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OXCE Bugs / Re: Kills awarded for no kills - Bug or feature?
« Last post by Delian on Today at 12:21:17 pm »
Can you attach a save file where you're erroneously awarded the "kill X per turn" commendation?

Normally (standard OXC behavior which afaik never changed), when an enemy bleeds out, the last unit that did HP damage to this enemy gets the kill and this kill is counted on the turn the enemy dies, not earlier.
Troubleshooting / Re: Can only load one tank on SkyRaider?
« Last post by psavola on Today at 11:49:09 am »
Never played FMP myself, but according to the rulesets, Skyraider by definition allows only 1 vehicle on board.
XPZ Strategy/Tactics / Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
« Last post by ontherun on Today at 11:17:03 am »
othet two alternative startin saves: in one i finally tooke the ?peasant revolution? along with the ?jackass captain? topics, and in another the ?male touch? and ?soreass captain?, so a brand new world will eventually open...

sidenote: im kinda afraid to go with the ?dumbass captain? since it prevents getting the "analitics room" which is required for getting "back to school" topic; if i might pick such captain, there are other alternatives for getting that school topic?
Released Mods / Re: X-Chronicles Release, v.1.2
« Last post by on Today at 11:16:03 am »
The only way I am getting through months right now is repeated raiding of a Nest in Australia. I can not destroy it, but I can crush it's surface defences and sometimes even clear B1, getting around 300 points each time.
Nests are good source of points. I am able to clean young nest, and clean surface and next  two levels of adult nest (in this case with some saving and lot of luck - crystal with lightning spell is just disaster because I do not see a way how to avoid/dodge/resist it's atack)   

If I compare it to TWOTS (a great mod for  XCOM2-TFTD) I miss several mechanic
1]   damage types
   - in TFTD in a  year you can get a  great variety (melee, acid,  stun, gauss, explosive)
   -  in XCHR you just have kinetic, melle, stun
          (some weaopons have other effect but  uses kinetic melee atributes for checking hit]
2]  tanks
   - in TFTD you get early some tanks that can explore and tank a damage
   - in XCHR i did not find yet (ateter two years) a path to gain tanks
3] effective armor
   - in TFTD you get quite soon  a  good spectrum of armors that can soak some damage and prevent you from being 1 shoted.
   - in XCHR most armors does not protect much (I supose there coud be source of this by  underestimating bonuses from enemies stats ) first hit  cut down (air/water shield ) second one kills .

Help / Re: baseDefenseMapFromLocation example.
« Last post by Meridian on Today at 11:10:30 am »
40k mod is using it, afaik
Troubleshooting / Can only load one tank on SkyRaider?
« Last post by GaSplat on Today at 09:30:02 am »
Running openXcom with FMP. Everything seems to be running fine - but I can't load more than one tank onto my Skyranger. I can empty all soldiers and tanks, then add a tank but when I go to add a second tank it doesn't respond - it shows I still have another tank to add but refuses to add it. Really want two tanks for the terror sites until I can better equip my soldiers.
and all missions were always night missions even for a daytime battle
Perhaps the small mod "XcomUtil: Always Nighttime" included in the standard OpenXcom package was accidentally enabled.  This mod is "Forces all ground missions to nighttime".  But initially it should not work; the player must turn it on himself.  At least by mistake.
>otherwise it's the same
then why would all battles be always night missions  if it was the same
i avoided all night missions at the beginning back in the day unless a local terror, because aliens would see maybe 3 times longer distance

ok fine, i played terror from the deep 10 times more than UFO one back in the day
did this also have the reverting back to the beginner difficulty bug?
it couldnt be, as i'd remember, it got more difficult, but i dont totally remember it well now

the reason why i played terror form the deep 10+ more was UFO had too many graphics smearing bugs, was fixed with patches but some smearing were still there at times, even in v1.4 unit's TU grew without a bound and became useless after TU became truncated

i will go play terror from the deep in openxcom, i hope the rules are the same.
but the tactics i used for UFO and Terror from the deep were exactly the same
my tactics were
always have10  flares just in case
equip 3~4 men with all rockets even when TU's are not quite full
get 1 or 2 rocket launcher tanks
4 men with rifles.
bust through all homes and walls to expose aliens from a long distance
rockets aoe can still kill aliens hiding behind rock covers
then i feel good... hahaha! take that, turning it into a parking lot
OXCE Bugs / Kills awarded for no kills - Bug or feature?
« Last post by Dioxine on Today at 05:12:16 am »
I get commendations for killing enemies (eg. kill X per turn) even if I don't kill enemies immediately but also if they bleed out later. Was this intended? If so, how can I have the previous behaviour?
Help / baseDefenseMapFromLocation example.
« Last post by Nord on Today at 12:10:56 am »
Has anyone already played with baseDefenseMapFromLocation?
Is there an example of using this feature?
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