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OpenXcom Forks => OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) => OXCE Suggestions DONE => Topic started by: Meridian on February 12, 2022, 10:13:14 am

Title: [DONE] base preview
Post by: Meridian on February 12, 2022, 10:13:14 am
Related threads:
1. craft preview:,10370.0.html
2. craft type preview:,10371.0.html
3. base preview: this thread

This feature allows you to preview your base facilities.

You can start the preview by clicking on the Access Lift facility.

If there is at least 1 combat-capable soldier in the base (HWPs don't count), the preview will start.

You will have 1 soldier with unlimited movement to walk around the base for fun.

To finish the preview, click on the End Turn icon.
Title: Re: [DONE] base preview
Post by: BlackStaff on February 12, 2022, 12:24:53 pm
Bravo ! This is great!
Very useful to check the compatibility of the buildings of a base!
Bravo and thank you !  :)   :)   :)
Title: Re: [DONE] base preview
Post by: bulletdesigner on February 14, 2022, 06:05:10 pm
Bravo ! This is great!
Very useful to check the compatibility of the buildings of a base!
Bravo and thank you !  :)   :)   :)

Agree 100%
Title: Re: [DONE] base preview
Post by: Hobbes on February 18, 2022, 06:38:53 pm
Tech-Comm base tours now available!

We provide the best solution for your secret base needs at the best price of the market!
Title: Re: [DONE] base preview
Post by: N7Kopper on July 14, 2022, 03:08:40 pm
The fact that you only get one soldier rather than your full complement tells me that nobody does After-Action Reports any more, and that makes me sad. (Yes, I did just find this today. What of it?)
Title: Re: [DONE] base preview
Post by: Meridian on July 14, 2022, 03:16:34 pm
I don't get it.