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Messages - Varana

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There should be no need to take the editor and search for the trainingStatCaps of the actual mod. And there should be no need to keep an eye on all the trained stats of all the good soldiers.

Instead, soldiers should be auto removed from the training facility when they can not train the skills of this facility any higher. And they should not be assignable again. Maybe with a 'done' entry at the end of the stats line, or something similar.

Maybe as a selectable option in the options menu, near the place where you can choose to auto remove wounded soldiers.

I like this idea.

Actual easy levels are hard to play, because of less loot income. You sit in your base and watch the aliens stealing your supporters, while your economy is still weak.
With this simple change, easy levels could become easy (more income, less agression).

OXCE Suggestions DONE / Re: obsolete tag
« on: June 04, 2017, 12:37:38 am »
That's too late, isn't it?

I thought of it as a notifier, so nobody should wonder where his tech has gone. Or why the scientists are idle. To avoid stupid bug reports.  ;)

If a modder wants to inform the players before they start the research, the modder could do it with the normal UP info of the tech before.
For example the Laser tech info could contain a sentence, that it will be replaced by better designs once they are researched. Or the containment info could include a sentence, that it might get impossible to live in peace with a tortured alien race...

OXCE Suggestions DONE / Re: obsolete tag
« on: June 02, 2017, 11:01:44 pm »
 Fine, thx  8)

One more thing: It would be nice, if there would be a short message, similar to the messages that tell what can be researched or produced now.
Something like "removed: Old tech 1"?

OXCE Suggestions DONE / Re: obsolete tag
« on: May 29, 2017, 06:12:10 pm »
However, this might be a great option for RPG based on research. If you have multiple endings possible that you need to unlock through research, then this would be a way to discard the other storyline options after the player has chosen one.

If you want to, you could allow the other techtree afterwards, by using "unlocks" tag to unlock a hidden alternative tech when time has come.

Think of New_Civilian's MyMod modpack: there you have to complete gauss tech tree before allowed to research sonics. Now look at FMP: there are multiple branches, from laser to fusion, from mutant to MIB. You could force to complete one branch before allowing the next to be researched. Or you could say, "ok, player got that MIB stormtrooper armor now, so doesn't need synthsuit too. Make good use of what you have."

With this option, you could bring some structure into gameplay, could hide old rubbish in the lists (e.g. FMP AK47 is something nobody wants to buy in later game stages) and make games differ from each other without need to change to a different mod.

I think it would be great if there was an obsolete tag for entries in the research.rul section. Something like

  - name: STR_OLD_GUN
    cost: 200
      - STR_NEW_GUN

And if one of these two is researched, you can still use and sell your old stuff and find it in the pedia (if it was researched before), but you can not buy, manufacture or research that tech/item any more.

... or, if you like it the other way, something like

  - name: STR_NEW_GUN
    cost: 500
      - STR_OLD_GUN

Used in a mod that could clean up the lists. And you could make research more interesting, for example research of plasma basics could deactivate research of laser basics, so the player would have to decide how to play this actual game.

Released Mods / mod request - green ion armor
« on: August 05, 2016, 03:57:10 pm »
I like this green TFTD ion armor. :D
And its color still fits to the UP article of ion armor. And in combat it does not look like the standard mag. ion armor.

So I really would like to have this armor as ion armor, but to keep the original yellow one as mag. ion armor. Than mixed teams would be more interesting (I swapped the armor values in a little mod, so my floating mag. ion armor is weaker than the ground standing heavy ion armor).

The problem is, I don't know how to do this. Could someone please wrap a mod around these graphics?

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