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Brutal AI / Re: Brutal-OXCE 8.5.1
« Last post by aziza on Today at 06:34:16 pm »
So my suspicion was that you have enabled "OpenXCom: Unlimited Waypoints". And indeed, you have. So I'm pretty sure it's related to that one.

is it an unlimited number of firing points for a blaster launcher (9 or 999), but not alien soldiers starting spawn points on the map?
what a weird description:
name: "OpenXCom: Unlimited Waypoints"
version: 1.0
description: "Allows unlimited waypoints, Aliens will be limited by difficulty."
author: the OpenXcom team

Fix is available in 8.5.3.

nice, now human team is dead!

Oh, and I recommend maybe not using the "Unlimted Waypoints"-Mod if you don't want to be spawn-killed by aliens with Blasters.

lol, they killed me like this on the first base defence mission, on the first turn, so I had to think of a special strategy to defeat them
why can rude humans kill poor sectoids from anywhere on the map, but small smart sectoids can not?
this is a BRUTAL ai, baby, step aside
Help / Reverse countries funding mechanic (OXCE)
« Last post by CheeseGod on Today at 05:23:18 pm »
Hello, I wonder if it`s possible to make a reverse funding mechanics? E.g. you start with no countries are in project and zero funding and when you getting rating they could join the project. May be it was already made by some modder?
Brutal AI / Re: Brutal-OXCE 8.5.1
« Last post by Xilmi on Today at 04:20:02 pm »
realistic accuracy + explosion height 2 + mod Psi LoF
superhuman + max tech + sectoids + battleship + skyranger / avenger
attached below: avenger save file + skyranger save file + options for 8.5.2 - to reproduce just click "end turn" (and copy options and load) - you will see 3-4 rockets into ramp and humans will alive

(and need to translate options string - STR_BATTLEALTGRENADES)
I first tried just the saves but without your options.cfg.
The aliens weren't using the blaster at all in this scenario.
So my suspicion was that you have enabled "OpenXCom: Unlimited Waypoints". And indeed, you have. So I'm pretty sure it's related to that one.
Yup. It is. For some reason the unlimited waypoints-blaster-shots can't make it up the ramp, while the limited-waypoints-one have no problem doing so.

Now with that information I should be able to figure out the reason and make the aliens-blasters with unlimited waypoints as scary as you'd think they would be. :)

Edit: When I use my own soldier and place the waypoints in the same way the AI does with unlimited waypoints, it also explodes at the edge. In this sense it's almost more interesting what's different when the AI doesn't use unlimited waypoints.

What I think happens is that the missile always tries to fly through the center of the tile. But the upper-ramp-tile's center is blocked by the ramp. The non-unlimited one only places a new waypoint when either the direction changes or the Z-axis of the next pathfinding-node is different from the last one. So it will not put a waypoint at the ramp but only after the ramp.

So what I need to do is to identify that the tile I want the missile to path through has something blocking it's center and then use the tile above the current tile instead if that's the case.

Edit 2: Fix is available in 8.5.3. Oh, and I recommend maybe not using the "Unlimted Waypoints"-Mod if you don't want to be spawn-killed by aliens with Blasters.
« Last post by DovaSaints on Today at 01:46:20 pm »
When trying to land on a downed interceptor, an error appeared about the lack of a Nurgle interceptor model.
40k / Re: 40k Bug/crashes/problem´s report
« Last post by bulletdesigner on Today at 12:59:49 pm »
I tried to send a squad to the downed Interceptor, but apparently the required Nurgle Interceptor model is missing.

That´s a rosigma issue, nurgle interceptor is not from base mod
OpenXcom Extended / Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
« Last post by Yankes on Today at 11:48:55 am »
Small breaking change OXCE 7.12.7 with recent script hook, I fix typo in one script arg.
Basic info about script is available here:

For functionality, yes, you can return arbitrary price, this mean disable default scaling, add custom scalling is possible too.
Scripts hooks itself expose:

`cost_current` -> current cost, after difficulty coefficient and possible change by other scripts hooks
`cost_base` -> original cost from item ruleset
`difficualty_coefficient` -> difficulty multiplier,

to have always control over default behavior.


I see I make typo in `difficualty_coefficient`, I probaby soon push new version that will fix it as there is not lot of mods that depend on this.

Thanks but: is not really understandable for me.
User Perspective vs Programmer perspective I guess.
Basic info about script is available here:

For functionality, yes, you can return arbitrary price, this mean disable default scaling, add custom scalling is possible too.
Scripts hooks itself expose:

`cost_current` -> current cost, after difficulty coefficient and possible change by other scripts hooks
`cost_base` -> original cost from item ruleset
`difficualty_coefficient` -> difficulty multiplier,

to have always control over default behavior.


I see I make typo in `difficualty_coefficient`, I probaby soon push new version that will fix it as there is not lot of mods that depend on this.
Help / Re: Two Questions
« Last post by Nord on Today at 11:01:59 am »
Ok, i have no more easy advices. If you want, you can share your files here, maybe it will be easier with example.
40k / Re: 40k Bug/crashes/problem´s report
« Last post by DovaSaints on Today at 09:31:38 am »
I tried to send a squad to the downed Interceptor, but apparently the required Nurgle Interceptor model is missing.
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