New update 0.97.06 uploaded now (Feb-12th-2024)!
Check the bottom of this post for the file, and the last page for the updated changelog
Many of you may already be aware that the original mod of XENO Operations (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,2913.0.html), has been semi-retired, and his creator XOPS is dedicating a significant amount of time to his youtube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3ogrx6d9oohf6D42G44j1A) (which I highly recommend following, as it features excellent content).
As of now, Meridian is the sole individual working on updates to ensure compatibility with the latest OXCE updates. This means that while the mod isn't completely dormant, it owes a tremendous debt of gratitude to him for keeping it alive and kicking.
Initially, this project began as a personal endeavor, involving minor tweaks and adjustments for my own use. Over time, I found myself adding more and more features, steadily increasing its size and scope. Eventually, I decided to share it with the community in the hopes that you might find it enjoyable.
The mod is currently compatible with OXCE version 7.9.11, and it's essential to use this specific version to prevent any potential issues or crashes. I want to extend another big thank you to Meridian for his incredible work on OXCE, which serves as the foundation for many features in this mod.
XENO Operations incorporates content created by other talented members of this forum, with notable contributions from efrenespartano and solarius scorch, among many others (I'm actively working to ensure proper credit is given where it's due).
Balancing remains a work in progress, especially since the mod is still somewhat barebones. However, I plan to continue making improvements whenever possible. Your feedback, especially regarding balancing, is highly appreciated. I made some adjustments in the early game, but I'm well aware that there's a lot more work to be done. Please excuse any missing text in the ufopaedia; English is not my primary language, and my grammar isn't perfect, to be honest.
My intention is to honor the hard work put in by XOps in the original mod and to see where I can take it by incorporating additional elements. Initially, I had considered posting this in the original thread, but due to certain reasons, that didn't work out. However, this might actually be a better approach, as it's viewed as a derivative or an "overhaul" of the original mod, allowing both versions to coexist separately.
Currently, there are plans to continue adding and enhancing content, primarily focusing on new paper dolls and soldier sprites, though this may take some time. I'll do my best to keep this mod updated as frequently as possible.
**To properly run the mod, you'll need an OXCE installation (currently version 7.8.7 at the time of finishing this post).
** BRUTAL AI MOD by Xilmi (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,10967.0.html) is highly recommended, and at this point, I consider it a must-have. I encourage you to check it out.
- Download the file from the site XOPS LEGACY by Blackwolf in MOD.io Portal (https://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/xeno-operations-legacy) or the file attached (the difference in size is irrelevant, its the same , just that i found a way to better compress it and evade the size limitation in the forum)
- Unzip and Drop the content inside your MOD folder.
- When updating from previous versions of the mod, it's recommended to delete the old folder completely (rather than simply overwriting it) and use the newer version, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED (for hotfixes and patches).
Main Features from the Original Mod and LEGACY Version:
- New weapons with unique spritework, categorized into seven tiers.
- Improved artwork and a redone UI both in geoscape,base management and battle escape, almost every screen has been changed.
- Improved ammo compatibility between weapons and tiers.
- New armors with different appearances, balances, niches, and pocket configurations.
- A layered paperdoll system, increasing the number of unique soldier appearances from 8 to 110.
- New base buildings and revamped the original.
- New XCOM fighter and transport planes including a new custom made starting plane.
- New Alien units and UFO sprites and artwork.
- Entirely revamped Xcom base facilities artwork, using improved tiles and assets.
- New supporting units, including a variety of drones and tanks.
- Dog units (currently featuring 4 different breeds).
- New soldier types and revamped soldier nationalities, featuring 115 unique flags and name files, with approximately 500 names per gender and 1000 surnames. Every soldier should now be unique.
- New ufopedia articles and lore.
- Unique campaign with distinct lore, alien motivation, and CODEX mechanics to achieve victory.
- Tons of new features from OXCE.
I really appreciate your effort. No idea what you're going to do with the mod, but I wish you best luck!
I really appreciate your effort. No idea what you're going to do with the mod, but I wish you best luck!
Thanks, really appreciate coming from you, To be honest, i want to keep the mod updated to the current OXCE version, and try to spice up adding new content but keeping it on the lines of the original work XOPS did, and fix some exploits and balance issues left on the original version. At least thats the plan tho
I wish you the best of luck on your new project, mi amigo! Any question, feel free to ask. :D
Thank you for your work, Blackwolf! Streamlining amo seems the right way to go. Less micro is always good.
Would you kindly look into a crash on starting terror mission? It could be from original mod, or not.
Also, happy New Year!
[edit] correct log
Would you kindly look into a crash on starting terror mission? It could be from original mod, or not.
Hi fam, happy new Year for you too.
I tried your savefile and could end the terror mision without any ctds, are you using other mods? Wich version of OXCE are you using?
Thanks for looking! Version is 7.1.4, as can be seen from log. Tried clean reinstall, tried version 7.3 - same result.
No other mods except for statstrings.
Crash is right at map generation. Looks like some map block is missing a size definition (see log).
Reliably reproduced wtih option "Enable save scumming" set to OFF. Setting it to ON allowed to start mission. (And here I was thinking it only influenced hit or miss RNG...)
Yep, it seems to be something in the generation proccess, the Weird thing is i already tried to load your file and play the terror mision múltiple times . Also tried to find the culprit on quickbattle loading all the posible permutations of terror missions and maps types and it seems to Work as intended.
Really earie, i'll take a closer look also. Check your PM box
New Version posted again....apologies for keeping a seemingly random schedule i keep posting stuff, i'll try to save all the changes and post it on maybe a weekly period.
With V4 its finished the first sweep of weaponry , mostly to add some QoL, i'll add later some features of stuff but i want to focus on other aspects of this mod first. Thanks again to @efrenespartano , man, for real your patience is ungodly ;D, im glad to count with your continous support and insights.
another week, another update, it wasnt as meaty as i intended, but caught 'Rona and yadda yadda isolation , had to stay away from Pc for some days. There are some graphical and minor features added (check changelogs) including diversified inventories per armor. Thanks a lot to @efrenespartano for the ideas and examples of how to add this, you saved me again compadre
-Some fixes, tweaks and changes to SPRITES:
°Taser pistol fliped (so itsnt the only weapon facing the other way around)
°Basic heavy cannon replaced and centered (it was too mucho into a side and ended cliping in some situations)
°compac tpistol, auto pistol , X1a pistol and x2 auto pistol got the magazines sprites reduced in size so it look compatible between each other (used the clip for the auto before, was too long compared to compact pistol for example)
°hybrid compact and auto hybrid pistols had the same change as above. it should fits better now.
°the basic smg and the x5 smg now has a "straighter" mag on the sprite (it shares ammo with the uzi and it looked weird having a banana curved in the main sprite yet straight mags on the pockets)
°PDW and x5a PDW got their mags size increased (only graphically) same as above, its suposed it used 5.56 ammo yet had a tiny mag attached, it looks like a bullpup now (as intended)
°Pilots basic flight suit changed from moss green into a purplish blue, every tier has this purple blueish color so i thought it would be cool if this was to identify pilots.
° Nerve Armors got their sprites slighty modified, until i retouch it further, it doesnt share the exact same sprite with personal armors (googles were changed from GREEN to PURPLE)
-Power armors lost their ability to FLOAT (they were too op, maybe i'll add an upgraded version of the skystrike later)
-Every armor got another tweak pass:
°Every armor class has different pocket configurations, therefore adding an extra tradeoff for them (ex: alloy armor has increased defenses, but has around half the pockets of the personal armour, therefore the first would better be used for vanguards or frontline troopers)
°Different atributes added in terms of vision for some armors:
*XOps armors has slighty better night vision
*personal armors has slighty better night vision and basic thermal vision (ignores smoke)
*alloy armors has improved night vision and basic thermals
*skystrike and power armors has improved night vision and advanced thermals
*nerve armors has PsiVision (they "sense" units even through walls)
another week, another update, it wasnt as meaty as i intended, but caught 'Rona and yadda yadda isolation , had to stay away from Pc for some days. There are some graphical and minor features added (check changelogs) including diversified inventories per armor. Thanks a lot to @efrenespartano for the ideas and examples of how to add this, you saved me again compadre
Vatos locos por siempre |V|mL
Pretty small update. Mostly visual updates.
Im currently having lot of problems migrating armors into layers system (therefore, adding more faces doesnt add an unfathomable ammount of effort).
All the paperdolls work its done, but keeps struggling making the .rul files :( (hopefully finish it by this week).
On another front i made slight changes to aliens sprites:
*All pajamas are gone , now they are divided (roughly) on three tiers with correct armors
Tier 1:
-Basic ones uses green armor with facemask (reused the armored mutons sprites made by XOPS)
-Mutons Leaders has RED and yellow armors (like those in the intro or in XCOM 2012, again repurposed Xops sprites)
-Armoured mutons(name change pending) uses new armos sprites (more purplish-alloy like, removed facemask and added some light studs on their forehead, to dignify their ranks)
-mutons leaders also lead these deploys.
-Commandos (gray armors)
-Centurions (blue armors)
-Supreme Comanders (new mutons with gold-eleriumish hue armors)
*Augmented constrast a bit (so they dont like a brown splat imho), slighty more defined features and pitch black eyes (to match the sclera on the ufopaedia images)
*Also i keep working on an commander version, but im not satisfied with the results yet. The idea is to have them being big shining brained (with tons of elerium pumped on their bloodstream , explaining the glow and superior psionic abilities)
Also there is some WIP trying to retouch snakemans so they are more "slithery" an eely instead of the current snails/caterpillars chonky on vainilla.
Xcom sprites got a few edits which will be applied when the layers system got online (more like correcting oversights and misscontinuities , Prolly because the sheer ammount of base sprites, checking everyone must've taxing and some slip off were expected).
Right now only the pilots are implemented(heavily inspired and retouched sprites made previously by NeoWorm and Efrenespartano) , hopefully nerve facemask and "purple wire" will be finished soon.
Just upack and drop on the current xeno operations folders you might have, as everything up to this point, its all save compatible tho.
Vatos locos por siempre |V|mL
Ya know how it is bro, for the barrio vivo , For the compas muero 8) 8) 8) . Thanks for all your patience and constant support V_
**To properly run the mod, you'll need an OXCE installation (currently version 7.8.7 at the time of finishing this post).
** BRUTAL AI MOD by Xilmi (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,10967.0.html) is highly recommended, and at this point, I consider it a must-have. I encourage you to check it out.
- Download the file from the site XOPS LEGACY by Blackwolf in MOD.io Portal (https://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/xeno-operations-legacy) or the file attached (the difference in size is irrelevant, its the same , just that i found a way to better compress it and evade the size limitation in the forum)
- Unzip and Drop the content inside your MOD folder.
- When updating from previous versions of the mod, it's recommended to delete the old folder completely (rather than simply overwriting it) and use the newer version, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED (for hotfixes and patches).
Sorry for the long time without posting. Took a much needed vacations from job and went afk from a while.
I give up (for now) with the .rul layers implementations, i feel like i wasnt making any progress and isntead of wasting time, retook plans of altering sprites.
Nerver armors are half done, faceplates done and purple wiring just need a bit up of color retouching , then can be copy pasted on every other color variations.
(posted a paperdoll for reference). Hopefully will be finished soon.
On another spark of not focusing in the same thing for more than a few hours, decided to mingle with one of NeoWorm Sprites and added more fans to the hoover drone ,now scout one is a basic quadcopter drone and the rocket uses the sprite already made by Xops (a mq9-reaper like, thinking in increasing the size of the Uav just an small bit, maybe later).
Already added and implemented in game, just post it before i make an update in case anyone is interested on using it.
And thats is for now.
Good evening. I would just like to report an error I encountered. I just tried to play the latest version, but I got this.
[13-04-2022_18-12-29] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_ELITE_SECTOPOD_TERRORIST': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding item to recover.
[13-04-2022_18-12-29] [ERROR] During linking rulesets of soldiers:
Error for 'STR_DOG': Wrong index 1994 for sound set BATTLE.CAT
Hi guys, nice to be back, sorry i had to take a few time out, i had to move to a new deparment and that needed my entire attention... just now i kinda finished it(just waiting the internet provider to come and install the fiber)
In the meantime i worked on some bits in the mod, so because i might be an extra week until i got the internet installed, i just wanna try and post a beta candidate (i dont know how to call it tbh) until i can get my work station online again.
this is still a lot of work to be done but the barebones of the changes i wanted to do with the paperdolls system is in place and hopefully will be finished soonTM, i noticed there is a lot of clippings so just wait a bit until i finish all the armors to report any visual bug related to that.
Again thanks a lot to SOLARIUS SCORCH , i took a lot of assets from his XFILES mod and actually its one of the things that inspired me at the beggining. So all credits to him.
All the assets in this mod are free to be reused just remember to credit him and XOPS cuz they made the original files, i just retouch a bit in some corners so its not a big deal tbh.
Changes made
v0.96.v6 LE:
-Slowly but steadely restructurating some .RUL files (eliminated redundant ones, cleaning, merging and organizing others, tbh they were a mess and dear lord, i increased this mess), still a lot to do tho
-Updated Death sounds, now all races (should) be consistent on the sound deparment, used firaxis 2012 XCOM sounds (corrected basic mutons using new sound but more advanced versions using vainilla instead)
°Fixed some crashes related to death sounds (thanks a lot to eleriumWard for pointing this)
-Changed armors , finally into layers system!
(so many thanks to SolariusScorch, his amazing work with XFILES mod helped me a lot to understand what the hell i was doing wrong)
(used his body sprites as basis for every edit i made to the armors sprites,to assure the maximum compatibility possible.... so hopefully , he or anyone who whises to include this armors on their mod shouldnt have bigger problems
°pilots only use blue variants
°other classes cant use pilot variants (gonna edit them further to make them more unique visually and conceptually)
°custom preview mini sprite for every armor (with the exception of skystrike and the nerve ones, this is on the to do list)
°First two tiers done up to this moment (with some cliping issues that are curently being worked, specially the hair parts)
°other tiers have A LOT OF CLIPPING (there is still a lot of work to be done, but will be fixed when those sprites are retouched)
-Replaced some ufopaedia images (more work its being done in this department, but its low priority until layers are done)
-Replaced basic drone with a four rotors quadcopter version (added unique sound, so it buzz like commercial drones and differentiate from the rocket drone)
-Replaced Basic sectoid sprites:
°Sectoids now uses a recoloured version of AQUATOIDS (my favorite alien from tftd), imho they had a more striking and unique profile, im happy with the results but currently thinking on changing the color into a more blueish gray (so the brown/kaki/coyote/ scheme is "reserved" for xcom units), kinda the palette of xcom2012 firaxis sectoids.
°no matter how much i tried, i wasnt satisfied with any change made to sectoids (they kept looking like a brown splat)
-Finally changed the ranks to be more consistent:
°every rank have an unique sprite:
*a single stud for rookies up to master sergeants with chevrons and stuff (also retouched background a bit)
*retouched the pilots ranks sprites a bit and renamed them(also retouched the background into a more blueish scheme to diferentiate of standard soldiers)
*Officers ranks renamed and updated sprites (to avoid some misleading or confusing situations, like having a third lieutenant being promoted to a THIRD lieutenant again)
*ranks sprites and flags of doggos retouched a bit (so it alings better with ui and keeps the same general appearence)
°there is still a bug related to ranks, if you see the ranks on the base, the ui colors some parts of the studs incorrectly(easily appreciated with captains double bar for example), it works correclty in battlescape, so i guess is something related to palettes.
-Added a new unit type, a land drone armed with a small smoke launcher, useful for scouting ahead and helping with the deployment phase, you can set up some screening before sending rookies to their (assured) death
°eliminated mortar tank (seemed redundant, thinking on doing the same with the MRLS and repurporsed in another variant )
°currently thinking pushing the standard tank into requiring A-Alloys to construct and delay their apparition a bit later (kinda like the laser tank on vainilla)
-Tried adding new flags but couldnt find a way to make it work (i decided to stop making new flags, they are free to use by anyone, they took me less than 10 minutes each so if anyone is interested of making more, just DM and i would gladly help
- citing a very wise modder i know: Several Bugfixes done. (sorry a lot of RLI happened so i lost track of some changes made)
Just extract and replace over older mod folder, Be sure to not being on a battlescape mission with a mortar (or a mrls maybe) tank , you'll get a ctd, finish the mission, go to geoscape, save and then update (in case you dont want to restart your campaing)
**To properly run the mod, you'll need an OXCE installation (currently version 7.8.7 at the time of finishing this post).
** BRUTAL AI MOD by Xilmi (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,10967.0.html) is highly recommended, and at this point, I consider it a must-have. I encourage you to check it out.
- Download the file from the site XOPS LEGACY by Blackwolf in MOD.io Portal (https://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/xeno-operations-legacy) or the file attached (the difference in size is irrelevant, its the same , just that i found a way to better compress it and evade the size limitation in the forum)
- Unzip and Drop the content inside your MOD folder.
- When updating from previous versions of the mod, it's recommended to delete the old folder completely (rather than simply overwriting it) and use the newer version, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED (for hotfixes and patches).
Another post time, i could wait a few days before i finished the last bits of paperdolls layers, but i really wanted to post something (so i feel im making at least a little bit of progress)
basically the same as beta but some tiers finished and its advanced enough to recieve reports about clipping .
v0.96.v6 LE:
-Slowly but steadely restructurating some .RUL files (eliminated redundant ones, cleaning, merging and organizing others, tbh they were a mess and dear lord, i increased this mess), still a lot to do tho
-Updated Death sounds, now all races (should) be consistent on the sound deparment, used firaxis 2012 XCOM sounds (corrected basic mutons using new sound but more advanced versions using vainilla instead)
°Fixed some crashes related to death sounds (thanks a lot to eleriumWard for pointing this)
-Changed armors , finally into layers system!
(so many thanks to SolariusScorch, his amazing work with XFILES mod helped me a lot to understand what the hell i was doing wrong)
(used his body sprites as basis for every edit i made to the armors sprites,to assure the maximum compatibility possible.... so hopefully , he or anyone who whises to include this armors on their mod shouldnt have bigger problems
°pilots only use blue variants
°other classes cant use pilot variants (gonna edit them further to make them more unique visually and conceptually)
°custom preview mini sprite for every armor (with the exception of skystrike and the nerve ones, this is on the to do list)
°First tier completely done, up to HEC armor.
*redone the helmets a bit ,added microphones and new night vision google system, with QUAD lenses (heavily inspired from CTO mod from EFRENSPARTANO, check it out, its pretty rad!)
°second tier its being worked currently, wont have any helmet until i finish retouching them.
°the rest of the tiers are theoretically done,their "helmets" (they use kinda astronaut thing attached to their head/neck, dont know the correct word sorry) will be finished really soon
SO I HUMBLY REQUEST that any rebel/floating/extra pixel i missed could be reported so i can fix them ASAP
-Replaced some ufopaedia images:
°handcrafted version for pilots (despcription still to be done)
°a temporal soldiers picture until i find other that satisfy me more.
°redone the muton commander (finally there are no more muton pajamas)
°an alternative F35 lighting picture
°an alternative XF3 fighter picture
- made new paperdolls for DOGGOS!
°now first two tiers use newer papperdolls, still pretty rough collored, (hope i can improve them as i learn to paint better tho)
*first tier a simple collar, second tier now uses a more intricated harness, with lots of straps and stuff), already drafted general ideas for next ones.
*plans are to integrate this with the LAYERS so instead of faces, there are others breeds (currently working on a mallinois, a doberman and a rottweiler, any ideas will be appreciated)
-Replaced basic drone with a four rotors quadcopter version (added unique sound, so it buzz like commercial drones and differentiate from the rocket drone)
-Replaced Basic sectoid sprites:
°Sectoids now uses a recoloured version of AQUATOIDS (my favorite alien from tftd), imho they had a more striking and unique profile, im happy with the results but currently thinking on changing the color into a more blueish gray (so the brown/kaki/coyote/ scheme is "reserved" for xcom units), kinda the palette of xcom2012 firaxis sectoids.
°no matter how much i tried, i wasnt satisfied with any change made to sectoids (they kept looking like a brown splat)
-Finally changed the ranks to be more consistent:
°every rank have an unique sprite:
*a single stud for rookies up to master sergeants with chevrons and stuff (also retouched background a bit)
*retouched the pilots ranks sprites a bit and renamed them(also retouched the background into a more blueish scheme to diferentiate of standard soldiers)
*Officers ranks renamed and updated sprites (to avoid some misleading or confusing situations, like having a third lieutenant being promoted to a THIRD lieutenant again)
*ranks sprites and flags of doggos retouched a bit (so it alings better with ui and keeps the same general appearence)
°there is still a bug related to ranks, if you see the ranks on the base, the ui colors some parts of the studs incorrectly(easily appreciated with captains double bar for example), it works correclty in battlescape, so i guess is something related to palettes.
-Added a new unit type, a land drone armed with a small smoke launcher, useful for scouting ahead and helping with the deployment phase, you can set up some screening before sending rookies to their (assured) death
°eliminated mortar tank (seemed redundant, thinking on doing the same with the MRLS and repurporsed in another variant )
°currently thinking pushing the standard tank into requiring A-Alloys to construct and delay their apparition a bit later (kinda like the laser tank on vainilla)
-Tried adding new flags but couldnt find a way to make it work (i decided to stop making new flags, they are free to use by anyone, they took me less than 10 minutes each so if anyone is interested of making more, just DM and i would gladly help
- citing a very wise modder i know: Several Bugfixes done. (sorry a lot of RLI happened so i lost track of some changes made)
Looks really promising and awesome !
Keep it up !
a new version its ready for this weekend. Beware, some changes might break your current campaings, be sure to read the changelog and to update with a geoscape save, some units might dissapear (tanks) until i finish the work intended(a few days hopefully).
v0.96.v7 LE:
-Added new items:
°All the items has custom sprites, inspired heavily from Xcomfiles. So thanks again for all the work done by solariusScorch. They need ufopaedia text which is currently being done.
*adrenalin syringe: gives 1 dose to revive stun soldiers (get discarded after use)
*First aid kit: heals 1 point of bleeding, can be used on themselves, its discarded after use),Cost more TUs,so its slower than other medkits
*Basic medkit: heal 1 point of bleeding and have 5 charges, useful for dedicated medic units, its expensive,heavier but heals more quickly and recharge freely after missions.
*Renamed the starting medkit to Field surgeon kit: Bulkier and expensive, but more space efficient. Has access to painkillers pills and adrenaline doses, also recovers extra life points per use (mid of the road time usage).
-Improved sprites for some weapons on early tiers:
°the basic PDW now resemble an IWI TAVOR (tar 21).
°Basic SMG now its more alike of a MP5
°very sliiiiight retouches to basic rifle so it looks more like a h&k 416
°heavy cannon got a different stock and grip, kinda look lika a MGL
°the X6 rifle its now an heavily modded and chonkier FN SCAR-L
°the X4 now should resemble more a h&k UMP 9 (tried my best, might get further edits tho)
-Added improved hand objects (made by IvanDrogovich), now a lot of items doenst use the black coconut sprite and its easier to know what your troops and carrying on a simple glimpse
-More work done with the custom layers system:
°modified a lot of body sprites (groomed a lot of haircuts, to avoid clipping with some helmets and headgears)
°finished POWER ARMOR layers, they should correctly show the turtleneck neoprene suit and their respective hair (i would appreciate any report in case i missed anyone)
°finished ALLOY ARMOR (same as above)
°finished PERSONAL ARMOR (same as above with the addition of the googles of this tier(finally managed to get the desired "head<turtleneck<hair<googles" distribution, took me a lot of more time that i expected, sorry)
°sky strike should be finished soon, now that i streamlined the process
°with this more than half of the work should be done now (missing only nerve, and xops)
*Xops its being worked now, will have their googles pulled up , so it needs a bit more of work than other tiers
*nerve should take a bit longer as im intending of finishing all the sprite work at once (including the battlescape sprites)
-Temporarily eliminated ALL the first chassis HWP (including basic,multi rocket, mortar, and laser) , this will be top priority for next patch.
°should have three basic models, expensive and should require alloy for construction (giving the land drone and doggos an early niche role),pushing back the date they are deployed one or two months .
*Land drone will have their smoke launcher replaced with a short range shotgun (smoke its kinda underwhealming as main weapon for it intended role imho)
*basic with a 20mm cannon (faster rate of fire, AP ammo), smoke launcher as secondary weapon (intended for support and scouting)
*a MBT with 76mm(?) HE version , a tank (cyberdisc) buster , brawler unit .
*a laser gatling version.
°Improved HWP(the cyberdisk with a tank turret welded on top) will have their sprites replaced, secondary weapon should be either a lobbing HE or rocket launcher, main weapons should be same gatling laser and some plasma and railgun for advanced models.
°manufacture items now should be more consistent
*biggest example: all armors showed their standard version, personal showed the "blue" version.
°starting date changed to january of 2024
°some alien missions were appearing earlier than intended (first CODEX were sectoids a whooping 60% of the time,having 4-7 cyberdisc felt quite oppresive if you got unlucky and RNG decided to put them directly aside your starting position)
°balanced some prices
°added (and removed in some occasions) items from starting base in new campaings.
°finally managed to fix the visual bug of rank sprites on the baseview, should work as intended
°last patch i said i finished tinyranks sprites, found i loaded the wrong file (SHOULD BE FINISHED NOW), (still trying to find how to add different tinysprite for different soldiertypes tho)
**To properly run the mod, you'll need an OXCE installation (currently version 7.8.7 at the time of finishing this post).
** BRUTAL AI MOD by Xilmi (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,10967.0.html) is highly recommended, and at this point, I consider it a must-have. I encourage you to check it out.
- Download the file from the site XOPS LEGACY by Blackwolf in MOD.io Portal (https://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/xeno-operations-legacy) or the file attached (the difference in size is irrelevant, its the same , just that i found a way to better compress it and evade the size limitation in the forum)
- Unzip and Drop the content inside your MOD folder.
- When updating from previous versions of the mod, it's recommended to delete the old folder completely (rather than simply overwriting it) and use the newer version, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED (for hotfixes and patches).
Looking forward to seeing more of that great alien weapon assets too! ;) Apparently, some were left behind and unfinished. It is very hard for me to replicate that fancy style due to the lack of art skills...
Hi, i'd like to report this bug.
Something weird happened to this soldier sprite right here. Seems like an issue with a spritesheet.
Hi, i'd like to report this bug.
Something weird happened to this soldier sprite right here. Seems like an issue with a spritesheet.
It seems to be inherited from the original mod (the pic redimensioned somehow and broke the spritesheet), and i almost never use black armors, so it slipped my eye. Thanks for your report pal.
i attached an small hotfix, just drop it in the main mod folder
Next update will be finished soon.
Looking forward to seeing more of that great alien weapon assets too! ;) Apparently, some were left behind and unfinished. It is very hard for me to replicate that fancy style due to the lack of art skills...
Yea, im still learning and the Xop's artstyle its unbeatable imho but i'll try my best!
Hello guys, sorry for the long absence, what was supposed to be a small update, rapidly grew in size to the point i found myself ̶w̶a̶s̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ spending extra time in some even small nitpicks who might be considered irrelevant on the grand scheme of the mod (the nationalities upgrade took me more than i wished).
As some disclaimers:
THIS MIGHT BREAK YOUR SAVEGAMES , thereby i highly recommend to start a new campaing:
* I added some new ufopedia entries (that might be missing in your current campaing),also rebalanced the early game a bit, added a new transport plane, reintegrated (finally) the basic tanks, etc.
* Made some changes and assured compatibility with BRUTAL AI MOD by Xilmi (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,10967.0.html), at this point i consider it a MUST HAVE, so i encourage you to check it out.
* I always recomended using the soldiers diary and commendations mod BY Shoes, Ivan Dogovich and hellrazor, decided to integrate it , all credits goes for them, i just adjusted some parameters to better compatibility with the mod.
The mod file its attached below, after all the pictures.
make sure to check the changelog:
v0.96.v8 LE:
At first a small disclaimer, i have been trying the amazing BRUTAL IA MOD, and i heavily encourage to do it so to get an improved experience, i cant remark all the changes so go take a look.
-Thus as a QoL , made a small changes to metadata files so its fully compatible with BRUTAL IA MOD (in case you already tried and found XOPS LEGACY didnt showed up in the mod list for activation)
-Finally!, after spending more time that i wished, the paperdolls layered system its fully implemented
*Every tier now its DONE™, there are still some clipping issues on some sprites, but they'll be progressively ironed out (nerve and personal armour doesnt cover all the body in some sprites)
°now i can focus on finishing some sprite work like the nerve armour or updating the basic sprites to show the newer four scoped Night vision googles to name a few examples
-Finally learned how to add new nationalities:
*There are now 115 nationalities
°Some flags are entirely new, others were retouched
°expanded the name pools of almost all countries (my target is to add at least 500 names per gender and 1000 surnames,thera still some cases were the number werent enough to consider it finished)
°focused on adding missing countries with either high military spending, or history of cooperation with bigger supperpowers or UN peacekeeping forces (colombia and malasya for example)
*reorganized "nationalities" (i.e. the flags) into (imho) a more intiutive order, basically into alphabetical order, (so now USA and EGYPT are moved lower on the list, to name a few changes)
°be wary that with this changes, most of the soldiers flags will be flipped all over the place, so you might need to manually fix this yourself, sorry :s .
-Three new doggos friends!, increasing the total to 4 diferent breeds
*Mallinois, German Shepperds, Dobbermans and Rottweilers sprites done (if anyone has ideas for other k9 breeds that should be included tbh, im all ears)
*Implemented layered system on doggos, so collars and combat harness can be used the same way as armors for soldiers
°i will try and make new fur patters for the aviable breeds, thus having more variety
°all changes only in inventory screen, sadly making battlescape sprites is way above my current skills..... some day i hope.
-Rebalanced first land drone loadout, also renamed to UCLV "DAGGER"
*stripped the smoke launcher (way too weak for their breaching role ) , now uses a shotgun like weapon, with very small range, but decent damage output (stick boom turns sectoids into meat confetti)
-UAV its renamed to "shuriken", got a new ufopedia description
-UAV rocket launcher renamed to : UCAV 'Longbow', to avoid any confusion, also to maintain a continous nomenclature, they'll be named after historical weapons
* updated the requirements to unlock, improved the stats and got a new ufopedia description, hopefully it got a better niche to shine on.
-NEW STARTING SHIP! called the DRAGONFLY thanks a lot to efrenspartano for his gorgeos spritework, increible compadre, te la rifaste!
*based on the newest bell valor 280 from boeing:
°capacity for only twelve soldiers
°cant take any HWP TANKS, only dogs and small drones as auxiliary units.
*Should be your mainstay unit for troop transporting
-Old starting ship (the CUSTODIAN/dragonfly) was renamed into FIREFLY has became a new ship on their own:
*its a crude step foward.
°can haul 14 units, including heavy tanks
°intended as a "spec ops" plane, with only a pair fielded and the rest of the work done by the dragonflies(valor 280)
°slighty faster than before
°more expensive all around
°uses an improved battlescape map, courtesy of EFRENSPARTANO
- Small Rebalance to EVERY COMBAT AND TRANSPORT PLANE (will be expanded further, for now the balance should improve some oversights)
-Now tanks are finally done (sprites are placeholder, planing to use the coelacanth spritesheet, so threads are animated, the same with the turret)
*first tier requires allien alloys for their construction (so they are light enough to be airlifted on VTOL transports)
*tanks comes in two varieties for now and all use the same chassis (imported and repurporsed from XENONAUTS 1)
°AP (an 20mm IFV) intended for infantry support, small smoke launcher as secondary weapon .
°HE (classic 105mm MBT) intended for brawling aggainst heavier alien units. also with smoke launcher as backup
-Improved sprites of tinyranks,Thanks to Filip H from the IDT group for the insights, now EVERY soldier types use a correct version:
*Green backgrouds with yellow chevrons for basic infantry
*Green and yellow bars for officers
*Blue backgrouds with yellow bars for pilots
*doggos has a yellow K over a red background
-Updated some Text strings and ufopaedia entries (like a lot of entries, small WIP of filling the blanks, im open to any suggestion or correction , specially in grammar (english is not my native language)
-Updated pilot suit description
-Figthers now follow a new name convention based on chess pieces:
*basic f35 lore updated and renamed unto "bishop"
*xcf1 renamed to "Knight", now requires a small amount of alien alloys to build
*xcf2 Renamed to "Rook", balanced cost and materials for manufacture
*xcf3 renamed to "empress" based on the queen piece (queen sounded kinda bland and unispired), balanced cost and manufacture requeriments
* the ultimate ship renamed from archangel to OVERLORD based on the king piece(a more imposing and fitting name according to lore)
*Ufopaedia updated to some extra articles missing (hacer el de perros, el de combined arms opperations)
°on a related note OVERLORD ALIENS (the golden crystaline shards) are renamed to SOVEREIGN (firstly to avoid confusions of having same elements, secondly, cuz without making too much spoilers, it didnt make sense considering their position in the chain command)
- Commendations mods, BY Shoes, Ivan Dogovich and hellrazor its fully integrated:
*Some descriptions, were added, expanded or modified (either for balance or to fit better in the mod.
- Changed the starting date (again, this will be the last time i swear) to first monday of 2027, already planned some lore changes that'll be added progressively unto future patchs.
°Declustered and streamlined some folders and files(specially names), and to make finding stuff more easier. mostly for my sanity, also in case anyone wish to use resources from the mod, remember to give credits for other people work...in the veeeeeeeeeeeery few cases where the sprites or files are entirely being made by me (like dogs sprites for example), are free to use without any issues, dont worry
°balanced X3 HEAVY PISTOL alloy ammunition: 50 > to 42 (it was hitting harder than a AM-Rifle )
°Moved the craft craft tile were all inventory items formed a pile to a safer location across ALL ships this way you'll theorethically wont lose any item by a stray rocket/grenade/cyberdisc explosion (last row of the firefly for example)
°Fixed doggos portraits (it correctly shows the face)
°Fixed some missing pixels from white basic armor (small details on the neck, now it looks more natural)
°Fixed some missing Ufopedia pictures:
~Pilot Flight Suit now correctly have a picture following the armors patterns
~Kevlar armor now uses new sprites (with the quadscoped Night Vision googles)
~Xops Armor Recieved same treatment
°Updated congo flag now use the Official (since 2006) DRC
°okay now for real,Fixed(?) tinyranks spritesheet, last patch i changed color combinations correctly to green, they used to be RED. If anyone preffers that version, i left both files on the folder, change the names and use as your preference.
°corrected the army rank description : HIGHER RANK SHOULD BE a LT. COLONEL now (instead of simply a colonel, thats reserved for pilots ranks)
**To properly run the mod, you'll need an OXCE installation (currently version 7.8.7 at the time of finishing this post).
** BRUTAL AI MOD by Xilmi (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,10967.0.html) is highly recommended, and at this point, I consider it a must-have. I encourage you to check it out.
- Download the file from the site XOPS LEGACY by Blackwolf in MOD.io Portal (https://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/xeno-operations-legacy) or the file attached (the difference in size is irrelevant, its the same , just that i found a way to better compress it and evade the size limitation in the forum)
- Unzip and Drop the content inside your MOD folder.
- When updating from previous versions of the mod, it's recommended to delete the old folder completely (rather than simply overwriting it) and use the newer version, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED (for hotfixes and patches).
Greetings! It has come to my knowledge that this mod has been revived and was hyped to play with it. It was great fun really just like how it was years ago, but I am rather unhappy that the units under player control "glows" during the night. If memory serves me correct, this causes enemies to see you from afar and makes it harder for night missions. Partnered with the brutal AI fork, this mod becomes next to impossible to finish during night missions. I would like to ask if those things will be addressed in the future? Cheers
Press "L" to turn off the lights. Like in base OXCE and every other mod.
Edit: not sure if you can cheat BrutalAI by toggling it on/off during same turn. Most likely, you can. But that behavior would be the same for any mod.
Greetings! It has come to my knowledge that this mod has been revived and was hyped to play with it. It was great fun really just like how it was years ago, but I am rather unhappy that the units under player control "glows" during the night. If memory serves me correct, this causes enemies to see you from afar and makes it harder for night missions. Partnered with the brutal AI fork, this mod becomes next to impossible to finish during night missions. I would like to ask if those things will be addressed in the future? Cheers
Hi, first of all, thanks a lot for your words, appreciate it a lot.
Secodly, holy smokes, to be honest i always thought the lights stuff was visual only, i never expected to have some gameplay elements attached to it lmao . All my run test are made in difficulty 4 and using Brutal IA. Being absolute honest during all my night raids...i found out aliens became more dificult (in terms of tactics and deployment/displacement) rather than being able to shoot me from outside my FOV. Also dont know if this helps tho, but sometimes i switch off the personal lights of my units (i mapped it to the letter N) and activate the night vision mode (";" in my case), could you try to do this and confirm if there are some improvements?
Next version is mostly visual improvements (some races will have better sprites,death animations, sompe improvements to UI elements and ufopedia entries, etc) so i can guess is safe to commit to a longer campaing before i try to make bigger changes (like more interesting AIR COMBAT mechanics or adding new races,etc).
These two months have been increidibly busy for me IRL so i havent advanced at the rythm i wished for....in two weeks i should retake the pace tho
Just picked this up. A few observations (early days).
- Are their UFOpedia pages for the Drones? I couldnt find them.
- The UFOpedia for the hangar doesnt mention that they can take 2 crafts. It still suggests they can take 1.
Found some missing labels and the game crashed. When I reloaded the save, the crash was not reproducible. I have attached the savegame just in case.
First, Second crash occurred. Middle mouse button clicked on enemy (snakeman) to check weapon and boom - crash. Attached snip. I looked at the folder location and realised the file is 'snakeman.png' not 'snakeman.gif'
Corrected line 2172 in ExtraSprites, reorder and cleanup.rul to snakeman.png. That didnt work.
I instead pasted the snakeman.gif from Reaver's Harmony (see attached) and reverted filename. Bug fixed.
Secondly - there is no UFOpedia for Psionic Projector.
Skyranger is referred to in the below research message. I havent reached far into the mod but I believe this may need updating to reflect the new name of the base troop transport.
EDIT: There is a bug with researching live aliens. They are not eliminated once researched. One can research the same alien multiple times. This occurs even when activating the option to kill them post research. I am having to consciously sell or kill them as I complete a research.
Additional bug spotted with personal armour. I researched it but realised that I couldnt load it on my soldiers. I looked at these two files; Manufacture.rul and my savegame. The error appears to be in the manufacture.rul file which had the project making STR_PERSONAL_ARMOR_TAN versus STR_PERSONAL_ARMOR. I changed it to STR_PERSONAL_ARMOR in my savegame and I was able to load it on my soldiers. That worked. I have included snips showing what I did. I have commented the items that had the error.
Crash number 3. A very large UFO had landed and my Goliath craft was about to land and boom crash. I tried replicating it and my game loaded properly. It looks like the fault is tied to the specific map in the snip.
Good evening. I would like to post about an issue an encountered. I manufactured a set of Personal Armor, but I cannot seem to equip them to any of my soldiers (Personal Armor does not appear on the armor screen). May I please know if you have any idea on what may be causing this? Thank you.
Good evening. I would like to post about an issue an encountered. I manufactured a set of Personal Armor, but I cannot seem to equip them to any of my soldiers (Personal Armor does not appear on the armor screen). May I please know if you have any idea on what may be causing this? Thank you.
See my post above. I had the same bug. If you want to fix it yourself, you would need to make changes in your savegame and manufacture.rul. If you are not comfortable with doing that - share your savegame and I will make the changes there and re-upload it.
Some Observations
Observation 1: I am in December. I have only had one CODEX key mission. Was the frequency once a year, once a quarter, once a month?
Observation 2: There are no UFOpedia entries for the Armoured Mutons.
Observation 3: Was it deliberate that we cant manufacture Flying Suit?
Observation 4: Crash when trying to view Power Suit inventory. See Snip below. Looks like it is not defined.
Observation 5: I noticed that CODEX 3 is a dependency for the Lightning. However it also requires a research called 'Hybrid'. I cant seem to find a way to get that.
I will pause playing this for now. I am currently researching the few remaining techs for Codex Stage 3. There is a bit of work to be done. So far it has been mostly a beautiful experience. I look forward to playing it further once it is further along.
Hi cristao, first of all, thank you very much for all your effort in the reports, it helps me inmensely and i really appreciate it:
Found some missing labels and the game crashed. When I reloaded the save, the crash was not reproducible. I have attached the savegame just in case.
yeah one of my todo list is to streamline and put up all the strings, names, and descriptions, it helps me a lot to get those reported as im sure i missed a lot.
about the "sudden crashes" prior to mission starts, this is in someway related to my botched implementation of the CMP community patch, that was one of the very first changes i made on the mod so im pretty sure i made a lot of mistakes on it, im already in conversation with EFRENSPARTANO (one of the authors of the cmp )to figure out how to fix this, until then i ask my sincere apologies to any unintended problems caused by this, i still had to update the description in the first page to recommend players to excercise cautiion by making a save prior to start landing (the map selection is RNG based) so 99% of the time it works flawlessly, but in that 1% it happens to crash....but still i havent found a pattern to discern where this happens and thus pinpoint any solution.
First, Second crash occurred. Middle mouse button clicked on enemy (snakeman) to check weapon and boom - crash. Attached snip. I looked at the folder location and realised the file is 'snakeman.png' not 'snakeman.gif'
Corrected line 2172 in ExtraSprites, reorder and cleanup.rul to snakeman.png. That didnt work.
I instead pasted the snakeman.gif from Reaver's Harmony (see attached) and reverted filename. Bug fixed.
Secondly - there is no UFOpedia for Psionic Projector.
this must be put on priority list, i was meddling with sprites of alien inventories and might forgot to backup (thanks for your fixing, i'll add this to the next patch before i resume the work with sprites)
Skyranger is referred to in the below research message. I havent reached far into the mod but I believe this may need updating to reflect the new name of the base troop transport.
EDIT: There is a bug with researching live aliens. They are not eliminated once researched. One can research the same alien multiple times. This occurs even when activating the option to kill them post research. I am having to consciously sell or kill them as I complete a research.
yes, the new transport ships changed names (and apareances completely), there it seems i dont changed every instance on the ufopedia where they might be named, will be fixed proptly, thanks for the catch.
about the live aliens, thanks i will investigate further.
Additional bug spotted with personal armour. I researched it but realised that I couldnt load it on my soldiers. I looked at these two files; Manufacture.rul and my savegame. The error appears to be in the manufacture.rul file which had the project making STR_PERSONAL_ARMOR_TAN versus STR_PERSONAL_ARMOR. I changed it to STR_PERSONAL_ARMOR in my savegame and I was able to load it on my soldiers. That worked. I have included snips showing what I did. I have commented the items that had the error.
THANKS a lot for this, i was changing and streamlining names of xcom equipment and it seems i forgot to double check some changes , very appreciate for finding this, this will be added to the patch.
Crash number 3. A very large UFO had landed and my Goliath craft was about to land and boom crash. I tried replicating it and my game loaded properly. It looks like the fault is tied to the specific map in the snip.
this is related to the CMP patch, guess is related to same problems i exposed above
Some Observations
Observation 1: I am in December. I have only had one CODEX key mission. Was the frequency once a year, once a quarter, once a month?
Observation 2: There are no UFOpedia entries for the Armoured Mutons.
Observation 3: Was it deliberate that we cant manufacture Flying Suit?
Observation 4: Crash when trying to view Power Suit inventory. See Snip below. Looks like it is not defined.
Observation 5: I noticed that CODEX 3 is a dependency for the Lightning. However it also requires a research called 'Hybrid'. I cant seem to find a way to get that.
obs 1): codex missions are intended to reeplace terrors mission, so "theoretically" they could happen once per moth (aprox) BUT there are some conditionals and rng intended so they happen in a rythm of two or three PER YEAR, this might be a case of bad rng luck, but at the very same time this might be a signal some numbers are off, i'll check this again. Technically you "dont need" the keys to win (after all you must destroy it to complete the mission), but you must be sure ALIENS FAIL those missions (so its valid to rush in, explode it, rush out if you can safely clean the entire map site)
obs 2): i cant replicate this problem, i can find the ufopedia article for the armored (the purple ones with a lightbulb on their foreheads, the green "armored ones" are actually their standard version now) just between the muton berseker and the roacher entries, the line in the ufopedia.RUL file is 2448 so it seems to be correctly. i'll try to check this again in a new savegame if possible tho.
obs 3): yes, in the original mod, the power armor (the last tier) used to be able to float, the problem with this is that it made every other armor redundant and was way TOO good on everything so they were stripped of this ability and gave the skystrike a niche to stay relevant (i might be biased cuz this one its my favorite desing made by XOPS ) im currently working on editing fluff text and gave lore reasons for this changes, i might create an improved version that float and stuff but it would need a lot of balance and work in the spritesheets (in which im casually not very good at) so for now i think this might be the solution
obs 4): power suit shouldnt be able to be equipped, manufactured or used (it overlaps with the power armor both in aesthetics, functionality and intended niche) this was an oversight of my part
obs 5): same thing as above, the "vainilla" ships shouldnt be usable as their intended use is overlapped by the modded designs (also i have to comment both the goliath and the heracles will see changes on their appearance and map configuration, this however its not something im completely cappable of do by myself, and the person who'll help me with this is busy on his mod so there is not a clear ETA for now)
I will pause playing this for now. I am currently researching the few remaining techs for Codex Stage 3. There is a bit of work to be done. So far it has been mostly a beautiful experience. I look forward to playing it further once it is further along.
Again thanks a lot for your kind words m8, i really appreciate it. i have been learning a lot helping resurrecting this mod so its an continous process, i was very busy with IRL responsabilities but managed to sort them and can finally spend more time with this project, i know i have said this earlier in this thread (with not avail) but expect a new version to be posted soon, and im wishing to heard your opinions.
After an extensive period of development and refinement, I'm pleased to introduce the latest patch. This release includes critical fixes and several improvements aimed at enhancing your overall experience. Notably, the battlescape weapons are now considered finalized, with any future adjustments primarily focused on balance tweaks or new additions to complement the existing arsenal.
Significant changes have been implemented for all weapon tiers from hybrid and above. I'm open to suggestions and feedback in this regard, so feel free to share your thoughts.
Additionally, the mod has undergone an extensive artwork overhaul, addressing areas that needed enhancement and reinforcing its distinctive personality, particularly within the UI. This effort ensures a more coherent art style that harmonizes across all aspects of the mod, eliminating any inconsistencies with original vanilla assets.
Looking ahead, I want to inform you that this will be the last patch for the foreseeable future where I'll be "adding new features." The next patch will focus entirely on streamlining and reorganizing all folders, files, and routes currently in use. Some context is in order here: this mod began as a personal project, and due to my inexperience and ignorance, I initially added features in a convoluted and disorganized manner. This resulted in certain features remaining untouched because the code was held together with "silver duct tape" and other such workarounds, making any changes a potential minefield (for example, the doggos). This situation led to significant delays, but I've since followed Efrenespartano's advice and migrated my work to GitHub. I'm happy to report that over half of the organizational work is already complete.
The subsequent patch will extensively update the lore. I have numerous UFOpaedia entries that only require minor grammar corrections before being greenlit. The CODEX lore, origins, and motivations have already been thoroughly discussed, so they will also be included in the next patch.
This update represents months of dedicated effort. I sincerely apologize to anyone who may have been disappointed by my lack of communication and updates. Going forward, my plan is to update the mod at least once every two weeks (I know I've said this before—again, my apologies).
I'm hopeful that the next patch will be a significant milestone, warranting a major version number change. This will see us drop the "96vX" suffix and transition to 0.97, signaling that the mod is edging closer to an actual release. I'm also actively working on translating my TO-DO list, allowing players to have a sort of "roadmap" detailing potential changes and additions in the future.
Lastly, I'll make an effort to update this post with images showcasing the new changes.
**To properly run the mod, you'll need an OXCE installation (currently version 7.8.7 at the time of finishing this post).
** BRUTAL AI MOD by Xilmi (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,10967.0.html) is highly recommended, and at this point, I consider it a must-have. I encourage you to check it out.
- Download the file from the site XOPS LEGACY by Blackwolf in MOD.io Portal (https://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/xeno-operations-legacy) or the file attached (the difference in size is irrelevant, its the same , just that i found a way to better compress it and evade the size limitation in the forum)
- Unzip and Drop the content inside your MOD folder.
- When updating from previous versions of the mod, it's recommended to delete the old folder completely (rather than simply overwriting it) and use the newer version, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED (for hotfixes and patches).
And because i exceded the character count, i'll post the changelog on a different message:
v0.96.v9 LE Changelog:
Tweaked Some Numbers:
- Slightly toned down Ap tank, as it was hitting too reliably.
Improved a significant number of ufopedia entries and descriptions:
- Rewrote some earlier descriptions I made before.
- Some new descriptions might require scrolling down to read them completely (for example, Mutons; I'm considering trimming them down, but that will depend on overall opinions and feedback, to be honest).
- Laid out a few starting points for the expanded lore (I've already planned the direction of the intended history, including the final stages, thanks a lot to efrenespartano for helping me organize my ideas. Many new entries will be added in the next patch).
Enemy ufos got their name revamped, it can be confusing at first, but bear with me:
- [Previous Name / (Vanilla ID Name) ----> New Name]
* Survey Ship ----> Survey Skiff
* Raider ----> Raider Gunship
* Scanner ----> Scanner Boat
* Scout (Medium Scout) ----> Scout Escort
* Research Ship (Large Scout) ----> Research Corvette
* Cloner ----> Cloner Frigate
* Harvester ----> Harvester Destroyer
* Abductor ----> Abductor Cruiser
* Supply Ship ----> Supply Tanker
* Constructor ----> Constructor Barge
* Lab Ship ----> Laboratory Ship
* Destroyer ----> Battlecruiser
* Strike Cruiser (Terror Ship) ----> Terror Battleship
* Battleship ----> Dreadnought
Revamped the UI:
- Used XRoss's work as a template and, with the help of Efrenespartano, achieved the desired tone in the correct palette (dark Skyranger gray).
- Retouched the battlescape UI, inventory, medkit interface, move detection interface, and map interface.
- Completely redesigned the Graphs window on the geoscape, drawing inspiration from Xross and TFTD.
- Enhanced the visuals of various background screens in the geoscape:
* Changed the main menu image.
* Improved the soldier stats screen.
* Enhanced stats in the battlescape screen.
* Made improvements to the base stats screen (currently bugged, im investigating).
* Upgraded the geobard menu sprite.
* Enhanced the graphics menu.
* Improved the weapon ufopaedia page.
* Improved the Craft weapon ufopaedia page.
* Enhanced the facilities ufopaedia page.
* Redesigned the HWP ufopaedia image to provide a preview of how they look and estimate their size in battlescape.
* Improved the soldier stats viewer (both in the base and battlescape) with a more pleasing and structured green hue.
Changed and Improved some general artwork and Battlescape Sprites:
- Craft weapons got some retouches:
* Pilum and Trident got improved artwork
- Second pass on Nerve armors:
* Added purple wiring on the body.
* Corrected the colors of the masks (they are no longer all brown).
* Added extra details on the "spinal cord" and removed backpacks to visually match their pocket configuration.
- Finally finished Sectoid sprites:
* Switched to a full grayish palette.
* Basic units are completely bald with dark sclerae.
* Sectoids capable of using psionic powers have old aquatoid crest implants and other head and spine enhancements.
- Changed Ethereal sprites with special thanks to jackstraw2323 for their work in the War of Shadows mod. Adjusted and made minor changes, primarily to the headpiece.
* Made them more akin to the newest 2012 Firaxis version, including a scarlet cape and intricate headgear.
* Introduced a completely new death animation based on jackstraw2323's previous work (further improvements are planned to enhance the corpse and related lore).
- Replaced Roacher with the Antman Worker from Solarius Scorch's X-Files and renamed it to FORMIC.
* Made small changes to battlescape sprite to make it look like it has compound eyes, matching the ufopaedia images.
* Created custom ufopaedia images.
- Mutons received an extra pass and underwent minor changes:
* Basic Mutons are unmasked now and have small electronic devices on their heads.
* Armored Mutons now wear masks.
* Elite Mutons (dark gray) also have masks.
* Reimagined the rank structure and names for all Muton variants.
° Green = Brutes, masks removed, and small electronic devices added to their heads.
° Purple = Warrior, now wear masks.
° Black = Enforcer, they also wear masks.
° Blue = Elite.
° Red = Chieftain.
° Gold = Warlord, the supreme commanders, with correctly tinted goldish armor.
- Redesigned Commendations ufopaedia images to match the overall mod's artwork style.
- Improved most ufopaedia images related to aliens, using Xross's visual upgrade files to reduce blurriness and add grittiness to autopsy images:
* Sectoid and autopsy images now use gray specimens.
* Improved the appearance of Armored Sectoids.
* Renamed Snakeman to SERPENTOID.
* Redesigned Ethereals with different tunics and headgear, including a fully redone autopsy image.
* Made slight changes to all Muton variants to match battlescape sprite updates and renamed their ranks.
* Redesigned Chrysalids, Reapers, Sectopods, Cyberdiscs, and Celatids.
° Celatids have been given a new appearance inspired by the spitters from the 'XCOM Apocalypse' mod by ReaverFromDarkness.
- Updated CMP maps.
- Made changes to almost all tiers and improved some weapon sprites:
* Starting and eXperimental Ballistic tiers recieved tons of changes:
° Changed the appearance of the basic SMG to resemble a UMP45.
° Transformed the X submachine gun into a Kriss Vector-like SMG.
° Modified the X rocket launcher to resemble a Carl Gustav.
° Removed some visual attachments (red dots, etc.) from basic weapons.
° Added red dots to every X weapon.
° Renamed some weapons and ammunition to improve clarity and eliminate inconsistencies in names.
° Changed the Concealed Pistol to Compact Pistol (in line with other ballistic tiers).
° Renamed the X9 Rocket Launcher and X11 Assault Cannon to XXX and XX, respectively.
° Switched the Service Pistol and X2 Service Pistol to .40 S&W from .45 ACP.
° Renamed X2 Machine Pistol to X1 (since it shares ammo with X1A Compact Pistol).
° Renamed X6A Shotgun to X5.
° Renamed X5a PDW to X6a (to align it more closely with the combat rifle).
° Changed Uzi, X4A Uzi (formerly X4 Uzi), SMG, and X4 SMG (formerly X5 SMG) to use .45 ACP.
° Standardized shotgun shells to 12-gauge.
* Equipped every HYBRID WEAPON with red dots and reflex/ACOG sights.
* Revamped the nomenclature for the hybrid tier, including the order of weapons:
° Prefixed every weapon with HY followed by a number indicating its function.
° Adjusted the names of all hybrid ammunition to reduce verbiage and prevent UI clipping issues.
° Changed the hybrid SMG and UZI to .357 MAG.
° Switched the hybrid shotgun to 10-gauge shells.
* Revamped laser weaponry, tweaked stats and behavior to create more diverse roles while keeping all weapons useful:
* In general , laser weapons are weaker in terms of raw damage, but are lightier, more accurate and faster than previous TIER
* Renamed all the laser weapons.
° Reduced the damage of Laser weapons, making them nearly equivalent to the hybrid tier.
° Laser Pistol lost snap shot but gained a cost-efficient "double-tap auto" ability and uses the samme ammo as the Assaulter.
° Laser Assaulter (SMG) lost aimed shot and now features snap and auto-4 shots only and uses the same ammo as the Pistol.
° Laser Prism (shotgun) can't use autoshot, and aimed shots cost twice.
° Laser Combat Rifle aimed shot cost twice.
° Laser Scatter (LMG) can't use aimed shots and fires 6 bullets in auto mode.
° Laser Sniper can't use snapshot and now has double-tap auto fire, with aimed shots costing twice.
° Laser Cannon (heavy laser) lost snapshot and now fires a double-tap auto, with aimed shots costing three times.
° Ammo for Laser weapons is called "battery" and is divided into three types:
~ Basic batteries: Standard capacity and damage.
~ Overloaded batteries: Requires research, offering improved damage at the cost of reduced ammo count.
~ Elerium Batteries: Requires research, with reduced damage but infinite ammo.
* Every laser weapon has undergone substantial modifications, resulting in significant shifts in their statistics.
° Laser weaponry has been reworked to be "better" than hybrid weaponry, primarily focusing on unique features rather than across-the-board statistical improvements, as seen in previously.
° Basic laser batteries have had their damage adjusted, with slight reductions in some cases. Additionally, tweaked their damage to bring them in line with the hybrid tier counterparts.
° Overloaded batteries have received adjustments to their ammo count and damage. They now hit harder than the basics but come with fewer shots. Think of them as a backup option, ideal for tackling tougher enemies in a pinch.
° Elerium Batteries have seen a reduction in damage, making them weaker compared to the hybrid tier. However, in exchange, they offer an unlimited ammo supply.
~ Their production costs and material requirements got adjusted.
~ These modifications create a deliberate tradeoff and investment decision when considering them as your standard ammunition for the laser tier.
~ They shine as "backup weapons" during the mid to late game when your A and B teams are armed with more exotic and specialized weaponry. For other soldiers, especially those on guard duty in additional bases, a single investment in Elerium Batteries eliminates the need for micromanaging ammunition, streamlining your operations.
° All laser battery types have had their ammo counts adjusted to align with their new firing characteristics.
* This comprehensive overhaul aims to provide a more balanced and strategic approach to choosing laser weaponry, offering a variety of options to suit different playstyles and scenarios.
* Renamed Hypervelocity to "Rail Weaponry."
* Some weapons lost their auto-shot ability, but in general terms, they are versatile.
° Rail Pistol lost its auto-shot and shares ammo with the Assaulter.
° Rail Assaulter (SMG) can't use aimed shot and shares ammo with the Pistol.
° Rail Shard Thrower (Shotgun) can't auto-shot.
° Rail Combat Rifle maintains its previous behavior.
° Rail Repeater (LMG) lost aimed shot; auto-shot fires a 6-bullet burst.
° Rail Heavy Lance (currently searching for a better name) is a heavier and bulkier (but expensive) rifle.
° Rail Macro Cannon (Rocket Launcher equivalent) obviously doesn't have an auto-shot.
° Ammunition names have been revamped:
~ The lore will be improved in the next patch; the general idea is that they are small ferro-magnetic pieces accelerated to outstanding speeds, creating a high kinetic punch.
~ They come in three variants: "standard," "depleted" (higher damage, denser materials), and "enriched" (containing E-115, thus exploding on contact).
~ They are in clips, and names vary depending on the size of the weapon, firing: needles, shards, nails, slugs, darts, spikes, and sabot respectively.
* Made various changes to Plasma weaponry.
* This is one of the tiers that received more changes; they are intended to nerf their utility a bit. They still surpass other weapons in the human arsenal but should be used as more of an exotic niche. It was ludicrous that humanity found a way to not only replicate but surpass alien plasma tech that took them centuries, even millennia, to perfect in mere months.
* Aside from upgrading their thematic personality, it makes alien weaponry more desirable (thus making the alien unlock tech more attractive).
° Plasma Compact Pistol can only snapshot, with its primary advantage being its size (1x1) and extreme lightness for its damage output (weighs almost the same as a grenade).
° Plasma Service Pistol lost its auto-shot and shares ammo with the Assaulter.
° Plasma Assaulter (SMG) lost its aimed shot and shares ammo with the Service Pistol.
° Plasma Handcannon (Heavy Pistol) lost its auto-shot and shares ammo with the Plasma Carbine.
° Plasma Carbine (PDW) lost its aimed shot ability and shares ammo with the Handcannon.
° Plasma Blaster (Shotgun) lost its aimed ability but gained auto-shot.
° Plasma Rifle lost its auto ability (to prevent the rifle from being the main workhorse of your squads and to open the "automatic niche" to other specialized arms).
° Plasma Caster (LMG) can't aim and auto-shot fires a 5-bullet burst.
° Plasma Sniper Rifle takes time to charge and fire safely, thus can only make Aimed Shots.
° Plasma Heavy Cannon, equivalent to a rocket launcher in this tier, can't perform auto-shots.
* The entire tier had weapons renamed, and the ammo is called "cells."
° "Plasma cells" are common, got their ammo count adjusted.
° "Overcharged cells" hit harder, ammo count and damage output tweaked
° "Antimatter cells" are exotic ammunition that explodes on contact, ammo count increased in most istances.
~ Their production costs and material requirements heavily incresed.
Improved Manufacturing:
- In response to previous weapon changes, the entire Manufacturing section recieved a revamp:
* Streamlined Project List removing redundant projects that were causing clutter in the Manufacture screen
* As QoL, the order of all weapon tiers and most projects were restructured. This now aligns with the equipment list and UFOPedia pages, making navigation more intuitive.
° Started some quality of life in this regard reordering and creating new tags that will improve sorting and granurlarity, will be finished for the next patch
° As part of ongoing enhancements, work begun on improving sorting and granularity. This includes reordering and introducing new tags to provide a smoother and more organized manufacturing process, making it easier for you to manage your resources and craft items effectively.
~ Expect the full implementation of these improvements in the upcoming patch, may appreciate any feedback on the current changes
- Laser Elerium Batteries Pricing Adjustment
* The cost of Laser Elerium Batteries has been significantly increased.
° These batteries now come at a price point and materials that's nearly on par with or even double that of their corresponding weapons. This adjustment is made to balance the gameplay, considering their unique feature of providing unlimited ammo.
- Plasma Antimatter cells pricing adjustment
* Adjusted parameters so they need a little bit more E-115 to be constructed.
- Corrected Hybrid rocket damagetype to CHEMICAL DAMAGE (it was incendiary before)
- Corrected Muton floorobs, handoobs, and inventory sprites to display their accurate colors.
- Corrected some autopsies pictures having wrong version of the nameplates, creating some uneaven appearence in some istances
- Added changes to Bahrain and Qatar that were unintentionally missed in the last patch.
- Adjusted the size of the plasma compact pistol to 1x1 in the inventory as intended.
- Replaced the letter "ė" in Lithuanian namesets with "é" to resolve inconsistencies caused by the missing character in the mod's alphabet.
- Reduced and cleaned up rules, particularly map-related ones, to reduce the occurrence of CTDs (Crash to Desktop).
- Fixed the pilot body floorob, which erroneously resembled medkits due to a sprite input error.
- Resolved an issue with the Serpentoid (old Snakeman) inventory sprite, which had the incorrect palette and caused CTDs. Thanks to Cristao for bringing this to our attention.
- Fixed missing helmet sprites in the XOPs tier, thanks to CheatForLife for reporting this.
- Corrected a wrong reference to personal armors that previously prevented equipping them. Thanks to Cristao and eleriumWard for reporting this issue.
- Fixed a bug that caused advanced tiers of doggo armors to CTD when inspected. Temporary measures have been taken until the next armor tiers are completed.
- Rectified an incorrect rank sprite for the pilot brigadier, which was mistakenly included.
- Rectified the USA's area of interest in Hawaii (it didn't cover the entire archipelago previously, but it is corrected now).
- Adjusted the position of Buenos Aires on the globe; previously, it was on the Uruguayan side of the River Plate, and it should be fixed now.
- Reordered all countries by name in both funding and graphs lists. I mistakenly loaded the wrong .RUL file before arranging them alphabetically.
- Fixed an instance where manufacturing Personal Armors made a reference to the blue version on the list, breaking the correlation with similar projects.
- Corrected all craft weapons and ammunition names.
- Removed overkill from AP Tanks (which mistakenly evaporated everything it killed, including weapons and items).
Thanks again for your support.
A "small" request, if I may. Codex recovery map is 8 floors high, but only 4 of them are filled, the rest is empty space. Which is generally fine, unless cyberdiscs :) They traverse the map freely and attack whomever they want. With brutalAI these bastards even hide above columns to protect their bellies. Hopefully it is not too hard to reduce map height?
A "small" request, if I may. Codex recovery map is 8 floors high, but only 4 of them are filled, the rest is empty space. Which is generally fine, unless cyberdiscs :) They traverse the map freely and attack whomever they want. With brutalAI these bastards even hide above columns to protect their bellies. Hopefully it is not too hard to reduce map height?
Hi Scamps, thank you for your feedback. It seems there's an unintended issue related to recent changes I made, which i might forgot to list in the changelogs. I granted standard UAVs an 'evasion chance' based on distance, mainly determined by their height above the ground. This adjustment aimed to provide these drones with a better chance to survive encounters, as they were quite vulnerable to attacks from below.
To ensure their safety, I increased the height of all maps, allowing the UAVs to fly at greater altitudes and scout more securely. However, as you've pointed out, this change has created problems, particularly with Cyberdiscs exploiting the additional space.
Additionally, the recent inclusion of BRUTAL AI has led to more intelligent behavior from the aliens. While I wanted them to be more challenging, it seems they've become unexpectedly resourceful in certain situations.
I appreciate you bringing this issue to my attention, and I'll work on fixing it in the next patch this week. Your input is valuable in making the mod better. Thank you for your understanding .
Hey there!
Expect the next patch today or tomorrow. As I mentioned earlier, the main focus of this upcoming patch is reorganizing the folders. I initially underestimated the complexity of this task. With every thread I pulled, I discovered even more knots that needed untangling. I'd rather tackle this now to avoid potential issues down the road.
I've made significant progress, with these changes being about 80% complete. The next step will involve updating these changes in the .rul files. I've already completed more than three-fourths of the work, leaving only around 700 entries to go.
As a result, this patch will introduce relatively minor changes—primarily more lore, some bug fixes, and addressing critical issues that could affect the overall game experience, so its pretty safe for you to continue your current campaings without any possible issues derivated from the update. Hopefully, by next week, this phase of work will be wrapped up, allowing me to fully focus on expanding the lore and adding new weapons and sprites that I've been working on.
Stay tuned for more updates, possibly as soon as tomorrow at noon. (Please note that I'm in the UTC-3 timezone, so keep that in mind when referring to timeframes.)
This update is on the shorter side, as I've mentioned previously. The bulk of my attention has been dedicated to significant changes happening 'under the hood.' I've been diligently trimming down potential alterations, ensuring everything runs smoothly. However, I didn't want to keep you waiting any longer for the next patch. I decided to share this update now, even before completing the next one, which I'm aiming to release hopefully next week.
You can update with confidence, as this won't cause any conflicts with your ongoing campaigns. I've invested time in fixing and enhancing the lore, and I'm eager to hear your thoughts on the foundational work I've added. So far, I've completed the first weapon tier and all the CODEX stage entries. Your feedback on this front is greatly appreciated.
With nothing more to add at the moment, please stay tuned for the next update, and may your hunting be successful!
Download the file from the site XOPS LEGACY by Blackwolf in MOD.io Portal (https://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/xeno-operations-legacy) or the file attached (the difference in size is irrelevant, its the same , just that i found a way to better compress it and evade the size limitation in the forum)
v.0.97.01 LE changelog
Expansion of UFOpedia Entries:
- Expanded all entries related to CODEX stages and elements. Feedback may prompt further trimming if necessary.
- Reorganized alien life forms and introduced new lore for other species (with plans to redo all of them).
- Completely reworked the FLUFF TEXT for the first tier of XCOM weapons, awaiting feedback. (Approximately 15 weapons with details, including real-world inspiration, ammo, intended role, strengths, and weaknesses).
- Similar revisions are currently underway for the next weapon tiers.
Folder and File Reorganization:
- Restructured unit sprite folders, including those for dogs, humans, and mechanical units used by XCOM.
- Removed numerous redundant, unused, or duplicate files that were only bloating the folders and increasing mod size.
- Folders are now more intuitive and easier to navigate, improving the efficiency of sprite work and making it easier for anyone to extract content for personal use or other mods.
- Added inventory images for the land drone and the UAV.
Balances and Tweaks:
- Restored the damage type of the hybrid chem rocket from CHEMICAL to INCENDIARY (due to a misunderstanding of how this damage worked, and considering it wasn't working as intended).
- Added Hybrid tftd/UfoEU textures to the GlobeMap for improved visual appearance of Earth's oceans (submerged missions are not within the mod's scope, thus this change is visuals only). Seeking opinions on this visual change. Thanks a lot to the Community Map Pack for their constant work.
- Slightly adjusted the color of Armored Sectoids to prevent them from blending into the interior of UFOs.
- Recolored some UFOpedia pages, reducing the brightness of white borders to minimize visual noise, especially noticeable in the "WEAPONS" UFOpedia screen.
- Removed the "fixed" option for INSTANT GRENADES, as it was originally necessary for AI competence but has since become obsolete with the Brutal AI MOD. Seeking feedback on this change.
- Replaced the Alloy knife texture with a retouched version from Woofington's vanilla weapon resprite pack. Plasma and laser blades are next in line for replacement.
- The Heavy Cannon has undergone a complete transformation. The names of both the weapon and its associated ammunition have been updated:
* Now is called automatic grenade launcher. Grenades are now called "40mm (type) grenade"
~ Additionally the AP ammunition has been replaced with smoke rounds.
* To reflect this changes, the ammunition types have been reordered, making "high explosive" the new standard.
* All their ammo got some tweaks and a slight reduction in terms of damage.
* The amount of ammunition for this weapon at the beginning of a new campaign has been rebalanced.
- The AmRifle damage got buffed a bit, as is was underperforming.
- Created new artwork intended as the Splash Art banner for the mod on the MOD.IO site and forum.
Bug Fixes:
- Resolved an issue where the shotgun drone clip and the tank smoke clip appeared in the inventory.
- Corrected palette issues in some images, especially in the basebits folder and UFOpedia.
- Fixed a CTD (Crash to Desktop) caused by a grammar mistake in some UFOpedia images.
- Resolved a bug where firing chemical weapons (e.g., hybrid with chem ammo) played the wrong sound file (a dog whimper instead of a slimy splash).
- Reduced the number of "levels" in some UNDERGROUND Mission (codex recoveries and alien base assaults) to prevent exploitative scenarios from floating enemies, big thanks to Scamps for the catch up.
- Increased the map size of some smaller UFOs to address CTDs caused by spawning both the UFO and the XCOM transport ship in certain maps.
- Fixed the "infinite bodies" bug, which caused aliens not to be removed when researching an interrogation, enabling exploitative behavior.
- With the addition of OXCE, you can now manually increase or demote unit ranks by clicking on the unit rank in the base Soldiers tab. Consequently, the number of soldiers required to unlock officer billets has been substantially decreased.
**To properly run the mod, you'll need an OXCE installation (currently version 7.8.7 at the time of finishing this post).
** BRUTAL AI MOD by Xilmi (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,10967.0.html) is highly recommended, and at this point, I consider it a must-have. I encourage you to check it out.
- Download the file from the site XOPS LEGACY by Blackwolf in MOD.io Portal (https://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/xeno-operations-legacy) or the file attached (the difference in size is irrelevant, its the same , just that i found a way to better compress it and evade the size limitation in the forum)
- Unzip and Drop the content inside your MOD folder.
- When updating from previous versions of the mod, it's recommended to delete the old folder completely (rather than simply overwriting it) and use the newer version, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED (for hotfixes and patches).
Is it intended that one alien can be interrogated multiple times? Capture one medic, learn all races.
While there is similarity to researching codex, and it is probably realistic, and you are always encouraged to capture more aliens anyway (for weapons and ammo), it still feels too generous. And other mods don't allow that.
Edit: No opinion on fixed grenades, but i disable pre-priming, as incapacitated aliens tend to blow themselves up along with their weapons.
Edit2: A fatal error has occurred: Image missing in 'BIGOBS.PCK' for item 'STR_UAV'
Is it intended that one alien can be interrogated multiple times? Capture one medic, learn all races.
While there is similarity to researching codex, and it is probably realistic, and you are always encouraged to capture more aliens anyway (for weapons and ammo), it still feels too generous. And other mods don't allow that.
Edit2: A fatal error has occurred: Image missing in 'BIGOBS.PCK' for item 'STR_UAV'
No, it was supposed to be fixed so that aliens can't be interrogated multiple times. I'll seek assistance to address this issue, as it appears my solutions haven't been effective.
Thanks for spotting the error. I introduced new inventory sprites for the UAV, but it seems I missed verifying the correct format. I'll be releasing a hotfix within the next few hours to address this.
This patch was originally intended as a hotfix to address critical CTDs (Crash To Desktop) triggered by the drones. However, the necessary fixes involved updating multiple folders. To avoid a convoluted update process, I've decided to upload it with some relatively minor changes I've made up to this point.
To update, please remember to delete your old folder first and then replace it with this one.
Download the file from the site XOPS LEGACY by Blackwolf in MOD.io Portal (https://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/xeno-operations-legacy) or the file attached at the bottom of this post, or the one in the first page (the difference in size is irrelevant, its the same , just that i found a way to better compress it and evade the size limitation in the forum)
v0.97.02 LE changelog:
Sprite Changes:
- Hybrid Ammo Enhancement:
* Adjusted the color of some small sections of hybrid ammo to give the elerium-tipped rounds a richer, more golden hue.
* Recolored hybrid shotgun shells to provide better contrast with other ammo types and align them more closely with the rest of their tier.
- Dragonfly Soldier Deployment Reorientation: Altered the starting deployment of Dragonfly soldiers to prevent unnecessary turning when facing doors and obstacles. To help with micro-managing deployment, follow this order:
* The first two soldiers are assigned to the left door.
* The next two soldiers are designated for the right door.
* The subsequent two soldiers occupy the middle.
* The following two soldiers are positioned beside the "pilot spot."
* The three soldiers after that occupy the back row, near the tail of the plane.
* Ideally, the last spot is reserved for the pilot.
° Fixes for the Dragonfly are currently in progress, addressing issues such as the missing roof tiles, and further improvements are anticipated.
- Rebalances and Tweaks:
* Rebalanced XCOM unit stats, boosting the strength of some to reduce the number of underutilized soldiers. Additionally, made changes when soldiers are promoted to officers.
- Bugfixes:
* Fixed a naming error for a station in the South Pole that was inaccurately defined.
* Corrected numerous errors related to drones, including:
° The UAV now features a motion-sensing lens.
~ However, they temporarily lose their ability to carry and drop bombs until an optimal solution is determined, so they'll remain exploratory drones for now.
° The UCav has the same lens, along with a correction of its rocket damage type (changed from acid to explosive).
° The land drone's shotgun now has the correct ammunition.
* The UAV and land drone's inventory sprites now function as intended.
* Resolved a long-standing bug that has been present since the initial release. Clicking on the camera icon for the UAV will no longer freeze the game.
**To properly run the mod, you'll need an OXCE installation (currently version 7.8.7 at the time of finishing this post).
** BRUTAL AI MOD by Xilmi (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,10967.0.html) is highly recommended, and at this point, I consider it a must-have. I encourage you to check it out.
- Download the file from the site XOPS LEGACY by Blackwolf in MOD.io Portal (https://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/xeno-operations-legacy) or the file attached (the difference in size is irrelevant, its the same , just that i found a way to better compress it and evade the size limitation in the forum)
- Unzip and Drop the content inside your MOD folder.
- When updating from previous versions of the mod, it's recommended to delete the old folder completely (rather than simply overwriting it) and use the newer version, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED (for hotfixes and patches).
I'll seek assistance to address this issue
needItem: true
destroyItem: true
seems to do the job
needItem: true
destroyItem: true
seems to do the job
You are absolutely correct; this was indeed the culprit. I've already begun working on fixing the problem, and in theory, it's a relatively straightforward solution that needs to be applied to approximately 50 research topics.
I'm also nearing the completion of the folder restructuring process, with only a small fraction of files left to rename and the path rerouting in the .rul files to the new folders.
While I won't be able to dedicate the entire weekend to the mod (Real life business) and due to the unexpected rollout of the previous patch (spurred by the drones CTD issue, thanks to your report), I prefer not to rush out a quick patch today, only to release another one on Tuesday or Wednesday when I complete the other task. I consider this change a significant milestone, as it will significantly accelerate the pace of adding new equipment and sprites to the mod.
For the time being, I kindly ask to all players patience and honesty. I recommend avoiding this exploit by researching any live alien ONCE and then selling or disposing the prisoner manually. This temporary measure will remain in place for a few more days until I patch this issue. However, should there be any other critical bugs requiring a hotfix, I'll likely bundle this fix with that one.
Thanks again for all your reports, it helps me inmensely.
Good hunting and happy weekend!.
Please do not rush development. That's a WIP and free mod. You are under no obligation to players. Anyway, a bit of feedback.
- Ufo shot down over water. Crash on mission start.
- Personal armor is not equippable by any soldier type, it seems.
- Balance: Ammo cost in alloys (and to a lesser degree in fragments) is really high. For example, smallest ufo crash grants 8 alloys, which is enough for 4 hybrid rifle clips. Is it intended? Chem ammo or alien weapons seem the best way to go currently. If it is not intended, and problem lies with fractional costs, there is posibility to manufacture several clips at once (see piratez, for example).
Please do not rush development. That's a WIP and free mod. You are under no obligation to players. Anyway, a bit of feedback.
1- Ufo shot down over water. Crash on mission start.
2- Personal armor is not equippable by any soldier type, it seems.
3- Balance: Ammo cost in alloys (and to a lesser degree in fragments) is really high. For example, smallest ufo crash grants 8 alloys, which is enough for 4 hybrid rifle clips. Is it intended? Chem ammo or alien weapons seem the best way to go currently. If it is not intended, and problem lies with fractional costs, there is posibility to manufacture several clips at once (see piratez, for example).
Hello there, Scamps! Thanks once again for your invaluable feedback and your kind words of encouragement. I truly appreciate your time and cant state enough how much that helps to the mod's development. I wholeheartedly understand your concern, but i really want to improve about maintaining a consistent update schedule, I'm committed to avoiding long periods without progress. Having seven months go by with nothing to show is something I definitely don't want to repeat.
Now, addressing the issues you've reported:
1. Water Missions:
You're absolutely right; water missions should not be generated, and water splashing should retain the 'vanilla behavior' without creating a landing site as previous change intentions was VISUAL ONLY. The inclusion of underwater missions is entirely outside the scope of the current iteration of the mod. I will resolve this issue and, in the meantime, add a disclaimer advising players to disregard any 'water crashing' as it will lead to a CTD, given that there are no assigned maps.
2. Personal Armors:
I apologize for the reintroduction of the bug in personal armors. This occurred when I attempted to enhance the manufacturing name coherence. The fix will be included in the next patch. Your consistent bug hunting is greatly appreciated.
3. Resource Drought:
Your observation regarding resource scarcity in the game's current state is correct. I've been running the mod in debug mode to ensure that things function as intended, which regrettably led me to overlook certain aspects. I haven't been able to play a full campaign for quite some time, which is a concern. In earlier patches, I hadn't encountered material shortages, but I am aware that I've increased costs. However, I haven't made any changes related to the gathering of primary resources.
At the moment, my primary focus is on restructuring the foundation of the mod. As I mentioned before, months of haphazard work have led to a fragile structure, and I'm determined to build a solid foundation before making further improvements. Once this foundation is established, I'll be in a better position to address stuff like 'name references' more efficiently. Currently, many changes are within the realm of string text only, leading to discrepancies where an item is named 'A,' referenced as 'B,' and its sprites and artwork are labeled 'C.' This has indeed made balancing a daunting task that I've been reluctant to tackle.
With these structural changes in place, my next patches will focus on the much-needed cleanup and restructuring of the .RUL files, all while keeping quality of life improvements and balance in mind. I sincerely appreciate your suggestion regarding bundle manufacturing. Unfortunately, I haven't implemented some of the features from OXCE that would make the mod easier to manage. I've admittedly generated quite a bit of technical debt, which is currently my top priority. Balancing is well within the mod's priority scope, and you can expect changes in resource requirements, resource production, item prices, weights, and more.
Thank you once again for your invaluable input.
Further testing revealed that all the changes made to the new planes rendered the update incompatible with ongoing campaigns. Unfortunately, this means you might need to start over again. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but I needed to make these changes in order to address current issues with the Dragonfly and to enhance the Firefly in the upcoming patches.
I'm considering creating a temporary hotfix to revert the plane changes, allowing you to continue your playthrough without further issues.
Hello everyone, I'd like to share the latest updates for the mod, which includes more restructuring of the mod's folders. This process is going smoothly, and I've successfully reorganized all the folders related to UnitSprites and WeaponSprites. Moreover, I've restructured and reordered all the relevant categories in the Rul files. This restructuring effort is already proving to be beneficial, as it has enabled me to implement some changes for weapon sprites that I've been eager to add for some time.
The only remaining task to complete this work is renaming the images to create a more coherent nomenclature. I initially planned to address this much later, but it appears that I can tackle it now.
Additionally, I've resolved several critical bugs, and I want to extend a special thanks to Scamps for bringing them to my attention. These fixes will result in considerably fewer CTDs, enhancing the overall stability of the mod.
Additionally, for those looking to update, i'll like to remind you to please follow these instructions:
1. ALWAYS Delete your previous XenoOperation FOLDER.
2. Replace it with the newer file from this post (or from the portal).
While simply unzipping and overwriting the old folder might work, it can lead to a bloated number of files, which is best avoided.
Thank you for your ongoing support and dedication to improving the mod. Your feedback and bug reports are invaluable in enhancing the XenoOperation experience. Stay tuned for more updates, and happy gaming!
**To properly run the mod, you'll need an OXCE installation (currently version 7.8.7 at the time of finishing this post).
** BRUTAL AI MOD by Xilmi (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,10967.0.html) is highly recommended, and at this point, I consider it a must-have. I encourage you to check it out.
- Download the file from the site XOPS LEGACY by Blackwolf in MOD.io Portal (https://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/xeno-operations-legacy) or the file attached (the difference in size is irrelevant, its the same , just that i found a way to better compress it and evade the size limitation in the forum)
- Unzip and Drop the content inside your MOD folder.
- When updating from previous versions of the mod, it's recommended to delete the old folder completely (rather than simply overwriting it) and use the newer version, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED (for hotfixes and patches).
v.097.03 LE changelog:
Various Changes:
- Adjusted numerous references as result of the folder reorganization, such as renaming SOVEREIGNS from 'Overlord'.
- Replaced all 'Archangel' references with 'OVERLORD.'
- Renamed all references to roachers into Formics, which was relatively straightforward compared to the overlord case.
- Applied similar adjustments to 'Dragonfly.'
- Made equivalent changes to weapons and ammunition of Tier 1.
- Modified deployment in Cydonia to ensure there are no 'helmet-less' enemies, aligning better with the lore.
- Cydonia Elite Guards are now the most formidable foes.
- Muton Enforcers are now accompanied by Black Sectopods, even more dangerous than their common 'blue-ish' counterparts.
- Reordered the position of ships in lists and ufopaedia.
- Reorganized the soldier 'type' as follows:
* "Doggos"
* "Basic Soldiers"
* "The Other Types"
° This will help when reordering your troops by types in the base interface.
Enhanced Descriptions:
- Included additional descriptions related to the CODEX, like corrupted files.
- Corrected some commendation errors and improved spacing, with more in-depth revisions required.
Sprites Changes:
- Altered the avatar background of the Menu in the battlescape to match the rest of the interface.
- During combat, you can click the middle button for an enemy preview. This preview now includes sprite and held weapons and boasts a user-friendly interface, inspired by Neoworm's previous work. It also adheres to the same color palette as the rest of the menus.
- Slightly retouched the sprite of the SMG Hybrid, Uzi Hybrid, Hybrid Rifle, and PDW Hybrid in the magazine area to better resemble their respective cartridges.
- Slightly modified the Hybrid Rifle cartridge.
- Adjusted the position of the LMG Hybrid.
- Tweaked the SMG Rail position.
- Additionally, repositioned the Rail Rifle.
- Rearranged the Pistol Plasma position.
- Tweaked the Heavy Plasma Pistol position.
- Recolored the images in the ufopedia for Sectopods to match their sprites in battle.
- Modified the Rocket Launcher sprite to maintain consistency with the mod's general artwork. The base is taken from X-Files and was further refined.
- Tweaked the sprites for the Grenade Launcher, where ammunition is now depicted as grenades in a drum. The floor-ob is ready, while the hand-ob still needs refinement. All assets are also sourced from X-Files.
- Hopefully this first sweep of the drop rate of materials will help aleviate somewhat the ammount of resources aviable until a more intricate balance is done
* Significantly increased the amount of materials produced by breakdown projects. Remember to interact with this feature, as each component can be reduced to more basic components. The next step is improving manufacturing projects to create ammo in bundles, this change will take some time.
* Additionally, more breakdown projects will be added for various items (e.g., mechanical cadavers for parts or alien weapons for materials). This comes with increased costs and time requirements to maintain balance.
* Reduced the cost of manufacturing and replicating A-Alloys.
- Finally resolved the issue of duplicated interrogations, thanks to Scamps for finding the solution.
- The problem with Personal Armor not being equipable has been fixed this time, I swear!
- The drone scanner sprite issue has been corrected, and it is now correctly centered.
- Fixed an issue where the Sectopod kill medal wasn't being awarded correctly.
- Addressed a problem with the background 7 not displaying correctly (i found the solution in another thread, thanks to Alex_D for commenting it).
- Darkened the tones of various backgrounds slightly to enhance visual appeal.
- 'Splish-splash, no more water crash', UFOs can not longer create crash sites on water, thanks Efrenespartano for the help.
- Corrected an incorrect reference to 'Firefly' in the ufopedia; it should mention 'DRAGONFLY.'
Besides Dragonfly and Firefly is there anything else save-breaking? If have neither, should it be OK?
While breaking saves...
I hate to break it to you, but...
in Manufacture.rul replace STR_PERSONAL_ARMOR_TAN with STR_PERSONAL_ARMOR. Worked for me.
//That's what you get for testing with debug :) (Sorry for trolling, can't help myself. Great work, actually!)
Edit: Please ignore above comment, downloaded from poral, which had version 0.97.02
Besides Dragonfly and Firefly is there anything else save-breaking? If have neither, should it be OK?
Yeah, in the grand scheme of things, only a few things have been renamed. If you haven't loaded a save during a battlescape mission, you can 'safely' continue your playthrough. The only catch is that you might need to repurchase the Dragonfly plane. This could range from being a minor annoyance to potentially breaking your campaign. For instance, imagine you updated, and your most recent save file has an active terror site mission on the map. Having to skip this mission could spiral out of control and jeopardize your progress.
The issue I'm currently facing is that I'm working diligently on reorganizing the folders. However, the next logical step, which involves renaming most of the item references, has to be postponed.
To give you an example:
X WEAPONS (tier 2) are currently named HVweapon in the files, while HYPER VELOCITY (fifth tier) is called TFweapon. It gets even more complicated when I started changing the 'resource names' (the PNG pictures). They don't correspond in any way, so every time I have to make changes or adjustments, I need to cross-reference with another file to ensure I'm dealing with the correct item.
My problem with this is that fixing it would cause many items to 'disappear' until you rebuild them(again, potentially crippling your campaign). So, it's not a problem that can be solved with multiple patches as it would render the game unplayable, forcing you to restart your campaign every two weeks. Therefore, it's become an 'all or nothing' change. Either I sit down and painstakingly focus in correct hundreds of items in a short frame of time , so i don't disrupt the development of the mod (and stick to the releases schedules) or ignore it and do my best in their current situation.
The most sensible solution I've come up with is neither of the above. Instead, I'm focusing on 'reordering' every item in groups. This way, even if I come across something with a weird or unfamiliar reference, its position on the my semi-coherent list would give me clues about what it's referencing.
In summary, correcting these issues would render the mod unplayable, so I'm trying my best to create the most coherent library possible. Afterward, I'll shift my focus back to adding new features and content that are waiting to be included. I hope this decision won't come back to haunt me later on.
Have not played new version much, so no useful feedback.
Just wanted to say (as a bit of a developer): break saves while you can, don't make your job harder. Also now is the perfect timing, you broke them already last patch :)
If you feel very generous, you can write some script to update saves :)
Exciting News about the Upcoming Update:
As mentioned earlier, the focus of the upcoming update was on restructuring the folders and file locations of various elements within the mod. I'm thrilled to announce that this task has been successfully completed. The effort has already yielded positive results, allowing me to address dozens of bugs and correct the misuse of certain sprites and sound files. While working on sound files, I stumbled upon an amazing mod that enhances sound quality and variety. Taking the opportunity to elevate the gaming experience, I decided to replace almost every sound effect present in the mod.
In the next patch, you can expect more crisp and unique shot effects for every weapon tier. Weapons will now vary more between members of the same tier, providing a richer and more immersive auditory experience. New alien death screams, walking effects, and other enhancements have also been added. While there's room for further improvements, I'm pleased to scratch this off my to-do list for the foreseeable future.
Regarding the to-do list, as mentioned earlier, I've begun the translation process, and it will be incorporated into future iterations of the mod. This serves as a somewhat indicative roadmap of the mod's future. Of course, plans might evolve, and some features may or may not make it into the final version. Nevertheless, having a general idea of the intended direction of the mod is valuable.
Considering that this patch primarily focused on backend and under-the-hood changes, I decided to include some additional content to provide a tangible sense of progress. I addressed MAPS errors that were leading to unpleasant situations in the game. Special thanks to efrenespartano for guiding me through the process. I've updated the first two transports, and there are two alternative versions of the Firefly that I'm still contemplating. However, I encountered a challenge with the map modifications for the cruisers and cargo ships terror site maps, notorious for causing CTD issues with my planes. While I have a general idea of the changes needed to fix this problem, it might take a couple of extra days. Hence, I've opted to delay the update slightly to ensure I can address this issue promptly. I believe it's well worth the wait.
With nothing else to add, I hope you are enjoying the mod. As always, feedback is highly welcomed and appreciated, as it plays a crucial role in improving the mod.
Thank you all, and happy hunting!
I like that craft art. Any plans to make that turret playable on battlescape like one we have in W40?
Have not played new version much, so no useful feedback.
Just wanted to say (as a bit of a developer): break saves while you can, don't make your job harder. Also now is the perfect timing, you broke them already last patch :)
If you feel very generous, you can write some script to update saves :)
Its okay, take your time, As for the potentially game-breaking update plan, the challenge lies in the fact that there are thousands of objects, enemies, and resources that require renaming. I can't pinpoint the exact duration it would take, but I'm certain it won't be feasible within a single patch. To tackle this effectively, my current strategy is to establish a separate fork where I can make these modifications without disrupting the main updates. Once the process is complete, I'll seamlessly integrate the changes, eliminating the need to restart campaigns with each successive patch.
I like that craft art. Any plans to make that turret playable on battlescape like one we have in W40?
I didn't have any plans related to it, but it sounds interesting. I haven't learned how to do it yet, but I might explore that idea later. For now, it'll be a dummy barrel.
I'm glad you like the plane. As always, if you (or anyone, for that matter) wishes to use it, you are more than free to do so. In the end, I made it using tons of assets created by other people who are more talented than myself.
For now, the next update is on hold until I manage to resolve some issues I have with map generation. I've successfully edited and made the desired changes, but I'm struggling to define the 'landing zone' for your plane troops. Once I figure this out, I'll be able to solve a longstanding bug since the first update when I installed the CMP map and the cruise ships terror mission.
Quick Notice:
All problems solved, the teasers stay anyways
Incoming walltext, beware! (simply scroll down if you want to avoid my mumbling)
I'm thrilled to present the latest update for the mod. Before diving into the changes, I want to shed light on a couple of decisions. As I've emphasized in the past, this mod began as a personal project, and many additions were made without meticulous tracking. Unfortunately, this led to a state where numerous assets, sprites, and even the XCOM 2012 soundtrack got incorporated without clear attribution. To rectify this, and to streamline the mod's size, I've removed the XCOM 2012 tracks. This change serves a dual purpose, making the mod more transparent for use with various music packs available on the Mod Portal. Some of these options are fantastic (I'm currently using USING THIS ONE (https://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/super-mega-music-pack)), and they rightfully deserve recognition, traffic, and upvotes. It felt unfair to simply bundle them into my mod, also considering their size and potential installation complexities.
Now, on to the exciting news—the restructuring of the folders is seemingly complete. This allows me to focus on more enhancements without the hassle of searching for assets. The restructure has already borne fruit. I've added improved sound effects from the HQSounds pack by Daedalus (https://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/hqsounds-final-mod-pack-by-daedalus). Unlike music packs, integrating this required some tweaking, which is why I opted to include it directly. Now, almost all weapons have distinct effects—shooting or hitting. Aliens have received enhancements, reacting with sounds when in the presence of XCOM soldiers. Dogs now have improved sound cues during attacks, aiding in understanding if a bite landed.
Additionally, I've made necessary corrections to the Dragonfly. Those ceiling holes are history, the turbines are now elevated, and starting positions for soldiers received tweaks.
The Firefly underwent a complete facelift, with better tile sprites enhancing the graphical design. Gameplay changes include a three-tile-wide cargo space, providing increased firepower when needed. However, the tight formation could be a hindrance, so lateral doors have been added for additional exit routes.
Now, the less favorable news. Despite extensive efforts in map work, I couldn't determine how crafts spawn in some maps. This resulted in reverting changes made to landing pads on cruisers/cargo ships to go back to a bary functional level with all the previous problems unsolved (Landing the Dragonfly on a cargo ship guarantees a CTD, cruisers don't spawn the craft, making missions involving line cruisers ships non-retreatable). This is a top priority for resolution, and any assistance would be greatly appreciated as this area proved too complicated for me.
Despite these challenges, I find modifying maps enjoyable, thanks to all those days spent playing city builders so expect some big changes related to this in the future.
Thank you for your continued support, and any feedback or assistance in the map-scripting department would be highly valuable. Happy gaming!
**To properly run the mod, you'll need an OXCE installation (currently version 7.8.7 at the time of finishing this post).
** BRUTAL AI MOD by Xilmi (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,10967.0.html) is highly recommended, and at this point, I consider it a must-have. I encourage you to check it out.
- Download the file from the site XOPS LEGACY by Blackwolf in MOD.io Portal (https://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/xeno-operations-legacy) or the file attached (the difference in size is irrelevant, its the same , just that i found a way to better compress it and evade the size limitation in the forum)
- Unzip and Drop the content inside your MOD folder.
- When updating from previous versions of the mod, it's recommended to delete the old folder completely (rather than simply overwriting it) and use the newer version, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED (for hotfixes and patches).
Version 0.97.04 LE Changelog:
**Map Tweaks:**
- Made changes to a substantial number of maps:
* The Dragonfly finally got corrected , desing recieved some additional improvements.
* The Firefly got completely redesigned.
- XCOM BASE maps got some minor corrections and improvements (a prelude for an upcoming change that will significantly enhance the appearance of the XCOM base).
- Some sections now have computers with moving sprites, including beeping screens.
- The security station has the white picket fence replaced with something substantially better (temporary change until the complete overhaul of the XCOM base).
- Successfully completed the restructuring of the RESOURCES folder, streamlining the workflow for implementing new elements.
- Added temporary ufopedia images to eliminate any blank/black spaced entries, although further artwork improvements are planned.
- Changed the floorsprite of Elerium to enhance visual coherence (goodbye purple rubber ball, hello new ambar crystal)
- Made changes to some technologies relevant to power armor, eliminating references to the "power suit" and "flying suit" to avoid researching dead ends.
* This resulted in moving the POWER ARMOR (Tier 5 XOPS armor) down the Codex path, to balance, now requires an extra research topic but prices are unchanged.
- Made adjustments to the SECTOPOD ELITE, a black variant of the standard sectopod, tweaking numbers for increased impact.
- Modified the buy/selling screen to display only "custom categories," improving navigation and readability.
- Improved Dagger ufopaedia description.
- Changed "QD" slot name to HOLSTER and modified the "belt" name to avoid any possible obstruction.
- Renamed transport ships and SR-71, adding some prefixes to follow a consistent nomenclature.
- Small quality of life improvement: enhanced the "daylight indicator" for better mission time representation.
- Improved the names of some items, ordnances, and explosives for distinct yet intuitive naming.
- Eliminated all traces of 2012 music to reduce mod size.
- Added more versions of improved sounds from the HQSounds mod by DAEDALUS to most weapons, aliens and effects.
- Bugfixes:
- Resolved issues with dog sounds causing CTDs and providing better cues for dog attacks.
- Returned the bulletsprite to the XPDW.
- Ensured aliens cannot use explosives on the first turn.
- Implemented changes to MAPSCRIPT files to potentially reduce starting mission CTDs.
- Fixed handobs for various items.
- Corrected names in some Muton variants.
- Addressed an issue with the Amiga font not having the correct palette format.
- Integrated changes from XROSS Visual Upgrade into the main geoboard menu.
- Fixed errors in research paths for various items.
- Resolved a problem related to duplicate final mission unlocks.
- Used pedrothezeroTool to address acknowledged problems in VSC, improving mod stability.
- Temporarily deactivated "gothic church" maps due to their inconsistent performance.
Good evening.
I would like to inform you of an error I experienced while playing the game. Encountered an error right after finishing an Alien Base mission. OXCE is version 7.9.10. I am using the latest version of the mod. I have attached both the save file and the screenshot of the error. Hoping for a fix or at least an explanation for this error. Thanl you.
Good evening.
I would like to inform you of an error I experienced while playing the game. Encountered an error right after finishing an Alien Base mission. OXCE is version 7.9.10. I am using the latest version of the mod. I have attached both the save file and the screenshot of the error. Hoping for a fix or at least an explanation for this error. Thanl you.
Thank you very much, im gonna check this out when i arrive home later today.
Just to be sure, did you update the mod and then loaded a savegame wtih an already started mission? or did you updated, played a bit, THEN started the base raid and then got the CTD?.
Good morning.
I updated the mod then started an already active mission from the previous version.
Good morning.
I updated the mod then started an already active mission from the previous version.
Hello again, thanks for your promptly response. Okay, i still need to check this later when i arrive home, but that might be the culprit, by any chance, do you have any savegame previously to starting that mission? (hopefully one that isnt that long away from the mission, so if my theory its correct, you wont have lost too much progress)
Good evening.
Here is the file prior to the start of the mission. Strangely, when I loaded it, all of my transport craft disappeared.
Good evening.
Here is the file prior to the start of the mission. Strangely, when I loaded it, all of my transport craft disappeared.
Well it seems i was correct. Unfortunately, after running some tests, it appears that the CTD issue is triggered when attempting to load troops into the ship for the return home (as this ship "doesnt exist anymore"). This occurs because, to address certain problems related to transport troop maps, I had to modify some name references. I can assist you in restoring the ships so you won't lose your previous progress in the campaign. To proceed, I'll need you to provide a list of the crafts you had prior to the update so that I can restore them in your bases. However, please be aware that you'll need to redo the base attack as the save is 'softlocked,' and I cannot guarantee that the ship changes will work in that scenario.
Edit: It seems I was able to fix your savegame. The Dragonfly is now successfully en route to the alien base, allowing you to proceed with your raid without any issues and complete the mission successfully.
Just test the file. Working properly now. Thank you very much for this.
Small Update Sneak Peek:
Things are progressing well for the upcoming update, which will be entirely focused on buildings and base facilities. I'm addressing some descriptions that were never changed from vainilla and might cause confusion, such as hangars should explicitly state they can hold two ships now or the radar range description having a weird number that doesn't make sense. Additionally, I'm introducing entirely new features from OXCE, like making some buildings "upgradeable" by constructing something atop them (base defense modules being a prime candidate for this). While some rebalances and tweaks are to be expected, the most significant change will likely be the visual uplift of tiles and assets for all base modules.
Special thanks to efrenespartano for assisting me in swapping the palettes of some TFTD terrain packs. My plan is to recreate every base facility with these assets, leaving behind the old brownish cartoonish appearance and introducing a better, grittier look with hard gray concrete and bunker-like aesthetics. As a bonus, most assets now feature animations and color changes, enhancing the overall visual appeal in line with other artwork from the mod (e.g., Alien UFOs). I'm halfway there, and I hope you'll find these changes interesting and well worth the effort.
Finally, the days of the security station featuring a garden picket fence are long gone. Now, it's replaced with sturdier concrete half-slabs.
Here's a sneak peek of what you can expect later. Stay tuned for more updates!
Hello sir, looks like the Bishop UFOpadia is missing its image, getting this error upon middle click. Love the art in this mod, excited to play it!
Hello sir, looks like the Bishop UFOpadia is missing its image, getting this error upon middle click. Love the art in this mod, excited to play it!
Thank you for the positive feedback and bug reports! Your input is invaluable, and I'm pleased to let you know that the reported issues have been noted and fixed. These corrections will be part of the upcoming patch.
Now, about the Xcom Base Facilities Visual Update. I'm thrilled to share that all the "basic/originals" buildings are complete. The overhaul has transformed the appearance of these structures, offering a more immersive and engaging experience. Only four more buildings remain to be revamped. However, these are "Large" (4 blocks) buildings, which take a bit of extra time. I aim to have them finished either today or tomorrow.
I appreciate your patience and continued support. Stay tuned for more news.
Happy hunting.
Update Announcement:
I hope this message finds you well. Unfortunately, I bring news of a minor setback in the development of the upcoming update. Both my wife and I have caught a flu, and as a result, I've been feeling unwell since yesterday. Regrettably, this means the update will be shorter than initially anticipated.
As of now, approximately 80% of the buildings, including all the basic (vainilla) and key ones like the gym, large barracks, security station, and corridor, have been completed. The large storage store's structure is finished (walls only), but it still requires props, assets, and illumination tiles to be applied. The remaining buildings, such as the large lab, large workshop, large psionic lab, satellite network, and global hyper-wave decoder, remain untouched. Please be aware that in their current state, these structures may appear wonky and unnavigable. While they won't cause a CTD, they might hinder troop movement.
To provide you with a sneak peek and allow for testing, I've decided to release a preemptive beta patch. You can explore the changes by entering your base management interface and left-clicking on the access lift. This will enable you to move a single soldier and preview the updated base.
I sincerely apologize for any unexpected delays, and I appreciate your understanding. I aim to recover and complete the patch over the next few days, with the goal of releasing it this weekend. Your patience and continued support mean a lot.
Thank you, and happy hunting!
**To properly run the mod, you'll need an OXCE installation (currently version 7.8.7 at the time of finishing this post).
** BRUTAL AI MOD by Xilmi (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,10967.0.html) is highly recommended, and at this point, I consider it a must-have. I encourage you to check it out.
- Download the file from the site XOPS LEGACY by Blackwolf in MOD.io Portal (https://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/xeno-operations-legacy) or the file attached (any difference in size is irrelevant, its the same file, just that i found a way to better compress it and evade the size limitation of the forum)
- Unzip and Drop the content inside your MOD folder.
- When updating from previous versions of the mod, it's recommended to delete the old folder completely (rather than simply overwriting it) and use the newer version, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED (for hotfixes and patches).
**Version 0.97.05.BETA LE Changelog:**
Visual Overhaul:
- Completely revamped the appearance of the Xcom base with new props, tiles, and assets extracted from TFTD.
- Improved storage tiles for the basic general store facility and the hangar to align with the updated map disposition.
Balance Tweaks:
- Adjusted some capacity numbers:
* Small living quarters can now accommodate 20 units (down from 25).
* Large living quarters have a reduced capacity of 100 units (down from 125).
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue preventing the Dagger from being loaded in transport troops or during base defense missions.
- Updated the Georgia flag to the correct version from 2004 (previously using an outdated flag).
- Resolved deployment problems for units in transport planes:
* The Dragonfly now correctly loads its 12 soldiers, and weapon spawning tiles have been relocated.
* Similar adjustments made to the Firefly for correct soldier spawning, with item spawning tiles moved to a safer location away from the ramp.
- Corrected the description of the Sectopod autopsy in the UFOpaedia.
- Fixed a UFOPaedia CTD issue related to the XCf0-bishop, ensuring the picture displays correctly. Thanks Daev for the report.
- Solved an issue with the Miniguns' behavior, preventing the camera from excessively following each shot and causing flickering in certain situations.
Tried the latest version 0.97.05.LE but get an error-see attached.
Tried the latest version 0.97.05.LE but get an error-see attached.
Yeah, i can see the problem by looking at the size of the file, there are a bunch of duplicates files and .ruls going on in there.
To update properly, remember to delete the previous version of the mod and then replace it entirely with the new folder. . Delete the mod folder and then replace it with the one i posted recently (should weight no more than 40 mb or something like that), and then try again.
I see you are coming from a very old build, PM later if you run into further problems hindering your campaing (as having missing planes and stuff like that)
Hope this info to be helpful.
Thanks, that did the trick. A fresh install rather than overwriting an earlier version.
Hi, i was playing a terror mission and this message shows when i try to find the aliens. Great mod by the way, loving it.
Hi, i was playing a terror mission and this message shows when i try to find the aliens. Great mod by the way, loving it.
Hello, thank you so much for your kind words; I truly appreciate them.
Great catch! It appears I made a spelling mistake, but not to worry. I'll correct it for the next patch, which should be released on Monday. I'm currently working on adding the remaining buildings and implementing some extra changes and fixes. In the meantime, you can download the attached file and place it inside the 'RULESET' folder within your XENOOPERATIONS mod (say yes when the overwrite warning appear). This way, you won't have to wait those extra days, and you can promptly continue with your terror mission.
Hello everyone hope you are enjoying the holydays and sorry for the delay, this is the last update for this and the next week (except for any severe issue that might arise and requires a hotfix), i didnt finished all the changes i wanted. Im currently posting on a cellphone so , apologies for the sloopy and botched structure of this message (the net haven't being reinstalled in the aftermath of the last weekend storm in buenos aires).
This new update (still considered beta) includes some balancing and extra artwork improvements. Yet One of the biggest milestones for this update its that i Finished translating and structuring my To-do List. I have to make it clear its not a FIXED sets of goals, as stuff could change and some topics might be added, changed or deleted entirely without ever being implemented.
Otherwise i think its good for transparency and clear communication to have you know roughly the intended direction and changes the mod might recieve in the future. Also could help me to recieve feedback and even avoid wasting time in stuff where there might be better options aviable.
Changelog BETA 2 LE
Milestone achieved:
- To-Do List transtaled and readily aviable. This is more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual Goals.
general changes:
- some alien races were renamed, to better fit their general lore
*ancient abominations are now called SPAWNS.
*alien hybrids are now called ABOMINATIONS.
- changed the load order of alien materials items (xelloys,elerium, codex stuff) so you dont need to scroll down everytime you need to check those when moving between bases.
Sprites changes
- xcom transport planes and fighters recieved a general aesthetic retouch
* the xcf0 recieved small improvements to their basebit sprite shadowing
* the XCF1 got their vainilla appearance totally renewed, now its based on the 2012 firaxis RAVEN figther
~ included a custom artwork for its ufopaedia entry
~ recieved a matching basebit and interception window sprite to reflect this change
* the XCF2 also recieved some improvements:
~ a custom made artwork for the ufopaedia based on the x59 marauder from the game XENONAUTS.
~ some slight changes to the basebit and inticon sprites.
* the XCF3 got their sprite completely revamped, now uses one made by Efrenespartano, based on the SARACEN from xenonauts
* xrs 71 recieved small changes
* dragonfly recieved subtle changes in the basebit sprite
* firefly recieved changes of the basebit sprite
* small improvements for the goliath sprites
* small improvements to the hercules sprites
* overlord recieved improvements in the basebit sprite
- more changes to some files names to improve readability and uniformity
* specially inside weaponrysprites folder
* same with ufopedia articles
- Basic Psionic lab can train only 5 soldiers, the Large train 25 soldiers instead.
- all explosives and grenades got their behaviour altered:
* all "basics" and proxys grenades (both human and alien) got their fuse timer removed .they'll now be a simple toss and forget.
* more "advanced grenades" (from hybrid and further) keep their old timer behaviour.
* all explosions now have their explosion radius changed (reduced in most of the cases)
* as a side effect of these changes ,now there is a damage decay from the epicentre of the explosion and the subsecuent tiles (therefore, the farther a unit is from the center of the explosion, the higher the chance to survive even sin daños)
~ these changes should make explosives less overpowered and a game changer (with BRUTAL AI, the aliens exploit any clumps of soldiers, resulting in half squad wipes from a single 'nade in the early game)
- the proximity grenade got reworked , the damage got reduced , cant be bought since start and now requires a specific research to be unlocked (related to the motion scanner)
- fixed some problems with the explosion radius from some explosives, they were incorrectly defined and were resulting in problematic scenarios where balancing was a headache.
* now all explosions made by different advanced ammo types got their explosion range significantly reduced
VISUAL overhaul:
- All buildings structure and disposition its done. Im pleased with the results but there might be room for some tweaks and adjustments.
* That said, i want to clarify all the ilumination of the newer rooms are still to be applied, i run out of time so i'll do this after the Holydays.
- improved the mcd files with extra assets , correctly coloured to xcom eu pallete
- Small improvements for some buildings.
* Recoloring of some assets like chairs
* Starting recolouring all the floor tiles, to add some muck, wear and tear and avoid the "glossy polished marble" finish it has previously by being a plain color.
~ For now, the work include the illuminated tiles and the ACCESS LIFT as an example, im eager for feedback before i jump into redoing all the floorings of the 30+ buildings
- retouched the workshop building
*added a better assembly board
*added and recolored the robot arm assembler
~changed from intense pink to a more industrial orange
- fixed some "invisible floor squares" on the second level of the corridors
- improved the fussion ball cannon building, added a few advanced monitors to interface
-small experimental changes done to the xops armor, a prelude of a complete revamp of ALL the armor sprites, finally i decided to tackle all this and improve it from previous attemps.
* added a xcom patch on xops tier
- removed the weapon slot from the dragonfly, also prevented this for appearing in any new campaing.
- fixed some "invisible floor squares" on the second level of the corridors
- fixed some missing floortiles from the catwalks in the hangars
- fixed some missing walls on the large living quarters
**To properly run the mod, you'll need an OXCE installation (currently version 7.8.7 at the time of finishing this post).
** BRUTAL AI MOD by Xilmi (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,10967.0.html) is highly recommended, and at this point, I consider it a must-have. I encourage you to check it out.
- Download the file from the site XOPS LEGACY by Blackwolf in MOD.io Portal (https://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/xeno-operations-legacy) or the file attached (the difference in size is irrelevant, its the same , just that i found a way to better compress it and evade the size limitation in the forum)
- Unzip and Drop the content inside your MOD folder.
- When updating from previous versions of the mod, it's recommended to delete the old folder completely (rather than simply overwriting it) and use the newer version, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED (for hotfixes and patches).
With nothing else to add, Merry Christmas everyone!
Hi there
I am receiving an error when activating the latest XOPS Legacy using the latest BrutalAI build.
Here are the messages I receive when trying to activate XOPS Legacy:
[22-01-2024_18-33-34] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_SECTOPOD_ELITE_TERRORIST': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[22-01-2024_18-33-34] [ERROR] STR_HANGAR can hold 2 crafts but has 0 craft-slots defined. Will draw all crafts in the center.
[22-01-2024_18-33-34] [ERROR] During linking rulesets of crafts:
Error for 'STR_DRAGONFLY': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_FIREFLY': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
and here is the error message I receive when I have both XOPS Legacy as well as Brutal AI active:
[22-01-2024_18-35-02] [ERROR] During linking rulesets of manufacture:
Error processing 'STR_PSI_AMP' in manufacture: Unknown research 'STR_PSI_AMP'
Any help appreciated :)
Hi there
I am receiving an error when activating the latest XOPS Legacy using the latest BrutalAI build.
Here are the messages I receive when trying to activate XOPS Legacy:
and here is the error message I receive when I have both XOPS Legacy as well as Brutal AI active:
Any help appreciated :)
Hello, and thank you for your report. The issue you're encountering is a result of the recent OXCE update, which has introduced modifications to certain features previously defined differently. I've already addressed many instances of this, and the upcoming patch, scheduled for this Wednesday, will encompass these fixes along with several other enhancements.
Walltext alert:
This update will include corrections to XCOM base maps, adjustments to various in-game maps, illumination and reorganization of props (including replacements and recoloring where necessary), and the completion of MapView sprites. Currently, if you navigate to the map interface, you might notice jagged or incorrectly colored elements (mostly appearing orange). This has been rectified in 99.9% of instances, though some minor touch-ups, particularly on the hangars' handrails, are pending. However, given the complexity of the task, I've opted not to delay the update further for such a trivial detail, and it will be fully resolved in the subsequent patch expected in February.
Additionally, numerous bug fixes and overall tweaks have been implemented. I'm in the process of translating the changelog and reorganizing some folders to facilitate the update's release. Once again, thank you for your reports and your patience.
Thankyou Blackwolf. I am itching to give this mod a try, as it comes highly recommended (and looks fantastic!)
Greetings, and a big thank you for your ongoing patience. I'm thrilled to share the latest update for the mod with you. Compatibility checks with the most recent OXCE and BRUTAL AI versions have been completed, ensuring smooth functionality.
If you come across any issues or problems I might have missed, please don't hesitate to inform me.
This update is primarily centered around the completion of work on the maps, with a special focus on enhancing the map view. The changes aim to provide a more visually pleasing experience, bidding farewell to the wild orange and jarring images in the overview map scren. Also, all buildings should be correctly illuminated, the strength of light sources has been fine-tuned, and some props even generate light independently (take the giant blue holographic globe, for example). Alongside these improvements, there have been minor corrections and enhancements to certain maps. Additionally, recoloring and improvements to specific props have been implemented.
While I'm confident that my changelog is not exhaustive, I didn't want to delay the release any further.
Here's the changelog, and the lines marked as **new** highlight changes introduced in this version from the betas.
ersion 0.97.05 LE Live patch
One of the significant milestones in this update is the completion of translating and structuring my To-Do List. It's important to note that this list is not a fixed set of goals; changes, additions, or deletions might occur without prior notice. This transparency helps in communicating the intended direction and potential future changes for the mod. Your feedback is invaluable and can assist in making informed decisions and avoiding wasted efforts.
**General Changes:**
- *(New)* Implemented new mechanics regarding the officer and rank system (special thanks to Meridian for enabling this change).
* Candidates for officer school must achieve the rank of Sergeant or higher.
* Officer candidates undergo training, resetting their rank to the lowest in the officer chain.
* This resolves the issue of soldiers skipping ranks when promoted, enhancing both gameplay and immersion. Activate the "allow manual promotions" feature for optimal results.
- Renamed some alien races to better align with their general lore:
* Ancient Abominations are now called SPAWNS.
* Alien Hybrids are now called ABOMINATIONS.
- Changed the load order of alien materials items for easier access (xelloys, elerium, codex stuff).
**Sprites Changes:**
- Conducted a general aesthetic retouch on XCOM transport planes and fighters.
* XCF0 received small improvements to its basebit sprite shadowing.
* XCF1 underwent a complete renewal, now based on the Firaxis 2012 RAVEN fighter.
* XCF2 received various improvements, including a custom artwork for its ufopaedia entry.
* XCF3 has a sprite revamped by Efrenespartano, based on the SARACEN from Xenonauts.
* Several other minor sprite improvements for various vehicles.
- *(New)* Completed the sound and effects update process.
* Enhanced the quality of combat aircraft missiles and weapons.
- *(New)* Slightly improved the SCANG map view for the base, making colors less intrusive.
**Tweaks and Balance:**
- *(New)* Balanced initial base weaponry:
* Increased the number of PDWs to encourage their use.
* Added Uzis and a Minigun to the initial inventory for immediate testing opportunities.
- Psilab building capacity adjusted to 5; Advanced Psilab can accommodate up to 25.
- *(New)* Large Laboratory now has a capacity for 5 alien prisoners.
- Altered behavior for explosives and grenades:
* Removed fuse timers for basic and proxy grenades.
* Adjusted explosion radius for all explosives, introducing damage decay from the epicenter.
- Proximity grenade reworked, reduced damage, now requires specific research to unlock.
- Fixed problems with explosion radius for various explosives, ensuring more balanced and predictable outcomes.
- *(New)* Updated maps, including changes to prop distribution in the hangar, barracks, and gym.
* Reduced overall base light brightness.
* Implemented floor textures for a rustic concrete appearance.
- *(New)* Initial pass on the SCANG.dat file, improving base map view clarity.
- *(New)* Adjusted colors for units on the minimap:
* XCOM units are now blue.
* Aliens are red.
* Civilians and neutrals are yellow.
- Implemented new props from the "From the Apocalypse" mod by Robin:
* Personnel Lockers
* Medical treatment Bed(to be used in a future infirmary/hospital, currently in progress)
**Visual Overhaul:**
- Completed all building structures and dispositions.
* Illumination for newer rooms will be applied after the holidays.
* Improved MCD files with extra assets correctly colored to the XCOM EU palette.
* Recolored assets like chairs and started recoloring floor tiles for a weathered appearance.
- Reworked the workshop building:
* Added a better assembly board.
* Added and recolored the robot arm assembler.
- Fixed "invisible floor squares" on the second level of corridors.
- Improved the fusion ball cannon building, adding advanced monitors for interface.
- *(New)* Completed all new map work, including modified floor tiles for a rustic concrete look.
- Conducted small experimental changes to the XOPS armor, a prelude to a complete revamp of ALL armor sprites.
* Added an XCOM patch on XOPS tier.
**Bug Fixes:**
- Removed the weapon slot from the Dragonfly and prevented it from appearing in new campaigns.
- Resolved a crash-to-desktop issue caused by a missing ufopedia HEC armor file.
- Fixed "invisible floor squares" on the second level of corridors.
- Fixed missing floor tiles on the catwalks in the hangars.
- Fixed missing walls in the large living quarters.
- *(New)* Temporarily fixed advanced dog armors causing CTD, using the basic harness while ongoing design work continues.
- *(New)* Resolved an issue preventing mechanical units from equipping Dragonflies and Fireflies using the new OXCE patch; future plans involve transitioning tanks to the armor system.
**Version 0.97.05 beta Changelog:**
Visual Overhaul:
- Completely revamped the appearance of the Xcom base with new props, tiles, and assets extracted from TFTD.
- Improved storage tiles for the basic general store facility and the hangar to align with the updated map disposition.
Balance Tweaks:
- Adjusted some capacity numbers:
* Small living quarters can now accommodate 20 units (down from 25).
* Large living quarters have a reduced capacity of 100 units (down from 125).
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue preventing the Dagger from being loaded in transport troops or during base defense missions.
- Updated the Georgia flag to the correct version from 2004 (previously using an outdated flag).
- Resolved deployment problems for units in transport planes:
* The Dragonfly now correctly loads its 12 soldiers, and weapon spawning tiles have been relocated.
* Similar adjustments made to the Firefly for correct soldier spawning, with item spawning tiles moved to a safer location away from the ramp.
- Corrected the description of the Sectopod autopsy in the UFOpaedia.
- Fixed a UFOPaedia CTD issue related to the XCf0-bishop, ensuring the picture displays correctly. Thanks Daev for the report.
- Solved an issue with the Miniguns' behavior, preventing the camera from excessively following each shot and causing flickering in certain situations.
**To properly run the mod, you'll need an OXCE installation (currently version 7.8.7 at the time of finishing this post).
** BRUTAL AI MOD by Xilmi (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,10967.0.html) is highly recommended, and at this point, I consider it a must-have. I encourage you to check it out.
- Download the file from the site XOPS LEGACY by Blackwolf in MOD.io Portal (https://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/xeno-operations-legacy) or the file attached (the difference in size is irrelevant, its the same , just that i found a way to better compress it and evade the size limitation in the forum)
- Unzip and Drop the content inside your MOD folder.
- When updating from previous versions of the mod, it's recommended to delete the old folder completely (rather than simply overwriting it) and use the newer version, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED (for hotfixes and patches).
Happy hunting!
Hello! I wanted to shake things up a bit and give you a sneak peek into some of the work in progress again, instead of simply waiting until work its done to be revealed. Recently, I delved into experiments aimed at enhancing the appearance of the first tiers of armors. While it's still a work in progress and there's a lot to be done, I wanted to share a glimpse of what's in the pipeline.
Please note that this is far from being ready for a live version, but I'm really conformed about the current progress. Tons of work its still needed like working on the six different color variations, additional detailing for the female version, exploring various helmet variations, and more.
Stay tuned for further updates on these developments. Also, here's a heads-up about some really early
iteration of the changes changes to the second tier!
Good news, everyone! more info on the armor front. Progress is smooth, with the first tier of Kevlar armors almost completed. Next up, I'll be adapting them for female soldiers, which should be relatively straightforward. However, the real game-changer will be the introduction of different uniform sizes. Some soldier sprites are larger or wider than others, and rather than opting for a one-size-fits-all approach like my first attempt last year, I'm committed to ensuring each soldier has a tailored armor set and completely revamped helmets.
Here's a sneak peek of the work in progress. I'm still deciding which option looks better for the green version, so your feedback is welcome!
All vests and pouches were sourced from the "INTO THE ABYSS" MOD, with the assest being done by Woofington Hans and Efrenspartano. I've focused on doing more retouches and recoloring.
Stay tuned for further updates
Good news everyone!
I originally aimed to complete the implementation of the first level of paperdoll sprites for the initial armor tier before releasing the next update. However, after receiving valuable feedback from players on the Reddit thread (special thanks to GetFreur and Hadan) regarding stability issues, I decided to prioritize addressing these concerns. Thanks to their reports, I was able to identify certain options that could be adjusted to enhance the overall stability of the mod. Additionally, I took the opportunity to rectify over 200 missing strings and improper references to items and equipment, which in some cases could lead to CTDs.
Most importantly, I have successfully resolved the errors associated with cargo and cruiser line ships. This means no more CTDs at startup, and your planes will now spawn correctly on the designated helipad. This significantly improves the survivability rate of missions involving these ships, which previously posed a significant challenge as you technically couldn't retreat.
Rather than delaying the update to complete the graphical overhaul of the armors, I felt these bug fixes warranted an immediate release. This also allows me to introduce updates to not just one, but TWO tiers of armor. The upcoming XOPS armors will undergo a total visual and gameplay revamp, with more details to follow in a future post.
Overall, discussions surrounding their intended uses have been thorough, and the visual aspects are nearly complete. I'm excited to provide a sneak peek in the attachments below.
Good hunting!
Hi, blackwolf!
If you are not aware, xops armor has usable shoulder slots, but not outlined by boxes. Is it intentional? Other armors might have similar issues.
Also, Kamchatka is gone, and Pacific ocean in general has several 'stitches', visible if you use higher resolution and rotate the globe. Probably you combined different globes?
Both issues are minor. Thank you for your work!
Hi, blackwolf!
If you are not aware, xops armor has usable shoulder slots, but not outlined by boxes. Is it intentional? Other armors might have similar issues.
Also, Kamchatka is gone, and Pacific ocean in general has several 'stitches', visible if you use higher resolution and rotate the globe. Probably you combined different globes?
Both issues are minor. Thank you for your work!
Thanks for bringing this to my attention, Scamps. I wasn't aware of the issue, but rest assured it will be addressed in the next patch. Much appreciated!
Regarding the map tweaks, I've been working on enhancing the overall appearance of the globe. However, I've encountered some challenges with the tools. I may need to revert to previous iterations to resolve the issue, especially when it comes to certain regions like South America.
Thanks again for your patience and understanding
Yo Man I got an error
[22-02-2024_11-51-06] [INFO] OpenXcom Version: Extended 7.10 (v2023-12-16)
[22-02-2024_11-51-06] [INFO] Platform: Windows 64 bit
[22-02-2024_11-51-06] [INFO] Data folder is:
[22-02-2024_11-51-06] [INFO] Data search is:
[22-02-2024_11-51-06] [INFO] - C:/Users/User/Documents/OpenXcom/
[22-02-2024_11-51-06] [INFO] - C:/Users/User/Desktop/OpenXCOM/OpenXCOM Tutorial/
[22-02-2024_11-51-06] [INFO] User folder is: C:/Users/User/Desktop/OpenXCOM/OpenXCOM Tutorial/user/
[22-02-2024_11-51-06] [INFO] Config folder is: C:/Users/User/Desktop/OpenXCOM/OpenXCOM Tutorial/user/
[22-02-2024_11-51-06] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[22-02-2024_11-51-06] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[22-02-2024_11-51-06] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[22-02-2024_11-51-06] [INFO] Attempted locale:
[22-02-2024_11-51-06] [INFO] Detected locale: C
[22-02-2024_11-51-06] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1440x1080x32...
[22-02-2024_11-51-07] [INFO] Display set to 1440x1080x32.
[22-02-2024_11-51-07] [INFO] Loading data...
[22-02-2024_11-51-07] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in ''...
[22-02-2024_11-51-07] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'C:/Users/User/Desktop/OpenXCOM/OpenXCOM Tutorial/user/'...
[22-02-2024_11-51-07] [WARN] Bogus filename 54 68 65 20 45 6e 64 6c 65 73 73 20 57 61 72 20 76 31 2e 31 38 2f 54 68 65 20 45 6e 64 6c 65 73 73 20 57 61 72 20 76 31 2e 31 38 2f 63 6f 6d 6d 6f 6e 2f 52 65 73 6f 75 72 63 65 73 2f 42 61 63 6b 67 72 6f 75 6e 64 73 2f ef 63 6f 6d 62 61 74 62 2e 70 6e 67 in C:/Users/User/Desktop/OpenXCOM/OpenXCOM Tutorial/user/mods/the_endless_war_v1.18 (1).zip, ignoring.
[22-02-2024_11-51-07] [WARN] Bogus filename 54 68 65 20 45 6e 64 6c 65 73 73 20 57 61 72 20 76 31 2e 31 38 2f 54 68 65 20 45 6e 64 6c 65 73 73 20 57 61 72 20 76 31 2e 31 38 2f 63 6f 6d 6d 6f 6e 2f 52 65 73 6f 75 72 63 65 73 2f 46 69 6e 61 6c 4d 6f 64 50 61 63 6b 2f 55 66 6f 70 65 64 69 61 54 65 63 68 50 69 63 73 2f ef 4d 45 44 49 43 41 4c 20 42 41 59 2e 70 6e 67 in C:/Users/User/Desktop/OpenXCOM/OpenXCOM Tutorial/user/mods/the_endless_war_v1.18 (1).zip, ignoring.
[22-02-2024_11-51-08] [WARN] Bogus filename 54 68 65 20 45 6e 64 6c 65 73 73 20 57 61 72 20 76 31 2e 31 38 2f 54 68 65 20 45 6e 64 6c 65 73 73 20 57 61 72 20 76 31 2e 31 38 2f 63 6f 6d 6d 6f 6e 2f 52 65 73 6f 75 72 63 65 73 2f 46 69 6e 61 6c 4d 6f 64 50 61 63 6b 2f 55 66 6f 70 65 64 69 61 54 65 63 68 50 69 63 73 2f ef 73 6c 61 76 65 73 62 2e 70 6e 67 in C:/Users/User/Desktop/OpenXCOM/OpenXCOM Tutorial/user/mods/the_endless_war_v1.18 (1).zip, ignoring.
[22-02-2024_11-51-08] [WARN] Bogus filename 54 68 65 20 45 6e 64 6c 65 73 73 20 57 61 72 20 76 31 2e 31 38 2f 54 68 65 20 45 6e 64 6c 65 73 73 20 57 61 72 20 76 31 2e 31 38 2f 63 6f 6d 6d 6f 6e 2f 52 65 73 6f 75 72 63 65 73 2f 46 69 6e 61 6c 4d 6f 64 50 61 63 6b 2f 55 66 6f 70 65 64 69 61 54 65 63 68 50 69 63 73 2f a0 73 73 65 6d 62 6c 79 63 79 62 6f 72 67 73 2e 70 6e 67 in C:/Users/User/Desktop/OpenXCOM/OpenXCOM Tutorial/user/mods/the_endless_war_v1.18 (1).zip, ignoring.
[22-02-2024_11-51-08] [WARN] Bogus filename 54 68 65 20 45 6e 64 6c 65 73 73 20 57 61 72 20 76 31 2e 31 38 2f 54 68 65 20 45 6e 64 6c 65 73 73 20 57 61 72 20 76 31 2e 31 38 2f 63 6f 6d 6d 6f 6e 2f 52 65 73 6f 75 72 63 65 73 2f 4e 75 6e 63 68 61 6b 75 73 2f 53 69 6e 20 74 a1 74 75 6c 6f 2d 31 2e 67 69 66 in C:/Users/User/Desktop/OpenXCOM/OpenXCOM Tutorial/user/mods/the_endless_war_v1.18 (1).zip, ignoring.
[22-02-2024_11-51-08] [WARN] Bogus filename 54 68 65 20 45 6e 64 6c 65 73 73 20 57 61 72 20 76 31 2e 31 38 2f 54 68 65 20 45 6e 64 6c 65 73 73 20 57 61 72 20 76 31 2e 31 38 2f 63 6f 6d 6d 6f 6e 2f 52 65 73 6f 75 72 63 65 73 2f 52 75 6c 65 73 65 74 2f 67 75 6e 5f 66 75 73 69 a2 6e 2e 72 75 6c in C:/Users/User/Desktop/OpenXCOM/OpenXCOM Tutorial/user/mods/the_endless_war_v1.18 (1).zip, ignoring.
[22-02-2024_11-51-08] [WARN] Bogus filename 54 68 65 20 45 6e 64 6c 65 73 73 20 57 61 72 20 76 31 2e 31 38 2f 54 68 65 20 45 6e 64 6c 65 73 73 20 57 61 72 20 76 31 2e 31 38 2f 73 74 61 6e 64 61 72 64 2f 41 6e 64 72 82 73 20 4a 69 6d 65 6e 65 7a 2f in C:/Users/User/Desktop/OpenXCOM/OpenXCOM Tutorial/user/mods/the_endless_war_v1.18 (1).zip, ignoring.
[22-02-2024_11-51-08] [WARN] Bogus filename 54 68 65 20 45 6e 64 6c 65 73 73 20 57 61 72 20 76 31 2e 31 38 2f 54 68 65 20 45 6e 64 6c 65 73 73 20 57 61 72 20 76 31 2e 31 38 2f 73 74 61 6e 64 61 72 64 2f 41 6e 64 72 82 73 20 4a 69 6d 65 6e 65 7a 2f 41 6e 64 72 82 73 20 4a 69 6d 65 6e 65 7a 2e 72 75 6c in C:/Users/User/Desktop/OpenXCOM/OpenXCOM Tutorial/user/mods/the_endless_war_v1.18 (1).zip, ignoring.
[22-02-2024_11-51-08] [WARN] mapZippedMod(C:/Users/User/Desktop/OpenXCOM/OpenXCOM Tutorial/user/mods/the_endless_war_v1.18 (1).zip, 'The Endless War v1.18/'): No metadata.yml found, skipping.
[22-02-2024_11-51-08] [WARN] Bogus dirname 54 68 65 20 45 6e 64 6c 65 73 73 20 57 61 72 20 76 31 2e 31 38 2f 54 68 65 20 45 6e 64 6c 65 73 73 20 57 61 72 20 76 31 2e 31 38 2f 73 74 61 6e 64 61 72 64 2f 41 6e 64 72 82 73 20 4a 69 6d 65 6e 65 7a 2f in C:/Users/User/Desktop/OpenXCOM/OpenXCOM Tutorial/user/mods/the_endless_war_v1.18 (1).zip, ignoring.
[22-02-2024_11-51-08] [WARN] mapZippedMod(C:/Users/User/Desktop/OpenXCOM/OpenXCOM Tutorial/user/mods/dioxine_xpiratez_l6.zip, 'Dioxine_XPiratez/'): No metadata.yml found, skipping.
[22-02-2024_11-51-08] [WARN] scanModZipRW(rwops, C:/Users/User/Desktop/OpenXCOM/OpenXCOM Tutorial/user/mods/War-of-2009 v.0.0.1 Burnin' in the 2030s.rar): Ignoring zip: failed finding central directory
[22-02-2024_11-51-08] [WARN] scanModZipRW(rwops, C:/Users/User/Desktop/OpenXCOM/OpenXCOM Tutorial/user/mods/README.txt): Ignoring zip: failed finding central directory
[22-02-2024_11-51-08] [WARN] scanModDir('C:/Users/User/Desktop/OpenXCOM/OpenXCOM Tutorial/user/', 'mods'): Can't scan metadata.yml, skipping.
[22-02-2024_11-51-08] [ERROR] scanModDir('C:/Users/User/Desktop/OpenXCOM/OpenXCOM Tutorial/user/', 'mods'): modId XOPS already mapped in, skipping XenoOperationsLEGACY
[22-02-2024_11-51-08] [ERROR] scanModDir('C:/Users/User/Desktop/OpenXCOM/OpenXCOM Tutorial/user/', 'mods'): modId XRUI2 already mapped in, skipping X2UI
[22-02-2024_11-51-08] [ERROR] scanModDir('C:/Users/User/Desktop/OpenXCOM/OpenXCOM Tutorial/user/', 'mods'): modId XRVU already mapped in, skipping X1Overhaul
[22-02-2024_11-51-09] [WARN] scanModDir('C:/Users/User/Desktop/OpenXCOM/OpenXCOM Tutorial/user/', 'mods'): No metadata.yml in The Endless War v1.18, skipping.
[22-02-2024_11-51-09] [ERROR] scanModDir('C:/Users/User/Desktop/OpenXCOM/OpenXCOM Tutorial/user/', 'mods'): modId UNEXCOM_War_on_Mars already mapped in, skipping IDT_UNEXCOM_War_on_Mars
[22-02-2024_11-51-09] [ERROR] scanModDir('C:/Users/User/Desktop/OpenXCOM/OpenXCOM Tutorial/user/', 'mods'): modId UNEXCOM already mapped in, skipping IDT_UNEXCOM
[22-02-2024_11-51-09] [ERROR] scanModDir('C:/Users/User/Desktop/OpenXCOM/OpenXCOM Tutorial/user/', 'mods'): modId CTO already mapped in, skipping IDT_Counter_Terrorist_Operations-0.1.2
[22-02-2024_11-51-09] [WARN] scanModDir('C:/Users/User/Desktop/OpenXCOM/OpenXCOM Tutorial/user/', 'mods'): No metadata.yml in Dioxine_XPiratez, skipping.
[22-02-2024_11-51-09] [INFO] Active mods:
[22-02-2024_11-51-09] [INFO] - xcom1 v1.0
[22-02-2024_11-51-09] [INFO] - XcomUtil_Always_Daytime v1.0
[22-02-2024_11-51-09] [INFO] - XcomUtil_Improved_Ground_Tanks v1.0
[22-02-2024_11-51-09] [INFO] - XcomUtil_Improved_Heavy_Laser v1.0
[22-02-2024_11-51-09] [INFO] - XcomUtil_No_Psionics v1.0
[22-02-2024_11-51-09] [INFO] - XRVU v6.5
[22-02-2024_11-51-09] [INFO] - XOPS v0.97.06.LE
[22-02-2024_11-51-10] [INFO] Loading begins...
[22-02-2024_11-51-10] [INFO] Pre-loading rulesets...
[22-02-2024_11-51-10] [INFO] Loading vanilla resources...
[22-02-2024_11-51-10] [INFO] Loading rulesets...
[22-02-2024_11-51-14] [INFO] Loading rulesets done.
[22-02-2024_11-51-14] [INFO] Loading fonts... AmigaFont.dat
[22-02-2024_11-51-14] [INFO] Lazy loading: 1
[22-02-2024_11-51-15] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[22-02-2024_11-51-15] [INFO] Making palette backups...
[22-02-2024_11-51-15] [INFO] After load.
[22-02-2024_11-51-15] [ERROR] During linking rulesets of manufacture:
Error processing 'STR_PSI_AMP' in manufacture: Unknown research 'STR_PSI_AMP'
turn off the "XcomUtil_No_Psionics" mod
Yo Man I got an error
[22-02-2024_11-51-09] [INFO] Active mods:
[22-02-2024_11-51-09] [INFO] - xcom1 v1.0
[22-02-2024_11-51-09] [INFO] - XcomUtil_Always_Daytime v1.0
[22-02-2024_11-51-09] [INFO] - XcomUtil_Improved_Ground_Tanks v1.0
[22-02-2024_11-51-09] [INFO] - XcomUtil_Improved_Heavy_Laser v1.0
[22-02-2024_11-51-09] [INFO] - XcomUtil_No_Psionics v1.0
[22-02-2024_11-51-09] [INFO] - XRVU v6.5
[22-02-2024_11-51-09] [INFO] - XOPS v0.97.06.LE
[22-02-2024_11-51-15] [ERROR] During linking rulesets of manufacture:
Error processing 'STR_PSI_AMP' in manufacture: Unknown research 'STR_PSI_AMP'
Hello, thanks for your report, as Meridian said, the problem is caused by the 'NO PSIONICS MOD', remember that this mod is an overhaul (therefore it is better to play it independently), also consider that this mod changes the behavior of heavy lasers and tanks. therefore, having those other two mods activated could result in redudation at best... or outright instability at worst.
A bit of random feedback:
1. OpenXcom has crashed: FileRecord::at(ROUTES/SOL_SILO20.RMP): requested file not found.
2. Impassable fence gate, see screenshot.
3. Muton chieftain research can be granted by medic, unlocks endgame. Chieftain should probably grant a free prerequisite tech.
A bit of random feedback:
1. OpenXcom has crashed: FileRecord::at(ROUTES/SOL_SILO20.RMP): requested file not found.
2. Impassable fence gate, see screenshot.
3. Muton chieftain research can be granted by medic, unlocks endgame. Chieftain should probably grant a free prerequisite tech.
Hi, thanks for your report, im currently commuting to work, sorry i cant extend that much.
1. Noted, there seems to be still issues with map generation, this has been tackled continously, yet, every report help ironing rough edges, thanks.
2. It seems a map in CMP didn't have the "fence door" correctly defined, i'll try to fix this and pass over the info. For now, i recommend to simply shoot at it (its wood so durability shouldn't be a issue).
3. CRITICALLY NOTED, will be fixed on next patch.
Next update keeps exponentially growing in size and scope , it might end warranting a full digit increase instead of a mere decimal change (prolly will become " 0.98" instead of merely 0.97.7 tbh), cant tell exact date, but im aiming to before 20th this month if everything goes correctly.
Do the new UFOs (they are amazing btw) replace tho vanilla ones or do both types appear?
Do the new UFOs (they are amazing btw) replace tho vanilla ones or do both types appear?
Hi Hadan, it's great to hear that you're enjoying the new UFO designs! To clarify, YES, these UFOs completely replace the vanilla ones. However, each UFO comes with an average of around four different layouts (with exceptions like the Scout Escort, which has eight, and the largest designs, which currently have two but will have more variants in the future), ensuring that your encounters won't always be the same.
Do you have any plans to release them as a seperate mod?
Good news!, another new Development Update:
In a nutshell, the upcoming patch has grown larger than anticipated. But What started as a routine bug-fixing endeavor in the research tree (thanks Scamps for the report) soon evolved into a series of enhancements, culminating in the decision to embark on a substantial overhaul of certain research pathways. This expansion also includes the introduction of new technologies and aircraft to address pacing issues.
To bridge the gap and diversify options, i want to introduce a new interceptor and transport ship. The interceptor will likely be a variant of the F35 with Xelloy upgrades, while the transport ship is being crafted from scratch. Designed to be slower than the standard Firefly but with an increased troop capacity (number not final, but 24 troopers for now), it won't be capable of lifting any type of tanks. This should provide balance and fairness by having a larger platoon size in exchange of heavy support.
Preliminary tests against a BRUTAL AI have shown promising results. Even increasing troop counts still poses a challenge, rather than simply being capable of outright overwhel the enemy with sheer numbers. Other crafts will undergo tweaks to accommodate these changes, including adjustments to stats and potentially battlescape layouts, time permitting.
Additionally, expect significant alterations to tank and support unit mechanics, along with quality-of-life improvements in manufacturing, such as batch production of ammunition.
While these changes promise a substantial upgrade, I'm unable to provide an exact release date at this time. Rest assured, progress is steady.
The new transport ship is nearly complete, heavily inspired by the DR4-Viking, a personal favorite. I've tried to capture its essence the better i could.
Stay tuned for further updates as development progresses. Your feedback and support are invaluable.
This is the current WIP of the craft, codenamed SCARAB:
EDIT: the design is finished, its the last four pictures
Greetings everyone, first of all a summary if you want to skip all the blabbering.
TL;DR: the new update will introduce a wealth of new content and touch upon many aspects of the mod files. Therefore, it will be impossible to maintain compatibility with current campaigns. Please take the necessary precautions. Sorry for the inconveniences.
I apologize for my absence from the forums and here this month, but rest assured, it's because I've been fully immersed in the progress of the mod. As stated previously, what initially began as a routine bug-fixing patch has evolved into something much larger. Each possible solution to a problem led to additional work to ensure it was properly resolved. Instead of simply patching things temporarily and moving forward, I made the decision to take the time to address many pending issues thoroughly. However, the scope of the changes in the upcoming update will render it absolutely incompatible with your current campaigns. Therefore, I advise wrapping them up before the update arrives.
To give you an idea of what the new update will bring: new melee and explosive weapons, along with some new utility items. There's also the possibility of introducing a new line of elite weaponry for aliens (although this might be pushed to the next patch due to the extensive testing and balancing required). The update will include new aircraft, a fighter and a troop transport ship named Scarab, which I've already shared here in the thread. Additionally, there will be new base facilities, along with reworked basebits sprites, and new gameplay mechanics for base building. The manufacturing process has been rebalanced and improved, and the tech tree has been entirely redone for the first time since the creation of the original XOPs MOD. Economy, research time, and scientist utilization have also been balanced accordingly. Furthermore, there are new mechanics for tanks and support units (although the inclusion of new tank sprites may require additional work before implementation).
On the armor front, work is underway on new sprites for other armors, with the tier one Kevlar vest retouched again. The second tier is nearing completion, and the pilot armors have been entirely recolored from blueish to red. Doggo sprites have been smoothed out, among many other changes that will be detailed in the changelog upon release.
Additionally, the game interfaces are undergoing a complete overhaul to adapt them to the battlescape UI's blueish-gray palette. While this transformation may not be completed for this patch, gradual progress is being made. Lastly, there are general balance adjustments to various aspects of the economy and damage output, weights, and other elements of the mod.
I'm in the final stages of development, but I may need a few extra weeks to tie up loose ends. Stay tuned for more updates and information.
Thank you for your patience and support.
### Development News Update ###
TL;DR: If you prefer to skip the detailed explanation, feel free to check the attached pictures and their descriptions. They should be (hopefully) self-explanatory.
Hi everyone!
As I mentioned previously, the next patch will come with significantly improved features. I wanted to showcase some of these updates while I continue to finish the remaining tasks.
I've completed the next tier for the second tier of armors [1]. I'm finally happy with the result, using parts from HALO REACH MOD (https://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/reach-the-fall-a-halo-mod) and some original assets created by Hans Woofington. This new armor tier will have a different role. Being bulkier, it will significantly differ from the basic armor to avoid it becoming a no-brainer choice. This also extends the viability of the initial armor, which was saddening to see last less than a single month, especially after its previous visual upgrade. The pilot variant will receive a different chest piece and a unique helmet to further differentiate it. Additionally, to enhance the distinction [2], I've followed Neoworm's designs (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2732.75) and changed the general color palette of pilots from blueish to scarlet red, similar to the PS1 version. With this change, the PS1 assets mod from N7kopper (https://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/ps1-assets-x-com-ufo-defence) is now straightfoward compatible, coinciding with all the pilot-related cutscenes.
In the screenshot of the pilot[2], you'll notice new sprite work for some weapons. Some are new, and others are updates of previously available weapons. All melee weapons received an extra pass, so every tier now consists of a knife and a bigger blade of the equivalent technology. Some assets were borrowed and kitbashed from Woofington's assets (https://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/woofington-vanilla-weapons-resprite-pack). Alien blades received a new appearance inspired by shredder gauntlets/Yautja wrist blades from the Predator franchise.
Inspired by the demolition charge mod by DBarizo (https://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/demolition-charge), I've introduced three breaching charges [2] to be used solely against UFO walls to create extra entrances and assault from more creative angles. These come in three varieties with increasing portability and reduced weight, although they function practically the same.
Next, we have the newest soldier type, the Tank Driver [3]. With the help of efrenspartano and using other mods as guidance (especially GWotW (https://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/the-great-war-of-the-worlds)), I implemented the mechanic where tanks are "armors worn by specialized units." This system is simply better than the archaic and aging vanilla tanks system. Note that while the system is in place, the artwork is still placeholder as while I struggled to understand how it worked. A better sprite will come soon, with the drift suit based again on Neoworm's assets (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2732.75).
As an extra note, I managed to "smooth" the fur of dogs[4], making them look less pixelated. I can now create different fur patterns, so expect some variations in our four-legged friends' appearances. I'm also working on ideas related to them to add nuance to the mod's lore.
Additionally, I'm experimenting with a portable ballistic shield[5], thanks to efrenspartano's suggestions. I'm using the HALO REACH MOD (https://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/reach-the-fall-a-halo-mod) kig-yar gauntlet shield script to simulate its functionality as an independent item that can be dropped, tossed, or exchanged between troops. There are three variants: XCOM basic ballistic, an Xelloy improved version, and an energy variant. The last two are functioning in-game, but their sprites are placeholders.
In other news, I found the master file that controls the palette and colors used for the interfaces, thanks again to efrenspartano. My plan is to unify all menus[6] and interfaces into a coherent and consistent theme. Currently, I've only changed the main menus[7] and the geoscape sidebar. I'll wait for feedback from you (readabilty?, pleasant color choice?, general thoughts) before investing more time into this change.
And finally, after some discussion, I decided to follow efrenspartano's advice and include the use of filipH's "ammo sprite scripts." The idea is that every weapon will have a series of different sprites that change based on ammo count[8] (empty mags), special ammo[9][10] type chambered (AP,HE,Standard,overcharged, etc), inventory status (grenades being primed/unprimed, swords being off in backpacks but glowing in hands of troopers), etc. While this requires extra work, it's worth the effort. I've already finished about one-third of the weapon tiers, and now the hard part is implementing the script correctly. My plan is to finish all sprite work within the next week before focusing on the ruleset.
That's all for today's showcase. Thank you for your patience, especially if you made it through my detailed post. Stay tuned for more updates and showcases in the coming days.
Man, you have no idea how much i want that sweet xops armor and the tank update, principally the tank. Excellent work.
Hi there, I like your Scarab craft design which reminds me of Starship Troopers transport. There's some mismatch sprite align on the front. You might want to edit the craft sprites for perfect touch.
When I played your mod, there's some missing parts for the research: Plasma Projector, Cybernetic Soldier, Mind Probe (Which is not found in the Battlescape), Psi Lab, Psi Amplifier, Power suit, Flying Suit, Firestorm, and Avenger. You can add or edit to prevent players wasting time to research pointless items.
Man, you have no idea how much i want that sweet xops armor and the tank update, principally the tank. Excellent work.
Thanks for your kind words, Getfreur. The update is coming along steadily and should be finished soon™. Most of the sprite work intended for this patch is nearly done. I'm still struggling to implement the dynamic sprite script (about 4/5 of the artwork is done), so I'm debating whether to include it now or save it for the next patch to avoid delaying this one further.
Hi there, I like your Scarab craft design which reminds me of Starship Troopers transport. There's some mismatch sprite align on the front. You might want to edit the craft sprites for perfect touch.
When I played your mod, there's some missing parts for the research: Plasma Projector, Cybernetic Soldier, Mind Probe (Which is not found in the Battlescape), Psi Lab, Psi Amplifier, Power suit, Flying Suit, Firestorm, and Avenger. You can add or edit to prevent players wasting time to research pointless items.
Ultrakiroxei, you're right about the Scarab being inspired by the Viking from Starship Troopers. I always dreamed of creating a plane as a homage to that ship, and I'm glad I tried. Regarding the mismatch, I think it's a coloring issue. The point is a different shade, making it stand out as an incorrect piece. I might need to revisit this sprite, but that kind of work will definitely be moved to the next patch. Thanks for the suggestion. You're correct about the errors in the current tree. I'm aware there are many misplaced elements. Expect a total revamp when the next patch goes live.
The bulk of the remaining work involves balancing issues and implementing the revamped research tree. I've done some testing, and the general ideas are mocked up. Now I need to clean up any stragglers and remove duplicated projects and dead-end researches. As Ultrakiroxei mentioned, there are several issues in the current tree. Addressing these issues was the main reason for this patch. Initially, it was meant to solve the research problems, but then I started adding new content and the tree got pushed to the back burner, lmao.
I can't promise an exact date, but I estimate the patch will be ready before the end of this month as I really need feedback on most of the changes. As a token of appreciation for anyone eagerly awaiting the new patch, here are some snippets of the extra work I've been doing:
Hello again, everyone.
I want to dispel any concerns: I am still actively working on the mod. I haven’t updated anything recently because I have the bad habit of starting new features before finishing my current ones, which leads to a growing list of WIPs and half-baked additions im up to finish. I apologize for this, but if I don’t take advantage of the hyperfocus I get on new tasks, I don’t work as comfortably.
That being said, the last addition I made, which is finished, tested, and hopefully ironed out, is the rework of ALL transport ships. This patch started with small retouches to the Firefly, then evolved into a rehearsal and addition of a new ship. Now, I’ve finished retouching the entire line of transports, and I'm very satisfied with the results. Therefore, I don’t see any extra work needed in this area in the near future. So, expect to notice not only changes in appearance but also in functionality. Every ship will have a unique niche, maintaining their relevance even as new models become available. You'll find tools for different situations and different approaches:
Need to assault an enemy base and require heavy load hauling of troops and tanks? The Goliathus will help you with that. Need to respond to a sudden terror mission on the other side of the globe with a quick, elite yet small force? The Hercules will be perfect for it!. Meanwhile, Scarabs and Fireflies will remain your workhorses throughout the entire invasion, even into the mid-game.
With stats and layout changes, I hope you’ll find different options with interesting trade-offs so that progression feels less like a chore and avoids no-brainer situations where every new ship surpasses the previous one in every aspect. This is especially important given the semi-RNG mechanic the CODEX provides, to prevent situations where you heavily invest in a new plane only to have a better one become available shortly after.
On another topic, I’ll try to showcase the newest additions to the XCOM arsenal, which now include, to name a few examples, 8 melee weapons and three shields, 21 ordnance options (grenades, satchels, explosive blocks, breaching charges), and new additions to alien weaponry (I'm still learning how to apply them to alien deployments, though).
Thanks for your patience.
Those are interesting maps, but what are you going to do with ufopedia craft art?
Those are interesting maps, but what are you going to do with ufopedia craft art?
To be absolutely honest, I don't have the slightest idea. I'm not very skilled at creating large images, especially in the XCOM art style. The best I can do is mix and match some pictures and pass them through a filter to reduce the resolution, hopefully achieving the desired effect. Currently, I'm working on the Firefly image, but I don't want to spend too much time on it since I still have a lot of pending tasks.
Hi, first thing to say that this is a great mod, gorgeous graphics and nice sound.
Nonetheless i ran into a problem. I am in Codex Stage 5 now. Codex Stage 4 seems to give Plasma Beam, which i badly need since every month now about a myriad of very large UFOs swarm around the globe while all 18 of my Tier4 interceptors (6 Bases, 3 each) are in need of repair, because the Laser Cannon (Tier2) is the last craft weapon i got (after the Pilum Missile). i can see that Tier4 offers the Plasma Beam, but that needs something called "UFO Plasma Projector". This thing did not drop in any mission so i decided to cheat it into my savegame. checking the rule files, i found out the correct string for it, was able to research and manufacture the Onager Plasma Beam with its Ammo. Now, i cannot equip it onto my Tier4 Interceptors which seems to be the top interceptor only craft. What can i do now?
Syntax errors that crash in OXCE 8.0:
- in facilities_reorderAndClean.rul, remove trailing spaces pls
- in craftAndWeapons_reorderAndClean.rul, remove trailing spaces pls
Syntax errors that crash in OXCE 8.0:
- in facilities_reorderAndClean.rul, remove trailing spaces pls
- in craftAndWeapons_reorderAndClean.rul, remove trailing spaces pls
Done, i'll try to finish wrapping up the changes with the dinamic sprites for weapons and try to post an update ASAP. Thanks for your help.
Just a small update to show some signs of life.
To keep it short, last year, my life took an unexpected 180° turn due to real-life issues. It took a lot of effort to get things back to a more stable and coherent situation, and in the process, I got stuck in a loop where I struggled to wrap up the final touches for the next update. I deeply apologize for the unexpected and unwelcome (yet entirely necessary for my well-being) delay.
I also want to sincerely thank you all for your continued interest and support in the mod. The good news is that work has officially resumed, and this is far from the end—I'm still pushing forward to complete all the improvements planned for this update.
Given the size and scope of the changes, I'll be releasing an early beta version so you can test and provide feedback on some of the new additions. The techtree will be temporarily delayed and won't be included in the beta, but rest assured, it will be completed for the full update.
The beta will be published once I finish implementing Filip H’s ammo script feature, which allows weapon sprites to dynamically change based on the type of ammo loaded, whether the weapon is folded (held in hand or stored in inventory), and, in the case of explosives, whether they are primed and ready to use.
In my opinion, this feature will breathe new life into the mod and significantly enhance the overall artwork. I'm happy to report that all of the required BIGOBS artwork is finished, and about 75% of floorobs and handobs are complete. The remaining 25% is already in place as placeholders, meaning everything should be functional.
So far, I've fully implemented two tiers—starting ballistics is working flawlessly, while the eXperimental tier still has a few minor kinks to iron out (which I'm already working on). These two were the most challenging since I was still learning the ropes and laying the foundation for this overhaul. Now that I’ve got a solid grasp of how everything works, the next ten tiers should be much smoother to implement. I'm particularly excited to reach the melee tier since I've created some designs I'm especially proud of.
With all that said, I just want to thank everyone who's stuck around and kept interest in this mod. Hopefully, the final results will be well worth the wait :) .
Welp, another weekend, another pass over the project. At this point, I can happily announce that all standard weaponry has been implemented, both Terran and alien equipment now work with the new sprite script.
However, so far, all the work has been done exclusively on bigobs.pck (inventory images). Now, I need to replicate these changes for floorobs and handobs... Thankfully, my foresight in the last patch where I renamed and reorganized my entire resources folder means this will mostly just involve changing a few suffixes and ensuring everything is named correctly, sparing me of the hassle compared to the bigobs implementation (where I was still learning the ropes), this should be much faster.
But, because I just love to complicate things for myself, and with the help and clarifications from Wethan2 over in the IDT Discord, I finally understood how should i implement a system where sprites dynamically change between sheathed and unsheathed depending on whether they're being held or stored in the inventory. That system is now working correctly.
Next, I’ll be tackling explosives and ordnance, where I want to implement dynamic sprite changes based on whether an explosive is primed or still has its safety pins intact. I'm currently struggling with this, but I'm confident I'll find examples to guide me through the implementation.
Thanks again for your interest in the mod! The final update product is really starting to take shape, and I’m feeling very proud of the results so far.
Good news everyone!
Explosives are done both Terran and Alien variants. Next up is properly implementing the feature across the entire alien plasma weapon line along with the Elite (black) variants. Also finishing some tweaks, extra details, and a few loose ideas… like explaining why swords are held upside down in the pocket.
After that, updating both handobs and floorobs should be a breeze.
With those changes in place, I'm considering releasing an extremely early, unpolished, and unfinished (but playable) beta to gather feedback on the recent artwork decisions. After that, I'll move on to wrapping up the implementation of the second tier of armors.
Once those (mostly art-related) goals are complete, I can finally shift focus back to revisiting all the changes I originally planned for (and ironically i might add), the very reason this patch started in the first place—like refining the tech tree, campaign progression, and overarching lore.
As always, thank you all so much for your continued support and interest in the mod!
Good news, everyone!!! I have some updates to share!
After a few more days of work, I can officially say that all weapon sprite work is done. Every tier, both human and alien, has been fully completed. I even finished earlier than expected, which gave me time to revisit and refine some of the older weapon sprites.
Weapon Overhaul & Changes:
- Starting Ballistics Tier: The existing rocket launcher has now been split into two separate weapons.
- The original sprite has been repurposed into an AT4 disposable bazooka, lighter and intended as an emergency anti-armor option.
- The classic rocket launcher got a full redesign, now based on the Mk153 SMAW, with rockets redone to match.
- Some Ammo Compatibility Adjustments. Since the rocket launcher is now a different class of weapon, I removed the full cross-compatibility between different "RL" introduced in past patches. Compatibility now only remains between the eXperimental and HYbrid tiers, which are both modeled after the Carl Gustaf recoilless rifle.
- Alien weapons now have two distinct ammo lines, which should significantly help with balance.
- Multiple Melee Weapon Improvements.
- Their "stashed" sprites now feature a scabbard or holster, making them look properly secured when stored in the inventory.
What's Next???
Now that all BigObs are done, my next focus is getting HandObs and FloorObs fully functional. I want everything working correctly first. I’ll refine minor details later, rather than delaying the update over something like a fifth-tier weapon not recoloring properly in a soldier’s hands. This part might take about a week.
To keep things moving, I’ve also made the next armor tier barely functional as a placeholder. However, just like everything I initially implemented, these first iterations were a bit rough. Now that I have more experience, I’ll be reworking the paperdoll layering system to integrate my latest ideas more efficiently. This should be much easier since:
- Most of the sprite work is already done—only helmet variations remain.
- I can reuse 80% ~ of the previous layers, saving a lot of time.
Plan Moving Forward:
- Finish and test FloorObs/HandObs.
- Release an early betafor feedback on the new artwork.
- Finalize the tech tree and clean up rough edges.
- Tackle the armor sprite rework and implement long-planned tank sprite updates (more details on this soon!).
Thanks again for all your support and interest in the mod. Stay tuned for more updates! ;D