OpenXcom Forum

Modding => OpenXcom Extended => OXCE Support => Topic started by: Blazen on September 29, 2023, 01:33:47 pm

Title: [Solved] Unit's turn won't end if a fired grenade goes off the map.
Post by: Blazen on September 29, 2023, 01:33:47 pm
I'm playing the X-Chronicles mod but I believe it's a bug with the game rather than the mod.

I've fired an explosive grenade from the grenade launcher and it went off the map and now the unit's turn won't end.

To reproduce though get a grenade launcher, fire explosive rounds at an enemy next to the map edge until it misses off the map.

Edit- I couldn't access the options menu to close the game properly so I alt-f4ed it and ran it up again, the ironman had saved it from just when I fired the round but I could select other soliders again so I finished the turn, which was fine, the aliens had their turn, which was fine, I continued with my next turn which was fine until I tried to move the solider who had fired the grenade round. As soon as I tried to move him he didn't do anything but his turn won't end again and I can't access the options again.

In the attached save just try to move the solider which starts selected.
Title: Re: Unit's turn won't end if a fired grenade goes off the map.
Post by: Meridian on September 29, 2023, 02:01:39 pm
It's likely a save data corruption due to Ironman mode saving when a save is not expected. (Nothing I can do about that.)
Happened already a million times.

But I'll check if it's not something else...
Title: Re: Unit's turn won't end if a fired grenade goes off the map.
Post by: Meridian on September 30, 2023, 05:39:48 pm
I checked it, it's a corrupted Ironman save.

Fixed save attached.
Title: Re: Unit's turn won't end if a fired grenade goes off the map.
Post by: Blazen on November 01, 2023, 09:38:47 am
Thanks for the fix.