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Topics - dbarizo

Pages: [1]
Released Mods / [UFO] [CRAFT WEAPONS] AIR-2 Genie rocket
« on: January 23, 2024, 09:28:26 pm »
Hello all,
A bad Sci-Fi movie recently reminded me of the old AIR-2 Genie, an air-to-air rocket with a nuclear warhead, able to destroy bombers in a 300 meter radius from the detonation point.
As it seemed like a good "tool" to engage UFOs, I created a mod to include it as one of the craft weapons available from day 1.
The Genie is far more powerful than the avalanche (250 vs 100) but each launcher carries only 2 missiles, has a very short range (25 Km), and low accuracy (20%). It is also far more expensive than the avalanche, at $50K each rocket.
I have tested it, and all is OK, but I'm concerned about how much it could affect the game balance in the early days, so I would very much appreciate any feedback about it.
It can be downloaded from here:!Ao-z49aL7uwVyIta5m3HJN0oqUSqEw?e=jzoywv

Work In Progress / [WIP][EQUIPMENT][UFO] Demolition Charge
« on: October 31, 2023, 05:26:42 am »
Hello all,
After trying the option to increase the High Explosive blast to 200, I thought that leaving it as it is, and having a new "tool" that can blast through a UFO's wall would be a good idea.
So I've been working on a "Demolition charge". It has a blast power of 200, but the damage radius is just 4, as it is supposed to have a somewhat directed charge, and heavier casing. It is also heavier overall and harder - takes longer - to throw.
This is in part to make it less useful as a "heavy grenade", a role that the classic "High Explosive" can still fulfill with the original 110 blast rating.
I was looking around to see if there was already a similar weapon, but I couldn't find one.
Any thoughts or feedback?

Help / Show custom damage in Ufopaedia entry?
« on: October 23, 2023, 03:30:35 am »
Hello everybody!
I've been playing X-Com since 1994, and fooling around with mods for a few years now.
Right now, I'm working on a Laser Sniper Rifle, and for the damage, I'm using damageBonus.
    power: 25
      firing: 0.6
The idea is that a trooper with low firing accuracy will not do much damage, but one with high accuracy can do a very good deal of damage.
This will show the weapon as having a damage of 25 in Ufopaedia, which can be quite confusing.
So I'm using hidePower to keep it from showing any damage, and writing an explanation of the damage model in the text entry.
Is there a way to show a custom value in the Damage section, let's say "50-100"?

Thanks in advance!

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