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OpenXcom Forks => More Forks => From the Ashes => Topic started by: Finnik on April 17, 2022, 02:25:03 am

Title: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Finnik on April 17, 2022, 02:25:03 am

Greetings everyone, I am incredibly excited to introduce my project, X-Com: From the Ashes, to the community!
It is a global conversion to OpenXcom. During the alien invasion, X-COM's initiative failed, alien agents infiltrated the ranks of most major governments, and within a few months, they were placed in a puppet regime. The true motives of the aliens remain obscure. Their hostile activities are skillfully hidden from the public. There is no support from the Council of Funding Nations, and Council members loyal to X-COM are scattered and remain concealed. The player will need to learn how to survive in the new circumstances, conduct an undercover struggle against alien forces, and cooperate with global organizations involved in the conflict.

This project is more than just a mod for OpenXcom, as it uses its own version of the game engine. There are many entirely new mechanics in the game - diplomacy, covert operations, new tactical mission objectives, loyalty, and much, much more. You can see the full list of engine features here: (

Download installer for Windows from (
The process is similar to the OpenXcom installation. However, if you have problems with the installation, visit this page for a detailed description of the manual installation process:,10498.0.html (,10498.0.html)

The campaign begins with the player having to defend the X-Com base from an assault of the Men in Black. Then you will need to assess the situation and learn how to use the new opportunities. Many aspects of game mechanics and balance have been changed, giving a fresh experience. However, the gameplay and visual design remain in the spirit of the classic 1994 game.

The game is in development, the current version is the initial release, in a sense it is a "vertical slice" of the game experience. The campaign is limited in time with the first 8 months, after which it will end automatically. While most of the mechanics have already been implemented and a significant amount of content related to the early game has been added to the game, much more is yet to come. Nevertheless, the release is necessary in order to gather feedback and get more ideas and inspiration to keep working.

I would be very grateful for any feedback, bug reports and suggestions. You can share it here or by joining or Discord server: (
Especially valuable to me is gameplay video, so if you stream your playthrough, it would be great if you could send me the link to it. The Discord server has a special channel for streaming your games, don't be shy, drop by there.
You can follow the development progress on the Twitch channel: (

Current version is well-balanced for 2ed ("Experienced") difficulty level. You might face some troubles on higher difficulty levels because you will have to learn a lot of new mechanics and discover your own META first. "Superhuman" difficulty now works not how I want it to be, as I want to form an extra challenge here. This would require a lot of effort, and I want to finish general development first.
You might notice some loose ends in story arcs, because it is still WIP.
Also, more engine features coming. We have a new hacking system almost done, and there is a solid concept for negotiation system. Future releases will also include soldier secondary stats, additional battlescape tactical objectives and many more interesting ideas are yet to be developed.
As for content part - I'm planning to focus myself on increasing mission variety for 4-8 month, supporting coming engine features with content and balancing difficulties.
The next big milestone is midgame, where I will introduce another 2 factions and encounters with aliens. I'm planning to finish the most major engine work before this. Currently, engine C++ coding takes like 70% of my time, so I lack of strengths to make huge amount of content I would like to see in the game.

The project would have been unthinkable without the tremendous work that the OpenXcom and OpenXcom Extended developers accomplished before me. In addition, I have borrowed some free content from other authors. The detailed list of credits can be found here: (

Most of the game's content is non-compilation code distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). You are free to share and adapt the materials only for non-commercial purposes and when providing appropriate attribution.
However, some assets were developed by professional artists for a fee specifically for FtA, and I have full rights to it. So if you wish to use the assets in your project, please read the license terms: (
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Yankes on April 17, 2022, 02:57:03 am
Congratulation for your initial release :)
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Finnik on April 17, 2022, 03:07:13 am
Thank you!
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Scamps on April 17, 2022, 03:37:52 pm
Congratulations on release, Finnick! Aclually, I tried this mod before release out of curiosity. Looking forward to further development! Best of luck!
Below is not a review per se, but rather some thoughts in no particular order.

Seems surprisingly bug-free (except swarmids, these are plentiful).
I generally don't care much about graphics, but all new content seems visually pleasing.
Love new mapblocks and maps. There can be never too much maps :)
First covert ops mission gives some extreme loyalty (possibly negative), like +-100000. Probably intended for debug purposes?
A monster hunt failed, all soldiers perished, but scientist returned. Intended?
All research progress is 'Poor', should scale from hours to days probably?
Is it posible to make resistance radio item visible from the start? Turrets can sometime somehow be visible in latest versions of OXCE.
When covert operation mission starts, is it possible to indicate day/night? To equip troops with flashlights. It is not a problem for ordinary missions, but is for covert ops.
Balance seems fine, both combat (one little exception is a herd of armadillos), item prices, and research costs. Did not look into item volumes yet since did not have space problems :)
Unsure how much of the campaign is currently intended to be playable. Researched everything I could (up to motion scanner), and called it quits.
Did not expand the base at all due to lack of funds. Making smoke grenades helps to stay afloat but not much beside that. Haven't seen landed UFOs or such. A single tiny UFO blew up rather then crashed.
Got only one cover op for lab equipment (waited for a couple of months). Should probably be repeatable since you need 1 for bio lab and 3 more for normal lab. On the other hand not a problem since got no money anyways :)
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Finnik on April 17, 2022, 04:05:11 pm
Hotfix deployed, pls, update. (

It contains some critical fixes, for instance
First covert ops mission gives some extreme loyalty (possibly negative), like +-100000. Probably intended for debug purposes?
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Finnik on April 17, 2022, 07:15:57 pm
Thanks for your feedback!

Seems surprisingly bug-free (except swarmids, these are plentiful).
Can't get you sorry... Are swarmid units/missions bugged? If so, can you share example cases how it happen?

First covert ops mission gives some extreme loyalty (possibly negative), like +-100000. Probably intended for debug purposes?
fixed in, thanks for the reporting!

A monster hunt failed, all soldiers perished, but scientist returned. Intended?
I will investigate, should not be. If possible, could you pls share the save to reproduce it?

All research progress is 'Poor', should scale from hours to days probably?
I will look if I can improve visual. I thought it should scale without any change...

Is it posible to make resistance radio item visible from the start? Turrets can sometime somehow be visible in latest versions of OXCE.

Yeah, this is a new feature, but the mission itself is pretty old (I think, may be 2 years or so). I should use that new options we have.

When covert operation mission starts, is it possible to indicate day/night? To equip troops with flashlights. It is not a problem for ordinary missions, but is for covert ops.

I made it in a way that even the game does not know it on operation start. So you should be prepared to any case. But I was thinking if I should display it on inventory, when the mission starts. I just dont have good idea where to place the indicator, there is no much space left...

Balance seems fine, both combat (one little exception is a herd of armadillos), item prices, and research costs. Did not look into item volumes yet since did not have space problems :)

I decreased it a lot, to ensure you will be fine without expanding storage facility number, at least before lategame.
Generally, I don't like stacking several same facilities as a core of base construction.

Unsure how much of the campaign is currently intended to be playable. Researched everything I could (up to motion scanner), and called it quits.

Well, for playtests I saw, you cant really research all the tech tree in a one run. Although, the main arc progress currently relies on MiB agents interrogation.

Did not expand the base at all due to lack of funds. Making smoke grenades helps to stay afloat but not much beside that. Haven't seen landed UFOs or such. A single tiny UFO blew up rather then crashed.

In released version you have some ways to rise funds pretty effectively to expand the base at 4-6 month with lab and creature containment.
There is not much aliens currently in the game, would be added in future release. Tho, you can focus yourself fighting on the ground =)

Got only one cover op for lab equipment (waited for a couple of months). Should probably be repeatable since you need 1 for bio lab and 3 more for normal lab. On the other hand not a problem since got no money anyways :)

They are repeating, but in current version it's not intended you will be able to build regular lab unless you are super lucky =)
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Scamps on April 18, 2022, 01:48:58 am
Can't get you sorry... Are swarmid units/missions bugged?
Out of 5 monster missions got 3 swarmids in a row (and then 2 armadillo missions). Thought that other monsters are yet to be implemented, but well, this is RNG.

I will investigate, should not be. If possible, could you pls share the save to reproduce it?
Save is attached.
- Notice 5 scientists working, no free scientists.
- Skip time to mission.
- Abort mission.
- Notice 1 free scientist.

I thought it should scale without any change...
Likely something like this in vanilla code, still unchanged:
Code: [Select]
if (var<=3) return 'excellent'
where var is assumed to be in days, but it is in hours. Or I may be mistaken. This is just a guess.

I made it in a way that even the game does not know it on operation start. So you should be prepared to any case. But I was thinking if I should display it on inventory, when the mission starts. I just dont have good idea where to place the indicator, there is no much space left...
If the game knew it on mission start, there is a place for visual (and I am sure I also saw a mod, but can't find it),2408.msg61729.html#msg61729
Can't help with inventory screen.

Well, for playtests I saw, you cant really research all the tech tree in a one run. Although, the main arc progress currently relies on MiB agents interrogation.
Ok, will try to capture more of them. Only researched two, probably.

In released version you have some ways to rise funds pretty effectively to expand the base at 4-6 month with lab and creature containment.
There is not much aliens currently in the game, would be added in future release. Tho, you can focus yourself fighting on the ground =)
I won all battles with power of savescumming and still did not have enough. Next time will try to build radar ASAP for better chance at UFOs. These should earn some cash.
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Finnik on April 18, 2022, 02:03:41 am
where var is assumed to be in days, but it is in hours. Or I may be mistaken. This is just a guess.
I just changed that the game treats all numbers as hours, not days, for researching. And also updating process happens every hour, not every day.
I can remember that vanilla also likely to show you none or poor state, so I might refactor vanilla setting.

Out of 5 monster missions got 3 swarmids in a row (and then 2 armadillo missions). Thought that other monsters are yet to be implemented, but well, this is RNG.
I probably should look if I can adjust that rng for more smooth behavior

Next time will try to build radar ASAP for better chance at UFOs. These should earn some cash.

Don't tell anybody, but you can't really loot FtA aliens in early game, that is presented in current release. They are overpowered in my setting. That is why X-Com lost in FtA's prequel =)
If the money is the issue, I will buff some numbers and add extra looting missions. We tried it, and funding was manageable. But it's just the first release, numbers can't be perfect.
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: efrenespartano on April 18, 2022, 03:05:58 am
Congrats on the release, my friend Finnik! I wish you the best on this new mod, hope it gets all the attention and love it deserves!
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on April 18, 2022, 04:31:24 am
Had ton of fun, played it few hours, then debugged whole camaping to experience everything.

New mechanics are awesome, things that were thought to be outside of the engine possiblities are now "just" implemented.
Truly a breath of fresh air.

(I'm not good at praising stuff, if I don't mention something its most likely very, very good, otherwise here are some small nitpicks).
In no particular order:
- Armadillos seems to be the most "unfun" enemies to fight with, 20 armor on each side, fairly fast, slight (20%) ressistance to basically any weapon you can get. With other monsters you can work around with their weakness, Swarmids for example are countered by fire, but Armadillos just eat fire and bullets for breakfast. Just have to use the biggest guns, otherwise rip. Weakness to stun/electricity (tazer) should solve the issue, while also not making them too easy.

- On the first glance it is hard to tell what needs to be destroyed in MiB HQ and that is a timed mission on top, going around trying to explode each and every "computer" and mainframe takes a lot of time and is just boring. There is no indication when "aborting" the mission counts and HQ destroyed and when it's not.

- There doesn't seem to be a good way to get cash, I assume its not intended to be constantly in debt. Sure, you can make chemicals and sell them for a net 100$ gain, but with new market mechanics you can't even set them to sell automaticly and it doesn't really pay for base maintenance and for additional stuff. Covert Op, shooting down some MiB craft, or a regular mission focused on accquiring funds should easly solve it in the beginning, then maybe focusing on manufacturing stuff to sell to the allied factions.

- Hunting Rifle ammo stacking seems to not work properly (probably the same problem with bow). On the pre-mission inventory screen you can stack 5 individual "clips" in one space, but when you actually start mission, it reverts back to single bullet for each space. Also, the price for a single bullet is ridiculous, 100 god damned greens, if they aren't made from gold instead of lead... heh.

- Zombies seems to have too much TUs. This might be just personnal experience, having to run to the wheat fields ASAP just when you see one, because they will always get you.

- There is no point in trying to intercept very small UFO's as per shields, huge dodge chance, always explodes and deals fair ammount of damage back. I don't see myself trying to engage them in a full game. This might be due to lore reasons, in this case its ok.

- Makeshift nades shouldn't need to use chemicals to create, or they should be able to be made free of charge, since you have to spend cash to make chemicals and then spend cash to make a nade out of them, which means in pratice that each such nade costs almost 0.5k.

- No armor for rookies. Interesting design choice I don't quite like, even in the original game jumpsuit gave some armor to the soldiers. I sure do hope for some makeshift alternatives for both weapons and armor in the future.

Really looking forward into mod's development, it might even be the spark to rekindle my xcom spriting "hobby", keep up great work.
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Scamps on April 18, 2022, 10:27:43 am
I probably should look if I can adjust that rng for more smooth behavior
Don't spend to much time, please. The sample is too small to complain.
Actually, is was intended to be a joke. Since swarmids are bugs, a game featuring them can't be bug free by definition. And I found no other bugs. That's all I meant.
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Mathel on April 18, 2022, 10:46:06 am
Let's see what this is. Sounds interesting.

Edit: Installer was blocked by Panda Antivirus, as W32/exploit.gen.
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Tchey on April 18, 2022, 12:15:36 pm

I Played a lot with Xfiles and OXCE last years, and i’m quite excited about From the Ashes. I didn’t try to play it yet nor to install (i’m on Linux Manjaro if it matters), but i’ll certainly do so "soon".

Thanks for your work.
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Finnik on April 18, 2022, 09:36:09 pm
In no particular order:

Thank you, that is a kind of feedback I need at this point!
- Fair point. I was not meant Armadillos to be squad-buster. They are the only monsters with noticeable armor value, I am balancing it with low TU's for melee-only unit. Tho, having vulnerability to some rare early game damage type would be a nice feature.
- Yeah, this is a problem of the first release. In the next major version, I will introduce a hacking system, and it would be much more fun to play. And I will definitely look if I can make achieving objective more obvious.
- I have some looting missions on table right now, would be included at the same point. Also, clever suggestions about lore for repeatable cash acquiring covert ops are very welcome!
- Stacking on pre-equip being unsaved is a known problem, worth fixing. Also, item cost is and issue, thanks for pointing!
- Zombies are much more dangerous than they used to be in another projects, and they really scale with difficulty setting. Although, they can be countered with specific tactic. I need more data for further consideration, like gameplay videos. Playtesting, that we've done before shown, that there could be situations, where you better abort, but its rare.
- The only point to shot down UFOs now is to prevent it effect on your loyalty level. Known UFOs flying does reduce it. I hope, there would be quite a big engine update, related to dogfight in the next major update, I'm currently working on that feature. Also, I will increase alien content amount, hope that both would work. But aliens in FtA are the ultimate treat, they can't be effectively engaged in early game. I'm showing it with even the very first tiny UFO can kick your ass =)
- I need to reduce its cost, thanks for pointing!
- In vanilla, those 12 armor means nothing against plasma. So I think it's comparable, as power of FtA's early game enemies are way lower, than vanilla. It's a design choice, many people treat it hostile. But I looked very closely to how it affects on the game for a long time, and did a lot of testing. Currently, I like how it works from a game design perspective. There are options to get armor, and I will add more for future, but it still would be rare and valuable. But what makeshift alternatives for weapons do you want?

Actually, is was intended to be a joke. Since swarmids are bugs, a game featuring them can't be bug free by definition. And I found no other bugs. That's all I meant.
Ah, I was not sure if I get it right at the first time =) Sorry, English is not my native...

Edit: Installer was blocked by Panda Antivirus, as W32/exploit.gen.

I have no idea what can I do about it =) Try manual install...


I Played a lot with Xfiles and OXCE last years, and i’m quite excited about From the Ashes. I didn’t try to play it yet nor to install (i’m on Linux Manjaro if it matters), but i’ll certainly do so "soon".

Thanks for your work.

Check out installation guide here,10498.0.html (,10498.0.html)
I do have Linux build, and it should work just like OXCE does. So if you played it, you can play FtA as well  :D
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Mathel on April 19, 2022, 11:50:41 am
The manual installation worked without issue.

I just got through first month and have a few questions.

Is a covert op battle the result of a "failed" covert op?

What does the silent trait some weapons have mean? Are there missions that require silent weapons, or are enemies able to hear in this altered engine?

Is it intentional that the Resistance will buy spare parts and chemicals at higher price than you can manufacture them at?
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on April 19, 2022, 02:29:43 pm
- In vanilla, those 12 armor means nothing against plasma. So I think it's comparable, as power of FtA's early game enemies are way lower, than vanilla. It's a design choice, many people treat it hostile. But I looked very closely to how it affects on the game for a long time, and did a lot of testing. Currently, I like how it works from a game design perspective. There are options to get armor, and I will add more for future, but it still would be rare and valuable. But what makeshift alternatives for weapons do you want?

Yeah, but very common one-hit kills against the player makes sense in vanilla where soldier replacement is just a small cash investment without any limits. Soldiers becoming fairly expensive and with limited numbers to hire kinda breaks this balance (just my opinion, though).

Not that I "want" makeshift stuff, but I dig the aesthetic and it makes sense for the first "tier 0" gear that X-COM can get their hands in steady supply. Like civilian bulletproof vests reinforced with scrap metal and simple zipguns, pipe-rifles and sub-machineguns like Luty, or Sten that could be used later as cash source by crafting them and then selling to ressistance which seems to make sense in the lore.

I don't want my opinions and "propositions" to be treated as "demands", its entirely a feedback :) 
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Finnik on April 19, 2022, 11:54:16 pm
The manual installation worked without issue.
Is a covert op battle the result of a "failed" covert op?

Covert operation can have 2 outcomes - success and a failure (actually, there could be also a critical failure, but it just the worst case of a failure). Each outcome can have the own set of outcomes - items, research projects unlocking, events, missions, spawned on battlescape, or instant battlescape scenario. Each covert operation have own setup, and I often mix it together. For instance, the first operation - Chasing MIB ends with the battle in all cases, it only matter the difficulty. Some operations can have battlescape outcome as an option, for instance - they can lead you to MIB trap, if you are unlucky. So it depends, really.

What does the silent trait some weapons have mean? Are there missions that require silent weapons, or are enemies able to hear in this altered engine?
Yeah, I have stealth mechanic coded. Some missions are critical to it, as enemies can rise alarm on spotting you infiltrating the map. If anything - not only sound is taken into account  ;)

Is it intentional that the Resistance will buy spare parts and chemicals at higher price than you can manufacture them at?

It was intended that you can have small business.

I don't want my opinions and "propositions" to be treated as "demands", its entirely a feedback :) 

Oh, please, guys, don't be shy! =) I knew what I was doing, launching a big project. Actually, managing IT project is something like what I'm doing as a main job, so I feel myself confident with users feedback. I think I quite prepared to any PR, from propositions to a bluster  ;)

The only thing that makes me sad for now is stupid suggestion, I feel like some people don't even try to think for a bit before throwing stuff. That looks like disrespect to me.
No matter the form, clever ideas are taken into the account, not matter how they were expressed - like a "propositions",  or like a "demands"  :)
In any case, I know how to operate with backlog (tho, I tend to feature creep), and what product vision is.

Now, to makeshift. I call that early manufacturing "junkyard tinkering". This idea is not very developed currently, but I'm looking forward to accumulating more wild ideas about it. See, X-Com engineers are actually smart guys, so I'd rather add some "toys" like rocket glove, or electrical arrows. I am highlighting it with "inventing system" (not actually a new mechanic, but just set of event scripts), where you do not perform boring research project, but new blueprint just being randomly invented (if some conditions are met, OFC).
About firearms - maybe it's just me, but I really don't feel that even with the simple workshop we can build now you can create more or less fine firearms (even civilian tier), it is a very specific production. Throwing knife, sword manufacturing - sure, worth making. Probably only the most primitive, something like starting Piratez guns...
What about DIY gun, that can fire just a single time, without even ability to recharge (or taking nearly full turn to do so)?  ;D
About armor - again, I do have a crafted armor set, it's just not a super early game thing. I have more armor ideas to be implemented. And we have shield, that will get improvement soon regarding! There was a cool idea suggested how to make its tanky sector more wide, so it will be a lot more handy.

Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Scamps on April 20, 2022, 11:41:30 pm
Greetings again!
Here is a bug report (save attached). Covert ops mission is stuck. At some point a scientist returned, but troops did not. I do not remember the moment exactly, time likely slowed down to 5 sec, but there were definitely no popups. Mission is listed as active, days are stuck at 17.

On other things:
- Found out that shields are profitable to manufacture, produce them non stop. Chemicals are actually not profitable, if worker salary is accounted for, but shields are. Still not much profit, though. 7 engineers can't pay base upkeep by themselves.

- Armadillos: definitely need some kind of counter. Maybe lower their front armor to represent unprotected belly? Like spitters in XCom. Or under armor for that matter.
Another option can be decreasing their movement speed. Currently they are crazy fast. And bipedal (walking on two legs)? Don't know their lore, but their current speed is unexpected unless explained.

- Fast zombies: if you know in advance you will fight zombies you sure can go all shotguns and have little problems. But in resistance camp mission you have to be prepared for anything, so you mix weapons, and zombies become much harder. A lot depends on initial positioning. If there is some distance, fight becomes much, mush easier. In one mission two resistance agents spawned in a small building together with two zombies inside and one right outside. Also said building was in the opposite corner of the map from the Dragonfly. There was no chance at all to save resistance members.
If there is no intention to nerf individual zombies, maybe consider decreasing number of zombies in a mission during first months? Or maybe leave them as is, they are not nearly as overpowered as armadillos )
Third option would be increasing reward for tougher missions, zombie corpses don't sell well )

- Researching multiple MiBs is fun, love the stories!

- I wasn't sure if the stealth mechanics is implemented, but then I saw it in logs and understood enough to rob military facility without raising alarm (with savescaumming, of course). But if posible there should be some indication the moment alarm is raised, not at the end of turn, nor couple of turns later. Also I suggest documenting mechanics in a pedia article.
Also could you please document exact mechanics for concealable weapons? As I believe, covert ops success chance drops the moment you add first non-concealable weapon? Does quantity of these weapons matter from there on? Are there other rules?
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Finnik on April 21, 2022, 05:59:28 pm
Save is attached.
- Notice 5 scientists working, no free scientists.
- Skip time to mission.
- Abort mission.
- Notice 1 free scientist.

Not a bug, you had a scientist working on the covert operation. Operation is over, scientist is available again.

Greetings again!
Here is a bug report (save attached). Covert ops mission is stuck. At some point a scientist returned, but troops did not. I do not remember the moment exactly, time likely slowed down to 5 sec, but there were definitely no popups. Mission is listed as active, days are stuck at 17.

Weird thing. I've edited the engine to unstuck operation if it found one. But it would be better to find what causes the issue, I've looked the code, but have no idea yet. If you will get such case again, pls, give me more info about what happened before it. Once time was set to 5 sec, you should see battlescape, but something prevented it. Rare case, as we tested all operations many times. This is not a new system, I've developed more than a year ago... But I will keep in mind it, maybe I will fix it somehow later. For now, you can get a new nighty engine here to keep playing. (

- Found out that shields are profitable to manufacture, produce them non stop. Chemicals are actually not profitable, if worker salary is accounted for, but shields are. Still not much profit, though. 7 engineers can't pay base upkeep by themselves.

Balanced, thanks! I remember there was some nice tool to balance manufacturing, can't find it =(

- Armadillos: definitely need some kind of counter. Maybe lower their front armor to represent unprotected belly? Like spitters in XCom. Or under armor for that matter.
Another option can be decreasing their movement speed. Currently they are crazy fast. And bipedal (walking on two legs)? Don't know their lore, but their current speed is unexpected unless explained.

They deserve some balance, that was discussed before, and their front armor is already lower. You can check their lore and tactical analysis.

- Fast zombies: if you know in advance you will fight zombies you sure can go all shotguns and have little problems. But in resistance camp mission you have to be prepared for anything, so you mix weapons, and zombies become much harder. A lot depends on initial positioning. If there is some distance, fight becomes much, mush easier. In one mission two resistance agents spawned in a small building together with two zombies inside and one right outside. Also said building was in the opposite corner of the map from the Dragonfly. There was no chance at all to save resistance members.
If there is no intention to nerf individual zombies, maybe consider decreasing number of zombies in a mission during first months? Or maybe leave them as is, they are not nearly as overpowered as armadillos )
Third option would be increasing reward for tougher missions, zombie corpses don't sell well )

I like them being actually dangerous, not like we see in another mods. Those missions are intended to be that unpredictable. I've seen some very interesting and efficient tactics and loadout patterns to counter it, that were invented by playtesters. I like that FtA missions force to adapt patterns. But I will look closer to those missions gameplay to see if it needs to be more balanced. And monster and zombie missions will get new reward content in the future.

- Researching multiple MiBs is fun, love the stories!

Thanks! It was not easy to develop it, but I also like the result. It's actually not that random, part of the story is that you feel you need to find some clues, but MIB agents keep dying on your hands =)
I have more ideas to improve mechanic, related to this.

Also I suggest documenting mechanics in a pedia article.

I choose not to document mechanics in pedia, just like vanilla did not had documentation about such unobvious mechanics, like psionic or reactions. As Ufopaedia is actually an in-game thing, I'm trying to avoid metagame data in it.
The most difficult decision about it is revealing stats of soldier specialization's perks.
I am documenting engine stuff with repo's wiki, you can look into it. But it's more for developers, not really player-friendly. Generally, documenting is super boring. I'm documenting IT development process IRL, so I'd choose not to do that here. I'd rather leave it for the community to share insights and tips like "hey, if I friendly fire Resistance to stun-secure it, it would not join xcom!", or to form guides, discuss META, etc.
I like vanilla had a lot of hidden mechanics, and you need to discover it for yourself. If you are not agree, I think, it's better to rise a different topic.

Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Finnik on April 25, 2022, 07:40:23 pm
Looks like I'm newbie when it comes to GitHub releases, as it looks like my hotfixes from the first day update were not included to live release. Anyway, a new version is uploaded, with some fixes.
While I'm working on a big engine feature, this release also includes minor fixes.


Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Blazen on April 25, 2022, 08:15:01 pm
This is a cool mod, I'm really liking the new features in it.

I've found a bit where the game crashes, in the attached save if you run time forwards, ignoring the completed research and the ufo, a soldier will complete assault specialisation that's fine, then 4 new soldiers arrive, if you go to base, either by clicking the 'go to base' button on the pop-up or oking the pop-up and going to the base yourself, and then go to the soldiers tab the game freezes, this happens even if you return to the geoscape first and then go back into the base, it doesn't freeze if you click the any other tab.

A few other soldiers are also about to complete specialisation an hour or so later, if you wait for them to finish then going to the soldiers tab is fine.

Note the actual save game is called _autogeo_.asav not Bugsave, as its a geoscape autosave.
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Finnik on April 25, 2022, 08:24:56 pm
This is a cool mod, I'm really liking the new features in it.

I've found a bit where the game crashes, in the attached save if you run time forwards, ignoring the completed research and the ufo, a soldier will complete assault specialisation that's fine, then 4 new soldiers arrive, if you go to base, either by clicking the 'go to base' button on the pop-up or oking the pop-up and going to the base yourself, and then go to the soldiers tab the game freezes, this happens even if you return to the geoscape first and then go back into the base, it doesn't freeze if you click the any other tab.

A few other soldiers are also about to complete specialisation an hour or so later, if you wait for them to finish then going to the soldiers tab is fine.

Note the actual save game is called _autogeo_.asav not Bugsave, as its a geoscape autosave.

Ok, thanks, I will investigate this!
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Bonakva on April 26, 2022, 11:58:42 pm
Местами слегка машинный перевод
Но для ознакомления должно хватить
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Finnik on April 27, 2022, 01:58:16 am
Местами слегка машинный перевод
Но для ознакомления должно хватить

wow, thats huge! Have you tested if it fits UI space? Russian is often longer than English (i think by 20% or so), and many English stings barely fits UI.

I think I need to deploy transifex space, so it would be easier to maintain translating of the project!
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Bonakva on April 27, 2022, 02:26:05 am
wow, thats huge! Have you tested if it fits UI space? Russian is often longer than English (i think by 20% or so), and many English stings barely fits UI.

I think I need to deploy transifex space, so it would be easier to maintain translating of the project!
I did a quick translation for myself through the machine to familiarize myself with new mechanics, simplify and enjoy the game.
There are many lexical, syntactical errors in the translation (extra commas, no or unnecessary spaces, the meaning of some words does not fit the context, and so on). But this is more than enough to get acquainted with the mod.
Regarding the interface, I just started to get acquainted with the mod, but yes, there are places where the Russian text goes beyond the line of sight. Especially in large messages that appear from time to time on the geoscape.
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Finnik on April 27, 2022, 10:55:26 am
OK then, hope you enjoy the game. Sorry, that I dont pay enough attention to localization yet, as some articles could be changed, it's still WIP.
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Finnik on April 27, 2022, 08:49:13 pm
New bugfix release, version

- Fixed a bug that caused alien missions from the original game to appear in the game.
- Cattle mutilation briefing screen image bug fixed.
- Minor fixes.
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: _Brain322 on June 03, 2022, 08:51:28 pm
Congrats on opening sub forum :D
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Finnik on June 05, 2022, 11:04:54 am
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: krautbernd on June 12, 2022, 04:12:39 pm
Is this the right place for bug reports? Just trying out the mod right now, and something I noticed during the initial base defense :

I stunned the (former) commander, and whenever I am giving my soldiers/agents a move order (when the path is displayed but before actually comitting the move order) I get a "enemy spotted" notification which points to the unconcious commander:

Is this intended?

On that account, it would be nice if "saving" the former commander would give some form of reward, maybe an unlock of some of the early research topics. Also, research progress is now checked on an hourly basis? Very helpful. Is this a user setting and/or available in vanilla OXCE or was this specifically added to FTA?

I am also unable to access the techtree viewer despite it not being disabled in the vars.Nevermind, researchTreeDisabled: was the culprit. But why are there multiple options to disable the tech tree viewer to begin with?
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Finnik on June 12, 2022, 11:08:34 pm
Is this the right place for bug reports? Just trying out the mod right now, and something I noticed during the initial base defense :

I stunned the (former) commander, and whenever I am giving my soldiers/agents a move order (when the path is displayed but before actually comitting the move order) I get a "enemy spotted" notification which points to the unconcious commander:

Is this intended?

On that account, it would be nice if "saving" the former commander would give some form of reward, maybe an unlock of some of the early research topics. Also, research progress is now checked on an hourly basis? Very helpful. Is this a user setting and/or available in vanilla OXCE or was this specifically added to FTA?

I am also unable to access the techtree viewer despite it not being disabled in the vars.Nevermind, researchTreeDisabled: was the culprit. But why are there multiple options to disable the tech tree viewer to begin with?

After the next big update I'll make a separate tread for bug tracking, for now  ;)

This is not intended, it's a floating bug I'm catching, looks like this system has to be redone for some level. TODOlisted for the next engine release - (btw, Github issue tracker is the best place to report it, and the most handy one for both me and reporters).

Capturing commander will be more important in the next release.

Hourly researches is a feature of FtA, and will be not added to OXCE for now; at least, I've got confirm about it from Meridian when he rejected for performance reason (Piratez have A LOT of researches to look through in this process, I will never get even a bit close to this number, so I don't care)

Techtree is disabled by design, as I don't like that feature as a game designer. Not sure, that I understand you - have you manage to turn it on? If so, it's a bug, pls, share the way how you did it.
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: krautbernd on June 12, 2022, 11:30:41 pm
Glad to hear you're still ironing outthe bugs. WIll you be adding some kind of progress tracker to let players know how much of the planned content / arcs are already implemented?

Techtree is disabled by design, as I don't like that feature as a game designer. Not sure, that I understand you - have you manage to turn it on? If so, it's a bug, pls, share the way how you did it.
The same way you turned it off, probably. Not a bug, don't worry about it.
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: krautbernd on June 13, 2022, 12:50:22 am
I've been having trouble with github lately so I hope you don't if I continue to poost bugs here.

I  recety id the R&D heist and "recovered" one of the military officers. Who promtply died, because apparently X-Com detention facilities are on par with Abu Ghraib. Is this intended? Are there multiple prison types for humans?
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Finnik on June 13, 2022, 01:03:29 am
Glad to hear you're still ironing outthe bugs.
OFC I do! I work on the project daily.

Glad to hear you're still ironing outthe bugs. WIll you be adding some kind of progress tracker to let players know how much of the planned content / arcs are already implemented?
hm, probably =) Although, for now, it's like 80% of total effort is engine coding, so content is not in my focus at the very moment. Also, content is not very much decomposed to say that, like "mib arc 38% done" as I need to define what is 100% first. I have issue tracker on github and board on trello, but it's also more about engine. I have a tree for campaign progression in miro, but as it describes campaign in details, I trat it as a major spoiler for players and it is devs-only tool. Furthermore, I share progress in Discord, for now base personnel roles feature and stealth improvements are on the table.

The same way you turned it off, probably. Not a bug, don't worry about it.
hm, probably I should disable it based on `ftaGame` property, to make it more closed =)

I've been having trouble with github lately so I hope you don't if I continue to poost bugs here.
not a problem
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: krautbernd on June 13, 2022, 01:37:44 am
hm, probably I should disable it based on `ftaGame` property, to make it more closed =)
If anything this is going to make it harder to follow up on bugs, not to mention that the tech tree is kind of vital to understand most mods that have any kind of complexity. There is already a config setting specifically to disable it for a mod. I don't think removing it would be a smart idea tbh.

How "accurate" are the time estimates for covert operations meant to be? Case in point, I have an ongoing monster hunt with 5 agents assigned that is said to finish in "several days", but which is still ongoing 2+ months later.
Code: [Select]
        spent: 520
        cost: 520
        successChance: 58
        assignedScientists: 1
        assignedEngineers: 0
        hasPsi: false
        inBattlescape: false
        hasBattlescapeResolve: false
        progressEventSpawned: false
        over: true
As far as I can tell this should be finished, only it never did. Meaning the agents&items are now locked behind this with no in-game option to recover them.

Also, like others have pointed out, the lack of income (apart from manufacturing+selling stuff to the resistance, and even that is lackluster) is a point of concern. I find myself unable to build any base facilities such as the workshop or the small radar because I simply don't have the funds and no ability to gain enough per month to get out of the negative. The only real influx I got was the one-time data vault mission, which came a month late becasue my team failed the handover the first time.

I also don't quite understand the whole point of monster hunt missions. I waste money in return for nothing because the corpses are worthless and I can't recover any live monsters (no option to research containment, let alone build one because lack of money).
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Finnik on June 13, 2022, 12:33:57 pm
If anything this is going to make it harder to follow up on bugs, not to mention that the tech tree is kind of vital to understand most mods that have any kind of complexity. There is already a config setting specifically to disable it for a mod. I don't think removing it would be a smart idea tbh.
You can still see it in debug =)

How "accurate" are the time estimates for covert operations meant to be? Case in point, I have an ongoing monster hunt that is said to finish in "several days", but which is still ongoing 2+ months later.

Looks like a bug. I don't quite remember if it was fixed already, but I will keep eye on it.

Also, like others have pointed out, the lack of income (apart from manufacturing+selling stuff to the resistance, and even that is lackluster) is a point of concern. I find myself unable to build any base facilities such as the workshop or the small radar because I simply don't have the funds and no ability to gain enough per month to get out of the negative. The only real influx I got was the one-time data vault mission, which came a month late becasue my team failed the handover the first time.

Yeah, this is a problem for next release to solve - thing is that we tested with very greedy testers, who manage to loot everything possible on mission, so the income was not an issue on pre-release playtesting.
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: krautbernd on June 13, 2022, 01:08:50 pm
Isn't it already limited to debug and locked behind to seperate config entries, i.e. researchTreeDisabled and oxceDisableTechTreeViewer ?
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Finnik on June 13, 2022, 02:45:57 pm
Isn't it already limited to debug and locked behind to seperate config entries, i.e. researchTreeDisabled and oxceDisableTechTreeViewer ?

probably, I made it quite time ago, and I need to look at my code to refresh memory =)
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Finnik on December 25, 2022, 05:08:10 pm
Stay tuned with engine development for the next major release! (
If anything, the percentage of completion is displayed incorrectly, because detailed tasks in the githab started to conduct only recently, in fact there is less than 5% of the total amount of work done.
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Slow on December 26, 2022, 08:15:37 pm
will there be a linux version?
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Finnik on December 28, 2022, 11:50:59 am
There is already a linux version =) Check download links
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: tanarg on March 02, 2023, 09:16:52 pm
game crash on start new game
what i do
i dl FtA-1.0.3-486bb076b-2023-02-27-win64.7z
unzip it to "E:\Games\OpenXcom From the Ashes" and copy all from "XCom UFO Defense\XCOM" to "OpenXcom From the Ashes\UFO"
i dl X-Com-From-the-Ashes/zip/refs/tags/v0.1.0.3
unzip to "Documents\OpenXcom\mods"
i run OpenXcomFta.exe
click mods->Xcom From the Ashes
see placeholder
click "new game"
see difficulty level 1-5 click any, click "Ok" and see Openxcom error "open xcom crashed Soldier STR_ENGINEER not found"

openxcom.log from Documents\OpenXcom
[02-03-2023_21-55-07]   [INFO]   OpenXcom Version: FtA 1.0.3 (v2023-02-28)
[02-03-2023_21-55-07]   [INFO]   Platform: Windows 64 bit
[02-03-2023_21-55-07]   [INFO]   Data folder is:
[02-03-2023_21-55-07]   [INFO]   Data search is:
[02-03-2023_21-55-07]   [INFO]   - C:/Users/sashaaa/Documents/OpenXcom/
[02-03-2023_21-55-07]   [INFO]   - E:/Games/OpenXcom From the Ashes/
[02-03-2023_21-55-07]   [INFO]   User folder is: C:/Users/sashaaa/Documents/OpenXcom/
[02-03-2023_21-55-07]   [INFO]   Config folder is: C:/Users/sashaaa/Documents/OpenXcom/
[02-03-2023_21-55-07]   [INFO]   Options loaded successfully.
[02-03-2023_21-55-07]   [INFO]   SDL initialized successfully.
[02-03-2023_21-55-08]   [INFO]   SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[02-03-2023_21-55-08]   [INFO]   Attempted locale:
[02-03-2023_21-55-08]   [INFO]   Detected locale: C
[02-03-2023_21-55-08]   [INFO]   Attempting to set display to 640x400x8...
[02-03-2023_21-55-08]   [INFO]   Display set to 640x400x8.
[02-03-2023_21-55-08]   [INFO]   Loading data...
[02-03-2023_21-55-08]   [INFO]   Scanning standard mods in ''...
[02-03-2023_21-55-08]   [INFO]   Scanning user mods in 'C:/Users/sashaaa/Documents/OpenXcom/'...
[02-03-2023_21-55-08]   [INFO]   FileMap::mapExtResources(xcom2, TFTD): external resources not found.
[02-03-2023_21-55-08]   [INFO]   Active mods:
[02-03-2023_21-55-08]   [INFO]   - xcom1 v1.0
[02-03-2023_21-55-08]   [INFO]   Loading begins...
[02-03-2023_21-55-08]   [INFO]   Pre-loading rulesets...
[02-03-2023_21-55-08]   [INFO]   Loading vanilla resources...
[02-03-2023_21-55-08]   [INFO]   Loading rulesets...
[02-03-2023_21-55-09]   [INFO]   Loading rulesets done.
[02-03-2023_21-55-09]   [INFO]   Loading fonts... Font.dat
[02-03-2023_21-55-09]   [INFO]   Lazy loading: 1
[02-03-2023_21-55-09]   [INFO]   Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[02-03-2023_21-55-09]   [INFO]   Making palette backups...
[02-03-2023_21-55-09]   [INFO]   After load.
[02-03-2023_21-55-09]   [INFO]   Loading ended.
[02-03-2023_21-55-09]   [INFO]   Data loaded successfully.
[02-03-2023_21-55-09]   [INFO]   Loading language...
[02-03-2023_21-55-09]   [INFO]   Language loaded successfully.
[02-03-2023_21-55-09]   [INFO]   OpenXcom started successfully!
[02-03-2023_21-55-09]   [INFO]   Playing flx, 320x200, 890 frames
[02-03-2023_21-55-09]   [INFO]   Using software scaling routine. For best results, try an OpenGL filter.
[02-03-2023_21-55-14]   [INFO]   SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[02-03-2023_22-05-07]   [FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Soldier STR_ENGINEER not found
Log file: C:/Users/sashaaa/Documents/OpenXcom/openxcom.log
If this error was unexpected, please report it on OpenXcom forum or discord.
The following can help us solve the problem:
1. a saved game from just before the crash (helps 98%)
2. a detailed description how to reproduce the crash (helps 80%)
3. a log file (helps 10%)
4. a screenshot of this error message (helps 5%)
[02-03-2023_22-05-16]   [INFO]   SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[02-03-2023_22-05-16]   [INFO]   Loading data...
[02-03-2023_22-05-16]   [INFO]   Scanning standard mods in ''...
[02-03-2023_22-05-16]   [INFO]   Scanning user mods in 'C:/Users/sashaaa/Documents/OpenXcom/'...
[02-03-2023_22-05-16]   [INFO]   FileMap::mapExtResources(xcom2, TFTD): external resources not found.
[02-03-2023_22-05-16]   [INFO]   Active mods:
[02-03-2023_22-05-16]   [INFO]   - From the Ashes v0.0.11
[02-03-2023_22-05-17]   [INFO]   Loading begins...
[02-03-2023_22-05-17]   [INFO]   Pre-loading rulesets...
[02-03-2023_22-05-17]   [INFO]   Loading vanilla resources...
[02-03-2023_22-05-17]   [INFO]   Loading rulesets...
[02-03-2023_22-05-17]   [WARN]   Mixed area types (point vs non-point), region: RESISTANCE_FARM_START_ZONE, zone: 0, area: 2
[02-03-2023_22-05-17]   [WARN]   Mixed area types (point vs non-point), region: RESISTANCE_FARM_START_ZONE, zone: 0, area: 5
[02-03-2023_22-05-17]   [WARN]   Mixed area types (point vs non-point), region: RESISTANCE_SCIENTIST, zone: 0, area: 5
[02-03-2023_22-05-17]   [WARN]   Mixed area types (point vs non-point), region: STR_AMPHIBIAN_TERROR, zone: 0, area: 17
[02-03-2023_22-05-17]   [WARN]   Mixed area types (point vs non-point), region: STR_SWARMID_JUNGLE_TERROR, zone: 0, area: 17
[02-03-2023_22-05-17]   [INFO]   Loading rulesets done.
[02-03-2023_22-05-17]   [INFO]   Loading fonts... Font.dat
[02-03-2023_22-05-17]   [INFO]   Lazy loading: 1
[02-03-2023_22-05-18]   [INFO]   Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[02-03-2023_22-05-18]   [INFO]   Making palette backups...
[02-03-2023_22-05-18]   [INFO]   After load.
[02-03-2023_22-05-18]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_CIVILIAN_HUNTER': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding item to recover.
[02-03-2023_22-05-18]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_FEMALE_CIVILIAN_FARMER': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding item to recover.
[02-03-2023_22-05-18]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_FREE_SPOT': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding item to recover.
[02-03-2023_22-05-18]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_MAD_DOGE': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[02-03-2023_22-05-18]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_MALE_CIVILIAN_FARMER': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding item to recover.
[02-03-2023_22-05-18]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_MALE_MILITIA_CITIZEN': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding item to recover.
[02-03-2023_22-05-18]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_MALE_POLICE': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding item to recover.
[02-03-2023_22-05-18]   [INFO]   Loading ended.
[02-03-2023_22-05-18]   [WARN]   Image Resources/Weapons/Earthbound/Tinkering/handob_Railgun.png (from lodepng) has incorrect transparent color index 1 (instead of 0).
[02-03-2023_22-05-18]   [WARN]   Image Resources/Weapons/Earthbound/Tinkering/handob_Railgun_Slug.png (from lodepng) has incorrect transparent color index 1 (instead of 0).
[02-03-2023_22-05-18]   [WARN]   Image Resources/Weapons/Earthbound/General/handob_GrenadeLauncher.png (from lodepng) has incorrect transparent color index 1 (instead of 0).
[02-03-2023_22-05-18]   [WARN]   Image Resources/Weapons/Earthbound/General/handob_GrenadeLauncher_HE_Clip.png (from lodepng) has incorrect transparent color index 1 (instead of 0).
[02-03-2023_22-05-18]   [WARN]   Image Resources/Weapons/Earthbound/General/handob_GrenadeLauncher_I_Clip.png (from lodepng) has incorrect transparent color index 1 (instead of 0).
[02-03-2023_22-05-18]   [WARN]   Image Resources/Weapons/Earthbound/General/handob_GrenadeLauncher_Smoke_Clip.png (from lodepng) has incorrect transparent color index 1 (instead of 0).
[02-03-2023_22-05-18]   [WARN]   Image Resources/Weapons/Earthbound/Special/floorob_Baseball_Bat.png (from lodepng) has incorrect transparent color index 20 (instead of 0).
[02-03-2023_22-05-18]   [INFO]   Data loaded successfully.
[02-03-2023_22-05-18]   [INFO]   Loading language...
[02-03-2023_22-05-18]   [INFO]   Language loaded successfully.
[02-03-2023_22-05-18]   [INFO]   OpenXcom started successfully!
[02-03-2023_22-05-18]   [INFO]   Playing flx, 320x200, 211 frames
[02-03-2023_22-05-20]   [INFO]   SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[02-03-2023_22-05-23]   [FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Soldier STR_ENGINEER not found
[02-03-2023_22-05-23]   [FATAL]   0x671c40 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[02-03-2023_22-05-23]   [FATAL]   0x672ab0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[02-03-2023_22-05-23]   [FATAL]   0x41c880 exceptionLogger()
[02-03-2023_22-05-23]   [FATAL]   0xd31310 MPEGaction::MPEGaction()
[02-03-2023_22-05-23]   [FATAL]   0xf5d5f0 void std::iter_swap<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > > >(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >)
[02-03-2023_22-05-23]   [FATAL]   0xf632e0 std::__detail::_Compiler<std::__cxx11::regex_traits<char> >::_M_expression_term<true, true>(std::pair<bool, char>&, std::__detail::_BracketMatcher<std::__cxx11::regex_traits<char>, true, true>&)::{lambda(char)#1}::operator()(char) const
[02-03-2023_22-05-23]   [FATAL]   0xe19fd0 OpenXcom::RuleSoldier* OpenXcom::Mod::getRule<OpenXcom::RuleSoldier>(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::map<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, OpenXcom::RuleSoldier*, std::less<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, std::allocator<std::pair<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const, OpenXcom::RuleSoldier*> > > const&, bool) const
[02-03-2023_22-05-23]   [FATAL]   0x8c0900 OpenXcom::Mod::getSoldier(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool) const
[02-03-2023_22-05-23]   [FATAL]   0x77b3b0 OpenXcom::MasterMind::newGameHelper(int, OpenXcom::GeoscapeState*)
[02-03-2023_22-05-23]   [FATAL]   0x83ff70 OpenXcom::NewGameState::btnOkClick(OpenXcom::Action*)
[02-03-2023_22-05-23]   [FATAL]   0x68edb0 OpenXcom::InteractiveSurface::handle(OpenXcom::Action*, OpenXcom::State*)
[02-03-2023_22-05-23]   [FATAL]   0x74f050 OpenXcom::State::handle(OpenXcom::Action*)
[02-03-2023_22-05-23]   [FATAL]   0x68a380 OpenXcom::Game::run()
[02-03-2023_22-05-23]   [FATAL]   0x41c950 SDL_main
[02-03-2023_22-05-23]   [FATAL]   0xb4c3d0 console_main
[02-03-2023_22-05-23]   [FATAL]   0xb4c4f0 WinMain
[02-03-2023_22-05-23]   [FATAL]   ??
[02-03-2023_22-05-23]   [FATAL]   ??
[02-03-2023_22-05-23]   [FATAL]   0x7ffb447926a0 BaseThreadInitThunk
[02-03-2023_22-05-23]   [FATAL]   0x7ffb45fca9d0 RtlUserThreadStart
[02-03-2023_22-05-30]   [FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Soldier STR_ENGINEER not found
Log file: C:/Users/sashaaa/Documents/OpenXcom/openxcom.log
If this error was unexpected, please report it on OpenXcom forum or discord.
The following can help us solve the problem:
1. a saved game from just before the crash (helps 98%)
2. a detailed description how to reproduce the crash (helps 80%)
3. a log file (helps 10%)
4. a screenshot of this error message (helps 5%)

XPirates and x-com files are installed on the computer
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Finnik on March 02, 2023, 11:14:49 pm
game crash on start new game

Hi, you are using incompatible versions of the engine and mod - you downloaded the most recent and yet unstable version of the engine (it is in pre-alpha testing state, I'm quite sure it can have multiple bugs because it has so much of a new code) and release version of the content (mod) part. Try version 0.8.1 of the engine -, it should work fine with released mod version.
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: tanarg on March 03, 2023, 02:05:06 am
Hi, you are using incompatible versions of the engine and mod - you downloaded the most recent and yet unstable version of the engine (it is in pre-alpha testing state, I'm quite sure it can have multiple bugs because it has so much of a new code) and release version of the content (mod) part. Try version 0.8.1 of the engine oxem/builds//FTA/FtA-0.8.1-f9c90f9bc-2022-11-18-win64.7z, it should work fine with released mod version.

thx! its work!
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: krautbernd on March 05, 2023, 01:47:52 pm
I just downloaded the newest master and started a new game. Apparently the remnants of XCOM aren't all that fond of their old commander (or MIB prisoners), as they simply executed them at the end of the initial base defense, citing "not enough prison space". I guess the existing prison facilities is too good for the ex-commander?

The prison facilities lacks aliens: and prisontype: and ftaPrisonSpace: is apparently not implemented or not respected by latest available version of FtA.


Also for some reason I start out without any scientist and engineers. Is this intended? Has this been changed and the player is supposed to pick them up later on? Starting base lists a couple of "randomized" soldiers with engineering/scientist "role" apparently, and in-game there are soldiers assigned the according "armor", but none of them can be used accordingly.

The newest nightly lets me assing scientist and engineers, but assinging&starting engineering projects crashes the game. I guess I'll wait for the next "official" release then XD
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Finnik on September 01, 2023, 07:14:46 pm
I'm not dead! =)
Sorry for such a huge gap, the work on the next release took me a long time. It will be huge with much more changes than the first one. Engine is almost ready, so I am making the content right now.
While you are waiting, here is a short video with a demo of one of the many new features: (
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Blazen on September 12, 2023, 05:16:04 pm
That looks like a neat feature and little mini-game. Looking forward to the release.  :D
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: varajo411 on November 17, 2023, 10:02:34 am
looks promising
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Alpha Centauri Bear on December 19, 2023, 05:32:37 pm
Thank you, Finnik.
A great initiative. I have just learned about it and certainly like to try it out. Would you mind to create more comprehensive game guide somewhere in README?
You are the one with ultimate knowledge - don't be shy to share it!

I mean a few more words on how game is and how it is played, what player can do, new options, etc.
Like expanding "The game has an alternative start" point into whole section. So people like me could have at least a generic understanding what they are dealing with.

Unless, of course, you embed a whole comprehensive guide into the game itself.
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Finnik on January 03, 2024, 12:32:33 pm
Thank you, Finnik.
A great initiative. I have just learned about it and certainly like to try it out. Would you mind to create more comprehensive game guide somewhere in README?
You are the one with ultimate knowledge - don't be shy to share it!

I mean a few more words on how game is and how it is played, what player can do, new options, etc.
Like expanding "The game has an alternative start" point into whole section. So people like me could have at least a generic understanding what they are dealing with.

Unless, of course, you embed a whole comprehensive guide into the game itself.

Well, I dont feel like creating a game guide other than making an original game-like manual book with boxed game version as an ultimate patreon reward or something like that. As for more common style of internet player guide, I would rather let the players themselves create such a content.
However, I do make a complete developer guide for the engine, so people can use it for content creation.
I think it would be much better to make a video preview with new features.
I also feel like at some point I would like to make an in-game tutorial, as when new people try my game, they are lost with tons of controls in battlescape. I think the tutorial from the original Master of Orion would fit it.
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Finnik on January 07, 2024, 08:58:27 pm
Finally, engine for Alpha 2 release considered as done, with feature freeze (only bug fixing), so a few mission and polishing with mod part left before the next huge release!

Dev streams and testing new version on Twitch (
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Abyss on January 07, 2024, 10:30:58 pm
Finally, engine for Alpha 2 release considered as done, with feature freeze (only bug fixing), so a few mission and polishing with mod part left before the next huge release!

Dev streams and testing new version on Twitch (

Ух ты, на русском! Обалдеть. Допили это пожалуйста, шакарная штука должна получиться.
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Juku121 on March 25, 2024, 03:34:53 pm
Kinda random question, but I wonder where this unit ( is from, and especially if it also has a Battlescape sprite? It's not an FtA exclusive, or is it?
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Finnik on March 26, 2024, 02:47:44 pm
It is exclusive, made by professional artist. If anything, it is not distributed under CC license, as all other art I paid for.
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Juku121 on March 26, 2024, 06:49:43 pm
Ah, pity. I guess the art never progressed to Battlescape sprite stage, since it's several years old now?

I was kinda looking at it for personal use, but if it's incomplete (freely licenced or not), I guess no use asking further.

Come to think of it, I don't see these 'resistance' assets in the license list ( Am I just blind, or is the list incomplete?
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Finnik on March 27, 2024, 11:44:55 am
It might be incomplete, I'll check it, thank you.

As for completing - yeah, it's a problem, since artist disappeared without completing the full asset =(
I will have to finish it somehow...
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: AndyFox on April 29, 2024, 11:45:46 am
Thanks for the interesting mega-modification! Is there any way to remove the 8 month playtime limit?
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Finnik on May 04, 2024, 05:00:12 pm
Yes, it's is configured in rulesets. Look for vars.rul
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: AndyFox on May 07, 2024, 01:15:24 pm
What should you do in a mission with crop circles? I found some clearing with three puddles, something banged there as we approached, like a smoke grenade. He killed everyone, but the mission never ends, and every few turns there are reinforcements in the form of special forces from the “men in black”.
Title: Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
Post by: Finnik on July 20, 2024, 12:14:17 pm
What should you do in a mission with crop circles? I found some clearing with three puddles, something banged there as we approached, like a smoke grenade. He killed everyone, but the mission never ends, and every few turns there are reinforcements in the form of special forces from the “men in black”.

You should abort the mission, since the artifact exploded and there is nothing to recover. In the next release, I will add more activities for that mission to gather those blue liquid samples.