OpenXcom Forum
Contributions => Offtopic => Topic started by: Ethereal on July 03, 2022, 09:15:09 am
Une mise en scène rétro extrêmement intéressante. Et de la nostalgie...
Clay motion looks cool as always :)
Homm2 knight music-one of my favorite game series next to Xcom 8)
Well, if the classics, so the classics. Old Frank was already burning like arc welding!
There is something magic in Sega ports of old games, its unique in special way.
When I heared first seconds of Dune its bring to my head memory about Castlevania Bloodlines.
Its not even about theme-its more about Sega Mega Drive and Genesis sounds (but I spended most time playing Sonic games and Battletoads on those consoles).
That mesmerizing voice...
It's not a pity to turn such a world into dust.
kick ass remaster of XCOM soundtrack
kick ass remaster of XCOM soundtrack
Thanks a lot! Didn't know this album existed.
Here's a link to the album's authors website. There you can listen to the original, and not strange YouTube videos that are 10+ minutes long. It's a lot cooler!
A little calm, in this hectic time.
This is victory!
This is victory!
Let me share my favourite version as well. :)
Let me share my favourite version as well. :)
That is great! ;D
How can you not love her, swordswoman, drummer - and you? Support the girl!
For the games, as in life...
"the divine ponytail waves on!"
Some Industrial Metal...
Fnamade music:
Come to me and listen to old records...