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Topics - Amunak

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Free version of vanilla-like assets?
« on: August 15, 2013, 01:11:04 am »
We cannot, for legal reasons, distribute the original X-com assets. But when I saw such a great work on the music, a thought crossed my mind... Would it be possible to remake all the original assets to a point where the game would be playable? Would there be a desire for such thing? I believe there are many creative people in this community - both programmers, artists and designers - to make this happen.

It would be a different game, but the mechanics already are there, so it would play like (open)xcom, it'd just look a little bit different.

I'm afraid though, that such project would require some work of the programmers to make it possible. Some user-friendly way to edit all those assets, maybe finally add PNG support? Invent a usable map/tile editor? Things like this would make this much easier. And they'd open opportunities for patches (if it was implemented right). And for modding.

What do you think?

Suggestions / Make a real bug tracker?
« on: September 20, 2012, 12:10:41 pm »
Posting after a month or so... :)

When I saw all the posts in the "unread" list, it wasn't really nice. I want to be notified of bugs, but I don't need to see twenty separate threads. There is a point in making them (as moritary said) though. What about making a real bugtracker? I think that forum isn't good enough to serve this purpose. I have good experience with Flyspray. It is open source, higly configurable ticket system.

Work In Progress / Variable/realistic prices
« on: August 08, 2012, 09:13:20 pm »
An idea just come up to my mind - what if we made the prices a little variable, increasing each month and also increasing the sell price with more sold items and decreasing the buy price with increasing amount of sold items. It would make game more interesting and feeling a little more realistic, while not much changing the gameplay. Just that if you decide to empty your warehouse and sell those 3000 alien alloys, 500 elerium and 50 mind probes, it  will be unprofitable than selling a few after each mission.

Well... it's just a thought and probably and idea for mod than for default gameplay (since it could change it too much for someone), but think of it please :)

Offtopic / Map of OpenXcom fans
« on: July 25, 2012, 05:31:10 pm »
I've posted it in the "introduce yourself" thread, but it didn't get much attention. It probably deserves own thread and I hope that it'S not a problem.

So what's this about? It's a map of openXcom fans built on the Google Maps API.

Why? Because I think that it's much easier (and more interesting) to look at a map than to read the whole "introduce yourself" thread.

How does it work?
You can either open the map, see a list of people or add yourself to the map. I'd really love to see more people on the map. It accepts quite precise coordinates, but of course you don't have to point it precisely on your house. I think that nearby greater city is fine. The point is to be precise at least at country level, so we know approximately how far are others  :)

OpenXcom Map - project homepage

Offtopic / Bad-looking situations
« on: July 11, 2012, 06:48:06 pm »
I'm playing ufo defense right now. I'm nearly in the beginning (it's the end of march). I have like five bases, but there's only one "primary" with real crew. Other bases have just basic 4-member rookie crews. Suddenly wild battleship appears. And guess what, it's super effective!

I'm just sad that there's no screenshot of what heppened to me a few years ago - there were only two soldiers in a base (skyranger was on a mission) only because they were injured recently. They had even no weapons - only some leftover grenades. Despite that I managed to defeat the aliens. On the other hand, it was with the "difficulty bug" so it was maybe easier then the situation I'm in now.

Have you ever encountered such a situation? Do you have screenshots? Share! :)

Another idea - In the original game, I  was always struggling with the fact that I couldnt recognize which save is from battlescape and which is from geoscape, and in battle which turn is the save I want to load.

In openXcom there's no limit on the number of saves, but still - it would be nice to see what type of safe is what.

Curently the saves are ordered by name, ascending. It should be probably ordered by the real time it was saved (or in-game time and then with the number of a turn in case of battlescape). The only reasonable way to name saves now is with numbers, increasing by now - when it's sorted alphabetically it would be a mess with some fancy names like "nice mission" or "In shit now" :)

Suggestions / Possibility of an aircraft/soldier/base renaming
« on: July 08, 2012, 08:38:28 pm »
This is a thing I'd really like to have - renaming of things. Mainly Only renaming of crafts because other things already can be renamed. Especially in later game, I often use various weapons on aircrafts (usually five in a base - a skyranger and four interceptors; one with plasma beams for small ufos and the other with a plasma beam and a fusion balls) and it's then important to not mix them up - renaming would be a nice solution.

Also it's nice to have a soldier named after myself, etc.

I know that all this (except naming the aircraft, which is not even in the game because it just names them by their order of purchase) is editable in the save file, but I think it shouldn't be too hard or time consuming to implement one button with a name dialog.

What is quite harder is the aircraft renaming, but I know you can do it! :)

Open Feedback / High-Res Graphics?
« on: July 05, 2012, 11:00:02 am »
Hello, first of all I have to say that I love the fact that someone still cares about the good old XCom and that you actually develop a reimplementation of it.

I tried to find  some information about this, but I couldn't - is it possible to make custom graphics in higher resolution? So that it's not all that pixely? You know pixels are nice, I play Minecraft, but I had a dream of remaking UFO just with a better graphics and bugs fixed. You are now working on the second thingy, so I'm curious if it's possible to make it run in a high resolution with nicer, "sharper" graphics.

Since I'm probably in a wrong category, feel free to move me. Also, please keep up the good work!

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