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Messages - krautbernd

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The X-Com Files / Re: Is this a bug? Passenger cars riding on water
« on: March 10, 2023, 11:47:53 am »
One of the many reasons why I have disabled this "feature" :P

The X-Com Files / Re: Need some help figuring out the progression
« on: March 08, 2023, 05:06:25 pm »
Funding is tied to consistent, positive scored months (more the better, even) and your Promotion level (countries fund more when XCOM fully enabled at Promo III).

How is "Promotion level" tied to funding? There is nothing in the ruleset related to that from what I can tell. MILESTONE_3 and MILESTONE_3_SUMMARY just yield 100 and 0 points respectively.

The X-Com Files / Re: Need some help figuring out the progression
« on: March 05, 2023, 02:14:41 pm »
Using a machine gun on a fighter jet, even an old one, is somewhat questionable.

To be fair, .50 is a machine gun caliber and most early (US) jet fighters still used this cartdridge. And strapping handheld infantry weapons to aircraft (especially the AH-6) is a bit of a stretch to begin with. Sure, pintle/door gun mounts exist, but I doubt you can simply strap existing handheld weapons to airborne weapon pylons.

From the Ashes / Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
« on: March 05, 2023, 01:47:52 pm »
I just downloaded the newest master and started a new game. Apparently the remnants of XCOM aren't all that fond of their old commander (or MIB prisoners), as they simply executed them at the end of the initial base defense, citing "not enough prison space". I guess the existing prison facilities is too good for the ex-commander?

The prison facilities lacks aliens: and prisontype: and ftaPrisonSpace: is apparently not implemented or not respected by latest available version of FtA.


Also for some reason I start out without any scientist and engineers. Is this intended? Has this been changed and the player is supposed to pick them up later on? Starting base lists a couple of "randomized" soldiers with engineering/scientist "role" apparently, and in-game there are soldiers assigned the according "armor", but none of them can be used accordingly.

The newest nightly lets me assing scientist and engineers, but assinging&starting engineering projects crashes the game. I guess I'll wait for the next "official" release then XD

The X-Com Files / Re: Alien Alloy Welder?
« on: March 04, 2023, 07:15:50 pm »
Rather than making this thread about you or I, why not just help the member instead.

If you don't approve of my help, I'm not going to lose sleep about over it. Feel free and unlock the "Alien welder" and help him out.
Would probably be more productive than you and I arguing about it.

I already answered OP's question - in the first post in this thread.

Stop projecting, and stop claiming things that are counterfactual, like this "not really bothering you much", or you actually removing - instead of "adding" - synthskin to those Osiron crates.

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 2.8: The Lunar Protocol
« on: March 04, 2023, 05:55:00 pm »
However, even with my "condensed" installation guide, half of them failed to install successfully...

Honestly I find this more concerning than whether or not you should be "allowed" to create and upload the installer to moddb in the first place. Installing XCF (or mods in general" for OXCE is pretty much as straight forward as it gets. What exactely were the problems your audience ran into if I might ask? Was this an issue of imprecise instructions, IT illiteracy or some other underlaying issue?

The mod already comes with a readme explaining how to install and enable the mod. If people are having trouble following these, maybe the instruction itself need to be reworded or corrected?

The X-Com Files / Re: Alien Alloy Welder?
« on: March 04, 2023, 05:51:03 pm »
You seem to be visibly upset in a lot of the threads here giving slightly condescending responses.
IDK, maybe it's just me.

Anyway, I'd rather see him get the Alien welder himself, trouble is, his save game file.. he has a lot to tackle. Including opening 3 more Orison crates (one that contains Synth skins/for synth suit) which could potentially really help his efforts.

You can always download the file and do it yourself if you wish ? Or continue criticizing others for trying to help.
Honestly, either way, doesn't really bother me much.
No it doesn't, at least not the file you edited and uploaded becasue you changed the RNG. That is, if OP is even playing with save scumming disabled. It's a moot poin to make either way.

Again, why not simply cheat in the welder as well while you're at it? OP hasn't asked for you to give him super soldiers with auto rifles or fix his score either.

OP asked how to get the welder.  You are not "trying to help", you are trying to "fix" OPs ongoing game without actually solving the problem. And how is you telling him that he needs "to open Osiron crates" even helping when he's stated in his initial post that he has openend over a hundred of those already?

That's what I am ciritcizing you for. And please tell me more about how this doesn't "bother you" while going out of your way to complain about it.

OP has asked how to get the welder. OP has been told how to get the welder. Do you need me to point out to you who told him where to get the welder while you are complaining about me critizing others "for trying to help"?

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: March 04, 2023, 04:23:27 pm »
If it's not about the elevator shaft, then I have no goddamn idea what you mean. Sorry.

What part of "there is a missing floor tile next to the elevator shaft" do you have trouble understanding?



There is literally a hole in the floor next to the elevator shaft. I am not an architect and at best an amateur map creator, but this strikes me as a counterintuitive feature given the existence of both a stairwell and the elevator shaft your are referring to.

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: March 04, 2023, 03:54:05 pm »
Path preview bug. I can add a save file if needed ((added a file)
Please post this in OXCE bug subforum,  I don't think this is XCF related. Path preview is a OXCE feature.


One of the tiles on the top floor of the high rise building (data seizure / CEO arrest) is still missing entirely. Looking at the map view is there is just a gaping hole in the floor north of the elevator shaft. I mean it's not all that surprising given what I've seen in commercial buildings, but usually not on the top floor where the CEO and higher ups are located. Maybe move that "feature" down a couple of floors? ;)


I already reported this back in 2019:,5047.msg110428.html#msg110428

This can't be that hard to fix, can it?


Fixed map file attached, but you might want to have a look at it since it's from an older compilation of MapView that I still had on my harddrive.

The X-Com Files / Re: Alien Alloy Welder?
« on: March 04, 2023, 02:14:58 pm »
Solarius is right, it's probably Orison missions and possibly crates that need to be opened as well.

I’ve open like 160 Reinforced Osiron Crate and not one as dropped.

Why not just cheat in an actual alloy welder while you're at it? At this point it doesn't really matter, does it?

The X-Com Files / Re: Need some help figuring out the progression
« on: March 03, 2023, 04:03:01 pm »
Taking care of the Black lotus will be difficult but it's doable. HQ will not end their game. You'll need to open up another mission which will allow you to capture
an artifact
something to make certain the deed is done. That mission (not the HQ) is pretty difficult.

Yeah, this is news to me. The HQ missions yield the item needed to shut down the cult (not just for Black Lotus, but any cult HQ mission). Are you talking about
the shrine mission or the academy
? Those are not really part of the cult eradication arcs from what I can tell.

Which version of OXCE and the mod are you using, where did you download them and how did you install and enable the mod?

This sounds like an issue with the language file.

The X-Com Files / Re: Need some help figuring out the progression
« on: March 03, 2023, 12:42:21 pm »
Note that taking on the HQ and killing off the cult are not the same thing. You can get Promo III and still leave all four of the cults alive.

Which I still think is a bit misleading given the wording of the prerequesite. Really, the player should demonstrate that they are actually able to shut the cults down. "Sure, we could if we wanted to" isn't really a basis on which to award more privileges, given that x-com takes the blame for basically everything else that's happening around the globe regardless of them being able to adress it or not.

The X-Com Files / Re: Need some help figuring out the progression
« on: March 03, 2023, 12:12:15 pm »
If you want to "spoil" yourself you can open up the tech tree viewer by pressing "q" in geoscape view. While you certainly play the game without it, it is kind of useful see what you are missing and/or where you want to be going or focussing your research on.

On my last playthrough I got to promotion III around July or August 1999 i think? Depends a bit on the RNG given the prerequesites.

If you are able to adress the Black Lotus HQ you might as well do so, since one of the prerequesites for Promotion III is containing at least one cult, and you cut down on the manor spawns. While alloy ammo is of course nice for the damage boost it provides it is not really necessary for the cults/early game enemies in my oppinion, if you have the option I would go for the armor. But I don't really know what the meta is here (or if there even is a meta you should be concerned about).

The X-Com Files / Re: Alien Alloy Welder?
« on: March 03, 2023, 11:23:19 am »
Again, they tend to be carried by alien engineers.

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