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Topics - Ranakastrasz

Pages: [1]
OXCE Support Y-scripts / Reshading BattleUnits
« on: September 12, 2023, 07:24:45 pm »
So I am trying to write a script to adjust the shading of battleunits based on the background lighting, so as to highlight the difference between illuminated and not. However, using the Hit flash script and API
I have to say I am uncertain how to do it.

I can set color or set shade and white color, but I can't figure out what the original shade was, or what changing the shade does exactly. It also seems to strip the color (or set to white) when I set_shade but not set_color. Also, old_pixel doesn't appear to be the previous frame's "pixel" but rather full transparency status.

I probably have a significant misunderstanding of either how shades work, as well as what new_pixel does(I thought it was essentially a shift from the original sprite image moving right on a pallet for each pixel)

I've tried several different things, and this one works, but isn't ideal.
Code: [Select]
      - offset: 2
        code: |
          var int tileShade;
          var int newShade;
          unit.getTileShade tileShade;
          if gt tileShade 9;
            set_color new_pixel 4;
            set_shade new_pixel 12;
          return new_pixel;

Help / Battlescape ui additions.
« on: September 04, 2023, 07:18:40 pm »
In addition to changing the shade of an entity, is there a way to attach extra sprite(s) like xpiratez shows stun/fatal wounds (which seems to be built in, as it just adds sprites to set variables) add sprites to a selected location, or read/write motion scanner pings?

OXCE Suggestions Rejected / [Rejected] Sharp lighting divide
« on: August 26, 2023, 08:48:00 pm »
Rejection reason: same as here:,6869.0.html

What: make it so that tiles/pawns that are illuminated via light or daylight more clearly distinct from those not illuminated

Why: Given how important light is, especially in mods, the inability to easily see the difference between lit and unlit is frustrating. I would rather not have to guess or count tiles.

An alternate vision mod like night vision, a two-brightness level option, or a Sharp division at the lighting threshold would all be effective.

Work In Progress / [OXCE] Armor Chipping
« on: December 16, 2021, 08:17:41 pm »
This mod adjusts vanilla weapons to all deal pre-armor damage, and have reduced armor penetration. The general effect is to make all armor act more like ablative armor, and be worn down instead of punched through. This makes combat quite a bit less dynamite tag, and significantly reduces the number of one-shots on both sides, but also makes it impossible to entirely ignore any weapon. A pistol will eventually kill a Sectopod if it lets you get a hundred or so shots off before vaporizing you.

All normal weapons deal 20% pre-armor, and have 200% Armor coef. Stun weapons deal 5% pre-armor and have 120% armorcoef. Also, Chysalids have to deal health damage to infest.

It should feel more like NuCom, in that armor adds extra health, to an extent.

This all said, heavy plasma can still oneshot you in powered armor if you don't have a lot of health backing you up or it isn't to the front, and a blasterbomb is just as lethal.

Released Mods / [OXCE] HitFx, From XCF
« on: December 16, 2021, 08:07:37 pm »
This is a standalone copy of the Hitflash effect from The Xcom Files.

It causes units to flash when they are hit based on damage type dealt.

Help / XPedia help
« on: December 03, 2021, 08:40:08 am »
Not actually sure which forum to put this in.
Downloaded the project and tried to follow the instructions, including installing node. However, I cannot figure out how to use the tool, as it either results in an empty database, or vanilla with bootypedia icons.

Help / Floating Tags
« on: December 02, 2021, 12:28:15 am »
Is there a way for a script to add a floating tag like xPiratez or The Xcom Files adds for Fire, Stun, and bleeding, or is that all hardcoded?
And, if not, is there another convenient way to tag units?

Help / Script on Missed shots
« on: December 02, 2021, 12:26:31 am »
Is there a way to do something when a shot hits the terrain, or while it flies? It looks like the answer is no, but I thought I should ask.

Suggestions / Illuminated Unit indicator
« on: August 18, 2021, 08:29:34 pm »
Similar to how when you hold Alt, and units have their positions and facing revealed, if technically visible, also include an indicator that says if they are in day or night visibility.

While for vanilla this doesn't matter, because Aliens all have 20 vision, in mods, like Xpiratez and The Xcom Files, enemies have variable sight ranges like Xcom does, and so being concealed is important. However, it can be non-obvious whether you are illumiated or not, because light falls off, but there is no solid delimination between "Visible to Day range" and "Visible to Night Range"

The X-Com Files / Clarification questions
« on: August 17, 2020, 05:55:44 am »
Enjoying the mod so far. I have a few questions however.

Stun Damage. It seems like there are two, probably 3 damage types that apply stun damage, although how much, I have no idea. This is based on the description of the items.
Electricity damage, Concussion damage, and presumably Chemical from the Bullfrog's Acid Spit (or whatever it has)
However, I have no idea if it is a ratio, or what. I am pretty sure I read that excessive stun overkill results in death, but I doubt even a Sledgehammer would deal enough stun damage to reach 5x hp.
Also, What is with the Electric club? I kinda expected the items you could buy by default were supposed to be more or less common IRL equipment that required little effort to get your hands on. Why not a baton?

Dogs. Two things.
1, the basic combat vest doesn't appear to increase strength, at least not in the loadout screen. Is that a graphical bug, or an actual bug?
2, Tracking. I believe you are supposed to be able to use them like a motion scanner or something, but I don't know how that works.

Gym. How does it work, exactly? I see it is like a modified Psi-lab, and it shows +1 to every visible stat when you add someone.
How often does it execute, Is there a chance, a maximum gain, or what? Can you just train people to maximum stats given enough time, or do you have to train on missions to reach proper peak humanity?

Chem Protection suits. Given the giant frogs, I considered trying to use Hazmat Suits to resist their stun by resisting chemical damage.
However, there is no way to know in advance if they will be present, and no way to change armor in a mission either way.
I assume there will be later missions which you will KNOW to have chemical damage for you to equip your units with said suits?

Research time. Is there a display for manhours for a research project, or do I just have to put a person on it til it changes from unknown to something else, which itself changes based on how many people you assign?

2 Handed Weapons. Is there a quick way to see what is 2 handed and what isn't? Also, do 1 handed weapons have a penalty for duel weilding?

The Glock Pistol has 70 accuracy for both Aimed and Snapshot mode. However, in battle, Aimed mode has higher accuracy. Is there an extra factor here?
Similarly, Distance seems to cut accuracy. In vanilla, I am pretty sure accuracy was more along the lines of how many degrees off of target you could go, with 100 being less than 1, and 0 being ~60 degrees.

Loadout screen. I often forget which mission type I am on when in the loadout screen, and there doesn't appear to be any way to go back.
Knowing if it is day or night, and knowing if it was an arrest or creature mission would be useful, because flashlights and lethal vs sublethal.

Backpack. The text is there, but no slots. Do I unlock it later?

Troubleshooting / Custom Statstrings not working as expected
« on: June 07, 2016, 11:57:49 pm »
Tried to make a custom statstring file. However, it only seems to apply the first set. If I comment out the first set, it only shows the second set. Removing the spaces between the sets has no effect. I am unsure what the cause is.

Code: [Select]
 - string: "a0"
   firing: [0, 49]
 - string: "a1"
   firing: [50, 57]
 - string: "a2"
   firing: [58, 65]
 - string: "a3"
   firing: [66, 73]
 - string: "a4"
   firing: [74, 81]
 - string: "a5"
   firing: [82, 89]
 - string: "a6"
   firing: [90, 97]
 - string: "a7"
   firing: [98, 105]
 - string: "a8"
   firing: [106, 115]
 - string: "a9"
   firing: [116, ~]
 - string: "r0"
   reactions: [0, 49]
 - string: "r1"
   reactions: [50, 57]
 - string: "r2"
   reactions: [58, 65]
 - string: "r3"
   reactions: [66, 73]
 - string: "r4"
   reactions: [74, 81]
 - string: "r5"
   reactions: [82, 89]
 - string: "r6"
   reactions: [90, 97]
 - string: "r7"
   reactions: [98, 105]
 - string: "r8"
   reactions: [106, 115]
 - string: "r9"
   reactions: [116, ~]
 - string: "W" #weak. can only carry Rifle + clips OR Laser Rifle + grenade
   strength: [0, 19]
 - string: "w" #additional Medikit or Stun Rod or grenades possible
   strength: [20, 25]
 - string: "h" #heavy cannon or auto-cannon, each plus spare clip
   strength: [31, 40]
 - string: "H"  #can handle 4 Large Rockets + Launcher
   strength: [41, ~]
 - string: "C"
   bravery: [0, 10]
 - string: "c"
   bravery: [11, 30]
 - string: "b"
   bravery: [40, 59]
 - string: "B"
   bravery: [60, ~]
 - string: "x0"
   psiStrength: [0, 5]
 - string: "x1"
   psiStrength: [6, 14]
 - string: "x2"
   psiStrength: [15, 24]
 - string: "x3"
   psiStrength: [25, 34]
 - string: "x4"
   psiStrength: [35, 44]
 - string: "x5"
   psiStrength: [45, 54]
 - string: "x6"
   psiStrength: [55, 64]
 - string: "x7"
   psiStrength: [65, 74]
 - string: "x8"
   psiStrength: [75, 84]
 - string: "x9"
   psiStrength: [85, ~]
 - string: "s0"
   psiSkill: [0, 5]
 - string: "s1"
   psiSkill: [6, 14]
 - string: "s2"
   psiSkill: [15, 24]
 - string: "s3"
   psiSkill: [25, 34]
 - string: "s4"
   psiSkill: [35, 44]
 - string: "s5"
   psiSkill: [45, 54]
 - string: "s6"
   psiSkill: [55, 64]
 - string: "s7"
   psiSkill: [65, 74]
 - string: "s8"
   psiSkill: [75, 84]
 - string: "s9"
   psiSkill: [85, ~]

Suggestions / Cover bypass, melee Weapons/Crash/Vault
« on: February 10, 2015, 10:05:07 pm »
Suggest ability to use melee weapons on terrain objects, like bushes or walls. Requires a melee weapon mod, but would be helpful in not using ammunition at point blank range to take out a crappy bush.

Suggest ability to treat bushes or similar as possible to walk-through, like doors, except that it destroys them. Possibly use a threshold given by current armor, which would determine the strength of what you can walk through. Powered armor could probably just walk through wooden walls, albiet slowing down in the process.
Also suggest ability to climb or otherwise over low obsticals, like Fences..

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