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Programming / How to force a blaster explosion?
« on: August 21, 2019, 04:32:00 pm »
I'm trying to add a new hotkey in debug mode for creating a blaster explosion. However, it does not want to work.

Code: [Select]
// B - create blaster bomb explosion
else if (_save->getDebugMode() && action->getDetails()->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_b && (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_CTRL) != 0)
debug("Blast it!");
Position newPos;
newPos.x *= 16;
newPos.y *= 16;
newPos.z *= 24;
if (newPos.x >= 0)
//_save->getTileEngine()->explode(newPos, 320, DT_HE, 16, _save->getSelectedUnit());
_battleGame->statePushFront(new ExplosionBState(_battleGame, newPos, new BattleItem(new RuleItem("STR_HWP_FUSION_BOMB"), _save->getCurrentItemId()), _save->getSelectedUnit()));

The explode() call what is commented out, works, but only makes the terrain changes and do the damage to items and units. I could live without the animation and sound of the explosion, but the so-damaged-they-should-die units only die after the end of turn.

I tried to copy the ExplosionBState calls, but i am missing something.

Any ideas?

Troubleshooting / psi training and base detection
« on: October 25, 2017, 02:34:23 pm »
I just got two questions, but since i don't know if they are bugs, i'll ask before reporting:

- I turned on the option to be able to assign the soldiers to Psi-training at anytime. The Psi-Labs were finished exactly on the start of the new month and i assigned the soldiers in the soldiers screen on all bases. One month has passed, but much to my surprise, instead of getting Psi-skills for all soldiers, only one soldier got Psi-skills per base. ( Is this a bug, or the soldiers randomly progresses? (I've read the description, that it takes 30 to 60 days to complete the basic training, but if that is not finished, shouldn't everyone has zero then?)

- I see Supply ships at several areas on the planet, a lot of them, but i cannot detect the base if i patrol at the landing zone of them. I hunt for the base for hours or days around where the Supply ship landed and no avail. Bug or intended?

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