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XPZ Strategy/Tactics / Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
« Last post by ontherun on Today at 01:36:28 pm »
..and eventually went with the ?dumbass captain?  Ive the stapler but no wrench so no worksop..neither i picked any codex but im afrai i rushed the catgirls a bit too early, so i have no armor for them... :'(

But since that captain it prevents getting the "analitics room" which is required for getting "back to school" topic so there are other alternatives for getting that school topic?

Troubleshooting / Re: Can only load one tank on SkyRaider?
« Last post by yergnoor on Today at 01:00:33 pm »
One of the possible reasons is that there is not enough ammunition for the second tank.  Then it will not be possible to load it on board the plane.
Troubleshooting / Re: Can only load one tank on SkyRaider?
« Last post by Solarius Scorch on Today at 12:12:44 pm »
The FMP does not change the Skyranger in any way. It's not even in the ruleset.
XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« Last post by RSSwizard on Today at 05:19:15 am »
Use quicksearch (the 'q' key).
how do you do that on the android/phone version?
Troubleshooting / Re: Can only load one tank on SkyRaider?
« Last post by GaSplat on Today at 02:35:42 am »
Thanks for the responses. My bad but I meant SkyRanger. I haven't even researched the SkyRaider yet.
XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« Last post by Poulpiche on Today at 12:07:38 am »
Hello everyone

this is the first time I've seen this. when you link the equipment for the troops to the ship that has to transport them, on the far right, before, I had the quantity allocated directly. now I have a sort of separation, like X/+Y.

The problem is that this obviously varies according to changes in the crew, and I've already found myself on a mission with the usual equipment that had stayed at the base.

does anyone know how i can “correct” this ?

thanks in advance

Help / Re: baseDefenseMapFromLocation example.
« Last post by Nord on May 28, 2024, 10:50:11 pm »
for now, use normal game, not quick battle
Thanks, i will. Later, when globe will be playable. :)
Released Mods / Re: X-Chronicles Release, v.1.3
« Last post by Nord on May 28, 2024, 10:40:12 pm »
When I tried to switch version 1.3 on, it told me it requires version 7.13 of OXCE.

But the latest release of OXCE is 7.12, with 7.12.8 as experimental.
Edit: Metadata also says it is version 1.2 of X-Chronicles.
As you can suggest, i put number "3" in a wrong place. :) I will reupload file.

Upd.: done, please download updated archive.
OXCE Bugs / Re: Kills awarded for no kills - Bug or feature?
« Last post by Yankes on May 28, 2024, 06:47:11 pm »
I will investigate the history and test too... but I'm afraid it was always this way as Delian says.
If this was not again "XCOM hallucination" I would blame on fix of other bug where some kills was not counted in other case where they should
Brutal AI / Re: Targetting mode and blaster-launchers/Psi
« Last post by Abyss on May 28, 2024, 06:28:19 pm »
Vanilla is using something between TM 1 and 2.
The sniper-spotter mechanics. It should be checked whether PSI-soldiers have mark "sniper", then it will be obvious, can it make PSI attacks beyond actual vision range.
The logics are simple: to give modder a possibility to decide whether this particular unit should or should not attack on purpose of controlled game balance.
Snipers see (and can attack and grenade) detected units for a number of turns (usually 2-5).

I would rather suggest you make the following options:
1. Units attack IF ONLY they see
2. non-sniper-tagged units attack only IF they see, but sniper-tagged units can use squad sight.
3. non-sniper-tagged units attack only IF they see, but sniper-tagged units can use squad sight. PLUS they can fire beyond the vision (dark areas) into presumed hostile unit location on their turn
4. Whole units use squad vision PLUS all above + REACTION fire into darkness (it's both good and bad, because weak AI units will only expose themselves, while strong will ofc make kills)
5. AI cheats, but with limitations
6. AI cheats as an asshole

The balanced option is 3 for most of the mods.
And don't forget, that PSI units usually can see through walls with SENSE. Some sectoid leader may have 20 PSI sense and therefore mind-attack human squad which gets close to the ship. PSI attacks should be limited, because it will be one-turn battle. Blaster launchers should be limited too. Vanilla OXCE units don't use them, players are not getting used to blaster attacks, most mods are balanced ignoring the blaster launchers getting spawned in the AI hands.
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