OpenXcom Forum

Modding => OpenXcom Extended => OXCE Suggestions NEW => Topic started by: Finnik on February 24, 2024, 06:46:25 pm

Title: [Suggestion] Custom briefing for base defense missions
Post by: Finnik on February 24, 2024, 06:46:25 pm
This feature can enable modders to create diverse lore and background for different types of base defense missions (that are technically already possible with new features like,11429.0.html (,11429.0.html) and,10808.0.html (,10808.0.html))

Currently, the game uses can spawn alien mission for base defense encounter, that specify the UFO to "land" near the base. Battlescape encounter uses base to generate the map and `` section of the landed UFO to generate enemies (race taken from alien mission). But the briefing data is hardcoded and can't be modded.

Possible design - make a new property in `alienDeployment` rule to override vanilla logic and use briefing data from UFO's `alineDeployment.briefing` (currently, it is ignored), like it is done for terror missions.