OpenXcom Forum
Modding => Released Mods => The X-Com Files => Topic started by: happyalien on January 29, 2022, 09:11:41 am
I've just installed X-Com Files mod. In the readme file, the developer Solarius Scorch says
No. Or, technically, yes, but it is so different from the original game that any additional mods should probably be made or adjusted specifically for X-Com Files. (This includes vanilla mods!)
1. Is there a list of mods that are proven to be compatible with X-Com Files?
2. Do Solarius Scorch's other mods work with X-Com Files?
3. If I install some mod, how can I tell whether it's fully compatibe with X-Com Files? Will oxce tell me this info somewhere?
4. Can you use this X-Com Files mod for the other game that OXCE can run: Terror from the Deep?
Any other related info about this topic is appreciated.
1. in general, if the mod doesn't explicitly say it is compatible with XcomFiles, then it isn't
2. no
3. if it's marked as compatible, it will appear in the list of mods (see your first screenshot); otherwise it will not appear on the list
4. no
Just to expand on question 2: I think all my mods are already in X-Com Files in some form, so no need to run them separately anyway.