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Topics - atombender

Pages: [1]
Basically I have edited a lot of the US English section but want to edit all of the CAPITALIZED names in the game and the descriptions for them as well.

SKYRANGER, INTERCEPTOR, CANNON, AVALANCHE, STINGRAY and NONE (default uniform) - (NONE is listed after I installed the Final Mod Pack 1.8.1)

Can I do it through the rulesets in the Final Mod Pack or only in the original OXC installation folders?

I have the latest nightly build 1-17-16 0227

Suggestions / Use robots from Impossible Mission I in X-COM
« on: January 24, 2016, 05:40:01 am »
I was searching for old games that I use to play and came across Impossible Mission!

I think those robots from IM1 would be a perfect addition to OXC. If someone could code a random color scheme for the bots when they appear, the electric bolts they shoot, and the electric properties the bots themselves have (and sounds of course), I think that would be cool for OXC. Maybe change things ever so slightly to keep it more in balance with OXC.

And maybe if the soldiers could turn into a pile of dust when killed...!

Maybe call them Death Bots or Electro Bots.

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