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Messages - AbuDhabi

Pages: 1 [2]
XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.97C - 15 Jan - Privatizing World Peace
« on: January 15, 2016, 08:31:29 pm »
Hi! I require hints, comrades.

I'm stuck being unable to go to Cydonia - I've got the Guild, Church, Academy and Star God codes. What I lack is apparently a ship capable of getting there. The Computer Core description implies existence of further education research, but I've been unable to find what triggers that. Everything I could research, I did, right now I'm just farming Encrypted Disks for the collection of fluff and mechanics description research.

For what it's worth, I've started playing on 0.97A and upgraded to 0.97C just now. This gave me a bunch of new technologies, but I am still unable to figure out how to reach these mystical Higher Studies. Who do I need to kill or take hostage for that?

I require hints.

I'm stuck being unable to go to Cydonia - I've got the Guild, Church, Academy and Star God codes. What I lack is apparently a ship capable of getting there. The Computer Core description implies existence of further education research, but I've been unable to find what triggers that. Everything I could research, I did, right now I'm just farming Encrypted Disks for the collection of fluff and mechanics description research.

Who do I have to kill or take hostage to progress?

OpenXcom Extended / Re: [EXE] OpenXcom Extended
« on: December 20, 2015, 05:05:29 pm »
I'm trying the Linux binaries linked in the first post, and getting segmentation fault (no other errors). What gives?

This is a Linux Mint, and I've got the ubuntu nightly installed via repository. What's the proper way to install the extended version?

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