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Messages - Nilex

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XPiratez / Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« on: February 03, 2021, 02:49:21 pm »
Some more miss-categorization. Off top of my head a good criteria here to be considered a robot is being autonomous (incl. respective corpses in this case, for simplicity sake). It should cover all present and future cases.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: February 03, 2021, 02:00:48 pm »
Not an avid user of battlescape vehicles here (5 persons beat any vehicle in my book) but from what I've understood they are equipped as regular wearable armor. That's how you get them in. And type of soldiers that can equip such certain armors is usually limited. I'd guess only LokkNaars may 'wear' a Cyberdisc. So you load them in as equipment and then equip as armor in other menu. Mind the free space. Ammo presence doesn't affect vehicle availability, only its usability.

Nadam se da ti ovo zvuči smisleno jer jebo me pas ako je intuitivno...

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: February 01, 2021, 06:00:36 pm »
Besides the initial confusion I feel the Bank mission and its loot are fine. A nice early mid-game break from the usual and after that we're free to ignore it. Don't think it's intended to be more than that.

* * *

Believe it or not (I couldn't) just got my very first Viper Fighter. Marsec Lasgun here I come! Or maybe... not?

After 10 attempts Viper gets "blown to pieces" every time. No crash site, no landing, no lasgun. C'mon man.
Viper has 10 armor and strong regenerative shields so I'm attacking with 6x 36 power Lascannons and single 25 power Beam Laser (mind you damage is always lower: 50-100%). Even when finished with Beam, Viper still gets atomized. I know it's not the case of Ninja Jetbike which doesn't have a map so it's coded to destruction no matter what but Viper has its own damn map. What gives?

Ended up making a save with a landed craft to learn about its properties so I could apply it to the Viper. That worked but I still needed to repeat the ground mission because their equipment is random and there was still no Marsec Lasgun on first attempt lol. Btw the rules state Viper is the only place in the whole game where ML can appear hence all the fuss. Anyway my mind is finally at peace. Case closed.

XPiratez / Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« on: February 01, 2021, 05:20:39 pm »
I second that ^^

Got one of my own: let manufactured food (Deep One Pie, Lobsterman Soup, etc) have noteworthy healing properties. Feeling like Tom Hanks in Castaway overhere, surviving on 100% Fish diet. Maybe additionally require them to be dipped in Hellerium for mutant properties to marginally complicate the process if deemed too simple. Freshness drain (bit of a problem with endgame armors) can only be offset with El Cigar afaik so it would synergize well with food heal. On its own Cigar's -6HP is worse than -25 freshness because both take around 2-3 days to recover but injured soldiers cannot pilot vessels. Resulting in Cigar being pointless, or at least figuring out its usage difficult. Not to mention all this Freshness juggle takes armor inventory space which to me is reason enough to ease the penalties and/or increase positive effects.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: January 31, 2021, 10:14:05 pm »
After Broken Provost you need to have Plasma Rifle in stores to continue plasma research (after Unlocking Stellar Empire Weapons). Dunno what else could it be.

Bank Robbery puzzled me too. Check this: You can break walls with a Hammer provided the wielder is strong enough. Using Fusion Torch is highly annoying in that confined space but doable. On my first attempt I had to edit save file and make 3 people inside the vault surrender coz I only brought weak Peasants and even weaker LokkNaars. Easier alternative was debug but I didn't know it at the time. After the wall there are couple more nasty surprises in there. I wish I could see your face when it happens.

Hidden Valley I have no recollection off (Isolated Valley: Shelter Guy/Girls + Genius Loci?) but in general you will have a better time adjusting to the little flaws and just going with the flow. Enemies are random but determined at start of month I think (my last one had Zombies). Regarding equipment pile, mine got completely wiped on 3rd stage of Winter Palace but luckily I spotted it on time and reloaded. What a blow that would be... Anyway ye of little faith, stuff will improve as it has been for the relatively short time I've been around. Until then, remember - suffering is always better shared! Especially when it's the other guy lol.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: January 30, 2021, 05:30:37 pm »
Your insight has been paramount in unraveling many mysteries in my voyage. Thanks man.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: January 30, 2021, 04:07:55 pm »
Well I'm glad you gotta a kick outta it :)

Plasma Rifle actually was absorbed by Brute armor, Heavy guy didn't get to shoot even. Was great seeing the roles reversed for a change. The real problem were Exalts with their double light sabers and my reaction-fire cover team getting distracted by lesser threats. Maybe I should consider them XG Rifles for the occasion rather than cumbersome and slow (albeit abundant) Gauss Muskets. Amen. Oh and does ATTN mean - attention?

Btw, got two minor questions related to damage formula I've been holding to ask since forever:
In the analysis screen does the "Extra damage" bit refers to weapon's [base damage + PWR formula], or just [PWR part]?
What's the difference between "Vanilla default" and "0-200%"/"50-150" damage spread? Basically "Calculation type" 0 vs 1/2 as they're called in online BP. Afaik, UFO does 0-200 for everything except explosives which use 50-150. Going off that it makes either Vanilla default or 1/2 redundant notations.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: January 29, 2021, 10:31:19 am »
Why do I get the feeling everyone is playing the game faster than me? I'm just about to exhaust all research from getting two Smuggler Negotiators and I've been at it for 3 months (with help of 100 brainers total). Geez.

What I'm doing is playing catch-up with Runts, upgrading whole fleet (decided on Fortuna, Triton, 4x Sabre, 2x Dragon, Devastator, Spector, 2x Thunderbolt or 2x Leviathan), upgrading armors, sorting equipment for all bases/soldiers as I finalize each squad specialization, and lastly - praying for that fucking Marsec Lasgun still. Just as I woke up today I realized I'll have to shell out over 50M for all tokens (mostly Jack) needed to convert into White Dragons. My hands are full even without research.

Not knowing of an easy way to reveal all missing research (not including locked out Codexs) I've been typing in commonly shared 3-letter strings into tech tree viewer to flush out unresearched topics. Pretty effective if not tedious. All that remains is figuring out where to get trigger items, which mission to accept and which to skip. Currently at 88% with Grey codex and hoping to reach low 90% after all is said and done. Then maybe unlock all Codex - for the toys and to achieve the holy grail of 100% faster than Dio can release new patches.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: January 27, 2021, 01:18:25 pm »
So Faction equipment only changes per ship, with better/larger ships having better equipment pool?

Cutter will have lesser quality equipment than a Destroyer for example. I just got ganked by Heavy/Rifle Plasma wielding Church Zealot/Neophyte from a Destroyer, when I all hoped for were few easy Force Circuitry and XP for newbies coz Church was supposed to be turkey shoot at this point.

If true then enemy equipment progression does happen as observed, but depends solely on enemy ship (with some similarities and overlap between them). Since better ones come a fair bit later so do the enemy gunz.

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L6 06-Dec-2020 Bag Of Tricks
« on: January 24, 2021, 03:05:11 am »
Taberna Del Diablo + Baby Nukes is dream come true. Love how PC stops responding for couple of seconds as game calculates everyone who has to die. I just gotta make a nuke barrel then use a flying suit to drop it in the middle and see what happens. Would do same in bandit towns too but still addicted to slaves. Now that I think about it City Raid is also a good candidate for nukage. If only buildings fell apart like in Apoc there would be no reason to play other games anymore.
Was hoping ICBM would do the same after you launch it on target and land in a fiery crater afterwards with maybe 1-2 wounded survivors but sadly it's only a commodity item, like BATTLE TANK M.

XPiratez / Re: Best way to research things
« on: January 23, 2021, 10:33:02 pm »
AFAIK brainers' research performance varies between 50-150% or something (and likely set for the duration when a project gets assigned). Using above example, you could have 10 brainers researching a 100 cost project anywhere from 20 to 8 days. Point being there is no 'best' way. Sorry to crush your OCD OP.

As the other guy said it's better to develop natural sense of how many you assign, depending on rough project cost provided in-game. It's more rewarding than min-maxing it. Here's how I've done it, only breaking the rule once rushing something:
. 1 brainer
- 1 brainer
= 5 brainers
# all of em

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: January 23, 2021, 08:44:13 pm »
So in the end progression is happening, but in a different way than in vanilla. As my observations (and Sllow's) indicate: same missions, same crew/shipping -> better enemy weapons over time. Maybe it's more complex than just a single line.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: January 23, 2021, 08:19:43 pm »
Oh, do I look like a coder to you? I'm flattered but I got no patience for that delicate craft.

How does that line explain what is happening contradicting your non-existent enemy equipment progress claim. Even the powder weapon wielding guys get better ammo types over time. Before answering (in human readable text please) maybe you should clarify what exactly enemy equipment progression means before we start chasing our tails.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: January 23, 2021, 07:20:33 pm »
Are you sure about that? From my experience (Blackbeard difficulty) their equipment gradually got better. Speaking of major factions of course, civs and common mutants kept their faith in good ol' powder pistols. Academy, Megapol, Guild, Marsec, etc. all went through their powder > laser > gauss > plasma progression (not every enemy unit on the map but enough). Maybe it's tied to type of ship/mission or them !mission! types one researches, not sure, but it does happen. Feels like intentional progression mechanic to me, and a very fair one at that (except that one early-game enemy hideout incident in July I'm still trying to erase from memory).

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: January 23, 2021, 12:33:10 am »
Where can I find the "The Teachings of Night" to build the Dream Library?
I also suspect it might be found in some undergrad missions like temples or whatnot, but I'm not sure about that.

ZoA's suspicion is correct. Exact name of the mission is Demon God Shrine (triggered by !Demonic Sacrifices! perhaps?). Dark underground cave where only Lokk'Narr may enter. There are 2-3 types of these, all containing one sacrificial lady (Damsel). The one with the correct loot has a secluded underground room accessed by narrow (1 square wide) stairs, usually 2 entry points. However even when you get one the loot is random, it's not guaranteed to spawn. Only one of few unique document types related to this mission type may spawn. There are 4 Teachings of... docs for example. You gotta get lucky.
As the other dude hinted Dream Library is the biggest facility disappointment in the whole game and you can safely abandon all plans you had of building it. Research will come with time on its own if ticking every available research topic is a concern for you.

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