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Messages - Arcticblue

Pages: [1]
Offtopic / Re: Destroying a cyber disc
« on: March 01, 2016, 07:21:01 pm »
Hmmm long time since I did this, but I always tought you had to "stun" one to get to the anti-gravity technology for your suits.. So I always have 2 stun-bomb launchers with me on missions.

But I play the original game not openxcom ... also, the cyber-disk sometimes selvdestruct when you stun it, sometimes it does not ... just lay there.

Offtopic / Re: Why no HD tune of XCom ?
« on: March 01, 2016, 07:14:10 pm »
True .. I understand that a direct HD tune of the game would be out of the question, I still would love that they took the original game, and keep it ... the way I see they did with the remake was to change it too much... dumb it down, maybe to accomodate for multiple platforms, but from what I understand they did at start actually make it look and feel very much like the original game but later dumbed it down.

This weekend I tried the new game from "Master of Orion" and yes I know it is not a new game but a remake.. but this company actually took a already great game (well I loved MoO 2 tough) and managed to keep the aspects of the game we loved and made a pretty cool and good game.
They understood that to not work against the fans of the original game.

Offtopic / Re: Why no HD tune of XCom ?
« on: February 26, 2016, 12:53:24 am »
I would not touch the reboot with a pole even, they took away the things I liked about the original, and I did follow the development and during that they did change from what could have been a worth reboot to what it became today ... with all the sacrifice they had to do.

I loved the original game, the changes they did where too much for my taste...

Just downloaded (bought from GoG) UFO Aftermath, UFO Afterlight and the third one ... and Xenonauts...

I doubt there even will come any good reboot of the original game.

Offtopic / Why no HD tune of XCom ?
« on: February 25, 2016, 07:34:33 pm »
I'm a huge fan of the original X-Com Enemy unknown (Yes I call it that, thats the name on my Amiga game), I got this great game while I had my Amiga, and it was one of the games I really really sat and played and continued to play even when I had finnished it.

When I got my PC I continued to play this game but on a Amiga emulator, however once Steam released it on their network I bought that and continued to play.
Infact I play it still on my computer !!! hehe

I was so excited whent hey announced a reboot or new X-Com game and it did look promising to they dumbed it down.... they took away so much stuff I loved about the game, I loved for example where you take with you 14 men out on a terrorsite and by luck manage to save 5 after some Chryssalis have done off with your men.
Building new bases to cover the earth was great too, the research tree and getting better weapons to fight them more.

In my view there really was no need to change much ... exept for one thing... the graphics.

So after being so disapointed by the new X-com game (no I did not even bother to buy it.... ) I have been hoping atleast someone would HD-Tune the original game.

I know of Xenonauts and all that (yes I bought that game) but I did not find it all that good, I did not get that good feeling I get when I play the original game.

I also bought these UFO games (Aftermath, AfterShock and one more I don't remember name of) I actually liked those... would have loved to see the original game with that graphic...

Anyone know if there is hope for a HD Tuning of the original game ?

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