OpenXcom Forum
Contributions => Offtopic => Topic started by: Ran on March 06, 2013, 10:19:46 pm
When I first stumbled across this great project about half a year ago, first thing I did was recovering my old XCOM games from the attic.
Even after more than 10 years up there they still look pretty good and even though the CDs are badly scratched, they all work. :)
Anyone got other/older versions?
A friend of mine had the floppy version but the disks became unreadable a long time ago so he threw them away.
completely different packaging than in the US. Specifically the graphics, i had them but they got destroy a few years ago. :(
I had the UFO Enemy Unknown box like you but I lost the box and the manual :( , though I still have the CD
I got Apocalypse from a friend who go it in some pack with carmageddon and some other game but I lost the cd. Never had the inclination to buy TFTD as it looked like a palette swap but I have played a bit of TFTD but I prefer vanilla.
I've still got the Apoc box, booklets and CD. The box is starting to feel a little tacky though, probably just the cardboard coating deteriorating
About the packaging - all my XCOM games are german versions as I live in Vienna.
Any of you ever had UFO Defense with the Avenger in front of Mars on the cover?
I think this packaging was never available in Europe, only Enemy Unknown with the weird fly-like cyborg alien that has nothing to do with the game.
I think this packaging was never available in Europe, only Enemy Unknown with the weird fly-like cyborg alien that has nothing to do with the game.
I'm pretty sure that fly alien is due to Microprose making the box art to sell without actually seeing the game or how it works. They also did the art for Apoc which is why XCOM Apoc looks like it's in the 70's
I think this packaging was never available in Europe, only Enemy Unknown with the weird fly-like cyborg alien that has nothing to do with the game.
What? That's exactly where it was available, or at least that's what was available in the UK. UFO Defense (with an 's') is the American name and box art.
The weird fly like cyborg alien (as in my avatar pic) on the UFO Enemy Unknown box was from the european release.
This is how the original game released in the US looks like:,_1.44MB_3_1/2%22_Disk)_Microprose_-_1994_USA,_Canada_Release
Danny Flynn, an artist who probably was told: "do some box cover art for aliens invading the earth":
For the real fans, it seems you can order it and hang it on your bedroom wall :D
i found my old PlayStation X-COM: UFO Defense!!!!
i bought this after i moved out of my house since my original stayed behind :(
And as soon i found found it was available for the PS i snatched one, good memories, even if it was in the PS :D
As I said:
US Version: UFO Defense -> Avenger in front of Mars
European Version: UFO Enemy Unknown -> Fly Alien
Sorry if this was unclear...
If I could choose a poster I'd rather have one with the Avenger, that alien just looks weird :-\
Never seen the Playstation version myself, are there any differences?
What's on the lowest picture on the back of the box - UN Headquarters? Does this appear in the game?
Never seen the Playstation version myself, are there any differences?
What's on the lowest picture on the back of the box - UN Headquarters? Does this appear in the game?
It is the UN headquarters.
I think that shot is one of the loose scenarios right before the alien enter and shoot someone, sorry it has been a long time since i have lost a game :)
I bought this in... i think circa 1995 cant remember exactly, and since i no longer have a PS i cna't even play it, i think the PS version had i think one extra win scenario, maybe i shoudl try it running in on my PS3 :) but i doubt the system will read it.
Never seen the Playstation version myself, are there any differences?
What's on the lowest picture on the back of the box - UN Headquarters? Does this appear in the game?
It's the same game, just with some extra fixes and polish to fill out the extra space on the disc like digital soundtrack (, extra cutscenes ( (the UN Headquarters comes from there), remade UFOpaedia, etc.
well you know i tried popping it into the PS3 :)
it simply tells me "Format disc" :) i think i might have to get a hold of an emulator or something, or maybe see even if it is possible, it will be great to play PS games on my PS3 I still have Wing Commander III and a few other that have survived somehow :)
there was a workaround :)
needed to create memory card slot in the PS3 configuration and done!!!
now i can play X-COM in my 64" TV!!!! i think i am going to take a break from the internet for a while!!! :D
I bought this in... i think circa 1995 cant remember exactly, and since i no longer have a PS i cna't even play it, i think the PS version had i think one extra win scenario, maybe i shoudl try it running in on my PS3 :) but i doubt the system will read it.
You can use ePSXe ( on a computer, if you can handle the keyboard controls (you can try with a gamepad, though I never used one with ePSXe).
You can use ePSXe ( on a computer, if you can handle the keyboard controls (you can try with a gamepad, though I never used one with ePSXe).
It's also mouse-compatible so you can play it like the PC version (in ePSXe, select Gamepad + Mouse for Input and press F5 ingame to enable it), although the PSX mouse is more "floaty" than a PC mouse.
Hello Forum!
This is my first post here. I've been playing OpenXcom for a few days and like it a lot. Thank you, devs!
Here are my X-Com games:
( (
I love them all, TFTD for PC is still new and wrapped.
TFTD new and in wraps!!!! ohhh you are a collector!!!!1 :P
a few more years and you will rake in the cash!!!!!! :)
Yes, definetely keep it unopened 8).
I didn't know Ufo:EU and Master of Orion were sold in one box :o.
I am indeed a bit of a collector. TFTD will stay wrapped ;) I don't think its value will raise a lot, but I don't really care because I'm not planning to sell it. I've already sold too much of my collection and I always end up regretting it. The most bittersweet thing was my recently selling a mint copy of the Morrowind Collector's Edition, which I had bought some time earlier. I really whish I had kept that, because I will probably never see another copy. I got 175 Euros for it, which sounds a lot, but I've seen them go for 300$... Anyway, the X-Com games are staying right where they are :)