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Messages - nickboom

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The X-Com Files / How to Capture an Alien
« on: March 26, 2023, 08:13:30 am »
Howdy! Stopping by again as I've gotten deeper in my game, all the cults are dealt with now and its nearing 1999. I'm in a good position to fend off the early days I think and have been able to take down a few scout class ufos. However, when it comes to capturing aliens, my poor electric clubs aren't cutting it anymore. I was thinking of upgrading to an electric prod/stun spear (in backpack once ready to breach) but I was curious as to what early game means y'all use to capture aliens.

Also, any recommendations for close range weapons? So far I've found that the smart magnums are absolutely delectable when it comes to a one-handed weapon but I'm curious if anything else is useful. I thought about using the pulse weapons since they're stated to do a lot of extra damage but considering almost everything now is armored to the point of only higher than average shots or snipers punching through, I feel like they wouldn't be super worthwhile.

Finally, if someone wouldn't mind, spoil what sort of damages ghosts are weak to? They said anything physical but I found that cutting works surprising well so I wanna just know.

The X-Com Files / Re: Need some help figuring out the progression
« on: March 23, 2023, 06:59:24 pm »
Anddd never mind. I just found it, der.

That's all the basic cults contained! Do love the mortar, so thanks for that suggestion :D

The X-Com Files / Re: Need some help figuring out the progression
« on: March 23, 2023, 06:58:35 pm »
Howdy, another quick question. How do you terminate the church of dagon? I get the high temple mission and even completed it but no statue went into my inventory.

The X-Com Files / Re: Need some help figuring out the progression
« on: March 08, 2023, 12:29:28 am »
Oh man, I decided to start tackling some Orison missions and man, that was were a lot of the tech was hidden away xD Those crates have some important stuff in them. Found the heavy cannons and auto cannons!

Oh, I also took out the Black Lotus HQ with little issue, lost a few guys (one poor bastard turned the corner directly into an Avatar while having no TU). Working on the others now and pursuing some other techs, gearing up multiple bases with Osperys (have to train some rookies ugh). Also, the psi weapons don't really seem worth it at promo II stage, at least not against the cults, the armor mitigation for the range and TUs isn't good when they're so lightly armored (a mini gun is just better at such a range) but I imagine for armored cars and the like it'd be good but I'm not there yet.

Got some more questions though! What's a good way of capturing animals? I've tried the electric clubs but high melee units seem to always dodge your hits no matter what. I'm thinking the cannon blunt rounds might work? Also for the Ospery, what configuration do you use for the crew to everyone out and alive? I've tried stacking some scouts up ahead which works except when we land and there's a whole bunch of enemies around. I need to defend myself and the poor dogs/AI units get chewed up. I've also tried placing some rookies up there but they're not strong enough/good enough to clear the units I need to deal with (Their dynamite throwing is pathetic).

I'm thinking maybe placing some higher level guys with shields in front armed for short range might solve my problem? Finally, since it matters more, how does funding work? Is it directly score tied, as in the better you do the more money you get or is it more of a 'don't fuck up' type deal were your funding will gradually go up in pre-setish increments so long as you don't displease the nations.

Thanks again! I appreciate all the advice. I'm having a lot of fun with the game (when my heart isn't stopping because someone threw a grenade).

The X-Com Files / Re: Need some help figuring out the progression
« on: March 04, 2023, 12:01:36 am »
Oooh, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the tips, another question, are there any critters really worth researching (as anything besides a backup for score)? I've noticed most of them don't grant much other than the ability to drain energetic plasma from them but I have no use for it yet. The only line I've found to grant value is zombies. The rest don't seem to give much other than the ability to check their stats on mission.

The X-Com Files / Re: Need some help figuring out the progression
« on: March 03, 2023, 05:25:43 pm »
Whoa, thank you for the responses everyone! Ok, I understand now! I’m making my way to get proper air fighters up and will plot out tackling to the Black Lotus HQ when I can. Also, based on what I saw from the layout (savescumming yay!) it’s all close quarters so the flame gloves will actually be useful.

I do spam weapons of mass destruction, I like dynamite. I think I researched high explosives but can’t buy them till promo III. I always have a cannon bro with HE rounds loaded up cause their ability to do splash damage and just generally clean someone up for a kill is really good. I guess really the last question I have is regarding Black Lotus Avatars, any pointers for them? The first one I fought wasn’t too bad cause I rushed it while it was on the ground so it kept missing its shots (except one, rip dogo) but another one levitated up three floors and proceeded to rinse me and my team of highly trained snipers unloading on it.

The X-Com Files / Need some help figuring out the progression
« on: March 03, 2023, 08:26:49 am »
Hello, been attempting the mod lately and with a combination of a few restarts and some avid save scumming, I've found myself in promotion 2. I'm around early 1998, March or April I believe and I'm kinda directionless. I have the Black Lotus HQ mission unlocked and most of the other cults are nearly there as well (just need those Base missions to pop). I have two functional bases, one main, one forward with some research capacity, a third is being build up for coverage purposes. Got around 40 total scientists and 21 engineers (wanna get more but I'm only netting about 1 mil per month so I'm holding back) I'm using mostly black ops guns, predominantly the auto snipers. I heard light mini guns are really good so I have a few on backup for close ranged missions and a few other black op guns for rookies who can't hit the side of a barn.

What I'm worried about is that I'm starting to get tritianum items but don't have the means to really produce all too much. I prioritized the vests for obvious reasons but expected the ammo to be was not. Clips feel like they're eaten magically by the game at random and so I'm kinda afraid to produce them despite the large jump in damage since after the vests I can only make a couple. I don't have radar systems up yet nor interceptors of any sort but I do have the dragonfly to transport troops. Also, got lucky and have a small stock of flame gloves and the capability of using them, a few 80+ psi soldiers too, are they worth it? Most of my guns are two handed so keeping it in a quick draw is my best bet but it's a little hard to get in close with my style of play. Only other question I have is if AI units are worth it. I did a little playing ahead to get the outrider and it seemed good but also went down in like a turn of two of consistent fire during the day. Is it better at night?

Finally, should I tackle the Black Lotus HQ mission or continue focusing mostly on research? I heard its not the worst but I also don't enjoy ninja stars going up my ass from three tiles away cause my guys can't squint hard enough to see the dude.

Apologies for the some what sloppy style of writing. I had a lot of questions and didn't really know how to phrase them. The devs seem really active on here so cheers to you! This is one of the best mods for really any game I've ever played. It feels extremely complete my only real complain is that some more direction in the research would be helpful because its hard to figure out what's good or not without just trying random stuff sometimes! But other than that, I love the lore and complex engagements!

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