OpenXcom Forum
OpenXcom Forks => OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) => OXCE Suggestions DONE => Topic started by: Meridian on February 12, 2022, 10:13:14 am
Related threads:
1. craft preview:,10370.0.html
2. craft type preview:,10371.0.html
3. base preview: this thread
This feature allows you to preview your base facilities.
You can start the preview by clicking on the Access Lift facility.
If there is at least 1 combat-capable soldier in the base (HWPs don't count), the preview will start.
You will have 1 soldier with unlimited movement to walk around the base for fun.
To finish the preview, click on the End Turn icon.
Bravo ! This is great!
Very useful to check the compatibility of the buildings of a base!
Bravo and thank you ! :) :) :)
Bravo ! This is great!
Very useful to check the compatibility of the buildings of a base!
Bravo and thank you ! :) :) :)
Agree 100%
Tech-Comm base tours now available!
We provide the best solution for your secret base needs at the best price of the market!
The fact that you only get one soldier rather than your full complement tells me that nobody does After-Action Reports any more, and that makes me sad. (Yes, I did just find this today. What of it?)
I don't get it.