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Messages - AMX

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Released Mods / Re: [TFTD] [Expansion] TWoTS+ Release (v.2.30)
« on: June 22, 2019, 04:07:37 pm »
I noticed two things with the English text:
"Deep Bombs" should be "Depth Charges"
"Squall" should not be translated, because it's used as a name - the usual transcription for this weapon is "Shkval"

Open Feedback / Re: TFTD depth
« on: November 20, 2016, 12:36:28 pm »
ISTR the only time the "too deep" message came up in the original was when a Barracuda tried to engage a Very Small USO that was moving at max speed.

Open Feedback / Re: Why the hate for instant grenades?
« on: March 06, 2016, 09:22:11 pm »
I rather liked how it was handled in Apoc - you had both "Activates now" and "Activates at end of turn" available; and when a grenade was destroyed by an explosion, it didn't simply disappear - it blew up...

Suggestions / Re: Gauss cannon buff
« on: November 07, 2015, 06:13:00 pm »
Actually, this is not that important at all. Openxcom allows to schedule manufacture of hundreds units of ammunition with few clicks of mouse button.
Producing and storing Gauss ammo in batches of 50 like gas cannon ammo would meant that every time that craft returns to base after firing few shots, remaining ~40 rounds would be wasted.
Hmm.... right.
Was a bit stuck on the original there, with its "no more than 1 item/hour"...

Suggestions / Re: Gauss cannon buff
« on: November 07, 2015, 12:47:02 pm »
3. You have to manufacture ammo whereas the laser cannons recharge on their own.
More importantly, you have to manufacture ammo one shot at a time - it would be much less of an issue if it was "Gauss ammo (x50)"
I suspect that "second Gauss ammo" in the data was supposed to be something along those lines...

The very idea of using Gauss weapons underwater is unholy. It's like using torches underwater.

Gauss bullets are ultra-fast and quite small, which gives them limited range on land because the quickly burn in the atmosphere. Of course, water is way worse. So I don't think they could have made a worse choice for a weapon type than this.

Why am I writing all this? Well, if I were in charge, I would come up with some other weapon type and depending on choice, I'd give it logical stats. For Gauss cannon as it is, sure, we can give it a better range or something to increase its gameplay value, but that's still unsatisfying. ;)
Strictly speaking "Gauss" only tells you what is used to accelerate the projectile - it usually comes up in the context of "how to build a gun with a higher velocity than gunpowder weapons", but there's nothing that'd prevent one from building a magnetic accelerator launching heavy, slow projectiles.

Arguably, such "slow" Gauss weapons are more suitable to underwater use than traditional firearms, because they don't care about external pressure.

Playthroughs / Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Hawaii challenge!)
« on: October 13, 2014, 06:33:42 pm »
Wait a second, did you run out of soldier names?

Suggestions / Re: Configurable deployment order for Battlescape?
« on: June 22, 2014, 01:47:15 pm »
There's no automatic sorting, but you can sort soldiers manually (using those little up/down arrows on the screen where you assign them to the craft).
It does not include tanks, unfortunately, but do note that a strong soldier can throw a smoke grenade over a single tank.

Suggestions / Re: Making tanks come out the transport last?
« on: June 07, 2014, 01:44:00 pm »
That scenario could also be addressed by fiddling with the spawn routine a bit - just have it put the leftover soldier in the hole ahead of the tank.

The real problem is if a tank doesn't fit - say you have 3 soldiers - Tank1 - all other soldiers - Tank2
To fit Tank2, you would have to bump an already-placed soldier out of the way.

Open Feedback / Re: zombification as property of item not unit
« on: February 02, 2014, 02:06:45 pm »
oh, bummer ;) I thought it might be possible to have more than one "living weapon"... the sectopod could also do with a secondary weapon - that's another thing that I think xcom2012 got right ... :)
Some of the terror units in TFTD have both melee and ranged attacks, so I don't expect this limit to remain forever  :)

Work In Progress / Re: Manage Alien Containment UI
« on: November 02, 2013, 07:09:00 pm »
I'd go with warboy's, with the confirm button just saying "OK"
OK, why didn't I think of "OK?"
That's even better than "Apply."

Then again, how about "Execute?"
Just for the pun of it...  :P

Work In Progress / Re: Manage Alien Containment UI
« on: November 02, 2013, 04:34:15 pm »
I personally prefer 2nd picture, because perfectly reflect the situation.

I agree - the 3rd picture looks appropriate from a "managing the containment" perspective, but the 2nd perfectly reflects what's actually done.

Also, I don't like "Remove Selected" - I would probably just label the button "Apply" but "Kill Selected" would work, too.

IDT Modding Hub / Re: FOXC - Fantasy OpenXcom
« on: September 28, 2013, 10:14:21 pm »
You can have native-size sprites or resized-size sprites but you can't have it both ways. :P You'd have to resize the soldiers to twice the size relative to the flame sprite.
I just don't see where that involves an "ugly hack"  :o

IDT Modding Hub / Re: FOXC - Fantasy OpenXcom
« on: September 28, 2013, 07:05:15 pm »
In your last gif  pixel of torch fire are 2 times smaller than rest of pixel and game will never (without ugly hacks) be able to made something like this.
Never?  ???

Offtopic / Re: Do you like Xcom 2 Terror from the deep?
« on: September 18, 2013, 01:31:36 pm »
I actually liked TFTD more than UFO.
The technical improvements - from right-click doors to larger maps - made the original feel kind of feature-crippled by comparison.
I also found the naval setting more interesting, and of course it didn't hurt that it had a more extensive background (by virtue of being a sequel).

The added bugs were a downer, of course...  :-\

I'm not entirely sure, but at least the infiltration may already be fixed:,1434.0.html

Haven't seen it documented anywhere, though, so that may have been a bug...

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