
Author Topic: [DONE][SUGGESTION] More precise define enemy count in  (Read 3229 times)

Offline Finnik

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We currently can specify `lowQty`for 0 difficulty and `highQty`for 5th, that assumes linear approximation of enemy count for other difficulties. I would like to suggest a new optional property 'medQty` that would specify Veteran difficulty enemy count, thus we could make nonlinear difficulty rise, with, for example, small grow on beginner-veteran and more rapid on experienced-superhuman. If not specified ('medQty` <= 0) we use vanilla logic.
To me, it looks like a tool to design a more precise balance for missions.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2021, 07:36:32 pm by Meridian »

Offline Meridian

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Re: [SUGGESTION] More precise define enemy count in
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2021, 10:20:17 am »
Sounds OK.

Current formulas are:

beginner = lowQty
experienced = lowQty
veteran = lowQty + (highQty-lowQty)/2
genius = lowQty + (highQty-lowQty)/2
superhuman = highQty

What would the formulas look like after adding medQty?

Offline Finnik

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Re: [SUGGESTION] More precise define enemy count in
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2021, 02:05:35 pm »
Hm, there are multiple options... The first one is obvious:
Code: [Select]
beginner = lowQty
experienced = lowQty
veteran = medQty
genius = medQty
superhuman = highQty

Thus, `highQty` could be set to some really high value that represent challenge, but without effect on veteran or genius.

I guess, if we choose to keep vanilla formula on 'medQty` <= 0 we can also alter vanilla results with
Code: [Select]
beginner = lowQty
experienced = lowQty + (medQty-lowQty)/2
veteran = medQty
genius = medQty+ (highQty-medQty)/2
superhuman = highQty

Not sure if I like the second option... Tho it shows more smooth transition over difficulty levels, it changes the way things work and also leads to less clear logic in code. Anyway, I would be with both options.

Offline Meridian

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Re: [SUGGESTION] More precise define enemy count in
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2021, 07:36:20 pm »
Option #2 was implemented.

Offline Finnik

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Nice, thanks! I already grabbed those  ;) Looking forward to getting it in ruleset reference too!  :)

Offline Ethereal

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Re: [SUGGESTION] More precise define enemy count in
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2022, 03:16:54 pm »
Option #2 was implemented.

It is possible to specify?

Code: [Select]
      - alienRank: 5
        lowQty: 10
        medQty: 12
        highQty: 14
        dQty: ??? (0? 2? 4?)

Offline Meridian

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I don't understand the question

`dQty` didn't change at all, it works the same as before

Offline Ethereal

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That there is such a combination does not cause problems and will work?

Code: [Select]
      - alienRank: 5
        lowQty: 10
        medQty: 12
        highQty: 14
        dQty: 0

Offline Meridian

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All combinations will work.

The only case where it will fail is when you use a negative value for `dQty`.