harder then me then otherwise. You don't have to pay the dead, after all. A better retooling of the early pathing for money and maybe extending it out with easier missions might of been the way to go.

My base designs are a bit unintuitive as well. Burrow building and a lack of good planning led to some scitzo base building. Funny, but I could refine my Base game.

I messed up a bit with the Ninjas too. Getting to fight them earlier with Gas would have been a good time. The fact they spawned in the Arctic and just were... not a problem? They only started to encroach in the late game. And by that point, I was full on committed to getting Cydonia going. I just failed to get their trigger properly for continuing that storyline for at least a year or two. Ah well. :P

Otherwise... Crap. Nothings coming to mind in the immediate moment? Piratez runs take ages. This is about... Six months of content, at about 6-8 hours a piece. Low balling my timeline, that's about ~288 hours of campaign, and I know I've spent more then that. Not including research or pathing off camera. If people have specific questions about periods of the game or how the run was conducted? I'd be happy to answer.

Ah. One other thing: I could have gotten vehicles up much sooner. That would have helped a lot, but I didn't and I am a goon for such a thing.

Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
Post by: Yugian on August 08, 2024, 04:09:38 pm
Early Game

First things first, a Restating of the rules. No Ubers allowed, you fire the Initial six. After that, You start in California/Cali Republic. You are only allowed to Use Nekomimi forces. Anything else is fair game. I've heard some folks use Nekomimi in Fuso, which starting off with plate armor would be awesome... Except you do not start with Catgirls. You cant get Who is Who? without capturing SOMEONE and thus you cannot get Cats 4 life. So you cannot recruit Catgirls. Thus, kind of a dud run right there.

Your first priorities are to Get your Cats online, and get Cats 4 Life so you can get fresh recruits. Eight is a Lot of starting recruits, but you will have to stagger them. That being said:
Tech Order should be starting everything except Peasants. Then que up Pirate Style, Vodka, Catgirls, Our Culture, High Res Radar, Loot Distribution, Violence, Recruitment, Hulls and Drills (Followed by your choice of Reject or Embrace), Cunning, Whatever the hell your planning to do with your Captain Type, Communications and you should be good.

Who is who? and !!Bounty Hunting!! is slotted in where you can fit it- and whilst I was pathing I realize and this will go faster or slower, depending on how your early game looks. But provided you stick to that path and your able to pick up a brainer or two? You should have your Cat Path within Month 1. If it doesn't work out, Bounty Hunting Should always be a priority.

Early Game Outfits
Prisoner Outfit - It certainly exists is what I can say. Your Outlaws are going to Start out with it. Its what they'll be wearing until Pirate or Guerrilla. It has a throwing boost though! Which actually matters this early in the game!

Pirate Outfit- Great Outfit, The problem is your picking it up in Month 3 or 4. Two if you rush to your own detriment. Soldier:Catgirl is Expensive in Research cost early on. Then you have to get adopting outfits. Then you get this outfit. Whilst by naturally getting your Cat Techs you'll get this- You have other pressing concerns and your not in an immediate rush. When you do get it (And have rare earth elements to spare for it), it works pretty well. Good early boots and no downsides. Just dont get hit. Cats are Fragile.

Fur Outfit - Not a bad option, but honestly kind of a side grade. Charms and Luxury furs should keep your Cats Warm enough to not need this. Alternatively, You bite the bullet and just take some cold damage to get the job done. You only need a Live and Dead shambler once and all. 

Camouflage - Comes in Very early and continues to see use until stealth starts failing. Also required for Primal Hunts, so dont get rid of your paints! That being said: Its an amazing armor that makes your cat borderline invisible for the first strike against early enemies- Which is all she needs. Combined with early primitive weapons for the full tribal experience- She is a deadly force of nature. Even the non-tribals love this stuff. Strong Recommend as your primary armor, even above pirate.

Weapons You Should Look Out For.
Daggers - Yes, I'm noting a starting weapon here, but it deserves a special mention. 90% of weapons on this list are going to be reaction scaling. Your using cats whom are coked out crack heads when it comes to reactions. Weirdly enough, most of your 'upgrades' are not reaction scaling. So they suck in comparison to this thing. But it fits in your QD and it wont let you down.

Handle/Stun Club - These are your primary stun options. Duh. Except the Stun Club is a Reaction scaling weapon, and thus is just borderline busted in a Cats hands. Carrying one should be a matter of principle before a challenge run- Cats can carry them until the end of days and not be underdressed... Unless they need to kill someone. Reminder, Cats don't punch. They just claw at people. This does come in use for melee training and ripping shields- but annoying for getting wrestler.

Cutlass - A starting weapon, but not a bad starter for your dedicated melee cats. 2x2 on the inventory space is rough to fit, but fits a cat's hands well.

Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run (AAR Write up in Progress)
Post by: Delian on August 08, 2024, 06:33:27 pm
>You cant get Who is Who? without capturing SOMEONE
You can get lucky with an event. Around 5% chance per month for what you're looking for.

>first priorities
I dunno about you, but my first priority is usually getting a GUNWAGON (also needs Nitro Booster). That way I can already intercept early bandits. It's crucial to win the first dogfight tho; you only got enough cannonballs for one fight, but once you win, the bandits hold more guns/ammo for the wagon. Anyway, the first bandits spawn 1-19 days into the first month, so buying an extra brainer on the first day (sell corridors) is a must to research it and catch them in time.

>early outfits
I think NUDE is very useful as an early melee outfit, altho someone else needs to hold the support items.

>cats don't punch
They can. But at a price. LOOTER /CAT and SPACE SUIT /CAT armors have hands instead of claws. I wonder if it's worth the effort.

>early weapons
Short Bamboo Combat Stick is overpowered if you're looking to kill early game stuff. Always hits and interrupts reactions. Of course, killing stuff other than bandits is discouraged.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run (AAR Write up in Progress)
Post by: Yugian on August 09, 2024, 02:18:23 am
>You cant get Who is Who? without capturing SOMEONE
You can get lucky with an event. Around 5% chance per month for what you're looking for.

This is a fair point, but that's not something I can reliably path on. I tried to slow ball my Science books in this run, leaning on the Lazyass captain and paid the price in months for it. You are correct though.

>first priorities
I dunno about you, but my first priority is usually getting a GUNWAGON. That way I can already intercept early bandits (also Nitro Booster to catch a Rogue Courier). It's crucial to win the first dogfight tho; you only got enough cannonballs for one fight, but once you win, the bandits hold more guns/ammo for the wagon. Anyway, the first bandits spawn 1-19 days into the first month, so buying an extra brainer on the first day (sell corridors) is a must to research it and catch them in time.

Im honestly not a big fan of Gun Wagon, though this was my first time with new 'early game' interceptions. Definitely felt like I couldn't sink ships- but I would 100% attribute that to my own skill. Its a valid way of doing an opener, and Eight Cats is more then enough to survive on if you want to slow ball recruitment... and your careful. I just assume that im going to get people killed so having a reliable source of being able to replace bodies felt more important to me.

Edit: If you want to gamble on on getting Trawell missions early and the spawns ARENT hot garbage, I could see that being a case for not rushing Cats 4 Life too.

>early outfits
I think NUDE is very useful as an early melee outfit, altho someone else needs to hold the support items.
Looking at it, its not bad for its stat boosts. Small Camo rating helps and energy is precious early on. Yeah, I can agree with that.

>cats don't punch
They can. But at a price. LOOTER /CAT and SPACE SUIT /CAT armors have hands instead of claws. I wonder if it's worth the effort.

Hadnt gotten to them yet in order of operations, but its usually not. LOOTER has no melee dodge and will get mulched. SPACE SUIT is worth it ONLY if your shooting for wrestler medals. Though, given its an early 20 armor (For massive stat penalties), its not as risky. ACE PILOT also allows for it, as I checked my T's here and actually discovered they have bare hands too. Warriors only and you get one (Few?), by the time you get it- not a great idea. The rest are gauntlet armors so sadly no wrestler there.

Your only doing it for Wrestler. So if your in an environment that lets you do that? I'd say its worth it. Space missions, Bandit missions maybe? Its a deliberate effort though and only a few cats would ever get it. The trade off for an easier primal is interesting though.

>early weapons
Short Bamboo Combat Stick is overpowered if you're looking to kill early game stuff. Always hits and interrupts reactions. Of course, killing stuff other than bandits is discouraged.

Oh yeah. The primitive weapons are awesome and legit some of my favorite. I didn't get to it during the first part of the write up, but Throwing weapons like pointy sticks and Bows? I love them on Ubers, and Cats are just as capable of using them... If needing a bit more effort to be applied. I had quite a few Amazon X's in my run here, and I would do so again. You need good starting throwers and you need to cultivate them early, but they keep up for the most part. Targets scale up with your skill and once you start getting armored targets, you get the arrows to deal with them.

Looking at its statline... Good god. Yeah. That's even a weapon for the archers to use. Scales off their stuff. Thats nutty. Maybe in another run i'll lean on spears more, I've criminally undone that.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run (AAR Write up in Progress)
Post by: Yugian on August 24, 2024, 12:00:48 am
Janurary 24th, 2605

"As you've ordered captain. The Data has been sent." The assistant nods to me, as I take a deep breath. Rubbing my face, I move to turn on the view screen. Its done. Jasmira will be the architect of a new future for the Mrrshan. Once the technology proliferates throughout the empire, the political map will change. Systems will certainly change hands... entire sectors may now be subsumed. Its a future that will be twenty years in the making. Maybe thirty even- but it will happen in our lifetimes.

"Ho-bah, Captain. We have received your response. The codes are accurate and all the Data has transferred over. You have lived up to your agreement- and proven your loyalty to the house. The Empress sends her appreciation."

Mentally, I scoff. I could use more then her appreciation. I just made her reign and your career. But outwardly, I maintain a focused mind. A diplomatic mind: What we get out of this? A gentle clearing of my voice gives it the emphasis it needs. "We live to serve the house. But I understand that the Empress also had gifts for us? Whilst our labors are in her name, we cannot operate on charity and the imperial favor."

Jasmira bristles a bit at my response- but we both know the formalities are for the honor guard and her advisors. I was just a Captain of a... No. I was not JUST that no longer. Looking at Jasmira with a firm look- my tail flicked as she prepared herself for what was to come. Acknowledgement of my title.

"Yes. The house understand your needs, and does not plan to go against its word. Once you return to Fieras, you will be formally sworn in. But the house and empress recognize your deeds and service. No longer will we address you as Captain of Starlight. Upon the grace of Empress Jasana- You shall be now known as Baroness Bennett- First of your name. You shall continue to pledge your service to the pride, and your daughters the same."

A barons title? Bah. It was not unexpected. What world could ever be surrendered to an upstart? On the other hand... What new worlds were there, to give? There was only one that came to my mind. And that was perhaps enough to have hope. For a Baroness was granted one world.

"In recognition of your martial skill and your elite warriors, she has authorized the transfer of Guardian and Trooper Power Suits. The finest armor that can be granted. She leaves onto you the power of whom will be your honored warriors. Whom shall be granted peerage under your house."

Whom would become my Knights.

I bow my head, before rising it once more. "I thank the empress for her recognition. I shall endeavor to serve faithfully." The words feel like plastic coming from my mouth... But fitting now. It would surely be more natural in time. I had led my crew thus far- asserting my authority and power... Perhaps this was just the next step? Questions for later. Gripping my hand, I'd clear my voice. "Now that the loyalty of my warrior house is beyond doubt- alongside its competency. I believe it is time to discuss our the final stage of our plans. When he is available, I must speak to Highstar."

Jasmira looked upon me with a... Fascinated expression upon her brow. Did she believe to be too pretentious? That now that I was granted status, that I could call upon the advisors as it pleased me? And yet I see the smallest tinge of a smirk upon her features. Ambition. She could respect that. I could lean on that- and so I do. With my own smirk, I hold up my finger.

"What use is a Baron, if she has no land to call her own? It is more then just a bribe that I hold this title now... I will deliver Khemri to the Empress."


Feburary 6th, 2605

++Processing. Processing. Systems Starting.++
+Reactor: Stable.+
+Life Support: Online+
+Guardian Matrix: Online+
+All Systems Nominal. Welcome, Operator.+

My hands run across my Forearms, as the sensation of touch transfers as if it was my own hands. Modifications had to be made for my... exotic frame, but it feels as if a second skin. Shaped metal that defines my muscles feel smooth and warm. Energy pulses through like the gentle beat of a heart. My tail crackles with exotic energies- and my fingers are tipped not unlike claws. Clinging to my form with bulbus shapes, it almost feels intimate. Encased in a shell of Titanium- I am not unlike an angel of war, encased in the finest protection that we can make- That no foe may best me in battle.

Yet it hides almost nothing of my... Imperfections. I feel so exposed. My pulse quickens. I can barely walk, despite it only having grown easier. My balance is off. I'd need practice, So much practice. Not in walking, but to overcome this sensation of craven determination. Armor could always hide whom i was... But in this shaped armor? Made in a perfect reflection of me? The only path for me now, would be to boldly step forth.

"Looking good Capnyan!"

I nearly jump with a light yelp, as I thought someone was behind me. They weren't- That was just the ear piece firing off with a perfect clarity. I grumble sharply, a laugh to follow up the comment.

"That was adorable- Do you purposefully quiet yourself when we're around?"

"Zephyr, I swear to shit I will flog you." Wonderful. One of my XO's were giving me sass. The gentle clicking of metal bring me back into motion, as i start circling around. Stepping as if I had lead shoes, I twisted and twirled to look around, my tail crackling with energy as if it hungered to be a lash. "Where are you actually?"

"And why should I tell you that?" Echoing impact rings in my ears, suggesting motion as they teased me. Trapped ears wished to express motion before something crossed my mind. First I tried to lift my hand. Nothing. Click my tongue... Nothing. But what if I tried to wiggle my ear and... Bingo. That was my command console. Mayhap it was moreso the Neural Interface willing it to be but... I want to pretend it was my ears. Now where was that little shite?

A snicker gives away my misintentions. "You just figured out the electronics system, didnt you Capnyan?"

"Mmhm. Stay where you are."

A soft whine echoed through before I would surge forth to the obstacle course we had set up. Logic would dictate that was likely where one would be, if they were testing the new armored frames, but... Still. It was nice to figure out the tech for this. It was strange to relearn so much in a suit that already felt like a second skin; How to walk, where to shift the weight in my gait and the power it commanded. Also the shape of my feet for some odd reason. Whom in the hell would make it more like a paw-?

My elbow would brace up against the door, and I damn near tore it off in a singular motion. I was strong, but I underestimated how strong I truly was. I did not push, I rended, and stepping in with a stagger- multiple sisters of green and red turning to look at me with shimmering faceplates. I cannot see behind the visor, but I hear them with auditable clarity. They snicker- one even raises her hand as if she could cover her mouth in habitual devotion.

"Door giving you trouble, Capnyan?"

"I swear... Everyone! At attention!" They refuse my command, as they continued to stare. One even sips from in a port in the helmet that was labeled a sticky note: 'Emergency Induction Port'. I clear my voice as I speak again. "At! Attention!"

"And why should we do that, your grace?"

I grumble sharply before holding up the clawed digit, a grouchy disposition echoing out where my face could not be seen. "Otherwise, you will be disciplined and held to account for insubordination!" I look between everyone- and realize that meant just about all of my crew. Oh hell. Yet I still hold firm- my size and tone my only anchors to try and get my commands across. Yet they would slowly rise- watching each other and tensing up. Sedating the air with such a feeling, a choir of cracks would flick as discharges sang in concert. Then the silence broke.

The tone of an earth-born accent crackled from one of the red suits as she went low- as if to pounce. She intended escape as she exclaimed quickly. "She cant catch us all! Scatter!" And a Jovial air replaced the quiet tension. Everyone scattered- from into the course and through the walls. Laughter echoed the through the halls, as instead of arrogance or hedonism- I received the worst compliance of all. Child-like wonder and indulgence as they all turned into kittens again. "Lets see if she can she can even catch ONE!"

Stunned and flatfooted, I was left alone. But grumbling sharply, I tred forth. One. I could at least do One.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run (AAR Write up in Progress)
Post by: Yugian on August 24, 2024, 12:14:11 am
February 20th, 2605

Operation Triple-A. The culmination of three years of planning.

Ever since we had been denied extradition- Ever sense we had ambitions had taken our hearts, we have worked towards this end. Every piece has been put together. And here, we were to give proof to the idea. Let the Ninja's fester, They had waited too long to stop us. Call us the defeated in this war of Pirates and Ninjas: We would trade it for a planet. But we had to get used to our new battle suits- We could have fun at base and sample it against our foes as we pleased. But if we were to succeed in our grandest heist of all? If we were to succeed where Captain Miriam had failed? We had to practice. Prepare. And unlike the Ninjas whom we could sweep up once we had control of the planet?

We had loose ends to tie up. A different Operation had been planned- One we couldn't of tackled without these battle suits. It would be a good dry-run of fighting an entrenched enemy, whom was at parity with us. The enemy we aimed to defeat was beyond this- but Aurora would and could ally the governments against us. Let her be, and when we came back to assert sovereignty over the planet? We could be fighting another war. The empire would not wish for that- and It would look poorly upon us to have the population in open Rebellion.

And if she could rope in Cleopatra into matters? Ugh. She would always be a concern, but she was only concerned with growing her power. She would seize opportunities...

It only left a decisive strike. To show that we were ready for the Solar Governor. If we could not succeed here- we would not succeed moving forward. The trial had begun here. And truth be told... The crew had been waiting for this for a long time. The earliest amongst us knew of the Red-Eyes before she became a threat. She had been with us for much of this journey... When the Bombs fell, they knew this day would eventually come. The blossom of our youth would give way to this new era, wrought by our hands.

Pulling out a cloth patch with an X on it- I gently rub my thumb over it. Viglio Confido. A sharp breath leaves me. Operation: CROWNFALL was a go.

"Gentlefood, Zephyr. How does the approach look?"

"Bad, about as you predicted." A deep breath echoed in my ear piece as I could hear optics being adjusted. "Pillboxes like a checker boards, 25mm Auto Cannons lining the wall with trigger happy assholes and about a battalions worth of red-coats on the wall. Looks like one cannon every ten, fifteen meters across the wall. Six in total. Pill boxes are also about six."

Mittens would side-eye me, before chuckling quietly, shaking her head. "What. Is everything in the rule of sixes? Are we plunging ourselves into a demons hell hole? We do that twice a week."

"Well, you know what they say about children..." Before the Claw-Sister could finish up the statement, she'd get slapped upside the head by Kaminyan of all people surprisingly, a dirty look being thrown her way. It turned a few heads- but none of us looked too closely to it, sans the fool whom got slapped of course. "What the hell Tribal-"

"Focus, everyone!" I'd grumble angrily, before I'd pull my weapon off the Drakkar. Heavy assets they said? Then this was the perfect time to try out the MP-Lascannon. It wouldn't of killed my FBB to not just rip off the the tank barrel and make it into a gun- but we'll see how this thing works in the field. "Get your weapons ready. It sounds like we have to push through. Those Auto Cannons prevent an Aerial approach and sieging this place isn't an option. We burn through as quickly as we can and get our hostage before Canadian reinforcements arrive. See this as assault training- We're going to have to do this again Very soon. Besides, some of you wanted to see what that Armor could take? This should be more then enough practice!"

I flick the safety on my cannon- as it spools to life like a fusion reactor. I flicked my faceplate like I would my nose. God, I must of looked silly. "Now. Who wants to get the Red-Eye bitch? First one over the wall gets an extra share." The ship roars with excitement at that, before I clear my voice. "Pilot, open the breach door. Gentle, you can start us off. We'll be there in ten, over and out."

"Copy that. I'll just keep freezing my tail off 'till you get here." There's an echoing scoff from our side, as a snide comment doesn't escape. "Yeah. You never stay in the hospital long. Less lives then the rest of us at this point..."

We file out of the craft as we trudge through the snow. The sight of us must of been... Magnificent. The first real redeployment of our Power suits- A sea of green and red washing out of our craft. Armed like avenging feline angels, and I the Seraph. I cannot help but feel a tinge of pride- a swelling in my chest. For once, I feel a soldier of the empire. I feel as if I can keep my chin high... Though yes, I was and am still a Queen- One can wear many mantles in their life.

Fanning out as the wall came into sight- The engagement was on as a shell detonated near our left wing. Multiple explosions rocked us, as shrapnel reflected off our metallic frames. A direct hit would certainly spell our end- but no one was such the fool. In retaliation, A laser bolt cracked through the sky- and took off a gunners head.

Took her long enough.

The order was given, and we charged. Their perimeter was nothing we couldn't handle- Their pill boxes crumbing with each shot of my cannon. Xeo, Kami and Xika cleared the way with blade and shot, clutching the ever faithful XG Pistols we had manufactured. Krickraken got mauled by some Cyberdogs they had present which was a... Curiosity- but we also knew that Aurora had access to Robotics. Hopefully they'll forgive me for some poor direction, but the fact they lived with nothing more then some penetrations rather then losing a limb? Proof of the durability of our shells. Catvy was grumpy I wouldn't let them shell the place with explosives... but we needed to get in and carrying extra ammo wasn't a possibility. So they got to try out a Battle Laser. Worked well enough, it seemed.

We butchered our way through the front- with wary few survivors fleeing in a rout. The Privateers cleared the front door for us- Deciding not to way for Precision explosives but instead just tearing through the door with their energy-enhanced blades. Well, never tell what a Mrrshan what to do, aye? We spared only a moment to pull out fragments of Shrapnel and load our weapons- before we kicked open the door. Well, Slegex would- She had been hungering to use a Shotgun for ages and by god, she put in the work.

RCFV's were waiting on the otherside. Credit where credit was due- they certainly put shots on target and lit us up on the way inside. Problem was, an Automatic shotgun when all you have is Durathread- using starship fuel as propellant? The front lobby was turned into chunky salsa. The Lucky ones were cut in twain, or cauterized with a hole in their chest. But as we entered the lobby- two things caught my eye.

One- Power armored troopers. Marked with the seal I didn't recognize, and the family crest of the Vaclavs Dynasty. Zephyr actually walked over and pointed out that they were Royal guard. That, if it wasn't the goddamn palace that gave it away- we were in the right place to snatch up our little brat. The weight was not lost on me. Two- My eyes turned to what was clearly a Portrait of the Royal family- and despite the chaos of battle before me, I couldn't help but focus my eyes upon it. Splashed with the blood of our arrival, its marred appearance mimicked throughout the hall. Yet it depicted a most elegant and regal family. Aurora took so well after her mother, but... She was smiling.

She did not seem like a woman trapped by fate. That she was no puppet on strings or lamenting her fate. Even if she seemed younger- The skill of the artist seemed to capture her joy. Red eyes more like rubies instead of dull death, clutching a beloved thing in her hands. Perhaps she really did call to ask about getting to know us? Maybe that she genuinely found joy in our work?

But she knew too much. Acted to harm us, and knew of our shadowtech. Directed weapons of war against us, and would not be sastified until i was claimed as a trophy. That is why blood smeared an eternal memory to her. That is why her house was now cratered and torn asunder. And now, It would be why she would be dragged out- clutched by her ivory hair and held as my prisoner. Only the sharp yelling in my ear snapped me back into reality, as I shook my head.

"Capnyan, what in the hell are you doing?! Theres a fight going on!"

Clearing my voice, I spoke. "Right. Status report- How much of the Palace do we have secured?"

"We've finished downstairs! We ran into some spooks and we gave them the full treatment. Still working our way up to secure the roof so we can get Dancer a clear extraction!"

Hmm. Alright, good. "And Aurora? Do we have eyes on her yet?"

"Not yet! The second team is working to get into the throne room. Its locked down tighter then the Elven banks! But we're getting blasting charges in place and..."

The building would shake as I braced myself. Even from a fair distance away, I could feel how much primer was used for that. "...Decided to bring down the entire building? I hear the Foundations are a better place to put explosive charges for that!"

"I'll have you know I used a very CAREFUL amount of plasma for that charge! They're using actual Ship-Grade Plastasteel over here!... Can we use a Nuke?"

I'd look to our equipment, before exhaling quietly. Walking over to our supply cart that was still near the door from where we breached- I'd grab the blocky mining tool we had brought. "No, we need our target alive. Just because you and Psyentific are fond of flattening grid-squares, doesn't mean we can do it here." A whine echoed through the comms- but I would hear none of it. If using a Nuke was normally a bad idea for logistical or 'overkill' reasons (We would have to walk through it too...), Nuking a center of government was what we called a 'Very Terrible idea'. It was bad enough that we were raiding the seat of power; we didn't need to leave it a crater. So with bulging biceps, I'd pick up our drill... and gently tap walked it across the bloody palace. The bodies of the dead littering the field.

Yikes. Blood thirsty, weren't we?

I'd set down the blocky device as my right arm screamed at me. There was only so much I could carry and as it turns out, moving a giant brick that fired lasers strong enough to slag most exotic metals with laser beams without slogging off any weight. The scene before me was... well. There was a hole Somewhere. Just not where we were hoping, as we just about vaporized the floor. If we desperately needed to find out what was in the undercroft? We had a perfectly good hole to fall in. The basement certainly looked extensive, but not our concern. Sliding it forward- I would clear my voice and thumbed to the laser cutter. "Here's your nuke. Get on the door."

My eyes would flit between the hall ways as I took a moment to catch both my breath and rest my arm. Stretching it out- the black doors would soon grow into a molten red, as the rest of our squad would stack on the door, ready to breach. This needed a few minutes to melt through, so it gave time for the team securing the roof to come on down. Or would, before a scream would echo in my ear- and a flatline. Pulling out my Tac-Com from my chest, I'd growl sharply before looking up to the roof.

"What the hell happened up there?!"

"Autocannon- They aimed their AA down towards us and Krickraken took one to center of mass!"

"Are they still alive?"

"No- they're not moving- like bundled meat over here!"

I'd clack the Tac-Com shut firmly against my bossom, before I'd move to join the stack on the door- given the door was starting to actively fall apart. "Then wrap them up and get them Medi-Vaced. I'll get them up when we get back, but secure that body. We'll get the throne room down here. is everything else secured?"

"Yeah! The Roof is clear!"

"Then we'll see you up there. Keep it Clear. Dancer, get the Dropship up there- Air defenses are down and we're going to be extracting with the VIP Soon. Breaching team, ready up. That door isn't going to-" The groaning of the metal would cause the blast door to finally fall forward. Sliced in half, gunfire would rapidly fill the hole that had just opened. Most regrettably, Catvy's legs were fine. No teasing here- but we did get an adorable squeak as they dove out of the way. The Cutter would continue to work on what was left on the door, and our Claw-sisters would have to squat to return fire. It was certainly amusing to watch, but must of been murder on Their legs.

With but a moment longer- the breach was made. My sisters would storm in- and anything that was a target was made one no longer. All life- save one, was made into the past tense. Explosions rocked the room as robotic guards attempted to strike from hells heart, and Canadian Troopers fought with a a Veterans grim determination. Both would fail, leaving just the Red Eyed brat, sitting upon her throne. Sitting upon where the Queen would be- with a mighty crown upon her head that impressed her magnificence. She had met us at the end of the road, and felt no fear... Why?

She was spared for me. For whom else was to take the crown, but another one? Flicking out my stun baton- I'd rather not excuse my suits battery... and this was far more gentle for a young girl. But I was also not a fool. I could feel something was wrong. She was too confident- She would not beg. Instead she laughed, as if she was overjoyed. As if this was a grand display- to watch every asset she had fall apart like broken toys. Then a devilish smile crossed her features.

"Your very rude, big sis. Not only did you keep me waiting, but you also broke into my home. If you had knocked, I would have let you in! I was so excited to see you, I could barely get ready in time for you to meet you!" Her legs gently kicked as she watched me approach. My prod would crackle gently at my side, as my external speakers boomed in the throne room- Not unlike a Knight staging treason.

"Princess Aurora- I've come to take you to My home. Your palace guard is bested, your war machines are destroyed. Surrender, and I don't have to zap you with enough voltage to make your heart skip. Please... If you truly had any love for me, just surrender. Enough blood has been spilled here today."

Face to face. Base to base, even in this moment- we store into the window to the soul... and there was nothing to see. Her laughter echoed- a hollow thing, not unlike her. Then murderous intent crossed her. My body barely reacted fast enough as she lept off her chair, lunging her hand forward to try and grasp at my emerald frame.

"Aw, Big Sis! Dont you know? My heart is rather Still!"

My arm would flick and aim the stun rod to crash into her skull. An instinct- one that I regretted in such a moment, for she was nothing more then a target in my mind. A foolish thing- but I was not punished for such a thing. Impact was made and my arm recoiled, not from impact riding up my arm meeting flesh- but rather something heavy. Something thick enough to weather my blow with ease, and render it useless. It is in that moment why she seemed so cold- why portraits seem far more animated then she was.

The crack of a laser bolt from my sniper impacting her told the story to the others: Synthetic flesh burned off as if an illusion burned away. Where a beautiful winter pale once laid- a Plastasteel purple emerged, the crown rolling on the ground as her voice now held in lockstep with her true form. There was no taking her alive- this was a double. This was a trick, and we were murderers of innocents. All for this.

"Looks like my trap has failed, Big Sis! I hoped to wreck your favorite dolls, but you wrecked many of mine, instead. No big deal, I can always get more. But you might think this means you've won. You haven't. I still haven't played my strongest cards. You WILL love me, eventually, whether you like it or not...!"

The second bolt pierces her skull. Shock crosses her face, as for even if she was a 'Fake', she recognized her death. Perhaps it was a pain response, programmed into her frame. Perhaps it was simply that she was shot. But if nothing else, she was committed to my maiming, for as she was shot- I could hear something click inside of her... Then spool up.

That was a bomb.

Covering my face as best as I could with my arm, My armor weathers the explosion. It feels as if the air tried to crush me within my armor, as I suddenly feel the blast wave and the Pressure therefore... But I am alive. Proof that the armor would do its job, when pressed. Taking a deep breath, I'd look to the crew that had a clear concern for my being. Alleviated with but a flick of my thumb, I would walk over to the furred crown. Unique in its form, I'd gently twist it around... before nodding.

"Loot the rest of this place. We may as well see what other treasures the Dynasty had... We're done here."
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run (AAR Write up in Progress)
Post by: Yugian on August 24, 2024, 12:30:49 am
March 5th, 2605

"So we have to get into these... Metal Deathtraps." Tarmph kicked at one of the pods we had cobbled together.

The Primary Goal of Triple-A was to get onto Mars, and to quickly storm its chain of command. In theory, it was a simple beast to tackle. We simply had to kill a Primordial creature that the Ethereals used as a logistical basis for Everything on this planet. An Alien brain that had the capability of running a planet by itself (And support staff), and was the singular aspect that held this planet under Ethereal control. To do so, we had a few goals that we had achieved:

First, was simply having the codes we needed to get to Cydonia. Without those, we would have been destroyed before even getting close. No further planning, strategy or first strike capability was possible whilst we had a planet trying to kill us. Second, was to get a sponsor to get us there- Someone whom could get us that far and support our coup of Earth. This was achieved by our formal declaration for the crowned empress- and now that we were on the precipice of our operation, our Victory? We were just waiting for the drop ship to come pick us up. To deliver us to where we needed to go. Which brought us to the third goal- which my Claw-Sister was now kicking.

We called it Project: Zubrin. We didn't have the logistics to design and bring in our own ship, and we needed to rapidly insert into the situation. We were fighting enemies beyond us- We had always ambushed. We had always had the advantage when it comes to combat, and we still would regularly get heavily wounded. Casualties- a few fatalities And here we were to bring the fight to them. Right into the heart of their operation. A straight up fight would get us all killed... So thus. Named In honor of the first man whom considered this journey himself- this was our solution.

I wish we had a better solution.

"Correct. Cat O' Nine tails will meet us here, and we'll load into these combat pods. She'll be bringing a Stealth Gunship- Modified to carry us. Just enough to get us there, and the rest will be on us."

Krios frowned, as she store at the Drop Pod. Clearly unimpressed, she'd breathe in sharply- her tail flicking before looking back up to me.

"And these will... Hold? It looks like if it hit /anything/ on the way down, it'll crumble like a car wrapping around a light post..."

I turned to the rest of the gathered crew, holding up my arm as I bellowed out, hoping my voice would carry in this room. A Hanger at work was never a quiet place- and I could not ask them to stop. Everything was a last minute preparation and getting Neko-Runts to understand urgency was an exercise in frustration.

"This was the best compromise we could muster with the crown! We cannot get a Hyper-Battleship out here, and not even the FBB can drum up something that clever. So this is what we have. Instead of assault, we will be focusing on speed! The goal of this operation is to knock out their central command before they can wage an effective counter response. All of you will be equipped for this task as if YOU are the one whom will strike the final blow! Assume that you will be the one landing close enough to breach the facility! One of us is Bound to do so, Hopefully that will be All of us." I nod with a firm determination, before holding up my hand, as if lifting a sword.

I... Didn't, it wasn't at hand, but it certainly made me look taller.

"The Empress is counting on us to get this done! Once we give the all clear, we will have a jump on standby to warp in and extract us! Despite what these metal cans look like- we are not being abandoned, and you are not being asked to die pointlessly! For once, we will finally have the Royal fleet at our back! Genuine support- as they support our mission!" We just could just ignore the fact that they only were here for the final step. To claim glory that we had spent five years of our lives building up to. "They will clear the skies and bring us to the Hunters Pride- a Flagship we have nearby to stabilize the planet after the coup!"

At least, thats what I could work out.

"This has been the culmination of our Entire career here. I know not all of your support the crown... I know there are Claw-sisters here whom took their pay and walked. I recognize that is their right, and that not all of them take to heart what we are doing. For those whom Are still here... I thank you for your loyalty, and commitment to this. I know this is not all what we wanted- but this is for the best. For everyone involved." I'd clear my voice, before looking to the pods again. Opening a hatch to get in- I'd motion to the pods. "Take time to get familiar with them. We've simulator pods set up to get comfortable with them. Run the simulations once. Then twice. Do it enough times until you believe yourself a drop trooper... We have the month off to figure this out. Thats how long its going to take for the fleet to arrive. Make your preparations. Make your peace. Ask for what you wish of the Armory. This will be the last battle of our careers. So lets do it right."

I raise my hand down. Volume increases, as nervousness overtakes everyone. Murmuring- it is enough to escape the scene as I walk with a purpose. Walking down the hall, I hear a voice clear to my side- and I am half practically dragged to the side.

"Captain, you know this is a terrible plan." The former pilot looks at me incredulously, her ears flicking softly. I frown, my brow already furrowed from the weight of this 'plan'. To manage papers and get ready for the logistical nightmare this was going to be.

"I know. Yet what others do we have to us at this point? If we do not strike soon, the Etherals will be upon us. They're learning how much presence we've on this world. They know this fleet is coming."

Sayuri sighs, shaking her head. "Perhaps if we didn't lean into our empresses service, we could have made time to do this better." A breath in, as she grips her hand. "I am not saying you made the Wrong decision. They gave me wings to fly, A deadly claw to rend the skies... But there is a reason I left, Captain. The Royal family and her advisors are wise- Strong enough to rule this empire."

"Then where is the fault? Your clearly still young and capable of further warfare. You've taken the Claw and turned our navy into terrors fo the sky..."

A teasing smile crosses her lips- holding up a finger. "You tease me captain. Be careful I forget that this is a Fey mood, rather then an invitation- no?" Her tail would flick, before professionalism crept into her visage. A seductresses gaze turning to a predators steely gaze, as she motioned to the hangers. "...Its the officers. If those above them knew this was our plan? They would be embarrassed. You mean to say that we cannot land a Firefox there? Or our own Drakkar? I would do it myself if we could- and I very much Could get it done. This plan reeks of middle management, and we may very much pay the price for someone Else to look good."

That was not lost on me. But it wasnt a solution. "Then what would you have me do? The fleet is Already on its way, and we have no time."

She'd pinch her brow softly- before smiling with some amusement. "Your repeating the same points captain... But I suppose then the point of me pulling you away from your precious me-time?" She'd clamp my shoulder with her hand, a firm nod about her as she looked back to the hanger again. "When the day comes... Give them something good. A speech, at least. We know not everyone is going to come back alive. So make them feel like their lives meant something. Give it the prompt and circumstance it Deserves. They have fought and bled with you all this time... The least you can do is honor that."

Now it was my turn to blink at her, incredulously- before raising an eyebrow. "You assumed I wouldn't?"

"Middle management, remember? Officers don't give a damn about those underneath them." A smirk accompanied her words- as it eased my own features.

"Right. Then you've my word on such matters."

"All I ask, Captain. Give'em hell." As she loosens her grip from my shoulder- she gives me a sailors salute. A final respect- for she knows she will not be in attendance. Her skills as an Aerospace Jockey are too valuable to risk her on the ground... She was the one delivering us to Valhalla. Thankfully, we were in good hands. A firm nod to her- I look to the hanger once more, and hum quietly to myself. Maybe I could put off the paperwork for a bit, and bring out my vintage spirits...
March 31st, 2605

We have a rendezvous with Death
At some disputed barricade.

I sit in the Zubrin, overlooking those whom shared this shell with me. Would it be that I could have all my original sisters with me... But to concentrate force in but one pod, was a foolish endeavor. Many rested within this pod- Those I had shared many battles with. Those whom had bled, died and returned to me as my faithful and devoted. Those whom I trusted- and those who were suited to the dangers ahead. The others I had to trust with a task just as dangerous; Perhaps even more burdensome. Command.

When Spring comes back with rustling shade
And apple-blossoms fill the air-

Zephyr, Gentle, Kiest, Xeo, Kaminyan, Catvy, Squirel... And me. Adorned in the finest steel we could muster. With every weapon of hell we could conjure- and every plate replaced with Zortorium lattice. Every art instilled into our bodies- the crucible to forge the finest we could be. No weakness was brokered. No imperfection sanctioned.

We have a rendezvous with Death
When Spring brings back blue days and fair.

My gaze shifted to and fro, looking upon those whom shared this can with me. No one was in the mood for jokes, upon this eve' of battle. No one could conjure such a spirit. Despite our perfection, we knew well the task before us. This was a foe that our empire fought, aiming to outnumber them. We always struck in ambush- but never their bases directly. Now we eight were to take the command center of their hold on earth. We knew there would be casualties. We knew not everyone was making it home.

It may be he shall take my hand
And lead me into his dark land
And close my eyes and quench my breath-
It may be we shall pass him still.

We double check our gear. Triple check our gear. Anything to belay the fear we felt. What else could be done? But we knew no more could be done. Any preparation we could have made, was an age ago. All that was left was the consequences of our choices. Regret was a weakness ill afforded.

The silence only broke as loudhailer speakers chimed in. T-20 seconds to drop. Everyone clutches their weapons tautly, as if it alone will protect them. I mimic the motion... And rub the cloth that I have in a pocket. As if to invoke the protection of those whom bested Cydonia before us.

We have a rendezvous with Death
On some scarred slope of battered hill,

"Codes are in. Aerial Defenses are down. Good hunting, Wings. Don't keep us waiting- We'll get bored if you take too long."

I scoff quietly, before reaching up to gently hit the hailer. "You have the easy job, Dancer. You get to enjoy the fireworks! You better keep our rum cold and the pastries warm, or its coming out of your pay!"

"If the Mistress demands it, I suppose. Or woe befall us, we shall eat nothing but cake. Now, before you get too testy, could you pull that silver lever there? You'll miss your stop."

We do enjoy a final laugh before we go. Thanks Dancer. A smile was warmth that could not be bought with gold or jewels. Pneumatic pistons hiss as the machine folds to my will. With but a pull of the lever- we detach from our escort in concert with the rest of our Claw-sisters. With but one pull, we descend like steel rain from heaven.

When Spring comes round again this year
And the first meadow-flowers appear.

The descent threatens to tear at every bolt. The Atmosphere billeting at us- thin as it may be. It is the very presence of the planet that dares defy our descent. It is the very throne of our enemy that repels us. Yet there is no other course then to press on. Momentum only carries one way.

"Guns are turning back online! The Codes Aren't Working!"

Horrified screams echo through our pods as emergency controls are leveraged. With but one shot, we would be killed. Gone in the blink of an eye- an existence snuffed out with nary more then the defenders will. We are nary more, then leaves on the wind.

God knows 'twere better to be deep
Pillowed in silk and scented down,

Our survival has been nothing short of a miracle, beyond miracles. Death has crept upon us far too often, and taken his share. Even in modesty- The Baron minds his distance. He angers not the patron that sees us through this task- for the Shadowgods find this to be an amusing game. A sport enjoyed by many, and directed by one. No Plasma shell blocks our path- no lives are taken from us. It is only the ground that greets us.

The brakes fail. There is impact. Then there is darkness.

Where Love throbs out in blissful sleep,
Pulse nigh to pulse, and breath to breath,
Where hushed awakenings are dear...

I recover quickly. The Magic of the Day Witch courses through my veins, as my mind finds purchase in this world again. Others of such enchantment recover as quickly, but there is little time for recollection. Groaning sharply- I slam my hand on my cannon. With what strength a battered body can muster, I give my command.

"Sound off, who's alive...?!"

Everyone replies. Everyone speaks- except for SquirrelWizard. I curse sharply- as slap the side of my helmet. A Percussive command to give me vitals on her... Alive. Unconscious, But still with us. We couldn't wait for her to wake up- as we could hear the sound of Plasma cracks impacting against the hull. This vessel lasted long enough for us to recover- to give us surprise on our foe. it would not last any longer then that.

But We've a rendezvous with Death
At midnight in some flaming town,

"Gentle- Get eyes out there! Pride- Follow her footsteps, And Evacuate this damn metal deathtrap!"

"But what about-"

"I have it- GO!"

They command the command to the letter. Climbing out the top with raging gunfire, and proudful roars befitting of Lionesses, I change the frequency. An emergency line, as I rummage through the emergency supplies. A homing beacon- the last hope for our Psyker. For if I got a Royal Cousin killed, It would not matter if i survived this mission or not. We would all be killed for such a thing, regardless how far from the throne she was- and indeed, that was quite far.

"This is Captain Bennett. I am setting up a Homing beacon- Position..." My eyes flicked to the feed, as I stabbed the spikes into the metal floor. Flinching as I could feel metal groan and buckle- I almost worried if would hold. For her sake, I hope it did. "Latitude, Fifty one South! Longitude, Thirty One West! I have a Royal cousin on board unconscious- Requesting a drop team for recovery, cannot hold position!"

It takes seconds to respond. Seconds I don't have. With my cannon strapped on as I crawl out of the coffin, the exchange is brief.

"Captain, Please verify Identify. There is no recorded members of the Royal family in your crew."

"Shandra the Fourth. Ask your damn superiors about the censured letters. Going dark."

When Spring trips north again this year,
And we to our pledged word are true,

I can smell the Carbon scoring. The heated metal gives way to my clawed fingers. The battlefield is alight with the Chaos of war. I see explosions off in the distance and a hundred tactical maneuvers spout off in my ear piece. Orders given, orders received. Asking for coordinates- wondering whom came the closest to the drop point. I hear yelling off to my right- as my Pride waves me in from the Pyramid- Keist holding the rear guard.

Fifty meters at most? Did we get that lucky? "All units, hold position. This is Captain Bennett, my pride is on location. We are going in, Hold the line. Buy us as much time as you can- then evacuate before your overrun. These are my final orders- Going dark."

We wouldnt get a signal from inside. We knew this. Instead, I run for the Pyramid. Weaving through in one of the longest dead sprints of my life. Once more, I find myself fortunate. No scar upon me. But it would not be long before we were followed.

Our entrance was being purchased with the lives of our crew. We had to make it count. Once inside- A pat on my shoulder and the slamming of a button is all it takes. Destiny awaits.

We shall not fail that rendezvous.

Stream is Over! (
A Fool tries again. Suprise, Cydonia Awaits. I want to see, if I made but one mistake between victory and defeat. (
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run (AAR Write up in Progress)
Post by: Yugian on August 24, 2024, 05:08:57 am
Hallowed be the BFG. I am redeemed.

I am a lucky bastard. But it counts.

Seven in the Zubrin, Baby.
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run (AAR Write up in Progress)
Post by: Yugian on September 11, 2024, 11:50:24 pm
So hey. Been a hot minute again. Between a break, wrapping up Cydonia post and getting the AAR write up going on... Along with life. I have not been tending to this. I'm hoping to correct that soon but Fuuuuuuuck. I need to trim shit down.


Consider this a reserve post for the (Likely split) writing wank for Cydonia.  Also because im not one to break flow:

Even Cats can Slay Gods. Your Sauce. (
Title: Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run (AAR Write up in Progress)
Post by: Yugian on September 11, 2024, 11:57:36 pm
===Ye Be Moving into Harder Fan-Wank here. This run is now officially modded to allow us to access content usually inaccessible by Cats. This is not 'Canon' to the game. This is What If at this point.===

This is will be filled out with the Log Later. Another Reserve post. Beware, I am a hack.

Stream is Over! (
It is not merely Star Gods that must be defeated, to Liberate Khemri... (