OpenXcom Forum

Modding => OXCE Bugs => OpenXcom Extended => OXCE Bugs from OXC => Topic started by: jnarical on October 11, 2023, 06:50:55 am

Title: canTargetUnit() issues? (OXC and OXCE)
Post by: jnarical on October 11, 2023, 06:50:55 am
That's OXC-related, but

while i agree in principle that the scan should be more thorough, this is a case of "do what the original did"
(c) Warboy

For my voxel-precise accuracy mod to work correctly, I'll fix that anyway. There's nothing good when you see an enemy on first-person view, but not in game (That's the case in current state). Decided to share, maybe it's possible to do something with that in upstream OXCE.
Title: Re: canTargetUnit() issues?
Post by: Meridian on October 11, 2023, 03:13:43 pm
I understand what you're saying, but this is also beyond the scope of OXCE (,5251.0.html).

I want to remain true to OXC and to OG as much as possible.

This stuff simply is what makes xcom xcom, without it it's not xcom anymore.

PS: btw. this is just the very tip of the iceberg, when you start digging deeper you'll find a lot more (and bigger) "issues" like this
Title: Re: canTargetUnit() issues?
Post by: jnarical on October 11, 2023, 04:19:04 pm
I want to remain true to OXC and to OG as much as possible.

This stuff simply is what makes xcom xcom, without it it's not xcom anymore.

I've spoken to Volutar this morning. He says that code has nothing to do with original OG. It was his own "creative implementation" and is far away from OG. There were like 4 horizontal slices, top - bottom - 1/4 - 3/4 of height (as far as he remembers). Far less scan points, to be honest. He was trying to increase that number for various reasons, and made slices for every 2 voxels of height. At least, that was the intention.

What I'm trying to achieve here - is to get top and bottom voxels detectable, in some sense that would be closer to OG then current implementation :) In terms of top-bottom detection
Title: Re: canTargetUnit() issues?
Post by: Yankes on October 11, 2023, 04:31:44 pm
Ok, then this is OXC problem and probably can be improved (and then backported to OXCE).
Title: Re: canTargetUnit() issues?
Post by: Meridian on October 11, 2023, 04:32:39 pm
As I said, if you start digging deeper, you'll find stuff you don't even want to find.

My statement still stands, I want to stay true to OXC and to OG.
(And if the two differ somewhere, it's more practical for me to choose OXC.)
Title: Re: canTargetUnit() issues?
Post by: jnarical on October 11, 2023, 04:35:38 pm
To me, it seems quite important. Borders ot a unit should be detectable, it's more important then any internal points. If you want to get "pure OG" there's a possibillity to implement that directly.

And if the two differ somewhere, it's more practical for me to choose OXC
If "staying close to OXC" means "not fixing bugs"? I can understand lack of enthusiasm but there nothing like "true spirit of the game" in this particular code...
Title: Re: canTargetUnit() issues?
Post by: Meridian on October 11, 2023, 04:51:54 pm
If "staying close to OXC" means "not fixing bugs"?

It's not all black-or-white, it's a spectrum.
You consider it a clear bug, I don't.
Warboy also doesn't see it as a bug, if you are actually quoting him, not just paraphrasing.
If we implemented the other option that volutar told you about... you'd still consider it a bug, wouldn't you?

I am not going to change this only in OXCE, I have no reason to do that and many reasons not to do that.

If it gets changed in OXC however, as Yankes said it will be automatically changed also in OXCE.
Title: Re: canTargetUnit() issues?
Post by: jnarical on October 11, 2023, 05:09:36 pm
Warboy also doesn't see it as a bug, if you are actually quoting him
That's a direct quote, but he said it before I made a picture, the issue was... more hazy, to say.

I am not going to change this only in OXCE, I have no reason to do that and many reasons not to do that.
You have a huge point here. I created post here in "OXCE bugs" in hope something could be changed at least at this level, cause I have no hope to change OXC. SupSuper was crystal clear in the Discord, saying that OXC is in it's maintainance state so any significant changes are quite unlikely. But... if Yankes says it's possible... it would be great
Title: Re: canTargetUnit() issues?
Post by: Yankes on October 11, 2023, 05:33:50 pm
Yes, OXC is "maintenance" state and this mean bug fix are included, as recent with body voxel handling of units.
Simply if bug is critical then it will be applied. If you layout your case clearly with examples (like here) it chance to convince Sup to include
this change.
I do not analyze your case deeply but I would be inclined to consider this as bug (but I will not try override Meridian opinion as he will clean all fallout if some thing break because of this).
Title: Re: canTargetUnit() issues?
Post by: jnarical on October 14, 2023, 03:25:35 pm

just in case