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XPiratez / Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
« Last post by Kamivax on Today at 04:15:51 pm »
Kaminyan's Log
I normally wouldn't make a log, however and acquisitions have made me feel like writing one is necessary. Those...things we found at the bottom of the sea and in those magic boxes...I think the brainers and the Capnyan called them "arcane strongboxes", I don't understand why they use such fancy language. Those things have...voices...I can't think of any other way to describe the feeling. I asked Capnyan and anyone with Voodoo aptitude...even Squirrelwizard if they could feel it, they just looked at me like I was mad. Maybe this is less of a log and more just me writing my ramblings down, but I'm certain there's POWER in those things, those 'simulacrum parts'...great power. Power we could use to protect the newer members, power to finally make the Star Gods pause before striking us... at first we just found a torso with a head attached, but no limbs and cavities where a heart and brain would sit....then when opening the boxes we found arms and an strange thing that, if my memory of how the torso looked...would fit in the head cavity so I assume it's the brain. Each piece brings new sensations when I get close to them: the torso brings feelings of a hide of great toughness, the arms bring forth strength unimaginable to us Nekos and the brain brings forth thoughts alien to me, full of Voodoo might. It scares me, but at the same time I feel like they're calling to me, asking me to make the being whole. I'll try asking the others if we could search for the rest of the parts, the legs and the heart, as a side project. Hopefully this will prove to be a great asset to us in the coming future... for some reason I feel like I have heard those voices before, when I had my revelation about the Sivalinga stones, as if the will of Terra herself wants us to bring this being to fruition to break those that have claimed her by force...the vile Star Gods.
My guess is high casualities. Who cares, what stats or name Rookie McRookieface has, it is first and last time they go on mission anyway :)

So, here is some lazy modding: buy tickets, put on craft, equip on soldier to see what's their spawn order. Spawn order means that tanks go first and take a number, and if you use custom deployment layout, this will probably not work for you. Tickets also double as electroflares.

The X-Com Files / Re: Old versions archive?
« Last post by varajo411 on Today at 12:53:26 pm »
If you want, you can simply copy the file HitFX-basic.rul from the current version of XCF to your ancient one. It will enable hit flashing.

Cool, I did not know that. Anyway, I played this older version of the game for an hour or two. it was interesting to compare it to the current version of the game. I prefer the newest version with some submods.
Here is some lore for hybrid factory:

Bold, but I'm afraid it would collide with pretty much the entire lore, from Cydonians' motives to Reptoids... :)

But it does have some vague resemblance to the Reptoid associated tropes.
This will not work, goal of `buyCostItem` is only to calculate cost, noting else. even if I would add `getMonthlyBuyLimit` then this script hook could not still use it as it have only access to read-only game object.

To make it work we would need add `butItem` that will be allowed to alter game state but this is lot bigger feature to make it right.
I could consider adding this in some future when I will expand geosacpe scripts hooks more.
OXCE Support / Re: Filtering hired soldiers at Recruitment??
« Last post by ThumpieBunnyEve on Today at 12:30:39 am »
Yankes i tried the mod you linked me to.  It does not play well with unmodded saves, nope nope!
all my bases suddenly had no soldiers. and, all my ships were without soldiers too.

Its definitely more of a //start your play through with this on, or don't touch it!// sort of mod.

Ill give it a shot on my next play through. But its options don't play nice with others like the rest of your/Meridian's oXcE stuffs.

Im not actually sure who the team is that made/continues to make oXcE..
Hi I would like a request to add new function to the scripthook "buyCostItem" to have two additional
script function if possible?


and setMonthlyBuyLimit

Request is to able to change MonthlyBuyLimit
There are players, who equip soldiers based on their name. Because lore, immersion, role-playing, etc.

But there are also players (including myself), who don't equip soldiers by name, but by their position on the craft (i.e. their role on the team). For example: first two are scouts, next four are melee, next four are riflemen, next four are grenadiers and last two are psi.
For such kind of equipment, knowing which "position" you are equipping currently is useful.

Yeah, I get it, I do it too. I normally don't equip soldiers based on RP or some kind of story; I equip them based on their stats.

I don't pay that much attention to who is where; but I still want snipers/mortars on the upper deck of a Menace class craft, and maybe rookies at the front. But it's easy to manage with just the soldier list.
I equip soldiers first (Apoc-style inventory), and placing them in a particular position goes after that. Moving a soldier to the very top or the very bottom is a matter of one r-click. The only problem I can imagine is if you don't remember who uses what equipment, but it sounds like just careless play to me. A certain minimum of focus is required.
OXCE Support / Re: Filtering hired soldiers at Recruitment??
« Last post by CrazedHarpooner on May 18, 2024, 07:40:12 pm »
That's a waste of time. Why would a guy need to make a dedicated mod for a small change for himself? Just make a backup copy of \standard\xcom1\soldiers.rul file before editing it. It's even faster than searching the forums for existing mod.

Because it is smarter and safer. Editing the base files just creates a bad habit that eventually will cause issues. In addition, creating its own folder and metadata file adds very little extra time to "waste".
Why would anyone care about these numbers? They change nearly every battle anyway.

There are players, who equip soldiers based on their name. Because lore, immersion, role-playing, etc.

But there are also players (including myself), who don't equip soldiers by name, but by their position on the craft (i.e. their role on the team). For example: first two are scouts, next four are melee, next four are riflemen, next four are grenadiers and last two are psi.
For such kind of equipment, knowing which "position" you are equipping currently is useful.
But fwiw I never had any problem doing it this way.
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