OpenXcom Forum
Modding => Released Mods => The X-Com Files => Topic started by: Bonakva on August 01, 2021, 09:20:22 pm
1) How to remove the pause during the enemy's turn (messages about panic and the like). Sometimes, when the enemies in sight one by one begin to panic each time I have to press the "space bar" to remove the window.
2) There is a wonderful key combination "Ctrl + End", which allows you to turn night into day. Is there a way to make it so that when you start a mission/load a save is activated by default?
This feature allows you to brighten the night in several levels. I like that one of the stages has a medium "brightening" value, plus it displays some enemies that sometimes can't be seen in the "fog of war". I know you can shoot at them, but sometimes it's hard to know where to point. This feature saves a lot.
I got tired of every time to press this key combination on every night mission and loading.
In fact, I think you should add a separate openxcom setting to lighten a certain level by default.
3) I found out about this key combination by accident when I was trying to find out how to make all missions in the daytime, because night missions annoy me in terms of color scheme (my eyes get tired of everything dark...). So is there a site/list/post with all possible openxcom/OXCE combinations?
1/ not possible
2/ not possible
I feel your pain about everything being dark.
Global shade is overused across the mod spectrum.
Not to mention XCF is visually one of the darkest mods out there, even in full light.
If you can't lock "ctrl+end" between downloads is it possible to change the combination itself to one key?
The funny thing is, I use the "clickermann" program with a script to press only 1 key instead of two...
My fingers are tired of reaching for "end".
I could, but I don't want to.
I chose Ctrl+End intentionally, I didn't just roll the dice randomly.
And sorry, but you being "lazy" to press a key is not a reason for me to do anything.
This hotkey needs to be pressed just once at the beginning of a mission, and then you don't need to do anything until the end of the mission.
And if you don't have a keyboard or something, you can enable OXCE links feature and click on a button, instead of pressing a hotkey.
Maybe I should clarify that I am not asking to make this the default in openxcom
I am only asking this for myself. I just think (I may be wrong) that to implement my idea I need to change one word in the code.
Isn't it easier to just rebind the key combination, if you're already using a program for that? (Or get a programmable keyboard... 8) ) (Regularly) recompiling OXCE just for one function looks like massive overkill.
Maybe I should clarify that I am not asking to make this the default in openxcom
I am only asking this for myself. I just think (I may be wrong) that to implement my idea I need to change one word in the code.
The place you need to change is this:
I'd like to brighten the mod while keeping the same colours, but sadly editing palettes is beyond my skills.
If someone would be able to shift the palette to be brighter while retaining its distinct colours, I'd appreciate that.