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Messages - Yankes

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OXCE Suggestions Rejected / Re: [Suggestion] Add Real-time engine
« on: March 26, 2024, 11:17:09 pm »
Here is info (also was info in beta D1 or magazine photos somewhere on Youtube)
The game runs on a turn-by-turn basis; the player moves, then the opponent(s) move(s)
Brevik prepared Blizzard for the potential added development time and to ask for extra development costs, and then on a Friday afternoon as everyone had left, started to toy around with converting the game from turn-based to real-time; within hours he had the basics of the system in place, and was able to show this to the rest of Condor by the following Monday
It's a little scary to play in real time mode after turn-based. But after playing for 1 hour, you will see that playing in real time is much faster and more comfortable. You can just sit down afk - aliens will come to you. And you don't need to spam the "End Turn" button 60 times per battle while holding a position. The game remained the same, but became smoother.

Of course, if the game engine cannot be changed - then this conversation is just a conversation
In Diablo 1 it was just an experiment and the game engine was quickly and easily changed from turn based to real time, I thought OXCE could do the same
Was Diablo more RogueLike where each your step enemy step too? This is some thing complete diffret to TimeUnits turn based game.
Beside even if one game can be changed do not means that any other game can be similarly changed. For OXCE simpler would be to scrap whole battlesacpe and write it from scratch to have real time actions.

Anyway, you miss whole point of Tactical Turn Based Game, "just sit down afk - aliens will come to you" this is not point of UFO and OXC, this is opposite of spirit of this game, this statement on its own guarantee NO as answer for this feature as it opposite to thing this game should be.

Thanks for the quick reply.

So, I understand that it's a limitation currently of the game engine, I also don't understand why then do some facilities have properties such as:
Code: [Select]
    canBeBuiltOver: true


if the game is always 'destroying' the old facility weather you build over or manually remove then build a new facility, is there really any different in affect to have these settings as opposed to removing the facility and building a new facility?  I can understand that it may disconnect part of the base so building over a facility is helpful to not remove part of the base.  I've also have seen in X-Com Files where building Virtualized HQ over HQ allowed current researchers allocated in the HQ to continue researching as an over the total amount allowed as long as they don't stop or are removed from the research allocation.

Because those are two different things, first determine if building can be "overrides" by anything, usually
used by corridors or other "place holder" building.

Second is for direct upgrading building that you have specific path of upgrades.

For researches, this is effective "bug" but as is beneficial to player and can't be exploited it become "feature".
We could "fix" it but then upgrading building would become bigger hassle.

I don't know if this would be an easy implementation or not, but what I was thinking would be for mod developers to have the ability to design and specify specific facilities they could upgrade over.

So for example if a mod has set the STR_GENERAL_STORES_2 to be allowed to be upgraded over by STR_GENERAL_STORES_3, then building the STR_GENERAL_STORES_3 over the STR_GENERAL_STORES_2 the facilities provided by the STR_GENERAL_STORES_2 would remain until the STR_GENERAL_STORES_3 was completed.

This could be done by:
1.) checking if the facility has the "canBeBuiltOver: true" flag and matches the "allowableUpgradeOverFacilities:"
2.) when building over and upgrading the facility there would be an additional new line in the facility listing in the base facilities, which would keep the old facilities base functions until the new facility is built.
Code: [Select]
      - type: STR_GENERAL_STORES_3
        x: 0
        y: 0
        buildTime: 4
        upgradingOver: STR_GENERAL_STORES_2
3.) The "upgradingOver" value would tell the game engine to keep those base facility functions until that line is removed.
4.) Once the new facility builtTime finished the facility functions would immediately shift from the old facility functions to the new facility functions.
5.) The game engine would ignore any checks and take the mod designers settings explicitly and assume they know what they are doing, so building a larger storage over a smaller one or similar for a hangar over a hangar or workshop over workshop makes sense, but if the mod developer said build over living quarters with sickbay the engine would ignore that this was probably wrong as after the upgrade, if the living quarters was maxed out before hand, you now have 50 living space used over the max with the new sickbay providing none of the living space.
6.) It probably would be helpful to have some sort of check or warning, after the end of the build, or at the end of the month when there is a warning about having a negative amount of money remaining, to also have a warning about "Base facilities are over used" and force a sell of people, items, ships, aliens, etc. This is also usually triggered at the end of a mission when supplies is going back to that base over the amount allowed.

I do not see point adding any new flags, only will complicate modding even more, how many will be there? 4 in total?
If anything would be done, then it would be for current flags but I do not think this is worth time to implement it.
Current solution provide 90% of requested functionality and all glitches are reasonable and do not break game heavily.

Simply our (my and Meridian) TODO list grow faster than we can even implements things from it.
This mean for use is better focus on thing that have bigger impact than improving current features that working fine.

(Meridian in theory could be interested, I did not ask him about this, but as he did not reply here its possible he do not have anything more to add).

This is limitation of engine, when you upgrade you effective remove old building, it do not exists any more.

As from "game logic" then you put 100 workers to scrap all old hardware and put new one then its hard have normal functionality.

Released Mods / Re: OpenXcom 1.0
« on: March 25, 2024, 12:23:06 pm »
Please do not use v1.0 as by DECADE old obsolete. Nightly available on main page is only supported version.
Not mentioning forks like OXCE or BrutalAI or FtA.

ups, probaby typo on my side, I will fix it

Troubleshooting / Re: SAMPLE.CAT does not contain 49 sound files
« on: March 23, 2024, 02:43:45 pm »
Could you check OXCE version? as I see it have bit different handing of this code and could avoid this error here.

Code: [Select]
/home/capitalsdammit/.local/share/openxcom/mods/unins000.msgwhat on earth you have in this directory? here you should have ONLY mods folders, not original game itself.

Best would be clean up every thing (lime move to different directory, not on list from log),  and place things where they belongs correctly.

It possible there is multiple XPZ mods some where. Another thing it possible you use obsolete version of XPZ too.

OXCE Support / Re: [Question] Coding Configurable Variables in OXCE
« on: March 15, 2024, 06:26:48 pm »
Preferably never.
(but exceptions will always exist)

I assume you mean into "".
(you should not put anything into "fixedUserOptions" as a DEV, that's for modders to do, and even they should have a good reason)

You should put user options into ""... things which are either QoL, cosmetic or other optional features... which DON'T have any impact on game mechanics.
(anything that has impact on game mechanics is a modder option and should be put into the ruleset, NOT into user options)

If there is no better place in the ruleset, where you would put it.

As I see you exclude "all possibles", and now there is no place where add new configs :>
I think  your "Preferably never." refer to variables like `int Mod::DOOR_OPEN` not "variables" like `int _surrenderMode;` and I hope this second form is preferred by you.
This is correct?

Where you have original UFO game installed?
Beside for old version of OXCE there info how it should be setup to work correctly:

OXCE Support Y-scripts / Re: Broken Y-scripts
« on: March 13, 2024, 04:43:03 pm »
You had already similar errors, `item` and `unit` do not exist in given script, if you do not know what is available in given script, you can set config `verboseLogging: true` and `debug: true`  that make game dump all script meta data into logs.

Open Feedback / Re: Returning after a long hiatus, what's new?
« on: March 12, 2024, 01:22:35 pm »
For other engine fork, there is FtA, similar like BAI is different exe that add some new functionalities on top of OXCE.

OXCE Support Y-scripts / Re: Broken Y-scripts
« on: March 10, 2024, 11:25:30 pm »
Could you show exact thing that cause this error? Game should not crash and this need be fixed anyway.

OXCE Support Y-scripts / Re: Broken Y-scripts
« on: March 10, 2024, 01:20:08 pm »
I do not see how script itself could cause this crash, you not even have `div` in it.
Remove this script completely and see if crash is still there.

Troubleshooting / Re: Blaster Launcher... Doesn't
« on: March 08, 2024, 04:30:25 pm »
Next time remember to play with only proper monitor for OpenXcom that have max 320x200 resolution for proper Retro feel :>

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