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Messages - darkestaxe

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... and I can't climb ladders. The only modifications I made to the game were changing the music and sound effects, as well as adding new soldier names.

There's no ladders in vanilla x-com, I didn't even know there was a climbable ladder mod.

what, hire an overrated actor to make a sub-par movie about a terrible moment in history?

Open Feedback / Re: TFTD
« on: May 25, 2013, 11:11:47 pm »
As a thought, we might want to focus on TFTD file handling and organization before we finish UFO and alongside mod package support.

My thinking is that 1 we'd want to be able to distinguish between UFO/TFTD mods and mods for both, 2 how we handle mod packages and how we handle the filesets for UFO/TFTD could either synergize or clash, 3 the more we develop openxcom without TFTD in the picture - the more code we have that's likely to create unforseen conflicts when TFTD is in the picture.

Right now I'm trying to think of what features in TFTD aren't already supported by OXC with only ruleset and files changes:
1. USO too deep to continue persuit
2. USO is airborn
3. ???

burn turn one, use smoke.

i added a small function to the spawn code to make all aliens within a short radius (approximately maximum fire distance) of your landing craft start off facing towards your ramp.

because i hate your soldiers and i want them dead.

Bullshit! If you really wanted them dead here's what you would do. Turning some weak ass floaters toward the ramp is for pussies! >8(

I haven't had any trouble with the increased difficulty, but the new reaction system does seem a bit ham-fisted. We could instead give aliens higher TUs, firing accuracy, reactions, armor, etc to increase difficulty. Simply having aliens react every time takes the randomness out of it.

In vanilla there was a check where a triggering units Reaction Stat x Current TUs was compared against the the reacting units Reaction Stat x Current TUs. If the reacting unit had a higher rating they would react, otherwise they would fail to react. As a result if a sectoid had 21 TUs left he wasn't likely to react unless a soldier was using the last of their TUs and/or had really low reactions, even if the sectiod only needed 9 TUs for a snapshot.

The current system in OXC seems to reduce all TU costs for alien reaction shots by ~30% and allows them to react every time, removing the check. I haven't seen an alien not react until they have fired more then is possible with the weapon they are carrying. Maybe X-COM has a 10% chance of reacting if their reaction score is > 3.5 x the aliens? I'm not really sure what the criteria would be, it almost never happens, but I think I remember it happening under the current system.

Open Feedback / No file uploads on Bug Tracker, here for now
« on: May 17, 2013, 09:08:24 am »
I just need this to be here so that I can link to a ruleset file without fucking with rapidshare or whatever.

great work!
(question could it be done with a door like the alien ships?)

now with to 0.9 i feel exposed because now all aliens in the vicinety are faceing the xcom craft

Yes it could, however it would require editing of multiple files. Either you have to add UFO doors to the skyranger/avenger pallet and have it look like you welded a UFOs doors to your craft, or you have to flag something that gives a a copy of an avenger/skyranger side-piece the functionality of a UFO door and add that to the pallet.

If you want to figure out how to do those things, there's tools already built for editing that stuff and guides on how to use those tools here.

Suggestions / Re: Lets release a new "stable" build
« on: May 13, 2013, 03:14:36 am »
I don't think I've ever actually seen anyone trash talk OpenXcom, it's not really an issue we have to worry about.

0.4.5 came out back in November (I think), had a functional battlescape with AI (only sectiods and half the weapons) and the geoscape seemed like a prototype. As a whole the game was completely unstable and lacked enough functionality to be fun as a game.

This discussion was a couple weeks before 0.9 came out. Even if OXC was still at about the same spot today I'm pretty sure everyone would still be supportive and thankful for the amount of work and unpaid hours that have gone into it.

My graphic description above isn't inspired by any rudeness we put up with here on the forums, it's based on these little gems:
X-COM: Alliance
UFO: Cydonias Fall
UFO: The Two Sides
This thing Michal found
Project Xenocide
and many more...

And those are just X-COM remakes/rebuilds that died.

I think you're right, we're not supposed to be adding stuff to the ruleset for optional non-vanilla mods.

This however:
+    if (++_currentStats.psiSkill == 0)  https:// initial training is over
+      _currentStats.psiSkill = RNG::generate(ruleset.soldiers.xcom.minstats.psyskill(),

We should still use min-max stats from the ruleset. I was trying to find how this is supposed to be done but it isn't currently anyway.

Psy-skill amounts and stuff should be in the ruleset.

Code: [Select]
void Soldier::trainPsi()
+  if (Options::getBool("quickPsiTraining"))
+  {
+    if (_currentStats.psiSkill > 0)
+    {
+      if (100 * 10/_currentStats.psiSkill > RNG::generate(0, 100))
+        _currentStats.psiSkill++;
+      if(_currentStats.psiSkill > 100)
+        _currentStats.psiSkill = 100;
+    }
+    else if (_currentStats.psiSkill < 0)
+    {
+      _currentStats.psiSkill++;
+      if (_currentStats.psiSkill == 0)  https:// initial training is over
+      {
+        _currentStats.psiSkill = RNG::generate(16, 24);
+      }
+    }
+    else if (_currentStats.psiSkill == 0)
+    {
+      _currentStats.psiSkill = -RNG::generate(20, 40);  https:// initial training from 20 to 40 days
+    }
+    return;
+  }
   _improvement = 0;
   if(_currentStats.psiSkill <= 16)
     _improvement = RNG::generate(16, 24);

This forces everyone to use our training amounts. I don't know how to reference the ruleset so I'll just guess.

Also if we skip 0 and start training at -1, then all untrained soldiers in our system will have psy-skill < 0 and all untrained soldiers in the vanilla system will have psy-skill = 0.

Also, doesn't OXC use a lot of unsigned ints? If it does, we might have a problem with -13 psy-skill meaning 12 days until you get psy-skill.

Here is pseudo-code of what I'm thinking of.

void Soldier::trainPsi()
  if (Options::getBool("quickPsiTraining"))
    p =_currentStats.psiSkill;
    r = Ruleset.PsyTraining;

    https://Check for soldiers from legacy system or soldiers with too many training days left.
    if(p = 0 || p < r.MaxDaysToTrain() * -1)
    p = RNG::generate(r.MinDaysToTrain(), r.MaxDaysToTrain()) * -1; https:// Set soldier to first day of training
    elseif (p < -1)
      p++; https://Train soldier for one day
    elseif(p = -1)
      p = RNG::generate(Ruleset.Stats.Min.PsySkill, Ruleset.Stats.Max.PsySkill); https://Today is last day of training
    elseif(p >= Ruleset.Stats.Cap.PsySkill())
      https:// do nothing; soldier is at the cap.
      /*Modders should be able to change the incriment probability calculations
       *Defaults: r.Mult = 1, r.Base = 0, r.Good = 10 r.incriment = 1.
       *Default chances are 10/psy-skill that soldier will learn 1 psy-skill today.*/

      rnd = RNG::generate(0, (r.Mult * p) + r.Base);
      if ( rnd <= r.Good )
        p += r.Incriment; https:// Modders can have +2 or +3 psy-skill a day if they really want
    https://normal monthly psy-training code

Good idea, darkestaxe. Do you have a working code?

I wish I did :(

" Here's how I'd implement an alternate psy-training if I understood C++/OXC code:"

This means "I don't know how to make the code, but if I did this is what I'd do:"

I'm not a very experienced programmer and I don't know enough C++ to work on OpenXcom.

Open Feedback / WTF are these rulesets
« on: May 08, 2013, 09:03:41 pm »

Offtopic / Re: Cannon Fodder remake - WE NEED HELP!
« on: May 08, 2013, 12:20:34 am »
A lot of old games just had entirely too many untar'd files, so sometimes developers will lump em all in a archive of some type and change the extension to .dat so that noobs leave em alone instead of unzipping them. I tried 7zip ... no luck.

Looks like the header to an archive to me. If I made an archive I would want a list of the files contained at the beginning with index values to where each files data starts.

Whatever archive format was used probably wasn't an old DOS/Amiga era format since the archive change is more recent, possibly GOGs work, so you probably wanna go talk to some people who specialize in stuff like archive formats etc.

At any rate from what it sounds like all versions are probably using the exact same format and you can probably load them all with the port code you already have, once you can open the archive.

Offtopic / Anyone opened the Jedi Outcast/Academy code open yet?
« on: May 07, 2013, 11:28:25 pm »
As soon as I found out it had been released I downloaded it, unzipped, and broke it open with mah dick! You ever get into a situation with a girl and you got all this excitement but your not really sure where to put it, or what to do with it once it's in there?

I was looking at the Jedi Academy code and it has all this scary ':std' shit. Looks like some ancient low-level c based code from before with stuff inside () and {} and all the lines end in ';'s, and someone just stuck these random ass -> things everywhere. Maybe C++, but basically it's one of those languages that's free but you got to turn her over a few times to find the holes and read half a public library of instruction manuals just to find out what all the default public libraries are.

It had lots of these *.cpp files in folders with ridiculous names like cgame, ff, bspthing, RMG, qcommon, Win32. Why can't oldschool programmers use useful descriptive folder/file names like 'Game Launcher' or 'Microsoft Windows Integration Functions' or 'Single Player Menus' or 'In-Game Scripting and Model Animations'. Come to think of it, it looked a bit like OXC source! :D

Oh and if your about to tell me that Dark Forces is a FPS game and therefore not X-COMY enough to fit in here, well you'll have to take that up with the late Infograms, Raven Software, and 2k. They're all pretty sure X-COM is just as much about FPS/3rdPS as any turn based strategy. Oh, and space piloting sim, go X-WING: X-COM: Alliance Interceptor!

On a serious note: code I saw all looks really clean and well commented, nicely divided into small files, and overall seems pretty small and mostly modular. Just to clarify it's all C++ with VS project and solution files already built, and I was just joking about the STDs.

Open Feedback / Absurd ludicrous FPS
« on: May 02, 2013, 10:07:25 am »
30 FPS is acceptable, 60 would be good, 120 is ideal for action games but thoroughly unnecessary in menus and turn based stuff. And it's nice to know that my computer can run the game with out breaking a sweat or having to slow down at any point...

But 950+ FPS is so many times any monitors refresh rate or any living creatures flicker rate that it leaves me scrathing my head and wondering 'why?'.

I'm not saying we should cap the frame-rate, just that ... I'm really not sure what I'm saying other then anything faster then 10 million trillion frames per picosecond is overkill.

What exactly are we updating every time the sun emits a new photon anyway?

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